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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
.... j, If V Journal Branch Offices . ADYX1TI3IMXNTS will' be tmM t regular aula a'aoe rales the fallow lag pUree aad eea to TIM JobmI ta tlm (or pubUratloa ' the scat Usual . . . . .oxh. A ' A. lretn, drug glet. 23d Bad Tbor. , n 'sivet.' ' ' '" ' ' ' Jiob Hill Pharmacy, 8 ,tr"w j ,A. W. Alien, pbtrmadat, lsth d hUr- kail etreets. J . ' K 'B. Jaok.. w(artloiWTT .400 Wash " ' lagtva (tract. roroer ivlh. Y SO UTS.' ' " 'A B. F.-Jone Co.. dmjrtiat, Front nd Glbh atrwtt. . ' Cottel Drug Company, First and Grant . street. . ...... EACT HSI.'" " v .' Tattle' Pharmacy. .853 Mlaataalppl 8. aa. rm 8hr treet Xirbete A Thempeea. 12a RaeaeU arraat, . corner Alblna iww. Janch Pnr Company; tetanr-, Haw- theroe ud Grand . J. A. tUch, tobacco. 224 Crosby ' leant and trel bridge). eva '!.. B. r. Kaltoa. coofwtlooery. 371 vBt Bornaid. entarc Uaioa "raoe. . Ingram A Baak, tobaceeatou, 132 Grand . vmmxDX. , J, E. Worth. pbraad, 8VS Belmoat . ""' s BBootanr. . " Brooklyn niraifj. corner Powell and , Mllwaukl etrt. Are, tboraaab believer (a the principle that the customer abeiiM Brat tba bank, and acting Bona tbla. they have " mh aot t" wlw Mrwul aollcttattoa for Nialnax.. ' It a mlmr oaa way of ruadwt Ina a bank and wo admit It ta a jile. W . dlcntOod way. Bat lb baa not baea thla awtbod bf wktrh ' t TKX OtBStT TBVBT COHTAJIT , OEXOOB" . , CAPITAL $300,000 Baa. addad a haaTUr. ta Ita dofnalta darlna tho aaat rar, Aak ais aaa of aw dapeallara abovt .tbbi. ,' -. t. .PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON I ' llrA ....;'. RKM. I. COHI!X......!.......1...rraloBt H. . L. PlTTO-K..., Tkw-Praaldeat B. U:B PAOBT....T.. HetroUra J. . CHL.TBA. ..,.... -Aaa lataat Hacratar MONTAVILLA 5-ACRE TRACTS Price $1250 Each For sale on installments $100 down and $15i per moatb. 'Convenient to street cars. A chance for home in' , - the direction, of the city's , growth. Apply to. ; , B; M. LOMBARD S 14 Chamber of Commerce ones. KOTirB TO mrDITOR Kauto af Waakf . K.. Kavl. daraaatd. Kottra la baroby Klaaa ky tbe andaralcaad admlalatraUir af tha aa- ut af Waalaa K. Kaarl, daraaaad. ta tha aradltora of. aad all aaraoaa barlnir rlatma atalaat aald dtcaaaad. to aablblt tbaai with tba airnmry aoarbara, wltbia alx aaaatha af tar tha flrat aabllmtloa af thla aotlca ta aald adaalaiatratar at bla raaldaDaa. Na. Sib ttorbatt Htraat. la tba City of Port la ad, ta tba mumtr af Maltaoaiah and atata af Oroaoa. Itatad and flrat poMk-atlon of thla aotlra. Man 17. laoaV. JOHN V. KM MEL, Admlnla tratnr of tba Batata af Wralar N. tmorl. rtaenaaad. C'RKN Will EBEL. Urrfoa HIT, Or.. Attaraaja tor Maid Batata. A.KIUTt flltn.I will bold a proaraaalra wblat. rafraabaaaata aad daarlna. Saturday ' aaaala-. Marrh Id. la Hal line-Ulrarh bid., Taata aad Waahlactoa; adBlaaloa Ifie. AftTRA CIRrUi 1U, Womaa of Woodcraft, will flaa a craad ball la Arlaa ball. Fr day. Marrh IT. flpartal prlara. SOTITL I will aot arraa ta Bay ar b f apnaathlo far any drbta coo tract ad by Mr. Ida Mioa. J. A. DIXON, ton ABB rOTTBB. Xltbar Lart ar Taand Mm tlaianata. rata "tX warda far U aaata," aaaa. SOME BANKS , roVltD A TBLEPRONR, Roott ZS4.1 wbara ar. tlatle drapary aad aphotetory work b) dooa, . ta aaarlal dralitaa ta aalt parrhaaar. By W. , undlry; boat rltr referaaxaa; flra yaarr with U. C. Braadaa Ca. v. . ' roi'M A plaaa ta biaa bklr Biattraaaaa T' .-aatad and rataraad aaaia day. Fboea Mala 474. Partlaad Cur lad Hair factory. FOrSD A parkaaa oa Eighth aad Eaat Grant, hoocbt atHnnarM Braa. Tall 4V Raat Grant, TOTKO MAN Baaloaaa aollaga otadaat or arad uato prafarrad, to prepara for (nraramant poaltkm; good aalary; diaaralng pronoiloa. Addraoa Intaratata Acboola, Ibc.". ilt Chanv bar of Ooauacroa. WANTED Mva ta leara barbrr traoa; ( waaki ' roaiplata: poallloBa aaarantaad: taltloa aaraad .wbila taarnlnc; wrlta for tarsia. Molar .. . Barbar Callaaa. 44 Clay at.. Baa PraBcMea. . MAN radar J5. fatr adnratloa, to prapara for (nrrrnmaat pnaliloa; aalary and protaottoa arramrrswat nnd. Bdcar B. Bnah, Sl t aaaioar oa uoauaarea. WB want axpartaaead Bra for rnnatag b Bg aaab- Lambar BMBiBg araraiBary. oaaaiaa praca la., aaaaia. ur. A at n MEAL TICKET at to Yaakra Boy for .BOT want4 for tmcUstj. 562 Etut Twentj first nir MlBTWOTlaaa KIP WABTXTPEatAl.X. WANTED Ladlaa to Irara barbar trada: t waaaa rompiata; inmon aaraaa wniia laara Ing; balrdraaalng, manlrarlng Bad far la I maa- aa I 4 waaka; apadal terma bow. Wtlt Ho Mr ayitam iiiag, aaa rrinrlaao. WANTEIM-Prartlral. ' Intalllgant. mlddla-agad woaaan: aoaaawor. amaii xaipiiy; lair .-ra ' maarratloa. bJX Taylor at. WNTt:t OMnpatant girl ta rooking and : ganaral boaaawork. tall at 307 North ' -1 wraty at. r. aoataaM.. Hoyl Card Chv. Stratf Coaa. WAbTF.D ITS faopt t try Maptatna at Malar a rraaa grorary aapartaaaat, rnm triaL W XTFtK-Httrtrraarr. Btaalrara, Roarntbal amrara, 10a run ar. Vltll. ar gaaaral boaaawork,. Applp 1M Eaat hiataaaU at, - .:-..-. t UTVATIOBS WABTTn-.ll a IB. ITI ATION waatad by prlatrr'a appraetloal ana yaar'a aTpartrara at tba trada; raaaoeabla waaaa aakrd j rof arancaa slrea If Baeaaary, Addraaa '. SS, JoaraaL WANTKOw-Work by yoaaa un. atrlrtly taaa parata, aa hrlpar at randy aaaklna;; sobmi aa parlaara; At Ira rraam aad watrr tea akar. . Addraaa X.t JoaraaL ... 8TEADT. rood waltar waata work la. hotal . or. rrauarant; waaaa no aonaldaratloa; aaay work, prtfarradj city ar country s B al. cara aaaraal. YOI'NO Biarrtad naa wtahaa work of any kind; Inaida, work prafrrrad; raa ctra rat- Aoaraaa x a, cara jaumai. BOOKKEEPER would daaota ona to tbrao boara dally lu foraaooaa; tanua. t V par Bjonth, aach hoar. Addraaa OnO Hhariock MO-. - WELL raoommandad aldarly ma a waata work la a prtTate family Mr a food Borna) at aaay ana aober. Addraaa A, II. Jooraal, WANTED By asprrlanrad man. poalttoa aa taamatar la rlty: atata kind at work. Ad draaa h 4, Joaraal. - rrvAnoBB wabtzx timaxx. WANTED By radnrd lady with boat raf aronraa, a plara la rlarlcal work, book. . kaaplac. aallartlnc or otbrr baaloaaa praoual ' ttoa. II 11. cara JoarnaL - BRLIARLB woman waata ta do bomb clranlna. Ironlnc or taka cara of farnjahad rooaia. Phoaa Mala S1U. . lOl'NO girl of IB waata light boaaework or . raro of rhlldrea; go noma aigbta. Phoaa . MalB 31113. .- PIJ1IN draaamakar waata to go oat abwlag by tba' day. l-booa Mala 3103. JESS TXXJn AOZBCXEB. 104 NORTH THIRD ST. Kaawocthy Employ mrot (a., proraraa poaltlona for uaamployad ' and furniahaa halp for cmployara. Mala alio. K. P. Egy. mgr. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Oraco Baal oatata. rooming bouaoa aad buai naaa chascaa apaclalty. 270 Boraalda. Mala 13ft MORRISON RT. nlumbla Rtaar Xnrploy mant arrncy; aklllad labor farnlabed, Pbena Mala 823. . PACIFIC COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY . Kemorad ta.. MH North baeond at. phoaa Bad 161. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OmCB. ' TOE MEN. W N. aaeoad at. Phoaa Mala tSBS. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor aaatraa. tara; halp fraa to amployara, tlS MonMaa, HELP waatad aad aapptlad, mala a f i la. R. . DBAKB. MM Waahtagtoa at. Clay 44a. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BI'REAU Halp far- nlahad fraa. Call 133 t int . at., or Mala 1PIT. WAXTXD-AOrBTb. GOOD, lira a rant a waatad to Ball Iota oa mlama la oaa of tba cbolcaat aubarba of PortUnd. Addraaa P. O. Boa 701, city. BOOMS In all part af tba city, raralabad. Apply 230 (loodnoagb bldg. ' , EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU, Dadcr dlractloa af tha Lawia aad Clark Pair Corpora tioa. . . . r-Mf . ' ... . - ' Phoaa Mala C3M. . WANTED Year fnnriabrd aad anfaraubad mom to ba Hated with aa. The Lawta and Chirk l-arnlabrd Room aaaarUUoa, 131 N. Blitb. Pboaa Mala 341. WANTED 4 farnlabad boo ark orpin iniim or boaaa. Addrraa C. J.. B. . Ray no Ida r 347 - Errratt . at., rlty. WANTED 4 or S aafnralahad rooma. waat aMa tat aoaraalanra. U, 311 Flrat at. - WABTKB-JUSCZLlaJIXOtrB. TTfR PORTLAND ACCThON ROOMS bay aoy- raoaa mib aw, at zi.t rim n., - WANTED Mora prayln aad whttawaahtagi tba aaly gaaonaa roajpraaa, i air prayia eattt aa tha aoait. M O. or raa A Ca.. ( Mllwaakla tt. Pboaa Eaat boll. YOt'R aatalogaa aad atrcnlar mallrd. aa- aalopaa addrraara; railabla iwt; pnrws ngnu Prank U Rcbott. 404 Eaat Moniaoa at., Part la oa. Or. I BUY offlra axtaraa and farnltara af all kind. F. X. Clark' Aartloa Boaaa, KT1 829 Wblngtoa at., opp. old (ipoaltloa bldg. HinilEST prlraa paid for man' rait -of f cloth ing, anoaa aa Bat at aa noria intra, rnon Black atsa. Drdara promptly attcadad to. WB bolld sew or Si old booaaa ary rraaoa- bla; hara good dty rarrraaraa. Wrlta or rail H. Waal. Nw Wratara hotal. GENEBAL pardaalngt hiwaa taken car of. Addraaa wm. Kaaaeay, 1 ft. ecaaa at, Pboaa Clay 113. HORSB WANTED Will pay 333 for riding Boraa: waigat aaaat aw wa. Trill jiaama, 3S7 Monro at SHORT ORDER PRINTtNO ROUS B P. i. Rydec. Wteead aad Wacblagtoa at. Pboaa Clay 18SS. . r WANTED ftnaad-baad. BMeiaavataad. job ClnUBg praaai CHaaa rot aaaa, M., UllBwa tat . - LACR eartalaa laaadarad at bnma; flrat -rlwaa work. Mr. Ida Haablaa. Pboaa Calaa 1B44. AMERICAN BEAUTY PARLORS. !S Park at FOB BXBT KOUirKXXPIBO XOOXB. PURNIRHED hoaaahoaptag aad atagla room by tba work or by awataj ga. beta and phoaa. 371 - Third at - II. T5 PER WEEK Mimr, clean. fualahad noaaaaaapiag rooaw; maaary, Daia. . ia Hbarman. ar froat TWO aafarnUbad booaekaaplng room. IS par moat, no. Kat Ntnta. . uooa Meation, HOUKEKEEPINO and alngl rooma; arary roa- vanMacai raaaooaoi rata. B14 Thira t. FOB BXBT nrBBlSBXS BOOMS. Oaa laaartiaa la thla lalaaatloa, rata 1 waraa tar.i aaata.- THE MONNASTEM, 3K5H Flrat at.: lncl room from fl to a; ruraianra Booaaft raping ulta from fl-73 to f3 par werh; room par Bight, 50c aad 26c; toaiiata sollrltrd. THE GARLAND. . S2I Waablngtoa. bat. Mnatrrath aad Twentieth ta. ; now, modern, an eaaraaieac; , rates raaaonabl., ELEGANTLY farnlabed room, tboroagbly lH r-m. dlnlna room, flrat el, no aiorblun charge,, rar una, waning oiataac. ... 070 irin. I iwur Mtmim wvm. TUB nr.ITrl. 114 Twalfth. aaraar Waatiln. - toa, entlrtly newly faralahed room of THE . dexter annkx bow raaay (or accapaacy. l"bon Oreea 4SS. lTOVi TENTH ST. Nicely farnlahad lngl - room; ran a, ga.-pnow; au-w-iiy . moaerB; rneap rrai to paraaaoao ry, TWO wall-farolahad - room - In new. modera flat, centrally loeatea; gaattrmra oaly. . I quire 227 Markat. fiat U , KRAMER'S ROOMINO HOUBE Flrat-rlaaa for. . alahed rooa for gentlemea only. Fifth and riarnaioe. THE GLADSTONE SI tt Sarler at., faralahed rooma; aadrr aaw maoigemcat: price raa aaaa bla. . .- - NEATLY farnlabed front nmtai. pbona, g and oan; cioae ib, ai.i.- jraia v. , cor. iiianni. CHEAPEST aad befr located rooma la Portia nd, $1 week op. Ollmaa, Fliat aad Aldar aaa. NICELY farnlabed room, $1 2S par week aad ap. 347H Firth, bet Mala aad Madlaoa. RIVERSIDR HOTEL. 345 Eaat Oak rt. Hoa- kaaplng room; tudglag. I'booa aoott ea. THt GRAND. 4Aa North Third tt 4 reproof BEWLY feralaheov aalet franajast I , r aorta at Pboa Ka PrNE. comfertabla room. ' tot 'Troth, -cor. Taylor. FOB BEET ST01ES, FOB- BICXT-Slor. S31 Waablngtoa at . , , . - .. . v " . HE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MSIMI ' f By special arrangement with the Pacific Coast. Biscuit Company The Journal has secured, a large supply of Abetta Biscuit, and with every cash want ad for either the Daily or Sunday, will give the advertiser one tree , package. Abetta Biscuit are packed in a moist-proof pack age, which preserves the goods, causing them to retain their crispness and flavor.. These, Biscuit are particularly nice for light Junches, picnics in fact, always the correct thing to grace the sideboard. Always fresh and crisp; remember that , These offers are made simply to still ore widely introduce the wonderful results accom plished by useful "want ads." An enumeration of their many daily duties and performances would entail great space. You know how it is when you want to rent a1 room or .bouse, when you want to buy something unusual, when you've lost something why, you immediately look at the "want ads." Thousands of people read them every day you can talk to them at the rate of 21 WORDS FOR 15. v M I MM Mill It MMMMI t ft FOB BEXT Ub-rUXBlBHID BOOMS. FOB BENT Three trnfornUbed - rooaaa - with large ball ana nam; prnea ror . rro raaaonablcl bo chlldrea. 4WI Wublugtoa at. THREE aeparate. anfuralabed k room, with water and a, rrouad floor. K. ('.Die, 3)16 Eaat Tnlrty-rourta ar., Bannyaioe. r & nnv. tmnt anfiirnlahad 'room, nrirat fam llr: nice tor araaamaaer: raaaoaaam. oa Marhll at. " " BOOMS ABO BOAXJk YOUNO mea. It yoa waat to board ad room la permanent ad flrat-chw boaaa, whar rate ar eleeedlogly low. add win remain tha una nail aammeT ( they ar aaw. call at the Altar Iloaar, 3B1 Seacath at, aoraar of Madlaoa, -leu Mia ezsi. THE LINDKLL New. family bataL Market t.. bet. Third and Fourth; team heat abxtrie light, pnreeUla hatha; alegaat aotalda room with firat-claa board; two people, S464M $6S moatb. . NICELY furnUhed room, flrat-rlaaa board modern, reaaonalrl. 463 Beat Pine at. I FOB BXBT BOUSES. 3 ROOM bona for raat at Archer Place, 330 1 mm,, Awnrr ana wil. win i i w,u renter if conTanlent Call room 3US Mchay DOIUing. inira ana awri. . , KADDERLY TRANSPEB-COMMISSION. CO. Planoa aad f oral tor moved promptly by ex- lerteacaa aaea. air m. ww, - IOBO. TO RENT room) modera ben, tft Oaaten- neia aaa., fie. ppy w "ta vthuh 326 Falling bldg.. city.- - FOR - SALE or raat, farnlabed S-room boaaa, liiiuvt jiaiuion ' m w " . i in LOWER flat, 3 room aod bath..- Georg M. , f. ir,MIK, IJO pram. , w HCV3X FOB BnT FtTBBTFITBS FOB SALS WE boy yoor farnltnr la ay qoaatltF for apot caaa or aen it at yoor n.. -nd call ap PortUnd A action Booma, Mala pvU, for beat reautta. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS win aetl yoor rumltur for yoa .at yoor rraiocaca or at 211 Flrat at.- Pbaad Mala Mob. NEW S-room hotrae, modern, fnrnlabed com- . plete; will aril noaar-, mrniinrw or rroi; wnat ba taken ;alck; might board for rent Addraaa T 2H, cara Journal. ' TWO Iota. Stewart Park, cheap; term. Ala farnltara or a-room noaar, new, rurm v, r.uv nyaid. 'rent 1 10 per month. , I'booa Eaat JJ. rtRNITTRE of A t-room boaaa for ab cbaap IT takea oy too loin; rrm ,wj wwo era It: a bargalu. 47 North Ninth t ' 3-ROOM boaaa. nicely farnlahad: farnltara fCTH; rent za norta Bigaia ai, rara. amaia 4.1P7. ' FOB BXBT OFFICX BOOM. TWO office room and S3 offlc apace, Al M cation. - it.- w.-inwr, mmm aaia aex, 233 WMblngtoa.' i. FOB BXn atlSCZrUBBOTJS. FOR RENT A larga aampla-rOnm or balL top Boar. Apply ehraator man. Cwidaeagh Mdg. I rXXBOBAX. IP matrimonially Inclined, and roar el re I of eligible acquaintance ta umnea, w can poaltlrely guarantee to And yoa a congenial lie MiMMlia. aa wa have oaar 2.0IIO cor- reapoBdaDU la 'Ore Iron aad Waablngtoa who wlah to marry. The Matrimonial Keglatar, price 10c, deecrlbee orar 100 local member . ana give run peruraiare. miniiiH iHue daclng Society, box 1U7B, PortUad. KANRANSI ATTENTION I Come to my ofnea and regkiter or Band name ' and addraaa ta pecoBM cnarrer meuioer oi mbu eociaiy, II for gentlemen, 60 cent for ladle. R. W. Trarer. Heal KaUt Broker., 283 WMhlngtoa, Port land. Or. MONTHLY irrrgularttle yield promptly to oar palnlee method of treatment; we treat die eaaea of aromen only: consultation free: mi- Tate and, atrlctly eonfldentlal. X Kadlum IHUHW. U Biro HI wwrvuw, mimJ VIUf. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Tba klBd yer looking for: 'Decameroo," "A Hot Tamala." 'Koa' Confeaaloa," "A Social Uoa." 'Faaol Hill,"- The neaaty "not." not eaca; llata free. A. Bcbmale. 229 Flrat at THE beat crldat policy. ' tba "Annlaareary Legacy." wrltte only by tba Preferred Ac cident Inaaranre CnmPaaT of New York. - Thorn P. Tbnrntoa. general ageat 117 fiambor or commerce. I'oooe ataia To. MANLY tlgnr reatored by Dr. Robert' Nrr Global. . On month' treatment. 12: 3 meatha. xi; aaat eecBrcry aeaiea ny mill. AfentwdFoodard. Clark, A Co., rortlaad. Or. ARB yoaatmnbled with pi leaf If as, wrlta to day or call at WTH Third at.' and recele a box of John WllhelnV famnoa. Germaa-ptla rameay; price fi.oii ooi; a goaranieea care, HAVE yoa aaaa the Spencer Company- a boot yoor aniriwaiat anr if nof. nurry ap; let. eat atylea: ladle' awa good made ap; grata' ehlrta a apaclalty. 123 Tenth at. , DO roa want to get married t It eoata roa noth Ing ta reglater ymir name with aa.. Call or arlilreea nm 4, 24S Morrlaon la writing pieaee enrioaa a eiamp. WANTED The addraaa of Mr. J. P. Mcfaha. f.merlr of WJofleld. Wlaconaln. laler of Dakar eoanty, Oregon. Aaareea m. 40, Jooraal, TOUR eaiiiliirlfaai are mar aeearately and f.aaaoably Blled at By ,!' Phiraiary, E2t aiomaoa a not. nrai aaa paaoad eta. WANTED Everybody to- tak rapor bath and maaaage at tbo new parlor. 1461 Sixth at, rooma 34-23. Lady atteodaat. "THREE YEARS IN A RE ANSA W boata aS pnoa roa arar aaw. aa. jeaea- aoa a tara. S1 Alder at - TO XXCBABOK. WHAT bare yon to exchange far 36.000 ralaa induatriai atorr.- Cortland company I Addr i K.. 7. Journal office. CHEAP kw aa part payment far halloing your houa. i S i, cars Jeuraal, MMMMMMMMMKMIMIIMMMMMMM MM ' . 1 ttlM t HI I MMMMMIMMtttMllllltltttttttf4'" $100 PRIZES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS TM jovnaJ wffl pT SS-00 to aTary Cautoea ami Vrao of Jta.rU About Tha Jouial -Vut Ada" wMeh fart) Bn to thla moa) a4 trpbid f oi u la Tk JouuL BMHMI tha foUowlar lakrotlona earartillyt ' ' ., jrrerr Crooa Mvt Tasaa of laM garnat ha aMCBptnlaS y "Waat Ad" Uka thoa madav tha alffarant elaaalfieaTloaB ea thaaa paTa, It h jl a Haw tkt ttUT n lnhUy iaaoa ant Tha JoauraaJ. Tha ehargw fog thaaa adwactlawmaarta ta SI words tot IS atata. So adTwrtuw maat aoootyaad fos laaa thaa lS aaata.- . ." - - - vo Cmrtpo ot Tarsa of aTia;la to aataaaS ta tha eeataat valaaa aaeorn paalad by a "Waat Ad" aad tha aacmay for tt, Xb mama, ara aad addxeaa af tha child who draws aaa of thaaa Oar toaaa aad ailbaa a Terea of Jlaffl aaaat ha wrltaaa oa arary oaa aaat to thla ofnea, ta tha ahUd'a owa htadwrttlaaT. Tha Oartooa aad Ttxsa aaaat ha ta Waek tak, aad an oa oaa aid a papar. - If yoor fathar or saothav oaaaot gtw yoa aaa af thaaa "Waat Ada," raraiy torn trial ot ltlglroi oaa, Ba aura to look ft yoar adtraaUaaataat ta tha paspor. Tha Cartopaa aad "Waat Ada" may ba dtUrorad to Tha Joaxaal ot arary ohlld aaa wrlta a araa aad draw a Cartooa. Zf yoara ; ba ajcptd, yoa win raoatra ft00 U moaay aad hara yoar piotara ta Tha foaraaL " ' -V : .7 Ml SIIT BIAT. X3TATX. AArartlaamaata partala,teg t Baal Xatata, oao tlma rat -31 word far aaata.'' A GREAT BAB0AIN! If takea at oace; ewao must aril, larg oaaw e v, -m HUrk t. beat barxaln In PortUnd. W loaa money, from I2O0 to 35.000. W bar many other bargain la real aetata.. M, Spragn. 122H Grand are. tooai 13. FOB RALE 3 lot. 80 2 3 fret by 110; good 6-room houae. Boe rirrr rlew. all kind of fruit and barrlea. cow barn, chicken boob, wood, -.bed; moat be sold for caah at . ooca. M. Brro, McKenna are. aad , W arrao at.. Porta moo tA. , - DOOM, n DUX1UU aoo a "V"""" j- 100 each; oaa U a corner; all for 33,300; 11,300 rash and baWac to aalt parcbaaer. icaodinaaUa Baal Ketate Ca.. 370 Baraalda. FOB SALE New boo and BHacra. S1.00O1 - m IMI 1, um. aery eaei wrae... . e'- - I sano. , Bee a rent. Brat boaaa Booth Gates' ; cromlng. Tak KaUcada car, O. W. P. Una. COTTAGE of S rooma. Urge lot abondaaea of Urge ana email iron, goxwn, an- hwu, etc.. 31.400; 3400 down, bel. 320 gaontb. In quire of owner. 146 Third at-, room 1. GOOD InTeetment Two 6-room hoaara and cor ner lot, BeocB ana micnigan. ei.ow. -lot and a4-rom aooa. Ptttenger'i adxIlttoB, 370D; flaa orchard. Phoaa Scott 648S. A FINB homo, with Urge ffroondar on treat are.; fralt aad berrlra of all klada; will - tall for half what It coat oa acroaat of death af my wife. B 20. care JoaraaL A SNAP Modera 4-room cottar, porcetala bath, earner kt, fruit tree, almost aew. la Tremoot; mU payaarat down, 10 moatb. A. Ogdca. BUS Pea toa bldg. Die imammaii iw r -r borne. Call 3u8 McKay botldlng and abtala drtalM. . t 31.360 S4 ACRES, hoa pad 1 acre mU fruit: good location la VI on ta rill. Prank A. vAlfard lequlr at BortoB't atora, Mob tarllla. GOOD lareetaetBt aoraar lot aad boaaa. wall located on car Una. rented for 128 per month. imm o koa A nnl. XAhe Kata. 224 Rtarh at BEST bay la PortUnd; comer oOxlOO. enay walk to ctnter, worth 12.200. for 11,400. ob raay terma. P. Facha, 1 Flrat at., room . A BARGAIN 3 earner asd 3 Inaida lots. Lower - Alblna; rery tghtly; atreeta, aewer nd aide- walk. Call owner. Pboaa Mala 3777. LOTS ta lease at tba entrance to Lswla aad CUrh fair grenade. R. W. Trarer, real . estate broker, 233 Washington at S-ROOM cot tare. Upper Alblna, eacloacd yard. 60x103, ruiety of fralt and rneee, aear car ; - a bargain. Phone Union 664T. A BARGAIN For sale Twe bit with four room houar. la St, John; 3700. . Apply to G ruber. 317 Commercial block. S-ROOM bobb. acre., fralt. berrlea. barn,. ehlckeB boas. $1,060; CareoB Heights; will reat Werner. CHOICE hrta, 330, Bear rar line; B down. 33 per month ; S acre, -room boaaa, aaay terma. 103 Foarth at LOST 10: 33 dbwm. SB par moatb! B acre, two . a-room hoaaee, will aril reay cheap ar trade, ' l3 Pnarth at FOR SALE Hoose, 13x24, cheap: leas expire Jnne 1 : moat be mo red. Inquire 384 East ' blorrlaoB t. . . t . , FOR BALE 20 acre. 3 ail lea from yaneowaeri poo fruit tr, aew boa. 627 RmwUwa I1VEJOY at. Bear Twenty-third. 7 -room boaaa. price 34.360. George M. Strong, 113 Second. 7-ROOM mo!Tn brick hmtee for II. TBO. la qolra 362 Fhat t Telephone CUy 34L . B-ROOM boaaa. 2 lot 100x100) price 31.300. Inqnlra 337 East Sixth at, Barth. HOUSE and lot for eel, 401 N. Twenty foorth at.; impure m anore auuieea. FOB SALE B0B8TB ABB CAXRTAOEB. NBARLT NSW rnbber Ured nrrey, knd Wee. will aell together or eeparatety; reaaonebU. . Caa be aaea at 802 Eaat Sixth t, North., enr. Maaoa. , FOR' SALB Twe team draft home, frr vera . heaay harneea. Cnlombl Stable, corner Front and Colaabla ata. Inonlra J. J. Caaack. HORSES, warooa. haraeea, all klada af r blrlee bought. old and rented. H abort A 1111. 234 Foarth. Pboaa Mala 2203. FOR "ALR On laport boslneea baggy, 1-1 nek rnbber tire, with top. Alan road cart aad eat lugl haroees, Z70 Twelfth at. FOB SITE- I3BP BCBXF. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. Unrestricted fnrest reeerae arrlp for sale t lowest markat price. My rlp hacaraa title t timbered, farming, graalna or desert - lend, la aay ooaatlty, wltnoat rea!dae ar Imnroaement. iddraea H. M. Hamlitoa. Tat PortUad, rortlaad. Or. . , . . , -v- EVENING, v MARCH 17, 180S Want Ads V " B: FOB SITE .hTTsCXlXAjrXOTJS. BOATBOUSB FOB SALB la flrat -c laaa ceadl tloo, aolubla for a prlrata family or a publle reaort ea tha river, containing 6 bed rooms, II ring room, kitchen and apper deck. Also hOBSeboAt containing S Bleeping room. Nap tha lunch, 23 feet wag. 4-H.-P. engine. ' Apply F. S. Morrai. O. W. P. By. Co. offlea. BILLIARD AND POOL tab tot reat or fat sale on aaay paymanta. TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKB CO LI. END BB 00, . 43 Third at. PortUad. PI B print yoor aaane oa tmt caning raroa, proper alaa aad atyle, ,26c; 260 bvslarsa cards, 1. Brows a gchmal. 2 Flrat. PortUad. Or. BOXWOOD! BOXWOOD! Boxwood, alabwood - and dry eordwood. Maltnoauh Wood Co. Pbooeo; Mill. Mala 1; ofAoa, Mala 3113. COW. girlng 13 on arte milk, cheap; owner earing town, moat aU crea at aacrtfic. CU at 34) MorrU at a FOR SALB Block of Attachable Ball-Bearing Hab CoBipanjetoek. aheap. Addraaa Box Mi, VaacoaTer, Wab- ... THOROUGHBRED corker paale papa for axle, 6 and (10. 641 Myrtl at, Portland Height. CYPHERS INCUBATOR for sale or trade; 220 egg oa pa city; acarly new. g 4. Joaraal.. FOB BALE Grata elevator canadty 43,1 Welle. Or. baabehu. a. n. wuua FOB SALB Two ticket for SeattU cheap; good for aay ana. Addraaa 8. a, cara Journal. HOGS FOB SALE Inquire for engineer of Gooonoagh bldg., 3 o'clock , afbarnaMna. FOR 8AX,B 1 heifer, t year eld. fresh ; ajaa Scotch eolttt. papa. Pbeo Scott asa. 8HEPHEBD DOG for aalt; trained for eattl rang. 1033 Front at SO-HORSE POWER ENGINE for Bale. Inquire Jooaa' aalU. dty.i ., SAIL BOAT for gait, complct. Iaqabt 47B Northrop at. FOB SALS T AXJta. BIHORN A SHBLT0B. Coadon, Ore roe, Hara large aad smell wheat raacboa Bale. Jalormatloa eauuiiuiiy girea; apoadeBce aolldted; borgiin for Ian J. A- BAaltoa, CO at aaaeetor. . , 120 A.CBK8 good timber: some la cultivation! house and rnaalng creek; 3 mile from -Oregon City. Inquire 343 First L. PortUad BSH-ACBB farm. Improved, for sale or trada Ml MAMM Paetl.Bd. mA .VMM lib amlro 303 Cherry at 30) XI 20 a crea, good soil, boaaa. and spring ad - joining: Oregon City. Plumber, VYUlam are., PortUad. ...... IF yoa want a mn or big farm at bargain price, aaa F. Facha. 14to Flrat at, room 3. 320-ACBE' wheat farm near Condon, Or., good aoll. W. F. Wataon, Clem, Or. XB. 0LBTY BOEB BXALXB. DR. OLNBY, the celebrated, aatloually-knowa . promoter of psychology and exponent of aog gestlvs tberapentlca, bow Ib thla city, la . prepared to conealt with " patleate." lie It Konooaced tba moat noted dtarnnatirlaw and alee of the age. Phyaldana ar dally calling htm la eoasuHatloa. He guarantee ' to core the meat atabbora cae of liquor, morphine or tobacco haMta. No Interference with dally dutle. Inatantanaoa core. Tb Ich (boald vH thebiaelv of thla grand - opportunity. . Dr. M. Olaey, 283 Wkihlng- -ABT KhtPOXriraT., PROP. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait and landscape artlat; Inetrortloa la oil palntlsg, water color, etc.. and drawing; art gallery - coooeeted with ttndlo; pictures for Bala and framing to order. 34 Alder t Phone 16.M AASATXEA. THE I. H. FtSK ASSAYING OPTTCB , .. Analytical cbcmUt aad maulmrgtet 11 lee , gold aad aUvr, fl cappar, 60 caats. 204H Waablngtoa at I. A. MOB, Meyer and aelytleal ' 350 Aakany at, cor. ElgbU. ASPHALT PAYTB0V, THE Trinidad AaphaH Paring Co. af Portlsaa. . OfBc eoA Worceetor blk. BICYCLE DXAXXRS. COLUMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRJOBcTt SPORTING OOOIH3, BXPRRT REPAIklBO. F. P. KEEN AN, 203 THIRD ST. BBTWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMfllf. BABX BOOK aLaJTOT ACmrXXBA HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 103-111 niang Bodti manoractorer; igeata for Joes Improved 1 oaw Leal ladgata, paperailsa, . heokblBdlBB - . . CBABCXS.' BOOMING BOUSB HEADQUABTBBS, TAFT 4 CO.. 1XV3 Ablngtoa Blk. Phoaa Mala 13d, , We ' make a SPEUI ALTT OP ROOMING HOUSES aad hv many af the MOHT D3V SIBABLB LOCATIONS that art for Good location are going faat. Beta ear partial list below of both large and assail aaaa. If thaaa don't halt. yoa. exit lai to BOOMS Beet pert of Morrtaoa at., vary cheap rant and good long lease. If . i .' yoa waat a good traaaleat hoa aad - a moaey.maker, doo't fall ta ea thla. Prlc for thi weak oaly, ti.ouo; part ST BOOMS Brat only llTt per month: good - - leaaei cleartng beat eeraBoath; beet aocatloa fa the eltr for twell trade, ' For a quick aaje wa hara reduced tba '. ; pries to to, TOO. ... IS BOOMS Boa Toa Iocs Uoa; rent 81T5J good leaaei ataam heat hot aad cold water . .' ta moat all' rooma: bow clearing about . 8176 par month. A ehP Prlc '"' $4,000. . , : . v:- S3 BOOMS Steam heat; newly '' farnlahod aad remodeled) . S year' laaaa) . rant oaly 1 1O0 par month. 1'rlra, 33,000. 21 BOOMS New. modera bolliflng. aewty faralahed. awell location, vary roam Ukea: rent only 1126,. S yaara1 aaata, A pick-up for 32.260. . U BOOMS An extra larga, splendid we tloa.i all Moooet aad Axmlnater ear pa la: gbod hard faraltare; cheep reat; :(" breseBt owner baa had tb booaa for . '.-,; S year., A gUt-edge boy fat $2,300. ' 20 BOOMS Beat Vocatlaa In dty for high rUae trioalent or ateady room era; rent, Slot), clearing good moaey Bow and arlng the fair yoa caa . make alt . tb - mooay yea want. - Price (3,300. -r :- 20 BOOMS Oa 6th at. near Waahtng-toa'. nicely - faralahed; lease. ' cheap raat; ' .a regolar soap; for 3360, 20 NICE LA ROB BOOMS, sear Morrteoa: rent only auo par awata. cleanag over giau per month. Ta Be thai hi ta hay. Prlc ? 1 BOOMS Elegantly faralahed; flrat -claee aocatloBi cheap rent A special offer thla work tot $1,600. 14 BOOM8r-tlendld lecatloa) new hoaaa and new farnltara? all rooms takea aad auklng mooay. Price $1,400. 12 BOOMS Hot and cold water Ib nearly ' all ' rooma; best pseatloa la the city: clearing above all exptnaea (65 per Xaonth. Price ti.aoo. .. .V . i S LARGE, alee room; On lecatloa and cbaap rent; leaae for oaa year; nicely farnlabed , bonae . Banders. Price for a few day, T BOOMS Bight down toara. alcety fnrnlsbed; cbaap reat; a refalar soap tor $400. ' A BOOM FLAT 4 block from Partlaad hotel, aleelr rm-nlahed, atrlctly modern; a pick Bp for 9200. " v BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. ' Largeet and beat of ita kind la the dty. W . , pneltlvely guarantee that It la clearing above all expense 11.600 per awath. For farthar parties lars caS. BUSINESS CHANCES. 1 SALOON Good location; cheap rent nd laaat) doing a nice baalneea. Prlc $3,600. . G ENSEAL MERCBAND18B 8 flrat-rlaaa placet at la voice. WIU bear laveetlgatloo. Wl CAN MAKB TERMS ON 1 ANY . OF THE ABOVE. ALL TTTLBS GUABANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WB WANT 10 TO 13-BOOhf BOUSES: ALSO 20 TO 40. , " TAFT A CO.. A-B Ablaatoa 1 10814 Third St DEAD ar afe lietiueut: eon try hotel and family resort; ground. . buildings, - farnltara, complete; dance kail. bar. feed atablaa, etc.; oa beat tea re led road to 'the etate; ateady money maker. . $4,600 will handle It Reetauranta from $260 to $2,000. Lodging boaaa from $800 to $12,000. ' Good r corral merchandlaa atoree from $10 to 120,00,), ar exebanga for good farma. . Baalneea properti pajriog over 12 per cast not Home from ' $4TB' to $12,000. on easy terms. F. Fncha, 143tt Pint BU Boom V IHB PACIFIC COAST BBALTY CO." at la tha Sold with a choice llat af properti; we haodl timber land, mine, atone ouar lie, farma, atack ranchea,. city aad eobarhea ho mea, boalseaa ehaaces and eaaterB prep ertlaa. losns. Vraiea. Inaaranre. at oar of fice. 848tt bforrleDB at.) notary pnblle; see a before buying or selling. Phono Mala 1423. Dally Sbermaa A Prnder.-- , , - .i . LIST year boost and lot for sale ar reat: wa bar people every day. looking for vacant booaaa and lota; are are centrally located, 103 Sixth at., near Washington Hobart A Tag gar t. real aetata, timber . aad . farm Made. Pboaa ala 1688. BUSINESS CHANCES. $3.000 PARTY with this asaoant ta Ml no wits my a,uu IB my eooceamow- a- is . xpoltloa grounds: I will give real aetata collateral aad tntereat la tha prof Its. Addraaa H. 14. PARTY with $1,000 caa hay an half Interest In a Baoney ma k lag propoa I tioa. which of far ateady employment at $160 per month, and will pay yoor $1,000 Invested back ta yoa la a abort time. Addraaa S. 8, JoaraaL FREB LANDS IB OREGON. Fertn Boll, para water, delightful cltaMte; land af alfalfa, apple aad clover. For fall laformatloa addreaa tba Calasibl Sou tsar IrrtgacloB Co., Baa wot cost. Btoca. rortiaaa. $123 BUYS neat well-located- confectionery aad dgar atore, new doing peon table baal neea; dlasgreeaaeat; a real nap. Call City Bualneaa Chance Agency. 228 First t y For Sal Grwery and Bah market welM eatablianed, B ream on the aanva, corner; esase of selling. 111 health. Addraaa S 18, JoaraaL FOR SALB Flrat-elaa restaurant; toed hara. tloa; doe Urgtot boslneea la dty. For far thar paurtlcolara addraaa Box SB. Sahua, Or. FOR SALE Baataarant. 8 atools. t hoxea, out fit complete. Including building: mice $200. Addreaa Mrlatlre A McGloty. Arlington. Or. IF YOU are looking for a nermaaent manu facturing baalneea for email Investment, In vert! gat. VMtlUting Elbow Co., 110 Secoed. TAILOR STORE for sal; good eatabllahed basl- niaa; Will sail meap, owner kvius awn rwwi for eelUng. Inqnlra 4 Eighth at., Borth. 3, 10 AND 11 moms la beat location: an bar nice yard; furniture good: low price. Madl . bob Real Estate, Co.. 302 Madlaoa. 34BO 0-room rooming' boo, very cheap;. rent 8M; brlnga. $76; this I a bargain; . party leaving town. Call 193 Foarth at. FINE millinery and notion store, fond lor, tloa aad cheap rent - only $060. Call 102 Flrat t PARTNER to tak kt Interest ta pavilion at fair grouada; $1,300 required. . 371 Mar shall. STOCK for tale, ttnre tor rent, reesenabls. Inquire t 838 Union are., BorUn WANT ta bay 8 rooming boos downtown. 90 to 40 rooms. Phone Front 181. BAXD IBtTBUhLUTS. CHAS, B. YORK A CO., 104H First Repairers, platers; York A Son tnd DeOnre Instrument. COAX AJTD WOOD, GREAT WESTERN COAL CO Our leader art washed Bootless . range, 86) lump, ' 36.60 Aostrallaa lump, $8.60; Bocfc Spring lump, $7; 'delivered; Be arroealngs aad full - weight guar aa teed. - Phoaa Mala 348. " WESTERN FEED PC EL CO.. ear. Frost aad Hoyt atreet, dealer la eomeetle aad ta ' coal, black smith oaal, ahtrtntl aad aek. Pboaa Mala 1013. - ALBINA FUEL CO. Da leva la rordwd. coal nd graea and dry elabw-sed. ' R. B. aad Ab - hlaa are., S blocks aaat of ferry. - East 874. RUPERT FUEL CO. The hast dry weed la . taws. Don't forget ta phono Beat 1488. 36 Bsst Eighth at, car. atadiaoA. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO., dearer la ooaL COLUMBIA Wood A Coal Yard. East Eighth aad Hawthorne, Phone Beat 3887. OREGON FUEL CO ! a0 trade et aval aad 844 Morrlaon. Phoaa Mala 38. CLAIBTOTABT ABO FAJJOBT. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clatrenrar. palmlat. card raa Bar I I give facta re Ha hie aad m Bertaat a SO. SB t aa all atrahra af teal ut, BeadlaBt tt. Bear Oak. THE lifted Eerla Stater will tell it you ajl it foe wiA ta kaow. aos WaaaingtoB OABFXXTXBS ABB BBXLDXBS. ' A. . AUTHORS and A WOOUf, aarpaatae aad balldeta; repair-tag aa lobblagl atora aaa otneo axrares oaui. aaop aua PBoae Clay 1381. i. O. HOUSTON, balkier. 863 Morrison; dtwlgna rran or bitck sulluiaga; aoatracta faith., folly fulfilled; thoraagh work, hrw prlc; Baetcbee fraa. ' ' Hqrr A TTSBN, halldlBg and raaaodeUag; tora Cloy 834. ooitiassiov toMcaAjm. DA YEN PORT BROS.- chsnUi fralta aad peodnoai eonalaBeata Sa Ibrltad) prompt returns. 130 Front at BYEKDINa A FABBBTaL. pradwat and a i amaml aion merchants. 140 Flaat at, wrUad. Or. Phoae Mala IT. CiaABS ABO TOBAOOO. EcBERG-GUNST CI0AB CO. DUtrtaattara of . ' FINB CIGABB. ' 4 . POftMallle Oo'vajTMIa CABFXT-CIXABTBO, WB clean yoar carpers oa tha Seer, roi .. Ing grease spot, moths aad geroaa af die- " . easa, dUlnfectlag and patting your carpets pa a aaaltary condition-, w gaaraata ta ' rafaa- bo dost; aatlfctloa a asa red. Phoaa Clay 331 for a fro deawaatratloa. . 1 STANDARD Steam Carpet -Cleaning Oo Carpets cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid; amlliaaiaa. feathers renovated, shut .Third, north, sad ' ; Padfle at. , Pboo But 2B0. Merrlmaa A North. . - SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash atlk, aaa da tar i 81.26; ahlrtwaUt alta 33.60V Ah East Mar ket Phoaa Beat 3231. BBISTEB'S Ladles' .- tame cat ta aaaaal htatrlaua tt TatlorlnB Oolatga; pat 's. AUaky haU 400. 308 MBA McKIBBBM. artlatJ makta. 861 Morrtsaa at DBEWtMAXTNG Strtctty op to data) htatt ana cmy ex. OBOCXXXT AID OXJUSWABX, WHOLESALE trachary tnd glassware. Float, Beget A C 100 to 108 Fifth. er. Starh at. "fT OOBTBAOTOBA " CHAS. H. CARTEB A CO., eemeat contractors, 848 Bast Twentieth St Phooe Bast 1878. All work gaaraateed. CJLBABTBfi ' ABD FBXSSTBS. HATE yoar rwthea r leaned, ariaxil aad re paired by Mr. Wharton; ladle aad gentle Baea a specialty. 148 First pboaa Bed 8183. f BBICKSON'B RESTAURANT Msrcnest'a bmsrh 11 a. m. ta IS p. m. aadar saw aaaseaaaasat'' O. a.. aTAn, proa. THE OFtTCB SSB Waahtagtoa at Phoaa) ataia T7L Pickett Ybraaeex. ITXnr AB9 CIXABTB0), POBTLABTJ STEAM CLBAJflNS A DYBTBO Warm; practical hatter Im oannerllea: plumes tlMBUt aad far had by aa ea All th. uay roa. CLOTHES rlaaaed aad prtaii 8 81 par uaiona TSiiorukg ue sal wi B. W. TTTBNEB, Btofei SOB lefferaea at. PI DOS ABB BORAS OSFTTAX. DR. C B. BROWN, D. V. S., D. C. hL Dog. horat hospital. 28T Burnalde. Phoaas; Mala 4IM8; Bast 2636, DA A 1. CABNBY. D. T. A. gasa, reawved ta SB OlUan at, bat aaa nrrs ess. 1 1 " 'aoB if ),;. FTBABOLAL. I- CHANCE for Idle lauiity liauf bam lug prop. erty paying Bet 8 per cant aa 84X000 oaa ba had for 332. BOO. . Lock bog 303. dty. tb scan. FOREST BESEBYB SCBIP FOB SITE Ap. Braved, a an all acted, ready for li sue sat. prises, a. r. r. Chamber of X1XCTBICAX W0BXA NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BN3INBBBIN . Caanpany, 303 Stark at, PorUojaa. O. K. for every thing Mala 1888. la tha ali lilaal Maa. F1TAB1TVAB FACTOXXXA 0BBOON FuTsltnr Ma Mssafaetarera ot turns tare fsa tho Partlaad, Or. , FURNITURE mansfacrartng aad gpeetal L. Banaaky't rarraltaea factory. 30 P FTTBBACXA BOYNTON waim alr fuiaataa eve faaL J. O. nsyer rarnaoa ntaipanf, Wm Mala 881. BOCXXA WADHAMS A CO., tale rrecara, minlitata. navorsrs aa4 - aad Oak am. Faaria ALLBN A LEWIS. oomnrtBatoa aad rdaat saar ehaatB. Front and Da via ata. PerUend, Or. . BAA1TWAAK. Portland Hardware Co. BoUdU opoortanlty to quote prices. 133"lt cor. Alder. Main 1334. WAhTMAB BATHA KING'S HAMMAN BATHS Corner Sevaath and Waablngtoa at. ; ft neat and Urgeat hatha la the rlty; elegant bed for tb night U desired; expert maaaeure and chiropodist. OBSZCXJFPrjiS. HORSECUPPINO by Jack Wright La Made Stable, Sixth and Stark. ' AU war gasras- . teed. Main 140. ' anntAB HAUL B0LLA J. i. BORG, msnrif sctorer of bnmaa habr rotB), etc. 42S A Ninth. Phone Bast 2X11. SWITUBXS FOB SAUL- SWITCHES made, comMaga hoaght ar Bsads ta order. 84 A Twalfth t Phoaa Bast 1710. XOTXXA HOTEL Peadlstan. PeaxUabaB, Or. F. W. Walts, Mgr. , HOTEL ParUaad. I turl naa plaai $3, S3 pa Bay. HOTEL St. Oeorge. Pawdleeon; leedtog hocsL BELYEDBBB; Barapata pMai 4th aad Aaaar ata. JJfSUBABOX. LAMBERT, WHITMEB A CO. Fire tntnraaea . sad real eat ata. aaccaaaora to Arthur W I aaaa A Co.; afflces. waat aide. 107-108 Sherloek oiag., mtia linsj; eaat cioe oeni awa ' Alder (dtlsana' Baak), Eaat 481. IAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer liability and In dividual accident aunty bonds of all klada.. Phoae 4T. 303 M-Kay Mdg. . , B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY tire luwaaai a. 448 Sherlne bldg. Oregoa PboaM CUy 828. irrsMjAi. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS CadlUa talf-play. lag plaaoa pronounced the heat by bradlag " muaMaua; alao Cecilia a plaae ptayara. A. b, WlUa Most Hoa. 360 Aeaar otT SECOND-HAND atodeal , ttarUwaBewta ec all klada at toaaeat arlcea. eaat sa IttlillaiaalB. ' Ftehor Maat Co., IBOThn-d at MUSIG leaacna elvea oa plsoa. Mlaa C, oaca, ataato 430 Yiaesaver ard. IR08. . , MB. AND MRA H. A. Wf'Bf'. BB, gsJUr taatrtjctwa.ka4a h4. 1,4 W. Park. "a- .:: - v.; V--.