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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
1 "V THE OREGON DAILY. JOUaUIAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. If ARCH ; JSilfici' s CITT VOTIOZaV' raoroaio inm to bi now u m .uToioToa nmin azwz. NlW'll hif given thatat tlx meeting f tbs Oouncll et the City ef Portland, Oregee, held.oa the loth day of March, 1SW4, tb lot' lowing resolution iu adopted: Reeulved, That Ibe Couacll of the City of Portland, Oregon. Bee ma It expedieot lad snr noses to eonatrurt to be knows ss the Irvlngtoa district newer, with all aacaaasry retch bavins, awn-boles, hip holes aad branches, la Rset Twenty-ftret atreet. Braaaa atreet. Kaat aesenteenth street. Thompson .lrect. Beat .Bevestb-. street, hi Rafael street, WllUems " Haiwuek atrat; thence aouth 44 .de grees M minutes weet fraaa tha weat asd af Hancock street to the low water mark nf tha -Willamette river. Bald aawar to ka eoa , etrected aa follows: 2.10 Usual fast at twe I,nl .br!'",,t ""l B-ubaped sewer of 4 'cct,4 Inches by 4 feet lockaa claar laalda dtamtHr eoetberlyr' la Haat Tweuty-firet atraet ,'" ' ,ro" he aoatb llaa ef Btantea street ta a ' I wlat In Btantea atreet at Braaaa street 1 thence weeterly In Braaaa rlmt to a patat la Braaaa -,t : street at Raat Beveateenth - atreet; 1,B3T Haaal ,r - , faat of two-ring brick aad atone egg-shaped i . sewee ef 4 fart 10 Inches by 1 faat 44 In'bee r Inslda diameter southerly la Raat , ' .. Bewateenth atreet flora a v polat la Braaaa i, firr- to a point la Kaat geventeesth street at - Theapaon atreet; thrara weeterly la Tkonp I m atraat to a polat In Tkaaiuami atraat at . . Kaat Twalfik atrart; 4,n40 Hnoal faat f twa-a-rlrk-an4 - atoaw m-akaprw- aawar -at -.11 inrhru kr 1 faat 10 larkaa claar . 'Iwlaa ilaawtrr waatnly tron a point la , TtHMaaaoa atrart at Baa Twalftb atrart to a . I "la la Thoaipana atraat at Ma at Braratk . atraat: tkanra aaatharlr la Baat Baaaath atraat ' ta a point la Kaat aVaaatk atraat at San Bafaal atraat; taaaea waatarty la tUa Bafaal atraat to a point la Baa - Rafaal atraat at WIIIUbm - . araaaa: m llaaal laat o two-rtna brtrk aaa . atoaa rlreaUr aawar af faat Inraaa rlaar Inaloa alaawtar aoatkarl fraaa a potat ta Wil li ' aaanna at Baa Kafarl atraat ta a point la . ' Wllllaaw aranua at Baacork atraat: tkaaaa waat arl la llaarark atraat ta a patat la Haarork ,. atraat 1IU faat waat af toa waat llaa of mat - atraat; i8t llaaal faat af twa-rtac brtefe aaa , ataa rlmlar aawar af 8 Nat larkaa alaar. Int4a dlaavtrr ta a point B faat waat af la ' waat llaa af Flint atraat: 1.M0 Uaaal faat af , two-rtna; krlrk aaa atoaa drralar aawar af r 1 faat clear laaioo dlamatar waatarlv la Haaoark . atraat from a point KS faat waat af taa waat ' Una of Mint atraat ta a aolnt la Haaaark atraat at tha raat Una af tha Oracoa Railroad Narta-i.tlon Omaany'a rlakt at way; oo Uaaal faat of twe-rlaa aad tkrao-rlnaT krtem and atone . ' rlrmlar aawar af 4 feat- tacaea clear laaldw . .. aiamatar from the aaat Use of the Orea"oa ,-.-t- Hallroad ft' Narlgatlna Coouunr'e rlcht af way to l ha WlUaraatta rlTer atlew water mark, la aranrdanra with the City KacUiaat'a . pUaa, aparlflcatloM and aatlmataa. Bald aawar to ha conau m lad ta aaeordaaro with tha rhartar aad ardlnaaraa of tha City of - -orTiaan ana taa plana, apaeirvauoea and aau. - matea af the City Baelneer. flard la tha afflra af the Auditor of tha City of Portland aa the ; , 1Mb da. af afarrb. 9n, ladoread: "City RnflBrrr'a planp aad .pad fire flona for tha aawar . le" ba known aa tha lrrlnctoa dlatrlct aawar. ana taa aatlmataa or the work to ha tha probable total coat tharaof." . Bald aawar la to ba a dlatrlct, aawar aad to -. be fur tba parpoar ef arwarlag and dralnta au , the lota.' Dart tharaof and naraela af land l.rlnt. wtlbln the dlatrlct bounded and da anibad aa followa:' V Beftnnlne; at tba 'lntaraartloa af tha renter iinee of Klrar atraat and Alntna arrnna; theara . eoatharly alnna tha reatnr line af River atraat to the aaat -Una wt -the .-.' "lf. Oa:a flirbt at waj af the ay;, tbanea anatbarly alone tha aaat Una w O. R. A ,N. Ooa rtht of way to a 1.V) Jart aimfb af tha-aonthrltBr of "Pltoa . i , nnlnt 1.V) riracl-If eitanoed waatarly; tha oca aaatarly alone a Una 184) faat aoatb'of aad parallel with tha eonth Her nf rnxoa atraat to the waat Una of Kllaabath Irrtnc'a Beeond addition; thenaa - north akn tba waat Una of Bllaabetb Irrlnc'a , rnind addition to a point 100 feet north af the . north Una of Hanrnck ttreet: tbenae aaat aa Una 100 fart north af aad parallel with the r. " north Una-of Hanrnrk atrart to a point 100 t rear aaat or toa aaat una or Kant ninta etreetj - . thenre north aa a. llaa 100 feat aaat of and Bar- allkl with, tha aaat llaa af Baat Ninth atraat . i , to i point ino fret aonth af the aoaUi Una of Tillamook atrart; thenaa aaat on a Una 100 fact enatb of and parallel with tha aonth Una af Tlllaamok atraet to a paint 100 faat aaat . .L ,. af tka aaat llaa af Kaat BUtaanth atraat; theare lawth an a llaa 100 faat aaat of aad parallel with tha aaat llaa of Baat Sixteenth atraat to the ranter Una af Tillamook atraet; theara aaat alone tha ranter Una of Tillamook atraat to a point 100 feet aaat af tha aaat Una at Baat ' PrTrateeatb atraat: tbeare north aa a II - - ine faat aaat ef and parallel with the aa M f , fUrniteaatB atraat to tha canter Una of Tbomnaon atraet; thaara aaat alon he 7 . rratar Una of Tbompaaa atraat to a point 100 . vert eeai ei ina aaat line at saet -rweaty .... f north atraat: tbenrw north aa a Una 1110 faat aaat af and peraltrJ with the aaat llaa af Bnat Twrnty-fourth atrdrt to a polat 100 feet Perth nvnty.roarta atrart ta a poiat igu'reet aarta tha north Una of Going atraat; thenaa waat I 'a . llaa 109 teat north et aad parallel with north line of Golna atraat to w -potat 100 OT eri tha faat aaat ef tba aaat Una af Baat Tenth atraat: thanra aonth on a Una 100 feet aaat of aad per 'a Hal with the aaat Una of Baat Tenth atraet to a point 100 feet eonth af tha aonth Una ' nf lreeoott atraet; t theara nreet ae llaa 100 , Ira i eoata of ana parallel wita tae aoata llaa af Preecott atraat ta .a point 100 feet raat of tha raat llaa ef T'aion (Tcaae; 4benra aonth on a Una 100 feet aaat of and parallel with tba raat Una af Union aeetrae to the centra Una of Morrla atraat) tbenea weet on the center Una af ' Merrta atraat ta the renter line af I'nlon aeeaoe; thence aonth on tba canter Una ef Ualoa a ranee to tha ranter una of Bacrancnto atraet (waat); thanra waat -aa the renter Una of - Bacranjanta atraat to tha center Una or wuuama arcane theara aonth on tha center llaa of Wlluaan aeenae to the center line of Pare atrart ; thence waat on tha crater Una of Face atrart to the ' center Una of Amine arenae; thence Booth en the canter Una ot Alblna a ranee to tha- canter ' Una of River atrart, the point ot aeginalna;, " containlne 928.5 acrea. amra or lean. . Tha coat of aald aawar to ba aaaeaaed ai provided by tha city rhartar anon the property enrrlaUy and peculiarly beneated thereby, and ' wklrh la brrrbr drHarad te be all tha lota. rta thereof and parcels af lead lylac within the aiarnrt hereinoerora aaaaaaa ana aeacrinca. Tha Enalnrer'a eetlBvate af tha probanla total : mat for taa coaatraetlaa af , paid aawar la :. Bllrl.OOO.OO. - - - - The plans, eneclflcatroaa and ear! autre af tae Lity Engineer ror tna wimuaiiaBa ai aaia newer are hereby adopted. Reaolaed. That the And I tor at the City af ' Portland be and he ta hereby directed to flea ; noth-e of tae proponed was traction at aald aawar aa provided by the city charter. Remonatrsnees anlnst tha above aawar ' tnay ba filed ra wrltiay with tha aadernlaited within tu days from - the data af tha tlrat , pabllratlna of thla notice - ..' Br order of the noaaoll. --- TMOB. C rBTWrf. "" Andltnr'of the Cltv af PnrthiBd. Portland. Vlragoa. , Data at flrat pat) Ilea Uoo, ' March la. Iftta). . ' . - rKOPOtXD MPROTMInT 01 XAJT Tann-axoon rkxr. - Kotka la barenv given that at the ltd oa tha lth day af March. IMS. tha fol lowing raaolutloa was adopted: Resolved, That the Coaoctl of tba City af Portland. Oreaon. dumn It azaerHeat aad anr : ioare to latprova Baat Thirty aerond atraat from -the north Una of Beat Morrbua street to the annth Una af Raat Alder atrart. by grading tha treat to tha stakea as set by tha City Knglnear, asd laying woodea sidewalks. - Hald lajpraveawat la be made la aeenrdaaca with tha charter and ordinances of tha City at ' lortlaad aad tba plans, specirirstlewj and erti , aaatra of the City RnsHneer, filed In tha office of tha And! tor af the City at Pert lead aa tha 11th day of Marrb, IpnS, Indorsed: "City Knainerr's puns and epeelflcatlone for tha Im proveaient of Kaat Thirty aacond etreet from tha ' - rerth Une ef Hast Mnrrrraa street tq tha eonth Una of Baat Alder street, and tha eotlmatea of the work t be dona and tha probable total . coat thereof. ' The mat of aald Improvement ta ba aa prorlded by tba city charter anna tha prop ' arty eperlally and peculiarly benefited thereby, aad wblch la hereby dtrlared to be all tha lota, ' parts thereof and percela of land lying betweea a Una l feet east of aid. parallel with tha ' eaat Une uf Kt ThUtJ eai und atraet and a line 10 feet weat ef and parallel with the went Una of Baat Thirty aatnnd street and betweea I the north Une ef Kaat Morrlaoa atraat aad tha aonth line ef Bast Alder street. . . The Knktnear's astlmataiaf tha probable total coat for the Improvement nf aald Bsst Thirty acmnd street ta VOt.00. - The plana, sneelflcatbaM and aatlmataa ef the City Knylneer for tha Improve meat af said atraat are hereby adopted. ' ' Resolved, That the Aadltnr f the flty Of ". Portland be and he la hereby directed ta give ; hollos . ot the proposed Improvement ot aald atraet as provided by the city charter. Urmneetranrea against the above Improvement . ny Be fUcd la wiitlag with tba aailerslgned within a days fraaa tha data af tha first publication of thla notice. v . By order at the ConncIL ' ; , , .- , . THOa. C. DBTIJM, 1 . '.' Andlbw of the City at Port tea. . Portland, nregoa. Data at flrat aabllcathaa, March la. 100a. . , . ' ' Borous iMrOTXBTXB-r or xajt mu . 1 TBZXT. Mntlra la ketbf given that at tha meeting .ef the Cnanetl of tba City of Portland, Oregon, 'held on the loth day af hi arch, 1000, tka foe lowing reeolatlon waa aAepted: Reaolvad. That the Oennrtl ef tha City at Port tana, Oregon, deems It a I pad I eat and per pones to Improve Baat Third .treat from the . north Una af Kaat Clay street to tba aonth Une ' of Hawthorne avenue, by grading tha atreet la ..tha sab-grade ai given by tbaOtf Engineer, ba ennatrwtlng aldewslha aad bringing tha surface nf tba flract to tka aataWlaned gnae , with gravel. . Belef Imnmvetnent to ha mine la accordance with the charter and erdlaanrea ef tha t'lty "t , Pnrtlann aad the plans, sseclfiratloaa ane"ea- tlmates ef the City Mgineer. filed In tha active l.f the Auditor ef the rlty of Portland ea tha 1Hh 4.y ef March, taon led. a aad: "Oty -Fn-gincer Una tad tpecldrallora) fee lbs Im- ' ' crtr VOTICU. , , ' praremant at Bait Thlra atraat froaa tha nortk Una ot eaat vur atraat ta tha auath Una of Haartnaraa araaaan and tha aawaaataa af tha ", 4om a4 tha praaaaia total aaat Tha aaat af'aaal faaaranntaat to aa aa waati ' b tha d amv u arty apacnUlyaaa pacaltarty aaaacttoa tharaay, aaa wbarh karahj aoriaraa to ka ail tha tota. narta tharaof an4 paraaki t land lytea aa twaaa a una uu aaat waat af aa4 paratmi with tha waat Una af Kaat Third atraataad, a Una luw faat aaat ; af and parallel wlU tha aaat llaa) ef Kaat Third atraat aad batwaea tha aartk llaa of kaat day atraat and tha aaah,b)aa af glBW Tha ' af tha Par9awawtaww aaU want ' anat far ta Tawd auaat la ao.IM. Tha ahaaa hmiwm la to ka araTal laiiinaul aad aha 11 ka tha city far period af flea aemra. tone tha awaar af a auhwtt af tha property aeaefltod by aald Inpomaaut aa any uortloa tharaaf ahaXl ant paUUaa for a aaw er ftoraat iiapraawaaaaa HOT 'taa mptnUaa C aatiod. Tha plena, aairlfValleae aaw tirhnitaa af tha alBwInaarfcr. the lajpraaaaanat f aaid mttt era haiilir aaoalad- .... Kaaolaad. That tha And! tor of tow Cat? at notice at tha proaaaad lmprai.aiaat ( atraat aa prarldad by tha rlty ahartar. aaaaatraaeaa aaJaat tha aaaaa par to IlUa b wrHtaf with tha aailmanaiil within ta.daya fraaa tha datawf taa brat My ardar at tha Oaaacil. '- THO 0.' DITLTM. - Aadttor af tha at af Partaiai. rwnianoj, nan. wata at carat awblteattoa. March la, 1M. rioroflxs odiothoit ot i wututh Kottoa la haraby aim that at tha ef Ua CbmcII at tha City af Portland. OreaovT hcM aa the 10th day at March, OMia, tha 'fol lowing reaalatlee) waa adopted: ' - Resolved, That tha OoaacU af tha atf- at Portland, ftregoa. dream It expedient had pnr- arev a awycove iwenoetB streat treat Berth Had a( rtpring atraat to tha Berth mt Carter strh.t, la the foUawlag aau wwni , t v Pint Br brlaalna? the ateaet en erfatti vetan RUth."aB?.w? " Becoad By brlnglrig tba 'atraet to grade fan wiain vim nju iniaraartieas wtta aaaeaaaat. Third kT aoejatnnrtlnr artificial vniee ai wnlka la accordaaca with the Clqr Ifiiglnaar'g iuaim. apeciiicauona aaa estimstas, . asrthr By eenatrneUug arUflcul la accardaaca with the City alnglaa.r a plum, rtfth By ewaatractlng ardflctal walk to accerdanca wfth the Oty Blans. Bnedfleatlona Bad ' . HlithBr eoaetmctlng a tone gwttam. Paid Impraveaaaat to lm aiada la accardaaca with tba charter and ereiaancee at the City of Hnrtlaad and the plane, .aed flea Unas aad eati BMtea at the City Bnglna.r, filed la the efflre ot taa a Dollar or tna nty tba 16th day ef March. 1906. engineer's plana aad aaaclflcatlnaa for tba lm- nranmant at rweauatk street froai tba nortk Ilea of Jpprlne; atraet to tba Berth Baa at par tar atraet, and the aatlmataa at tba work ta ba ansa ana tae proouw total aaat tharaat. Tae mat at aald I wpri vastest to aa ateldd by tha dry ehartar angaity aparlally end seeaUarty tbarthy, -aad -wwtch - ta . herebr - da to be aU taa lata, anrta titaraof and pa ream at tend) lying batwaea a Has 100 faat weat af and parallel - with the waat Baa af Twentieth, atraat aad a llaa 104 fast east ef aad parallel with the aaat Mae et Twentieth atreet aaa Between tae Una at Barken 4 Una 104 feet aorta at and aareUal with the north Una ef Carts atraet. ' The ahjglnear-s aetlmate ef the probable total east far tba at said Twentieth atreet is aB.vUe.uu. ' Tha a hae ttoaraeaaaaat kt to be elaaaed aa a acadaai Isaprnvimant aad ahall be asalatalaed by taa ally tar a period af free yearn, pro vided that tha owners af a majority af tha property Bene ri tea y aald I etnas aw. at er aay pertiaa tnrreor saau pot patitMa ror a new or diffa at Imp befara taa eiparaUe af Tba nUna. srwclfleatvana aad earJmatanf thai city Koenneer for the Imprevameat ef aald atreet are earthy adopted. - Reastved, That tba And! tor et the Otto a Portland ba aad be hi hereby directed to give nouns at tna is iiuisia ii ' eg aal streat as toa.tded by the rlty charter. Reaioaa trances agajnat tba a have lsiii n 1 1 mar be filed ta writing with, tha aadwalaiiad arlthtn dayn from tba date af tba first panncaooB at tats aarjcn. By arder et the nmrncll. ... THOB. & MTUM. " . AadMnr ef thn.fltv at Paerkaed. Portland, Oragea. . . Data at flrat publics Has, a, e,UH-vs' orrr nxAsnnt oncx or iaxi or RXAX PR0PXXTT rOB. OlXIJIQTriVT AaV Notice -fa bn rliy-glvra-ftut the Aadltor fba City af Portu aa aaa tranamltted te sea - a list of tha aetlajonent etractlna a chain af aswara la eUth atreet. Baat Thirty -eeventh Thh-tv atreet. Thlrty-eigbth atraet, Prattymaa "Trraa avaaae. Baat .Balaton atreet. Baat Mile atraat, Baat Madtaoa atreet. Baat BUrk street, to a eeanertioa with the aawar In Baat Yamhill atreet at Beat Tlri. elxth atreet, kaewa as Banayslde Third Extra Ion. aad that Baraaaat to aectloa 41S of the rhartar af the City af Partland. I will, an Monday, the 10th day at April, land, at the hoar ef 14 e'eleek a. ai., at tba west daor f tba aty HalU la tae City ef Pertkaa. Crreaon, otrer car nam at puone sartvaa to the highest bidder for eaab. aabyaet to reawapttoa. the rouovnaajg asscnaea Bercea at real pros arty to-wtt: Baaayaida Addltloa Blk a. lot 4, WlUlaai Reek Ml.lU) Blk 10, let 1. B. U Csaaphcn eO.TO Blk 10, lot 1 B. Ii fempbeU 40.T4 oowne Aaaiaoa to Baat rntlsad Blk 1. tot a. t. B. Beau St ar) Bach plare er tract af land will be sold separately aad far a earn net lass thaa the anpald aaaaaamint thereon and let arret aad cost et Hwraanc am sale, if Md M nffered tha lead win ba aald to tha bidder efferva to tab a. the aaaaa for the leaet amount at penalty sad ta tares t. Caaapatlttoa a I ii mm i I tk penalty far the first aertnd l tka aeasJty for the mcceeaing Third Opaa red rata af Inteceat. 1 I. B. WKRI.P.IW, riry Ti lineal ef tha Oty of INN-UaadV Pertlaaa. CBvsea, March 11, 1B04. OTT TRKAVBTntXR u V0TIOI Or BAXB Of . BBiX PROPXBTT rOB BrXXTTjrf aUV Notice la tba City af f Urea that the Aadltor af land baa tranemjtted ' ta ass V etrsctlaaj sewer In Mortis street, Uaataabeta sveoue ana tae auey ra amcca la. It, la, Rl .unlaw addition. Borthvrlck atraet and Mon roe street, from tba went line ef William aveene to a ennaertloa wltk tee Conk a venae aietnet sewer in Aimna sveoue, and that Bur anaat to rertJoa 411 nf the charter of tba city at rwrriana. i wiu. aa aioaaay, the loth day et April. 1IM6, at the hoar of 10 oa-kect a. to., at the weat done ef the City Hall. In tba City af Portland. Oreron. offer for aale at public auction to tba highest bidder for cash, subject ta redemption, the following described partem- er real prtneny an .u: bubrtlvlsloa ot klvarvtew Aadltlea Alblna . .. Blk 13, aonth U ef let T, Bol B ton berry. .$34.15 Blk 1.1, eonth j ef let 4. Bel 8 tea berry.. XV 40 Airnaa aaqiTjow' H Blk 1. aaat K feat at M t Albert Bar. tbolomrw .() Blk 1. eaat feet ef north M feet af let T. Albert aUrtholeaMw l.fa) Bach niece or tract af land will ba Bold separately and for a aunt net Iran thaa. the anpald aaai earn, at tbereaa aad Interest aad coat of gdverttelna' and aale. If sal thaa sac, bid la ofrered tha toad win ba aald to tba bidder nfferiar te take tba same for tba leaet amount of penalty and Utareat. Cesnpe- txrevu will ue. Ptmt Unon tba Benaltv far the flrat nertnvl Bawmd t'swh the Beaaltr fat the mmfssdlas sei eiiei. Ihiro vpaa taa rate er interest. J. B. WERLBt, ' City Tieaainer af tha City of Portland. Orcgoav March 11, 100. 0TTT TXIAJtTUR'B aTOTICrB OF BAXX or MXAL PEOPIBTT IDS llaXDTXjrr AaV sMaturri. . NotVe ta . hereby riven 1 that tha Audita at the City et Portland baa traaamltbrd ta am a net at tne eaiiequent aansssaiiiiita for con structing a sewer la WIIIUbm avaaae from 100 feet Bouts af the aoatb Una mt Alberta street te a eeann tton wltk the aawar la Fre mont atreet at w una ma avenue, aad that porsaaat te aectlon 411 ef the rhartar af the CUT at Partland. t will, aa Monday, tha loth day ef April, 1KB,' at tka hour of 10 o'clock a. at., at the west dear af tha city- Hall, la tba City at Portland. Oreana, offer for sals ai public aernoa to taa higbeet at after for cash, euDjeel as redemption, the foikrWlM parcela ef real property, te-wltl Alntna meanewreaa -Blk a, west et - feet sf lot 4, Kate ioff ra n Blk . let 14, DenlH Mart .) Bach niece er tract nf land will he anid aeperutaly aad far a earn not leas thaa the aitoald neeaaaaaant theraea aad Intoraat and seat of advertlalng aad Bale. If avnre thaa aae bid la offered the bind will be Bold to the bidder offering ta take the aaaaa far the treat avaoant Sf penalty Bad latere, t. Om pet It Ion will but Piret I'ana the penalty fee' the first period. B.coad tpea tha penalty for the escreedlsg aerinds. . Third Casa tk4 rata at Interest. - v- J. a WKRLBIN, ' Off Treaanrer nf the City of psrttlBd. rarUeaa, Orrfaa, March 11. IPOs. CTTT sTOTICZa. ' AaaKSSMZa-T rOB DCPBOTTJCXXT OF ITMT Retlea la bereby given that tha Oaaacil at tba aty ef Port land. Oregon, at a meeting held aa the 10th day of March, 1906, declared toe ' aaeaeaaitnt by ordinance be. lithe, for au leu pro r Bleat ac Flrat atreet rrom, tae aoata Baa at Arthur atraat to taa aorta Una af laaa street. In the manner pteatdwl by ardl aaars lo. lS.TTa, upon each lot. part ef lot aad ewvi ox isno, wairn are anseiaiiy aaa pa caltarty baaented. to ba aa fulWwa. vis: CABlTnr.RB' ADDITION TO CARUTHB? ADDITION to the Uty et Partland hl.OUi 64, east Ti fast ef north SI faat ef tat k . r " eina a .MiiavB, aaeua wa. e. i. aaat SB feat et Weat J 1.4 fast et aorta 28 feet af lot 1. A. P. tieoaart.' 40.18; aoaU Bi font af 1st 1, A. P. MeuBsrt. aB.a0; aast imu net er lot "g. Jot a wtdi 100 feet af lot a, C. B. Lamberaua, sast 100 feet of, lot 4. Bauly J. X. Msors, '444.0a. BIXNTK U. eaat inn feet af lot 1. tarda 0. Post Batata. Heirs at, 3S.1; aast '" ei ot wt a. ubm "J. rout BBtate, Heirs of, 7.S; neat luo feet et tat 8. Ottlhi Rartacb, 44.41: aaat 100 faat af tot 4. Ottlhi Bartaeb. )!-. BLOCK CT. aast 100 feet ef Int. 1, Or u ads P. B. Plsmmer, 4-IX; ' north H af east 100 teat et lot a, Orlaado f- B. Plammer. $4.00; aaath U at aast loo fact ef let 8. A. Qulrole, 4oO.B4: aarth H of east 100 feet rfVTrOuU. 1M b; T"n - 2. SS- -uo at a. . Alger, $4.07: tat 4. UaMia Aleve. (14.44 ' A aarcnl at land tjing betweea tha aeath Baa af Purter street end n line la feet aaata thet.ri.m aad parallel therewith tad betweea the weet line at Plret street and a Use 100 ; weat tamfreaa and. .parallel IhBrewUA, eeeunr ataaxura. 1)1.11. A Barrel at Wad 1lng between two U reepeetleely 40 feat aad 104 feat aoatb aad parallel with the south Una at Poi atraat aad between the west llaa ef First atreet aad 4 line 100 feet went therefrom sad parallel miin nith, W. A. Cwalck. 4-1 L. 11. I . parvel at taaa tying bet wees two Uses . respective ly loo and IM fast aoatb ef aad . Parallel with tba south Han ef Perter atreet aad betweea the wast Baa af first street aad , a Mae loo feat wast therefrom aad imrallel therewith, Bara. a, Wallace. 411S.0T. peircei at laaa lytaa betweea the aarai naa ef Waoda atraat aad a Une 40 teat north leave rrom asd parallel therewith and twaaa the -west llaa at first street and a Una JOT reel uraut there froaa and sere lie I tl with Howard Lathrnp Caldwell, I144.4S. CABtTTBERA' tniimnW . thTrite mt I . land, aa iaid oat by Booth Portland Real Bstaaa Aaeorlanjon -BIXK7K 104, east inO . xeer er lot l, Thomas Mock ma a, 413S.OT; eaat 100 feet af lot t Thomas J. Gattla ' BaUte. He4ra af. flOT.Tli Berth 4 feet af aaat , 100 faat ef tot a. Rlehart B. Ooniaa. 14.41. A parcel at land lylac betweea tha Berth llaa et Galase atraet extended westerly la -He preewat ceurua and a llaa 840 feet aeath there fram asd parallel therewith aad Be tweea the west lias at Pint atraat aad 4 Baa : lOO feet west there from aad parallel there . wltk, Oregon Railroad Marias, teea Can. pelllT ftwAvS flaw ' CABl"TJlKB" ADDITION TO CABnTtTBRB ADDITION to the Oty et "nrtlena BLOCK on, wuui iuw tact er u)t a, loam Arsjote. t.M weet 100 feet ef tot T, Leal Arnold, A.OSt Berth H et west 104 test af lot 4. , Joha V. Lankln. 44 B4' amith 1A af west 104 fee ef lot 4, P. Wilde, 44.44: weat 108 feat af tot B, Brren P. Boone, I, BBB.TX. BLOCK , west H of lot 4. BeravsBla Rsebtaa. V ae. mi . l. e .., i SLT4: Uraut AT fees mt aaat U. ef lot A. NeaaJe B. Taylor, tlT; west 4T feet et neat eg as at 1, nan-ie m. Tayiar, e- as; tat 4, Mary U atW. 444.41; lot 4, Mary Taytar, 45.a4. BLOCK iS, west M4 fast vr art a, ocaoot inimrt no. i, weat 104 fast et tot T. School IMetrtet Be. L BT 4S; waat 100 teat ef tat 4. Bckael Dbv i trlct Ma. 1, $8.64; west 104 part ef Vat ft. . School Dlatrlct Ne. 1, 44.44. - BLOCK 44, weet in , rvet at lot 4, Martla Brksda. 444.14; west 140 feet ef tot T. Martta Brbada. a.a; weat 100 feat et tot 4. WUIIaai a - J el ley 934-08: west 100 feet ef tot 4, WU. 11am B. JnUay, 443 43. . CABUTBBR8' ADDITION ta tka City of Port land aa Laid Out bv flnuth Pert lend Keel Batata Aaanctotlon BLOCK 10T, tot . Ore. Cat auihwad aj Navigation Oeaaaeay. 4148.44; It, Oragoa Railroad Navtgatloa Compear, - v i ee vet . wen ux a unu auu reel cast af aad parallel with tha aast llaa af Ptrut atreet. Oregon Railraad at Hrrlgatloa voanpuny,; Bora a feet et lot a, ' OreCO Railroad ai Ksvtentlou Ormnmmmm ta m: aU ef tot S waat ef a line 100 feet aaat af and parallel with the eaat Una ef first atraat, Orvea . lulkemd 4s eJartoa- , tlo Compear, 48 047 A parrel of land lying betweea the sootk Una ef block 140 aad tha north Use af btork 145. Caruthera' Addltloa to tha rltv at Port. - Uad. aa told ant by the Bsath Portland Real Estate Aasorlatlea. sad between tha cast Una ' af first atraet and the weeterly Haa at the Ore sou ft CaUtnrBla-RslHray Cbatpaay'a ran ox way, eaeee Linger, a 1 te.m. A parcel of land lying between line ef block IM aad the aartk llaa nf ; awe;- ten, urathara' A Oil ties to fba City af Portland, as laid eat by tba South Port Isad Real Estate Association, aad betweea " tbe westerly Una ef tba Oregon ft California - Railway Com pa ay" a right af way aad a Una 104 feet east ef aad parallel wltk tba eaat line af Plret atraet. Oragea ft Cullfatall Railroad Compear, 4S.B4. BLOCK IBS. north 20 feet ef tot 4.. Jacob t'nger. aaa. en; eouta au raat at let 4, M. P. Prince. fdS.44: tat T, A. P. Mrnnert. ' 4132.44; tot 4, John N. Pal Tile va, 448.47; e e, aesn n. rvuiajwA, f, tsbi, 4a, B04.U. A atatcBMvit af afareaaM a amaint kaa ban eatered ta the Docket af City Liana and to now aaa aaa payanie at the aTDca af tha city Treasurer, la lawfal saoae mt the Us I ted Btstea aad If not paid wlthla 44 days from tha data ef thla Bo! Ice aach aroceedlngs will oa tasea ror tna eoiieetiaa or tae asm aa are pro. Iiled by the charter af tba City ef Portland. Tba above aaaeaaaient win bear Interact 10 aaya artcr taa arst ptiniicuiioa at tats nettes. iinm.' v. lis run. ..,. aaaitor or tea city er Portland. Data af Brat publics tloa. Portia na. Oaanea. . . u i one " AOCTIOK BALK. Kotlce la hereby glvea that at 14 e'etork a. m. sn Moadsr. March to. laOB. at tn. rlty Jail. rWuad aad Oak a U eats, tba City af fori l ana will ecu tor cbbb at senile em ilea to tha highest bidder the, fellow tag deenrlhed article, which are at aa longer aaa ta the ettyi 1.1 bicycles. 4 trunks wltk can tee ta. Old taak. - I 1 Iron bedstead. .- ' "The right ta haraby rewind to retort aay er By arder ar tt aewcutlve Board thob. c. ntrrLnf. Aadltor ef tan City at purttoaaV Port las. Oragea. March 14, 1404, noroom lMmoTTJtiirt or xajt rarrm . 8TRXXT. he Council of tbelty af Partland. Oreenn. held on the 15th day ef March, llsje, tha fol avniaa reaohitlofi wss adootrd: Reeotvsd, That the OauacU af tha City ef Portland. Oregon, rleeaw It expedient aad pur- wueiu to improve Mn jimtn atreei from tna south Una ef Hawthorne avenue to tha north una er invuiea atraet, la the following bmb Pint Hy gradiag tba atraat fall width with fnU Intarasrtlann aowa ta the proper Bus-grade as shown by the ataksa aa an. by tba City BngtBcas, eecond By bringing tbe surface af tbe atreet fnU width with full Intersections to tha estab lished grade -with gravsL Third By coDttructing artificial atoaa aide- wsias. t'ourtk By laying crnaswalks. Fifth By laying drain pipe la accordance with tbe City Kaglneer s plans, speflcaUoae aaa sstimaiea. Mixta Br conatrnctlng box and atone gutters. Seventh By constrnctlsg wooden sldewslks la wit ith the City ainclacer'a Diana, ansa. Iflcatioaa sad eatimatea. Bald laa prove mejit to be made la acoordince With tba charter and erdlBsncea ef tbe City of ruruaJM aaa ine piaaa, speciricauona ana entl matea ot the City kaglneer. filed la tbe office ef tba Aadltor of the City ef. Part- taad a tbe l(th day ef March, IMA, Indorsed; "City Ragiaeer's plsaa aad apecl flcatloam for - the Improvement . ot Bsst Math atreet tram tba north Una of Hawthorne I venae to the north Une et Division street, and tba estimates ef tba work- to ba doae aad tea probabta total cast thereof." Tha coat of aald Improvement ta ka aaaeaaed s provided by tha city charter upon tbe prop, arty specially and pacunarly beaellted thereby. and which ta hereby declared to ba all the lota. parta taeraet aaa nurceia ot laaa lying Between a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel with tha wast line ot Baat Ninth atreet and a Una 1U0 feet eaet ef and par a 1 lei with tha east llaa sf Kaat Ninth street and between the aarth Una at Dtvletoa atreet and 4 llaa 100 feat Berth of aad parallel Wltk tba Berth una af Hawthorns avenue. Tha Engl sear a set units ef tha smash is total cost for the Improvement af aald atraat la IV.4t4.vO. tbs anove improvement ts re aa cisseea aa a gravel Improve meat and aba 1 1 be maintained by tbe city for a period af five years, provided tnat tna owners pt u niyaiir ex tee property benefited by eatd Improve ma at er aay portion thereof ahall ant petltlna far a aaw er different Impruismsnt before the expiration et aach The Plane, arjedflcatlena sad estimated af tba Citr Engineer Tor the imuretemaat et aald atreet are bereby adopted. Rrenrvrfi, That the Aadltor er taa citp ar Pert Lead be aad be la bereby directed to give aotlce sf the proposed Improvement at aald street aa provided By the city charter. rttrinna trances a rat net the above Improvement may be filed ta writing with the eadersls-ned iihin n dava ream tba data af the first publication ef thla ant Ice. sty eruer ei the 'wtexn. .... Trlim. C PPTMK. ' And It or of tha Cllr nf IVu-tlsnrl. ' Pceilaitd. nregoa. Data af first awbUcatlea. March 14, UCB. . . . .... , . . ,.. t. . ' rEOPOaXD TXIJlTtOnTt CIBDIABCb. ' 4 ordinance granting to Cbartaa B.rBamnar, bta eaoreeeora and aaslgBS, tba right, prlvt lega aad frsarblss to erect pokes and string wires aad rabies thirasa. ta ooaatrurt aaaer. gvonad ceadults aad manholaa, sad to lay wires aad eableu la aaaer area ad esaduiu and through manhnlas. aad to slratrh wires and cables alone, aver, aooa and .aoveea tbe susata, altars, aveaaea aad pablla - plates ef tha CUf af ruruana. lor the nausea amies af auurida, algaata. csauerastlea and lalaltl gence, through aad ever aald wires asd ca bles Vy aaraas af else Irl rlty, aad to eesatrect. astabltah. equip sad lastall a telephone asd tale arena system aaa ta aeaaart n general Sana aad telegrsna ansiaiea witnin taa (ity at Par tie ad. aad fining tba ceue ttoa to be paid therefor. The City ef Portland eaea ardsla as tollews: bertlea 1. That ( aarlee B. Bumner. bta aue ta.T. aad) aaslgua, ba and ka ta haraby granted tba light, privilege and fraarhlse te erect Botox, with tha aeeaaaar supports, liana arms snd fixtures, aad awing wires and rabies tbereaa. aad to eeaetruct snoer ground esadults tugether with tha airaaaary awlubolee aad ether appUaeeee. and to lay. place aad atreteh wires and aabsas. thereto, a load, ever, apoa. Bader and acroaa tan etraats, allay a. aveaaea aad public placet et tbe Uty ef Purtlaad for tha haimmlasliia af Bouada, signals, aanvematlea and latalUgence,' thraugb and over aald wtraa and eablea kr msssa at etoctrleity. and to eoo ttruct, eatabUab, eeulpj end Install a tele phone aad telegraph aratem, had to nadnrt a geaaral tolepbona and telegraph kealaaaj wlthla the aald City uf I'artlani , . Bee. a. Bald grsstsa. kta suumnis-i aaa) aa leee ahetl aMaMarl rfae amid nntlnruraund ava- tem. under tba aanarrtaton and db-acttaa ef the executive Beard er ether properly eensU- M,eA ulkncHt mm tmm iHtv mt Portland. - Wlthla the fire nauts at tha aakt Oty of rertlsBd. aa tha same ezMtsa aa taa sisi any ef reerunry, A. D. 1402. tha grsatsa berela ekall mimrm. lav malntsln and ooerata hta main Una wires aad other caaawrtors la eaaergroaBd eoadalta aad Bipaa, aad shall abw wlthla aavea years fram the data ot approval et this ardt nance t.aeeve his mala Una wlree trees tba streets aad aUeva wiUls the Umlta begiBBiag aa Prent aad Mill atreeta asd running thanra westerly along Mili to West Park atraet; thence northerly aloog West Psrk street to Btark atraat; thence weeterly sloag Btark ad Barn tide atreeta te Tb litres th stresti thence north erly along Thh tsuath atraet to Irving atreet. snd tkaaaa easterly along lrvlag street to Prent atreet aad thereafter said wires ahall be main tained aad operated la neon gee and conduits and plpea wlthla salt dlatrlct. AU aeeaaaary eonBsctiona to subscribers' stattoae aad to ether Boiats Buy ba made from aach wires aad eoa auetorn. aad with each mesne, a peers taa aad appllaaeea as may be requisite. Bald II ran tee hall tile with tha Auditor of tbs City of KneVfeeA Bleea ta dnBllratS Of til COUdalBl maabotaa. dtetrfbutlBg poles and .11 ether con stractiuaa protnmrd wlthla tba limits ef the atreeta. alleys, highways aad pablle placsa af tha aald city, la sack form and detail as the toerutree Beard ar ether properly coast I tu ted .utnerlty aaay rwouiru and approve la writing, aad all rv locations aad cbaagea shall be Indi cated therein. Imrlng tbe entire work et con atrBctloa eutbortssd by thla. traachise aa ta specter may ba appointed by the Bxecstlve Board er ether properly cieaatltutcd authority ... .ii rKe teevea and eendlttaea nf this machine are strictly conformed to. All Boles erected hereafter by uirtua of thla franchise aau great sbsU eoaform la length aad the urlraa .w.11 anatorm In belabt to the reaseaabta rutos aad reewtattaaa adopted by aald executive Board, Bald grsatae. bta nntttaasrg er assigns abail Bet reaaove the poena after aaea Bel eg set frees aaa toeatloa ta another ansnxs par- Butted ee te de by the s.ld Rxerwtivu Board er ether pecpevly anaptitatod Aatharlty. Provided, that Bathing la thla Jta Ulned ahall ba construed as prrl biting the ,m. swtiand an tha C3onnell thereof from, at aay time hereafter, aiarctaing Its police power to rsaalre the aula Ilea wlree at the grantee to be placed to cundutto IB aa otner aection at eatd city, provided that sock, nolles power ahaU mat be uxevctaed except by erdinsace ap- pUcable alike to au imepexeaa n a rwe tanun aa BBrabalea may ba ctra- Struct ed atoaa the llaa ef said, conduit for the newaasa af arrervuag scraua tnereua, pvnvn that said trapa ar manaelea shall be tocsted or eoaatractod la eoafocmlty with the Inslrortlon; aad to tha aatlufacttaa ef tbe Executive Board er ether properly saaatltutsd aatborlty af aald eity; aald trapa ar maabntas ahaU ba aa aappad and covered aa to ba flash with tba surf. en sf tka atrart aad not to latarfevu ta aay way with tka aaa at said atreeta tor travel ar traffic. Bee. a. That aald greatee. bta saeeeeeore aad aaslgna. may, under tan direction af tha Rx re stive Beard ar other properly eonetiteted aa tborlty ef the City of Purtlaad. make- all exravnuoas. in any en streets, eueye, uv mmutmc p.e. . a pose ef erecting aad pxalntalaiag aotaa aad ether aapports for bla er their urlcee con n...e .v tee renslrtoa tba Bsme. aad for the sannnea af laying, repairing aad Main taining said underground pipes er . eoadulta, and aald maabotaa. aad far plsolng. repairing, mslatalalBg aad operstlag aald wires and cou- doctors therein. AII P poles that are erected and maintained pursuant u tea terms ex xnis eroi- ...ii DO erected at xnu euge ex iw eve walk a. aslesa staarwiaa directed ky tlm Baec- stive Bosra er otner uvoswrij uuun hcirw la e enod and snbatsntlal manner. Tha ExeeuUvu Bonrd or other, Properly consti tuted authsrlty shall have the right to causa '.aid grantee, bla sacaesaora er assigns, to move tbe kcattoa af aay polo wee sever tba public iva.eji leers ahaU reomire taa waom o. xoe awe eraewberei the expense ef said removal to ba Bald by Aald grantee, his sncceasorsar eaetaua. When aay eiravstloa shsll have beea made pursuant ta the aatborlty hereby granted, tha greatee, his saeeeeeore or eaalgne. - aba 11 reetore tba portion ef tba atreet, allay ar pubUe klghwsy. excavated to the aaxsa good arder aad esadltioa to which It waa prior ta .aid work, sad all aald work shall ba done In romp 1U nee with tba reaeoneble and aeccassry rules, retnilstleos, ordinances or r'dere which map during the eostlsuaure of thla frsarblaa be adopted from time te time by tbs aald Council, or provided by taw. and aald work sf repairing said streets, alleys and public highways shall ba don to the aallaf action of aaid CVyuuril or such nfflclal ar efficient aa the law Bvay designate. i Bee. 4. Nothing la 'thla ordinance ah. II be euuauaad aa la any wins to prevent tbe proper authorities ef tbe aald dtp from sewering, gradiag. paring, planking, repairing, altering ar eolisj aay wart that may be deal rah le en aay af the atreeta. allevs ar pablle highways af aald' dry, hat all each work shsll be dona If nnaelbla la each manner aa ant te aha tract. Injure er prevent the free ass and operation ef the geld telephone and telegraph ayatem ef aald greatee. kta asrraaunrs aad aaslgna. Bee, 4, Tka grantee, bis aacreennra aad as. signs, whenever ar wherever electric eurreata are aaed ar employed In er about the aae et tba franchise by this ordinance created, ar the ground ronaeeted therewith, than provide and nut le aae each Bieana aad appilaBeaa aa will control sad effectually contain such eurreata la their proper rhanaeie en sis or tneir awn wires, ee ee to nreveut inlurv to tba aronerty. slDcS snd other atractnres belonging le tba City et Portland at anr other person, nrva ar corpora, tloa within aald citr. aad ahall repair aad re. new aald meaaa had appUaaess and fram time to time change and I ai prove tba eama aa may lawvannsssmi i pi iisiawasasjmnwaeasBmaaageeato ble er their own charge asd ex prime asd at bla er their rlak, selectlsg aaa snopiing enrl meena and anpUancea as shall prevent Injury te tha property, pipsa er other structures he- longing ra tae iiy et rwinn nr nny peruoa, firm or carnnrattoa. Bee. T." Whenever It shall be aeeeassry to gradiag any street er alley ef ssld city er In building aay sidewalk er making aay other Improvements thereon, te remove say pole ar poles belongjng to aald greatee. bla .uri laaur. sr 'Basins, an which any Una er lines, wire or wires belonging to said grantee, his sucresBoru or aaslgna. shall be stretched or fastened, tbe aald rrantee. his snrnaaic. er a ml ma. ahsIL a pen receiving 84 bswra' notice from tha Kxec- ntlve Board er etaer properly coosututed an tborlty remove aach pole or polee. aad if aald rrantee. bla aurreaaoTB and asalgas. npoa each notice, shsll neglect or refuse te reavove such ante ar poles, then each pole ar poles shall be removed by the Rxecutlve Beard ar ether prep- erly constituted authority, at the expense at sain grantee, nie avjcceeaoru or nauigns. i Bee. B. W Beaever any peraoa ar rawipany shsll have ehtalned perm laaioo nf tba properly constituted aatbnrlrleu af the City af Portland In leimwe any building throogh aay ttreet or streets, tba grantee, bla aurreaaiw. ar aaalgns. If he ar they have 4 Une oa aald atreeta. on due aotlce from aach person or comnanv, shall raise, remove or adtoet bin or their lines ss ae to aUow an annbafmrted p. aaa re ef Buck building, and If aald grantee, bis auceeesnrs or aaalgns, sbaU after aald aotlce neglect an te do, tbe properly ennatl toted aatborlty ef tbe City ef Portland shsll, at the expense ef aald evantee. bis ante users or assigns, remove aald iinee aa far ss thev are aa aha tract toa ts tha paeeage of said building.- Bee. 4 per tba purpose af effectually aernr. ing erne lent service sad ror tna purpose ef tba continued ' maintenance ef tbs property, plant, system snd sxebanga constructed and apersted under thla franchise, tbe grantee, kta eucveeem a and ssBlgTM ahall keep and maintain kta er their pnlea, ondntta, plant, ayatem and exchange la good order and repair and shall render efficient service throughout the entire term of this grant. If tbe grantee, bta enereeaora and saslgns. shall fall at any time to keen In good repair tbs poles, eeaauits. wires, pisnt, system snd ex es ante constructed, operated and maintained under fbls franchise, or shsll fsit durlne tbe period ef thla rraacblae te render efficient service, tba Onajarll ef said city may dec aire thla scant aad nil the riehts and arlvllenee berela conferred forf rltedv and upon adjudication ef forfeiture by a court ef competent tarla. diction thla frnrerblae and all the rights and ariviiegea cnnrsrrsd thereby shall Tic mm a null and veld, but no decree of forfeiture hereof vhatl be made If before the rendlliea af sorb decree adlnd letting each ' forfeiture the aald grantee, kta airriassr. nr aaslgna, ahall place ssld plsat, avstsm. exchange gnd property In good arder aad repair asd ahaU reader efflcleat sn i ilea tnereev aad thereafter, in. That excent- as heretaaftar are. aided aald grantee, hla aui i .am . or aaalgnn, shall net, wltbent tbe rnneent ef tbe cltv. .viae need by erdinsace, sell er 1 ran. far the enndaita, pnlea. wires sr appliances nf any kind or desert ntleuj- ee nan. lesae, . et transfer say et tbs right nr privileges berela authorised er are n ted. to any person, eeeansnr trust a car pen ilea, bow ar. aarsaltsf tag-aged la. tbe telephone sad telegraph haslaraa, aad hall sot at aay tlms ester Into any esmblna than, dlrectlr ar tndlreetlr. with say aaraoa sr aersuns, ar aay corporation, coaorralng tha rats to u ba charged for- telepboBe aad tele graph services, with any of Acer or efacere, em- ptsyaa or managers er say uwpeoae sr tele graph ayatem constructed ar Being aperstrd In aald rlty; , provided, however, that aald greatee, bis succesaora or saslgnav msy amlga thla frsachlse to a corporation organised by him under the lawa of tha Slats at Oregon, or Boats other state' ef tha Halted Butea, for tbs purpose sf esrryiug ea a general tale- Bveowe sow ivir . rv , ireviei w. sew w t eouetrucllBg. nialatalnlng asd sparaUag Unea. eondults, cables, wires and steer electrical read ar tors, together with all nseeasary feed era, eervlee wires aad house coe section, to ba aasd for the tnaamlsatoa ef sounds, signs la aad ta tell tree re by aeaaae ef electricity la tha City af 1' art land; and provided, further, that aotlce at ssld aaslgBmeat shall ba Bled with Ua Auditor of the Uty of Portland wlthla sixty (aui daya after tka sxacaUoa ef laid asalga- bee, 11. That all telephone I laaa, eenetmcted ar a Derated, uadey aald frai fraarhlae ahall have evauwi. wawr amaiiiv cirrwiie, mmm lbs conduit ayatem constructed aad laid dowa eompiere itallle ctrcaiu. gnd tbnt uoder ssld franchise shsll be ef sack slaa aad capacity aa to arcomaxodate wlree, eablea ar conductors sat Orient to sroTlde fsr taa seed tin AOni ielenhoneSi " That tha rest or charge for aa ua limited. iBdepeodeot, aartallle circuit, telephone earvire la the ayatem established ar maintained asdsr bald franchise, so king as suck system does sot eewnert asd exchange with mart thsa tea tboeaand UO.uoO) telrpbonea ahall Bet exceed 814 Twenty-five One-tluedrvdlha -2 Dal Ura per month for a tele shook tests lied la aay I sate us sfftce or premises for business pur poses, or Two Bevesly gvu One Hundredths (UTS) Dollars per month far a telenaaaat In stalled ta a private reeldeuee, aad that urhea aald system shsll comprise mora than . tea tboaaaad IIO.OUO) telepbonns, tba aaaaal laat sr char re for tha aforaasld at 1 1 lie aball net be Increased by aaors thsa a asm a anal to Biz 144.40) Dollars per a a asm for Sack eaa tboa BSBd telephones la said city connected with aaM system in exesse ef tea t bouse ad; pre vMed that a discount at Tweaty-4va 0 1 Cawta per month shall be made far puj mi at ea er before tha loth day sf tha Baaath la which th dsr sf the tosulh la waica ndered; and provided, however, tbs rate shsll net exceed (4.00 tha service to ran that la anr case tbs par Baaath for boat arm par 4 fur reas- Her 11 The aald svaniaa! hta and amlgna, la roaalderatiea at the frssnhlan, rights aad privilegra grasled by this erdlaaaee and - ss compensation therefor, ahall. ea tha arst day of January et each year during the term of said frsBchlsr, psy to tba City ef Portland a earn equal te one per cent nf tea ee lavuiata at aald sens aaa. aw aad s micas bo Id Ins aaid f reach lee aad eneratine the saaw. for aach asd every preceding year during the term ef aald fraa- eaiae. , whiea eempenaatiea aaau. newever, aaaonat to net-leae then-tha earn ef 11,000 for each sf the following y.ara, te-wltr 14tM. Iu4, 1410, 1411, 1V12. 113. lli and not leas thaa tbe earn af (2.000 for each ef the following years, to-wit: 11&, 1914, 1B1T, 1414, 141B. lltW. 1U21. 1422. 1421. 1424. 1426.. 1428, aad ant leas thsa toe earn ef $4,000 for each of tha follow lug years, te-wlt: 1127, 1424, lfttB. Ab4 as further ceaxpeaaattoB tka aald graataa. kls SBcrisaor. and aaslgsa, akall wlthla dsya rrem tbe comma ace ansa! af tha a pars tloa af tha aald tstaaaaaa sxrtunas. taatall, eoulp and maintain a police patrol tetapboaa system tor the city ef rertlaad, aaaa.rin with suitable switchboard 1a sollce atattoa, telspbaaei to ba placed la hexes ea Bales et tae aaia com pa ay er at Bineee uemguaieu ay tba dir. tba same to be alscsd where ae deal a - aatod wlthla tbe district soversd by tha eem panyta wlrsa. conculta ar polea, eg wtaare ether pelee ar coodulta are aval labia. Beveaty-tve (Thj tola phones are te be iBataltoa aa assa aa tha rompeny haa Bolus erected and wtraa kid. sad 24 telephones are to ba lastalied aach year thereafter aatll 400 tlvareof are aa Installed. Five (4) telopaoaas Biay ba Phiced eg eaa Haa asd tha city la te supply tha boxaa to be phiced oa tba peers tberefor. The eatlra pel Ice tele phone system; shall be the property af the aty of ParttaBd at the term! as tloa, fm tellers ar absadsnmsnt ef thla rrascnlau. Tba saka arsatoa. bla shalL aa tun her temtiraaalloB to tbe eity. Beet hla avatem with the .sin tlaa-room headQuartsrs af tbe fire Depaxtmeat af tha City ef rertlaad by twe er three llnss. ss re quested, sad pi ana tetapboaa aad ax teas lea ta each gsasrsj a rarer1 a headquarters at the lire Department aad aae la each ef the geaaral af Bears' reside ocas, tha said grantee ' is sco riae are alarm telephone ajaiasi when ruvmared by tbe City ef Pertlasd. Tha City sf Portland sbsU have, tbe aaa ef Park tend actors gnd at such character sa Bone 4 br the Bra alarm. police patrol telepkeae aad telegraph avatem aad water drpartanrnt telegraph sad telepkeae eystems la tba audergrosmd eoadulta tad river rabies ef the company aad tbe right te firing wlrsa tar sum auruos-a sn the avuatsa-a poles. The Citr HalL Cltv Oeum tnrv. Citr Barn. City Jail aad other eCncea ef tha City af Portias d are to be supslled with each telrpbonea at may be Bereeasry fee tba sees ef the ear everaJ oeoart meets aad orricaa ar ua eur, And asld frascktas amy be forfaited by tbe failure of tbe grantee, his sueceasors and as signs, to mska payment ef the compensation above provided for and to perform tha acta a bora provided for. Provided, bow ever, that the tompenaettoa shove txed shall ba la ad dltloa to aU ether, el mar gi serai ar tlon. taxes sow 1 exposed upea the suets or holders oi similar fraacniaas, ar whiea may be hereafter so levied er Imposed. - - Provided, that the asld greatee, hta eocean- aora er amlgna, shsll ksep st til times daring tbs time for which this fraacktae la grants ea, fall and correct beoka ef Beeps st aad auk quarterly reports In writing te the A editor nf the City af Portland, aald reratrte te contain ta scenrsts statement la Bummarlaed fi well aa la detail af all receipts from aU sources, aad all expaaairures rer ail purpose together with a fall elate meet af all aaaeta aad debts, aa well aa suck ether Information aa to tbe costs aad preBta et said m ilea aad tha financial conditions sf the aald grantee, hla anr remote er sedges, and tbe Aadltor ef tbe City ef Pertlaad amy las pact ar exaaxlae, or eaaaa ta be Inspected er ex. aril nod, at all reaaoaabta boors, any aad all book of Bceeuat aad voocaers ef the. aaia grantee, sore aad assigns. Bee. 13. Tba work ef usuati uitlng aald tele phone plsat. syetem sad axchaaga te ba ana stracted. aialatalaed aad operated Bader tbe provtsloaa at the fraarhlae berela gvaatod ahaU be commenced 1b good faith wlthla Bat avnre thaa eight moot he fram tba date ef tbe 5s sting af ssld franca lee aad shall be eae noouaty prosecuted thereafter la 4 aad faith and shsll be completed wlthla net mate thaa three years thereafter That tbe said grantee, bis succesaora and aaalrna shall' ta trend faith lav out and ex need for aastertel. aad labor aaed Bad performed ta tba roestiwetloa at ssld tenpanas pisst. ayatem ana eienangu. lacrau Ina afdea sad axchanas bulldlnau. tmlea. con dalte. amaholea. wires. ' cablee. switchboards. telrpboulc apparatus and epell.nees, tba tot. lowing sam witaia tae perina aereinaiTrr sseB tlonatf rnaoecUvulrA Ptrty Tbouaaad tUO.OOOl Dolls rs wlthla eaa year after the great at tba fraaehtoe berela prevised for Is passed, ap proved and become effective; Twe Hundred aa-lvff ity..TVniM"ll (" Dollsrs wlthla two yesra after "IM rr.ffTVrT k berela cenvided (or la pa aaed. annmvled aad hecomeu effective, aad five Hundred Tnoaaand (tAOO.Oonj Dollars wlthla Urea years after the great at the fraarhlse berela provided far Is passed, approved and hero ears effective. That tbe entire total cost et ssld plant, after be ing fully completed, la estimated at Oae Mil lion III 000 0001 Dollars. Section 14. Tka Kiecutlva Beard af tbe City af Portland, ar ether properly oeuetltuted authority thereof, ahaU . have tba power aad authority ta regutats tae meaner ot erecting said poles, constructing ssld conduits and string' tng and laying said wires lad tarfTlng eat the provisions or ibis oroinesee Bee. IS. Bald grastos, kls ani-rssanra aad amlgna, hereby agrees snd covenant, ta lu demnify aad aave harmless the City of Port, land against all damages, coats and expeneea whatsoever, ta wblch aald city may be sub ject la euumqusai's ef tbe acta or neglects et graataa. his larrasssrt sad saslgns. bis or their areata er arrvaata, la anyiaianaer arl.lng rrom tne rifnta sna privileges granted sere I n. All rights, sutborlty sad grsnta berela coa- telned ar conferred are further conditioned apoa tha rx press understanding and agree. asenc tnat tna privilege m tne a tree 1. .gnu pnbUe places, berela conferred era sot ta op .rate ta any way aa an esbancement ot tbe rrantee'. properties er values er be aa asset or Item ef ewaershlp la tbe appraisal thereof la the event thai eaHl city snail ever acquire ay porch. ae any ar all ef aald grantee's, a la tae l.assia' at assigns' property. 1 Hec. 14. The rlghta. privileges sad franc hies hereby granted shall terminate st tbs sxplratloa ef twesty-ave years fram tbe date of the psssags of -thla ecdleence. snd shall mmaeace the day this erdlaaBca becomes ef fares aad affect. Bee. IT. That apoa the expiration at tbe period for which thla fraaehiss la graated, the City ef Port la sd renervea the right at Its eler. Una and apoa tbe payment therefor of a fair valuation thereat to be axsde sad dstermlned ss hereinafter provided, te parch .as as sa en tirety and take ever te Ita eelf all of the property, plant, ayatem aad etrbaag enn. true ted. operated aad maintained under the rlghta ' con ror red py thla great watch may br si tasted sa, la, .hove aad under tba streets, aveaeee and public nlsrea af tha City nf Port taad ensmeratad la Bret lag I sf this ordinance, together with all real, parssaal aad mired property, apparatus, appliances, appurtenances et every kind sad desertplloa. Including nil cbosea In action, ran tract., annecrt ptlnrta aad food will, making- ap. cnnstllullng sad aaed n connection with such plsat. systsm sad ex change an operated and maiatalsed under the rlghta and franrhteee beeala graated. Provided, however, that errors the city aaau Bars tbs authority to purchase or take ever sack plant snd property, the qaestloa whether ar ant tbe rliy shsll aciralrs or take such plant and Broaertr aball Brat be submitted te the voter. of tbe city at tbs regular clectlea for city af. Beers next preceding the eiplrsttoa af the period for which Ibis franchise ta granted. In cae tbe valuation of aald plant, avatem gnd rtrnangn In Ua entirety ran be paid ant of tha annual revenues of the city, la addition to the pay meat af tha ether necessary aa nendltoeea thereof. Ikea tbe af arms live vets ef 4 majortqr at tka aire taca so Una at tana, eleetlna .hall be asceaasry to aatkorlss tha acqulaltlea ef such plant, agstam. excbaBxe sad property by the city.. la csee, however. tna valuation sr ssia pisar, system m change ahall an far axesed the snousl rcveanee ef the etty to aadltlea to tha payment af ether necuaasry exseaaiiures xaereoi an ww - amount na to render It aeeaunary to Incur a municipal bonded Indebted seas for such par. puee, tbea tba aobmlasioa of each proposition to the elector, for the acquiallloa thereof shall speeiry t nereis tae aaaanaf ex xao pum. Doaoea lDacBteoneaa, toa rata oi me thersoa and whether each bonded ladebtedneee aball be Incurred. An affirmative vote of nt larBrn-v. mm , u - - - 10 thirds a-l ef tbe electors voting at sorb electtoa shall be aerenssry te wuex two 111 i roe th secure sacb scqulsltloa sad ter mining the vslustloa of asld plant aad proa arty tu be purchaaed aad taken aver by tha city there ahall be axrladed therefrom aay vslu stloa st frsBcblsaa ar grants derived from the City ef Portland te maintain and operate said piaat aaa property, nux uev eivu v bvouw In each valuatioa tba value af sll poles, ernes arms, braces, wares, eonuuim, mannoeaa, muw Ings, rsal sststs, switebbosrda. telephoBaa. sad 1 1 .. 1 - j 1 -,.i,i -, rv Inelndtns sll apparatas, appliances, appurtenances, con tracts, chones la action and good will af every bind and deecripttoa. maktag na and eeastitat. Ing and aaed la connection with Buck a plsat. systsm, axchsnge sod telephone sad talegrapa BUS! Dean, ine tpnce ar valuation mm r'-- - the City et Portlsnd tor said property, ptant, system asd axchsnge sad telephone and tele- w , -v. -1 1 k. . eisa mmjl mined by three arblu-.tora. eae islated by the in- cil 01 ine vni ewiwrv wr . -" - auuiiaaiiia aad aaslgna, aad tka third appointed ny im two an rnoseu. ana ins -" ing ef ssld three arbitrators ar a majority-el them, made la duplicate aad llgwed by them. ana aeuverea to ton maywr 01 " - - taad, aad tbe other to the greatee. hie secces- . I . n Im- l mmA hledinS nOOU the Bertlea, and ssld price and valuation aball aaalgna. befnrs ssld grantee, hla auttaaaora er saatgns. shsll be deprived ef tbe aamreatoa or i v 1 a 1 maaul SBahi tna anal til Btl?JIl 1 rilalw IV aJfta IBS I IH . Vmi-i kag Bsaaeia mm,rs w ryf ' plant, .tern sd4 c-a-.f, aWM P pajw-wTaTiC OJ I IW CI 7 aaaia B-awecj -- " import mmlgim. of urli ft pHc ad mlwtloa ..... a . a m 1 A I eleet ABjl BWBWaBuV sa oetermineu sa sioreauto. euv e by virtue hereof, and Buyneent there foa aa DBSBBBal uxor lynjuvTi it o aaw av - Btareaald. ana without tae exerwiaow , lueunaient. ot coaveyanee. Should-asld grantee, bta aurceaaora or aaslgna, neglect for raa- . 1 1 . . 1. -. - - a.avi mlaad that tba eity, ta auUwrterd to and will purchase after settee to that effect frnm the city, a ee faae aver aaia nianx una eweoi select an aruiiraior, or iw , . - . mure ewaaee. by tbe Coaacll of the city aad saectiveiy neaieex iot e ,7. , '. their sppointaient to select a third arbitrator. iBsa aaa ta en ner L " . , ' T h , or vals.tlo. tebepald f td gUat Ipjwp- erty, aau xnu uecieiwvi m 7- 7 ar a majority ot tbem so chosen by the Judaea ar tne aupranie vxiurt, euwe . " TT plicate ana eeiiverwu vo . K wT Vic. aald- Basil se xinax aim ewiu. r ttsa? If tte eity ahsU start not to scmilre Back a last asm property or m.h w, k - -" thVteme and the Tlty ahaU elect tngvant a new aad additional franchise la Ilea thwreof, ar aay axteweioB ox 1 - r--- ---- rbi. ..rented hrthi. "V?:"1"" ,1. piMaaaa aa woe m - " t loan 1 er extevnr " "I T . . 'j "7,.- esaa oaic gra n ire.- nis - - TTTT. . mmA neefeeeritlel rlarht to "Iw'r3 C-Z-T .it rioe.1 or ex. Ugfgf fgJKI awaxeuwi waj muwai arvr w , v.-.. . J leaded fraachlae. and If said graBtaehta aoo. sodlttonal ar extended franchise, sot ft'-M W AftaTre BIB OT TtJlaT rtWtm aWm way iam-v-e tfjame MHBCJB taOB fPt unu r muss a t ua - - llmZ liid nthaav onrporatlori. aasortatioB er 1a- dlvvdBBl taking each new. additional ee extended CrUKoiae shall la addltloa to taa compeasatlna to kspaid to the city for each bsw. addl xtmaxl m extended franchise pay te aald grsatoe. hta successors or naslgna, ar to tba StTif Portland I. tnt U SBMCemxhre sad saalgBS, at or before the tlms suck sew. additional ar sxtanded franc Ina taken effect and before said araatee, hta ane ceeeors er aaslgna. ahall ka deprived I at : the .Ight te paasess, maintain, opera u andanjoy asld pUatand property . tbe fair and eemttable ruatlo-M oaldpUnt grsatae, kta ssi ussor. et aarigaa. wnkrk the hiTTi Perttaad hy thla aactlea rasarvea the right te BwrcTaae aad take ever, the J tberaef and i prioe , 17 J7 asld araatee. hla .ai Lmir. aad aaslgsa, to ba fixed and determined In the same ; tathta Jectic. above proviovd fcfUtog aad Slntiad l-ropmr to tba - the eity tkaU narchase gad take aver tbe earn. itarriB. Within thirty 30 daya after .tka pasaaga ef thla ordinance .the asld avautee ahall file with the A armor '"'" TkoosaBd a bend In the sam of Tweaty-flva Tlnmnsad (431.0001 Soliara. with two eu i - - . tobepproved by the Marcc roodltlo-ed: Ptrnt That the graatee will oommenes the work of constructing the P'',nt- '"ln..". , exchange to pa camiren , Za i.tim tbs provlatona et this franchise, ta aujdlfalth. wltJiU sot more thaa right niouths fro- the date el granting er awe, .r.wru. , --- ---- aald werk sbsU be eontiauonsly pruaecnted ttecflnVood faith JPtated urlth a anta Uae eooduit and ewitrbbeard Bin Ht. capacity af -5 le thaa taa thcBd UO 0WI UlepbotK- wlthla ant , amee tkaa Urea rSiceod That the gvintrc. bta ucceanars aad gsatgns, ahall expend tbe sums ot avoney ra lecOraiy wltbis tbs periods rerracrlbed ky iectlou IS nf this erdinsncs. Third That each aad every ar highway, ar aay portion thereof, that may be' dlBtarlsia eg tore ap-by aald frantee aedcr tbe previsleaa of ta tulnsnea shsll re placedaad pat la M good and condmeu aa tha aaato waa la before It waa aa vUatnrhed or torn ap aad be thereafter malatalaed for a seUrtait 'the' grantee, hla aui i urn org ar aaatgm). ahall pay all damegea. coats and ex PmteT whatsoever ta which the rlty may be aabtoctod la ctaBfaaranea af the acta et r iff lecte af arsntee. bis aaiiosaori ar amlgna, bta or their eervanta er areata In aay a anev arising tram Ua rigbte and ariviiegea granted Wjvavlta, Ptftb That told gr.ntee, kla garrimirs aad tmlgaa. ahall fallbfally keep and pcrtom each aad every term aad eouditioa imposed kV tklft Ofl vlvRaMOa ee. 14. That any aeglect, fsHnre er refnwsl to rwoTply . with any ef tbe conditions of thla frSBrblss ar gvnat, may thereupon effect a forfaltare hereof, and tbe said City et Port land may by Its Council with tbe approval ef Ike Mayor ef told city, declare thla grunt and nil the rlghta and privilege herein Con ferred, forfeited and apoa adJaxUcatlaa at forfeiture by a court of competent tartadlctioa thla franchise aad all tha privileges sad rights soefarred thereby aball become null and void. Bee. 30.' Tba aald grantee ahall wlthla thirty ,e. - . . k I MIai.M -,. II h. la force as provided Is Beetlon One Hundred; and SilgUX tivetl Ul ve v o.,.-w w, . ..r PorlltorwilB. la, insJ,iinrr., niIMiiiyi man . I the city a writ lea acceptance or thla ordi nance ana irsarnmu nevcm iranira an ,vj fsUnre apoa the pert ef the grantee berela to lie sorb written acceptance within tha time herein specified, sbsll be deemed aa A C Ita r-wMehtae rights sad privileges berela eon f erred and this erdlnaaes shsll rorever no ami aaa vota aae such scceptsnce by grantee shsll be anaualt- Bed snd sbsll be an acceptance or all the terms, condition, gnd ceatrlrtions contained la thla erdlaaaee. JOURNAL WANT ACQ " I; c:;.;sa cuscx n::vLT0 BAMLR0AS TTkTXTAT-r ', .1 Trains to the East Daily ThTanrgh Putlxasn standard asd toartot steae. lag sara daily to Omaha. Chlauge. Bpahanst toartot aleeptag ears Bally to Ksaaas Cayt -through Pullman toartot aloenlag ears (pam.a D. ' - sm.1v to fkwaaa. B - Chair ears (seate tree) to tbe Baat dniiy. ONION DEPOT. LOTlCArrfVrrtBnVHD B TB a. m ar"BailA.xe Pat tba Baat via sat- UtaJiy. SPflKAHB PT,TH. Wm wr 1. i.m 1 ton. xtaiia waua. Larw- B-1B a. m. g-aa a. an: mtoa. uDsag a'AWae Dally, Dally. -J- aad west points. A nr.A tVPxsrtae fm tar steam lap to V-IBa aal ' Par tka Bart vU BaatH leeteaa BTBn. aa. DalU. , lexU. ; -. , Oatumsia Rtoar Dlvtsiun. PAR A4TOB1A end way Brvtoaw an. petate, rattsectlng witb Dally, stmr. for-llwnra sad lex. Bsnday, .wtv rvorxai xisulu, sxr. n aa I i j 1M p. aa. TsmhiU nVtvnr Rents. ane niveme City aad Yaaxh'in RlVari I Dally. Dally. avnem, SXSBVU, SBTB Batl mooeu. sen st. Boca. (Water aarmtttlna.t aaaaa aurar BaaBa. poa LaTfrnrrosj, laau. aadjaay nalBtB froaa Rlpsris, Weak., amen. Bpotaae and Lew-batavx. BrdBn. as. i.-oa p, bv naup. syfeuBty., T1CBJBT OPT1CB. Tkdrd aaat ar - ewvvve aaaxa lit aw. vrnfaBR. city A. U CRAia. Qiaaral ftaxai lAoI m SOUTH . DMIOft DatrOT. OTBBXAND treras, tar claca, BtarfcbBB, Lea Aa-1 IBWB. - 4. to Wane end the Beat. 1 lg xraiu at Aellv - err t -J4 A. at. wits - arata anr at Angel, ailrertea. Bk. BrewaawUta. BprlBg- . field. WaajdBttf and Batrsa. .. Albany am laat it aaa. M Beets at Weedbvara with Mh3j. to Mt. Angel and aVvur toa Isesl. HMmm. ee-an a. ox. IIB44.nB. 11181-5: '-r Depot faat ef Jsffs Lanrre forxiaeu illy. far Oeaase 7 BO a. ax.1 20. 4:28, T 4B. 10:14 p. m. iy), 431 4:40. I B, 14 4 IIM. nx, a:uo, a s7 m.rao, 11J0 am. Bwnday ealy. 4 04 Returning fram Oswego. orrTvu Perrisad deny Si Vis.; 14. 3:04. 4:18, J. 41. 11:14 P. to. Dally (except Brntayi 441, . 4:40. 10:10. 11:44 a. m. Except Moaday, IMlm p. m. Baaday aaly, 100 a. m. Leevsa from same depot tnr Duttaa and tmtor. mediate points dally (except Bandar) 4U4 B. to. avmvu rvnwv. mt mm. even tea daUy te Monmouth and Awtto. aectlng wita rmntaava nam at I Miias aaa iaai iimm ai . Bieatlena -fata- frevn Perttaad to aad Baa rranrlBco $20, bertha 45; fare 31. oeeotxi-ciaaa nenne ax-nu. m-..-.- . . Mklere eee 1 licuvu, w r- . . - m mu. Uu.lvWa .-J I mmtt alia "HZ! Vl Vre we Third Bad lagtea atreeta. PboBe kUla T12. - f O. W. BTTN0BB. W. BV OTBLA", Otp TVket Agaate .,. .... 0 TIME CARD OF TRAINS; Portland r tntlOM DBPOT. Pagvt Brarnd Limited, for Teeeena. Beat tarn. Oljaslila, Boartk Bead sad , firay'B Barbor aointo. Narth Onaa UmHed. for Ta corns. Bean v.. BJB a. m. lata. BA,IVdhto. Bstto, Bt. Paul, Mil BeaaaDa. Chirsaw. -Ne 104.1 xora. Bvmsoa ana suants Twis-Otv Kxprvanv, far) Taeaexe. Bealtta, Bpa-I aana, tteieaa. at. rani. Mlnnssnolte l raliaaa New Tork. Bastaa aad Bast -aad ': 1 ' all pointa BoetBeuet. Paget Bound Kaaoaal aty-it. Louto Bpect.l, for Ta corny Bee rile. Bpofcaaa. Bntto BllUaga. Deaver. Omaha. K a aaa a rv.w 1.1. .s -ii 14.4k T4p- BV polntB Baat aad 8esth- asst. A tt SvelM avllv heaMk, an ruiaivnJ Aastetssl oaawral Paassagsr Igiaf. at ear. Third. Pertiaaal. mt. Arilvan. a:nfB. Bk.ei -Deity. .. . oareaiiia lamiaam Bberidaa usasangiir epslly., ironlly, agrapt Bnmdap. . apjajgm44awaBa Bmburbaai aWnjutaa 4am Bashnam ahm Astoria & Columbia ; River Railroad Co. Leaves. TJTflOet DBPOT. Arrlaaa. I-OIL a Per M.rgers. rUlnler, 1 1 'tO a, BL Dally. Clatakaala. Weatpnrt, DmilJ. , . Cllftoa, Artnrta, War- , reatoB, P level. Ham- ) awsd..' Port Btevsna. ' ! . Oenrkort Park: Beaalda, . .... . i Astoria aad l.aabari. - .... T p. ta. B-r4aa --ar. ; t-do "J". Aatorla riyimn. ; , v J. C MA TO, O. P. and r. A Aaterta, Or. a A. rjTarvTART, Ommerclal A goat, 444 Ak trest. Pheaa Mala 444. Ttokurt oaau) IW V-Jgw Bla rSatr ) ( eeu. Ti-tortaoritlnaritBtl . Jb . tTraliW Datllx FAOT Tllr to wkanp, rr. r- snUNNlTAPv ' ' . r vtiX 1 l-Mvltght tr'-u t- and ito- r at w. era. ta-twa. I. ... at nr .i a. 1 ' - :