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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY. CVENHTO.; MAICII 18. v i t TOwEMSTACK U OS NEIGHBORS Bitter Complaints of Dstructlon to Property by Soojk From , Oregonjan Building. , BURNING PAPER FROM - ; : CHIMNEY FUE& IN AIR Psopls .May Not Open Windows ; Because of Garbage Con . turned There. . i .:: . BuiImu men and residents Jn ths VI iv .t tks nniMiu hulldln are con ; demolng In Mt, solid term the worst nuisance with which the district nas 10 contend tbe smokestack of that name tower which daily batches forth soot and half-burned paper, to the disgust of pe destrians and the injury of business, and all aaalnst th law. ",' v ! ' !' : ' . One. morning of last week a woman was, welkins" near the corner of Seventh J ; and Morrison streets, a run oioca wo t half front' the smokestack, when a Are J" brand from the chimney alighted on her hat and' set lire to lt. The hat waa V ruined. This was an unusual incident, i but little more annoying than-the daily oxperiencee 6f women dressed in light I material who are compelled to rug the ' -gauntlet of the nuisance on their .way ii to work. The soot not only soils the " clothing1 but flies into the eyes -of ! passers-by and Utters the streets for two blocks la each direction. 4 -' Moreover, It blows Into the windows 1 'of hotels and rooming houses in the 5 ., vicinity, notably the Calumet, which is f diagonally aeroas from the smokestack. 1 : Business bouses no longer dare open ' ' thetr front doors because the soot overs their stock and the inhabitants of a , , tenements Just across the way are com pelled .to aelect an hour for hanging out ; their washing when the furnace is not i . "Wowing." r ; ; - . ! The Opera House laundry, employing ' a largo number of men and women, is V-'.' one conspicuous Victim of the outrage. Although they are working constantly In warm rooms, the Windows cannot be 4 opened because the soot would render the laundry work of no avail. Manager Warren has shouted himself hoarse " against the annoying condition, but with , ,-out. effect. . ' ' --.' - f It la supposed , by the complaining ' neighbors that ths cause of the trouble ; is-the burning of the waste paper which . accumulates In the offices of the Ora ' gonlan building and ia gathered at night ' and consumed after the fjree are lighted ia the -morning. ' One man who . has . offices on the sixth floor states posl ' tlvely that this Is the ease, and although ' he has complained that he cannot open . toe windows of bis offices In the early morning, no attention had been paid to ' him or bis demands for Just treatment. It s a common sight to see pieces of i burning paper threeinches In diameter fall Into Seventh street or Sixth street during . the "blowing" hours, and that they are dangerous Is shown by. the in- . eident of the woman whose bat was '..'destroyed. ' 'I'' -.... .'..'-. For many months the outrage has ) gone on. but a decided sentiment has ,'" act In against it. and unless the offend ers themselves abato IV it will be only : a short time bsfon legal measures are taken to remind thnm that garbage of a. . certain nature may not be burned. 1 NICARAGUA TREATY IS ''' . RATIFIED BY SENATE (Joaraal Bpedal Ssrvtee.) Washington. March H. The senate this afternoon ratified ths extradition treaty with Nicaragua. Senator Morgan ' took the floor for the afternoon to speak In opposition ta the San Domingo treaty. m in ' -'f . - 1 (3 aal gpetUl errloa.) Washington. March IS. -A dispatch X. ' frota Santiago de Chile states that a f . plague has appeared along the coast of I Chile and that cases are occurring dally f and smallpox la also prevalent. 1 Nervousness lead-Vy Offe-A fan JMlar't Werth ef My tee te Tir wttxet Dteeaw e EUk, er riestiee te Tuy. frvtfaliMaa. raat irrtuMUtr all are tfca eetward elgae ef iBwerd serve SItartaor. : The faelt Is sot with the servn wkleh aim roe waraiag net with the turn wfelee enable res te fw. te .walk, Ult. lar-ttiair to ate. lrueTjr. SUg we, tae aalaiaatle pewef ftvm tkeee are tb serves tkat work wears eat sad ' weery nreaka doe a. . - . v .. ' I feeve sot ranei here te explain haw these trader, tier senee eoetrol sad operate the stoma c. the heart, the kldneje, the liver. Hew excesses , ead strains and overtadulavsee . aestrey their delicate fiber. Hew, th roues, a bead af ayaipathr, weakaeae Is eae caster U ' eaeveyed te each ef the other enters. Bow this eaaie hoed of (rmpathy predaees the eot ward algae ef Serveimnae which should warm as ef the tieeble "wlUUa. I have sot reos to . aeseira sew tbeae servee star he reached aad - etresgtbeaed aad .vitalised aad Bade well by a reawdy I spent thirty years Is pert ectlsg -new . ksava by dragglets etrheie as Or. gheep'a . Besssratlve. t hare sot ream to espials hew, this restedy. bj ssssovuig the eaaae, pets s ; eartala mt te all form-t serveesatse. Isararf sad eatward. Inrladlas fretralaeas. reetleassees. sleiilmsns. IrrlUhiltty. AU ef these thlsgs see felly explalaed U the . seek I bill seed .yes whea 'yea write." . . , la sssre thea a Bllilos homes siy resssdy U kaowm, aad relied apes. Tet yea xsay sot hava , heard ef 1C Se t tasks this affer te yoa, s eOaaget. that every possible excess for doubt . taay be removed, lead ne saosey aisks - as pnlae take se risk. Blisply write and ask. If roe have sever tried my reaiedy, I will send Ki as seder ea year dracelst (nr a full dollar tie eat e sample, nut the regular standard bottle ha kseps Fonrtaatly on bis shelTes. The drns-rtst will require ne eondltloos. He Will ' arrapt sty offer as cbeerfally ss tbnosh yosr eollar la he (or hlsx. Us wu assd the bill to aie. Win yne aerept ttHs P Hatty te tears st BIT BXPBNHB iBHULt'TRLT how te be nd all forsss ef m to be rid sot oely of the trohle. bet of the vsry esos . wnxa proowcoe ui wnte tosay. .. . . . ' por e frse eeder for nook 1 ee Tyneti1a. ' a rail dollar bottle Book t oe the Resit, v re Biaat address Dr. Honk I 01 the Kidneys, t Phone. Box V STS. book for Wesaee, .- Marin. Wis, Stats Book S for Men. which hook yea wast. Beak sa khesawtlsss. Mild esses are eftea eared by a single bottle. rr as la at forty thoeaaad drug stars. Dr. Shoop's -Restorative THRASHES TRIES TO Portland has a railroad man. Alex ander Oavln by name, who Is not likely to be held up a second time by a certain thug whom he taught aevere leason three nights ago on ths east aide. Mr. Oavln la chief clerk of the ticket accounts for ths Oregon Railroad Navigation company. He resides at 400 Kast Ninth street He stepped from hi car at the proper' corner on. the - night In Question and had walked perhapa a bloek toward bis home, when a man with a maak and generally1 desperate In appearance Jumped from behind a, gate and thrust a revolver to his face, with the ususl command for uplifted bands. Oavln was thoroughly roused. Instead of- complying, ha let go with his right INCREASE IN SCHOOL CHILDREN VERY LARGE There has been an Increase of 1.I1J school children in Portland between 4 and 10 years of age in the past year, according to ths annual school census Just taken' under the direction of School Clerk H. 8. Allen. There are now 26.040 children In the district- against I4.4ST for last year. The increase Is slightly over 1-0 per cent, . The census roll shows that the great est, Increase In children of a school age la en the east side. In Piedmont and Highland. Latst year, a four-room addi tion was made at the Highland school, and so crowded has the building become YOUNG TRACY HAY DIE OF INJURIES Car Dashed Into His Automobils -at . Sixth and " Morrison. Streets on Sunday. Struck by a street ear at Sixth and Morrison streets, while riding an In au tomobile, Ouy Tracy, aged 11 years, was so badly injured that ' there-la grave danger the accident may result fatally. Ths collision occurred - Sunday after noon. Last night ths condition of Tracy became so bad that ha was re moved by order of the attending physi cian to the Oood Samaritan hospital... Tracy, who cams to Portland from Weiaer, Idaho, was riding in a covered automobile owned by Lot Q. 8 wetland. Ha was crossing the street at Sixth aad Morrison streets when he perceived an east-bound car almost upon him anl stopped his vehicle, which then , lay across the other track. Owing to the eover he did not pet-calve a west-bound car, which etruck the automobile full force, ,.-:; .-v. ..... ' The automobile was carried along. 10 or It feet and was badly damaged; It ia said the repairs will cost 1100. Tracy was not thrown out of the vehicle, but waa burled against the driving rod and governor. . 1 . The Injured lad waa taken to ' his room, at It Tenth atreet, and. the- dam aged automobile renawved to a repair shop.: ' Examination at flrat failed to disclose - say injuries to Uracy other than a severe bruise on his bead ' and severs' on his llBJba and body. -Hie condition, however, grew steadily worse, and last evening bo was. takes to the hospital. '. : A further examination at' the hos pital ahowed hla akull to bo fractured, and it la feared ho may have received concussion of ths brain. At a lata hour this afternoon ths patient wss resting easy. - ' BUREAU OWNER ITS ' BEST CUSTOMER (Continued from Pago One.) The ceremony waa performed yester day at the Tllford hotel. Third and Jef ferson streets. Rev. M. M. Bledsoe, pas tor of ths Immanuel Baptist church, of ficiated. 1 Mr. Cochran sent the hotel clerk after tho license, and when that waa procured, went Immediately to the hotel, where a lew intimate rrtends were gathered. Mr., Cochran la In charge or the mat rimonial bureau today. His wife la as- sistlng him. He says that he would re fuse twice the amount ha paid for mem bership fees aad Introduction fee aftar having secured his wife. "I am the luckiest men In the world," ho said, "and we are tho happiest pair In Portland. -The boysjllnder thought they'd get funny with me last night my room waa go in to be decorated with red paper and all that kind of nonsense. I Just got that old gun o' mine outen my grip and laid it on the floor where I. could reach it handy. None of 'em didn't come, and I guaas It waa for the beat." Mr. Cochran la half owner of tho mat rimonial bureau and will probably be sole, proprietor In case Mr. Hamilton fails to return. He says Mr. Hamilton will arrive before Saturday. "Anybody that thinka Cochran got the worst of it is mightily mistaken.'' said a friend of the groom. "He put a good sum into the business, but In re turn be got a, wlfs who owns two farms, besides two "houses and two lots In Portlsnd." , "Yea shs towns a farm In Benton county. Oregon," Mr. Cochran said to day. " and another farm In Klickitat county, Washington. We re both pretty well aatlsfled." Mr. Cochran Is a wldowsr and has several children in Qllllara county. He is a member of the Oregon Pioneer so ciety, having come to this stats In IIU with an ox team. He waa a farmer un til recently, when ho became a trader, and lived ia Oilliam county for 10 years. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran announce that they will reside in Portland, and that they will be at home to their friends as soon as housekeeping "apartments are completed. j SEATTLE UNIONS SEEK TO BOYCOTT THE FAIR Imperial Dispatch te The looraal.) Seattle, Wash., March 1 A resolu tion haa been drawn to be Introduced in the labor council, the essential body of organised Isbor in Seattle, declar ing the Lewie and Clark, exposition un fair and providing a One of 111 for all members of Seattle unions that visit the fair. Ths resolution is drafted with the Idea of aiding Portland unions In winning their fight In establishing closed shop policy st ths fair grounds, Ths manufacturers , of Seattle havs been asked by ths state commission to prepare a display- fer-4ho- Washington building st the fair of the products made In Washington. The request will probably bo complied wits, . - THUGWHO? HOLD HIM UP flat and the next Instant the would-be hold-up waa lying at Jength on the ground, partially conscious, with his pistol lying on ths outer edge of the sidewalk. "Have you had snoughT asked .the railroad man. reaoy to rwavw- m - tack. . (-' .' . Than vn na answer. Mr. Gavin, believing the man was harmless for tns rest ot in '. picked sp the weapon, deposited it in bis pocket ana went nomav ne much ea mention the affair to the po lice, probably realising the useleasness of such action. ' " ... . What became of the thug will remain a myatery. ' ' ' ' that another four-room addition will ba neceassry next fall. A material increase la also noted in tne renrosuia uiavnci and In Bellwood. ; .--- The number of school children bss also grown on ths west side, but the increase , has been small compared to what It waa In certain localltlea east r h 4ara-. TOnat af Burnalda atreet the enrollment a hows more school chil dren than last yesr. This is the district In which many of Portland's laboring people reside. There has been a notice able increase In esrtain localities In South Portland., . THIEF PLUNGES IN LAKE AND ESCAPES Loots Three Places and liT Dis v covered by Nightwatchman . r "V But Eludes Him. '. i ... (Special Dispatch to The JoarnaX) . Oregon City, March 'li: A lone bur glar, operating along Mala, atreet last night, made entrance to three different buildings, those of W. Rambo's saloon. H. P..Brightbsirs (late Matheny's) bak ery and the William TeU saloon. These buildings are within two blocks of each other.. The entrance into Rambo's sa loon was effected through the wood bouse, from which tho rear window of ths building waa forced open. Tbe only booty secured hero waa 11.10, all the money In the caah. drawer. . Entrance to the bakery was secured aftsr prying oft. a staple which secured a door. Tho only thing missed from the bakery waa one cinnamon' roll. The William Tell saloon sustained, a loao of about t ail tbe money In eight. En trance was made through a side window, after prying off the window stop. About daylight this morning Night watchman Ed Shaw was attracted te the noise made by the thief In making bis sxlt from ths William Tell saloon, and Immediately made examination. The thief waa discovered and oegan a race, cloaely foUowed by the officer. The burxlar went in a northeast direction, crossed tho Abematby river, and brought up on the bank of. Moss lake, near Pant place. He did not jiealtata, but plunged Into tho wator- and waded aeroaa in water that almost submerged him. elos behind was the officer, who fired aeverai shots at ths fugitive, Aftef -crossing tbe lake the thief took refuge in the dense wood around Park" place. The burglar haa not been identified, but It la known bo Is a negro. A negro, supposed to be the burglar who operated here last night, waa aeen this -morning passing MUwaukls on his wayto Portland, DUNNE AND CROSSLY ; WERE SEENT LEBANON . A dosen" witnesses Identified Ell Dunne aad I. C Crossly, alias Jim Rey nolds, as having been in Albany, Leba non and on tho road loading to the weat aide railroad before and after the rob bery of the Lebanon bank. The case waa on trial yesterday before Judge Burnett In Albany. Sheriff Word, ac companied by Deputise Downey, More land and Orusal. attended; the sheriff returned Isst evening, but left the dep uties to give their testimony. Immense crowds are attending the trial. Dunne, and Crossly were shown to have been la Albany before the robbery, and ' trainmen on the Lebanon local swore they saw four men near the tracks ths Tuesday evening on which the crime was committed. The Identifi cation waa especially accurate aa to Crossly, whose crippled- right hand was remembered by several persons. Ths rmiy bsnk robbers wot r frm . Lebanon to the weat aids railroad, and it waa ahown that a man corresponding to the description of J. F. Klngsley wss with Crossly, and that Dunne and Dor land were together. t - One witness, when asked If ho could Identify Crossly, who has shaved off his mustache since his arrest, could not remember htm. But, when shown a pho tograph of - the man, taken before tbo mustache waa removed, aald quickly: ' "That la the man. I remember hlra distinctly." ' Sheriff Word believer the case against Dunns and Crossly Is clear, and that they will be convicted. WEALTHY LUMBERMAN ' U BUNKOES HOTELKEEPER (ftpselal Dispatch te Tbe Joornat) Moscow, Idaho, March 11. George B. Brewster, claiming to be a wealthy lum berman of lone, Mich., registered a week ago at the Moscow hotel managed by George W. Gale. He apent money like water and treated everybody to eham pagne. He said that be was sowing his wild oats as he had bad none to sow when young. Ho. appeared to be about 10 yesra old. Thursday he Introduced a 17 -year-old girl aa his wife, although no marriage license had been procured In the county. He left within two days, presumably for Spokane, after getting Gale to sign a draft on sn lone bank for 11,000. The girl wlfs claims not to know the whereabouts of her busbsnd. BhV Is the richer by several handsome gowns and some money and seems not to care. BSSaTSBSSSJSSBBaBSJBBaBJ MAO AJtmOW. BSOAPB. Kscchi. the Japanese who Is doing a "slide for life" at the Grand this week. by descending from the, celling of the auditorium to the stage on a wire, had a narrow escape from serious Injury, if not death, Isst night At the time he wss to begin his descent, he loet his balance and - would have fallen a dis tance of 40 feet into the audlenco -but for- itprlgMiy-nroTO wblch -mad1t po slhle for htm to catch hold of the wire and hold on. He regained his place and performed, as usual, ? DEADLY INSULT TO OFFICER OTTO PRAG Acting on ' Misinformation! He , Arrests Wrong Boy and Is , . , Cruelly Derided. TAKES I A. CLOCK'S SON FROM PRIVATE SCHOOL Manninsr' Assumes Lad - is In nocent, and to Special's Dis ' gust. Sends Him Home. : ' Otto Prag. secretary of ths Newsboys' union. Holding a 'commission from Mayor Williams authorising him to carry a pis tol and servo processes, yesterday went to the private school of Mrs. Margaret V. Allen and arrested the o-year-oia son of J. A. Clock, general agent In Portland for the . Wlaconala Central lines. The chargs upon which tho boy wax arrested was destruction of prop erty, and ths complaint was swora to by E. . J. Cannon, who owns uurnn i addition. Just outside tho city toward Arlata. 3 u silos Seton Issued a John Doe and Richard Doe warrant,, and young Prtg proceeded to search for tbo lads- who were accused of destroying ths property, Apparently ho got erroneous informa tion, and mistook ths Clock boy for one of those who bad been, throwing stones at the Cannon building. . Mr. Clock, on bearing ei us inciaenw hurried to tho scene and prevented the taking of his son into oourt, to give ball,' by promising District Attorney Manning that be would be reaponaiMS for tho appearance of ths lad. Special Officer Prag was exceedingly wroth. 'and resented what ho thought to have boon a sneer by Mr. Clock at news- boye. "I wUI spend my last dollar la prose cuting -this ease." declared Prag. "I have been insulted. - District Attorney Manning '. believed tho matter was rather too Important to remain In tho bands of a boy of Frags ago, notwithstanding ho holds a com mission as a special wfflcer, and assured Mr.. Clock that bo would look into tne case and decide later what action he would take.-'7-. - --r-r-- : - r ,11 1 an 1 WIVES OF, WEALTHY MEN ARE CAUGHT GAMBLING ; v' ' : . (Josraai Special Barries.) New Tors, March II. Tbo police last night raided a poolroom, and gambling- house on nfty-eecond street which they declare ta patronised exclusively by ths wves of 'wealthy -Now Yorkers. The evidence waa obtained by a woman do-' tective. Tho poolroom is located in a fashion able apartment-bouse, ana tho police had to - break two doors to reach the room. ' The entrance waa followed by a scene - of ' wild excitement among tbe women, moot of whom were gathered at the roulette table. . Tbey screamed and attempted to escape by doora and win dows .After they had given their nam a and addresses the women were allowed to go. Besides the charges of conducting a poolroom and gambling-house, Freder ick Bush, the proprietor, is accused or attempting to . bribe a pollcomatv -., CELEBRATED COLBERT WILL CASE IS ARGUED (Special Dispatch te Tbe JooraaL) Helena. Mont, March II. The su premo court today heard arguments la tho rehearing of the celebrated Colbert will ease. Colbert was a wealthy miser who died four years ago. A man named Woolbeatar filed a will, as did a man named Bcheuer. The Woolbeater will was thrown out of court on the grounds of forgery', while' tho Scheuer will was non-suited. 8cbeuer appealed to the su- Dreme court, which ordered a new trial. The attorney-general, who desired to have the estate escheat to the state, se cured a rehearing, wnicn was srguea today. He asserted that affidavlta filed with ths new evidence were prob ably "manufactured." ; Tbe aetata Is worth 150,000. i KLONDIKE MILLIONAIRE SPENDS NIGHT IN JAIL (Special Dispatch te The JoameL) ' Seattle, March II. An tone Stander, tho Klondike millionaire, owner of the Stander sddltlon and tho Btander- hotel. now nearing completion at a coat of $400,000. spent Isst night In tho city JalL Hs wss arrested by Patrolman Ryan for fighting with hh wife on tho street He wss drunk, and this is the chargo iernpposlte big name on tbo police register. Stander and bis wife have had fre quent quarrels for the psst year. They were married in Dawaon after Stander struck It rich, Mrs. Stander having up to the time of her marriage been an employs of a variety theatre there. TERRIFIC STORM RAGES ; ALONG BRITISH COAST (Journal Special sMrrlee.) Iondon. March II. The last two days a terrific storm hss been raging along the English - and Irish coasts. Many disasters to shipping have boon re ported. High winds havs prostrated telegraph and other lines throughout the kingdom. The cruiser Kent haa been driven ashore at St Margaret and dosens of houses have been carried away along tbe Frith of Forth. BUHLER WANTS WOMAN i PARTNER ARRESTED a. BuhJer swore to. a complaint this afternoon , charging May Cooper, living on the east side, with larceny by bailee. A warrant waa Issued for her arrest. Buhler alleges that he gave the woman 1100 on condition that shs waa to get more money -from her father and be come hla partner In conducting a lodging-house. Instead, he says, tho woman took the money and has dlaappeared. rov SS KTST 0K. Four Chinese were taken from ths county ' Jail today by Deputy United Btates Marshal Wilson, who wilt escort them to San Francisco, whence they will bo deported. In the federal court yes terday it was established thst they were illegal residents. oraxs FOtnrs. (Special Dispatch te Tbe JosrneL) . Moscow, Idaho, March II. The two Barnes" girls "whar have "been ' missing from home for a week hsvs been located in Princeton, Idaho, and will be brought stoma m HAT gssssaaaaaaasr 7V Thirty Styles; Thirty Shades; THE BIO STORK IN THE MIDDLE OF THB BLOCK Genuine Shamrock Free CoMPIJbtENTS CHICAGO flalnt Patrick's morning. I till. noon. "We have secured the entire lot of Shamrock, brought to Portland by Mlsa O'Hara and will give it to all callers tomorrow - morning Irs tbo real thing. 1 , That Bear UtlLs, Sweet XattU X-lowws FOREST GROVE CIVIC-"1 IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY Annual Meeting Is Hsldr. Ad- dressss Mads, and New Of- T v ficers Elected. . (Special rntrjetcb te The losrsaL) Wnraiaa nrnff. OfL ' MaTCh : It. The Civic Improvement society of Forest Grove held Its .annual meeting last even ing in verts- nan. The program consisted of musle by the Walker orcheatra: a solo by Mra McEldowney; the annual reports by Mlaa M. V. Farnham: a report of the work laid out by' the city. council by Council man Harris; address by Senator Haines on "Forest Grove Beautiful," and an other on the same subject by Professor Allen, principal of the city school. T nomas MCVUBKer, 01 we rvnuaau Civic Improvement society, gave the ad- Jtmmm nf th. 1. 1 Yl a- The following officers . were elected for the eneuing year: joi. narry Harnea, ro-elected president; Miss M. V. ... h. - aAMtaf-v. fleaie vlrawnreal- a-axuwu. " - i - - - - . waltav Mnara; Bennnd iee-nreal- dent. Mrs. itogers, xrenavrer, jirs, suuiv, committee, A. U. nonman, rrui. sv. . . in.. Dmiw te V!7aM,na llH nouerbSHfn, aib a t - - Baldrlck an4 President W. M. Ferrin. TO LET CONTRACT FOR - PALOUSE ELECTRIC LINE (Bpnrlal tHssateh te The Jfoeraal) . Snnlrana. alaj-Ch II. EnOUSh StOCk subscriptions baring been received to justify going on with the Spokane A . i A .iM,.u Mllraait an lamrtift. tria 1WWV ,w " r directors have made a formal can for tho first one third of ths money sub scribed. - The money thus available Is about IMS.OOO. Tha Ave promoters sub scribed tlOO.OO to tbe stock. In addi tion Spokane men have taken about 1100,000 worth and residents of tho Pa louse country have taken 1160,000. - AU Of -tne aireciors were present st tho last meeting, and upon request from uMM,ina Arm, tha tlma 'fnr BTOTWaU . filing bids was extended to tonight. Ths executive committee, consisting of Jay P. Graves, F. A. Blackwell and F. Lewis Clark, was authorised to let the con tract for grading tha road from Spokans to Waverly, a distance of IS miles. It is quite proDania mat tue contract tro ths first. 11 miles will bo let this week. PULLMAN GLEE CLUB Z-T ON ITS ANNUAL TOUR (Speeisl 'Dispatch ,te The tarsal.) . ' Waablngton State College, Pullman. Wash.. March II. The College Glee club left Pullman yesterday on Its ninth an nual tour of eaatern Washington. ' The trip will occupy 10 days. The Initial entertainment for thla season was given at Waitaburg last night; tonight, Day ton; Friday night. Walla Walla On Saturday night tbo club will .return to Pullman.. i - Leaving Pullman Sunday tha elub win go to Rltsviile for sn appearance Mon day night. It will bo at Spraguo Tues day evening. March tl, and at either Spokane or Cheney Wedneeday evening. March The date for the remainder of the tour are: Rosalia, Thursday evening; Oskesldo, Fridsy evening; Gar field, Saturday evenrng.and Pullman Monday evening, March it. Tho club will probably go to Colfax Thursday. April t. Tha glee elub is said to be the boot to WciduwMyE r tui wor in AMERICA'S GREATEST $2.50 69-71-73 Third St, Hat c pTHen's Furnishings Special showing of Spring style shirts, comprising prindpally Cluett and Monarch; most ' - - ? attractive fashions. ilfi' Negligee" and Stiff Bosom Shirts,' in a -ePaWeUUraost attractive and elaborate display; confined ' styles. , :: x - '-j- ; A I f A Golf, Negligee and Stiff Bosoms, are a most . 4 1 U U inviting line of choice spring" fashions, in Quett & Ca's make. .. . - T A A Monarch and Cluett brands, an almost untun- lited variety, in PloUUi yCTExtrord'nary valnes-in Golf,i Negligee and Stiff! f Ov Bosom; over 80 styles. :y . v pA ' A leader with as and unquestionably the largest tjUCand best selection of dependable Shirts of all kinds ' 1" to be seen anywhere.. Great 50c 00 Brooms, made of finest Oregon 'corn, specially selected, extra 9(V heavy, sold everywhere at SOc special Saturday only ........... vv C. & C. Sewing Solid Oak Case, drop bead, com plete with attachments, $20.00 Very host, easy running, war ranted 1. year, equal of any 165 machlna. 1 . $1 Down, $1 Per Week I. GEVURTZ SOWS Complete Home Fomiaher 1 73-1 75 First Street Egsiisir.sgiJ.-Tr;irrTggzxxgigxixsrrr.:.......:-.ii-i ever sent out of Pullman and comprises the best talent among 70s students. The personnel of the club follows: 1 Mlll gard, & Scott and M. Montgomery, first tenors; C. B. Stunt, R. a. Adams and R. c McCronkey, Jr., second tenors; C C. Talbot. . DeForeat Cllne and W. Thorpe, first bassos; C. Reed, B. A. Stlmmel end H. McCoulley, second bassos. " Mrs. Kuiia Strong, wlfs of Prof. W. B. 8trong, director of the club, will accompany the club on its tour ss soloist. Mra . Strong bss a rich soft voice of beautiful quality and perfect cultivation, which la always well re ceived, t ' B. A. Stlmmel li president bf the) club, No Pain Is so severe thst It cannot bs relieved with Dr. M1W Antl-PaJn Pllla It la the only infallible remedy known for the. relief and core of every kind of pain, headache from any eauae, neu rale-la. rheumatic peine, backache, elds acne, menstrual pains, muscular pains, stomach ache, toothache, etc - If you are subject to aches end pains of any kind, take Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills when you feel the flrat symptoms com ing on. Tou will be entirely relieved from the attack. They are pleasant little tablets, but they do the business besides, they are abaolutely harmless. "I have used Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for three years, and they never fall to relieve my nervoue headache and neuralgia I have learned to get the beat to? tbo attacks by taking a tablet In advance." RACHKL J. JOHNSON, Alrrorruetrqu-, N.-M. -- It nrat package aoes not nenent you. tell your drugsist, and hs will, refund money. . li doses, 26 cents. lSsvbr sold la bulk. : - .' -, . and Colors Bet Oak and Pine spring fashions. . .' , .. .v.;-'-' Ilia'" Drooms. 20c! C Reld is secretary and treasurer and E. W. Thorpe ia business manager. Prcf. Herbert Klmbrough ia tho pianist. In addition to two complete programs of glee club work there will bo many now ' snd interesting featurea . i AGED OREGON PIONEER . DEAD IN LOS ANGELES (Special rrlapateh to Tbe Journal.) HllUboro, Or, March 1 A. J. Ham II- . ton, aged Tl years, formerly, a resident of Baaverton. In thla county, died ad., Loo Angeles, CsLTlast Saturday. ' - The -deceased was of English, birth, and waa born on the ocean while his 1 psrents were en route to this country. About tl yesrs sgo ho cam to Wash-' Ington county,- and was one of Its prorni-" nent cltisens. Severs! ' years - ago ha went to Portland, and after remaining there a short time went te Los Angele-t, where he hss since resided. , He lesves to mourn his - loss hla widow, Cynthia, who Is a sister of tha wlfs of Hon. M. t. Hare of thla city. WA-TTBD aOUOOI CITY. Charles Wright, colored, was ar rested by Detectives Hartmaa and Vaughn this afternoon by requeat of City Marshal Buma of Oregon City. . The prisoner Is believed to be tho men who recently committed a number of larcenies at Oregon City. - . - m rinm xmnxmn. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jeareal.) , Oregon City, Or., Msroh 1. Tbe fol towing persons havs been Issued timber patents inningur.1 me i'"-,arianti'-omc!' Kdrut D. Tlmma. Owen Jones. Nails r tvsrson, Anton 8. Proslld. Fred T. Pem broke, Ela. Sbuck, Maggie M. Harvey. .. '.":, "... .V- - e i i-.,.- Saturday Night "r 7 '