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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
will ' Keswick Smelter, knjoined Be. I cause of Damage to Forests ., : : : -1 -1 on the Reserve. , : ; " MANAGERS FEAR RESULT r : ON SMELLING INDUSTRY Many Devices Adopted to Neu- trauxe FumeoXswo Proved- Partly Successful. , " (ftpactel Cheat to IHInnuL ; JUddlng. Cal, March 17. Mining men ar speculating- over the result of Judge l ; . Morrows .decision anjointng the Moun . tain Cppar company from running Ita . Keewlck smelter until approved devloea bars' been- adopted for neutralising fumes. This decision by tha Federal v ; court U believed to have far-reaching effects. ' Toe Mountain company baa ' been using tha ordinary blast furnace, with a down-take. long 'flue and high stack for precipitation of such metal Ilea , j , aa might be carried away in tha blast, "V but haa not been endeavoring to. restrain " sulphur. A. larger sulphuric x:ld plant " has bean discussed for soma time, and ; will no doubt be constructed, but this - - - would primarily be for sarin a , bl ' " product present' In heary percentage, v . rather than, for neutral lain g .tha fumes. Tha first determined action brought against tha Mountain company wag b the federal government to protect' the forests neat tha plant, which were in one of tha reserve withdrawals. This . action' began about tha tlma that the management wee making a prolonged . and bitter fight against tha Western Federation of Miners, which had de , dared a strike at tha smelter and mines, and was then bettered to have been In cited by the labor leaders to further am. . '. barraas the management..; But the tor. ernment's complaint - was sustained tla the lower courts, and the lata deelafoa of Judge Morrow Is regarded as evidence that tha courts will grant tha forest reserva authorities Injunctions where it - Is found that a smelter Is denuding trees ' on adjacent land. " i . '. Tha effect Is feared. Smelters as a " " rule are located In timbered regions, bar cause of tha advantage of cheap fuel for tha hot blaat and power plant Any ore carrying a high percentage of sul phur will emit. In tha smelting process, fumes noxious to vegetation. If some de--vice la not! employed for neutralising tha poison. (Mining men are prone ta regard tha decision Is a Warning that tha old devloea will not moat require ments of the courts. ' After erecting tha great stack and flues at tha Washes smelter. Anaconda, the company-was assured, first, thai great Improvement had bean effected, and that tha agricultural interest- of the valley were Immeasurably relieved. But since than there has been more 'complaint. In heavy days tha fumes , freed at tba high altitude of tha top of the stack Bottle. Tha poisonous parti. ' - cles are found not eo severe where .they T fv fall direct on tha land, but when accu- '. mulatlng In enow for a considerable pe- - riod,.or concentrated in, ponds and drainage basins, where tha moisture quickly oxidises them, vegetation euf '" fere.. Washoe makes an especial effort : to- emnlnate tha - areenlc attachment being xed .1 tha great flu for thl; purposes and- fsetitUphurJs, eliminated as far Is possible, j; . - -v. - " ) t -' The- Ighf against amelUrw where they are aituated near habitations or veae labJ growths of ralue. Is becoming alarming to smelter men. 'At Bingham, c ? Utah, the determined fights of local la tereeta threaten to precipitate serious ' trouble, and bava forced the manage ment Into experiments that will involve an-outlay of 5,0 ta 170,000. Tha Olobe company, at Denver, haa Just been aued for 1 100.000, because of Injury ta one farm. - Tha straggle grows m'Ore serious, and Indicates that tha mast scientific acblevementa of metallurgist have failed to accomplish much yet This survey of the situation makes ' Jt more serious for the Mountain com '.' pany. It the expensive experiments of - other smelters are resulting in little, and Judge MorroWa order la strictly Interpreted, tha management will bava ;" difficulty la complying with It B. C. COPPER COMPANY--' MAKES A STATEMENT ' (Special DUpetre w The Jearaal.) - Vancouver. B. C. March 17., The British Columbia Copper company has Issued a etatement of Its, condition at i the close of business - November SO, '' 1S04. It gives the surplus earnings for two years as ISS.I22. which would ' r amount to about It cents a share an- ' ...11 v m, Ita nntatano'lne: lit. IKS 'shares. Within two, years the state ment says 73,261 snarss or treasury stock hare been sold, and 1120.710 have heart axnended on additions to -plant and ' in.acauirlnc new mining Interests. No statement la made aa to whether tha ' cash thus expended was tha amount re ceived for tha stock sold. - It Is , de clared that tha mines have aa much ore In sight or more, than at tha tlma of : tha last report L - SPRING FLOODS HELP : THE GALICE PLACERS "t Igneeiel Dtmteft m Tba JeenaLl V ' Oallce, Or., March 17. During tha - last season there nas seen lees rain man aver before known In southern Oregon, which haa been a drawback to tha placer - mines, but tha spring rains have at last V commenced end the water supply Is In ' creasing. Mlnea of the Oalloe district ' would have made tha Isrgeat clean-up In their history but for the scarcity of water. Among tha mines affected Is the Golden Bar, operated by H. U Lewie of Oallce. Mr. UvU this winter uncov ered tha rlcheat and largest bad of ,pay gravel found on the property, and should tha ralne continue for 10 days tha property will make a great clean-up. MINERS GATHERED AT GRANTS PASS TO DRILL t 'mMi iM.a Th. JearaaLI V .OranU Paae. Or, March 17. A large number of minora have assembled here , To make man better, make trade better. To make trade better, make goods better. V : Schilling's Best: . sakleg fills mearfegeneM Your grocer's; rnoneyback. jjk " ' : THx wcoatt' in' the iitiDDW of .tic 'ciOGeX :? v 'A : :; 69-71 -73 Third S ; Dctvccn Oak end Pino This store Is a light for tHnkirg buyers. .The, fundamenur principles that are '"'essentia! in the make-up of a store that leads are paramount Our spring display of highest class apparel for men and boys stands as a silent but great orator of . superiority. The glreat merrtile pruvuple of high" quality and low priceV plresents Itself with a telling force to the intelligent pubfie."" Never efore In our 14 years of busy mercantile life have we ever been able to demonstrate so sulstantiallyttJiarThe Chicago stands at' the head of tile Pacific Northwest clothing establishments; that ;the man with a woridngman's purse can well afford to dress correctly; and that our styles,.qualides and workmanship are backed by the lowest prices west of the Rockies. , . : ! . , ; . '''"'T--'"' A Top Coat or Cravenette is a and illness that sudden changes $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $20.00 to $35.06 - 1 CveS you S choice of materials and styles that will enable you :;, ' to satisfy your desires and gauge your purse. P Yoting - The young man of today is the criterion of what's nice to wear. He is 'more exacting and is an elegant guide for correct; styles. Our immense stock for spring in double and single; breasted " : ' sicks rough or smooth materials, runs in price C- $6.85, $8.85, $11.85, $14.85, $17,150, r r -i $20:00 arid $25.00 r 1 1 'I, s- v Mothers! Spring fasluonS forJthcboya arevery practical and pleasing, - Our lisplav- for "tomorrow is , - very attractive in quality and price. QC or tomorrow , th's 'ine 8t"1 JKjJlQ5wiirconUin: exceptional values in over 25 styles. . . $1.85, $3.85, $4.85, $5.85, r ; $6.85, $785, Covers a vast variety of "the very ions of the year. Fixings We show a complete springs Shoes and Furnishings today for tha big drlljln eonteata to be held (or championship honor, of eouthern Oreon. The Almeda and Gran ite Hill team hare been on tba ground for a couple of dar gatUng familiar with eondltlona. In a friendly .Ingle con teat held at Oallce before the Almeda miner departed- Bert -Savage-vpu-arer Thomaa Brlenkerhofl by live Inchea, with tha result that Savage' la being barked by Oallee m'en.aa the alngle champion today at OranU Paea. Backing for both tha Almeda and tha Granite Hill teama tn the double eonteet la plentiful, and considerable money wUl change handa. Betting on the-alde la alao free. Moat of the money la up an the doublea. but tha etagla oompttora trill not be with out aupport Tba matchea are scheduled for rather lata bo-ura, and dedalona are hot expected until lata in tha afternoon. TREASURE WILL HAVE . RAPID-DROP STAMPS - (Reedal Dispatch te The feeneL) - Eugene, Or.. Marcp 17.-C H. Park, owner of tha Treasure mine, Blue river district left ' yesterday for San Fran cisco, where he will parchaae a ll-staaip mill.. It la espected that tha mill will arrive her Inside of a month and be In operation by June 1. Recently a good strike was made at the Treasure, or requisite and guard against colds in weather always carries with it. Suits A choicest fash stock of Hats, for boys. , aaaaylng much about tha average being found tn deep work. Mr. Parka will probably buy the rapid drop stamps, with triple or quad ruple discharge mortars. . He haa been Investigating the Merralla mill, and tha fact that ha stated his plant would have It stamps Indicate, that this wQl be the final choice, batteries are arranged In such units. Steam power will be Installed, bat later It la the purpose of tha Treasure manager to de velop electric power en McKenste rlrer, atx to seven mtlea from tha mm. OOilif SI ! rSseeUl Mspaleb e The" JoereaL) " , Helena. MonC March IT. The strike of aa 11-foot aeam of coal at a depth of more than MM feet on tha property of tba Amalgamated company, at Storra, ia creating much Interest. This new seam ia said to be of a quality and mag nitude assuring the big company much of ita supply of coal in mine and trans portation work. A TOWt TsUUBWnX 1. (Npvrial Dispatch te -The JoereaL 1 Eugene, Or., March 17. Good ore has been eneountared at the ' Tread wall gross. Blue river district, vparated since Isat September by Waggoner. Taylor Hlaea, 4 A strong lead U feat wld baa The . . - f HAT TO FIT YOUR FACE FULLW03RTH America Greatest THIRTY STYLES THIRTY SHADES AND COLORS THE FULLWQRTtf IS MADE IN EXACT DUPLICATE OF - i ALL POPULAR STYLE $5.00 HATS. recently been opened. The or Is In the same claaa as that at the Oreat Northern, adjoining, and assays above the uaual figure. 1 ,. . OPINIONS RENDERED -3YCpURT AT OLYMPIA (gpeelal Dispatch m The looreal.) Olympla, . Waalu, March 17.In the case of tha Taooma tiedget company against tha western Home Building company and others, and tha Washing ton, Oregon California Homo Build ing association, defendant and appellant, the judgment of the lower court of Pterc county was affirmed today by the supreme court The Liedger company secured a Judgment on an advertising contract against the Western Home building nssoclatlon, which transferred CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. fti Iti Yea Hiti Alwajt Echt Baaxs tb. Clgn stare oi $2.50 Hat Its assets to the Washington. Oregon A California company without settling the Judgment.1 The supreme court holds that tha property of an Insolvent cor poration ia a trust fund for the benefit of the creditors, asd that no transac tion or (subterfuge will be countenanced which will, prevent sn equal distribution of such -funds among tha creditors. ' In tha case of 8. Normlle. a Seattle contractor, agalnat tha Seattle board of public works, tha oourf again upholds the eight-hour law. reversing tha Judg ment of the lower court. Herman IX Crow. .Judge of ' tba su preme court, haa purchased the beau tiful residence property ' from H. M. Pierce, on Capitol Hill, and will shortly remove his family from Spokane to this City. . . . - , . Reduced Rates to California. Tha Southern Paelflo - eesapaay haa placed on sale round trip ticket to Los Angeles at tha rate ef lit, limit N. days. This affords an excellent oppor tunity to visit the many beautiful win ter resorts af southern California at m moderate eoet .. No matter how long yo hare had the cold;. If It hasnt already developed Into consumption Dr. Wood's Norway Plna Syrup will cur It , . Allen A JewW Best Brand. m Spring Suits We lay special stress on the elegance of Brandagee made and Michael Stern OSk Ox's good and fine clothes. Exacting dressers appreciate the correctness of the above lines, as merchant tailors sire more or less reproducers of these original styles.",;'" - ;. : $15 Hand tailored, imported and domestic materials, in -. spring popularitiessingle and doable breasted styles, ,, extensive variety. , ; .--yv;;;" .,-; y::y. - $17 Select fabrics, in highest class serges, '.' worsteds, tweeds, etc., the fashionable' styles and materials .Brandagee made, and Michael Stern & Co. - $20 &Co. A price that comes" pretty close to baying almost any kind of fine materials, colors and styles that the heart ' could wish for,' Brandagee made, and Michael Stern - 7T F mmsI ' fVv'e snow over 30 styles In the top sD awO flllU tDtJVF most materials and . fashions, gar v ' . ments that must go to the very high est class tailors in order to be duplicated at $40 to $55. , ; $7, $10, questionably by far the best suits" the Facific northwest. , ; in t f"! Dealers First Grand Prize at the World's Pair, . St Louis that's the kind of Shoes The Chicago sella. Positively the world's best in more than 50 new spring styles, and shapes. $3.50, $3.00 $2.65, $1.85 LittleQents' f Shoes Boys will be boys, and. we SHOES that are SHOES. The we can GUARANTEE, $L35, $L50, $1.65, $L85, $100 and $2.35 . FOUR WIDTHS, in Sires 8 to A Stirring Affair Concerns paint of our selling Just this much. . Aa a rul. the- painta w sell ready mixed are of Just tba right cob- Lalatencybut il.a-little too. thick, after long standing, add a llttl Unseed oil and there you are! You oaa get both ,th painta and tha oil from - . i Fisher, Thorsen & Co. Aki KommxsoaT Thig la tha time of year to hart . extracting and plat vork dona. . Et(htn yara' axpartene. Pain less extracting whan plataa or bridgM ar ordarcd. , ' mt cnos,czrTiiT5 r tha lama Stasj. e r 1 pa. T. . wro. We - show more than - 70 styles in union and pure all- wonl faririra. Ttiv ir fin. lor the money to be seen in : ; Shoes and sell kind 13 and W, to 2, and 2 to 8. , T-i I. :( w-. . . i-.-,-. . r- - -1