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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
T::3 CnrCOII .DAILY; JOinmAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 17. X?CJ, ir , r . 1 ... r" " r - --j . " 7 public mm USE OF LAUrXOES r;03TIl EfiD VOTERS Bmttrm Second flomr ' ; CLOUD CI7ITLE3 ARE - REGISTERING Kara m. "TT t'oliimbla 7 Kmpir..., I-yrte...... . . ; ..,., n"Tb Virginias" .................. -msb or Are1" nma i uy EatertatnnMat la, vperrr vUry" i ..... .k . . Vaudeville ( Una i Bter v "'V iiiiiuhii WW"MV VaooTlll baker ......).... X...v,.YauevfUi .;- into Frag, secretary of . the News boys', union, has had hla commission -aa . special officer revoked by Mayor ' . "WUMains, a mult of thar injudicious arrrai x . us ; jo-yesr-oia son. of J. A. I .Clock 'At tbe private . School of . lira. I Margaret iUn. Becauae hla career aa 1 , 'a detect! v and special officer haa been "brought to euch an abrupt end he vows ; vengeance dn Chief of Police Hunt and Mayor William, whom t he holda re sponsible for ,hU humiliation. ., He he--J. :clares. he wilt use bis Influence among mm newsDoys to defeat Mayor William . at the municipal election. Pra's; la said ' to' have overstepped his ' authority by serving the warrant on the boy outside , The executive committee of the board .'"-of trade on new" constitution and by-1 f3t laws postponed Its work uatll . this , , . afternoon,; whorf "I- large meeting will ' ' .pass upon the matte. Tbe committee -ches. named .the following delegation to I i, represent tha bovrd at the coming con-1 L4tJo") of., the L Oregon development league: T. C Devlin. ,T. S- Townsend, ,P. E. Beach. Wail Is Nasb. O. W; Allen. ,B. -Leev Paget, C W. Not tins-bam, .P. V W.. Ouster, J. D. Lee. O. E. Baker. B. iH. Kllham. 8nca Smith, J. H. Flaky B. ,1. Pague. R. h. Tata and Prank Dayton, Pur, paints and Alls. . P. JS.. Beech. It " ' Co.. the pioneer paint company, agenta Senours floor paint, liquid veneer, jap-a- , - JaA Berry Bros.' varnishes. Blackjack .harness, oil. Neat's enamels. New Era paint, 'window and ' plate glass. Mil , Jirst street.. Phone 1114. :'-t , ' Steamship Roanoke, J,I0 tons, sails 'for', San Francisco, Ix Angeles,' Coos .Bar snd Eureka, March II, t a. m., from Colbmbla dock No. 1. Round trip Los Angeles, 143.60; Ran Francisco, I.0. Ticket- office 261 Washington street Harry Toung agent , r ir, . , w I,, a i ifg 'ewitwSWa-pWSfflt . -- The members of the reception com mittee' of tbe Canadian society- of Ore ' goa meet at .tha Olandora tomorrow af : ternoon at S o'clock, when arrangements ZiXXt iHSMS Tuesday m ApriL - ,. . x 60.000' Immigrants Wanted To locat4 along the Oregon: Wafer Power & Rail way company's line 'between Portland and Katsoada. ' Por loformatloiv inquire 'of the Oregon Water Power Townslt company, 114 First street. PnoneV.JfcUin i -a- Susie JCste has-aaked-fori divorce I from William O. Bites, eomplalnlng that he gamblea his earnings and does not support her. Bb asks that ber maiden name be' restored 8 us le Kerr. ' They were married In Portland In Jons, 1I0S. t. ' tacada -Offers Opportunities ' to manufacturers which means -millions of dollars if properly handled. For ln ' formation inquire of tit Oregon Water Power . Townslte company,- 114 First streeU' Phone, Main 214. t - - Kenvdn'a aarsaDarUla. which can' be - bad of Albert Bsrnl. b druggist. Ber Qrge A Cameron, Judge Hogua's.pre Jond and Washington, for Tf cVnts a Bov lecessor. Joseph A- Strowbridge, Jr. R. 4l. baa long had the spproval of phyai- B; Blnnott and others wil seek Repubs ciana, ana nas no equal as a spring raeai-l . cine and Wood puriOer. , . . 1 - , . ' i -. - i i l,-;. . ' - f I . Lost Black Cocker spaniel, tf male; 4 I months old; answers to ths name of I " Blossio; went astray In city Park, Bun- day: reward for her recovery.- 461 Flanders' street, betwesi Twentieth and Twenty-first. ; - t.i, . j- j Steamship Nome- City" sails - for Ban Francisco direct, Friday. .Marchr IT. at p. m. Cabin tlt.4W second class (.. I 'Heals and berth included. P.' P. Baum-1 sartner. agent. Couch street dockv Main 441, - Tourists, as well as city peopla, finan cially embarrassed, will find the Port land Loan Office. 74 Third street, the safest and moat reliable place to trans act their business Rates reasonable. - Dr. Stephen a Wise will presch this evening at .o'clock at Temple . Beth Inrael on . "Israel and the Nation, or Need Man Stoop to Conquer welcome, v ' . All are I B. at H. Cough end-Croup Syrup Tbe great children's remedy. In use over 10 yeara , - Always reliable. Bronchial troubles. For sale by- Knight Drug Co. ' R. & a Cough anil Croup Syrup The most useful family medicine. Keep- it en hsnd far emergencies. Colds, coughs, croup. For eale by Knight Drug Co. ' Ksweas teelety Charts samba Oentlemen snd ladies meet your frlendi ' Bee- R.. W. Traver, organiser, at 4 tit Wahlngot street. - J- ' !' 1 iWlseonlrfn society. Former residents of Wisconsin sre requested to enroll st ' office of H. U Powers, t Chamber of Commerce. . . We clean snd press year clothes and shine .your shoes for 1 1.04 per month. unique tailoring co. T wasningtoa. .. Main 114. ,-. Mis 8. Bell announces the display- of early spring millinery now reedy. IS4 Grand avenue, near Hawmorne. y i ' ;t I ' Analey (display, Pfunders, Id and Qakl ' - -y-v - ' J As your grocer for Golden jDheddaa. 1 - Orpheum,' vaudeville, burlesque, evna ' Card of Thanks.' : 'I desire to thank the' lodges . and friends of my deceased husband for their sympathy and kind attention dur ing his Illness and at tne funeral. Mrs. i C. 9. Bartel. ' Spring 3 Noticed our hat window? If sq, you probably paused and-took.'iTi the many- nobby spring - ptylea, shapes. . .V . .y and' ' The Cheswick, our $3.50 'Hat, has long , been" re puted as a paragon of styl- ijhness. Come see how ; well" one looks' on you ' He vvctt, Br-vdiey CB. Co.-? mnmu w km. v. . tt Vaaiiegtaa, aear teaad Tseatre. - .v - -" s, . a Tom. Ashton oJ Leeds. England. .Who ... Is to Officiate Jnd 0f tba Com? ' inf Bench Show of the Portland POLITICIANS AT !:v ' .- TIIE.PIEfCOWITER Man Candidates; Decfart , Their .-Readinw, to Accept Nomina- u , tJona for Local Offieaa. i If t'?j ' MUrJfdlPAL JUDGESHIP US. POPULAR WITH CROWD City' Attorney McNarV Will Have to rignt. xo noia wiucn- , . v , v Wanted Place.. J '- . The office of municipal Judge will be sharply fought for in tbe ooming eleo tlon. ' Candidates " are . numerous, and Democrats and Republicans are anxious for. . the i nomination. .: : Judge M. ; w. Hogue, present incumbent, will enter the Republican primaries wlthth prestige oi.nis semes . in in past . lores -. years and will make a flght for renomtnatlon. .iy"-". - ; WJ'T. VaOghn'wanta th Democratic nomination for that .office, and Oglesby Toung Would not object to receiving It. J- B. Ryan, who was regarded as a oan- Idldate, has anntranced that ha 1-out -of tha race. .',?.,.' , . . Anotbsr lively v contest among, tbe Democrats will be over the offtce of city attorney. .It is said ,. that Thomas. O. Oreen Is a candidate." and R. W, Moa- tagus. who has been proposed for coun ellman at large, and also for mayor, is now "brought out by his friends for city attorney. Thomas O'Day haa - been placed on. the list -of available-candi dates, ' and Oglesby - Toung might aak for tbat nomination Instead fthat for City Attorney McNary wants renoml- nation. : i A Democratic ' candidate I fof auditor has appeared. In -the -, person of John Lament, 'who may make an effort to secure the nomination and make the run against Tbomaa C. Devlin, who Is con- ceded - he Republican, nomination if be ease tor it. ar. umoni naa oeen quite prominent res avcandldate for mayor, butt has said that he would not enter tbe flejd. for.. that pomlnaUon. -t S9eutk Portland 5 Democrats - of 4e Sixth -ward- today announced John Mon tague aa their candidate for councilman at large, and John Haitkemper for ward councilman. Still another Democratic candidate for mayor went on. the available. list today, when friends of O. W. Allen proposed SAYS CONTRACTORS WILL jpOitPLETE-THEIR WORK Final settlement between the city and. the Pacifio Construction company. wnicn Duut tne Morrison street nnage. wnu not uute piece untu tne con tree tors'. have fulfilled -, every term of tm contract, aocording to Whitney 'L. Boise, s member of the special Morrp son street bridge commission. "Tbe contractors will have to remove the old piers to a depth of 10 feet, and will .'have to dredge the channel, be neeth the bridge, he continued. 71 un derstand that they are working as rap Idly' as possible under present coadl neath the bridge," he continued. "I un- tlons. It is a slow matur to remove the Old ptera,, but 'they are favored at the. present time by ,the,eatremeiy..low water." '. .. --- Over S,00,is due tee contractors, but a -portion- ef this Is due the, for demurrage for. failure of the company to flnlsti -the constructlon'or tbe -Midge witbing the . time spec I fled In the con tract. It is said that over f l.eoe may be claimed by the city for the faUure of ' the company ; to comply with .the contract. ' --, '.'- Tenth. Annual Spring Opening. On page 14 of this Issue appears a large advertisement of ths Salem Wool en Mills, 81 Third street. - The adver tisement In Itself Is calculated to catch the eye of. every reader, but better still. It has an Important measage to every beholder. Though .apparently written for the sterner sex only. It haa a word for - wise mothers ' it tells them where to go ;to save money on boys clothing. The advertisement, hftwever. Is for the publicity -ef the- Salem Woolen .Mills' 10th annual spring opening. The firm announces that for spring wear It has brought to Portland and., put on their tables, shlves and countere a matchleaa array of correct clothes for men. Par ticular atreaa is laid upon the -young men's "typical college: clothes," selling for tie te tte a suit. 1 These clothes were especially di-stgnrd for 'young men who. want-something, smart and snappy; out of. the ordinary. A complete de scription of these suits In given In the advertisement, which will easily "beer close' Madlng.- Fse-lt...v,M. V' r " Specter o.f a Measure Long De ad r Worries. Many Hon-Resident l j$ iOwrtere of Property. ; RlUL ESTATE SOLD IN COUNTY, AS OLD JUNK Tax Imposed Years Ago May Be W-r Cause of Great Loss to -.ri'':-' Purchasers.. ' Tbe. old mortgage tax on realty tn Oregon occasionally ' raisesf , to plague non-realdent owners of property. Per sons who bought realty believing that all back taxes were paid, sometimes dis cover that tne mortgago taxaa were for gotten. ' These claims are designated as "old Junk," and, un)eaa the officials send tbe owners notice thay would lose their last opportunity to save the property from sale without redemption privileges. Ths mortgage - tax law was repealed about. 14 years ago. This weak a letter came to tbe county clerk from Louis M. Mowbray, an archt. tact residing In New York, saying that he bad received notice of .mortgage taxes due for the years 14l, lit and 1841. amounting to MZ.41 on 8.41 acres of land In section 80. township 1. -north of range S east. In this county. ' Mr. Mowbray Intimated that he thought there was' some questionable element In t'he transaction, and said: .. , ' Tbe above amount Is but ons. of .the many claims whlcm nave lately neon paid ten this property, and H seems that there la some scheme to get aa much out of Mrs. Mowbray aa possible. Tsxes have been paid on it since Jt came Into ber possession." -' The explanation is round in tne im position for a few years of the mort gage tax, - Many peoeone who nave kept their taxes paid promptly each .year Inca. the law was repealed have for gotten or never know about It, and are In danger Qf losing tneir property, xor, when once wold aa "old junk," It cannot be redeemed, t -. , -. 1. 1 .1 ' OLD HORSE SALE AT 1 'THE CUSTOM HOUSE Portland Merchant Loses Dollar Fifty oh a Dollar Eighty , Five Purchase; r I - 'V. Seised and unclaimed goods' were eold at tbe customs bouse yesterday alter- noon at publlo auction, in uis wuw tlon -were six cane of opium confiscated by officers of the '' government. . All tbe Others goods had been lytngsln ths warehouse of. the customs nouse nuua. In far nearlv a'year. r. 'Barnen, oeputy oounori - toms. -aotad aa auctioneer.' and - naa a crowd - Of - Cocahus -- and -Chtneae bidding agalnat each- other at a livery rate; many articles sold at a higher figure than they eooM have been pur tiuat oV in- the . stores -un town. . A sauce made lit the orient attracted the eye ef tbe Cninese end It eommaaasa a fancy price. Tbe enure ouim orougui a total of 88S. - Prom the looks of the- cigars they were .manufactured' about 10 years ago nv a.varv Door workman. A celestial picked up one of them, bit off the end or it., mane a wry race ana mi.w down In dlsrust The box contained 104. Finally some one bid "two-bite" for the lot. He was raised 10 cents. The price was run up' to $184, and a Portland unhut -carried away, the prise. He afterward remarked that he would -lose about Si te for bis "smartnesa. N DIANA SOCIETY k 1 WANTSH00SIER POET An Indiana 'society was formed' last night with . the following orricers: President. W. H. Evans: secretary. . J. Lisvlnson. To prepare a constitution and bylaws E. J. Jseger was appointed chairman of a committee to be named later. The membership roll already con tains about '17s names, and tbe success of thereolety Is assured. It Is pro- a permanent organisa tion, and an effort will he made to brine- James Whltoomb Riley -to tne exDoeltion. The next meeting will be held at the city hU Tnuraday evening, March 80. C ii Wood has charge of a program for tbe occaalen. The. Missouri . society win noia its ertlns this evening st the Chamber of , Commerce. Officers will be elected, and arrangements made for permanent headquarters, where all Mie seuiiene attending, tbe exposition msy be received.' and' where, Information re carding former Mlssourisns snd de sirable locations for settlers cen be disseminated. - t . .7 Clothing at , Less " Than Cost of Making. . So announces' Paul : Strain In an ad vertisement In this Issue. Claiming that buelneaa is dull and to stimulate activity, -a sale wU open-tomorrow of 818,000 worth of men a nno uncaiied-ror tailor-made clothing suits end Over coats. 1 These goods are'ell strictly tbe product of leading eastern tauora ami represent the ereami 01 tpe marset; earmeata left on. the bands of. tailors after deposits had been .made. Secur Ing an tmmenae stock of these goods I2&.040 worth they will be put on sale tomorrow , and the sale will continue until 1the " goods -are - gone 826 misfit suits for 810: 880 misfit suits for $18.60; Priestly, cravenettes, $10; misfit coats. nsnts. vests and overcoats all to go at nronortlonatety low reouciiona. naia nwH- in there'e nothing to stop . you. Instead of outj 4-foot doorf we new have 86-foot entrance. .,; - . KimT rnsowAx , L. M. Curl of Albany Is at the Per kins. ; Mr. snd Mrs. 1. H. Walker of Pome roy, Wssh sre guests at tbe Perkins, . P. H. D'Arcy ef Salem la at tbe Im perial. :"' t s- t A. Watson of Newberg la at the im perial. ', ? ..' --" ' S , 1 Mrs. W. B. Ounn of Albany Is a guest at tbe Imperial. , Mr. and '.Mrs. Otis Patterson of The Dalles ere regiatered at the Imperial. , E. P. Weir of, Salem Is registered at the Perkins. . Charles Grlssen ef McMlnnvllle Is at the Perkins., v. . .' , ;t ; H-B.ern- of -Oold. -Beach la 'regt the Terklns. Mr. and Mrs. Bdwsrd Orlmtey of Wal lace, Ida., are guests st the Imperial, B. P. Morse of Pomeroy, Wash., It registered at the Imperial. f - -f Mucft- Needed Landing WiSI Ce "y Built at the Foot of Oak " Street.' . ; - OWNERS OF SMALL CRAFT WILL CE MUCH BENEFITED Promoters of Wharf Talk of Run -ning Boats. Frorn River Into 'Guild's Lake." - George U Steelsmlth and L. A. Clark have leased property at the foot of Oak street on which they will build a publlo boat landing. A float $0 by 30 feet Is being built and tbe work will be rushed to completion. v-. -. There la no euch dock in the city, and the builders say thla is for the purpose of affording a landing place 'for the Urge number of .gasoline, launchea In the harbor but any- boat ,wlll be accom modated there If the owner pays for the 1 ... 1 ... . ... The proprietors will also operate small fleet of gasoline launchea. and when they, get started say that ons of these will leave every 10 minutes for different, points In the harbor. When the Lwls and Clark fair opens they ex pect to reap a harvest. Mr. Clark says he will aak the privilege of selling tick ets good for admission so the exposi tion ground to thoso woo take passage en the boats. He sarya a canal from tbe river to Guild's lake le talked of. Steelsmlth and Clark Jiavs just re turned from s seven-years' stsy In tbe Klondike country. - EXPENSIVE PIECE OF WORK. Already tMOOVaa Been gpsa 0a Work of Competent authorities -estimate that the eum of $80,000 haa already been ex pended In the work of raising the stssm ship George W. Elder, and tbe comple tion of tbe lob la not yet In sight. -Many of those who have bean keepjng in touch with operations are beginning to arrive at the conclusion that ths underwriters end owswrs of the craft would haea been ahead had they placed heavy charges of dynamite on board and touched them off. Several attempta made to raise tbe vessel have failed. It la now said thst workmen are placing cement ground the bulkhaada. which have been built. When this work iias been completed, It Is ths intention te pump the water out of the bold. It le asserted In some - quarters that the river ia at "such a low stage that It will be Impossible to float the Elder until tbe June rise. It ia said thaU the Jagged rocks which protrude through the bottom of tbe hull will prevent the vassal from being lifted with the at first expected. Others claim that only manner In which it will bo possible to dislodge ber from, ber long resting place will be to. place a pontoon on each slds and lift ber by means of machinery, MARINE NOTES. - ' Astoria. Msrch 17. Arrived down at 4 and sailed at 8:40 a. m. steamer All! ance for Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived down at 14 and sailed at a. m. Steamer Redondo for San Francisco and coast ports.- Arrived at 7:06 a, - m.- Schooner Alexander T. Brown from Winslow. " Balled at t:40 a. m. British steamer Has Elbe for Tsingtau, and schooner Beulah for San Francisco. Ar rived down at 10:30 a, m. Schooners C A. Klose and Polaris. Outside at 7 a. m A four-masted schooner end a two- masted brig. Left up et 11:40 a. ..m. Schooners L, 11 son and Cbeteo. . Astoria, March 14. Arriver at 3:40 p. m'. Schooner Luzon from San Pedro, Arrived down at 4:40 p. m. British fAttmi n.a It" IK. I ' a - n...L 1 m a.iii . . . p, m.' Steamer KoaaoKe, ror roruana and coast porta,, from Port Los Angeles. Sailed at 8:80 p. m.' United Sutes trans port Buford and steamer tsee xor Port land. - Astoria. March 17. Condition of the bar at . 8 a. m., smooth; wind west; weather clear. . ALONG THE; WATERFRONT, While shifting at the" Portland mill dock yesterday tbe schooner Alexander's anchors dragged g'nt the cable which extends across the river to the Inman- Poulsen-power -plant, but ; only Blight damage waa done. - . . In addition to repairing tne nuiwarxs dn the Lonsdale the contractors will rhake a number of Improvements to the rigging. The.BteAOTLgtendoeared.jrorBnn Francisco yesterday evening wun niw I Bee Daily, Ads, fog Bargains. sT BBQTJsTBT SATURDAY ONLY AT COVELL'S Saturday all day we will sell at a big reduction Regular 30c MATTING "" Saturday at ,:t' 16c Per Yard Bay sTow, pay aa Ton Oaa. COVELL'S "' i4-ie rxmsT b. ' ' Tormerly Mew Tork Pmraltars Ce. m riaavoa xo bxtt rrrBBiTuaa.' 49izl00 feet on south side of Cliaaa St between Sixth and Seventh ; cement sidewalks; excava. tlon for cellar) fine hotel site. . ' r ., V'-'V Applj to ' ' . B. M. LOMBARD 014 Chamber of Commerce. tons of wheat and 400.000 feet Of lum ber and a full passenger list - , ' The gasoline launch Gaaelle, which was launched yesterday, made- a trial trip this morning In the harbor, and everything worked satisfactorily. . The vessel Is owned by. McLean Key, of La Grande, Or., who win operate her during the fair. She haa spaoe for T6 passengers. The schooner Argus cleared foV Ban Pedro this morning with 760,000 feet of lumbar.-.-- , . v . , With a full cargo of general merchan dise and the uausl passenger list, the steamer. Alliance sailed last night for Eureka and way porta, , t At tbs request of the Pacific Construc tion company, aoundinga of the depth of water at the draws have been made by the United States engineers and city of- riaiaia, wno report that the channels In that locality are $0 feet deep. suroAD' oomorev ' ' The United States transport Buford Is expected here from Ban Francisco to morrow. - She - sailed yesterday.- She will take '460,000 feet of lumber and the Nineteenth Infsntry to Manila. An ef fort will be msde to have ber ready to aall for xhePhlllpplnea on April - . V. Two battalions of artillery are being brought from the Bay City. The sol diers will corns over from Vancouver to Portland on one of .ths river steamers and disembark at the Greenwich dock. Joan of Arc." Tse Baar sew faces seas at tha ftsaiaaea ef "Jbaa of. Arc" at tse CDtamMa abew that the tide ef onmi, wklch wlU be at flood seat has already art toward Pertlaaa. Tbaae etfaasxre are rantaroaa Is their urates ef the OulasibU sod eftea seek the SMnager's efflce to sxpnas It. "I eoold not beuere my ears." exelalswd a Mew Yorker last Blent, "whea I heard that Portland atock compear waa playlas Jeaa ef Are' at SO easts admlaeloB; nor my eyes, either. wars 1 saw ror sirwir the aasiptsoas etsce srttlnss SHd Btagalrlreat aetlhg ef the gnat historical play. Kaatcra alack eempaales abl oom rise above farcea; sever higher thas light eoaardy. . Yoa couldn't eastlaee say ef oar back east saaBagera that s atock eeaipaay eesM pat os the ezpraalre snMnenoas yes so 1 set go broke os the jump-off." 1 1 mi , "Beaucaire" Seats Tomorrow." - Tomorrow st 10 s'rlock the advaace sale et orate will opea for Creetoa Clarke, who eoa to the Marqaasi Oraad tbeette sest Tseaday bicbc IB "Mossiear neeacaire." The snea. arrved eoaBeeBce ripoaid IS "Moasiesr Beaa ealre" as a sUt-edso eosMdy rosiaBee et Um unconventional type give saaarasee et Its ear- dial reeeptioa here. Tbe aaaoriattoa with Ita food for trior of sack s slittnfulahed actor aa Uvatna Clarke la aa adeitioaal reaaoa why each s eosiswasable attraeUos is likely te take away pieaaaat siiinnries el its nsit to spore- etatire laoaow saaoss. Matinee Tomorrow. Tne aorthlasd alnser. Bn neadrlcss.' Is hla play, -Olo Olaoa,'7 Is srortsg s great sae- ai Tne Empire tnoaUHi, where he playing all this week. ' Teaicht Ins all this week. ' Toaicht Mr. ll.ndrlcfea f I r- way to the Asrient OnVe of Mllxprnlana, bet riiwi I the vefc-assnrrBt with a siatlnre toaxmow and will iilit oat a ver auccaful week . tomorrow i'Slfht. . It Is s pULy that leaves a pieaaaat Barar behind, a unr- ef rnotir .rasianco aad brave eoean of fosdneaa and (Impurity rhUng triumphant oviv rvatrated villainy, and IrrltaUng mloreaivp. tlons la- u foortk set, which Is short and week '.: .1 -y Firit Tfanron the Coagtv-- What la rrnnrted ts be one ef the frw Vimlne dramatic hita ef th seaaoB. "The Mooeahbir'a Daechter" Is to be the offering at the Kmdm theatre- all salt week, startlsg with the matlww Bnnsay. A romantic lore atory is Interwoven la the rtlna ef tbe nlay which atrlkM a rMmosalTo rliord In . the (fcearni . of all btholsera. Th Intenov sreaea"" are reltrvod by nnmnona Mia of MBwey, which, sed aast to the sstartals SHUlt. -,.''. . . ., ; 1 m . 1 , " "Thelma." Beats sre sow ea sale for the oeealsg ef Marl Corrlll great drams. ThebBa." whlrh will start the week at the Columbia sert Mooday nlsbt. Always charming, -laaoeeat and pare, "Thrlma" la the Idrel love atory. ea. pedally for feminine thratre-goera. It will he area at the CotamMa all seat week, with Hits Coostiss is tbe Ultle role. . ; ' The Grand Theatre. At the Grand thla week " three -lumber ea the bill are toot the saaw In atsndinc a . are enatented at the Orphesm Is Han mseiaro. The Japaaere troop with Bum Ktrni's altde for life is s thrilling sensation. - The rraBeenra kedinf company preaantn a neat emsedy. D Cne Ukes his life is his bands at each per- tuf aiasce. ' The ax. At the Star the Brother Rants- ar tse top liner thla mrek la os of the etoverast hand balancing seta ever n In th city. Hngh Kwujmmw mm n poMur miruoiOBi, ... 'At the Baker, RamnbaL th lien, at the Baker this week. ia said t b th moat virion beset of thla apvele la the world. Frank Hall, hla' trainer, enters th ea( at each performance. Lyric Stock Company. Thla compeer I Baking Bond thla week In tbat rlerer, seat cenwdy-dramn, "la Cherry Valley." Th play haa made a dlaUBet, hit, tni'iu epecialtlea betweaa acts, am xovm OP MVSXO. - A-pleanant- Sunday: evening majr be expected - by ell who attend the song service at the Massalo-Srreet Congre gational church. - The soloists for the occasion sre Miss Grace .Gilbert, so prano; Mrs. Olga Bartsch Lang, con tralto; C. M. Godfrey, tenor, and C. L. Tucker, baritone. The program will in clude a piano solo by Miss McKercher, and quartet, chorus and congregational singing. Ths hymnal for tbe evening Is one to be uaed In the union evangel ical - servlceg." "" " Tears ef suffering relieved In a nliht. Itching piles yield st ance to tha euro tlvei properties of tman's OlntmenH Never falls. At any drug store, 60 cents. iATJHETHEATRESJO -' U-'.'i " 111.. i-i-vi-' Republican Machine Insists That i Its Full Strength Shall Be Used This Year. ; r POLITICIANS' MAY CAIN : BY NEW PRIMARY LAW Of the Registration io Date, Only ; ; About Ten Per Cent la Democratic. - The north end ' and the queetlonable portions of the south end are contribut ing large numbers of electors - to the lists of registered voters who are pre paring for , the primaries, ' They a ooming in squads under tbe guidance of local strikers for the gamblers. ' Ai though It was announced that the mar chine had 'no ticket for the primaries. and that It would, yield to the reform element and permit tbe nomination ef eadldates who would be - pleasing : to those who Insist on lew enforcement ss the primal Issue In the city campaign. It Is apparent tbat registration of voters ts not to be neglected by the regular organisation of tbe Republicans. ' "Judging from 4he - present Indica tions.' said a elttaen who baa been, ob serving tbe registration of voters since the books were opened on Wednesday, "ths direct primary nominations law will be used merely to register ths wishes of ths professional politicians to weaken whom the la,w waa enacted. If. they get out their followers In greater num ber thai do tha other element thay will control, ths primaries Just ss effectively as they did under the old law." Tbe movement of the gamblers has Just begun, and le expected to gain mag nitude as the daya pass. It Is sppare'nt that they will bring out every voter they oaa control. - -. Another striking feetnre of the regis tration up to this time Is the absence of Democrats. Of the total number, 444. registered up to last nlghC 44 were Democrats, agalnat." 4S4 Republicans. Wednesday, the first dsy the books were open, 114 registered, of whom Its were Republicans and It Democrats. Thurs day, 111 registered, 401 Republicans snd 11 Democrats. . Thla is 10 per cent Democrats and 10 per cent Republloana, elthough ths vote for congressmen lsst June wss In the proportion of about 41 Republicans to IB Democrata. In tbs two days. . 10 Republloana - refused to state 'their party affiliations; With SSI voters registered yesterdsv. there wss a nearer approach to tbe aver age that must register for the 14 days, which Is 400, than was looked for. Of the 049 who have, registered. It sre new enrollments ' end II -were changes of residence..- ,j ... a. 1 ft. . i "WANT AD" MISPLACED ' "sTsaUy .rarnlsmed from) iomioa, ras aast bask) class im.. lOth Bt, eer. XassmUL ' - ' Closing Out MattihgSaie - i Having a very large stock of fine linen warp matting on hand, we must positively close It out te make room for our new atock of goods to arrive for the fair trade. ' Ws also-have a large stock of new canton, crepe, and linen em broidered patterns .for ladles waists and . dresses, pongee silks snd ether fine goods, such ss grass , linen, table center pieces, Japanese and Chinees latest novel ties, curios, etc., at lowest prleee. . Andrew Kan & Co. .' 287 MORRISON 123 First Street, Opposite First tlatfonst E;-i '"- .'."' ' - ,v Office Fi"r-J Czlr'-r; V Smart Styles ' in Shoes for Children at this store.4 ; ' 'u:i PRICES RIGHT KNIGHT'S Opposite Perkins Hotel COLUMBIA THEATRE tb sad aaatogtoa Sts. Tsssnt.. Might Ian Pa On ef the greatest reHgtose - - draatas of the sga. 44 JO AIM OH ARCM BplssHldly sreseated by the . stocs at. ss. us. Matin' at t, Dolly yardea Casay st s. box oMre. bob. S3T Morrlaoa: oei au nr: nbaa sla 110. . Inning at theatre. suia SM. g EXT WEEK, MAKOUAM ?StI?ggw' kSsratfTM" ItAMT CTBNIMO ygBPORsf AgCB TOKIOsTX. Lnat Tim In Portland Took iva Bsmu -' With Daatis ysrnaai and Ortclsal Cast. KsmUI BMttae- prices raroet, ll-SO; sar qot elrei. 41. Balcooy, 41. T&c, BOe. Oallery. Sue. Evening pneas iew moor, . i .ow. Bal- eooy. It. Toe. 60c antlro gauery. sec aad teste, 410. Beats sow sailing. EMPIRE TKEATRE -Si Order seats by Pheas Ham UT. kUtlnM toaaarraw, Hetaraays huh tomorrow nlsM. , The..faierlt Bwedlah' dialect Siwitis. . Ban BKNoaiuaa ?T OLE OLSOI , PrleesBlatlaee. Me. lie. um iftrf ZW. Sfie. BOe. - ill ajest waekv atsrttn anodny aa tinea, ' .tbe New Tors guttea. .. TEX HOOXBBTjru-S DAnenTtB." Hmmm In P 110.1. 1 n.m mrirlnm raat. anw pmxliaclliiii BMi fat New York City. th Biros fob uni" . Pmmmm Main SBt. ' GRAND TBT8UWABI IBOHFB. - ' " ' Boyal Japamae acrobats. : nta,CBSCA aiCDDIKO CO.. Skotrb, .'-. "THB GREAT CAKLBM, 'lBperaoaeter. TUB AUORKS.. Society Bntsrtalsecs. AKTfRBWS AND fHU), awedlab Ibaa, tO.-BUa. wJ"a, nw i tub uaannuK-irn. Prteas Bveninss. 10c, 90c, east Baaeays aad boUoays, 10c VaSSS? STAllTHXATCiX j wxxx BTOreTmro today. i - tvo nowsi rjnrrm.---T-- .' MB. AND MRB. UCOB KaUaJCTT. ' bTOVrABD AKD COOK. . BA.DIB RKYNQLDg. UJ0X9 BPgN'CEft. INEZ SCOTT. ROPCOB AHBrCKLB. . , . v . . BOIHOM PROJ KCTOHCO PW. ' ' NBW PBlCKft- Branlng. lOe, SOr and SBe. MatlnM, eiornt Bvadnye aad bolldaya, lOr. Week-aay show, -U a. bl. I M p. aa, ssd B a. a. . - THE LYRIC THEATRE SB" SWT II AND ALDWB VI kg VIS. . - Bnry aftaraeoa asd vaalsg. amsuT raoDucnoN or thb rornt-ACT BCSAXi OOatCDT-DaAM A, -IN CHERRY VALLEY" f BneeUtties Btsnea Acta. m at S.S0. T:B sad B:1B a, Sa. Canal prte f DAKER THEATRIL Third aad TlaihlU at.. Keating noaaV ataa , um. Larri-at VaadevUle Bono la IbsIs. saves.-tarsret vaaoevuie uanse u FRANK HAIX, liwTWK. , . . . -....I v V . k" aOT mnU ' ' - Binnunr,! mni vw imjkw. . B0B1KSON AND TRKNAsUUt. , THB Bt'BMrXJJt. TBOGIM AM DANIBXS. - ' i i KAN wnjwjN. THB BIOOBAPH. Adnbarine. downetalr, an; apntawa. prfraulBree ni s:w. i ' maw - - w HEREAFTER. A Besnsik sills yrodacUon Oom . oatvwA frcaa Besayi Xaferavs. now iren. coirrnroouj pufouuiicc S to p. an. aast T 11. p. as. Imperial BaeakBldg. COBCBBT BTBBT N1QHT. 1BI 4 ST BU BNBTPB. ' Oraaaste AsMrVas Bfbenl ef Ostsssstky. aursavuia, Osteopathy ' sb. wruxsji.e. ixacx. , Oateopathle rByslclas. All Carsei asd 416 Aolastoa stag. -'-' Bualllna Dtaraf ' Third at., bet.. WaB- a.,i. TfmImI lagBMt a no bouts. ' Portlasd. Wlowot llrsga. 15 DRAWER LEGAL -2 BLANK CABINEr ; Selected Quarter-Sawed. Oak . Wa have received 100 of these beeutiful Cabt- nsts and will sell them at thie low tfm whim tbejr laet. ' ; Glass S K:z:.2 Co. i