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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
s . r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. : SATUSD AT EVKiniOr: UAIXII 18, 12 SNATCH LAURELS FROM RIVAL CAHP kTtr n,U sua ts sauaea sa er- sed a us fcyMfe larse aaa l4u i aaaury . 80 par awatt as4 Si irnimm. AWt awst bava - 1 mj V sj eraM. a4 aTi as. U W it eealtal seenea. a hi. iwelna au, vateas" "Went Ad" Rates Mm. m . a.U prexerred, to prepare gevaramast j Li v "Johnny YeonV Timber Rustling 5 Crew Burst Fast Records t':'-iX:. Into Half Smithereens. ; " OVER QUARTER MILLION : t : FEET CUT IN ONE DAY VThe Most Remarkable Log Cut ting Feat' Ever Performed T, 'n the State.,:.! ' f ' ' "Johnny" Ttoa ul hi timber rustling erew have broken looea agaJn, nd inel " dentally they fear also broken tha reo- ord tor handling loga. Their recant par. fonnanee ia Jlkely to stand aa a world's record for It reached a total of lJ logs, measuring itt.tU feet Ever elnea laat December "Johnny" Taon and his, boys haVa been declaring they would break the record made by the 'i Oregon 'Timber Lumbar company a crew at Clifton, when they scaled nearly . 100.00 feet tn a day.- Thia had been a " a sore apot with -Johnny and hie gallant 1 crew, for prior to that they held the record." On Saturday.- March a.-" Johnny". ' ! called together the prlae gang at Ral- ' nler,. Or. - After paaalng round the cigars and when everybody waa happy, ' '' Johnny" unburdened , himself ef ':.-. 'speech which to the log men waa as good aa the Inaugural addreaa at Weak lngtort. It waa to the effect that al though the next day1 waa Sunday, loga 'had to ba rolled In order ta get tha nee " eaaary train capacity, and aa tha other camps were ahut down ha could devote - , more than tha regular train service to the Clifton camp. " i . . Am- -fnr mrk. and while It ' waa started with no pretense of making a. world'a record, the. men soon got Into .the awing of the thing and when they 'learned ther were getting up aa they could bruah tha flowera off the camp of tha Oregon company, they stirred a little more and accomplished tt, J. A, Vrilaon waa engineer and "Billy" sllch arda waa hook tender. In addition to ' the regular erew ef nine men, there waa van extra farce conalatlng of one sniper, -one roll way man and one extra fireman. for Wllaon kept the engine going at auch "."na apeed that it required two men to fire her. The crew used Mr. Toon's lateat 10 by 11 Willamette "crack -a-lack" en gine, with l.f.00 feet of Hi-Inch cable on It In a, run of Juat 10 hours this crew put, In 181 loga, which eealed . 14 feet The loga wera regularly yard ed out from the bruah Into the roll way and loaded on care, a maximum dlatance of 800 feet' Aa tha loga did not aver. , age extra sise, much ef the work waa done by hitching an to two toga at one pull, but even with thla advantage the ' record Ta a remarkable one. and no one V"v la prouder of It than Mr. T eon and hia : ... ' crew; -.-i,, ;i : : v..:; V : HEROES OF. GRIDIRON TO BE BANQUETED ' Oregon I Agricultural . College Football Team to Receive Insignia This Evening; (".parte! Dispatch ta The' Jonrael.) ' Corrallla, Or, March . 11. Elaborais preparatlona are being made today tn ' the football banquet that la to take ' place at Hotel Co rv all la Saturday even ing. Covera will be laid for about I guests and a program of toaata and speeches wiU be gtvem Thla la the oo---' eaaion whaa aweatera wtU be presented the team, and a captain and manager elected. The .function la alwaya at- ' tended with great" enthusiasm and tnter- eat and the preeent wUl be no exoeptlotf to the rule. .;.. ' The final eroaa-country run takaa s pUce from the O. A. C. athletic field at ' p. m. Saturday, tha eouraa being the .. same four-mlla stretch that waa covered , In the Brat run two weeka ego. ; About ' a doaen men are eligible to enter the race Saturday, but. It U thought that only about eight will start. A gold medal will ba awarded tha winner. The eroaa-country run la a feature recently Introduced Into O. A. a athletic, and a It ha a attracted widespread attention hereabouts, much Interest being take la y ' t by Uii a A. C athletea. ' i COMPLETE TEAM NOW AT PRACTICE ' (Continued from Page Eleven.) , not even the big leaguer Jim Motley la '' said to be Importing for his Los Angeles r club. - French la a likely looking pitcher. ' faring the build of an athlete, and al - though he did not warm up very 'hard ' yesterday, ha easily demonstrated that ' he can control tha sphere. Kly catea. v the big fellow from Kansas City, is so ' far the only Portland pitcher Q display - his ahllltv in controlllnc tha far-famed . 'expectoration plllei'rwlth any degree of , assurance. Catea has this puasUng de- , livery down to a nicety, and many of tha heavy stickers of the Coast league wlli find him a hard nut to crack, for , In addition to one of the moat elusive varieties of the spit ball he also baa m. large, variety of regulation atralght- :. bore slants and benders - The catching department of the Port '. land team seems all right The failure '' of Doyle to put In his appearance caused Manager McCredie,- to awitch Catcher McLean over to first base and to leave . the catching department to Charlie Swindells and Charles Co. Swlndella - ia gradually rounding - to ", shape, and hia arm, which baa been a . -trifle sore, - is. now, in good shape, and hia thro wins to aeoond la beautiful. Coe, 4ha yonngatar from Omaha, seems - to. be a good man, and now that ha Is ..' more accustomed to his surroundlnga ha seems to gauge the throw to second . better,, and does not hit the center ; . fielder as often as dnrlng hia early . aamea. He can catch and throw well . enough' and his only fault so far haa : been the patting of too much steam v tck ' of his throw, which carries tha - throw much farther than desired. Dally practice will overcome thla defect and ... MoCredie . win undouDtaaiy cava - valuable young player. , Arrangements were practically eom- rl'trd laat evening whereby the Port' V land team will open the new ball park , here with a game with the Stockton club .. of the California state league, ' '- ' " : ' lilssaUlT ' : (Hneeial rHenetck ta Tke Joarstl.) Chvhalla, "Wash, March ll. Chehalle Is to furnish some firet-ctaas amateur . hall talent to recruit the ball teams in the northwest Fred Nearlng and Bill sPackenham have Joined the Spokane team. Harry Quick will go to Salt . where ha wUl pitch this summer, r.-FOR SALE. REAL ESt ATE Tt450 ' ''V Full lot (0x100 feet on. east tTth. hat Rast Pine and Bast AahFone block from Eaal Ankany oar llaa. (B. P. HI.) ... -S600 SOxiei feet. N. i cor. X. tTth and E. Waahington. (B. 1 1000 .V A fine quarter block, N. B. er. E. Pin and K. loth at (E. P. 142.) . , I lota. lOOxm feet and house af rooms, with basement, bath and good barn, few minutes' walk from Peninsula Station. (A. SOI.) SOxlfte feat and cottage S room a. bath, full basement, wired for electricity, Mai lory a vs., near Talljng at. (A. 1L) c , $1450 Lot 10x100 feet and houae rooms, bath, pantry, full basement, cement foundation. 600 cash, balance- oa time. (A. us.) ... - ';.v. 51r300 -y Sightly and convenient vaoant lot. lOx 100 feet, on Larrabaa at, overlooking the river and harbor, only few minutes walk from ateel toridge.' (H. Itl.) $1600 , v? Lot 10x100 feat and house ( rooms, gaa. Union in, bet Beach and Palling, I A. tit.) .; ..- $1700 - Lot and new cottage i rooms. Hawthorne ave.. bet E. tfth and K. 17th: terms half caabf-baJaaoa on time. (a US.) m ---"$1800 Lot, new cottage rooms. East Alder, near E. 17th at (8. 201.J i $1800 ' 10x100 feet and cottage ( rooms, bath, pantry, gaa and sewer, corner Will lama ava. and Alberta at (A. 111.) $2100 1 0x100 feet and house T room, bath. Union ava, near Falling st (A. 117.) - $3000 Lot till 00 feet and new house rooms, bath, full basement, atreeta. Improved; two blocks from car Una. (8. 111.) ;. -. : $3300 Cor. Taggart. and E. 6th ata, 80x100 feet and modern houae f rooms, bath, .base ment, brick foundation, eiectrlo light, speaking tubes, good bam. ( ) , 84250 Schuyler at bet llth and Mat, UxlOO feet and hoose ef rooms, grate and furaaoa, reau o monin. . ko. KAOOO ' Choice quarter. 100x10 feet,'zllth and Overtoa,. sewer and ooncreta aldewalka. . $6250 ' - N. W. cor. Second and Whlttaker, 100s 100 feet with 4 cottage, renting for f a month: 12,000 cash, jbalanoa at f per cent (S. P. 111.) i The Title Guarantee : & Trust Co. sad r MULTNOMAH CLUB TO SEE BAG PUNCHER Champion Stack Ex.rclsw To- night Will Bo Explalntd In , - Tomorrow' Journal -" A 1 nil sad eemplets description of how to perform all tha movements la bag punching that are- to be preformed by. Champion Henry Za Stark at tha Mult nomah club this evening wiu he found In The Sunday Journal. The article ia written especially for this paper by Mr. Stark, and la copyrighted. Any one de siring to become dexterous In the art of bag-punching should carefully study the treatise by this expert sad by patience and practice any one can master tha art of bag-punching, and as It is a splendid exercise for the development ef all parts of the body, the advantages to ba gained are of inestimable value. Champion Stark la known the world over as the champion bag-puncner oi the world, and has defended the title atnee lltf. He won the championship at Madison Bauare Garden, New York City, In lltl, as waa as at tne rrauonaj Sporting club of London, England, in 100-1. A standing challenge ef 11. tot and the championship is open to alL Address 1 challenges to hia managers. The act which bo performs at the Multnomah club tonight consists of a most wonderful exhibition of tha art ef bag-punching, going at a terrlflo rata of eneed. ehansjins: rrom one movement to another without a miss or a stop time 11 minutes. . Chamnlon Stark Is known to ha the only person able to execute thla' difficult tasav and has aa oner ex nn to any neraon who can execute zo ox tne st movements that he ahows la his exhl hitlon. .i After the rapid exhibition he will go through the movements slowly, explain ing each one to hia audience, after which be wilt perform the act while blindfold wi and then to music. It Is aa extremely interesting perform ance, so don't fall to secure a copy of The Sunday Journal, which eontaina a complete explanation Of bow these feats era performed. i isj.l - 4W It" i I w .OpVCIaU sVaamBa vw evsrw whs ssea. y . DsUlaa. Or- March 11. Th RlckrctU Athletic dub's buketball U-m will ww Ksk TeBavwaawVuiaalttfesn AfhldlliA sLsMlcW clation's first team on the Independent gym rioor lanisui. The game-Is expected to be an Interest ing eonteit as both teams are pretty evenly maicneo.t r - PETRIFIED SALMON AND ' "MASTODON Iff EXHIBIT (Speetal Dlspeteh le The JoaraaL) " Ontario, Or., March II. The commit tee appointed by the Ontario chamber of commerce and the Vale board of trade, at the Instance of the county court to prepare suitable : exhibits for Malheur county at the Lewis sad Clark fair, re cently perfected a permanent organisa tion by the election of the following oi gicrrs; - Dr. Q. A. Pogus, Ontario, president K. W. Met calf. Ontario, secretary; B. A. Clark, Vale, treasurer; M. N. Fegtly, Watson, general superintendent, to have charge of the exhiblta at Fort land. The following committee was ap pointed to select the various axniMts: Ben Mathlson. Malheur City. Miner als; C. H. Brown, Ontario, fruits; W. J. Scott. ImII. grain; W. H. Oibaon. Nyssa, forage planU; William Morfltt, Ontario, vegetables; J. D. Billlngaley. Ontario, wool. Tha shipping stark will be ap sd Nine more blocks of .this splendid addition will ,be placed upon the market' next Mori day. Streets all graded,; sidewalks laid and curbed, Bull Run water,, electric light - and telephone services. The best and mtost conv venient residence lbcatiori nobh Twenty minute run from First and Alder streets by the comfortable cars of the Oregon Water Power CZi Rail way Companys Sell wood line. The Madison ; street bridge is opened only about one- half as . often as .bridges north of it This means a saving bf i much time the river. I ; 1 OREGON WATEK TOWEK T0WNSDTE CO., AGENTS OFFICE IN WAITING ROOM, CORNER FIRST WESTIP .1 a Gty Water to Every Lot-rStreet Graded lots ClearedV-Casy Terrns---Title Perfect Don't miss this great opportunity of owing a home of your;' own. West Piedmont is growing faster than any other point on the Peninsula. Qo and see for yourself If you do, you won't rest satisfied till you own a home at West Redmontr-' tome thing which any industrious man may do with little effort Scores of new houses and several stores win be built at West Piedmont this Spring. Take the Upper iUbina car to our West Piedmont office and ask for R B. Carey. He wffl show you ' . - the property, quote prices and cheerfully give you full information. ..; . , : THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY 6 and 7 Chamber of Commrc, Portland. Oic . ' j ; . v Change of Finn name . ana Address B,,i., Tm4 lRMtniMt rjL fin ing boaineas at lTH rirat street, nave removed to lit Stark street, and will hereafter be known aa tha. STEVENSON - BROWN COMPANY We predict tor the new firm a snoeaas fnl career and for their patrons a square deal. ' vACxrxo xjurn xawnTimnr oo, '- . 20 Stark Street. Ar.B., Tlili means a mrwt lot Iftr t A 'lUII 10. on North lth sL.wttiv 111 'III three bulldlnga thereon. JlTasUV bringing at low rantals " $480 r per year. Sea . Commercial diocc For Sale at a Bargain -: y 100X100 feet N. E. corner . 18th and Savier Streets. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.. H.ra is a 'nine - piece of property 106x1 00, with two cood honfMa, on Savter st J. vsisB-mrn, CommaroiaJ block, r- - $1659 Bays a beautiful quarter . block, faring , Hawthorne avenue; Forjp. rtlcu lars, aaa J. sTmAaTaQsJa, Com mercial block. pointed at OnUrio to receive products iatet. ' - - . v - Among Malheur county's exhlblU will be part ef the rentalns of a mastodon and a petrified salmon which was found near Dell. t , : to East side residents LOTS SOLD OK EASY PaAMENTS AND ALDER STREETS 1 L.OTS AT: 50x100 Feet $200 Each and A Cottage In Tor lis down and 1 10 per month. Choloe lots 1100, II .down and tl a month. Electric cars, (o fare, : Man ov m aioun. GEO. W. BROWN os ATjjarer-Bij. riwns Malm tit. ' I hare a t-room modern Colonial house, with full basement and large attic; plumbed for gas and wired for electricity; It has cement walk In front and on aide, te convenient to two car lines in Upper Alblna and within 10 AiDina ana wiimn 1. f the steel bridge; Is situation and very de ne. It la worth (i.BOO, minutes waig oi tne In a vary sightly si slrabla for a home. but it must be sold and o reasonable offer will be refused, and terma will be made to salt. Look this up at onoe. WHALUEY m ataSiy side. $1050 Invested now will pn nice quarter, tozloo, on Vancouver avenue: can made to earn II per rent on ' your Investment. J. KsVAX- In the Commercial block, will tall you all about It. ' CREE LAND IN OREGON I In the ricbssl psla, frail sad atk aacxJaa In the world. Ttnawnsirfaaaiensndalicteal Cost if stHjastiowa Dvei tistwi iVem ovtatsi sf Oregan. WRITC TO-DAY. BOOKXKT and MArrULDes4tbnIrriratieaa FOR. in crossing It mo n3K Upwards NASHVILLE Portlan4's best and neatest sub urb, you can buy any sise house, from 4-room modern to 8-room. I have seven for you to select from.' They are all complete and strictly ' modern, You can buy today and move m tomorrow. I also have three not quite com plete on the inside for sale at half price. . Come out and make me an offer on installments, or very cheap for cash or half cash. Take the, Mount Scott car, tret T olf at Naahvillfr station, a f or JOE NASH The owner J in the white house at station. ; t2i - -r-r-1 DAIRY FARM 523 PER ACRE T, lit WJ V.WVVV U.I I J U 1 kn V, W I rich, productive, 'grass, grain and fruit land; living spring water: no atone or gravel; " 10o. acres In cultivation; tOO acres pasture land, ell fenced: 1 houses. from Portland; good reeds; miles railroad station; 1 mil school; terms to suit, . . , .... J. L. Wello Co. ,Htagf If yea aim to buy any screes e near the city, ran at the offlot Of . ataVAJkanEaV ConunerclaJ niona; yon vui ana . it WUl P7 7 Us" AsTT rt-S"lfl"4T10aT aasssa V- 4 ee Tmmtrn. M tan imTTTf:; ' v . . V' -wm n as n wosm to m ; aieaag tasa, . TTTTITIOW VUTXB either kale es geaisls, tlsM free. Bally er a mmyr man u ijhais . eae SWay isaaa) M sat 1ms - f neaa, .... ' sTOTVtT aU-rwJlaalaataf all I ' a ; M CmtTg asr last pet I il)ga?flX"XgTf asast be la 1 sys sas by M ealaek Sataraay even. A. b. '.it. kmrwn wen Jisissl -waa aa." a ' 4ha n mA. at mMm STaaTw ' in hi uhii a M lunil af. : ses witheat (artaav east ts yea. Wee rear sail Vat er ansae Wwswa.Wstsa. , ' fcala tA ' t . We want 4Q or 80 acre Valentine scrip. ;v C'XtiZi Price must be coLsLjlnxs - Land go. - i nnttmax tvack. OLmOi At Astoria. Oretea, Marea 17, Awe uieaa, as. ss im Saaila. starch yeara. Panaral WIS tak. I IS, at JO a. av. (tm pel. oner Bast gists sad - Bast Alder streets, rrleads Invited. ew-irnnij)iM . wsjrmia.TVe meeting at the stockholders tt the Oregaa rarnltare BtanttfaetarlBS Oaeapany will he held at -the esmpaay eRIaa, laio-un daw lead, fMrOaaa. ma, en we U.nk SB lend at a a'lktt a. Bm mraoae of eleetlag a boars ef dlraeteas for the ensuing rear aad traassetlng saeh tali is, sa asay arapezly essss setae a . rurrcHXB uww, s rorOaas, Oragoa, alarek la, 1806. grmnXA cot-wen. He. m. k. i. et tv. wtn give the ftrraer Tt sarns e7 fJiniaaalu waist ramtmmta Haoaar evaaiag, Vlanm . a, at Aadttsriasa. Adwtsstna. 10s. sTtmok, AJtBTTTCS ClfcCTJI Will bald a walsti rawsliDjasta aad daaetaf. I evealsg. aiareb la, ta feWag-falrsrl k Wdg, . Tsata aaa wi HOTICa. i wtD as saves n rV a. re- bb rsr aay aeeer vsnuBiasa r Ida DUoa. j. a via1 ton. seas, sate "H LOerT O. Wedsssday evealag. aitaiisa lath aad Hoyt sad M.rssaai raa4 taswwa. sM spwlawa areart pis, BaitaM. reward it Wit at Joaraal efnee. inru b hi triauDlan: lost emu. wows ea wssslagtia SC Please Uave at Jaaraal attles. FOUTTD A alaes ta aava hair as eataa aad Marmed a. fa. ear. 4T4.-PorOaad Carlsd Balr tactary. roCHIe Oeathnssa's hat; ewaer eaa have mbm hr psrtas fw this sd. Can at av Btarfc st. and Prettysaa sv. WANTKD LafrUS ta teera harts trad. tf weeas etMrnieis wssj"'. , ias: asUwilng. BMalearlag sad (aalU sbs J sags' la weeka; eaeelal tanas saw. Wilts Molar sysiesi ueuesa,.oaa WAKCTD Oisd faraeetaMe glri. well BMaded. as. abeat KK rar ( CaU ISC Third St. at ease. WAJtTgO OXaipeteat' glri ts da I iklas. aad - Seasral aawMWWt. QlU at geT TterU Tweats-aaeead SC WAWTTP aftddls aged er suia WAWTBr-rirst rtsss tedias aletaes III. PacUta Landry Oe-. rut sad Arthar sis. bAOIKSTear asaw ea SB gaa viaMss C pTtpali. Beyal Oard Oa, Stratfera, WaJrmD irl a. gaaaral laoaare WAimrD mil i nsiw. gaMwa. ISO liftb at. GIRL for Aapty cm . glitasstb st. OTtOD. Has assets a. sD lata ea ftilufa. la M. at eleest isawn . perUaad. Address P. 0. Bi TO, city. 3B.oe TO par week easily nade estHa Irk asd sreldaat beaerltB far Coins siataal Aid AaawlatVm. 401 stanraaai boudlns.- Choice Bargains 1 lot ta Center sdd,, ea tke far Bae...f B6 1 lot la MonUvUia ad .........4 . , 1M f tots la Weodatock st ... SM g lets la Treneat naesi eny wea ea. plira, at : ,...,.. : t lets In Tremeet Piaee. InlnlBS - 1 lot la Tresmt Pise. graed st 100 I let Ir. Kensebreru. seed t ruaei beasts t,i a La la -- mAA ailll.ft.1 sraeol .77777... ..T. ....txo TBaloo, well Inpraved. pays ear erst aa the lavestswDti ateatstai.ry st Cla,000 BOO seres searOregea City, wan eesoaea sad improved. Infwino. with a BMdara S gaaai Bawaa. ' sew, seed terns , I 4JB0 MOxllO. best earner is .etty. ea atsat. Corners st 9 MM ISO acres ea Meoat seett, S aiuee ireai tbe eleeene ear bare, very cbeay XC0 Melon aa T1rS ac. aaterv brieh hand. In ........ , Hd,M0 100 seres sear Kertb TuakUk goad ls proveiBents; H eaab f UN STHiloa earner let wltb a sew sad sat-... tag.; ears 11 ye eeat ea laieatanai I a.000 CHAS. HIRSTEL m Third et, sani S, ARDMORE Tns most dealmbls bnDdrng alts in Portland, surrounded by palatial bomes, wltb aa inmbstrocted view of nor fa mona mountains; the only hlgh-elass raeHdeat property supplied with brthullthla atreeta, oement atdawalka. Bull Run watart sewer and gaa laid to each lot Take Wash ington street ear ta C3ty pant and set off at Park avenue. a r Par plats and utfcjsa) i add ' : S4S STAWC . V; .. laaaey lasraal weak i aa, ' aer af WAJtTTD Mae ta tears barber wade; weak anMiniiai iiIMim eaajaataad! talttoa aaraed whii. IrDliMj; . wnu for taraa. Molar a barber Uules., set Clay sb. Saa IrsaeaMS. SPwnrPICS awe fnaisn. srpbins, lwpstasc.. Bsiajnai t-a sa a awtter af tnnuiaw eaaaasar .bey bveelu e et ernsjrtst ratasi ai.siiaattoa tree. te. kwrtea sTCa, 61 H rind, XBROBTOT woajtgat ia)ai ts m truata ewaiara, eanrsies aaa aavwrausss - rt 0 -d sart as csbti b aevatas ua, new YorS. ria4T43UftM anat eattev, wttb ev essart see, cm was ssuai ! as bae gsed aafw.asi.i anad, drvsas T. , ears .earaaL ft,j smst ; -y M. ad- KAl Oader ga, fair aaian n, SniiiH aasltleai aakuy a rraMjaaawn CsaBber ef ( -no Wi,MTnD Sespnwlble and saarsatle aswats la - ;' towa aaa enantrr lo aiapese er ouuns stseji la active eerparauoa, , ABitram Maaocka,M ears , JoaraaL . ... -, ", . SOT wasted for factory. ta rust at. oar. siswens. A noa aiBAb Ttcurr at taa 11.S0. sm rroat st. aTTOATION waa tad D srtatat wages saked; retereaess given If aaeasary. -Adareai r. an, JoaraaL . -jTT . OOUJKTnn, weU acooahrtod In etty, wants ewetinr aeeaaata aso rasa a eausaa sw years' residence; reference faraiabad. Aa ewer S. S, ears JuaiaaL WANTED Work by job as was, atrtetly aerata. aa aeioei at essay ajaaiag: sasas partaaes; aa loa ereaat aaa TOUMO BMiTiod am sf any klaa; taslde work : eaa gtve rf- a, ears learaaL . BOOKERPIB weald Sreots eae te dally ta f hisbisi: lirwa. gio par I aoa an winiis us s sfivats fasuly for s good sober. Address A. IT, tm TOfTHw KAN wUl 'a. anr aiad ef wart to nail wages, saunas u, turns, , wiaueu A 1AH talrd WAlfTBD py usarlMinad ssa. - yssitlsn as laajasiar is eity: sctia sma as wara, as dreas S. . Joaraal. 104 NOKTB! TH1BD ST.- sVArTOrNATIAjr-AiriklCAN MtfP. Kate, neauns ssnkalty. re 1 PACino coast swrxonrsirr Annjecr-. a. ' is aj fM awn - sisaaipa m)Tstair CwTlOB, pom nu. S N. Sasaad st Ptonaaia Barruoi KTlf wanted aad sapaUaa. ssate er fawala. av ex ihusb, seas) wasaiasBs as, w wtm. lag MOBaiBON ColaaMa Uvsr Pi aa ai Mala S AXangP) Im want tree. US Pwat st, Pnsas Mam llT s itrosiTi oActioto Nation .atraauu. ' tab; STTnjr tnitnf). roaaw la all aarm ef the city fresa S gar ' BMeta an, Lewi, sad Clark reran bad Rseai saiprlattae, 1st nana suta. i LADT lid Use seavatilai ad laaai with sll 5T eantnuly Marti a, T. witmm 4 beass. Address a i. Ml fsieta ec, elty. WAltTSD er g anfuiakdied rmma, w seats ms.ialsaeas. O, til Pint st, TB NnUlTD AOCTTOn BOOMSJ says asp. . tale, rbsae Mala adsB, at XUTkat at. air. asrartag Mersan ; sail. fie, sis MUwsakls st Pheaa velepes addreased; raMaM. Iw Jfrteaai right. Prask U seaatt, M Bast llniMn St, perttead, Oe. I BUT efnss, fajwres aad fwmttora ef .a . Binds, r. X. Clark's Aserteabeaaa. agm. as WasalBgtni st. spa. old ssposmsa bldg. taoavrr prteas said for aiens easttt ejotb Ing. aboes aad bats St Sg Harm Third. PJeaa Black aots. Orders preaantly attended ta. WS balM aaw er fa eld bosses veryriiisui- able; bs-e food ettyi fefareaeea. Write er . sail H. Waal. New estam aetaL ; WAITTBD People te bey taraltare. Haseoa dldon. little ass, st very nasoeable prtaaa. as! ansaa at, OKNVBali sardssisg. tewse taksa ears et Addreea Wbl Keaasdy, 01 . K. Seasad st Phese Ctoy lit.. - t WANTT-noag.trsvelets sisssi baad traak. aot tees th.a d taese. teas. Address T. a, ear. JoaraaL WANTBD Taaai wdrfe bum a. weiirbt abeat LM inh aeah, CaU god Tayter st, 10 SHORT OP.DBB PEINTTNO HO0B P. Brdw. I aad WaeMagtea a. P t. ciay isaa. - WANTBD Siooad-baad. . swtfl.Bl te.C ) prlatlag pnssi ebeea fat, eaaa. f ht, Ottawa beret .. .... LA Cg enrtetas lae-dered at hUSi?" work. Mrs. Ida Haeblea, Paone Catea U44. ' v ; ; rom BjarrOTsats. ; g BOOM beaat ear east et Ajehar Ptess, tSO aer wdbUi ewaer end wife will beard wits . fester U eesvealeat Call ross Ka) MaKay balldlag. Third aad Stark. - KADDBaXT rBANSyBB-COMMinglON CO.- PteBOS asd farslrare tsoved nraaiptly by et , Berteaeed awe, . 110 Third, st rboae Mala m tIMT. 014 bla in., fid. Apply to WI ' sua reUln bids., city. Daaasbn,- rOB BAXS er rest, faislssed beasa. 1010H Balawat st Best vary reaaoaakl.. inm flat B rom asd beta, ttesrss BWeas. lit Seeesd st aoons and Boaaa. TOON0 aw,' M yea want te beard and seen In a pel an seat ssd beoea, Wbere rates sr. eseeedlBfly tow, sad wlO raw.ia the eaaas aesi aaaimer aa ther are sow, eall st the Aster Bws. SU Bvaatb St. esraar af Maatiaa. fet Mala gatl. TUB UPIX Wew family bateL Market at. nt. Mrd sad Peerthi etaani beat Urhi, aaraeieia bataa: elesaat uaadde fmbjs wiu first ties, board; tne people, at-ao-ad awatb, ' ' BOOMfl. wltb er without board) private family, ft Bast nirtsestk st Berth; Irvtegtoa aad 1 Mellsday park car Una. pnmt.T riiaKbjss hoard; mat Pine at, . V I w M f' - -r A'