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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
- '. 4 . GBairvoyant CliAIRVOrANT r 1 CLAIlWOVAIdT VAN CORTLAND $5 Complete Life Reading TH2 vEaxD rccnrrn: 4 I " I 1 V IV . VUIUUIpV ; Severa, Storm of Wind and Rain Spoil McCred.e's Contest - ; With Salae'a Man. , - '. 'V ". ':.jvr-. KTZ AND 'FRENCH" HAVE v i JOINED THEIR TEAMMATES vwk I ' ' . -1 Hew Orleans Reci-uhs Join the L'ocij Taam and tha Man- U Happy, i -:'V (SfrtcUt WePateb ta The Journal.) h ; l?akersueld. Cat, Marao Rain In 4 lerfered With the gam scheduled tor yesterday afternoon between- the Port land and Chicago teams, and Instead of " t grtaytng a tm of baseball the ball iossers sat around tha hotel and swapped -yams, i- .', ' .. :'v .". Except for a portion of a game Wed. 9 riesday afternoon. I ha Portland pVayara " have not had any practice to speak of .. blnce, Saturday, for tha weather baa born very bad. ' . ' -" " .'' r '' Jake At and """W French,' the'Naw Orleans recruits, bV -anally arrtfod r"" here, having bh delayed by a waahout yA. ''on the. railroad.' iBoth claim to ba. In -tha pink of condition, and " haatewed to apologise to tha manager tor tbelr delay. Vl'bey had made arrangements to-play S-'i- against the big league teama now tour- Ing tha aouth, and Relieving McCredle would not disapprove of tfcla action, for - - they . war conditioning themaolToa, they ' ' "' took this chanc of picking up aonie y . ' change. : . - , j They appear to be In Una ahapa and; are ready lor practice right away. Jake At says' ho met both Phil Nadedu and . lirve Beck in New Orleans, and .add ! that tha two former Portlandera have, made quite a bit at the Creaeent City ' during the ahort ttma they have been there. Ata la built somewhat on the . order of Back Trancka, and preeents a " peat and trim appearance. y- 't-- The new arrivals are getting aoqualnt . : ad with their teammate a, moat of whom . are captaining to them tha beauties of the Pacific elope. Bert Joaeaand Uarry Bchlaf ley . are taking especial pains . to - - discount Eddie jVanr Bursa in . singing . the praises of ; Portland., Jones and ' Bchlafley were members of the Oakland , " team last season, and say thay . always liked to play In Portland better thart any of the ether towna IB the circuit. "Well"', said French, 'I "bear you 'or rather I should say .we., are going, to have a world's'Calr In Portland this sum ' mer." : .y "-:": f '" '." . ": "You bet ,w re." said YanT-Buren. 4." ."It's going to be'tht teal thing, too. - - and the exposition grounds ara ilght adjoining the ball .'park.' and when, you wallop any. homers of er the right fleid '. fence this summervyou will bounce the ball of I Machinery baa" - ' '. . . .' . "The world a fair ia not going to be .' ' tha only notable -thing around .Portland , this summer," cut In XJarrlm "This ball club of ours will show soma peopla. how the game U W be played, or I mlaa my gueaa." .. . t '- v. '' ' "You're right there, old pal- ehlmd In several of tba PortUadera, V- ' '.' , sura that -ha 'llkea'the loeaa ef Hoi Credle a team ' better . taa -ba -did tbft, w- EiyVlSt yaaCV'-ii.Tl ' i "I am aorry we did not have a abance td '.play agalnat Portland. or MoCredla ' bad a strong team -and we-should like a test like that.' SUted' tba Chicago manager last evening. . . ' Manager. Goodwin of tba Light . A -power company waa sincerely dlsap- . pointed at the necessity of calling oil the game, for he waa Very aazloua that ' Portland should profit by Fisher s loss , of last Sunday. Mr. OoodWIn la a good fellow, and the Portland management, as ' -well as the players, speak In the highest terma of him. Ha Is now endeavoring to secure the Stockton or ' some other , . team to, coma here Sunday and play With Portland. Tha new ball -park, '. which la the pride of thla town, so re mains unopened by an attractive game, and the local fans ana la bopea that a good game will be arranged for Sunday. The weather jtbowa algna of clearing . ' tip this morning, and It is poealble that . the Portlandera will be able to practice - out doors this afternoon; Poyle aud Hughea have not been definitely beaiJ from, and what their Intentions are ! not known here ui on s-nrsAT. i,' The Schlllera and tba East Slda team 'will play the second game of tha city league rhamplonahlp season on Sunday afternoon at Coast League grounda.. Tha - game wlU.-ttart promptly at 1:10 p. a, and the teama will Una up In practically tha same manner as laat Sunday, RYJTlLmyESIlGAT MISSOURI DEADLOCK ' .' ', (JourtMl iptrtrTk.) " Jefferson City, Mo., March IT. A special grand jury' Will assemble Tues dav to Investigate the senatorial dead' lock. ' Thomas K. Nledrtnghaua, Repub lican caucua nominee. Charles K. Morris, his campaign manager, Charlea Smith, manager of Kerens' campaign, and other politicians have been summoned te ap pear before it. Tba legislature wilt ad journ tomorrow. ;.. t- ITOHMQ NO REST, no sleep. Itch, Itch. Itch, cfatcbinj until tba under sklfl baeemag Inflamed, gore gad bleedls- ; AKtrd try Hklnbealtk Tr-atlsent Win glee te nff.rlM little one Inataat r-llef led alerp. aad melt la eeatplete eon. Multlradre of omea Mr Rarllna has aa equal for eb.l! of, Irrita tion, orapttoa. daatlruff. tfela, arald head. Mrdlr.lrd. aattaeptle. deodorlalng, rngraob "A Breatb el Pine Belaem In trery Cake.' v .m. wia MhMt a m.m afu.t ira.fiai'. Befnae aubsUtsMS. Me aoap la a-tdlcatsd IUe Harma. . lfannfwtar: by ftria TTiT flowitHlea Ok.. We-i.rk. N. J. Take Botblof without thla atrmttne na . . ry tm . Meawrappctl WOOPAJU) ft 00. revlft , waahlswio. J. E. Todd's New HONOR .TO ST. .PATRICK ' (Continued from' Page One) j who made famous tha battle of Sabine Pass. Tha proarram waa - aa. alaborata one. It began with special services- this morning In. St. Patrick's charca. Early In the afternoon there was a parade of Confederate veterans and other military and pa trio tie societies to the site of the monument, where the literary exercises of tha day were held. The principal oration was delivered ly Governor i-an- TO , f- Ooaraal Bpedal tUvrlca New, York. March 17. Btr Patricks day waa observed In tha metropolta with special aervlcea In all Raman Catholic churches, a - parade and a number of dinners. - The parade waa one of the largest of recent - yeaaa, nearly 19.000 men being in lln. s At tba dinner of the Friendly Sons of At, Patrick at Del- monlco's tonight - President Roosevelt will bo the guest of bonor. ;., ,t -(Joaraal BpecUl lervlea.)' ,Tndon. March IT. -The observance of St. Patrick's day In . London waa along tha adme Una aa almllar obaervanoea Of the pasti The Irtsh' flag waa flying froan- many public buildings, special aer- victor were held In tha Catholic church as abd the shamrock, or aomethlng repra aahtuaH It, was-aeetf-averywherar . Tha Irish . troopa; at the' various garrisons rffiven day's leave. .... )S tt V ' , (Joaraal Ipeetal Berviee.) Chleago; March" IT.- St. Patrick's day was obeerved. with special services la all Cha Bom an Catholic ehurchea of Chi cago, those In. the cathedral on tha north slds being tha most elaborate. This evening the various Hibernian societies will celebrate tha day with the usual round of entertaJnmenta,end dmoere. ' (Joaraal Special aervlee.) .. ' Dublin, MareB" It. The St. Patrick'! day parade In Dublin today .was wit nessed by many thousands of pedple. in BU-rao-tcaa pro-eat Deo ra. a special masa waa' celebrated by tha Rev. Wll- kjlam F. Dougherty of Syracuse.. N. T. at aa-tfaTCT tU)TjirA. v t'oarsal Rpaetal gen Ice.) ' Charleston, 8. tx. March 17. Plang on' an elaborate scale have been completed' for tbei St. Patrlok's day banquet of the Hibernian ' society tonight - Congresa- man Footer of Vermont, Governor Jtey- ward Of South Carolina and several Other men of national reputation are among tha scheduled speakers.1 . stMUIlAt OOZkT AX. . " (gpeclif. DU-petch .to The Joaraal. l l ' Burglars entered the Enterprise Implement bouse hee Inst night, broke open the money till, got a-few pennies and then took If worth' of cutlery from tba show case. There IS no clue. , . v , , . , (RpertA Dkreatcal -Tae Joaraal.) - 1 ICoonell, Wink., - March l1. -Hoboea yestardsy brok into a ear of auppllea hoeionging 10 ine iwrawrj racmc wora men here, taking and destroying con siderable property. - They were captured by Section Foreman. George Met. , tits i ft FO TIC Kmat tttm aaaltloM'' Weaasegray, aaira staa then look ela.Hlchi oentietaee at eu mj air !", .V. Eead k-5t ba Ir saeaeae gray kale taada fctm ole, ProSttat by bla exprlee I aaed eya Halrhea.Hb.aa4 ka-a the eesw A.. k... k.l. that I kad at 11. Bold sty Kdtlos. tboafk oanger ara. wVjao eolr alt -waa arar balr ee Vaea rmla- I tkaak yea for V7 sosltloa. a. WL t.M. ann. annua Snmlata', Takeaetaiag k Oa ' wUhoat slgaatare Pbllo bay gpee. Cto. rfC3 ZZZj wwl sARnra mat. J stgs tklB, take gey of Mtowhig dregglotr and get ftOe. bottle llalrbealta ana me. t. M.fln. anafk. a, ,l,Hl 1 1 ll kotk tat SOe.t reg hv Palis H.T On.. far price The.! er aent by Pklle B Mewark. If. J.. a-epaM, fhe mr. aae tnia Kt. yrea aoap aot gl-a by.drngiiot wit eatlre adv. aod sOe. tor HaklieaUa, tfaaaa.. " Address. ..,. irr......a. WOOSARO, oxAsn a co rearut aaavf '-sflgggaa, ' TaF 1 ad WaahlagWa. V ' r. Schooner Yacht Which Win Compete In i ' f,:0E PUY G!tOUlD I FOR TOE CHILDREN Many People Oppose Building East Side High School Near "tha Hawthorne, ; .r SCHOLARS WOULD NOT , ' HAEj THE, ROOM NEEDED r . ' Mr. Udd Voices Public' Vewa ; and Says Portland Should .. . . Build for Future. There' is soma dissatisfaction, with the proposition to erect the East Port land high school on ground adjoining the Hawthorne school. Many people say tba time will' soon coma when' the taxpayers will regret such a step, and that now la tfi time to make tha Tight selection of a high school location to meat tha needs of the future. It Is said tba school board has not made a final decision, and there la yet a possibility that tba wishes of tha publlo may be taken Into oonald oration before work Is actually begun In preparing tha site adjoining tba Haw thorne school, - , f .." .Cltlsena who have been Interviewed on the .subject believe that tha board ahould get away from ths idea of a high scbool adjoining a grammar school,. and secure a slta where there Is ample ground for a high school, leaving the ground by tba Hawthorne school used by the children of that school. ' ' "In my Judgment the policy of tbe board should bo to provide plenty of room for play by - tbe pupils of all schools." said W. M. Ladd. ."Wblle it may be truly aald there is plenty of room at thla time aground Portland for playgrounds, there la tba queetlon of tha future baa to he oonsioerao. waen we get i0,0 or 100. tOO mora people la Portland wa will begin ta feel how crowded and Insufficient . - our school grounda bra,". ; . - , , . He Cited tha cases or airiereni scnoots where tbe grounds are so limited that tha children must play In tha streets' or on adlolnlnir vacant Iota, and referred a the fafct Ahat vacant lots In tha resi dence districts iot Portland are rapidly being taken for building altea. r i "Children of every school should havd grounds, 'well' cared for and of ample space, where they, may carry on their snorts and am," Mr. Ladd continued. "The high - school- boys - ought to have grounda where they can play ball, The bora of the grammar 'acboola have no ground where they can. meet In ball oonteata, I think that it will bo a mis take to place the east aide-high school on tha'-grourtd nsfct to tha Hawthorne eahooV- The high achool ahould be on sosae other location, and have ground for ths students' outdoor sports. Ha added that tha same principle ap plied to publlo parka Whin Portland now i bad lv its environs many plhoes that were natural parka, where people could enjoy a sum mer day out or ooora, the. time waa not. far dlatant when the land would be oocopled for private uses. Mr. Ladd believed the city ahould ao- ejulre all tha wild land now that would be needed tor future paras. GIRL WEDS RATHER ' . THAN TAKE A DARE .. ..(Joaraal portal aerrlee.l Philadelphia. March IT. '1 never tools, a date, and when I waa dared to be married I was game," said Mrs. Os car. 8. Kastlack. Mrs. . Baatlack waa Miss Augusta Hutter, known in athletio circles ss ane ot tna cost woman bowi- era of thla citr." i f K ' ' Monday afternoon she Went for a ride In the nark, with Mr. Eastiaca, an en thuslsstlo automoblllst and .- buslnesa man of Camden. When. ehe returned she astonished her family by announc ing that she .was hie wife. y "It nearly took my breath away when he dared me, but I took him up," aha said. "I have known Mr. Eaetlack more than three years. He Is a great auto moblllst. Monday aftarnoon he called upon me and wa started for a ride in the nark. We were, spinning through Wis- sehicken drive talking about the danger of fast going. I aald, 'I am not afraid of anything' He turned to me and said: Tbere'a ona thing you're afraid to do, Tou won't go ta Camden now and marry me, I dare you to do It.' 'I will do it, 1 said, and wa ware married.";... , . FRANCE OPENS CABLE AFFAIR -WITH CASTRO ..e ' .' (Joaraal Speei.l trrnr. t Paris. March IT. M. Delcasse. minis- ter of foreign affairs, announced today to the council of ministers thet. nego tiations had been opened with President Csstro looking to a. settlement of tha controversy involving tba French Cable company, -. ' the' Kaiser'g Cup Race. H MAN Hltt lN A TRUNK vJlv.'-'f1-''' ' ; 1 '";!;; ti ' 1 " (Continued from Page One.) quick as a flash, shs struck Detective Day in tha face and ataggered him Ha begam. ahoutlng for help and the other detectives rttehed upstairs In re sponse to his calls for assistance. The lamp was lighted and tba woman was culled a war from Day. whom aha waa scratching and clawing in a manner to tally In defiance of Marquia or yueena- berrv rules.-,. . . . "I will teach you to use such language In my presence aa you did a ahort itlme ago," pantlngiy aaserted the inruruie woman. ' '.'' ', - .. Aftec rescuing Day from tha clutcbea of the -angry Mra. Testaro, tne aeieci ives held a brief conference and left the house, deciding tbey could do nothing further. They repaired to police bead quarters and prepared a lengthy report of what had occurred for the guidance of Chief Hunt.. - . r ' Thla- morning the trunk was opened by ths woman, and tha police were per mitted, to look inside, Tbe trunk was lifted and Its weight found to be about one-tenth of what it waa laat night De teotlvea admit now that had they left one of their number to guard the trunk until morning, and then gone to ' the house with a search-warrant they would undoubtedly have captured their man. NEW HEIR IS BORN TO - H, H.ROGERS' MILLIONS ' ''W .v u . - ' ' . (Joaraal Baorfal Berviee.) f New Tork.-March' IT Tha birth Of tbe flrat son to Mr. and Mra. Henry Haggles- ton Rogers, Jr., brings into the world a new heir to the millions of H. H. Rogers, vice-president of the Standard Oil com pany. A conservative estimate of the fortune piled up by the oil magnate In bis (S -ears of Ufa places It a little under tl00.000.000. Of this bla son will inherit probably I7t.000.000. .The new heir's mother was formerly Miss Mary Benjamin-, a daugh ter of tha eminent New lora patent law yer, and a -grand-daughter or .park Ben jamin, tba American poet She and Rog ers, jr., were aiarnea in octooeir, when the husband had barely attained hta majority. The bride, was a year or two older. . . - ' ..... - , MILLIONAIRE TURFMAN ; : WINS SUITIN FRANCE . (Joaraal Bpeetal Berviee.) . ' k Paria, March IT. In tha suit of Carry Swayne Gardner Kfalnst Frank Oardnar, tba millionaire turfman and mining speculator, formerly of San Francisco, the procurator today announced his con clusion, stating that. the couple were never legally married, and the claim of tha woman for damagea is unsupported. He also holda -that the woman had no right to tha use of Gardner's name, . . - Fiwfewod Steak Oaaaed Use da. Allen laiwla' Best Brand. Portland's Greatest Book Store is approaching. WehaveTJ a . npienaia line of Easter gifts, among which are Bibles Prayer Books Hymnals Booklets Cards- - Ve ; have the ' handsomest' and most: complete, line of Bibles ever shown. THE Jw K- GILL CO. ! 'y ' Booksellers sxid , . Stationers THIRD AND ALDER .' ' '. . : Easter I . . i . . . . t -a-a-a-aaa-aaawaaaaaawaw- aaaaa-.-. . ; Creai Things it Little Prices 1 1 i i I t fgy-'-i -'''''' "ta- NO Chars Uniaaa Satisfactory. -Yogi to Bo the . Judsw ' . - ATA-OtXNCE Sofoee yea have S rbaaee'te ajttee oaa word i wui UU m what to. rail for. I oar rail aaraa, yoa -aother'a m.iO.n aaaae, your fa- ir wire or aaeaaoe a aarae. giroa aaiaa, facta, aad aaawa of deaartad or abomt Meade. Me talla eeanr stata of roar Ufa. sow ta gala aaocaaa la tor, eoartahlp, aiar riage and dleoree; wbatber roa'U be aueceaa. fol la baalnooa aff.ln. Ia lact no matter what stay be your fear, hope er ambUloa. eaU aa this girted sua aad Sad relief. His eoMrlptloas of your frlenda and oae-alas are aa .real aa (noes they etooa before yoa. ne will aead yoa away happier, wiaet aod seldat mm inr o-rore, ' . TELLS TOtt WHKW -s . WHOM TOU WILL ktABRV. . ' IX TOU WISH TO" KNOW ' Bow yoa eaa kave guod raekT . . . f ' flow yea eaa euereed ta boelaeeaT ' Howyoa eaa na... roar aoaae bapsyT ! How yoa eaa conquer year one-Blear ' Hew yoa eaa atairy the aae yon eaeesat How aooa yoa eaa swrryt. , ... How yoa eaa eoaqaer yoar rlvalT -i How eooa yoor ionr will propoaet How yoa eaa get a eeeltioat How yoa. eaa reraota bad iadaeaeeaf How yo eaa beeome a rlalreojaatt ' How yoa eaa aettla your qaarrelal How yoe oaa bold your aaabaad's kwel How worn Ma Ks.1,1 m. . .If.', looot wlU give yoa lock that wine eaxaaaa ta wm. marriage, eleoree. apeealatloa, ' bau. u, oeaiia aao TroaaacuoBo oc an reatora.. loot - affeetlooa. eeoea aeeedy aad apar-marrtageo. rMBlt tb. 1-irad: I will tell yoa bow to gala tba WVe of the eae yoa dealre. eea thooira allies away, I wttl tn..aai artiM raw wilt ma,. Oainoytata aad BMNtlb-aa with SHrked ras- dlaauaue power eevetopod., .. t- .. Prof. Van Cortland 31 3 Washlnstoti Street Private gatreaee ea gnttk rt. mean t te s, Dr. B.E. WRIGHT Thasalaatlf la llerea all pain ta . dental operations. g48", Wsahlagtaa WU eor, ess. ivizrucn's c:jTl:3 syt.:? rtftr awKoaa the atatld. aofteas She svuna, aUar aO pais, oarae wtad eoUe, aad It aha Ms Tw-UTT-riva tVVweeeWv-MewVwvwVwa GENERAL GOES HOME Continued from- Page Ona.) Will prove tha salvation of tba eoantrr oy averting internal anipwreca. - The mysteries of tha letters received by the-- emperor from revolutionaries, which were constantly found In the pal ace at Tsarskoe Bek, hava been aolved by the arrest of a page named Verkovan. Tha evening Standard has received in formation that representatives Of the French bankera have left St. Petersburg wunoui concluding tne jean wmcn nua- sla Jiaa been r soliciting. -It la stated that Ruaata la determined to issue an internal loan of 1100.000,000. bearing i per cent. Tba plica of tba is sue is II to to per cant. ' ' 90W9 WA-nr : ' Uoarawl flpeelal BarrVse.) Wsahlngton. starch 1? Japaaaaa Min ister Takablra. In aa Interview today, denlea the assertion of Representative HulL chairman of the bouse military committee, that Japan will attempt to secure possession of tha Fblllpplnea, either by purchase or force. Ha says that Japan and tha United Statea ahould be good neighbors ia tha far east, and steadily develop friendly ties and mutu ally advantageous commercial relations. . t . AZXZAaTOa (Joaraal Special Berries, t ' - Birmingham. England.. March 17, The Poat aaya that Russia la about to withdraw-tha special privilege aoeorded to French war correspondenta ia tha far eaaUThla is regarded si tUo first sign! of the weakening of tha alliance Between Prance and Russia. - DOCTORS INSIST DEATH WAS DUE TO STRYCHNINE (Josraal Saeeial Serviea.) Honolulu. March 17-PhyslcJsns who attended Mra Stanford and who pay formed the autopsy issued re statement unqualifiedly refuting the contention of President Jordan . that - Mrs. Stanford's death waa due to natural causes, and reiterating their finding, that o'ryonnm waa tne cause ui n-ain, AMERICAN STUQENT IS ' EXPELLED FROM BERLIN flaaraal KnarUI llllll, I ' -smIIm Uin-h 17. Tha nfllclal nallca journal publishes an administrative or. dor expelling from Berlin, Howard Board, an American student Of music, from Coalville. Utah. No reason Is given.-: ' WOataST ACZBJfTAUT SHOT. Saa4al nian.t-fe 4 The JoeWBaLt Tekoa. Waah., March IT EUaa Tip ton, agea l, lurtea a cieaui a u. while It yet contained bne load. It was iiu,ii.r-tr the bullet aolnc comDletelr through her body. Tbe wound, while serious, la pronounced probably , not fatal. ' PACKAGE COFFEES DOWN FIFTY CENTS e This afternoon there was a e,cut of 10 cents per hundred a pounds In the quotations of both d Lion snd Arbuckle packsge eof-j. e 4 fee. The new price . goes Into g effect at once. ' ) e aoaWw4g4dWWWWW Sr rViods Dnie lax OUTZ. - 303U Wsuvhlnftoa mm aia. a ... ' Life Readings for jlJC rk.ta -LtLfuI. aVt.. -'. " SaP f. tw. a..... ' urnntr f iflDV. asm CUAHAMTKg to make yoa ae eaarge U 1 fall jto call yoa by aarae ta tau. aaaiea ef V meoaa, eaeauoa er ri-aia. a, tell n wkathaa, MM -.- Wife VM.tbe.rt Is tree er fa lee, ten yea bewte gala ta. lo. of tke oaa yoe at SMtre, eeea tawogh atlle away) sow to saeend inaa, pp.Lai.uoo, ..wvwiiai. - . r the aae veer eaotee: haw w n- gala yewtk,- health sad TlUHty. mar ni mswtaea, earas erlaa saani w" Bow eaa I kave goad steal aweeaed Is k-euifalt ah avr boom bay1 :- how eaa Bow eaa . ' How eaa j starry tba oaa 1 . gow eaa I auury well . Row eaa I wmtm' mf Hvalt m Row eaa I stake aay eae lewejser . Raw eaa I get a WttT : Hoar oaa 1 aot a eood' W. f TL.S la 1 Row raake Mataa eawa think of aw) 1 , . Row eaa J bold sty keewaad's level Honta dailt." w to t, awo grnroaT. avaa wiatnnvran sr., wa cms , , -wJID WAaHLNOTOg STS. . . dual. Contact : ' is the Only Wsjr to Appreciate r- .This . :r Modern Marrel. HAVE A PHONE ; INSTALLED JOHN t 8ABIN j Praaidenf - ,;; .. LOUIS GLASS Vice-Prea, aad Oen. Mgr. Nails and Brads crews and spikes whatever -In - hardware Is used for clinching, fastening, filing permanently or temporarily la here to be bad - by tha pound pr keg at falrent ruling prices.- We guarantee the quality of our goods and treat our customers. weU. May we sup- ply your hardware needs? NO PAIN Boston Paisless Dentists StlU agOaUUSOBJ ST. known ' the world aver, are tba only dentists In Portland having thla world inc. fllMng, or crowning teeth with iHave your teeth extracted without pain and 'replaced with new ones tho same way. Al) work guaraateed for baa years. 8ILVCR F1LLINQ8.. BOw QOIJJ FILLJNOS 75 to 91.06 f 8 TO $10 OOLD PILUNQS... S3. OO and SS.OO FILU1NQ8 93.00 to SS.OO Wa have a specialist In charge of each department. Beat artificial teeth' m altera, bent crown and bridge work' men and gold HI lore in tne world. , COaOWsT AbTD BBXDOal A SFaOIAV.TT. Give us a call and you will find we do juat as' w adverUae. TaT OXmDS, tmX A3TO MMSOXMLM Boston Painless Dentists MIM KOBBISOaT ST, Opp. Steleg U S-raak aad Old 1-eetettoa, Hours t ie a. m. to p. m. BUnday. 1:10 a. ro. to 1I:10 p. m. . ,T be aura yoa are ta ta right alaaa come In and get bottle of Cr. K. X O raves' tooth powder. free. . w v v . I AVERY & CO. I 1 1'k si vmxmo itiiw. I a t i "l-TBLt YOUR NAMBf Special Tfcis Week, 50c $5.00 Life lUaditig ire "bo mletakas la tai attde by tba treat aod woaderfel sarebia. -Tea aaay wfak te kaaw U It la aartoaoU W rate a eaaaga la baalaeas, la lava, as n t aoagaS la aw a i Oaa I abtala. af - BIT I krti".r- . . - "Baao I ever enjoy tbe lonrles at weanar- , yea I treat ar friaaobr ... . ., . ' H-e ! eaeraieor' , ' , , , Wbea .hall I mtrryT ' "- ' , "How eftea shall 1 mtrrrV ' ' , rffball I ever be dlvorradr - . . -naaa UMto, afcrnaa tha ka aat SUM Wmt beVmga te ar . ' i - "If an. wboisr . ',' '." ". . '; . i "Asj t loved la rerarar .'- . , '; Je there a rival la siy tore?"'. -Wholl abalt a. fare affair teiltJaaa sttriint" r . . -waoa Sban aiv owoieai-- "Row eaa I wake aw life and bMe bafafr' -wwi ab.U aiy abavat fn.ixJ rararar- Wky da I adt ratal -e a lettav r -r - roues in te a i4i,x !" ' 29VA Morrison St. Corner TKS noon e-r Dr. W. Norton Davb IN. A WEEK We treat aeoeaafally aO private, woato - - af aaanl la. bk aad koart. Hear, kidney aae throat broablaa. e ears BTPHILXJS (wltaoot siaiesial te stay eared forever, la So to 00 daya. We newvi naiviuaa wttaoai oaeraoee ev pau, aa m We ataa aVataa ' eba af "self Ikela. haawdtatoly. We eaa reetora tbe eenal vurae ef aay waa aodar so by aeaaa af kmU woa. . mm aataiiar - te earseivev .. n- - -. We Core Qonorrboea in a Week Vbe aoetore ef this hawjtate are all grasaaiea, have bad ataay yeerr aae eeea mow a ia roniana have a nawUtioa to tnahitala aad wttl take ae ease anion- enrtala ears eaa ease we aader, tore eawadaatlaL lawtrsetive BOOK VOS ItavA auilled free ta ntitn weaetaw. - - caanot call at orsee. Oface aears t to I aad T te aeiiaiya, u a u - Tbe laadlag aaaelanets ta tbe Itertbwast, a ', . btabUabed taaa. Dr. V. Norton Davis 6 Ca Tea Hay HeeaL . . Oar. Third sad Met Sta, ; , . rwiaUH vavaervji. NASHVILLE Portland's best and neatest sub- orb, you can bay any size house, v from 4-room modern to o-room. I have seven for you to select from. They: are all complete' and t strictly modern. You can buy today and move in tomorrow. I , also have three-not quite' com Elete on the inside for, sale at If price. Come out and make -me an offer on installments, or. very cheap for cash or half cash. . Take the Mount Scott-car, get " nff at NaahwillB station, ask fo- !-? IXI AH UVa .... a 1" The owner, in the white house at . ' ',: the station. ; ( J FOU.-SALIX! : I have a (-room - modern ' Colonial house, with full basement and large attic; piumoea ior-gas ana wiroa iw 1 .iruinciij , 1. 11.. t.iiicii, " ... and on side. Is convenient to 'two! ear , . 1 . . .ill. aw4klM .1 A tinea in uppr vi"n n w..ii... -minutes' walk of the steel bridge; 'la, in m Miwhtlv Ituatfnn and verv Aej- : slrable for a home. It Is worth $.,104. ; but it must Da sola ana no roanoueniw offer will be refused, and terma will j be made to auit 1 Look thla up at once. ; WHALrUEY . .SIS Malsy ldg-J HENRY WEINHARD ' Proprietor of tha 'J V City Brewery lVargeat and Most OOmpIeba T Jlrewary la 4 be -forth weaV Bottled Beer a Specially TmVUMTMOmTU Wa. n. Ofloe Tufltb and waraslds Bwrawba, PORTLAND. ORTCOOW. , FREE LAND IN OHcC' I ' h the ncnott gnim, frek sad etsk Sk:.' theworU. TKewjaoe. of acm oWU ir caat ef brlgadea. ' Deed street frnnt f Oregea. WRITS TO-OAT. BOOKLEf MAP mCL Ieekee. Irrlgedoa aad fewer Msr,sia-I l-l taUKi Bytlaia,Peftwas,' is- ' ,' '1V A"