The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    r , . .1
J J Note for" Seven Thousand Thirty.
, Five Year "of Age Now
. . ' ; Worth Hundred Thousand.
-1 a ... ... . -,
. 1..
I t
A Manufacturer's - Housekeeper
" ; Forces His Son, Who Is Half
v Her Age, to Marry Her. v
Congratulatory - Messages From
i All the World Showered
Upon Famous Maestro.
y I : - ' .
-w .'')..,
I : Boys' and 0
x r V 10r
' Nathaniel Beswlck Worked on a
California Stock Ranch for -
' Pressley Dorris.
' ".7 f - - ... . ,-
Sensational Statements Made in
Court Over Adventuress'
"j.. Strange Influence. V .
4Joaral. Special gerrlcl .
'San Francisco, March U.-Judr Mor
row of th United States district court
yesterday entered a verdict for. J,63S
ii tuv oi luvaarq oo. w ilk su'sh
Rqllin D. Dorris. administrator of - thT
stats of Pressley A. Dorris. The Judg
ment was given on a note for $4,800,
given In 1170 and bearing Interest at
the rate of It per cent, compounding
monthly." '
Nathaniel Richard Beswlck . worked
in t stock ranch In northern Califor
nia for Pressley" A. - Dorris. In - I70
Dorris cave Nathaniel JBeswIck a note
.for M.800 for services' rendered. Na
thaniel Beswlck was killed in the Modoo
' war and shortly afterward suit was be
gun by Richard Beswlck, as adminis
trator of Nathaniel Beswick's estate,
'against Carlos J. Dorrla,' administrator
of Pressley A. Dorris' estate.
The note was afterward turned over
to Richard Beawlck by the estate. Jane
28. 187. the compound Interest 'and
principal, at 10 per cent, amounted to
I&5.C1S, for whloh suit was brought. -.
: The Judgment rendered by Judge Mor
row was for 155,635, the amount due
when the suit was brought, and 142.900
accrued Interest since mat time.
'(Special Dinpatea to The Josrsal.)
' Moscow. Idaho, March IT. The Unl
t verslty of Idaho has leased from the
state a section of land sis. miles from
Moscow on which 160 Angora goats
: will be placed by the experiment sts-
Jtlon'for the -purpose of - demonstrate
Ing the value of the goats in clearing
.' away the luxuriant growth, of brush
' which covers the land, he soli is ex-
eellent, though a trifle rough in places,
but the brush grows so densely upon
1 It that the expense, of clearing the land
, .makes the cost of the ground too great
"for the .prospective revenue.
? The animals thrive well on brush and
' they have been found very effective in
-clearing land. There a r 19.000 Angora
goats in Polk cotlnty. Oregon, and each
of these ha yielded from three to live
pounds of mohair -each- year. The mo-
hair sold at from 11 to IS cents a
' pound, and the cost of keeping the goats
wee trifling. Angora goat -flesh la re----
garded as fully equal to mutton and the
, goats are mucn' narater inan'eneep.
There is said to be room for 10,00
Angoras "In Latah county. Th goats
- for -the axperlmewt wiH bey purchased,
s Last yea the clip of 26.000 goats was
i pooled by one group oi owners.
b very often acquired,
though generally, inherited.
Dad hygiene, foul tir, i.'rryuit
water, are aeons its cause.
It is caEad "tits to!) for
tubercles," and where it b
allowed to remain tcbercu
lotis or consumption fa
pretty sure to tc! root.
Removes every trees cf
scrofula. Get Hood's, i
I ihnrMilals I ami i aMa i
for Book oa Scrofula, No. I.
Jearaat Special Service.)
'Chicago, March IT. Herbert M. John
son, a son of J. C Johnson, a Detroit
millionaire carriage and automobile man
ufacturer. Is being hidden In Chicago,
and closely guarded b,y Attorney , Ray.
mond C. Lyon, to keep him out of the
hands of his father's former housekeep
er, Minnie Lackie Watson Johnson. Ia
the bill .for the annulment 'or the mar
riage filed ia. the superior court the
woman 1s accused of having a strange
influence over young Johnson. '
A few of the sensational allegations
In the bill- are: . -
That the son is heir to the Johnson
millions; that- the boy is immature in
mental, capacity, over whom the bouse
keeiier has obtained complete control.
That when she waa discharged by
Johnson's parents she told them:" 'Til
have your son, whatever you "dobet
mine.- . .-- -
That two years later the. parent re
turned suddenly from a European trip
to And the discharged houaekeeper hid
den in an liostslrs room.
That the -son- fled from his home of
luxury in Detroit to unicago to evaue
the woman, wnere ane -round mm, naa
him arrested and forced him to marry
her. That after the wedding she said,
it's old J. C. I'm after, not you."
That the woman la S years old and
the Johnson boy half that age.
Minnie iLackle Johnson has deter
mined to flght the bill, end iretalned at
tornevs. and entered- appearance and al
ready filed answer denying the charges.
- - BxesasxesssaxeBxexs
Lawyer Acts as Judge .and Holds
a Star Chamber Session
: Without Witnesses. T
(BDeeial fAamteb te Tae JesraaL)
- Seattle, March IT; In the ' private
office 'of Attorney E. D. Benson. In ths
Boston block, yesterday afternoon Flor
ence K. Wlntermute Btoll was granted
a divorce from William T. Btoll. a prom
inent attorney in Bpbkane, and a prece
dent established which attorneys . tear
will, open an avenue for abuse of the
divorce laws of th. state oy siarcnam
bar sessions of special courts.
.. The only persons at- th. trial war.
the attorneya on either side, th. plaintiff
djrifpdflPA V"t. Attorney Benson aci
. A.fw.da igo. a stipulation signed
by both parties askings tnsi Aiiomey
Benson . be aDDOlnted to hear the case
of Stoll vs. Btoll was presented to Judge
Tallman. As many such applications
sre presented requesting a special Judge
th. order .was signea in tne routine oi
business with no thought of th. use
it. waa to be put to. ' ' j
.. Mrs. Btoll, .who was formerly the wlf.
of Dr. Wlntermute of Taooma, waa mar
ried to William T. Stoll of Spokane Oc
tober 0. 1I0. Last month sh. brought
th. action for divorce, alleging that her
husband was unduly Intimate with a
woman or Spokane . designated as Jan.
Special Judge Benson found the bus
band guilty aa charged and granted the
The wife a axed for neither alimony
or attorney fees. Th. reason for thla
action on her part Is that one month
after 'the couple were married Stoll
deeded to his wlf. flv. Spokane lota and
an agreement waa entered into that If
at any time aha ahould bring action for
dlvoro this deed "waa a bar to either
attorney feea or alimony.
Famous as Singer and Teacher
; Taught Jenny Llnd and
Catherine Hayes. '. '
. (Jooraal Special gerrlea.)
London, March 17. AU th musical
world seemed Interested today . in th
celebration of Manuel Oarcla' 100th
birthday. It waa an event almost with
out precedent In th annals or tamous
musicians. The Illustrious teacher or
singing waa literally flooded with coa-a-ratulatorr
meaaaaea from, ever part
of the world,' while personal friends and
admirer called in large numoera at tne
little bouse In Crlcklewood. where the
venerable maestro resides with his wife
and dauahtera.
Thla evening there was something like
a nublla celebration of the centenary.
This consisted of tne presentation. of a
portrait of th venerable singing master
painted by John B. Sargent, ine por
trait, together with an album containing
tb names of the subscribers, waa pre
sented to Oarcla at the rooms of the
Royal Medlco-Chlrurglcal society in the
presence of the Spanish ambassador and
representatives of the German, French,
Dutch, Belgian and other laryngologlcal
Probably there are mo persons now
living who heard Oarcla when he made
hia nrst operatic appearance in tne me
tropolis of the new world. Tett it waa
h. who gav. to New York Its first sea
son of Italian opera. It waa on the
evening of November 19, 111, that i
performance of "II Barbler dl Sevlglla'
was given at the old Park theatre, which
stood In Park Row on the exact alt.
where now stands the world's tallest
office building. Manuel Oarcla. Jr, who
celebrated hi birthday- today, was' th
Figaro of that performance.
Oarcla came of a noted family. His
father, Manuel del Popolo Oarcla, born
in Seville In 1TTS. began 'a a cholrlster
in th. cathedral there at the age of 0.
At IT he was known all over Spain as
a tenor and composer of comic operas.
Rossini In 1810 wrote th character of
Almaviva for him.
Manuel Oarcla. Sr.,' died In Brussels
in IS J. His son and other members
of the family continued jn the ope ratio
stsgs for well nigh. half, a century.- Al
though renowned aa a singer. Manuel
Oarcla, Jr owes his. fame largely to
his teaching. Ho invented 'the laryngo
scope, and his treatise on th. art of
singing Is famous. . - ,
On March IT, 184. his brother pro
fessionals of the Royal Academy - of
Muslo presented to him a silver service
as a memorial of hia 0th birthday. Later
In the same year he brought out hi
second and Jast text-book. "Hints on
Singing." Among his - most famous
pupils have been Jenny 'Llnd and Cath
erine Hayes. Th. celebrated Mallbran,
who died In Hit, waa Oarcla' s sister.
His no less celebrated sister. Mmev Ylar
dot. ia still alive.
(Among gifts - received today Was' one
from Emperor William, who bestowed
the great gold medal for science upon
th famous teacher..-
- '' (SpeeU! tnepateh to The JcsrsaL) N-
HlUsboro, Or., March 17. Mrs. Nancy
Williams, aged. 01 years, died at the
poor farm, in - this county yesterday.
Sh waa born In Pennsylvania, where she
married Lyman Williams, came to Ore
gon and located on a donation claim
near Lenta. Her husband and four
sons are dead. On. aon and one daui-h-
ter survive. ' Her son. Samuel, la living
at union, union.. county, and tha daugh
ter, Mrs. Laura Howard, resides at Ka
lama, Waah.' The funeral was held In
the M. E. church today, at 1 o'clock. -
Msadaobs and araxajgla raa Oold
Laiatlve Bream Qalalne. the world wide Cold
aod Ortp reawdy, remayes the came. Call for
the mil hv and look for tb alsnatare of a.
W. Oeave. gg.
1.1 MlflUgaljsA -ttX-S&t. iik . .in I
You can see from the -illustration
what these suits do :, for a
man's looks; he's distinguish
able among all sorts of double
; breasted suit wearers as the
well-dressed man. : J
what one of these suits will do
for your looks. It won't cost
you a cent to try it on; and it
will cost ypu very little to
wear it hbnidJ
$ 1 5.00 to $,25.00
; Copyright 190 J hj '
... Hart Schaffncr 6.Mrl i. J.'
Smt Clothes . : h
J ,.!T ' ' ' " - . . , ', ' . . .... " , .
' l You may. search the whole northwest over and not a store will . . ',
.- begin t6 show you the magnificent display of "Juvenile Toga"':
that we present.
Buster Brown
1 For boya of V to llears (.These famous garments are the
most exquisite models the world knows today. In Portland you "
can find the only genuine at this store. Prices $5 to $10
" Boys'; I&ce Pants
Age 8 to 16 years. Norfolk, single and double breastedattached
anddetached belts, wjth knickerbockers and regular pants.
j?lain double breasted," in handsome' Scotch. and worsted mix
; tures, as well as plain effects. Prices $2. 1 5 to $ 1 2.50
Youths' College Clothes
Ages. 14 to 21 years." Swagger garments that appeal to the tasty
college boy. Prices $9.30 to $22.50
.... .. . 4 . - .. ;'.
The Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest
tl :: '"'P-- yi- P':: "
Men on Hand Car Chased Down
' Steep Mountain Grade by
'. Demon of Death.'
(Bpeeial Mspatrh ts The losraaL)
. Belllnsham. Wash., March ; IT. For
miles, death In the ahape or a runaway
los-glns; train pursued Mike Ryan and
three companions down a steep moun
tain grade In the Mount Bakar district
st ths rate of 0 miles an boar last
night and came within an ace of getting
them'.alL The men were IA a handcar
at the time and had no Idea of their
danger until one of them happened to
look around Just as the train was on
the point of crashing Into their frail
vehicle. With a cry of "For Qod's sake.
jump," three of the men leaped from the
car, but Ryan, frosen with horror, was
too paralysed to more.
In an inatant ths ponderous - train
struck the car. hurling Ryan In
bruised condition on the side of the road
and continuing down tha slop. Aftor
clsralrtfl. th-t
going. ti
It wss ,.
terrific momentum it bsd gained throw
Ing it into a broken and twlated heap
many yards from tha track.
Ryan's companions ran hastily to hi
saslstance and brought llm to this city,
where with broken bones he la confined
In a hospital and Is' hovering between
life and .death. The train's escape ia
attributed to a leaking air valve..
.- wawsaBBSBaBaaal
(serial MajMteh te The JooraaL)
-Aberdeen, Wash.,- March 1 7. The eor
herston of the new city hall will be laid
next Sunday, .March If, at X p. m., when
services of an Interesting character will
be held. Eugene France will deliver the
address, the other numbers of the pro
gram containing prayer by Rev. Charles
McDerraott, two selections by the band
and several numbers by the male quar
tet of the Congregational church. Tb
mayor and council of Aberdeen. will be
present snd invitations to the mayor
and council of Hoqulam hare also been
extended, to be pressed, though there
will be no parade, all the lodge organii
tlons of th city hv been Invited to
ioln In the service.
Copies--of -t ho newspaper . of Gray
Harbor, newly coined coins, documents
Including the names of the present city
officials, will be laced in the copper
receptacle of the cornerstone. The spe
cial committee having thla dedication in
charge are exerting themselves to make
this a noted success. i
(Bpeeial IHinatrh to The Joeraai.)
HlUsboro, Or.. March 17. The dele
gate chosen by the Commercial club
of this city to attend the Oregon De
velopment league, which will meet in
Portland. April and ft. are ss ronows:
W. H. Wehrun. W. N. Barrett. W. O,
Donelson, F. C. Ballard. J. A. Imbrie,
F. M. Heldel. O. J. Palm steer. F. J. nai
ler. A. C. Shut. George A. Morgan. C
R. Deichman. K. J. Oodman. William
Nelson, L W. House, A. S. 8 holes ane)
B. P. Cornelius.
- , .
' "I suffered for months from or
tkrnat. Rclertrta Oil cured me in twen
tv-four fcotira.". M. S. tilst, HawesvUle,
Of the Leading Exponent
of the New ScienceHis
Lectures Attract Wide
Attention. '
When a man has succeeded In coming
so dose to nature that he has been able
to wrest from her the secrets which
have been sought In vain for centuries,
that alone is enough to make him a re
markable personage. -
When he succeeds in arranging and
formulating this knowledge In such a
way as to enable him to successfully
treat disease In sny form without the
use of medicine, he a r Dears In the eyes
of his grateful patients ss possessed of
powers iitue less man me mirmcuiuu..
;' ) y
Healer Harris has done all thla and
more. Ha Is not only able to do thla
workhlmself, but after Infinite labor
of the most exhausting kind he lias re
duced the system which he uses to such
practical, easily comprehended state
ments that he is able to Instruct others
in the knowledge which has taken htm
yeara to accumulate and reduce to thla
nrilMrlf IVRl.m.
No ambition could be higher or nobler
than the desire to be able Co relieve suf
fering humanity, to enlighten the bur
den which, lies so heavily on the human
race. Now listen there is latent In
every reader of this article the Inherent
ability to accomplish the same remsfk
able work for humanity that. Mr. Harris
Is now doing here In Portland.
The latent ability In there. It only
awaits the powerful leading of the? mas
ter mind and It will come forth to
iMnith anil rower. i It Is not Pre
tended that this course of lectures works
una mlrmrlo. There is no mysticism
sbout It, Simply this you sre led to
know your power, the Ood-glven -power
of a strong mentality over a weak phys
ical organism, and you are taught the
method of using this power ror tne oet
i.rm.nt of humanity. Any sick per'
son who will bring this advertisement
to Mr.: Harris tomorrow will receive-
a consultation and treatment free
oP'rhkrve. For further particulars on
thla subject, either the lecture miir
nr the treating of disease, sddrens r. W.
Harris. 2J-i4 Belllng-Hlrsch building.
Washington stress roruano, wr,
Bulk '.Sacked
Newcastle' Lump . . $5.00
Newcastle Nut . . 7 4.50
Australian (oT1) . 6.00
Roslyn . . . . . . .... . 6.00
PeacdckRock Springs 6.50
Kemmerer ..... . 6.50
Other CoaJsJsrrticmitcJyJLjBw
The Pacific Coast Go.
CHAS.RCUtIM.Asmt ; '
249 Washington St ' Telephones 229 and 237
Great Saturday Night
Sale 'rota 7 to 9.
. f ti if ii 1 .
t ir-
50c Brooms, 20c!
200 BrodVi. made of finest Oregon corn, specially selected, extra 20f!
heavy, sold everywhere at 60c special Saturday only ........... ''
C. & C; Sewing
Solid Oak Case, drop head, com
plete with attachments, -
' Very best, easy running, wsr
ranted 1 year, eouil of any f5 ' ,i
machine. ... .
$1 Down. $VPr Week'
1 n
Ccsista IfoeM Fcrtiihcr
173-1 rs r