The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1905, Image 15

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    . I. .J - ' . ,
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Trxs 'ossook daily - journal, Portland, Friday evening, march it. isc3.
10m CO LOAN.
i - m loan oo.
Ae a- .d -. wc sat
h-a w-, wic Mrw'fxo
.. . a. V4 Moatb. Week.
GOO Beeevr
.00 fcepay
re a . Med M M
Kni 8.88 er it. US er 81. SB
4.00 r tiot ar ll.GS
lie wu; Bigg.
llfl per cent mosey -, w build ' yea a
er MB yoa mn roar property, ateathlr
Mynxexpts; Investigate: epea Saturday even-
in, uamm ini um DJOff., xcita wash-
HONCT TO LOAN aa ml. praoaal sad eo.
lateral aacaritm special ettaattoe to chattel
. rr'J"' aoieo Boagnt. . w. rail!,
-'. 804-8 feotoa bid.. M Sixth at.
HIOHLT rmpertabl place where Udtea.aad
fwsgaB Jwvow aeeaey aa Vaasoade aad
' l"?- Callataral Loaa Baeev 28 Waaa
a, a-aoae aiuicb I. ,
EEB tha D..lm-. r. . -HT
Saaacfal agents! aeeewy ta laaa-ea Bxortxag
r?5?" -" nM U earn from Su to
,""". rm c
IS LOANS an upwards aa ail ktzsfts . eat
rlty ar ta salaried people aa tkalr anta: loan
H"'! "n publicity, no deUy. til Ablngtsa
orag. o rsone (tea .ttu. - ,
VOMIT ABTANCID nUrH popl. te Buster.
.. ate., .without seearltys aay aayaMot: Ur
, I" ZT? IT' ... Pnaatpai tioaa.
t2f Ablactoa bide ,
CRATTKL laana la amaantt tanalwr frato M
. to IB.OOOi rooaitnanaM a apnialty. Raw
. Bra Loaa Truat Oa.. ant iMoflM bUhf.
loam aa fvrnltnra,
wt rati, a. ,w.
flood 416..
pfaeoa, athar aatnHttaa, low
a.ia(, room o, waan mj.
HONBT TO LOAN la larra ar aaull aBMaato
. . aa coos aararltrt lowrnt rataa. WtlUaai .
Baci. SOT FalUn bM. .
LOANS at kwMt ntoa aa farattara. ataaaat
, aar aatnnty aotra iiwrihami,
afSea. 4I Sbarktek bids.
' Inana, from tana to (Is BKataiL.aoafldastlal.
SIT Orrcoalaa. .
' HONBT TO IX) AN na Cla-axaaa eaaat taaaa.
r. am r. s. Kuar, sua manar a aw
Wm. Dvnholm. X3D . rauiaa dk
afONRT la loaa. fl par mC . Horthraa Ktaa.
SI0-S11 Oumawttlal kloek.
ft LOAN fioo ta ITSflO kj Ckarlat HlrataL
SSH Thlri at., room S.
MONST ta lnaw rtO 000 aT S par ant.aa altf
STB Stark at.
kfONST TO LOAN Apoly to Eooart A. afOIaT,
SOS OamBMrelal .bkck. . .
MAONETtO BHnn parlor for taSlaa aa
. tat)rnra: aralp trratmaata. fovaataaa ta
grew kalr. bae naadcra.
rsENCB ladlfa irlra batha aad amtnrt traat
Mat. SOS nrta at Faao Mala sua.
BALM OP riOS for all frnata dlnaaia.
Aldf at. Pbona Mala 4&0.
BART aamaafally traata all oto.
IWid imnmt Naw . TKnnMtH"
nadlnr-room. ill Taarar' blda. Uala
aia aiTK
PREPARATION of dcada and Mrtgagaa a
aparlaltj; prtcaa radoead. B, A. Prank. SIB,
tba Mroaa. - .
Pithia parainaM. . axnot uaetaar bldf..
Mirth aad Waablostoa. . Paoaa Clay. in.
Hoara BUS.
pnraieiaBa. wuia aiw-aw, bomti a las.
Phono Tue. .
taa' atathtaci aaloa auda. Naaatadtar
itjrraiaa. or. ' '
KNOW THTRKL flliitrr la ' todav aa
riart ariraca; roar paaf-aad fntara la read
by na from your haad aa aaally aa aaa can
" rrad frnm aa ooan book; aftar 20 Taara of
: kard atndr and profoaod taoafht (
tba aobiara wltk ran of practlral atparl-
aatlafactlon-ln all auttara pvrUlnlBB to lora,
hail nets. traTal. nlBln. apMilatkma, kraltli.
fntara annwaa aad happlnaaa, ' aad bow ta
cbUItt what rm oValra. A tboroogb reading
. onlj 50c. Coma and b eoaTtnrvd. Only 60s.
i Albino, tba p total, unite S aad a, Caatral
kotal, ear. BUtb and BUrk ats.
. plamaara. M 'oorU at. Both nbnwa).,
' POX'S) CO.. eanlfk'rr tambrra. SSI Reread bet.
Main and ftalmen. Omma Phone Main S001.
. allrer. eopper, iktfl j and bras platlag.
Jewrlrr work epertaltjr. Pboaa Malu XiM.
- lnirton at. Pboaa- TS. foliabiog.- platlaB
and larqnerlng. - . - --
' BI'KHONO At CO. Front and Stark eta., print-
ln. UtboaTapblng. blaak boaka and eflra
' aaMllea; work dooa oa ttnirr awat twaplata
- prinUaf efftce In the weat. Mala lo.
llthoaranblne, blank books. Pboaa Mala IT.
' ZTM Alder at. 4
Jr. B. BEACH A CO. Tba Pioneer Palat Oe.
arlndow-Klaal knd llaalnc.
lU ilrat at.
Pbona 1M4.
. BAHMCfWEN A CO Jobber, paint, oil,' fUaa,
' aab and dnor. Berood and 17 lot,
P. C. STAMP WORE. MB Alder at.,' phone
Main TIO; rubber aumpa, eeala, atenrluj. bac
' ' te. trade rberk: .aend for eatalogale.
TIN ROOPINO. mttarlar. renalrta aad Biaaral
JobMbb. J. teeit. til letfaraoa at.
. bopx.
PORTLAND CflRDAOH CO. Corner Foartaeatb
and Nertbrnp ata., Portland. Or.
- SArn,
, BAPEB The maa wtto know tba food and bad
. , nnlata of all'aafaa bnra the Herrlnr-Hell-
Marrla. Ka. TO BUtk at.. Partlaad. Or.
FOR, apenln lorkoat and aafa barf aba fa to
'' - P TTblrd at.
bowcaiks ajtd- nxTnxs.
BROWCAREB ef errry deaerlptloBJ. bank, bar
and atore flit ore aiide to order. Tba Lotke
, Mamfaetarlns Co., PortUnd.
, - 'j STOBAOK A1 TBAlTtrrB. . '
' BAPEB, r.looa and rnltore ajoeed. parked
ready for ahlpplng and ablpped; an work
. ' iroaraateedi lare, S-atory. brick. (Ira-proof
warebeaae for etnrag. Offlca 13S lint at,
C. M. Oleea. Pbona Mala MT.
C. O. PICK, office m pfrat at., between Stark
and Oik ata., phone ; planoa aad faraltnre
mnred and Parked for hlppln(i roaimodioaa
Dre-pronf, brtek -wareawawa, Break - aad
- at. ' ' -
BTORAfiB-apar to bt In oiir paw balldln.
JT74 Water at. Slgler MIIUa( A Ooaiaiawloa
; ' Coatpaar. . . .
' PILTNO ian aerea, arnieaalent, Iom. aid
rrowtb! 13,400.. - O. W. Kaatkaat, .Oretoa
City. Or. -
I p?4TB rnnlca ft ere of timber land In aeafbei
rraoa for U cheap. A 6. rare Journal.
W e "Tta, aad Batty
Sao Btark Street.
W raat. repair, aell. axebaaca typewriter,
. .. All aoppllea foe all machine,
'BUBdard-eaacalaee $2 end up te flOO.
De.yoa want a ateuarrapaer or typaut,
- . wa hare llt of good applicant.
Pboaa Black JPJTl.
POX typewriter tnppllaa and repalrtna;. Boa
A Boaa. 8 BUrk at. Pheae laTO.
aEAN TOWELB DAILY Ooaib. brain. Bean,
11 per month. Lawrence Bros Towel Baanli
Co.; Pourtb aad Conch. Pboaa a, -
Oregon transper co..j m Nort sixth.
Pbaae Mala a. Maaey baallag aad atoraya.
tnytoa at. Pbona Main oi .
MT- BPBCIALTT Bepalrlay. Tolrinf aad ad-
uatlny of flaa Tlollaa. . Boblaaoa, room 1ft.
taaaaU bid.
J. A. WEBCO,' Ttolln-niaker and repalrert wark
am eaaaa. mo nuaeeii amy, eta ana
at., .bat. Tamblll and Taylor. Portland.
I , - - aia. law T&JaVD BT.
Tba 01 dart Treat Oaaay to Oraaia,
tifflit, .
We caadaet a aeaeral banklay be I aeaa. . Wa
racelT aaelny
I awpoai
alta. . Wa lean tlaee aer-
ttaeataa and aarttftntaa at depoalt payable
apea J aay . eo aayr aau ar wa aaya
call, with lutereet at H. SU aad d per aeat
Kk" 'nS8S8Sir f -
BBNJ. I. COHEN...'. , ...PraeJdeal
H. L PITTOCK Tlee-Praaldent
B. LIE PAGET.... ...VSeerotu-y
I. O. GOLTEA...-. Aartataat Saeratary
5- h E.rR.HAkt' ..Mj....Tlea-Prea1deat
R. W. ROYT CaahUe
GEORGE W- ROTT .....Aaatataat Oaabiar
Traaaaato a waaaral Benkiny Bimlaia.
OrafU aad Letter of Credit laed Aeallaala
to ATI Peru ef tba World.
rL CoUeetloaa Bpeelalty. r-
Bat Merriaea St., Portlaad. Or. , '
otereet Allowed en Time and Sarlmra Depaatta,
Acta aa Traatea fee Kate taa.
Drafts aad Lettera of Credit Available ta All
. . Part at -Cw WorlaV .
C. T. ADAMS.. . ....Preatdeat
L. A. LBWIB. Pint Tlea-PraaldeBt
A. L. KiLtJ...rt...lit TlcavPreetdewl
B. O. JUBITB Saeratary
nro mm it trrovAL 9awwl
BMP way vatAieini', VyIVi1 ' -
a.raaaaeia m mi iai awaainy ataaiaaaa. .
. i'nr 1 n imuBU,
AfaDabla ta All Cltlea of tba United
aad Barope. Bony Koaff aad kUnll
Preatdeat ... J. C AINSWORTM
Plee-Prealdent.M. W. B. ATRR
C abler J........ B. W. CRMEER
Aaalataat. Caablar...A. -At- WB1GMT
Eataraihd to laaB.)
Cellnatloua anda at an pel eta aa faearabt
taraa. Lettera at credit laaaed aekllabls ta
karoo and all aetata In tba United State.
Blybt Kxraanya and Teksyrapble Traaafera
Bold aa New lark. Waablnrtaa. Cfeleeya, Bt,
Loo la, Deaear. Oaab. Sea Praadao aad
Montana aad Brlmh Colenb4a.
Bzcbaaya aold ea Laadoa. Parte, " BeiBa.
Praakfort. Boay Keay. Tofcahaata. Maata,aai
IMelynatad Denoaltory aad ktaaaatal Ayeaf at
tb Caltad Matoa.
Preatdeat fiA. L. MTLLS
Caeblar. ....... '..... 3. W. RXWKIRK
Aaalataat Caabtor ........W. & ALTORD
Beeoed Aartataat Caabler B. P. BTBTBNS
Utter at Credit laeaed A reliable la Panua
aad tba Neater BUrea.'
Blybt Kxebanye and Teicerapele Tl,,,,
Bold oa New Tor. Boatoa. rlcre. Be. Loet.
St. Paal Oaaaha, Baa PraBelea aad ta
principal polata la tha Nertbweat.
Slybt aad time bill drewa la arnat to aaM
ba Laadoa. ' Part. Berlin. Praakfoit aa Iho
Mala. - Boat Keay. Tekobaau. firpiabaaia.
ChrletlBBta, Btnrkboraa. St. PatoiaaarB. Maa
aaw. Knrlrb. Ilonolnba.
Celleetleaa Made ea FaeeraM
W)t auat - treat, rertlaad.
Offer nt-Xdaw Iweeatojenta la Cairletaal aat
Ballraad Beada. Wrtto ar OalL .
' Oa aSrttaad Beat Batata at Lew Be baa.
Title laaared. Aketoaato Paraajbed,
a. oaaaiaar af naitai a,
Brfnglng7aMinion-Donar Baby
. i u to.San '.' Francisco ' -
Home.-'' 5 '! '
George Tremble ' of Leadville,
' Will Send It to W. L Edwards
,. .When. Child Is Born. ,M
... . , i (Joajraal Bpaetal Bereto.) '.- .
' DentraT, CoL, March 17. Whan th
stork , now bovarlny over tha homa of
W. Lj. Edwards of Ban PTanclaeo shall
hT deposited Its burden, Oeorya lram
ble, ona of tha richest men in Lad
vUla, will writ hla check for f 1.000,00
for tha child of which ha will ba tha
xrandfathor, Mr a. Edwards being hi
daughter. Tha 'Shadow of tha stork
recently united two widely known Colo
rado . peraons, whose marital happiness
was split several montha ago bp do
meatlo infelicities.
This eouple Is Mr. and Mrs. Wllkle t
Edwards, whoaa matrimonial amaah-up
St Colorado Bprlnxs furnished the pub
lie with food for Kossfp some lime ao.
Edwards brutally asaanlted his wife And
tbey acparated. . v , ' ,r
The fact that Ur, and Mrs. Kdwarde
patched up theli differences' Md. are
living happily together Is not generally
known, as tbey settled down In a hand
some horns In Aan Frmaclaoo Tremble
long ago aald that he would glvs $1,00.
00 to the Drat child to call him grand
pa," 'and says he , will keep hid word.'
Now' the dream seems hear realisation.
' ' (Special Dlaparrb to The Jewraa'u
Chemawa, Or., March IT. Chief Clerk
Bptnk arrived at the school laat evening-with,
the three Yakima boy a who
had takerv. "Frenoh leave" and departed
for climes unknown. The , boys got
through Portland, escaping the vigilance
of, the Portland police, and got aa far aa
Qobte, where they . were placidly sleep
ing when they ware told ta put up their
hands. The Oobld marshal said that hla
greatest trouble was to get tha boys
to put them down again after he had
them In town. ' The boys were of A
party of pupils whom Buperinlendent
Chalcraft brought ' to Chamawa last
week, and simply had a severs does of
bomesickness. .Tab. boys Bay thry ar
asmsajiixt rox rnxoTXMXjrr or raBs
:f : BTXSXT. - ,. ' ? ';.
"'Notice is hereby glrea tbat tba w CobbMI
ef the City of Portland. Oraaoa. at a saeetlu
held oa the lot day of Marcb. lax, declared
or ordinance Ko. li.euo, for
tbe ImprereBient of Pint atreet from tbe aoatb
nee or Artbur
atreet ta tbe
eortk Una of
Laaa atreet. In tbe aianner Broetded by
aanr W. itTTJ. npoa each lot. pert at lot
Parcel ef land, arklch aro aixvlallr aaH
rallarly beoedted. m be aa fnliowa. la:
. ADDITION to tbe City of PartleaaVBLOCk:
M. aaet K feet ef north fet af lot 1.
Meary Welnbard KaUte. Hebrat ef. S2.T1 :
aeat SB feet el weat 8IJI feet of aaartb SS
. IT' of 1. A. P. Neunert. fo lk; aoat
v. mn A. . e, praaww ea.ow, eeK
100 feet ef lot 1 ioba Wldaeee. $6.66; eaat
- 100 feet af kit V C. E. Lambrraon. 1.78;
, eeat 100 feet of lot d. Knlly i. X. Moore,
sea.03. BU)CK 58. eaat loo feet of lot 1.
Lucia C. Peat aaubt, Uelra of, S.1S.1S; eaat
, 100 feet of lot 3. IakU C. Poet Ketate.
Helra ef, ST.4H; eaat 100 feet t lot S. Ottlla
. Bartach. 4.M; eaat loo feet at lot f OtUka
Barucb. 13 SB. BLOCK ST. eeat 100 feet
of lot L, Orunda P. 8. Plnanaar; S4.W;
north H of eaat 100 feet ef tot S, Orlaaae
. P. 8. Plammer, 3.00; eouth ef eaat 100
feet af lot t, A. Qulrolo, kJO.W; aorth i of
eaat 100 feet ef tot & AQuh-ole, s7a;
' Booth U of eaat 100 feet cf let A. UalUa
Alyer. $.ST: lot . Halite Alyer, 1 M.
A parcel ef Wad lylag betweea tba aeath Una
. of Porter atreet aad a llae bo feet emits
. tbarefrooi aad parallel tberewltb aad betweea
tba weat line of Pint atreet ead a llae 100
- fret west therefrom aad parallel tberewltb.
- Mollle Stanford. 3T.S7.
; A parcel of land lying betweea two Base
reapeetleelT Do feet aad 100 feet . eeeth ef
; and paralbl with the aootb Una ef Porter
atreet aad betweeb tbe Weet Una of Plrat
atreet and a Hie 100 feet west tberefroai ead
parallel tberewltb, W. A. Cnatek. S31.U.
A parcel of bud lying, between two Una
V reapeetleely 100 and 160 feet Booth of aad
.- parallel wltk tbe ona til line ef Porter atreet
and betweea tbe weet line ef Pint atreet and
, a line 100 feet weat therefrom ead raraltel
tberewltb, Sarah B. Wallace. I11S.0T.
A parcel of land tying betweea tbe aordl Una
ef Wood atreet and a . llae 50 feet' aorta
therefrom and parallel tberewltb aad be
tweea tba wet llae of Pint street and a llae
100 feet weet then from and panllel there
with Rdward Latbrop Coldwell, BleS.eS.
CABUTHBUS' ADDITION te tba City of Port
' lDd, aa iald out by Booth Portland Beal
' Kb tat Association BLOCK 108, eet 100
feef of lot 1, Tbomaa Bncknua, (123.071
eaat 100 feet af lot S, Tbomaa J. Cottle
Batata. Heir of, $187.71; north 1 feet of eaat
' 100 feet af lot S. Blcbird B. Oolllaa. $8.48.
A parcel or lead lylag betweea tba north
llae af Galaee street exteaded weaterly la
I la present eoone and a llae M0 feet aoatb
therefrom aad parallel tberewltb and be-
. tweea the west line ef Pint atreet and a Uaa
-100 feet treat therefrom and parallel tbere-
- with, Oregon Ballraad m Haelgatlea Com
pane. $4a.0.-
ADDITION to tba City ef Portland BLOCK
BS. weet 100 feet of lot 8, Loala Arnold.
M M; weet 100 feet of lot 7, Loom Arnold,
.. te.edi north Vi ef weet 100 feet of lot S.
John T. Laakla, 84.S4; aootb .of weat
100 feet ef lot S, P. Wilde, $4 .64; "Weat -100
feet of lot 6. Byroa P. Boone, S3S.T2. BLOCK
" M. waat H of lot 8. Hermanla Rachaaa,
f7 47; weat H of lot T. Hermanla Baehlen,
$08.74; weat 4T feet of eaat of lot S.
anal E. Taylor, $1.78;. weat 47 feet of
east H of lot T. Nannie B. Taylor, $3.!M;
. let 8. Mary L. Steel. $04 81: lot B. Mary
- Taylor, $65.54. BLOCK 5S, waat 100 feet
of lot 8, School Dlafrlct No. 1. $S.; weet
. ino feat at lot T. Bebool District Na. L
rr.M; weat lOO feat of lot 8, School Dla
trM No. 1. S8.54; weat 100 feet of lot 6,
Bebool District Na. 1. $8.84. BLOCK 56,
weet J00- feet of lot 8. Martin Brhade,
$411.18; weat 100 feet ef lot T, Martin Schade,
$3.1.43; waat 100 feet of lot 6. William B.
Jolley. 3ft .68; weat 100 feet ef lot 5, WU-
Ham B. Jnlley, $48 63. " ' '
CABIjTHBBS' ADDITION ie tbe City of Port
land aa Laid Ont by Bootb Portland Baal
i JBlate AaaoriaUonBLOCK 107. lot 8. Ore-
fraa KaiDoad A Naeigattoa t!ompany, $lfl8.K8;
ot T. Oregna tUtwoad A Nartgatioa Cpmpaay,
165.S2; aU of lot 1 west ef a llae 100 feat
eaat af and- parallel with tba eaat llae at
Pint atreet. Oregoa Railroad A Karl r boa
Company, $11. 18; earth 8 fret of lot S.
Orrioa Railroad A Kiel ration Company,
- $8.ab(. all af jot X weat of a Una 100 feet
eaat ef tad parallel with tba eaat Uaa
ef Pint atreet, Oregoa Railroad Naviga
tion Company. $8.0.
A parcel ef land lying betweea tbe aoatb llae
of block ISO aad the aorth line ef block
168. -Caret here" Addltloe to tba City ef Port
land, as laid ont by the Booth Portland Real
Batata Association, and between tbe eeat Uaa
at -Pint atreet and tha weaterly . Use at
the Ore yen A California Hallway Company's
right of way. Jacob linger, $175.3.
A parrel ef land lylne- br laana the eoa-rh
Uaa ef block 1M aad the Berth line ef
block 165. Caratbera' Addition to tbe City
f Portland, aa laid ant by the Soatb Part
laad Reel Batata Aaeaclatloa. aad betweea
the weaterly Una ef tha Oregoa A California
Railway Company 'a right af way aad a Use
100 feet eeat of and parallel wltk tbe eeat
I LU . SIM Ml t " a,
1 Bartmed" Company, $8.56. I
I BLOCK 165, Berth SO feet ef let 8. Jacob
rager. Bowcen: bobib so leec M I. K.
. Prlnee. S4B.B4: la t. A. W llnari
1 m,48; lot 8, Jobs N. Palltwee. $6B.B7:
lot B, J oka N. Pnimor. 175.28. Total. $2.
,800.88. '
A Statement of aforesaid asaemuwat has been
eatered la tbe Docket af Cttr Lsena aad la
now doe aad payable at tba offlca of the City
Tree sorer, la tawfal money of tba United
Btatee aad If sot paid Vlthla 80 day from
the data af thla aoUee aaeb proceeding will
ba takes for the eollecttoa ef the aaa aa are
provided by tbe charter of tbe City ef Portland.
Tbe above assessment will near Interact 10
days after tba Brat paMtcatloa of tb la notice.
. . ' T1I08. C. DITUN,
Asdinw ef tba City af Portlaad.
Date ef Srt pubUeatloa, Portlaad, Oregon,
March 14. 1S0B.
. Xotlee Is 'hereby glees that at 10 e'elork
a. aa. ea Moaday. March SO. 1B05, at tb
city 1n. Second and Oak atreet, th City of
Portland will aell for cash at public aartioa
to tba klybeat bidder tbe follewtag described
srtlrlce, which are ef as longer as te tbe city t
1 bone. .
1,1 bicycles.
4 trnnka with eon t rata. ':
Old yank.
Tbe right at hereby iiaxniid te reject say Br
All bids.
By order ef the Bxaeetree Board.
Aodlm of tbe City ef Portlaad.
Port bind. Oregoav Marcb . 15. 1B08,
glad o be back ta. the-school and three
meals a day, as they had a hungry time
ot It on the road.
Adopts New Rules and Regula
tions in Accordance With Su
'. preme Court Decision.. .
' (Sperlat Dlapstcb to Tbe Jowraai.)
Salem, Or., March IT. The fourth
semi-annual report of tbe, state board
of barber examiners was fired with the
governor yesterday Afternoon. - It shows
that the total receipts of the board is
$1.15$. 45, and the total expenditures $1,
045.8J. leaving a balance on . hand of
tll.0. The receipts were all from re
newal cards,-permits and - apprentice
cards. By far the greater part of the
expenditures, or, was for sala
ries and Individual - expenses of - the
members of the board.
. The report alao stated that the board
of examiners had "adopted near ruTce
and regulations In sccrdanca with a de
cision of the supreme court of Oregon,
On December 12, 1904,' Betting forth the
qualifications of barbers, tbe conduct
ing of schools, shops and colleges. In
regard to sanitary conditions, and regu
lating the apprentice of students In
shops, schools and colleges, . thereby
protecting the public and apprentice
front Impositions that have been prac
ticed by proprietors of shops, schools
and colleges. - '
The board will endeavor to enfore
these rules and regulatfons, and In the
bear future will visit every shop, school
Ana College In the state, and any one
found violating aald rules and regula
tions will be prosecuted According to
law." ... .'.
From the Philadelphia Press. --
"You see," he explained, apologetical
ly, "I didn't know just what to da" -
"Bat" protested his friend, accusing
ly, "sorely yo saw your pialryduty In
the matter." '
Tes. I aa It, and X gueae because U
waa so very plAln U tUda't Attrhot me." i
Aa erdlaaace granting te Csarhm B. Bemner,
hla euecaeeore and aaalgtia, tk right, privi
lege aad franehlae to erect polos and atrlng
wtrea aad cable t hereon, to oouatroct BBder
geoand eaadutu aad awabolee, aad to lay
' wire aad cables . la- aielergroand eoadulu
' and tbroogb maufaolee. and te atratch wlrea
and cable along, over, epos end a grass the
- streets, alleys, aveauea aad pablle p la eve
: of tha City of Portland, for tba, tranarnlaslnn
ef auoada. signal, auaeersatloa and lute III
genee, tbroagh aaa eeer aald wlrea and ea.
. blea by aaraaa af electricity, ana- ta eonatruct,
eetabliah, ralp aud' Install a telephoa aad
telegraph eyeless and ta aoudorti a general
telephone and telegraph baelnee within the
aald City af Portland, and tiling tba eom-
mm,Hm ft. Bat AalM thmrmfrm
' The tMtr af Portland does ordain aa follow: '
Bertloa 1. That Charlea E. Sumner,, bis suc
esssors and aaelrns, ba and be la hereby granted
tha right, privilege aad franehlea to erect
poles, with the oeeaaaary aappurta, eroas-arm
aad fUtoree, sad strlag win and Baltics
thereoa, aad to eoaatraet eBdarsroand conduit,
togetbar with tb aeceeaary as u boles aad other
appUauee. sad be lay. piaoa aad atretch wtrea
and. cable therein, along, over, npoa. under
aad acroea tba a tree u. alleys, a venues and
pebllc plaees ef tha City ef Portland fof tbe
traaamieetoa of sounds, aignabi, ' eoBvereatlea
and lateUlgeaca,' tbrongk and ever aald wlrea
aad eablea by mease of eleetrUaty. and to oon
atrnct, aaubllab. equip aad la tall k tele
phone and telegraph system, and U raedeet a
general telephone aad telegraph basis wllbln
tha aald City ef portlahd.,
Bee. X. Bald graote, bb beret aaora and aa
Igna shall eonatruct tbe aald aadergronnd -ays-teas,
aader tb aapervtaloa. aad direction of
tbe Baeeutlve Board or other properly eoaati
fated authority of tba City af Portland,
Wltbla the fire Umlta af tba sul City of
Portland, aa tbe same existed oa the 21st day
ot Pebraary. A. D. 1SU2, the grantee herein
ahall plaoe, lay, maintain and operate hla main
Una wires sad btbar eoaductora la underground
conduits and pipes, and shall alao withlu aevea
years from the data af approval al thla ordi
saaee remove hla main line wtrea from the
streets Bad atleve within tba limits beginning
on Proof, and Mill streets aad running theace
weaterly along Mill to West Park atreet; thence
northerly along Weat Park atreet te Htark
street"! these weaterly along Stark sod Burn
Ide streets to Thirteen tb atreet; thence north
erly a toils Thirteenth .-street to Irving street,
aad thence easterly along Irving atreet ta Croat
atreet aad thereafter aald wlrea shall be main
tained and operated la -underground conduits
and pipe within aald district. All necessary
rnaneetlona to aubacrlben' stations and to other
point may be made from eurb wlrea and con
ductors, and with such means, appsratua aad
appliances aa may be reoulslt. Bsld p-sntee
ahall file with tbe Auditor of tb City of
Portland plana In duplicate of all conduits,
manbote, diatribe. ting poles and all other con
atrartioaa propoecd within the limit of the
atresia, alters, blgbwsys and public places of
tba aald city, la such form aad detail aa the
ICxenitiva Board or ether properly constituted
authority may raeuire and approve In wrltlug,
and all relocations aad change ahall be Indi
cated therein. Paring tbe entire work of con
etractloa authorised b tbla franehlae as In
epector may be appointed by tbe Kxecutlve
Hoard or other properly constituted authority
to see tbat all tbe terms and conditions of. tbla
franchise are strictly eon formed to All pole
erected hereafter by virtue ht tbla franehlae and
great ' ahall conform In length and the wlrea
tnereaa shall confirm In height to the reaaonahle
rule aad regulations adopted by aald Kierutlv
Board. Bald grantee, bla sbeceaaora or assign
hall not re more the poles after ooce being
set from one toe t loo to .another unices per
mitted so to do by tba aald Kieeotlve Board
or other properly constituted estbrnlty.
Provided, that' nothing la thlee-etloa erm
rained shall be construed aa Broblbltlng tb
City of Portland or the Coonctr thereof from, at
any time hereafter, exerclalng Its police power
to require the main llae wire of tba graatee
. h. .i.m4 In cnndulta In any ether aeetloa
of aald city, provided that each police power
ehaU not be exercised except by ordinance ap
plicable alike to an telephone ana lesrgrepa
Sec. 8. Tba trap or manhnlee may be eom
straeted lea tbe- Ubb- aald- eaatWlv for tbj
purooee of artardlng aeceea uwrevo,
that aald traps er manholes ahall ba located or
cone tract ed In eonfortnlty vdth the iMtractlor..
and to tbe astlsfacalos af the. Kieeutlve Board
er other properly constituted authority of aald
city; aald trapa er aaanbolea shall be eo rapped
and covered aa te be fluab with the aurfac
af tb atreet' and not te Interfere la any way
with the Bee of aald afreet (or travel ar traffic.
Bee. 4. Tbat said graatee. hla bocccbbot and
aaalgBS may, aader tba dlrectiOB of the Bxee
tlv Beard ar ether pcoperly netsted as
tborlty of .the City of PortUnd. Bmlia all
saersaary exravatlooa. In any part ef the aald
streets, alleys, ar pubue place, for tt pur
poa ef arecUng and matauialng potea and
other supports tor his or their wires or cm-j-T
T vTi m.Mi.1 the ea aaa. sad for
tbe parpoee ef laying, repairing and main-
. . r w - - a aa.leieu ana aaabAulut IsV
tr4 Mid mmnboW. n4 for rUcift. rmlrlos,
l-e...l.. asa nnsnfai tlnsT SMldl WiTM TlL .-
ductora therein. All polea that are greeted and
asalBtalned pursuant to tb terms ef this ordl.
nance shall be erected at the edge af tba aide
walks, ualeaa etberwlae directed by the K I ce
nt lee Board or owes- peopvTij .
thoctty. In a pood and aobaUatlal manner.
Tba Executive Board ar ether properly cuoatl
tuted autbsrity shall bare tbe rigbt ta raaaa
raid grantee, his a me noon or asaigna. to move
tha Ktloe af any pol whasever tbe pablle
roweenieeee shall require tha location eftee
aaaw elaewbare; the expenae of aald removal
tn ba nald by aald graatee, but successor or
Whe. anv ravJw e--
made porsnaat to tbd authority hereby snnted.
the grantee, hla aaxjciaaor or aaalgas shall
reTtoST tbe' portion of tba stt, allay er
pablle blghwar. excavated to the as me good
order and condition ta which It waa prior ta
ald work, aad all said work ahall be dona la
compliance with tb reasons ble and seeeessry
rahm. re rotation, ordinances or orders which
nf idT rVbmtlnuaae.4Of this ffsucbusj
be dotted from time to time by the td
rkrovcu; ee provided by Its and aald work
o? repairing oald atreeU. alleya and pubUe
hlrhwaya ahall he done to tbe eetlefeetine of
ssldTmHl or sock efflrtal or officials as the
law Busy deslgnata. .
Bee. 5. Nothing la this ordinance shall be
eomtrned as In any wis to prevent the proper
authorities of the aald city from sewering,
grading, paving. Planklag. repairing, altering
or doing Bay work that amy be deetrahle aa
any of the streets, allera or public , hlgkways
Af raid city. lut all aack work ahall he done
If possible la sarh manner a not te obstruct.
Injure er preeeet the free eee and oneratloa
sf tha aald telephone and telegraph aysum of
aald grantee, bla eweceesore aad assigns.
Sec. g. Tba graatee. bla aocceeeora and ee.
algaa. whenever or wherever elortrl currents
are used or employed la or about the na ef the
fraarhlaa by thla ordinance graated. or the
ground connected therewith, ahall provide and'
put In use anc means aad appllaucee aa will
control and effect oally contain ascb current In
their proper rhanneet ea bla or tbelr evra wlrea.
eo as to prevent injury to tba property, plpea
and ether etrueturee belonging to tba City of
Portland ar ear ether person, firm or corner -tton
within aald city, and aba repair aad re
aw aald mean and appllaacre and from time
to time change aad Improve the earne aa may
be neeeeeary to aeenmplleb aald pnrpneea. all at
hn er tbelr nera charge and expense and at
hla or their risk, selecting snd adopting each
avrene and appliance, ks sbsll prevent injury
to tbe property, pipe or other structures he
longing te tbe City of Port tend er any person,
firm er eBrporetloe.
Bee. T. Whenever It bri be neeeessry Is
finding any street er alley of aald elty or
a building say aldewalk or making any other
Improvements tberaon. to remove any pole or
polea belonging tn aald grantee, hla aoccenaora
or aaalraa, on which any line or line, win or
wtrea belonging to aald rrsnlee. bis eneresanr
or assign, ahall be stretched or feateaed. the
aald grantee, bla oeceesora or aaslgna, ahall.
ama reeetviae 2d boon' notice from the Kx re
ntier Board or other properly constituted an.
tMnettv .eetnov aaeb sola ar Doles, and If said
sola ar
grantee, hla aucnaaun and a salens, upon enrh
notice, a trail neglect or rernae to renwve aoca
pole er polea. then aueh pole or polea ahall ba
ressoeed bv the Bxerutlve Beard er other prop
erly constituted authority, at tbe ea pease of
aald graatee. hie sueeeeaon or- aaalgns.
Sec. 8. ' Whenever any serosa er comneny
shell nave' obtained persuasion of tha properly
eonotlisted authorities of tha City of Portland
an reeaoe ear boll ding tbroagb a ay street or
streets, tbe graatee, his ocraanr ar assigns,
If be er tbey bar a Una ea eald atreet on
due notice from seek person or com pane, aba II
re lee. remove or adjust hla er their Itaee an
a to allow an anobetrneteoT passes "of ssch
batMlng. and If aald grantee, bla saeceaaors or
assigns, sbsll after aald notice neglect ee to do,
tbe properly roaetttBted authority of the City
of Portland' shall, at -the evpasee of ealrl
graaar. bia suti 'saara er eaalsne. rente e aald
line aa far a thee an aa abstrectloa te tb
paaaag af aaM building.
Sec. 8. Par the purpste of effncfnslly eecnr
lag efficient ser Ore aad for the purnoa-ef the
con tinned malntenaac of tb property, plant,
system and exchange coast meted and operated
under thla franchise, the grantee, bis successors
and assign shall keep and maintain bis or their
poles, conduits, plant, eyetera and etcbanae In
good order and repair and sbsll render efficient
eervlea tnroncbont the entire term of this grant.
If tb grantee, bla aui' reason aad asslant. shst
fall at aire time to keep Is good repair the
pole, eoodntt. wires, .plant, system end ei
ehenge eonerr acted, operated artd maintained
under tbla frsarhiae. or ahall fall durlne the
period af tbla franehlae to render - efficient
service, the Onjocll of aald elty may dee hi re
thl grant and all the rlxMa and oriel l sea
herein conferred harfelteel. and aeon adlndlcarlon
of forfeiture by a court of competent Jurta
dlctloB thla franehlae and all the rlshta and
print, sea vwi felled thereby shsll become anil
and veld, but tin er ef forfeiture hereof
hall be made If before the rendition of enrh
decree adtndleattng uch forfeiture the said
greatee. bla sneceeaore or assigns, shsll place1
aald plant, a raters ew-hature and proper t y in
good order and repair and shsll render efficient
ervtc thereto aad thereafter.
See. lo. Tbat except aa berelnaftee .. pro
vided' bald grantee, hla aw i nset er aaalma,
aba II not, without the consent .of tbe dir.
evidenced by nrdlnsnret sell or transfer the
enndults. Poles, wlrea ar appliance ef any
kind or dearrlnfton, or aell. lease, aaalga or
transfer a By af tbe right or prlrllefc here!
aatvwalatd ar gratriod. te any tweeon, , eemnaey
trust er oarpsraUsw, nsvy eg bereaflcr aagaged
In th telepbn aad telegraph ' basin, aad
shall not at ear Una eater Into aay eotsblaa
tloa, directly er Indirectly, with aay person,
or paraoua, or aay aorporatloa. concerning tb
rat te be charged cut teetpaoae aad tale
graph service, with sny ofttcer o ofnean em
ployee or BUBagrre of sny telrpboea er tele-
Kauh aysteaa-. aawaarueaad ee . belag parated
aald city; provided, however, that aald
grastee, bla sueeeaeora or aaelgaa, msy ssslan
this franchise to a corporation erfaslsed by
him aader the law of tba Mute af Oregoa, or
sol Mhtr state af the Called Stataa, for
the purpose of carrying oa a geaeral tele
phone and . Ulefraph buslaaaa. , an of owning,
constructing, maiutslnlng and operating llaea,
conduits, cable, wire aad. ether electrical
conductor, together ' With all neeeessry feed
en, service wlrea and koaa eoaneetion. te
ba used for tha tnnamtsslou ef auoads, algesia
aad IntnlllgeB by mease of electricity is Ibe
City of .Portlaad:' aad provided, further. Ibat
notice af aald aaslannwnt shsll be flled with tba
Auditor e the City pt .Portland wllbln alsty
iuui oaya atter tee executive ei aai asaigu-
See. 11. That all telephone line, con reacted
or. operated, .under aald franehlae ahall have
eeaspieh eopper 'SMtallie errealt. and tbat
the coadult eystem constrseted and' laid, down
under aald .franehlae ahall. ba of sock la asd
capacity aa to accommodate wire, cable or
conductors, eefdetent te pravide. for tea thou
sand 10.008) tetepboeea. .-:" '
Inat the rent or. charge .for aa SBllmlted,
lndrneadent, metallic circuit, telephone eervtce
Ja tbe ayetrm eetabllabed or malataloed under
aald franehlae, ea long aa such system does
sot connect and exchange with more tbaa tea
troesand (10.UOO) 'telephones shall not exceed
Six Twenty-tve One-HundredUk (lfl.t Dal
ian per month for a telephone Inatallrd la any
bortneaa office or premlae for bosinee pur
pn. or Two Reeeaty-Sva On-Hn adnata
182.78) llolUra per monib for a. teiepbooe in
stalled In a .private residence, and that wbea
aald system shall comprise mora tbaa ten
thousand (I0.01K)) teiepbooe. tb annual reat
er chart for the aforeeald aervlce ahall wot be
increased by aaore tbaa a sum equal te Six
IkU.UOl Dollan per' annum fur each oa thou
sand telephone- In aald city connected with
aald Systsm la - exeees of. ten tbouaaadl -pro-Tided
that a discount of Tweaty-BT 10.281
Cent per month shall be mad for paynicnt on
or before the 10th day er tha -month In which
tba aervlce la rendered; and provided, however,
tbat la aay caa the rat ahall sot exceed 88.00
per Baoatk fur business kousss aor It for real
dencea. - Mec. 12. The aaM grantee, hla aureeeaon
and aaslgna. In considers t to af tba franchise,
rights sad privilege granted by thla ordinance
and , aa . compeneatloa therefor, ahall. oa tbe
8nt day of January of each year during the
terra of -aard- franehlae, pay , to tbe City of
Portland a sum equal ta ana peg. .cent of tbe
gross lacoaw or receipt af aald grantee, hi
urceaaon aad anlgna holding said franchise
and opera tins the same, for each and every
preceding year during the term of aald frau
ehlae, which compenaattoa ahall, however,
amount to set lea tbaa the Bum of 8I.UU0 for
each af the following yean, to-wlt: - lBUS.
Item, io, 1811, mil. mu, 11. and not
lee tbaa tb aum of ft.oiiO for each of the
following reara. to-wlt i IKIS, IRIS, 1HIT. 1PIH.
1118, 1U20, 1W21. 1P22, l9iX 10t. lhl.. HUM,
and not leea than lite us of (3.00)1 for each
Of the following yean, to-wlt; 18ZT, lW-a,
1828. - . ' . -J
And aa further rompenaatloa tbe ssld graatsa,
bia aucoeeeor and aaslgn. ahall withlu
days from tha commencement of tbe opera
tion sf the aald telephone exchange. Install,
equip and maintain a. police patrol telephone
ytm foe the City of Portland, eoooefted
with auitabte switchboard in police ata t loo.
telephones to ba placed In boxes on poles of
tbe aald company ee at places deslgaated by
tba elty, the earn to be placed where eo dealg
aated wltbla the dlatrict covered by tba com
pany's wire, conduits or poire, er where other
polea or enndulta are available. 8rveety-0ve
(7rr telephone an ta ba installed coon aa
tba company has polea erected and wire laid,
and 88 telephones are ta ba I Detailed each year
thereafter until 800 thereof are so Installed.
Five (St. telephones msy be placed oa one line
aad tb elty is te supply the beiea te be placed
oa tba polea therefor. Tbe eatlra police- tele
phone y sum shall b the property sf the City
ot Portland st the tenalnstloa, forfeiture or
abandonment of this franchise.
The aald graatee. bla aansaaon and assign,
ahall, aa further cempoBaatJea te tba- elty. con
nect his system with tba opera tint -room er
headquarters ef tha Pin Drpartntent af tha
City of Poet lend by two er three lloea. aa re
quested, aad place telephone and enteaalea la
each g a si -ot Sear'a bssduusrten of the aire
fe part meat aad see la each of tb general
officer' reatdeaeee, the aald grantee to pro
vide Br alarm telephone avutem wbea required
by tbe City of PortUnd. tba City of Portlaad
ahall have tb use of each conductor sad af
each character as needed, by the Bra alarm,
police petrel telephone ad telegraph ayetem
aad water depart stent telegraph aad talephose
yeteasa la tha underground coo-dp It aad river
eahlea of tb company aad tba right ta airing
wlrea for each purposes ee the greatee'e polea.
The City, Hall. City Crematory, City Bam. City
Jail aad ether efBcea ef the City of Portlaad
an te be aupplied with such tetephoee aa
may be assess ry far tbe esse of the several
departments aad efAcera ef tb city.
Aad aald franchise may ba forfeited by tb
fall-in of tb graatee, hla eneeeeance aad aa
slabs, to make paymat ef tba eompanaaUoa
above provided for and to perform Ike acta
above provided for. Provided, however, ' that
the eompensstioa above fixed shall be la ad
dltloe to all other, either g rascal er occupa
tion, taxea bow imposed soon tha' ewnera or
bolder of similar franchises, or "wkick msyj
p nweaiiar w ar inj a. aae-B.
Provided, tbat tbe eald graate. hla enccee
aora or aaslgaa, shsll keep at all time daring
the time fur which this fnechuta la graated.
full aad correct books of account and make
eaarterly report In writing to tb Aadltov ef
tbe City ef Portland, Ml report ta cotitsla aa
accurate statement la summarised form, aa
well as In detsll of all receipts from all
source, snd all erpeadlturea for all purposes,
together with a full state meet ef all seaeta
aad-debts, aa well a such other Information
tf tb coat and prodl of aald eervlce aad
tb ananclal qoadltlone ef tbe aald grantee, hi
uceeaaora er assigns, and tba Auditor of tba
City ef Portlaad amy Inspect ar examine, or
cauee to be Inspected or examined, at all
reaaortable hour, any and all books of account
aad voucher of the aald grantee, his succe
son asd aaslgaa.
Hec. IX Tbe work ef conerroctlsg said tele
phone plant, ayatem aad exchange ta he con
structed, maintained aad operated ender tbe
peovlelons ef the fraBCblee herata granted
abU be commenced In goad faith vrithla ant
aaorb tbaa eight BMatha from tb date of tbe
granting af aald frsBcbls aad ahall be ena
tlnnously peoBecated thereafter Is goad faith
sad shall be completed wltbla set more tha
three year thereafter Tbat the aald grants,
bla sun ara aad aaslgaa shsll la good fltb
lay oat aad expend fer-mterll aad labnr
ueed and performed In tb roaetructloa ef eald
telephone plant, ayatem aad exchange. Includ
ing of nee aad exchangr thalldlngr. pole, eon
dulta. manhole, wire, cable, aw Itch hoard,
telepbonle apparatus aad appllaeeea, tbe fov
lowing sum wltbla tbe period hereinafter men
tioned respectively: fifty Thouaaad (ie.oi
Dollan wlthla one year after the grant of tb
franchise henla provided for la paaaed. ap
proved and tecome effective; Te Hundred
and Plfty Thousand (823O.O0O) Dollan wllbln
two years after tb graat of tb franehlae
herein provided for la naeerd, apre-ovled and
becomes effective, and live Hundred Thousand
(A'iuO.UOO) Dollan within thre years after tbe
gnat ef tha franchise herein provided for la
paaaed, approved and tiecomea effective. That
tbe entire total coat ef aald plant, after be
ing fully completed, la estimated at One Mil
lion .(ll.000.OUOt Dollan.
Herlloa 14. The Kieeutlve' Board of the
City of Portland, er other properly ronetltated
nthorlty thereof, ahall have tha power aad
authority to errata te to manner , of erecting
aid pole, roaatructtog ssld enadults aad atrtng
tng and laying aald wire and carrying out toe
provisions of thla ordinance ! .
Mec. in. Bald grantee, bis surrraaora sad
assign, hereby agree and covenant te" In
demnify aad save harmless tb City of Port
land agalnet all damage, coats and expensea
whatsoever, to which aald city may ba aub
Ject In consequence of tbe acta or sagleeta of
grantee, hi aaceeeaore aad aealgns. hi or
their arent or eervanta. In any manner arising
from the tight snd privileges granted herein,
All rlgbta, authority and grant herein con
tained or roof erred an farther conditioned
upon the express etadentaadlng and agree
ment tbat 4 he prlriiege in tb atreet a ami
public place, . herein conferred an not ta
operate la any way aa bn enhancement af tb
grant' proprrtlaa er values er be an aaeet r
Item f ownership In the pprlsl thereof ta
the -event .that aald .city shell ever acqujn by
poecbaae ey or all of eald- grantee's, hla sup
or aaalgrar property.
IS. The rights, privilege and franchise
hereby granted shall terminate at tbe expiration
of twenty Pre years from tbe dste of the
paaasg or thla ordinance, and shall commence
the day, thla ordinance becomes ef ' fore aad
effect. .
Her. 17. That npoa the expiration of tbe
period for which this fraBchlee le granted, the
( lly ef Portland rraervea tbe right at Its elec
tion and apnn tha payment therefor of a fair
valuation thereof to ba made and determined
as hereinafter provided, to purrh s aa en
tirety and take over 4 Ita aell aU of tb
t-roprrtv, plant, ayatem aad exchange, con
trnetcd. operated aad maintained ender the
right conferred by thla grant which. air
be altnated eo. In. a hove and aader tbe streets,
eveiiee and unfile place of the City at. Port
land enumerated In Sect Ion I ef this ordinance,
together with all real, peraons) aad . mixed
property, apparatus, appllsacea, appurtenance
ot every kind and ' description. Including sit
eboare la set to, contracts, suhecrlptlon and
good will, making up. enaetltutlac and seed
In ona notion with such plant, ayatem and
chans eo operated and maintained under the
rlghta and fraarbbs-e herel araated. Provided,
however, that before the city shsll bv the
nthorlty to parch or -take ever enrh plent
nd properly, the sjaoethm whether er , ant
the elty shall arquln ar take each plant nd
property ahall first be submitted to the Vetera
ef tn elty at the regular alertinB for city of
Bcere next preceding the . expiration of the
period for which thl franchise l granted. In
man the v laat Ion of said plant,- ayatam aad
exchange la Ita entirety caa be paid out of
the anmtsl rev-nee ot tbe Hty. la addlttna
lo the payment of the other neceeaery et
peBrniure thereof, thea the efSrmetle eota
ef a aujorlty ef the electors .tetisg at suck
election ahall b aeoraury to authoris the
aciiulsltlon ef aech plaat, ayatem. exrkanae
and property by tbe elty. In eee, - bewevee.
the valuatlua' of eald plant, ayatem and ex
change ahall aa far exceed the a a sua I revenue
ef the elty la-adilllloa is the payment of other
necessary rxarsdltaree thereof la eurb aa
aauat a ta reader It- anmry .te iacur s
BtuHlcipel bonded Indebtedness fur secb pur-
rr. tbe tha aubmlaelua of such pruinsitlon
the elector for tb acquisition thsreof ahall
epeclfy therela tba amuuut ef tb propoaed
bunded Indebtedar. lb rate , of Interest
thereon and whether urh bonded tndebtrdnee
shall ba Incurred. Aa affirmative vta ef at
leaat twa third (J-S) of tb elector voting
thereoa at each electing a hell he aeceeaary to
aerur euch ecnutelttoo and to - warrant the
taauaace of maicipl bond therefor. 1b- de
termining tbe valuation of aald plant and prop
erty to ba purcbaaad and taken ever by the
city there ahall ba excluded therefrom aay valu
ation of franchises at greats derived from the
City of Portlaad te maintain snd opera le aald
rilant aad property, bat there aha 1 tbe Included
n uch valuation tbe value ef ail polea, eroa
arata, hrauaa. wins, conduit, manhole, build
in, real eetate, awltehboard. telephone, and
all real, peraoeal snd mixed property, laeloding
all apparatue,. appllaacea, appurtenances, con
tract, chose In actio and good will af every
kind and decrlpUo. making up and conetttut
Ing and used In connection wltk sack a plant,
yatem, exchange and telephone aad telexrapk
basin. . Tbe price or value tioe to ba paid by
the City of Portlaad for ssld property, plsnl.
ayatem . aad eichange aad telephone and tele
graph hualneae ahall be fixed aad determined
by Uvea arbitrator, en appointed by tba Coun
cil of the city, snot her by tbe graatee. bl
ucreeaora and aastgne, and tba third appointed
by tbe two an chosen, and tha decision In writ
ing of said three arbitrators or a majority of
than, tneita tat dnoltcat and Slsned by them.
one delivered to the Mayor of tb City ot Port-,
land, aad tbe ether ta unv grantee, nie socceo-
mrm ee aaelena hat final and hlndlUB UplHI
tba partlee, and aald price and valuation aball
be paid to tha grantee herein, hla am-ceeeora or
assigns, , before aald grantee, bla aacceeeisra or
aaslgna,, shall be deprived of tbe nosseeatoa or
right to maintain, opera ts and enjoy aald prop
erty, plant, svatem'end exchange, aad apoo
payment by th city ta aald grantee, hla uc
r a aura oe asaigna. or each a price aad valustlo
ao determined sa aforesaid, said plaat and prop
erty sb valued, purchased and paid tor. shall
become tb properly ot tbe City of PortUnd
by virtue hereof, aad payment therefor aa
s foresaid, and without the execution , of any
Instrument or convey a ore. nnouia eaio a'"
li. . .mIm: oeelect fee a res
eonabie time after It baa hern .determined that
tbe city Is author! red to aad will purchase
and take over aald plant and property, and
after notice to that effect from tba city, to
elect as arbitrator, ar la case tae awo ann-
Ceaftae. ewem h, th CaUBCU Of tb CltV and
the grantee, 'hie successor er asaigna, re
spsctively neglect for a res sonar, le time after
their appointment to aeleet a third arbitrator,
thee and In either of aald caaea the Judge ef
th Rupee aa Court of tbe BUI of OregoB shsll
appoint three arbitrators to determine the price
or valuatlou to be paid for aald plant and prop
erty, and tbe decision of aald thre arbitrator
ar a majority of them ae chose a by tbe Judge
of tb Bupeem Coart, Budb In writing to da
pllcat and delivered to twUe ay Afore
aald. ahall b flnl and binding upon tba par
tie? U the elty ahall elect not te eequlra
suck plant and property er shelly set Psrcbaae
the same and the city a hell elect to grant a
T . .uim.i re.achta In lieu thereof, or
any rilrnaloa of tbe expiring or expired fraB
chlee granted by thle ordtaauee. Bad i If ae ap-
plicatrnn he msoe oy . tue granuw
oeceesora ar asslgna. for aach sew or addl-
ttnaal er extended frBchle. the and In tbat
a.eentea hla mul I P0r Bad Baatgn.
shall h.v tb first aad pnfcretitUI right ta
take and receive aoch new.'.addltloaal. or ei-
teeded fraarhtae. aad li aata gram, "
TJ! .uira. doee sot uka aack new.
additional or extended rranehla. but la- es.
Is. after kia or tbelr electtoa not J- tkth
aame, granted by th elty to any other eorimra
tba7aoclatloa er ladlvldual. thea i nd In Ut
ree uid other corporation. aortatloa ar In
dividual taking suck new. additional r extended
franchise shall la addlttee to tbe eompeosth.a
to b paid to the city for such saw. addl
!? IT . i- eeaoehtse. ear te aald hta atniesaura er aaalgn, er t the
City of Portland In treat for aald grantee, ble
' . a at ee before tbe time
.neb new. additional er -extended 'raDchla
take affect aod barer a id irrantre. kl nc-
reesora or aaugsa. soan ---i-; " ' 77;
.-ight to pnwa, malatalu, orerat aad aoy
aald plaat ; and pAperty, T"d.",tt';
valuxttoo of aald plant aed leerty of said
Jltv of-Portland by thla aeetlop
riebt t eurchaaa and take ever, tbe valeatbm
tbereaf aad fhe pelee ' te be paid Jherafnr w
aald graatee. bl aocceeeora and aaalgna. te be
Used aad determined lutbei maw
In thl aeetion sbov provided for fixing sad
deteVmlaErtb. Prl-7?1 ""TTetrV a'htu
.hit aad property A the caa tb elty abaU
grantee, hie umeauia -.'e . -r-
Burchaae aad take ever tk earn.
tuwriS. Within thirty days after the
tweeag ef tbU ordlnssce tba aald gran tee shall
luTwlth tbe Auditor f tb City ef Partlaad
a hood la the aom of Twentr five Tboueend
(82r.ion Dollar, with two euf Orient auretlce,
to be arVoved by the Mayer, eoedltloeed:
rTrat-Tast the graatee will -mrnewc the
wark ef roes true tins tk pmat, ayatem and
ex7ha te be coo-troctrd and Iers "
the provtmom ef thle tTrh l" -TlJ
wltbla sot mora than eight month ro"
data .fT.sttp. ef "'JZ r!Li
aid work shsll be eontlnoonsly ptoaerutee
"erisf. la good raltk 1JL",X :"ip,;rf
with B pole line conduit and ewttrhbea rd u I II
mat capacity f sol leaa tbaa tew thousand
wWTTelepVnTei. wtthla t Bsore tbaa laree
7Xconl-Tn.r'tbe grantee, hi succee-ors sjrf
aaalgn. shall expend, tb earn of money re
,v.iy within the1 fseriod Br eeer I bed by
gectton 18 of tbU ordlnsnce. . ' -
Third Tbat each nd every street alley
or hlahwsy, er any porrloa 17"f:.h; "VJ
be dUturbed er tore up by .ld avaatee under
th pravletone ef thU ordinance shsllbe re
pUeed and put 1 a gond order and crdltla
,a tha aams vtaa an beinre It waa ao dleturbed
or tora bp aad be thereafter alaUlaed for a
er.,0 .ST 1... aeeeeAora er
pouna tea m ".
SMlgra, aball pay all damage, coat and ex
L.nZa whatsoever to which the city may he
subjected le co neon coco ef tb acta or eeg
lecta ef grantee, nu eai i -saw. s w -"-
bla or tbelr aervaaU eg area Is la aay maaBer
arlalng from tb rlgbU sad privilege graated
Fifth That ssld grantee, its euenaaiwa aad
aalgna. abaU faithfully keep aad perform
each aad every term aad conditio. Imposed
by thU ordinance,- " ' '
Bee. IB. That any eegleet. failure or refnoal
to comply with any of tbe conditions of this
franchise . ar grant, mar tbeevapne eflect.
forfeiture hereof, and Ibe eald City of Poft
Uad may by its Council with tb approval
f the MayoT ef aald city, declare thla graat
and all Ibe rlghu and privilege herein eon
ferred. forfeited and upon adjudication of
fpefalter by a court ef competent Jurvedletloa
thla franehlae aad all th privilege sad rlghta
con farced thereby aball become sail and void.
Sec. 20. Tbe esld graatr shall wltbla thirty
(mil day after thai erdiaane shall be 'la
force as provided" ts 8-cttoa Owe Haedred -end
right tlOSt of lb Cberter of the Cky f
Pnrtlsnd. Bl in th fnc of tbe Auditor of
Ibe city a written neeeptaaee of thla ordi
nance and frsnohlee herel a granted and the
fa I lace npoa the part, of the graotee herein
to file each written acceptance within the.
time herein specified, shall be deemed an
abandonment and reject loo of tb franchise,
rlghta aad prlvlkgea herein conferred and this
ordlnsnce aball forever be ball aad veld and
such cceptanee by erantee aball be anquall
ad nd aball be aa acceptance of all the terms,
renditions snd reatrictbms eonUined In Ula
erdlaaace. j ,
ti C- V
3 Trains to the East Daily 3
Through Pullman standard and waarhrt alewa
Ing ear dally to Omaha, ChJcaga, Spehaeel
oariat Bleeping can dally t Kseaaa Cltyt
through Pullmsa toarlat sleeptag r (neeaee.
ally eoadurted) weekly ta. Caarag. Becliaase;
eaair can (aeata rreei so xn r-ai muiy.
Por tae Beat vU Beat
. - lagtoa.
8-18 a. av
DaUy. -
Par Kan tarn Waeklng
ton, Walla Walla. Lew-
8 :18 a. BV
Osiiy. .
Dally. ;
let on. Coeur d'Alene
and Oreat Bortbera
points. .. t ,
Per tb Kat via' Bunt
8:18 p. I
Daily. .
T:18 a. I
Dally. ,
Oalamkia Blyyr Drrlatoa.
POR ASTOBIA sad wayf 8:00 p. m.
points, cwenecting wlthlnally.
atmr. for llwac . andies. Handay
Nsrth . Beach, atr. He-HtrtaJ.
aalo. A ah -st. dock. I to .00 p. ax.
About '
8 00 p. a.
Tamhlil Bresr Bvoute.
Yin ntwoM
- - ' " ' . VI-RW
Cttv mmA V . Ktll D l
Trees, m.
T-atlm. as.
pomm, mra. atntl aad
ue-v. .. oocv. .
tax: Sox.
i wxr naxemirtinaT i
Saabs Brver Beat.
POR -I.ranSTON. Ma
A boot
. 1Mb
and way points from
lM-4a Wu.
spokana and li-vrtato.
XVelte '
lax. Pr May.
TICKR OPPICB. Third snd WaaJxixurtaau, Twhv-'
- - - pwi.1 anaia IIS. , .
A. IV. CBAIO, General Psassngar Ageat.
vrla. fn Halem. Baaa
burg, AsbUad. Becr-
SaOp. 'Ba.
cco, Stocktoa. Laa Aa-I
, - - mm m a a a
Kea, 151 f-aeo,. new w
aa aad tb kVae. .
Maralag trsls Con
ner ta at Woodbura
dally except Sanday
aelftk, eeatat Saw M
t:S0'8. BX.
:, Sh,
. l l I ...... I
Hrowevuie. apriBS-
aUaaa !
4:00 p. as.
er:BA a. m.
seta al Wood Pur with
10:18 S.
Mt. Angtl aad Sllrae-
tna local.
. Onrvalll peaeaaqaf .
Bbevidaa pa agur.
IB:8B p. Bk.
: a. m.
raiiy. iinaiiy. eacewa- invaway. ,
istaaam-4)swg aWburkaa Servl Bad TamklTI
IIDally, cept- Bwaday
Depot foot of Jef teraoa street.
Leave Portland dally for Oevcege T an a. XI
1280. 8:08. 8:88. 8:20, S 28, T aS. lp:t p. m.
Dally (except Hondeyj, HBO, B XO. 8 88. 18:88
a. ,; 4:10. 11 JO p- av iaujday eoly, PiOS
" fJraewlBe frk turwegn. arrive Pw-UaBd dafty
8:80 s. m.: !, 8:08, 8:18.- 1:30 B:M,
11:10 P. ax. Dally (exavpt annqayi a :a. -8:3".-10:10.
11:48 a. m. xeept Moaday. 12.28
p. m. Sunday aaly. I0:fl a. m. .
Leaeea fro aaa depot for Dallas aad later,
asedlete polnta dally (except Sanday). 4:10 p.. av
Arrive Portlssd 10:10 a. m. . .
Tha ladenewdeBreMewBMath Motor Uaa
aperatee dally to Moamoath and Altfla. ena.
necttnr with Boarheru Peels Bospy' trackB
yirat-clasa fsra frnm Pnrrleed s aerabxeate
aad Ban Praedeca $20. berth $: smad xlssa
fare 81V aeeopd-claa bertha a , .
TICtUtn X Mlirr. xeaino, ,m ' " -c mvwmj-
Japaa. China. MooorolU and Aoetralla. w
t IfV -neXCX inm-v 1 at mm . -
Ingtm atreet. Pboo Mala T12.
Qty Ticket Ageat, , , Oea. Psas. Agaert
Deport. I Arrive.
for Taexuna, Seattle.
Olympl. Kostk Bead
aad tiray'a , BarbarJ
:. m.
North Coast limited,
for Taeniae. Seattle.
Batte. St. Psl. Mla
neepollx Cbacag. New
York. Boston sad polnta
Esst and Soetbesst.
T.tkJa. av
Twla-Cltv Exnreaa. for
Tacoma. Seattle, !tp.
kane. Helena. St. Paul.
Minora Dolt Cblcaa.
New York. Boatoa dl
II nntnU Eaat aadj
... 4
Pnget BoUBd,- Kaaaa
nty-st. I -on La Fpecuu
for Taeonn. Heart I.
Spokan. Butt Bllllag.
rteewee . 1 .
'J 1:10 8.88
City. Sr. lamia' and sill
points Eaat end Soetb-I
All trains dally - except oe Bowrb
Branch- A. D. CHARLTON.
Assist a at General Parngr Ageat.
228 Morrlaaa rt.. ear. Third. Portlaad. Otu
Astoria & Columbia
a !' i "
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. CNION DEPOT. Arrlvee.
8 -00k. ax. '' Pt Mayger. Bstwew, U:ia. gk.
Dally. C1tkaBte. Weatpert. oslly. --
. .. ' . Cllftoe, Astoria. wr- T
, rentnn. rivl. Ham- . . '
... mood. Port Steve, , .-'
Oearhart Psrk. Seaalda, I ,
AaUorU aad Seaebeee.
roo-. -. " fcP"-"'- ' ,:49rfg.
D"- Aatartk Bxarese.
' " I. C MA TO,
" 0. P. d P. A.. Aster!. Or.
a A. rrtWABT. Commercial Ageat. 88 Aid
atreet. Pheee Mala BOB. ,
v ' '
TVaJtek Oateo IBB TavkTsJ Bt,
eex. Trsktiaicontltaajintsil
5 .... TPBnJ Daily
fast Tir "
TO HP0KA"" r..
t ' f