The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 21, 1905, Image 1

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COD EVErilNO.y. ;
: i
.y -
Ji -r - - Tha Weather.
: '.Tonight ana Wednesday, bccaa-
i5lOT.Ionai rain; south to west winds.
VOL. IV. NO. 13.
V . ,
f r-- -1.
Ohio River on the Ram
; J; page . and Property
Loss Is Immense
fridges Washed Out, Railroads
Tied Up, Mills and Factories
Closed, and. Low-Lands
Flooded for. Miles.
, i -' r- i t.,l SnuUI Hanini.1
I - l,arVSlIa "
THtthnr March ZL The weather
bureau has Issued tb following w"?'
' f "Preparation sbould ""a lmme
Vfilately for what will possibly , be, th
Vratet flood In years. The. Mononga
hela river Shows anmlstakaW algn of
reaching a vary high stage and heavy
raina ara faUIng aloni jts tributaxlea,"
'I An toa-laden torrent la , Inundating tha
Ina, lands throUKDOUI Ul
and Ohio v rlvar yalleya.
All factorial located on tha boUom
landa of Plttaburg and Alleghany CUT
have been cioaed and many of them are
Hooded. .
V 4ii tkm rivara ara from 3i to
t hirh and rlalna hourly. From all
polnta la tha valley cornea . newa of
- ravagea by tha nood. tha deatroctlon of
property, tha waaning oui o
railroad and tha carrying away of
j conntleaa homea. . '
..r, uo v: tha Ohio river
- At niwciiii,, ... ' A .
at it o'clocg thla morning waa Ixeat
and rlatng at tha rata ot .font lpch n
hour.' Tha damage to property baa bean
Jmmenaa. Wltnin ao.rouea 7
h.v. hean inundated, f-All
1. w.v tmA and milla eloaed
. At Parkeraburg. W. Va.. at-noon tha
rlvar -waa ;, ?e ana r.-...
Th bank at Parkeraburg ara ateep and
x but little damage waa dona tn xne cuy.
Xalthough Iowlanda adjaoent ara flooded
lor niiica. - 1 -
In Cincinnati at noon tha river waa IS
tha waterfront for higher HMMjiMM
nood. Part of waier air-. -
and tha lower atreata In Covington and
Newport. Ky, acroaa tna river, are
W Reporta from Warren, Pa..' ahow that
vi-.. .iiat. throu about the anttre
length af tha Alleghany.-' Llttla damaga
: la reported at Warrenrbut at Franklin
... r .. 1 . 1 .
and at KHianina auu -.r-..
-f.atnrlaa havaJ)fen Clpeeo, urn, iwm
fooaro nu " ,
. 1- thnuihout . Pennavl-
vanla ara, cauHig-thar. rlvera to flap
and a nood tiaa ta wiii
All -atraama are filled
with noatlng lea and In tmmy plaoaa
Jama ara reported cauaing o
nak un until carried away, aweeplng
.ii and nfln tracka away
Tha Ohio at Marietta. O.. paaaed tha
ll.fnnt ataaa today ana m
tnchea an hour. Forty feet la exported
v. ' jk i. .Mil Thla would Inun
date tha entire bualneaa portion of tha
rlty- It baa been ranngatea""jrty
9 noura.
Work of Searching Ruins of
Brockton Factory Still
. " in r-fwiajaa. '
: (laarnal Special 8rrl!a.) ': !
Brockton.' liana.. March IX. The work
of aaarchlna tha rulna of tha Grover
ihoe factory proceeded alowlf . today.
The body of Engineer Rockwell waa
found thla morning in the engine room.
Thla raakea tha eleventh body Identified
and tha fifty-fifth recovered. A full
Hat of tha employea cannot be obtained
nntlt th- f Ira-proof-vault raaehed.
which will probably not be opened for
-14 houra.'- - . '-.
.Tha identified dead thla afternoon are
afra. Eft) ma Tail man. Ma mm la O'Con-
. nail and Qranvilla Hartwell, making 14
in ail Tha mlaalng ara it nd. tha In
jured is. ,. '. 1 .' - . v I :
...... - --fjoqrnal Spariat Service.
' Raleigh, N. C March II. Oovernor
Glenn haa received a letter purporting
to come from Mra. Ida Halea, upon
whoaa teatlmony Waller Partridge, the
negro, waa aentencad to ba hanged at
FayettevlUe, April 4. for a criminal at
' tack upon ber. Tha letter declerea that
her teatlmony at tha trial, faatenlng the
crime upon Partridge,-waa-falee; and
that he' waa paid 110 ror ft. una aaya
'that 'Partridge waa Hot 'within, threa
mllea of the acena at tha time, and aha
la anxleua for an opportunity to right
the wrong. The governor haa ordered
an lifvaetlgatlon.- - 1 t
, (Joaraal gpeclal bVttIi.) -" i
Chicago. March II. Hundred".- of
hotela, chiefly In the dowatown dim riot,
were cioaed by Building Commlaaloner
Wllllama today for not complying With
the prorjeioaa of the btitlalng qrdinanca.'
() k) iTT rfr rPTr
Robbers Are Suspected of
c lausing Fatal Accident
onRock Island. :
Believed, That Bandits Were
Frightened Away as No At
7 tempt Was Made to Rob"""
! " :'' "Passengers.-;
' fawnaX Special aVrrlee.) . .
Dea Molaea, la.. March II.
Rocky Mountain limited, on tha Chicago,
Rock Island' Paclfio - railway waa
wrecaao near Homeatead. Ia.. at 12:1S
O'clock thla morning. ,-. Railway officials
gaaert that' thef wreck waa tha work of
robbera.- Part of the train Waa derailed
and thrown down a 15-foot embankment.
Two trainmen and armall clerk were prob
ably fatally Injured and several pa-
etthger also .Injured. , Engineer Hotch
klaa will dla.1 .
' Tha train waa going' at 10 mllea an
hour laat night when it waa Wrecked.
The bolts and aplkea had been removed
from - the raila and 100 feet - of track
torn up. Tha angina, mall car, compoa.
Ite car and tha Denver and Colorado
aleepera left the track at thla point and
ay were badly damaged. ......
iso attempt waa made to rob the pas
senger or tha expreaa car, which was
heavily loaded. It is believed thajk the
robbers wera frightened away. '
A atrange man waa seen: in the vicin
ity yeaterday by a section crew, and' It
la presumed that. tha wreck was cauaed
by him. Tha . work waa dona between
darknesa and midnight and waa evidently
accomplished by aoma ona familiar with
railroad construction. "
Aa aoon aa wig rn-rlvf ff it
wreck a special train left here with phy
sicians and wrecking apparatua and the
injured were brought to thia olty. None
of the passengera .are. fatally hurt, but
Engineer - Hotchkiss Is suffering from
internal injuries, from- which he can
not possibly survive.
A reward haa been offered by .the
Rock, laland for the Information lead
ing to the discovery of tha wrecker, and
.detectives ara busy tracing all cluea, "
a (Special Dispatch to The Jooraail ""
" Wardner. Idaho. March . II. Mlsa
a, .. . i. ...l .h, -.1 - 1 -i1t.
for the nomination on the oltlsens ticket
for city treasurer, haa filed her petition
and will make the race for .the office
Independently. Miss Ktrkpatrlck la tha
bookkeeper in tha Baker Clothing com
pany's store and. haa had considerable
experience th handling the city's money.
Her opponent on tha dtlaens ticket Is
A. H. Rambo, of tha Wardner Mercantile
company. 'v Thla la the only office thla
far to ba contested for and the cbanoea
for another ticket bejng placed In the'
field ara few. ...,..
(Journal Special Service.) . '
Boston, March II. It la learned that
Charles F. Berry, a lawyer, who la mlaa
lng from this city, leaves a ahortage of
$300,000. Berry left his office three
weeks ago,, and waa last beard from in
Chicago a week ago. He la thought to
have gone to California. Berry la about
6ft years old. bss a family and lived
quietly so far as known. Hla friends
say they knew; nothing of his specula
tions. ' ' r 4, ' '
(Bpedal ' DUaatcb to The Journal.) -. -Cheney,
.Wash., March II. Charles
Basgrova waa probably fatally wounded
In an aocldent while working on a tele
phone Una between thla place-and Spo
kane" Saturday. Post holes were being
dugi A hole had Just been blasted, and
Basgrove thinking the entire charge had
gone off,, commenced tamping with -a
rod - when tha rest of : tha charge ex
ploded. Ha waa struck In the face and
on tha head by plecea of flying rock and
both or his eyes-were injured.
; (Josroaf Special Bei ties.)" '
Cleveland, March. II. It haa been de
cided that Cashier Spear of the defunct
Oberlln bank shall be tried In the fed
eral court at the April term on a con
spiracy Indictment. -. -
'.' , cotrmT-aV arxLLSSomo.
(SpeeUl niaaatrh to Tae' Joarnal.)
Hniaboro, Or., March 21. Th circuit
court convened her today with Judge.
T.-A. McBrld In the chair. The day i
waa uwuiJiN inmiuuiB mutinni, ae-
murrera and In setting cases for trial.
The jury wss excused until eiext Mon
day. . -, - .-
."' Oakorb to box axioxm.
' IJonrnal Special Service.)
Chelsea. Mass., March !1.-The Doug
las Athletic club has arranged a gnod
card for Its'boxlng show tonight. The
Ind-up will bring tos-ether "Jimmy''
Qardner of Lowell and "Charlie" Reiser
of Hnboken. The articles call for a lt-
round go at HI pound"
Cronp Photograph of Senator and
'.' ' ' . : '
Newly Wedded Los 'Angeles
Couple Confess to Stealing T.
"Typewriters to Sell. ;
Another Case Where Playing the
; Races Leads to a Prison
. :-.. Cell. , M
' - (Joaraal floeelat Serrlee.)
Los Angeles, March1 II. Within 14
hours two young couples, neither, of
whom had been married, a, year., who
have beeni. arreated in Los Angela -an
charges . of burglary, have confessed.
Sunday Mi, and Mra. A. I Malollng
were arrested for a aeriea of room bur
glaries. ' Tonight Mr. add Mrs. Eugene
H. Allen, arrested 'on a charge , of bur
alary, confessed.- ..- "
Allen formerly held a reaponslbls po
sition In tha employ of .the Southern
Paclflo oompany and had a mania for
playing tha races, Laat Thursday night
he induced hla young wife tn saalat him
in breaking into tha commercial de
partment of the Loa Angeles high school.
With 'tier assistance1 he'vtole fuur new
typewriters and took them to a room
a block away, His wlfe,jtroke tha win
dow,, opened- It and'aaalated ber hus
band to enter. She took tha machines
as ha paaaed them Out to hei. '
When arreated today ha tried to ah lei d
himself, blaming the entire crime, to his
wife, which caused her arrest. She aa
sorted that she had committed the whole
crime unassisted, but finally told th
whole atory. - . '
Her husband had told ber that he had
art Infallible means of beating tha races
..-t..iA-..j 1 ha ' -.-.I
gested burglary. She, believing be could
replace tha . stolen goods, consented to
assist him, and they robbed the plan
that night. Neither Is more than II
years of age. , "..'..""" . ' ;
gTrl's hair set afire i
''. " (Joaraal Special grrrlre.)
New Tork. r March I L Miss Laura
Swan, daughter of Mra Elisha Dwyer,
Is under rhysiclarui care at her. home, -17
West Fifty-sixth street.' suffering
from burns caused by a singular mishap
during, aupper- at. Sherry's last evening.
Her hat. a Paris creation of pink tulle
and other light inflammable material,
caught, lire from one of the ornamental
shaded candlea, which decorated the
corners of the table.' The Are waa ex
tinguished, but Miss Swan's hair and
hands wera badly burned. Rerioua re
sults were averted only by the coolness
and presence of. mind of, Robert Qoelst,
a wealthy society man. . After he found
It Impossible to smother the Sames by
napktna and handkerchiefs, he secured
a goblet of water, which extinguished
th biasing hair and .headpiece. ., . .' . I
v Detached from some celestial body a vagrant meteor felfat
. .. tt ' 1. r .1 f - -A . e r- ?t i . r
Streets inis morning, wiidid inrcc icei 01 special r ouccman
' It was red hot, and burst into fiery fratrmcnts on corainp;
T' One large piece fell into a puddle of water, where it hissed for
-of.steamt. jJ. ' fT"'"" ;' Tl-'.7. T.
The meteor weighed about a pound. . Inough. Childress was startled. by the sudden and
unannounced visit, of the celestial fragment, he wast60on dominated by curiosity. , .
It was 5:30 o'clock when the meteor- fell, and as no assay office was open, the various
pieces were gathered together and carried, to the police' station, where, they were viewed in
wonder by members of the force. ., s - , . r
Later in th day Childress took a piece of the meteor to the assay office of Paul Baumel,
228j Stark street, jvhere it was weighed and subjected to various tests.- - -r. . L. ,.
" The weight 6f ihe fragmen was Tj4 peony weights. Analysis showed it to be crystallized
quartz, white in hue, with a part jof the surface, "feathered" by heat; that is, perforated so
finely as to resemble pufhice stone. ' ' .' i ; '-. . '
Mrs. Stanford and Their Son, One of
' ' '-" Possessions. ,'
f r- ' ' ' r3g0C-'
. -i,J v-'J
Ariel Xathrop of 'Albany, , N. Y,' to
v Whom Mrs. Stanford Left $1,000100
Steamer Alameda Reaches - San
Francisco . With PhHan-,
,thropists Remains.
...r . , -. . r' . '"
' (Joarnal SparUI Serrlee.)
San Francisco, March'. IL Tha
steamer Alameda.' beating the remains
of Mra Jane Lathrop . Stanford,
rived from Honolulu this morning."
The vessel was met at tn uoiden
t by two revenue cutters with rep-
resentatlvea or Stanford university and
relatives of Mra. Stanford on board. Aa
tha Alameda' paaaed up tha bay, flaga
on all veaaels in tha harbor were ' half
masted. 1 '' ' ' ' v - - .. '
'"As 'soon 'a quarantine officials ,. fin
ished their -customary task, tb -Alameda
docked andthe-steel-casket con
taining Mrs. Stanford's remains-, waa
taken off and placed on a special funeral
car,-which bore It, to. the Southern Pa
cific) depot, where it waa placed , on a
special funeral train and conveyed to
Palo -Alto. ...!.... : .J1:' -
. Deteollvea Reynolds and Cullandan,
who were sent, to Honoulu to assist In
the investigation of .th death, were pas
sengers on jthe Alameda . and .brought
with them ail papera in th case gath
ered at Honolulu, and portions of Mrs.
Stanford's organs, which will be anal
ysed, - The detectives, were., met on
board by Chief of . Police 8pUlane,vtb
captain of detectives and an attorney for
the Stanford estate,' and a conference
was Immediately held. 1 '
It-was'.nearJy.-noon before the cas
ket wss-brought -from the. hold by six
stalwart seamen and amid alienee and a
general -baring -of hands waa placed in
a hoarse heaped, wHh flower. ; -: 1
the Late Mrs. Stanford's Cherished
' :,''; " ,' -.V::'' ,
District Attorney fAanning'Now
4 Has a Splendid Opportunity
to Expose Ring.
Mr. Manning Should Investigate
Charges That Builders Com
bined to Rob People.. ,
' Knee'
Did anyone pay money to contract
or to withdraw bids for doing th con
struction work '.on- the. Portland dry-
doc R 7-
. This question Is aaked officially by
district Attorney Manning, ' and. in an
effort to get- it answered h la to ex
amine wltnaasea tomorrow forenoon. He
haa Issued subpoenas for Joseph Paquat,
a smpDuuaer, money smith, a con
tractor, and others, who ara expected to
testify' on thd allegation that money
waa paid to tnduoa contractor to with
draw from tha competition, and allow
Wakefield Y Bridge to gat th work
at their (own figure. .
Tha examination grow out of the
inquiry una trie Liiaigea uf flepinseiiia-
trv A. A. Bailey, that Oaorg B. Thomas
accepted bribes from Wakefield A
Bridge. i:so at on time and U6 at
another. .1
Testimony haa been taken from Rob
ert Wakefleld, t. B. Bridges, A. C. U.
Berry and several others, and it haa been
intimated that it la tha intention of
District .Attorney - Manning to. flh In
dictments against Wakefield, Bridges
and Thomas, on tha ground that, if one
be guilty, all muat be guilty. -
Tha question raised aa .to payment of
money for withdrawal ef bids open a
wlda field of Inquiry that may extend to
other departments of tha publlo busi
ness. ' Rumors have been current for
some time that a ayatematlo parceling
out of bids haa been practiced by Port
land contractors, so that apparent com
petition Ipu been really no competition
at all, but a blind to secure larger sums
of money from th publlo treasuries
than otherwise would have been paid,
Tha Inquiry .to ba Instituted tomor
row wil develop tha facta and lndioat
wtuu action must be taken by th dis
trict attorney in disponing of th case.
. (Special. Dispatch to Toe Journal.)
Butte, Mont, March I L A new gey
ser haa made Its appearance In Yellow-
atone National Park. It ha been named
"Skyrocket,", on account of the peculiar
appearance. It plays three time a week
and spout boiling water to an. Im
mense height. It la said the mast
beautiful geyser in tha park. ' Tha Ini
tial discharge wa witnessed by a troop
of cavalry who war attracted by th
terrible noise. ..,- , - ..
the corner-of First and Oak T
, . . . x
v-nuaress. . , , .,. ,rt
in contact with the oavement
some time and sent up a shower T
" -----:' ..'- ; ;
United States Demands
Arbitration of Ven-
ezuelan Issues. -
ernment Will Seize Castro's
Ports M any Nations4
j!, Involved.;
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, D. C March 11. ft Was
learned today at the state department
that 10 days ago Minister Bowen was
Instructed by yiis government to de
mand formally of President . Castro of
Veneiuela, that the question at issue
between hi country and th United
State be submitted to arbitration. In
eas ot refusal Bowen ' was to inform
Castro that tba United States "would
pursue Its own course."
The department haa not bean Informed
of Castro's reply? The-selsura of cus
toms porta will probably follow his' re
fusal. . -5
Th affairs of Venesuela ar rapidly
nearing a crisis- It is Impossible that
the present condition can laat more than
a few days. The French minister at
Caracas, by Instructions of hi govern
ment, haa notified President C astro that
there must be no further proceeding
on it part toward the cancellation of
tha French Cable company's franchise
or Interference with Its property. -
Two French warships, tha . cruiser
Duplies and Jurlen d la Qravtere, have
been ordered post haste to Venesuela, to
act In accordance wlthv Instructions of
the French minister. They ara now in
tha Caribbean Sea. It 1 expected that
on th appearance of th veaaels, Caatro
will accede to the demands of Franc.
FaUIng in this result, diplomatic rela
tione will be severed.
The Dutch government ha lodged a
vary serious complaint with President
Caatro against tha treatment Of rta cltl
aena, and It may Join with France In
coercive measures.
Bert Says War Is Not Declared
Southern League Will Not
Fight American.
(Joaraal Special Service.) .
San Francisco, March IU President
Bert of the Paclflo Coast Baseball league
unqualifiedly denied today that war had
been declared on major organlsatlona aa
t merited In th signing by Ixm Angeles
of caaaa, who has been ara r tea irom
New York. Ha says th Chase matter
now rests with tha national commission,
and if that body decides that Chaae be
longs to New York, Los Angele must
give him up."
President Kavanaugh or th soutnern
league at Atlanta announced today that
his league would not angag tn a war
with the American association. Grif
fiths and O'Neill refused to talk today.
" iii, . i',
(Jeusaal Special Berrkw.)
Washlngtony March - IL The presi
dent' haa written a letter to Secretary
Taft approving tha tatter's recommenda
tions for a chang of personnel In the
Panama canal commission and a rear
rangement of th dutlea of the mem
bers. Th purpose 1 to avoid further
delay In getting aupplies to the canal
son and facilitating the work of con
struction. Tha canal commission will
be reduced to on or not mora than three
Horace Cv-Burt, of Omaha, ex -pre sir
dent of the Union Pacific, now traveling
In Europe, la reported to have been of
fered charge of the construction wors
of th Panama canal by President Roose
velt at a aalary of fl 00,000 a year.
- It is stated Uiat under th Panama
commission there haa been no real exec
utive head for the governments work.
Admiral Walker haa been nominally
chairman, but each of th other five
commissioners have exercised aa much
authority ss Walker, and tha result I a
bad tangl of commission affair. Thar
haa been a superabundance of red tape
and1 too much meddling -an tha part of
commissioners - with th chief engineer.
' (Joarnal Special Service.)
Chicago,- March II. By- clvrly
executed coup the city-of Chicago last
night threw the Chicago Street railway
property into the state., court, and re
pealed all Its franchises.
Tha city railway oompany waa plan
ning to throw th It-year franchise
controversy Into tha federal court a
which would have taken th traction
company's affairs out ef th hands of
the rltliens ot Chicago.
A meeting of tha council waa haatUy
called and the plana of ths railway com
pany outlined by ft?yor Harrison. Ac
tion" was ordered tn a-alnut the
any srl s'l t- snd ordl-
r 'it it K . Is
1 1
1 1
Tha Circulation t
i. Of Tha Journal
' Yeaterday Wat
Believed RennenkampfPs
Division Has Arrived
--at Tie ling, - ivl
mand,- Making , Orastio );
S ChihgeridgerBtownr
: Up by His Forces." "I-'.
-r (Joorosl Special Service.) ''
London March 21. Bulletin)-Bat '
n th report that cannonading " wa
heard yeaVerday seven' miles' south of
Tie Pass the belief 1 expressed In mill-
tary clrclea that General BennenksmpfTa
division, which waa separated from tha
main army, baa Just now' arrived at Tta
Paaa, which place wa appointed as a
rendeavous for all th Russian division
In- th case of a retreat. Consequently: . '
Rcnaenkampff la surrounded and will
probably be forced to capitulate.
' (Jusraat Sparta! Sarvtea.) "
fit Petersburg, March IL A dispatch;
from IJnevltch state that he baa
tabllsbed beadquaVtera for the present at
Chen Chia WaUu wheT th railroad '
crosses th Sungarl rlvar. From bar h
la directing th retreat of the thro ar
mica and disposing pf th fresh troop
of th fourth corps sow arriving from '
Russia.. ... -. . -
When th paasag of th Sungarl haa
been accomplished th bride will ba -blown
up and tha retreating army will
be aaf from pursuit. Th second army '
is stated to be falling back along the
Una of the railroad. The first and third
armies ar retreating along th Manda
rin road to Klrin. - --- 4.
- The thra armle ara destroying au
th bridge and roads aa they paa over
them and completely denuding i th -country.
. A rear guard action I In
progress continuously with th punning
Japanese but tha bulk of th Russian
force ia reported to be out of dan- -gr.
- .....
Advice received from Harbin stat
that - LJnevltch - is making draatio
change in th subordinate of hi com
mand, entirely reorganising th general '
staff. New commander ar being
named for every brigade and th chang
effects even th command of the threw
armies. ,
AU th advices from th front in
dioat that the retreat 1 being oon-
ducted uneventfully; Th Russians ar
neglecting no precautions to Imped th
pursuit ofaii J HampeT"th TBunstrucu du" "
or permanent Japanese lines of mipply.
Notwithstanding optimistic report
given out by th war office, a feeling -of
gloom ' pervade St PMeraborg and)
rumors ar current that tha Russian
forces have bean cut off by th Japan '
aa and wUl be compelled to finally,
give battle or surrender. - Th secrecy"
maintained by th Japanese ia believed
to indicate that a move of great lm- '.
portane' ia la. progres and that until
maneuvers hay been finally carried out '
no new will be 1 had from Japanese)
source.-' t
It is reported that the decision of th
Russian government to rats an internal
loan of $100,000,000 has caused a panto
la tb stock exchange, It la currently:
reported in St. Petersburg that Russian
soldier are deserting to the Japan)
side by thouaanda.
1 A Norwegian trader who ' has ' been .
with th Russian army on Its retreat
from Tie Ling saya that the demoral
laed troops cast away their equipment
and In many Instances even their cloth,
ing and boots. They abandoned th,
transports and left guns and cartridge,
using horses to get away.' At Tie Paa ".
tb booths of th trader were-, tooted '
by Coasacka but th guilty Cossack '
wer later shot. ...
At Riga today In a conflict between'
the Cossacks and the mob. many of th
latter wer wounded by the Coasacka
firing on th populaoe. Eighty rioter '
have been arreated. ,- -.. . ,
On-Armed PaArlotia Tomtk AtUmpt
- S ssaawiaatloa f finals Oppreaaor. .
" (Joamsl SpeHal Servtea.)
fit. Petersburg. March XI. Governor
Mlaaoredoff - of - Vlborgv -a seaport prov
lnoa of Finland, waa shot and seriously
wounded yesterday by a 11-year-oJd.
one -arm ad boy. who fired thre ahot at
him. Th youth haa proclaimed himself,
a Finnish patriot. Tba governor bass
been very actlv in th Russiftcatloa f
Th Llthunlans have demanded a res
toration of their ancient privilege and
equality with Russian Inhabitants in
the purchase of land, tb freedom ef re
ligion and th recognition of Lithuanian
Th Novo Vremya publishes a so--satlonal
attack upon th United State
stating that America ia urging Japan
make th hardeat terms possible w
Russia, and that th Htandard Oil en, .
Dany la financing the-war- for Jar' V
Qross carlcaturea of Roosevelt are a
ana4 ti:tja r .
k r" 1 :
Jmtr- ' ' v
Toklo, l.rr.i . ,. .
St the battle of i' t ,
mated at DO.eO. I v
the Ruasi n -
ti-v at 1 ' '
woui. . 1 tr