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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
; ;f T. ';; .' : .....' .. ...-r.. ...... THE -OREGON DAILY JDURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 16. : m r 2A c?gc:d Orders for Construction of St ; , Helens Boulevard Issued by I -i County . Court, y fC-;' Z -'Cv WILL: BE" BUILT. BY v , V- ' 1 MULTNOMAH CONVICTS first' of Many Fine Highways j ' Projected From Portland y ill to the Interior. tTha beautiful St -Helena boulevard. ' to aklrt tne muh aiong ins river u. rllea from the exposition grounas !.....' m A Km Killlt. . Th. : MUH court announced today that authority lied kms artven to BUDonnienacni . Chapman of road district No.' 1 to put the county rocc cruaner in opw.ii toe Linnton end of the proposed bOUIe vard. and hereafter aubatitute machin ery for the band work of the county prisoners... The roc crusnea n XinntoQ end will be hau)ed half way to- , - tka mnA thle .nd of the rOAd- way will be' built with- ock cruahed hear the exposition grounas. ihe county prisoners have been break ing rock-by the crude hand method. The aubatltutlon of machinery will give an lmmensery larger output, and hasten the construction of the boulevard, which ia to be made modem by the applica tion of aclenUflo principle! to Its con t ruction. n .. V . v I am much pleased with the per tnieakMi given me by the county court." aid Superintendent Chapman, today, 'and I ahall proceed at once to tarry iout Ha orders, it la pur idea to make the St. Helena one of the moat beautiful driveways in the wt.; It leada along the bank of the river for Ave i miles ' (from the expoalllon around, and when completed win be one of tha feature ;to be offered to the tourlata. - 4 "The .eethetlc aide of the question, I however, ia by no meana the whole rea aon tfor building the roadway. It will be al boon to every farmer and orchard 1st living injUecounly between Port land and Linnton and beyond,, reducing ,i the coat of transportation of ' farm products to the minimum. ' -We have at hand the rock materials for the worki and the labor will be per 1 formed by the county convicts. The boulevard will be. constructed accord ing to the plana submitted ' by A. B. Canfield. the federal road expert, who has been giving ua the benefit of his knowledge, and it will be a permanent road, entailing little expense for main taining It in future years." . The era of good roads for Multnomah county la just beginning." said County Judge 'Webster, "for in a few weeks the jcotftaty will be out of debt, and then there will be larger. aums. of money to apply to road construction. When it' ia -remembered that a debt of f 600.000 has ' been paid off. and that hereafter, the tax money that has been paid on that will be available In large pert for the building of roads, it Is easy to realise what, la In store for. thla. county In -the fprm'of modern roela. We have already .butlt many roadways that are perma nent, and that need now only 'slight re pairs each-year to,-keep them In ex cellent condition. . These roada era patrolled constantly, and never allowed . to get out of repair." . . Superintendent Chapman, whose road district No, 1 takes In the whole county, ' with the exception of a email territory . in the southwest corner, district No. I. will have charge of the construction of the 8C Helens boulevard, and John P. Hoffman, at district No. 1 will handle ,.xha prlaonerlncrujihlng trio rockajL XJnnton, . " . . ' FOUND IN SALOON v ., r V WITH DISREPUTABLES Alice Tfbbetts was arrested laat night ' .by Patrolmen Kay-and Roberts while drinking with Andrew Larson and a wom an in tha notorious saloon conducted by '"Liverpool . IM' at Second ud Dam 'treeta. In lieu of t SO -cash bail, ahe la held ;at tha city- prison, in charge of Matron Simmons. Her hearing will take place : tomorrow. ' Larson waa charged with drunkenness. Ha wfli be sentenced to morrow. . KAZXn.T )SAL Mlaa Margaret Maahburn. of Astoria la a guest st- the Imperial, h -- " . Mrs. A. Bdglngton of Tha Dalies ! a guest at the Perkins. . Mrs. Bice , and Mlaa Clara Davis of "Walla- Walla are , guests at the Per kins. '. H. C Diers of Eugene ia registered , at the Imperial. . ' are registered at the Imperial from Hol land. C E. Wade of Grants Pass is at tha Perkins. ..!. ., ' W. J. Chapman of Everett is at tha Imperial. W. D. .Chamberlain of Athena la reg Metered at the Imperial. Mrs. George Baker, who haa been - spending the winter in Los Angeles. CaL, ' wis expected' home today. She la de layed by the washout on tha Southern Pacific between Los . Angeles and San '. Francisco. i . H. C. Bowers, proprietor of the Port , land hotel,, la on a week's business trip to San Francisco, i Presiding Judge George haa gone to astern Oregon to visit his ranch and Judge Praser haa gone to Klamath Falls, where he will hold court for Judge Ben . son. . W. H. Hurlburt, president of the Ore gon Water Power A Railway company, la in San Francisco. 'i A PrinrvMle man has - a ' dog that , catch's fish mostly chubs, however. 18 A BOONE To the Housewife - ' 7 . - ,-. -7 ; Sbe knows that she need no longer fear failures in. her baiting. Sbe is always certain of success, .and saves two-third of hef bating fwwder money. , ; , 23C-:oafcr25ccnh Halting Powder D EMCCR ATS WANT - - i LANE FOR f. Multnomah ' Club Appoints Committee to Urge Him to Accept Nomination. col c. Ei-.S. WOOD IS AMONG'THOSE NAMED" Important Conference to Be - Held by Local Leaders Be ; fore Next Wednesday. i To urge Dr. Harry Lane to accept the nomination for mayor on tha Democ ratio ticket, a committee waa appointed laat night by tha Xultnomah County Demo cratic club. The members are R. W. Montague. C. B. Williams. Alex 8 week. T. U. Green. John Van Zante, John La mont. R. D. Inman. John Manning, J. C Havely, A. E. Ream. Thomas O'Day and Msrk O'Neill. The committee.. waa named with an understanding that the aubject of the nomination of a mayoralty candi date should be considered in aU its bearings, and that other available ma terlal than Dr. Lane should be brought out for (Inspection by tha voters. . The proposal to nam Dr. Lane ap pears to come from practically all the elements of the party, and to indicate that if he will accept he will receive the support of a large majority of the Demo cratic voters. , ( k . 1 However, dthera are under .considera tion. - John La mont, who gracefully withdrew in favor of R. D. Inman in the convention of 1901. when Mr. Inman was nominated agalnat Judge Williams, is regarded as one of the strongest candi dates the Democrats could select, and tha name of R. D.fnman la heard fre quently as that of an" available man. M. J. Mailer haa been pushed forward by a number of his admirers; and R. W. Montague appears to hsre friends w,ho sre ready to take off their coata for him tf he were nominated. One of the mayoralty booms attract In r attention la that which has for Ita object the nomination of -Col. C. B. 8. Wood by the Democ rata Colonel Wood la aald to have been encouraged to run by the membera of his own party aa well as by the Socialists. . . The committee named last nignt ia to report next Wednesday night, and be fore that time some Important confer ences will be held by the leaders of the Democratic party to determine the pol icy to be pursued In the- coming city campaign. - . ' - CONGREGATION HOPES DR. HILL WILL REMAIN But Flattering Offer May Take 7. " Popular Pastor to 7 ,the' East. 7 Will Dr. Edgar P. Hill, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, accept the call, which he - recently received from Philadelphia, to be secretary .of . . the board of publications and. Sunday school work ot thai Sabbath schools of the Presbyterian denomination in the United Statesl . - . t -v Membera of Dr.. Hill s ' oft ogra (ration are asking -thla queation frequently of late, but unless the pastor , tells them privately they will not be enlightened on the subject until he makes known his decision next Sunday. , There waa a meeting of the officers ef Uie rhurrh last nght,the , main ob ject of which waa a dlacussTon of "the advisability of the minister .accepting tha eastern office. A definite decision waa not reached,-While hla congrega tion la proud of the dliUnctlon. shown him. It will be a source of general re gret If Dr.' Hill leaves, which la now re garded as a strong probability. The office of secretary- of. all . the Sunday school work In the denomination iff of vast Importance and It la conceded that a better man to nil it man vt. ui could not be found. If he declines the call it wlH be largely on account of hla prominent identification with the re ligious and educational conferences of the Lewis and Clark fair, which would, under ordinary condltlona, occupy much ot hla time for next summer. - LIEUTENANT BOON SLIGHTLY IMPROVED ' . , -e Stood Operation Well and Physi cians Report Prospects for Tlecovery OoodT (Special Dtapatrh te Tha Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., March- 1. The condition of Second Lieutenant F. M. Boon, who was seriously injured while attempting to e a cape .from the guards yesterday morning, is slightly improved today and the poat physicians state that there are good prospects for his recov ery. . He stood the operation very well and ao far haa continued, to gain strength. Everything possible , ia being done to save his Ufa. , nsro ATTAcatis soars. , , (Jeamal Special Serrke.t " Washington. D. C March U. Minis ter Oriscom reports to the stats de partment that the two American mili tary attaches -captured with- the: Rus sians tv Mukden will be brought to Toklo. They areColonet Harvard of tha medical corps, and Captain Judson of the engineer corps. . They will prob ably be sent home on a promise, not tQ return to the Russian forces. lass stbaxi jrmvxT. f , . Robert Summer and Clifford Stulta, boya. were in the police court thla morn ing on chargea of larceny, preferred by Special Policeman Childress, who ar rested them while they were stealing fruit from the commission house of W. B. olafke Co., at 1 Front, atreet They entered pleaa of guilty and sen tence will be psssed on them tomorrow. Ball was fixed at ISO'each. . . ' ' . TAJJM TO" BBATH. (Special Tttapateh to The J annul.) Pocatello. Idaho, March II. Mrs. C. Calvin, of Havre, Montana, waa , In stantly killed by falling through a sky light In a hotel to a drug store below. She sustained a fracture of the akuH which caused - almost instant death. ISWiSD MAS A COLD. (Jnaraal laeeial Berries.) London, March II. King Kdward haa contracted a cold and waa unable p at tend the Uvea , today, v' ADJUSTING LOSSES ON OREGON'S CARGO Insurance Men Come From San Francisco to Inspect Freight " Brought Here. .V MUCH OF IT FOUND TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION Was , Almost Entirely General Merchandise Intended for Dis tribution in Interior. It. p. Hooner and T. L. Bengle, marine Insurance adjusters, are at the Alaska dock inspecting the freight that waa on the ateamer Oregon at the time ahe waa on fire off Creacent City. The men rep resent M. C. Harrison at Co. and Johnson Hlgglns of San Francisco, and th?y will be busily occupied all day ngunng on the extent of damage the goods sus tained. . The freight waa brought to Portland on the steamer Columbia, which reached port yesterday afternoon from the. Hay City. It comprises only a psrt of the Oregon s cargo; the balance will arrive In a few daya on the St. Paul. A por tion ia in bad abase, but aome of It is said to be. in practically aa good eon dltlon as IV waa when it waa ahlpped. All of the goods were insured. The Oregon's cargo waa made up al most entirely of geneeal ' merchandise and waa valued close to $100,000. Mur.b of It -waa consigned to local - wholesale houses and waa partly for distribution In the Interior. Aa the freight will not all be removed from the veasel before this afternoon It la hardly probable that tha claima can, ba- adjusted before to morrow morning, i .In addition to the freight from the Oregon the '-"Columbia ' brought a large consignment of general merchandise, and every foot of her apace waa occupied. CRITICISE BIGLIN. Charges Agamat Paul Are Safe Joe of Ben- Bigliiv the harbormaster. Is , se verely criticised for preferring charges and arresting D. W. Paul, agent for the local branch, of tha Sailors - union, on the ground that he 'was harboring sea men. After the arrest f Paul yester day one of his - bondsmen Indignantly exclaimed to BIglln: - Thla la ridlculouav Why ia It that you do not look after the aadlor boarding-house people T They are harboring deserters almost every day In the week. Paul, -it la explained, does not conduct a boarding or lodging-house. The union rents a hall on Kront street, which is msde the headquarters for coast sailors. Paul conducts thla hall, and furnishes the coasting vessels with crews free of charge. Thla plan la taken by tha na tional organisation in order that a local branch'of the union may be maintained, and not because of any profits accruing from, it. The aailora who make that their headquarters live at the various restaurants and lodging-houses Just the same aa the loggers who make occa sional vlalta from the camps down the river. Paul aaya the aallor boarding house commissioners have given htm permlsaton to run the hall without pay ing a license. ; ;.''" ' BIglln ' waa a member of the Long shoremen's union at the time he waa appointed by Mayor Williams to . his preaent position, and la accused of being partial to the members of his brganiaa tlon in.the fight now on between the sailors and the men who load and dis charge ahtpa. Peurw1lt- e'clock Friday afternoon In Juatlce Reed's court. Hla counsel will be' Judge Henry McGinn. , . - -, BIG LUMBER SHIPMENTS. Steamara Are la Trade . Thla and California Porbs. - Big lumber shipments are still being made down the coast While the moat of It la being taken out on tha schoon ers and barkentlnea many steam ves sels are In the trade. The laat of tha latter claaa to be chartered to load at Portland for . California porta are the steamers Harold Dollar and Bee, which are now at the Bay city, but will sail north In a day or two. , The steamer Northland arrived last night from the Bay city and began re ceiving a cargo thia morning at the In-man-Poulaen mill. She haa been carry ing lumber from thia port since laat fall and haa averaged a round trip every two weeks. TOCARRYTXCTTRSIONISTS. Steamboat America Will Sa stem odelad -fog Use Darlag the Pair. In a few days the work ot converting the ateamer America Into an excuralon boat will be started, a cabin will be extended the full length of her upper deck, malting it possible for her to carry twice the number of passengers that she Is now capable of doing. Many other Important alterations have been mapped out,' and when the work haa been com pleted It ia claimed that she will be One of the finest little paaaenger boats on the Willamette river. The America la owned by Captain Good, who will op erate her during the fair season between the Washington atreet dock and the fair grounds. She la now plying on the SL Helens route. ' ... . NUMANTIA DELAYED.' Kemalnad Tire Saye Thia Sida the Bar of the Oolaxabla Biver. -After having been detained at tha Co lumbla river bar for tha past five daya, tha ateamshlp Numantia sailed for the orient thla morning. Tha bar waa smooth nearly all the time ahe waa there, and why she did not croea is not thoroughly understood by tha local rep resentatives of the line. A small atorm waa' raging off the coast for a day or two, but usually auch an Incident aa that does not prevent a vessel from ven turing out. The Numantia sailed from Tokohama for Portland on March 1, and If ahe made an average passage la now nearlng the .mouth of the Columbia river. EAST SIDE DOCKS. Blapomtioa on Part of Par-Slghied Peo ple to Solid Over There, On Esst Water and Alder atreeta a large aand and gravel dock is being built by Nlckum ac Kelly. . It will ex lend along the waterfront a dlatance of :ao feet, and. have a depth of lto feet. Atr-thr pilimr -haa been-drlveivd-a portion of the floor Is In place. It la tha Intention of the owners to have It completed by May 1. There I a suf ficient depth of water In front of thi dock to, accommodate tha largeat fhlpa that come to thla port. Until very recently there was no' dis position to erect these structures on the other' aide of the river above. b brldgee. After the Oregon Water Power as Railway company built In that local Ity sentiment on the subject underwent a change, and the eaat side will soon be lined with docks. There is deeper water on that aide, arid property can be se cured at much cheaper rates and closer to the main railroad lines than la the waterfront on this side of tha Willam ette. Comparatively little freight brought here on tha deep-water or coasting vessels la for local consump tion, three fourtha of it being shipped to Interior points. ; . . , - . STONE FOR THE JETTY.7 More Book Seeded a Oaoa for work 'a Stooth of Columbia. . Under ' an emergency act a contract will be let In a few days by MaJ. W. C Lang1 tt for 'farnlahlng 19,000 tons of tone for the Jetty work at the mouth of the .Columbia' river.' Bids .for sup plying tha .material were opened in tne major's . office w yeaterday . afternoon, The following Proposals ware, submit ted: Columbia Contract company, ss cents, a. ton, .delivery by barge; W. H. Cole. 11.07 a ton. delivery by rail from Maygers quarry; ' B. T. Johnson, L1 a ton. delivery 'by rail from ataygera quarry. The rock la . wanted to- fill in the low nlacea on the jetty. ' The con. tract for rock advertised for a frw weeks ato for .the . extension of . the Jetty has not yet been' awarded. 7 MARINENOTES.; Astoria, March It. Arrived, at 7:10 and ieft up at . :I0 a. m.. amamer Asuncion, from. San Francisco. . ' . r. Sailed at T:20 a. m German steamer, Numantia, for Hongkong and way porta. Arrived down at and sailed at a. .. steamer Aurelia, for Ban1 Pedro. Sailed at I a.' m,. schooner Ariel," for Baa Tuici. .. . , n ... i- . , " . San Francisco, March 1 1. Arrived at a. m steamer St. 1'aul, from Port' land. , . Arrived at S a. m.. Steamer F. A.. Kll- bum. from Portland and coast ports.. Balled at 1:30 a. m ateamer wnuuer towing barge Santa Paula, .for Portland. Astoria. March II. Arrived at '1:60 and left up at 4:10 p. m. ateamer' North land, from San Pedro. - f' Arrived down . at 1 p. Jnj achooner Beolah. . 1 Astoria, March 1 Condition of the bar at I l zn.. amqoth; wind northwest; weather cloudy. San Francisco, March 1. Schooner Virginia arrived this, morning from Portland, . ' . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Because of low water In the Willam ette, the boats operated by the Oregon City Transportation company will not ply ' further up ' the ' river than Albany until there la a rise In the stream. Un til yeaterday they aucceeded In going to Vurvauil, in. nwa ui naTigaiiun. r Steamer Harold Dollar haa been char tered to load lumber at Portland for San Francisco. Tha vessel la now 'at the Bay .ty... ". - ' - -Ladki ' with oata and baled hay the British) ateamshlp Ras Elba sailed this morning for Tslngtau, China, Tha Brit ish steamship Eileric will ssll for Jspan thla afternoon with 193. too buahela of barley valued at 1112.124. v Balfour, Outhrle A Co. are the exporters. - , i Steamera Jeealo Harklns and Gaxelle have been launched from the Joseph Paquet shipyards, As aeon as-her ma chinery has been Installed the Barklna will, be' placed In commission brtweea here and WaahougaL - f.,.--'";-. J t . eteam . schooner (Aurelia ealiexl m San Francisco last night with 400,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco. - In tow of the Ocklahama the schooners Polaris and C. A. Close left this morn ing for California porta, .. . ...... Brig Lurllne, one of the small lumber than a quarter of a century, arrived thla morning from Ban Francisco and 'will " . ;-" --yjJf' ' "' v - etu 5 , W M SNA'- ''' - "f ''' 1 ' " ' Ik JeV;,2$1 I Vf v ' f l -WjlyMi : - : r.. ' . --. , J TTC A : ' , ' ; V - ' . ' Accurate sketches of some of the gowns which were worn , ; at the Inaugural Ball are shown In this picture. . In the center ! MfsslMice RoosevelCdaughter of the president, the others from rigit to left are gown worn by-MrsWynnewife of the'Post. master-General, Mrs. Fairbanks, and Mrs. Henry ffiacFarland. Copyright, 1905, by W, R. Hearst. ; - receive a lumber cargo at the Eastern a Western mill. British ahlp Lonsdale . shifted thla morning from tha Greenwich to the daafleld dock. '. . . - With a full cargo of general freight the ateamer Alliance ' will Ball tonight for Kurefca and way porta . The Nome City-of the. same line will not sail until Saturday night. She will go .direct to San Francisco. . . . Carrying 800 tons of wheat and 400, 000 feet, oflumber .the. ateamer.. Re- dondo will sail tonight for the Bay City, She will alao have a full paaaenger Hat American - schooner . .Erie was . char tered' thla morning -to load lumber at Portland , f or ,8an Francisco. ' u . WHAr.MERRILL WILD DO WHEN HE'S MAYOR JCoundlroan Fred T. Merrill haa been talking In Spokane. He telle the. miners that he Is a candidate for the office of mayor of Portland, and hla platform la licensing of vice. With little consider ation for the big stick Sheriff - Tom Word baa been using for' the past few months, despite municipal license, and authority, Mr. Merrill asaumea that If he were- mayor of ' Portland he would lloenae vice, and that vice would be permitted to flourish as it la In Ta coma today under the same ' system. T ahall be a candidate for mayor of Portland thla June, on the platform of regulating vice, ty a' system of fines aa la dona In. Tacome,'" said the councilman Wednesday to a Spokeaman,-Revlew re porter., "hi anouid raise ..git.oqo a month that way and Portland ia run ning behind 110,000 or 170,000 a year, with, a- tax-levy of 40 mills. . I am op- posed to the granting of an; Independent phone ' franchlae- In Portland.-unless the new , comers give -us at least aa good term aa they have offered Spokane." Mr. Morrill la In Spokane to dispose of-his intereata in a cycla and, automo bile atorer there, and to-make some ar rangements regarding the operation of hla theatre. . . A RATHER FAST RACE ;, . : f IM REDLIGHT DISTRICT ; j j ,',,- ... -;'-., William Simona appeared in the police court thla .morning to- answer -a charge of keeping -the-Orpheum- theatre-open after hoora.. preferred by C W. Pace, who allegea that 1130 waa stolen from him by one of the employes.' No de fense) to' the charge waa entered -by Simons, who-aaya he prefers to stand trial In tha circuit eourt. The waiter and a woman, 'en titled Joe Doe and Jane Doe In' ine complaint, will be brought into court tomorrow. If la said they will waive a preliminary ex amination. . - -- -' Simona asserts that Pace waa forced to leave - the theatre at 1 ' o'clock, and that his; subsequent action was taken out of revenge, because the performer failed to keep an appointment with him. He claimed to have bought only Ulfee bottles of wine. The author! tiea, have learned, however,- that thia part lof his statement la' untrue. Several peraona declare that prior to' the closing hour he bad bought at let a dosen bottles of wine. - - - ,. Pace la a farmer..--.-. SANDHURST TQ TAKE CARGO OF HAY TO CHINA ' ! : The. British steamer Sandhurst .was today chartered 'to load, hay here - for Talagtaau China The ahlp left Muroran, Japan. March for the sound, and after dlacharging 'cargo there will come to Portland and .load... Henry . Matt will supply the cargo.-r - ; ' -. r ' . , OSTS 'SETS TOZXJT SST. , On complaint of Beasle' Revere, a search warrant for pictures and toilet artlclea In possession of Kitty Stlner, at the Burkhardt building. East' Burn side street and Union avenue.- haa been Issued, ( Th artlclea wtra' takeni ta jtor i lice headquarters by Patrolman Robson. Miss Revere claims they belong to her. : CimOOVECEdl Many Ordinances fasssd at Re- -quest of -Those! Who Desire a Bvttar ruitiafiu. r- 4 ' ' '.I - t -H .. .., , -v: -r . , PEOPLE GET PERMITS JO IMPROVE RESIDENCES ' i ; t ' Sidewalks v Must Not Be V Ob- ; structed and Bill Board Adver- tising Mus Cease. v ( t That Interest In the cruaade for civic Improvement la increasing Is shown by tha activity among property owners In repairing and building; sidewalk ' and renovating their residences. At . leaat 126 . permits, have .been Issued by the building Inspector ' this month "for re palra to houses and a i greater 1 number of permlta' for " building 'and repairing aldewaika, have been granted by the city engineer. Nearly all the Improvementa being made are substantial. At, the- suggestion of the ofvlc kn provement board of the chamber of eom merce several' measures were presented to the city council yesterday which will aid materially in the i movement for a cleaner city. A reaolution was adopted compelling' Marshall-Wells ' company to remove several - ton of pipe from the sidewalk' near thetrt establishment. Tha company waa granted, a permit to use apportion of the sidewalk nearly two years ago, while their gtore was building,--and recently when the special of ficer ordered them to' remove the pipe they flashed the old permit In his face and refused, to obey. The council haa given . the company . II -days to remove the obatruetion. . I r ' " -The ordinance prohibiting' woodsaws fro mi operating within the Bra limits of thectty waa referred to the street com mittee. A.- measure to prohibit ' land owners ' or their aganta from allowing grass, .weeds and brush (other than or namental tree or sferuha) to- grow 'to "a greater helghth than one foot In vacant lota or the accumulation of any rubbish. waa referred 'to the police and health committee.' Mayor Willlama ordinance regulating the collection of garbage and compelling scavengers to put. covers on their wag ons was adopted. A resolution aaamg the 'executive . board to Install electric lights at the crematory so that-opera tions may be continued during-. tha night was passed. -J. c :. x. ; ! '. ' A measure' to appropriate. S2S0 for the purpose of constructing receptacles for refuse on the principal business corners defeated. The. council did not ap prove of , the plan ' to ; f uralaa . a place where merchant, could dump tneir re fuse and compel the 'city., to cart It- to the crematory. - . i - -- '-- Councilman- Bentley a billboard ordi nance-was rererred-to tne license com mittee.. This ordinance not only re atricta alclaaaee of billboard advertis ing Uut prohibits whisky or. liquor ada and many patented raediclnee, - It also makes the- dlstributloa of handbills about the streets a' mladsmeanor.' The ordinances will, be conaldered by the valioua committees to. which they have been referred, and will coma before the special. meeting of the council March 29 -for final conalderation. . . . . , KOaiSSOsT XS TSOUBUI AQAXS. ' daode- Eggleeon' was arrested today on a charge of enticing; Marian Charter, a 17-year-old giru ime a disorderly bouse. - He Is accuseot of taking the girl Into the Badger and Richelieu aa loona, notorious resorts v of, the north no. i. ! ' Eggleaonjiaa frequetiUy been in trou hie with the polloe, and waa arrested re cently on a charge or druakenness and Cigcrctte cr.d -Tobacco-Hzb.ts CURED FREE IN ONE DAY4 Bark ef the aaderstcaedj for khnaelf, traely sad votaatartly eertilles ss followsi ' i I hareby certify that I was eoaapletely aad permanently cared at the toaeeeo. habit by. a free sampla paekase at Toberoo-fipeclnc. more i thaa a year aso. I have pealtlvaly llaoked tooaeeo ever aiore I teofe toe sample, have net used asy la any forai, aad mj health ' has beea better thaa It waa before. I state these facts freelr sad voluntarllr. aoping' ether victims ef the tobacco habit will nroat by sir experience. , -. .. Rev. C H. Veale, Brandos, ta. . .... .. v H. . H. Bray ton. repperwuud. Cel.. : t leaard U Hufford. Ripley. Vlalna. , '1' . W, li. Kmeraun. Helmoat. Mo,. -5, O. W. Kdam, Box aw. Gleawood, WIS. O. W. Falmer. Cedar Bloff, Ala. James U. 'Ward, southern Hotel. Chicago, ni. Krsuk Uanaan, Gleowuod, W. Va. Jaawe Burt Brows, Colorado, Tax.' -- - . Buaan I. alonre, 8aata Hoaa, Mo. R. Coffey, KM rauk at., Chattasooga. Tone-- tiarrle Tllea. OeDoar ricl(U. W. J. kitchen., ft Hmlth. ark. . '. , . C. Dunria, ITitloa alllla. N. C V W. H. Illll. Bplnka. Kemper Co., Miss. W. V. Koblhepn, Walnut Port. Pa Mrs. AIM rietrher, Brakeblll. Teun. James Robertaos, Berwya, III. ' ' Chas. Uucote, RlehmoDd, Mo. ' ' . ' Heary B. Hobeoa, (ireesibore, Ala. iljbert Brown, Dallas. N. C. ' M. O. DeWItt, TuckerT led. Ter. . . M. Kuiawaky, El Rio, Cal. O Joha w. Keoady, Mlngos, Tex. ' " Thesa people and hundreds of others la ell parts . of the country , have beea eared of the tobacco habit by free sample packages of , Tobacco gpertflc. It la a barroleaa, practically tasteless remedy i that cpa be glvca la food or drink aad will cure all forms ef tobacco, cigarette a anuff habit without the ksowledse of tbe-pattrat. Takca by tha patient himself the remedy la Just aa eertala to cure. Tobaeeo-epeclBo will . care aay ' ease or to bacco habit. Evea I the free sample parkajra may -be sararteat to care yoa or year friend. ae matter bow knau tobacco has beea ased.-Psopw-sre being cored hj the free sampled packaices sM the time. Try It.' It csaaot do. say harm, bat will surely do good, eves If sot MffleleM to make a complete cure, aad it will, coat you aothlug. The Rogers Drag A Chemical Co., 413T Fifth and Race ate., Ctaclusatl, tlblo. wilt send you. by mall, prepaia, in plain wrapper, a aampie package ot Tobaeeo-BpeclOe exactly like tnoae thai, cured the people named above, absolutely tree. Write for it now. Do'aot wait. dlaorderly conduct by Sergeant Sloven' at Firsthand. Madison streets.' He re-1 slsted arrest and waa f thrown -to the pavement - by- the officer, . wboae little nnger. waa aprained in tne struggle, JEOni OAS ASS CAM OOUJTDS. While answering an alarm turned In from an automatic bog at. Fifth and. Alder atreeta last evening, hose cart No.' 1 collided with car No. 121 of the Wash-. Inrton street Una-- The lip of a Are horse was cut; the tongue of the hose car waa broken and a window of tha ear . amaahed. . Assistant Fire Chief Toung, after an Investigation, 'said handler not, believe the firemen were to- blame. Driver Guilds blames the motorman .of the atreet car...-;, CAMPBELL NAMED AS V V v JUDGE FOR ARIZONA 'Washington. March II. The president haa nominated John H. Campbell for aasoclate Justice of theiupreme court of Arlsona. 1,