The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 19, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    "T. '
. i" ' 1 f
,'. - t
I '1-
1 1
Police Will Not Allow tnvestiga-
, ji tlon to Lag Notwithstanci-L-"";'
-Ing Report. 5 ' v
No Arrests Made and None in
V;'. View No Cues Yet Dis
' ' covered.
(feecUl WapeU bj Lraaed Wire U T Journal)
Ban Francisco, March ll The Joint
statement of David Burr Jordan and
Timothy Hopkins . that Mr Stanford
'' died a natural death haa produced no
.'apparent effect on those who. are eon
. ducting the Investigation Into the mye
. tery, but the reply of the three Pbysl-
clana and the chemist associated In the
coo is considered xU-meJy Important
Captain Burnett nald today that in view
' of suoh firm and determined stand on
their' .part the Investigation cannot be
allowed to lapse, no matter what the
' report of Reynolds and Callandan may
be. v , v. '. v ''": '
,' In the meantime the polios claim 10
be actively enraged in running down
every clue In "this otty preparatory to
ih work which wiU follow when the
report from Honolulu Is turned In. Cap
tain Burnett doe not know what that
report wUl be. but Judaea tnat tne oe-
teottvea bave found, Information on
'hlck to work ifrom. their cablegram
'that their Investigation had been eatftW
.factory, " : -' ' . ..
A number of 'anonymous letters have
ibeea received at the hall of Justice as to
where the poison was purchased, wno
purchased IF and" no -on. but immediate
lnqnfry Into these baa brought forth
notbinc '.."
In discussing the . matter today CSD
. t tela 'Burnett said; . V. - t ' -. - . j
f ' '1b view othe firm and positive state
ment of the physicians In Honolulu.
all of whom are presumably men of
1 standing. rhe' investigation cannot
allowed to-drop.. -no matter, bow dls
icouraxlng a report we set from Bey
. nolds and Callundan. Even It we wanted
! to ault work, even If Reynolds and Col'
,'lundan declare that Mrs. Stanford dlod
'of natural onuses; we must continue to
a conclusion. . ' - .-
. "Of course I do not know what the re
port will be. for I have received nothing
'except the last cable, which you know al
. ready.- Here in the city we are running
, down everything that develops, no mat
ter how small It appears to be.' - We
have looked Into number of anony
mous letters that we havw received and
we are continuing; to Interview every one
who .may have information. - Our big
effort to solve the mystery win be
made when our representative return
from the Islands. - Positively, we can
make no arrests now '
"The, report, of the Morse detective
agency to- Mr. Moan tf or d Wilson carries
absolutely no weight with us, for we In
tend to, proceed to s conclusion' and
carry forward our investigation on inde
pendent lines. Neither Mr. Wilson nor
any one else-will be allowed to Interfere,
though I must say that he haa shown
every disposition to aid us, -If bo has a
preoonoeived prejudice In- favor of any
tneory we cannot afford to take the sum
position, .rv-J . t ..
We must go en-i with" fh Vorlf to
the very end, and if there Is no end and
we ret nothing .to work on, we must
till go on. la no event.- no matter
what happens, no matter what Influence
la brought to bear, will the Investigation
be dropped,". , . , ., ; s . -v "f I
, - . . '
' At tht Marqaam Grand for 4 o'clock
Satined and Monday Night '
Tomorrow : Ernest ; Thompson - Seton
' -will -give two lecture in the Morquom.
. '; Tneaw will really bo entertainments as
- wsll as lectures, as both wlU be pro
. , rusely Illustrated by original stereoptt
. ; eon views of wild animals in their
, . v native life. Ernest Thompson Seton has
. -, literally created a. new school of liters
... ture and. is the world's greatest story.
- teller of animal life. - He has, a charm
tng personality and the fare faculty of
- being able to place .a human being into
the feeling and environment of the wild
- The snatlaeo at 4 o'clock Is especially
. arranged to accommodate school chll
, dren and their parents.. The admission
Is cents to alLrt The evening lecture,
..which is also the last number of the
T. If. C. A. Star course, will be thrown
- open to the general public. Prices, toe.
1 fee, 11. . . ,. . , ;
Vision - ,
p. 1 j j J 1 il
' v' ,. ' ;.' m . .'
,' , ' , ' ' ' ' " ' ' I ,. ' .
Modern and ur
to-date Frames
lenses that are
ground on tHe
I premises ;
" V A.m 'C. :
; ;Fcldenheimer ' 1
' Cor. Tfcff4 Ue4 WMUnftoa ttrtf
.. Jewelers Silversmiths
i TO A
Slim Show for 'Agreement and
Jury in Case of State Against
. ' ' Allen Dismissed. .
Both Men Make t Charges That
Money Was Asked and Of
fered for vote. s
v 48bm1sI INivetr-b te ,Tbe JoenuO.) .
Astoria. Or March IS. The sensa
tional criminal libel cose of the Bute
against B. P. Allen, an ex -member of
the leglalature. came to an end In the
circuit court .this afternoon. . The de
fendant and the. prosecuting witness.
Hon. John Hihn, were on the sUnd
during the day and a dramatlo Incident
transpired. Hahn bad been occusea oy
Allen Mt offering htm a Urge sum It
hel would - vote for H. ,W. Corbett for
United States ' senator. When Hahn
took the stand today he denied all of
Allen's sccusauons. . lie saia .wnuw
for money for Allen's vote-came from
Allen, who told Hahn that his business
was in bad shape and that a xew mou
se nd dollars would help him. At this
Juncture ' Allen Jumped to his feet- and
shaking his nst at Hshn exclslmed:
John Hahn. you're lying, and you know
It : You can't look me In the eye and
say that" ..
Hahn denied tnat he. naa over orrerea
Allen any money for any purpose and
disclaiming . connection with Corbet t's
campaign, management . Allen, on the
other hand, swore- that'- Hahn offered
him first $3,000. then tt.SOe, and finally
tl.000 tf he would vote for. Corbett,
adding that the last named figure was
not the limit A sharp coloquy occurred
also .between ' Hahn and Allen's attor-
firf. Judge' Wlnton, who accused., each
other or oisnonesty , -
The esse wss submitted without argu
ment at I o'clock thin afternoon. At
11 o'clock Judge McBride called In the
Jurors and asked If they could agree.
He was told that the chance for an
agreement was slim, so the Jury was
dismissed. r-
(Sperlal PUpatck by Leases Wire te Tee iosraal)
London. March II. The greatest light
in the history of the Irish struggle for
horns rule Is being made now to compel
England to take Immediate steps to re
lievo the terrible conditions which have
arisen In the west of Ireland within the
past six months to avert Impending
famine. . ; "-
The Irish question dominates parlia
ment. It is the foremost subject In the
minds of British statesmen. It in being
pressed home wlth dallr Increasing vigor
by the leaders or the lrrnn party, enter
of whom la Mr. John Redmond. .The
government is assailed on. every side; for
its - failure to cope with a situation
which bos grown steadily since the .pas
ease of the land act of 110. - c -
- Mr. Redmond has made a number of
vigorous speeches In the house of oom-
tnons and on other occasions wlthlathe
past, fortnight, called attention to Eng
land's apparent Indifference to the ter
rible conditions In the west of Ireland,
(Sptelal Dweeteh te The eosrsaL)
Cottage drove. Or, March II. Coro
ner , Day ia here and some Interesting
developments in the Broaton ease aeem
assured. ' Nothing can bo learned at this
tlmo and no order to raise the body of
the late Mrs. ranton haa yet been se
cured. , .-
Branton Is still oonflned la the Eugene
Jail' under $6,000 bond n a charge of
attempting to kill John fletcher ort the
rood between this pjaceiand Bronton's
ranch, about 10 days ago. Branton'a ar
rest on this charge led to the recalling
of the manner ,tn which Bronton's wives
had died and l being conceded that sus
picious circumstances surrounded their
demise. - Strong talk , of exhuming the
body, of . his last wife snd making as
examination baa been Indulged in. .. , Vj ,
" (ioersal Special Berrlee. ''-."
Huntington, W. Vs., March II. 4 n a
burning-mine near .here a number, of
miners are known to be entombed. 'Re
port places tba number at from 10 to 23
In the burning underground peonages.
.The latest report from the scene says
that 10 men are known to be, dead, and
it la feared thet escape for all others
has been cut off. ,( i . ,j ,
jv.y.. ,,, , ,
(Jeerstl BpeeiU gervieS.)
Washington. Msrch 1. President
Roosevelt today accepted the Invitation
extended by the delegation of coal min
ers' officials headed by John Mitchell to
address a meeting at Wllkesbarre on
August 10.: ' ,. ' - ' '
m '
rouoa abbsst wo:
Aa the result of a carefully planned
raid the polloe last night arrested seven
women having rooms on North Fourth,
Everett and Davis streets, They are
charged with calling down "stslrwsys
and trying to Induce passersby to visit
their apartments. Ball In the amount
of f to was given by each of the women.
Their flames ere Olnnett Olnorard. Ma
rie Laurent, Florence Dupoes, Margaret
Dumon, Anita Aufrsy, Alice Qroe and
Msry Palm.
The Palm woman lost disroonds valued
at tlSO lost December, '"Bob" Patterson
being now held on the charge of steal
ing; them from her at the old A. B. C
loon. . Patrolmen Burke and Daly
made the arrests on information fur
nished by a member of the force work
ing in plain clothes. , - r
a. O. Scrlbner reported to the police
yesterdsy that a thief had entered Ms
room at the Long hotel. Sixth and
Washington streets, with a skeleton
key, snd stolen several silver-backed
articles, a silk umbrella, a Ashing rod
tnd a aoisll amount of money.
I gnats Wldaweta was arrested last
night by Detective Hsrtman on a war
rant, the Charge of stealing $0 having
been preferred against - him- by, Panel
Sparscow. The accused man Uvea -at
Til MUwauklo rood, ,
Glasses scientifically and exactly fitted
eye comfort come with each pair
and gun ranteed weak eyes made atrong
and the dull eye' brightened by our
skillful methods. ; .. i ... ,:
Oregon Optical Co.
- ITS Tourth St, T. BC. a A.' Bids;. .
British Columbia Police ' Chief
i Finds Fugitives in This --
Tyco. Are. Accused . of. Securing
- : Money by Raising. Pos- "
, tal Orders:"
" After the lapse of one year Chief of
Police Mulharn of Vancouver, a.
aided by City Detective Daniel Wetner,
succeeded last night In capturing two
men who are accused of defrauding the
postal department of the Canadlsn gov
ernment of considerable money. One
man was arrested at Vancouver about
10 days ago on- the same charge, and ia
now In Jail there.) His name is potter.
Joseph Golden and Oeorge Fenton ore
the names of the men apprenenaea nere.
The speciflo oharge against them, it Is
said, is raising a postal order from 20
cents so ISO. -
' For mora than a year the Dominion
police and secret service men have been
on the track Of the persons, responsible
for the t rands perpetrated' on the gov
ernment. When Potter waa placed
under arrest he la sold to have made a
complete confession. Implicating Ooiden
end Fenton an his companions in crime.
These .two men were traeed from Van
couver to Victoria, then to Seattle and
Anally -to . Portland, ppier Mulharn
reached hero last night and Detective
Weiner was detailed jto help hint appre
hend the persons ror.wnom ae wss ioo
Ins. ; ; " . ''
Thou ah 4ho men are la castedy. enter
Mulharn baa no extradition papers, and
his prisoners declare they will not leave
here with btm until rormouy extroaitea.
trip must bo made to Ottawa, the
capital of the Dominion, and from there
to Washington, IX tx. beroro extra anion
papers can bo obtained. It ia believed
rualtlve from Justice warrants may
serve to hold the jtwo-men. .
(aeeclel IHntteh hr Liml Wire te The Josmal)
Ban Francisco, -March II. Emeralds
are worth more than diamonds, accord
ing to Oeorge B. Braxton, of Providence,
R. I., who le at the 8U Francis hotel and
who Is considered one of the beet experts
on precious stones In tho United States,
ranking with Gen. Oeorge W. Mindil, the
government expert on preeious stones at
the Port xr New Tort i air. .Braxton
makes tho assertion that a good emerald
Is worth several times aa much aa a
diamond or the same else, in tne pest
four of five years the prloe of emeralds
has Increased over 110 per. cent.
"There is only one good emerald mine
In the world today," said Mr. Braxton.
"It. is located in Colombia, and has not
been worked to any extent during .the
past fsw years because of political' di
torbances. Borne emeralds are supplied
by India, but there Is practically no min
ing for them anywhere In the world to-
dsy.-j "
Spedal Qfcpetch by Leased Wire te The Jearaal)
. New Haven,"! Conn- March 18. Prof.
Adamson EL VeriiiL the Tale scientist,
hss startled tnedfeel science by declaring
thst "spotted fever" (spinal meningitis)
which is raging throughout Now .Eng
land, Is transmitted by fleas and Insects,
like yellow fever and many other dis
eases of that nature. :-
Cured of Piles.
After Suf ferine; More Than Twen
''' ' . ty-Five Years. .
tbxax FACXAaa luon
"tTntll about two years sgo I had
pile for bout thirty yeoro, at tlmee
bleeding and very painful. - I got a fifty
cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure at the
drug store, snd used it snd was entirely
cured; got another box In case I needed
.it, and as the pliee did not return in
six months I gave the remedy to a
friend of mine, who wanted the doctor
to opersts to cure him. My friend said
he would uee the -pyramids' but he
knew they would do him no good, but
they cured him of piles of twenty-flve
years' standing. I am free from piles
today, and have been since using Pyre
mid Pile Cure. I wss csptaln In the
civil war." 'James Adams, Soldiers'
Home, Cel.
The majority of people lebor under
the impression that an operation Is neo
eeaary In severe cases of plies, or hem
orrhoids, snd are very skeptical regerd
ins the remedial vlrtuee or any medici
nal compound. Testimony like the above
should certainty have a tendency to die
pel this Impression, although it Is odd
thst such a fallacy should prevail, and
still more odd that so many people
should think an operation effects a per
manent cure, whereas the contrary la
more often ths cose.
Just' send your pa ma and address to
Pyramid Drug Co J ISSt Main 8W Mar
shsll, Mich., and receive free by return
mall the trial package In a plain wrap
per. Thousanda have been cured In thle
easy, palnleee and Inexpensive way, In
the privacy of ' the .home. , No knife and
Its torture. No doctor .tnd his bills.
All druggists, to cents. Write today
for a free package. (
"'""t- ' V- ' ' 1
'' I. .,
Carroll B. Graves May Succeed
James F. McElroy as Attorney
. . ; In a Few Days. , ,;.
'jr'.-" : ' ' i --u. ;.
Quarrel With Grosscup Over Po
litical Management Said to.
V " Be Cause of Change.
(SpesUl Dtopetch te The Jonrsal.).
Seattle. March I. CarroU B. Graves
may succeed James F. McElroy of Seat
tle as counsel for the Northern Pacific.
Among well informed railroad men it
Is believed the change will be announoed
in a few days. - C M. Levy, assistant
to the president and B. B. Qrosscup,
general western counsel, (or the North
ern Pacific, made a quiet visit to Seattle
lost night and are said to have informed.
McElroy. ' i . .' . '. .
- HUI Influences is partially responsible
for the change, though Graves' appoint
ment Is a personal choice of Qrosscup. -
Qrosscup and McElroy nave not peon
on close terms during tbe past' two
years. Politicians connected with the
senatorial and railroad fights of 1)01
remember. Orosocup and McElroy fall
ing out at . that time. Oroescup was
compelled to protect the Northern Pa
ct flo Interests above all else, and be
lieved that McElroy waa not working
with him. and there waa a stormy Inter
view between the Seattle attorney and
bla superior.
During tbo last legislature, : McElroy
waa not much about the capital, and
mode only l wo of "ibree lripa.T which
were Inspired by senatorial interests.
The story la vouched for thst "McElroy
had been told that tne rauroeaa aia
not want him lb the capital during the
session. -" ' , .,
O raves came to Seattle recently from
Ellensburg. where he la "known aa one
of the moot prominent practitioners. In
central Washington. He formed a law
partnership under the name of Palmer,
Brown. Graves A Murphy, entering the
firm after Mllo A. Root and A. W,
Prates had accepted bench positions. -
Wife of Tolstoi Setkt ' to Re
: cover Money Furnished New ;
V York Broker in Came.
(Special Dtapatek by tsssed Wire' te The Jesrssl)
' New Tork, March It, Countess Flora
M. Tolstoi, wife of a nephew of the
great Russian novelist "and reformer,
Tolstoi, haa, it whs learned today. In
structed O'Neill at Shajr. lawyers, to sue
a' .Wall street broker; to whom she
loaned tt,0o at Monte Carlo In llOtv
Joseph A, Shay, a member of tho law
Arm. said today that tho broker has aa
offieo at II Wall street, but that pro
cess servers who have oees watching for
him for two months have been unable
to 'And Mat,- .... v -
"Tho countess bad been playing ' at
Monte Carlo with groat success," ho ex
plained. Bhe- had cleared lltm on
roulette one evening; while the broker
whom she 'now seeks to -sue bad been
losing heavily. -,.,''
"Ho was her neighbor at the roulette
table, and aha loaned Mm Sl.eOO In three
Inetailmenta that evening to help him
play. Moot of the money was gathered
in by the croupier,' and tho broker left
nraotlcallr penniless.
"Ths countess never heard from 'her
debtor, and after waiting nearly a year
aha wrote to his New Tork Office to re
mind him. There was no answer." -
Countess Tolstoi is said to bo one of
the handsomest women of the aristo
cratic net that fluctuates between Lon
don, Paris and Nice, " She was married
to qtmnt Tolstoi eignt years ago.; ,
ewaseasBass eBassasSJfeaaaaaaawBBS'BM snssassaaasSSBsaBsaMaBHr' '
Judge Thomas Enjoins Sala of Brand
1 " Claimed to B Infrintemetlt
4'Vv-, t of -Trade Mark. t
New Tork. March It. In the United
States circuit court,, eastern district of
New Tork,- Judge Thomas has given his
decision and Issued an injunction against
the aale of white label Hunter Whisky,
bottled and sold by John Kissel Son,
Brooklyn. N. T. . '
'Tho Judge,- in handing down bis'de
clsion. stated that the use of the -name
Hunter In connection with the ssle of
any other whisky- than that of William
Laaahsn A Bon, known as Hunter Balti
more Rye, was an Infringement on their
trade mark and calculated to deceive the
public at th expense of the owners of
the genuina wmsry,- inereoy causing in
jhirv to the business. r
On these grounds William Lanahan A
Son, proprietors of the celebrated Hunter
Baltimore Bye, to protect tneir own
property and to prevent any further In
fringement on their trade marc, orougnt
suit against the defendants for Illegal
use of their trade mark. , ;' -.
(Special Dtrpetcb by teased Wire te The Journal)
Washington. March It. The sixth
and last day's session of the American
Federation of Labor executive council
was held at headquarters today. ' .
Preambles and resolutions were adopt
ed regarding the subject of constitu
tional provisions for the' territories of
Oklahoma and Indian Territory when
they are admitted to statehood. They
included among othera the following:
The American Federation of Labor
will make every effort to seonre In the
state constitution of Oklahoma and the
Indian Territory, when: the same shall
become 'a state, eight ..hours work lq
underground mines, in all Stste. count v
and municipal work: the Initiative and
referendum; the prohibition of employ
ment of children under It years of age
In mines;' ths contracting Of convict
labor; .the labor of convicts outside -of
prison walla except on publlo -work un
der direct control of the state.
After the consideration of rurther
business the convention adjourned sine
araxoxaT " uoaomrsto, r
Henry McOlolm who escaped from the
rock pile Friday, the guards emptying
their revolvers at him aa he climbed a
fence and ran, wss captured skt night
Fourth sad Ankeny atreeta, I
T -
f m -
25 Per
; ; ;J ;v
Too Wilt Mopor Mtu It 89 Look :
'f -,..lg Ooor Our,
Rubber Goods
Snasisla for Sfwotsyi
''; '. '' ' Beg. Bpoe,
Royal Red Fountain Byr, -.
-qt .....LU axes
Premium Combination Syr, t
and ' Hot, WaUr . BotUa, 4
!-). Lit . X.4S
Boston Hot Water Bottle, "
l-qt .11 .T8
Family Bulb Syringe. ...... ' .7l '
-Buckeye Complexion 'Brash.. .11
taster's Sanitary Towela, ' : ' " '
- small, jdos..,,f,.t ,-,' "
Taster's Sanitary TowelsyV
.. small, doa ..
Flower Seeds
Grand Trunk Pacific Sought Dig
Land Grant But Govern-:
ment Say Nay. ' . .
Necessary" Capital for Prairie
. Section Largely Over-sub-fcrlbed
In London.
'. 'Smi.i Manatee, ta The Jonrsal. 1
Vancouver, B. C- March It. The
government haa flatly refused to old us
snd all negotiations between It and tne
Grand Trunk Pacific railway are abso
lutely at an end." aaid Frank W. Morse.
general manager of the - road . as he
stspped .aboard his private car oouna
for Montreal thla afternoon. . ;; , I
. A. vain endeavor haa been made fir
the last five weeka by the officials of the
road to secure a land grant of It. 000
acres a mile from the British Columbia
government, in return for which the
construction of tho road waa to bo com
menced in -June next from the Pacific
coast eastward, the location of, a west
era terminus to be determined and ak'
nounced to the public! '' .. '. V ''
Mr. Moras says that ths. road will be
built, but that construction will begin
In the east and will not reach tba bor
ders of the weetern province before 1M
The necessary caoltal for tho construc
tion of the prairie section hsa been over
subscribed mo.OOO.m in London. The
company offered in oaae the land was
granted, to sell it to settlers at tne
same ratee aa the government. 1
; room kotse, L KInth ,
ind Ciretwtn streets.
-Telephone Front (St?. .
C'.ciite 2
tsriCS E? fO TUB NEXT; TWO WSBKS (until
IT teg, t. rlt M) wm will dm o lorn all filma bought
f out
ourttoro fRBB
Nowls the Time to Buy Cameras
ht Discount ilSJh
Have You Tried Our , .
SJ l.rA.Masaipa '- '.- ,
i'iflt(i.'ivi'ivuui v
,.'. .''t'- a,- i '
,., ,,..r .
w. so i.-. :
Wo Toko Tour JKouturo mmd Moko
Thorn From flat Qudtttj Matoriat,'.
Cowquomtty 'Gaarantoo Thorn 1
y wpSmmiohot. .. -- i'
? ,
Mf".- '.' . . 1 '" ofltTTI :.
y r ,r WOW -trY---.--
1, .
MIX Fixtures
at Discount
Clarke Co.
Ahernatiye Offered Defendants
. In the Land Fraud
V v.; vases.- ...j. :.
First Course Woufd Give' Oppor
, tunrty for Plea Which None ,
..:v g,w , p S
f. ' .; , a
, Only by entering A plea, of guilty can
Senator'. Mitchell and hie co-defendants
fn the land fraud cases escape trial next
June, If United States plstrlct Attom.y
Heney desires to have the eases tried at
that time. That Mr. Honey will insist
on the trial 6f the cases than admits
of no doubt, for ho baa repeatedly de
clared his anxiety to avoid unnecessary
delay ln submitting the Issues to
Jury,- . -
If .the defendants in the land, fraud
coses should plead guilty to the Indict
ments they could then carry the cases to
the United States court of appeal, al
leging defects in ths Indictments, and if
the contention should be sustained they
would then go free. But such a method
of defense would be generally regarded
ss an admission ' of all the essential
charges, and It la not likely that Senator
Mltohell or either of the Indicted con
gressmen would bo wilting to enter a
plea of guilty in the hops 01 escaping py
It la expected that When Mr. Heney
returna to Portland at the, end of thla
month he will take steps to compel the
defendants to plead to the Indictments
without further toes of time. They may
demur to ths Insufficiency of ' the Jn
dictrasnts, but the demurrera can easily
be disposed of before June and will con
stants, no obstacls to trial at that time,
Judge Bennett of The Dalles, who Is
to represent Senator Mitchell, haa the
reputation of being a keen, shrewd law
yer, quick to take advantage of every
technicality that will aid hla client's
cause, and very effective with a Jury:
He ia a Democrat, and has, therefore.
never been associated with Senator
Mitchell In polities, and this ctrcunt
slsnce is looked on aa an additional
evidence of the letter's good Judgment
In selecting him as his attorney. ,
Francis J.' Heney's remarkable ability
as o- trial 'lawyer waa amply demon
strated in- the Puter-McKinley-Ware
case. He preparea for a trial with ex
traordinary care, and every detail of the
evidence to at bis Anger's end. . With
a atrong sense of the dramatlo, he mar
shals hla evidence In the most effective
manner possible, and drives home eon-:
vlctlon to the minds of the Jurors, with
a foroe that la hsrd to resist. - . .,.
Mr. Heney's reputation aa a prosecut
ing attorney haa benume national. anJ
all the reeouroea of tho government are
at hla back. . t . ..-.
The trials In Jfns bid fair to take
place among the most remarkable ever
held In Oregon. A number of promi
nent attorneys will pe retained by the
defendants. .
A contest between young women for
a silk flag is n arv Medford, and on
lady tone day voted 00 coupons, having
made a purchase of MO worth f goods
at oa of ths stores issuing ballot, .
TetAwel '
At facm Valtt;
1 c
: ;
Dr. Young's Dilator
1 Psrmanent ; curd for Piles
' and Constipation. "Ho medl
' cine. No trouble. Positive
Closing Out Our ftook 0 .t: ". ,
r.n it v-?v. 11 11
At 33 Discount
Warranted Solid Brass Nickel Plata.
FACXAcn mv.
4o: joo Mckage, to
lo package.
package, lto.
Manufacturing Druggists
Fourth mm" r ,., 7r
Washington Stroott
Frpin, A to Z . .
X" We. nave studied every'
detail v'of the . furnishing
!.t businessthat is why we
i continue to grow and ex- -
' pand.- ; : '...y i
'' - , -1 - .. . . 't ' -' ,,
' Sire cess depends not
only in knowing what is 7
' f correct , and ".stylish, but
s also in knowing, how to ,
4, ' Oor ability to scc'iire the :
''i latest and best things at '
'the lowest prices enables
'iii to give you many sav
ing chances.'. :
if" j'
Robinson & Co.
t :.:-v;k
Hotel Perkins Building. ; ,
. Fire broke out In the Entenrtae nlan-
ing-mlll, at Bast Taylor and4 Water
streets yesterday afternoon, and before '
the flames were extinguished damage
In the amount of 11.100 waa dona. For
some time the lerge pulley works east ef
the planing mill were endangered by the
flames, but by hard work the firemen
managed to confine the fire to the second
etory of the 1 planing mill, where it la
supposed to hav originated from de
fective smokestack. .
Tbo mill la operated by Malarkey A
Co., and the building le owned by Joseph '
racquet, untie, aemnge wss done the
machinery. . It la said that both bulla- .
in and content wars Insured.
'. : ;' Jtt ' ' ' ' ;