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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
TIIZ DAILY JOUHNAU POUTLAIfD, THURSDAY EVENING MARCH 18, 1C3. 4- ... tobheht's iwnmmm Marouam.,,,,, "The Vlafalan' Columbia., ..., ....'Joan ol Ik" tapir..... ...... "Ol Onus' - Urrlc v "U Cherry Tallevr blr .....Vaudeville Urmaa) .... Vender! lie suar vaedevtUa T -' "Trie, wnenttv hAe.en' . j,e lk V(.iitM Vj . . .....m.-.1.. . . . ' . . x. w. u. a. to man imnftoenti for . tbe annual meeting. Thursday. adi-U The cases of two mothers who naad go' . carta or bahjr carriages for their chll .:. drn because It is the only -way they can vet fresh air both for themselves and the little ansa were presented. It '. was decided to ask the publio to eon tribute. Anyone having these article or any old linen, or sheets to give will ' . pleaaa notify the City Board of Charl ""'tlea, (Of Jefferson street, or call up tele- pnona aiain sui. - ; ''''- ' Two wills signed by the late Frank f. Herman Gran have bean Hied for'pro- - bate in tba county court. : . The . first. , written March 10. l0t, bequeathed "1 3,400 worth of realty to hla wife, Ida , (Iraq, and It to each of three children. . . Another, made May I, 1101, seta forth ( that tba wife baa bean provided for by Ufa insurance, and leave the realty to ' uie cauorea in aqua snares, ina aaay will, when prowad as to genuineness, will - be aooepted by tna ooooQr court, r. ' Bishop Breyfogal will preside at the Oregon oonxerenoa Of - the Bvangellcal association, which foil rsnos In tba Lenta church, ML. Scott. May 11. and eoattnues until May ' It. Appointments for the ansnina year will be annooneed. Rev. H. C Henderson, pastor of the lsnta a.hiiM,H ttmm hMnn armnMiiiiMitB fn. ejia " antartaimnent of delegates.- At the eloaa - of the session Bishop Br y rug el will preside at conferences tn Washington and California. ' Major Alfred F. Sears of thla city was notified; yesterday that ha bad bean ap i pointed commander of Abraham Lin coln post No. .114. Q. A. R of Lima. Pern, to serve from February II of thla yeo 4 February, 108. Major , Bears spent savers! years at tna capital at Pern, where, the Orarjci Army noat IB) UIMH IW MOf V f , M ... . .11, J - crania.- Testarday Major Bears waa also elected a member of tba National Geographical society. ; V, - IT you most travel make your trip one of pleasure. ; Ton can do thla by going over the Denver at Bio Oranda. Bpend a day- sight-seeing in the Mormon y capital. and have a day-light ride S through the Royal Gorge of . the -W. C. McBrlda, 114 Third street. Port- lend, will mail you illustrated booklets . . if you will write him. . , " Urge! Omet'a suit for IIOO.OOS dam, ages against John Teon. a wealthy log, gar, has - bean dismissed by Presiding Judge George on a motion of the plain- tiff.- Tba case was for, alleged allena- tion of tha affections of Omet's wife, - but since tha salt was fUed sba has run away with a man-named Miller, and tha husband himself has left tha state. Immigrants, investors, capitalists, la--vastlgats tha 1 advantages offered along tha lino of tba Oregon Water Power at Railway company's road, and especially . , h. (Mtnlnal melm Win t rtmri far information UKjulre of tha Oregon Water ' Power Townalta company, lit First atreet. Phone Main lie. ' ' Tha lower boose of tha Wisconsin legislature has killed tha senate's bUI providing tor inatjswis ana uiara Hm snfiMArtAtlMi ef t2&.fiAO. lead. 4ng business man will, it is thought, organise a representative display inde pendent of tha state, as Is being dona la - North Dakota, with Governor Bearlea as . ... the Mdui mini. . ' Fred ' Bl' Goodman of tha board of ' International secretaries of tha T. M. C. ; A. addroased an audience of men last avanlna- at tba asaociation auaitorium. A portion of hjs address waa devoted to rVth Chapman revival,-ta which ha gave nia unequivocal support au nomatir dation, ' Steamship Alliance sails from .Couch ' - aw fkiiMj, e . n PMt. Bay and BTureka, Fare Eureka cabin, 5.0 second class; Coos Bay $(. cabin. 11.00 second class. neais m berth included. T. P. Baumgartaar, , agent. Mala Ml. . Pare paints and olla. . T. B. Beach A Col, the pioneer paint company, agents Senour's floor paint, liquid vaaeer, Jap-a-lac. Berry Broa.' varnlahea. Blackjack ' harnesa oil. Neal's enamels. New Era paint, window and plate glass. lit First atreet. Phone 12)4. " Steamship Roanoke, . 1.400 tons, satis a a- , VjVBtulSM. ' I.Aa innlM. Coom Bay and Eureka, March 11. t a. nu, from Columbia dock No. 1. Round trip Los 4 160: . Ban rranciscoJLlft.Bn.l Ticket office 151 Washington street Harry Toung. agent ., .i : T i r lEatAn'e danetns? -..-. wmwWv mnA T,nrmfiav evenlnn at Arlon "halL Beginners taken at any time. 81k assistant toaonera. ravace lessons dally at halL Spectators Invited. 'Phone Wast 104., ' ' Julia D. baa sued for divorce "from J. August Nelrinck hsa been divorced from Mary Nelrinck on the ground of habitual drunkenness. Judge Cleland granted the -decree yesieraay. .. , ", ( . Last Cocker spaniel: female: - 4 months old: answers to the name of Blossle; went estrar In City park Bun ! day: reward, for her recovery. . 7 Flanders street, between Twentieth and Tnjenty.flrst. - . Steamship Nome City sails for San . Francieoo direct Friday, ' March 17, at p. m. Cabin $1100. end class 11.00, Meals and berth included. F. P. Baum gartner, agent. Couch street dock, Main til. The Bonthern Pactne company will compromise with Kathrvn T. Hawk, widow of Frank B. Hawk, for 11,000, as settlement of tha claim for tha death of Hawk in an accident 'May , 1104. Steamer Redondo sails Thursday at '. p. m. for Ban Francisco direct. Cabin, ' 111: steerage. I; meals and berth in cluded. ' C H. Thompson agent. 111 ., Third street. . B. A 8. Homeopath to Coogh' and Croup Syrup. A.spectflo for eolda on xtba chest Keep it on hand for erasr . gancles. For sale by Knight Drug Co. Mask ball and prtse waits. Wood ward's Dsncing aeademy, Burkhard's hall.. March II. EJIght prisea Everest's ' orchestra. Admission too. Ladles free. Marion Craig Wentworth will give1 a lecture recital at 1.10 Friday, March 17, at the high school, on "How to Teach Reading Aloud." Admission It cents. , Arthur B. Creagh of Vancouver. B. A. -. who passed through the city lait night on hi way, hojpe, brought Ue bows of AQVArxE r;oi m ; CflAFriAH REVIVALS Ministers Mest and Hear Encour aging Reports From th ' Nine City Districts. TRINITY EPISCOPAL ' CHURCH WILL- CO-OPERATE Committees to Be Appointed and Campaign Will Be Pros-. ecuted With Vigor. , i The city ministers had an Informal meeting yesterday afternoon at the T. M. C .A, in which they reviewed the nine districts formed to ; prepare ' for the Chapman revivals to see that all the Held had lieea covered, and that the dis tricts were fully organised. Tha "divi sion waa considered satisfactory and meetings wm be held by district from now on till the Chapman services be gin. The work is well systematiaed and each district has to appoint tha follow. lng committees: Finance, for collect ing' the funds before the meetings be gin; canvassing, advertising, ushers and muaiot " ' Dr. A. A. Morrison of Trinity Episco pal church announced that while be rep. resented a church which seldon Joined In auch movements because of its pe eullar order of service, yet tha revival had its heartiest ' sympathy and co operation, and ha add his church mem bers would ba regular attendants at tha services. . . .... v.. Tha district oen taring around ' - the First Presbyterian church baa i ap pointed ail ' its committees, and . the have begun, active work, ' The commit teea meet tonight at tha White Temple to get their plans in final shape. Next Monday evening the volunteer choir will meet for rehearsal at Grace Methodist church, and Tuesday evening there will be a union prayer, aervlea and meeting of personal workers at the First Presbyterian church. The committee chairmen of this district are George F. Murton of First Presbyterian, finance; Dr. Osmond Royal of Grace tMethodlst maslc; W. E. Keeler of White Temple, ushers; J. H. Sibley of First Presby terian, advertising; . Prof. R. K. Warren of First Presbyterian, canvassing.- Dr. J. WbJtcomb. Brougher of White temple is chairman of the district which in. dudes tha First Presbyterian, First Baptist Grace Methodiat . Marshall Street Presbyterian, Clarke Methodiat and North Portland mission churches. The First Congregational, the First Christian, the Calvary Presbyterian and tha First German Evangelical churches. which compose the district meeting at tha congregational church for tha Chap, man revivals, will hold a union prayer service at - that church tonight In preparation for the evengeliatlo meet ings. There will ba a song service at T:10 o'clock end the singers are .re quested to ba there by that time.- the sudden death If his father, John Creagh, In - Ban Francieoo, Monday, March I. Tha - deceased waa well known in Portland, -where ho waa en gaged In tha Insurance business prior to bis departure tor Baa Ftanclsoo, II months ago. The doctors pronounced tba causa of death valvular disease of tha heart Tha body waa interred . at Baa Francisco. A telegram from Mrs. Rosa Hoyt in Oracle, Aria, will ba read thla afternoon at the meeting of the City Federation of Women s clubs at Mrs. I - Samuels home, giving her appointments for the exposition committee. - This la tba moat Important corn mil tee of the Organiaa tion. aa It will hava charge of alWbe receptlona and publio functlona given during tha Uvu and Clark fair. ' Prescriptions and drug . orders In trusted to tha care of Albert Bernl. tha druggist Second and Washington streets, can always be. depended on as having received the utmost care and at tention In every detail. No disappoint ment nor dissatisfaction when you take your drug waata to him. B. A 8. Cough and Croup Syrup. Two generations have been brought up on it Aa good now as ever. Prevents croup. For sale by Knight Drug Co. Mrs. Lixale' L " Doana will hava her opening of spring and summer millinery Friday and Saturday, at lit Grand ave nue. Everybody invited. Kansas Society ' Charter member Gentlemen and ladles meet your frlenda Sea R. W. Traver, organiser, at 131 Washington street Wisconsin .society. Former residents of Wisconsin are requested to enroll at off los of M. lm Pewera, I Chamber ef Commerce. Removal Dr. W. 0.Manlon has re moved hla offices from the Chambers building to suits 108-10 Falling build ing. Ernest Thompson Beton. The Ani mal Man," lectures at Marquam, Mon day, March 20. . , . t. Try a meal without meat at tha Vege tarian cafe, 101 Sixth street , eesesaaaw- Ansley d Up lay, Pfundert, Id and Oak Ask your grecer for Oolden Cheddar. Orpheum, vaudeville, burlesque, ev'na. SR. STOOD O90SOU wst.v. A ball will ba given at the sst side Woodmens' hall tomorrow evenlngiSt Patrick's night) for the purpose oj rais ing money, to defray. the expenses of the company of guards. Mt Hood circle. Women of Woodcraft which Is to go to Los Angeles to compete In tha drill at tha meeting of th grand circle In April. sogxaxTsxds or wAjuuoaa. , Consul-Genera! Henry R. Miller aaaln lectured on the situation In tha far east at the White Temple last night before a large and attentive audience. In his talk Mr. Miller devoted much attention to the social side of tba warring nations and tha Chinese, and recited interesting personal experiences among them. . SAITATIOV ABXT WBXO0: Major and Mra John T. Fynn of ths Salvation Army In Oregon and Wash ington wore reoalved last night at ..a rousing meeting of welcome at the armv ball on First street The addrees of welcome waa made by Ensign Kohn and waa briefly responded to by Major Fynn. BXOATATIObT OF COmXaTTX. Prof. Rufus B. Richardson gave his second lecture under the auspices of the Portland Art association last evening. His subject was "The Excavation of Corinth." Prof. Richardson's lectures are Interestingly Illustrated b)r stereop- Ucoa yuws, -,,Ae CflACGE (MAFT i ; STIRS COUhXIL Sh&rkey Says Zimmerman Is Working to Prevent New En terprises From Coming. ' wxsasaaajeBBSssaBaaBSBe ALBEE AGREES, BUT THE STATEMENTS ARE DENIED However, Action on Automatic , Telephone Franchise Cause' of Sensation, Is Deferred. ?' J: Councilman Bharkey created a sensa tion at the meeting of the council yes terday by making aa attack on Coun cilman Louis Zimmerman. The incident waa the result of the attempt of Conn oilman - Zimmerman to refer tha fran chise for ths, proposed automatio tele phono system to the Tstreat committee. Tha, report of the executive board fix lng the price to be exacted - from, the company at I per cent of the gross re ceipts during the life of the franchise was read and Councilman Zimmerman stated that the franchise waa not in- condition to be 'advertised. '' - .'This' franchise should be referred to the street committee.' said he.. "When it first came up I had no-idea that It would oa paaaoa, ana aia uo pay mica attention to It I now see that a ma jority of the council favor It It should go back to the committee, where it will ba carefully considered." - "Because half a doaen 'politicians have banded themselves together with the object of killing this franchise. It is now dealred to refer It back to the commit tee," . heatedly - returned Councilman Bharkey.' "These men are working for others who are against opening the city to new enterprises' which are opposed to their interests.. It is dealred that this franchise be referred again to the street committee, that It may be killed or come back to ths council with out any life in It It should- not go back: we should consider it today." Mr. Zimmerman resented the insinua tion of Mr. Bharkey. and stated that had It not been for him tba petition for the franchise would hava remained in the atreet committee box until It waa too lata to consider it , "I agree with Councilman Sharkey,1 spoks tap Councilman H. R. Albee, "that there is a hidden motive in this move ment I know that a certain councilman has been naked to bold up this fran chise," Councilman A. F. Flsgel remarked that ha had taken Councilman Zimmer man seriously when they bad spent half day In -considering the franchise section by section. He remarked that tha city would receive more from the automatio telephone people than for any other franchise which had aver been granted. The vote atood I to 4 In favor of re turning .tba franchise to tba commit tee: Ayes, Rumelln, Bentley, Bherrett Whiting and Zimmerman; nays, Flegel, Sharkev. Albee and Focller. Councilman Zimmerman denied later that it waa from, any motive to hi oca the franchise that he had asked to have It referred to -the street committee for further conalderation. "It appeared aa if that was my mo tive,'' ho said, "but I deaire to say that I am in favor of granting tha! franchise, and that if it la properly framed I wUI vote . for It. I want a clause inserteq that will compel tha company to use the automatio telephone, service. Tna way it now reads they can Install any make of ohones they deaire. Lt It be deaig- aaled that they must tme, the automatic system until given consent by the cpun- II tn make a chance. mpl. ,m.IiIm will Ha MtnmiAmrmA hv tha street committee, and I wlU sea to It that It goes before the council at the special meeting. March 20. If I era the only member bf the committee that.fa- vora It I will rue a minority re pun rev ommendlng that it peas." Saloon licenses were raised from $400 to 1500 a year Instead of 1100, aa planned. It Is thought this will bring In an additional revenue of about $41. 000 a year. A portion of the money was Ordered appropriated to pay for 40 ad ditional policemen to report for duty May 1. The " executive board was Instructed to purchase new horses for the hose wagon at the fire boat bouse and to build the proposed new engine house In South Portland, for which the residents of that district have contributed a lot and materials. A resolution authorising the city en gineer to add an engineering -crew to hla force waa adopted. George Wallace Williams aaked for a street railway franchise on Flanders street from Seventh to Sixth, thence to Irving, to Seventh, to Grant to Pat mil: also on Grant from Seventh to Sixth, thence to the Kmrquain load: I Madison from Seventh to First; on Co lumbia from Seventh to Water, thence to the Portland City Homestead, on the Maquam road to Oover; on , Glbbs across tha Homestead addition to its east side. The petition waa referred to tba street committee. . BADGER AND STOCKTON COMPANIES IN COURT Arguments" were completed and the case submitted In the Badger uoia Min ing ec Milling company vs. the Btocatnn Gold at Copper Mining company yester day afternoon, and Judge Bellinger will render a decision at a later date. All evidence was read, having been taken bv an examiner, and arguments were not extended. The Issue resolved Itself Into a mere question of the validity of pro ceedings advertising one William Moran out of a half interest in tna Biocaion claim. !.. - ' In the year im or hit ne arove a tunnel TO to ? feet for a half Interest In the property, acquiring from William Welch, the rocator. Not being success ful In finding high grade ore, Moran eus nended work, and never contributed thereafter to assessment and nevtf exer cised any. rights of ownership of any character until In 1102, when F. W. Bradley and Wellington Gregg of Ban Francisco prevailed upon him to sign a deed to them for a half Interest, pay ing him therefor 160. Moran' testified that at the time- of making thla deed he told the purchaaera that he did not think he had any title, and admitted to having received notice of the publication of the uaual forfeiture notice, which H. H. Ames and I. J. Simmons published at tha time of organising, the .Stockton company. - , The exact point on which the Badger company will rely In proving title Is not set forth, but It Is presumed that they will seek to establish the Irregu larity of the forfeiture proceedings, and the continuing right of Moran to deed a half Internet. In 1103, after aecurlng the deed, the Badger company filed cer tificate of annual aaeesament, -and Mr. Bradley teatifled on the atand that th company- had done about 115.000 worth of work on ths Stockton from tha Bad- wodOasa, r . ALLFCMC IS THEIR riOTtO Development League's Conven tion to Be' Largest Business ' Men's Gathering Held Here .'"W r- ' .' COMMERCIAL BODIES ! FROM EVERY COUNTY President E. L. Smith Gives Port ' land and the State Some Good Advice. . I ; . i -. , , .- ' "The . Oregon Development league AftnvAntInn In Portland. Anrll A and A. will ba tha largeat meeting of buslneaa man ever, held in Oregon," aaia ireai- ... w t. Bmlfk fif llnml Riv.P whfl la here today for a conference with Sec retary tucuiraim, lu arrmnBv uv wv- taiis or tne program. H a will h, ' MMMulatlM yrtm each Of tba S3 - commercial bod lee tnrougnoui tna state, araiiaiea wua hi. 'league. In some Instances large dele- 1 m will, Mm, MnfMUtntln. V.Hmii sections that are making extraordinary enorta oenem - losir uuuiiouuiun through tba work of the league. The convention will be held In sections, at which men interested in particular lilies of industry will meat separately and discuss their affairs, and then report conclusions to the general convention. Arrangements are being- made 1 for sections on horticulture, mines . and mining, good roada, lumbering, dairying, . H,k,Ki tnrivallAn. The flrat dav of the convention will be devoted to meeting of these sections, ana on me second day they will come Into the gen- i AHHUAMtinM with MMirt. md rec ommendations, which will be indorsed or rejected by the league. JTalk Is good," said President Smith, "but tha time has now come for action. Much is to be accomplished for. Oregon in a practical way if we take ad van- . . ha AnmrtiniltlM for neonllns our state and developing its resources. We need reaucea reus on ui ureiva railroads and other lines of transporta . i km - tfm m Af Anahltnr home seekers' to move around over the state freely in seeking satisfactory locations. Much traveling will be neceaaary r In -1-1 b. . inwMitln r LnnM. and - se curing satisfactory distribution of - tho settlers. I tnin tnese can u. secured. General Msnager Worthlng , A ti., u.,,imn tinea will make an address at our convention, and he seems to ba favorably disposed iowbtu our ob jects and purposes. 1 "ur. ..aa MtiMMtitlri from every commercial body In tna state, to be In constant attendance a t-ne exposition grounds, and to whom may be referred Mir ifw.tlnna' in the varl- Rr.UU. Ww ous counties. Theae representatives may taae sucn pfrwm m n " turn them over to the local orgaaisa .f - wA m tn it that thev are LIUll., V I IV - - treated considerately, and encouraged In all proper ways to become citisens ox Oregon." , , . .i - . . . . ... President Smith uttered a - note of caution, to all who are exploiting Ore gon's resources and advantages. v kinir - ahnuM he careful not to exaggerate In' any manner," he ' said, The truth about Oregon is gooa raouiu. It will accomplish the desired results. If we stick to that and also avoid prac tices that hava been common In other exposition eltiee, of overcharging to an unreasonable extent for . all aorta of i... -nH onmmnditlea. we will great ly advance the Interests and good repu tation of Oregon." , .. , ST PATRICK'S DAY" v CONCERT AT ST. MARY'S ' iSL Mary's church at Alblna will cele brttta 8t Patrick's day with a concert this evening at the chorch. A mixed program has been arranged for tha ev ening and a social time will follow. Ma Jackson, who lectures at the Empire theatre tomorrow evening, and many of the leading Hibernians of tba city will occupy seats on tho platform. Follow ing is. ths program, which Is under tha direction-of Miss Mollis Reynold: Violin solo. Miss Julia Burker introduc tory remarks, trot. w. n. xierney; tenor solo. "Kathleen Mavourneen," M. J. Keating; harp solo. Miss Eleanor Nordboff; recitation. Mr. Albert John- vocal solo. "The Harp That once Thro' Taraa Halls" (Balfe). Miss Kath leen tawler; vocal duet "O, That we Two Were Maying. Mrs. Olson, Mr. KeaUna: address, John r. Kavanaugn; contralto solo. Miss May Breslln; reci tation, Fred Jones; soprano solo, Mrs. Fred Olson; male quartet "Norean Mo reen." Mr. Keating, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Tauacher and Mr. Sheeby; "America," by the aadlenca. See Daily Ada. for Bargalna. EVERY DAY AT Furnishes Homes. ' Hotels, RoomingHousei, Restaurants and Offices Bay Now! Pay Latsrl 1M-1M rxasT ST. 1 ' . . -. - . I . . -1, . rormezly sTew Tork raraltore Oo. riVACS TO STT FT7JUI1TU JLX. COVELL'S COVELL'S ' 494x100 feet on ' south side of Glisan St. between Sixth . - and Seventh; cement ' sidewalks ; esc aya tion for cellar; fine hotel site; : - J ;.APpiyto.t-;-: B. IM LOMBARD . 614 Chamber of Commerce.' 7 "The Virginisn''. Tonight . Peatls rrnnm, vao made a hit la "Arisoaa" la Its lut Mrw. Xerk revival. It betag ."vtanvd" by Kh-ke . La HwUe . aa the ewboy Sere In (be dnmatlaUloa of "The Vlrglalaa." which br 'le to prcwot at the Marqoam Oraad. theatre tonight and tomorrow Olgbt. with a eaeetal-prtee sutlnee ealuramv. U. rarnasi Is Mid to suxgtst tbe Vlrglalaa 1 aia (iidwt - ana apperuKe on tbe ataaa. Thla pUr la a SraauiUaiUaa by Ona WUtta aad Klrke La HhclU of Mr. Wiater'a suvel ot tbe aaoM name. Ia the la month alnee the book waa published marly Suo.ouo copiM bare ba sold, and tbe book reviewers have ascribed thla . narnlou popalarlty to the uoiaiie ebaraa e the love story ef tbe row boj beta- and to littte aebaol teacher from V or Brant. ,ra perlormaace satnrda aigbt, "Joan of Arc" , . at the rolombla all thla week. ' with Kgahtr sutlnees Batardaj and SunrUjr, tbe grand aad thrilling aerate prodartioB of "Joaa or Are" la holding away ver buga aad ea thuslMtle aodieacea. It la eae ef the great- eat Bars, both from a sceale-and dramatic atandpolat, ever gives oo tbe big 'Columbia' up, and Miaa Cean'tias aa tbe blitortenl. In- plrad Mild of Orleans, la doing the stoat fascinating work - of her entire PMtlaad r nwr. la the sen where Joaa eeeapfs from pnaoe, anas umauaa cumee ever a blgb para pet aad faiia In or 20 tmt to tba.aUca below. taklns what at reall a aaagerona rUk every prrrnrauaca, is aaa CO tna intense realists ft too - , "Ole Olson" Matinee Saturday. "Ole Oiaon,' the Quaint eoeiady-drama la which Oaa Meege flrat made Ueatre patrooa acqaalatad with tbe BwadUb-Amerieaa trpa or cnaracter, win ne prawn too at tbe to pire theatre toolfht. Saturdar tna U dm an4 Bight for tba last time br aa neellent com. pany with tbe dletlngaiiibed Rwediab sctor, Ben Hrndrtrka, at la bead. Tbla U tba oaly aatborlsMl srodwrtloB of tbla sosalar play and It baa bees aUged, rebearaed aad directed bj oca neaoncaa, wno girts nia perennal guaraa tee of aa axrellont performance. Original New York Production. - Aswog the attraetlena billed for presentation here la tbe sea future la "The- ateoaabtser's Daughter," which will be aires at the. Em, ptre t Inane ail seat week, atartlng saoday matiaee. - Thla ia tbe flrat Urns "The Moan, ahlnrr'e Daughter'1 baa aver been neea la Port land. Thla play hi recogiibwd sa one ot tbe best melodramaa bow ee tbe - read and . aaa beta playing to capacity easiness slmost where. The Grand Theatre.. ,- , Tbne of the beat acta ever area Is sorthwi vaudeville are ee at tbe Or and thla week. Tbe Tetaowarl treepe of royal Janaaeae aerobe ta are the beat in the world. Ham Klebl makes a 1 elide -for lite that la dangaroaaly thrilling. Tbe rraareeca Heading re at pan? - Is "Her Friend From Texas" off era a aeat aad well- acted comedy. Lie Ose aiae does a balancing act, "Thelrna" at Columbia. . Tbarma" will be sees at'the Alembla-ell Best . week, , atartiag Moodar night, anoV the demand fur aeata for the flrat paafuraiaaea la already - large. It la a well known and maca hyved story, bat aa a play baa sever been seen sere by a really flrat-claaa. com pear. The Oommbla Stork company's pro duct kia will be a rare treat, Indeed, foe all luvera of a real hove atory. "Monsieur Beaucaire" Coming. Next Tuesday eveaiag at tbe atarenam Grand lhatre Qmtoa Clarke will priaaiit tba ancceaatnl play, "Mooaleer Beancalre.'l Tbla raactBaang .comeay-ramaace win be offered with s prafeaalonat rerard fnr elegaace ef aeenie and enatame detail. Tbe edvaace aale e aeata will opca next latarday 'morning at to s ernes. At tba Baker. - - rYaak Hall eater tbe cage of tbe maa-eat-tag Uoe, which be does at every performance at tbe Baker.. There are maay good acta te sake yes wags aaa lam or goad music "In Cherry Valley." ' "la rherry Valley" la giving the heat ef eattafectlon aad packing tna Lyric every per formance. Tbe pec tallica betwaea ecu are exceedingly clever aad pleasing. Star's Popularity. The Boeehirity ef the Star la demouati ated at every performance thla week, aa the bonae la tilled. Broa. Hunts aaa . tbe Emmetts srs easily tbe "tar a featarea. THE SETON LECTURE. Ernest Thompson Seton, the Famous Writer on. Animals, Lectures ' Monday Night. Ths author of "Wild Animals I Have Known." "The Call of the Wild." and other well-known books, gives his fa moos lecture, "Wild- Animals I Have Known,' ' at the Marqnam, Monday, March 20, 1: la p. m. There will be a mat inee 1p.m. tor children." Admission for matinee 15 cent's to any part of house. Kvenlng 25c, 50c TSc, $1.00. TOM DXTTT AT PAVAltA. Civil servica examinations will ba held on April it for positions of sten. ographer and typewriter male) In the Panama eervlce, the sauries ranging from 11.300 to I1.S0O a year. Appli cants should address 7- A. llgh, Post- otllce, Portland. SWBSatBT TOM SWAmATZOV. (Joanaal Special Service.) Chrlstlsna, March It. The new pre mier, P. C. Mlchelson, In outlining' tho government's program relative to tha Sweden- end Norway - consular system. said that the new cabinet Is formed to establish tbe constitutional right of Nor way to a separata consular aervlca end to preserve Norway's sovereignty as a free and Independent kingdom. He stated that the I'nlted Storthing and the united people were determined to accom plish. U desired result, . ; : AT THE . THEATRES. OHECOII'SCEW? mi Bniio3i)i)Gii FurVCnurrieration of Inhabitants, Industrial Products and the Military Enrollment. WORK TO BE DONE BY i 1 , THE COUNTY ASSESSORS Citizens Urged to Lend All As sistance Possible in Making the Work Complete. i "Tha -value of the 105 census : will depend on how throoughiy tha work Is dona by tha assessors of the different eouatles. Almost, everyone will adroit that It Is deslk-able that a careful enum eration be made this year," said Secre tary' of State V. I. - lunbar today, la apeaking of tbe census that must be taken . this soring under the state law. "The. secretary -of state has prepared blank- forma which will be sent In a few days to the assessors, providing for enumeration . of tha - Inhabitants, Industrial- products and military enrollment. "The blanks for this year have been prepared after consultation with Asses sor Staler aad other assessors, and it was decided to have the enumeration of Inhabitants and tha military enrollment made pn different blunka from those used tor the enumeration of tha Indus trial products. - This wss dona because most of tbe people live . in towns ana cities and do not produce anything that could ba enumerated as Industrial prod ucts. j "The rules governing the . taking of the federal census have been followed. so far as was deemed practicable, and in so far. aa they conform with the state statutes. ' "Wo are urging thorough work. Ore gon la before the eyea of tha world this year, more than In tha past years, and it Is vitally Important that the census be taken so thoroughly aa to insure a good showing. . . It occurs to me that the eltlaens gen- orauy mvuiu eia mm uiivim , i.e census and assist tba assessors In every way possible." i .. ' OABD AJTD T. Tha Italian Gardeners and Farmers' unjon elected the following orncers at the annual meeting yesterday: Presi dent, W. - Semensa; ' vice-president, U. Cereghlno: secretary, O. Caainelll; treas urer, A. Bossl; council, A. Barbajelata, A. IPerettl, I Oarberino, A. Flloaopo andt M. - Vlganegoj doorkeeper, ' A. Boe- tano. - - ... , ,, giefeiied Stoek Oaaaed Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. LOST "WANT AD" - i ; ' ' ewaated. gxod girl fot . saooad ; workj saasa ba good laaa ' dress aad ssauisliesa. SM avla, bevwaem Slat aad tad Sta.- -J LIFE'S GREAT HANDICAP ! The close ' school room Into which children are packed at the period of physical devel opment, and the bending posi tion which they assume, are potent factors in producing eye defects. Don't allow the. little ones to - start with life a greatest handicap poor sight. We charge nothing for con sultation; If glasses are not needed we'll tell you: if they are: we will furniah what the. child should have, at a reason- able price. v . ANWRIOHT 293n0RRIS0N-ST- 123 Fu-sf Street, Opposite First 't(frfB"" ' Vc Give Values In Children's Shcss . Because we pay special v attention to this part of the shoe business. , Spe- ' . . cial department, special salesmen, special styles. Give us at least one trial. We feel sure it will pay - : : you. Sprini; and sum- Hl,l , 4MW. sm .lee,. . for- - th ' Knee enrle re . - babies are here in.abtnv : dance. We want . your n : ; ' . children's trade. J ' r ' v r . t a ee, .t . - ' 'V Opp. Perkins Hotel ; , Sorosis and Walk-Over Shoes. dimri aXMmwegaSs COLUMBIA THEATRE! roaTtaestb and Waahtngtea Bts. - . A. H. SAJULABD, Lamea end Manager. ronoHT ixo uii win, ' , One ot the- freeteat reUgioeS . dramaa of tbe age. -JOA1N OP ARC' ! Spwadldly praaented br the asset OohUahU Stock Compaay, , . - geaasry asd aeeeawrlas essutots. . atatineee Batardar and Sandsy. ' . . , Bvenlmr. so. 8S. 3S. 15c Jgatinea, SA, IS. 10a., . kvwaing at a. Matisse at S. . rteaiuliisa box afsce. Dnlly Tardea Oasdy.' shop, aaa Morrteoa: open all day; pboae alaial 110, Kvealog-a theatre, pboaa Mala HI. n NBXT WKBK. "TaUtA." MARQUAM ?lUxaKW' rsagaia' Toatebt and Tomorrow Mgbt at S:1S a'CaockJ Laat Performance Barorday aftersooa THE VIRGINIAN With Dentin Faraom and Original Oast. BWaniag prices anure "W",IM"- -, .I - Mike. ale. a.1M kM. 110. BeacUl Matinee prlcee rne qnet. II. 0: nnronet circle, 1. Baleoay. SJ ?5e. SOe. Kntlra gallery, fiOe. Beata now aollhiuj EMPIRE THEATRE. eeerge U wakeaJ Maeaaet. . u.l. 111. iinvr vf - Two eroweed boo re.lcrrf.r. TONIGHT AND aiTOIS WaUtS. MATIN KB BAlT'BOAT. . .. Tba Bwerilah Plalect romedlas. , t . ",BBN BBSgSICKS. v. OLE OLSON" ' Prleea, We. J6e. e. M' JJSt Mem we. a. -xmm "" - - e TBTSUWAIII TBOrPB, IUral Jaoanene crobats. -FBANCMCA BKDDI:. CO., Shetra, TB&V CRKAT CAHLBMS, Imperanaiaoar. TBB A 10 R Kit. society ntertaisars. DB COB. Balaseer. A!TgWS AND rri.D, Swedish Dee. MR. AI.F tHrnflEK. new noes Tue nDivmlHipa m i a-...ii,,.. no une. aaa. Matlnaas eept Bwadaya aad aelidaya lue. VaSES? STaARTHEA WEEK lEOianiv tvvmi. . TWO ISOTIIal BtTsTTS. MR. AND MRS. HLUH KMMSTT. , I atCBTARD AND COOK. BADIB RKTNOUaa, .li)Vn KfKNCKK. INKS SCOTT. t I - - KOK-OB ARUrCKLB. . I OTISON PBOJItCToacOPB. . . IfV.W PRKKS Bvonlng. lOe, e 11 e Mattnee. except ftaedawa sad houdaye. 10c., Week-day sbowa, :) p. ., !; p. Sa, sad S THE LYRIC THE A TREl SEVBIfTH AND ALDEB STaBaTTB. Inn AJteraooa end Bvealag. QEBAT PRODrCTlON or THS rOOsVACS I MAI. 'anai nvria w m . 1 IN CHERRY VALLEY" JY" SV a, J I SpeeUltlea Between Acts. Tan and B1B sdmbHrtoa. 10. eeata.. BAKER. L THEATRCl ata.. KeaUng A rioaa. MaaJ VaadevUla Hooao la I mil In.. Third aad Tlmhlll i r n a i njuw., --"- MAHSONRf AND W1UION, BOBINW1N AND TKRNAMAM. TTIB -BV'RDKLLS. TBXM1IK AND PAMBXS. JRAN WILSON. THK BIOORAPH. Admiaaina. downaUlra, anc; apstalrs. Performaaeea ai a:au, iuh, ana ev. HEREAFTER. A eanarkaale ' lrodcloa Ooov eelved frona Saabe-s Isfstas NOV OPEX. CONTINUOUS KaTOCaXO! B to S p. so. aad T ta U. B as Imperial Hobs! Blag. - - BLAST BX BBOS. -OOWCBBf BTBBT WIt SISAsS BUBltgrDB. 15 DRAWER LEGAL BLANK CABINET Selected Quarter-Sawed Oak Ws hava received 100 of thssa beauUfui Cat. , saw and will sell them at this low - flgwv white thay last. Class & Preitrze Co, Nsriortsl Bsnk Cffice Filing Cabinets Wood and Z'