The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1905, Image 1

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The Clroudn
Ths 7ea3iejr. , .'
' Tonight and Saturday, showers,'
rartabU wind. moeUjr waster! y, 4,
: v
Of The Journal
VOL. IV. NO. 10.
r rV
x Afi JIiirpiiy m I weCaiholid
Commemorative Services
Are Held for Ireland's
Patron t Saint :
President Makes' a; Special Trip
(to New York for This Pur
I - pose Celebration the '-
; ' World Over;
Doubly alcnUleaDt vera th rrloca
- at SC. Patrick' churca,, Nlntacnth and
Cavtrr stTMU. at 19 o'clock thla mornlnr.
- Bt Patrick la tha patron aalnt of tna
church, and th aervtoaa war bald , la
eommamoratloa , of , tha , death or tha
aalnt. Tw hundred members -of tha
Anclrnt Prdar of Hlbernlana marcbad ta
. .. a body from tha-pariah hall to tha
churoh. " Archblabop Cbrlatla - aaalitad
tn solemn h1h maaa, which waa aunt
by Rar. Father Murphy, paator, aaalated
by rather Huabea. of Bt. Lawrence,
deacon, and Father Phelan. of Columbia
unlrarslty, sub-deacon, . Father Daly
and Curly, of 81. alary church, assist
ad at tha throne of tha archbishop, )
The .sermon waa dellrered by Rer.
Father- Henneaey, of Columbia unhrer
. lty. who spoke on tha "Destiny of tha
' Irish Rsoe." briefly outllnlnc tha
' stniRKt of tha people for relltlous and
nollUcal freedom.. ,i. -i
A special mualoal pros;ram waa ran
' dared by tha choir nder the leadership
of Mrs. J. K. Owens. , . I
At tha Empire theatre at f o'clock this
evenlna the Ancient Order of Hlbaratana
will celebrate the anniversary or rat.
Patrick' day. ; Joseph- R- Jackson of
Butte, a nephew of Bourka Cockran. will
deUver-Ahe principal addraaa on. -cno
Irishman of tha Present Day."
. Amonc those who will sins; will be
s Mrs. Walter Read. Mrs. Rosemary Gloa
Whitney, Miss .Kathleen Lwler,' Miss
Mae Breslla. Mrs Elisabeth A.' Harwma
and . Frank D.'Hcnneeser. Frank Rich
ter wlU render a number of Irish airs on
the piano, and .Rlohtera orchestra will
play. - - . - -
.Thera'waa a laraa audience, at 81.
Mary's church hall, on Stanton Street.
iToner Alblna. last ntaht when an aoel
' lent program waa .rendered in nonor of
St. Patrick day. The address of tha
evening waa delivered by John P. Kavs
nauth. who sooke on tha "Ufa and Char-
actor , of St Patrick." . The following;
rorocram. under the direction of .Miss
Mollis Reynolds, was rendered:
- Violin solo. Miss Julia Burks; Intro
duetory remarks. Prof. W, H. Tlemey;
tenor aolo, "Kathleen Mavoarneen,'M.
J. Keating: harp solo.. Mlsa Eleanor
MordiioS: recitation. 'Albert Johnson
vocal solo. "The Harp That Once Thro
Tares Halls" (Balfe). .Miaa Kathleen
lawler: vocal duet. "Oh. That Wa Two
Were Maying." Mrs. Olarn and Mr.-Keat
Ing; address. John P. Kavanaugh; con
tralto solo. Mlsa Mae Brealln; recitation.
Fred - Jones; soprano aolo, Mrs. Fran
"XJlaonr male "quartet. Noreeh Moreen,
Messrs. Keating. Sullivan. Tauacher and
- Sheehyr The program doeed with "Amer-l
tea." sung by theaudleoce.
rrasldam Arrtvoa la' Hew Tack as
- f sWot- St. Patrtak.
Moeraal 8swtalaWrka)T
- Kew Tork. March IV Far the second
' time within a month President Roose
velt came to New Tork today to be tha
guest at a- series or Junctions in nia
honor. The presidential ' special waa
met at. Jersey City by a delegation rep
resenting tha Friendly Sons of St. Pat
rick which acted aa escort to tha horn
of the president' stater, Mrs. vougias
Robinson, in West Fifty-seventh street.
This afternoon the preetdent attended
tha wedding of his niece. Miss Eleanor
Roosevelt, and 'her cousin, - Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, which took place at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Pariah, la East Seventy-sixth street.
At an early boar tbta .evening the
Sixty-ninth regiment will escort the
president to Delmoplco'e. where be will
address the Friendly Sons ef St. Patrick
at their annual banquet. . From Del
monlco'a he will proceed to tha Hotel
Astor to be .the guest of. honor at the
' banquet! of the Sons ef tha- American
' Revolution. Other speakers . at this
' function will Include Senator Chauneey
M. Depew. Lieut-Gen. Adna R. Chat fee
and Brlr-Oen. Frederick D.-Oarnf.
aBMBOTaMaanramnaaaaMBa. ., -'
" Jaraal BpeeUI rvles.f
. Boston.' March 17. Tha celebration
ef the anniversary of the evacuation of
Boston, for which Ambassador Juase
rand and other men of note are here
as guests of the South Boston Cttisens"
association, took plsew today. The ob
servance ef the day was confined mainly
to tho South Boston district, as from
fortiflcatione erected there the patriots
compelled tha British to .leave. Thin
afternoon there aa a big military pa
rade tn Whir a tha state mUltla. coast
artillery and marines and) Jackie from
the Tatted State warships in tb har
bor took part, -
; - fji'tfjf'fkjll BpWHaTtt 9094 -
Houston. Tex.. March IT. The most
' Impressive St. -Patrick' day ceremonies
ever carried out in thta rtty were thoa
leading up to and Including the asvetl
ing ef a mtnument in Market square
erected to the memory ef Lieut. . Dick
Dowllng and his little band of Heroes
. .I i 4-
' I. - f
Icngshsfemen -arid SaB
-Threaten TrccKe.'
f '.'!
"h.'-"!hC-4. -i . tW;
U : at , . ' ' - 'i '
Landsmen Refused to Work With
the Tars; Nor Would They
' Permit Them -to Unload ?
vv Ship Peaceably. ' '
Under polios' protection sailors'
gaged In loading the Amerii
tine T. M. Emlgh at the Portia!
bar eomnany'ai mllu This is ni
because, of the Incipient riot that broke
out -this morning between sailor and
longshoreman, each of whom claimed the
right-of--Joadtng- tha- vessel,- - Revolvers
ware drawn, and had It not been for the
counsel of i few of the cooler . heads
bloodshed would probably have resulted
. Declaring that he believed nia life
waa- in danger, -C aariea - Bock. - a aaember
of the sailors' union, drew his rsvolver
on a crowd composed of about SO long
shoremen. ' He waa arreeted by Fatrot
man Porter a few.mtautea later-on the
charge of carrying a concealed- weapon.
HI bearing waa.aet.for. 10 o'clock this
morning, but waa continued until tomor
row. fl-V '- V .-.!
The. saJlors . union .hag retained Attor
ney Citron to daend-Bock, Who waa re
leased on ball. Warrants wilt be taeued
this afternoon for -the arrest of J. A.
Madaen. secretary. Toby Smith. ' D.
Shrader : and several other member of
tha- longshoremen organisation .on a
charge of assault and .battery. - Intone
or two Instaneea it is aald the more
aerioua charga .of. Snaking .thteata. to kill
ami be made against the. men. ..J,
-x. f ,vaiwa Are -na;.-.?C- ...
Th trouble ia an outgrowth -af . tha
dlfferanoea between the two waUi-front
uniona. For several weeks feeling be
tween them Has beea running high. As
Bock .and. two other, sailors ware going
to the, Amerlcaa barkeatlae- T. Ml
Emlgb to' assist loading .her, they say
they were intercepted by a crowd of
longshoremen who threatened to do
them bodily Jiann if them refused to re
turn to town. Pressing clos on the
sailors th longshoremen are said to
have beea In the act of carrying out
their threat whan fiock drew a revolver
nd defied them. On of th man In the
attacking crowd allpped away -and tele
phoned the' polloa atation,. and office rs
aoon appeared on the scene and pre
vented bloodshed. . . v' -
After th arreat. however, , Captain
tpeen. master of tha Etnigh. aay about
IS member of th longshoremen' union.
made a visit to his ship and threatened
to attack thro other- members of th
sailors' union If they persisted la th
work of loading the veeaal. .
"Their threats had th desired effect."
continued th captain, "and the men
started to walk ashore. - Evidently on
of them did "won proceed faat enough.
and he waa seised by the longshoremen
and escorted toward town at a lively
him. wanted tha sailors to remain.
but they believed their live war in
Jeopardy and refuaed to Katea to me.
As nana! there officers around
at tha time, and I was powerless. to
do anything bat protest against th pro
ceedings. - ...
"I have telegraphed the vessel's own
er at Ban Francisco concerning ' the
situation, and until I hear from them I
will have to get along the beat way I
can In the work of loading th veeeeL
bar four sailor who algned articles
. 8aa Francisco to make th voyage
with ma to Shanghai. - Th longshoremen
want me to discharge Yheoe men. , It ta
Impossible for me to do ao without some
reason, -aa such action would .bo against
th United States law. I would give
th longshoremen the work If they would
agree to do It with ray crew. But this
they . refuaed. and It became necessary
for me to employ sailors from th anion
hall to do longahor work." . ' '
Two police officers ar now at the
dock on guard duty whll the four mem
bers of tb crew are placing lumber oa
th vessel. ' . '
flearaa! Saeatal lUrrlea. -'
Waafctngtonv . March IT The comp
troller of th currency has Issued a call
today for reports on th condition of na
tion! banks at th close ef ' business
Tuesday. March It. ,
Hew the
f . Oot of tha dawn ofyT
breast of 1 JL
Eh Druid dream's ii
if th aong of its cua;X
th NIsfat into TarmV
th Crocs throofh'a
Opacan's sword and Barbi
rTh Spirit of th Celt.'
. . - - . ... . -I ! . . i
" "4ant o'er fierco bdin's
. ybaniah acattered fleet,
deepoiled sward, 'neath
V turn phAntjTf'e feat; ? V
Surging naftiaed
. Thro -li
f aoarnal dv Aea.l '
Washington, MVchv i-Th conclud
ing chapter la tie fantvda litigation be
tween tha Ham
fmaa and H1U Interest
over tha dlatrll
Jtlon of tha Sfeasta of
th 'Northern
euritla ' eompaay v
begun this
alng, whan th HU
Morgan attorney! applied t th United
State supreme cdhrt for tb immediate
iawuanoa of a .mandate of the recast de
cision rendered by tha oonrt. i
W. P. Clough, general counsel for. the
Northern- Becurltiea oompany, mad th
application, which was opposed by Max
wall Kverts, representing tha Barrlmaa
Clpugh argued that "unless tb man
data waa issued Immediately, , the In
Junction of th circuit court of New
Jersey preventing the . distribution of
funds under tha 'Northern. Securities
Magnates Who Took Advantage
of Bull Market Reap Profit
. of Millions.
; (Jearaal Special Service.) -
New Tork. March 17. Out ef the tur
moil of Wall street there is pouring a
steady stream of money Into tb pockets
of those who held on and nava taaen
advantage of th bull market. So great
In volume is th stream of bank note
that It represent winnings beyond any
but th wildest dream or avarice. -
Among those who have profited to the
extant of' millions by tb upward trend
of tb market are William Bockereuer,
tlf.eoe.eeo;' John W. Gates, ll.OOO.eoa,
and C M. Schwab. 4,m.00. H. H.
Harrhsan la teoe.eo ; winner,--With
thoni numerous leaser-light . n the!
worlo of finance made mrgs gains.
Fifteen months ago, when Caton Pa
cific waa selling at .about 7 . Rocke
feller is knowa to have purchased 10,
Oe sbarea of stock. Rockefeller ha
dtsuoeed of little or no part of his hold
ings, meanwhile the stock has advanced
te point la value.- In addition to his
holdings of Union Pacific. Mr. Rocke
feller bought Urge blocks of other sera
ritlea which have steadily advanced. Hia
wlnnlncs In tha present trail market are
estimated conservatively ati IU.000.aOO.
John W. Gates, th head of the pool
of Chicago capitalists, formed for the
purpose of dealing in United State
Steel preferred, recently realised 1 1, .
09 aa the result of , several months'
transactions. Schwab wad U.m.oee
tn the same securities.
(Jasraet BpeeU! Serrles.?
Chicago. March 17. Robbed of 2
and burned to death by th burglar In
an oll-atsratd bed 1 declared to have
been the fate of Heary Hauamaa. Haue
nan returned from Loulavllle about
March 1 with I2e. Sunday evening.
Prtsiderit Ia Guarded While on th Train Carrying Him Fronv Washington to
, ' It--
-l ; h-l : 'V'TrhunAM
' .' r-- . .77- . .. '. . . The Tr
.of thefBetter I
oea hays fek
JL Whole tdl an upward
iirit of the Celt - J
' . . V . '. I
m m
deennon would remain In
tying up
property worth half a
After, hearing argumen
by both
counsels. Chief Justice Full
took th
motion under advisement.
i The deel' rendered
ta of
M 1 :
day and af daaJred nr
by liui
a, case. ugn py
Rockefeller, lo Co, and oth
er agwt 3 -i.y lrpont Mor-
gan and ot
red th eon-
trol offc
of tBv
Jo and g half
L - The decision
ts th oootrol
J la the afurmath of the
decision renwered by the supreme court
faat year declaring tha Northern Beeuri.
ties company: Illegal. Harrlman demand
ed the return of the actual Northern Pa
etna shares that ho smt Into th com-
March I. a commotion was heard In the
room occupied by Hausman In, hla board-Ing-bouae.
Moat of the boarder ar
women, and for a time they feared to
onen the -door.- Finally tha door waa
(broken open end the room' waa found on
fire, and Hausman, terribly--burned,
lrlng unconscious on the biasing bed.
An oil stove used te heat th room had
been overturned and th oil saturated
th bedclothlng, which Ignited..
A stranger rushed past th woman,
down th stairs and out th front door.
Hausman later became Insane and died
at Passavaat hospital. Th man who so
quickly disappeared la unknown.
'. 1 i ' - . 'I ! (
eoagreasinau Blnger Hermann, whose
early arrival, from Washington Is ex
pected, has retained the firm of Dolph,
Mallory, Simon Oearla to defend him
In the coming trials when he I to an
ewer to -the indictment for complicity
m the land frauds. While the fine will
appear as Hermann' ettorneya,- It ta un
derstood that John M. Oearln, the Junior
member, will hses eerpehlal ehjusa of tha
conduct of Hermann's drfene in court
Gearin la Imowa as a very suoeessful
Jury lawyer. .
II. s. Wilson of The Dane I to ap
pear for Congressman Williamson, and
Judg A. 8. Bennett, also of The Dallea,
ha been retained by Senator Mitchell.
There will -doubUea ,be a .xonoerted
acbeme of defens among th attorneys
for th Indicted members of th Oregon
delegation. It Is supposed that J ad re
C IL Carey will at least assist In tb
dafem-e of. hie partner, 'F. P. Mays, who
was Indicted with' Mitchell. Williamson,
Hermann, and others for complicity In
the Blue . Mountain conspiracy.
Judg Bennett and H. 8. Wilson held
protracted conference la thls .crry ' yes
terday afternoon,' preaamabiy for the
purpose of agreeing upon a lino of de
fense. It la th general belief that tb
attorney e for the defendants will resort
to obstructive tarttca, and thht bertef
has been confirmed fey some expressions
Of Senator Mitchell.
widow's Bwrauare . avtrsirs.
(Slpeetal . tHevatPk to The Jearaal.)
Coltoti. Wash., March 17 A small,
dwelling' and all It content belonging
to Mrs, Amelia Jones, a widow with four
children, burned y eater-Jay, No Insar-
aace. , , '. . d. i. .
RST . -
IiMm- ? f ' ii " i . f
tnoV V
X A Cry of a J
ra lwelt. Tha th'
bill Bui
. J k
it o'er thelTempter trd J,
ant a choulish wraith. V -
herti V-iat die Ancient Wrimg,
a. ( w - . 1 " " -W
v sod. yd o
it Of teU
oned hail of the acattered
writ on the Irjah' Scroll.
on cannot atuL- " -"ot
vV ss
. !
. ',.
. - f
h had seetireW J
t eontrol ef the roadTj
Morgfuv In dissolving th 8a-
eompany, offered to "pro rat
snare Paclno
ft """af th Great Northern,
M Vet of.nuttlna Harrl-
4, Jtht lr in tb Northern' Pa.
cK -A f ' t I - i- i
XaNortbem Securities eompany waa
formed br the Intaraata of th Great
Northern, and consisted of a merger of
thNorthera PaolOo and Great north
ern, bolder of railroad. Stock urrandar
lng It for stock In th Securities) com
pany, which else acquired a controlling
Intercut la the Burlington. When the
merger was declared Illegal a plaa of
pro rata distribution was adopted, giv
ing each stockholder share In Individ
ual roada Instead of th stock originally
put into th combine.
Senator Morgan Charges That
Govemrfient Is Being Used
In San Domingo.
. (Jearssl Sseelal Sarvlee.)
Wash teg to iv March 17 Senator Mor
gan of Alabama, la discussing the Do
minican treaty In the senate yesterday
afternoon. ' mad a aenaaUonal attack
upon William N. Cromwell of New Tork.
who, he alleged, waa responsible for the
formation of the government vf Panama
and th sale of the oahal to the United
8 La tea. Cromwell waa accused of being
the prime mover In the scheme to In
terest the United State In tha affair
of -the Dominican government and of
representing a syndicate which desires
to prevent another American syndicate
from ec nr lag certain eoneesslon given
Morgan accused Cromwell ef using
undus influence to obtain th Interfer
ence of the United State In favor of
hia Syndicate, which holds a mass of
claim against th Latin American re
publics, lncruding a larg part ' of the
debt against tha Dominican ' govern
menti and ef desiring the United Statea
to do for Santo Domingo a much as
hsd been done for Panama,
The disclosores made by Morgan were
debated ail day.
fjoarael aertal SmpvW.) '
Washington. March 17.--Protet have
been made against the appointment of
Oenrg H. Baker es marshal and Joseph
B. Llndaley ss attorney for the new
Washington Judicial district. Until the
Investigation hss been made no ap
pointments will be sent to the senste. .
' The crayon portrait of Blnger Hermann
which he presented to the general land
office apon his retirement a ad which
haa since hung on the walls has mys
teriously disappeared and no one knows
what haa become of it i
.' -: W-
et.yiC& ta.ej'
r 1 i
yriutriw 1 - xl, X.
itheV n. . tn
r J ;
rtr I . M T Lr
J I " Jtea.
-w ' ' ' - "V. J " TT C f
a. ,ww ,w sv m m a snaa , . . , .. . e-Xay
, ' ' ,ae t - . g .
I pinar wnicn -jr
liav mmm
r i
th St. Patrick's Daw Celebration in
' .. i
And Officers Sent to Ar
rest Him Thought He
Then She Invites Joe Day Into
Small Room and Licks Him
for Using Vulgar Language
" - In Her - Presence, -
Sbt elty oVtectiw were badly foaled
by one email woman last night, whoa
cleverness forced them to return to th
e4c atation without the man they
All til time they were search
for the-alleged-criminal he
coaled in a trunk, which the officers
requently handled. ; - r -
During the anarch Detective Joe Day
waa decoyed 'Upstairs, away from hla
companlona, and soundly thrashed by
the woman, who truck him repeatedly
in the face after extinguishing a light.
yelled lustily for help and was
ued by th officers, as th woman
clawing and scratching Ilka
u-vaJlur ot the detective to arrest
yatard. wanted at St tuU, Mc.
f ling names to -railroad tickets
K r contempt- f -court, though he
wwrlthln their reach for four hours,
ta looked on aa one of the blggeat
fiasco ia the history of even Portland'
police department An Inexplicable fee
ture of the affair Is thst at one time
the detective actually snspected that
the man waa In th trunk. Their sua
ptclona bor no fruit, however, as not a
member of th posse thought to tak
th proper step to prove Lhasa rcorrect
" fee Bay Waa Tbsja. ' .
John Csnpary, the alleged partner. In
erltncnf TeaUioY-wtm recently arreated
at St lunula, where he la now awaiting
trial. Word was received from Chlof
of Police Kelly several day ago that
Teetard waa thought to be In Portland,
After several days' work the men was
located laat night living at i1 Seven
teenth street,' south. Shortly after dark
me deteouvea Day, Welner, Vaughn.
Hartman, ' Rasing and Carpenter aur-
rounded th hous and watched It Until
10 o'clock. By that time they grew rest
less, thinking their prey had eecaned.
and knocked on the door, Mrs. Teatard
answered the bell. She waa aot sur
prised to see them, and It la probable
both she and her husband knew of tb
presence of the offloera an hour before.
aa Detective Day grew Irritated over hi
enforced idleness and lack of opportun
ii y, ana indulged in some eholce ex
pletive at th xpena of th
wanted. - .. ,
Extending a cordial greeting. Mrs.
TeataiM Invited the detectives to search
the house - They looked every place
where they Imagined a man mtaht be
concealed, but In vain; At laat the do-
lecures round a large trunk, and on lift
ing one end from the floor found that it
waa heavier than ordinary trunks are.
Aoer asaea jar, leetara t let them
open It, but she firmly refused. .
The Trunk wa Looked.
At thin juncture one of the officers
discovered tb former contents of the
trunk,-which bad evidently been dumoed
out and thrown Into a cloaet This eoo
flrmed fhelr suspicions that the trunk
waa not as Innocent ss it looked, and
they renewed their request to be pej
milted to search it -i
"No,- declared Mrs. Test rd. "that
trunk eontalns article, which von men
have no right to look at There Is no
use aaning me yon cannot onen It"
A they nad no search warrant the
detectives were powerless, and none
waa able ta hit on a plan which would
accomplish their end. At this Juncture
Mra.1 Testard. who had been, listening In
quiei anger to certain comments of De
tective Day laid, her hand on hie arm
and took him to one side. '
If yon will go upstairs with
away from the rest of these men." she
said, 1 will tell you something that
may be Interesting:
Deciding quickly that he1 had made
an impression oa Mrs. - Testard and
might obtain valuable information. De
tective Day brushed aa errant lock back
from hla brow and eagerly agreed to
accompany the woman. He told the
othere te wait a rew minute and take
ne further action, a . he might , have
something Interesting te tell them when
he returned. .
" She, Too, TUekes foe Bar.
Leading the way npatair and tntor'a
small room; the woman set the lam on
table ana extinguisned it Then, as
(Continued oa Page Eleven.)
I!w York.
. .
Kuropatkin Sdd to Have i
Taken Train for
St Petersburg.
Unevitch and His Men Face a,
Fresh Dilemma Russiant -Lose
Seventeen Thou. .
v-v-;-- tani Men. .
v ''."i 1 ;" 1" ' : ': ' '",
(Jearaal Special swvtea.)
T-ondon. March 17. A fierce battle Co i
day la raging to tb north of Tla Lis. 1
Th pursuit of th Russians fey th .
Japanea eon tin ue With" th hum
vigor that marked the early stage of ;
their retreat, and Oyama la doing hia!
atmost t accomplish the envlapmeai
ef the Russlaa army, ' la this fas haa
been auoceeeful and hia nooaedod in ,
cuttlns the. railway 44 mllea abow lie
Paaa. , ... , .
A report from St Fetaraborer to th , .
Petit Journal at Paris state that the
Russians did not abandon Tie Ling
without a struggle. A heavy engage!
meat continued throughout Wednesday, .
in which both oombatanca lost heavily,
and the Ruaaiana, attacked on both
flank and la th canter. Buffered enor-i
mou losasa. losing1 1I,Q killed and
wounded, and l guna,'
- Th battle began at dawn, when Oku' .
forcee , attacked the ' Ruaslan left
Shortly after simultaneous attacks were '
made upon both center and right, and .
the Ruaslau driven back front . their
first positions, after a desperata resist- ,
ance. Heavy gun hlled the main d
fenaea, and bayonet charges followed
tb artillery attack. : On all Bides, the
Kusslaaa, greatly outnumbered, fought
erolcly and stubbornly, and
raa piled with the killed end
ana tne .Held .
Waa tolled
of both armies.
-' tie Saes Oatrsaces.'r . -Many
nrlaonera ana laraa himdHIIm '
Of stores were eanrnrerf . t Ti p.m
The Rueslans destroyed Immeh quan-'
ii i tee ox supplies. i ne railway station -
at TU I.lna-.. A snlendM atrnefrMM. HtM
with provision and an Immense quan-
tlty of fodder piled around the atation,
was aet on fir by the retreating Run ;
bn and completely destroyed.
Oyama reports the capture of a great
number of prisoners on th Japanese) '
riahft anil eumeemie ennlle. - Mm a,.
arq given, aa th army ha hot had time
to laveetlgat. . - .
A'dlanalch fenea Unlb. erfatM t.
Field Marshal Oyama and hla staff en-.
lerea siuauen on um after aoon Or March
le try ue aomn gate. The troop llne.ll
th atreete of the site. dienlah, ka
tattered batue flag. AH publie build-!
lng were decorated and 1.W0 Japaneaw
flajra were dlanli.v4 rwM. m Mm . .
elallv welnomerf tiv f Ke ' j.eetMi.i F
and heartily cheered by the thousand .
di vnmese wno congregaiea in the -streets.
SwoyatklS Ka feotrl to et-jj-,
Larrs bodies af Jimmm m
which for the pest few day haw bean' '
camped at Mukden, aaa being rsahed ,
north to narticlnata In the nnemi.
th shattered Russian army, which la
now- vnaer tne- command' of Oeucr al
Linevltch, Kuropatkin having left Tie, -Line
on a sneotat train wir... .1..
bound for St Petersburg, according t '
diepatches received by the Central News.1
uuneiais uiu ana -crgrr wrronrer m
eharsa of the flankin mwiMnr. :
ruccesg of which compelled the vana-L
iion or tic Fasa, report today that their 1
advance foroea ar In touch with the
retreatln Ruaalnne nneti, a is. a '
and that many prisoners are being taken
ana severe iigntmg is raging ail along
the line.
It la renorted that the Jimum.
under General Kodama, which die
appeared during the battle of Mnfcden, '
nas sucoeeuea in reaching the railroad
at a nolnr 40 mllM imrtin . l.
and completed the surrounding of too
retreating Ruaaiana. If this rvmor I
true' It means that Linevltch win be
eomnetledi to snresaytee ne ,ta k
the mountain where hi scattered forcee
win sooner or later have to capKulata,
Abaadea Sappllee.
A alent fwvr r4 ft.. ' - -
artillery and heavy guns I are now In
poenesHKm or ine Japanese, Lmevltcn .
finding it fmpossTble to carry them with
the retreating army. A shortage of food
and supplies is reported) among the
Russian forces, iml the (wvm m ki.
coming disheartened- bytheir nnmeroa
raiiures, ,
It I reported that a large Jaaanes
and no surprise would be occasioned If
news were aoon received that fK. 1. .u
aneae- have occupied that city.
yrem-information received front Kne
Ian prlaonere by the Japanese. Kuro
patkin' forces st the beginning of tne
battle ef Mukden were estimated at
486.00 - men. The Japanese are cre
mating thousands of corpses fourdt en
the battlefield surrounding Mukden nt
thousands of bodies are still lying ua
burled on the Held.
Tolstoi Waata war.' s
Count Tolstoi' son haa Issued an at
was m St. Petersburg. In which he s I-
vocatea the continuaer of the war an I
ealle peace madness snd national shar. v,
He advocates pollclee of Peter, t 1
Oreat to be followed, and that t
enemy be exhausted by a retreat.
Prince M'tschemlry svijv a f-
eonfeaelon of de-- t r " f . '
conditions rn '
when Via.'
fellen I-
Ha s 1 . l
(Contlnued Oa Page