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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
1.1 . - , . - , . . UtwiiL :'(,V.L'A: JL " r Id XV V VriX.JL-J- i.X VwJL JL V' ' JL ' - Track Mcctat Colombia Thit Afteraootr-Othcr Sporf I I -J I L. ;t i 7 ; v. ' ; ; ' . . . , ...... ... . ' . , 1 . . . I , ornjirjsvgjr tlii -irn n i's "l r. -i Jiijxj-iA-TJn,i sururuoo rTjirlsTirarvs. iV"n' ti Ti'iii"-"" Pi - r-kyxMpjrujjxxKt l utai run-in . . i hj in'ni"'-"- rijTirajnjnij-jirxjx 'l u r .m ii uu 0 EASTERfl COLLEGES TAKE UP BASEBALL National . - Gam ' Is Now the Ltading Topic at th Big' : EaatarnVaraitiea..:, ::.,;: NEXT WEEK WILL SEE OPENING OF SEASON Yala "arid ' Pennsy to Play Their First Games on Next Wednesday.'. ; A Mknraal toada! arvleaj - New Tork. March It. Baaeball ' la Dow tha Jaadlns toplo among collage athletea. with rowing in aaeond plaoa and eloaa up. Tha miserable waatbar haa had a bad effect on both aporta, re tarding training to an extant which mar eaaaa a rerlaion In taa playing schedule f all tha baaeball team. Tha pleasant weather of the paat few days, however, haa livened things op not a little, and from now "on the day's of tha aspirants for diamond and aquatic) honors will be full of toll and trouble. ' -t Tha opening ' games of ' the ' oollaga baaeball season are net for March 22, when Tale plays Trlnltr at New Hareo.' and March 1 14, when Pennsylvania is scheduled to play Dickinson at Phlla- delphla. Reports from New Haven and Phila delphia are to .tha effect that tha fields are still covered with snow and , Only a aulck thaw and plenty, of sunshlna can put tha diamonds in shape for play In ' time for tha opening dates. In tha "meantime, however, tha indoor practloe ' la being puahad at all tba colleges and the professional coaches have began the weeding out procesa In tbalr efforts to ' eliminate tha undesirable .material rrora the squads. Cuts are reported at Tale, Pennsylvania. Princeton and - Harvard, while at Columbia. Coach BUly Lander has selected tha most promising of the candtdatea for special work.' The prospects at Harvard are probably the best among tha eastern coll ogee. Mora than 160 candidates reported In response to Captain Randall's call, and under Coaches Murphy, Cheabro and Keller have made rapid progress at In door work. Tha only places to b filled with new men are third and left field. ; The ataf battery. Cobnrn, 'M. and Stephenson. '05. will be In tha points for Harvard sgaln this year. Captain Wal ter Randall. '05. la slated for first place, tha place that ha haa held for the past three years. Hugh Kernan. 'OS. and Matthews, 0. tha negro ahortstop, will undoubtedly be tha men to hold the two renter positions In tha infield for Har vard again this year. McCarthy, 07, "and Greenough, 05, from laat year's nine, are tba logical men for oentar and right field. 1- vi started the season' with but lit tle promising material. Few players of high elaaa caliber remain. Captain Bow man. O'Brien. Hulscamp. Smith, Barnes and Cote are eligible, and a number of last year s substitutes are also avail- ThaJjaitery squad has been practicing for several wecks."wrthoit bringing tor-, ward any atar players. Bell and, Jack sdo have shown-up tha best of the pitch era, but practically no good catchers are ' In eight. TheBattlng practice la. being especially emphaalsed this year, and In thin department of the game tha team should fee strong, as six men. of whom four are In college thia year, averaged over .100 during last season. AtPrlneeron four players remain from laat season's nine In Captain- Wells, Cooney (catcher); Bvram and Raid. A. R. T. Ulllebrand, 100, will coach. In addition to these veterans there are Rltter. Hamll. McLean. Harlan. Bard, Watt and Zahnlaae. The selec tion of a heavy-hlttlng outfield will be ' the main" aim af the coaches. Henry, who haa played on tha second team for the past two years, and who has a rec ord as a good batter, should prove .a twins candidate. Seven, of tha Nas ' sau team; Newcomb, Helm, captain of ' last year's Exeter team, and Wlster. 08. are also likely men. Helm and .Wlater are-fast In getting long flies and -are strong throwers, i In Columbia bat three men Of Isst season's nine ara not available. . Tboae etui eligible and counted upon to make tha nine. In addition to captain xyier. , PACIFIC ..; ". AT POBTLUTD. , r? v AT BaATTTJh ; , ... AT.-TAOOMA.' ; ; AT Salt FRANCISCO.. . ' r AT OAKLAND., ' ' AT LOS AJQattiBS. .rr m ..... Mar I .T Hay 0. 10 11. 1 1. li . , . . A Prtl 4, 6, 0, T, J. 0. ... April 1UU 1 4. 1. 10 sJV mTiI.V. FOSTLAND. .. ily A J). k, a, t. , t Jul, II, ti 1J, 14, 18, 10.... Mar IT. IS 10 "' 5! I C?!I ?"Z. is V ......... ...... - ,t Jan 14. IK. 1. IT, IS. , v. Was rraarlace Jns Is, p. St.. is, a. sa..p...i ""May K, SI (J; J ana VS.. A i Jane 0. T. 0, 0, 10, 11 MarrajW. 41; Arll 1 ........... April 4. , I. ij-"'---;---' "V''j&xCu.'JZ'. A BATTLE. Joaa ?, aft, , W; Jaly 1. a....:...., 14. . 10, 2T. tS ,...V.. vs. Mas rrsartsee May 23. a. J8, sj ....... Jaly is, is, , zi, zz. July 2B, 08. 2T, . . 80 I ' I "."'" V "i" " 1 "' . - Asrtrr 'S$,"2T.'M. .' April A 10. tn, . XX .. M....4 April 11 IX IS. 14. 15. 10......... Aff" t'tt L V U I T ' tk'.'.'.'.Y. TAOOMA JT to? l7 a,i. 4. M isae iX 14. ,16, 10. It. 10 '.....i vs. OsktoM May Ol: Inm U . . . Si 0. p. m. , s. ; -v" K . M JI. . - July 10. IS. ta, II. a, Jn'r - -- fra- " rnrrtoco Jaly , f. rs.j SO, a. ... ; . , May 0, -10." ll. it 1. 14... Way 1 , 4.(1. 0. T... ...... April l. ..;,. au May 0. II (Z)i JBse 1. a, a. BA rSArTCMOO Jsly 11, IS, IA IA 1. 10... Jaly A, 0. T..0. 0..., . ,. i f0-. " - Y.1'.'.'.'.IZ'.'.'. (i .e..ta.a..e..a. a " .a.... f Mf 1 H, 9. W I 3, SU S. ..mihmi eea.eaeaatateeeaaaaeaesew. ' " May . 14.'aB, M, .;.... .Way IA If, IS, 10, . xl-i'T A7. .!l..V.. AsHI 10, . 1. K. M, p. sj...., ,.....,.,.,....................-........ j" W. 1. W. ' OA EXACT) .....C. Jane . . 22, . 24. 2..) - April 90, 27. 2H 00. p. - tut 20, 20. XI. 2. m SO..... .........J ,i"e T. A 0. 10. 1 1. ....... .rt . ' - rtTTrrrrrrr. . in . . uvJ. . . ......... 1. ... t. -(July 10, VI. 21. 7X ........ ...... afJUH UJ.'-lVf t ,t,T.-, ;'-v:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r::: ::::::r:r::::::::::::::::: s V w;: R r-T7 " nnr::::: are Del Rio,' Tilt. K rarer and Raonders in the-pitching department; Frambach and Carter- will try for catcher. ' Bailey and Sohwwrt are out for second base and Collins ia trying for shortstop. . Farrell, Nohowal and Joyce will play either on tha bases or. In the field. Other players of experience are Bueil, Cannon, Scott. Lamont, Schoonmaker, Fisher. ' Modave and Coatello. v '. Tha Cornell squad Is well advanced and Coaches Jennings and Warner have Just mada the final cut before the south ern trip. Forty playera are still re tained. From this squad tba eighteen playera to be taken routh will be chosen, At Pennsylvania tha situation la- also wall la hand. Tba fastest of tha ma terial In the squad has been selected, and tha prospects for a hign-elaas team are considered excellent, . NOTES OF THE HORSEMEN. Willie Davis, the leading rider on the California tracks, la expected to arrive at New Tork within a week and will re port to Sydney Paget's stable at Bhee pa head Bay. ;v.. ; -Willie-: Higgins. who haa been riding at Hot Springs, Is now In St Louis. He will remain there for a weak or 10 days, when, ha will ge to Maw Tork, where be expecta to make arrangements to rids on tha eastern tracks this summer. ; -, . Will Feltschmao and Frank Moore have returned ' to tha metropolis - from Hot Springs and CF FV Fellows, Jr.; from New Orleans." .;..,;. Cot Jack Chinn. of Kentucky, Is in New Tork and declares that tha horse men In the Blue Grass have no advan tage over those at the local tracks, so far as tha chnc of preparing horses for their early engagements is concerned. They are Ice-bound down there also, ac cording to tha colonel, with little pros pects of immediate relief. Colonel Chlnn had little to say In regard to tha western turf war. - "." - " O. W. Cook.' Whose colors .have fre. qnently been seen ' at tba Metropolitan tracks, expecta to campaign a big string east daring the coming season, which will be trained by Allle Cook- The Klrkfleld stable also will race In this section pretty much all season,' If the class of tha horses warrants following th la course. - Another owner new to the eastern turf who expects to race In the east Is W. S. Price, - better known throughout tha west as "Texas' Prioe. Price has made all his arrangements for an eastern campaign. . .. r Newton Bennington ia a liberal nomi nator to ail tha 'two-year-old stake events this yea. His atabla. which is a large one. Is composed almost entirely of. two-year-olds, and la the pick of the California breeding farms. Mr. -Ben nington waa near the top of the list of winning owners the paat season, stand ing number five. "Sam Laxaras, tha St Louis turfman. will raoa on tha eastern tracks thia sea son with a collection of two-year-olds by the son of Hindoo Mary-, which raced in winning form in Lazarus' colors on the western tracks in ltOS. Tba three best are daatroyer. Macy and Macy Bird, and they have been entered in many rioji aaatern events. Many Los Angeles and San Francisco horses will be brought to this city after tha close of tha California winter meet. and will raoa at Irvlngton daring tha big meet of tha Multnomah Fair association thia spring: . '-'-,. jxxTzrjrs WAjrrs (Jearaal Special BM-rtfla.) '.. New Tork.. March 11 Wrestler Tom Jenkins In an open letter declares that he is entitled to tha first match' with' Hackenschmldt, who is 'now on his. way to this country, and aa ha defeated Gotch laat Wednesday it seems likely thst he will receive first chance at the foreigner. - . Jenkins makes tha point that In Bng land he waa compelled to wrestle Graeco-Roman atyle fn order to get on a match with tha Russian Hon, and for (hat concession On his psrt Jt Is up to Hackenachmidt to meet him here in a catch-aa-catch-can match. ATSCLSTIO OAJURT AS AT ST, XTJZS. ' ' (Joarnal Sparlal Servlee.) -St Louis, March II. Some record per formances are promlsod at the big ath letic, carnival here tonight. The con tests will be held under tba auspices of Washington university and the entry list of tha meet la One of the largest ever seen hereabouts1. In the various events will be seen' tha star performers of many af tha prominent untvoraluea. colleges and athletjo clubs of Missouri, Iowa, Illinois and other near-by states, COAST' BASEBALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE FOR. FIRST HALF UP otAbUIN .' Tin: dnzcon , daily jouiuial.' Portland. Saturday evening, march is. " ; I "1 . . .. V. ........ - i i I . ;-,?t ' ; XCOSgV" ?-T J la th hurdles and In tb Jumps. This i ' 5 ' sSiCCiScSKvrs V" k. : ' "T -? is tb third consecutive mum that f " ' C XJCvONwJ" V- -JSV JL '" ' ! Morphy ha ld th Idaho ttuw lr- ' v CXsSf 'y-V w " " " mm wU1 throw th ahot away. Mat- V OvXCyjsySyy- ; t , - '". 5 ' ",' thawa and Edmundaon promlaa to dapll- v . , Ji -sacsi f J. 1 : 11 ' rata tbalr parforaaaaea of laat year in 'i ' . "-''.' ' I f 'jZE. 5. -- . U tha diataooaa. It raportad that Hor- . - P-t -- V 1 ' '' " ". 1 ton wlU again don- tha aplkaa. Idaho I 1 - ' v . I r- - - V. .: , . ' ' I I will hara another aprlatar, harxDar and ' 1 1 Cartoonist Tid Here Depict How IMPORTANT FEATURES ? , 0F INDOOR MEET t Big Athletic Carnival at Mad - ison Square at New York 1 . is on i onigiiu . ' (Joarnal Spadal BVttW.) . -: New . Tork, March. II. With-; all tha Important features of a championship competition scheduled, and an entry list comprising many of the leading eollages and club athletes in tha eaaV lh tutA annual relay meet of Columbia univer sity in Madison Square Garden tonight promises to b the most eventful alh leUo-affair held in this city for imany years. Relay racing will bo tha moat conspicuous part of the program. Tale, Pennsylvania, Colombia, Amherst and a number of other prominent Institutions will be represented In these contests. Other contests, however, will attract their ahara of attention. F. R. Castle man, the crack hardier of Colgate uni versity, holder of tha national senior and Junior high-hurdle championships, wlU eompeta In tha no-yard a. a. u. cnam- plonsalp contest, 0-yard hurdle race and Ua-yaJd run. In the last Contest he" wilt meet Schick of Harvard, tha lntercolia lata champion; ' Knakel of Columbia and many other fast sprinters of tha eastern colleges, ' schools ' and' athletic -clubs. " , ' -' " BIG wROWD VISITS --4- COLUMBIA'S MEET A large crowd Journeyed to Columbia university this afternoon to witness the field sports in the sexagonal meet, J n the mammoth gymnasium. The teams entered in the competition are Portland high school. Toung Men's Christian association, Multnomah Ama teur Athletic clubr Fort Stevens Ath letic club. JMIneteenth Infantry A. A. and the Columbia university. - Tha contesting teams are striving for the beautiful silver trophy offered by the university for this, meet Among ' tba . well-known . sthletes of former years who are acting aa officials are: Starter. Jack King; Judges, Frank B, Watklna, Arthur Bennett. Bert Ker rigan, Reno Hutchinson, uammln. M. M. Rlngler and Coach Tierney and Manager Frank Lonergan of Colombia. I Til- ', " " ' . J ' '"" ' '' I . HAS) Amy ONB fifcEN EITHER. BOiAiKEU OR VMHlTE ? the Trip;of Bowker and White. England's Prigefightex, Strike. .Him. (Copyright. 1901, by W.: B. Hesrst.)- ',; HONEY: MELLODY". PUTS QUIETUS ON M'CARTHY f " aaswasxasiaBBsnBSaxiss The Boston' Han Knocks, His Opponent Out . in the Fif . teenth Round at Butte. ' (Spadal. Dlpsth te The Josraal) Butte, Mont- March II. A left to the head and a light to the point of -tha jaw delivered with, accurate aim by Honey Mellody of ; Boston sent Jerry McCarthy of Butts down and out1 in tha 16th round of what was scheduled for a to-round contest at the Broadway theatre last night Tha two" blows did not com together. . Tha left put Jerry dased and almost helpless on his back. He arose to his knees and got to his feet at the count of nine, -. unable to protect himself, aadt Mellody, deliber ately placing, his blow, shot right to the exact place 'and tha fight waa over. The fight was a give and take affair, with both men willing to take a punch for tha sake of -giving one In' return. McCarthy had tha better of Mellody In many of tha rounds, although the latter landed a majority of tha blows, and McCjirthrvwhen he got his farewell puncn. waa on neariy. urinu iw with the Boston boy. r McCarthy waa aa Strong as aa ox. and It was seldom that any blow of Mellody-'a staggered him. He missed lots of ahaaeea and failed ta follow up hla lead In several Instances.- Mellody- did most of tbe fighting except when they got to exchanging rights and lefts. , NO DEVELOPMENTS V . IN, BASEBALL WAR (gpeHai .. Dispatch te Tbe JoerasL) Butte, March II. There were no new developments In. the baseball situation yesterday. It la understood the-entle-men who were offered the franchise at last Thursday night's meeting are meet ing with 'fair success In the way of subscriptions and will be able to state definitely In S dsy or two whether they will take It ! , . ' ' Rlsbel and Win Isms want over . to Helena yesterdsy to see how the situa tion stood there snd they report that Helena was all right and would prob ably come In If Butte succeeds in plac ing a team In tha field. . , .. , .. HI): ; .y TRACK ATHLETICS TO . THE FORE IN IDAHO Athletes at University Abandon Basketball :fo Outdoor .. Sports and Games.' (Special Dispatch t Tee JoerasL) . University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, March II. Tha basketball season now ended, the atbletlo Interests now swing into track and baseball. Tha campus presented a lively appearance laat week, since tha present good weather permits outdoor training. Tha aspirants for tha baseball team s re. working out and tha track man have now began consistent training. Captain Mlddleton Is very much elated over tha prospects far a baseball team. " During the paat .week over 10 candidates have turned out for tha prac tice. With one exception tha membera of last year's team ara In school. There seams to be an abundance of "slab" mi .i ..d tha tnflald nromlaes to be swift Miller, Mlddleton. -- Reaves and Tbomas can be depended upon to do good pitching. Billy Thomas wlU prooaDiy do etatloned behind the willow. Wymaa win mia trv for first Jadson will 1 renter .are'iind. ttlfi.f"" bag. Robert- son will, make a race ror snorawpr while Magee and Galloway wUl try for tha field. Much good material baa bean exhibited among tha new men. Roose velt la a promising candidate for the Kt the diamond. Barley and Hansen, both freshmen, have pitched tiia-h school teams snd show marked ahflltv. Bllts and B. Matthewa Intend to trv for first base. Fox plays a good second and is reputed to be a catcher. t),. mnst likely candidates for the out field are Knepper and Price. Guy Holo- mr.Wi in school and will mater i.iiv atrenrtben the team. From-4hls it nut ba readily seen that no post tlon is certain and that the men must get. to hard consistent practlc If they expect to represent Idaho on tha dia mond. rh rark - nrosoects also-are enoour aging.. Beveral members of last year's team are in chool and wUl form a stable nucleus.!', Fa weett is In training and much is expected from him in the ..-., t. nenrv Smith Is doing good ., with the weights. Ooble is doing fin work In tha quarter. Spud Murphy wUl be In the harness again and can do stunts with tha llUls 11-foot pole. Ul lvuo iks. Among tha now mas who are allow ing up well ara Hanna and Myers In the sprints WadwortA and Howard In tba quarter. . and Clifford Bdmondson, Car. son and J. Matthews ror long rases. Adam son and McPbarson show - good form with tha weights, SECOND GAME OF SERIES TOMORROW City League Teams Propose to l-ll 1..1L.. a.a, is ; nay . nnuuin vuniesi ii the Weather Permits. The second gams for tha city cham pionship between tba Scholars and tha Bast Side, will ba played at theCoast League grounds tomorrow .afternoon, providing, of course, that tba weather man Is agreeable. : . . ' , Arrangements have bean mad by the managers of both teams with their play ers so that there will not ba any neces sity of calling on spectators, ta fill out one of. tha , teams this . time. All The playera have eonaented to report at the grounds and If tbe game Is to ba played tha regular members of the teams will line up. .George Hart is to play third base for tha SchUlera and Jack Rankin, will be seen at second. Charlie Gray will play left field Inatead of third, as Hart la an raneiaer, ana uouy can pi ay as wen in the patch as anywhere. . Druhot and Mclnnla will twirl for the SchlllerB and Hunter and Reed for .the lads from across tha creek. Ed Bredemeler has bean secured to play with tha Bchlllers and White, who caught for Roaeburg In tba Oregon state league last year, will do tha oatehtng for tha East Slders, whUe Northrop will go back to his regular position in center field. . Tha teams will Una up as follows: SchUlera. . East Ktde. Slavln C. ....... White Mclnnis, Druhot. .P. ......Reed, Hunter Haynea IB...... A Pacrott J. Rankin 1 B Johnson Fay &S.. ....... Newell Hart ... . J B. ......... Patterson Crandall ........ L. F......R. Parrott Bredemeler , .C. F. .. Northrop Slebels. ...... ..R. F.. Oliver AMERICAN JOCKEYS -TO-IWVADE-EUROPE (Jneraal gpeclsl Suit New Tork. March 1 1. America will be well represented, on English, French and Austrian race' courses thia year. Tha following Jockeys will ride abroad: Danny Maher, J. H. Martin. J. Ransch. Winnie O'Connor, 8. Dickson, Nash Turner, Lea Turner, Cash Sloan, Harry Bhlelds.'B. Rigby. Duffy. Russell. Mit chell, Garrlgan,- Hayes, WAugh. James, N. Hill, Kelly and Chanler. Jockey Kent, who haa been riding with falr-auccess at the Oakland track during winter. has signed a contract to ride for J, L.' Holland, tha local turf man, during the coming season. Kant is a lightweight, and on his form on tha coast be should be able to' hold bis own on the eastern tracks. Jockey Sperling, who has been riding for H. T. Griffin at Hot Springs, haa been ordered to report to bis contract employer, John A. Drake, and will Join the stable at Bennlngs, D. C shortly. I ' - : - AMONG THE BOWLERS. The Brunswick bowling team their match against tbe Grimms on the Portland alleys last evening by a mar- gin of i0 pins. Both teams showed much. Improvement over last week and it la only a case of tlma until they will be out with a Challenge to tba Portland' Stare. Bloom and Williamson of tho P runs wicks rolled very good games. ' Tha - same teams meet again next Friday. ' Tho scores were: Brunswick (1) (!) (I) Total. Bloom . ..........Ill 170 111 4 Vaughn 101 101 100 104 Oretbal ...t.m 00 142. 20 Danford ..Ill 11.0 101 ! Williamson . .....146 1 lt0-r 44 Grand totals ...CM 170 ' 111 Ltl Grtmms ftrlmm - -s ' (1) (I) Total, i&a 424 124 2X0 140-' 3 111 Ifi 110 171 Kuhn . HI Toong 141 TaUoa . ........ JT Schroeder . 144 COMPLETE TEAM nOW AT PRACTICE Regular Team With Which Port land Will . Open the Season at Work Together. SPLENDID INFIELD IS NOW COMPLETE Ely Cates Shows That He Is a Spit Ball Pitcher of Con- 'if ' siderable 'Ability. ? SpeeHt mspatrh te Tee JoarsaL) -'Bakarsfield. Cal.. March II. A fairly good practloe -waa Indulged in yesterday . by tha Portland playera. who war out at tti new grounds doing tbalr stunts under tha supervision ot Manager Mo- -Credla, " - ' - ' '. . The players have all worked tha stiffness out of their legs and arms and are cavorting around Ilk a bunch of colts. They sre a gingery lot. and In that respect at least ara a great lm- , provement on last, year's team.' McCredle's bunch ara full of 111 ana i are coaching each other all the time. . When an outfielder chases a long ny his) . neighbor runs slong with him. coaching kims t the direction th ball my sail, towards or away -from the fielder, aa tha case may be. ' Another fsatur of -tha Portlanders work Is that th out. ' fielders ara being- coached to prepar to cover th unprotected bases In cases of Infield bunts wbea men are oa th " sacks. . " ' .. ' ' Now that . th infield la practically i Intact they are being worked la signal practice, and - ara rapidly - beoomtntr familiar with each other's style of play. Jake Ats. who worked out with th team for ' th first tim yesterday, -showed up la splendid form. ' Ho was a triOe stiff from tb long railroad Journey but soon worked out . ta fin , shap. Ha Is a splendid fielder, being fast In covering ground and throws' prettily and accurately. Ats has taker th eyes of tb local fana who were '. present at his first workout, and they confidently assert that ha will ba tb premier shortstop of th league, barring ( (Continued on Pak Twelve.) labor under th delusion that for tun cornea by chance. It does not. Industry and prodene Is what makes men rich. Wise men build up a fortune Ilk th build ers of the pyramids of Egypt, who wrought with untiring per severance until at last the tor moat stone was placed. If you wish to suoosed in the commer cial world you must study ai4 ' work until you- ssastar tha sttaw tion. There Is no better plae ta prepare yourself than at th BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE where bookkeeping and shorthand are thoroughly, taught by compe tent teachers. .Ooa, Slxta aad Storrisou SOS. Opea an th year. Day as nigh. Not an unemployed graduat. Call or send for. catalogue mm: i Gr1 tola'v .111 III ISO 1,111 A c T f r ;ATvMvvevvvMvvvvvvvvvvvM vl V , f,. -' ...