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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
'THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 17. 1BCJ. '.-... . J I - -t - ; . r , When the people wake up " f prisoners; -h i j ., Cirx cv : : - Jwwat have, you 0,-r:. f yic ('Tt Srfv TANCY POTATOES ARE FIRMER AGAIN Stocks Are Light and Dealers Are ; Bidding Up Growers Con-1 4- 'linue to Hold., 12 -iv;-;. .. . .......... . )'l TINSEED OIL RISES 'V rrv v.rt- nvE CENTS A GALLON Fresh Salmon Out of Market- Eggs Firm and Unchanged '--Meats Active. ' rnmt Strwt. Marck IT. The prinripal tf- WW t tarn rwuaaa hwm Bureau coaa .. r: Ttiiry poUtM ftrwr. n4 klfbr. IT. ... rdlnar pouton an nlU - Uaaa4 ell 6 hifbrt. . I Fma ailiBMi aajt ( narkat. .. But - trw Uolambla iwll loT , (traWa for bo pa a til I eofna. - ' ' - IHilaa aiarkat ia Ulct. . . 'FTr dm aad' aorbanfvd. H . Krrvk'BMata ara artlT at prleaa. 1 ' Whaat a4 floor trida tfalL ra7 ratotaaa TirmmmA Hkjkar. ' Tlwra -la a arramhla aaarMif Um aalara -far tftM-ka loF faurjr iwutnaa aad aa kl(b aa f 1 k) rwlD( , rirm at cottntrr ablpplnc polnu- fnr Itorka that IU' Paa mnatrr la tk California tarkrta. Tfeo dmaBd for ardlnarf pnUtors la rather ajolct tmt tba toaa at tka aurkr m fair m& mo dacllaaa la Tiloaa ara at prawat atltlpal ' .... - -. - ... .. ' Oaiaa Haikat U Oalat.- '" .! Tka anion asarkvt Is qalat. Tka kravW rwlala la tk aootk kaa ka4 a traoVarr auk A raa-Durm srra am rmrrrni ia iair parHiaara aa4 kvt ilttla atork kaa ka toown of lata. Urswara ara botding for battrf I4aaaa4 Oil Tif Oaata Hkjkar. PartlaM ell . hooaaa tkla BMraln aiaila lh anaoaDraBirat at aa adraara af be par galloa la llaaaad all. tka rhaaaa to tako affrct at aaca. Tka aonfatlOBa todar ara: Kaar, barrala. !; raaaa, ANci ballad, barrrls,. 3r; caara, esr; ft- raaa lota, le ma.. Tbrra waa aiao a aiifiit rbasra la tarpetitlaay tba. fotlowln baiog tka ' aaw rajlacai Caaaa, Mkt, barrala, Uc. . . Ink lalKaa Oat af Markai. 1 Tba Baeramrata rlfrr la tlll too p.lh ta admit af fua. aaJmon eatrba, aad aa tka Calnmbla ' I .Um4 tot a .full Btsatb, tbrra wkolaaaWra tf aatlrrly oat aa4 tba-alall aa tahlttkvmit hara but amall aupplU. Soma frw aaaaa af aaatlt ara brkMl raratred from tba CfewUta.' but tba raa la rrr amall. Tka- aua pUaa ar froak ballbat ara mr llbanOv ' Ordan tar .Bap itiU Com inc. -' Drahn report tba rrralpt af a Ur namhar rf ardrt for kana at tba praaaat markat. Tba km M 4b amrfcot ta aaowlnr a kattor appaar aaea and tba - balla ara Jeroaa. A fair amall aalaa ara repartrd at tka prlntrd priera. 1 Km:' Ara Firm aad Vaehaaad - v Tkt' la an waakaaaa akowa la tba af mar ket, -la tart.' tka aurkat la tt trrmf aa It baa rtaddh tba paat rk. lUralpu ara fair, bat Mot loo llbaral, and dnnaad la aui rtrlmitl'uitnmf l tak U that eoaiaa at - Mwarat talnaa.. " Tka fufwrr ot th ' aurkat, koaan-r,. la la mbt. Poailtrr raralpU ara fair aad-.tba market kolda arouad fbd prlatad pricafc. " . f .'Sraak Vaata Aotla at rrieaa. .. i lUralata of driaaed aal ara itVt" iI tba aiarkat la- ant qulta as firm aa It-kaa bara of lata. Tka aabra rrportrd todar war, kuw rrrr, at formar prlraa. Boto tlrwd baga ara eomlaf. ant tba damaad la Terr firm., Caaal prleaa . -v , -..' ..VIhI aad Tnr Trad Bull... Tba flour trada could not pnaalbty b dulktr tbaa It la at tbai moaMnt. Tba ntMdh araat cnntlnaaa ta oortrrtld tba Padte eoaat' Billla la 4be arlrat- and loral tradlac la aaryrallaa Mlllara ara 'offering tnwtr prleaa for wbeat and ara aot rarrlTlug blda. Todar' WHolasala qoutkma, a rartaed, ara aa folloiriv r- , ermfc. Flaar aad VaaaV - WHP. AT -Nominal; clnb and rad, e; blaa atrm, WtVri aallar, 70sae. BRLkK laad, tu.i roliad. M 00; bra. '"tj'oiWaol Vt eor araekr. " tJ. "m irn-ti u "twt. ' ' M ' OAT Frwrocarr prtcea Ma. t whit. 12ft. 00 J-'lot' Br,rtrra -Trragoa -t' Pllt. M Bi; ralgbra. i.f; aallar $i Lift: grakaakVa. $4 m; ina. M it: rjt. tOa. gs.ooi bafa, MMXllTtrr Br. a. ( par b ,mld gilnaa, 133.00: akorta. aouatrr. t3t.(M( ebao. " H-rrraW r--" ' . 'Wf- t aali.r, fT, ' k ' I U.00; . . . - l i TODAY'S PRICES IN v ; THE WHEAT MARKET . .i . .I . .4 ,. May Opt km.. d d Chicago ..11.14 Nw Tork 1.11 4 . Minneapolis 1.11 d Dulnth 1.B d d Winnipeg .....4........ .tt d d -. Kanaag City ' t -at , T - 4 d d d d d d d 4 4 4 4 11100 ekrrar,- ll.00i- graJa. IU.OOi 111.00. Bat tar. XttM aad Tnltiy. t nrrrrCB fat warttlet aoar. kW. BLTIlB Ctlr croaBMrr. kaat. KtHr; aoroad grada. mt MUM. tanav, USte; ardl narr, WHAtJOo; . Calif orala, k,e; atara. LOU I Or. i oi K(iiH No. 1-frrvb Orrca. M. . CUKIUIB Kaar Foil erraak twla. IfHrflAr: Toung America, imailti aaatara, UJlc; Chtsldar. lar. ti) I'LTR V (Tilrkma. mlaad. IV par lb; baa. MHe par lb; nnatara. old. !He par lb; roung, Ike par lb; i brollara, par daa; frrara, 1e par lb: garba. .0Otl0.0u par doa; goeee. te prr lb; turkrfa, llUlaa par . U draaara, tH,c par ia, . , Hop. Waal aad Xidaa. BOr Ceatraete, . laoilei 1004 tajbe fee caoteas W)M M . artmaa aad WOOU-CMtraeta Ikng alia. Uiar; niter, aoaraa to awdlaaa. ltlTe; kaa, llfllBa; aaat ara Oragaa. Ida.- . - MOHAIB NamlaaL Mr. ' HHKCrHKlNg dlbaarwg iotle abort amaL B0j30e; BMdlum vaol, (OCJSuat mag waa, bQrUdl.OO aarh. TAlA)W-4Biaa, .par n, aei M. a aaa tmm, lMlur. ..... CHITTltl BABK e par 1 BIK8-r-Drr kldaa. Na. 1. baring prlea. US Dr kldaa. No. 1. 1 Iba aad aa. 1J1S par lb;, drr kip. Ka, k. o IB Iba, r; arr rait, no. i, anarr a na, mjlc tglef dr eaitea aioaa, ataara, anana. au u or 60 ta to Ibd. k4ier aaaw eawa. IrltWo: ataea aad balm, aaaaa. t7e: kip, 15 ta to Iba, Orfaoaad. 10 14 Iba. H ralf, aoaad. aadar 10 Iba,. tQllei grea (anaaltadl. le pr Ik lean; aulia. 1 par lb Iraa; fcaraa hldra. aaltad. aarb. $1.6J1.7S: drr. aark. . II 0O1.6O celt kldaa. aarb, 50e; goat aklae,' aammaa, aaHi. 10Q l&t; Angara, wltb Waol aa. aaek. rraita aad Tagatablaa. ' POTATO Boat ' Oraaoa. 11.00: barara. 00retll aarood grade. gotfftOr rack; bur I ing pnre. toc; Karij noae. , aaaria, brat, ll.BOtJI.aO; erated, I1.7S; aaw CaUferaia, XH:ic per lb. ONIONS .'I.3.B0: barer' prleaa, eavatrr, t3.bOMS.TB; garllr, 10e per lb. PBBBH rut ITS Appbr. aatra faaer, $l-tO faaer Orrgna. gt.O par boa; ebeap grada.' 60tg7B par boi; araagae, aaaal. tl.KOltt per box: eeedllagn, IH per- boa; tanrriiaa. tl.BBai.M par box; tin araogea. to ct doc per boa; uubu, 0 per lb; lemena, cbolt, 13. TS par boai ntarr, AS. 00 par box; llmrev Maiteaa, toe par too; pine apple. A4.0OU5.OO; eraubarrlea, aaatara, $11.00 par bbl. VfUiBTABf,r Tarnlpa, TSeMa per aaek; earrota, ll.Ooai.10 prr ar ; beete, II. ZS aaek; Oregoa radlabra, ZVe per dna; eahbaat. Oregoa, -wt; California. .iwi.Jb; lettuee, Botbouae. 1.2BI.0 erata; grata peppere, Te lb; eta! II penpera, Ue per lb; celerr, 1-1. 36tJ 1.50 erate; tnrnatoea, OallfornU. 1100; paraalna. Il.ona l.X5: egg plant, 1 2 Vie per lb; atrmg beaaa. lkr; eaulinower, per erate; ., butter beano, ; pumpklna. le per lb; boreeradlab. Ttrta per lb: aprouu. Ac; artlebnkee. 60a)7fe par dna: antbnoaa lettnre, !l.knt I TS per box; Oregoa radlabea, 5f r per dna; green nalona, tne dna; aaparagua, TMUlOe, per lb; . iploaek, Tba Bar boi; aqnaab, per lb. DRIgO FRClTB Apptoa, maorated. TCV per lb; aprlmta. tHOIV per lb. aaek, See par Ik kMa: aeaekea. 412e per lb. peare, frr PA; enmea. Italian. r4U per lb) rreneh. augiaue ner lb: flea. California blark. 4MHe per lb; California whit. per lb; praaw. - pinea, aar rat aaraa, gouaa. ar par Iki tarda. ll.M par Ib-tk box. reeartae. Mata, ' Xt. BtTOAB Seek baala Cube. tAlO! aawdtrart. I6(ir; trait granalated. tt.0ft; drr granulated. It W; beet graaulated. aS.W rrtra C, IA.46; golrtea 0, &.: bbla, loei .H kbla. SBe; bo sea. Me adraaea aa aaea eaeia, leaa tail ewt for eaah, II dan; mapla, 14lte par kk. COr-rBB Paekaea braada.' U.oJIOII.aB. BALT I'tna Bale, la. aa. aa. ia. loa. II. an. table, dalrr, toa, 111.00: lona, tlo.7; lm- Kief Lrrerponl. ai, IIT.OO; lona, lit to; t. lit 00; eitra ana. bbla. aa. . aa, ine, tt.UifrB lOi balk. 130 Iba. tt.OOCJB.oo. . aaeka, K. tnejate. . BAL tJaaraa Half rreurwt iro. per taa. IT. 00; tOa, pee ana, T.80: I,reerpont Inma reek, flgaO par toa to-lk rock, fT.OO: 00a. M.TA (Akee prleea applr to aalea af hjea fbaa ear lota. Car lota at kpeelal prloaa aabjaet to aetaaflona.t I) BAIN BAOB-Oaeatta.. a.7BeM.M par IOO u BICB Imperial J. aaa. No. I. Ve: Na. . e; New Orteaa. Bead. BUOtet AdlacBWa: Creole. 4e. - RCANB Ataatl wtlte. 4e; targe wklte. 'ie: pink, me; Urea, litO; Umaa. I14; Mexleaa lada tHe. . NUT-Paaaata. . TWI rawibaa. BH per B, raw. teloe per lb; rnaeted. eoanaauta, ItatOr par doer warnata. M aline are lb: nine anta. lOQUUe per IM hlrknrr nnta. 10 par lb ebeatnata, eaatera. lRQlar pr Iki Braaff aara. ua per in: piberr. Ineioe per nt-rasew aaeaaa, ltIBr par H almoadt, I1lac par la. Pa Lata, Oaal OU. Xta. OPB Pur Manila. 14e ataadard. 1ei tl'-l. 10 r; brant Biaat. Ifte. . .. V.aX C Jr trl at Aauae Carat, tit par gal; vatar' wklu, traB bbla. Ha par gait aav lit par gai; aaaugBC. iiwrg, par gall iroa kMa,- le aar gal. - 018OUM CM gal. iraa aaa Stmt gar sat, kbla Me par Bali Iran bele lr per gal. bbla. 18 He oer gal -1 L'Rl't NTII4 la raaaa, SBe par gU; kbit, BKNZINB 3-drg. I oze per gai. - WUITM HAD Toa lota, TU par ki MMB tota. Te per lb: leaa Iota Be par lb. WIRt NAnAPraaaat kaae at O.BB. - UNMbEU Oik Pure raw la bbla, tie par gal; caaaa Hue per gal; genula kettle koiled. aaaaa ax per gal; ula.tua per gal;, ground eak a. ear lota UB.00 par ana, km tkaa au Ma HO. par toa.. t - - - - Maata. tiab aad PrerlakauK .PltXBB MKaTu Kraal atraat Ifeafc. ataera. 4(bse per lb: pork, block, HkCBte per lb; parkara, 7Sle par Ik; bulla, 2Se per lb; reaa, Belize par Ik: mat too. witaara . aad lamb. It; ewea, Br; real, eitra, ttjtltd lb; ordinary, tITe par lb; poor, berae par lb. HAM A, BACON. BTC. I'ortUad paek (laeal) kiaa It ta It Iba, Utte per Ik: 14 to It Iba, IS tie par Ik; It ta BO Iba. l2 ee Ml tottaga. Be per lb; braakfmat kaeoa, liejtBe par Ibj pteala, I He per lb; regular abort eleara. aa amoked, ' par lb; amokad. lor par Ik; Clear beeka,. aaamoked. Be par lk; amoked. lot par lb; Ualoa kolta, 10 to IB laa. aaaain.ed. ta per lb: amoked. ' te per lb ; etoar balllaa, tar aamked. lie per lb; mobed. Ue par lb. LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf, 10a. .10) Bar lb) aa, lOe per lb; BO-lb tkaa, I0r par lbs team raaderad. 10. t per lb I ta, ta far lb; taba. te per lb; BOe. per Ik. . CAN N TO lALMON Columbia rlTar 1-lk talla, el.M; S-lk talla. 13.60: faaer 1-" Bala, SS.00; H-lb faaer data. 11.20; faaer 1-lb aeala, (X Alaaka tolU. pink. ao0ei red. fUti aa, mil, gz-vo. . - PISH Rock cod. Te par lb: Boaadara. Br par lb: ballbat. Be per lb: crab. flJB par doa; atrlpad baaa, 10JlHe far lb; eat flati, Te par lb; ml mo. eblaook, Ur; teelbead -I -per lb; froaaa allrersldaa, Te per lb; barring Be per lb; aolea. te par Pa; akrlmpa, lOe per Ik: ahad. araaaed. par lb; parek. Be per lb; abad roe, par V; abad. te par lb; biaok rod. Be par fb; OalaatMa rlrar amelt, 3c per lb; altrer amelt. be per lb; lobetera, .Ie; freak . aaaekarel. Be . par. at; erawtak, BOe aef deal lie art era, te par lb; atarieon. Tt pr lk ' 01 BTI R r,bolwreT kar. par gal. tJ-BB: par aaek. B4.00 aet; Olrmpu. par aaek. t BA. CLAMS Hard ahall, par Baa. 11.00; raaae tlaau. 12.00 par box. . - , RECEIPTS OF SHEEP VERY HEAVY. TODAY f-ortlaad, Tnloa Btoekyaroav ktarek IT. Tba reeetptn. of abeep were Terrbarr tadar bat the. market took all that earn -aad neither the . prtee aor tka ton' aaf farad aar lBjarr. The rattle aad bag marfceta eoatinaa aoar. The reeelpta todar were W Bog, l.W cattle aad I.MS -abeep. OfBrial- rullag prleaa for lteeatork: lioga Brat eaateea Ot-nron, 14.06: llgM blorketa aad China fata. AS.&0f5.Tt; atoekar and - feedera. a4-bOrb O0. Cattle Heat eaaiein Oregon Mercs, M 00; llgbk and medium ataera, tnAO; out aad light row., XA0; ataekara aad feedera, 12.00; bulla, ... - ,. - K)iep -Beat faaer akee. AAOCf4.TI; ewaa, 4.2B,. . , . . , - ,. - . ... Cblngo, March IT. Uraatark reealpta: Floea. Cattle. 81 Ckleago ....So.OOO 2.000 t.000 Kanaaa Cltr to - l,.uo gno Onuha tKKI I. too 60 H - Opera re eteaar wita xsuo mit oeor; reeelpta a rr ago were bd.000. Prleea: kllxed aad butrkwr. B4.4xS.20: road kearr. 4. in.rr.rfVi; rough Bear, gt.e0OCi.0f; light t.MIrft.lA. .i5tuje now. , . Bkeep Blaady. - - TOMOPA BnraO BTOCXB. . Raa PuBtlatB, ktarek IT. Teaopah Biiaing auraa: ! Bill .Bid. Kendall , .. Columbia: Mt ;. .81 Jamb ......... .At ' Jnawa Katea ., .27 Black Butte ... .44 (Hirer I'W-k .... . .It Ootd Anrnor ... .T Rar O'Brlra .. ,M lloMfleld 74 , Baadatorm ..... .XT (andatorBA, Bx.. .IK Ophlr ilk Hull Prag ,40A Dlamorm field ... JIB Montana ,.....12 .71 Mldwar ....... J-20 MrNimtra ..... .44 Helmout ....... 1.02VI North Btar .AT Keorne 12 Hold Morrot .... .16 Jim Butler 02 Nevada .Utt Ton. Kit .... t.o Red Top .". .40 A da ma Id Mohawk ( ,24 Wile -Tt ; ' . . HEW TOBKBTnOtABT. . -. New Tork, Marek IT. Dow, June A C aari Rnaalaa knoda la Loadoa and rarla ar de. araaaed. Btorka ar plentiful In tk lean erewd. The bank will raOoaeur to malatala atlffrr rat -for call tNo an lea ea llkalr tkla rear. Loromotlre common dleldend POlTLAJtl) BAJTT. BTATPUrT. rieatinga J $T1.nS.lS Balaarva ................. -.... lJB.lje.Sl - Bterllag kaiaa. New Tork. March -IT. Hireling rate. 4SB.40 at.0i to dr.. 44.604M.Tn. Lleerpaal Oott:a Karkat, tJeerponl, Marek IT rot ton fntneaa eloaed 1 petal lower with tk BMrket etradrl k . i .. Vtw Tork Btigar Markat. - New Tark. Marek 17 toxumcU4. aa- ekaagrd; rw,; ateadr. - DULLS nUtl DEARS TOCQVEljlilffllEAT Action-of Chicago Market Today Chowed Considerable Strength 1 All -Through. ; MAY CLOSED ONE AND FIVE EIGHTH CENTS UP July Option Seven Eighths Cent and September ' Three . Quarters Up.', ;. ; TODArS WHBAt MAKKR. Opea Cloae ' Cloaa Gala ; . Todar Tooar .. Tha... Tod i' Bl.lfKAIl-ISViAl .01 Julr BIS .Wtk - IVA .00 kept M T;oi4 -uvl, . ' : tiearaal Bpaeial Berrlce.l a Chleago, Marck IT. Tke wkeat market opened pracUcaJlr aacfcaaed from raterdar- There waa a firm feeling early and adTBaeag la t k. nplnM milliM. wave ranlil Tk Mar waa tka etruogeat featara. If aaaaad at 11.13. a rlae of We from tka tloaa dar'a ekaifu. and ranldlr weat to tke klgk atrl at tl.14. ThU waa aaw tk. eloalng. A compared with raaterdar aiarkat aur woaat aaowa aa Baraaca ax ie. Other Optlaaa Art Btraag, Botk tka Julr aad tka September were trong throughout todar' araalou, Julr opeeed at 01 Vie knd eloaed atrong at Blr. a aet rlae lore the eloaa of reeterdai'e aeaaloa of -fc. Tba Heatember eloaed ic blxber. The auuket mened at aA.e and eloaed at kae. eatuaaat la taa waeat Brae w laruuuj to tka boil aide wita great rapvaiir Tradara Sett tax Oaatlaaa. ' Lagaa A Brraa aar that faetera la tba wheat market call for eautioa in gettiog loo eutauei aatle aa tke bear aid. Tba actio of tba Mar eella foe 'aaoooet. - 111 reiiowiog qaotatiaaaearaiaaea vj moo. Beck, Starr cooae to.: WUKAT. - ' . .V. - ' Opea. Hlgk: Lew. . Claaa. julr...... iw -.t2 , ..kiv' kept...., M CORN. Ml Marek.. Mag.... Julr Bept;..,. Mar.'.... - Julr..... Bept... .4 .4 .4 . .4Vt .40 VIA .49 . ttf .4V . .40. B ,.4Sb .-Sa JlV.. .112 ,.B1 .XI . .91 .Oil .3U . . HBH PURE. Mar..... 1S.B0 Jal.-.j.. 14.00 12.B0 lXan U OS U.D7 LARD. It M . 1J.00. , T.oi T.OT K T it A T A T.4B M MaVT?laaga a a ApTU ataa. Mar..... TIB Jelr...... TTT a a -i t.lT- T.1S T.30 . t. - SHORT KIB8. Mag.....1 CM TOO BM Jul.,. -f.10 : T.1T ... T.W BtT T.1B pxixaxt mzcEzrn An innotm a . . aw lamaai CUraga. lAirek 1T Waiarraeelta Bueh. . Huah. Wheat it..... 7B,0O0 4M.000 Cora ..' T64.000 aM.000 Hbipmeata ware: . Wbeat . r........ , BM.ftOO V" Cora 871.000 llg.OOO 0H0AM BEAXX CAJt LOTB. ' Caicaaa, Marek IT. Orala ear let: . - Car Orada ft. Itnt Wlieat 21 0 BO 14 Cora , ..TT 1 BIS ItB Oata 1M ' It 11 lot Wheat rare tooar: irumta, kw. - i ear ago: Mlaaaapoha. BMi DalaU. 48; Calcage, 14. IJTra-yOOt. BEAJ3I IfAAXXT. Lrrerpanl, ' Marrk IT CJoee: WkMt. Mar, aV lower; Ju1t, ta d. krwar. Corn Marck. aa Btkd. Ud lower; Mar, 4 td. d up. '. farolg, OcffM aUrkata. ' New Tark. Marek IT. Ram aad Hamburg aaffe aarfeaaged. RaclpU, 1,000 kaga; aalea. 14.000 kaga; aaraet aiaaar. . , STATE SOCIETIESvTO HAVE ONE HEADQUARTERS Tba prealdanU of all tha aUtt bo cletlea art to meet tbla afternoon at Ui Commtrelal elub to (ora plana for opening- genaral headquarter for rial tora to tha axpoaltlon. 8 1 oca tha forma tion of tha ae rani gtata gocletlta, rarN eua prajecta hart been on foot for tba preparation Af atatt haadquartera by aach aocletr- Tbla wta thought to be not feaalbl. on aeeonnt of tha largo txpanaa' that would ba entailed, and tha proposal tt) hart a generui haadquartei-a met wltb approval; It la axpectad that ail tba atatt prealdantg will b preaent. with tha exception of W. D. Penton of tha afiaaourl aocrrtr, who win D repre- aented by W. M. Darla. " Tbla erenlng. In tha hall of tha cham ber of oommerre. tba MlaaourL aocletr will meet to d lacuna tha plan for tha general headquarter and to elect offi cer. Officer of that BOclaty are urging all former Mlaaourtana not already en rolled to ba preaent tonight and affix their names to the mernberahlp roll. . There la conaiderablt tnthualaam for tba headquarter, aa It la expected that It wUl be a great conrenienee te exposi tion vlaitora and aupplemant the ar rangemeata of tha expoaitlon offlclala. It la understood that tha plan meets wltb ti approval of the management of tba exposition. DR. WELTY INTERESTS MOTHERS IN HEREDITY In her address on "Heredity, before the Borne .Training- aaaociatlon last night. Dr. EmraA J. Weltr declared that people dlaeased In mind and body should not be allowed to procreate. In connec tion with her address. Dr. Welty read extracts from - President Roosevelt's speech before tba National Congress of Mothers. "Every child haa tha right to be born perfect In mind' and body," aha said. "To handicap a child. with a diseased mind or body la certainly criminal, it ta unfair to bring -Into- existence a child ao lacking In resistant power that It cannot hop to compete with people of strength and force." What Spring Is Showing. New '" atylea in men'x ' wear for the spring; of '06 are an altogether change from laat year. Back coata are 'very much longer In the skirt, and are made with a alngle opening behind or two side gussets, peg top or loose hip end thigh style In trousers will be seen al together In spring 'styla. Tha goods will be to a great extent the a moot h or worsted v materials .for conservative drsarv but the real up-to-date man will wear the over atyllsh rough ma terials in tweeds, cheviots snd home spuns. The Chicago,- II-71-JJ Third atreet, between Oak and Pine, Is show ing the most extensive display of alt new, frearl goods ever exhibited In Port land. ' The fashlona are positively Cor rect, being In ' advance of merchant tailors, . who art .nothing mora or lass than reproducers. Visit the big store and , Inspect the correct styles for prlng. , 1" ! Whs AVeta XtT Prom the 8t Iotla Globe-Democrat. -' Tha gap between the price of beef In tba barnyard and on tha, platter 1b At great mystery ta artr. OOYSAQGIItLSFOIt A DOTTER FORTLAKD Junior Civic Improvement -Club ' Fprmed With Membership " of School Children. ENTHUSIASM $H0WN ; AT THE SUGGESTION Pledge to Be Taken When Youth vful Assistants Sign the Or- : , v 4 ganixation Roll. ' , .A junior civld Improvement club Is be ing organised as an auxiliary to tha eirle Improvement .board of - tba chamber ef commerce,' the member of which will be public school children. ' A branch trill be formed In each school. ! The eommlU tee on i parka, trees and flowers la cham pioning the movement and many chil dren' have already been enlisted to work for' the Juvenile organisation. i -'The pledge which, the school children will sigh on becoming member la aa fol io wa: . ; --"Not te throw-anything on tne aide- walk. 'Paper or other trash In tha street Is untidy 'snd dirty;, fruit peels may oause some one to fall and break a boas; unllghted matches wbtn stepped on by ladies often, set their skirt on fire. aometlmea with fatal results. -" 'Not 'to throw atones In tha street. - By accident aomeoae might be hurt or a window broken. .. ' "Not to spit on the floor of any band ing or on the sidewalk. It la a dirty habit, tends to spread dlaeaae and la for bidden by the law of the city. - ' "Not to maka-pencll or chalk'marka on building or fence. It makes thspn less neat and attractive. ' "Not to deface the school troildlng or furniture. - , "Not to leave papers and refuee about he building and grounds. - ' rj?ot to pick other peoples nowers or break or Injure, shrubs, vines or trees. It would be dishonest and would, maks our city leaa beautiful, i - "Not to nae profane or other language.. This la forbidden .by the law of tha state, besides being vulgar and inde cent. --.'' ,.;..-. . Not to coast on the sidewalk with wagon. It ia annoying and dangerous to passers-by." The civic principles of tha organisa tion are: , ' . - i. ' "We are patriotic eitlsens of the United States. We believe that our nag stands for tha 'government ef the people, by the people and for. the people.' "We ara loyal ettlaeos of Oregon. Wa ahould know and obey the laws of our state. - "We ara also cltJxeng of Portland. "We ahould do all -we can to. make It clean. healthful and beautiful. We cannot be good ettlsena of our state and of our country nnleaa we art faithful to tha city In which wa live. "I- therefor pledge myself, as a clti sen of Portland, cheerfully to submit to Its lawa and ordinance, to' do nothing that wtll render it offensive or tend to spread disease, and to aaslst, bo far as I can. In making It a better and brighter cltr In which to live.- ,. , . A movement has been started 1 among Front street merchant to organise an Improvement association for the purpose of piecing the street in a more present able condition. Many of the merchants and eommiaalon men favor the plan pro posed by the clvle Improvement board of the chamber of commerce to restrict the use of sidewalks to a certain num ber of feet during bualneea hours, and te regulate the collection of garbage. Tbey aay If an agreement la made by all the men doing bualness there to observe cer tain regulations for the Improvement of the appearance ef the atreet that It will be an excellent Idea and they will heart ily eo-operate. i m ' HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET ON THE POLICE FORCE ' Portv additional patrolmen will ba added to the police fores May 1 and the municipal civil errvlce eommiaalon is seeking applicant for the positions. As yet very few applications have been re ceived, and a sufficient number of aspirants are desired before the exami nations are held. . Applicants' must be eitlsens of the United States, st least zt and not to exceed IB yarg of age. and hare been a resident of Portland one year prior to the examination. Each muat ba ( feet S Inches In height or over and weigh 1(4 pounds or over. It Is necessary that the applicant be able to read and writ the English language. The. examination will be called early next month. Prom the Chicago Journal. Mr. Rook I hope you didn't believe what tbey aaid about me. Miss Budd I make It a point never to believe more than half I hear. . Mr. Book But the trouble la. you women generally believe the wrong half. . aJSCLttAU JJTD UTAH. - , Groceries and Provisions New Rtnre 147 Plrst st- bet. Morrison , and Alder. Phone Main lilt. ' Butter and E&s a Speciality 6urirocrls" and ' provisions. Are al ways FRESH. Tbera is something; In ", '.,'''; . ; F! a tern or Oremn hams, noand. . . . . 134 On asck good hard wneat flour. .. .fl.00 I pounds-good rice BBe New crop dry prunes), pee lb.. ...... ' Be I pounda Italian prunes. ......... . B9e I pounds seedless ralatna. ........ , BBe Heat cleaned currants, lb Ma New crop tomatoes, standard. I cans . - IB Torn a toes. Solid Pack ............ ISO Two t-lb, pkga. Gold Dust.,!..".... Boo One l-lb. pkg. Armours Washing; Powder . , IBs Pels-Naptha soal ...... .... Be II bar Roval Savon soao. ....... BBe t bare- Baby Elephant aoap....... BSo I bottles Mnioara caurup -. sow 1 la. new crop Kngliah WalaaU... Ise I lb.' white honey lBo, IB-pound pall pure lard ....$1.00 1-pound pall pure lard............ BOe I cans Primrose .Cream ISO 1 lb Kngliah Breakfast Tea........ loo I fb. Gun Powder Tea. Baa I ran Raked Beans . . . ; Be Two l-lb. csns Hominy BBe I cans Corn, Peas or Hiring Beans. . BBe 1 pkg. Poatum or Pig Prune Cereal. BOe Freeh ranch eggs, rlosen .......... BOe New lot amoked and aalt flah direct ) from the packers; large, smoaea -hlnatera. I for r. 10a Finnan liaddles. pound Ue BasAaHas PeUvscy Tfmssaay rBVUy. . WEBi vniiooiov ii I2c Can Com, 3 cans ;.,25 10c Can Tomatoes, 2 ca ns ........... . 15jfr 20c Dozen Oranges, 2 dozen .................... ...JZOjt 1 2 ytt Package Raisins, 3 packages ....... 10c Can Van Camp's Soups, 3 cans ................. JyS 5c Can Deviled Ham, 6 cans '. .25 5c Can Deviled Ham,.' dozen , cans ........ y.,.....45jr 15c' Mince Clams ....;;..'JL0; 35c Package Nabisco Wafers, package ............. :25 15c Can Frnitvale Corn, 2 cans ...2S 15c Can Fruitvale Beans, 2 cans J2S '25c" Package Figprune or Postum package.......... .30 . 45c Broom . .315a 6c Lb. Rice (good), 32 lbs. ...... .............. ....eJtt.OO ; 5c Lb. French Prunes, 15 lbs........ ............ .....25 40c M. & J. Coffee, lb............... 25e 20c Mackerel, each ...... 4 ...................... '. 15 ' 40c Gal. Home-made Sauerkraut, gal....... '.V..30t 40c Gal. Knight's Dill Picklesr gal. . . . . . . ... . . . ...... .30 1,45 Gal. L. C Maple Syrup, gal. ................. .?l-20 . 7c. Lb. Best Italian Prunes, 5 lbs.'.. . . ... . . . .25." We wish to, call your attention to the fact that quick Bales and small profits is the basis on which we -work if your ? dollars are worth as' much as your neighbor's call on us. .' CUT RATE Northeast Corner Twelfth and Washington Streets. Mention This List When Ordering. - Telephone 199L FELLOW'S 1 - : .... , That's a short name and surely not a hard one to remember. Just call it to mind next time you want to know where you; can secure the ingredients for a par ticujarly good dinner. Fellows' Meats and. Groceries never dis-appoint--always the best obtain able. Specials for tomorrow : 7T "7'V-:: 25" ' : Pound Choice Toung Hyson Tea. . 543 '.-..;,- . Pound Bast Ceylon Blend Tea. ' . ; . is . Pound Tallows' Blend" Cost Rica . Coffee. . 30 : - . V Pound Hoffman Hon a Java and Mocha Coffee. - . as -' Two I-IK canl Pork and Beans. 10 : t-lh. ogn Solid Pack Ess tarn Tom a- - . 40 .,- Oallon Choice Table Byrnp.' 60 ;v-.;; Gallon can Pancy Sugar Byron. - - fi.oo IT Iba. Dry Granulated Bugs. . Wa deliver on East Side every .day. . -. - -- Fellows Grocery Co. not afaia SSM B74 WaeaJartom St. A. J. FARMER - WDoiesAie ana Kemi urocer Third and Jsiferson . Ton can aav IB per cent by dealing wltb me. 1 dosen cans corn BSo 1 eoaea cam tomatoaa ............ .lie J sack beat Potatoes -. . . . . .. .. .IL00, . pkga. Grandmotber'B Muh.;-.15o L package Scotch Oats 10c ,rg Navel Orangaa, dosen lto Pancy Evap. Peaches, lb, ...........loo S-lbi can- Baked Beans 100 l-lb. can. Baked Bean a , , , Be 1 lb. Bchllllng's Baking; Powder.... . I &o Smoked Balmon. lb. , ,.lHa I bar Naphtha Soap ae II bars Royal Savon Soap ..... ....!& t bars Baby Elephant Soap tie bars Owl Soap tic 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca tie lib. good English Breakfast Tea... ..lie Beat sugr-ewred hams, 1 lb. 13c !lb. Gunpowder Tea ............... Ike cane Primrose Cream 1 to 7 lbs. D. G. Bugar $1 01 1 aaek best T. G. Sugar ..Sa.BO 1 sack good Hard-Wheat Flour ard-Wheat Flour,... II. Lard fl.OO I Uraf lrd 00 It-lb. pail seat lB-lh. nU ear t-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard a a BVvJ l-gal. can laoia rrnip Dellveiiaa on SUst and Prldsys. )eaate . ltfJ RANCH EGGS - 20c Dozen ' Chickens, per lb 16c and 17c Creamery Butter ...'..,... .SOc and 0c peat Creamery made tbo Iralry Butter J ........ !&c . r. s. . J f I. , IMill BUHm-urau iivn ....,..,,., v Picnic llama 10c Breakfast Bacon .....15c K Doiinda Lavd .(Oc 6Bc Te . ..i.lOc I pounds Arbuckle Coffee 26o Jsva-Morha Coffee SOc - All goods retailed -at wnoieaaie prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY 364 YctmHlll St. : !V.i MEN AKD bYCmEIL Oa Stg ai roe aaaalaral glaakareaa.laBaaiaMttaaa, krrttaUMa ee alearatloae ef aiaaeaa anaikraaaa. Paialaaa. aad aet aetrla- gaal ae aa taMkr e aaat ra alata vraaaae, kr aaaraaa, aeaaalt. tat tt Sk. a t kertlae U t. Olraaiar aeat aa reaaaa. 7 -uomasrv I f siJi!TJ 1 Zm EArfra41 Ok. OVERBECK, CTARR C: COOi: C - .i " BTsmbera Chicago Board Of Trade, OBAXBT. PBOTZAUOrS. ATOTTOXT. STOCT rTJ Z " , 101 Third Street McKay Building, pe- - ' wa to a BTzxtmr es J.: Co-"as k by Prtve Wle. C"' ' ' T . . ,4 i.Buj j.:tijk - Piroces GROCER FOR SATURDAY With a pare has of a 14.00. ardor ot Orocerlea we wilt give yon 20 lbs. Sugar for $1.00 Sugar, per 10 iba. ............ .fB.8S Tomatoes, per dogen..M..... 8S Corn, per dosen. .............. .9.. OO Corn, I -cans for.. , 2Pi String Beans. S cans for 2S Oysters, I cans' for.. 2B S Iba. Pried Peaches. 25 1 lbs. Dried Prunes... 25 Flour Special The best Valley Flour In Port land, special at. per aack.....S1.0S The best Hard Wbeat Floor S1.20 IB-lb. Back Corn hi eal... ........ 25s) Mapla Syrup, Log Cabin, per gal." " Ion . . . . .451.20 Table 8rrup. per ATaJlon. 404 Table Syrup, H gaUon.... 20t It Iba. Sugar for .......fl.OO ooa. hi Eatt Side delivery Tuesday and Friday. WASHINGTON MARKET at Asaaawe w m nana Mala Waafclagtea sad Stash. Prlne Rib Rnaata ........ ............u13He UH .M.....1H ta l&e BlrMa Bteaka TaaSer Ma Bteaka rteTkaojae Bleaks .. . ... Rooad Bteaka Plats Bteaka, Iks tar ... Leg Mot toa , W Laa ............. Matte ran. 3 Da far , Lola ar Blk rbopa ....... .........uvk 1M UHe Ate akeeeve ee-a yaai . C0 1SH itiMi e ease U Bfta lSVk te lea Bkealdar of Mattaa Mattno Btew ..... te ae rora itoaata .It ta lHe Pork tkofie ............. Teal Raaats Veal Cknea Baaoeao Meat, B Iba far . Haaibareer. B laa far ... ....... 131 .rrs ta iAe ' ISMe ta .'..SM Baser-Cared Breakfast Rrat Creamery Batter Freeh Raack kgea .. Rraatt, B teavas foe . . Cklckeoa TATTTJl Standard Marftet BBAJIOH XAB1 BUBJfglm. TA. Ali FRESH KILLED - CGiDCCffiRIS -'- " ' rb aarumPAT. . - Beet Creamery Butter, roll. ...... .65 Freeh Rant Egga, dos...'........20d English Breakfast Tea. lb ..25 Oiit Special Blend Coffee, lb...... ENTERPRISE CREAMERY 1ST Central Market Sver the Home of All That "a ' -"" Oood ta Meats, Fish or Fowl Tou can depend on this, and feel assured aa wall that you couldn't buy the same quality of goods cheaper elsewhere.. , '.;' . KiNnnnt? bros ISO Oraad Ave. Phose Bart 41S. j BOWaTTsTO), SOPKXBTS B CO v taislabllsbed Xttki WatSAT AJTB B-rOCX BSO! Ben 4, CatAAcamB " rmd fMOV. OP CKsIWf SPECIAL New York Grocery . .1 ' WhnlaamlB aad Basin ' rat- Ajn ircrmmTBOat ...zqe Bacoa jea , -.e.-mmw. . .. .. ft It ta lie xaAvnn. ris. J:.