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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
TII2 CrJ2C0l( PiULY JOTJITTiU; TOZTtAUD. TIIUIISDAY EVENING. MARCH 16. 18C3. 4 J itomacxb.- BOTNTON niMlr fi .eaa Mn foL J. C f Fsraaae Omhv, mala 41. Boerta. 1 WADHAMS CO.. wholesale xaexBrsre ana ffiririBtn- ' Bad Oak ate. ante. Fvaru ALLEN LEWIS, commission ulmtM msr eaasts. rial u4 Devxe at., Portlsnd. 0. aLsJLDWAXE. Portland Hardware Co. solicit eppertnnlty to yf rtf . 136 lat. cor. Alder. Main 1384. HAJOtAX BATES. . KINO'S RAHMAN BATHS Von Seventh lo4 . Washington au.: Snest snd largest bstb la tha city; aidant beds for tha night if daslred; export ni fan a ad chiropodist ' Hoxjxcurrnro. BORSEOUPPINO by Jack Wright. La Mod , Sliblaa, Sixth sod Stark. AU work gaeraa Iwi Mala T4. HTJTxAB HAIB EOIXS. v . 4. (unu, manr.ractarcr or Bumaa Hair folia. r: ew. m. man. noH weai mi. witches roB saxb. WITCHES mada. combing bought or axad to order. S4 B. Twelfth at Phone Baat 1710. MOTH. BOTBb roadlotoa, Ptadtotoa. Or. V. W. WilMk HOTEL Portland. A mo rlca plan $8, a par day. HOTEL St. Oaorga, ' Pmllton;' Inadiag hotel. BBLTBDBBEs Enropaa plaai 4ta a ad Alder on. IBSDBAJICB. XAMBERT, WHITMEB Ct.ire lamaan and raal as la la, successor to Arthur Wllsoa . A Co.; efflec. wast aids, 10T-108 Sherlock - bldf.. Mala 1006: Fast sld dept., 404 Bast Alder (ClUaaaa' bank), Baat 4i. ISAAC I WBITI, Bra lassvaaea. BOO Ma. J AS. Mel. WOOD. employers' tlabMty ud Is, . dividual aertdeat aorsty bonds ol SB kind. Pboa 47. SOS MeKay Bldg. B. r. B ARTELS COM PANT Mrs la raace, 448 Sherlock bids. Oram Pbooa CJsy 538. BtOXTT TO LOAN. TBI STAB LOAN 00. iW Salaried employs, wag, .araar. eaa (at OB bis tots, without mortgago bota. without Bartrai H MontB. we. fw.oo Basay to aa to aa lit U or M M or SKSS to M I 5.85 or E.BJ or 41 45 to aa t 4.00 or ix.00 of il-04 Sin no Hepay 1&.00 Bana SIS McKay bide nVB. a ssb smart we boll pa a or lean yon awoey oa roar property. it Mr psysxowvs; xavssugst lore. - Boom lo-lf La ansa Saturday seea- Labba bids,. 2Wm Wass- lagme at. MONET TO LOAN aa raal aaraoaal and eat. lataral secant y; special ettsetloa to cbattol mortgages! aorta boeght. a W, Pallet 804-5 Foatoa bld.. S4- Stxtb at BIGHLT rarpactablo plara waara bidtoa aad Sta aaa borrow awary oa dlaanada aad my. Callatml Ixaa BaakY WaaV M it Pbaaa Blaok Tl. 8KB tha Dnna-Lawranco Oa., raal oatato aad Snaarlal aranta: aioaar to naa oa aortajr asmntioi at low rataa la S10.000. 14SH Wrat a. H tHNI mil ansraHIa oa atl ktmta af rlty or to aalarVd paoplo oa tbatr note; lowaot ratca; ftn rablMty. no dslay. SIS Ablnstoa bids. Pbooa Bad 1TM. BON ST AHTAHCin aalartsd paopte. taanavtara. i oto.. srlfboat aorarltyl oaay aaiaiaiitr:.lara . , v sat baataroa In M artBolpal attlaa. Xal tt AbMnrtoa bU!. CBATTKL bjana la aasmrnta randnr fraaj S3S ta SB.00O: roomlna-boossa a apsrlaHy." Tw Bra Loaa Traat Oa.t SOS AMastoS bids. loana oa rornttors, nlanoa, otbar aaeaiitlsa, V .sst ratsa. S. W. Kins, room 40. Wash bids. Hood 418. . BONBT TO LOAN In laraa or aojall aaMaato oa rood aorarltn lowsat. rataa. . WUUaai ft. Back, SOT PaUlaf b!d. LOANS at lowaot rataa aa faiultma. P la aaa; any aocarlty aotaa pnrebaaod. Eaatora Laaa otfloo. 44S Bbarloek bids. - , TUB CRBSCBNT LOAN OOMPANT Balarf loan, from tbras to sis maatka; ooDaoaotlal SIT Orssoniaa. BCONRT TO LOAN oa ClaBss raantr laada. B r. a ad P. B. BUay. SOS Chaaibar of Coa PORTLAND BRAL FSTATB LOANS. S AND S aar rant Wa. Danhola. BS ramus bids. MONKT to Inaa. par wit. Nortbrap a , .J10-J11 Ootntnsrrlsl bloek. TO LOAN SlOA-ta SS.IOA by Cbarlas Blratol, , SSH Third at. room S. h . BONBT to loan I'lO.OOa at S pa aoat oa att STS stark at. . BONBT TO LOAN Apply to Bobsrt A. Miliar, SOS ConamsrHal bloek. nHOAL, BELr-PLATINO HAN OS OadHaa aalfilay. . las plaaoa proaoaiiead ths boat by stadias Bmaletaaoi aian OeilUa plana psmrara. AV U. WllsJ Kuala Hons, SftO Aidar at. BBCOND-HAND B astral laatraawata of aM , kinds at lowest prlcaa, eaab or laattllaaaata. rtabar Maala Co., ISO Third at. Bt;RI0 Isaanna srrrn oa plana, Mlaa C Bodor. ha, atwlio 430 raaooarar ara. ram bbuk . . umm n . WBtt L.kS. Ha. galtar Instracttoa. Mala S08S. 17 W. Park. KZOICAX. BALM OP rifia for ( fsmalt diaaaasa. 434 Ahmt at. rnona Main afwa. BAOBBTIO UXAXIVw. BBS. Is H. HART autrssafajly troata all dto ' aaasa: sssthod tanaht. 'Naw . Tkooahf rasdlnr-raosa. Ill Toaray aiaa. aiaiaaiTa. ' BtASKASB. ' . BAONRTIO aiaaaaaa parlora for Udloa and ssntlsmsni aoalD trrstnwnta. saaraotoad ta row hair. Ktt Plandsra. ' aTBBNCB ladlra flra hatha aad naaaasa traat- osrat. 108 Plfth at. Phono Mala S838. AMERICA NBBA HTT PABLORB. 1S Park at. - NOTABT'KTBLIO. PRKP A RATION of dsrda and imliniM I snsclalty; priest rrducad, ' B. A. .rraaw, tnf Marqnam. .' , OSTXOIATST. XtC OTIS r. AKIN, DR. MABBL AKINV Oorso. pathle ,phyasriaBo.- --M-aus "cissy " -Koitrth and asblnstoo. Pbooa Clay Its. Hnura to . I)RI. ORAfTIR LF.ONARD Oatsopathl phyalelana. BOIte ai-w, awnwi uiuS Fhnna T(. ' . ' 0TEBA1XB. ntnaa Av sma soin n Vr M A FIJI and Ira rtothloc; anion ada. Naaatadtat . Bjannfaetarsra. Porllana. or. PAXBISTKT. 'wnw ruvavijr p. la today aa exart artsnesi yonr paat and fntnro la read hy ma from yonr hand aa easily aa one eaa " rsad from an opsn hook: aftsr lit ysara of hard atudy and profound tnoairtit alrsn to tha anhjsot, with ysara of practical stostI t ansa. I eaa flm to mt- patrona tboroush satlastlns la sll snsltSB nsrlslntnk to loss. , hiislnsas. trarsL mlalni. apsralatluoa, haalth, , fntnro anroasa ol happlasaa. and haw to obtain what yaw dselrav A thoroufB rsaaina 1. HA. fMM mwul hs snnvlnosd. Only 60r. 'Albino. Ih palmist, stilts S aad 4, (.'antral ' kotsL enr. Slith and Stark ata. PXrKBTBS. DONNRRBBBO A B ADBMArHRB, aatrltary plant bars, at ronrin ai. not a psosr. FOX A CO., sanitary plambsra ai Bsrond bst . Mala and Salmon. Orasoa Phoao Mala 300U PLATMO. KARTKBN PLATING CO., lapy. Aldar Oold, ausss, una, nsmsl gad araaa pJUt. Jewelry work apsrlslly. Peoaa Mala Kssi. THB OB BOON P LATINO WORKS aai lovtasi ai. ragno as ID. sunthlas, blauas and Ueoawrlus. , nnmnw.' v Bl'SIIONU CO. Proat aad Mark am., artot- Ins llLaoiTsshlnf. bUak hooka and efaos auupuaa; work oono oa UmT ssssl nrlutlns aface la the asst. Mala 104, AXDRRSON At DI NIPiAT OOMPANT. prtnUas. 11 inus ", oisiia oooaa. 1 none ataia II. SUM Alder at. , . ' r PAINTS, OA AJTO GLASS. r. B. BEACH CO. The Planosr Paint Oa.; winonw-aiasa , sou (lawns. Isa rirac at. Phoao J KM. ' . BAoaTCoBKN CO. Jobbers, paints. alL flaaa. bwsi. iimsiij sssi layior. BUB BIB STAMPS. P. C. STAMP 'WOBK8, 140 Aider St.. pbooa maia no; raoosr siaaiBB, ssaia, atonpim. Das rs trada eboeka: aead for eauloaiM. moomto TJN ROOnNO. SBttartna. rs pa trice aad la ail . aama. Sis jertaraaa at. BOPB. PORTLAND COBDAOB CO. Corner ronrtatatt and Nortnrap am., fori la nd. or. SATXB. BAPRS The man who kaowa tha rood aad bad poiaia .01 an aarse onrn tno Hrui-iisU Mama. no. to outa at., rortiana. or. FOB openlnr lorkonta and safe baraalas so to s. si. swTia. w j nun i. SKOWCASZS AKD TTKTTBIS. 8HOWCA8K8 of ovary deacrlptloa; bank, bar and store sitnrra made to order. Tha LeUl Manofartorlns Co., Portlaad. BTOBAOB AJTD TKAVSTZB. BAPEB,. ptaaoa and farnltore norad. parfesd ready for snipptog and anippedr' all .work saaraateed; larse. S-atory, brick. fire-proof wsrenooae roc etorase. orars ua nrat . sc. C. M. Olaea. . Pboae hlala M7. . C. O. PICK. afSra SS rirst at., between Stark aad oak ata.. psoas Mm; pianaa ana rurnitare too red aad parked for ahlpplas; mmnaadioaa ara-praoc, , araw ware acinar, mat a Clay ata. . . J . arrORAOB enaea to let In enr new tmlldtna-. 01 st star ax. mster Niiuns vemmiaatoa twaipaay. ' 1VW1L ITJrTLT. ' CLEAN TOWKLB DAILT Comb, brash, snap. si per BKMita. Lawreaca nroa.' Towai srappij v., rearta aa uoaea. TiktBlB. - . - '-i. .-a PTLhf (V-t3n . aeraa. bbbB. srewta; 1,400. u. w. rjataim. imwoa city. or. . . , ... I HAVB ebolca piers of timber land 4b aeatfcsm OrrgoB far aalo cbaap. ' S, eara Jonrnsl. POB HOMaTiTTTADS, timber elsltoa aad aerlp apply ta bob uommirciai oiorm. TIP1WBJTBBB. TOST TTPBWBmtB HRAPQnAKTBRB ZIO mark n treat. Wa real, repair, sail, exehaiuja O peaTl tata. All anppnea lor au maaeinea. :. Standard naeblaoa ASo and aa to SIM. -' Ho Tom want a stenographer or typkttt Wa bare Uat of good appUeaata. Pbooa Black 3871. POB typewriters, aappllaa aad repairing. Roes at pxoea. xrej Btara sc. mono main ioiw TBAJTBTTB ABU KATTLIKO. OR BOON TBANSPP.R CO.. 14 North Slth.' 1'bone Mala as. uxary naming ana toraga. POST RPRCIAL PKUVTRY. No. BOOH Waah- ington at. mono main wa. . , TXOZJXaV MT SPBCIALTT Repairing, rot ring and ad. , lusting of rioe rloiins. . aoolhsqo, roam , Raanri bldf. , . 1, A. WBBOO, rlolln-maker and repairer work Rrat rlaaa. IB Rnasell bldg. 4th and Mormon. WALLPAPXB. MORGAN WAU.PAPKR CO.. 1S4-1M Aeeoad at., bet Yamhill and Taylor, rrtiaml. .raABCIAX. 0KTLAJrS TBTTST OOBPAVT OP OBXOOB. - Ma. "10 TEIBD ST. Tha Oldaat Traat Oampaar is Oraaaa. CAPITAL. S04,40St, Wa aoadaet a amoral banking baataaaa, Wa recetTS as Tings Srpoaita. Wa Mean Has car tl Acs tea aad eertinrstea of deposit payable apoa 10 oars- can, au oayr eau or an asys- II. with Interest at t. SH sod 4 per esat aaaaat. taanttleely. Call or aaad far oar book of rLLOBTKATIOBB. BEN J. I. COHEN Waal deal H. L. PITTTK'K ....Tlea-Preatdeat B. LBB PAGET..... Secretary I. O. OOLTBA.... Aastetaat Ssorstsry BKBOBAjrTS' BATIOBAL BAJTK, . ill - . rua.Ti.ajii, uuuua, t. f BANK WATSON Praaldewl B. L DrRHAM TWO-Preside st B. W. HOTTT77. Cashier 0BOR0B W- WOTT. . .... .7. . Anrtrtisr Casklsr ' Traaaaeta a wsasral Banking Bslineea. Drafto and Letters of Credit leaned A reliable , to All Parts at the World. '' Colleettoas a SpselaRy. SXOVaUTT SATTBOS St TBVBT OOBTAVT. -BM Maiilaen St., Pertlaad, Or. Traaaaeta a Ososral Banking Bnaiaeaa. SATTBOS DBPABTMXBT. lutsrsat Allowsd on Tim and Saetnm Dsaostt. Aeta aa Treat re for Batata. ' Drafts aad Letter at Crodit AeallaM la AN Part of Ua World. - & P. AT" AM,..... .....PreeMeat L A. LEWIS Ptrst Tlrs-PrsstnVsl A. U M.fXS Saeoad Tlea-Preeldeat i. O. JDBITX.. Seerstary KITZD STATTS NATTOBAt BArit7 - OP PORTLANT). OBXBOV. u NOBTKWXST COB. THIRD AND OAS ITS, ITaaaaesa a vaaorai Bssnng jfailnias. DRAFTS ISSUED, AraOahl la All Cltlea of tb United Stata and Europe, Bong Kong and Manila, , OOTXBCTTOBt KABB OB PATOBABLP TTBMS Prealdsat.. J. 0. AlKSWOkTH Tlce-Prealdeat W. B. ATEB Casblar. , B. W. BCHMERR Aaalstant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LADS TIL TO. BANKKKB. . . (Eatabllahsd la 1SS. Tra lam wig a oeaerai Baakins Baalaeoa, CollegUona Buds at all Bolnta oa, fsrsriM terra. Letters of credit heaed -aeelleb! U Bnropa and all palnu la tho Calked States. Bight Exchange and Telegrapble Traaafer old oa Now York. Wasblnatoa. Chleaga, St. Loots, Denser, Omaha. Sn Praaels.e aad Montana and British Colnmbla. Bsrhanf aold oa London. Pari. rWlla, B rank fort. Boas Boas. lokobama, Manila aad oaolala. FIBST NATIONAL BANS .. . , , OP PORTLAND, OBXtrOtf. . ' Dsslg aated Dopnsiroey and slnanclal Aaaat af tb C aired State. PreetdVnt , ,,,wr...,.....JL L. MfTXB Caebler. i. W. NBWKIRK Aeafcrtaat Cashier, v. ....W. C ALTORO Second Aailotinf Cshler B. P. STSTSVS LetUr of Credit leaned Aeallahl la Bnrsps and tb Keetern Bra tee. Bight Rrehsnge and Taleerapble Traaafee anld on Nw York, Boetoa, Chlrag. St. Loots, St. Paal. Omaha, Ran Pranetsea aad tb prlnHpal points In the Northwest. Sight and Km bills drewa In en me to aalt a London. Pari. Berlin, Prank fert-eo-ta. Mala, Hong Kong. Yokohama, - Oopeabarea. Chrlatlaala. Stork holm. St, Ps ten bar g. Ms. saw. Perleh. larmolntn. CnUootiea Made aa Paeseahla Tsima. ' MOBBTS BB08. ChTBISTrrNSEV. Ill H tlrat Strset. . Pertlaad. f. 0rtW sMrta BarlUOr4 MORTOAOB UOArVS Oa Pertlaad Baal Batata at Lwt Bate. Tttlea Insnrsd. AhstraeSs Faraawsd. T IIILB OARANTKB TBUST 00. i a. Baiiaf ai pamma aa, - .... SOCIAL SEASON OF "CAPITAL IS EfiLlO President Attends Last Function -; Alice Roosevelt Notto ; Visit In Japan. :. RUSSIAN EMBASSY IS IN . MOURNING FOR SERCIUS Tuft Hunters Eager for the Com v ing of a Real Counties as v a Public Singer. V : ' (Washington Boreas of Tha Joaraal) ; Washington, March It. After h wearlns zeltamamt and confusion at tandlns tha laaugrural wook. vry Waah lostonlan was sld to sit down a4 think It ovor, and thero ni raucb of tt to think about Tho entire time that tb city was crowded with visitors tho sun short. The' air was crisp, -but not cold. : In short, Try thins wtt harmonious, and In tha District f Columbia at least there wae p4oe with alt the world. While unofficial society welcomed a quiet hour, the official circle on Tuesday draKsed Itself to one more and the last of tha cabinet dinners: It'was s1n by the Hecretary of Commerce and Laxbor and Mrs. MetcaJf. This was the termi nation of the season so far aa the praal- aent aaa nis wife are eorioerned. Tho president baa now be run the prep aration for his long southwestern trip. and Mrs. Roosevelt will . bo to either Aiken or Atlantlo City for a much-need ed rest Miss Alice Rooaevett will spend some time In Nw York attend Ins the opera and other functions planned in her honor. 1 . ' . She hAa renounced the Idea of Bolng to London to visit the Whltelaw Relds, and will make a midsummer trip to the Phjl- tppines. The Secretary of war and Mrs. Taft .expect to leave about July U and with their party will be absent until September 1. Mlaa Roosevelt does not anticipate accompanying the Tafts to the Interior of the Island of Logon, but will probably remain in Manila during their absence. There Is no likelihood that she will set foot on Japanese soil. Tha bare sussestion of her dolnr 1 has aroused such a storm of protest that even the president with his well-known independenca af character, nas rocog nlsed the Inszpedlsnoy of permitting the trip, ' The diplomats were very much excited over ths prospect and the president's old friend. Baron von Sternberg, the Ger man - ambassador, swaa particularly wrought up. A visit from the daughter of the president of the United State to Japan while the present hostilities are In progress would be more damaging to Ruasls's cause than ths fall of Port Ar thur. . ' - ' The Imperial court of St Petersburg baa decreed a period of six montna oiri- clal mourning over tho aeatn 01 Duke Sergiua.. As a consequence the Russian embassy in Washington will be obliged to observe very strict If not onerous, mourning for the remainder of the. spring. This will prevent many of those delightful informal affairs for which the Csaslnts have become famous. They have always contributed a charm to the Lenten season by many impromp tu teas and dinners, and tha fashionable world has been looking forward to them with pleasurable anticipation until the Unfortunate assassination of tb unci of .the-raar. - .-.. Washington muslc-Vovers ss well as tuft-hunters are looking forward with much, pleasure to the series of concerts to bo given her during Lent by Lady Mkltland. The opportunity to near real viscountess sing in concert Is not often afforded the smart set of tb na tional capital,- and she Is assured of a varr enthualaatlo welcome. - Another slns-lna- peeress wilf nsewise arrive in Washington before Easter. In the person of the Countess of Limerick, who comes In behalf of the Irish benevolent ruaa to aid th cause of the poor of Ireland. . PORTLAND AD MEN'S,: - LEAGUE AMBITIOUS New Pushing Association Will 7 Help Build Up Portland" ! ' : " and Oregon. Portland's publicity pushers formed themselves into an organisation last night In tho rooms of th Commercial club. The name of the association is the Portlsnd Ad Men's league, and Its purpose Is to bring Into fellowship the buyer and seller of advertising space and the writer of advert lain s WHh charter membership of and a list of more than 100 eligible, th sew organi sation believes It itaa found for Itself S line Held In this city, especially during the Lewis and Clark year. The league is ambitious to become a power In the commercial life of growing Portland. . . Meetinga of the new organisation win be held twice a month. Papers on ad vertising subjects will b delivered by local advertisers and expert- nd by visitors. It is the hope of the league to entertain visiting advertising organi sations at the Lewis and Clark fair, especially the National Advertisers' as sociation, snd the racirio toast. Adver tising Men's, association. It will also endeavor to stimulate an Interest in Portland and the fair, by its eorrespon J nee with similar organlsaUons in other cities. While not specifically stated in tne by-laws, It Is the, purpose of the' new lea rue to help advertise Portland. The league takes the view that advertiser snd advertising men as a elass ought to see many opportunities to advsrtia a city In an effective way. . .. . -During the-fatr there will' I" tosay conventions held In Portlsnd. It Is the sentiment of the league that advertisers snd advertising men should recognise these conventions In - advertisements printed while th meetings are in ses sion. That will make the vlsltora feci welcome, and also serve to call attention to the established local places of busi ness. ', . . Th officers of ' the new league, are: R. M. Hall, preaident; H. C. Whlttl-r, first vice-president; H. L. Powers, sec ond vice-president; C. C. Chapman, sec retary; John ,F. Daly, treasurer, and G J. Owen, W. ' J. Hofmann and D. N. Moneaaohn, executive committee. The nest meeting win be head Mon day evening st a place announced later. There will be an interesting pro gram, and all who are engaged in ad vertising ar Invited to attend. - . Baa. Wltboat a Baor. 'From th Youth's Corapanlnn! The native official may be relied on to contribute to the gayety of a tour of the Bmerald isle..'. . , ... . Last summer th passengers on a small boat war astonished and then amused to hear one of the men call out ss thty were drswlng swsy from the landing:' ; -- -"This bolt doesn't stop aaywhersr . THE C2AU DluuEL CMTIOII'SCAPITAL Major McCavvley Becomes the ;- Recognized and Undisput ' ! , ed Social Arbiter. ! . ' -. . . . ' ' , .- r t PLeJMS ALL CAIETIES Of ', ( PRESIDENT ANti FAMILY Neither Rich, Brilliant nor Hand some, Yet Rules Society With Rod of Iron. . (Joaraal Special aarrVa.) wall-ordered capital ' of Europe) has a lunownary eauwa wis 1 uuuit .osDnsr I. W ...t.tll 1 - a Mil K 1 . 1 mwinuip, y suu scr wmm ' mmvwu. When Washington shook off tb thral- aom oc provinciauam ana aaauanea in airs of a world oapltal, th neoeaaity for a social arbiter bocauno urge at. As In all other great crises in th country's history, th man was .there,. . . .. ir. mm U.I . Pk.lM T . .. sjfo?ss,1 United States marine oorpa, -the major OOmo 01 in w dii. nouis, in. - nsma pion" leader of ootllllona, purveyor of mooted Questions of precedent anoes. try ana corrwoi minrw. n sm, m isht ognlsed and undisputed Beau Brummel of Washington society. What Harry Lehr la to the smart set of Newport so is Major McCawley to tb upper social . M ik. Smsteteati eamltal. , But fa Is more than that ' Th preel-l dent and Mrs. Kooseveit couia nos a successful levee war not this gallant - -, 1 Ae k.A - Hum Ia ftmnrt tha details, blend . Inharmonious element direct th progress 01 in iem. . . ' Such baa been hts mission for the past Six years, no man jsuoisjsi au clsl power, no maa xerclses bis pre rogative) in a mors autocratic, manner: . 1. ..iih.. vicJi. brilliant arlato- cratltJ nor handsome. . His salary Is s nan a vemr. and ha la uuinium. w.. -- - not of particularly distinguished ances try, ms rawer ! uiu - ley, tormer commsndant of th matin orp". nd th family has no rich or In fluential connections. w v o,tosllv makeal th SUOOOSS of a Washington bud and determines the . . . .MwMie srhA a ttamnts to get Into socleey. He Is consulted on all social matters oy Mr, w""" Miss Alice. Accordlnig to aom of hU friends. Major Mccawiey mua bi-p in wi- ..-ie. Ts hu bean seen for 24 U1S Mil."' .- hours on. a stretch ciad In the glorious 1 . ,tiA miptn. etnrn. . HIS COO- stant attendance at me Wilt House renders his presents m run uress neces sary. The presiaenv, is won ---mi-i tm. .it .ho naraDhernslla which the martial law can muster. But s said before. Major Mcuawiey uooonoi spend all his energy In planning White House gaieties. Two or three times a week at least he is called to aid some hostess-wno wsnts to entertain hign i. . aetsle, how they omciaiB, anu - should be seated around her board. He eaa giro advice on tnat line ana wu u Isblng touches to th banquet It Is UiAsin can set ud a better, menu than Senator Koan 10,000-a-year chef, -f . - " 7 j. RETURNS FOUR FOLD TU EASE HIS CONSCIENCE ' llmmrmmt Snaeial Berflea.) ssr..kiw u.nh is Secretary Shaw has received - fit 000 In currency, ao- . .k. . 1 1 I I , , ..rliioK eompaniea- oyvao iwiusiiv , " Is self -explanatory 5 v . .':" ,t - ci r am ssHidlna1 herewith HZ. OW which la to go to the use of the U pi ted BUtes government. leaxa sis frauded' the government of money, but I mm.mJt I, Sit anil I Sm HOW OBV- lng four-fold. In accordance with the teaching of, the scriptures, i ne way Ofthet"ransgresso Is hard, and none mnA irnosro hn I have suffered In consequence. X would seek to make a bountiful return. i - "Ha Cod pardon, while the United States Is. benefited. A SINKER." Department officials decline to giva .v. . w ews,o.rfioo at which ths money was msiled. but It is' stated that It was from ths Pacific coast SING-SING WILL HAVE FINEST-DEATH HOUSE (Joaraal tperlal Berrlce.) Chaining, N. T., Maroh Work was begun this week on th new" $40,000 death houee at Sing Sing prison. Th prrafint rt)th 'hniis, wh1 '"'rir""- datea only is pnsouers, win era mm down, and th new one will hav 40 cells. Th building will be the finest of Its kind in the country, It -will bo con structed of brick snd stone, snd will hsve a glass) covered court and prome nade, where condemned men may take exercise at the discretion of th warden. No' changes In tb methods or appliances will be made in the new chamber; t'b der the present system a murderer Is pronounced dead 70 seconds sfter he la led into th room, and In the opinion of the prison officials this arrangement Is aa expeditious aa It Is possible to make It. The last msn to be put to death In the present chamber will be Martin Ebelt a young man of Mount Vernon, who strangled his wife with a shoe string snd hid her body In a sewer. He will di on April -10. A stallion bought by several Josephine county farmers cost 11.000. CITTOCXII. t-utjtj - L "a.? f COaTPLXTIOaT ABO AOCXPIABCB Of Ut- BomcxBT or bxtxb bTBZZT. Notle 1 hereby gleen that Charle Wanner, City Engineer, has riled In the offv-e of th awoeelsn.S, aetteo that eW i. - Ialrr. eon trnrwe for tb Improvement of Bleet etreet, BBSor the provisions of ordinance No. I4.81S, haa enmpleted aald atraet, from the northweat erly line of Randolph street to 10 feet eoath easterly therefrom. Said aereptaar will be eaosldereal by tb BxeraHe Board t 4 o'rtora on lb lTlh dsy sf Mareh, lnoS, and objection to the e. eenunr of eeld street. r any Bart I hereof, may b Sted ta the affte f the aadsrslgned at any llm prior thereto. , V tHB r.XICri'TITg BOARD." By TH08. C. DBVI.I. ' Aadltm of the 'city of Portland. Portlsnd. Oresoa, Mareh II. 1SOS. conmo abo aoobptabob or at rBOTZstzxT or jzssrrr iitbzxt. Notle I hereby glren tbat Cbsrle Waaase. rlty Knaineer, haa filed tn the, office of th anderatgned, abttee thst W. A. !.eepsr. eon trsetor for the Imnrovemont of Jsesap etreet. aodse ".be proelslnn sf ordinance No. I4.BM. haa enmpleted aald street from the renter Unt of Albln araan to tb es.t Ho f Boruwlck street. Ssld aereritsnnl will bs eonetdered by th Kxrrntlee Board at 4 'rlork on tha 17th day af March. IDOA. aad ebjeetlma to the ec rentssrs sf ssld .treet, at aar part tbereof, may b Sled la taa afae f the anaersignsd t Saf tlBM prior thereto. -7 THB yXKftTTTB ftOAnrt. - - By TMOS C. rKTI.fH. k .r Asdttne of the tits, of IMrllaBd. Portlaad. Ongoa. atsrch li, WOJ. -". i. cm soncxsV AsszagxivT ros nty.ovisnT or mit lulu, Kotlea Is serene aleen tbat Us Coanrll af Ue City of PortlsaS, Oregon, at a meeting ael oa tho 10th day of atarcS, 1S0S. eclarea ids asoeeensent ny ominanro no. ia.sva, ror th Improeemsat of First (treat from tb aoath lino j of Arthnr strsot to th aorlh Un of io street. In to mssser nrvrWsd by orSI ora tin. 1J.T7X noon esrh lot. oart f tot an aarori or Una. wbleb are aosrlauy aad ps rwllsrly benefited. t he aa follow, si: tAKI TURKS' AIUITION TO CARLTrlKrto auuitiom ta ta city at roe ties buh. IU, out TS feet of aorth SB lost of lot 1. Hear WelnbarS hwuto, Heirs ot tiTl; set 3S feet ot' weet SI S feet t north SS 'feat 'of lot I. A. r. Keanert, 0 18; snath feet f lot 1, A. r. Nenaert : east 1AA feet lot 1 JoaS Wldoass, 6.S4: esat IO0 feet of lot S. C. B. Iaahoraoa. Ml.TS: ' esst IUQ feet of lot 4. Bmlly J. V. Moor. i.0X B1XK ft, ast 100 fset of lot 1. Ioet C. loat BtaM, Uelr of, $M.1: es.t ' 100 srsC of lot 1 Uncle C Post Mstote. Relr f. ST.; aaat 100 feet of lot S. Oltlla ' nsrtsra, B4.S8; east 10 feet f lot 4. Ottlla narrara. 13 !. BLOCK ST, -east ion feet of lot L OrUoan P. 8. P rammer. S4.3S: north H of esst 100 feet bf lot S. Orlando P. 8. PI S3.00; Mth H ot east 100 fset of lot S. A. Qntrolo,' I30.M: aortb of ss.t 100 fset of lot S, A. Qulrolo, $.!.; omk H of esst 100 fet 4f krf t. Haul Algsr. I4.ST; lot 4. Ualll Algsr, 14.S4. A parcel of land lying between tb south line of iorter street snd .line 80 feet soath thsrsfrosi ssd parallel therewith aad botwaea the west line of rtrat street .and Un 100 feet went therefrom and parallel therewith, atolMe SUaford. HT.ST. - A parcel of land lying bet nana tw Usee rasps 1 1 relr to feet aad M0 teat eoath of and pars 1 1.1 with th south Un of Porter strset and between the eat line of First street aad a Un 104 fact west therefrom aad parallel therewith, W. A, Cuslek. fai.ll. . A psresl of lane lying betweea tw line eaapectleely 100 aad ISO font loath of snd parallel with th soath lima of Porter strset aad betwfva tb west Una f Ptrst street and a us iuu reel west ueretrom sna paraiMi therewith. Sarah n. Wstlses. StlXuT. A parrel sf lsnd lyrng bet tress th aorth Ho of Wood trt and Un 50 feet Berth therefrom, and parallel therewith and be tweea th west lino of First strset and a tin 100 feet west therefrom and parallel there with lMsrarei fhMn rv.Lriwaii aiaaaa. CARUTHSltS' AUDITION ta the City ot Port una. a laid out br Booth Portia so aeei ' Batata Association BLOCK 10S, seat 100 feet of lot 1. Thomas R ties msn. Si 25.07: osst 100 fsot f lot S, Thoessa J. Cottle ' Rstate, Heirs of. 17.T1; aorlh 8 feet of east . iw i re l r mt a, nMrbara D. coma. as.. ' A aareel of land- Irlos betweea tb north II M sf O sines strset attended westerly In its present rourss and a lis aeo fsot soath therefrom and parallel therewith and be tween th weat line of First street and a Un 100 feet weat therefrom and parallel tbere . with, Oregon Railroad A NeTlgaUu Vom- . psny. psnn . . CARrniicRS' AnDmox to rARtmigns -ADDITION to th City ot Portlsnd -BLOCK os. wm ion isst u lot a, uoais Amoio. tt.Mt wsst 100 feet of tot T. Lout Arnold. .: north vt of weet 100 feet af lot . a Job a V. Lankln. S4.S4: soath 4 of west 100 feet of bH , r. Wild. 84 S4; west 100 feet r kit S, Byron r. Boons, SS.TS. BLOCK 64. west U f 1st S, Hsemsni HsrhWa, SX7.TT; srest H of lot T, llermania Hscblea, - toS 74: srsst 47 feet of asst tm of lot S. - rianal B. Tsyloe, SS.TS; wsst 47 feet of ess i n or wt i, rtsaaie isyior, Vt , blsry L Steel. SM.S1; lot 5. Mary Taylor. IA6M. RltrX 56. wsst too feet " of lot S, School District Na. 1. fl 0! wt 100 feet ot lot T, School District tt. 1. S7.M: west 100 feet ( let S. School Dis tinct no, i, f,s4i-wat ion fet r mt a. School District No. 1, S.M. BLOTK BS. weat 100 feet of lot S, Marti s Schada, S4B.1S; srsst 100 feet f mt T, Martla Sehade, i.U.43; weat 100 fset ot lot s. William B. -joiiey. fjx on; west 100 rest f lot a. WU Ham R. Jolley, CARI THSRII' ADDITION ta tb City of Port. land ss Laid Oat by .. Soath . Portlaad Beat Katate Association BLOCK 10T, lot S. Ore gon Hsuroaa a Kavigation mmpany, gtnsj as; - I. V " U.IW.J . U 1 u . i", ,, ' n , iiw u mm (,iTiiiiua Mspih ISA.S1: sU of lot 1 west of a Una 100 feet esst of nnd parallel with tba aaat Un sf rtrat strset. Oregoa Railroad Naelgatloa company, .sii.m; north n rest or tot a, nregoa Railroad Nangatloa Company. . $0.M; (U of lot 1 weat of a 41nlu0 feet east of and narnllal- with ths esst lino of First "street Oregoa. Balhaad Naviga tion unmpany. o.w. A parrel of land lying between tb aoatb Ha ot piora in an tb aorta line or Moot ins. farotherr Addition to tha Cltr of Port land, as laid ont br tha Soath Portland Real ' tetat AasorlattOB. and between tba seat line ot First .treat and tb westerly line t the Oregoa A California iBallwae Com ps ay 'a right af way, Jacob L'nger, 4175. 20. A parcel of land lying between th sooth line of bloek 1IM aad the aorth line sf - block 15. Csratber' Addltma to tho City of Portlsnd. laid sat by ta Soath Port, land Real Bstat Assorlstma. and between the westerly line of the Oregoa A California Railway Gorspsny's right of way had a Has . 100 feetr esst of aad parallel with tha mat line ar nrat .treet. tire goo. a cauioml - Railroad. tmpny, s.f.Bn. BIXK'K 108. north 20 feet of let R, Iamb l'nger. SA3.4S: soath SO fort f mt S. M. V. Prises. 848.84: lot T, A. T. Nennert. llSa.48: lot S. John K. rnllllov. KI8.PT; SSO-SS. ruUikn ITS.M. . Total. (2, A .tate merit of aforeeald seeessment hss bees entered la I Is Docket of City Uen aad la now due aad payable at tb fnr of tb City Treasurer, in lawfnl meney of tb United Sta tee aad If sot paid wltbla SO dsya from tb dat of tht notice nrh proceeoJng will be taken for the collection f the asm a ar pen Tided by the charter of the City of Portland. . Tb above assessment will bear Interest 10 day aftsr tb nrat paMlearioe af this notle. THOS. C. DEVLIN. , Aadltnr of th City of Port). so fts ts of ftrst publics Uoa, rortland, Oregoa, March 14. inpK. COMPLETION ABD AOCXPTABCB OF taV rBovxbiKBT or BAST ALDEB stbutt. Kotlea I hereby gtren tbat Obarlea Wanaer, City F.nglnMr, baa filed In the rflce ef tb andernlgned, notice thst Bechlll Bros., eon tractor for th lmnrsvemeat of Ka.t Alder treet. . ender tb provtaton sf ordinance No. 14.!IIA bars eomnleted aald atraet, from th eat line of Ka.t Thlrty-foorth .treet to tba center Un of Baat Thlrty-flfth etreet. I Said aeceptaae will be eoaaiderad by tb Bzemtlvo Board at 4 'clock on th 17th day af Marab, IBtio, and objection to the' ac eeptanc of said strset, or any part thereof, may b Sled In the office f tb uoderalgaed I aay tim prior inerero. in B KKKCKTITB BOARD. By THOfl. C DBVLIN. Poi 1 ud. Or. go More It, IBMS. COUTT0B ABO AOCXFTABCB OF SXWXX IB SABDT B0AD, XAST TWXBTT-FIBST STREET, ' CAST IBTTBO) STB EXT. XAST TWXBTT4X00BO ABD OBXOOB STBEETS. Notle la hereby given tbat Cbsrle Wsaaer. City Knglnear, hss filed In tbs office of th undersigned, antic that Bechlll Bra., contrac tors for th cone traction ef s sewee la Handy rosd. Esst Twenty-first street. Esst Irving street . Kt Twenty -second street snd Oregon treet, under the provisions of ordlaaae Na. 14.1MH, hav completed ssld sewer. Ssld acceptance will be ennsldersd by th Executive Bosrd st 4 o'clock, oa tb 17th day of March, 1900, aad objections to tha aceept ince of aald newer, ar any part thereof, may be Bled la th office of tb anderslgned at any time prior thereto. , THB FJXBCmvlf BOARD. By THOS. C. DRVLIN. AeitHor of th City nf Itirtland. Portland. Oregon. . March 11. ISOS. . PROPOSALS rOB STBEET W0BX. Sealed propossls will be -received at the nfflce of th Afldllor of the City of Portland until Krlday. March IT. MOS. at 8:00 o'clock p. ax. for tba Imprevement of Shaver street from the west ltn of Mlsalsslppi s venue to the east line of Marvtand avsnue. la tb mas nee provided by ordinance No. 14.475. sahject In the provtalon of the eharter and ordinance ef the City of Pertlaad. s6V Us sstjmsto af the nty Rnglneer. on Sle. Bid must bs strictly In accord. no with printed blsnka. which will be furnished application at the office of the Auditor of the. City of Portland. And aald Improvement must ti completed oa or , be for So. dsy from th dst of th signing 1 of tb eon tract by the parties thereto. . , Ne proposal a or bid will he eonaldsred aa lea sreompsnlsd by a eer lifted cberk payable to the order of tb Mayor nf tb City mt Portland, certified by a responsible hank for an amount qaal to 10 per cent of tb aggregate Pr,The"rlght ta reject any aad all bid I hereby By order ef tb Irrmtlv Roard. - THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ef th. City, of Portland. Portland. Oregon, March 11, ISOS, COaTFLETlOB ABO AOCirTAXCX Or Qt rBOTEMXBT Or XAST , WASKXBOTOB STREET. Notice I hereby given that Charle. Wanaer, fitr Keglneer. hs filed la the office ef th anderslgned, notice thst i. B. O'Nell. contrac tor for th Improvement ef Fast Wsshlngtna street, an ear the provision of erdln.oce No. I4.2S1. Ass completed said street, from th esst Mm of Bsst Thirty third street t lb, ren ter ln of Bast Thlrty-foorth street. Said acceptance will be considered by tb Rtemtlv Bosrd al 4i o'clock os th 17th dsy of March, lPOn sd otijectlotsj to- the no. ceptance of said, .treet. or aay part thereof, may be Sled In lb ofSe f tb Badcrslgasd at aay time prior theeeta. . THB MFCilTIVI! BOARD. . , "" Br THOS. C. DKVLIN. ' Auditor at Ike t rty nf PortlaaA PorUaad. Otvgea, March 11, ISOS, CTTT BOTTCZB. COsTPLXTIOB ' ABO A0CXBT AB0K Ot Ut - BB0TUIZVT Or rACTOBT STBKKT. Notice I kereb aleen that CaarK Wassee, City Knaineer. hsa filed la ths ff Ice of th aadoratgaed. notice last Wtt Sand Urn., sontr.o turs lur lb Imnroeeawnt ot e'sctory street. anoer tne provisions si srainanr no. is.oai, bare aomoleted ssld strset. from th aorth llo of Tharmaa street t U SMilh tin ot Vaogka street. i Said crept. nee will b eaasldercd be tb Extent! board at 4 e'emek oa th 17t day el starch, iwtfl, ssd objections , to the sc ccptano of ssld strset, or ay Srt thereof. msy a siee in the ornc at in aaoervigse t aa Um prior thereto. By ruos. c. 6kvlix. Asdltse of th City ef Portlssd. PortUnd. Oregoa, March 11. iSOS. CPMPLXTIOB ABO AOCXFTABCB OF XaV rmovEattb-r or EAST aldxb btbxxt. Notlro la bervbv given tbat Charle Wanssr. PI te BnslnMt. haa filed in ta fftc of th snVteeslsTks.1. SAtls that W. A. Leenett. COO- trsetot tor too imprsvesssai i sas niaer street, soder th provision of ordlnsae Noj tm.aio. naa eompteiasi ssiu iuwi, . iran in west line at Bantiyaio lin auiiion to un canter Un of Ue. Said acceptance wilt be considered by' tb Executive Bosrd at 4 'clock on tb 17th dsy sf March, 1WOO. , and abjections to ths -imMim of said street, ae sar nsrt thsrsof. may ae nice in tae oinc si us aaonrsignea at any tun pn or inereto. By THOS. C DKVLIN. . ' A editor of tho lity of Portland. Portland. Oregoa. March 11. ISO. CO bTFLETIO B ABO ACCXPTASCB OF 1st rBOTXafZXT OF XAST rlBK BTXXIT. Nottca Is hereby aleen that Charle Wanner. City Engineer, ha filed ta th ornc ot th anderatgned. notle that Smyth A Howard Co., contractor ror ta laiprovemsni ei r-i nns street, nndee tbs Brovtsiens of rdlBnca No. 14.SKT. hsr eomplsted said street, from th esst line of Best rtfteeeth etrsst a the east Us of Bast Rlgbtenth stnwt. Said acceptsne wlU b eoaleerd by . tb Bbiseutlv Bosrd at 4 o'clock oa tb 17th day f March. lOOfl. and objections to th o oeptance of aald atrwt, r aay part thereof, wy bd Sled la ths for 4 lb asdsrslgasd at aay lias prior ""'" . it . . in. m. m, r., i ill. o,,nnv. I V , . By THOS. C. DBVLIN. Aadltor af tb Oty of Portland. ' Portlaad. Oregoa, March 11. 106. . oo Bruno abd aooxttabck or nt- rBOTZBIKT Or XAST ALDEB BTEITT. NoMe I berabv sfeoa that Charle Wanaer. City kagtnser. has filed In tb office of the enoerslsned. notice thst Wllllsm S. Com. ros- tractor for tb lmaroemst of Bt Alder street, nailer th peovfloe at emioenoa eia. 14.1U1. has eomnleted said atraet. from tne east Una of Kast Thirty-eighth .treet to tb weat Un of East TBirty-nmta strsev : Said aeceptaae will be- tws.lileied by tb BneaUv Board at 4 e rloch oa th 17th dsy of March, latn, ana oojeciioa is ms se M.I.M er said strset. or ny nart tnereoi. may b Sled la tb fSea ef th aaearslgaed at aay tua prior meisiu. TUB EXSCCTITB BOARD, By THOfl. a DBVLIN. Andltor of tb City nf Port Is ad. ' Pertmad, Oregoa, Mareh II. 1S0A. COBCfXmOW ABD AOCXPTABCB OF tbt rBOvTaiBBT or riss nun. Nstleo is berebr given that Charle Waaarr. fitr Knglnear. be riled In the office f th nnderalgMd, antic that Blwood Wiles, ene- tractor ror turn uspnrrsssen. i nn suw., neder tbs provlsloo of erd Issues N. H IM. ha eompwteo ssia rreei. rrom in. wesi ii r rmBt street t tb esat line of First I treet Raid aereetaac will bs esasldr.S by tb Rx entire Board at 4 s'cleck oa tb 17th day of March. IBuS. and objection to th reptaoce of said atraet, or any part thereof, may be Sled In the ofSe ef th undersigned SX aay Iim prior ismn. tHB BXEWTITB BOARD, -By THOS. C.. DBVLIN. Anditor of the City nf Portlaad. Portlsnd. Oregoa. March 11. 1S0S. ' rEOPosAi roa stbjxt work. Beawd propnaal win b received at tb of. flee at th Aadltor of the City of Portland. sill ldar. llsreh IT. 1IMI. at 3:00 o'clock n. m.. for the lmnrsrement of Dareeport street from the weat .loe nf Oovnaor' park to tb north line at ration County Koad la tb provided by Ordinance No. 14.4M aohjwt t th proviaion OT ins ensner sna imimw is ok ins City of Portland, aad tba eatlmata ef the City Bnglsaer, a file. . Rid most be atrlctty - la ' aceordaac with printed blanks, which will be furnished oa ap plication at tb offle of the Auditor of tb flit of Portland. And aald Improvement mast be mplt4 n e lie fore on day from tb dst of th algnlng ef the ooo tract by the par- he prouoaab) er hi da will b eoiml dared aa less ac 'ompanled by a esetlfled check paysbl to th order of tb Mayor of tb City af Port land, certified by a responsible bank for a amount equal, to tea par cant, ef the giTgnt proposal. 4 Th rlgbt to rajert say and all bids at hereby rewrved. , By order f the MBd-TITR BOARD, THO. C. DBVLIN, Andltor of tb City nf Portland. - Portland. Oregon. March 11. 1005. rxorosAxa ro stbxxt woxx. - Sealed proposal will be received at tb afftr of th Amtltnr ot th City of Portlsnd antll Friday, March IT. 1005. t 8-00 o'clock p. m. for tas. Improvement of wsst one half of Baat Thirty second street from tne center Un of Bsst Morrison street to ISO feet aorth of tho aorth line of Rail Morrison treet.-' In th manner provided by ordinance Ne. 14.477. euhject to th provision of th charter and ordinance of the City of Portland and tae estimate of the City Flngtoeer. aa SI. Rlil mnat b strictly in accord. nee with printed blanks, which will be, farnlshad an sppUrstloa It the office of th Auditor of th City of Portland. And aald Improvement mast be completed o er before SO dy from th data ef tb signing at the eoalraet by tbe parties thereto. N prnpossls or bid will be considered an leaa acesmpanwd by a cer lined ehech Perebl to tb order of tbe Mayor of tb City ef Portland, certified by a responsible bask for sa aawont aaraal to 10 per cant of tb aggregate rTQrl'ght te reject aay sad all bids m hereby By wees', ef the Exeentlve Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of th City i of Portland. Pertlaad. Oregoa. March 11. 1006. -rxorosALs fob street wobx. tesTM IHIsssjals Bill efflc of tb Andltor of th City of Portland antll Friday, March IT. isns. at 8 00 leck r. b for the Improvement of Guild atraet from he aorth line of Thurmsa street to th south lis of Vaughn strsot. la the msaaer provided be ardlnesc Ho. 14,474, anbjeet ta th provlsloB of tbs charter snd srdlnsnces of tbe City of Portlsnd and tb sstlmsts ef tbe City Engineer, on (lie. Rids most b strictly In aevordsne with printed blank, which will be furnished on application at tba of flee of th Auditor nf th City of Portland. And aald Improvement most be completed on or before SO day from th dat of tb elgnlng of the eoatrart by tbe parties thereto. No proposals or bid will be considered nn es accompanied by a eertlSed check Pvyabl to tho order of the Mayor of tbe flty of Portland. eertlSed by a res possible bank for au amount equal to 10 per cost of th sggregats ins rigni to rejecr ssy ssw sii sius .vnw? By order of tb Exectttlve TtosM. THOS. 0. DKVLIN. Aadltor of th City of Portland. Portland. Oregoa, March 11. IMS. J rxorosAxs fob street wobx. . Sealed ratpoaala will be received at th efnc of tb Aadltor of th City of Portlsnd antll Friday. March IT. HMO, at 3:00 s'ekiek p. m. for th Improvement of Twentr-eeeond treet from lb north - Un of Wasblngtna atraet. to th outh Hoe of Jobmoa street. In tb mnnner provided by ordinance No. 14.. 4T4, euhlect to th provisions of th eharter and ordinance or the City of Portland and Ui eetlmat of (he1 City RnglBeer. a SI. Bid atiait ba' strictly In aocordaned with primed blank, which will be furnished oa appllcatloa at the oflce of th Aadltnr ot the (ity of Portland. And said Improvement mast be completed ea or before 40 dsya from the date ol (he signing of tha toatract by tbe parties thereto. N peonoaal. or Mde will be considered sa ke accompanied by a eertlSed check payable to th order of th Mayor of tb City f portlaad. certified by a ressoaalhl sank for aa amonnt equal- to 10 per cent f tb aggtegato Tberls-l ;"te reject any and aU Mas la aeraby reserved. i ' By order of tea I Kxecntlve Board. , THOS. C. DRvXIX."--Asdltof of the City, of psrtlaad. Portland. Oregoe, March II. ISOa. AUCTION SALE. Notice m hereby given that at 10 o'clock a. ax. na Mosdy. Msrcb an.' lis", at the-, rltrl 111. Second and Oab etreet. the (ity of Perl laud will aell for eaab at pi bile gufttoa to tb highest bidder tbe following describe articles, which ar af ae longer ass Is tb rlty: I horse. 15 bicycle." ' ' 4 trunks with contents, Old Nn. - I Iron bedstead. Tb right hi bereby reserved to reject say er all bids. By order of the Executive B'ard thos. t nr.vl.iN. Andltor ef th (ity of Pwliaad. . ' rertlaad, 'Orasoa, bfarsb la, 100. BAaXXOA TT a L C W s OL wvioUhionPacihc J Trains (o (he East Daily 3 Tbjwaga pathsaa tUndard aad toerlst stssa Ing ears dally to Omaha. Chicago, I Sosi rise sleeping ears dally to -Ka Cltyt throagb Pollmaa toarlat sleeping aar (paras sily soadactsd) weekly to Casugo. BecUatog chair ear (scat free) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. Lesvss. Arrlvsa. CHICAOO-PORTLAND . . SPECIAL. S:15l I S3 a. Bk For tb Esst via Raat- Dally. Dally. Ingtoa. . BP0KANB FLTBR FVir Kaatsra Washing, baa. Walla Walla. Law. lP-B Dally. s-ees. at, Dally. site. Cosur 4' Ales and Croat . Hextham pwnta. . ATLANTiO EXPRRRS Dally. . Fee tba tot via Hout-I 8:18 p. m. Dslly. .., lngtoa. 'Cetsmsia' Blvsr Orvtalaa. rOR astosi a s :O0 a. m. polsts, esaaeetlBg wltbl fmr. for llwaos mmA Abw ; " Dally.-. ex. Bandar. 8:00 p. av. North Beach, atr. Bas-j Saturday. . as. aBuatay ssw, sen -st. eoctt. Tamblim 10:00. m. roa nirens filv mr.A V.Mkin 1 T-CSI a. sa. Ta. 1 potm, atmrs. Rufh aad Dslly. . . Dally. sen, s.s st. aora. f W. tse uniimu I '. Sand ay asskitKlvsr Banta. FOB LBWISTON, and way potato DtMpl. W . w Ida.. fi Spokane' nd Iewletoa s. SstareaL-. rnda. r ' - ITCKBT OrriCX, Third end Washington, late- nil rim U.I. SPiaa A. Is, CBAia. Oeneral Passsegsr Agaat . EAST SOUTH Lea UNION DEPOT. Arrress. OVERLAND aTXFRBBS trains, foe RaWm, Base bars. Aablaad. Baora- f:10 s m. awata.Oden. Saa Fraa-l tM a, si else. Stockton. La An-l gele. El Psso, New UV mans and tb Baat Morning train eo neet at Wondbara dally .' except - Samoa y with trala far Mt. Ansel. 8 i 1 r I a. IJOS. Sk SO a. B. Brawnsvtll. S n r I a g- f lei A - Wendfing aadl Natron. . - Albany tuarmt ee NMsa 7:30 a. m. nects at Woodbnrn wtth n:M.i Mt. Angst aad Btlvsf ton local. Corvallla passenger. BherldsB passenger "1:90b. aa, eg: g, m ."' 1)4 p. m. De!ly. - tIDally, sxrept Sandsy. rsrtlaad-Orwvga Sulmrsaa Ssrrlos aad TsssaDl - Onratma. Deoet font of Jeffarnaa atrwt t-i--Txwve Portland dally for 0wee 7:.Vl a. a t 1150. fie,. t.M. H20. SZS. T S. 10:10 . m. Daily (except Sunday). S:SU, S Sn. SrSS, 10:SS ; a. m. 4:10. 11.30 p. St. Saaday ealf, SM I " Returning from Oswego, errtv' Porthtad dafl S.iO a. SA.I l5. SOS. S:1S. TnW. J:8J. 11:10 P. to. Dslly (ueapt Baaoayi S:SS. t:S, 80. 10:10. 11:45 a. m. Bxeept btoaday. 145 p. at. Sundsy oly, 10:00 a. to. Isess from nam depot for Dallas aad hi tor. mediate point dally (except Sunday I 4:10 a. a, r. . n 1A..A a M operatox dally to Men month an Air Me, soo. aoctiag witn awsueern rsvtss esswj s st lisllss and ladepeadeoce. irst-lsa fr from portlsnd to Seeeseaewr and San Franelsea art. bertha S; natad alaM rare gin, aeeoaci-rmss reris- ...on, Tirketa te Bestera points snd rVrsp. sk lapaa. Cblaa, Hooetnht and AtTaBa. niy 1 ICSl iiriw -1 i no " - . . nku. xsafts via . C W. STtNOBR. . X. COMAB, " City Ticket Agent. - . rss TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland t UNION DEPOT. aCr-VPftrtP I inTWSSi Paget Boa ad Limited, foe T. corns. Ssattsx, Olyapis Soath Bead d taray's Harbor points. . r I North Cest Limited, for Tacoas. Saattle, -JBS.SX. 4:41 p. St. " Bntte. St. Ptul. Min neapolis. Chics re. Ksw Ysrk, Boston snd notsta East gad Sootbesst, Twls-Cltr Evorsss. "for Tacoms, See t tie. Spo ts ner Helena, StTTsal. Misses poll. Chisago, New York, Boston and II points Baat aad :0B.aS. T -Ota. st. U:tS.I T.-00S.I Soafbeeet. Perot Boesd Keea CltySt. Leal Spsclsl. for Taeonn. Seattle, Spoftan. Butte Billings. Denver. Omah. Kan S:a. aa. T:00Ss. City. St. leMls gnd all point East and aoath- esst. All tralas dally eaeapt oe South branch. 'A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant Osaeral Passenger Ageat t3S Morrlsoa st, eor. Third. Portlaad. Or. AstoriV& Columbia i River Railroad Co. Laarae. DNION DEPOT. ' Arrive, 8:00 a. sa. For M.Tgera, Ratrdsr. H ID a. m. Dally, - Clarekaal, Wastpart Dally, Clifton. Astorls. tVsr- . , , .. rvsurn, ruvel, Uanv , ,., .r-.... RMO ' s.or gtovesa, - ' .. Oesrkart Pert. Sesslds. .. . ' l . Astoria aadj Sssshsrs. TrfO a. sx, sproto Sslty. " :a p. ax. Pu- Aatar I Btptm. K . W Vaea ssAiVf " - - 0. r. sad r- A, Assart. Or. C A. STEWART, fVejmeeetal Agent, ta Alder street. Phon Mala Sue. af AA A sa is1.aa.l9?' 10 noket Osssm laa Third Bt irasam i.j e-a TreniBoontltiBntBl -- Tralnss Dally . FAST TIME TO BPOKANB.-BT. fAfJftA IJUl''TTs - M1KN CAPO LIB, CHICAGO Ae. AIM POINT KAAT. . Davllgbt trip thrnighth ,4Ce - " and Rocky mountain Far fall ulars, rale, folders. t eail e f r" E ioxN, rrr r- " 1M Third Btvewt Fort- 3- JOURNAL WA.NT . ...... L:..