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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
4 Tin. OGON DAILY JOUHriAL. TOKTLAND, SATURDAY' EVENING, MARCH IS. 1C3. Association Determines to Throw . Its Strength to Council- ' i v-man for Mayor. ' PRAISES CANDIDATE ' w : FOR PUBUC ACTS . Will Select for Other Office. Fit Man Without Reference to Politic.. ': - r ; i r ' H. H. Albee, councilman : from ",the 'Ninth ward, was officially indorsed to- day by tha Municipal aaaoclatlon. aa a - candidate for mayor. Thla waa con tained In an announcement by tbe a ' eoutlye board of tha association, which atated also, that tha aaaoclatlon would . ... '.indorse other candidate and that such Indorsements 'would, be, absolutely now , partisan. : . - :; . Mr. Albee aaldir "I am notwllllns to .make public any. details of tha cam palgn. further than to Mate my . plat form, which ta brief abd requires only , . ten worda with which to state It: Ob aervance of law, and a square deal for ' , every man."' - . f .-.. y , Asked whether he would run as an In dependent candidate or. as a Republi can. Mr. Albee said: "Although I have - determined my course In that -regard,! , prefer to defer making Detailed aa . nouncement until later."., , . . joa ta Ue Oandldatea. 1 It had been the Intention of th Mu . hlclpal association to delay making pub lic announcement of the candidate of Urn choice, but It M decided at a meet. - Ing last Ught that ' It would be only Just to several other candldatea'to set at rest the uncertainty aa" t Ita polly. - The association haa - Indorsed Mr. Albe," aald Miller Murdoch. ' attorney ' for the association, "and Mr. Albee will determine In what manner ha will make ' "the race. . Whatever course he may pur-'sue,'-we will support him." "The announcement of the-asaoele-.tlon Issued today.'"sald John Bain, "In . 'dlcatea the policy that will be pursued in the election. We are coin to select . candidates according to their Individual 'merit, and without regard to party af i. filiation. - Whether or not Mr. . Albea runs as ah Independent or goes Into the ' Republican primaries, ha will have our 'support.' and the -same policy, will be 1 pursued with reference to-other candi . dates. The members of tba aaeooiaUoo - wlll vote for' candidates on both Re- publican and Democratic tickets" . The official announcement of tba a- sedation ;s as follows: ' ' : ''m.i.1 i..a . .. - . M 'I.J. t. Aioee navian ion - tention of becoming a candidate for the office of mayor at the coming city elec ' tlon, tha executive board- of the Port- land Municipal association haa tendered him Its hearty support, believing that his personal ' character and ability, as well aa bia consistent record aa coun cilman during his whole term of office, - commend him to the confidence of the people. ' ' . "As candidates for other offices an nounce' themaelvea, the bord will be ' .prepared to make recommendations ai- fwaya on the basis that 1U policy, Is to Select men fitted for offloe, Irrespectlvt 1 ef party affiliation, taking aa ita plat ; form the first of tha .underlying princl- plea stated by the city charter board In v the explanatory noU prefixed to the '. ''charter, vte.:' -' 1 '' - -1" -,l m -ru- n.Mtlnn nf nuniclnal from j 'sUto and federal elections Is necessary to remove, If possible, municipal Issues m ! i m, n t influence of party politics. It has been felt that city gov. eminent must. o do emcieni. -cinatad -from the-tyranny of nations . it. I MAvtlaa Ta whu t party candidates for city offices belong . Is not a materia question m " " sideratlon of the city's beat Interests. ' but wben municipal elections occur at the same time aa state or national elec tions It la impossible to prevent party lines from being drawn and party af 1 filiations from Influencing the choice Of tbe voters. This statement Is made In response to msny Inquiries as to tbe position to be taken by he Municipal association In relation to the coming election. . , - ' St. mm BlffkLaaa. Members of tha rommltte of if ap . pointed by the Multnomah Democratic , club to Interview Dr. Harry "lna and secura his consent to accept the nomina tion for msyor.- held a meeting this - - afternoon at the office of John Manning. Dr. Xana has refused to announce -his decision as -whether r not he will be come a candidate. ' pressure from mem -! bers of his party and from- many clti ' sens belonging to other parties haa been 'strong, and qolta a boom haa sprung up for him. It waa thought probable "that the committee would name a sub committee .to tske up the subject again - with Dr Lane, ascertain conditions more accurately and report them at later meeting. . Considerable activity la manifested by i tha supporters of Oeorgo H. Themaa, who haa filed his declaration to i be a candidate for the Demof ratio nomina tion for mayor. Hie boom has attained , considerable proportions. jf WHEELS TEAR CLOTHES FROM IMPERILED MAN ' Walter Wiles waa tha victim of a peculiar accident this morning near .the . police station, and miraculously escaped" , without the loss of life or limb. He waa caught by the arm In a piece of ma chinery, and hla clothing waa almost "completely torn from hla body. " Tbe pavement la being repaired at Second and Plna streets, - and a mud mixer wss In operation there this morn. ,lng, run by a donkey engine. Wllea, who - la . employed by the contractor, started to throw soma gravel into tbe -llmlxer.Jwhen, bis arm caugbt In a cog " i wheel. He was whirled round - and round, and only when hla clothes gave t way wag he released from danger. Engineer Sorenson stopped the engine Just as Wllea wss hurled to the pave ' ment. His arm. shoulder and legs were bruised and his hand cut In several ' p,c"'' -' ' .' 1 ' ' i' v V ' ' - - WTLTUD WttMQMM TO v mil. ( Wilfred Bpenoer, -who ran away from his home at 441 Falling atreet Ust Bun " day, because his father reprimanded him . for staytng out late at night, waa ar ' rested at Tbe Dalles yesterday and the ' local police notified: Detective Hawley , nf the boys and Girls' Aid society will go for him tomorrow. oW Attacked ay a and beaten,- In a labor riot, until cov ered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor sapplKj Bucklen's Amies Halve, and was soon sound and well. 'I use It in my family." wrltea O. t. Welch, of Tekbnahai Mich., "and find rt Perfect." Simply greet for euts snd urns. Only 2fto at Red Cross Pbar mary, Sixth snd Dak streets, 09 the - to tha postoflloa, , . .. . . -. . . , . . . .. , .. tscrc cf PortUnd rczir ; rv.''V .-'! ; ; ' The facta given below are worth a pe rusal by all who are anxious about their physical condition or. are similarly sit uated to this resident of Portland. It Is a local occurrence and can be thor oughly invetlgated: ' Mra J. Jenkins, residing at-111 Bast Sixth ktreet, wife of J. Jenkins, ratlred. says:' : "An Itching and Irritated spot on one of my : ears annoyed ma for soma time.. It spread. , grew tender and I be came uneasy about It, for It resisted all my efforts to-check It, although I used more-than ohe salve and ointment My husband brought home one- day a box or Doan's Ointment, which ho got at the Laue-Davla Drug Ca's store, and urged ma ta try It. One applloatioa soothed and after a few more tha Itching and In flammation dlaappeared entirely. Doan's Ointment la the best remedy for tha pur poses fof which Its' use la advised that I aver knew of." , For .sale by all dealers. Plica ' 80 cents. Foster MUbarn Coh Buffalo, N. T, sole agents for tha United States. Remember tba name DOAN'S and take no substitute. ' - . LOCATE AT ST. JOHNS i -..v. (Continued from Page One) t. . These two considerations . won the decision in favor of Portland. Since that time they have been constantly Jn search -of ak suitable site for: the great milling- plant that i now to, bo , built at St. Johns., ,. .? .7. y.j ,v . Propaeslas Orsai rahara. ' ' A conservative "broker who has been connected with their operationa aald this mornlna: ' - "The ooonng of -the ' Weyerhauaere to Portland la the .greatest thing that haa happened In a long time. .It means. In my Judgment, an Increase of i.OOtt pop u la tlon for St. Johns and of not much leva than 10,000 people altogether for Portland, , indirectly, from ' this cause alone. The following of the Weyerbau. sera Is hard to estimate. It 1 Deludes not only worklngmen, such as mill hands, tlmbermen, clerks . and ' supertn tendentr, cruisers and loggers, bat It mesne a small army of those who carry on buslneaa In lines affiliated with the timber and lumbering Industry people to whom tha Weyerhausers throw hpsl riess .of ona sort or another. "The sawmill win be but a feature ta the whole plan, which Includes ulti mately mills for tha . manufacture of saabr doors and bllnda. and other bl products. The big! value of thla con earn to Portland Ilea In the solidity that (comes with Immense capital.. Tha con cern . will not be embarrassed for lack ef money, regardless of any possible condition of the times. They will run richt along la hard times as well as in good times, tt makes no vital differ ence to them whether there la a gooa demand for lumber. They will keep on manufacturing mad store it"tn their yards at various polatav" - ' . ' i'-v Xnjnsy to sOdals West. -' Men who have long been familiar- with the lumbering situation to the upper MlaslaslDDl valley say tha coming of tna Weyerhausers to Portland la the men of the sawmill business between St. Paul and St. Loula. and that it will be but a few years when there will be no mora big log rafts floated . down tha Mississippi river from the works at Beef slough and Newton slough, that have so long supplied the sawmills of La crosse, Dubuque. Clinton. Davenport, Muscatine, Burlington; ' Fort Madison, Qulncy and St. Loula These mills will be closed, and the lumber of the Pacific northwest w)ll supply tha yards of tha upper Mississippi valley states. The heada of nearly all the mills on the upper Mississippi are associates of tha Weyerhausers. , There is In tha locating of the Way- erhausera at Portland an 'interesting phase on the transportation question. They have in view the shipping of vast quan titles of 1 limber from the Oregon country to the markets of the middle west, end they have, coma to the conclu sion that Portland Is tha natural canter of railroad communication between tbe Pnrlfto northwest and tha Mississippi valley.- -' v ' " ' With these facta In view It is claimed that' tha Weyerbauser deal here means a great Industrial victory for Portland and la, next to the Lewis and Clark fair, the most resounding gun-In Portland's salute to the nation aa the supreme commercial city of the Pacific north-weat.-"- .. .1-"". i , SENATE STATES THAT, IT ; , IS READY TO ADJOURN ' (jeiml tpMUt tertoO ' ' ' ' naajillUBlvaa, sSHkn thla afternoon tha aenata appointed a Committee 10 wail on me n kin It la nmm TOmh tA mAm IIUUIIH M.M, ...w Joum not . having been able to reach a conclusion on tba Banto Domingo treaty, and having no further business to trans act - . " 11' : : . .; PRESIDENTIAL PARTY RETURNS TO CAPITAL Jaraal gpeclal arvlea. - ' ' Washington, D. C March It. Presi dent' Roosevelt and party arrived in Waahlnatnn from -New Tort it 1:21 o'clock thla morning, z Tba president and Mrs. Roosevelt were driven at ones to the White House,,- . 1: , Burosoa Rev.' M. M. Bledsoe, pastor of Imman uel BRptlst ehurch. did not officiate at the marriage or Aacy J. coenran ana Mrs. Kmlly Keyes, which wss performed lest Wednesday. Mr. Cochran is still In charge of tha Interstate Introducing society, through which he secured his wife. ' At the offloe of the agency It was stated Thursday that Mr. Bledsoe performed the ceremony. TSAOT OBTTUro) Ouy Tracy, who waa Injured In a col lision between an automobile and atreet ear at Seventh and Morrison streets Sun day afternoon, la aald to be Improved today. He waa removed to Good Sa maritan hospital, where It was feared that his Injuries might terminate fa tally. -. '- r ' "-. - - tZ.'ji.L.xt IS TO XAWwfcjuL-... The Oay Parse vaudeville theatre and French cafe : haa been Incorporated by F.llaa Abdelnour, George Jabonr and Namy Solet to give entertainments on the Iiwia and Clark exposition grounds. Tha callal stock la 110,000. : MISSOURI DEADLOCK BROKEN ' (Jearsal SperUt Berrlea.)' ; Jefferson City Ma. March II Tha long lsgUlaUvs deadlock over. the. elec tion of United States senator waa ended this noon . ay the election of . William Warner, former national commander of tha O. A. R. and praaant United Statoa district attorney for westers Missouri to succeed Senator CockrelL The' elec tion occurred on, the 07th Joint ballot, the final vote being, Warner 11, CockreO U. Nledrtnghaua 1. . - . v William Warner Is a prominent law yer at Kansas City. He Is fli years of age and a native of Wisconsin. He was educated at Lawrence university and the University of Michigan.- Hs served during the rebellion In a Wiscon sin regiment, and at the close of the HAKES ESCAPE All SHOWER OF BULLETS Henry McCfoin, . Serf-Confessed Robber, Jump Rock-Pile y ; Fence to Liberty. ; HAS Q AD RECORD HERE - AND IN OTHER CITIES With Charles , Meehan and R. :. James Held Up Albina Sa ; o ; loon. Last Fall.' With a hall Of bufleta from the re volvers of Guards - Smart, and Maloney whistling past hla head. Henry MoGHoln, at self -confessed robber. - lumped 1 the fence ' Surrounding tha dty rock pile yeaterday afternoon, and made hla es cape". Police headquarters waa ' imme diately notified but no clue has been discovered to- his whereabouts. 1 McOloln waa with Char lee ' Meehan and R. James In tha bold-op ot a saloon at; Albina last faa He turned state's evidence and was not prosecuted for the crime. - Jamee afterward testified' for the state and entered a plea of guilty to. robbery.. H waa sentenced ta five years in the penitentiary. Meehan waa acquitted of the charge of robbery by a lory. ." ' -" Though no steps ware taken agalnat McOloln for participating in the saloon hold-uo. he was charged with, vagrancy and sentenced by Police Judge Houe to serve two months on the city rock pile. -Ha made an attemnt to escape soms tims ago. but failed. A few weeks ago he escaped from the city jau witn taree other prisoners, by prying a 0t-oent lock from one of the doors with a broom, stick. He and ona other man ware ap prehended through the detective work of Button Officer Price as they ware about to cross the Columbia, river to "Vancouver. Wash. -- Hume and Mallett. -4 he former guards, wars discharged Try the executive hoard because of tha frequency of escapes from tbe rockplle. Chief of Police Hunt de clared there would be no mora escapes If he waa permitted to name the guards. Ha waa given tha privilege and selected Smart and Maloney. - , - PACE ANXIOUS TO - - ' - COMPROMISE CASE ' Having learned that C. W. Pace, who alleges money waa stolen from him by a performer at the Orpheum theatre, went to the playhouse last night and agreed to leave the city if he were given money. Police Judge Hogue' criticised him severely In coart this morning. Deputy District Attorney Haney In formed the court that he had cautioned Pace not to do snythlng of the sort. "This ' larceny charge cannot be d roved to the satisfaction of any Jury, said Mr. Haney. The - testimony, -in my opinion, is entirely too weak, and thla roan la contradicted in too many respecta.'' . Judge Hogne said ha would have the deputy dm attorney prefer a charge of vagrancy against the woman aniens she left the dty. He stated that if Simons did not see fit to plead guilty and be fined on tbe charge of keeping open after noura, another charge of allowing the woman to eel) liquor on pereentage would be . nlaced agalnat him. Tne aftar-bours case was postponed to Mon day. . - . - .- y MISS EDDINGS WILL , AID THE GLEE CLUB ' The Young Men'a Christian Aaaocla tlon dee club will give a eonoart next Tuesday evening at the auditorium. The nova will be assisted by Miss Ruth Ed- din gs, soprano, of Oberlln, and George Leter Paul of the wesieyaa mrmnmmj of music 1 The program will be aa rouows: "Sword of Liberty" (Von Weber). Olee club; "Oh, for a Day of Spring" . (An drewa). IT. 8. Acklea; "Uke Woodland Roses" (Msir), Glee club: -rne uncie (Bell). George Lester Paul: "Rosea After Rain" (Lisa Lehmann), Miss Eddlnga: "Bersnftde" (MarscbnerJ. Glee ciud; "Hal Hat Ha! Her (Abt). Glee club; iLar solo. "Russian Retreat," J. D, Braalngton; "Sweet and Low" (Bamby), Glee . club: , "Oood-Rad Little Boy" (Rich), OleV club: "The Volunteer Or gsnlst" (Foos). George Lester Paul; "Floating 'Mid too Liiiiesr- aiuiwodj, Miss Eddinga and Glee club. BaTTVAX. iVXfflB. - Rev. J. E. Snyder, aynodloal evangel ist, who hss been conducting revival services at : Sellwood Thla-weeav-wlll eak - to- the - children at . tha tiunday school hour, 10 arm. At the morning service at 11 o'clock Rev. i. k- nnyaer will preach. At tbe Christian Endeavor hour. 0:10 o'clock, there will be a union young people's meeting of all young peo ple in Bell wood. Rev. D. A, Thompson will lead tna meeune. sudjoci m "Glorifying God In Our Daily Work." At the hour of evening service. T:0 o'clock, there will ha a union service of ail churches (n Bell wood and Rev. J. E. Snyder- will preach on 'The Feast of Belshasaar." There will be services In the church Mondsy and Tuesday nights ef next week. AU are Invited. n Homtsty ta the policy Schilling's Best; wa bahii Your grocer'; moneyback. BY WARNER XI. war settled ta Kansas City; where he began tha practice of law. In 1107 he waa elected city attorney, and In 104 circuit attorney. In lrjl he was elected mayor of Kansas Cits. He waa Repub lican presidential elector fa 1S72 and United States district attorney for western Missouri from -1(11 to 104. and reappointed la 1I0S and 1000. ' He waa a caadtdaU for United States senator and voted for by. Republican members , in ms and 1U0. In ltl ha waa Republican 'candidate for governor and haa been a delegate ta tba national Republican conventions of 1071, 1004, lltS. 1001. snd 110. , He was first de partment commander of tha Grand Army of tha -Republlo of Missouri, and waa national cbmmander-ln-ehleC at tha Q. A. R. in 1080 and Hit. COVBOY BALDY 7AS B03N IN OREGON One '. of The Virginian Com pany' , a :- Son . of , the . vi Northwest. .'. FRANK NELSON WAS ONCE V A "SUPE". ATCORDRAY'S Edwin Booth's Grandson Has Worked His Way From Bot tom to Near . Top. '. .f - Althouarh nearly tha whole town wit nessed "The Virginian," It it doubtful if patrons of the theatre knew that one of the oonsDicnoas members of tne com pany was an Oregonisn. born, and bred. Hla name la Frank Nelson, son 01 air, and Mrs. W. B. Nelson of Pendleton, a aTandson of Ed win Booth,-and hla role Is that of Baldy, one of the most inter estlnv members of tha ruartet of oow boya, which Includes tha Tlrtlnlan In Ita members hi D. ' Mr. Nelson was colnr to school In Portland about 10 rears ao and waa treaaarer of tha Marquam Grand theatre. which waa then under the management of ft H. Friedlander.v Following that he waa a bookkeeper for tha Merchants' National bank. He waa stage-struca. He worked all day at tbe bank and at night waa tat tha ranks of tbe "supers et Cordrays old theatre, now tha Baker. wben Aubrey : Bouclcanlt and Victory Bateman. were playing . leading roles. For thla Mr. Nelson received tba munlll cant aum of It a week, One day Thomas Kcane happened along looking for actors. Ha gave Nel son a chanca aa Francois in "Los la XI." lending the young man tlghta and a wig for hla costume. - Aa -"suplng" bad coat him .three times the amount of. hla Sal ary In earlier days,, for costuming. Nel son considered his new engagement at 120 a week almost phenomenal, .and he left town with Keane, Tbe Utter reo ognised talent in tha yoanf ' kctor, and soon had him playing tba Juvenile part a in-all of his psoduetlosa, When- KaXa rya Kidder put on 8ana Oena" had made such progress, that be was given the role of .Napoleon. - He has done other notable roles since then, but la fonder, of his Baldy in 'The Virgin Ian" than any. Other part ha haa played. Mr. and Mra. Nelson came from Pan diet on to ace their son perform, and are naturally proud of hla progreaa. The role of a cowboy la hot especially new to bim, as s ons time be "punched cows" for W. H. Babb of Echo, Or, COMPTON'S WIFE TOOK HIM FROM SALOON w. B. Compton waa arrested thla morning on a charge of drunkenm He waa seen coming out of 'the saloon of Cody Bros, at Sixth and Stark atreete. at 1:0 o'clock by Polios Captain Ballev and Sera-eant Slover. and hla wife trying to get him to go home, when the arrest wsa made. Bhs had learned he waa at the saloon, and leaving her two little children alone went for him. Judge Hogue allowed Compton to go on 110 ball, with tha understanding that sentence would be suspended In case hla wife had no further trouble because of tua conduct. . . v A charge of being open after hoars was preferred against w. K. Cody. Compton admitted that he bad been drinking la tba saloon Just prior to leavfllg It. This ease waa continued un til Monday. . " 1 W. a . V. USTXTIITB.- The W. C T. U. organlsattona of thla county will bold an Institute next Mon day in the First Evangelical church. East Sixth and Market streets, ta cele brate the anniversary of the birthday of Neal Dow, tha organiser and leader of tha temperance reform movement in thla country. Morning and afternoon ses sions will be held, at which papers win be read and discussions had on Impor tant suBjeot pertamtng to tna work or the ' organisation. Mra. Additon, state president of the W. C T. U, will take an Important part on tbe program, and Miss Edith Whiteside will preside. In ths evening a gold medal contest will be held, for which an attractive program haa bean arranged. Lunch will be served In tha church. ' XAJOaVa Mai. and Mra J. T. Fynn, successors to Major and Mra. 'Dubbin, and com manders of tbe Salvation Army work m Oregon and Waahington, will conduct their Initial meeting tonight at bar racks No. 1. 3(5 Davis atreet. There Will be good mimic. f hS Use eaeia eeMied fma what nedlea! wee ealUe Dripepela and Catarrh ef tbt Stonarh. ia iiliM f parehaeedaboa 01 OMewefctaad waa tar prleea e ta4 tkaa l"kaa 'eai"-rea wtfcllas. aqalrwtas m left ate. Jadae ear doctor aap. Srl. wk.a 1 akewed hla thlrtr tt, aa4 la eaother T the enaiadenabMt the a leaatk Kit a use. 2 oral tkat kad tMi aaeplas mw vttalitr fw , kaveanjored Ike kat0 kaalta erar alaae. Itraaa U aeitaiental will aeseal te otbar aalTarara." vaaa. aiaaaaMea. urn uitibiit ria,- weai rsuaaaipaia. ra . falaaaaie. Snaaat Taata Aond. nevaed. aold la kalk.'Tka ( takfat itaaapea 606. aaraaleed ts aare ee reer aar kaak. StsrUsc eaaedy Co., Chicege er N.Y. SM mtUEfTEaoiicacaxES KLyJ TrsiDowtt, s cawweaTmirno WiaMil. fi This weather forget the cold wintry blasts of a month ago,cmd consequently, heating mcdmirisbut there are some people in Portland who will not soon forget the money tbey .sqttifidered oh "goarantfetT. fignacea tostsed by dealers to whom gnaranteca were, jand are, a standing joke. These people were then beseeching US to heat their homes "our way" at any old cost, or in any old way, but QUICK, Then is when we were' swamped with "change furnace' orders. K, . ,,. ., . , .. ,,. : v,,, .v -y . -v-'. -',- - -BB"BMBMBNMIaMMHvMMHBMIM" " 1 11-1 1 sa -swaanaa-sswnass 1 1 1 , ' K A great many people "investigate too late. You'd better do so now. . : t , .' COURT ADJOURNS Many , Cues Disposed of But Only One Jury Trial Oc V ' cupled the Session. PRISONER RECOMMENDED i .TO MERCY Of COURT Charles Bruner Found Guilty' of Larceny of Mare and Re-1 , ceives Sentence.' - V (Snaelal Dispatch ta Ths lenrssLl Vale, Or, March II. Clrctnt eonrt for Malheur county adjourned yesterday afternoon. The following cases were disposed of: Criminal Charles Bruner, charged with the larceny of a mare, Tbe Jury returned a verdict of guilty and eom mended tha prisoner to the mercy of the court. Judge Davis sentenced Bruner to pay a fine of $J00 and to be confined In 'the county Jail for a period -of three months. Thla waa tba only Jury trial. Ia tha oaae of Al Long, charged with aaaault with a dangerous weapon, tha grand Jury returned not a true bill.' The graad Jury returned II true bills of ladlotmsnttT and -ope not-true bill Twelve of the thirteen Indictments re- Nelsonfurned were against saloonkeepers vio lating the gambling law by permitting games of chance to be run within weir establishments. . Every - saloonkeeper . in tha county was Indicted, with the excep tion of tha proprietors of tha Hotel On tario bar, and the saloon at Beuian, Tan of the twelve saloonkeepers hkdlcted en tered a plea of guilty and ware fined .160 each.; The other two have not yet been arraigned. Mary E. Horn against J. H. Horn; di vorce granted. . ' Lena V. Pratt, against Eugene F. Pratt; decree of divorce granted. Emma West against William A. Wast; decree of drvoroe granted. Thomas Harris against Laura Harris; decree of divorce granted. . George Vanderboof against Estate of Delia Spere?;-decree aa per stipulation. 1 , M. ' J. ' Jenkins against Morris' Ft ts gsrald: default snd decree of foreclosure and tttO attorney's fees for plaintiff. -J. P. Scholl agalnat whom It may con cern five cases; decree aa per stipula tion. Sarah C Fautnrg against Thomas B. Long; default and decree for plaintiff. A. M. Rmebart against J. E. Law rence, sheriff of Maixie ot county j find ings and decree for defendant. . Baaford Emlaon and town of Nysaa against J. I Lee; demurrer oveuuled and defendant allowed M days la which to answer. It. B. Rlnehart agalhst Louis Paddock; settled and dismissed. UMATILLA'S CROPS GROW LUXURIOUSLY A. D. Btillmaa of Pendleton atated to day that report, of damage - to - wheat crops In Umatilla county, Oregon, and Walla Walla county, Waahington, ware tneoevrate, . " The front Injured wheat," aald Mr. 8 tin man, "but not more than 10 or SO per cent, which la partly If not entirely repaired by r ceo wing for spring grain. It waa reported that SO per cent of tbe winter wheat had been froaen, but I am Informed from experienced Judges of conditions in Umatilla county, where I live, and In' Walla Walla county. Just serosa the line In Waahington, that ths Injury Is not nearly so serious aa , waa thought at first. Unless unfavorable conditions pre vail later In tbe season, the Inland Em pire will ' harveat aa usual . a bumper crop. Recent rains have moistened the soil and started the grain to growing vlgoroualy." ANSWER FILED IN THE T.C: DUTR0 SUIT In an answer filed today to the com plaint of Thomas C Dutro against ' W. M. Ladd and others, heirs of the W. & Ladd eetale, demanding $5,000 for legal service a. the Intimation la given that Dutro overeettmated the value of hla services ss a law student.' and the al legation is made that be receipted for S150 paid him aa an -honorarium for at tending to clerical duties of the case. Tha statute . of . limitations also is pleaded. Dutro sued for S5.000, claiming met amount do. for services In the ease of HUIer against W. M. Ladd and others In tha federal court here and In the fed eral circuit court of appears' In San Francisco. Ths ease waa filed May . 1001, but no copy of tha complaint was served until this week. ' - ' The answer Is filed by Williams. Wood m Llnthtcum, snd seta forth that Dutro wss a law student. In their office, and to encourage him C. K. S. Wood ssalgned him to part of the dutlea In -connection with the Hiller case, securing lor mm admission to practice In the federal courta. When the work assigned him waa anded. eo the answer alleges, he accepted fliO as an honorarium, giving his receipt in full for all eervKsea per- is apt ; to: , 47 First Street Between Pine and IGNORANCE "When Ignorance is bliss lie folly to be wise" does not apply when buying a piano, for a wise selection now In th choosing of a piano will mean bliss In your home for many years to coma Why let folly enter into tha transac tion at allT Choose good, honest, re liable make and. yon will never have cause for regret. We have Just unloaded a car of EMERSON PIANOS tried for 6f years and never found wanting), and today we are unloading a ear of the ever-popular ESTEY PIANOS, another of the old dependable makes 'Twould be wise to select one of these or pur chase a STEINWAT or A. B. CHASE. Wa should be pleased to show you any of theae and many other popular makes CREDIT TO SUIT. . . . Soule Bros. Piano Co. maism: Headquarters for Elastic Stockijjgs ana v Trusses LAUE-DAV1S ORUQ CO.' .Third end Ysmhfll Sts. ' IF YOU ; ARE " PART1C ULA R; A B O U T Y OUR PRINTING THAT'S" ALL THE MORE REASON WE SHOULD DO IT FOR YOU. ' r ' v ' J3rtnriolttaU! fums- 147 raONT IT. r " TaL Maia tjji ' . en. gu;::i's cic:3 a iikve to:iic A TaaXST TO Ta-M AT ttMAX, TOO. . U flas f ttreeytAf set fmt). ss frwm im Omm. Jm Immrmm tAe atesa remaisss nri Tt Ormtt Mm re tas dm tpll. r ta AVseJsf In it TtCmnKMmt IMaaa rsasMCew. fs tlm Hmtttm eVeea wm 1 a waw Liear Mcvwm. a Tm eea Umw Speta, T e flare Jaipisala ssd CmmtlH&m. . ousrmuaeitTt. t OF PtlCE, 7&S. on rr buil on REcsirr ABOXjSSOXUM. : ,. noajrxa CO, rsxxatssxma. a. Efcry I7cn::n mm mm li blears. If k aanmitaasnlv tha tsaatvaa. aoaaat aa SLber, haiaead Kama tor Inakraaaa - ' T tti fall aertlenlara mmA dlpartlona tat.- ValaaMatoUuttaa. HlSttkOla Maia aiiea a aww a era . Dr. B. E.: WRIGHT TaeSaleatllle Xeatlst : that re lieves all pain In dental' opera tlosa Washington St. eon SevaaAh. sur.E'CU.'iE piles TTCHlSa Oaa prodnoa mMmvrm aad eavaa IMhmc nit mrm, aa wall aa BuaA. SlaaSlas ee Sronaaiad niae era mraa 6 pr. oeanko'e Pile Meenedrl mone IM1B mmi blaaittns. Afceorketaaaora. kOa al Tiki n romaeaaa. 2lL aoaaji ao, miaaa. rl formed In connection with that ease. The answer makes the definite state ment that Dutres ser tlcee were of lit tle or no value, .and that whatever be had .to do with the ease was on account of personal Interest In him by members of. tbe law firm. , Reduced Rates to California. The Southern Pacl&e company haa placed on sale round trip tickets ta Los Angelas at the rate of $11. limit 11 days. -This afforda an exoellent oppor tunity to vtalt the many beautiful win ter resorts of southern California at asederate east. '.v., ' ' - xJvS? T-ak?-"l0 CSoawalanl, l-hJa VNJ t "I" eiineui. make 0113 Co. Ash Actual Contact ' -J- '.' Is the Only ;' ' Way to Appreciate r ThiS . V -. Modern MarveL , HAVE A PHONE - i INSTALLED 1 .I JOHIt t BABm , PiaeMunt - LOUIS Wra-Prae. and Geo.. Mgr. The Rapid! Compateri Assa-strarxAOTS Adda Bhat sraraa at a llni. earry-i log all leUle asatMlH eallr. I' Ths SapU Oaspskasi will de every . siartia I saatieal seabWsi thatl re a ba dene ee a ay bm-. eblaa eve aiaoa. Iti will ee wars ojaVker thaa aay ether SHtrktna.i , h pease. It la swre eta.-! sad easkw ef 4 Price $25 Kilham Stoticntry 4 Printing Co. ' tM Waaaiagtea St. rerUaad. Otagea. ' . C0iFFEE,TEaV CrtavrtSTCxrci!ifViai iKirrLAr,ocat5W. HENRY WEINHAR0 Proprietor of tha . - x City Brewery ' Kargeat aad Most Oempleta Brewery la tha aortawes. - Bottled Beer a Specialty nunon wa. ti. ' Otloa lath aaa BarasUU StisesS. PORTLAND. OREOOK. 1 III IllUlj MPXHTTTTg UltHlaaV so KEgTAL .wosjo mmumukmm. 1 ltiaiaafiaSkaaMkF ciiv:::!r;73 ; v, .... , r-- t I1 lAr .-. 1 - - - i -