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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
r"?"H"J3BH 1" ACCEPTS . : , LOCALS' OFFER Proposed Match Between Tom r my Bum and Sullivan Has V; . Been Deflnrtify Arranged. V ' ' ' xssssxfwsxeasi ssasxessssssi ' TENT AT MlLWAUICIE ' SCENE OF OPERATIONS Railway Company: .'Agrees ;,; to V. Haul Crowds From' First and Washington In Short Time. , . ; ' , t.y. t ' : Manager tarry 'McKernia" had a talk . with "Twin" -Sullivan over the long dtotasc telephone yesterday, and Sulll van .agreed to another - meeting ...with But, to take place at Milwaukee, Mar this city on the IStta of April. . v gulirraa stipulated that ho wu to bo allowed to moot Joet at Tacoraa during the ftrst week in April and that the local tclub 1 '. should guarantee " him bU' x- pensea. ' ' ' .' -'f'- ',' "" After" , conference with Manager Brtckaoa Of the Northwoat "Athletic club, tho promoter of the , new enter prise, Sullivan's atlpulationa were favor ably received, and, lie was notified to .that effect and agreed -to sign ,tb articles tomorrow. Thla means that the nungry ngnt fans of thla ctty are to be given aa op portunity of witnessing one of tho beat ring battle Jn the hlatory of boxing in this city.' ' ' Tho new crab has arranged to put tip a teat for lb flrat few battles, and afterward, aa the enterprise proves more successful, they will buUd a first class pavilion. ;; r j ":' . Mllwaukle, lust trrer the Clackamas mnntf line, has been 'Selected aa 'the sight of the new enterprise; and when the fact that the Oregon Water power Railway company has agreed to drop the patrons of the shows from First and Wssbinxton streets t at the entrance within the short apace of II minutes, it will be readily seen that transporta tion end distance will not cat any figure In the affair,,. for- a person can go to th. mv. dUm almost as aulcklv aa to the exposition building. Tne arena win be heated by a half dosen or more large wood-burning ' heaters, - so .that th crowds will isaffer -. no Inconvenience whatever. - ..-!'" i - , ' Th matching "of Sullivan '"and Burns mean that the fight fans, who are ravenous for a good battle, will be given one of the' best boats possible to l5e ar ranged -between i th ranking .. mlddle- weights .of today. - Sullivan's bout wlJJi Toung Fitsaim mons will take place at Taooma on th sd of April, the men to weigh In at ltl at o'clock, and are given the privilege of selecting their, own referee. . - Messrs. McKenha and Burns eon sen ted to allow Sullivan to pick up a little easy money in Taooma, as they found that .the general opinion around Portland was that Fltsslmmons would .prove an easy mark for the Bostoalsn. The Portland man has not stayed with th gam regularly enough to be on a nar with men like . Bull Iran. Burns. Bo heck and others, for he has quit the ring-several time In th past -few years. . Tommy Burns has commenced active training and V has secured quarters at Frits'. Second and Burnslde. wber he may be aeon any afternoon by ills ad 'mlrera. v : ' ''.,' ',''.'. HORSES IN CONDITION AT BROOKLYN TRACK '... (Jaarasl Special Servies.) ., -. A - New York, March 47. Superintendent ' Dunphy- of the Qraveeend track Is en- tbuslsstio ever the forward condition of th horses that have wintered at the Brooklyn ...Jockey - club's ; horn. ' "We have not had a case of sickness that amounted to anything since the winter et In," said Mr. .Dunphy, "and -with a few days of good weather two thirds, of the horse, that have wintered at Graves. end should be ready to race. Despite th severs weather we have had. there has never been a winter that the horses have don so wD. , Nearly- all of last year's youngsters that are quartered at the track have grown and developed ia fin sty la, end are ready to get out Into th open and begin active training at a moment's notice. It would require but a few daya to pot several of them In snap for th unit The Bagles new ball team defeated the Central achooi nine yesterday by the score of 7 to 1. . The lineup was as fol lows: Kaaies. Position ' Central. Marias ...........c Montagu Davis ..a... Dingle . Tanscher Blakoey-Llstmaa 'Thomas,. Graham Cox ...tb. ............ Pi on Cobb ..I........ .lb. ......... Holden McAff .f If...., ...... Warren Deeth ........... .ef. . . Dingto-Kellogg McKlnnon rf.. Burdtek Score by innings Central... t c 1 Kactes ...I t -I . 7 labor under the delusion that for. not. Industry and prudence Is what make men rich. Wis men build up a fortune like the build- . era of the pyramids of Egypt,' who wrought with untiring per severance until at last the top most atone wsa placed. If yon wish to succeed in the commer cial world you must study and . work until you master the situa tion. There is no better place to prepare yourself than at th. . - BEIIWKE-WALKER ; BUSINESS COLLEGE where bookkeeping and shorthand are thoroughly taught by compe tent teachers. ; Car. Sixth ial Morrlsoa ana, 1 Open ell th year. Bar and alga. Not an unemployed graduate ,CaU or send for catalogue j races.- . ... . WUi AT BAgPknXIi. MJAHBRINUS DEFEATS ALL STAR BOWLERS - t Winning Team Wins AH Three - Contests From Their Op ponents at Ten Pins. -' ----' Th Oambrinus team proved last ev ening that they are rightly the league leaders by taking the All-Btara. who are second In the race, into camp for all three game. Th contest was vary ex citing and much enthusiasm was shown. Withers of th All-Stars had th high average.' lt. He also had the highest single game, making ISO In his second. Mr McMaaamy won the ladles' prise for high score yesterday. Many ladles took advantage of ladles- day and en joyed themselves by bowling many games, "';?- v..- The Portland Stars bowl a pick-up team Sunday afternoon. They want the practice, so they will be la good form when tbey meet the Monarcha of Seattle.- . , , The scores f last evening's match were: . Oambrinus' ., (1) 1 () A' 1st ltl Ave. : Kneyse in Hoffman '..-...154 117 lit 111 t-l m i i4iii4 i-i Schonenback ..171 kwiuii . .... 110 ! ! ..".,...147. ! ltl-rlM 1-1 Ball Totals, .141 tZ6 Ilf;, All-SUrs ' Withers .', v. . . . lanond . i. ..'.., Boulanger ....... Hague . ..... . . Hanson . ....... (1) (J (I). Ai ltl .214 17 II Av.. 239 134 171 144 I2S 171 !& 101 114 1-1 14 114 -141 111 1-1 J4&' ISl 14S 1 X Total . .m iit 7i 1 SANTA BARBARA STAKES" CAPTURED BY ASTRAL II (Joarsal Special Servies.) Los Angeles. March 17. Th feature vent at Ascot Park yesterday, th Santa Barbara stakes, was captured by Astral II. quoted at 21 to I. - Dr. HUlla and Silver Sua, th first and- aeoend choices, got off ' badly, whicb-naadlcapped their chaneea. Summary: - Vive - and a half furlongs General Hanloit won, Frank I Parley aecond, Kelvarraco third; time, !:. Fkv furlongs Th Reprobat won. Philanthropist second. , King Thorpe third; time, 1:01. 1 -.' . Mile and an eighth -Churchllght won. May Holllday second, Flora Bright third; tine, 1:00. . f - The- Santa - Bafosra J stakes, sweep stakes, for J-year-olds.- 4H furlongs. 11.000 added Astral II won, Ala Rut .li -nnil fliivar Rim third: time. 0:64 U. ' Six furlongs Workman -wen. Cutter second. Bluecoat third; time. 1:15, Mlhj and an eighth Loa Angelo won. Oentfle Harry second. Erne third; time, l:60H.' .' - ' ' . t ' r2ametrttlla aMaml. ' D.. WannlaAA " March 1 ColleCtOT Jessup. in the .last race., was the only favorite to scor t JBmeryvuie yester day, and th talent was hit hard. Sum- " Four and "half furlongs April's Pride won, I'm Jo second, Supervtsloa third; time. :!!. ' .Flvo furlongs EdtnbOTOugb-woa, Tarn O'Shanter second. Pickaway third;-time, I'Alli t t w ..-., . ' k Vk.. n- T.Tifi.1 wan. Hhellmonnt nnit. rai OrandD third: time. 1:47. ' Mil and 6 yards Modicum - won, Dora I second. Barney Dreyfu third; time.' 1:41. A -trrr ' Futurity ' ours Orenor v won, Oloomy Gus second, Saecnarate third; time. 1:11. ' ' " ' v Six furlongs Collector Jessup won, Delagoa second, Souffrler third; Um. 1:11.. , . V' - .... AM epslaga.' Hot Springs, Ark.,. March IT Oak lawn results: . ' ' Four' furlongs Tr. Hellsworth won, Letty second,. Sarsapartlla third; time, t:0. . w- n. "-y - qi. mA - h.1 fiirlnnrs Crown Prlnoe won. Thii.Oe Do second, Iole third; time. 1:2. -e- .- ' f . One mile Hussalt wonTVaawUt sec ond, Orenade third: time. 1:4. di. f ii.i.. Tin Ness won. Joe Oosa second, . Folios Bcrgeres third; time, 1:14. Six. furlongs Emergency won. era r tJIrls second. Marco third; time. 1:12 -6. Mil and -an eighth Sanction wen. Falkland second. Colonsay "third;- tim. i:6ii-. ..-J 1 : ..":;. i. ; . " '' ' -.fiw Ortaui 2MltSf ' : ' New Orleans. March 4T- New Orleans Jockey dub results: ,. ' V " t Mileand a sixteenth Messo won. Dr. Stephens second. Velos third; time, 10. Six furlongs Ed" Early won.. Hadrian vf . T.olr .Kled! time. 1:14 I'K. -Three and a half furlongs Blsek Eye won, Wagstaff seoona, Hanaosg iniru; time, :41 -. nw nrionss Kittle Plstt won. Es cutcheon second. Trapper third; time. 1:24 4-6. .. ... Mil and a sixteenth Montpelier won. The Huguenot second, Male Hanlon third; time, l:4"7I-8. ' ' - Six furlongs Opinion won, Monamour second. Clique third; time. 1:16. Fiv a half furlongs Arch Old ham won, Whlppoorwlll second. Stella Allen third; time, 1:011-. f ILTUODT AJTB irOASTsTT. t (Jeersal gpsrlsl Bervtee.l Butt,- - Mont.. March 17. "Honey" Mellody and Jerry McCarthy will meet in a 20-round contest before th Sliver Bow Athletic club this evening, and the admirers of McCarthy, who is a local fighter, are displaying a great deal of confidence over, the outcome. McCarthy has trained faithfully and is in first class condition. The same is said of Mellody, who does not' sppear affected by the high altitude. A the day Is a holiday, the club expects a record-breaking crowd to attend the mill. . , ,. JOB WAXCOTT ma-BsTTBU . BHTO. , '(Jearsal Special Sarrloi.l ' Portland. Ma. March 17. Before a local sporting club tonight Joe Walcott, the welterweight champion, will be seen In the ling for the first time sine he had a hole shot through his hand sev eral months ago. His opponent will be George Ounther, - the -"Melbourne - Kan garoo."- 1 Walcott appears t nav en tirely recovered the use of hi hand, and appears otherwise to be. In good shape. OAJuSsTBB TO IT CKBBOX. (Journal gpertsl Bntl.) . . Salt take. Utah, March 17. The sport ing element of this city Is on edge In anticipation of the fight tonight be tween George Gardner, the former llght- heavywelght champion, and - Mike Be h reck of Chicago. As th men sr re garded ss pretty evenly matched, the fight Is expected to he a lively affair from gong to gong. Both appear to be OOiraS TO OOMTBTB. The members of the Waverly Golf club confidently hope that enough members of tho club will participate In the matches tomorrow afternoon that the events will be mad Interesting by com petition. The princlpel event will be the mlx'd foursomes,, which Is expected to bring out th best golfers In th elub, T. ' fHE OREGOn"dAILY ' JOURNAU PORTLAND, ' FRIDAY e s gg MSjBB-ggg IS . I I g3s:g i . , - ,- : : ,1. : ..! . ... .... .. .... . : irrn n::. A matchless uTay of the choiewt products and our own Oregon looms, made to ;our special order J. " ASPZam makers Nhie years of squire dealing add; hdnest .value-giving have earned for u. a repu . everv future transaction must and will sustain. Though often tempted by manufacturers to nanaitr inienor meiwinaiK """ C i JlTe i I f5 M to alSSWbuf first class, ddable good. to:enterur .toande JJj TZSlh . . our course, n. new cnainKc, new wuv uuuu-v e . m chudren popular priced,' down-tomato spring wear.- We invite the inspection' f every person y , comprehensive stock of the Shirts. . . : . . . . . . . . ... White and Fancy Vests. .. . -mm suits i$ V:' -": : :- X , J". .'j.-a v 1 m A f x mmmm Men's Furnishings ( PLAIN AND "FANCY HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR, " GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, ' SUIT , " CASES AND UMBRELLAS. '.' OINUY HIOH-CLASS CLOTHING, SIX TEAMS ENTER" IN TRACK MEET Athletic Events at Columbia To morrow Will Be Witnessed by a Large Crowd. - Tlj field meet at Columbia university tomorrow afternoon promises to be on of th most Interesting event; of the kind ever pulled off In this city. Bit organisations have -entered - the, contest, nnd eacli is to use- its utmost endeavors to win the handsome silver trophy offered By th 'vsrslty as a prlss for th team capturing th high est number of point a- --'" The Portland High school, which is showing great Interest In athletics this season, will be represented at th meet by a team of eight promising young ath letes, who will strive to capture th cup for their organisation. . The soldiers st Fort Stevens are sending a team of 14 men, who are com ing by special boat and Unci Sam's men are confident of making s strong bid foe. th trophy. . Th army will also be represented by a team of six ,mra from Vancouver barracks. Professor Rlngler of the T. M. C. A, wHl take a team of 11 young men over and endeavor to add the trophy, to the association's collection. . Oscar Kerrigan snd some 10- mem bers of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club's track team will strive to win the trophy for th crimson snd whit club men Columbia university will depend. An a dosen of her best young athletes for th " : t . Mrimi imi " "IvilGn S pog Comprising rore than 100 choice patterns ' for selection, in every weave and color plain and fancy' " worsteds, novelty cheviots, tweeds and, Scotches, in brown "and gray mixtures, stripes and overplaids; ;' chockful of style'; hand tailored throughbut, single and double ' breasted models, made to fit men . yof every newest styles in v ... , . .$1 to $3 ... . . . . . . . ,$1J50 to f4 maintenance of th 'varsity's .honor In this event. The brunt of Columbia's work Is likely to call on Dan Kelly, Kay Hlnkl and Jo Mangold, tb first named being depended on to carry off tb hon ors in th sprints for the 'varsity. . The big indoor gymnasium st Colum bia will amplx accommodate th many friends of the competing teams who will Journey to th 'varsity tomorrow, and Coach Lonergan of Columbia, ha mad arrangements with the Portland Consoli dated Railway company whereby tbey are to run extra car ror the accommo dation of those who wish' to visit the university tomorrow. A great deal of Interest is being taken In th vnt, and a big crowd will go to Columbia. (Jeerssl Rpeeisl Ssrrie.) Boston, a March 17: Th It-men checker tesfm representing Oreat Brit ain and America played 11 'game yes terday, six of which were won by the Americans. Several tie games were played. - Tba standing of the teams stnoe the tournament started two-days ago Is: British, 14; Americans, ; drawn. 17. sot Tamaara wmioirt a (Joaraal Special servies.) Des Moines, la March 17. W. H. Hrr of Concordia estsblisbed a world's rcdd for open trapshooting at th Iowa Stat Sportsmen's tournament yesterday by breaking 307 targets without a miss. ASSOCXATXOsT. rOOTBAXft. ' A game of association football will be played tomorrow afternoon between the Portland aaeoctaHoa football elub and an all-star team. Th game wlH he played at Hawthorn Park and will commence promptly at 1:1 p. m. e EVCNINO " MARCH 17. .1 r wr-.v A. 'naw cnnni tnrouffnout. rnsjccs "' r 1 "Ti " Clothes" ejsrsvt skaA tapering with- a- . fetching build . f v ; -' WISY HAT aUANTtO .. . ' Best $3 Hat on Earth NORTH OP IDAHO 'VARSITY : - - DEPEATS FRESHMEN sxessaxessssKSBBwakaaasss ' , " (Speeisl Dispstrs te The Joorssl.) University qf Ids bo, Moscow, Ids.. March 17--The preparatory basketball team succeeded Tuesday ,in crowding th freshman one notch lower. The praps say they tried to lose the game, but the freehlea would not have It. . The 'OS's were handicapped, however,, by th loss of . three of jthelr beat , playera. They now hold the cellar championship, hay ing been beaten by the '07 a. The game was hard up to th stand ard established by the interclass teams, and lacked th usual exciting plays. The 'OS's excelled In team work. The guasoV Ing done by Morrow was all , that kept the preps from- running up a higher score. - The preps excelled in Individual plsying, tb work of Uanna 'and Oriner being especially-good. The final scor stood to t in favor of the preps. - The following is th line-up of th Chimney Pipe. Bewer PIpeV Flre . Proofing, Drain Tile, Building Brick. Flue Lining, Vitrified Pav ing Brick. . . ' i ' Diamond Crick Co. Office and Yard Foot Ankeny St, Portland, Or. . , . .;.-inJ...s. T. uus store jroruatnas srcatcsi. m." t . . ... . - . . , who admire, the : beautiful fa nounq lyyen s A novelty designed especially for e '''.,'''.' ... young chaps who desire some thing smarter, and snappier than ' the ordinary styles. Coats', have wide. -.peaked lapels and are made i4 m ske tIJ stei tJ4 m tV . Tf 1U kIVAU OaJVIaaUW W JUM ssWams to 'a close-fitting , waist, flaring,1 creased skirt; designs ; durable fabrics lo.oo.. h li '- , v sT mm a aw $20.C Boys' and Children's Dept. The largest assortment of all new juvenile togs shown , s by any 'western housei -'. 'Buster, Norfolk and double breasted models, made T from all-wool fabrics that combine elegance and dura'; bility the great characteristic that has made our boys' ----- clothing so immensely popular. ; ; Priced at $2.50 t6 $7.00 f "victor" balls,umasks, gloves, etc, h "-with"al1 THE CHAMBER teams: - Freshmen Center, McPherson; forwards, - Mudgett and -Matthews; guards. Morrow and Whitehead. Preps Center. H. Smith; forwards, Horn' and Hanna; guards, Qrtner and P. Perkins. WABJB-O'XnrB SOTTT Of. (Joerssl Iperlal SerVlee.) GraSd Rapids, Mich., March IT. Th fight betweta Jack O'Keefe and Mike Ward, which was .slated to take plar last, night befor a local club, wss d. clsred off. Th reason given by the club la th failure of O'Keefe to post his forfeit and otherwise meet the terms of th agreement ", ' . . SUTTI TO-XATI BASsTBAXX. -.-Zritamtt spsetet gerrlee.) r-" Butte,' Mont, March 17. -C. H. Lan, J. R. Wharton and Malcolm QllHes hsve secured th Butte franchise In th Pa cific National leegu. and this city -will be represented by a first-class baseball club. ,. . . ' - STOLE BOARDER'S FURS : AND SET HOUSE AFIRE ' . . ' . (Speeisl Dtrpatek to The Jeerssl.) Seattle. March 17. Mrs. Chsrlott Thompson,, who was tried a month ago on th charge ef having set 'firs to her boarding-hous at tl Yesler Way and soqulted. Is ander arrest again charged with grand larceny. She was taken Into custody at Olympia yesterdsy afternoon and brought to the county jail last night. At th tlm of th Ar th house wss robbed ef much valuable ' clothing be longing to Mrs. Nicholas Lunnlsg. the San Francisco girl who a few months ago married th ton of Millionaire Lnn nlng of Oakland, who father, alt it "s. IWhWw V4V MiVU m lWT J , SUeVU II ?' .... - dress. J -d - OF COMMERCE PcithnNorvoEsccnsa atSTOUS BtaJTHOOD Ru eared Thnesasdi of esses ef Nervous neblllty, IbsdbuU as atro. stay. Tbey - eleer e Brsia. sren(una u etreslstloB, SMke dlsestloa effect ss4 Usssrt ma turtle vigor Is the whole being. All arslas. and I rusn stopped 'pennseently. $1.00 per nox( boxes gssrssteed 1o care, or reran f i . J Bioeey, so.ou. V , i mnm. - mns irvo, Perslss Med. Co., Arch .st. Phllsdslpbls. Ps. Bold Is Portland oalr by Frsok Ms. . Portland Hotel . Phsrmscy. ! - . ! Park 'sad Wsshtottoa, PortUod, Ortfoa ... .'The' School'ol Oualrty" V MODERN, PRACTICAL; COMPLETB ' Opes aS the year., Cexalegse free A. P. ARMSTRONO. LL. B.. PRINCIPAI. the wedding, cent th young man adrift. Mr. and . Mrs. . Lunnlng were guests at the-T bom peon boarding-house, and at her trial for arson Mrs. Thompson, being able' to show a robbery had been com mitted, she was dlschsrged. Th furs were discovered In the possession of a woman, who stated tbey wer a pre, ent from Mrs. Thompson. Builds up th system, puts pure, rich blood In the veins; mskes men sod wo men stroVig and healthy Burdock Bleo4 Bitters. At any drug store. . ' .'I 5 V .. , t" r-:' V - ,:r 1