The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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.! -A r
i r s'
',: '1ll45 Several CsCzt, .crrts-a crJ lilar-'
It '.. I '
Chart Wright Boldest of City'
r " ' Criminals, Was Rtlsased
A by Hunt. '
i ii:4)to trads ct Ob ctorc Saturday
:w"' i.-V
If yoa are the saving kind brlt3 yoa to ccaos to tij ctire 1 Cstcrdy cad
examine the hundreds of SPHCIAL LelllZetS ft7 &(tzh. V7s tn tzttizs. tha
, Discovered Breaking Into a $-
pace in 1-pW PRICES in Fcrtli.
I loon at Oregon City, Whr
He Is Captured. :
-.'..V -"i ' -1 . f ..: , ' - ' e -"'4:. 1 - ! 'V '
Music Afttrcccn 2 ta 5, Evcnlnj 7 to 9.
''''' il Y'XA'i''A' GENUINE SPOOK PICTURE ' V:-; ' ' V
.'. . . : -, ', ' .i '
! V
Charles "Wright, alias Jasper Johnson,
f 1
colored. untUd yeeterday afternoon bjr
. Detectives Vaughn aad Hartman, guilty
V ' big own admission of breaking into
nearly '$0 aaloona . in : the past two
,., months, was released three woeka ago by
'. Chief of Police Hunt. Iltttng aa kangaroo
" Judge. Wright at that ttms waa takes
" Into custody by statiwOfftoaff Price and
; Patrolman - Welch for being out after
r the next morning Chief Hunt,
"'. on his throne aa the dispenser 'Of Jus-
tlca in the kangaroo oourt, turned looae
'' the criminal who had already broken
' : into large number of aaloona in Port
land according to hia confession Made
, ' last evening. '
" " - Wright 'was captured alter roforma-
:,- tloo-had beea received rrora Oregon tnjr,
' v hrra ha robbed three aaloona. He was
'' lodged in the city Jail and made confeo
alon of humeroua crimes. He stated
'. that toe aecured from s few cent to 120
. in his various burglaries.
Wright admitted having broken Into
I aaloona In thls'olty Ha either en
i - tered by a window or twiated the lock
: 'off the front door. In a few instances
ha uaeda skeleton key to effect entrance.
' '? Hia last two exploits lh thla city were
". f burglarise at the saloons of .Alexander
Anderline. 15 Second street and Whit
" ney Snyder, tit TambiU street, where
he secured only II.S. v .
The credit for the capture of Wright
Is principally due to C. C. Field super--,"
lntendent of tha O. W P, Co, who kept
the polios acquainted with the move
ment of the burglar from the time he
left Oreson City until he arrived la
Portland. . Acting on Information fur-
nlahed by ompioyes of tBs'oompany, the
police hsd MtUe more to do than station
' S : themselves ta the path of the robber
and cover him with their revolver when
he reached the spot where they were
: lying la wait - '
T At Oregon City early yesterday morn
" Ing Wright broke into three aaloona. He
' waa seen on leaving the last saloon by
, Patrolman Ed Shaw, who gave chase.
- The burglar escaped by awlmmlng the
."' Abernethy rlwr.- Shaw emptied his Te-
--votver at 'the fleeing man, but did not
- hit him. Word was seht the police of
. Portland, and Detectives Vaughn- and
, Hartmaa were detailed v to : apprehend
i blm. ,. - .-t r-n ri - '
He was arrested as he was walking
along the Oregon City streetcar Has la
the outskirts of tewn. ' -
Wright's clothing was still wet. and
he was limping from a bullet wound In
the lee. The polios - believe he is the
. buralar at whom-three shots were fired
; by Proprietor nebeker of yie Alblna Gar-
. asms saiooa. m wrra no,
., I Chief 4r,,PollcSSurs took Wright
i back to Oregon City laat night where be
will etsnd trial for the burglary et the
- three saloons. No charges have been
; filed against him in this city.. ,;
' " Prank H. King U charged with obtain.
Ing money by falae pretenses, ta a earn
. plaint filed this afternoon by Laura Me-
Cullanvi She alleges thst he obtained
. 11.000 from her by giving her a fraud-
ulent deed to ooal landa. King Ja said
7' to have left towa with the money.
Vhat to Do for
. Heart Trouble
i Bask Vf Xy 'Asvie tTHh Taw' Bemark
able Offer A rail BaUar-a Wertt ef tty
Bsly Tree te rreee That J Aa BigM
: I ask as nfweam. ae eeeaeU. aa seesrlry.
Tkere hi asthlD te seeailse, aetklag te par
'ettber new er Istsr. Te ear heart saffeiei wke
' hes not tried mr reatesy Dr. Baeee's Beetera-
Jve I win glssl Hn, wee, set a
feat a rail sollsr bottle,
. I la varraated ia auklag this aaasaal offer
linn mlae la ae erdlnary reaieay. it does
i . net valaly try ts itiaialate the heart. Sack
trearaieep are wane tkaa awltes. It gees
tnlgfet to the' eases M aU heart treefcle the
heart aervee a4 streartheaa tbea asd vital-
Isw thru ss teetntea tseai. Tbea that Is the
-es ef besrt dlsrena.
rer the heart Itself has ae awes srrf-doatrel
- fees a rneasKie spenge. It la sseoe to best by a
'tnV aerre se tlay tbst R is srarerty vtsMs
jt tae aek4 eye, Yet tea taemsad Mates a
!sr rklt Sellrete aervs ataat raase Us heart to
ieipead and enotraet.
Tbs heart la aenat the sfae ef Joxtr elearhed
ret. Opea asd rluee mar Sat a aosen tlaiea.
errs, and roe will see tha atoaatreas labor tail
: little serve aiaet do,
!' The heart serve te aaty ese ef the braaehre ef
ittte great ermpatbetle arToaa STSten. Seek
kraark ef this er'trts Is ss rlosrlr allied witk
'.the there that weakaaaa er Irregularity at an?
, itolnt le apt to spread. trouble rreqaentlr
srteea frnn aiumai-k trouble 4hrnaa annpatbr.
and KMoev trouble nar ales follow, tor earb
of Heee nrcaBs la operates br a bra orb ef tbeee
, same araipatbetlr servnt the Inside serves.
' Tbe bost ef eraipaUir betweea the nerves
- thst operate the vital organ, baa a eaeful por-i
pnea. aa welL Far whst will rare weak ore. la
,ae braark will aorelr eare weakneaa la everr
brawb what will restore ens center will sarely
restore tbea all.
' There Is aotblog new. about this nothing any
rbratetan would oiapote. Rut It remained for
Nr. Shoes to appl? this knowledge te sat It te
. wrarttral see. Pr. Sheop'a Beatoratire la tbe
result of a euarter eenturr et endesear along
tbla eery line. It dors not snae tbe orgaa or
deadea tbs pain bat It dore go at onee te tbe
nervethe (aside nerve the power serve and
nvltda sp and strengthens It sad makes It
If ma have heart tmuMe and . yoa sever
trie atf restedy. Merely write and sah. 1 will
.send yoa sa order on your drartjl't whtrk be
. will aerept aa giadtr'aa 'he would aeeept a
Sollsr. He will band roa from bla ahelrss a
standard, staed bottle sf my prast rlptlos. and
he will send tbe bill to me. This effer Is made
only te atraoaers te my remedr. Thnee who
. hate eaee oaed tbs Beetoratlva de not need
tbla evldenns, Tkere sre- ns mndltlona no
.- requlremeats. It Is open and frank aad fair.
It Is tha supreme test ef my II ml tire, better.
. All that I ask yea to ds la to write write
today. -
hnnk 1 ae Prkneusla.,
a fall dnUar settta
Rook 1 sa the lleart
yea mnat addreaa Book 1 on the kidney a.
iv. gnoon. Boa B int. Knnk fnr Wnoea ,
arlne. Wis.. . Suta. Bonk t fat Me. '
--wklek book too wast. Book sa kkauautlsak.
i - .
; Mild rases are aftea eared by a single hot.
Me, for aals at forty tktaaiad drag atorea.
Dr. Shoop's
f . j ........ - e-r TT" V vSjoaarwr- .f-
Prisoner in Deer Lodge Peniten
tiary Writes to Man in ;
His Old Home.... J
1 : . . ..- '
i ' (Special JHspateh te The .Jaorsat) I '
' Oregon City. March 17. A local hotel
proprietor has received 1 a long .letter
from some person confined la the Moo
tana penitentiary at Deer Lodge, sugt
gesting a method by which tbe prisoner
might regain his llbetry. ' -The writer
signs himself "Harry Alexander.' but
this Is aa alias assumed, aa he declares.
In order te cover up his Identity. The
man claims to have bees) a ' resident of
Oregon City and to have formerly
worked Iq the woolen mill here. Tha
letter! goea oitto'aay: ' . -
1 now write to see If yon would do
me a favor, to help an old Oregon City
boy out -of-' prison. When I left I event
to Portland, , there to Montana, where
I 'cot into a little trouble through no
fault of mine. Bo not wishing to let
my folks know of my trouble, I was not
able to seoure a -counsel ana . conse
quently was. sent to prison, ... I
am trying to raise a little money to get
my .ease In shape to present to tbe gov
ernor, for I believe-when be has looked
at ths transcript he will give me my
Here Is the plan by which be pro-
poea te raise tbe fundi-
"Since I have been In prison t have
made a beautiful riding bridle of pretty
colored horaehalr, worked up into s
very fancy design, all artistically
mounted, and 1 can li oiy say it is dmii
tlful. and must be seen to be, appre-
clataMl . . . 'Now. my dear friend.
won't you put this beautiful bridle up
to be raifled oft to . help me out ef
prison t 4 Ton could have the chances
rsn from one cent to a aoiiar. ana i n
!ieve that most any one who .saw. It
would want a chance." -
The reclnlent of the letter Is not abls
to positively Identify the man. - The
latter came in a ' return envelope of
Copley aV McTagne, Deer Lodge, Jdonr.
Michael Keisecker Charged With
Having 1 Carelessly - Set
" ; Out Fire. - s
(Special Dlspatrh to The Journal.)
Oregon City. March 17. Another suit
was this morning'' filed In the circuit
court against Michael Keisecker, tbe
man who la charged with having eare
leaaly set out a firs last August, which
spread over a large section of the coun
try, in" the- vicinity or Dover, this is
the second suit against Keisecker arising
out of the same alleged act. - The other
suit waa brought by Susie A. M. Cooper,
the daughter of the plaintiff In the case
filed today itr-thl -rsss tncTTre after
having been started by the defendant
spread to her premtaea and destroyed a
dwelling house, a bam snd other prop
erty of the vslue of I60S. Dimlck &
Dlmlck are' the attorneys for the
Another suit filed yesterday by he
aame attorneys Is thst' of the T. S.
Towns nd Creamery company against A.
J. Kitzmlller on en alleged promtasory
note for (100, besides Bn attorney's fee
of ftO. ,
In the same court Attorney Llvy.
fJtlpp, lit behalf oT M. A. Vlrlch. aake for
a decree of divorce from KrdJnnd
Ulrlch. 'They were married June, IMS.
but the following July the defendant
abandoned his wife, since which time ho
has failed to' render hsr support, i
- tJoarnal gpertal tjerrlee.)
Berlin, March 17. Tha Frankfurter
Kaltung reports an ngsgeme'nt between
Turkish troops and Macedonia rebels at
Oewgell la which SO Macedonians were
killed. ..x..
Representatives of Land and Lt
. gal Department of Northrp
V Pacific Arrive. , .
(SpeeUl Dlsnateh to The JoerasL) v
-- Vancouver, Washw March 17. W. B.
Lyona and B. C wtoulton of the land and
legal department of tha rforthem Pa
crflo were In the city yeaterday. For
some tlmd past ., numerous . officials of
the. Northern Faclfla Jiave. been hover
ing about thla eity. When asked their
business here, they invariably reply
"Oh. we Just came down on a -little
pleaaure trip.
Sut In the light of the bomber of
surveyors now ia the field, 'this answer
la not satisfactory, and It Is considered
certain that something will happen In
the railway building Una la the near
future ia this vicinity. , -'
Chinese Gardener Suffers Much
: Inconvenience Through In-
tractable Animal. '
. (gpselal Dumateh to The Joarasl.)
Vancouver, Waah., March 17. A horse
belonging to Jim .Woo a wen -. known
Cblneae vegetable man, became fright'
enad at some small children who were
playing on Kauffman avenue last even
ing, and made things unusually lively
for h few minutes. Vegetables were
strewn over alt tbs street for a distance
of several blocks. ' which worried tbe
gardener very much. -
(Journal SpechU Berries.)
' Washington,. March 17. The resolu
tions committee of the Mothers'-Con
grass at its final sesalon todsy reported
favorably the clause condemning Mor
monlsm and urging ths unseating of
Smoot. The senste was commended for
refusing statehood to Arlsona and New
Mexico, on account or tnetr polygamous
conditions. .
- (Jouraal Special Bervlea.) ' "
1 ganta Barbara, Cal March 17. The
tie-up on tbe Southern Pacific railway,
due to storm, has prautically ended. All
trains, both north snd south, are mov
ing. - Tbe road In many places is still'
tn a bad condition and the movement of
trains is necessarily slow. ' -
(Rpeclal Dtapatrb ta The JoarnsL) '"' '
Oregon City, March 17. Attorney O.
B. Plmlck received notification from the
supreme court this .morning thst the
case oi tne state against ueorge w.
Lauth, condemned for tbe murder of
Mrs, Inora B. Jones, will come before
the court March 1 for argument - A
stay of execution was obtained In this
case some time ago on the ground that
the appeal could not be heard prior to
the day fixed by the lower court for ex
plation of the crime. '--
(Special Jtspatrb to The JoursaL) . .
Vancouver, Wash., March 17. James
Bradley, proprietor of the Tuewia hotel
at Tacolt, died yesterday afternoon at
that place of paralyala. He was an old
timer' in this country and -was well
known by those having occasion to visit
Tacoit. BurlnT will be tomorrow in tha
cemetery at YacolL i
t . I S i i . i ; , .
Even the snuff trust's profits last
year, over ll.bvO.OOO, are not to be
saeased at. - v
Peasants : Burn - Noble1 . Palace
' and Workmen Threaten
Another Strike.
(eonraal wssclat aervtaa.)
BL Fetersburg. March 17.--It to' re
ported - that . rmtlroad- eommunlcatlona
have been cut -behind the Rusaiaa army,
but It Is not officially confirmed. Mews
la - awaited with Intense anxiety, j . I ...
Bands of peaaaata at Warsaw laat
night attacked the .castles of Count
Cons tan tine and .Count- Andrew Vaxa
erski, at Koslowka, Poland. The Con
stantine eastle waa plundered and the
oount had a narrow eeeape from death
at the handa of the peasants. The
etate forests In . the Pletroff district
have been devastated.
- Workmen from It Warsaw factories
threaten to . strike . If the . proposed
mobilisation of reserves Is attempted.
Similar denumatrationa are expected at
(Joaraal BpecUl Servtea.)
CleveJand. March 17. Mrs. ChadwicVa
personal property valued at 111, 000 was
offered for sals In the federal bank
ruptcy court this afternoon. About IS
dealers from New York, Chicago and
Pit tab org are here to attend the Bale.
A. Q. Nelson, of New Torfc, aecured
the lot at SM.fOO. Several representa
tives of dime museums participated ta
the- bidding. . -. ,
(SperUl - Diapa tek to The JoarnaX)
Vancouver, . Wash,. March 17. The
condition of Lieut. Francis M, Boon
oontlnues to improve and the physicians
state this morning that his recovery la
now probable. The fear la of blood
poisoning, which . la not ; ' cotoatdervd
likely. - . ' - "
- - (Joaraal Spaeial sWrrtes.)
Banta Fa, N. M., March 17. Oen. W.
H. Whlteman was Indicted by the grand
jury yesterday on a charge of obtaining
public funds under false pretenses aa
adjutant-general or the territory.
Remarkable Curative Properties of a
Remedy for Indigestion and
,' Stomach Weakness.
' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, a prepa
ration for the cure of dyapepaia and the
various forms of indigeatlon and stom
ach trouble, owes its great auccass as a
cure for these troublea to the fact that
It Is prepared for disease and weakneaa
of tha stomach and digestive organs
only, and Is not recommended or advised
for any other disease,
- It ie -net -a cure-all. but for any stom
ach trouble it is undoubtedly the safest,
moat-Sensible remedy that can be ad
vised with the prospect of a permanent
cure. It Is prepared in tablet form,
pleasant to taate, composed of vegetable
and fruit eaaencea, pure pepsin and
Uolden Seal, every one of which act
effectively in digesting tbe food eaten,
thereby resting snd invigorating the
weak stomach; rest ia nature'a cure for
any disease, but you cannot rest ths
stomach unless you put Into It same-
thing, that win do its work or assist In
thi digestion of food. --
That Is exactly what Stuart's Dya
pepaia Tablets do, one grain of the di
gestive principle contained In them will
digest 3.004 grains of meat, eggs or sim
ilar wholesome foods, they will dlgeat
the food whether the atomacir is In
working order or not, thereby nourish
ing the body snd resting the stomach
st ths aame time, and rest and nourlah
ment is nature'a cure for any weakneaa
In persons run down In flesh and appe
tite' these tablets build up tha strength
and Increase flesh, because they digest
flesh-forming food - which the weak
stomach ran not do, they Increase the
flow of gastrin Juice and prevent fer
mentation, acidity and sour, watery ris
ings. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ean 'he
found at all drug stores at 10 cents per
package. i
"Ca Bit Eti.t" at CcsSst
Powerful Shcs
.Trjit rtceiyed 600ip4ur3Idifa, Fine Shoes !o all sizes, lasts'
This lot of Shoes waa made
place the entire line of new
"$3.00 specials," every pair stamped on sole." How on sale...
iOO pairs of CX Me Co.'s new spring Black and Tan Oxfords
at less than wholesale cost O. M. Ox a stamped $2.50 specials in
for ,l.,l,r;t, -,M. -'i-i-vr ; '- " '; - '
10c Unen 'Kerchiefs 3Kc t OcUltMRil
30 dozen fine, white hemstitched hand- ' 500 yards of wide Silk Taffeta and Lfl-'.
kerchiefs for , ladies and children. These erty Satin Ribbons that formerly sold for
10c valaes will be on oar special i 20c, 25c and 30e yard, to go on the ' v
bargain table Saturday only .3 for lOtV bargain table Saturday...... , .. .IStV
I 1 1 1 ' . aBBfasTsBuBBBBBw I ' 11 1 '"' I
. Hosiery Snaps ;
e Instead of XSe for
GC heavy Topay Uose la 1
all sines for boya.
- e a. j a S m' . - m
ae7V final Tnoav Tinea in '
all slses for
gVea Inatsad .of ' lie for
nne Toney
slses for ladies.
Hose, In ail
' Curtain Swiss . :
Bfas Instead of toe and !io
yard for If and 40-Inch -.
dotted and figured, fine Cur
tain Bwlsev jUmember Bouse
eieaalnaT- .;- "
t I5c Laces 5c
mm For fine Torchon Tarsia
AC that wars lac, 11 fee and
,lfio yard, .
gVaa For tee Swiss and Bam--V
burg Bmbroedarles that .
. were lee aad J0o yard. , -
Slata Darls
. Dress Wei
We Will Sell Hand-Tailored
T& ta&ors who made? them had them left on their hands. MMUCKM,
bought them at his own price. YQU PAY JUST HALF THE ORIGINAL
'COST. Do your topping here Satitrday. All new things 'in Hats and';
Favnfahings for men. In preaching the gospel of dothiers "we catnot tell a lie." v
1 09 SIXTH ST.; Near Washtuzton. '.' W. MARKILUE, Manager;
We Repair, Clean
Eat "It fgrf i AttaC3rTtErarE;f
for the Q. M. Ca tnr Peters' Mroe
Shoes on sale st less than wholesale cost. :0'M.Coa:
S tbs Win daw Displays of Shoes.
$3 Petticoats $1.19
tllS 9ot PetfJots that' for.
mwrly sold for tTM and !.
Theaw will be on the bargain
table the last time Saturday
black aad fancy ateroerlaed ret
"tlooata, worth from rt I IA
tl to IS. BettrdayVB"'
Will Walt on You
Imli Bros.;
and Press free of Charge for One Year
and the newst spring styles.
u l-oais, atiaruy we
. ...Y. . .. 12.23
jost recerred-and placed on sale
Oxfords now on sale ; V
1 v ' y
Window Shades
f Clnemaad of Ue ; for aV
f-feot Snrinc Shade.
Here la a ebaace Jog-
y: UtddtBg Items
Vtfm I FPT targe Cotton Sheet
' Blanketa that formerly
sold for $1.1 aad tl.M. -
"a" " For extra large Cotton .
V Sheets Blanketa . that
were .formerly list. .
Si For fine Bflkoltne
V es Covered. Cotton-flU-
ed ft aad Comforts,
ssat. For lxfrO-lnch bleach-,
ed. Columbia Mo torn
aad Ironed Sheeta.
etQsa For TXxte-tnch bleach
v-'u BBualla
C she, . For 10-4 bleached Sne
C BbeeUns, The - wbole
aale prioa. -
II a For ' it - tneb 1111 ow
C ataslln; tbe regular lao
, quality. : . ,
rasuaaswaBarfBsaaaW' - " f -' :,';,
r-; " -f :-, t - i.'.-i ) I - '
'- wd erg . 1 ' - ' y J - '
S5Sv it I
i. -i