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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND; SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 18. 1SC3. 10 SHOOTS PRISONER . i; V..- ;!. I.-, . . .... . , . .. - ...-...,-.- .,- Detectivjs Day, 'Afrtr. Beating Louis Schumer With Hit Revolver, i'-j. Y;X : " ? .V . Piste's Him as He Walks Awa to Notify . V Wife of His . v AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS Schumer Was Arrested for Paaslnf a Forgefl Check, and Wanted 7 t ? to Inform His Wife of trouble When He.. Waa Shot down by Dstectiv Jo Dir eaua h Insisted WM permitted to go to hi boua. a block and a half dis tant, to lot Wo wlfo, kow that bo hod been arrat4V Loul Schumer -Ilea wouaed at Good Samaritan hospital. Ono ballot atrack tho man in th right foot; tho other shatter tho bono of tho loft log and romahtod Imbedded In the flooh. , ' ' " ( ' ' . - At police hoadouartere tho shooting I condemned aa being ntlrIy unnee rnry. Tho allofod ertm for which ttrhomer was waatod by tho offlcoro waa obtalalar lit. oa a worthlooo chock, v W. H. Lehman, proprietor af tho P olfle hotel, oallod at police headquarter last night aad aakod Captala Mooro to have Schumer arroatod. H kaadod tho casta tn a chock for, drawa on tho Pint National bank ' and signed by Schumer, which bo doolarod wao worth loaa, aa tho baak officials bad Inform ad aim Schusser had aa fanda thoro. potoeUvoa Day aad Wotnor woro aaat to maka tho arraot. and waro aecom aaalad by Lahman. Sohaaior ltvoa with hla wlfo. oa Raiola-h -atroot. batwooa EiKhtoenth and Nlnotoanth, and waa tandlnv oa tho corner of Klnotooath and Savior atroeta wha Lohman potntod hla oat to tho arroatlnB offloora. :! t a ka Bay bSm. ... f Day told Bchuatar that bo waa aadar irraot. - Aftar a tow warda had booa apokoo, Schumor aald bo waald aabalt to arroat. bat waa tad to toll hla wtfa bo form ho waa takoa ta tho pailoa atatlea. Ho atatod bla hoaao waa only a block dtaUat. . - x. 1 No, yoa oaat o booaa flrat." a elalaaod Day. "Toa'ra ola ta tha ata tlcm with aa To can Band tor your wlfo aad -aaro her coat thora yaa want to aaa bar." -I don't want ay wlfo ta bo forced ta aw ta tha poilca BtaUaa,M,aaaartad Beba aar. "1 mm avtac baaa sow ta toll bet I am arroatod aad ya t ollawa had better canto with "a,1 - - - - m With tbooa warda, SebaaMr a tart ad for hla house. Day grabbed bald at him with ono hand aad draw bla rovoiver with tho other, bw admitted totontloa being to taae Uo waapaa aa a dab. TIOTCAKE Thought They Were Barred by . Small Vote. From Particlpat ' C: Ing In ' Nomlnatlofis". COUNTY RETURNS GAVE: i CANDIDATE A MINORITY State Figures for Congressmen Gave Party Twenty-Five Per Cent of Ballots. . DemoeraU engaged la tabulating fig area relating to tha eoalBg city cam pa I en yesterday war throw lata con sternation by dlaoovortag that tha vote for cons-re soman la Multnomah eoaaty last June aaa not largo enough to give the party rights under, the direct primary Bomlaatlona law. - t - -- - Complete ttgarea for the entire state were aot at hand at tha time, aad tho conference suddenly broke ap as tha members acattored la their eager search for eloctloa returns. When the meeting- wa thua aaeor. SaWVly Jej0wSJeJT-iwaBaS waw aBBBBCa wS)Vwa 'present departed In tho firm eoavietlo ' that tho unwelcome truth would bo forced oa them that they could not bold their primaries under tho new law. In a few minutes the telephones were ring. In back to tbo mooting place tho glad new that tbo fears that had tortured the members of jibe oonfercnee were unnecessary. . The vote for the Demo crat to party' candidates cast outside of Multnoaah Bounty waa large enough to give tho party standing under the direct primary nominations law. , The new law provides that It shall apply only to political parties that cast . IS per cent Of tho total vote for all irongresslonal candidates' In the state. Section 14 waa the portion of tha law making this provlro. ' In Multnomah county the vote for J. Kf Slramona. Democratic candidate, for congress, was a. til, or nearly 1.0e less thaa tl per cent of the total of all vote cast for congresalenal candidaiea. But the country districts brought up the neces sary additional votes to i make tho total exceed the required ti per cent. The total cast for Simmons la tht second district was 1Z.77. against 17.-' lit for J. N -Williamson, Republican; .?! for Cook, Socialists, and (.611 for -Stone. Prohibit tonlwt. -making 4n- all 47r 411 la tho aeoond district. In the first list r let V eaten received 1T.KT Demo cratic votes, Hermsnifc Republican. 70; Ramp., Socialist. I.MO, and Gould. Problbitlonlsi. J,7. or 4,7M In alL The vote of aH parties in the entire otate waa 3.0, of which H per cent is 11.477. The total Democratic vote , in th state waa SM10. or .46S more than waa needed to give the party rlghta under the new. primary law...,-, . ,T raTBCOVAX. : - Mrs. R. B. Fleming, of Salem ia Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davidson of Hood River are guests at tha Imperial.- C r. Tleltoa af Wasco la registered the Perkin. of Tho Dalles la at th . . . " ii ii K. W. IlsJnea of Voreet Qrovi Is reg istered at tha Imperial. A. U. Crawford of -Salem W at th Imperial. ' Mrs. A. McDonald la m guest at th Imperial. - , i . A. D. Steelman af Pendleton Is reg- Jetered at th Imperial. RvCT, eVheaffer, one of tha even gellrta, la at the Y. M. C A. planning I or ibe aseetlfiga. . CAUSE -JL if Arrest , - , - DAY'S ACT IS CONDEMNED Shot Bchanw. who U II yoara aid. atanda ats feet in height and welgha M pounda. bruahed Day aaldo. Tho arroatod aaa thee Day oaya, broke into a run, whoa Day ahat twloa it hlaa. both bullet tak ing; aOect. . ' ' , . 4 BchaaMr dropped to tho grouhd but mod no complaint at . being -obot: he aald bo waa very bad not rnan agad to lot' hla wlfo know bo had boon arroatod. aa aba would aspect blm home. Police headquarter woa notified of the shooting, and tho patrol wagon waa acnt to take tho woaadod aaa to Oood 8a marttaa hoapltai. - He OTldoatty auffered a great deal, awing to tha jolting of th waaoa. aa tha war ta tha hoapltai. but did not murmur. Bo waa attended by Dr. B..C Blocaa. the aaalatant city physician, who ronMTOd tho bullet wita a probe and aot th broken bone. "I waa not running away." aald Schumer at the hospital today. "I Jiad told them that I would submit to arreat, but must' go to my homo, a block away, first. Day awore. and ; aald I couldn't. I started to go and ha hit aa with hla revolver. I walked along aad bo walked beside me, tugging at ae and beetlnn a with hla weapon. "I atrack back, and ho fired. They aaat have fired several shot a, for I board a number of reports before I felt tho etlng ta ay log aad know that I waa wounded fc ' - -I was at Nineteenth and Bavler atroeta whoa tha ofnoora aocoatedaa I am a teamster, aad have worked far the Star Saad aoapaay and tha Helms lea eoaaaay. Two caeca waa aivea aa. and 1 know nothing about It being warthloaa. I "Am th officers told mo they Wanted mo. Day began ta swear at aa, calling aa ail the names no anew, i aaa i Intention of ronnlna kway. bat I w only a Mack from ay hoao and aakod that they go there with ae, before they took ao ta tha station. - "Day awore violently, aaytng that I could g riowhoro bat to tho atatlea. A I walked aloag with him tagging at ao and boating aa with hla gun he kept saying ho waa going to shoot I told him to shoot, and ha. did." . M DID IT, SAYS x FcTEB ST. MARY And Another Gambler - Shakes , Frortf His Feet Forever the " Dust of Portland. 7 HAD BEEN IN THE CITY 1-J.l. FOR OVER FIFTEEN YEARS Says the Sheriff Is Honest, and Knows the Queer Class Is k. Doomed. , , ; Fifteen year ago Peter St Mary earn from Baa Francisco to Portland with U big wad" to engage ia gaabllng. Daring hla roaideno her aot a day passed, according t hla wa statement that he did not gamble or was aot on aaaed In conducting a gambling game. Last nlcht he went bock to San Praa-4 Cisco, to remain permanently, wita tea money thaa ho had when h ieri mere aaay seat ago. Word did It" seotenUoualy remarked St Mary, aa he waa on hi way to tha wharf t take paaaaga on a steamer. 1 gues Tern undorataadd bla business. I had enough confidence la him to quit business two week before tho others threw up tho poag. Ho dldat hava to give me any agreement ta alga or put any lock on my door. - That man ia napes and means business. I leave without any hard feelings toward him.' . St Mary la known to tbo gambling fraternity of every state In th union. He haa conducted gambling game tin many large cities, but for 16 year ha looked -on Portland as hi homo. He la a famous marksman, and practiced with Buffalo BUI at North Platte, Neb, be fore tbo scout and Indian fighter went. on the road with hla wild west show yeara ago. He haa won two association medals by hla markamanshlp. For three yeara after reaching Port land 8t Mary conducted a gambling game. Then he and Auguat Erlckaon became co-partners, and the management of kll the game at Erickson s was In bis hands. Believing that th end waa inevitable. St Mary and Drlckson closed their gamea a abort time previous to th raid mad on Frlti gambling rooms br Sheriff word. When St Mary took the hand of hla old friend and former partner, John Con rad, to bid . blm good-bye last night, tesr- glistened In hi-eye. "John." be sald,."I hat to go, Thl Is the third time, I have started, and I believe I'd Te-nlg now if I didn't have my trunk aboard the ateamer. Portland la th towa I love best on .earth, but th card are stacked on me and I've got to go. If I knew where to find, him I'd tell Tom Word good-bye before I leave. He all right that's all I've got to aay. r .. RULES FOR GUIDANCE - OF THE SCAVENGERS Robert Robinson. Jr.. - superintendent of tho garbage crematory, la having i. one copies or the city ordinances re lating t the collection of garbage printed and will have them' left at why gj"f la collected. He aaa sent lo each scavenger srTfotlca'oi the time he expect him to deliver gar' page at in crematory. H baa had a little trouble with the scavenger n arranging the time which haa bean assigned to them, but nays that he will have everything regulated within a few day. RlectMo lights have been ordered for. the crematory by , the executive ooera ana tne crematory will 4 ue run au nign . , , .. HE7 COVE HADE ; ' T mi nrniim in I HP Form Organization and Propose to Make Fight In tho ".--."V Primaries. ' BOTH FACTIONS ARE V v ; REPRESENTED IN DEAL Real Purpose of tho Movement Is ; Rather ; Clouded- in ' . 1 Mystery. -Til saw organlaaUon of Republicans formed last alght la Allsky hall proposes to ae Into th prlmarlo and atrlv to nominate candidate for tha varloua elty office, aald O. Cx Moser, today. ' Mr. Moaer war one of the loader wh aa- slsted in th organisation af th move ment : . - '. Mr. Moser waa aaaaa lr tna sow or ganisation - would support Oeorg H. Will lama If be were to secure th party nomination In th coming primaries. He replied: .. "I cannot apeak for tho organisation. Wo are Republicans, and not independ ents." . -But, Mr. Moaer. what would be th course if Mr. Williams wara to be nom inated T' waa again aakod. : - "I cannot aay. I don't know. Wo will atrlv to nominate candidate for all th offices, when th prlmartea are held, and I believe a majority of those who have joined tha movement ar opposed to Mr. Will lame. Ia fact. I don't expect to see Mr. WU llama nominated. I think he cannot wla oat and that a oom pli cations such aa you suggest will arise." It ha been announced aa a project designed to our dlffereacea that here tofore have rent th local Republican party Into what bar 'been called the Simon land Mitchell faction." Member already enrolled bavo In the peat been active partisans In both faction. Th Simon follower predominate over those who have booa known a pronounced Mitchell men. 8. C. Beach, th chair man, ha alway been loyal te Blmoa, and Frank 'ft. Grant has been usually classed , aa , a Mitchell supporter. A number of eandldatoa - are among th ember. R. R. Dualway who, it la aald. want t be elty attorney I . A. Straw bridge, Jr., who baa aald ha will ran for th. nomination for municipal Judge; a. H. Q ruber, who ha beea a cendldata far district attorney! Sam Mason, who ha aakod for tha clerkship at tha mu nicipal eourt, aad vral thra ar now office balder. - 1 Notwithstanding protestation that tha new organisation ia baolateJy di vorced from all rolatloaahlp ta former factional alignment, pollUoloaa ara paa alad to plaaa tho movement exactly where it belongs. Th .personnel af to membership baa been carefully Bcrutl nlaed, and no aa baa beea abl t de tarmla )uat what It mean, It la ad mitted, that, la tha event mayor Williams were ta be renominated, th member t the new organisation would be in aa em barrassing position. Being aanaaaaad aa a Republican club. It would bar ta support tho party nominee, aay tha poli ticians, and that would result la merely farming another potential fore tor tha forwarding of tho candidacy af tho pres ent Incumbent of tho mayor otftca. Th officer ara a follow! ft, C Beach, ebalrtnaa; T. at Grant secretary; vice-president by warda. No. 1. Dr. Norrla R. Co: Na. t, F. A. Jon; No. ft p. A, MePhwaon; No. 4, Prank Robertson; No. . Jesse Allard; No. . John H. MWdleton; No. T.i 7& A. Austin; No. I, A. T. Lewis; No. I. H, C Robblns; No. Ifi. B. 1" Shafer. Executive committee of I members, throe to a ward: Ward No. 1. to bo ap pointed by Dr. Norris R. Cox; No. . 8. H. O ruber, Leo Peterson, D. A. Pattullo; No. t. F. H. Reever, John Drtacoll. F. D. Nlcklln; Ho. 4. Otto J. Kraamer, Charles F. Lord, W. G- AJvord; No. a. . O. C Moaer. . A. Heltkemper. D. N. Mos sessohn; No. . B. F. Jonea, John ML Mann, K. C Bronaugh: No. T, C. R. Thompson, Walter Adams, - Chart Sprague; No. I. O. W. Joseph. 8am Mason. George M. Ortoa; J4o. . A. B. Manley, W. L. Gould. B. C Robblns; No. 1. N. D. Beutgen, J. T. Gregg. Charles Walker. ..,. Those wbo attended laat night are: S. C Beach. A. T. Lewis, John M. Mann. Otto Dekam. O. W. Joseph, B. T. Taggart O. C Moaer,' J. T. Orogg, J. A. Strowbrldge. Jr, N. a. PeUreon, C. E. Lockwood. I B. Reeder, E. W. Spencer, O. P. M. Jamleson. T. J. Monahan, C. B. Davla, B. J. Jaeger. N. Paulsen, W. U Gould, N. D. Beutgen,. Otto J. Kraemer. F. S. Grant D. N. Moaaeaaahn, B. A. Austin, J. a Bayer, Dr. Harry Mcsuy. W. H. Barry. C W. Palltt F. A, Hit kemper. R. R. Inway, T. J. Oelaler. W. A. Cleland.r Sam - Maaoa, G. B. Thomas. Dr. H. R. Blarsoon. James AlUrd. T. J. Ryan, W. 8. Mac rum. Dr. Bmmett Drake, Bugen Ferguson, E. H. Kllham.' Frank Robertson. - D. V. Hart, A. B. Manley. Frank Bo I Ism. Oeorg F. Rebertsea, G. Heltkempar. Jr, C. H. Thorn peon, Leo Peterson. 8. H. Oruber, Tom ConnelU M. J. Hlgley. P. A. Me- Pherson. A. T. Beach, p. ucnuiaermsn, L. C. Oarrtgua. O. Wlngate, F. W. Drake. Peter Hobklrk, Jullua Kalllcb, Jacob Ofner, Ooorge Roblnaon, W. U Stark, George M. Ortoa. George McMillan, p. A. Pattullo, F. A. Jonea, E, C, Bobbin. W. J. FulUlov. ' ALBANY COLLEGE WINS DEBATE FROM NEWBERG ' (Sseelal Olspstos to The JearaaL) Albany, Or., March IS. Tb lnUr-ol-legs dcbaU between tho debating tearri of Paclflo college of Nawberg and. Al bany college held her last- night re sulted In a victory for Albany by unanimous-decision of tho three Judge. Rev. Stannard of New berg. President PIi Campbell of 'Bugen and Rev. W. P. Whit of thl city. Th Albany do bating team waa compoaed of R. W. Kaotta. R. B. Miller and J. W. Jonea, while Newberg waaepreaented by L. L. Saunders. R W. Rees and Ferris. I. Strait After th conclusion of tho de bat the speakers and their friend spent a social evening at Tremont ball, the residence of President W. H. Lee of Albany college. ' . Th estate of tho 1st Dr.. L..Fpley, wbo died at Lebanon on March A, we yesterday admitted to probate aad Mr. Lilll Foley, the widow, was appointed administratrix. Tb estate I valued at $21,100, of which 111,000 la In personal property. . , The heir at law are Mrs. Foley, th widow, and ono daughter, Mlaa Winnie, aged le year.- Mr. Foley was required' to file a bond of $46,000. Judge J. N. Duncan la attorney for tho eatate. 4lOOP - License fee am6utttlngto- $41.(1111 have already been collected thl quarter, exceeding by $1,113 th total for last quarter. It la expected that at least $1,000 additional will be received before th end of th quarter. At the rnle which fee for licenses ar now coming In, th tout for th year will greatly Jceea ui esumaiea receipt. vo!iro;,iDUiT DESPERATELY DAD Construction .of Tanner Creek Sewer an Outrageous Job on the People. ; . ,;y REBUILDING witL COST V VERY LARGE SUM OF MONEY No Filling Whatever Found Be ' hind the Brick Work, Which ; - Itself Is Defective. Many glaring defect heV been dis covered in the Tanner creek - sewer which fully substantiate tha reports of th expert appointed by tha city coun cil and Mayor Williams, wbo examined th drain laat November. There ts now no room, for doubt that on of th worst Jobs ever perpetrated on. tbo poopl af thl city wag attempted In It construc tion. ,. .. .... , '. . Smith as .Howard, who hav booa en gaged by the bondsmen of R. M. Rlncr 4k Son, the contractors who built th sewer, to repair th defects, have dis covered th real condition of tha drain. Their development hav revealed a con dition' of affair whloh H tt worse thaa the report of th expert Jad peo ple to expect " Th Interior of the conduit bad been examined, and but little eonld be learned of tbo manner In which th outside af tho sewer wail waa buUt Smyth dc Howard atripped the tunnel for a hun dred feet and ahowed th absence of filling back of the brickwork tha entire distance, and from all Indications po fill ing waa placed behind any; of th 1.S00 feet of brickwork built by B. H. Riner 4k Son. . ' ' ' ' In place there I sufficient space be tween th tuba and tha tunnel for a man to walk. A person can crawl along th aid of tho tunnel .for a great distance head or where th workmen ara tun neling. Small brick pier from - th aide Of th brickwork to each tunnel poet are all that .hold tha tonnel in place. If allowed te remain, when the poets rat.' which they--would In a few year, tha oarta would cave, crushing th brickwork aad agata eaustng th water from tb sewer ta rverflow the district through which It runa- Tha peclftcaUona I th contract can for backfilling. Tho eewer will ba uncov ered Its entire length and earth will be firmly tamped an each aid aad on th top of th brick eondutt , 1 Beneath tha cap of every Bet of tim ber In th tunnel tber I only on tier of bricks; the peclnctloa oall for three th entire length of th eewer. The top tier f brlk ia lonely placed, and the Joint contain n mortar. Tb cap will b removed and th aatlr tap lyr f brick will b torn ap aad ra plcd wlU mortar. . - - An examination I naw being aad f th bottom of tho aewer. which was thought to b defective af, bat It la aid to b la good wmditlom A-fw minor defects ara notloaabl, bat they can anally be repaired. . Several Interested poopl hay VJlt th aewer' since It was uncovered and great Indignation waa expressed when tb faulty work waa aeon. " -It ia th most outrageous piece of work that a contractor over attempted to thrust on thia city." 'l'?Vlntfr eated person yesterday. "What the In spector In charge could have beea doing to allow th Tiootraetora to do aueh de fectlve work I a mystery to me. A man guilty of allowing auch a Job to be doao under hi direction should b aent esyjJiS S 0) While th Tanner creek eewer candsl waa at It height City Engineer KUTott under who direction th wr wae built and hi aaalatant. George Scog gln. roalgned under lira. LaUrl EUlott ud Inspector J. M. Caywood. who had charge tha Job. were Indlctad by the rand Jury on a charge of attempting U defraud tho city. Their caaea ar "omauperflclaJ examination of tb aawar It was expected that tho repair rM ik e"c $I.W. btnP ability tha amount necesmsry to remeoy tti dVfecU will reach twloa that sum. CHy Engineer Wanser haa charge of the workTand ha tta that ha will glv tb property-owners a good war. Smyth ex Howard have a Urge force f ma employed nd ra working two shifts. There la very llttla water la the as war at the present time, and It I r7y deVlrible 'that th. work be h tened during th good weather. , MRS. GREENE'S MURDER TRIAL NEXT JULY JsBmal nneeial wnw-i rrewport Or, March lfcMr. Minnie GrMne waa held to await trial at th July term of th circuit court for com plicity In tha murder of K. C. Saarratt last January. . Or. Thomas Parker, who aw or that Sbsrratt cam to his dealh baoaaa of a abscess on th brain after' he had extracted a bullet from tho bead of th dead man, haa bean arrested, charged with being accessory after tb fact He la accused of trying to shield Mr. Greene. - ' Dr. Parker declared at tha coroner'a Inquest that the abscess .caused Sher ratt death, but Dr. F. M. Carter testi fied that a bullet had been removed from the second Joint of th curvical vertebrae. . ..,.,..,..... .:....". . DR. WITH YCOMBE WILL ' SPEAK AT WOODBURN ' (Bpeelal Dlspatrh te The JearaaL) , Wood bum, or., March It. Dr. Jamea Wlthycomba, prealdent of th Oregon Agricultural college, has accepted aa lnvltatlo-and -will address-thee -attending the livestock fair la-this clty April 1. Th subject of hi address will be "Livestock a Factor In Agriculture." ' John McKlnney will hav his Iron foundry In operation by th latter part of May. - Th cltisens have raised suf ficient fund to grant hla request for an sere of ground and a suitable building. Mr. McKlnney ha purchased two acres adjoining tho sit aad will soon de velop tb laduatry.,-...i. . STUDENTS WIN UtBAIt yf OVER MERCHANT MARINE aaesassBsmwaBawasSBBBB) (apsei.1 Dwsatch The Jearaat) Foreet Grove, Or., March II. On of th moat nthultlc debate of th year waa bald la Marsh hall laat even ing. Th question waa resolved, "That lh I Olauteahouldbeldla U&eropt for making a trlto Bril liant Marine.' ir w.I belweeTriTist!;,, Merchant two men's literary-societies, th Alpha Zeta and th Gam BIhma. Ward. Baldwin and Maaon represented the Alpha Zeta. which won the decision. The Oama 'Sigma team waa Whtaldon, Bollinger and Davl - ' ' Attr th debet rrh society gv a banauat in which th tweladia aocllie Aiook an actlv pan. clods ai;d eiiiis; ; liiEii Fully Armed,. Saifors and Long shoremen Say They Want No ; Fight With Each Other. BUT THE TROUBLE IS -FAR FROM PEACEABLE END Members of Both Unions Ar rested, and Emigh Is Loaded) 'll 'i With Police Protection. 7 v Armed with clubs Charles Bock, th man who floartahed a revolver yesterday at a group of. longshoremen, and three other sailor reported . for work thl morning Oa ; th American barkentln T. M, Emlgh. ' No on offered to attack them., aad la a short , tlm they throw down their- weapons and began the task f placing lumber aboard th vessel. . Folic officer were on the seen to prevent Another clash, and at th. re quest of Captain Ipssn th patrolmen will remain on duty at th mill until th vessel Is loaded. Harbormaster Ben Blglln was also on th soene thl morn ing and say that he, doe not look for any further outbreak between tn lw anion. . . ' : . , . . 1 So far in th skirmish 1 th sailor hav scored a victory, ( a ' they are loading th vessel. Th longs ho rewien state that while they ar entitled to the work they will put no obaacl la. th way of th captain who la anxioua to avoid farther delay In getting ready for m. - ' But the difference between th two union are for from settled. Tb diffi culty I likely to break out at aay time, nd some oy bloodshed will occur. Bach aid accuse th othr of carrying weapons, . and neither, hesitate tp make open threat of -what action they will take If pressed too closely. A a result of yesterday' row Toby Smith and two other longshoremen. Ma- honey and Shradar, were arrested on a charge of aaaault aad battery, and will be given a hearing Tuesday morning, aa will Charles Bock tha Bailor, for carry ing a concealed wpapaa. Ail af tha men ar oat on bail, furalshed by representa tive ' of their unions. Other arrest will shortly follow. ' ' Ia speaking of th glfltoaJty whloh occurred yeeteroay J. A. Mao a, dwsi aeas agent for tbo longshoremen' varan aid: -. W did not make a artampt t delay th vessel, and da not intend to da ao, That llttla row which took place was not and 1 not aanetloned by tbo anion. Bat when tbo Bailors boast of carrying gun aad what they ar going to do with them it would not be surprising if boss on got hurt. Oa nomberloaa occasloaa tb sailors hav mad open - throats that they war going to kill certain long shoremen on alght" Th sailors declar they aay never mad any such three, ts, but positively tat th longshoremen ar th men who have ' been going around with "chip" oa their shoulders. Each anion I ac cused by tha other of being principally oomposed of anarchists, and each aay that tb good cltisens of Portland won Id be justified ta chasing th other oat of town. - - ' . Captain Xpeea says h has not yet beard from th owner at Saa Fraaotsea, but with polio protection h la of th opinion that the loading operation of tha vessel will be continued without aay further delay. - : OWNERS LOSE MONEY. . lags to Tako T.nmbr t MeTboaraa. Thlrty Shillings U th rat at which th British bark Dumfriesshire was chartered yesterday, to load. lumber at Portland for Melbourne. Of lata vessels hav bora engaged at Pugat sound to load for tho antipodes at the asm rata, but th skippers In port say tha tariff ia bo low that tha owner will be unable to realise any profit on the tranaaetlon. : With th Dumfriesshire "fixed" for aa outward cargo only thro square-riggers ara In port on th disengaged list the German ship Chriatel and th British hip Pythemen and Lonsdale. , In a day or two. ho waver, tho German ship Henrietta, oat 16 day from Port Lo Angeles, la expected. Tb French bark La Fontaine Is also supposed to be Bear ing th Columbia river front Antwerp with a general cargo. .. Shortly before her arrrral laat August aa offer of. 17s td was mad for th Dumfriesshire to transport a cargo of grain to tb United Kingdom, but It waa rejected by th owners, who had been led to believe that rate would Increase very materially. Had they accepted tbo figures th owner would hav mad twloa th profit that they will by placing tho vessel In tb lumbar carrying trade It la th first time that ah baa beea under engagement for lumber loading, but It is supposed aha wll handle about 1.11I.O0 feet She has Jf laydays aad will begin receiving th 'cargo th first of tha week. ' Daring hi long Stay In port Captain Femes n v. master of th craft haa loat no Bailors by desertion, and unless they leave before tho ship get ready to sail he will not be under th expense of get ting other men to make tha voyage. But desertions usually begin goon after a vessel haa been chartered. . . - HOW CAPT. SCOTT DIED. SOa guuuessui om tha Chetco Tns of SBOoMng Bad ef. Popular ItAzlaar. Draped la mourning for th memory of Opt Samuel Scott who waa killed by a train at Astoria Thursday evening, tha gasoline schooner Chetco arrived this morning - from- Regu-river. Until - he met his trasio death Captain Scott -waa In charge of the Chetco. It waa hla Intention to tender hla res ignation on thl trip, and th owners made arrangements for Jamea Caoghell te take his place. Th latter went from Geld Beach to Astoria for that purpose, and from there brought th vessel to thl city. In speaking of th manner -in which Scott met hi death, Captala Caughell thl morning aald: "He waa walking along th' railroad track on hla way to th Chetco, when passenger train cam dashing around lb curve close behind him. He heard It and attempted to spring to on aide, bat hi foot caught between the tie and he fell across th rails. The next moment he waa struck by tha englns and horled Into tb bay. Th Inquest wss being held when we left-and Just what th finding will be I do not know." In soma valuable mining property. Frank Coulter, tha chief engineer, had a narrow escap from death while th craft waa at Astoria. While working III th engine-room, he waa varcomo by es caping gas. and had he not been discov ered he would hav aucrajmbed. Th Che too brought 1 tone of traaaa a steel bead and I barrels of salmon from m Only Grand Prize in the Bicycle Class at St! Louis World's Fair .U.i i . I i ' i 1 ii i i i i ( i i i Racycles bavo the Sprocket between the, Becrlnga. -rr Easiest nmnic amd mct durxbli bicycla made. ' 4aBBBassaBjBMgaBsBsa '4' Come in and let m show you the many superior ' Mints that make Racrdes the best Cash. Trade x or Installment Bargains 'wTk'lxilWAN, lUxay- : -309 6ak Street ! Rogu river. The cold s to rag product wUl b shipped to Hamburg. In. four or fhr days tha vessel will return after aaotbar oarga.- - 1 ;. .... AFTER TWENTY YEARS. XT. & Brother has tendered hla re, lgnation aa chief engineer of th steamer Mascot after year service. It 1 believed that he baa been longer ta th steamboat ervtoe, oa th ham route, thaa any other river maa hi Portland. Daring all of that ttana ha baa been, tn th employ of Jacob Kama oa th ataamor plying between thl lty aad points oa tha bowls rrvar. Other steamboat man. ta tha employ f Jacob Kamm hav beam m eawUaaoas sorrto almost a long aa Mr. Brother. Ob ts Capt Jamea H. Bwrgy,- la ooa aaad af tha steamer Undlae. wbo has Biaaoat IT yeara ta ads credit JTrank Mailnawest purser aa th ana craft haa beea with tha company for it year. J. Allan Harrison, tha leeal agent of tha Una, baa held th position far mar thaa 1 year. It ta mid that othon oa tha Kama boat nav neen wiia u paay for many yaara. . : ;; JUST MISSED WHALE. WydxsV Captain U C Hetlner and B. H. Bart, inspector and " superintendent respect Irely ta tb Ughthouae service, returned yesterday from a 10 daya' cruise on th taadar Heather In Puget aoand watar. They made many changes In tha aids to navigation, aad report that th porta tn th north ara now well lined with buoys and other guide for mariner. Off Destruction Island Superintendent Hart reports that the Heather narrowly missed colliding with a monster whala Whea th fish waa flrat noticed It waa wlthla four or tlva feet .of tho ateamer' prow. A moment later ft dived and a great trough waa created which th ateamer narrowly missed. - v 1 ' It I probabl that tha Heather will be taken on drydock at Seattle In th soar futur to receive minor repair. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Schooner Eric baa been chartered to load lumber at Portland for a California port and will take cargo at tha Portland mill. . Tomorrow tha steamer Roaaoka Is ax pec ted te reach Portland from Lea Aa gales and way ports. 8b ta achedaled to aall on tho return trip next Taesday morning at T o'clock. Laden with lumber for Baa Praeisea th schooner Ara-us left yeotsrday after- Oarmaa Ship Nomla from th Iaman-Pouisan mill this aftarneoa to th Victoria dolphin. Where aba will oomplot her lumbar oarg for tha orient ' Schooner lAiaoa arrived at hTalama laat night from - San rranclsoo. In will load railroad j tie for the return trip. ' ' " Stamr Columbia el eared for' San rraaelaeo yesterday WHh 08 aaeka of floor. l.ITt sack ef potato, 1U ship kneea. 1.11 roll of papar. l bid aad lit handle of shook. . ; ' i - MARINE NOTES. - Astoria. March it. Arrived sown at I laat alght and sailed at 1 a. av, Brit lab atamr Ellerie, for Kob. - Balled at 7:10 a. m., ataaaar Colum bia, for San Franeleo, ... Sailed at a. nv, schooned Polaris, for San Pedro. 1 ' San Francisco. March 18. Sailed last night tamer F. A. Kilburn, for Port land and coat porta. Sailed at 11:30 steamer St Paul, for Portland, s Astoria, March IT. Sailed at J p. au chooser C A. Kloao, for Baa Pran claco.' ' - Arrived at 1:40 p. aw schoonw Churchill, from San Francisco. San Pedro, March IT. Arrived, schooner Mahukona, from Portland. Astoria, March II. No bar report; cape Una down. : , , ' . aUTXB OsTAjrnif SUA? MI. ; , United . State engineer ar quietly making another survey of th channel under the Morrison street bridge. - With city official they mad soundings Thursday, but ara now working by them selves to ascertain the depth of wate there. They ar also davoting attention te th point where tbo a.te of th old pier rested. If th water I not of a eartaia depth it I probabl that th en gineers will not sanction the acceptance of the c-rtdga Th government' re quirement ar that -the chnnr under tb bridge must hav a uniform depth Of 10 feet .,! .. , - v - ' ' AJsVAwO ACIUHFTJfJ. ' Thl aorhlag the steamer Arago. th govemmeat survey boat for th Oregon coast waa formally accepted by th United State engineer. Th vessel wilt be given a two weeks' trial In the bar- nozaa and If there ia any additional work I Bgtsg TJ. S. xothork, ef tha atisct. ' aglgaa from Kama star!. ireoTorrher IrwnrdofirTrensrtPult llliW Incbe. waist -igh Hwehee sntf reou: coat byth Willamette Iron 4k Steel works, fh builders. It la announced that th steamer will probably not be placed In commission for a month or ao; m- T Oar a Oold ta Oa Bay. rtke'lasaave Bessje Qatn Tablets, "' AS eiesVtsis reread th sssaey II M CsUe aaa B W. Srere' aigsamr ea seek Wa. gee, - in Second-hand Wheels. V A FIGBT FOR LIFE : VITII UAD CliESE Patrolman Foster Attacked by k Ah Ylck, Who Tries Des- , . perately to Slay Him. . , USES BUTCHER KNIFE ; IN HIS CRAZY EFFORTS Dynamitt Cap and Opium Found ; on-Assailant After He la -l" Subdued. t":''-''-i".' nasi I by tha am ef opium. 'Ah Tick, a Chlaeo laborer, aasaultad Patrolman ' C M, Faotar with a batcher-knlf at Third and Oak street thia morning. Tb Officer, after a desperate struggle, disarmed hla assailant When searched at poUoa bado.uartra a dynamite cap - -and a bos of opium wero found In Ah a pockets, '- , Poster was on bla way to the fetation at o'clock, when thv Chi nose, who waa ' on th corner, apok to him. Th offl cer atopped and listened to some unin telligible Jargon. As th Chine talked be became excited, and began brandish- ' log hi flats (a roster' face. V Thinking xha Chines had , mistaken him for soma person against .whom he had a grlvanoa. Footer merely stepped . back to avoid being struck. .A ha did so, ' tho Chinas suddenly . drew a butcher-knife, with a blade a foot long, from under hi blouse and made a long at him. So sudden was the attack that . Foster tripped and almost fell In try ing to avoid tb weapon. Recovering hla balance, ho was lucky - enough to catch hold of tha wrlt of th knlfe wlelder, and a atruggl for Ufa began. ' Foster la a powerful man and ono of . th ooolest and moat courageous offi cer on th fores, but for several mln ate h bad hla hands ' full. Though ' mall, tb Chinas waa wiry, aad quick -as a cat As they wrestled about on tho . sidewalk th Chines tried to transfer th butcher-knife from one hand to tho ether and finally succeeded, but a ha did aa aad drew back hi arm to thrust -th knlfa Into tha policeman' body, tha latter tripped his assailant and throw hla ta th pavement - The China- . aaa released hi clutch oa th knife -as b fall and Foster kicked H .out of harm's way: It waa tb work af only a few sec onds after th Chines was disarmed to place manacle on hla wrlsta in tho -pollc eourt thl morning b Informed Judg Hogu that ha had carried tha dynamite cartridge a a charm for 10 yoarai H waa- found guilty of carry ing a coocealed weapon and using opium and waa sentenced to arv to day on lb rockpOa-. , ' . . ' ' . ''.''.. BUILDING OFFERED FOR WATER OFFICE . V '-' ' " '. ' - ' - J - -r. -- - p, Metschaa and Dan - J. Mais r key ar of th opinion that they hav a bulldlaa thai would maka a desirable location for th mat aid water ofOca, It la III East Bumsld street I wall ,f ligntaa, esmmoaiou sna muivvN wua all modara oonvenieaeea.' ' AIL th street car lino which croaa th Burnstd street bridge and diverge to different section ' of th city hav to pass tha door, and, the' owner stat that all th residents of the east side served by -th Portland Consolidated Railway company can go direct from their homes to tha proposed , location of the office. For this place with aU lta advantages they ask (30 a ' month. Th offer w01 bo considered with other at th next mooting of tha water board, , -. The Y. M. C A. Glee Club. Will be assisted by Mis Ruth Eddlnga, of Oberlln and Mr. Oeorge Lester Paul . of tha Western Academy of Music and . Elocution In a concert to bo given in th-w- M.-C A udltrlum - Tudayr March 11. at 1:11 p. m. Th members of th club hav been preparing for th past six month-to glv a concert and, now feel they can offer something good to the public!: Adults, tie and I6cj children, lie and tic, , ; Card of Thanks. : Mr. and Mr. C A Weston wish to " xtend to their friends and neighbors their moat' heartfelt and Sincere thank for fneir assistance and sympathy In their great and aad bereavement Ra socially th llttla Sunday school clasa and teachers and children of Thompson school. Also to frienda who ao Madly . brought aach lovely flowara, Sweet; em-1 blema of that hem where their lovedV on haa gn to dwll. , . I i , tt. Fat, Folks.'' ' . ' I have reoaoas my weirnr n pounda. hip nine men in a snort time by a guaranteed, harmless remedy without exercise or starving. Z want to tell you all about it Knclo stamp and ad dress. Mrs. Charlotte Woodward. Ore gon City, Or.- ---' , .'.' I . WTfeiied reook O i Ailaa A LtwlA' iot Iiaa4, i .V. i