The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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i 1 , -4
' 11
. . . ... . ..m bwi4 nr..
vi, i . .' . ia 11
- ' . ' i -, . i i as aaaca. 1 ceata; 1
' ,.e 44 pecta), t canto. , . -; '. 5 -
'v :f S .'m ... . '. 1. ' Mala 1M
Hniim (trim .....Mala avv
NeaeaauaVaw. Xorki TrlbvBeJ"d
V.v : f lag. IWetftk V .,.. ;..!.-..
.."."" The ril JitW with Randar, 1 ear...$2o
mTe rally Jnl I year
. . 1 1 . 1 i.k. .Mi... 1 naltia
jtm natty jnaraai, .LUl.C. T oa,
5 The Daily Jouraal. with Meixlay. 1 aootba. J
Hi. I "ally Journal. I nwith 1
flit KKilljr Journal, with Huada. 1 .
Th. Dallr. per . ntt, delivered. Bandar
v. imimj . ... -
Th lelly. pec week, dcliraced. . aey
1 uoeatted
i. -- W. II
T Pally Joernal. with tjaeday, I ireer...$T.nO
iThe Wntly Journal, 1 Tear........,.--;i" J
, Th. Itatlr ioral, with Hu4aTv wtha. J.TJ
11m Itallr Jaurnal, with Kundaf. 3 oUi.J.0
'Tha hallr Joairoal. t maitha.......... i
- Tfca Hatty J oar a. I, with DaixUy, 1 "'h--.
Th Tally JooriMl. 1 manth. "?
;Tb J rail. 1 rw. .. ""
ft laat-Vaaklr Jtrl. .
'1T Raml-Wrlr Jwul, 1 1 to ,Jf?".
J r ra lam. Illaatntod. tU aMrht r-()
MM. rpra arfWa aa4 Mull
Meeptohl. to 1 u lonSELu
6i W ill, Portlana. Or.
fotrmxix vat' ai vows.
Tha Jaoi?! ha fee. Mli htflM
MllfijK,' . -C.J W. . Mc
CHU'AOO-Ptofai Kr. ePW. t tmr-
rompanj. BU rVTmlwnth MnM;
JI SKAV. ALA8KA Patofr ,
1XH ASOBLEJt B. r. 1 Oarclner, SM
Hprtat OUt H.lam, 8oh
" struvoutli. -J. K..h. M 'X-
WKwrroITr-Br.t. .. Crioa ru
.DKSr-OitMi Nwa aoajpaar. . .
OMAHA ullar4 Hotrt Xnri 'I!: V1
Htatlabrrr rwmpaajf. 13CM1 Farntira auf v
rUlr,'- Broa . 3 Wt "'!
Saw. at .ml. and W Market Mrwt ; ""M
. .mltb Broa.. a30 RuttM .ttrt, n4 '"'
Crasrla hotal: roatrr A Oraar. rnrrr ull-
Inr: N. WWtly. a Kitonia
- BBATTLK BalBtor 0raa4 Nw atoa4; BMtorm
Nr coal pa ny.'
BtOKAKB. WASH. W. 0rha 6.
1 TACOHaT WAAHOotr.1 N". compaVI
, n ITiwm N aa at. n4 . .
VICTOBIA. B. C. Victoria Boob BtotaMT7
-t !"W)way Bd IwlilW
: atarBlut to tkw atotoa
Mthar prT.I thla
wart at t. Seckj
""SJIdJratrlT bay ralna pontlnaa to aMtlwra
. -.Ttforula Artaona. wall. Ilfht
v (onarallr reaorlM ! arth ell"V!l
f uh. CoMrado. Mehraaka a.4 waatar. Mbv
. tv. i.JItl. mrm fa anwtlawad al
.s . .Ikla diatrlct dorloc thw MSt
; Y i;: ' ' KABMAtta uenm.
!' AiHlrrw aohaana. M; Alrtn. Tl. . f -.
V Uarr H. Wukt, ; Uf H CarU. .
, kk C, Vaadrrhoot, J Or. . U. Klnrhart,
'. -19nnn BUndart S! "a "Barfh, .
Martla A- ttrlrr. SS; AntolBCtt Johoaaa. M,
s Joa.nh Orlda TrambU. SO; Ar B. BraMwr;
' rCaTl B aB. ; Btally BmbT i ' !,-
WawdlBtt Car. W. O. a.lth V. Waah.
raarth' as4 WuhioctM aU.
TAKOI frrB 14. a Mr. a4 Mr. iMda
. Van1, liU Kaat TUrtoaaU atrrat, aortoi
BITART-ZMarrh . Mary J. itoart. N W
ra. ftu Baal Flat atraat; rmuaa. oM
' r". BarlaJ at Ur Mr acactarj.
'KORTHRLP March 14, Albrr B. Kortbrap,
' ' .rrd S3 jrcara. AB1 Knott atraat; caaaa,
tnhmaloala. BnrUI at Iana Fir raowtary. .
BYAN March 14. J 00a Itaa. ajrwl 80 yaara,
r at Honw lor tha Aa4: eauae, oM af. Barral
, . " at Moaat OaJrarr eaiatr ., "
1 DI NCAKi March 1, Gaarrv ft Dwra,
S5 yrara. (1 North BecoM atrart; eaaa,
. v aknlioUaai. BarUl at Ua fir oraaatary.
'CBBENK March li. Bcrtraad C. Orrw. .rca
. , 31 rrara. 4M Prkna atraat; caaaa. dlabctaa.
' Burial at WlBdOrld. Ia. '
CABHON March 14. Prank K. Oarao, rr4
St rrara, at Narth radlc aanltarluw.; rauac,
" aapttrcnla. Burial t laa Plr raatry.
WYHU-March U. Kaaclna Myhr. ca4 H
- jra. at Oand BaaMrllaa hnapltal; caaaa.
' ncahrltla. HarUI at MrMltinrUIr, Or. -.
JOHNHOK March '14. Pranh W. iobnaoau aa
1 ypara. MM Uminr. atraat; caa, clcctrtc
-w' aback. Borlal at Blrctrlcw ccmatary.
tORBBTT March 14. Trxiiaaa Bdward r. trick
Cor bet t, ag4 14 d.ra. 7M4 Kaat Kl(hlh atraat.
anrth; caaac. caaralaloaa. Barlai at.Mauat
alrary raaHHcrr.
PHTKKHON M.rcb 11. H.mlt - Gatbartdt
. 1 Pcti 1 aaa. aard -1 year. BM Kaat reartccnth
- .tract; caaar,. cHpatBarU.r Borlal at lata
; Plr ccaaatary.-
, Ci.antorldBi aa Orcgna City ear Baa, aaa
awnwnod; atodcra. actcatlflc, aomplata. Chart aa
Adalta, Wi chlldraa, VM- Vlaltora a. aa.
ta A a. ai. Portiaad (aantloa aaaielabaa,
, . lurtlaad,!. Otagaa. - . '., . . ( ,
- Tha Edward PMcaaa (1adartktBt caatpaay.
faaaral dtractara aad aikalaiaaa. SW Tkird
' atraat, , Ilea MT. .
-I.-P.- Ptoary -Baa. faaaral dlaaacara aad
otbalaiara. euraar Third and Madlaoa atraato.
Vlhca al caaaty eoroaar. TalaphiaaMat B. u
Paaiaal amtw anal cat fknrara a aaaciatty
at Boaa City Oraanhoaaa. -Vwanty
Kaat Msanaga, pa. carcery.
B.XAX EBTATx iiiiima. :
.triUtan V. ladd. traatcc, ta Waatara
. Aaaarlcaa company, andlrMrd H lata
. 1 aad . Block Hi, Ralrlich'a additlao.
lUry Wataaa at a I. to Waatara Aatarlcaa
raopaay, andlrldcil lota 1 and S Black
H, Raldcb'a addltloa
a rrana , i a... uwwn
. curator 'to aama. andlrldcd loU
1 and 1. Bkick aft, Balrlch'a addlttoa. . J
ta aclllna. traatm. ct al., to L. B. -...
Towuarnd. luU XI aad IS. bloek "10,"'
Kara Park , 900
fVMIlaai Brta and wla to J. M. Mc
's K Inner, ahoat J1A acraa acctlona 24, ..
' Si. tawaahlp t aorth, raaga 1 weat.. 4
M. I. kUrtiardaoD aad wife ta C. B.
mho j a ana is. oioca a. n.w
thornc' Flrat addltloa '
kdward B. Aldrlch aad wife to J. M
' , MrKlaarf a boat MO acrca aactloaa 24 .
: aad 15. tawaahlp t aortk, range 1
, wawt t.MO
: taaaa AJIIaoa and aaabaad to Wratcca
.' AaaHiraa eoaipaaiu aadl.Mad H lott
i ' ' I and X block M. rUlclch addition .. 1
, ' tTylar InTaataarat rontpaay U M. J. Btaat. '.
lota 14, IncbjalTc. block 3, Paalaaular "
'- ! addltloa Bo. 4.......... 403
Park Land aoatpaar to J. 8. Jofeaaoa.
lot T. black l'). I Dlrcralty Park...... JOfl
J . pMvuarct A. Klatoa ta A. Uadatroaa, -
Iota 1 aad 1 ban. 11 Klnarl I' ark .... Z3D
trt'la Oaarantao 4k Tru.t compaay to V. ,
ti t arlaty, kita 1 3, block 11. North try.
v '"Inciaai BOB
. reward B. AMrlcfe aad wife ta J.. M.
' i MrKlaacy. about Bao acrca aactloaa 34
' r and , 3, tawaahlp 1 aorth, rane 1
'' aaat : .. 1
. fjift B aaa art aad wife to A. Bcrghrlk,
IM 1. bl4 . BcA.nvh ddltl:a ......
I. B. Oaachrnlaath. traalra. ta M. U Holl-
laaDk, B'd.'.,dJd rrartloail inia ,
II. ll la. aodl.Mcl H rlerr Vta 1-14. .
1 tclatt. Jatraa J a' addltlia: aa- ...
diridcd H tirvr Ijt A Jaaca Johaa'
" Hrcard atkfltioa d.OOt)
. tcl.t Holuao a-d wife to M. B. Br
tna. lata Id. IT. Blork 1. ToBaacp ad- ,
dirloa 1.00B
C aiaarrctal Ttm coaapany to B. 0. Jaba-
an. n 3, hktcb 1.-B'rnact -park JO
' , flolddatitk pad wife ta r. Oold- ,,A
aailth aad wife. Iota 3 aad 0. black-
K Merar ftataa' addltloa 1
Uarla K.. Udd aad.we to a MacJUo,
V a"" "aaaaaaaaaaai ' 1-
.. , - . - - . t x '
Agrees in .Advance "to RetireIn
. Favor of Lieutenant Governor
.. Jesse Fa McDonald. ,
Questioa as to Whether Reigna
tion Written Before Appoint
. nient Is Legal. C; T -
iJoBraal' Bpactol Bcrrlca.) ; '
'Denver. March IT. By promlaca made
that ha -Would retire after having keen
rovernor for 24 hour. Jtunea H Tea,
Body waa yeaterday aeated aa governor
of Colorado By a vote of bt to 41 In
the general aaacmbly. s, --.
Peabody'a realgnatlon -waa placed In
tha hands of W. 8. Boynton to ba filed
by hlmSrlth tha aacreury of state. It
waa written before .Peabodr waa seated,
and It . la a queatlon ' whether the
promises will be fulfilled and Lieutenant
Governor Jeeaa P. McDonald 'seated or
whether the whole deal waa a political
trick fo aeat Pea body. - '.
Tha resignation may be withheld and
not presented at all. , Evan should It
be prapentad there, la a queatlon as to
its legality.- Lawyers hold that Pea
body could not realgn from .an office
which ha did not. possess at tha time
the resignation was written. ' In several
states similar" situations have been de
cided In the courta in decisions holflng
such. resignations Invalid. . Tha -federal
governmanA-Mias ruled in ' aeveral in
stances that a renlgnattqri .Written In
advance' ot ' appointment 1 was lllegai
There Bt a etroag feeling now that Pea
body has been seated, and he does not
Intend to gtva'up Bla place. 'V
Pea body, won his victory on 1 party
line and not on the, merits of the con
test. Although the Republican majority
on Joint ballot Is 31' It waa. Impossible
to ewcum enough 'Republican .votes to
reinatats Pea body for the remainder of
the biennial term. - Twenty-two Republi
can members refused to vote (or Pea
body, but were In favor of the seating
of the lieutenant governor. The com
promise waa arranged by which Peakody
waa to ba vindicated by being declared
elected. . and . McDonald would be made
governor. - -' .''-.""
Pea. body's resignation was placed, in
the hands of W. a Boynton to be filed
by him with tha secretary of state to
day. The bargain whereby Pea body was
seated. waa effected-by pledges given by
four corporations, who dtave been ad
vancing Peabody'a claims. .....
Governor Alva Adams surrendered his
offlos to Pea body shortly after ( o'clock
yesterday. .. Ha refused to make a eon
test by force, although, urged .to do bo
by numerous telegrams. He stated that
Ha feltv outraged at tha action oftbe
general assembly and expressed surprise
that Peabody ahould Become a party to
what he claims to be ' conspiracy to
secure the office of governor for a. man
who had no claim .whatever, for the
place. ' . ...... "
. Republican leaders at' noon positively
announced that Paa body's resignation
would be filed at, o'clock thla after.
Lnoon in accordance 'with, the agreement
UUW T .1 IV.,. .1 W Jr. .... B ... " .
ialature united to seat him. While the
straight Peabody faction If trying to In
due Peabody to withdraw hla resigna
tion oa tha ground that It waa obtained
by coercion, other of hla friends Insist
that hla, word la pledged and, he must
WBSaffls fftelal Wrote SUB meslxaa-
' atom ia Aovaao of Airpartntmarit.
Eureka, Cal. March 17. Tha action
Of Oovertior Peabody of Colorado, la
writing his . restf-natton before he waa
seated, had B parallel ease -here - wbea
J. ' F. Thompson, . late receiver 'of the
federal waa reappointed
A bitter fight had been made again!
Thompson ty political-enemleo.., WTwo
it bacame apparent that he could ot
be reappointed, at corapremlaa waa ef
fected whereby Ji waa to ba vindicated.
H wrote his resignation from the office
and placed It In the.hands of hla en
mica and they consented to his being
appointed oa condition that the resigna
tion) should Bo Into effect the "next dsy,
Thompson stating that he merely de
sired a vindication of the chargea mad
againerMra. - r - "
t Thompaon -received the reappointment
and immediately protested against his
rcatgnatlon, Tha president .ruled -that
Thompson -could hot " resign from the
office before he -waa appointed., and he
succeeded In holding hla position until
subsequent " land " fraud developments
BrrnjgntlbdQt Mummary removal by
Becreury Hltcncock. .- 0.
' (Jooraal Bpeclal Berrlca.) .
Dover, Del., March IT. It ia reported
that President Roosevelt has determined
to cad the Delaware senatorial -deadlock
by TippotnTmk ,J. K . O'SulllvafjAddlcks
to a foreign position. If Addlcks can-be
eliminated, Harry J. Richardson will be
elected. '
lot 13. block 30. Ladd'a addltloa .... 1.300
Jooa (Mod aad wife to K. Heott rrt aL,
' lot B. block 1. Uaod'a a (Ml Una 433
Bute of Orrgoa to A. H, Meadesaall, , .
lota 7 and a. block 11. McMllUa'a. ad
dition ..... 3,300
Brlcn M. Corran and boabaad to A. Bey ,
bold at al., ion s aaa ?, blocs s.
Laurel Park
Henry Braoer to P. t. Bra tier, lota 13
and 34, blork 3.- Pealaanlar addition V,
Portland Trust company to t. A elaenborn,
lots 3 and 4. thick 14, Clorrardala Bi
tcn.loa Na. 3.
Ira K. Hikes to N.. K. Bikes, Ma 4. 31,
block S, St. aohae Park addltloa , ...
' Toil
Ort faae tnssraaca aad absuacts -to real
aetata front tha Title Oaaraatee ft Trait eaaa-
paay, CfeaaKber of Cam a
smsnre viuirrB.
SANrmTROM March 10. P.
Bt'llltaaa areauc .batweea
moot atreou: mat. 1750.
Itandatiwm. store,
Baacb aad 'ra-
DA IU.BP.RU March 10, V. B. Dahlberp. re
pairs to residence. Beyeath hetwaca H barer
and Maaon atreeUi - east, 3400.
PORTLAND OA CO. March 10, Portland Cas
. company, (aa plant. Front - hetwaae BTcratt
and ruodar atrerta: "t 3-1.0UI.' ', ,,
PORT! -AND OAS CO. March 10, Portland Raa
roaipany, coal sheds, Plandera batweea First
aad Secnad arreets; cost, II.O00. '
PORTLAND CAB CO.-rMarcb 10. Portland flee
company, paa bolder, Menond batweea JMaad
era and Cllaaa atreeta; coat. Ona.OnO.
CARLAON March 10. Frank rnrhwm, eotUpe.
Kaat Ninth betweea Alberta, and , Plorenca
atreeta; mat. ' 11.250. . t-
THMKKICLBnN. March 10. Mr. Tberkebwa. re
pair, to Brick boner. . Alder netwrea Park
aad Wet Park atreeta; coat. 3100. -
BKRII8WU-K March 14 A. Bcrirewlrk. ew.
line, netweea Ullaaa aad Planders atreeta;
coat. Ol.nnn.
OOUaHMITH March 10. B. OoldaaMtb. repairs
to elare. Thornaaa betweea Twenly-fonrth aad
Twenty-OftH arceeta; coat.. 100.
BOPKIRK Mari-h 10. J. P. Ho. Irk, estUea,
rwtamoath addition; mat. l.nnn. " . .
AINHI.P.M March In. neorr Alaaleaa Ratsle
company. Itans, Tenth n-twee a Balawa and
Mala alreeU; coat, 111,000.
Niver, Since the Panic, Has Eacrreo
, ', ... ,. - i J. - - " t . i - t '- -.
v'm !- .'
mm .
'p'l mmtem m
... .1... . t - - , On which derwsitil liave been iurid--all b Oe Uterlnf etyieij ;;:;,,'-;' '. vy
Thinking that our Fair would
more. Syracuse and
.their-measure. pay a deposit sufficiently large to cover the first cost.of the suit or overcoat,' Airy garment that is left on the hands of these -wholesaletailors' costs
'them nothing. They "are glad to get riiof it at any price and what I ( pay for these uncalled for garments. is clear' profit tq' them; as ;thf, first deposit, covers the'
"entire cost This 'great purchase is now hert and must be sold. AD are Slirins Novdtieft. Every SuiCOvercoat,ATop Coat or pair of Pants in this. the grandest
" lot, of misfit tailor made garments ever, shown on this coast is cut in the latest spring styles. -They were made( for gentlemen whq .could fmd nothipe good, enough
for them in read v made stores." v'Thev . wanted the 'beat ind wer willinc to'oav for it: The verv best of woolens. 'JiniDCSt trimmings.' etc, were-usetr in the'manu- -
Jacture of these garments. The
. 1 ! A f. J . ' r ;
ineir irauca anu arc maaicis oi it. -ir suns nave patent sell-retaining Ilunui, nana ' piqaca vuiiua -etuu auutuucii. ijauiwu uwt.
"sewed on with double; twist silk. . Every garment thoroughly shrunk and pressed and will Mold the shape arid appearance as long as
"In all shades are. shown in these fine suits. Also tans', gun metal greys, black and blueissrges, clay worsteds,' unfinished and finished, worsteds,.Venetian tricots,
JroadcJoths, -Scotch .and English novelty suiting in hundreds of new and nobby spring-styles' in single and double-breasted.. And. every, article inthe house has
that stvlish.tswarirer something about it that nroclaims the tailor made trarment This is a chance for 'every man in OreeonUo get his spring -outfit of .swell,.
Uilor made clothe at absolutely the coat of workmanship. No
jftrar. 411c iciiiuic kuiiuiiiuiis v irauc urivc us 10 ll. vyur enure
: you and if you don't find things just as I say, they are you can
$25 MtsHt Stills for $10
lO.OO tor aa Brand a'conectron of
fine, tailor-made suits aa man ever
laid eyee on. ' Enouah of them , to
clothe all Portland In every kind of
Cloth that la made in every fashion
able aprlriB atyle, single and double
braaatedi bearing the labels of .Ameri
ca's foremost 7 merchant tailors, also
the- name of the customer they were"
tirade for. with the original price of
the suit, which waa 115.00, 328.00 and
130.00, and tha amount of deposit the.
original purchaser paid. : Every shape,'
style and else Is to be found In this
unmatchable y assort ment- - of - a well-talloT-Aidde
spring " suits for a ten
dollarllll. Tou can't match them less
than $21.00 in any tailor shop In'town.
Ten firstlass clothing salesmen wanted.
"Y Apply at once, with reference. ; -
Will Begin to
Hght new at
brine us a solendid sorine business. I contracted, when east; with
talft all iinrailcd fnr tailnr madeOTrmenlt at nnrrn ranccinry from lO
cutters and journeymen tailors
. all '.- ( . . .a
$30 and $27.50 Misfit
Suits $12.50
912.50 'or your choice of over 1,003
suits that are aa new and fresh aa the
flowers - that bloom in the spring.
Tha great Royal Tailors of Chicago
made .most of these suits for early
spring orders tot men' who. wanted to
get the first pick of their swell spring
styles. . Mhd in swoU single and
double-breasted . sacks, browns, tans,
steel, gun metal grave, black aad blue
imported - and -doateatie- -eergeav - silk
mixed worsteds, Scotch t Weed a, home
spuns, in military, -' Harvard, Eton,
Oxford, the New Cambridge outs, full
and close-fitting back, . one., two and
three silts in the bscV beautifully
shaped and pressed, 'a suit flt for a
king, suits that were made for men
that are greater tthan kings Ameri
can gentlemen for prices ranging
from $17.60 to 133.00. .
.a, ' 1,' '
. ' $25 Priestly - ; .
Crayenettes $10
fllO.OO for complete' lines of tJO.OO.
26.00 and $10.00 Undelivered Tailor
Made Cravenettea, in . the genuine
Priestley, In black, tan. dark grays,
mixed worsteds making a coat that
-can bo ttaed at aU seasons and all
times; and sold at this aala at lesa
than, coat of making.
f 1B.OO for tha Best $$5.00 and $40.00
Priestley Cravenettes, made by the
Royal Tailors and Kirch baum Co,
alsea It to 41.- Wt have the color
and stylo, shape and shade Tou want
in thla tailor-made Priestley. . ; . .
Hundreds of pairs of Pine Uncalled
For Tailor-Made Trousers at lesa than
.the coat of material. - t.
f 11.95 for the Royal Tailors' $J SO to
6.00 Undelivered Jailor-Made Trou-
ears, aU slses. - ...-,.....rr.u.
92.95 for' line af Fine $6.04 and h.M
Misfit TaUor-Mado TiTruaerar awell
spring Btylea.
?3.95 for High-Art MoCorty t$.0 to
10.00 Imported Trousers.. ,
94.95 for pick and choice ' of 'every
pair of Misfit Panta In the; store.
$11.0$ aad f 11.60 pants in this lot
Positively no goods sold to dealers. No telephone orders received. No
' - v ... goods sent on approval during this great tale. y. , .
: , ; and for that reason
thq ope
that, cut and sewed these clothes
.. - t tl s ..JJ.J !lt
Such a slaughter of high grade clothing as this was ever started icmuvcu, 11 u wiiiuvwo,
take a new suit on V .''-, ' .
The Misfit Man
$15: Misfit Suits for $5
95.00 for fsock and sack-aulta ttiat
are perfect In --workmanship fcnd
quality buf a little ff -In- eolora;
there's ISO In tho lot in all stses. For
the man who is not too particular thla
la a snap, aa not a suit in the lot wis
made to order for less than $16.00, and
most f them for more money.
$20 Misfit Suits $7.50
9T.SO for hnrtd reds' upon' hundred
of uncalled tailor-made sultd bearing
tho labels of such well-known tailor
ing firms aa the International, M. Born
Co., the New York Tallora. the Purl
tan Tallora. ' Fred f Kauffman, the
American Tailors and dosens ot others
whoso namea are a houeehold - word
wherever good .tailoring la talked of.
Everything "fronf: the black clay
worsted to the new swell brown to bo
found In this big $7.60 lino, and not
one of which. waa made to order for
a oeat less than $10.00. ' .
" Y
Cs3.-i 2oBiill
TV- ..--' j r -i-'-' ll " - .... j. eft
! r
leading merchant tailors in New York,r Boston,: Philadelphia, .Balti
to Z&c on SI because tne men wno
were all experienced, high-priced
- I .t. t I D.rf V'.lu
a .riwi cuuuaci , tr ain 'isv1-
:.,V1 ' :X-'.' V '
or oxm
$35; $40 and 445 Un
called forJailcrmsde
il5.0O-for pick and choice' of anjr
auit. In my store. ..This t meaas the
vdry beo't spring suits .. that . such
tallora aa tho Royal, Lamm a Co., M.
Born,! A Co the-Dixie and-the Inter-'
national Tallora of Chlrogo, make fof
$10. $16. 40 and $46. The Bra -made
by hand through and "through: from
tho beat woolens that money can buy.
We have tbem in all shapes, from tbtt
aack'to the fulf dreas auit and Prince
Albert, s full II nee rf 1 all tha new
browns that are so popular-" thla
spring. No mattar how hard you are
to flt wo can flt you. No matter .how
hard you are to pleasa we can please
you. ' Swell dresaere. drop in and look
this line Over. 'WO trouble to show
you and no trou bio to eel I you after
these swell hand-tailored $40
suits for FI
$25 Top
? 10.0O for Klrehbaum's Famous
21.00 BaUybao, Toppera, also 'Covert
Cloths and Over-Plaids, sises 11 to 40.
915.00 Tor-f Puii SUk-Lined Black
and Orar Unflniahad French . Wor.
teds and Cheviot that were made to
order for $46.00; alrfaa M. 11 and 40
only. Come early- If you want one of
these swell coata that you can wear
all tho year round. , . : V, -
JifB . Misfit Cdsts- and:
;r Vests $5' :.:: '
95.06 for 100 Coats and Vesta. In
sack and frock, mostly from $16.00 to
$14.00. Swell goods, elegant cut, and
are hand-made. It's 4' sin to sfll 'em
for this money, but present conditions
in Portland demand it.' Better ta give
you bargains now than in Aufuert,
when you won't need spring -clothes,.
?I0 Misfit Coats $2.50
92.50 for 14$ Misfit Coats. In oil
sises, that coat $5.00, $. and $ 76
to sew. That's all. : , , :
p 'Pdrsnd
oraer mese nnucms nwae w
men who spejir years iearning J
all aCTAiiakt Kap' f VMaP4t.ayt,'
au . niwuiuvv au,. v.wai t
there is a bit of them together.
anywhere at this season of. the
a.v wa.iaw..wsn..v....
'x ' ' 4 V "
$12.50 Mbnt Overcoats
. ;;' $5.00 ijJi :":
95.00' for " 2$ " Medium' and Heavy
Weight Overcoat. ln gray and black
Melton. The price we aak woild' not
nearly-pay for tho aewlng. .-; ., ...
" ' to" $I6.oi
Misfit -Ovfreoata. In' long and me
dium lencths. ' Very sweU garment,
suitable . for- this season. .- Coma with
belt, .knee-length sCbeaterfteld eur
touta. - Are UUor-made. v Coat $1.60 to
sew. ;c:. ;...",';,."-
910.00 2 " for any' Winter-Weight
Overcoat in stock. .', There's 10 of 'cm,
and the' prices rang from. $10.00 to
$.. : X: ' -v..- : .'. 'I -' -
fa me . r
I ''fin . v
i p.ii"- ,::
l' ''f. "I
;:r,t .'or your 'money back.' ..;'...,;
- - rr "