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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
XX Journal ,!.f "Want Ad" Rates , VTBT AST tTlASSTnCATiOaT mnept j "Situation fuM''-IU) m Fees!, . ' cmil Pxx trx. Oniki t '. nraree Mi tha Una. , r t rmn it n wobds roa i i , CUTS. sas nrOATIO WABTTB UeartmemMto MtW Kate r Feautle, laaerted aa Use fro. Dally r Sunday. - WTIXTT BATS-T fMakltoelol . esa Sunday 1mm) I CEWTi pec line. VOmT BATE ftaoladlng an Sunday s era gsstb per una m moau. ADTIlTItrirnrTt ail be m tarsal MatMM efAU by 1 a'atoek days aat ky 1 a'oloek Saturday wg w awi A. ' V?- T. KZMFKdU BOTS ara lemrnal "want ad." agwats. Olre ; them yaar ad. a effle ratM aaa tt . will ke eoUvored ta Tka Jeuraal a, to without farther Ma ta yaa. Um year Mil ho a phone Wwtan Union, . f.MaU 8X7. 5-ACRE TRACTS Price $1250 Each -For . sale oa installments $1M T down and $15 per month. , v ' : Convenient to' street cars. ' A chance for a, home in , . the direction' of the city's "growth,!: Apply to ' . M. IMBARD 514 Chamber of Commerce ; -; : " 'V, ' ' ' J - v"'- V.'. U '. XXZTOTv BOTU7X. . OOLCMBIA LODGE. No. 114. A. F. A A. m HI a ted communication thia (Thureday) . evening, T:30 odor. Masonic Temple, la af. M. All Mason Invited. B. . fAUta, Secretary, .- MrjrsiRHAHA TBI HI, Ma. 8. Improved Order 84 Mas. Taa regular meeting will ba held In tha aaw wigw. Wlllaawtta kali. No. -- 1TOH Second etreet, at o'clock a. a. sack ' .Tkaraday seeming. - FAOB CARTER, lackemv I. CABamiBKN, Cklaf a( Baeoraa. AHTA IRCLB 1M, Wema af Woodcraft. win ana. a' rranfl Mil la Arioa aau, in oay, alar arrk IT. Special prtaca. ,WPT10R. I will not ta mt ar a ! . anaoalnla Co aay Ida IMiaa. coatrartad r Mra, i. A. DIXON. rtnrxmAL voncx. ' DrUCAlf la tkia' rity. Varrk 'H. IMS. at 1 Knrtb rronrt atrt, Owwica O. Pnaraa. affd M yaar raaaral will Ukr plara Friday. -.i klarrb 17. at I a. m.. Craai lunula-. McKntra ' It Ollburli'i -rhapal, avranth and Flaa : atraata. In thrown t toua tlr ctawtcry. - laada laTllvd. - O'MRARA Prlrada and arqaalntaneoa ara r partrally lavltad to attaad rnnoral rrtcm of Hanla O'Mpara t Hi. Aalnony'a rbarck. Odar MlUa, Marcs 17. Requlaaa at 10 a. m. rmoroiAXAv . WASTKD Bloa for raarartnn; and rlMnlna; ap . rar aara at Btaatoa and Commercial ala. . laqalra 421 Mokawk klda. COKTRACTOR RUak forma .fnr Mda for BnrMlda at. acidf rrpalre fna at ooaatj rVrfc'a afflra. lmt aUro rtnm XHkar Loot tr Vaaad ad nrtlifaata, rata " It MU," aaaaT1 . . far romD A TKUCPROMR. Srott S24S wkara v k. tlatlr drapery and aptaolatary work la dono, la pedal dralCM to salt parrkaarr. By W. B. 4oHyj boat elly fafactaeaa; flra ;aut wttk H. a BrreoVa Co. FOl'KD A plana ta aara kalr aaattrraara roaa a tad aad rrtorard aamv day. llaooa Mala ' 474.. Fartlaad Carlad Hair factory. . owner aoly. Ketara to Z. K. Banc, aub Foarta at. aad rarelra reward. ataX WaVBTXO-JtAXB. COVERNMRKT POSITIONS Preparation for poatal aerrlea, ntabima aerrlrr, etc.; aalarlea from f0U to fl.bno per aanoias thonaaadk of arw apaolntmenta to ba made thia rear ; over lO.ouo appolntmeata laat year; aa em. eeptlooal apptirtanlty ; pnaitloa permanent; (rradnal am motion; riamlnatkma aooa. Mni B. Buah. Sid Coambtc-ef Ceiamerca. Uuura ... ta IU. . WANTRIV Mea ta learn barber trade; I week complete; poaMtoM paarantaad; tiiltloa earned ' Wblla learn I oa; write for terana. Moler'a Barbey Uollaca. 644 Clay at.. Baa lFraactaco, MRN wanted aTerywbere. 4ark alana. dlatrlhatc . rlrealara, Mmplea, etc.; permanent onrupa tlon: (and par. Aaylcaa L'aloa, roatlae - bnlldina. tllrajro. WANTT.n -Man to worb. for cripple, wba ynee - . ta he. tod cbalr aelllne email artlclea; $1.28 to 41.76 per day. 411 railing at. AOAIN In baalneaw-the Yankee Boy. fmat and . Onlambti; nlala food wrll enokad and beat a rnoa wen mu reaaooabla price. of eorree at a r WB want 4 nperlraead men for maniac aaakv Mklmr machinery, fcaalde apraca Laajbar Co- aeaalde. Or. iH) MRat. TirKET at tka fTankra Boy for . II BO. a rroat at. . WANTRIV-Mea to kaal farbaye. Tank Boy, 3M rroat. at. wtlt wArrTTe-rrkTAXx. , WAKTRD Ladlea to learn barber trade: t weaaa caaapietet tnitmn earned while leera . Ins; aalrdtiMlnf. manienrina and facial maa ' Mre In 4 werke; apeclel terma now. Wiite Moerr Byataai Collrye, Raa it'raaetera. BOARD, room and reaeoaaMa aiiaj for r apertabla ynong lady, romdenhm to yonaa , aintber: aeelat with llfbt kuaewerk. -Call Belaaoat. ., . t , . WATRIV-nod worklnf airl for aeeood work; rnaat ba rood lanndreaa aad aeametrme. fMl ftarle. bet. Tweaty-drat and Twenty -ermad. WASTRU Kaerretle. reapeetaltla women.- wot - f mi; aod pay. Call Imaiediately roara UBIBU Toa MB, aa ZS taa Tleltlnc rar da. a, poetpald. Beyel Card Co., StraUord. Coaa. WAKTRD I7i feopla ta try Maplalne at Meier rreni a Rrarery department, free trial CnvPRTRNT airl for ceaeral boaaawork. HMW Rt Wllteenlh at. . ' " " 1 arrvATRnra waRtxo blbxc.' kTRAPT. and waller waata eat la kntel ar reatenraet; sjeraaea ae rone! data floe; eeer aea aratorrad 1 city ar aauatry, pi, ear WONTAVILLA . . TltE aTTCAnOBI WAJfTx;&-XXatAI.X. . WANTED By rrdned lady wltk beat' ref rracea, a place la clerical work, baok- keeplaf. roUectlnf or other buataaaa propoal tlou. 8 11, rare .oaraal! BKMPONRIBLB woman, edncated la KnfHb aad Ucrmaa, wltk bualacM ainarlaaca, waata (and pmltloB. a !. care J our aat RKUABL1 wnui waata ta da boaea-claaataaT. ironlnc or take ear of furnlabed roowa. I'aoaa Mala Slft-l. ' TOI NO clrl of 19 waau llfbt boaaawork or rare bf rklldrea; (a koue alfkla. 1'boaa Mala 8153. - ' KXPRRIRNCRD 'lady atraofrapber wanta pool . tloa; beat of reference, l bone l'aloa 4041. - FkAIN dreaaanakcr want to 10 not Mwlix by I ha day. I'koae Mala EJCTLOTaTXirT AaXXOHS. 104 NORTH THIRD ST. Seaworthy Employ ment Co., prorarea pualtioM n unempiuyi-a and flimlebea belp for employer. Malu 01 la. X. rKcy, mar. BCANUINAVIAN-AMERICAX RMPLOVMKNT t uraca Heal raiaie. momma iMfwaea nu . neea cbancM apaclalty, 270 Burnaldo. Mala 183 MORKIHOM MT. Colnmbla Hirer Employ. meat aeency:' akllud utwr rornianco. caoaa Mala ria. PACIKIC COAST EMPLOYMRNT AQENCT Remored ta U u aacona at. I aoue Bed IB1. ' . . -,- - UANSBN'8 RMPLOTMBNT OmCL rOB MEM. t N. Baeaad at. , Pbaoa Malt ISM. riONEEII EMPLOYMRNT -OO. Labor eaatrae- 1 tare; bP free to amployara. ala BRLP winter! and m prilled, mala or female. B. O. vatABau SH Waaaiartoa a, uaay aaa. Al.PISR RMPLOYMENT Bt'RBAn Help fur. nlahed frra. Call o2 rirat at-, or doom Main 1B1T. - . . WAJTTXP AOrXTl. , GOOD, . lire ayenta wanted ta Mil lota aa com- miaaioa la one or ma cooiraei eunuroa ei 'Portland. AddreM P. O. Boa TOS. city. KXPRRIENrRD aalcmaa for rlty aad vi cinity, ehlrl and knrt anderwear. Tka Spencer Co., 12S Tenth. WANTED Atrats"ta tl fac CKaaia. Call B.W riaadera. BOOMS In all aerta af tha city, foralabad. . Apply 220 tloodnourh blria. ' SXltSlTl(4 . ACCOMMODATION BCXXAD. Cadcr dlractloa af tha Lewta and Clark talr CorparatloBj, Phooe Mala SMS. -'. WANTED Voor fornlahed - aad nfarnlabed rooma to be Hated with aa.- Tn Lewra and ' Clark Fnralebed Room aaaocUUaa, 1A1 M. Slith. I'bom Mala 141. WANTED 4 farnlahed bonaekarnlnt ronnat or booae. AddreM C i. K. fcayaolda, 847 : Brerett at., city. . . .' TWO or three ronaM for light boaMkeeplaw. la quiet, mrianan tamiiy. I noo aaaia avuu. WANTED 4 ar S onforniahed Toome, tail aide; atata conrenlencea. Q, 311 Sirat at. WAXTXD knSOXXLAJrXOlTB. THB PORTLAND ACCTIOrt ROOMS boya aay . . i r. K, . i Ma mm . . M A Ulna; raoafl www, mm m ue e. . WANTKD Mora praytne: and whltowaablaa; the aaly caeollne eompraaaed air apraylaa onttlt oa tk eoaat. M. 0. Xnryaa Co- 1 Mllwaukla it, . Paooe Beat Bill. TOI'R cataVnireea aad drcalara mailed, en Telopca addreaeed; reliable lletj mice rlaht. Krank U Srbott, 404H Xaat Morrlaoa at.. Port lead. Or. I BUT office txtnre aad furalrora af aO kind. F. X. Clark' Aeetloa booae, tTTV,. KS Waahlnatna at., app. aid axpoaltloa blda. BIOHERT price paid for mea 'a ceeteff dotk ,. Iny, aboe aad hate at M North Third. Pbona Black 20M. qrder promptly atteaded to. Wtt bolld new or lx old booae aery reaaoaj. ahle; hare yood city ref ereacea. Write or caU H. Wahl. New Weatera koteL OENKRXL ' rardenlna. lawM'. .taken' Mra af. AaoreM wm. n.euneay, aa- n. aeoowa au I'hooe Clay IIS. . BHORT OBDRR PRINTINO HOIISB P. I. . Ryder. Baeaad and Waablncto. ala. Phooe , Clay lOaa. WANTED Si HBd haad. medlnm-eleed. Job Dtintlaa praMi cbaai for aaah. M., ullmaa hotel. LACB cartala laundered at - ha ma; flratlaM work. Mra. Ida Haehlaa. Phoaa Catoa 144. AMRRICAN BEArTT PARLORS. IS Park at. rox xxxt Houaxxxrpixo) koom. ri'RNISHED booaekeeplna , and alaale toM by tba week or br eoodth; faa, balk aad phoaa. B7m Third aC 175 PER WEEK Larye. cleaa, ftnlabed . hoaaekeeptnc room: laandry, bath. . 1S4 Sbermaa. Bear froBt. TWO nafurnlabed boaackeeplnR rooma, fs per raoBia. .w. wa c-m maeieraia. uwh pkt tloa. HOISEKEEPIN and elnale rooma; erery coa- renience; reaaooeoie reie. eiv mini rox xxxT irxxixxxD aoomv 8 Be ' raaarUM U tkla lMlatUa, Ml word far II Mate." THB MONNASTKN, XHSW, Plret et.: . alnyle ronaM from 11 to $3; furnlabed hooaekeepluy anltea from $1,711 ta $3 per week; rooma per night, hoc and S5e: tourlata eollrlted. ELROANTLT farnlahed rooma. tboronyhly mad era, dlnlna room, fleet rlMa, no frarbitant charrea, car' line, walking dlataac. 671 Irrlnt.- Pbona Mala S42U. , THB DEXTER, 114 Twelfth, corner Waehlne; ton. entirely newly furnlabed rooma of Till DKXTER ANNEX Bow rMdy toy oocupaacy. Pbona Oreea 48. JWO ' well-fnrnlahed mome In new, modern Sat. centrally located) yeatkraen only. In quire 227 Market, flat L. - KRAMER'S ROOMING HOCRE Plrat-clan far. nlahed room for fentlenwa only, fifth aad Burmlde.- ' . THE GLADSTONE 1H Barter at. farnlahed rooma; aoder new manaremDt; price raa ' aonable. 1 CHEAPEST and beet located room la Port la ad, ft week Bp. Ollmaa. Fliat and Alder atav KICELT furnlabed room. l.tB per week hod ap. J4H4 Flftk. bet. Mala aad Madlaoa. RIVERSIDE HOTKL. MS Xaat Oak at. Houaa keeploB rooma; todaiad. I'hooe Scott e4. TH1 GRAND. 4AM Nortk Third at. bide; eantlemea aly. 11.50 per week, NEWLT farnlahed, anlet rraaalaat I rearth at. Pboah Bed XttX, 1(4 PINE, comfortable room, ' 901 Tenth, . coy, Teylor. PI'RNISHED rooB loot) Belmont at. POX BXWT HOUXXtV AltnoM Imih for reat at Archer Plice. 120 per month; owner aad wife will board with. renter-if convenient, t ail room sua Mcaay bnlldln. Third and Stark. KADDRRLT TR ANSPP.R-COMMISSIOI4 CO. Plaao aad furuitura mored promptly by perlenced auea. 110 Third at. PbeM Mala aA. ...... . . POR RENT Modern .and cleaa eotUaa la McMillan a addition: reaaoaabla rent ta (osd tenant. PboM Beat 10. TO RENT room, tnanera bonae. PI4 flanten heta ere.. (In. Apply la William Drnbolm, 22f rlllB( bld., city. ' POR SALE ar rent, fnmlaned 4-room booM, 1M0H Belmont et. Rent eery reaaoaable. -ROOM bona fi rent, real 11. laaralr at, im Miivranaie i. roa arjrr omci xooat" TWO afaca ranrn and M afflea apacea, A I lo cation, r. w. Trarar, Baal k-etata Broker, XU Waaklattaa, - , : OREGON ' DAILY ' JOURNAL! - PORTLAND, - THURSDAY ' B " "-- a , .-nWTTillar ,. i w in. hotjix TtA xxyr ruxxiTuxx roa iali WE. buy yaar fmltnra. la any quantity for apot . cash or wll It at your realdenca. Ba aura and Mil up Portland Auction Beoaia, Mala MM, tor bMt raaulta. ' TfTB PORTt.AND ACCTIO!f ROOMS artM Mil year furniture for yoa at your realdenca or at Sit rirat L Pbona Mala 6S99. r TWO Iota. Stewart Park, cheap; terma. A loo furniture of o-moai bona, new, cheap, an- ' nyalde, rant 1 10 per month. Pbona Xaat S32T. ' ' rrRNITTRR af a S-moBi hoaaa for Mia caeas If take by the loth; rent $33; coax and eee It: a bargain. 47 North Nlntb at. k-ROOM booae. nicely furntahed; furntrura t37S; rent (2b. 23 North Klgktk at. i'boa Mala aSOT.' BOOMS AMD B0AXO. TOUNO mea. If yoa" want to board and room la a permanent aad f Ira t -cleaa boa, where ratM ara exceedingly low, and will re mala tba earn next Maimer a they ara Bow, call , at tha Aatar Keaw, S31 Seraath it, eorarr af Madiaoa. Tel. Mala C231. THB LINDKIX New Hmlly hotel. Market at., bet. Third and Paarth; a taa a bMt. electric light, pnrMlala bathe: elegant wntalda rooma with flrat-alaM board: two peoaia, f4a-S0-tt,b month. , I rXXSOXAX. eilgiDie aefwnMima m uwitw, ww nil poeltlrely guarantM ta And yoa a congenial llfa romp ulna, ae wa hare over X.000 eor reapoodeata la Qregoa aad Washington wba wlah -to marry. Tba Matrimonial Reg later, price 10c, deecrlbra orer 100 local member and gtvea full particular. Interrtate Intre dadng Society, boa 1070. Portland. . . . KANSANSt ATTENTION I Come ta my afflea aad reglater or eend nam and ad drew ta become charter member of Kaneaa eociety; 11 for gentlemen, 60 cent for ladle. H. W. T rarer, Beal Katata Brvkar, 234 Waahlngtoa, Portia ad. Or. - I MONTHLY trregnlarltlea yield promptly ta our palalaM method af trMtment; wa treat dla eaaea of womea only; cneaiiltatloa free:- pri vate and etrtrtly coufldeutlaL X Radium Inatltau. Third and Morrktoa. Aliaky bldg. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! The kind you're looking for: Decameron," "A Rot Tamala," 'Roaa'a Confeaaloo," "A Social Uoa." MPaanla Hill," "The Beanty Snot." fiOe Mcb; lUta free. A. Set) male. 22 Pint at. TH B beat aeeldaal pelley.I tha "Ami Ternary Legacy," writ tea only by tba Preferred Ac cldent Inaarance Company of Naw York. Thomaa P. Thornton, general agent. SIT Chamber af Com me roe. PboM Mala TS4. MANLY tlgor reatared by Or. Rooeeta Nere AloboMa. Oh monfh'e tmetment. fir t month. 13; aent aecttraly eMled by mall. Agentye- aarlard. Clarke m Co.. Pertlaad. Or. ARB you troubled with plleyt - If an. write to day or Mil at W7H Tblrd at. aad receive a box of Joba Wilhelro'a famoua flerraan pile ' remedy; price 1.60 bog; a guaranteed cure. HAVR yon area tba Spencer Company about Tour ablrtwalat nltt If not. harry on: lat- - Mt etylea; ladlea' awn ywde mad ap; gent' ahlrta a epeciaiij. ix xaata at. WATKR-PROOP. aclf-pnllahlnc afore pollen: recipe and dlreetlnn 23 cent. M. R. David aon, Vancouver,- Wab. K. P. D. No. 3. TOUR pranerlTtrloaa are more eeearetely and . reaeonably tiled at Byaaer Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaoa at., bet. Ptrat and Second eta, WANTED Everybody to take vapor bath and maaaage at the new parlor. 146) Blxtk at,, rooma 24-23. Lady attendanta. THREE YEARS IN AKANSAW" beam B honk yoa ever mw. SB. J a DM' Book Store, tat Alder at. roa SALS PARKA. BJH0RN A S HELTON, Condon, Oregoa, Rar larva and email wheat ranchM for -Mia. lalormatioa rnrerruiiy given; ci apondenc Mllclted! bargain for Iuvm atora. I. A-.Bbtlton,-county aaaeaaor. . FOR SALSi ao-ecr farm, 30 crea cleared, ha I. needed. 4-room bouae. large bam; chicken bouee. tool booae.- orchard, i cowa, 1 bull, 2 heifer. S heifer ralvee, S borere, wagoa. buggy and baraeae, DeLaval neparalor; $2,300. J. P. Buford. Kelao. Wh. 130 ACRES good timber; aome tn cultivation; boaar and running creek; P mile from Ore goa City. Inquire M0 Plrat at., PortlaBd. BSH-ACRR firm. Improved, for Bale or trad . for good realdence Portia ad ; ao ageata. la qulra SOS Cherry af. . tOPO SO ecre. goad nil, honae. and aprlng ad Joining; Oregon City. Plamber, Wlllaom are., Partlaad. rOB BALE R0XSEB ABB CAXBIAOXS. NEARLY NEW rubber tired aurrey, and borne, will eel) together or erparately; reaaonahla. Caa be area at B02 Xaat SUtk IL, North., ear. Mason, . . . POR S-AI.R Two team drift borne, flra Beta heavy harne. Colnmbla Stable. cornet ' Pmat and ColamMa ate. Inquire J. J.Caeeek. BOSSES, wagaw. baraaaa, all kind of ve hicle bnaght. Mid lad rented. Hubert A 24 r earth. Paew Mala sauS- $100 PRIZES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS y- ' m , ' ;. .''.';;"., Tha JetftuU win pw ta.00 fe awary Oartooa aad Taraa of Slagl Akxmk TXa JoxumaJ "Want AAu" wblcX azw Bask to tola oxTloa aad, a ' oapkad fog 1 Tha) JoturaaU. - , , - SMaat tha followtBff tnakTiiutloxia earwfmUri Xtrary Oarkoom aad Taaraa af Jlaujla anuaa ba aoatopaalaa Tjy: ' wwyaxit Ad" Ilka tBoaa aadav tha tlffrmt alBaarlfiaatloma am thaaa parwa, ta aa xtaad ta althac tha dallr or lulir laaraa of Tha Joarnai. Tha ahart- for thaw adTatiainaata la SI word fas IS aanta. Xfa advartlas Baamt an h lytafl fog laaa thavm IS bhbbwbV ' BTa Oartooa or Taraa af JlnTaa la am tan-ad 1b tha eonkeart RAlaas aoaoza vnanlad hy a "Warn. Ad" aad tha taumar for tt. Tha uma, a-a aad addxwaa af tha child wha draurai oaa af thaaa Oar (oou and ajillaa a Taraa af Jlngla most ha wrltlam aa rrexy aaa aaxtt to thia offloa, la tha child's a-arm haadureitlns'. Tha Cartooa aad. Taraa atmat ha ta hlaok tak, aad an oa aaa alda af papas. Xf 7 oar fathar ae mother oaanot fiwa warn aaa of thaaa "Waat Ada," ' gtuuly soma frlaad or aadxhwov oaa. . .. r Ba raxa ta look far yam? adveAtlawmaat la tha papar. , - -I Tha Oartooas aad "Want Ada" mar ha dallvarad to Tha ouraal or aaat hp ataO. ' ' BTaarlp ararp ahJU eaa wdta Taraa aad draw a OaATtooa. Xf poora ha aeowptad, pea will raealva SSvOO la money and hava pour plotara la Tha aTaaxaai. TOS S4IT PTiTi XSTATX. AdvwrtlaamMt aartalamg to Baal Katata, aaa. time rata "XI ward far It aaata." A ORBAT BARGAIN! If taken at once; owner nut Mil. Large corner lot of H block, oa Klerk at. : beet bargain In Portland. W loaa dHiney. from 3l0 ta tS.000. Wa kava many other bargaina In -real aetata. N. Rpragne. 122H rand ave., room IX POB SALE S lota. o t-t feet by 110; good B-roora houae, flne river view, alr kind of fruit and hcrrlea, cow barn, chicken boaae, wood abed; mnat ba aold for raah at one. M. Barron. McKenna are, aad Warrea at., Portamostb. , PUK SALE A rlTinap: aa S-room, axxler bouM, lot SOx 10O and 3 adjoining lota ftox loo each; on la a corner; all for 42.0m); Sl.SOO raah and balance to an It purchaser. Bcandlnavlan Real RaUta Co., 270 Burnalda. 34.300 BUYS a new, S-room bonne with be ment, wood abed, barn aad chicken houace. AV acrea of land. In the enronratinn of WoodUwn, Or. AddreM X. T. Bogard, Wood bura, - Or. -.. POR SALE New bonne and 614 lena, $1,000; very mm terme, w m:i rm, wow. w esra, $000. - See agent. . flrat bouse eouth Oataa' croaalng. Take Katacada ear, O. W. P. Una. COTTAun ar a room, large wt, aounoanca J , of, large hnd araail fruit, garden, nice lawn. ' etc.. $1,400; $400 down, bal. $20 month. In- . m.MwiMmi liKU. TV Iwl at emm 1. GOOD Invcatnent Two S-motn bouse and eor- ner lot. Beech and Michigan, $1,800; two lota and a 4-room bourn, Pittenger'a addition, $700; flue orchard. Phoaa Scott 5483. A' PINK borne, with large ground, on Went ave.; fruit and berrlea of all kinds: will ell for half what It cost en account of death of my wife. B 20, car Journal. A SNAP Modern 4-room cottage, porcelain bath, corner lot, fruit Usee, almost arw, in Trrmnnt; email payment down, $10 month, A. Ogdeo. SOS renton bldg. NEW T-reoiB booae. -not quite fliriabed; on tier lot; Ar grove: $400 aa It Uad. or $473 completed. City BualDeM Chance Agency, 223 - Plrat at, w CANNON'S addition offer yoa the bMt pomI hio Inducement i for roa to obtain a caean home. Call 300 McKay baUdlog aad Obtala aeUII. GOOD Innetmaut. aat Mr lot aad located on car Use, rented for $23 per month. Price $2,600. Apply J she Bala. 224 Stark et. A BAROA1N S corner aad S Imilde lota. Lower Alhlnai eery alghtlyt afreet, sewer and side walks. Call owner. Pbona Main 2777. POR SAI.R rVmocn house, all frrrnlshed. near the fair ground; price moderate, terma rea sons b Le. AddreM Q S. Mr Journal. LOTS to leeaa at tba entrance to lrsrla end Clark fair gmnnde. R. W. Trarar, t reel estate broker. 2.13 Waakldgton et ' t-ROOM cottage, I'pper Alblna, enclosed yard, 60 ion, - variety af fruit and rosea, aaar car J a bargala. Pbona t nloa 6347. POR SALE A bMutlful new 3-rom bouse and lot oOi ion feet. 670 Preecett it.,, tor $2,200; tak Woodlawn or Vernon car. - A B A ROA IN Pur lc Twa rot with foor . rooal boose, la St. Jobm; $700. Apply to llruher, Alt tlommerrlal block. -ROOM fconesi, U acre, fruit, berries', barn. : chick aa bonae. 1, 030; Careoa Htlgbta; will CHOICR Iota. $S0. near car line; $3 down. $3 per month; 3 acre a-roam kooM, aaay taraa. lsa ravth at. EVENING. MARCH 16, trr- rOX SALX XXAX XSTATX. FOR SALR Hon) 13x24. cheap; Iraae expire June 1; maat ba moved, laqalra 884 Xaat Morrlaoa at. POR 8ALB to acre, 8 mile from Vancouver! sno fruit tree. , new hoaaa. 6ST Bomlawa eve. . , j T-ROOkf modern brick hnuae for $1.750. la qalra $63 Plrat at. TelephoM Clay S41. S-ROOM doom, 8 lata 100x100; price $100. laqulM 3T Xaat Sixth at., nortk. roa SAii kascxxLAXTEorja. BOXTHOT RR FOR "BALE In rat-cl.M condi tion, aultabl for a private family or a . public resort on the river, containing S bed room, living room, kitchen and upper deck. AIM houseboat containing 2 aleeplng room. Ksptha launch. 28 feet long. 4-H.-P. engine. Apply r. B. MorrlB, O. W. P. By. Co, efnea. BILLIARD AND POOL ubkai far rant or tar Ml on caer paymeata. TBS BXUNSWICK-bALIB COLLKNDBB OX, 48 Tblrd aA. PortUad. WB print your name aa SO calling earda, proper ala BBd atyle, 23c; 230 bualueM card, $1, Brown A Scbmila, 228 lint. Partlaad. Or; BOXWOOD! BOXWOOD! Boxwood, lbweod and dry cord wood. Multnomah Wood Co. Phone: Mill. Mala 1; ofBca, Mala 3118. POR SALE Block of Attackabl Ball-BMrlng Hub Compaayatoeli, aheap. AddrM Baa $83, ' Vaacoavcr, Wash. 180 CORDS in Sr wood an bank river at Hnlhrook for Mia ar trade. 321 Martina at, Ralston. THOROUGHBRED porker spaniel pup for Bale, $3 and $10. 541 Myrtle at., Portland Heights. CYPHERS INCCRATOR for sale or trade; 220 egg Mpacltyi nearly new. . it 4. Journal. POR SAL Ore In elevator. - Mpadty 43,000 busnslB. B. N. WlllUmaoo, Walla. Or. BOtlS FOR SALE Inquire for engineer of lioodnoagk bldg., S o clock afternoon. POR SALB 1 heifer, year eld. freak; akw . Scotch Mill papa. Phone Scott 8R3. 8HRPHEBD IMXr- for Mat; trained for eatttt range. 1083 Front at. , SO-HORSB POWER ENOINB for Mia. Inquire Jonee' mill, city. BAIL- BOAT for Mm, Complet. Inquire 47$ Northnip t. roa aT.x T,im acxrr. rXB SALE LAND SCRIP. Unrestricted forest reserve ecrlp for; Ml at lowest market prices. My a, Hp eece re title to timbered, farming, grasing or desert lnnd. In any quantity, without residence or Improvement. Addrraa B. M. HamUtoa, Tkl Portland. Portia ad. Or: roa SALB 0B XXCHAX0X. POR SALR OR RXCHANOR POR (lit PROP erty Frrlt firm In Clark county; Wuh.; May terma. Dr. Clnllette. 200 Third at. TO XXCHAX0X. CBBAP lot aa -part payment far ' building your konsje. S 6, -care Journal. POB aXTT BOSCXXLlBXOTB. POR RBNT A krga Mmpm-rocaa ar ban. tog Beer. Apply eUrvita ataa, Oondanaak Mda. 16C3. XOOMU ti HOI B HE APgUABTEBA "' TArT CO.. . ... . 128 A Ablngtoa Blk. 1'huM Malk U$. . W make a' SPECIALTY OP ROOMINO HOCSES and Save many of tka MOST DR. SIRABLB LOCATIONS that art for M-e. Good locations ar ' going faat. note our Urae aad i email partial list below of both aoaa. ii ueaa oaa'l ault yon, nu lai j , 48 BOOMS Beet pert of Morrlaaa at., vary .. cheap rent aad good loag leaee. If yoa want a - good transient boos and .'8 money-maker, don't fall ta e tbla. '- Price foe tat week ooly, $3,600; part ', ' , cash. i . ..,(.- IT ROOMS Beat aaly $ITB per mooU: good lease ; clearing about $330 per month, -' bMt lore tloa In taa city for swell trsds. - I or a quick aal w bar reduced tb .. . price 'to $8.760. , - ... S3 BOOMS Boa Ton location; pro (f, $178; good leeae; ateem beat, hot and cold water . . la moat all rooma; now clearing ' about 8175 per moath. -A cheap price i for :,, '.,'.',- i 28 BOOMS Stysm heatr-' newly furnlabed aad remodeled; 3 year' 1mm; reat '. ;,. only $130 par mouth. Price,' $3,000. 21 BOOMS New, raodern ' building, newly ' furnlhd, swell . location, every room taken: rent enly $126, year' teaaa. , A pick-up for $2,230. . .. i BOOMS All 'extra large, splendid loca tion, all Moquet and AxmlMter ' ear ' pete; good bard furniture; cheap rent; - present owner dm had tba house for ' i year. A gilt-edge boy lor $2,600.. 20 BOOMS BMt location In city for high'. claM traaaleat or etMdy roomers: rent. $100. clearing good money new and during tha fair yen can make all tk . money yoa want. Prlc 3.200. , , 20 BOOMS On .8th at., near Wishlngtnni nicely furnlabed; lease, -.real; . a regular snap; for $030. . . '.. , SO NICS LA RGB BOOMS, ani Morrlaoa 1 ren' oniy ,i eer saonta. clearing ovw eiw ', vXf meatn. 1Q m uia la to pay. i rice 800. , BOOMS New brick, strictly modern , newly furulsbed, swell location for tranatent. THIS IS WITUOIT DOl BT THE BK8T BUT We kava Bhd for aome time. Ckeap rent. 1-year 1mm. Price $1,800. BOOMS Elegantly furnlabed; flrat-ciaM i location; cheap rent. A apodal of far thia week for $1,600. BOOMS Splendid location: new bona and .new fumlture; all moms , taken . aad 5 maaing saooey. i-nca f i.euu. , BOOMS Mot and cold water la Marly all rooma; bMt location in tha city; clearing - ) above all expeuses 836 per naooth. Ptiot , f 1,300. .'', ' ni'SINRSR OPPORTTtNITY. ' Largest and bMt of lie kind In tba city. - W ... positively guaraatM that It la clearing .... anova all expenses eat aaoatn. , lor further particulars can. . BI'SINESS CHANCER. SALOON Good kieatlcn: cheap reat and Vaaae; doing a nice business. Prlc 1.1.600. , GENERAL MERCHANDISE 3 ftret-rlaM places at Uvolce. Will bear lavcsUgatlou. WB CAN at ABB TERMS ON ANT' OX THE ABOVE." A IX TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED .A8 WELL AS SELLERS. WB WANT 10 TO 16-R00M. HOUSES; ALSO SO TO 40. ( , . . ' - - " - TAPT CO., - 122-3-3-8 Ablngtoa Block. 108)8 Third BL .r -, - ST. LOITIH BROKERAGE CO., . . BOOM 80S, 84 SIXTH BT. , ' For Bale Rooming-house. 8 rooaa: rle . gantly foralebed; new furniture; full of . good-paylBB roaoara; 3-yar lease. See this '"aT. LOriJI BBOKKAGS CfcT " -- Boom 803, 84 Sixth at. Per Sale Roomlng-aouse, near fair grvaud; dull good roomer; T roots ; cheep rent: a knap daring fair. - . BT. LOUIS RROKERAGS CO., Boom 303, K4 Sixth at. - Pne Rale RaBmlnaAmw, 11 era; rent, $33; lesse until December; nicely rurnisneu. veo tnie. -ST. LOUIS BROKERAGE CO.. Boom 303. 84 Sixth st. " ' Pur Sale Restaurant, nicely eqnlpped, near aaloa depot, beat lor tloa In city for big rash during fair; cheap rent, good Wee: owner haa other business, consequently will Mil quick at great Mcrlflre. . Bee US ' at once in regard to thia. BT. LOUIS BROKERAOX CO., Boom SOS. 84 Sixth st, Wa also have aome aery choice bargaina la rigar at ore, eonfectlonery and ' fruits ta ads, - aamon. 'ate. ST. LOUIS BROKERAGE CO.. , . -a Koom 303, 84 Sixth Ik , We. hive eom flne locations for lesM Bear the fair grouada, la way of bootha aad vacant ,rW8T.'LOriS BROKEBAGX CO., ' Boom 103. 84 Sixth at. ' if yoaN have rooming -bouses. ' rlgarsraada, ' m bustoeaaea af any kind, list them with as. aa they are going fast aad wa need, the IS IO Mil. , , ST. IvOUIS BROKERAGE CO., , ' Boom 300, 84 Sixth at for Ratal Leach counter oa Third at., doing nice bmlnoM; cheap , reat; llmoat at your owa price. ST. LOUIS BBOKERAGB 0. Boom 308. 84 BlxU at. THE PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO. la la , the arid with a choice list of properties; . we handle timber lands, mi nee, atone quar ries, farms, stork ranches, city aad suburban homes. buelneM rheneee and esatem prop er tlM. loans, leases, Insurance, st our of fice. SSm Mnrrbma at.; notary public; aee na before buying or selllsg. Phone Mala 1428. Dally rUiermaa A I'euder. LIST ynor bensea and kits ale or rent: hnnsea and Intsi we are centrally located. liejii Sixth at., near Washington. llnhart Tiggirt, reel eaiete, timber and farm Isads. Phono aln 13MM. - BU8INE88 CHANCBB. ' $3,000 PARTY with thia amount to Jota. ma with my $8,000 In my i oonceeslon at the . rxpMltlon ground; I will give yon homo real Mtatn as collateral and H Intaraat la tha profits. AddreM H. 14, JonmaL . ' . PRES LANDS IN OREGON. Partn aoll, par water, delightful rtlmare; land ef alfalfa, appkra aad clover. For fall ' Information address the Columbia Southern Irrigation Co., 838 WorcMter block. Port Is ad. $1T3 FIRST-CLASS rhmalng and dyeing Mtb- lisnmenr; nne DMineM locaiion; score aau x noma; rent $20; lease 3 yean; owner In other bualnes ressoa for Mlllng. Call 81 Fourth. $126 BUYS neat, well-lncated confectionery end cigar elore. now doing prontable lml- iww; AlMgreement; a reel snap, tall city Buslnrsi Chanc Agency. 228 First st. - For Salr ' Grocery aad Sab market, well Mtibllshed. 8 yearn oa the Mm corner; cause, of Mlllng, III health. AddreM 8 13. Journal. FOR SAT.K Ftrst-clBss reataarsnt-, good loca tion; doea largest buelBesa in rlty. For fur thsr particulars addreea Box 88. Salem. Or. roR SALE RMtanrant, 8 stools, a bore, out- flt complete. Including building: or ice gam. Addma Mrlntlre A MrGinty, Arlington, Or. 1 " ... 1 1 1 ' . IF YOU are looking for a permanent mana- xacmring Business xor a smsii i ii t e i vrr ni, iit vestlgste. VentiUtlng Elbow Co.. 110 Second. TAILOR STORE for Ml; good MUbllahed busi ness; will Mil cneepi owner going east rraaoa for Mlllng. Inquire 4 Eighth at., aorta. . 8, 10 AND 11 rooma In best location; all bar sice yard; furniture goon; low price, maoi oa Reel Batata, Co., 803 Msdlson. FINE millinery and notion at ore. good tore tloa aad cbMp" rent, only. $860. Call 102 Flrat at. PARTNER ta take half Interest la pavilion at fair grounds; $1,800 required. 6T1 Mar shall. , . STOCK for Ml, etor for rent, reasons bis. Inqulr at 838 Union ave.. norra. WANT ta buy a rooming boose downtown',. 80 to' 40 rooma, pnone Front lni , DB. 0LBXT BOXB KP.iLXX. DR. OLNBY, tb celebrated. Mtlonally-knowa promoter of paycnology ana exponent ef aug geatlvw tbarapeatlca. Bow In tble eltr. la prepared to consult with patients. lie ' la pronounced tn sana noted dlamosttclaa and ace tee of lb age. - Physician in dally calling him la rneaultatloa. He guar sires to cure tba await stubborn csaes of liquor, nmrphlM or tnbeeee hshlts. No laterfereara with dallr duties. .IrwrtanTaneowa ceres. The elek should avail themsslvM of this graad opportanily. Dr. a, Olaey, 388 tk Wishing- ART IMPOXnriC. PROP. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait s4 Undarap arllt luatraciloa la ell painting, water color, etc.. and drawing; art gallerj .erwiiteetdMl wlth etodh,: . olpturea-for Ml BBI framlag to order. 34H Alder-et. Pbfue I6a, AASAYIXA THE J.- H. PIHK ASSAYING OPP1CX Aaalrtleel ehemiat eiiA asexelluraist. Prl old and sUrer, $1; copper, 60 Mota. 2u4Vk Waablugton t. At.. MOB, a Bearer and analytical CbemlaU l60ABAeayt., aor. tlgbth. . JJmu-Jt ajphalt PAvnta. ' I . THB Trinidad AepaaK Parlog Oa, of PortUaak OfBca ao3 WoroMtM blk. ' T ', jjapaawj BICTCXB DXAXXXa. COLUMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCBNT. SPORTING GOODS, EXPX.RT RKPAIiaNO. 8 F. P. KEENAN. 308 THIRD SI.'-. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. BABD nSTXraXaTTS. CHAS. X. YORK A CO., 104 Plrat Repairer, platrri York A Son and DoGure Instrument. BT.ANX BOOK XfAjnrPAOTTBXBS. I0WB. DAVIB KILBAM. 108-111 Secoad at, . Blank book manufacture; agent for Joaua Improved Loose-LmI lallgars; paper-railug, bookbinding. COAX AND WOOD. GREAT WESTEBN COAL CO Our leaders era - wsshed sent less range, $3; lump, $3.60) - Austrsllsn lump, $0.60; Bock Sprluga lamp, ' $7; delivered; no screenings sod full Weight gusrsuteeu. i Done Main ana. WESTERN FBED FCEL CO.. aor. Front aad Hoyt etreet. dralen la domMtla and Staam coal, klackkmlth anaL . charcoal aad aoka. Phooe Mala r018. ' i ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la eordwood. eosl ad given and dry alanwood. - B. tt. aad Al ula ava., 8 blocks Mat at ferry. Beat 674. BUPEBT FUEL CO. The bMt dry wood la town. Don't forget- to phone East 1488, 368 East Eighth at., oof. Madiaoa. 8TEBL BRIDGE FUEL CO.. dealer la anal, eard wood aad dry alab wood. Pbona But 484, COLUMBIA Wood Coal Yard. East Eighth aad Haw thorn. Phone Xas 3807. OREGON FTIKL CO t all kinds f bl and - 844 Morrlaoa. PboM Mala 88. BIRK HOOVER. SIS Water at,, weed and aoaL Phone MalnaBka. j ''in CXA1XV0TAXT AND PALMIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Tlaireovant. palmist. card reader: 1 at -aaatant oa all aff foe. 88 SevMth a va facta reliable aad las. fairs af Mel Ufa. staadlns aw Oak. THE gifted Serin Slater will tell yon all yoa wish to know. 41 et Washington at. CAXXXXTEXS AND BTTTLDEXa. A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD. aad builder; repairing and Jobbing; atora aad ernes Sxturre ballu Shop Sot Columbia. PhoM - Clay 1861. J. O. HOUSTON, bal Idee. 668 Morrlaoa: deatgna frame or brick buildings; eontracta fsitb-. fully fulfilled; thorough wore, saw btIcm; sMtesM mo. B0FF A TY8EN, bulldlnp end remodellug; store f ituree speclslty. 282 Plrat at. Pbona. aay 834. C0KMI8S10M XXX CHAN TC DAVENPORT BROS. -General eqmmlMlon mee. rfaaota; fruit and prodnce: eooslgnmenta so licited; prompt return. 160 Front St. . RVEBDINO A FARRBLL. nredOM and aloa marrhant. 140 Pront K,. Portland, Or. PhOM Mela 178. - . - i f CIOABS ART) T0BA0OO. aXBRRO-OUNST CIGAB CO. . DUtrlbatora af . . rlNB O0AB& ' ' Portia ad. 2" CAXPXT-CXXABTJIO. WB clean yvar carpets aa tha Snor, remov. . Ing greuM spots, moth aad' germa of dls- -mm, disinfecting and potting year cs rprts In a Maltary condltlouri. we guarsatee ta - ram no duet; Mtlafactlna aaaured. Phono ' Clay 231 for a free demoostrstlou. STANDARD Steam Carpet-Cleaning Co. Carpets cleaned, rentreq; aewen ana isia; mattreeaM, feathers renovated. Rait Third, north, and Pacific sts. . Phone But 280. Merrlmaa A North. - BXISSMAXXXw. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash allk. mid for . $1.28; ahtrtwalst wit $3.60. . 4H Xaat Mar ket. Phoaa Kut 8231. KEIRTER'B ladlM' Tailoring College; pat terae eat to BMaaur. AUsky kail 408. SuS Morrlaoa St. . MRS. MeKIRBEN, artlstl drM aad eloek . maklag. 861 Morrrsoa at. DRFHSMAXTNG Strictly ap to data; blast aselgBa. 488 Chiy at. ' ' CXOCXIXT AND LA88WAXX. WHOLESALE etcekery aad plan Begele Oa.. 180 to 108 Fifth. wsre. Prnai, ear. Stark at. CXhtXsTT COXTXAOTOXS. CHAS. H. CARTKR 4V CO., Cement contractors, 848 Xaat Twentieth St. - I'bon Xaat 1876. All work guaranteed. 4 CAXK1AOX AND BACK OOaTPABTXS. TUB UNITED CARRIAOB CO. Carriage, tally-bo rig aad carry-all. 133 Eleventh at., cor. Morrlaoa. Phone Main 22X CLIAXIX0 AND PXESSDI0. BAVB your rlothra cleaned, preesed and re paired by Mr. . Wharton; ladlea and gentle. mrn a BpeoiB Ite, 1SW rirst. pnone rveu aim. CATXS, BRICKsbN'fl RBBTAUBANT Merchant lanew 11 a. m. to 13 p. m. ; snder new BisDsgemrnC , 0. B. EVANS, prop. Secoad aad Barnalda. THB OFFICE SS8 Washington st, Phaaa Mala T71. Plckatt A Vhtbmss. , BTxnra and clxajtmo. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING DYEING worBe; prectiMi Barter in sawwwi inww bosa and plumes classed aad cnrled by an ax pert. All Fourth. PhQM C1J T04. CLOTHES r leaned and prewjed $t per month. Caique Tailoring Co., $47 .Waahlngton sC , B. W. TURNBR, nrofeealaail dyer a nd. alMBar. ' mm erTeraoa at. rnow main wis. 80S A 89 H0X8X HOSPITAL. DR. C. R. BROWNV D. V. R., D. C. M Dng, him hospital. 287 BUrnslde. -bobm: Main 40eM; Kmmt 26.13. DR. a t. CARNEY, D, a, Vtr1nar mt. geoa, removed to S88 OIImb at., bet. Foarla . and Flftk ta - rrxANGLtx. CHANCE for Idle money Income bearing prop erty paying net 8 per cent en u.ono Ma pa kad for $32,600. Lock box 608. dtp. poaxiT axsxBTx scsxp. P0REST -'BalBEBVB BOB IP FOR SALB A p. proved. nnrMtrlcted, rMdy, Tor Immadlata aeej lowest prlcea. B. P. P. B. aiiey. ava Chamber of Com XXZCTXIOAt WOBXX . PORTHWKST ELECTRIC AS BNOINBBRINU Compaay, SOS Stark St., Portlaud. O, K. for 1 everything In tk elect ri Ml Baa. Pkosa Mala 1888. ' . I ( PACIFIC Electric Co. Engineers, eontractnra, repairers, electric wiring, auppllee. 84 First, cor. Stark. Msln AM, r. i. Titt, mtr. ruxxTmxx r ACToxixa. - OREGON Faral tat MaaafaetuiinaT Com pen . Menufactarera af tar alter for tka trade, - Partlaad. Or. - FTRNfTTTS 8 mannfacrarlng aad pedal 1 , X, Kaveaaky's faral tare factory, $78 rroat at.