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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
DAY 13, Jhi. Hcy April Designer '. '''.' ' ' Mow at Jhe Lining Counter, VAct Annex, First Toor, 10c copy, or 80c a year by. :! : mail postpaid.': ,,;,yv:-;.;.i;; rThe : QuaKty. ' Shop , LEADnrafiiAiLcrxzr.i; ON THIS COAST New Spring CataJneruee are out ready tor ,"4r" 1- tkon today. The Uwlt u4 Clark Souvenir I oe Out of town patron will receive on free by mall upon application or letter or postal Mall Order Department THE LEADING STORE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS ON THE . PACIFIC SLOPE Worn ',..1 Spring en's New and Smartly Tailored: jackets ; Undr- ; priced Second floor.-' Salon of Dreae Handsome and Ex- Sertly Tailored Spring oat a. Just received by a lata express from one of tha boat mak er of .women's appar . al In New York, at a surprising reduction. - An end of aaaaon 'price on new. season able - (amenta . that ' make their debut to?, sjeoi row. WOMEN'S NEW $1 BFRINO JACKET 17.1. Has anil T.irt-a nrinv.Coala la tan and DOT cloths, lt-lncb lengthe trimmed with crochet bat tone of aame color, fly fronts with fancy stitched seams, lined with Skinner's beat setie leg-o'-tnut-ton sleeves with, ewffa. rerular value pe clat, each .............. ..... .T. If You've a Notion to Save, Save on Buying of These t- Notions IN THE SMALL WARES AISLES MORROW FIRST FLOOR. TO- ..'' SAFETY PINS, to CARD. Best guarded spring nickel plated safety pine all slaea. 1 dosen on card, regular ralue lc; special. ; card. . T ... . - J BLACK SHOE LACES, to BCNCM. ; Black mohair ahoe laces, metal tipa, mea'e women a. misses7 and boys' slses; special at, bunch.... .64 : L rr - LINEN" THREAD. t SPOOL. '.--Black or unbleached linen thread. 40 yards on spool: special at. spool .................34 CI NEEDLE CASES. Me Large stse Imitation alligator needle oases, containing lsrgs assortment best quality sswlng andart r needle regular ralu tic; special, each..... 39 loo HOOKS AND EYES, to CARD ; V Wash hooks and eyes colored to. match any dress goods, S dosen en card, regular value 10c; apectaU f .card ..,,. . .14e TOOTH BRUSHES, o. , Beet duality French toothbrushes, regular ralue lie "tst special, each ..ii""i"iM Fine black, all bristle clothes brushes, extra roallty. laraw sine, regular raloe $1,M; special. each..84 . ri'i J iloBMAVlNO BRUSHES, fc - ' Ebony handle ahavlnv brushes, all brtsUs, regular value lto; special ..........k ...... te TOOTH POWDER, lto BOTTIJt. Bottle litrated tooth powder, large else, regular T ralue JSc; special. botUe ....... .........1.5f "lto WITCH HAZEL, lie BOTTLE. - .' . Witch hasel la l-om. botUes. regular value lc; cUl botUe ........... Sic TOILET SOAP, liH BOX ranry perfumed toilet soap, hard-milled, t cakes In - box, regular value 2c. epeclaL bos. ....... la't ' Slo STATIONERY. 17e PACKAGE. Old Engllnh' mllla i Wblto writing paper In 1 -pound - paekagea. conuining Tt9 sheeta, regular value tie; speclaU package ..........'.."lTd , j ': ' WRITING PAPER, lo BOX " T Box IMgh grade writing paper, new cloth finish. In cream. graVor azure. 24 sheets paper and Z4 en velopes, new shspes. regular value 15c; special. box .aoi. ? . tOc INK WELLS. ISo. Fancy glasa Ink wella on bUck or cherry bass, regu lar value toe; special, each ........254 to ORDER BOOKS, tc. Day. counter or order books, long shape, regular value tc; special, each ....... .8 . " . " ' " ' IfL. n A VTI ttn joame of Pit or Sherlock Holmes, regular ralue Ise; W v MJaM Black leather coin purses, chamois lined, with Inset coin puree, regular ralue 30c; special. each..llg 0 BACK COMBS. Ic. SheU-baek eomba, jeweled settlnga, regular rains ttc; special, each .......89 ; ' WOMEN'S 1121 WATCH CHAINS. 11.10. Women's sterling silver lorgnette watch chains, regu lar ralue 11-21; special, each ......Sl.KO - . lto RHINESTONE PrNSi 'lie Rhinestone bar , plna, regular value Jc; ; special, each ..M....15y i 11.21 WHISK BROOMS, Tie Small sterling silver handle whisk brooms, travelers' else, regular value 11.21; .special, each Tttvr" lto STICK PINS, lOe Sterling silver stick pins, assorted dsslgna, regu lar value lie!; special, each 104 FRIDAY IN THB Man's "Haberdasherie' s WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. ; MEN'S 11.00 GOLF SHIRTS It CENTS.--.- - -A Hne of Men's New Golf Shirts, In plain colors, tan, blue, gray, etc with II small tucks on either side our regular 11.00 value; special. each.....,.B94. MEN'S SI-CENT SOX 1 CENTS. ' A line of Men's New Spring Sox, In gray, with fancy stripea, regular value 2&e; special, each.... 164 WORTH TOtTR WHILE TO TAKE A TRIP TO - , 'FOURTH FLOOR.TOMORROW. The Home-fitting Stores . '.' MAKE Tt SO. 14.00 PORTIERES 11.11 Oriental Stripe Portieres; handsome combination of colors; fringed top and bottom, regular value 14.00; special, pair.. 93.95 12.00 COUCH COVER8 $2.1t Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, fringed all around, regular .value ll.eO; w special, each' 93.15 14.10 CURTAINS t.2t Fancy" Silk Cross. Stripe , Bnowflake Curtains, fringed bottom, full assort. "innf of colors," regular "value II.BOr siwfel. . pair. . . . $3.35 9 O o til Grand Fr idiay Economy ; Another of those brilliant bargain-making Friday Special . tecome : a part of this store's business ONE TO WHICH THE ECONOMICALLY MINDED LOOK FORWARD TO WITH ANTICIPATION AND IN WHICH THEY ARE" NEVER DISAPPOINTED. THESE COLUMNS CONTAIN, HOWEVER, MENTIONS OF ONLY AN INFINITESIMAL PART OF THE EXCEPTIONAL OFFERINGS THAT WILL MAKE TOMORROWS SELLING AN EVENT OF VERY UN USUAL INTEREST, FOR THEY GIVE ONLY THE MEREST IDEA OF THE TREND OF SAVINGS TO BE MADE THRO OUT THE "BIG STORE" IN THE BUYING OF. THE NEWEST, MOST WANTED AND ULTRA -FASHIONABLE MER CHANDISE. PREPARE TOMORROWS SHOPPING LIST FROM THESE SUGGESTIONS. ' . yv,----,. ; - "School of Domestic Science ' Tea Room ' ' ' , t - . V - ':."'' - Second Floor. '.''' Anspiceff Portland Y. W. CA. . f MENU FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 17 Tea Coffee - Chocolate ; ' Milk Serred in Bottles . Clam Chowder 7 Fruit Salad Scotch Woodcock - 2: " t Cheese Omelette . - - Shirred Eggs V Pati de Fois Gras Sandwiches ; Hot Rolls ; Tea Cakes . ..:,'.'. Bread antTButter ,. TTT ---iL vvomen Knitwear Aisles Offer Their Quota of Inducementa to Bargain-Finders Tomorrow "V- r-ri Hit too, 1 W0MEIT8 CNDERWEAR ' WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. AND BOTS WAISTS ARB SPECIALLY REDUCED FOR FRtDAY BUYERS. "Women's WhlU Cotton Vesta. - - - tew neck, sleerelese neatly . trimmed. 20c value; special, each... 12H Women'a Pink and Blue iLtsle Vesta. Richelieu ribbed, and White Ltale Vesta. lace striped, low neck, no slesvee 2Se and tie values, for eech....t... 18 'Women's Fine Black Lisls Hom. with " lace boots, spliced beele - French - toe, ' ilnuhl ula mlendld loo value; special, palr...37 ' Children's . Black Meroerised Lace Striped Hose seamlese . regular price tie too and. icv special, ail sisee .- ejalr p . ...,.MflM,19 Boys Blouse and Shirt Wslsts. In pretty neat pat - terns, medium and light shades, a great lot of them, none worth lees than 2lo and mostly of the lt qualities; special, each .......194 ANENT THB GREAT SALE OF MOHAIRS THAT STARTSTODAT. This Is a Mohair Spring tit DRESS GOODS SALONS SECOND FLOOR. Plain mohairs, checked mohairs, melange mohalre shadow mob airs are meager outlines of the new ones that keep coming Into the 'dress goods salons. Take checked mohairs, for illustration. Couldn't take a better one for checks are the thing for spring. There Sre dosena of styles of cheeked mohairs. Distinct., clear-cut block, indefinite checks that are merely; hinted. Tha finest mohairs are from Bradford, Eng.' land, and we've largo showing of these splendid weaves. The great demand can't kelp reaping a scarcity among the best colorings and stylee Stocks are at their high-water mark of completeness just now at this store No stingy., meager showings, bat a gene reus, bountiful feast and such values) Read! NEW LI0 MOHAIRS, 11.11 YARD. - Our regular ti l value in a Urge assortment of col ors and patterns; special, per yard $1.21 Our regular 11. Tl values In all the new colors and d ... signs; special, for per yard ;.......irrr-.t)1.46J Our regular 12.00 values In brown, navye greene . eadete grays and tans, all the newest patterns to ' choose from; special forper yard. ...... .$1.56 BLACK AND TAN BARGAINS FOR WOMEN BUY ' .ERS1 IN THE - Boot Shop Tomorrow r - tilt INSTEAD OF 11.11 FOR NEW SHOES. ; THE SHOE STORE ON THB "FAIR WAY" - 1 FIRST. FLOOR. WOMEN'S 11.10 SHOES. tt4. . Women't patent cottskia Bluehtrs snd straight lace shoes, fin material, made' by ahoe makers, regu lar value fl.10; speciaL pslr ............ 92.49 '. " WOMEN'S 11.10 TAN SHOES. 12.40. K pmen's iLBlurNramedlutadark Shade sol Just, - right for walking, flexible, regular value M.fO; special, pair ft.... 92.49 A St Patrick's Day Souvenir Sale of Genuine Irish Linens " FIRST FLOOR.i . . ' SHAMROCKS GIVEN AWAY TOMORROW. "'' We wilt celebrate St. Patrick's Day by giving some great special bargains in Irish Linens at prices which are far below say ever given before. Also each pur chaser will receive a pretty artificial shamrock leaf as. a souvenir. THREE GREAT SPECIAL BARGAINS IN RICH . ; ARDSON'S IRISH LINENS. . LOT NO. i 11.71 TABLE DAMASK FOR SLlt. . Mchmrrison's Fme Snow-Whits Satin Damaak, S yarda , - wide, our regular ILTI ralue; special St Pat- rich's Day prtoe tha yard.. .91.18 ' LOT NO. S-tl.l0 TABLE DAMASK FOR 11.04. Richardson's Real-Irish Satin Damask, full bleached, I yards wide splendid ILIO value; special St. Pat lick's Day prtoe tha yard .91.09 LOT NO. t 11.21 TABLE DAMASK FOR I4e Richardson's Heavy Satin Damask, bleached, yards . . wide our regular 11.11 ralue; special 8U Patrick's Day price tea yard 94d ' ... NAPKINS. Irish Lines- Napkins, full dinner else, to match dam. aske Our 24.00 vaL; special St. Patrick's Day price the dosen 93.98 Our 15.00 vaL; special St, Patrick's Day price the dosen 93.95 Our tCOO vaL; special St Patrick's Dsy price the dosen 94.75 PJJR GREAT SALE OF SHEETINGS. PILLOW CASES AND BED6PREAD8 IS STILL ON SHARP REDUCTIONS HAVE-BEEN !rUc OT TWWtB! OOOD8 -TJOrrTMISS THIS SALE. , Pequot A Little Lower Than the "Lowest". ' FIRST FLOOR DOMESTIC AISLE. , ... " One of the city's 'Inflammatory Stores" let Its Im agination loose this morning sod told s wrlrd tale of ts buying capacity In the sheeting line and Inci dentally quoted a list of prices on "Pequot Sheet ings" lust half a cent a yard higher on every grade than we have sold them for all day. Just by way of example again oi this great buying organisation's control of the market at all timee we quote yester day's, today's and tomorrow's prices on TEQUOT SHEETINGS." . Housekeepers will kindly compare them with else where heralded stnff that minor - . . stores ball "cheap." Brown. 42-Inch Pequot Sheetings., t ' 46-tnrh Pequot Hbeetlngs. 10-Inch Pequot (Sheetings.. 14-inch Pequot Sheetings., T-4 Pequot Sheetings-.. 1-4 Pequot Sheetings...... t-4 Pequot -Sheetings 10-4 Pequot Sheetings.,... Yerd. 124 14H 18Hc 20 H Blenched. Yard. io 11H x 12H 14H -lHs 20d 22H A DUET OF VALUES OF THE WANTED SORT ... . . - IN THE - .... .t Women's Furnishing Stores ', , FlRSTrLOQR. Friday magnets that will draw throngs of buyers to the "Fancy Goods" aisles tomorrow; - WOMEN'S 11.21 KID OIX5VE8. lc. . Women's 2-clssp kid gloves, all. colors, black and white, with Paris point backs, gneseed between ' fingers, regular value; special, each. ...984 10c LACE BANDS, lie YARD. 1 A fins lot of lacs bande In cream, ecru and white 4retty pattarne-Jtlca for Ltlmmlng.lhe new, spring. dreesee regular values 10c and soc; special, yard ..10 Result of LC. School Vote at 10' a. m. " 7 ' :!'' ';;;:Today .- Arthur Taylor, M. ft A. Shogren. , 70,964 Reginald Carter, bellboy The Nor ton .-. 67,978 Mae Hughes, Knight's Shoe Co 53,996 Esther Carlson, Mason, Ehrman ft i Co. 16,888 Guy De Puei Portland J Delivery Co. . . . . i . i . . 14,091 Charles Adler. Woodard, Clarke ft - Co. 18,817 Scattering ..... .......... ' . V.. 1 40,848 Total ... . ...... ..... .278,580 Wish-We Had Corsets Enough to Go Round TOMORROW. .. . rear ws haven't however, so better be early for a fitting. Ixng ss these corsets last ' 21.71 to 110.00 values, you becom their owners tomor row at. the parr ...... 99g ART PIBCKS .AND PETTI COATS ARM LERSENED " IN PRICE-TOO! - w4 ; Annes Salona Second Floor. Hand Embroidered S t r a k Pieces, in round or square dolliee oenterpleeas and scarf e In white, blue oV red embroidered. regulari)flcee" from tie to f 7.10; special to day at HALF PRICE . Ladles' Blue and WhlU Striped Seersucker Psttlooate 11-le ' ' double froenoe and 0-le un- der-ruffle, all double sea me . rag. prion 11.11; special 9Te Broken lines of Royal Worcester Corsets; colors pink, blue drab snd black and white; materials Eng lish eoutllle. Italian cloth, brocade silk; slses Il ls; styles coveting a large range of figures; regu lar price from 11.71 to 10.00; special...... 89 The Kitchen TheTDining-Roomand - the Garden - There's needs for each for prudent housekeepers to look to. You. know them beet- Hava we hit upon a plair-to make it easier for you to fill 'emT Glad of It If we have. These helpful prices for Frldsy Third Floor. a. rtrwro on tit . Thjn CarlsbaoTchTha "aihner se Cdecora'feT nlTfoTd- traced 100 pieces to set. regular value IZ2; special. set ...918 II.IS-CUT OLA 88 SUGAR AND CREAMER. Llbby cut glasa sugar and creamer, regular value .11.10; spectsl. set 94.39 11.11 WATER TUMBLERS. 11.10 DOZEN. Water tumblers, very thin lead blown, nestly etched, regular Value 11.11; special, dosen. .. . ..91.10 5C 8HFTRBKT CUPS. 10c DOZEN. Footed crystal sherbet' cups, regular value lie; spe- -clal. dosen 50f ' 10c WATER BOTTLES. 10c. ' Crystal water, bottles, highly finished, regular value lOc;1 special, each v 30d 20c JARDINIERES. 21c. 4-Inch glazed and mottled jardinieres, assorted kinds, regular value 20c; srechtl. each... 214! - . 250 VA8E8. 21e- 10-Inch green vases with enameled decorations snd gold scolloped top, regular value 31c; speclsl, each ..." 21 e 12-inch crystal vase; special at. each .12 1-Inch crystal vase; special st. each. .......... Tg 20c PUDDING DISH. 20c :-nch Imported fireproof clay pudding dish, white lined,- regular value' lOei reetalT-eaohrr...204? 12c MEAT rLATTERS, le Heavy 1-Inch white bval meat plattere regular value 12c; 'special, each 6 WIRED DRIPPING FA N, la Ixl I Inches sheet steel, wired, dripping pan, with wire handle; special at each 164 Double pointed, hardwood toothpicks; speclsl st. package 4 -Hand dust brushes; special at. each ...10 Wire coat and hat hooka; speclsl at dosen T GARDEN RAKES. 22c. , Garden rakes, malleable Iron, heavy -ahank' and head. baa 12 curved teeth: special at each... ...234 GARDEN HOES. 21c' Cast steel garden boee solid shank, '1-Inch polished blade: special at. each ,....354 Solid steel polished beck spade; special at each. .654 Solid steel, long handle round point shovel; special at each 684 . 14.10 LAWN MOWERS. 12.11. - ' - Lawn mowere 11-Inch Blade, strong, rigid frame, reg- i ular value 14.10: special, each ...93.65 t-pleoe garden sete consisting of spade, hoe snd rake; special at set 104 154 254 804 604. Agents for the "Quick Meal" ateel rangee also the famous "Quta-k Meal" gas range consumes II per sent less gas than other rangee iaa.TI -QUICK MEAL" RANfllg. tU 10. "Quick Meal'' ateel rangee with high closet, regular value 131.71; special, each r i.Z J ' The Spnng Millinery Store JOINS IN THE BARGAIN-GIVTNG SPIRIT. Worth - while values 'Join In the grand style esposlOosj that's taking form so rapid ly In tha pretty "Day. light Millinery Ha. Ions" in West Annex . Second Floor, These extra, special ralusa for Friday t . WOMEN'S 11.00 BLACK CHIFFON AND BRAID . HATS ILIe X. These hsAs are very practical for - early wear and oome in a variety of good shapes . and stylee Sense are ready to wear, other require juat a rossttsj or, bunch of fJowere less hats "sell at regular value for- 11.00; special for Friday only, each .BL.BS NEW STRAW SHAPES ONLY II CENTS New line - of Straw 8hapee Just te including a fin lot of eld ladles" Straw Tsrbane a style always In de mand; special at, each .T5d) "Special Spring Cleanup Sale of ; ; Jewe Tl FIRST FLOOR WEST ANNEX . CUT STEEL BEADED CHATELAINE PURSES.1w1t2i orlde chain and hooks Our 12.49 value; special for I days only, at. sach-TSdt Our tlTirvalu; special for days only at. each -554 Our lie ralue; special for 1 day only atToach .454 Our 71c ralue; special for t days only at each3&4 Our ttc value; special for days only at, eaek204 "OXIDE CHAIN CHATELAINE BAGS Our 21.11 ralue; special elean-up pric, each. ,MmSO OXIDE AND GERMAN. SILVER CHATELAINE BAG TOPS Our 12.00 ralue; special clean -up sale pricesab ..'........... ....394 OXnJE"' AND GILT-iATE BAG - TOPS Our 4I ralue; special clean-up sale .price each, ,...4 NICKLB PLATED OPERA GLASSES Our , 11.00 . value; special clean-up sals price each. ....354 FANCY TOP HAT PINS Our tie ralue; special clesA-up sals price-each. ....204 r PEACOCK EYE AND JEWEL TOP HAT PINS Our lOo ralue; special clean-up sale price eanh , ..294 Our tie ralue; special clean-up sal price sack. .354 PEARL NECKLACES Our ttc ralue; special clean-) up sale price each .................244 PEARL NECKLACES Two Strands Our lie rahie; ; speclsl clean-up sals price each. ....,. ...... 94 TURQUOISE NECKLACES Our ""lis value; apectal . cieaa-up amis . price each. ................ .264 TURQUOISE NECKLACES Three Strands Our Its .- value; special cleaa-up sale price ack.M,..354 WHISK BROOMS With stiver ' mounted, ebonled . handles, our tie ralue; special cleaa-up sals price, ach. ...194 PORTLAND SOUVENIR I FLAG PINS Our tto . value; speclsl clean-up sal price each. .. 204 CLOTH BRUSHES Real ebony, silver mounted, our EMERY BAOS Sterling silver mounted, our' tie rains; special at ach.i.,.....M.rM..M.l54 MEN'S DRESSING COMBS j Ebony, silver monrrtet our lie ralue; special at. each .234 LADIES' DRESSING COMBS Shell sterling mount ed, our 11.11 value; special st each.... ....654 GERMAN SILVER CHAIN CHATELAINE PURSES Our 111 to 111 values; special at, ch....95.00 Our 14,41 to tt values; special at ach.'. .92.50 Our 1.7 ralue; special st" each. .M..T54 SHOE HORNS Ebonoid handles; special at' each. 54 CIGARETTE CASES Of raid metal. Value to 11.00; special at each ............ .......504 HOK HORNS with sterling silver handles, also .RUT- TON HOOKS, CURLING IRONS. BLOTTERS. CUTICLE KTIESrte5-our-tl-raluiJieclal a eafk .it, , ..rv.. .. ...... ......154 STERLING SILVER O RI T AOS With lealher strap, our I So valus; special at each. ...... .194 Our 40e value; special at each... .....I. ..254 Our 11.00 value; special at each. ...... ....654 BTERLING 8rLVER HANDLE EMBRODD&RT SCISSORS Our 7tc value; special at, pair...-S4 Our lie value; special at pair..... 504 Our lOe value t special -at, pals ..............24- STERLING SILVER POCKET COMBS Our lOo value; speclsl st each... 254 STERLING SILVER GARTER SUCKLES ." Our tic value; special at, each. ....... ...554 Our lie value; special at each. ...... .....394) STERLING SILVER POCKET KNIVES. I BLADES Our 11.00 value; special at each. ....... ....694 ." Our lie value; special at each'. 354. Our lie value; (4 blades) special at each.. ..454 BLACK SILK WATCH GUARD Our 2lo ralue; spe cial at each .....154 STERLING SILVER HAIR PIN BOXES Our value;-special at each ,.....,.904 FANCY SILVER AND TURQUOISE BRACELET'S Values to 00c; special at each....', .-194 STERLING SILVER BRACELETS Our ti ll value; speclsl st each 694 STERLING SILVER BABY BRACELETS Our 4eo vslus; special at, each.,.. ......354 BAND RINGS Plain or chased. 14-k gold-Ailed, our 16c value; speclsl at each .....354 FANCY GOLD NECKLACES With pendant Jewels. our lie vslue; special at each. ...... t ... ,494 WATCHES Nickle plated, guaranteed for one year; speclsl sale price, each..,,. 754, FANCY RHINESTONE BROOCH PINS Our lie value; special at, each. ........... 2A4 Our lie value; special at each.. .,...394 PEARL AND JET STICK PIN SETS I in set. our - He value; special at the set '. ..94 JEWELED BAR riNS Assorted settlflge our tie value; special at. each ..194 ENAMEL BEAUTY PINS Twa la set our 21 ralu; 'special at set ....154 BLUB ENAMEL BEAUTY PII SETS pins In set. - ur It value; speclsl stthe set..,.. .934 JEWELED BELT PINS Our II value; special at .........i;..; STERLING SILVER STICK PINS Our lid rt'-'; special at each FANCY -GILT AND OXIDE BELT BCCTSXr" sorted patterns . Our 21c ralue; special at meh """Our lie raWer IpeeliT at. r 7. . .-. Our lie ralue; special , ' Sel1 ''"S j 1 :'--i::--