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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
. -1 k ev. . ' PortltTj Tlif Chicto Nation&! Today Btj Puncher Civet fin Exhibition - Sam Birtr Put Rickardt Out In On Round, - s4 y X JL HCXAN. ) 1 ' V v r v y v i 4 i, , George Hackenschmidt, the Famous Russian Wrestler,' Who Will Soon Be In This Country, and Will Probably Be Matched OUSY SEASON on CQICA60 TODAY : AT RACE TRACKS Dorrr crv pakb sot sway ef asaei ware as wave assiaaasis ea. UMM saiea iaa raaaara. eaaSrerf, a air caa e earad Chreaie saMaeae kr taearable eat Its f- With Gotch or Jenkins. ; Saaiiarr, rMSlas araia as t' The smts swstlaa ef 'ar iaeey tamws soaw BMf lets S It t samaaanakle ia eraSalttj. ' It Is tree tkat kafare tbe sUavetSe Sftsls ef beldseae was Slate eaiad tkat SMSt aalt raandlee ware warttlws, set V ataaaiaa iae t giawth with Mawsra'a Vaata aatnraeetom. ISm sstafaeoa. Meeev bwS if I Local Nine Meets (the National New York Horsemen and Racing faaaary. Datiaktral Mir s sg. . er seals AjrrxMAxxon at rssnrm bsbbst sxom. It srilella WDJ Sees Xl - ShsplsJe taUti 'win' Save It. Tea tw fe Ial!fc - I .""vW Wwt he-tea. It . lae- . S-vS J Leaguer at .Bakersfield; -i This Afternoon? ; H, GARVIN WIU PITCH t ' : ACAJN3T SELEE'8 CUB3 V .-::.' . , '. ' , ; ;)';;;.:. Mike Flther, Proyes His Cheap ness by Requesting Goodwin A to Pay Half His Expenses. ; Promoters Working Hard for - Opening of Coming Season - lvvSMi,Lta. Sca NEWDRO'S Herpicide NUMEROUS ENTRIES FOR V Tha OBXOZXAZi reanady tkav "ktUa he PaadveF THE DIFFERENT COURSES (Special Dtspatek e rk Jeernal. " Baksrsfleld. Cel., - March II. Tha asrabera of tha Portland baseball tsam are rounding. 4nto excellent shape and when thsy fscs tha Chicago . Nationals this afternoon they will ba out for Mood. The -two defeats administered ta Tn- oo mar by the big leaguers- haa served to stltnulata tha Portland . player - with determination--ta repeat their pnr f onnanuc pf last year against tha Chl- . cm club, . - . - Tha weather. Which has bean stormy ' and rainy , sloes Sunday, has cleared somewhat, ' and It Is quite likely that the tame will be played. ; , The day has been mad a holiday. ' and this afternoon all the places of buslneas In the ' city, will dose their doors la arder .to. permit everyone' who deslrea to ro an opportunity of Witness ing the game, - . ... Indications paint to a record-breaking crowd at this game, which will merit the . opening of tha fins new Bakers leld ' ball grounds, which was erected at. -a cost of over -end would.. oe . credit to many cities in tha inl of greater population than this. It v The Chicago club, under tha manage ment of Manager Frank Seles, arrived here this morning and are in readlnasa for tha gong to sound. Portland . will line up against tha regular Chicago club, and not the Yanlgans, as has been re ported. Virgil Garvin and Bert Jones are slated to' do the fooling for Port lend, while Jake Welmor and , Bob Wicker will cure them for Chicago, nsher Wanted ttoodwla u Tj. ' An aftermath of the Flatter ssco of , last Sunday, a piece of information haa " come to light which effectually shows . the uasporuraanllke nature of the Ta- " coma manager,- When It became evident that the rain would Interfere with the program With Chicago. Fisher ruahsd Up to Manager Ooodwln of the Light ahd rower com pany and demanded that- he (Ooodwln) pay half of the Teeoraa team's expense! to and from Fresno. Mr. Goodwin had never heard of such .a case j of unadulterated ' nerve In his life, snd promptly informed his tight - neas that he might pay his own ex penses and that he had no buklneaa In Bakersleld any way. Poor Mlks received . no sympathy whatever from any on In . town, and his butting in policy cost him In the neighborhood of 1116. but thia loaa does not bother Fisher any., for bills are footed by the backers of ths Tacoma club, who are thorough, swertsmen, which Is, mora than ban ba said- for tha eaan- ,--. - Ftayers la Tin Trim, ' ; V Ths Portland team defeated Bakers! : fleW again yeaterday, when Baslck ahd St. Vraln , pitched against Catea and 30ltesr ' r:-rrry-- McLean is playing a phenomenal gn : at first and many local fans say that - he la ths equal of Frank Chance of the Chicago club, and the people of this city ; will hsva an opportunity of Judging both "men this afternoon,- Lorry Schlafley Is rounding into fins form and plrts In tho same aggressive .atyls as ths Schlafley ' of the Oakland Win last season. . ' r Jinriny CHeosop, . the young lad from Columbia university at 'Portland, has been somewhat 111. "but Is rounding to now. and plays a ne gams. ': Louis Bunkle. at,' third base, bids fair to eellpssany of the other third ssokers a ths leagas tho-oomlng season. Van Buren and Uouaeholdet are a the beet of condition, and tha .way they field, bat and run bases promises to make some coast league batteries Im agine they art up against Kurokl Snd Oyama. - t ." . A good story was told on Van Buren . by Bill Beslck In front of aha ; new Southern hotel Isst evening. . ' Eaalck said that Van had eaten, two sscks (if ' pesnuts and : consumes two .bottles of soda pop,, and was in such .WttlXlUtsclDtnitlonthat he had t" be put to bed. Juat as he reached this stats t ths story. Vsn. whs had overheard part of ths remarks, grabbed hint by the' collar and hoisted him out of his chair, and both did the merry hot foot down the main street. They are a Jolly lot snd. harmony prevail! In sll quarters. They sit around ths hotel and. swap yarns of old recollec tion! in ths grnst national gsms, and all the team participates In theae gather ings. , , ' i : Bart Jnn shows remarkable form for trim at this time of tho year, and' bids fair to prove the star soatnpaw or the league when ths ieason has ad vanced. -. ", " ' The- lineup for this afternoon's Port- ; Jand-Chtcago game will be as follower . Portland. - Position, x . Chlcsso. Swindells.' Co. . .0. - ...'...... Kllng Oarvjn, Xdnaa p.r..Welmer, Wicker McLean .lb. ..Chance Schlafley lb.ji. ......Kvers . Olsason ;....... sa Tinker Itunkle ....., .Bb. .jCasey .Van Buren. ..ilf . .. ..Maloney Householder ... .ict ..Pennell MeCredi -rf Bchulte, Slagle . : snox soxooii to 'oobefbtb. The Portland hls-h school has notified Coach Leneaawn of Columbia that their track team wilt tak part In the track meet at Columbia next Saturday. 81 teams are now entered In this event and a hot contest Is In order for ths hand some silver trophy thst hss been' hung tip by the 'varsity , for the occasion.' TEACH THE CHILDREN A delicious - dsntlfrlc makes the toothbrush lesson easy.-OZODONT Is a fragrant liquid cleanser, penetrating the little crevices of the puri fies them. t . i ' .- ' j. SOZODONT TOOTH POVDXR 'polishes ths delicate' ' enamel, hot does not scratch, thus It prevents the sc- - cumulation or tartar, without Injuring the enamel,-a- property found only In BOZODONT. ' . . - ' - 4 FORMS. L1QULDi POWDER, JEASXfikjLlA tbU.tlms U about ll40, 8C0 IS THE COAL" -! OF MULTNOMAH CLUB 11 .' j1; "... -t i Upon Securing That Many Mem bers Athletic Club Will Ertab- 1 . . V lish Waiting Ust , ... i :.: -'.'j: v ; . -,-.! ,:- - At tho meeting of the board of control of tha Multnomah Amateur Athletlo club last svsnlng It wss decided to fix the Inltlatlon fee for sctlve members. t-llvUaav which 1 was a rsvelatton to Ihosel an tharDr mnsutedrihsinbers at tit r Thia acals , of entrance fees-will-go Into effect on the first of June, by which time the club expects to Inoreaae Its membership to 100. There are iqw (60 members of ths popular local ath letlo club, snd each is being urged to use their utmost endeavors to secure now members. t ( ' . w -' Providing ihst ths 100 mark Is reach id by tne firat of Juhe the club will then es tablish a waiting list, which will neces sitate an applicant wafting until a mem ber of tha club dlea or drops out be fore he-can be admitted. ' On members' night, Saturday, Maroh II. the dub has arranged a program of athletic events that will prove of In terest to the members. The proposed boxing bout between Dranga and Douglass has been esnceled by the directors, but in its stsad there Will be several other 'bouts, professor Krohn's clsss In esllethenics will give an exhibition of their drill, and , the feature event of the evening will ba the bag punching exhibition , of Champion Henry B. Stark. s : - ;. .. - WASHINGTON AGRICS n CHOOSE NEW. MANAGER Speetal Dtapateti to-The Jaonwl.) -Btate College of Washington, Pullman, Wash., March II. Tha eollega athletlo association' hold Its regular monthly meeting yesterdayTho-matters taken up were the five amendments to the constitution proposed at the last meet ing, also the- resignation of Mr. Bowers asi field manager and the election of .a man" to fill ths 'vacancy. Of tha five amendments proposed four were passed and one" was defeated, - Jefferson Fulton was ' unanimously elected for the remainder of tha present year. Mr. Fulton Is a willing worker and has slways manifested a lively In termit In athletlo affairs. It was decided to erect two courts of wire netting for batting purposes during - tha bassball season, . ' ... , .-. . r", . , BO TAX: OO&UBOTZOVSr (Special Dwpateft s aa -oaraaL) Hillaboro, Or., March II. Sheriff J. W. Con noil and his three deputies- have bean -vary .busy ..collecting taxes for If dsys. The total amount collected dur- 4 T ' . ..':-(:V;:x- :'f CLUB VISITORS ARE v GIVEN A TREAT V , . . -.' " Champion Bag Puncher Stark Gives a Clover Demonstration at tfe Multnomah Club. . About 110 members of the Multnomah slub were treated to a big-punching ex hibition by Champion -Stark last svsn- present. wo marveled at tha wonderful dexterity displayed by this expert In his performance. After going through the major portion of hla movements, during which ft ex plained each motion, Mr. Stark went over them again slowly snd requeued sny 6f his audlenos who -desired any In formation on any of ths different move ments to step forward and . he would demonstrate tha movement dealred. A number of tha clubmen took ad vantage ef Stark's offer and had several of tho movements demonstrated . for their especial, benefit - A A complete explanation of how to ac quire dexterity in bag-punching, and a detailed account of how to perform each movement, haa been written especially for Tha Journal -by Mr. Stark, and ths article with Illustrations will appear In the Sunday morning . edition of Ths Journal. " -'' , Mr. .Stark glvee another Y Snd . more complete exhibition before the Mult nomah club on Saturday night, whan he will go through all hla movements, will punch ths baav blindfolded- and also to ths accompaniment of mualc : ' '' Mr. Stark yesterday received' a wire from former Champion Louis Oelslsr of Rochester, K. T., whom he has dsfeated three times, challenging him to another match. , , , Oalslsr stipulates that he wsnts to meet Stark for a aids bet of M. 100, pro viding thst Stsrk will allow him a handicap of II points. Stark states that he la willing to meet Oetslsr and al low him 21 points, snd has wired his manager for Instructions. ,; JX xmntATs tjoTOx. (Jearaal Special Service.) New Tork, March II. Tom Jenkins defeated Frank Ootch champion of tha world, in the wrestling match here last evening. This wss ths third mssting of these two men In one year, each of tha other' bouts , being won by Ootch. Jenkins won the first and third falls, while Ootch took the second. - - FiAT OOW O SATtTBSAT. There will - be a mtaed fowrewmea competition held on ths links of ths Wsverly Oolt club Saturday, March II. Entrance fee $1 per bell. There must be 10 or mors entries, it Is hoped there will be a large number ef entries la this compeUUon, " '. 4 t TV- SAM BERGER PUTS RICKARDS TO SLEEP - ' Former Olympic Club Boxer Dis poses of Chicago Heavy In One Round.' :'6t iJearaal Special Service.) San Francisco, March II. Sam Bar- gtr. the local ex-amateuf hedvywelgh I boxer, took all the flght out or another widely heralded possible opponent of Jsmts J. Jeffries, when after one .minute and twenty seconds of fighting, put ths quietus on Big Bill Rlckards of Chicago. Blckards cams hers a couple of weeks ago and waa mentioned In the press notices as being a rising young heavy weight, who would some day earn the right to meet Champion! Jeffries. . Jim Casey of this city wss another proclaimed, coming champion of the world, but his aspirations to that height were put at rent a few weeks ago by Sam Bsrger, who repeated his perform ance last svenlng by disposing of Rich ards and his ambitions in ons round. Sammy Berger is now the Idol ef the 'Frisco fans, for irt hls)axt several ring battles he has clearly demonstrated his superiority over the opponents who have faoed blm. GOLD LEAFS DEFEAT THE BANKERS TEAM In the league match last evening on the Portland alley, the Oold Leafa took tho first two games. The Bankers got the lest. Captain Capen of the Bankers hed high average. 111, which la bowline? some. Cspen is putting un a beautiful game. Flcken wss second high, with 111 J-l average. , Flcken had the high est single gams, making 227 In his laat game. r- ' Some of ths boys are getting the dock pin crsse. Dale aind Hoffman hava reached tha hnndred mark In aoms of their games, which is a very good score. Ths All-Stars and Oambrlnua team come together this svenlng. It should bs a vsry Interesting match. The "scores of last evening's match were: ' ' V - Bankers . 1 (!) (J) Ae. Armltage . .127 155 117 15 1-J Case ,.12 ,157 lie 17 Bailin '..153 1 140141 Ullman . ...... .10 17 140 1611-1 Capen Ill 114 120 111 Totals .741 141 01 Orvd Leaf !!). J) Ave. Ftrken 141 11 127 IdlJ-J Hlnnekamp 151 17 117 lit . Hlebela . .........Ill l.M 11.1 151 1-t F.-Cl4Waet 151 177 1M 171-1 Oalllafit . .......till . IIS- 111 171 1-J Totals. jj--.TI I7J III Some Tracks Have Hung Up the . Sign, No Stable Room to Be Had. 1 ' (jaoreal Special Bervtee.). Nsw Tork, March Jl These are busy days en the.' Metropolitan race tracks. Not only are the tracks to be-put in order for the year's work, but this, has been a herd year for trainers who havs wintered' about New Tork. and now that the weather permits they are working with feverish haate to get their cbargea into condition for tha early. racea. And little enough time they have in which to do It, for they, will be off at Bennings In lass than two weeks now. - Already the Washington track has put up the sign, "No stable room to be had." Su perintendent Btraham announces that ha already haa been compelled to turn away mora than 100 horses, application for which had been made after every avail able stall in the vicinity of tha track had been allotted. . All this means plenty of good sport st ths opening meet for the season of 105, and. ths sntcles glvol sdpsd- proof that Bennings is to have good racing this year. - ... ' In tha Bsnnlngs spring -handicap,! which will be run on the opening day, will be -found Casta CaUllna. Ihike of Kendal, Invincible, Divination. Asterisk. Bals. Tramator. Hlmseir, Bill Curtis. Winchester. " Preen, locense, Pelham, Charles El wood. Right snd True. Trap per, Buttons, Toacan. Formaster, Pel phis, - Rose ben and Shrine. Many of , these have performed at New Orleans, Hot Springs and on ths California tracks and are already in condition for a good race. - 1 In the Washington nursery stakes, for 1-year-olds, ara entered Proteus, Msbls Foster, Anodyne. Chaunoey Olcott, Oak lawn and Verdant all of which bav dona wall at New Orleans. Klghteen 1-year-olds srs named for tha Jesss Brown cup, which 'will be run for the first time at this meeting. . TJUs race is open to foals of 1101, bred snd foaled in the District of Columbia. Vlr gin la and Maryland. There is a fine Sold of youngsters entered and there Is evsry premiss of a good, con test, - Special attention will be paid ta (he steeplechasers, snd in thst line there are three stake events, ths Chsvy chass hunt handicap, the spring handicap steeple. chase, and the-, spring hunters' stesple abase. In Which sre entered many fair lumpers, AU the stake events have big Bennings Is not the only track where the stakes have filled well. The entries for the Saratoga sUkea sloaed this, wees with bigger lists thsn laat -year even. With Irish Lsd. Her mis, Tanya. Stal wart. Sandrla. Delhi, Bysonby. Israelite. Oisesu, Wsterllght. Beldame, Lard of the Vale, The Picket, Mai. Daingerfleld, Golden Maxim and scores of other horses of clsss sntsred for the classics. It is superfluous to say that the tradi tions of the 8pa trsck will bs worthily uphsld. - ' Ths closing tf th Aqueduct stake events shows record-breaking figures for ths Inaugural meeting pf ths Metropol iun racing season also. Hsster A. Danton of Brooklyn list sold .to lbs Queens County Jockey club a piece of property alongside of the Aqueduct race course snd nsar the Long Island railroad station, comprising II seres. - Ths price paid for tha property was , , , It Is not known what the Jockey club Intends to do with the property, but It is rumored that extenslvs Improvements will bs mads at the track in the near future. . Ths western turf war Is deeply Inter esting to ths association in What ia known as the northern circuit, and In the opinion of eastern horsemen the action of the Western Jockey club In deciding to outlaw the tracks of ths new circuit Is certain' to result in a large fiaaber-of western owners of good unmmm which are not auite up to stake clsss, catting out. all ths western tracks anxaclnc..durlnSJhe Lummerstth Plmltco, Buffalo ana taniowa As the circuit It at present arranged they can do prettr well on these tracks and st ths sams time run no risk of getting Into trouble, no matter "which slds wins. ', RACING RESULTS ON CALIFORNIA TRACKS (Joernal Special Serviea.) Ban FTsnclsco, March II. Ths beet that Dr. Leg go could do on his farewell appearance at Emeryville yesterday was to finish third, being beaten by Nigrstte and Oold Enamel. Summary: " Four and a half furlongs F. W. Barr won. Lady King second, Ebel Thatcher third; time. 0:11. , Six and a -half furlongs Emma Reu bold won, Dandle Belle second. Black Thorn third; time. 1:1114. Six and a half furlongs Dora I. won. Laura F. M. second. Profitable third; time. 1:11. " One mile, handicap Nlgrette won. Gold Enamel second. Dr. Leggo third; Une, 1:41. Mils and 10 yard! Halnault won, An vil second. Barrack third; time. 1:47. Seven furlongs Cloudllght wont Peg gy O'Neal second, Ross Bourns third; time, 1:10. ' . . A At Aaoo Park. Los Angrles. March II. Lustlg w-n his fourth-euccesslvs A0tory at Ascot yeaterday while quoted st 7 to 1. He covered the several furlongs of a soft trsck In 1:17. Summary: Ons mile Ml Relna won,;. Headstrong second, Prestohis third; time, 1:44V. Blx furlongs Bronss Wlng' won. Sportsman second, Cloverton third; time, 1:14- - -" -- - -vx - Four furlongs Sliver Sue won. Search Me second. Prince of Coins third; time, 0:4V4. . Seven furlongs Lustlg won. Ralph Toung second. Atlantlco third; time, 1:17. . Brooks, course i-Water Cure won, In virtus second. Iras third; tltrle. t:0tVti -glx-furlongs Linda. Rose. woru. Stlu rene second. Swift Queen third; time, r.ii. Freferred Stoek Oaaaad OeodJL AJlan ft Liewls Best Brandt PRICES REDUCED THE RETAIL, DELIVERED TO CONSUMER: - Newcastle Lump ; . . ; Newcastle Nut ; . V Australian 1?) . . Roslyn . . . . . . Peacock Rock Springs kemmerer . ; . . . Other Coals Proportionately Low. The Pacific 249 Washington St BLOOD , la the earth, -yet tha alat te enre iwra uu KNOW WHAT TO at. ay save Slav POISOCui wa s Wi tarrk. and apnea oa e la the tears, faUlag pais. tarra. man dun t know t n It U BLOOD POISON. Sens ta DR. BROWN, MR Arck at., rttUadelphia, fena.. for BRi HI.OOO CURB, tx.00 ua battle; laai ROWN'S ta aaaatk. Sold la rartlasS eel er fraak Ban. Partiaad Hutal Dr. B. E. WRIGHT TkeBo!eatm ZMaitlsa that . re llsvsa sll pain ta dental epe rations. S4SV4 Wsskiagta OH PLACED UNDER $5,CS0 BOND Will Be Tried on Charge of At tempt to Kill sit April 8es . -,. sion of Court. EUGENE SCHOOLS SHOW REMARKABLE ATTENDANCE One of Voluntary Fire Fighting Organizations Holds ' Elec ' ! tion of Officers. ; - (Special DUpatra to The JeornaL) Eugene, Or4 March 11 lnatead of having a preliminary examination, which was set for yeaterday afternoon Before Juatlcs of ths Peace Wintei meter In this city, John Bran ton, charged with assault with Intent to kill John Fletcher, near Cottage Grove, has been placed under $5,000 bonds to sppear si tbs next term of the circuit court. Die-, trlct Attorney Brown having filed an in formation againat Branton yesterday, after having examined a number of wit nesses ia ths case. I Tha court meets In adjourned session on April 14, snd Branton will bs gives trial at that time. - County Judge Chrlsman la now con sidering ths sdvlssbillty of exhuming the rsmslns of Brsnton's laat wife, who died under very suspicious - circum stances, to ascertain whether or not be died from poisoning... ...'XT'', . ttaoa Scaoel Beoord. ; Th monthly report of-tCity School Superintendent Arnold, just fllsd with ths school clerk, shows some very inter esting figures on ths remarkable attend ance of the pupils in the several schools for tha month ending March 10. In the Geary school the attendance wasl-100 per eent in every, room, -no cases of tardiness being recorded. In tbs Central school there were only three easss ot tardlnsss and 'In tha Patterson school, four. There were 10 in the high school The-total number of pupils enrolled in all the schools was 1,167, and the aver age dally attendance was 1011.1." rtr Company's Ontosrs. Th Oregon Hose company, ons of Eu gene a voluntary fire lighting organisa tions, held election of officers Inst night with the following reeult: R. R. Knox, president; C B. Wllloughby, vleo-preet-dent; O. F. Ford, secrstary; 7. M. Day, treasurer; "W. W. Purdy, ssrgesnt-at-arms; Norbert Ays, foreman; W. W. Purdy. first ssslstant foreman; 1L A. Bcbwertng, second ssslstant foreman. . SALOON MEN INDICTED' . . FOR SUNDAY OPENING (Seerlal Diasatch Is Tbe JosrnaL)- Baker City, Ot, March ll. Th rand FOLLOWING PRICES R i Bulk $5.00 4.50 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.50 Sacked $5.50 5.00 6.50 6.50 7.00 7.00 Tdqjhbnes 229 and 237 Because we don't believe in blowing about our, chic as-, sortment of Shirts arid Neckwear don't you believe that , we have not cxdUaSive things to offen T v ; You crifmd here practically e v c r y thmg you want in thepWayfiurnish- ings for men.: ; . . Look at our j win dow display of 50c Neckwear. . ,'V ' . ' Robinson CS Co. Hotel Perkins Boilding ' jury yesterdsy afternoon returned a list of single count Indictments sgalast 14 saloon men of this city for salsde mesnor offending In keeping open their saloons on Sunday. Others ara to ba brought In during the week en stsallar charges. Most of the esse wsnt aver until Friday, when they will make plees. A meeting ef the saloaa men wss held Isst night at which some aetla. was decided upon but what it will ba thsy snd , their representatives ess phatlosUy declined to tajr. .,- There is a disposition on th pert of soms of them to plead guilty snd stand -a fins.. Others are for clogging the court and . tying tha matter up with en 1 lees proceedings. Ths indictments were made upon. the testimony of tw witnesses, both ef whom hsvs been employed by parties acting for soms kind ef an organisation which is working eeratlv. At To Bagngast Rngaged peepls that, sfter msrrlag' la ' should remeaab-T. a, many quarreia e I be avoided by keeping their dig H ping ineir aig-n In, good condition with r Klarln lutum. 8. Brown, of Bennettsvllle, h. 1 say a: "For years my wire eunri i tensely from dyapepelsv conir-i with a torpid liver, until shs lvt i sarengtb snd Vigor, and benams a a wreck of her former eelf. Tha , tried JCleoUla Bitters, which he, st once, and finally made her a well. She Is now strong snd h Red Croe Pharmacy, Stalk m . Streets, on the wsy to the l" siis aAd guarantees thess, at tsia, . . ' : '.. . ., X