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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.: SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 18, 1SCV 3i ALL IS READY F03 LEAGUE CONYEHTEON Southern Pacific Grants Special f , Rata and Big Attendanca f V'';l,-la Assured.' -,, ' MANY PROMINENT MEN . i I WILL MAKE ADDRESSES I Free ; to Guests and Dele I J V gates Closes Meeting. I ' RpeeUl Dispatch te The JoaraaM ; Salem. March li. Bverythlng la now H Development league convention, which 1 meets la this city on March I J. The 3 Soothers Paelfle company haa created a j special rate tor the occasion ana a large l attendance la expected. . . . I Tha foreuoon session wOl be called te order at-11:30 e'clock -In th mornlnt , iMtnr or Balem wiu maae tn aaareas of welcome, and "the- reaponae will - be . 1 toade by Hon. Tom Richardson, of Port land. ' : " ' - 4 Followtnr this will come the election of . temporary chairman and secretary 1 and the appointment of committees, mfter wbtrh the meeting will adjourn and attend -the exhibition drill to be W riven bv the Balem Ore department. 3 TM convention win iwrawm r un 4 afternoon session st 1:3 O'clock, and I ill. in v uiuii vu lu r "e 1 wiu . Its taking- of a photograph of tbe dele- leatea on the steps of the city ball. A L'poa resuming tbe order of boslness the f reports of committees on organisation I and election of officers will be beard, 1 Speeches will then eecopy the after- 1 noon until adjournment. The 4 as cmauwo mrm. Telephones as a Means of Develop Vjment," Hon. J. C Cooper of McMlnn- 1 vllle. . - i , - - j "Development of. ,- Oregon -""water . 1 Powers." Hon. w. Ja. auiunajsworto. ot i Portland. ...... '. - fj "Wbeat as the Staple of Western Ore- ? ' gon. Mon. u. a. wesrgate or Ainany. Salem. Dallas Falls City Railroad,1 !l Oerllnger. of Dallas. : t , "Transportation and Our . Manofao- t tures." Hon. JU H. Bingham of CotUge ..Grove. T". -' - i "Beautifying Our Homes In the t Cities," Hon. Charles B. Moore of 'Salem. : 1 ' a "Influence Upon Our Development, of ": Proper - Exhibit at tha 1 Lewis and t ' Clark Fair." W. 1. Toose of Woodburn. 1 1 At 1:t9 o'clock the evening session V will convene. After the following ad ' dresses report from counties and com- Vmtttees wiU be beard: ;v "Higher Education as a Factor In tbe - Development of Oregon." President P. .'? X Campbell. Oregon State university. .C "Good Roads as Developers,' Hon. John H. Scott of Salem. ' "Necessity of Trolley tJnes In WIV lamette V alley." O. A. Hurjey of Iod t pendence. " : "The Press as an Agency of Progress,' V Hon. B. F. Irvine of Corvanis. . ft "Development of Our Cities." Mayor T. W. Waters of Salem. , Reports from 1 counties and commit- tees. - ' ....... - At (clock in the evening the dele. f gates sad guests of the convention will ; repair to the Hotel Willamette, where a banquet, free to both guests and dele- V gates, will be held, , - .t . t The following commlftees have been 1 appointed: ' . . i Committee of Reception Mayor F. . . W. Waters, H. D. Pat ton. J. O. Oraham, CoL I, K. Pag. I. A. Manning. Committee on Hall and Decorations ' -i T. E. Cornelius, Henry W, Meyers, T. a. jWlgglna . .'- e h General Coram ittee E. Hofer, J. t V Stockton, Frank Davey. 1t ,.s i, .J 3 WILL INDICT MISSING (V- BEEF TRUST EMPLOYES (rHl Bperial Serrtea.) Chicago, ' March S. Indictments are tA Itmnvllt Unni1.v ,nU,l .1. , - --, . . .1. IIWIUI' ,.m wAunwvw wno un Dwn eousul ,! for a week In the "beef trust" lnvestla. - J tlon. These men, employed by the Na i ! t tonal Packing company and Swift Co, y have been given .,"vaeationa" If no trace . I of the men is found by the deputy V United 8tates marahals, who have the V subpoenas, preparations will be made " to draw up Indictments against the men v on charges similar to those that will be brought against the packers, should evt M dence before the grand Jury warrant It Three of the six men against whom the Indictments may be returned, should they l fall to appear, and who. federal ! officials declare, are evading the servtee , vwvkvvum .10. r . npms, iraxxic S ; manager of the National Packing com ' pany: James Brennan. department man . ager for Bwlft tt Co., and Irving A. , Vant 'assistant treasurer for Swift m Co. n ' m ' 11 : li wremma ttckbatsst ooTtovAsa j- 1 (Joernal BdmUI service.) ' ' A Saa Diego. Cat, March it. The Coro. M nado hotel, the second largest structure f Of its kind In the World la In daimr nf destruction from encroachments by ithe ee. Since the recent storm, heavy seas nr prevaiiea ana large chunks of the beach undermined. A force of men are ?i working night and day to save the bulld , Ing. The beach .boulevard has also been . eaten away and several buildings are be- j1ng removed. i i . PJCl PLIS AK3 FAO Kussons . CURED BT 7Cd assists ef HarSaat , S&e., faedlealed, eaUaeptlr: BlUathaeUth (otnt.l. ilitu, te kill SraM. kal ths akla, an gklakealth Tas- I-a.xn eiart arawr eeeaai. ail drnsxlatr. Mareaiav leap for ike Caaaplexiea, for alsifiles. bieekaeeea, rrtmtm, toosss, etaf. In, eh. !. rmch hands. l. fMtkl ac will give each a spaed? eere. BA. X eaks. fJHe. Sens se, anatara for Fve Saaapiee Sad fecxklets ra PHIUO HAT DO., Newark. M. J. Halrhealk paaitlvelr ram 4sadrC. remrae srsy eair. eng gnw saa. fates aeir. Lams Me. tattles ai Wading SragglaU'. WOOBAmB. CUkMXa k OOe Fourth riX' ' Y -II uIAH i ; UiUlofcK WAonlMU I UN h : j Mi TAKES THE WATERS ' GRACEFULLY Miu Helen Stewart Wilaon, Who Christened tbe Armored Crmeer Wuh- (Joaraal gpteUl rtarvke.) -Camden. N. J- March It. In the pres ence of several thousand spectators and to a chorus of steam whistles and clang Ing bells; - tbe United States armored cruiser Washington, the most powerful of Its class yet built, gracefully glided from tha ways at tbe yard of the New York Shipbuilding company today. , As tha new warship swept down the ways toward tha rippling waters of the Delav- xe the assembled multltpde wiuuy cheered the new champion. Owing to the distance of ths state of Washington from this city, there, was not a large at tendance of cltlseus of ths common wealth honored by the navy department when the Washington was named. There was aa Influential delegation on hand, however, composed of state officials. members ' of the legislature and the Washington representatives fn congress. Ths ship was christened by Miss Helen Stewart Wilson, daughter of former United States Senator Wilson of Wash ington. . . , With ths first movement or in nuga hull Miss Wilson lightly poised the gay- ly beribboned bottle of champagne, and as the vessel swspt down te meet the Ude she dashed the glass receptacle against the unyielding wall of steel, and as the wine flowed in foaming rivulets the fair sponsor said: "I christen thee Waahlngton." Pandemonium had broken loose In the crowd below ss well aa upon the stand. Staid matrons as well as giddy maids were -mounting points of vantage In order to see the new vessel leap Into the arms of her natlye element Greet ed with a welcoming blast from, the shrill throats of several Scots of steam whistles, the cruiser floated majestical ly out upon the bosom of the Delaware, where she soon was captured by a tug WOMAN PROMOTER OF INTERNATIONAL DEALS Head and Brains of Reader Syn dicate Was Formerly a -" Typewriter. (Jearasl gpeeui Sarviee.) New Torhv March It. Mrs. A. Thole B. Reader, who Is at the hotel Astor haa been brought Into publicity In a re markable way. through the Santa Do mingo controversy In the senate. -The name of her husband figured In Morgan's speech In the senate. In which he told how the Reader syndicate bad ap proached the United States government in' the matter of the Santo Domingo treaty and the sale of the coaling port belonging to the republic He charged that William Nelson Cromwell of New Tork who was counsel for the French Psnama Canal company was, Implicated in tne pioi. i - um naaitee tm the head and brains ,4V of the Reader syndicate. Today she came out of her carefully preserved ob scurity, and told a remarkable story. Fifteen years sgo she was a typewriter .i-i tuv ,h. la n.rh.M the m oat daring woman promoter of International in in. wnrm Regarding, the Santo Domingo matter , h. in that in 1004 she secured an agreement by which the republic was to appoint her rises I agent in ma unum States. All details were arranged with President Morales and It was arranged to sell a coaling station on Bamora nay to the United States. On January . when Mr. Reader called at the palace he was Informed thai Mo roles had a communication from United States Minister Dawson not to prooeea arlth the Tteariev KearOtlatlOnS. DUt tO deal direct with Washington, and that a spe cial commissioner was leaving nasaius- ton within 14 hours for an twraroajo City. Morales said that he feared tne "big stick" and was "afraid to oiiena Roosevelt' 0 On Jsndsry 14 Commander Dillingham .Mu-I Om nlA Tkntnlna-n In the TTnltCd States gunboat Gaston. He Immediately proceeded to open negotiations wnu President Moroles In conjunction with rinita Mlnlatar Dawson. '" Her husband left Santo Domingo and arrived In New Tork on January . uy a nar row margin the adventurous woman missed, a great fortune. . WTLL OOUOUn OCSIOMB. (JoerBal gpeetal Berviee.) . Washington. March It. On account of the expected postponement .of the Dominican treaty the state department Is determined to proceed with; I he col lection of cnatoma at Puerta Plata and Monte Cristl under the terms of the arbitration award last year, compn rations with European creditors . sr Xeared..-- : v-H . and towed to one of the shipyard piers, where shs will be completed. . She Is now In a more advanced stage of con struction than any vessel ever before launched for the United States navy. The Washington was contracted for on February j. 104. and at tha sauM time the Cramps were awarded the eon tract for a sister ship, the Tennessee. There haa been quite a rivalry between the two shipbuilding firms to see which should complete Its contract the' quick est The New Tork Shipbuilding com pany Is ahead with the launching of tbe Washington. This Is partially -due to tha fact that the ways on which the cruiser was built are covered by a mam moth abed of glass and steel, allowing for work In all kinds of weather. ; Tbe Washington, while not designed to be quite aa fast a some of the light er-ermed cruisers, wiH have greater bat tery and defensive powers than any ves sel classed as a cruiser. In fact aha will be superior to many battleships of the earlier type. The Washington's length on water line Is Ml feet: breadth at load water line. TS feet: displacement on trial, it feet: mean draught at maxi mum toad. iT feet- The steaming radius at It knots will be f,&oe knots: steaming radius at full speed, about 1.100 knots. The ' armor-plate- protection ranges from Inches for the turrets to I Inches for the belt The cruiser will have a very heavy armament Tba main bat tery will consist of 4 10-inch guns and 1 Cinch guns. - The secondary battery will have XS 1-Inch rapid-fire guns, 11 t-pounder semi-automatic . guns, S 1-pounder automatic, and . I 1 -pounder rapid- ire guns. 1 1-Inch field piece and I small-caliber rapid-fire machine guns. Tbe Indicated horsepower f the en gines Is 23.000, and they are designed to drive the vessel f a speed of at least tl knots an hour.. B'NAI B'RITH LODGE MEETS AT NEW ORLEANS (learaal tpeeisl Berries.) New Orleana, La.. March It, Promi nent Hebrews from many parts of the country are arriving to attend the annual grand lodge meeting of tbe Independent Order B'nai Brtth. The convention will open tomorrow and continue In session four days. : The order has a membership of 10.000 scattered throughout tha United States, Germany and Roumanla. ft Is purely a benevolent and philanthropic organisa tion and maintains orphamrea. hospitals, libraries, technical training schools, etc Tha matters that will be given most attention at the present convention is ths mapping out of plans to further the Interests of the Jews of this country, and devising means of properly oaring for the Russian jew immigrants, those who are not voluntary Immlgranta, es pecially, but who are forced te leave Russia. ';' Piefeuwd meek ' Allen Lswis' Best Brand. HULL MISQUOTED IN -- . INTERVIEW ON JAPAN (Journal Special gervtce.)- Des Moines, la., March It Congress man Hull, chairman of tha .military-com mittee states that he was misquoted In the Interview regarding Japan and the Philippines. He states that what he really, said was that America needed a big navy to protect its Island posses sions, and that If Japan was Inclined to the Idea It might In the future desire to n In posweewlon of the Philippines). CURE FOR PMPIjES Gently smear the (ace with Ointment, bet -- TOO. Wash off the Ointment in five minutes with Cuti cara 6oap and hot water, and bathe freely for some minutes. Repeat morning and evening. Use Cuticura Soap for bathing as often ae agreeable ALL FILLED UP AGAIN 5tore Will Be Open Till After to Tonight. See the Beau- -tlful Mew Pianos Just ). ' ' ' ,''"' Received.' ','-, ., . . J eaa-Baaj-waBs ' 'Not yet too'late to take advantage of the enormous savings made possible by our great . co-operative sale. " Dosens. yea, we might say, hundreds Of your friends and neighbors have In vestigated our present oSera, and have secured one of our fine new pianos at first of all, an enormous saving in price, and secondly, on the very easiest terms ofpayments svsr submitted. ... This proposition has been carefully figured out, and we ase positive In our statements that you will never again after thia aale clones be able to secure a good, warranted, standard piano for so small a price aa lust now. I And never again will it be possible for you to secure one on such ridiculously easy terms of payment ... , Five dollars'ilown andSJl.15 a week certainly looks easy, and it la easy. Get a piano In Club A at these terms, at rrtoee ranging from $117 for the usual J00 styles to 1212 for instruments reg ularly selling for as much as 1325. Allow us to call especial attention to pianos. In Club V. Here are instruments nf almost avarv American make, used Fnxnos, shopworn pianos, pianos dropped rora present catalogues all st -wonder ful savings rrom regular reiau one. A lun oaJt-aad Ludwie. 1184: an other plainer cane, a Royal In good order, IUS; a Smith Barnes, also In good a nape, un: eiegani nine nnnw unrla-ht. mnttlftfi French walnut finished case,--could hardly be told from new. tit!;' very showy, walnut cased K'ng bury.' tl4E; .fine,' large Ivers ar Pond, nearly new, 1175: fancy walnut' cased fttu-v trorla-ht. nractloallv new. tl0. and dosens of others. Payments In Club "ST' are tlo down and $1.76 weekly. . The, very choicest of Kim balls and Webera and Cbtckerlnga sre to be found In Club B at an average saving oi 1147 ter clano. and. stransa to say. while here are contained the most costly of all pianos, and while payments range higher thaa In any of the other clubs, this particular one seems to be filling more rapidly than any other ef lata. - Carload after carload of choice, new pianos have been coming In during the past few days, so .that now once more we are prepared to show a, -complete as sortment of every catalogue style end make In these various piano clubs. Bear In mind, however, that when these are gone the clmb sale is at 'an end. Chances are that we shall fin rah within the next two weeks. In no case can the sale last longer than April t. however. Remember the place,' Ellera Piano House. 161 Washington street,; comer Park. ' " - - CHU R C H SERVICES . ,. - rxreeaxeaTiogAL. k Plrat eara aad Madisoa streets: Bev. U. L. Boaaa. D. D., pastor. 1040 a. - av and 7t$0 p. ev, sarsMB by Usr. K. O, .Oakley of Mama; p. m.. Saodar srbool, CTIntoa. O. Mlala. aoaailiileudest; : . b, - 1 P, 8. . v Choir Mrs. Boaa BlaeS gsnsr, Mia. W. A. X. as, W. M. tfeyar, w. A. aiBeigoaaary, W. H. Borer, csotr dlrertsr; Miss 1 usara ruber, ergaalat. Pllarlai ehaael geeaad street, aear Unrola. Boaoar aefcool at S JO a. sl, WUllaaa EL. Brosr soa, sepertateaaeat, - Haaaratde Oorser ef Bast Taylor and Bast Thirty -toarth stream: Bev. J. J. auab. pastor. 11 a. am.. "Chrlatlaarw aad the Crass.1' aad rolMrea's ernaoa aa ''As Aaaal Uaawaraa" ; 1:30 p. as., "The Pewar ot the Blood": 10 a. ai., Buaday acoeol. . C. PtaT. aupariataadest; S-S0 p. as... Chrlatiaa Badeavsr sarrlea. Blshlaaa Ooraer Prasestt aad Bast ' Ptau strssts, aorta: Bav. A. M. Boekwood. pastar. 10 a. sl, Baaday eesosl; 11 A m.. "Tbe Beeret ef Peoteenst"; I p. at.. Xaoior Badeavor; T:W p. av. The tabanwt oe Onr luiaalaiiait." Il.atlln Street Bast Beveath straet. Berth, end Baaaakt; Bev. Charles B. Cbaae, pastar. IO:So a. av. an ilea with aeraioo: It a.. Baa day aeaeol; g:So p. fa., rbrlatlaa MriiWanw; T:6 p. m., "Aa Hear ef Muste," soles, eoartets, eaoraa saa csnsregatlonal slagiag. The fermaal for the evealns will be ased la tbe eomlag rnoavllatie servieea. BoMate: Mlaa Oraea nilbert, aoprano: Mrs. 01 Bartseh Leas, con tra ho: 0. M. Oodfrey. tenor; Charles T. Tinker, baritone: nrsanlrt, Mrs. r. B. Cook ; ptaalat, Mtas LeeDe McKercDar. AU are oortUallr la vlted. ' ; . MUariMrtppt Aveeee Corner Mlasisalbpl averne sao rreawat atreet. 10 a. n.. Boaday seseol. i. H. I'pham, svperlatendeat; 11a. at., aresHi imt! :SO p. ta., Yernis People's aaeeting, JMae Krtfler. leader; T:HO p. ra., aeesehlDg. Bev. Krea Peeenrk vrin sapply tbe pelplt both smra lag sa4 evening. f , ' ' KyiBcoyAX. " - r St. ' DavM's Beat Twelfth and Behspnt streets; Rev. George B. Vsa Wstars. D. D., rertor. :4S a. Bk. ftandsy aranol: It a. nraree; 7:90 a. ra.. eeenins prayer. rredertrk W. Ooodrieb has arranged: Morains Prelude. "CaatUeee" (Balootel: afeetorv eofc. "It With AH year Hearts' I Meadelaaoba) ; pnethKte. "Priests' Marrb" BB. Ooa). ip.i ev-lii "Adaala" rWldor) : offertory. "Aadante In A rist" Royla); posthjde, "Oraa Corn Tiionfate" mneeeii. . Bt. Matthew's riret aad Oaui dieis .streeta; Bev. W. A. "reek la eharge. 111.", aarmoa; :A a. ra.. Baaday eroool: T: p. as.. sarsMB. Ueod Bbrpberd Bellwand street and Taaeoa- ver avenoe: Rev. Joke Dawson, reeter. B a. av . holy eomnranloa: 11 a. ra.. raornlng ovayer aad tft.ay; T:SO p. evening payer see eerrnoa; 10 si siw Baneay arnool. Rev. W. A. Brack mn w mmimi aaehar at evenias aerrfee. Bt. AadreWa Peolasola: Rev. John Pa woe la ebartv, Afteraaoe eerrlea. f e'eloek. St Mark's Onrnee Ntnetaeath aad Qahaby - i s n. aimaoa. rertor. B a. av. holr eommTrnlon: 11 a. av. aMralas preyer end I una vj o yer; 10 l a, ibhertos street; litany; 1:Vt p. m., evealag arm hi ,i , ,i Waaalaalial te. Dr A A. Mnrrlsaa. rertor. a. av, Mr rommaalna; servieea at 10:M a. BV and 7:30 Chapel of the Tranallfiiratloe H lth. near Ask street; Bee. W. B. tjrwyll. ebaplaia. Bervlce-at 11 a. m.; Banday acbool, m. Bt. Johala Memorial sellwoodjjtev. W. R. Powell la cbanre. 11 a. Bnaoay school; Traf p. bjl, aervtce and sermoa. XATTTBT, " ' Th White Temple Corner Twelfth d Tr lor streets; Rev. . Whltromb Brooshtv, T). D pester. J0:l a. ra., rpoe Aerord" prayer meeting; 10:30 s. m.. The King's Baalness"; 11:10 p. m.. Bible nebool: p. tn B. T. p. tl. serrlre. leaders. Homer Clark aad Joha I. Hnwea: T: p. at., haprtam; "Htandlng Pat. sr Bhowlng the White raather." Bpedal masle by tbe Temple e horns and enartet. . Becond Kast Beventb aad Aakeay streets; Bee. Btanton C. lApham. pastor 10:9r a.- m "The lt Ttotoa"; H Bible aebool; p. m., Youag People's onion: 7:30 p. av. "The fixed Way of Babrstlon.V The mnaie will be ander tbe dlreetloa of J. f. Bsarford.. - - rareerntty Park Mhfcw-10 a. .. Baaday arbool; 11 A arvacblag by Bev. jobs Baat- thaire-eTlvao. 11 a. .. Saadsy seheol; 11 m.. presenins oy r. -. ,,vi p. -w.,-peeaeklna by Bav-Joha Ben talen. - I Bast Math and Bast Alder streets; Winiam B. Randall, mlawter. lpJS A m!..'U5rrtr'! ia av. Bible school: T:J p. av, "The Pisaloa plsy.' sa Hloetrated aervlee. Prof. W.V p. Wersrhh-nl. mosieal d tree lor; Miss Roth 8 bo tree, arganlat. . . " ' ( . . CHXISTlAJf. First Onrner Park sad Cnrambla streets: Rev. P, B. Markley, pastor. 0:X a. ra., "How Csa We Promote ChrUtl.s Unloaf"; T M p. m., Thoagbt Power": 12 IS p. m., Bible eebool; g'.M p. m., ChrUllaa Kodeavnr. Central Raat Twentieth snd flalmoa etreetA Bev. t. T. Ghormley, D. O.. win speak at IO:.10 h b, mi 'Bemlealoti of sins"; T:45 p. m., "The Cornnarioe ef Oof Kins " Bperial meais, Mrs. MrPheraoa Oale, caorlstsr; Mlaa Bva R; aa, ergaalat.- . - ' . ' , CTKKtBTlAV tdtOtaX. ' Plrst Beottlab Rite eatheoral, Morrlaoa and txnvnedaJe streeta. wi I ea it 11 a. m. and 8 p. av, oh'w-t nf sermon, "Reality"; SaBaay arbool at rioee w momma aemee. weenBd AiHlllWlttm bnlldlna. Third, hetwaaa Taylor and Sainton streeta, Panda r aerrlcea ai 11 a. m. snd n. m., robjert, RealltT" 11 a. m.. Baaday arbool. r Riidnev Arime "orner Itednef avene snd Knott etreet: Albra Raeon. mlnlater.. 11 a. at., "The Baalneaa Hide of (lirlatlanlty": : a, ra., Bit near erkool: : p. m.. Ynang People's ao Heir ef rtirtatlaa Badearor: 7:S0 p. ., evaa gvllatle aervlee. WorwHae-a IO:S0 a. Ith, "The Whole Armor ol Oud"; 7:30 R. ra., Tba gecrtt et Baeeeas'' i . 5 1 00 Worth of Fuii v v':;r':for: Twchty-fivo Gt3. . c THAT'S ABOUT -WHAT YOU GET WITH "!!ir'Fire3 THE MACHINE DOESNT COST YOU ANYTHING AND IS YOURS IF YOU WANT IT. THE REC ORDS ARE THE ONLY THINGS THAT COST AND THEY AMOUNT TO NEXT TO NOTHINa v" NOW Come on and get your $100 worth of solid fun for not much more than a song. .When you have had a Columbia Graphbphone one week, you will think you are getting $100 worth of fun out of it Then when you have had it a month nothing would buy the good times h will have given you. ." " "'--' ;-'-' '-" i v'- '" Did you ever hear the GREATEST SINGERS in the world? The GREATEST MUSI CIANS? The GREATEST HUMORISTS? ; : : v : , ; 1 Whether you have or not, a Columbia Graphophone wiH kt you hear them aa often aa you-please.- "" '. -'; . ";. 1 1 " j : V - - - i- -. . . . aav vnanv . av a va A v. a a.w t . . On, what a pleasure, a . . . By special arrangement The Journal is enabled to COUPON' OP ' Date.. ...... ..,......;;i...e.. THE JOURNAL, ;' X?, fXU ; - Fif th-and Yamhill Streets.?---- Please send solicitor to my address to explam FREE GRAPHOPHONE OFFER Name.. ..'. a. i.,:.,.,..... e Address. . ' a av. Baaday easel; 6:M aT si-", t. S. C B. . ; . . .. -. . - Adveat ZSO Harrtaoa street; izmnea nanrw oea, paster. 10 a. at-, Baaday araeolj 11 a av. preach Ina;; T a. av, era lee stealing; T.0 p. av, X.: :.' prrHOBTJrT. Tavlae Street Dr. Praacla pastor. 9 SO a sv. claaaes; 10. A "PiaoAatle aollritoaje": 1S:1 D. sv, srnooi; o.u b. m.. pwano nre, i a-w r- -i "Par Bale A BoaL" -Tba OUpbaat slstara will alne at evenlne aeiebiA ' - Trinity Bast Tenth aad Bast Grant Bev. HaraU Oberg, pastor; evaasetlstle saoralng aad eTaaiag. Jobs Nasals will 10 a. av, Baada acboei; p. sv, na - ... oaieaarv Corner Bast Pine aad Ninth streeta; WIMam H. Heepa, D. D.. pastor. M:W a. jb-. "Clear the Deck for Aettoa": 1 .90 p. "That Beaming aUa"; : a. av, awning clasa; la.lA p. av,.Saadsr arbool; a p, av, Junior; 6:13 p. bv, Kpwnrtb devotional. (iMtral tlnreee Roaaell and Klrhr streets P. I. Xonng, pastor. 10:'J0 A m., the Ollpbant sisters will condnct the servleas. This will be the' laat opportunity tor the people ef Albtaa ta bear tbeae gifted stnaera. 7:30 a. av, preaeblng; S:30 p. . m., Kpworth leasae. Knarorth Twentv-third and Irvine streeta! Reary- T. Atkinson; pastor. 10 a. m.. Header arbool; It a. m., "Tbe Universal Magnet, wtlh reference te tbe ' coming rerlral: t:M p. m., Bpvrortb lesirae-. T:30 p. sv, "Why Uod Book ta lioBBB." ' Boaeial arasle. ' Bpadal araale. nXMM 1 TKaIaV. ptrat raited BUth snd Moatgoraary streets; a. A. w. wllaoa. Bastor. 11 a. av. anartnrlv eomawnwn; 12M p. av,- Babbath scboel; 7:30 p. nv, sermon by pastor. . Msrsball Btreet Corner MarabaO aad Worth Sewaateeeth atreets: Kev. tl. W. Hare, pas tor. 10 a. av. Boaday arbool; prearhing at 11 a. m. sad 7:30 p. a. : P. av, I. P. a, C B. meeting. . i - m " Wna. lng by tbe pastor morning and erenlng. Wrst Camberltnd -Corner Twelfth sag Bast Taylor streeta; Rev. E. Nehna Allen. 10:80 a. bv, "Am I - My Brother-a Brother' a Keeper T"; 30 B. bi., Jan tor Bnr Cades vorj 7:30 p. bv. 12 av. Bands school: t aeavor: 6: DO a. m..- hen lor Mnllrli e..L'a. I 'rwrth Plrst aad Otbb streets; M. D. Me Clellaad. pastor. 10:30 a.- sv, " Mar rails in nod"i 13 bl. Bandar arbool. B. C. Broaaneb, snnerlnteBdent; :0 p. m CbristiaB Baoaavar BtreUng; 7:30 p. av, sermon by pastor. - piedmont Coraar Cleveland aveaae aad Jar rett atraet; Be. U Mroa Booaer, paator. 11 a. m., "A Paasloa for Bool"; 7:30 p. av, avan- geuane semes; le s. m.i - bsoosu euiieis Cbarlea voapez, saparuteAaenx. Arbor ledsa ebaeel I p. sC, Sabbath seheol; p. sv, aermoa by paator. , .. ... VB1TU XTaBOZUCAX. Bast Bide Corner Parsa sad Kerby streets Rev. Bowsraox. pastor. 11 A nv, preacblag by Rev. H. U Pratt, prastdlag alder, followed by the eonunanlon; 7:30 p. nv, preaching by tha pastor; 10 A av. sanaay scnooi; o p. av, ea tnlMnr: S:45 n. a... M. L. O. B. Mbmfcm Roth ball, Sevier street, beteeea -Twenty-nrit and Twenty-aeeona streets; H. 1. Holsspfel, pastor. 0:30 a. m., Bnnday acbool; Esscblng at 10:30 a. Bi. And 7:30 p. m. by . H, L. Pratt, .presiding elder; communloa after the aeratoo, -- Bt. Johns Comer Jobs aad Iranboa streets; r. bl MeVlrker. Dastor. 11 a. m.. "The Meces- sltr of a nirloe kevelatloa";'7:30 p. m., evaa- senstie: w s. m., bodobv scawi; e p. ai., Beolor k. h. a B.l :30 p, m-. Senior K. U ': " LTJTHTBAB. " I ' ".. ' ' Bt. ' James' English Corner West Park snd Jefferson atresia; J. A Leas, pastor, lis- m., "Regeneration and the Christian .tr"; 10 a. av, Banrlay school; 0:4S p. .. Lather lesgaa. Me eventnc service. 1 1 Norweslsn 4S North roarteentk street; Bev. J. M. Nerrlg, paator. Bervicea st 11 I. av aad S B. mi; S a. nv, Banday srbool. Norwegian Synod Corner Raat Tenth and Qrant -etreets; O. Reams, pastor.. It abi., lay servleeel P:30 A bv, 8nndsy school. No erasing ear rice. - .- . - - ZTaVOSLICaI, ABB0C1ATI0B, Plrst Rng'-isb Corner Rsst Sixth aad Market streets; Kev. O. W. Planter, paator. 11 a. at.. "Will- There Be a Revival In Portland!"; p. m..' "The Shiner's Condemnation"; 10 A m Snnday scbml: 3 p. m., Jaslor a II lance; 1 p. B., Yonog People a alliance. . . , PB-at Germao Corner Tenth and Clay streets: Theodore Bcbaaer, paator. Hermon and wnrehlp st 10:K s. m. aad 7:30 p. Bt-i :,10 a. Bi.. Ban der school; 7 p. sl, Yoong People's alliance. . nrrno bbxtbbxb rm chbibt. rtret Corner Bast Plfteentk aad laorrleoa streets; H. a Sboffer, ,patnr. 10 a. m., Bible srbool; U A m., "The Oresfamt Bevrra the World Baa Rver Had"! 0 p av. Cbrrrtlan Kndeavnr; 7:30 p. m., "Comment as lreaMeat Rooeevelfs laangnral Addreas." Poramontb At Artisans' balL " t:30 p. av, Brble srbool. Mrs, T. - R. Coon, eoperlBteodent; Rev. B. B. Bmerick, leader of song. 1 ' r. m. a a, x AaenHatlon sndllnrrnm, Ponrth and Tamhlll L . -I 1 Nearralgla Pala f sVBOTBsaMa PWI Isjsaasnly Metleveal by Painkiller KZZ 1 A :..r . ' THEN! "" nappmess ana comiorx a ajivm.bia unArnurnuni. is. ... rrm - . ) ... - - - with The Columbia Phonograph ii present present to its readers in Portlan lNaUClY I . :. .. .v. e e . . THE If yon buy aa AntomobUB without looklrig into the White yon are max- lac a tnlstaks that is all yotrr own, tor WB are both ready and anxious to give yott a demons Lratlen of speed, for hni-cllmbhig, or a ride ever roagh ' orsmooth roads that wU prove that the Whit la la a class by itself. - 20 Whites In and about Portland : ';. Last year made an aggregate of 14,000 miles aad not a single tow-in. ;.;-a:';,.v;:''' Agent Incomparable OARAOE. SALESROOM, REPAIR AND MACHINE SHOP - ... , . 214 Second St, Cot;. Salmon streets. reefs, t p. av, Semday elab far men, a J.-B. Bnyoer. ersnsehat with Dr. Chap: tba topic, "A Msa"; sraslc by AaaocW hr ne tbe taolc. "A Mas": antic br Aaaoclatioo Ulee clnb snd Coulter's orchestra; 3:30 p. m.i meeting lor Boys, is to la years or age, in gymnaalnm, address by C T. Bcbaeffer, beys' ersngeust with Dr. CbapmtA at. X. OBTBOK, SOVTST. Plrst 171 H Beeoad atraet, farastera' ball; B. H. Movrrs,. psster. . II 1 BV, "The Com pensation for Sorrow" ; 7:30 P. av, "The Bin Against the Holy Oboat"; 10 a. bv, Boaday acbool; 6:30 p. m., Bpworth teagaa. ; :-.'-.! VBTTaBIaV. Plrst Tamhlll aad Sevaata streets; Dr. 9. C. Creasey, paator. 11 A m-, "Is Prayer Aa vweredi"; 11:30 p. sv. Baaday arbool; f p. av. fraternity meeting. Dr. cressey speaks ea Th. Utnrm nf UauilkaL lb. P.lrin " . Us-ITXBJaLXBT, rirst Beat Coach and Bast Eighth atreets; W. T. Small, paator. 11 a. m., "The Awaken ing In the rnivamallst Cborch"; 12:15 p. bv, Baaday . acbool. .. .. ICBrrOXABKOUB. ' ' ' , Dlrlne Trath chapel Bleeeatb aad MoBtgeav ery atrrets; T. M. Mlnard, pastor, gmks at 11 A sv Cborch of Jeans Christ ef Letter Day ttahrbs Alleky bnlldhig. ball 400, earner Third end Mnrrteoa srrsau. Berrleea at 11:30 A sv aad 7:30 p. m. The MerilBBM Protective BnMtaallst eraanl- aitloa meeu la Will matte hall. ITOVs Second street, near X sbuiiii, at as p. av address by Pt Tsyksc. follow ea by tbe The Norwsgtaw-Dasasb-Bngtiah ndaatea ajeets st OM Cllotoa street, oa Woodstock car line, at I p. a A cardial Invttatloa is aa tended. Millennial Dawn O. A B. ball, earner See- end aod Morrteoa street. ' 3:W p. Bl., "Sarra- tlon: c Sum What- ta What 7" Ulnatratsd by ebsrt. . .... Sew Thonght society 300 Atlsky Bnlldlng, corner Third gnd Morrlenn sit rets. S p. m trr. Rntler OS "la the Uolden Are at Hand?" Volunteer of America tonne I Jisll, iM7 As keny a tree L t p. tn., Unnrtar erhool; 3 p. m., holiness meeting. Special aervtce Sondsy evea Ing: Aaae Newell, state evasvellat. will preach; speclsl muale and aoeg by Miss SlsaeeB, Merenth Day Adveetlet Raat Kleventb snd P. reran treti :. kvleln leland. eentiir. 7:4(1 p. m. 'lacreaslng labeellty aad 1U Cause"! - r- v: this rcculah v $?;50 Colombia GRAPH0?H0r4E 'Xi& i Sshcriioa to He Josrud -vuuipany at ito ocveiiui sum. d and - immediate guburbi thu . White Tourjns: Car Sabbath school and1 pnbBe Bsnlere (Na tarda?) riea-tnaiag at 10 e' clock; zosag People's mert tng at S p. si. Tbe People's Christies TTnloa Pree Bellgmna society UiUty feaM, ICMH MorrisoB street, aesr . Second; P. A. Conlter, leader and teacher. 11 a, m., The Dlrtne love and Wisdom": U:lll p. m., study rlaa la "lAt Problems'; 7:411 n. m., eoacert by TJnloa orcbeatra, Mie. I. R. Howard, vocalist; 3:10 p. Bk, "A Lawk Into V our Dynamo." Tba Plrat Rtble Sntrltaalleta' anetet.r Drew hall, 1S3 Second street. 1:45 p. Bl., l.'fTUra by Mrs. - Abigail Scott Danlway, anbjeet, "Tba Vielt of Mcodemos to Jeeas by Night. Tbe Pint Hplrltnal society Artisans' ball, AMngtoa bailillng. Third atreet, aear Washing ton. 11 a m., conference; 12:30 p. m., Chll drea't PtusTteslve lrcenm; Bav. A, Bayaumd at 2:30 aad 7:43 p. av . Yon Cuioiv that If you have fainting.' smothering, weak or hungry spells; If you have shortness of - breath when walking or going up stairs; If your hesrt Is Irreg ular, flutters or palpitates; If you have pains around ths heart. In Bids and under shoulders, cannot sleep on left side; have difficulty In breathing wtien lying down, that you are Suffering from ' heart troubles, and that It is liable at any minute to prove fatal. Then don't delay. .Commence at once giving ' Dr. Miles ... New Heart Cure - This famous heart and blood tonla Will cure If taken In time. - - The time la when you notice say of tne aoove symptoms. I am glad I was persuaded to try nr. Miles nee at cure. I Buffered greatly from shortness of breath; palpitation. smothering spells snd pain around heart. I t(ik bottles and Was entirely cured. This was two years Ago, and 1 have had. no symptoms slnre." JOHN K. TODD, p. M.. (inlpollB, Ohla If first bottle does not bene lit, tour druggist will roturs your mono T 48 JsaaSBB ... v.- '4.