The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 18, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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UCK C,T C;iTA0I9 '
Cia a Oils
. .. ; ','.'' ,
Testa of! Electrio Smarter Prom
i ise to Work Changes In ,
. v. Ore Reduction.
Force of Men VVlring Buine
Houses and Residences That
; Will Use Power. L
rv and
' .' '.' ' ' i O :..'.:"J
Workmen Urider Streets Com-
Early Test Interesting But
missioner Begin Labor.
Local and Personal.
Metallurgist Are Not E
cited Over the Prospect -
-:; .v'.' i-'-.y -,-y---n-V'-?. :: ' r----.-. . . - -
An tfrtlcle in on of in Boo paper.
'Canada, apeak of v the teat llvin an
-electric furnace. Whlla nothing of great
' economic value waa broua-ht out. It la
- regarded a certainty that developments
. sln the use of electrical energy will In
due time utilise It for reducing ores.
:Thls furnace I patterned . after that
erected on Dollar Bay; Mich. Neither
"T 7has done anything that could be pro-
nounced a success yet. , but the spert
"menu prove that Inventor are a till at
, work on the problem of electrical- re
duction. The Boo paper, referring te
the teat on the Canadian aide: earn:
"Under the personal supervision -- 'of
t Inventor Hatch, the Hatch electric rur
l - nace ha been given another teat, -which
,u declared by expert to be a auceeaa.
" About 60 pound of lead or were
dumped Into the furnace and the beat
applied. . Notwithstanding the fact that
.' ' both th roasting, and smelting waa cer-
rled on In th same machine, -the pur
( Uad was run off In 10 hours. But 40
jf horsepower waa uaed in smelting the
. fore. -The cost of the smelting for this
ij,elaae of ore did not exeeed I per eeat
of the usual amelter charges.
"Many Improvements have been mad
i In -the new furnace. Other tests, eon
ducted by the Inventor and John J. Case,
; who designed and built th smelter at
' : Dollar Bay, Mich., were more success-
r-'ful- than- the - above. Mr.- Caa - prei
'., -nounced .the Works satisfactorywith
: one exception, and thl had reference to
', whether th furnace could be operated
, continuously. A number f Improve
ments hav been suggested and the
' - ar being made. When completed It Is
' believed the elec trio fnrnaoe will hav
" become on of th J greatest improve-
j ments of the age.
Scientists In the mining realm have
- : commenced to speculate upon th future
i. of this work, r When It was announced
' that two plant In -Arlsona, were smelt-
4 Ing with oil aa fuel, the engineering
. . profession thought- this would reault in
great changes, especially In th south'
.wut, where oil could be provided vastly
- cheaper than coke. But the probable
effect of successful smelting with elec
-1 tricity eauaes greater peculation than
. i th work with oil Klectrlcal energy In
, the northwest, where aplendld stream
,; abound, can be provided at a remarkably
. . low figure. If economic auceeaa is at
Ulned In thla process of ameltlng. - the
northwest' would become the moat re-
. markable reduction oen tar of th world,
; with Boslbilltlea that ar little dreamed
f tf now. But until electricity is a suo
cea In. this use. there wlU b ellttle
convaotion in the ranks of metallur-
gists, who hav com to regard th
i boary'flr reduction preccM by us of
carbonaceous fuel a fixture.
...... -. ,. -. , -
(IpesUl Dispatch te Th leorsal)
Vancouver, . B. C March II. Coal
miners of British Columbia ar experi
encing more trouble, but thl time not
in th form of a striker It- la what th
coat operators call the law of supply
and demand". About !0t of th miner
working In the Extension coal mines, at
Ladvsmlth, owned "by Jamas. Dunsmulr,
hav been 'discharged because, there I
not auf flolent demand for th product
of th mlna to keep th drew buay. Ono
shift is being laid off, reducing th crew
of 1.00 man worked in th extension
mines at least MOr-
Bine th farnoua - Ladysmlth strike,
when th miner tried to fore th man
cement Into non-employment of oriental
labor.' and ultimately had enacted the
law forbidding employment of Chinee
underground, ther has been compara
tive quiet at Ladvsmlth. Assurance was
given that th Australian contracts for
delivering coal at Ban Frenctaco, which
were made in th strike day a, would soon
xplre, when th British Columbia mine
would enter that market again- on
large a seal aa before th strike. . The
udden notlc to such a larg fore of
miners is taken to indicate . that th
Australian product has secured a firm
foothold in- Ban Francisco in competl
tlon with British Columbia, and If th
northern -nine vr again win their
business It will be after a struggle.
' A version that comes from the miner
is that the management aeema -to be
weeding ont men that ar undesirable.
Thl method of laying off a larg num
ber, and then putting back a few that
ar wanted, la employed by managers
at times to rid their -properties of agi
tators. Many of th miners believe
that th big lay-off I movement
gainst th growing1 social element 'at
" (gpedat tnspateh te , Tbe JoaraaL)
Denver. Colo.. March U. H. H. Nlch
elson, manager of th Standard copper-
ooDaJi-goia mine in eaaiern Oregon, u
In this city finishing metallurgical x
naiiments commened mor - than ;
month, ago. He is accompanied by Preat
dent'D. U KUlen, one of th principal
orrtoer and stockholder of th Btand
- ard. Mr. Nicholson haa been endeavor
ing to determine th beat prmctlo for
' milling the Standard product, effecting
. a pa ration of th cooait, ooppar and
Bocan it U mad right, la Its mana-
facta r arc sd en) lb par! gad bl
thai money caa, buy. Tb iofradienU ar
combined with scientific accuracy aad skill.
which Inaur a prfct bakug powder.
Sailing Pdudpf
' i n ' fWorld s Fair
yrwifc Louts
Walter Baker & Co. J-td.
UtabBahrf n. ' DOPXHaSTEt, MASS.
rold. if posslble. whin eliminating th
gangu mineral. Hi work aeema to in
dloau that this Is assured success, al-
tnougn ine cum aasociaiion ox ui. su
and eobalt will doubtless prevent any
aenaawUon without flr reduction, uut
with the -coDoer ther I mor hope.
Its speclfio gravity varies somewhat
from eobalt. and th products will b
divided on ordinary concentrating table.
carefnUv ad lusted for thla work, liana
inrtlna- and oerhaDS coars liar work will
take hlcher grad product out before
the last stages of crushing are reached.
The work of the eastern Oregon peo-
nla has attracted considerable attention
among metallurgist of th city, owing
to the great amount oi eoDait xouna in
th ores handled. Mr. Nicholson says
that thla rare metal Is round In larger
quantities at th Standard than Jn any
other known mln on th continent, and
he believes an average nigner graa?
product has .never been mined.
rsoeelal tHseatch te Th learaal.)
Burns. Or., March 11. Production of
borax at Lak Alvord. which Is la th
basin of th Dunder and Blltsen, near
this- city, haa becom a permanent in
dustry. - California operators hav
developed the reduction work vntil-they
nave- a large tonnage, vwi uuiu
10 - mile to. Wlnnemucc. Nev.. and
thence taken by rail to San Francisco.
Tha interior lakes of Harney ana ai
heur offer a larger tonnage of saline
products, ' and asauranca is given by
those ' familiar with the country that
extensive salt and borax works .will be
established In the region. At Abbott
lake, near Palaley. Lax county, testa
have been made which prove th worth
of th waters for both borax and salt.
Much of the land around this heavily
Impregnated body of water ia , owned
by th Paoifle Livestock company, which
concern is a successor to the interests
of the old Lux Miller ompany of
California.; This company Interested
California' men in reduction of both salt
and. borax, with success so far aa th
process was concerned, but the haul of
more than 29- muea over naa roaas
oroved too much of a handicap.
Experimental work has also been don
at Bummer-take. Lak county. Ther
work commenced en a dike, which waa
Intended to oonfln tha aallne water
at th head of the lake in flood season.
until the summer sun evaporated th
water, whan th salt and associated
mineral would be scraped up and re
fined. Teata of tha 'water were satis
factory, but th Isolation, of th district
wss too much. Numerous ether lakes
exist In th great interior country of
Oregon, where Important operation r
sure to develop when railway trans
pot ration gives a reasonable market tor
the product. ..-,.. v
(RseeUl Dlapstrfc t Tfce JoeraaL)
.' Cottage- drove. Or, March II. Man
ager W. B, Dennis, of the Black Butt
quicksilver mine, near here has his new
experimental furnace about completed
and production of mercury 1 expected
'to commence on at- least a small seal
thr early in th summer.' Details of
the new plant . nave not been made
public, but it la said te embody Inter
esting mechanical principle for th
handling of or during the smelting
process.- : t.
;.. . m staox iv :
' (Special ttwftett to Tb"earaL)
Phoenix. B. C March II. Th Qranby
melter is to hav a new brick stack.
for which 400,000 brick hav already
been burned. The stack will hav
height of 110 feet, th same aa th old
on, and i to be ready for as by th
tim-ta aew ruraaees ar blown
(SpeeUi pUpatek to Th learael.)
Fort Steele. B. G, March It. Tha out
put ef th St. Bugan lead mine for
February was I.tSl tons. Th prodno
tlon is increasing again, and will soon
be vp te . the beat work ef the plant,
The t per cent dividend for earnings
up t December 31 has bean
, S. O. O. r. TO MVTUh
; (Bpeelal tHspateh to Ta JeanaL) '
' Independence, Or., March 11 Th In
dependent Order ef Odd Fellows, at its
regular meeting on last Thursday night,
decided te build an addition to tta tor
and lodge building nore. Tbe new build
ing wlU be brick, two torle high, with
bnsement The lower atory will be di
vided into twr store-rooms, and th
npper floor will b rented for lodge
room purposes. This will make the Odd
Fallow have th largest, building - In
thla city, being more than 141 -feet In
length. , -: -j ;
- Oregon now has tw newnper Oh,
and a town called Krhn, but th Krho
town dne not echo with either Journal
tstio KcHa. - , '
' teoK rot -Tin'!' ' v
i v Tmace-aaaa
, (8edsl Dlmteh te Tke Jooraal) ;
Ontario. Or.. March IS. Seymour "H.
Bell of Sumpter, who. was recently
granted a franchise to put In an lo-
trlo light plant at Ontario, has put
fore of men to work wiring tbe busi
ness houses and residences that ar to
bo lighted by his plant. Mr. Boil atatea
that h will- hav hi plant completed
and in operation by June 10. '
The city authorities put a lore . oi
men at work yesterday morning,-under
charge of Street Commissioner - Wales.
to drain- .the ponds and Improve the
streets la th western part of th city.
Mrs. L Adam took her departure Mon
day for Chicago, where ah will, vlalt
with her parents ana otner raiii.
Mayor J. A. Lacaey ana nis promer.
A. M. Lackey, made a bualneaa trip to
Boise th first of th week. '
J. A. Reed haa gone to Burns ana me
Interior In the interest of tbe O. Jr. Co.
. Rot Rutherford and - his wife were
summoned to Beulah the first of i4JeJ
week by the serious illaeea Of Mrs.
Rutherford brother,. Charle Arnola,
who is not expected to UveT
Mr. J. H. Russeiu ot Middle ton. aa.,
and Ml Helen Smith of Vale, were
muviMi In th narlora ef the Hotel On
tario Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Ken
dall officiated. -
Mr. A. Senkliei and Miss ciara tins-
key, both of Payette, Ida., were mar
ried at vale Baturday.
O. A. Candiand ana nis wti ,-visiia
Role the first ef th week.
R j. Btone returnea Monaay rrom
Rennner.. where he attended the W. O.
W. convention, having stopped off at
Union en rout home to visit relatives.
Mrs. Elbert Butler.. Jr, is visiting rei-
atlvea near Boise. Ida.
W. B. Smith returnea yesterday rrom
a visit with relatives' at .ua uranao.
Mrs. C. W. Piatt vial tea rrienas at
Caldwell th first ef tbj week, j
aesraai Special Berviee.)
Madrid. March 18. The Installation of
Joa Kchegaray as profaor of applied
mathematics in the university wss mad
tha occasion for a national aevonatra-
tlon' today. Th ' government granted
free transmission of congratulatory tele
grams addressed t him. and th Bank
of Spain put out a pecial Usu of bank
notes bearing his portrait.
- Eohagaray divided th NObei prise ror
literature with Frederick Mistral of
Prance last December and was publicly
congratulated by the King or npain.
VngMxwt Stook Oaaaad .
Allen Lewis' Best Brand.
(:i:zly tzza wi
Foloyo C3onoy
and Tap
There Is no case on record of a
cold resulting in v Pneumonia, or
other serious lung trouble, after
Foley's Honey and. Tar bad
been taken.
It will cure the most obstinate
racking cooeh. and heals and
ttrenp-thens the lung's.
Foley's Honey and Tar has
cured many cases of incipient
Consumption and even in the last
stages will always give conuort
and relief.
v Foley's Honey and Tar gtres
quick reltet to usinma tunerers,
as K relieves tuc uiuiwwu uicmm-
lav at once. '
Remember the name Foley's
Honey and Tar and refuse,
substitutes that cost you the
game as the genuine. Do not take
chances with some unknown
Contains no opiates.
Cand tf TirrikU Cicx- ca Ult.
N. Jackaoa of DaaviUe. I1L. write:
"Mt daughter bad a sever attack of
La Grippe and a Urribl cough on bet
lung. We tried a great many ntnadies
without relief. ,Sb triad Poley Honey
and Tar, which cored her. Shbasnm
luj - - - - - -a -sbbIoW at asXJvK Bv4fftas1 "
yfaVOU UVUVlWw'Wllll awM aa-wWJ .
CtaiaJRjttei C-Til. -
Folev tc Co.. Chicago. ' Dana, lad.
Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Tar
cured me of Consumption after X had
uffarad two years aad was almost des
perate. Thro physicians failed to fre
mo any relief and too last one. said he
could do mo so good 1 trtoa almost
ever m edicts I heard tell of without
benefit, on til PotaVg Honey had Tar
waa recommended to mo. its ecect
right from too start waa magical. I
Improved steadily from the first does
and am bow sound and well, and uiink
Foley's Honey aad Tar is a God snd
to people with u nreal ana Ltrog Trow
sua. s oars very trniy,
-Three sizes 25c, 60c. HI. 00. -
The 60 cent size contains two
add one-half times as much as the
small size and the $1.00 bottle al'
most six rimes as much. ,
tjaae Tvla Drag Compear tad waoeig
coarke Oo.-
mm f ,
Bills smaller
rates. - You
thing-else. . 1 . . - ..
IT i
MgMMgM ;
Cleam UgM
: . .. i
afford to