The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 19, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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(.Continued from Fag OnO
the uu of former county official. Th
reports of the expert who made th in
vwtltiUm wm.ft startling revelattoa
of ofQcUl diahooeety and inoompetene.
Thousand of.1 dollar had been atolan
-outright and much ' mora had ben
thrown away through improper and Il
legal settlement of th county claim
for taxee. Turn which belonged to tha
county had bn retain by official
Jtecordg had been falsified and forged
ntrlea had been mad upon tha tax
- The Journal waa tha only paper IB
ortlud to publUh ail tha facta aa to
the auclowrea: -Tha -reult--wa-
house-cleaning such a tha county had
MTtrnowD before. Many, avanuaa of
wait were topped, check and safo-!gurd-
and bualneaatlk method war
introduced. Honest county official wal-
corned Tha Journale disclosure and
aided In it effort. - Many ult were
Instituted, by the county to recover tha
Bum lost through the , dishonesty or
misfeasance of former official, and in
several of these suits Judgment hav
already been recovered. - a
: In its moral effects' this 'campaign
againat dishonesty has been of . in
calculable value. . Office-holders hay re
ceived an object lesson that they will
not soon forget and the public has
wakened to its rights.' Men and higher
standard hay been established, and tha
ntmospharo of tb county court houae
ha been purified.
One of the blggeet fight Th Journal
.ha undertaken; waa tha . campaign
-- against public gambling in Portland.
; ' other Institution in the city seemed
saor firmly rooted.- Entrenched behind
fpowsrful ' . political Influences .... and
(shielded by tha municipal government.
' 'the gamhlera seemed able to defy all at
tacks.. They had become an Important
- ifactor la city politics and bad more than
once decided tha result of primaries and
elootloaa..- Through the policy adopted
" by Mayor Williams tha city had become
' a. virtual partner in tba business of the
r gambling bouse and tha law against
' them had become a dead letter.
C'- -- Tha Journal began a determined cam
, palgn against tha gamblers which cul
' tnlnated in ths county election last
June. Tom Word was elected ahoriff by
a sweeping majority, and, true to his
" ante -election pledges, ha started In at
i one to drive tba gambler out of bust
' nee. They mads) a desperate fight
f but Sheriff Word waa resolute and In
corruptible. , The public . gambling
" houses were finally cloaed. never to be
reopened. The Journal Is tha only news
" paper la Portland that advocated Tom
' Word' election and It Is tha only on
. : that, has given him support la his em-
de agalust gambling. - - .
In politic The Journal ha not' J
way been on-th winning side, but It
ha lway stthren to be on the right
... aide. For two uoeesalv campaign It
. did all in its power to prevent in alec
tlor of Blnger Hermann to congress, on
- Ah ground that, he bad been -y -r(n
leader In tba hug land fraoda, which
" have brought disgrace upon this state.
. The Journal laid before the voter of
th first- district - a man of evidence
' showing Hermann' complicity In th
3 fraud, but'tn both oampalgn bo was
" -elected.1 But the Xacta which war pub
. liabed In the column -of this paper have
. sine been submitted ' to federal grand
" Juries la this .state and to th EHatrtet
. of Columbia, ad Hermans la aow await
" Oar Uvea, from moment to moment,
depend on set of tiny, delicate serve
which are so small that fifteen hundred
of them could 11a aid by.sld In an Inch!
Ten time more tender and sensitive
than th pupil of th eye I
t Tt night and day, ungulded and tin
Been, these little' nerves must keep th
stomach, - th heart. ' th kidneys. In
healthy action. For these organ hav
no power no self control. The power
la In the nerve. - The nerve ar the
Jdaatera. Th organ are their alavea
. Understand first that wa hav two en
tirely separata nerve systems. When
w walk, or talk, or act ws call lato
play a certain set of nerve. .nerve
which- obey our mental commarlda. That
mouth opened, or th eye shut at the
slightest desire. That la why your fin
gers ran delicately pick up a pin One
moment, and hold a heavy hammer the
Rut these are not tha nerve we are
to consider here.
.. It Is the inside nerves that manage
and govern and actuate the heart and
the stomach, th kidneys and tha liver
and all of th vital function. Tou
cannot control these serve. By no su
preme effort of mind ran you even make
your heart stop or start nor can you
even make it vary by a single boat a
minute. And so with th atomach and
the liver and the kidneys and th bow
elsthey are automatic they do their
work at a certain set speed whether
you are awake or asleep whether you
want them to or not
It ia on these inside nerve that life
and health depend. So long aa theae
nerves perform their proper duties w
are well and -strong. When they fall,
w know It by the inevitable symptom
-stomach, heart llver.'kldney troubles.
Thua, w find that most forma of ni
nes ar, after ail, only symptom pf
the real trouble inside nerve trouble.
- For Instance, Indigestion, sour stom
ach, heartburn, dyspepsia and all stom
ach troubles diabetes, Brlght's disease
and other kidney disorders heart, trou
bles, liver troublea, bowel troubles, ner
vousness, fretfulneaa, sleeplessness,- Ir
ritability Hill of these ailments ar do
to thla single cauae. Painful, disagree
able t be tree ted as such. They ar
merely outward sign of Inward trou
ble. There ar different centers and
branches of this-Inside nerve system
(frequently called the Sympathetic Ner
vous System). But each branch la ao
rineeiy connected with tn others that
breakdown anywhere usually mean
breakdown vrywber.
Slap: of-th
Kidneys ' -1! IlKidC WCFVCS
... i ... ' i . - -- : f- ' . ... '
fc Stoop's Restorative
ing trial under ladiotwrante for 'high
Crimea against 1th government.' Every
charge mad or Th Journal againat
Hermann baa been found by these grand
June to b true. The facta upon wnlon
the Indictment are baaed are substan
tially the fact published la these col
umn flaring nis campaign or iv ana
1M4, , - , , ..,
Xoonl Optfom. "
Probably, nothing that Th Journal ha
don has aroused more bitter hostility
than It attitude upon the local option
issue. Tat It, course ha received the
Indorsement of tit people. It advocated
the adoption' of th local opUon law, be
lieving that th prlnolpl which . it em
bodies is right when th liquor Inter
eats attempted at th last aeaaion of
th legislature to amend th law by
striking out some of it moat essential
feature. The Journal vigorously op
posed the attempt and th Jayn bill
was defeated.. . - ..- ...
Other newspapers have given or sold
their support to tha-- liquor Interest,
but Th Journal has uniformly Insisted
that th people and cot th saloonkeeper
must determine whether liquor shall be
old In any locality.
Againat orderly, law-abiding saloon
thla paper baa mad no fight. It ha
demanded the suppression of th dive
and gmggerlea which are mere breeding
plaoa , of crime, and it ha earnestly
urged the abolition of cloaed hose in
saloon. la this it has had many ardent
co-worker, who look npon saloon boxe
aa the . greatest single agency la the
destruction of young and innocent girls.
In response to th demand of a very
large element of the people .th council
Anally passed en ordinance prohibiting
all saloon bo Th validity of the
ordinance was assailed by, th saloons
and tha case 1 now pending In the su
preme court, but there la little doubt
that th ordinance wttl b upheld.
' ' . '. ' PBhli stafco. '
The efficiency of th pub)io aohool
has always been recognised .by Th
Journal as of th highest Importance
to the community, and It haa lent it
ctlv gMto. yrxfforStJncras
tHmi UMfulnMa
V Owing to lax methods that hav pre
vailed in th paat, it maa Da -com-mon
oocurrenrJe-for th annual repairs
upon ' the school building to be com
menced so-lat in th asm mar that they
were still unfinished when th fall term
opened. The result ws th crowding
of school children, tpto temporary quae
tera and tha loss of week of schooling.
In some Inatanoe th time lost amount
ed to one-sixth of th School year.
Emphatic protest was enured by Th
Journal against thi practice,
i An . Insistent demand was mad upon
tha school ' trustees that they fix th
responsibility for th delay and that
they should not h permitted to occur
In th future.. Hand reds' of parent
Joined fn this demand, and It I safe
to say that In future th school bund
ing wil b ready for oaoopancr whan
the. fall term opens. -.. .
- The s glutton for a high acliool n
th east .Bid received Th ' Journal'
cordial support, and .bonds were .voted
for this purpose last year. Th intro
duction of -manual training a a fea
tare of th curriculum ' in the pobUc
schools la also th result of a popular
demand which found vote In Th Jour
nal's column. After a year of effort
It had the satisfaction of seeing th
annual meeting of . taxpayer Indorse
th project and the school board set It
la motion. Manual- training . I now
taught la the city schools and th re
sult hav already' more than Justified
th investment.- This 'promise to he
oom on of th bekt appreciated fea
tures ot th chool system. ;
In th am way Th Journal has ear.
neatly favored ' the payment of higher
salaries t , teachers ' la tha . pablle
schools and It haa bean largely ins try
mental la bringing this about. ; .
LOn of th moat Important fight
waged' by Ths Journal waa la connection
with th Jetty at the saosth of th Co
'' ", ' -'
Thi explain why stomach trouble
develop Into heart trouble why indi
gestion bring -on- nervousness why
dlseaaee become complicated. It - ex
plain, too, why ordinary medical treat
menu are wrong why medicine ao fre
quently fails.
For, despite th discoveries of sel
ence. the common remedies of ths day
ar designed to treat the organ, not th
nerve the symptom Instead of the
causa. '
- Don't you. though you may not know
medloia st all, se that this is wrong T
That It Is mere patchwork T That while
ee Dollar
Any sick one who has
not tried "my remedy
Dr. Shoop's Restorative
may have a Full Dol
lar's Worth Free. I ask
no deposit, no reference,
no security. There Is
nothing to pay, either
now or later. I will send
you an order on your
druggist which he will
accept In full payment
for a regular, standard
size Dollar bottle. And
he will send the bill to
me. r ;
I C. I. Shoop, M. D. w
the suffering organ Is enjoying it tem
porary relief, the nerve that I really
sick may be getting worse and worse?
Doe thi not explain to you why re
laps ao frequently follow a aupposed
cure. Does this not account for the un
certainties of medicine?
More than thirty years ago . . this
thought came to me: ,
"If life and health depend upon per
fect heart action, upon proper stomach
digestion, upon correct kidney Altering,
why does not life itself depend upon
lumbia river. Investigation had sat'
Is fled It that th progress of the work
waa not what it should be and that th
contractor were not supplying . th
aumlitv of rock raulrd by the sped n
cations. . An expert was sent to th
quarries ami th Jetty and a thorough
Investigation of condition . waa made.
It-waa Jound that . th jwek . wa de
cidedly Inferior both In quantity and
In quality, and that th completion of
th contract by-tbOB-who. had tinder
taken It was an Impossibility. These
facta war published with th result
that th government re-let th .rook
contract and tba work la now being done
upon a basis that insures th comple
tion of th Jetty la th moat substantial
manner. . - i'
The sort, road I another great
public enterprise in which Th Journal
haa oeen oeepiy lnieresiea, ana u whibu
It haa lent ita active aid. Th tint I
now not far distant when tha road will
be -completed and It I believed that it
will be of Incalculable value to a vast
section of state.
. ..........To of th 0rafc. O
Ther is no Agency so much dreaded
by the grafter, big and little, a The
Journal. . Especially la thi true of the
man in public office who hav prosti
tuted their trust to private gain.' Since
th advent of Thi Journal th fraternity
cf grafter ha been Imbued with
wholesome fear of exposure. Instance
of the work accomplished in thi direc
tion hav been many. ' An important
case waa th attempted garbage . grab,
in which city officials ' were hand la
glbv with th promoter of th scheme.
Th graft waa pipped In th bud through
Th Journal' exposure.
Early In The' Journal's career It laid
bar th Mock Bottom scheme, by which
a wort hi ee quicksand waa to be unload
ed upon th community a a alt for tn
Port of Portland drydock. 'Th Job was
one ' of th moat barefaced of recent
year, and Th Journal was alone of
th Portland paper In exposing It Th
reason for th silenc of Th Journal's
competitors are well known.
It la tha belief of Th Journal that
nQmn whotias one betrayed th trust I
of th public should again be placed ,Ui
office. Acting upon thi belief it baa
recently exposed the defalcations of-T.'
Cadar Powell, formerly-county clerk of
this county and now United States mar
shal at Noma.- Powell was county -dark
from 1119 to im. his office was repeat
edly investigated by order of th county
board and of a grand Jury, and on each
occasion he was found to be short in
his accounts to th extent of thousands
of dollar. Ore ft was king In thoo day
and public officials stole with Impunity,
protected from th law by political pull
and fearlee of exposure became Port
land had then no newspaper which would
make th facta known. . :
jrartfytaa; a Baa.
- On of th moat flagrant evil toward
Which the attention of The Journal ha
been directed ha been th widespread
practice of fraud at primaries and elec
tion. Stuffing- of ballot boxes, repeat
ing, colonising of voter, fraudulent af
fidavit voting, hav. all been practiced in
Portland upon a seal .unsuspected by
the ordinary cltisen: The Journal haa
don what it could to check and to pre
vent such frauds. Democrats-and Re
publicans allk Jiav been concerned and
among those Implicated hav been men
of promtnenea-ln municipal and commer
cial affair.
In th Republican primariea of lio.
when a bitter 'factional fight divided
that, party, glaring frauda were perpe
trated and voter were bought like cat
tle in om of th north end precinct.
Colonization of voter had been practiced
on a large acale and on th day of the
primaries' gang of repeater wont from
on polling place to another, lad by on
of th proprietor of th most notorious
gambling house In th city.
Three month later Th Journal un
earthed and exposed a conspiracy formed
for th purpose-of running In bund reds
of fraudulent votes by meana of false
affidavit. . Among those ' implicated
were several city and county officehold
these life-governing power nerve
mesa insiae nerve r .
I realised, too. that all aliments which
result from ona cause may,. of course, be
cured by on remedy. I resolved not
to doctor the organs, but to treat tha
on nerv system which operates theiu
For those who treat only th syren-
Such treatment are only palliative.
tne results ao not last A cure can
never come 1n disease of the stomach,
heart liver or kidneys, until th inside
nerv power I restored. - When that
la done. Nature remove th symptom.
There is no need of doctoring them.
My remedy now known by Druggist
everywhere. Dr. Shoop' Restorative
Is the result of a Quarter centurv of
Lfnaeavor aian.mtsii'y tme-jr auesttrta
noi oose mo organ or oeaaen tne pain
but It doe go at one to th nerv the
maid nerve tn power nerve and
builds it up, and strengthens It 'and
maicea it wen. ...
There la no mystery no miracle.
can explain my treatment to you as
easily as 1 can ten you why cold frees
water and why beat melt loe. Nor do
claim a discovery. For every detail of
my treatment I based on truths so
fundamental that none can deny them.
And every Ingredient of ray medicine I
aa Old aa tne mil u grows on. I slm
fly applied th truths and combined
he ingredients Into a remedy that is
practically certain.
' In more thin a million homes my
remedy I now known, and relied upon.
Yet you may not hav heard of It Be
I make thi Offer to you, a stranger,
that every possible excuse for doubt
may be removed. Send no money
male no promise tak no risk. Simply
write and ssk. If you hav never tried
my remeoy, l win send you an order on
your druggist for s full dollar bottl
not a ample, but the regular standard
bottle b kepa conatantly on hla
ahelves. The druggist will require no
conditions. He will accept my order aa
cheerfully aa though your dollar lay be-
lore nim. m win aena me out to me,
-- Will yob. accept this opportunity to
learn at my expense absolutely how to
oe ria rorever or an lorms ot stomach,
heart, kidney aliments to be rid not
only of the trouble, bnt of th very
cause wuicu prouuovu ll r vrni louay
for free erser fur Pnok t ea
a rail aniiar bettie
Ki aiast aoVime
. Stoop. Bos ears,
lUrlaf, Wis. Rut
which seek ye waat
Rank f on t Il-.rt.
Book t ea tk Kidneys.
Bnok for WeSMa. ,
Bonk foe Urn.
Book oa Rkeaaiatlsm.
Mild case ar .often cured by a sin
gl bottl. For sal at forty thousand
drug stores.
er and a ' aumlwr f
taken a leading part la RepuDitoaa poll
tic. The name of those tmpBoated
war published tn th edamna of this
paper. A th direct result of this x
posur a law was enacted by th last
laglalariir which Is expect to pot a
top, to fraudulent affidavit voting.
Tm3X Jfwld Its B hsm am sal
On of th many improvement la th
municipal service which Th Journal haa
advocated was th eetabUshaeeot of a
full paid fir department At th out
set th plan encountered vehement oppo
sition, and it waa Insisted that tha con
dition of th city' finance rendered th
change Impossible. But th tun bad
passed when Portland could oontlnu to
be satisfied with a fir fore composed
largely of volunteers. A system that
might suffic for a village was Inade
quate for th needs of a city, and Port
land had long outgrown It fir depart
ment i That element that 1 avers to
very change and every improvement
opposed th institution f a paid fir
department hut their opposition waa
overcome. Th city now ha a paid nre
fore of trained and experienced men,
and th department. Is equipped with ap
paratus of th bt - Though -additions
to th. equipment and to th number of
flrehousea are still neceeeary. th paopl
of Portland may Justly be proud of thla
department j
Three year ago there war practical
ly no treat signs in Portland. It waa
plain, that the abnc of etreet aign
would, be a various annoyance t lb
crowd of strangers expected to arrive
during th Lewis , and Clark fair, and
Th Journal took th matter up.- A
usual, there were objectors, but the peo
ple , at large promptly seconded The
Journal' demand. . It was finally grant
d by th city council, and now hand'
aoma metalllo stans are plaoed at every
street intersection. Th stranger who
visit th city 14 no longer obliged to
flounder around helplessly la search of
hi bearing; at the nearest street cor
ner ha will find th information n
t. . ... ... -- ' - - - . .
The Journal haa been a oonsiaient aa
cata-oX-btter etret aod-aldewalka,
and its effort have borne abundant
fruit In no other direction baa more
been-accomplished forth beautifying
and Improvement of th city than in tha
construction of nw street na aiae
Walks. The nubile spirit Of property
owner r Tuts been aroused.' and-the total
expenditure for street Improvement tn
the last tore years reacn very large uar-
Chief Hunt's- administration of the po
lice department haa brought upon him
tha frequent -criticism of To . Journal.
Favoritism haa been constantly dis
played by him in the government of th
fore, and unjust discrimination In th
enforcement of th law. These thing
have brought unon. Chif Hunt th eon:
H.miuiinn of Tha Journal and of fair-
minded cltlsan. Another praotlc of
Chief Hunt' which haa been the au&
joct of criticism la th "kangaroo court,"
that remarkable institution by which the
chief takes it upon himself to rvleaa
prisoners without th formality or a
trial. Th proceedings ar a trarsaty,
and th chief acta clearly without th
lightest warrant of law. Complaints
against Hunf s - arbitrary method and
against his marked discrimination in en
forcing th law hav become o general
that an investigation 1 now in prog
ress by th polic commltte of th ex
ecutive board. . ' L
- Soorea of othr Instances might be
mentioned where Th Journal haa been
foremoat In th effort to check abuse
or to bring about needed Improvement.
It ha conatantly striven 10 ao ix pan.
and to co-operate in very movement
for th welfare of th community. Th
people have testified their appreciation
of Th Journal efforts by th aupport
they hav given It The growth in cir
culation and advertising ha been phe
nomenal. The figures tell th story.
Id May." ItOVth circulation -of Th
Journal waa S.OOO. Though handicapped
in a hundred war a th Paper began Its
forward progress, and th number of It
reader began to Increase by rapid
trldea In January. IMS, th average
dallv circulation had reached 7. hav
ins- mora than doubled la seven moo tha
Month by month th figure grew a lit
tle bigger, and when th new Ho color
proa waa installed In May. IMS, another
strong Impetus waa given to th upward
trend of th circulation.
Bv January 1. IM. th circulation
had reached 11.M7, a gain of SO per cant
-. . . . , T ,k..AllMl.0 Win H
in IS B1IUUV . .un...,i. --
(February) another big forward Jump
was made. U figures reaomng is.t.
steadily tha circulation climbed upward.
Ground one gained ws never lost. Al
most without a single exception each
month showed a new high-water mark.
Through th summer and fall of laat
year tha subscription list grew, longer,
until when th present year opened It
had reached th total of 11,142. Sevan
thousand subscriber had been added
In a. var.
And etill th figure grow. . In Ftb-
marv of this year th average circula
tion roe to lMtt, a thousand having
been added Bine the previous month,
nnrin. tha nrssent month th dally cir
culation haa repeatedly exceeded 20,000,
and th average for tha month will prob
ably be above that figure. ..
Ta OiBgoam Sod-.
Th Journal' circulation book hav
at all tlmea been open to Inspection.
Th flgur given ar not padded, but
ar based upon th actual dally circula
tion. No competitor can snow sucn sx
disputed claim of Th Journal that it
circulation In Portland and in Oregon
equals, if It do not exceed, that of the
Oregontan. - .
In aupport of thla claim Tha Journal
ha challenged It two conumporarte
to an Investigation by' Commute of
business men, agreeing to give I&00 to
any deserving charity If Its assertion
ar not found to be true. Th challenge
haa not been accepted.
In th matter of advertising. The
Journal's rain hav been quit aa re
markable aa in other direction. Th
volume of business ha steadily grown
larger, notwithstanding th fact that
advertising rates have been raised re
peatedly. During the year 190S - Th
Journal printed Sll.ttS inches of paid
advertising. During 1M4 th number
of inches printed was 111,142, an In
crease of 121.S7T, or nearly per cent
The following table ahows the num
ber of Inches of sdvertlslng printed
month by month In IMS snd 1M4:
- No. Inches Printed.
- Month. :.',
January S.SftO
February .,w,srll.1. Wl
March 711,(44
April . .1 5,4tS
May ....... ..K.Sri I
June ................. .18.240
August ............... .1 M46
September ,. .,t28,49S
October ............ ....20.76
November . .......'.24.t30
December ............. .27,21
The largest single advertising con
tract ever placed with any newspaper on
th Paclflo coast waa placed with Th
Journal laat September and' call for
411.480 agate line. The Journal I now
Justly regarded aa th best Advertising
medium in thi city or state.
Increasing business and growing cir
culation afford th substantial evidences
that th public believes in Th Journal
believes in 1t policy, In it alms snd
in Its promises.' Th belief I based
upon what Th Journal has don in th
past which la an augury of what, with
better equipment of brain and machin
ery, It will do In th future.
It 1 suspected that Oneral Popoff
anowotlbrins f of Portland the world's focrt Imitations,
which proved the eeris&aon of the World's Fair at St Loci3 end were given highest
award, We have a fine display of them; Including Rinjs. Ccarf Pins, Erooches,
Ldl .Twtn ISm
'. Diamond Ring;, two
fin stoo; If gra-'
in would b worth-.
, SU6 or 1200 t thla
Thi Brooch I aa exact du
plica t 6f one pnrchased from
Tiffany, of New Tork. for 127 J.
Tou can plaoa them aid by
id and no on can
ad no on can a a
tha difference -t r"
riOa . ...M....fa7(V V
Our prioa
fte pwf i
znacaoada .an m Mtamial y
tal f omad ta Van, Somtk Aaasr.
toai they wfll saaad an aoida,
heat aliall. ta. ia faet, they
sab wash ad lsansi lik
oralaary lsmol, aad s
bsuu aa sasnr iisamsis
" i
W gaaisatu ssah mU vit
s4joa to iwkata tM hnTHsacy
f orw, aad tk sananttags
OUR MOnQ: "Bargains ?ri What
That's the point-not special prices on some old goods that we wish to get rid of,
bnt a close price on all goods. '
T If i .... is I , . ... - I jr--'J :,
. - i " 1 r ri-r-i rr 1-ifi-i r rr m-1 1 i n if vt- ei
; SPRING WAGONS il --;-. ' ,
Also at Reduced Prices a Full Line of Harness, Farm Implements
- :.r . .... - .
Oent ghlrt Stod
. a very neat and pop-.
' ular alse; If a genu- '
' In diamond It would
coat yoo bout I11S '
'. on 1150. This an- '
ewers all purposes.
. at on thirtieth of
, that cost pa
- Our special A I - H'l
prlc .... Vlotv
Oeota' Bound Bsl
cher. a vary popular .
styl of' ring,' with
a plain aatting: th '
ton 1 about a
karat In alse, and -th
setting la guar-
Our spVclaHj CA ;
prio .... CaVt)t
flat ' Belcher
Ring, i-karat stone,
gentlemen's - Solid
gold-filled. It is Im
possible - to ' detect
thi ring from on
costing; $260. , Th
ton - Is . cut th
am a a genuine
diamond, and w
guarantee ' the . brill
iancy to laat for
ever; mounting - la
Clntr Btlokpln,
either , ladle' or
Knta'; ton - ar
11 of fire, and
mounting.' ar solid
gold-filled. 1 1 h r
opal, turquola. ruby
or emerald center
warranted. tor a
xor ie
tones. - II gvnuiira,
vould cost Aa eA
rlo .... fyavatV
ton. - If genuine.
years con
stant wear
Special, .
would cost
"' tow Tiffany . sat
:, t tln Just ut. for ; . '.
' man. St ' with a
" ' perfect : . 1 ' karat ;
offer r.1..1 $250'
B J .... . . ' T
- , - , and Delivery Wagons.- --
Tiffany Kngag- -'
mnt Ring; xact da. -plleat
of Tiffany 1
Engagement 1 Ring; --
beautiful - stone. - set
in goid-ruiM mount-
inga. ror
this great
- spe'l ale.
Drop - or Scrw Earrings,
beautiful. ' brilliant. - voJy
malohed ' ston, . either I or 1
karat. In als; et la gold
filled Tiffany mounting ;
sm to b worth '
U war ., ; "i ( A
price . .............. syttlfif
rxt ywa llv ot of tow aad
aaao aU at ur stor. ram -'
a am t ta plotur f th
aat) if a ttegi
ate of nagar, saaU to ma
at ta mriBBBy
saoaay ordsr, aad ta artlol
ilioan Ml wa at porta g
pispsla, aad tf set aa twpr.
satad yoor saoaajr wd b r
fuadad. V a O. . ,
open EVETsirsaa ?n
Yaa AVant
a ' J-
m sjbj ,
I,. .; 1,
r- n ii t r
wa on of th first to r treat