The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 19, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 17

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A noUbU delegation J from . th na
tional government will arrive this week
to euperintend tbe Installation of tb
eihlbltj bjr th department of commerce
and labor. A. H. Baldwin, chief a vent;
Oeorg A. Schneider. William P. 8uer
hoff. W. EL Korean and William Par
ton, assistants, will .be amour tba num
' ber. ' Each la an expert in eom par
ticular line, ranging from fancy decora
tion to carpenter .work. Thay will re-
main in Portland until tha opening of
tha exposition. ,. , . . . , -
;K; r - t. ;- - :i X
' fs S ' '
j - to i "
- ('- l"t ""
Offieerg of th Women's' Civic Improvement Lcagae. Mrs. Henry E. Jones,
i i . . v
Arbor day this year "cornea on Friday,
- April J 4. but from present, indications
tha work that ia supposed to be dona
only on this day .will begin very aoon
and last throughout- tha apring. for the
v womena Clvlo Improvement league la
, getting to work and when the women
begin united action for clvlo Improve
ment, something ia going to be dona.
, . Tha women's auxiliary of tba chamber
, or commerce clvlo improvement . board
waa organised only a few weeka ago, and
-.Its chief end and aim In Ufa la to ea-
.operate with tha board ltaelf In Ita beau
tlflcatlon work. In thia It haa started
moat auspiciously. Borne too women of
.the city, and tha leading women, too.
.who . know how to arouse enthusiasm
and to work according, have Joined this
auxiliary, and announced their readiness
' to do all In their power for a more beau
tiful Portland.' Their plan waa to dla-
- trtct the city, thua giving various work-
are a small territory for . which they
abould be entirely responalble. , .
- On thia .committee . were appointed
lira. Henry E. Jones, president -of the
auxiliary, Mrs. W. Wynn Johnson, sec
retary, and Mra. W. B. Ayer, Mra. G.C.
Chapman and Mra. Grace Watt - Ross.
They mat yesterday and appointed vice
chairmen for all ' of. the ,10 wards ' of
Portland. -- They also suggested vice
. chairmen to be appointed In Ilka manner
by tha board, so that ona man and one
woman would have charge- of tha entire
r ward. These wards will in turn be di
lded Into, districts by these appointees,
.with a captain at tha head of eaca.
' There will be as many aa 100 districts
'In soma wards for It ia planned to give
- each captain only s few blocka to look
- after, that he may do tha work mora of
f actively. For tha removal of any un-
(Continued from Pag Fifteen.)
Mexico. Ha-has an Interesting .collection
of view. ,
; Mr. and Mra. M. A. Hirachman of Ban
. Francisco arrived'Tueaday to visit their
. friends. Jdr.; and Mra, Adolph B. -Steln-.
bach. They will return thia week..
Miss .Samuels haa returned jfrora s
brief visit In Tacoma with relatives
' Mr. E. M. Wilson of Tha Dalle ia
' spending a' week with Portland frlenda.
Miss Ada OrreJl has gone to Tha
Dalles to reside. ' -t
Miss Hortense Courlaender of Balti
more I s guest at tha Hobart-Curtla.
Mr. and Mra. C B. Runyon -Went to
Albany, Wednesday, for' a brief stay.
' Mra. William Bhackelfprd of The
Dalles visited the city the laat of the
week. -'
Miss Kuby Shearer left Friday mom-
..', To Saragedf ",
Engaged ' people should remember,
that, after marriage, many quarrels can
be avoided by keeping their digestions
In- good condition with. Klecrlc Bitters.
8. A. Brown, of Bennettavllle,- B. 4i,
aaya: "For years my wife "suffered In
tensely from A dyspepsia, complicated
with a torpid 'liver, until aha lost her
strength and Vigor,' snd became a mere
wreck of her former self. Then aha
tried Electrlo Bitter, which helped her
at once, and Snally made her entirely
well, flhe Is now strong and healthy."
' Red Cms Pharmacy. Blxtb and Osk
afreets, on the way to the nnatofflra,
sella and guarantees them, at (Oo s sot-
' V ' .' wi ' f (ft')
. The' department of eoaoeaaion ha
granted space on tha Trait for Roltair'a
bis ahowa, ;Tb Haunted Castle" and
"A Trip to Venus." Roltalr is tha man
who projected 'Creation, ona of the
widely known attractlona on tha Plk at
Bt. Louie... Tha apaea given him la ad
joining tha Japanese show. J. A, Gor
man, who haa offlcee in tha Macleay
building, thia city, la a partner In the
enterprise. .'. . v
Tha Arat concession to be abandoned
at tha Lewis and Clark fair Is that of
Franc la B. . Lane. "The Lewis and Clark
t liThlHlrtii
Wjnn Johnson, Secretary.
alghtly obstruction he will be responel
bla. Irf this wsy all tha different parts
of the city will be under personal in
spection. - .
Tha vice chairmen of tha auxiliary ap
pointed - this morning are aa follows:
First ward. Mrs. N. R. Cox; second. Mrs.
W. JT. Burns; third, Mrs. R. Oulillauma;
fourth. Mra. Robert Lutke; fifth. Mrs,
Helen Xadd-Corbett; sixth, Mrs. Milton
Smith; seventh. Mrs. J. O. Fox; eighth.
Mrs. A T. Webb; ninth, Mrs. George
H. LambersoS; tenth. Mra. Henry W.
Goddard. -Tba board has sot yet had a
meeting' to- approve' the ' racommenda
tiona for their vice chairmen made by
in auxiliary. - .
A number of individual leagues have
already been formed, and are doing
work. N. j. Levlnson Is vice chairman
of a Willamette Heights d 1st net and
R. p. Efflnger of Mellnda Heights. Park
blocka, Portland ' Heights, and King's
Height already have their separata or
gamaationa which will co-operate In the
general work.- -Borne of tha leagues have
agreed to aaseea the property owner
ona cent a front foot, s month. Tha
King street league, which was organised
laat October, . followed thia plan and It
waa eagerly adopted by tha resident.
Ona enthusiaatio absent member, hear
ing or It, replied. "Good plan; draw on
m for a year's assessment."' (Their ob
ject in existing they worded thua and
it haa been practically adopted aa tha
purpose of the board:
To beautify tha street; to keen In
order tha ground between the property
llnetand the curb; to 'free the street
from - rubbish snd-weeas; to keep tha
sod adjoining tha cement walks green
and uniform the-whole length of tha
street; to look after crosswalks prompt-
In g for The Dalles, where she will re
main several weeks.
Mrs. C D. Gabriels of Salem was In
tha city last week. .....
Mrs. Oscar Oliver and Mrs. Elmer
Btanton are guests of Mrs.. William Gil
lett of Woodburn. .
Mr. and . Mra. Benjamin I. Cohen of
thia city apent the week at the Mount
Hood hotel, Hood River..
Mr. and Mra. P. S. Davidson of Hood
River visited here laat week.
Mr. and Mrs Isam Whit art. spend
ing tha day at Seaside. ' ,
L M. Curl, of Knights of Pythias
. . to sTour . Eastern
; 'C 1 '..Oregon-... :.'.'.;,;;. :'
. " (Special. blspateh te The JearasL)' ,"
Albany, Or., March 1 1. O rand Chan
cellor L, M. Curl of the Knight of
Pythlaa of thl city haa atarted to east
ern Oregon where ha expects -o spend
tha coming month In visiting lodgea of
the order and In attending two district
conventions of the order.- It Is tba long
est single trip ha has to take during bla
term or, . and ha expects to form
a far wider acquaintance with the mem-
berahlp than ha haa been able to do. In
the many, year h haa been connected
with tha Knlghta of Pythlaa. U will
tart official work la Eastern .Oregon I
TralL" 'Owing - to- tba Impracticability
f obtaining' picture of -the wild coun
try through which Lewis and Clark
passed Mr. Lane gave up hl Scheme. ' V
8. H. Fteldlandex. ha made applies
tlon for a. cnclos. on .tba. Trail .for
Maxim's airships. Paaaengera alt in
oera and are whirled, -on. the. principle
of a merry-go-round, out without under
support, threngh- tha alr- until -thay are
at an angle ef 4S degree.. . ..
'. Not at all diacouraged by tha fact
that tha Iowa- legislature refused to
C 5.,..
President (on the Right) ; Mrs. W.
ly; to keep all walks clean and to aim
for s uniform system of gutters snd
Improve the present condition." '
..Their plan wa primarily to mak
uniformity between the .. property line
and the curb so that appearance would
not seem to indicate that a man's prop
arty and Interest alike ended with . tha
Inside line of the sidewalk. . .
Tha clvlo Improvement - board and
auxiliary, dealing as they do with larger
and mora varying territory, cover a
broader 1 field of work. Tbey hop to
clean out. ail vacant lota and prohibit
their use as refune receivers, and to re
move objectionable aback. Tha attack
haa again, been atarted for tba removal
of tha wretched buildings on the Kamm
property on First and Washington
streets. Another place on which i
active . crusade haa centered la tha
burned building on Alder and Eleventh,
and thia the women hop to gat removed
very aoon. ..... c
Mrs, Ross spoke of th. mistake that
many make In thinking that when clean-
Ing up time cornea the first thing to do
Is to mow down blackberry vlnea snd
sweet brier , vine indiscriminately. .
The gulches, of which there are so
many in Portland, - were spoken of as
plaoea which especial attention must be
"They are so -beautiful In " their
natural state." they all agreed, : "that
wa can't. understand how anyone can be
ao denraved aa to want to fill them un.
Specially when tha filler ia old tin cans
and paper and other mbblsh. - .
-. Postal cards have been printed by the
board on which anyone may call the at
tentlon of the board or auxiliary to any
unsightly spot In town where their ef
forts might well be direct M. . .
! ' J. " 1
by 'officiating at the Institution or a
new lodge at Cove on March I. where he
will be ass luted by Hon. J. O. Graham
of Salem and Grand Vic Chancellor M.
F.' Davla of Union..
""At the district convention of District
No. t. at Condon, ha wilt be assisted by
Past Grand Chancellor W. ' L. Bradshaw
of The Dalles and Deputy District Grand
Chancellor E. W. Daggett . of Blalock.
Thl meeting will be held on April 1.
On April. .. h will attend another1 die-
trlot convention In. District No. 10, at
Pendleton, wher ha will be assisted by
Grand Master of the Exchequer J. W.
Moloney of Pendleton, and District Dep
uty Grand Chancellor Will C.' Peterson
of Athena. It 'was originally Intended
the Grand Keeper of Reeorda and Seala
I R. Btlnaon of Salem should make the
trip with hfm. but he Is dangerously 1)1
and unable to leave. Mr. Curl will alao.
during his trip, visit his father, C. W.
Curl at Orasa Valley and his brother Dr.
a. m. curi at weiser Jdano.
The several official visits will be made
on tha datea as given below
Cove, Saturday, March It, Institution
of a new lodge; La Grande, Monday,
March . tO; Baker City,. Tueaday, March
II;-Union. Thursday, March 11; Hun'
tlngton, Frldsy. March, 14; Durkee. Sat
urday. March II; Milton, Tueaday, March
Itr- Weston, Wedneaday, March 21;
Athena, Thursday,-; March 10; Adams.
Friday. March. 31; Helix. Saturday.
April 1; Condon, Monday. April I. dis
trict convention. District No. ; Hepnner.
Tuesday. April 4; lone. Wednesday. April
a; trenaieton. Thursday. Aprit , dis
trict convention, District . No. VIS;'. The
Dalles. Monday. April 10; Hood River,
Tuesday, April 11.
make an appropriation for. -tha . Lewis
and -Clark fair last year. -Governor .Al
pert B. Cummins of Iowa la organising
a volunteer movement for ' state' ex
hibit, and according , to a letter to Sec
retary! "Reed, will hav tha' support' of
tha leading business man or tha state.
. . A . letter from Frank.. J4. Fuller.' sea
rotary of state of Pennsylvania, states
that, within a faw days, tba veto of the
(AO. 000 appropriation will be fixed up
by reason of an amended bill, suitable
to tha governor. . , .
: (Continued from Page Sixteen""
ism,' bot llttl lnsistance waa placed
upon tha idea, n "A DoQ's House"
you find the two Ideas combined.
Hera, first, the marriage II IS attacked.
Stevenson In , on- of his delightful es
says haa remarked that some people' re
gard marriage as a form Of friendship
tolerated by tha polloa." It la this typs
of marriage that Ibsen rail against, the
complacent, so-called Tiappy marriage;.
With. .Nora. Ibsen becomes alao , tha
champion of woman snd ber right.! He
make her the exponent 'of his theory
of Individualise end he demands for ber
the - due belonging to man. -Nora is
thua Froken- HasseU. plus Fru Bernlck
and then developed; ?
A storm, of abous and' censure waa
heaped upon Ibsen after tha first pro
duction, of thia play. - Nora's conduct In
leaving, her husband, and child was
called Immoral, even criminal. Tet ac
cording to Ibsen's teaching it would
have been far more Immortal and crim
inal for her to have- remained,, living
the lie. She had to. go oat into the
world and learn ber womanhood. What
right had a doll with a child and its
bringing up? Should she have contin
ued her life, irrespective of tha right
of her own soul. In an atmosphere of.l
falsehood T And if aha had; what then?
' "Ghosts" Is the answer to the ques
tion. Thl I the length to which? the
marriage II can go. Blind .duty which
doe not recognise higher duty may lead
to thw criminal blight of an Oswald.
In Mr. Alving there I seen the strag
gle of Individualism against tb con
vention called doty. Mr. Alving con
duct, whan she went back to live -with
her husband and endured for 'tha aake
of ber child the degradation, and humil
iation of a disgusting Ufa' with him.
met with Pastor MandersVspprovsL And
Pastor Maadera represents tha world'
opinion of narrow duty, wblchf so far
from being real duty; la mere fear snd
vanity. Mrs. Alving tortured herself.
and for what purpose? Sh dwarfed
her Innermost soul, and why? Tb In
sane, degenerate child la tha reward ah
"Ghosts" Is Ibsen's strongest arraign.
ment of hypocrisy. - In s way It la al
most a critical study of It In many
phase. - There I scarcely a character
in the play, except Oswald, who is not
"worm bitten" by it You see it In
Engstrand, In Retina and in Manders.
The whole house of Alving and Ita life
for year had been nothing but s Ha,
cramping and restraining the better life.
From thl time forward in Ibaen'a
writing . hypocrisy sinks to tha back
ground and freedom of soul comes mora
and mora to tha foreground. In "Ros-
mertiolm. for Instance, you find in
Rebecca West the exercise of will. Right
and wrong are ber weighed In term
of duty to self. ' It is Individualism car
ried forward -from :NorS throughMrsv
Alving. -The problem ha become In
finitely subtler and Is now treated from
a new angle. Tat whether- it Is "The
Maatar Builder" or "Hedda Gabler," It
la individualism first which Is Interest
ing to the author. But s new element
haa entered in. Granting absolute free
dom, the true freedom,, how will thl
spirit of Individualism meet the social
conditions existing? It is the struggle
between the Individual and society that
now grows more and more prominent.
It ia the earlier theory carried on step
further. ''- " ' : l.
liook at him fairly, and Ibsen-la re
ally a preacher , of truth. Throughout
hla playa there Is an easily discernible
development, baaed primarily .upon a
hatred of sham and pretense and work-
ins out inw ine oroaaer questions or
freedom of the. soul and Individuality.
Always he awn at the big. great thing.
rarely If ever at the petty. A s result
4e more often profoundly impresses than
movea. ror nia appeal is entirely to the)
Intellect and not t:.the emotion. He
I great In tha true way of greatness.
which means that hla fame will Increase
with the year rather than diminish,
With thl short preface we take tro
"When We Dead Awake.? which haa
been produced thia week In a series
of special matinees, by a company In
cluding Miss . Dorothy Donnely. Miss
Florence Kahn and Mr. Frederick Lewis.
Thia Is not the greatest of Ibsen's
plays It Is far Inferior to s play Ilka
"Ghosts." or even "John Gabriel Bork-
Attractions !
s .;: Dead Awake': ;
SUNDAY Continuous from 2 to 1 1 p. m.
TED E. BOX 1 '
Leado Beeentrle Cemedlaa. Tbe Haa Wa
Make Tea Uaxa.
flned Novelty Comedy Sketch.
t noatbers Post Optisual. , r
... ... i.. Novelty Ilearrwrltht Balaseer.
- WUfTirtl Bisiilin t. lVows Soer, 10.
atlas (eaoept sujaday sad holidays) .lOo.
As an acting play It Is far lass
Interesting t,haa many . other of his
dramas. It la full of - symbolism sad
mysticism sod tha Interpretation thereof
must be as diversified aa the person
alities of the parson Judging. '
"When We Dead Awake" I called an
epilogue. . In -many ways, it' mlght be
called an epilogue to all of Ibsen' a play
snd teaching, s summing up, aa it were.
It was first produced In 100. Its au
thor has created nothing since, snd Judg
ing by present conditions' It is likely
to remain his, last 'offering. . '' ' .
. At first glance it would seem as If
thia. play wars nothing but . the glorifi
cation of tha aenaual and tha brutal.
Yet behind it all' there' la the same sub
tlety and meaning aeen In hla preceding
work. Evidently freedom ' is- tha key
note, the abaolute free expression Of
life. ..It 1 the resurrection of the soul
in the living being. . This la tha only
thing worth while. What s man does,
whatever work he aecompllabea tn -the
world must have behind It the. real self
transcending . 'and : surpassing , every
thing. It ia the glorification of the
man behind the artist, behind tb crafts
man, behind the workman. It Is a pica
for Ufa in all ' Ita pulaing, warm . vi
tality, tha full express ton of tb Inner
most aouL .':.'' ', :
Irene, who rave up her youth ta the
false shrina of art, haa become dead.
Aa aha says to 'the sculptor Ruback. -''I
gave you -my young living soul, i And
that, gift loft "me empty-eoutlesa." And
Rubeck, because he waa tb artist and
not the man, haa Jso become dead. ' Like
the Master- Builder, he can no longer
climb the heights. They are both dead
souls in living .bodies,, creature .who
have dwarfed their better selves, and
coma too lata -to know what they have
leal "We . see-. tha irretrievable only
when" says Iran, and atop. ."Only
when?"- Question Rubeck. - ' '-
"When we dead awake."..' -..." ' : ""'
..'"What -do we . really see then?" -C,
W. see that -w have sever lived.".-.
In contrast to these two are Mala,
Aubeek's wife, -sad Ulttelm. the bear-,
hunter. They, too, ara seeking freedom;
but they are creatures oX clay, all flesh.
They dar not stay, on the. mountain
heights even when they have climbed
tbera, They 'must go. down Into the
vajley to avoid the aterms. . Yet all
the whirs Mala, sings:. I am free! - I
am free!'.' . Bh thinks It la her own
freedom ah la singing, but tn reality It
ia th freedom of her husband and Irene,
who have been swept to their death by
the avalanche. T . . . ;- -r--. i ..
Between, these two sets of characters
stands th Sister of Charity, always
nea - Irene, ' always . following her. al
ways watching her. Not. a -word doe
she. attar until aha sees Irene and Rubeck
flying past to their, destruction, "Pax
vobisoum!" she cries to them. Here
you have th symbol of abnegation and
repression. '; ":'.'-- 4 '
This la. Ibsen's . final word upon Indi
vidualism, .and. -freedom. . It ,1s an epi
tome of all hi work. That It la ab
struse and hard to. follow-must be ad
mitted.. It lacks the sureties and In
tensity of bis other plays, and may have
seen In it -falling powers. . it is almost
metaphysical.. Yet in a way It la a fit
ting epilogue, mirroring on on siae au
hia mystical and eymbollo teachings.
his psychology of tha eouU and on the
other suggesting his doctrines of social
- Last Monday night - ther - was ; pro
duced at the New Amsterdam theatre
"Th Prince Consort," a three-act com
edy. With Tilas Ellis Jeffreys s star.
MIsa Jeffreys is an English actress
from thd Haymarket theatre, London,
and thl 1 ' her first appearance in
America. It may be aald at ono that
Mlsa Jeffreys has a charming personal'
lty, and. aarfar-aa tha play permitted
one to Judge, is an actresa of mora than
ordinary ability and charm, -Ther is a
auletneaa snd delicacy to ber work that
Is appealing, and ah know the value
of -restraint. 8he haa mad a most fa
vorable lm oresslon.
' Aa for tb play Itself. It bears the fol
lowing authorship: "By WHllam Boo-
sey and Cosmo Gordon Lennox, from
tha French of Xanror and. Chanoei.
Enough people have thus worked upon
it to have created a masterpiece If
masterpiece were created that way. As
a matter of fact. It is a pleasant little
light comedy, .not very original or wild
ly exciting. it tells tba. story or tn
realm of corconia, a son or oenaa
land. Corconia ia ruled over by the
aueen Sorria (Mlas Jeffreys). Prince
Cyril of Ingra comes a -wooing, with hla
father, th ax-kin of Ingra.' By the
end of th first act-their marriage is
At the opening of act I they have
bean married, and they are very much
In love. Everything 1 beautiful until
th prince consort discovers that he la
prlnc consort and nothing more a aort
of a regal play-toy. Not only la his ad
vice not asked on matters of state, but
it la snubbed. The result pr this is that
ha finds hia manhood shamed, and after
a ouarrel with the queen, leaves her.
The third act is tbe struggle In th
queen between her pride and ' love, and
a little struggle of tha same nature In
th case of the princ ber husband,
finally terminating In a struggle be
tween tbe two, the prlnc firm on leav
ing for all time, and th queen begging
hlmta, stay-and -shar-with her her
throne. The denouement ia evident.
Intermixed with thia ther Is a mild
form of satire upon' regat pomp and
customs of the court, all of which la
fairly amusing. Th play la beautiful
ly acted by a company Including Henry
K. Dlxey, William H. Thompson snd
Miss Kate Phillip.
" ArrxsKoos sirs rrornra.
The great foor art sensational eoaedy
melodrama, . .
lie 5o!mj ot hW
Tint time Is Fortlaad.
A OSJCAT know.
' ' . A 0.BXAT IAT.
Tnrnilns lnjtleo.-ricltln Climaxes,
Sensational KVvnem Kneelal Seesery,
Blegast Ktiwtrtcal Kffertt.
' Nanking like It ever see ' for tbe
BMnry. Follow th rrnwos. Curtsia
goes Bp promptly st 1M. .
Week of OA
March U
Celtle Ceawdlans.
Blfb Class ToeaUst. ,
Mr. Alf Bonner's New Sonjj
"fTbea th Rarreat Moos Is on the Bivsr.f
Rinta it St. reterubnrs
(a) Tnnsy
Tarvy Waltai ! Rewltrbe Lever: (d)
I'ae Caacht . Wltk Ike- Ueods.
Balooay, lOe,
' ' 7
1 W. T. PANOLA, Raaidsnt
,0 N E ; NIGH T O ;N L Y
'. '.
Adapted from BOOTH TAKKINOTON'S Cbannlnf and
Widely Read NoveX SCENIC snd COSTUME PRO
PRICES Pnts, LS0; Psromott Cind, $1.00;
BalcOBT. 75c and SOe: Oalknw. 94e-and SV-
Boxes' sad Loess, HM.
. t ,t
fll f 1 1 M R
I il " A' H. FtrnttmrH
. ' i m-immmvmm
TctriniNTii a?vD AYASinr.'GTcr)! STcarrs
- Last two fmrforcaMBCU i-of
Startinc Monday ' Night, March IQtb, the OAnnbia Ctockr
. - - Company to Posrerful Draosctizatkn of -
Marie CoreDTa . Famoaa Lots Story " ;c
Matinees Satmrday aad 8nnday
' Downtown Bos Office open.' all
.Morrison street Phono Main 11.
Next AttmcticmPARSIFAL,
AH This Wssk Corsmsttdac
Today-Sunday Matinee -Today
The Big New York Success '
' Scenic Melo
drama in 4 Acts
A True Story of theTen
nessee Mountains
A powerful snd thrilling story of a
strange- people.
Startling effect. Heroic sttoatkjna.
Enlivened by sparkling comedy. -
New singing snd dancing specialties.
KVENTNO ...........lie. He. ISc, B0
MATINEE 100, lie, 25o
. nnxD in taxxixx m.
taiawrt TaaseviUa jTeaa ia
---rtm ill i ' nil
: wxxx tsomojioixft mosoat,
; MARCH 20,1905
' ffcaawly StftfH Team.
WarM'a Oreafs Qrtel Castiag Set."
Cnoedy gkateh- Tm." " ""
- ' Blstars Soabrette.
toral OomKlT Sketrh. "OMntry School
Daya," lntrodurlng " 'reasam
' Blwsisg Warslets. ,
llhmtratsS Snatsa.
Moving Flerarsa. '
sUTnrtZ. lte. STI., !,", MeT
Masr ' ; Pboos'tisla Kt .
tss KatMwocd Eastern Star
I Vsw nW Mm.
Wf rin 11 ssT f Tl H n ISlj
. ermad rtooM spectacle 1
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Us sad Us.
day. Dotty Tardea Candy Shop, ITT
.Evening attlMatr. Phono Main UX.
Geo. L
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The Masasal Osataa. .,'
Late of the SHlaa Ousainafy. Itas.
Fsrat Assaarasia et tka -
Ia a Kevehy Osaterttoa Blag Aet,
ta a- Verasflle Oaawdy
".'-. -CORDERO,
WHS Their Fusions Kevelty Daseiag
' HAN50N ft DREW
Tha 0mir Bntertalam la a
We Sacitt Skates.
sjiajn saS P
V4 Pretty
Ta raaaur aas inaswatstr j
Edison's Projsctosceps
Always oaartat SW la Msvtag r
nv scsiwrLS or rr
Srnle. I nr. thr iM fe. I
aires suadar as s V .
ay skewa, i M p. .., 1 ' . I
a. m. Ceatisaoa Ul
A. '.
. Pkoa IsSaa! llT M
"iwfn .'. ZHW II