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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
Ti:2 czcc:i cu::day : jzvzilxl, fcstland, Sunday' nosini.'O, uat.c:i w. .1 .1 ') r !feU.- r - , . ,- .SSS HE I Intn Jectur series have been th chief point of Interest In th past week. Last Mk th lecture by Mr. Richardson t -at 'Ui library on archaeological re ' searches In Greece were very well at tended and mocb enjoyed. Mr. Richard son was found .to be an exceedingly pleasing- talker,' well versed In bis sub ject and fully master, of the art of pre senting It The rrencb lecture, also In tbe library given by Funck-Brentano, was found very Interesting, even for those' who are not versed In' the rrencb language. His subject. 'Tbe Man With the Iron Mask." was well treated, and his stereopUcan views of old Parts and documents establishing 'the Identity of the man with the Iron mask were inter esting. , The lecturer, who eame under the. auspices of Madam Frost, who is the Portland representative of the na tional society for ;. the' study of the French language, Is professor -of Inter national law at the University of France, and is prominently Identified with the library of the Baatlle. The Shakespeare lectures f this week will keep up the Intellectual stimulus easily. They will be largely patron ised by society, and will be given at the homes of prominent society women. ' - Much Interest is abroad la the studio ! recitals to be riven by Anns. Selkirk S .Norton, contralto, on Tuesday and Wed-J ; needs y evenings t her home, JJSjVis . street She is undertaking a huge pro , 'gram, but those who have heard Mr. : Norton Slug are expecting a rare treat . from a singer who grow better the . more she sings. Mrs. Norton, besides . having a remarkable voice baa a most . charming personality which rapidly wins her friend. It is not generally known 1 ithat a leading ope ratio singer of Paris i - who recently, heard Mr. Norton- sing offered her various inducements to go "- to Paris , to have her vole further trained, saying that the masters would 1 mike of her one of tbe worWa. greatest . singers. ' I a brUilaat affair largely attended last week was the silver anniversary recep t' Uow given by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stln- Ln sniU of Lent there have been (ash- .lonabt crowds at the theatre this weekJ to hear exceptionally good bllla. jsvery on went to see. the real English earl, and not. to recognise the popular Joke In society now is to argue that you did not attend. - The earl's mannerisms and, 'Unintentional - witticisms' are- bandied aoroea the dinner table and -the card table' till w wonder bow we ever got along without them. - 8t Patrick affairs have been numfr- . oua, but mostly among church societies. However, some clever luncheon and dinners .have been given with, green decorations and odd Irish favors. April I and Hay 1 are already being men tioned as .day for apodal entertaln- .ments among the club, and some clever rill be. worked out ; One of the brilliant function of the ' late season was the reception given by Mr." and-' Mrs. Adolph B. Btelnbach, Thursday-evening, at their handsome home oh Eleventh and Market streets. : : Silver-crested invitations had previous ly announced that Thursday. the all verwedding anniversary oc the host aad I Between ' "a II 'clock omo f v guests called. The rooms were a bower i of fragrant floral offerings. la the hall . the stairway was" screened with Oregon Idea EVENTS OF TH WEEK. , ' 'grape, colored - inoandeaoent peeping . ' through the green interlacing, pecap 1 rlo's musicians, placed in the aloove. ' - slave durlns- the evening.' - In the reception-room palm and beautiful bouauet of choice rosea, car r nations and other flowers, all In pink and white, lent a charming background to tbe receiving party. Tallow was the i color plan In the drawing-room, with daffodils. Jonquils' and rosea most - in evidence. Em 11 ax portiere studded with i tiny -light gave a pretty effect The ( dining-room, In red, formed a pleasing ' contrast to the bridal tone carried out ' in the decorations. The huge center- ". niece on the table was of Bride roses. .i White tuUe and trailing smllax were 1 woven gracefully Into the decoration a Mr. and Mrs. Btelnbach greeted their -guest in the reception-room, and tney ' were aaalsted in receiving by Mr. and 5 Mrs. M. A, Hlrschman of Ban Francisco '- and Miss Stelnbsch. Mrs. Btelnbach .i' was handsomely gowned In pompadour velvet of white and Dines, wiin a mum gestlon of pink In It.. Her jewels were J diamonds and pearls. Mrs. Hlrschman wore green pompadour sua, ana miss ' V , ' A unique birthday party was given laat i Friday evening In honor or jaca nooeo , at the residence of hi parents. Captain and Mrs. Andrew Hoben. A th event ' came on St. Patrick's day green was in' ' f abundance. Each guest as be arrived was presented with a St Patrick's em blem. The time passed quickly with ! music and games. Those who took part. In ' ..; the musical program were the Misses i Elisabeth Hoben, Edna Protsman, Irene t Flynn. Mammle CNelH; James Flynn, Dr. Emll A usplund. Andrew Hoben, Jr, r-- and Jack" Peak Hoben. , After tbe mu- i sloal program the guests adjourned to the dining room, where a jolly crowd of . t young people enjoyed themselves with - good things. - The punch and ice cream ' were green for the occasion. Punch was V served by Miss Elisabeth Hoben sand , cream by Mrs. Hoben and Josephine An- f dreta Hoben. -. After refreshments the donkey game : ' was played and caused great excitement. First prises were won by Jack O'Neill ' and Mis Irene Flynn. The booby eotv - eolation prise went to Mr: Cronan and , Miss Esther Krouse. One of the special feature of the evening wss'the birthday - cake mad by Mr. Kd wards, which wss ' greatly enjoyed. Those present were: ' ' Miss Mlgnon Edwards, Miss Irene Flynn. t Miss Mammle O'Neill. Miss Mae Helen Flynn, Miss Edna Protsman, Miss Mar ' garet Protsman. Miss Mamie Cronan. ; Mia Leslie Fisk. -. Mis Minnie - Wise, Miss Josephine Clamo, Miss Elisabeth ; Hoben. Miss Josephine An dreta Hoben. Miss Josephine Hoben Burns. Mrs. Ho ben. Bert Orlffeth. Albert Ketchum. Will : Cronan. Captain Furneaux. Fred Volght Jack O'Neill. James Flynn, Dr. Emll ! Ausplund. Preston Smith, Captain Ho- A. KEATING -Modes V! " .. , , - Late of MtrshaU Fields,. Chicago, has opened dressmaking' parlor where the would be pleased to meet th ladles of Portland. : .. ' Room 16, Rcsadl Blpck . . ,.Cbr. Morrison and Fourth. OGTETY IN ben, Andrew Hoben, Jr., Mr.' Clamo and Jack Peak Hoben. ' Tbe guests departed with.' many con gratulation and singing . a parody to th tun of "Auld Lang Byae," composed by C'Ptaln Furneaux - of the British ship Dumfriesshire. ' . ,- " . A most successful and enjoyable af fair was th social and entertainment aiVea at tbe White Temple. Friday, by the young women of the V. I. A and by "Martin's Men," two large classee of young people. Tbe large Sunday school hall was lavishly decorated with long festoons of green paper. . while green shades, alao ferns and plants, aU carry ing out the color-scheme in honor of the dey, added to the attractiveness. Over 40 young people, members of the class organisations,' and their guests, enjoyed so hour of sociability, after which tbe folio wing program was rendered: Prayer, Dr. Brougher piano solo. Mia Queenie King; reading, Mlaa Rual Shear er; vocal solo,. Miss Bessie Blelck; flute solo. Miss Ines BUsbnell; vocal solo, Miss Arohambeau; reading. Miss Leota glegoer; vocal solo, Mr. H. E. Martin. ' Some happy remarks by Dr. Brougher, who presided, brought the program to a do..; A feature of the evening was the long line of couples marching around the room to bright music just before re pairing to -the, parlor, where . lemonade and wafr-'Wr eerveo. -,r - Th Tuesdsy Afternoon club was en tertained last week - by the , president, lira Warren,, White, at ner home. Hi Hail street After a delicious luncheon the club 'waa called to order and the program ' presented. The general sub ject waa 'Professional Men and women In the Trades of Commerce." In 'the former Mrs. George Durham, Mrs. J. D. Haves. Mrs. W. P. Kneeland. Mrs. Flor nee E. StaUlnga and Mrs. B. F. Mahley read papers on varioua departments of professional men. Mrs. u sorgo nova ton. Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. A. J. B tiles, Mrs. M. F. Miles. Mrs. G. M. Ollnes and Mrs. Merwln Push read papers on men In various tradea, and Mrs. James Tlfft gave a paper on the wlvea of each class. A general discussion followed. Quota tions of the day were from "The Frank lin Tales. Tbe next meetltng will be with Mrs. Robert Smith. I9S Grand ave nue north, Tuesday. March .: V 4r w . " ' Tuesday, March 14.' waa the . tenth anniversary of MartietU Rebekah lodge. No. 11. auxiliary to peninsular looge, . 1!. -L, O. O. F. In honor of the event thev entertained the Omega lodge. The hall waa prettily decorated in pink and green. the lodge colors. Initiations. In cluded Dr. and Mrs. Webster. .Miss Zula Faulk and Orvllle Merrill. An elaborate banquet was served after the program. To the eight remaining charter members china platea were given. They are Mr. ami Mrs. Hemstock. Mr. and Mrs. Walk sr. Mr. snd an. J. Henry Smith, Mrs. Bertha Smith and Mrs. - Olmstead. To Mrs. Vaughn, nee Walker, waa present ed a handsome cut-glass water caraie. The Porta la club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. js. is. Miner, rt S Eaat Taylor street Thursday night The first part of th evening waa spent In progressive cinch. Arter a anon ouai nmmm Maatoo refreshment were served, and th evening ended la muslo and alnglng. First prises were awarded to Mia Tlllle Klumpp and U. numen. ana the second to Mrs. N. Paulsen and R. A Woodbum, Thoee -present were: Mr. ud Mrs. EL' K. Miller. Mr. sad Mrs. H. PuIh. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Woodburn, Mrs. Powell. Miss VoegeL Miss Carrie rum. Miss- i. aarretaon. ss imn Klumpp, -William LaonaroV L. P Thorn ton and J. M, Sheet. . ... ,-. : . ' - Mrs, r p. Planch celebrated; ber birth dav last Tuesday avening by. entertain' Lea- m. number of her friends at bar home. tlO Madison street Whist was the same of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Zeller won th first prises, Mrs. Ruonlca and Mr. Cormack th second, and Mrs. De Lury and Mr. Ruo nlch th consolation. The score cards were hatnrock leave tied with green ribbon, - Tbe rooms were pretty with fern and daffodils.- Refreshments were served at the card tables. The hostess received a number of pretty gin. . W W On Wednesday evening Mrs. Frank J. Hard entertained by giving a recep tion for. her daughter. Miss jrrano ux cUe Hard. Mrs. Hard was aaalsted in receiving by Mia May me Henton, Tbe three parlor were lavishly decorated with flowers and a profusion of ferns, the color scheme being white, yellow and yink. Palma and ferns were used entirely in the balL An orchestra hid den from view greatly added to the Dleasure of the' guests. The toasts I s ponded to after th refreshments were full of brightness and wit - . - ' The Wishbone-Whist club was enter tained Thursday evening by. Mis Flor ence Hlldreth at her noma, lei Irving street At cards Stephen Lawrence won first prise, and Gua Cramer econd; these were pretty little etchings. The score-cards were ovals presenting -Gibson head. Th resignations of Gus Cramer as president snd Miss Ruby Shearer as secretary, because of their absence) from town, were accepted. Tbe club will meet next time with' Mlaa Grace Smith, at 41 East Thirty-first atreet Dr. and Mr. C, T. Smith entertained the Joker Card club, Tuesday evening, at their home, (14 Fourth street Five hun dred was the game played, and prtsea were won by Mrs. F. 8. McMillan, of Hoaulam. Wash- and T. J. Cleeton. The decoration war suggestive of Bt Pat rick's season, with vines and paper, fes toon of green and occasional shamrock leaves. Mrs. L. B. Smith asalated the hostess In serving. Th club will meet next with Mr. and Mr. T. J. Cleeton, I71H Fourteenth street Tbe social economics department of the Woman's club was entertained last wsek by Mr. Prager on ber birthday in her apartments at th Hesperian. The condition of. lunching room In store and factories down town was spoken of and a committee appointed to Investi gate. After the program a dainty luncheon was served by th hostess. The dining-room decorations were in green and yellow. 'Dr.-Mary Thompson, president of ' the department made a complimentary speech for Mrs. Prager In behalf of the guest, present - . Multnomah camp decree team, No. 77, Woodmen of the World, gave one of It successful parties la the eaat side W. a W. hail. Kast Sixth and Aider streets, last Saturday evening. It waa well at tended. The next party, will be a fancy drill ball, given March 21." This will be the same drill that this team will put on In Lo -Angeles at tbe head camp ses sion of the W. O. W. In April, . ; w . Mrs. H. A Frcdrlch of 141 Mill street entertained .informally .Thursday after noon In honor of Mr, houls Frederick Klein,' of Racine, Wis, who hss been vis iting Mr,C. V. Cooper, m Eaat Madi son street After a pleasant afternoon of progressive whist, refreshment were served. Mrs.. Klein win leave Monday evening for Ban Francisco, . . . ,;, , . . . -.' - . .. . , The ' Dajsr Whist club was enter tained lest Monday, evening by. Mr. snd Hti.-a:yr. Hicallofc'a thelf home, 4 DAYS ' QF SACKGLO.TH Dr. and Mr. J. H. Davit, Who Wera - larrid Last Waek.l East Fourteenth street north. At cards the first prise wss awarded Cyril Lea man, the second W. L.-N. Oilman, and Mrs. Oilman consolation. - The club will meet next Urn with Mr. and Mrs. Gil man... ' . - - n . . . .I' .- - -. The musical department of the Wom an' club was . entertained by Mrs. Matthew P. Oevurta. Thursday, after noon, at her home. 701 Everett. street A good program of music wss given,. In cluding an. excellent violin solo by the hostess - sister. Miss Ztporah Harris. Ferns were arranged gracefully about the room a the only decoration. Re freshen eats were served at the close of th program. Miss Harris assisting. it w ' . The Tuesday Evening club was enter tained last week by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCusker at their home . on- College treat Five hundred was played at four tables. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Ambrose Haseltine and WlnaloW -Bradford, and second prises to Mrs. Herbert Bradley and P. E. Brigbam, ' ' i w Mrs. Gus Simon received Informally Monday afternoon in her ajwrtmenta at the Hotel' Portland In honor of ber sis ter, Mrs, Julius Lou la son, A number of tbelr friends called afd were served with tea. Mrs. Loulsson, who has Just returned from ber . honeymoon, Is at bom at Elton Court . . . Mr. Big Frank entertained with very elaborate dinner Thursday evening In honor of Miss Florence Koahland and Ludwlg Hlrsch. Covers were laid for IX. Tbe decoration of white and green were beautiful and th table . appoint ment were elegant ...... . - - ... The - First ' Congregational Christian Endeavor met , Monday night In tbelr regular monthly business and social meeting. There waa a large attend ance, and refreshment were served dur ing the social hour. . . . j J.. . - - -a. -,,-"" Mrs.' 8. Callus Mayer entertained the Whist club ' at . her home, North Eighteenth atreet Friday . afternoon. Mrs. Albert Feldenhelmey and Mrs, Sol Roaeafeld won the prise, --, - r w "The Jolly Sixteen met with Mr. Nan kin on First street last week. At whist Mis EHers won first prise, and Mm Sweeney th consolation., Mrs. Thorn ton will entertain the club next w w Th New Century club gave another of it dance at Parsons' hall, Wednes dsy evening. About 1 were present Punch waa served in the anteroom. WEDDINGS. A quiet but pretty wedding waa that of Mlaa" Pearl ArvlUaJPetara and Dr. J. H, Davis, ' Wed needs y evening, at the home of th bride's parents, (it Madi son street Rev. William E. Randall of ficiated. The three spacious room were thrown Into one and were well filled with guests, relatives and Immediate friends, about It In number. vThe decorations were beautiful, palitr and sword ferns predominating In the reception hall. In the dining-room pink carnations and Oregon grape were in profusion. The ceremony took place under an ' arch artistically arranged. with a bell of Bride roses suspended from the center. r. - -- - As the "Lohengrin" bridal march was played by Miss Mi Brooks th bridal party marched- down the winding stairs. followed by a lit tie cousin or the bride, la a white organdie frock, as ring-bear- , Th bride wore white Sicilian over whit satin. Her veil was caught with orange-bloesoms, and she carried a ahower bouquet of Bride rosea. The bridesmaid. Miss Josephine Brioe. wore white Bilk cbiffpn over white silk, and carried Pink carnations. Dr. -E. O. Clark waa best roan.- During the cere mony Misses Kata and Maggie Suthtr land. gowned In white muile. sang very sweetly "Perfect Love," by Homer Nor ris. .,,-' An-Informal reception followed, and the guests were served wlth dainty re freshments In the dlnlrtg-room. The long table was very pretty In pink car nations and ealla Ml lea, with streamers' festooned from the chandelier. Dia mond' orchestra furnished music for the avening. and Mlaa Inger Loy sang two appropriate songs.'. Dr. and Mrs. Davis are spending their, honeymoon In California, . ' A slm Die 'Lenten wedding was that of Miss Sarah M. Wlckbam and Joseph Mc Clelland, at St Mathew's Episcopal church. Wednesday evening. Rev. W. A. M. Brock officiating. Only a small num ber of friends were present The bride waa married la her traveling gown of gray and blue and ' carried a beautiful shower of lUles-of-the-valley. She waa attended by Mlsa Mabel Wlckham. who wore a dark gown Of green and carried Bridesmaid roses. Alfred-Wlckham at tended th groom, and Mis Sarah fltrtna-er presided at the organ. Aftor the ceremony an Informal reception was riven In their boner. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Clelland have gone to tbe Bound to pass their honeymoon. They win a at noma after April I, at 144 Everett street w Mlsa Or Rlnehart and E, C Yonder- hoof were married with a simple cere money Thursday evening at the home nt the bride's nsrents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rlnehart , It 11 Esst Fourteenth atreet north.. Rev. 1. r. Gbormley offi ciated. The house was. prettily deco rated with ferns and flower. Th bride waa gowned la white and carried lilies of the valley.. Only Immediate relatives were present,' Mr.. and Mrs. Vanderboof will be at home to their friends after March l. at. 101 Nelson street. , . ' mka areWai f altar anrl U ( KAIiImH lleni'letta Ford ot SeatU wef married In Seattle.' Monday.' March 11. in St Mark s EDtscooal church. Rev. J. P. D. Lloyd performing the ceremony In the presence of friends and relatives. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ford of Seattle. . Mr. Letter' Is city editor of the Oregonlan. After April 15' Mr. and Mrs. Letter will be at horn at 15 Washington street ww 1 " : Miss Edith . P. Gilbert waa married with a very simple ceremony to Dr. An son F. Foley. . Tuesday evening, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs ff. E. Gilbert- lies East Salmon street Only a email' number of friends were present Dr. and Mrs. Foley have gone to Seaside on a short wedding trip, after which they will return to Portland prior to their de parture for eastern Oregon, where they will make their future home. F. H. Colpitts and Mrs. Minnie Gates of Q a tea. Or, were married In Portland Monday and. left at one for Albany to make their horn there. - ' . 1. MUSICAL NOTES. The matinee muaicale given by the nuolls of Mrs. Walter Reed at Aeolian hall. Wednesday afternoon, waa one of the pleasant evenU of the week, me work of the varioua club waa apee tal ly good and showed Mrs. Reed In a new capacity. Th following waa th pro gram given: Doable trio "FenrH Me KoeV.........Batei - Mlas asses Watt Mlas Helea lytle. Mrs. Wilbur t Onataa. Miss Ktbel phea. Mrs. Byron B. Miner. Mr. Lala Ihl-MlUer (aH-"Pace ta rare"...! ,..J tb "Mr Dear" .'.n.aaya i.CIha u.n" .: Parker (bt Ob. Lord, be Merciful"......, ...BerUett Mlaa .Ka KIlltDfeworth WWaea Yds apeak to Me"......p Hardeta (bl-r" Where C er Vo Go" "If I Bat Kaew".... Wltao O. istltk saiard., AftTSftes Clab Mrs. W. O. Cartjr, Mis. J. B. Hosfora. Mrs. . W. . Csr rtra. Miss HssM Brows. Miss M4 "br. dee. Mise LUla Oleadranlns. Mtas Ull a KsrreU. Maw Mssile MsUaa,. MlM V Ida - - Bees. Miss Louise Poeawe, Mrs. - Obj Bartarb-Lans, Mlaa EWasor BUUer. ( "Honamrl.e amsaae" . " br-"abseee" Wllalas Miss Ulllaa rarrell. im -TK, S-.-l m th. Tear". ........ WlueBT bl !81eeD. Uttle Tulip".... ..erla . MUe H. Dorothy Hlaes. "Morton" Dmm-Um TMsasr Aftrraaaa Ctnb Mr. Hum Abmm. ; erata. Miss Alice Malford, Ma Kllstbetk Mse-Mabaa, Mlas Carrie May. Mbw Klls Me- "Cor. Mlas UlUsa Roerk. Miss Osastsaee De Bpaia, Mlaa Bote Parbea,v Mlsa Ulllaa Creasaiaa. Mlas Msaw rrver. Ml Doraltai, Htacks. Mlaa tela ktalr. Miss Wla Oew ford, Mlas Ktbel Fewera, Mlas ailc Jastsa, Mlaa Ahlsia Hallerk. IiU"1.ubi Hnu"... Beaeb (b "Soaa yalrr" Mlas Helea Brlghsnv. "ttr Hart T. Waarv" A. jGorlBC (BeclUtlve end aria from "Madeecbda"! Mlaa Ktbel abea. (a "Tabjsr ai MnsetU" f'L BobeaM") .,... ............ v....v.,....eelm 0) "Caaclcai Kkpaaela" ..Ckasuasd Mr. Haadorana Beed "Hew Is tbe Matk of Marias' Btreag Treble Clef Clab Miss Asaes Watt, Mr. I Ala MaeMabos, Maw Helea tftK Mr. Kaaleraoa Beed. M-w Melea Brtshaat, Mlai Katbleee Lawtar. Mrs. Jorssa Farvtae, Mr. J. K. Howard, Mn. Brrna B Miller. Mrs. irnest UildUw, Mrs.' WUHasi 4'. Hntmaat Mr. Jobs B. Uwaa, Mrs. Iil Dabl-Mlllw. Mrs.- Berta Orlaaes. Mlaa Rtael Hhea, Mrs, Walter Beed, Maw Bdaa Fretsaws. WW The aHnyCspltal 'Journal of .last Saturday haa the following concerning th concert given In Salem under, the direction -of Mis Calbreath. presenting William Wallace Graham, violinist and Mrs. Anna Selkirk-Norton, contralto. both favorites - la Portland musical circles: ... ' "The concert at 'the Grand las even ing was attended by a large number of muslo lovers -of Salem, and waa a-rare treat William Wallace Graham, i the violinist, delighted all .with, his selec tions, especially ' the "Romance,' one of th gams of th avening. HI remarka ble technique, auperlor ton and splen did volume surprised and astonished even ' hi most ardent admirers. - Mr. Graham la a Marlon county boy," but haa been a hard student under the mas ter abroad for several year, and rank high as an artist - ' "Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton, personally. Is a comparative stranger to Salem, but ber reputation had proceeded ber, and her entrance was greeted in a manner sufficient to turn the bead of a woman less modest than ber. The sweet rich contralto voloe possessed by Mrs. Nor ton Is a Strang vole. It haa qualities, perhaps, never heard by a Salem audi ence, and they are all good. Her rang la wide, going with an eaay sweep, carrying with It each and every listener. untU he forgets all bat the soul-lnsplr-Ing chant Then, again, she has re markable strength, wlthall one of the best singer ever appearing in this otty: "Miss 'Helen Calbreath, accompanied tbe other artist on th piano, and gave Rlxoletto.' - a Liast composition, with a charming dash scarcely known to the younger performers. Her expression waa technically correct, and the inter pretation ahowed marked ability. Tb concert waa ona oi- tna peat treat of the season, and the perform ers will be received with a hearty wel come if they should consent to again appear before a local audience." , w . w Society U looking forward with Inter est to what promises to be the musical event of the Lenten season. Invitations have been Issued for a stodlo recital to be given by ' Anna Selkirk Norton, con tralto,, with W. Glfford Nash at . th piano, assisted by Miss Laura Fox. pi anists. .Mrs. Norton needs little Intro duction 'after her successful debut at tbe Alexander farewell concert - Since then she hss made her home In Portland UniT la' gladly welcomed here. yr. Ulf- ford Nash baa for th paat two year that he haa been In Portland ranked a on of tb leading pi aetata. Miss Fox, who will appear on the program, la one of bis best pupils. - Invitations nave been sent out for two - evening this week Tuesday snd Wednesday.' Mrs. Norton wlU give tbe following program: ' BNOLIRH. ' " '- .' (aV 'On. the fflsas ef tbe Weeds Skim". . Mailer (bl "W All Lot a Pretty Owl". ...Dr. Arse (c WBBowAkes" .Cowee ' J-. OBBMAN. . . a "WJ Rat ate- Boa sir, Beklagt 1 Ibi "Maeebee Mlt es Botbea Msadokea' .... , .Frsas leV "Mel Matter Mag Ml Net"., (d) "Wnrknaaaara Mela Wald "... -- ITALIAN. ...rraae ...ITraas b Bognal".. . Scblra f .'. AMEBICAM. :' -i (aV"Dalals. ., .......... ... . .Bawle (b) 'Tb Ktrkt Haa aTsoassad Xyas".. psnons (r) "The : Boaarr". .. w.. ......... ....Bevla td "Star CaUdrea" . . , . . ............ Lebaaana ..- i - obbbtax.; rf ;": sV "Wk Is Srlrla r '....,.......... . Rrfcahr ibV "n Bart die Rub".... ...... .....rV-Suhert ( e r I apa rlefiee bvb o t (d "S sable Ode Brab () "Mais Lie be 1st Oroea"..,. Brabaas (a I "KroHa' "Bereeose" Relax (b "Tliaaanai de rkwlsn e "Tb Worker' .......,t.......Omaad FUbo senibers i ..'... - (s ) " Bona bt , ... .1 i Blbellos b "OsToMe" Oodard lc) ."Solr da Tleaae". . . . .Bchabert-Uast . W W - ' . i , Frits Krelaler, tb eminent - Austrian violinist Is to visit Portland soon snd his coming 1 creating no little Interest In musical circle. Th pastl two - yeara hav been the moat successful In Kretsler's career. He has captivated not only London and Ber lin with, his performances of the mes- terpleces, but the British Isles and Ger many as' well. ' Krelsler Is sa eccentric violinist. , He playa airy trifle with as much- feeling, apparently, - aa he .play Beethoven and Bach. He Is a great favorite , tn the drawing-room, because of the scope' of his repertoire and his ability to suit all occasions. - Royalty ha honored him on, many occasion. - - An slaborat musical program waa given Friday evening at Bt Patricks church, at the services In honor of the day. Under the direction of Mr. J. E. Owens a choir of 14 presented several excellently rendered numbers. Prof. U, Oechsle conducted for tbe day, with Miss Shetland at tbe organ. Cimarosa'a mili tary mass - waa the - moat pretentious work of the morning, and was admirably sung. The soloist war Mrs. J. E. Owens, soprano; Mlas Mae BreaHn, con tralto: John Montag. tenor, and J. E. Owens, baritone. Gounod's "Sanctus" was also given, with a beautiful tenor solo. . The duo and cborua, Agnus Dei (Marso), given by Mrs. Owena and Mlaa Manclet contralto, waa very good. Many praise were accorded the musical serv ice and Mrs. Owena for- ber manner of .working It up. - An enjoyable piano recital waa given by the pupil of Mrs. E. E. Tressler last Saturday afternoon, at her studio. tt Fifth- atreet The numbers were excel lently glvea and the program waa good throughout Th pupil appearing were Helen Caldwell, Ethel Durham. Eva Jaoobson, Marlon Humble., Helen Hoi brook. Milton Runyan. Margaret CoWI- welU France Richmond, Helen Brown, Julia Brock and Arvliia Mcouira. -- . .w The following oratorio have been se lected to be given by the local singer under the direction of W. rt Boyer. en Bundey efternoons la June, during the. exDosltlon: Handera "Meaataa," kos- slnl's "Stabat Mater." Mendelssohn's Elijah." BuUivan -"T Dum,'l and a Gounod ma. ' ' w -' Mlaa Edwlna ' Maatick la rapidly re eelving recognition as one ot the sweet sopranos of th city. Her work at th meeting of the Woman ciud last Fri day attracted" much 'comment Her voice la young- and fresh, yet haa a pretty roundness of tone and her per sonality Is very cnsrming. , . w . An ebrborate musical program was given Friday morning at Bt Patrick church at th services tn honor or at Patrick' day. - It waa under the direc tion of Mrs. J. E. Owens, a well-known soprano, with Ralph Hoyt at the organ. and many prominent singers assisting. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Meyer of San Francisco - will arrive ' In Portland on Tuesday and will attend Mrs. Anna Sel kirk Norton recital Tuesday evening. They are old friends of Mrs. Norton. Mr. Meyer Is a pianist or some ability, w w Miss Ethel Abrama, th child soprano who la attracting so much attention. Is to sing at th A naval sholom fair this evening. - , w w Mrs. Walter Reed will leave soon for Ban Francisco to attend th grand opera. CHURCH NOTES. The Ladles' Aid society of Grace M. E. church met In the church parlora Wed nesday with Mrs. Richmond Kelly and Mrs. John James as hostesses. Mrs. p. J. Mann, president of th Woman club. rave sn interesting talk on her visit to Palestine. Green's "Bing Me to Bleep' was sung very acceptably by Mrs. E. 8. Bilverthorn. A social hour followed the program, ' 1 STRAY BITS. Judge and Mr. G. C. Blakeley of Th Dalles arrived in the' city Tuesday. Judge Blakeley went to Salem to attend the meeting of the pharmaceutical board. and thence, to Ashland to Institute a lodge of Elk. Mra Blakeley I visiting Portland friend during hla absence. w Hon. and Mra. H. B. Miller and "their daughter. Miss Laura Miller, of Eugene. were entertained last week at the home of Mra. Miller's sister, Mrs. A. H. Tan ner. Mr. Miller will return to Japan April S to take up hla new consulate at Yokohama. ' 1 w w ' Miss Isom, head librarian of the Port land library, gave an address before the College Society union In Forest Grove a week ago Wednesday on "The History and Growth of Public Libraries." The lecture was well attended and highly praised., Mlsa Ethel Bayes of Pendleton ha Joined her sister, Mlsa Frances Hsyes, at the Sterling, Sixteenth snd Couch streets. The family will' arrive next week to make their home in Portland., . Mr. and Mr. Lv R. Ladd of th Im perial hotel hav Just completed their house on the east side and will soon be at home to . their friends.. - . w w The Clover Art club has held three very Interesting working session In th laat two weeks at toe bom of th AND leader. Mra J. P. Wager. The Intereaf la growing with each meeting. . . . . . . it .' i ' Mr. and Mra. I. Lowengardt will enter tain at dlnnir thla evening at tbe Hotel Portland, with covers for It. Miss Kooh lard and . Ludwlg Hlrsch will be the guests of honor. , ,' t,- Mr., and Mrs. Leon 8. Rosenblatt have taken apartments at the Marleyn,' ISJ Washington street ( 1: V COMING EVENTS. On of th Important events of the week will be the Lenten series of Shskes pearean recitals . by - Marshall Darraoh of New York. Some SO of the leading society .matrons will act aa patronesses. Tbe first recital will be given at 11 o'clock Tuesday st ths home of Mrs. W. S. Ladd. ! Sixth street: the second st tbe same time Thursday morning at the horn of Mr. C. H. I wla. Nineteenth and Gillian streets, snd the- third at :! Monday evening next at tbe ' home of Mlsa Williams, 41 . North Eighteenth street ;:' ,. . . . -- - - w w . The Brownie club will give the last of Its series of - dances next Wednesday, March . at Weber's hall. FultonvThee dances have been given twice a month throughout the winter, Everest's orches tra furnishing the music. The club mem bers are: W. A. Vlggers. H. m: uusn, A. w. Jones. J. F. Tbemnaon and C B. McCarthy. The patronesses of th club are Mra. C. B. McCarthy. , Mlaa Daisy Milan. Mrs. Fred English and Mlsa Flor enc Beane. , - ' ' .' w - . , - ' Th Woman' club sends out !hd fol lowinc announcement for Its next meet ing: "The International convention of Federated cluba of the Buttlneky will convene with the Woman' club, Friday afternoon, March it. under the auspice of th parliamentary Rev. Dr. ' and Mra. George CrosweU Cressey will giv an Informal reception . A . .uthw. nf the Unitarian naiish on Friday evening, March 1 4. Jn the chapel of the church at o'clock. All members ot th society are cordially in vited. , ' . Portland Lodge. No.-111. Modern For esters, will give their monthly dance tomorrow evening In their hall in the Ablngton building. , v . '1 ENGAGEMENTS. The enaraaement of .Mrs. Laura Clay bnrnto Jav C. Allen haa. Just been an nounced. Both are prominent In Seattle society and have a number ot friends in Portland. ;? - 1 i PERSONAL, u w t. Rniliha of. The Dalle Is the guest of relative In th city. Ralph. Bacon, Junior at the, University of Oregon, waa In tb city rly i Mr. Ben Woldt ha returned to Cor. vallls after a visit with Portland rneno. Mr. Georg Baumann accompanied ber ror a oner . visit. - Mrs. East Walcott of this city, form erly Mia Snow of Salem, la visiting Mrs. Bert Preen ail In Salem, ; ' Mlaa Gertrude Gray of St Helen' ball Readings by Rot Eyting.' A announced, a series of reading from Shakespeare, Browning, Dickens snd miseellaneoua author will bgiven at Parsons' hall the afternoons or Marco SO, April , II. 20 by Rose Eytlnge, th celebrated American actress and. elocu tionist. Season tickets lor tno tour readings, which can be ud collectively rnr on. antertalnment or Individually for th riaa. have been Issued at the very reasonable charge of . and can be secured from th undersign ea laay pa tTonesses. who have gladly volunteered ihip unf. u a testimonial of their u.m 'mA aitmtralloik for the talented artist who haa eelected Portland aa her permanent. home u Mr. Henry jone. u klaara Mr. 8oI Hlrsch. Miss i-.rf ii u r- T. Brooks Trevitt Mrs. C. F. Swigert Mrs. W. B. King. Miss Bam. Mrs. Frd Pendiaton, Mra. ; J. N. Teal. ' r- Millinery Spring Display. In conaeqnence of the rush "of order which haa reached tbe millinery parlors conducted by ' Mlsa A. 8. Jorgenaen, at 400 Washington street corner Tenth, she' haa decided not to hold any special opening of spring millinery this year. There will, however, be displayed on Monday next a large and very handsome assortment of imported and domestic millinery, consisting of some of the very latest Parialan and New York creation. Mlas Jorgenaen wlU be pleased to hav her customers and Portland ladle call and examine her new stock. ": Paris Millinery Store.- , , , IMrm (- --Vf. i-.Vi.ll announces the ar rival nf bee anrlnar mllltnerv which la now on exhibit at her well equipped parlors, 161 Morrison street Lewis Building. A large variety of beautiful Imported Parialan and domestic crea tions are tastefully displayed among tbe many show eases. Mra. Marshall ex tend an Invitation to Portland ladle to call and examine her up-to-dat stock. Ladies' Spring Shirt Waists. Vk. MimMAV. whOSO fActOf-V Is located at Hi Tenth atreet, la turn-in- nut ome of the handsomest svrlng style of ladles' shirt waists. Our se lections of Imported and domeetle silks and fabrlca are of tbe latest design and we auggeet a visit to our workrooms irVUI v., . ' The Crown Hat Company it.w. s.Mkn. tT. . wunnuiv. it It. naar nlflcenUy equipped stor at 7 Morrt on atreet, will hold Its opening for Ita exhibit of spring millinery on Tuesday and Wednesday of thla week. A visit this establishment will prov of much Interest to -tb ladles, i All are most cordially Jnvlted. - , - Heller's Hat Shop. B.I..U IMiMAmw . will K MAv tA how th ladles of Portland a new and varied lrn of millinery. ISO Washington. Corner W. Park. Heiler's Hat Chop, j Invite your early Inspection of a com plete showing of . up-to-date millinery, 3 SO Washington, cor W. Park. - Mra.. 8. Bell annourtcea th display ef eerly spring millinery now ready, , III Grand ave ',, ' r L'awthoroe. '. ASHES made aa oier-Bunday visit with her aunt. Mra. J. H. McNary f Balem. Mra. N. T. Nolaa of Tb Dalle is a Portlsnd visitor. Miss Emma Brenner ef Albany visited Portland early In the -week. Mrs. T. J. Hopklna ef Albany was a Portland visitor last week. , Mrs. F, Roy Da via a ad little son. Riley, were over-Sunday visitors with j Salem relatives.' . Miss Msyme Clearwater of Balem ar rived laat Sunday to visit her sister. Mrs. V. R. Sexton. - 1 Misses Bessie and Pearl Cameron of . Albany - spent a few days here with '" friends last week. Mrs. L. Lankford. accompanied by her son. made an ovr-8unday visit ia Al- , bany. . '. '" Mlaa Mabel Gosa haa returned from her visit In The Dallea with her sister. Mr.' Carlton Williams. Mrs, H. E. Northup left Sunday to. spend several weeks with relative in Th Dallea. . . - ; Miss Florence Hilton, who ha been spending some time In The Dalles with friend, haa returned home. A. Orvllle Waller spent Sunday at hla home In Eugene. -, , Mra. Charles Ladd and ' Mlsa Lilly Whit were Salem visitors at the home .; of Mrs. F. A. Wiggins early In the week. , Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Cuslck snd Miss Mary Stewart of Albany, wer in 'tb city Monday, on their - return rrora si prolonged visit at Hood River. Mrs.- Frank Ketchum of Albany la a ' , guest In the city. Mrs. Howard Foot of Salem 1 spend ing a few days with her parent in Port land. -. ' - , : ' : ': ' - ' R. E. Mathews and hla son. Deloa, of Roseburgi arrived in th city Monday and the latter will enter school here. - Mr. and Mr. Henry .Meyers of Balem passed th first of the week her with, friend. - 'v 1 "! ' 'J ',; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Donty ot f Cot bet l street have returned from a week spent with Mr, Douty'a parenta la Xnde-, pendence. - '"' '' Major Moorhouae of Pendleton was In the city early In th week. - Hon. -and Mra R. A. Booth of Eugene - were Portland visitor laat wk -Mr. and Mra. Docksteador of Dallas pent th week in Portland. ' Mr. F. A. HCln haa returned to Cor vallla after five weeka in Portland. - - r- Hon. a H. Friendly of Eugene was at th Portland laat week. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Hadlnger of thl city left eerly In th weak for Foley Spring, in the central part of th state, where they will remain through th sum-, mer. " - ' v Ml Frieda Rau baa returned from a . visit with her sister. Mr. Cohne. afc BolM.. - -4 ''-'. Edgar Baum left Thursday for hla bom la Kentucky.' Harry Price of New Tort 1 In tb city, greeting friends. He attended the Bteln bach reception. . -.- Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Logan and eon. Mra. M. Keye and Mia A. 8. Keyea of, this city wer Seaside : -visitor laat week. --. Mr. Roaener of San Francisco. who haa been vlalttng Mlaa Oertruda Whit at 144 North Nineteenth atreet left for her home Thursday evening. r Roy M. Jenntng ha ' returned 1 from a tour through, southern California and (Continued on Page Seventeen. .1 OFFICIAL SOUVENIR CALENDARS Ha ve becn redTaced in price to EACH Postpaid to Any Address The most handsome and complete CALENDAR ever published, con taining twelve 8x10 views of the Lewis and Clark Fair. PtotograpW Company f. e c::r. c-. r-. Lewis J I and dark -,