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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
7, v 14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH, 18. 18C3. V .. tha nostofaee . el rocuano, w. trsammrtattoa through tM Psklto M.BSCiaa BlsSO B.tleV. - J M -a e P-etag. far stag P-: f " J iital ' page paper, 1' Mli M to SB I'' a, . J at . A ernsto. . .f-';'?';; .-J- ? s .-v mmont " . uslass Otacs.... .......... fob ATTiinia BXFBiarJsTATTCE. .'' ; la UUcege. : 7. v. ..." ' . -. iiracumo batis. T bi rtW Jsemat wit. tan, l ; ;. 55 S55 Jo-met wtul SujLtoyYS .-. The Delly Journal, amoto... ...." i Tne Dally, per ww. deuvered. Sunday Aft 3.80 1.80 .40 'Tlx Daily, par wasfc. neUvered, ,' excepted ' . . vma MaiL ' .10 nrk. n.n wit. Sunday. 1 year.. lfM . P 00 Its "He Dally Jouraat 1 .ymf,"-"!: 'The Dally Joarmt urltb Panda?. nth The I tally Journal, n.unmuw.......--------r - The Dally Journal, wit. Banday. 1 .90 1.40 ' TM Dally Jouraat with Sunday. 1 moata 'The Dally Jeerunl. 1 month. ..... e-w kMhi imrML 1 rear . .....-." lT.. imi r jovul e - .84 .50 I-00 1-00 'iSia Smdir JoaruaL aaanlaa ............. . The saBai-Weekly tmai. Vka Ranri-Wartlr Jownet ,Jf2 ' 'j-" KirtoJahiii'M ba" "iede' by drafto'ionial ' oSjS3.r.l ani.ll em BMC 111. Pnrtlaao.'Or. yrmx tks nuui at bs omm Tna' Jev-al as tanl k t nlh1n;pl.' aKu. nJ JhS-H.' SaDai On.1 W. . Me- latyra, ICHlOaaTO Ff flra Hawi caapaay . in '' ntruwnt. and Onrtla IW. iKAHBAS CTTT V ga awa awjan . '"u"05airai, .HaSi. tt t-U Wl8NNi.POU aC J. nUyan.afm.-M tawtt OODBW Oiroaa rwa . . Ljjfk p Jt. win out. aizwi. . . . kiiTS BJJiei800-W. K. ATdtof. Pninaa w New atand. nd lOQg Marfcat atraat; Oold 230 Mttar atrwt. aad Satnt aniita . nrueat botal; i W. Wbaatlay. MB lialonu .mw. taEATrri B.latar Qraad Mm n f TAJOOntA, WAAHU-lantrat nyra I: Iwiotoria, B. tV-Vlctorta Bank unit. lia kaar mvy tataa wnk ba praalle4 In Oanfcrala for Um paat f aw aya ha nd alear waatfer W now rapartad I; ,nnt aatoan. inn ".L d nhawr U ."Z?? SaS wi-S3rrSki. .aonrad dorb tb. k. -" - ..i.Mtwi bad laaliia Ora- ana and aontbwaatara ldana, LdBt (mat nc 'SarVad at Raaabmr tbb) awnlnc- . ttnnaa naattM. aad tba lnaattaa ar. foe ' nbawajajwar graata partta tbla dnv trtci av ' ,, A. B. WOU-IBBB. -PXJBBIAwB UCIBSBn. ; " '- ... lUnhr Taanaiba. K; CVU bL Smyfba. M. SSilL win55: h-iu. o. raraytb. n. Ujm Ko.,aar. Fanrtb and Wanblnftw 1'!V f.'':-"'v:.t BIBTBB. 1 gPADY llarrli ln. ta Mr. and Mm. John Bnndy, tu2 Oarneld awnoa, a aan. ,TANBEEX alarSld. a Mr. and Mi Bnnat Btanabrry. Ktrat atr t. "Bhr,'mM. IiWlCnV-Mareb 1. ta Mr. and Mr. Wimani MB . . . ay. a ty BM.b aatanhnw as. - an dlBl AlfDBB MaVA 13. ta Mr. aad Mm. Eiawiea. " ' '' " 7Tii.. arm n tr. " ' RDOTT Marra B. ta Mr. and Mm. AJbatt . Hull, nu amnain ani. -.-. OOBTAStUOTTS TITnTalTS. ' ' AKDBB Marrb K. twM Al mt' bcatntal; aryalpataa. WBHTOIt Marrb If. Uanrga Mr, at St. na if. iW B. Wartan, U Baicbt atraat; f DBAim. r m ll.lU.rWT) M.ira 10. Beta B. Waatar- Oamabniain oa Onr City car Bna. naar Aenim. a. rniww. .im , w ta a. m. Partland Ctaantlan t'aruaao. uragaa. Dndartaktac aam), fnaaral dlroctam aad dmbilmari. aw aura wan, rrmm -t p, Clark Braa. for flowara. B9 Morrlaaa atraat, BJLA1 EBTATX TUUtfTXXJ. , frod Wanaanaker ta B. Baraaer, lot IT. 1 .Tarlta?'. nbdlrlaloa. l.ftlna X. tawa. hlu 1 asaik. man I raat 1 s I ran M 'ilaoi U Mlmr ana wir u c. Ha.tinctnn, r, km II, li, klork M. A. U Mlorr'1 lttoa 1 aA'llttam T. Btaan ta A. Elara. kU , 10, ' 11. It, It, block S. Maltnantaa. ad- V dltlna .... .( ftlrbard Darby ta B. Darby, aU rlgbt and V'tttla te all piapailj of (raator wbar- ) E. H. Parkrr ani' wlV.' u''i. 'cannodj. 4c proparty baianliy 131. a frt rut 1 , of Inteiaaetlea ( Artkar aad Watar . atreria I '.000 . v I lalia M. Haclraa to f. P. Dabnry. aadl- TVod H of mil i af Tbomaa R. Kortnrop and wlfa donatloa land claim 1,000 i Jalla M. Hocbaa admlaMntrlz ta aamc, , , andlTtdcd Vt of mt H af Tbomaa E. ( , Northrop aad wlfa doaatloa land claim 1.000 I T. V. Dabnry aad wlfa to B. Btollar at i . a I. aaath fa) acr-a of woat V, of Tbomaa . .. E. Nortbrop and wlfa donatloa land ' claim 1X000 1 Harina Probman .nd bnaband to J. C r tirimi. aamn in arrra la V. a. ITety aiaa'a donation land rmlm ..........v ' Prank Roll man and wlfa ta 1. A. Clark. 3.100 ... ku n-M InrmaiTa, burk T. BUnlay addition a. .... JtT0 AUca Encbrt to N. B. Banford, tnta I. . -.. 11. block i, Wbaatlaad addltlaa 1 No. 1 1 , rbartm lantdoa la W. A. rUdmal. lot lb. blork 18. Rltrbland park, axeaptlac nortk 11 fart . Brbaatu. riymala and wife ta P. J. per klaa. into B. Id, If. IS-a I Mb, blorfe 1. Cbwardala tract J.TJO . jvkti. ri. unr aoa to w. W . Bbdalmaa. Ma 10, It, Clray tract.... S0 - . r. aco aan wixa ta niifn rioannt Mllkt tampan, tat 1, blork 1; lot Ik. blnrk 4: lot i btork : lot T.. block . ' nty flow park addition no jlotwrt H. tuncaam ana wire to n. a. . l. mtmm. tat It .od 11 foot off Mpik atdo of .acted alley adnlnln( aald lot ' 1260 I 'Alor. n.rotd to pj. D. Mattlnaon. Int. 1 24 lor Hurra, block 4. Baatoa addltlaa ' IP ' U M. Tarnlry andwtfc to H. H. Joy, Uu IK. In, bbwk i. Lacblnrar aiMlttoa , jp , iaaioi w. aictnyor n n r. mcoocr. lot IP, ktaek X Motafor Mdllloa ta . Orcaham - I t. bt Itmltb and arlf to U E. ChlrHnaa. la arraa Mcriaaa T. 18. townakln 1 i . aoata, mm 8 cast TOO Mora pna. aa nomaaa to T. it. " Panda, went IP fact lata L. f. bbxll M... - Alhtna 8.0O0 i il Fotnto inroatmcal aMori.tfoa to J. VorllPC. lot 10, block 4.1. Bclhrond f.-C. Wladla. tmpico, to A. THarlaw, Wt 1 L bbwk 14.1 lame, ink no ad. Onion t Pt Jokn. LJOC , naary at m suvrw .ii.wi mmm I rmkalaaan. eoraar Third aad MMllaaa almatm, vttaa af aaanty aoranar. Talapaona Mala a. i raaanl wraatba and cat nmrara a apadalty I at Bona aty amubuaai. Twaaty aaaead aad j JIaat Marrhwa, apn.-aatnatary. ; "TODAY'SViARKETS SEASON IS Receipts Are Showing aSmall 1 Increase But Dealers Are Lpst as to Price, W0QL SHEARING WILL : SOON BE IN PROGRESS Famine in Bananas and Oranges . . Orders for Hops Are Helping the Market. Front Btrort, Mareb 18 Tba principal fan fare, af tba Portland waataaala aarkaia today arc: a.aaoa la- opcalnp.' -' Wool awa to bcpla oparatMna. . -: " ' - ;' , -Famlaa la baaaaaa and aranfat. -. Calary amrket U blsbar... , .. i Kr fair atormar nrlraa. - ' - (lrkona market kolda on. J Botk yaal and drtaatd bona Ona. - Order, (of aopa belp market. .Potatoco and onion, dull. , Flab raealpta ar nominal. Butara flrmneaa balp. wheat bora. ' , ' Fbmr'i Una dull and anebancad. Florida tomalaaa am la markat. - . ' ' Bnttar markat la only , CanoM la firmar aad klfbar! 1 Tba mohair laai la opening. Daring tbc put few day. them ba. been a email Inereeee la the receipt. I. thla market. Tba weather na yet hi a trifle too eaM for general opera. tliiai. pat next week may peaalbly wttoeaa a ebangn. Danlem am "np a atump; aa to apeak, aa tbey bardly-knew what price, to pay for tba dip. Qootatlooa at prceent am rallag from Se . to Sue per poand. Went men am a loo kaglnalag to get together and aa eoon aa the waatber b.ramn. milder abaerlng will ba began. According to reliable estimate. 1 to aald that fully oaa (earth ef to. coming eUp ef went baa already been contracted tor la eantma Oregon. la the WlOajeette valley con tracting baa been very small. The prod net toe ef wool the . coming etenea tbraegboat the north west t expected to break .11 records, far wtta pat ana or two exceptional aaya weather baa aaea vary mild. , Fern me la Banana, aad Oraagaa. There la a famlaa la the aoDBllaa of both banana, and eraagea on aceoant of tba floods la tba eoalh." The blockade la now being raiaed and the amrketa will very likely ba replen ished wtthla the next few days. Them to aaw a shot rag. la good celery, aad as higher price in rallng at primary points ta California, the acarhet la ad-ranced ta ptoportlon bore. The first ricrida tomatssa to be roeafsed la market during, the praaeat aaaaoa arrleed day; The eoppttaa warn aaly amalL Crates am aaotod at 5.60. California tomataaa am aet aa pleatlfal aad tba market- la firmer. A small aawemt af atnrfe freat Mexico Is being receives. Teeae sum i .list reesmbie taa pack ares from Pmrlda. - Allgator near from the uevraiua mianda are again la market aaatod at pXM per donen. Tbem la a Braar tone to tba cabbage aa well aa tba eel ui flower manet. .- Igga Bra Fair At Farmer Meaa. -The egg market la la fair shapea at fmmer prices. The receipaj am showing a email la emeee bat stocks sr. safrtctaat tor all da- aw ad. Bappiia. of poultry am few, bat de mand la nothing extra. ' Yeeterday'p price. osaoaae an rale. . Ordan far Hepa" Help market. The bop market la now la goo tree, preeaat tadkatloaa there will aeon be a' amen edraaee la prlrea. Orders am Ural at the prevailing prices, not part-bases sr. few as the dealer, have born Bract lea llr aald eat aad grower, are not as willing to ealeed aa taey aam aaea ac ml. ' : Baa torn Ftrauaaa 'matpa Wheat lUrkat ' The Improrod tone, I a tba wheat market tea- tarday aad the, advancaa tbem were a. help to taa weal eawoitiona. Ml ae anaraasa ta reported as a maalt. Tba floor amrket remains doll aad Ufa lees with the middle vat still andereelltog the meal trade la the orient. The bay amrket ks ta good aba pa. Baric, god eata am firm, bat Baxter Karfcat U Only Fair. -Trade la gtaaaimy batter to aaly fair aa ac count of the utuapatla af a decline la vakaaa la the .aedr fatem. Na re. area wa exaraar. looay. ueaatry patter at la pnuad. Price the earns. . Cheape I learee and Higaer. ' The scarcity "tarflle ebsena market lad piicaa am fractaatlng apwaid. - Plash twoaa am oaoted firm at Ida far local stork, while California's am senior at toss. East. era ebims ba. aaly a fair sale. . Oeffaa market la Weak. With tba decOae af 60c per 100 aeaad ta the notation, af package caffeaa, ss exelaetvely told la Tba Journal yesterday, the market ena- Unaee its waakama. The tone af market la dull aad aaiet. - Today-. wkeieeaM aaotannna, aa I rouowa: I ' wrata,' Fleer ami Feed. WHtiT Nominal; crab and tad, ton Mae- ia, vessov; vuary. o esiiua. BABLEI Feed. uLmtl snllad. C14 OBI ' COBB Wkaia. BL(0 BTB $M par rwt, OAK lloenoarr art see eta, 1 wblta. IBUM): FLOOB Rsstera Oregoa Pat-Mn. B4.8B; rtralgku, .: valley. P4.10; graham." Me, P4.00; im U.ti: rye. sOs. M.0O: hebm. ttKi miiiusi ui rs-swan, per toe mia ill lira. gJB.00: shorts, eeaatrv. IXX oo: a i860: " - mai niieun.r pnee Timothy, wm.rn.tto valley, faary, 18.00414.00: ordinary. 11.00 U-00; aaatrra Oregoa. tle.00fjl4.00i mixed. dry brie ta M.BeUe park aad ether Lion Amos U. Roberta and wife to W. Oattoo. , , TH.T4 acres saaMatLooml. donatloa Mad -claim . t George W. Bates .nd wife to B Gold-, smith, sota x, x, blocs 19, coach ad' dltla ix&ofl Erik Wlk and wife to J. C Haaaeigh, let . 18. blork 54, Multnomah 1,000 Investment Mortgage company ta E. Top. aa et ei. sot a, nasi 10c. a, Mar ks rd tract ' l.roa Clam Fechnclmer et al te Western Amerl- , . caa company, undivided H lata 1, t , block 85, Bslelgb .dditioa . I Total . . . . . BPt,a33 Oct year tneamace aad abstracts ta real estate from the Title Oneraataa Treat mm pnay, Chamber at coma BTOJDIg FIBJUW. ' BORE March IT, B. Bone, frame boildrng. TTp- . aaor. nciween iweaty-aitn naa xweaty-atxth streets; cost, Mia MOBKB March 17. J. H. Mnraa. cnttaaa. Baet Merrtenn, between Thirty aeeaatb aad Ta.a ty-eigata eirecu; cosi, p i,jbmi. SMITH March IT. bVebert Smith, Beat Eighth, betncea Tbempsoa aad Tillamook streets: cost, ii.aoo. t' 1 SMITH M.rcb ' IT, Robert Bmlth, dVaning, East Blgkth, between TlWmpsoa aad Tilla mook etreeta; cost, 12,000. WAGNBR Msrcb IT, L. Wagner, store, Thar maa. brtweea Twenty i(U aad Twenty -el uh streets; Cost, 100. JOH.NKON March IT, M. M. Johnson, anttaga. VanderblH. between Harae. .ad Dawaea etreeta; enet, tl.OOO. . KP.RNH March IT. Ellea M. Xerna. .table. Willamette bonlevard, ' aver KllUagaworth atrcet; cost. t250. BKLUVTP.I.Lr-Marcb IT, F. 1. Helllwell, cot tage, Pr 1 srott street, hetweea Maryland and Patron .venaee; cost, $1,700. CARILMira-Mareh 17, p. A. Carlsiutw, ent Uge. Huron, near Dswnon street; eset. Kmo. BAKN BB Msrcb IT. M. M. Barnes, dwenton. Hemner street, hetweea WUItaam aad Vance eeenuee; cost, tt.000. BIRCH git March IT, Mrs I. Rlreber, .ddtttoa 10 eweiiing, inn itsrsei evenne, - nerweea ' ilreed avenne and Blxtb street; cost, $JbO. BKRF March IT. Henry Rene, renatra te atom. .. Weahlnrtoa. bctnern Fifth aad Mixta streets; cost. lum. GKORflR Mare IT. M. C Ce-ge. repairs to reeiience, aeaa et jrveraoa street; cost. It. ton. .. Itr.M Him -M mitt IT, U PJenrlek. iddltloa te frame nsnMlnr. Onshv street, betwaaa Molls. . Aa xeeosst aad CJacagtasa alftwpiajiapjata, paOO. SATURDAYPRICES IN v" THE WHEAT MARKET V . . m. -v ' , .. . d ' i . Mayv Option. chroagtj :,.... .;..,.,.,..$ Jdlonaapolla ........ .e. 111 St, Ixula 1.06MA. Winnipeg ,tt Sao Frattelaco .......... J.4I A Pap entaj.: . 1- V . 8U.001 etovar 111.00; grain, 111.00; cheat 811.00. v ' Battsr, Zgg. aad Poultry. . BPTTP-B FAT Bweel. . 81c; seer. Bto. BUTTEM City creamer r, beat, 830; second grade. Xe; eatalde -fsnov. 23Vc; ardl nery, i7tal30e; CaUforala. POajSOWci atom, Ibajlde. . . KtKiit No. 1 fresh Oregon, lBc 0HKK8B New Fan cream. twin. 18c: Toon. America. 17MlTUe: rasters, loauvtci Calllernls. 18c: Cheddar, 10c. ; POU1.TBT -tanckeas, ' mlxca. jae per in; lHe per lb; rooacara, eia. ixe per id; young, 13a per lb; broilers. a.uotj.uu per ana; Cryera, lag par Rv, darks. 8n.0Oell0.0O per do.; gesee. Ic pre b; turkeye, . iTtJlaa pet - Ibj ilr mail XiiZtKa per lb, , ' ' Bepa. Waal ami Bidet, '" HOPE Ooatracta. . 1P0B, teQlTct - 1P04 prop, 84 ?tc for chutes; 82 he fur prima, i aad W OO L, Cm tracts 1P0B dip. Uallact vslley, eeerse te assdlam. lttJlTa: aae, ITOltei eaat rs Oregoa, Ida. , ,. , MOHAIR Nominal tTe. ' ' " ' BHKEPBK1NB Bb.arlng loSl abort weoL Kt30c; sMdlam weal, BOOaue; kmg wool, sOrtttl.OO each. TALLOW Priata. par n, ddjlaf Me. aad, tOlHe. . t'HITYlM BABC da par Bit baying arlca. BIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 1 lie aad no, fgejlOHe per lb; dry kip. No, 1. to IB Ike. 14c; dry calf. No. 1. aadar t ran. elatlat: dry salted bldea, steers, soumV. to lbs ar -ear, IVkt) PHc; to te BO Iba. U8c: anaee do lbs and cows, BttSHe; stags sad balls. seand. 47c ; kip. U to 80 Iba, Pc; eooad. 10 te 14 Iba, PdJ PVie; calf. d. ander 10 lb. PHC lie cgmea (anaaltsd). 1 per lb lea.; coils. Je per maa; aorsa Sides, salted, aaea,; srr, seek, tl.004Jl.60; colt kldaa. eech. -StdptOa; ham ktdaa, sal tad. each, l.acai.7; orr, goat aaina, aommaa, - esc., loejuei with went so. asck.XScatl.00. Fretto end Tsgeteblae. rnTITnr. 11 I Oreeon. gl.OO: Octftl; aecoad gmde, WXIVOc sack; Inn nrlce. Tftc: Esrln Hons. gl.TftslXae: bast, 1.&04J1.BO; crated, tl.70; aaw CaJllomla, 4e per lb. . ONIONS BS.M: be yen prtcaa. eoon try, l2.D0tia.TBl sarllc. BeilOe OCT lb. FREBH FUUITB Applee.- extra faary. 1.60; faary Oregon, TocQtl.OO per box; cheap, grade., BOtJ75e per box; eraagea. Bevel, (l.t0llBI per box; seedlings, tl 00 per box; tanreriaea, tl KQl SO per baa; iap arangae, Botsaoe per box: baaaaaa. Be per lb: learaos. eboTce. tXTI per box; fancy, ft-OP per bog: limes. Maxlcaa. one per too; plso spple. . M.OOUS.00; crubarrlea. eaatara. U.0t Bar bat slTTABLr Tarnlpa, TBe0e per sack) aarrota,il.ooai.lo par each: beets, tlJS sack; Ore roe redlshse, ZVc per on; cabbere. oregoa. uniuornia, ll.iuai.s; lenace, noi tl t&Ol.eO crate; gmea peppers. Tc lb; chin peppera, IBe per lb; celery. t3.8BS.aO emu; toaiatoea, CalifarnU, 2.00! Plarida. tw.60; parsnips, tl.00tll.a8: egg pUnt, -124 per lb; string beans, 12c; eanllflewer, . 1.7 S1.8B per - crate; butter beans. : pumpklna, 1 per lb; borsemdUb, iac per lb; sprouts. 8c; artlcbokee, BOfieSe per ens; hothouse lettuce, tl.o0fi.TS per box; Oregoa mdtsbea, B6140e per dot; green onions, 45c doa; eepamgu. TUeTBc per-lb; -spinach, T6c per bos: aauaeb. ltia nav Ih. . DBIED FED ITS Applea, evaporated. Ti 52 per ibj apneota. PHCiiae par K; eeaa ear lb leas: neacnae. Utilise ear lb. aaava. IdHKa per lb; Calif orua white. - per Ibi plums, pitted, par Ibi datea. gaWaa. te par lb; tarda. tl-BO per it-lb boa, . ' Bisimtoa, Vats, Bto, " . BTJOAB Bark basis Cube, to. 80; peadetad. fd.06; trait graaaMted. to. On; dry granaMtod. to SO; beet graauletod. 8ft.8; extra C tS.te; golden C (a-Mi; bbM. 10a: H bbto. Bsc; basse. Me sdvaace aa aaea aasm, bsaa ate ewt far aah, IB da 7. ; maple, Iddjlta par Bs, nun ii-i.wCJte nirru Peekare bra ode ' Bis aL toble. dan-T. Ma. til 1.00: IflA, e,o M. Sorted lavamoaL 80s. I1T.00: lOOa. (1AB0; bbU. to. ta. (a. 10a, XMs. (18.00; extra Baa, t4.GO06JMi balk. 2 Iba, aa.004JB40i .aaeka, sOs, aDtjagia. BAM Oaaiat HsTf gvosmd, 100a. per too, rr.oo; ana, per ton, 87.50; Llverpeot tamp rock, 1AM par bm; M4b reck. 87.00: 100s. fATB, (Abava prlcea apply to aalee of has than par lata. Car Iota at epectel prtcaa aahtart to sBO?tVal ttoataV. RAIN BAOB-Cawotta, aa.BdM.M par MB. RICB IsiserUi JapanVlto. 1. 4e; No. A de; New orlaaaa. IraaalHCrSc; Xdjas. ; Creole. 4c BEANS Brnan orMto. 4r; targe wMto. 8 He: Plak. bayoa, 83.00; limns, tf, Maxteaa reds He. NUT- Pea nets, TKe; remboa. Ha par to! raw, BOlOr per lb; roasted. 1 aocoaaota, SttMOe per doa; wsmnts.. Itdjlae per Ibi plna ants. lOOUHe par blefcery sots. Ida per Ih t ties tests, eastern., ltdjldc per lb; Brsad aoto. IBe per lb: BIbarta. lftlBc per lb; fancy pecans, J401Be par D: almoada. IbtSlad per law rajxfta, Caal Oils, Eta. EOPE Pms Maalla, 14c; atandard. Ua leal.. lOkc; latle brand BisaL Ba, COAL, OIL Pearl ar Astral Csaaa. Ha pat stmt Csssa. Bit aat bbav UHe per gal; d tight 170-deg. aaea Hc pea gal. , m Cto aer gal Irak gal; watar wblta. Iron bbl Willi a. ITa aer anl: band 11 Bto per gal; Iron bbto, ldc bbic Bto aer asl: atasm. aaaaa ear gat Iroa bbM Ire per gat . at drg. aaaaa M - per gai, area able, 1SH per gat TUBPENTINB In eaasn, 8Sc per gal; bbM, 836 hTtpTl toto, f He per toes lot. Be per lb. l a, Tic perlb; wt k a nil inj s at n ae. LIN8EED OIL Para raw in bbM. 61 C aer gal: cases toe per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caeca See per gsl; bbM, 63c par gal; ground ceka. ear loan f2sVO0 pat too. Use tbaa ear lot. tmM Btoatt, Ftok aad Tn ililiss ' FBBBB .MB ATS great atreet refc ate. is. dOftWe dot lb: Dork, blork. TlttlSe pet lb: packers, 1tti per lb; bulls, 3t per lb; aeaa, tdJSVke par lb; malum, Werners aad smos, ic: ewes, or: veei, exxre, 011.09.0 .10, BAMA, BACON, ETC. Portland peek ( local) beam, 10 to 14 Iba. llt per ibi 14 to 16 Iba, uiaepar in; u to ap isa, ue per m; ewnage. Be per lb; break fa at baron, liujlBe par lb; picnic, atte per lb; regular snort clears, ai emoked, t per lb; amokrd. 10r pay Ik; clear bocks, anssBOkM, ac per ; emnaea, iu per lb; Cttloa battt, IP to IS Iba, aasmoked. Bt per 10 lb; smoked, ac per lb: clear bellies, Be ed. lie aer lb smoked. 12c Dec lb. LOCAL L111D Kettle leaf. 10s. lOMa Bar lb; ta, 1014s per lb; 60-lb Una, l6e aer Ibi eteem rendu od. 10a, B4e per lb: Be, We per lb; tabs. 6ie per tb; oOe. 4e per Bs CISNin ilt.VAN Telnmhla rlvae' Uh tslto. Linnni BA loramois river l-ia taim. Bo; B-lb tails, 8AM; fancy l ib tsta, 8AO0-. lb fancy Bate, il.tSj fancy 1-lb avoto, tATt: uka tone, ptak, BB)B0e; red, tl-tO; aamlnal 81.80; B-lh tails. At. U1L M OO. . FISH Beck end. Te per Ibt Bouedoia. At par 10; Baiioax, ac per id: crane, si. an par aoa; a tripod baas, 10dJ12H per lb; cat flab, Te per lb; salmon. ehlanok, 1 11c; atoetheed., per lb; froara silrersldea, T per lb; hetlhig Be per lb; en lee. Be per lb; etui rape. 10C per b! eoad, dtsaaiA par Ibj block eod. Be oer Ibt CMoasbta river smelt, ta per lb; allver smelt. Be per db; lobsters, U4; fresh meek erst Be per to; rrawftah, so. per aoa; duasssss, aa pat lb; trgeon. Tc per lb. JT PTBAB Aaoalw par aaek, 84.00 net: Olymata, am CLAMB Hard shell, peg box. eJeem, A00 par box. Aim; W00DBURN DEALERS HOLD. Kea atea ef Talley Okjeot to Vat af Bsaass .lJ ., , - by the Beam." oftpactol Dlapatch to The JoaraaL - - Wood born. Marrb 1A While .mall Iota af hope have been sold here recently. Woodbara dealers am holding the talk ef their hope and am eaaoVteat of the market sons going to 0 cents. Reports- from Kogland. the asst. Cali fornia and Wnshiogtaa ham gleea tbem eacour .gessent. It Is said that aa after ef 84 u, rents yeeterdsy waa fifaa.d. The Waedhava dealers ebtoct ta the recent aae of tbetr a a men by beam la tba effort to aiariaa thp barntag oa as lac af small toto. Drop Weataas -. . . Oucaga. March I. Weather Iwrnrt: Tegna, rale and ball last night, part dandy sod pleas ant: Mississippi vslley, part cloody aad worm; Omaha, cloudy, light rata Inst night; Mleor.p. oils, frgy, 4B degreea above; Kansas city, part ebMdy Bad vim. - . . 1 XOaTWB TOT STJ0AE MABXZT. -r. - tatedon. March It. Beet PBgaf trmi Marcs ABB ATU as. dad to fa Pa. - .4 bay. par gat SUB; 1 anek. BJi. MAY CLOSED STROKO, 01HERS ARE DULL Notwithstanding Attitude of July and September, Wheat . ' " . ' ': Looks Good. CORN STRONG EARLY BUT RECEIPTS WEAKEN TRADE Oats to Follow Yellow Cereal 5 Short Interest ' in Pro- v visions Is, Large. TBB WHEAT MABEPJT. , Open,,. . riosa Close Osla T. Vat, '' .Rat. YI. i Bat. ,...1.14' Line. Al.i4A .uoH ..... ,W - .B1VB .024 .00 .... ' .86 ,BJ --.gala .00 Msy..... July...;. brpt...V. frwrsiabcd by Overbeck. Rtarr A Oooks Oa.) Chlrsco, Msrcb 18. Logaa A Bryaa aay: la beet the aims Uon Is etroua. May closed strong. Tbem la much nneastaeea In the .sorts Inter eat. Notwithstanding that Msy wheat ta strong the traiM'ls more quiet. The act loo of the amrket continue, to hold oat macb promt.. It Is stronger, but most declines am followed , by weahnees. ' The 1 statistical situation continues to show steady Improvement. The cash mar keto continue strong, showing . better demand tor ine Deitrr grsaeo or woeet. All thing. tba market baa mads a ehara re- eovery during the week. Bentlmenf Is still Inclioed to the beer side, bat norwi tbstsndlng (hie the amrket contiiroes to make -headway aad acta aa If It weald ant only reeovar bat hold its pwa. .... - . , -. ... .. - Expeeted Beesipta Coaaad VeUiag. Com was Brm nod scored a moderate advenes through the aeaatoa. bat on 4 he posting of the receipts tor Monday, which were mora larger iaa sxoeeteo, toe market eota oa with bat little, resistance from tba tow aotnt. . The ne tloa ef the amrket si 1 ins to suggest the edge roc toe time aeug Is clearly on. pending lmprorement la ensh, trade seems Inclined to go slow. Cora still look. Ilka a good trading eraet, powerer. Onto to Follow Cera. Oato am likely to drag aloag aadar the lead ership of the yellow cereal (or tbc time aelag. hart Interest Large. la pcoelaluaa tba short Interest to large and to Inclined to be stubborn. All things ennetd ered, however, we bettova the skarket M en titled to a good rally. Today's elfleUI marketa: . , . , . . wheat: " '. .. Open. May..... 1.14 July..... .P2. Bept.... .SO High. Iw. Close. 1.10 f 1.14- 1-15H .87 ij t 1.1RS4 .P2S- .P2B MSk CORN. March... May July..... 8cpt. .40. .4S .48 ,404j .4H . .40 OATH. . 4tl .81 . .81 Z .28 . .28!. .as A .49 .4 Map..... July Sept.,... .Si '4 .ai tk MEM PORK. 12.P0 . 1ATT 13. 0 - -- HPS v- LARD. , May.... July.... JAW 13.06 - 11ST V 13.00 BTN T.02N T.12A T. APt f Itn March... ...... ...,..,'- April. ... - May T.10 T.15 T.I0 Jaly T.2S ' - T.83 T.2S BeptJ.... T.40 r T.40 T 30 Oct .... ... " - SHORT BIBS. May....'. APT 6.PT . AM July TJO . t " T.6T f : T.0B bepC..,. T.30 T.30 t.2& SHERMAN COUNTY WHEAT-IS DAMAGED Hood River Man Says Crop Will ; Be Cut at Least Ten Bushels ; ..-v to the Acre. ' ' ' (SpeeUl Dtapateb to The Journal.) Bond River. Or.. March 18. J. A. Thorn nans of Leatn, who wsa la thla city today aa. his retara from Bbermaa county, where be owns aa POO acre wheat ranch, aaya tbat nearly .11 af the -fail-sows wheat la Shermea county waa ae badly damaged by tba February cold aaap that a vast amount al re set mag nil nam te be dona. "Thai will cat the crop ' abort at least 10 bushel, to the acre." remarked Mr. Thompson, need wheat la scarce, and the farmer, will be put to a big expeass la baying additional ma chinery and teams far sowing the grata before the Mad becomes too dry. nprlng wheat aevar rtelds aa heevtly aa fall wheat, and aa this has been a very dry winter I expect to aoa a light yield. The coil baa been wet aowa to a devth of only 18 Inches," . . r Whlrty bushels to the erne waa the average yield last year la Bbermaa county, which Is ens of the chief wheat rasing countlea la tba state, Mr. Thompson aaya he still baa a large Moat ef wheat oa bead, but aa oaa seems aaxleaa to bay. . . CONDITIONS BETTER IN 'FRISCO WHEAT (PuraMhed by Overbeck, Rtarr A Cook Ce.) - Baa rTanclaee. March 18. E. V. Hattoa A Ce. any: The poet week boa experienced oa Im proved, condition la wheat valnea ae compared with the ore. loos week. This wds occasioned by the general feeling ef strength W the local sit J nation aad the reaction apward la tba easteral markets. It is a esse of the .peculator being late to take edvantage of conditions a. tba ac tivity la abort covering yesterday waa pbe- Today', official marketa. . . .. . WHEAT. Onen, High. Lew. CVe. 1 14KA 128 1.22A .84 May ........ ft 4tB ...... Dee. ..y.. 1-aB eiv'tiY pi.z May , 1MB ..... Dec 46 ,M M CHJCAOO CASK WHEAT. Chleaga, March If. Cask wheat: ma. ..tLlS LOT Ask. 1.1T . 1.14 ' 1.13 . I" ' 1.18 No. 2 red No. 'S red No. 3 1 bard 1.1.1 No. t bard l.Oti No, 1 northern I. It No. g aorthera 1.10 Na. S spring ..................... Lot PAHCABT, trUFatTJITS AJTD CIXABAHOXA. CbleagOn Muck 1A -Primary recvlpta lear am. v - onen. Bosh. ............ ...itss.imo 470,000 .....7;,ooo , 411, ouo ............ .2M,ono . 2C35.0no 4A2.O0tl otw.OOO Wheat, .aad . Boar,.. 101,200 ba; Wneat ...... Cora BnlDmeata: Wheat ..1... Corn Clearaneea: 400,000 ; CHJOAOO BBADf -CAB LOTS. Chicago, March 18. Omla car lota: cam. Orade. Est 1804. 20 Wheat .. 21 0 40 Com FN '0' 441 Oat. .'.324 M , IM ', , XXrXXPOOl WHXAT MAtElT. v lierpnol, MarrA 18. Wheat: May. Ba SViA d higher; inly, Bs pud. u higher, rnra March. 4a Hd blgbari May: da A a higher. , BAJT FBABOTAOO LOCAL mCZJ. flontm Oara 1 Poring alley Water pariric ugnnng .... B. F. Oaa A Elactrle Hswsllaa -com. .... Hohnkea Bugar Hutrktnsoa Hogrr Mskewell Pnsar ... Onomea Nugsr Pssnpea Bugar ..... Alasks Packer. ..... Cel. Frklt '.. fteeenle Ptesm.hln , PaeUic tUate. Tal. Baa Franclsoo, March 18. Local atoefca ebn Ingi .-- ..rv -.. , ' S.IO. O.BS. ....... .1 CTW 1 aaH ' .... ta . I.. - - Bt iititpt ttti tap fWfA " fP J- 22M S2 .iiKuuiu. 1NW ityk (..... it", . ... 1 1. m aa .............. P7 pa t u SMKewwU) - .. Mohair Season Opening and Wool Shearing About to Bejin-Famine Exists in Southern Fruits on Account of Blockades, by. Storm. LITTLE HOVEfJEfJT HADE IN PRICES Stock Market Acts Good and But Natural , Reaction' Is Looked For. " f LIST SHOWS MORE LOSS r r THAN IT, DOES GAINS Chicago & Northwestern Is a Full Point Lower on : Small Trade. LOSSES. Bstt. A Okto...t .25 Mlesoori Ptc...t .SB Ksty pref. 125 Oreet West. , ., .211 at. Paul ....... .8S . rem . . . . 4 N. W... Aortolk m West. ..124 1.00 Pennsylvania ... .lXVb Chas. A Onh. .29 Colo, k-uel ; ,2S Rock laid., mm. -.AO Southern Ry. ... -.1SH Mt. L. A. W pre. ,2ft Wlsoonsla t'eoL. ..r0 ' do nref. ..... - .25 cne. com...... do Id . Loals. A Nssk.. . MetropoUtna .. ..171, Max.. central .. . .STVk Cahadlaa Pac., 1.37 ... ADVANCER. Amalgams ted .1 .2b "IHiirsr .00 , .aT Car A foundry .ISIHmeltrr, com.. de pref. ..... .7 Brook lva Erie 1st ...... .20 X. Y. Central ilea .. , Pacific Mall . Ont. A West.; 1. ta (a Hteei uer, prai.. Kesding, 1st . ; 8t L.S.B.W., r,, M South. Ky. pref., J7Vj Tex. A Pacific.. '.b7)i 1 j . (Furnished by Overbeck,. Dtsrr A Cooke Co.) New York. March 1H. Logaa A Bryan aayt The stork market acta good and the reertioa wa feel If It cornea will not extend very far. Un derlying conditions am still ctrang. - The -con-Mrv.tim opinioa ta that the market la rn titled to a apecttlatlve reaction, but tbat la alt .' Toaay a etiieiaj atoca market; E' DEBCErPTIOX. Anaconda Mining Oa.... Amal. Oopper Co....... Atcblsoa, com do preferred Am. Cor A round., com. do preferred . . Am, Sugsr, com Am. Bmelt com..,,.... do preferred.,,......, fait. A Ohio, com do preferred.......... Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian pacific, com... Cbt A Q. W.. com 115H 7 8P '3t'" 142 1112 11 T 80 Bt T 8S PB HI 102 121 llil V 1US . . . : . 66 14 24 179 M, 1UW 6T 146 24 Chi. Mil. A Bt Psal... 1T9 t ui. n. w., com Chi. Terminal. Railway. Cbeaapmke A Ohio Com. Fael A Iron, com.. Colo. Southern, com.... de 3d preferred. ...... do lot preferred Denver A R. li., coat... do preferred.......... Brie, com.. do 2(1 preferred. ...... dp let preferred...... Illinois Central Louisville A NssbvUle.. Metropolitan Bt. Ky.... Manhattan Railway. ... Meg. Central Railway.. Mran.. Bt. P. A Bto. M.. dO" preferred . .... ... . 1240 a.1 . 17 BT 6.1 23 60 4 RPV $ 67 ROW IT 68 63 24 60 4 48 69 81 lll lll I4's 124$ 108 124 ltv 24 24 116 11 10T 116 116 100 10T 13 10T Missouri racine M..-K. A T. neefeii.d L 416. im 65 New Tork Centralj.,... Norfolk A We.t com., do preferred......... North Americsa 162 B0 00 14 80 N. V.. Ont A Western.! 61V Al Pennsylvania Railway ... 14.1 414.1 Peoplc-t 6., L tfl C.fintl12 Pressed A Csr, coat 1 08 M do preiferred Pae. Mail Htesmshlp 0e Beading, com .. do 2d preferred. ...... do 1st preferred...,. Bep. Iroa A Uteri, com do preferred Bock Island, com,....., do prof erred . ...... Southern Rail wag, cam. do preferred Southern Pacific Bt. I A S. F 3d pfd. do aref erred. 04 PS" ia TA 34 SO .14 4 P2 10 T6S4 84 1, M im P0 6M H 26 ii 64 aii 50 onv, Tl . '& " na St Louis A B. W., ante. 00 prererrea Texas A Psrtfle TenBcesee Oosl A Iron.. Tut, Bt L. A W., com. do preferred Cnloa Pacific, com...., do preferred ........ 0. 8. Leather, eota.,.. - -do- preferred 4. . C. 8. Rnhber. com. .... do preferred C 8. Bteel Ce cam... de preferred Wheeling A L. Erie e.. do 1st Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred ........ 132 132), 12 12 13 104 10(1 104 40 111 eo V 41 111 111 3,1 84 04 18 46 PA 10 46 I 24 22 4ft' s IP 4H 24 32 46 26 23. Wabaaa. 'com. do prefeJ 1 ed Boldier Goods 4ft pfft?ITSel Total ealea for day, 631.500 snares. TOB0FAK MUriBg BT0CXB, r-4 ' Sea Fraadaea, March IS. Official closing: Bid. Adama Mobawk DUIe .1. Kendall ....... :-,J2S . .23 , .36 , .S3 ', . .47 , .16 , .80 , .06 . ..K1A , ,.30 . .83 Columbia Mt.. Gold Mt 00 eaten. 41m suusr . Blsrk Butte.. IScvada llHIKIIrer Perk Ton, Kxten. ". .. AM Hold Anchor , Roy O'Brien . Ophlr Ton. .. Red Top , 41 Ooldfleld ...... .74 Sandstorm ... .T0A do Kxtea. j.. .It Bull Frog .... uiamoaa no.. 4. - .: T0XX BABE BTATnUBT. rFarnlsbeA by Overbeck. Starr A Cooks Co.) . New Terk, Marck Id. Bank statement: Decrease. 4,ia.tTn 4.4H4.2TS , 6.244.900 t.iauno 1..KH.200 1A22T.700 heeerve. lees, C Lnena ......... Specie LegsM Deposits ...... (jirctuauoa ei.uuu eiacreaae. AKZBICAB STOCKS IB L0BTWB. London,' March 18. Closing: Brie declined ; preferred declined : Illinois Oentrsl ad vanced ; Louisville A NssbvUle declined ; Mexicsa Central advanced ; Ksty declined S; New York Central sdvanced ; Ontnrle A Westers pdvaoeedi; Norfolk A Weatera de clined ; Reeding advanced i' nrsta sdvaaced : pVmthern Railway declined : Pteel d. cllned ; preferred advanced ; Wabssh ad vanced : Northern HccurlUra sdrancod consols advaamd 1-1A - COnTATOCK lATBTBO ST0OTS, Sea Frsactoco, Msrcb 18. Official dosing:' Bid. Bid. Bninoa Relcner Ravage Potnsi . , . .. .18 ... .13 .. .63 .20 Con. CaL Ta. Onhlr ....... Caledonia ... VI ex icon ..... Scarploa ..... l.OO T.O0 .42 1.T8 .86 .30 Pnlon Con, .,'. .x chequer Hale A Nora. ... Andes ., .T4 .21 B0ST0B C0FTIB HABXZT, Boston, March IS. Offlclsl tapper emslnvi - Bid. inrf Adventam ...4 6.00 Winona .......f 1:1.75 Alloos , , . , Arnold , e Atlantic ., 22.00 ilVolreHne ..... 11.25 l.TII Mnb.wk 83.00 IT 00 Old Immlaloa ., 3A.IWI Bingham ..... 81. To Moral 24 76 Trlnltyl 10.T.1 Daly Went ... 16.00 Oeceola (MAO Corrper Mt .... 3T.00A copper Hangs 74. oO Bid. I tfo.fa.ah ; S2.TH Midway ....... 1.30 McN.msra .... ,42 Belmont ...... L02 North Star .... ..86 Rescue , . , ,. 12 - J 1 e OVERBECK; STARR & COOKE CO. Jdcmbera Chloags OBAXaT, FBOTISIOBB, OOTT03T, BTOCXB AJTD BOaTSB. 103 Third Btraat MeKaY Bulldtns. Portland. Or. ( WM SO A IIUUT1.I UtfMaTgglQg BTjaXMBMS. ' ContlBunna Lirkel. by Prlvata Wire. Quirk Bervlce. REFERRNCKBeLAd- A . . aUtOB, BBAAKBV AA4 JiBlUXa AtAttS VeiOOAi BtlUV t JUABV Dr. W, Norton Davis. IN A WEEK ""'.". Se ' We treat .n 1 1 r n .it -. ma aad chrools diseases of m.H; aloe blood, atoauch, heart Brer, kidney and throat troubles. We core STPHILLIB (wltboat BMrcary) to ataf cored forever, la So to 60 days- We .masove 8TKICTURE, without operation ar aula It It days. . ,- - - ,. . -. . W. stop amine, tbc remit ef ' sslf-abose. Immediately. We ma rasters the aaxaal vlgot ef aay- man aadar 60. by awaaa f laeal treaa asm peculiar to eumalvas. ,. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The doctors ef thla Institute am an ragatat gnduatea, bsvs bad roaay yearn' experience, bam been known la Portland for It yearn, have a reouutlon to'anlatola tad will ander lake aa aaea aalsaa esrtaln sere esa be af fected. .... . - We gaamatee to cum la every ease wa Bader take or charge aa fee.- Ceaslutatloa free. tot ters coaAdeattot IsatmcUea BOOK FOB Ml mailed free la -plala wrapper. If yea cannot cue at eftee, write far ajaaa. tloa bUnk. Home treatment ewosaaafat Offlca beara I to I aad T to A Saaaaya aat .. , i.. . holidays, 10 to 1'-, M, Tap laadlag eperlaltet. la tba Forttwaat Bstabllahat IM. . Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Taa Bap Bstel. B. B. Car. Third aad Btaa Bto. F0ETLABS,' OAEwOB. O. OBB WO . 'The areat CUatN Doctor . la called great ' bo - causa bla wtrndmrful curea atp bo wall known throughout the United EeUtee. and bacauaa ao many peoole are thankful to him for aartng Jhelr llwam from OPERATIONS H treat a any and all dleeaaea with powerful Chltttl herb, roots, vtKU bark, and vegeteblee . .m MflMl. aa. known to mMMa trr. and tbrouvo umw nw-w p.t,i lea. revaedlea. Thla fatnona doctor know, the action of ever 1 0 0 d 1 fl ereri t rornoaioe that ba ha auooaeafully oaadta tlaront dleeaaea Ha g-auranteaa to euro eata it o. aatljma, lung tronblea. rhaarnatleTrv Bar vouanaaa. atotnach, MYor. Wdrraya. fa. mala trouble and nil private H'lnreda of tewtlmonlaln. ; CMVfM pnoderate. Caff and aee, Wj". OOaTaTtTT."fATIO nMm.- -r:r- ----" Patlanta out of tha elty wrltB for Menk snd elrcotar. ineloea map, Ad- "THE Ce QEE W0 CHINESE ; MEDICINE CO. - ISS Alder Btraet, PVt-Oand, Or. Btslr Vay of 361H Alder atreat laada to 4at- nca. Mention tnia paper. BBBwwwWWAay Cures In 40Houre -tJREORT DISCHARGES' trtiSk I t 7umwewtnnsr6 tha aomaSyA3 BfeVvVvWrVVsV COTTON. DULLTWO T0 THREE POINTS OFF New Tork. Msrcb 1ft. Cotton fotare. cmead gull S to 8 points lower. Today'a official amrket: Opea. High. Law. Close, January ....,.. . - , . ,.. , iniuw March rS T66 T63 T661&68 April. T66 T66 ' T6 - TT072 May TTl TTd , THP TT6076 June I TTO TTS TWI TTlttTt July ....,..... .... 770 TTS .T66 Aug-oat T71 1 T7.1 TrtH September TT2 TT6 ' T72 October TTt 780 TTS NOvVBlnff 4a Op po a aee e.e December TS4 TS4 TS2 TT4S7 T76W78 T78iH0 TRldMS T84 4,at RECEIPTS SUFFICIENT FOR SATURDAY DEMAND 1 r ' Partland T'nloa Stnckyarda, March 1A Al though receipts am light today la the meal Sards the enpply waa .efficient tor tha usual aturday demasd. Hogs and cattle ramala hlle aheep see Strong. The it"'loT"H: MTTHT-lheep 41 II iiffielal rnllnn nrloan for Uveatoek: Hugs Best eaatara Oregoa, SA00; light blockers and Chins fata, (5.60j)6.7t; stock sn ana leeaers, as.ouarn.uw. aaatern Orerea steers. 84.00. light and medium I tears, A3. SO; old and light cowa. ixooi sexxers ana seaem, pe.w; puua, Hheep Best fancy, t4.60tJ4.To; ewes, IA26. v . EABTFJIB gOOS STEABT. ' Chlcsro. March IS Uveatoek receipts: - Hog.. Cattle, Bmwm. Chicago .................10.000 800 - A 000 Kansae City a." mm n. . Omaha ..w - 'w a,ouw Hogs opened steady with 3.600 left over. Re ceipts a year ago were io.uto. r: , euro, t4.bot6.27; good. tS-SotjASO; rougk, tt.ooj rioTilght 4.0AA3. 1 Cattle Htmdy. .. , Sheep steady. . '1'-.'. MTW , TOBJt. BTOAB .BtABZR. yj: New Tork. March la. Roger: Refined, un cbangrd; raw., arm; centlfugat e; moeeo, 4c BXW T0EX-OOFTXS KABBXT. ' esoeaianmme " Itrw Tork, March 1 Official eeffee cknrmg: . Bid. Ask. I BIA Ask. March ..... 84.1(1 Sa aolReptembet' ..P6.T0 .7n April ,...., 6.2 6 BilOctohsr A7t- A SO Msy ....... AM 6. 40I November .. A 80 AM June ....... 6 0 B.46Ueeember ... 680 6 Do July 6.60 AMMJea.. '08 ... ABB- T.00 August .... 0.60 1 051 February ... 1. 00 lot BrW, T0EB CASK O0FTTX. ' New Tork. ' Msrcb -18. Takh coffm: Be. T Bto, TJ No. 4 Benton, T4. . ) , . J rOBTLABS BABX RATXXXBT. flee rings ...fim, 846.44 ... 161.4M.84 Bst BOWBIBTO, aTUFBJjrB ft OO - (IbatablUtred 1IA) . - . fJaTAJABBB OB OOl Board of Trade, I C- dC ii 1 en.rfV i Viiiii I s I ll'llllllll 1 I'.vi.Mfiu; xy a, -v. s WXUT Ajn STOCK XJsVOB3TBB. ' ' . .- ' ftoont 4. avrOaTBd FWM)f MMBaVfTm. i- cm HOTicri. 0TTT TAXAtUAXB'S B0TICS OF SALE OF BXAL FB0FEBTT FOB PEUBaVXlTT AS- BEssMoarrs. J Notice to hereby glvea tbat the Auditor ef " the City of Port Is nd has transmitted to me a Hat of the dellnnaent . ess meats for th pcopoaed opening, Isylug out sod establlblng of Deknm avenue from tke west line ef Cam-, dea street to the rsst line ef Vancouver Connie - road, and tbat pursuant to, section 41S of tke i. charter of the City ef Portland. I will, oa Moo- day. the 10th day of April. 1008, at tha hour ef -!? ,l?Pk be wet door of the City . , Halt la the City et Portland. Oregon, offer earn atxpubllc auction to the highest bidder jressh. subject to redemption, the following : , v, w w , im uraufu ... ko-w i l , . BU -.U..of M b" at s proposed Yerxa l" .o ok uexnm avenne. . k. .3S00 Blk 3. lot A Eralle .Bauer Blk 3, lot 4, KmllcBauer 10.00 80.00 80.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 ';f.,0, KuiUc'Bauer ' ! - !! I' S',"1m M. Btollara.,5..,, ilk A lot 8, William M. Btollard. .... ma Hlk Blk A lot A U. I. Tens Blk A lot A H. V Terxa Piedmont Perk Blk 1, lot S. Frederick W. Torgler. tt Blk 1, lot S. Frederick W. Torgler f.M Blk 1, lot 10, Frederick W. Torgler...... f.00 . Blk 1, lot 11, Frederick W. Torgler. S 00 , Blk 1, lot 12. Frederbk W. Torgwr,.....1 t.Mt ' Blk 1, lot 1.1, eoerlck W. Torgler 160 Blk A lot 8, Henry Thompson ..' IM Blk A wsst of tot P. Daisy B. Hltllee 1 2.1 Blk A west of lot 10. Dsisy B. Hlltler 160 - Blcoek7!!t." ?r.1" Wowlij Blk A 't'iU 'i6,'Air''d'w ' V cock A 50 ' Blk 4, tot A Charles a Woodcock 160 , Blk 4. tot A (srlee 0. Woodcock AM Blk 4. aeutb 160 feet of lot A. Cher lac C, Woodcock?. S.06 Blk t, tot 1, Rtepbea Bbobert 'IMr- Blk . t, lot A Btephea hnobert. ........ '3.60 . Blk A lot A Btephea ' Hbobert i. A 60 Blk A wt 4. Btephea Shobert. .00 Piedmont Park r ' , : Blk T, tot 1, B. Btoppeabaeb. S.or) T Blk T, lot A E. Htoppenback.f.... ...... 3.60 nix r. lot 0, B. BtoppenDscn,,.,, ........ x.o Blk T. lot 4. E. Htoppenbacb . . AbO Blk T, lot t, E. Rtoppenbarh..,, Blk T, lot A B. Rtoppenbech Blk 8,' lot 1. Charles K. Woodcock Blk A tot A t'bsrles K. Woodcock...... Blk A lot, 3, ( harles H. Woodcock 2 ISO . too t oo . S.60 A60 2 no M A00 Blk a; lot 4, Bsrles B. wonocora . , . . . .' Blk 8. tot S. Charles K. Wo Blk A tot A Cbarlea E. Woodcock . Blk US, tot 18, Jhn B. David.....'. Blk SO. lot 13. Oeorre H. Durham. Blk 8B, lot 14. Linda A. Dekam... Blk SB. lot 1A George A. Darbam.. 4.0O A60 160 AW A tract of land lying between the sooth line ef ,Dekum aveaoe aad a lias ISO feet south thereof and parallel there with, and between two linos reaper, tlrelr S4B.1 feet and 64B.1 feet sat v. : of and parallel with the west Una ef Bodoey eveeee, -H. 0. Bteppenbacb... 100.00 A tract of land lying hetweea the eaath line of Dekum aveaaa aad a line 160 , test math thereof and parallel there-'- with, and hetweea the east line of ' I'aloa averme and the westerly line of block P. Woodlawn, J. C. Alnsworth... 83.00 ' Each piece or ract of lead will be anld separately sad for a sain not toss tbaa the anpairl ameeameat thereon and Interest and coat of advertising and sale. If more tbaa aee bid hi offered the land will be sold to the ' bidder offering to take the same for the toast . amount of penalty aad latomct ' Competition . will -ba:: ' : First A-Cpon Oiapeiislty foe- the first perlod. Beccod t poa tba penalty for the succeeding periods. . ... Third Vpoa tbc r.t. ef Interest. ' J. B. nr.Bir.iiv, "TClty Tree surer of "the City of Per Clan A Portla.d. Oregoa. March 11. 1806. 4 f FB0F08ED IX0TXaTXBT-OF BOLLABAT, ; ,-''1 : y, ATXBTS.-' - Notice la hereby gtvea tbat at the ejecting ,' of tba Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa the loth dey of March, Imoo, .tba fol kming rceolutloa waa adopted . . Eeeolved, That tba. CouucU of tha. City ef Portland, Omgon, deems it expedient and pur. passe to Improve Hoiladay avenue, except that portion et said arcane used by the Portland - Consolidated Railway Company for right vf way purposes, lying betwera the eaat end of tba steel brldg .nd the center line of Crosby street, from tha east end et the steel bridge -to the east line of Eest First street la tba following manner, te-wit: , Pint By grading the atreet nil width With full intersect lone to the proper sub-grade. Becood By paring the street fuU width with ' full intersections with wood blocks t res ted with earboltneum avenarlu. oa a concrete founds tloa Uf nor less fAaa 6 Inches la depth. Third By . constructing gtoea . bwCkhesder double row. " rourtb By laying srtlflclsr atone stdrwslks. Ifth By constructing artificial- steoe curb. -Btstb The Pvrtland Consolidated Railway.. Company to remove tba ralla now is use eest ' pf the center lias of Crosby street and .U e. place the same with 7-laca grooved mil oa a concrete roundatloo, , - Bald Impcovrtacat made fa aeejerdaace - with the charter aad ordinance, of the City ef ; Portland and the plana, speclfleatlone and esttnutea ef the City Kogineer, filed la the ' office of the Auditor of tbc City ef Portland oa the 16U day of March, 1806. ladoraed: "Clt -Engineer's plana and sped flee ttons fur the -Improvement af Hoiladay avenue from the eat ' end of the Bteel bridge to the eaat Uae of Beat ' First atreet.- and the eatlmatee of the work to be done aad the probable total cost thereof.'' The coat ef aald Improvement to be assessed aa pen Tided by the dty charter apoe the prop, ert'y specially and peculiarly benefited 'thereby, aad which la hereby declared to be all the tots, parts thereof and parcels of lend lying between the east cad ef the steel bridge and a line ion , feet eest ef and parallel with tbc mat Hue of Beat First atreet aad be twee a the aoutb line of Holladsy avenue aad a Una 100 feet aoutb thereof and parallel therewith, and aim tha aouth 180 feet of blocks 6.1. 6A 61 end 60. and the aouth 100 feet of the west 100 feet of I, lock 40, Hoiladay a addition, and tke south easterly one kslf ef block A McMilleo'c sddl. tloa te Eest Port Is nd. aad a parcel of land -southeast of Mid block A McMillea'. addition to East Portland. The. Magiaear'e estimate, of the probable total coat for the Improvement or said Hoiladay .venue la tlB.16S.00. The above Improvement la to be classed as a wood black tmorovemcat aau shall be aiala. talned by the city for period ef eight yea re. -provided thet the owners ef a amtorlty et the proparty benefited by said Improvement or any portion thereof .shall aet aetlttoa fur a -aew or different Improvement before tba ex piration of such period. a - The plena, aperlflcetloaa aad eatimatea of the City Engineer for tke Improvement of Mid Hot today avenne nm hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor ef the City et Portland be Bad be to hereby directed to give notice pf the proposed Improveaient of Mid avenue. .- Reumnetrancea aralnst the ahem Improvement may be filed la writing with the uaderslgned farm 1 ""lijlr hie notice. te 01 in. iirsa BohJlcatloa of thin not 1 He orcmr of the Cnundt I THOS. C. DEVLIN, - Auditor ef the City ef Portland, f Portland, Oregoa. - Date eff first publication. Marea.ta, iwuo, - -r- TBOFOSEB SXWZB THBOTJOB A TAACT OF - LABS oWsTKB BT A. . FATTLLO. Notice la hereby gtvea tbat at the meeting ef the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held on the 1Mb day of March, IPOS, tba fol lowing reaolntloo waa adapted: BesolveA Thet the Council of the aty e( Pertlend, Oregoa. deems It expedient and par. poem to con. tract a avwer through a tract et toad owned by A. 8, Petallo from the sewer ' la Jefferson street 60 feet west of a point where the Mid sewer la Jefferaoa street would be by the west Um of block 16. A. N. King's addition, .a shown on tha "M.p of Portland, Oregoa. pBbUebed by the Title Ooarantee A Trust Company, reghrtemd To." If axteaded southerly In Its present morse; , thence north T degree. SO minutes east to the north Una of Madison street, ef six-Inch vitrified newer Dine, wltb all necessary estch-bastna, , Aan-ho lea, lamp-bolee and brsnchea. Raid sewer to be conetructea la arearesnre with the charter aad ordlaaneea of the City af Portland and the plans, spcelflrsttona and sett ma tee of the City Knrlneer, tiled la the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 16th. day of March, 1006, indorsed: ' "City engineer . plans ann specineaDoue ror a rarer In tract of land bounded north and snath by Madtonn aad Jefferaoa streets reepectlvery, eset by blocks 14 end 16, King', addition, want ' by block A Ardmora, from a point 320 feet northerly of Jefferaoa atreet -to the sewer In I Jefferaoa street sad the estimates of the work rto be done and the prone cue xotni coax inareoi. tk Mt of ss Id sewer to be aa ia sew provided by the dty charter upon the property epedslly and 'urea Marly benefited thereby, and V n ICS IS U 1 1,7 uewrrw u. vw mt, parts thereof and P" reels ef land lying between a line 100 feet weat ef end. parallel with tha west line of Mid sewer aad a line IOA feet' Mat ef and parallel with mat line of Mid aewer aad hetweea a Una 100 feet north ef and par. I lei with the north line of Jefferson street end a Una 60 feet north of and parallel with the north Um ef Medbma atreet The Engineer', eetlmete of the probable total enet for. tba eons traction pf said eewer jba Tbemiie.' eumrifleotleaa knd setJiurtee pf the City Engineer tor the eoostroctloa at Mid sewer are hereby adopted. Beaorved. Tbat the Auditor of the City of Portia ad be and. be la hereby directed to give notice of the nroposed cons tract Ion of mid sewer aa provided by the dty charter. Be www trances agslest the above sewer aiav be tiled la writing with the aaderalgaed nitbln 30 day. from the date of the first publication ef thla notice. By evder af tbc CennHI. ..' ' , THOS. C. tiF.Tt.I". " . Audltnf ef the Cltv ef Portland. Pnrttsnd. Oregoa. Data ef first nubile slloa. 1 7 1 .