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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
TII3 CCZCOII DA)1lV JOUmiAL, PORTLAND. SATUHDAY EVEmNQ. MARCH 18, 1CC3. ronosrt unmaaam. Colanuria : Emna-e .... utua titar Bkar f...... "Jean of are" ...... "Ola Olaoa' "la Cherry Veller" . . . VaadeTll le ,,. .,,.. .VasdaTllle .Vaoderuie ; ; TbrM hundred teacher assembled at in men sonool. yesterday to bear the ' lecture en the art of reading that was , aeuverea Dy Mr. Mario Craig Went- wortb. of Boston. . She la a aiatar of Miss Ajloe Craig, a teacher in the En llsh department at tha school. Mrs. Wentworth gave an Interpretation ef . correct reading, and told of tha fuade mental principles of tha art.- To oover : the field thoroughly would require a i era! months, ana said.' Sh explained that to read correctly oae must gat tha impression 01 tae article.' ALA Hamilton, aplonees taarohaat-of tnia ataia, died n ixm Angeles, caL, Saturday, aged 7 yearn. For many years ha -wan postmaster- and -railway station agent at Beeverton, Washington county. Several years ago ha . moved to Portland and engaged la tha real as tata buslneoa. Wbea his health began to fall ha want ta Los Angalea. - Ha la survived by a widow, who la la to Angeles. . ' . - . ? is , ; August N. Meyer, whose stock of pi anos was damaged by rlre six weeks ago, la balk at his old store. 74. Sixth street, wher he has received, thraa carloads of pianos In tha last few days, and no finer assortment of pianos was v offered at Portland. There are eleo a, number of damaged planoa to be had yet at great bargains; the Instruments are ' pat in first-class condition, and as . good aa aver. , . At Sunday; evening's meeting of tha People's Forum in the Knlghta of Fyth laa hail, Marquam building, a debate will be Meld on "The Value and Merits at the Initiative -and Referendum." . 1 The af firmative will be upheld by W. 8. T-TRen and the negative by R- R. Dual way, wha have been prominently . identified with these measures for soma time. . All in terested are welcome. t ' m m n ,J unvuara . DUJrrvr, - on 1 wktoa Pacific coast aunerlntendent for the Pos. tal Telegraph company, la la tha city on ," says he sees great changes in the city of Portland during the last-year, and he predicts that it IS to become a very - backed by 'a country rich and vast In re sources. J'-. .' All the latest -materials for man's stylish suits, we have In the newest. best and moat stylish goods, and we can make you the nobbiest suit in Portland '. ivr uuij ids. j bujl mi wiuunB price of 125. Tou won't quarrel about the price when you get tha clothes. The tit and style are guaranteed. Unique nental - trip, - whether for business or pleasure, write W. C MCBride, 114 Third street. Portland, for descriptive . ana luusvrairre pampaini oa toe jjenver Rio Grande, luatly termed The Beenio Line of tha World." Mo suoh . scenery anywhere oa tha face of tha . Vammm miAim ,f W1m . ' mA , mem bars of tha aid Badger society are neja , . in kiss nau, in me aaarquam building. Wednesday evening, March 12, tat 8 o'clock. A large and anthuslastlo. .gathering la expected. Vet no Wlscon- .slnlte faU to attend. r' - r.uour r-i. onuui s io iut airupa ;'frora James F. Smith has been taken . under advisement by J edge ClelandV Tha couple first had trouble 14 years ago and It haa been Intermittent ever Bines. Allegations of non-aupport by her and n fnf Mailt hw klm ware featnraw of the testimony. , . ,: , . Pure paints and otls. ' F. E. Beach ' Co.. the pioneer paint company, agents Honour's floor paint, liquid veneer, jap-a-lao. Berry Bros.' varnlshea. Blackjack , harness oil. Neal a enamels, - New Era paint, window and plate glass. ltf First street. Phone 1114. i ' Steams hip Roanoke. S.400 tons, aa for San Francisco, Loe Angeles, Coos Bay and Eureka, March 11. 1 p. m., from ' Columbia dock No. 1. . Round trip Loe Angeles, H1.0; Baa Franolaco, US.M. Ticket offlee 161 waahlngtoa street Barry Toung, agent ; tO.000 Immigrants Wanted To locate alona- the Oreaon Water Power aV Rail way comparljrs una between Portland and Estacada. For Information Inquire 'of the Oregon Water Power Townelte company. 114 First street. Phone. Mais '114. ' , Rstaoeda Offers - Oppertunitlea to manufacturerB which means millions ;of dollars if properly handled.- For tn- street Phone, Main ill. -. ' Professor Eaton's dancing aehoot Classes Monday and Thursday evenings , at Arlon halL Beginners taken at any ! time. Six assistant teachers. Private lessons daily at halL Spectators invited, 'Phone West 104. Lost Black Cocker spaniel, female; 4 'months old; answers to the name of Pln.,1. went aatrav In i !lt V Park. Run. day; reward for her recovery. - 4BT -Flanders street between Twentieth and aty-nret - i , B. A 8. Cough and Croup Syrup, rao . ommeoded by physicians. The most gleeful domestic remedy for all colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis and pneumonia. For sale by Knight Drug company. W. Curtis entered the east aide us - tlce court this morning as a plaintiff in a suit for 120; he left It as defendant with - Judgment against him la tha amount of 1115. Curtis brought suit to ' : t -MSBst n rr czj ii m rvrw i II .'J I T aasi BBS ' rv w I theBaby A baby who frets, worries, of . cries, or sleeps poorly is prob ably poorly nourished, unless there is actual disease. Mtiiin'a Food provide plenty of good nourish- ; ment j easily dlgestibla, and does away with all fretting; and crytnf . Try Mat ha t Feed we will mot yii a temple. , faed. waJsirfeeelveJ the Jraai Prlae, . se hV Veet award ef the Leuaa far iautoM. a, Leiie, Cm - ee taas a gets atnL HILUN FOOD CO, tZZTCN, MASS. GUMi mm. DYAfiy TAXPAYER 4 - Thomas Cuinean Tells Courrci There Is Collusion " Between Contractors and Officials. i..- SAYS ASSESSMENTS K .ARE PLAIN ROBBERY k.' ' roperry or Kicn Escape, and : Poor Bear All the Burden U of Improvement. "The bnslness of this city is not eott-dncted-.nn;a business basis, declared Thomas Gulaeaa who appeared before tha city executive board yesterday after noon with a committee headed by Mark tr Weill to protest against the excessive oosts of tha South Portland fills, a - Instead Of bains' conducted in a business-like manner, there senilis to be col. lusion between the oontraetors and tha afTlclals. Where are all these enormous amounts of money to go that la de manded of us .for these Improvements f We will not stand for this robbery! It we do not get justice from the city officials, we wui fight- against thla in Justice n the courts. If we do not get satisfaction in tha coorta of thla state, we will appeal it to tha highest courts la the country. - . , . "On districting for the assessments tha rich man's property la left out, while the. poor asaa baa to pay for. the im provements. Such doings are disgrace ful.- ' v Mr. O'Neill requested the board to make a resurvey of the fills, stating that the property owners were asked to pay for earth which was never placed la the fills and that eeveral of them were over a thousand cubic yards short Ha alao asked to have the as as as ed district ax- tended to include about 10 acres of val uable land belonging to the Southern Pa- clflo and the Oregon Railroad 4fc Navi gation company. City Engineer wanner was ordered to take reaurveys. but the petitioners were notified thai to extend the district was not within the power of the board. They were instructed to confer with tha city council. -- -v i-.'---.... i J. U. Mlddletoa - has filed a claim against the city for damages to a house belonging to him on the eorbett street fill, amounting to MIS. The matter was referred to the street committee. PenaJUes In contracts for failure to complete improvements oa time will be Inflicted on oontraetors. A dosen or mora extensions of time were asked by contractors yesterday, and tha board ob jected to the delays, although it had been tha practice to- grant them in tha past. recover 1150 from the star Brewing company for balance alleged to be due oa- tna aale of a saloon. Tha defendant company produced evidence which con vinced Justice Be ton that the company really the creditor, judgment was entered against the plaintiff, and whan a cross petition wa filed the brewing corporation secured tha judgment named Oonncllmaa John P. Sharkey has com menced the erection of a factory bulla tng on ' Union avenue, near East Oak street The Concrete Construction com pany haa secured the contract and the building will be constructed of concrete stone . blacks made under - the J. Ferguson patents of Denver, Colo. Mr. Sharkey ' received bids f Or both brick and concrete atone blocks and after con sulting with experienced - engineers, found that tha concrete blocka had about three times th strength of brick. Mr. Sharkey stated tha bid for the eon crete blocks was about 14 per cent leas than tha lowest bid for brick. Portland may well halt with interest the newa that nine more lota in City View Park go on sale Monday. This sightly and conveniently located resi dence property has by Its natural advaa- a name for itself in Port- land's moat desirable real estate prop erties. Streets era graded, sidewalks laid and curbed. Bull Ran water, elec tric light and telephone service Twenty minutes ran from First and - Alder streets. Lota will be sold on easy terms. Qo out tomorrow and pick a choice lo cation. . Ernest - Thompson Seton at the Mar quam Grand at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon and at night Both ef those lectures will be profusely illustrated with atereoptlcon views of wild ani mals in their native Ufa. Admission to matinee, l4c; to all. night 10c, 76c, $L George H. KTiner was divorced yes terday from-Amelia Kllner by Judge Sears on his cross-bill after, his wife had filed a complaint Incompatibility of temper was tna ground. ttfnrthlind JElnl ' TUB rltgint new at sails direct for Ban Francisco Monday evening. Cabin, fit; steerage, 11; meals and berth Included. . C H. Thompson, agent. 111 Third street - Sunday trolley trip to Estacada, round trip 75 cents. Hotel now open. Cars every two hours from First and AMer streets. .. .-,,.- v , ,.- Gentlemen and ladles meet your friends. See R. W. T raver, organiser, at SIS Washington street Goto Estacada for year Semday sat ing. Round-trip ' rata 74 cents. Phone Exchange 4T for departure ef care. Tha Falrf Tha Fair! MerruTg hall. Seventh street, between Oak and Stark, tonlghp, . . ' ' Wisconsin society. Former residents of Wisconsin are requested to enroll at office of H. Li Powers, t Chamber of Commerce. ' "." : If you want a pleasant evening come op to - the Fair at. Merrill s. Seventh street, between Oak and Stark. It, cents. Dr. A moe. surgeon, Dekum bunding. Throw care to the winds; coma up to Merrill's - hall tonight. Ansleyg display, Ffunders, Id and Oak Com of to tha Fair at Merrill's hall and be happy. , v Aa your grocer for Ooldea Cheddar. Remember the Fair at Merrill's hall. Orpheum, vaudeville, burlesque. eVaa. sracxAi Rev. M. M. Bledsoe, pastor of the Immaauel Baptist church, will be the speaker at the Salvation Army meeting. 24 rim street this evening at 1 o'clock. -Everybody -la invited.'-Tomor row all day. Major and r ra. Flynn. the new divisional oracera, will have charge of the meetings -and-good times are ex pected. Th majors at good speakers and very musical. '' tiUAQCuwS: . AGAKi AN ISSUE : ,. t ' '. Unrestrained " Bovine Cause " Complaint to Qo Up From,, 'i'V' ' .Residents. "i.NV SITUATION IS MORE COMPLEX THAN EVER Owners. Say Visiting Cowa Ben ; eflt When Home Animals , 1 L Am . Restrained. The Mt Tahor cow question that a year ago threatened to divide the suburb andwhlch was Snail y settled by a vote to keep the cows confined, is again the main Issue there, and a combination of clroumstaaoes have tended to make the problem a mora complex one than ever before. . v .-. ., , ... .... - A year ago the vagrant cow 'became. In tfaio opinion of many Mt Tabor cltl sena, a nuisance, and on the Issue . of free or restricted cows the an tl -roam log party won. For a time Mt' Tabor cows were attached to lariats and the weeds and grass grew nnobecked, but It was rumored that should eases be appealed from the local justice court- to the county court the owners of the wander ing cowa would not be disciplined by the higher body and tha cows would again resume their sway. With the recent appointment of T. C Bhreve aa Justice of the peace at Mt Tabor, the question has again been agi tated and both Owners of caws and non- owners are wondering whether the new Justice will wags active war against the unrestrained cow. . Rumors of , a pound and penal tlea have -been afloat and the Mt Tabor cow has for a week bean kept la confinement until the course of the court should bo determined. Justice .Shrove stated yesterday that tha law gave any one the privilege of making a complaint against tna owners of loose animals, and that he would not act until such complaint was made, Concerning the. pound he had no Infor mation. - ' '.-.. ..." - Those who free their cowa say that If Mt Tabor animals are not given the benefit of the vacant blocka for pastur age Montavllla cows ..will ba turned loose and beaded toward Mt Tabor. It la also stated that the Mt Tabor cow m. mrtmt efficient lawa Bowtr, and that were It not for the eonatant wandering of tha kma the vacant blocks and streets would be ragged and overrun wwn weeds. Instead of being ideal, closely cropped lawns, as may are ai present. NAME ANOTHER TICKET. Already ta the Field at BV Jokas Testardav u i third munlorpal ticket was added ta the collection in 8t Johns and tonight another will be named. If there are' 2.0 residents in tne pmee aad 104 voters the four tickets will have about ona tenth of tne voters as candidates, aad In all probability tha percentage la larger," aa many living there hold their xrancnise as yet in rori- On March T the ' Good Government league nominated the following ticket: Mayor. W. V. Jobes: recorder, J- W, Hank, treasurer, F. Vallenttne; city at torney, 8. H. Green; council men. first ward. C LJncrutst C B. Edwards;, sec ond ward, H. W. Brice, j. a. anieia; ax large, C. K. Thompson, B. T. Leggett, E. C Thurston. On the evening of March 14 a mass maotlng'nomlnated tha following ticket: Mayor. J. Monahan; recorder, M- F. Tufts: treasurer. T. H. Blckner; council- men. first ward. D. Breoht L A. Crane; eeeond ward. C W. Potter, O. M Hall; . W w m i .. -nr. u . at targe, m. u, lonnifnai tt, a. nous. A. 8. Douslas. Bv netltion yesterday the following ticket was placed in ine iieia: jaayor, W, H. King; recorder, M. F. Tufts; treasurer, F. W. Valentine: council- men. first ward. Daniel Brecht Xt A. Crane: second ward. C W. Potter. W. O) Walker; at large, P. J. Peterson, O. H. Carlson, A. B. voagtmrn, Tonurht It is probable that a fourth ticket will be nominated, and tha name of - A. & Douglas Is most frequently mentioned as the oaadldate for mayor. By comparison of tha above tickets It appears that among other things A. & Douglas Is candidate for oonneilmaa at large on two tickets, that M. F. Tufts is candidate for recorder oa two tickets, that ' Mr. Valentine Is. candidate for treasurer on tna first and third tickets. that W. H. King la candidate for mayor en the third ticket aad for councilman at large on the mass, meeting ticket. and that Daniel Brecht and L, A. Crane have a double chance to ba councilman from the first ward. Mt. Tabor Citiseas Xesire Abolishment - of SOgh School Fees. Many Mt Tabor citisens who have been paying tuition fees at the Port land high school, and who Doped that relief was in sight when the division of Mt Tabor would be made and a portion of It taken Into the city of Portland, are doomed to disappointment . The Only benefit the residents of the annexed region will secure is we. extension of the Portland water aad sewer system, and the-accusing of ilrs protection. For Tears citisens of Mt Tabor have paid their school taxes to support the home . institution, many of them -paid taxes on city property, and atlll when their children, came to aa age thaK re quired their Attendance at th high school they wore forced to pay the tui tion, as though tbey were Irving a hun dred miles sway. In other states the law provides that when the amount ' of taxes paid to tha city equals the tuition no fees shall be charged, but Mt Tabor residents have been compelled to pay the high -tuition -charges, no - matter what their city taxes were, and even tne addition of the new tax burden will not release them from the old tuition charge, which In some families of the district' amounts to mors than 4100 a year. , 1 , . . MT. Aom rATXOV Mt Tahor wilt have aa observation tower in the near fntura. Irvln Corner hss pnrchaaed lots On Mt Tabor heights and will erect a residence and a 44-foot tower. The tower wilt command a view of the country to the east for 144 mllds and will ba used by -Mr. Corser to aid him la securing scenio views of the val ley and tha mountain ranges. . - poxoox rusi xs tow. School work la the Mt-Tabor district I being hampered by lark of funds, and so great Is the need of money that the pupil of the school have been forced to raise funds to. maka an exhibit at the Lewis and Clark centennial. What has caused this deficiency has been the erection of a saw. building, to acoommo- ' , Nw ten-room house in Irvinston -district, 4 ', :.: southwest ' -corner Hancock street, . and East Twenty - sixth. ' . ' ; Full quarter block; ; ' street sewered, grad- , ' j ed and graveled; side- 1 j; .' walks and gas pjpes ' "laid. ' For sale on In . . stallments. ' ' B. MLOMBARD 514 .Chamber of Commerce. data tha first and second grades, which had overflowed the classrooms at tha Central school. The building took II, 004 from the fund voted for the support of tha Mt Tabor school sad was addi tional to tha expenses anticipated dur ing 1404. As there -are no other fundi raised In the district from which money can ba drawn for. school purposes, relief will not be possible until the beginning of next year. :. (MUST ZS ST0ST. The Mt Tahor justice court Is al ready finding work for ita offloera. and two cases have been filed, one from a district as remote as 8t Johns. The new oourt haa a territory as large aa tha east aide oourt, since It takes in all east side suburbs not a part of Port land. Jostloe T. C 8hrevo was ap pointed two weeks ago .and has made hta headquarters In the Mt Tabor real estate office at the end of th Mt Tabor Una. -,. . . - - .. ABBS Baa Butler camp, G. A. R at Sunny- aide, haa been revivified and, under the direction of the newly elected com mander, T. C. Bhreve, Is addtng many members. . Though but recently started again, tha eamp haa tt veterans en rolled, and so great has been the inter est aroused that the formation of a re lief corps is probable. ..." 1 -? Complaint -.has been made In th oast side Justice court against Frank ' He Crumb, Wallace Kaddarly.- Ralph Kad- derly, jna Burgas aad Tod Surges on the charge Of trespass. The complain ant Is J. C Cannon and the charge Is that the above minors, on March 12, trespassed on the property of the com plainant and refused to depart when ordered. 8 tone-thro wing and other acta are said to be the real offenses. . Tha ease of B. F. White against T. W. Greenwood. In tha . east side - Justice court was yesterday dismissed, aa It was ahown tha defendant aad seen de clared a bankrupt. t ' Monday evening an Odd Fellows' lodge will bo Installed at 8t Johns, J he mem hers of Orient Lodge doing the initia tion work.- Probably 40 members will be received Into the now lodge on the opening night . . - STATE SCCiZTIrS5 ' T0 CC1 TOE FAIR Letters Received Show .That the Reception Committees Will; , Be Kept Very Busy. GENERAL HEADQUARTER3 - WILL' SOON BE ENGAGED AT THE THEATRES. ,"Jn of Are." ' Temcfct hiawituw sistisaa sad svanmg aely three more parferaanees of the grand bistorieal and religiose spertada. "Joan ef Are." at the Columbia. The Columbia aoick jpempaay beensM serfect la the is east Use. Joaa at Are" ta a page from ktstery; It Is feed for eeepi reugVies Umagbt tsge Btetore that once . saea will sot ssoa be tor- gottaa. - , . - "Monsieoa Beancakav!!-!--. It m ahravs a aleassre ta amke sets ef say tbaaaieal eftering with which Ormtea Clarke may he lanatuieq. rar the reeaoa uat Mr. Clarke beloesa to that elaas e( aarneat, eo radons aoews wbe sre wlllug te he Jnogee by the eoarpany they keep. It gees wlthoat aarmg that "htoeateor Bearaira. win whlrk this fawjrtts star la aim aaa fully tomiag thla aaa. has all the eesenUal ewmeam ef aseoro. Imm lataraat aad that Its romastle tea Uses, ae ekeely alUad te a vela ef the Barest and most healthful comedy, rarmlaaas ample eeraawea tar the display at tha star's Inherited gealna, nasi asi noaiali e wui save a war aiaaorate entatlee hare next Teeaday evesutg at the Maromam Orasd tbeabre. Beam are sew sal ) ... Thelma" at Colombia. kfaav Inoairles have beta eemtaa te the town- tews bes efflee of the Colombia la regard to ulay "Pialuiai" pht4rh la te. P. aoea at the noealar notowa stock booae next Tbdma" will ones Moaday Bight asst. IM seats are always aa saw Ore ears ahead. It a a sowerfal, eempleta prodnrUee ef Marie rvmlH'e aramatised atarv. aad this will be the Bret time tt has ever bees glvea here by high "The Moonshiner's Daughter." ' A melodrama of a vary sruaartoaal eharaetnr called 'Th. Moenahlner'a Daocbter" will nreeeatad et the Kmpire theatre aU aast week. startlaa Baaemy matlsee . The sceaea of the slay are laid Is the moeatslae ef Tennaaa and the ebararters are made as of moaaehlnen and their families and Internal rensne orneera. The alar soea with a whoop aad. will sorely catch the raney ef ta soawaea. The moon shiner's daughter was a flower ef the mcmiy talaa. wbe eonld handle a gma Hke Dr. cimr, the I a shot. A samber ef clever suuruut sad eaadag specteitles wiu be mo-oaawa. , , . Tonight Laat Tim. There are stagers sad singers, bat the nnrtb- Und atnger. Bra Henartefca, WIU always be rlaaerd among tboae spelled with a capital 8. Mr. Hcwxrlrk' eerins la easy, nataral aa baoyaDt Hta favorite play. "Ola Omoa," offer klm ahoadaat eppertoniuea, Imnroms tnem ta the vary -evlilmt aatlarartMB of au. Toalskt rtll and a very sutttaafal eagagemeat The Star'g Attractions. The Star bill wfll eoariaee te attract the crowds with tha two brothers Bouts, norelty band te haad balancera; Mr. and Mra. Hash Cmmett la a vmtrlloaaal act, end lacs Beatt, the serial ssrpenttne dascar. . CM. Rev.' C T. Schaeffer. representing 3. Wilbur Chspmari; will preach at 11 o'clock tomorrow at Westminster Pres byterian church, Ensf Tenth and-WeM-ler streets. Mr. Schaeffer la the chil dren's evangelist and haa a wide repu tation in this work. TT. creep -'-wot Off Ohsay. may well think 'he has ' got off who, after having contracted con stipation or. indignation, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Trr. King's New Lire Pllla. ' A eukrk. pleasant aad certain for bedacba. ionstlpetlnn. eu- it Red Cross Pharmacy, ((lath and streets, on the way to th post : emaranteed. eu.a tic at Oak omoa. Missourians Here In Great Num bers Will Revive Their Once ' , Flourishing Organization. :' ;- w . i Activity and enthusiasm among the state sac let lea is increasing as th open ing date of the exposition draws nearer. Many members of these organisations are in correspondence with oltlaens aad officials in tha states ' tbey bail from,' aad letters are received that show the reception '. committees of the - societies will have, plenty to do In their extend ing tha' Oregon "glad band", to the visitors. .-'..' 'M . . -The next meeting of the New Yerk society will bo held on March It, at the city hall, whea a musical and literary program will be given. The charter list, which now Includes 44 members, will be kept open until March 14. Qualifications are: To have been born In New York state, or to have lived there Ave year Immediately preceding removal to Ore gon. The annual dues are tt. R. C Wright, la tha Dekum building, and Charles H, Kopf, cashier for the Title Guarantee: A Trust company. Chamber of Commerce building.., will register ap plicants at any time. Tbe eociety 1b planning to make a list of the 11,004 former New Yorkers now residing In Oregon, snd also to keep a register of the New York people who visit the fair, and co-operate with the New York state commission m looking after tha visitors while hero. . At a meeting of officers of m number of societies yesterday afternoon at the Commercial club it waa determined to an gag headquarters where all tha state societies can hold their maetlBga. W. M. Cake, who was chairman - of the gathering, - appointed - a committee - of three to find a suitable location. ' About 24 people formerly residents of Missouri met at the Chamber of .Com merce last evening and revived the old Missouri society. . It was claimed that there were more ex-Mlssourlans In Ore gon than there were residents from any other atata In the union, and It was de clared that the honor of old Missouri must be upheld by - tha reorganisation of the Missouri eociety In all Its power and glory. , W. D. Fenton, who was its president, sent In his resignation on ac count of ill-health,,: and W. M. Davis was elected to succeed him. W. H. Grindstaff was elected vice-president, Mrs. A. J. Fanno re-elected treasurer, snd Ogelsby Young secretary. - A vigor ous effort will be made to increase the membership' and get into the front rank of Oregon- boomers. ' The executive committee of th Illi nois society requests that former resi dents of Illinois now living In Port land aad the Oregon country send their names and addresses to tha Illinois so ciety. 414 Chamber of Commerce build ing. .. Married women ahould send their maiden names, as wall as tha names of their husbands. The names are desired for a rooter now being prepared for use by th society at tha exposition grounds during the exposition.., 4. Treatments Free to All. Large numbers of persons are taking advantage of the generous offer made by Professor Rtckard, 444 Fifth street corner of Lincoln, to give all afflicted Individuals one treatment with his won derful electro-radiator free of charge, Tbe radiator la an appliance ef the pro fessors own invention, having been per. fected la Los Angeles and so mass fully operated there for the laat four' yeai His sanitarium In that city Is still la successful operation, Ita patronage in creasing dally. The Good Samaritan hos pital in thla city waa one of the first to procure a radiator from tne pro feasor, and th management speaks very highly of the Invention It is e most positive cure for all forms of rheumatism, pen ralgla, stomach troubles, catarrh, liver and kidney complaints, pains in the head, back or limbs, stiff Joints, dropsy. skin dig eases, or almost any other human disease. The professor, assisted by Mrs, Rlcksrd and Mrs. Mary K. Baldwin, who has charge of the women s depart ment, gives treatment to all sick per sons applying for it and their success haa been phenomenal. Fifth street cars pass the door. AMUBAMJgjrTS. COLUMBIA THEATRE . rosrtaenth aad WmUagtaa gta. L A. BV BALLABJV Ltmn aad. MaaageT. and Toftirtt. Tw . . ntgni imwi rerxarvs Oae ef the greatest religions . dramas of th age, "JOAN OF ARC SpatttSltnjr prtsWHtsM by ft rapei Oft-Ubta , Pwvcm wai-Jei, - k -SCsMfJT nsPwwWBBeH4J esnNMpkrvftaV a-veetof. 40, 16. 25. 16c Matin, SB, Is. IOC tvanlag at 4. Matinee at X, Downtown bns afsee. Doily Tardea Candy 327 Merriaon; open au o.y; oneoa stain a 110. Bnnlag at theatre, pboo mat wm, rr arttno mowdai night. rlowaroMBo",-aRAlND . - TET8XWARI TBOTTPB. Rot. I Jap. one Acrobata, '- trtUllClCSCA HKliMSO CO., gketeh. ' ' TH B 6KKAT CARLMM, Imperaoaater. TUB AUOKKS, Borlety Kntartamara, - 1)1) cog, Balaam. 1 AXDBSWs AND rFIJ), Swedhej Dee. . . MB. Al,r BONN KB. New Bang. TUB ertAKDIflCOpg. PtU-m rraainaa. inc. uoe, 2he. Mitlsaaa. ea evpt BoaoBr aad aolldara. 10c VavoIS." STAR. THEATRE wiu xoivsrva today, Two BOTwjrau4 bttwtib. . MR. AND M KM. HUGH KMalKTT. MXBTARn AND f )OK, 8ADIIS RRYNOLM. lAAJTU RI-BSiaa. I'M HVTXi . RnacoB ARBrrfKi.g. rnisoN PRojgcTont'oni. NSjW PH1CKS Itfenlns. 10c tOr and Be. MaUnea. eirept Sandaya snd solid. ra, 10a. 4if showa, 1.30 s. sl, 7:40 a. av. sad p. av THE LYRIC THEATRE SXTtarrB and aubb btrsb-ib. vary Aftcrnooa snd gvenlnc OBtAT PRonccnoN or thb rocm-ACT - a USA I, COMXUI-PBAJtA, . IN CHERRY VALLEY: SsedalUea Betweaa Acts. rvrformanre at 1:30, T: and :14 a. aa. uaaai anea ef anmmaioa. 10 eaaav BAKER THEATRIC Third and Tlmknl em.. K4Ung A riaed. Mas. agers. Larseat vaooenii Ho, in FRANK' MALI,, Utm-ltnwr. MAKfWINItr; AWT1 WIIJM1N. " EOBiNSTiM AND TRKNAMAN. THB m'RX)KIJJ4. Tsnnia AND DANI AN WrLHON. TBS mOGRAPB. anwMtalra. 10.; at x-t T4 aaa bjs a. enataha, . ifte, - ' ' Zf ccnvaaan . . . , f S -'.. ' The Struggle of W. M. KllllngVworth ' : This picture is a fair representation of the stubbornness manifested by numerous speculatora in real estate coming under my personal ob servation during the past 24. years. I have from tune to time published, - bjr circulars and otherwise, indisputable -argnmeata why - Portland was certain to become a large commercial city of great magnitude, and that when the city of Portland was built It would surely be built oa Oed s ' i natural foundation oa.the tabl land . ,-' BETWEEN THE RIVERS The facta were presented, in1 such a maimer that no sane man. wnmaa Or child could for on brief moment truthfully doubt It. But, still. - Beam ingly the more you talk and show aome people the more determined they are to in veet their hard-earned eoln In any district but the beet. Mow. eves, n plea ass me be note that investors are now growing wis. Reader, thla space la paid for by me, also time given with the hope of waking you up aa I used to do, when the land between the rivers was covered . by a dense foreet, and to again call your attention to a sure and certain investment which will show greater gam on each dollar invested In th . next five or ten years In fact, for all time to eome than any other in vestment in property In the city of Portland. XT ZS WAUrrrr VAJUC. There sites are now selling for only 14 and gl4 a front foot. Certainly we have a 20-year building restriction la each bond, and a general warranty deed glvea. NO SlimiES WILL BE ALLOWED IN WALNUT PARKL r yourself a kindness this . day ' by vleitmg . WAJLWIT 9AMX. Take Any Upper Albtna oar; all trains arrive at my central Walnut Park office. Truth, nothing but truth. Be convinced by feasting yoer eyes upon the beautiful houses under construction and the, . grand, sublime, unobstructed scenic .beauty th residents of Walnut Park can. do and will forever enjoy. . Be wine; select at once your home Bits Pay as you please we have money to burn. Why? Boca oae -we have neer bought or sold Bay ' thing but the best la Portland LANi) BETWEEN THS BIVEBS. Central ofBco, Walnut Park. ' Hours, $ to 11 a.' m. Suburban office, I4t Chamber of Commerce.. Hours, 1:20 to 4:t4 p. m. - K. B. I mean exactly as stated above when Portland has 449,44 ' population Walnnt Park will be the center; here la now my central of fice and will become In time a living reality. 1 bTbIb wiling plate without tt. tag. la a Wahxat lark map aad folder. V Send your address TOP AT finely yours for ta i CATHRINE COU1NTISS . , USES AND INDORSES rv wi i PERFUME IT IS EXQUISITE AND LASTING, EQUAL TO THE til PORTED AND Only 50c Per .Ounce TRY IT ACCEPT NO SIHSTITUTC axtmSnWawaTJBasaBsS 17 TOUR DRUGGIST HASNT IT TELL HIM WE ARE DIS ' ,: ' 4 TRJBUTERS. - . . - BLUAtAUBR-PRANK DRUO CO. PoTtJaad, Orcfon. o$0, BO 15 DRAlfER LEGAL BLANK CABINET' t Select txl Qoarter-Saiwed Oak W haw iwcoivad 100 of the beautiful Cab, nets and will an then at thi low ... . . Sfur whil they last, ' Glass & PrDdhoiMe Co. 123 First Street, Opposite Ffrst National Bank Office Filing Cabinet Wood snd Steel .REMdVJj NOTICE f if . ' "On or abootthe 1st of AprO w wtn move to our new and largo quarters at 44 Washington street. jn me oeeuuru new six-story ounoing on (no corner of West Park and Washington streets, on account) of outgrowing our present place of business. For a short time only any person holding s Journal Orapbophone can get any outfit as high as 444.44 for 11.44 down and $1-40 per week, allowing yon 14.00 on tbe little fellow. read Pxiae Paaaa, XJOO Soublo Prise St. Louis, 1404, ., COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.. GEN'L XSS UIUTS PmaVOB PO IHT, AJKUUJCWJTTS. rumor TllflfDr lam U LiVirint. IHUlini. Maaagat, Order stats by now stain 11T. TMajTit at B:14 e'eU. laat sarformaasi The favorite gwedlak dialect as mediae. BBN HKKDMCKS - OLE OLSON" Frlve Hatmee. lOe, Ifte, Ine, Night 1ft. 35c .Ifte. ftOr. .. AS BCIt week, starting Baaday , i. ta new inrs saci . "TUX HMIlimt'l DAVaaTKa,' (rtrvt time la Portland. I Tad erigiaal raat Same racOok aaaa "t HEREAFTEr. A aaaaarkakle dwell a a C aelved frosa XMaafs Xjusv .ww open, cwtrTKuca rtrci - Iwlpsk aad T so 1L. p. i . - Imserlat Batal Has, eoaosxT i r r -r. -