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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
TIIC OnZCCTf DAILY- - JOURNAL.- FOISTLAND, -THURSDAY ' EVENING. MARCH 16. US3. 1 1 ;.' IGBAPS MARRE I S MILLERS TO TAKE STEPS TO SUCCEED Pacifie Coast Flour Men Claim . .. Prices Are Too High to - - Do Business Now. CHEAP GRADES FROM r, s Middle west too low Salmon Season Closes for Month V: Creamery Butter Looks U Like Change. ' Trtxit Street. March JC the artnrleal fe tarn of tbe Portland whole! market today ST! -' r . r Portland to follow Liverpool wknL ' ' '. : floor aisrket we never ee dall. , V Mine mum closed for ajeath,- ' 1 Kim -an firmly held at pV- ' Paultnr coatimiea to hold op. - . FMt awl flsd active demend. California etaamer brlnira veevtables.. , Inquiries far hope at th nrlcea. , . l-otatne and ealone both dalL - V ' , . Oro.ra.iy butter to change aoa. -: . , PerUesd to Tollew Liverpool Vhaat. After practically eevyer of hlrber- arte bring .paid by mlllera ban (or wheat oeer tboaa ( a Liverpool baala. tt aoW looks aa If -w.,-,lle. market will follow Iba lead of tba tor. signers vary rloaely. Tbla aeaaoa baa eepe - atalljr bee a very dlaaatraaa one for tba mlllera ' ; ut tba ferine eoaat aa far aa profits wara eoo- - eerned. for years they bara beea paying higher ""' arlce far wheat than tba foreign aarkiu woo Id - juatlfy ead.tbey bar come to tba rad of tbelr ropa. Third are two coarse hft for them to , abonaa either , to bark to . a Liverpool baala a that tbey eaa compete with ether BurXera - in tbo rorriga field or else re out or ooainees. Tba latter conraa tbrr do not propose to follow, V according ta local mill roes : ' Eastera Oh lleur-Imatrey Trade. . ' Tha tbora Id tbo at do of tba nlUera of th k Pariae eoaat at tba moment la that they ran" t oomprto with tbo fleur mea. of tba middle wat for tha trade of tba orleot" after paying tbo ptiiy at value for whaat roll of her. 14 In aoapoUa ml lion ar able lb lay tboir cbaaper cradoa of flour bara aa a baala of S3. To par barrel, walla xba r boa poo t Parlbr eoaat noon cannot be proauroa with a prout at pneaa bjaa. thaa' Uc .ar that amoaat. Tba .roaaea nr-bl is pbitaba -ftewr aotd br-b ailddle -weat or tba out to tba orient le at. cuaapar ... trada tbaa eaa- bo produced bora. WoaM Xaaa Kodaotkoa la Whaat. ' ' MlnaaaPBlbi baa tba Uroat Nortbrra ralrway aa her alda la roaipatla with tba Parlde aout . aiUla tor tba floor trade of the ortoot, id aotil retro ara an adjoatod that tba local tmi ' tory will be treated fairly there will be aothlnf - . - eloo for tba ailllora to da bat to rat tbelr " aootatlnao oa wheat. Oa a I.lrorpool baala to . Jy rlab whoa with a IS ahllllnc abl Im worth :2U3e PortUnd. -. Tbla woald maaa tba io daettoa ( aaearal aabta from araaoat ralaaa. -Hlllara Da Hat Oar to Varahaaa. At tbo avarat tb fhwr trade outlook looka ' aa boDebna to tba arerace Farllle eoaat mllbw tbati aone ef tbea rare to porebaaa atarka af wheat at toda'a rnilac pneo yuiia aeary atorka bare beea attored br aaa KllUr to aa- atbar, bat errrrono, iiiim to be eeared aad aooe will parcbaaa. fcUM. loeioa Olaaad far Heath. At mldnlcbt but alabt tba fall-wlntar aeaaea ' for aabnoa oa tba Oohimbla rlear aod Ita trlb , atarlea cloaed. It will reawln ahat for one walk, aerordlat ta tbo law. Tba enrlna aeaaoa . epeaa at that Um. Geaerariy at tba eloae of I ' tbo aeaaoa bera tba freeb flab, aurkato have nprjllra" te'-tKie tbeab awe for" a ; work hut tola rear tbrr bare no atorke of fraah 'flab oa aad at alt Tha atnraw. la Callforala dur- t ln( tba peat few, oar bare raaaed a eeeeauoa ' , af operation, oa tba ftaeraaieata la California , and tbla left the. local aurket bare af freeb . , atarka. " It will b compelled to aaa froara bradurt aotll better aupptlea eaa be urn red . elerwbera. A few buea ef eatalt aame ap , from the Cowllta lata raatordajr. Tba raDaf ; prkta waa be per poaad. (. . 1 , Ixnlrioa far Hope ai Maaa, At tba breaeat rallng ealoea there la a V awad for bona from tba aaat aad almost aeery aeler repuru, order oa hand, bobm adiaU Mkv ara reported. . J :. 'Creamery Batter ta Ohaaa beea. t riea parte now ara that tbera win be a ebanae la the batter altaatloa wttbla tba aeit twa ' weeka. Dome dralera ara riptrtfnc lower prices wttbla Id dara, bat freer. 11 r the feeltmr hi that prlrea WIU keep ap at meat a wee. Tba Call forala market la better and the pries ef the . .boat prodact tbera ie 3 per poaad. Oaaaaad ' fr country batter con liner, bear. Today wholeaale aaotatioaa, aa ratlaad. art taa foUowa;. . wtalr, Iba aa. IwmV '" ' WBIAT Nomine); dab and red, ISc; hbM- . ttem, Wtjato; ralley, waawa . IUBU-doad. Ve-byi rolled, 3e.M)i COhJI-Wheia, tUMi araekra, tMJ pat aa. riai aa nee eat OATS ITocaoorr prima Ma. 1 wblta, 10.00; arar. -Kaetera Oraaoa " Faleala, et. dk ; atralfbta. S."1 "er. K-lOl BTabaak, Via, b.uu; lfla. U A; rye. Ida. lo.go; oalee, $1.74. MlijiTDrKh Braa. l.0o per toe. aitdV dllnga, (Jd-OOj aorta, eoaatry, n.or. " BAT- feeducei a' prtra Tlamtby, WUIa eaHey, fa inary, 12.0oej IX. 00: aaatara Orecoa, I lt.0O14.(Wt mixed. lit. 00; ahiran IU.UU; raia, fU-Wt ctaaal. ; BrTTTB rAT Bweet. dirt aear. Je BUTTKJ City ereaaMrr. beet. SHe aecoad crade. Mtbel oatalda fane. 82ft; ardV aaryjfca7MU30e Cabforala, eveiufce; atore, lb?(HJ No. r freeb Orefoo, 1 iau.' CUKK8B New Toll cream, twin, iH1"e; Toanc America. MfttJlTei aaatara, Utaldei Cheddar, lac. . . POULTRY Chlckena. mlied, IV per bi bene. .lSe per lb; rooatera, oM. lHo par lb; yeant, ISe per lb( broilers. b4.OOOa.00 par aaa; rrv 'i m li: aerka. H.oOalO.OU ner don: Be per lo; lormea, r '" Watt'psr jo. ' . AO pa, ( wool KM imi HOP Coatrarfta. , 1W6. JiWet 1MM trop, 4Uc fur cholcai 3emd tut , prUaaa aad ' sBtrVtllVlMU : WOOU Ooatraeta IMS eUa. iadjlde: Talley. aoeree to medium. IdttlTe aaa. im Ida; out- , j 'ItORTl-NemlnaL Bd3Sc. ' BHKftraJUKaAbaartB 'uw! abort weak, tj:Kic; madlam wool, aOau lose wool, it bUt'Wf 1-00 wacb. . .. t . - . TAiiow Prima, per lb, 40Sel No. I aad rUTTIlS,BABK-4d,Bar lb baylag prloa. Hini Dry bloea. No. .. Id lta ad ap, , ltJlIV,e per lb dry kin. No. 1. to M lb. . I4o; dry aalf, Ne. 4, aadar .Iba. edajide, dry ratted bide, .terra, eoand, W tte or eer. IVkQ Met bU to 60 Iba. (UNS4: anaer 40 Iba and . -.fowa. Is-; aura aad holla, aoaad. dajle; . bin. J5 to to Iba, eel aoaad. 10 to 14 Iba, c calf, aoaad. bnder 10 Iba. aeilei greM a aaa 1 ted), le per lb torn; aulla. Per leeat aoraa hides, aaltod. each. $1.01.T6; dry, eecb, tl.0O41.aO: rait bldaa. each. JtObae; root aklaa, common, each, lottlftc; Aadora, With wool eo. each. J&call.OO. - rraita aad Tetetoblea. POTATORS Heat Oreaxa. 1.0O hoyera, . iitti areond, buH0e per aaeh; bay ing prlcow Tfto; Karlr Roae. I.T(V2.2d; aweeta, beet, tl-&otil dOi' orated, ll.U; bow CaUforala, , bettor per lb. . ' - ONIONS aj.i5eia.B0: bayera nrloea, eeoatry. - fLAOUMa; aarllc, 10e per lb. . "" ' rRKSK PHU1TS Apple, ritra ' faaey, . ' 1.b0 fkucr . Oretoa. . 11.0 par bell , ' cheap rr.d-o, 607a per boa; aranaea. , earel. l.Of to per-bn: aeedllaaa, , per bot; tanireriaea, l I.M per boa; J.p t . oranfea. dutttlo ner boa ; Unenw, be per ml lemoM. rbolre, 2 per boat fancy, ft.oo per bot-: lime Meiieaa. to par lov; .Plae apple.. 4.oot.OO; araabarrlea. eaatora, til. 00 ,. per bbl VmHTABf.PS Twmlpa, TSean per aoeht cermta, per ..rk; breta. $1.21 eerkt ."Oreroa ranl.h.. K per doa: rabheae. Oreaoa, !: (allfnrnla. tl 10Jl.a.; bttae, botbouee, tl 1 .40 rrate; eraea pepper, Ti lb; chill . : pepnera, IS ar lb; celery, x.flBejs.iW crate toaietoee.I I'.llfoml., ti 00; !.0O m tim'm olaet. Iltti e) H! etrlne Iwana. Ite 1 t A Mllr1nr .1 as Mr rrata tMitter beBM . ; maiklna, lc per lb horseradish, Telle per , ' lb; eproute, e; afilrhnkes, btitfTfte per dnt; -j bnlhonee etttx-e, II.JWMtl.T.'l per bot; Oren 1 'TiOKhee, UMBeTe tr dna; rreee enloes, 4Ae dr.; napararna. iwloc per lb; .ptBack, Jia pet . oei : eiitiasa, I'M- per le. . LMJ.KJ3 rBUiTa Appua, ..eTaneratsd. TCSd TODArSPRfCES ON '"THE WHEAT; MARKET d - -. - ( . --V- . ,' May Option.-' d d ; Chlcairo. ... i ,...,. t HA i NewvlorK UlTkN d , Minna polla. l.Ot 4 d Duiuth l.OtS d 8L Jjouln d K.naa City ...r....... .H J a . 'Ban Ftanclaco.. ....... X.4H, . d -. ... ' - d Per cental. " d d d d X per lb; aprleata, 01Se par Tb; aaeka, ie per lb leea; P.rbM. arjlla par lb, peara. per lb prone, Itallaa. (VjAdUe per lb; French. tQe per lb; flea, California Mark, BOe per lb; CaUtanua white. par .lb; plama. pitted,' per lb; date. aoMea,' at par lb; tarda. tl-IO par la-lb box. wreoerme, - 'sTata,! Bla. ' STTQAR tack baala Cube. td. 30) powdered. ,(; trait fraaulated, to. OS; dry aranulated. ri.lm; beet franulatad. &.&; .itra , C S.4A; folded C o.i; bbhk loci H bbia. IBe; boxea, 60 adeaaea. oa. aaca oaaia, fceaa Ko ewt for cash. Id daya; me pie. Mdjld pat ha. . . , . HONKT ltWOlbe. . corPBB Packaaa bread. fld.Ma) 1s.. ALT 1aa Bam, ta, aa, 4a, as, 10a. tl.dO-, table, dairy, aoa, 11.00; 100a,; la ported Liverpool. Sua. (1T.O0; loue. tld.60; 234, tld.00; eitra Una. bom. ha. ha. ft. 10a. K Oorji 60! balk, KM Iba, ti.otOftaj, eaoka, ftOe" OnOaM, . SiXl Ooerea Half crened. 100a. pa toa, rl.OO: SOe, per tnn. tt.60; Lleerpool lamp rock. IdtO per toa; So-Ib rodt, tt.oo: loos, td.74. . (Aba re price apply to aalaa of Veae tbaa aar lots. Car mta at. apodal prtaaa aabjoet le actoatlaaa.1 7 GRAIN BAGS Cateaaka. t6.TteM.00 per 100. R.ICS Imperial JanaaTNo. 1. Ke: No. S. 4a New Or lea u. aeaL tlAaMa: Ad lax. tSAc; LCreole. 4e. . - - - duko-amaii wnite, ec; large waive. eiei pink, l)i; bayoo, A.0; Lbnaa. tej.bteilcaa reda OHe. . NUTSPeanata. T1t yea boa. M per Tb; raw, tQlO par lb) routed. 1 aoeaaaata, WcnOc ter.doa) walaota, lOlt par lb; pine ma, lOOlSWa par b; hickory aata. 10 bar lb; rhestaau, eastern, lftOlac per lb; Braatl aata, U per lb: Alberta, lMttSr per lb; fnney pacaaa, UQISv par lb; almoada, ItOloc for lb. , ' Vaiato. Oaal OUa. -Xto, ROPB Par hUella. 14c; ataadard. tlS leal, lOUc; Jstla bread alaal. te. ' COAL, OLP Paacl or Astral Caeea. tl par eat; water . wait., iroa onto, par wooaoav- iTe per gal; aaadiigat. iio-an tar err salt leea bbbk. lwe aar aaL eeeee dla per nlj aenalne aettla boiled. I Ida pof gall froead eake, toa, leea tbaa oar Iota U-0t a per gal, bbla baa eas beta ftt.00 par aar don.' flAgoLTNB mam. eaaaa tta car gaL Iroa par al .tee, eaaaa Mm pa tK Iron bbla Id per gal. tintuii n a.,, bbla. lRUe nee eeL eenoa' tBa . per gaL trea - TUWtimNt-la eaaefc par gaL woede bble, ti par gal, Iroa hbm, IS pat aaL 10-lb ease lota S4e per gaL . WHITB LEAD Tea lota, TV par Ib bOO-Ib lota, Tkc nor to; leea lots te per lb. WIRg NAn-Preaeat baar at tlto. LIN8BED OIL Para raw la bnl, 60 par lU Maata, llah -aad Pre rl. lea. PRBBB hUCAl'd rroal atre lf," ataara, 4j6He per lb; pork, block, TioC per lb; packer., Ttitisa Per lb; bulla, tWe per lb: owe, IQSe par lb; amttoa. wetaera aad Umbo. 7c: ewev tr) veal eitra, bWHVk lb; ordinary, 7c per Ihj poor, otjde par lb. HAM.' BACON, BTC rertUad pack (meal) kaaw. 10 to 14 Iba. It 14. per lb; 14 to 1 Iba, MI4e bar lb: IS to St Iba. r to; is x as toa, isa pr ; eaan lb; breaAfaat bacon, littlSe per U; t par lb: breaAfaat ba Blcnlc SUa nee lb: renlar abort olura. am amokeiL SK par lb; ataoked. 10 He per lb; dear backs, en. woked. - te per lb; aaaohed, toe per lb; Uama bstta. 10 to IS Iba. anemoked. St per lb) aamked. Sa ' per lb: clear belllea. Ba ra, tic per id: si lb. LOCAL LAJtD Kettle bf. 10s. 10m CI lb; tea lb: tuba. CANNKD SALMON Cehtmbla rieer 1-lb talk 11.16; t-lb talla, IX.60; faacy 1-lb data, tS.00', H-n raacy aata,; taaey a-m oeaw,, A leak, talte, ptak, tS8ua red, flOr aoaunal Js, tall,- W.00, T - i -1HH Bach rii Pe per Ibi teadeine per lb; kallbat, W par lb: crab, per doe; atripod bass, lOQltHe per tb; cat flab, T per lb; salmon, Chinook. '11c; oteelheads, per tb; froaea aileeraldaa,' Tc per lb: herrlnt St aar lb: aole. Sa war tbt ahrimpe. loe par lb; ehad. diamiid, per lb; parch, be per tb; abad roe, par Ut; ah.d, ac per lb; biaat cod, ae par n; coinmoia rleer It. be per lb aUrer amelt. per lb; lobster. MVtc mackerel, Seaadara, pot , par lb aoa iraeon. Te aer lb. OY8TKKA tshoalwater bay. L tt-tB: CLAMS Hard ahetL par eaa. U-OOi LIVESTOCK MARKET' SHOWING NO CHANGE Portland Tnlon Stockyards. March IS. The cattle aad hoc autfketa enntlnae to ahow a eery quiet tone., bat no cbeesee orenrred today 111 tb price. Tb abeep deamad remains good. Tba receipts today SB hogs, ISA eat U. sad 50 abeep. . ofrirlal rnllnf price for llreatork: Bo Nest -eastern Oregon, td.00; light blorkora aad lna fats, to.6O06.7&; atockora aad feeder. S4.o0ett.00. rattle Best eeetrre Orrcna fteera. 4.on; light and madlam eteera, old and light cowa, tXfid; eteckera aad feeders, 13.00. bulla. 8beep Beat fancy thorn, St. 6041 4. T3; awea, fd.26. . , CBJCASO HOPS STXAPT. Cblraro, March IS. Llreetock receipts I . Hoc. Cattle Sheen. fihlaaaa t.ono ika Keaaaa Oty........... .onrt'-. 3.0D0 Omaha ., ,...10.000 I.SIW '' l.w Hoe opened ateady with 3. TOO left errr. Receipt a year age ware 16.000. Prlrea: Mlied. t4.ltner5.Sl): good and beaey. ar.ioy .: magh, t4.u5.o0; Ught, 34.Soj6.Un. Cattle Mteady. t . , Bbeep CtroBS- r '". ' COTTON UNCHANGED V ; TO SEVEN PJOINTS OFF :;' .- r-V--v ' (Pnratehed by Oeerberk, Starr A Cooke Co.) New York. March 18. Tot ton future dosed unchanged te 7 points lower i market; . I. 11 lab. Iynr. Dnee. I TOO TT , TOoerOi i ., T70 T'B 7rt4tf6 I T7 - T7:l T7o7t I 780 .T70 TT47J ... ... TT17S TTt Tl - TTI72 I TTt TO m't7 T0 T7 T75i7t i la m TTKr7 -, ' TKlerxft I i TM T83 ' 787 January Marrb ... Aurtl .... T74 fie Mae TT June ,......-..e.. T7T July ......... i Aiirnat ............. Tin Kenlemher ........V. T7T October 7 HO N ore B) her .. Oqeember' TWI Lrsarpaal Oattoa Market, Liverpool, March 10. Cottoa futures dosed T points lower. sTSW TOEX OOTTU MAXXXT. . New Terk, March IS. Official coffee tloa. Ing Bid. A.k.l Bid. ' Auk. .S.bS t lw . d.wi d.dS March aa.inlKeptrmbar- April , May ., June . July- -August IO a.l5Ktrtooer S in t.'Jfil Noreonher S.A.1 S.70 0.76 t.NO .to S.ailKecember , d.M S.anu.nnary . sao S.46 S.bulPebruary ...S.SO'Svt Per. Ira Oeffea htarketa. , New York. Uereb I6-Henta aaya: Harra coffee advanced !t t 1 point; Hamburg un ehanged. i Tbla m much better than eipeeted. Rio rerelata, n.onn lien; market .teeily, 100 points down. ' Saatoa, 8.U00 bag.; market aa rbaaged. . , - - . . : ' , ".,- Mew Terh Cash Coffee. -: few Terk. March 1, rub coffee: No. T Rio, T.; e. d Sanloa. Sc. .. . i ' - . 11 ' ... . TosropAJi stumitt rroexs. , : Ned ' Priori ere. March Id. Tononeh atorka, rhielng morn lug areeluo 1 ... ... Bid. r - --. Bid. Montana ......13.75 ifetombla Mt :". . Midway l.lTHJnnito . MrN.m.ra ..... ,4T IJnmhn Ktten i, :ZX Belmdnt t Rlerk 'Bntt . ... ' .en North.Sur ...... . .fid Hllrrr IMrk Id ' Rrerae 11' I old Aarhor ... .at Oold Moent .... . .1.1 ... Jfted Top i.'.;..,-,4l Jim Butler .... .do 1loMeM V.. ,.. " .74 Nerad ....... .1 lHnolorm M Ten. P.atea.., t.lKl ."torm E,., ,1ft, Adame ...r.... .IT ibay Brlee .. ,nt IHile .......... .tl iumuaa, neia. J4 . CHESAPEAKE & CB A FAVOaiTt TODAY Makes Cain of Two Dollars and Fifty on New .York Stock - ' - ' ' Exchange. . r TONE OF MARKET WAS ; GENERALLY BEARISH Car & Foundry Up With Sharp : : Movement Steel :" and v : -; Iron Very Weak. : y IWSE8. " ;' " '' " . Amalgamated ,12 Mlaeoart Par ,.f .SO Norf. West.. .36 N. V. Cent .87 V AimHoa, com;, l.txi Sugar .T3 bmrller, com .. 1.00 lOnL A Weat.... US' Smelter, ofd .. .TB Bait. A Onto... J .ifl C. A N. W..... .60 Canadian Pac. . ' .2U Krie, com l2Sa P.rle, 2d Pfd., M i III. Centrar .... l.UH loula. N.ah. Peaaaylraala Oaa .j.,: .36 Heading, cant .. .76 ' Kep. Steel, com. . -Hep. SteeL pfd. .60 Tenn. Coal .... .37 H V. P.. com ,.,y t-00 . Hteel, com , .STVi MteeL pfd.. , lUxk la., com. .13S Tea. A Pac. ... ..THi Western - I'nloa. , .3TVt BluaiDR .S) Katy, com ..... .29 Kaly, pfd .26 Huliher, com . , , .60 Waheah, mm... ,124 Wabaah) pfd.... jni ADVANCE Atcblaoa, pfd .. .tt Car At Pwaad , .$1.60 Car 4 Pound., p 300 Alto, com .... .a Colo. -Fuel . . Greet. Weat ... .60 taaa. A Ohld.. 3.60 Metropolitan ... 1.3n l-ertoc Mall ... Rock la.. Pfd.. ,R7m Mex. Cent 13H Preaeed Steel ,. .73 Preaaad Steel, p. MO St. k t t, W.. JbO - (Parnlelied by Oeerberk. Starr A Cooke CO.) New York, March Id. This wu a remark able market on toe atock eirbange today. Trading In meet of tbe Uet wu eery bury, the ulea to tba boob boor alone amounting to TH0.40U shares. Tbe tone of tbe aurket wu quite bearlah, bot aome aharp galaa wtra eaade by fa ear Itra. Car as Ponndry wu raceed Ingly steoag la both teeuce. 'tba eommoa clos ing at aa adeanr of tl 60 and the preferred tl. Tb beariwt trading aa well u tba largest gala aaa sbowa by Chesapeake. A Ohm. the closing being 3 points higher Metro politan scored a aharp rlee la the fee of a generally breaking market, Tba Steel. Coal aad I rod Imnea were weak. Today's official atock market! - : Dtscairnotf. Anaconda Mining .Co... Aval. Cupper Co Atchison, ram.,,....., do ore f erred. ........ 11T TSt r eeT4if r1h 1031103J. Am. Car A Pound., com. do preferred.......... Am. Sugar, com........ Am. Smelt., com....... do preferred Baltimore A Ohio. com. Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian PsclAr, cum. , Chi A Alton, com...... do preferred Chi. A GL West., com.. Chi., Mil. A St. Paal... t.oi. at iHorta.e com..... Chi. Terminal By.,... Chesapeake A Ohio..... Colo. Pael A Iroe com Cote. South., cum....... do 2d preferred...... do 1st preferred A Hedsoa... um ih IV. ItlKi U. K. U., ei i-4 ore f erred, 01 4T4 KlVa JCrlo, rom ......... . ., do 2d preferred. " do lat preferred...., II 1 1 not. antral......... Loumeille, Nubeille. Metro Strart Ky Manhattan By, Mexican Central By.... M.. St, P. A Sta. M... do preferred. Missouri J-adflc M., A. A T.. eym do pref erred f . New York Central..... Norfolk A W eater a, aoa North Amerk-aa loe I4m4 i-tvi i-wsa lMKLliM4 3Za ST I 106 Hi H7 uoa N. Y., Out. A Weatera ai Peaneyreaola Ky.a 146 11.1L. v. . m v . , , . ITeaeed Steel Car. end) 3H do preferred... Pacific Mall S. S. Co., Bending. ' eommoa . eo uV4 off at Sl-J oo eeiuno prererrea first arefei Rep. Iron A BteaL do preferred Burk Inland, canu do preferred...... Bnntber Hy., com do preferred.,..,. ouwinere racinc. do o refer red tt. L t A V., 2d pfd BL b c s. w., waaami do preforred. ........ Texas Ik Paeifir Tenneeaee VtmX A Iron Toledo. Mt. I. A W., . Ad preferred.. Untoa l.riac. rnmmor do preferred C S, Leatber, Cora root do preferred V. S. Hnbbrr. rammna do preferred TP 87 Hteel Oo.reomT77: do ore f erred Wheel. A Lake Erie, 2d m first prererreo.. Wwromln Cenlrak CO do preferred W. V. Telegraph.... Wabash, common. ... do preferred "Total nalea for day. 17602.600 aharaaT , Call money, Vi Pr. eeat. ' SAJf rXAJfCISOO LOCAL ROCKS. San Pranemro,' March Id. Local atock. ekv log, 19:30 a. m.: ' Bid. -Ask. Crmtr Cseta Witrr SO Sprint Taller WlUC .............. W,, no Parlor Lighting ...... S3 02 San Prancleco Oa A Electric 87 ' 67 (llant Powder n.wauaa imnmemaj ., St Honoke Sugar Hmtrblnaon Sugar ..... Klhineea Sugar Makawell Sngar Onome Sng.r .....p. Paanhad Sugar Alaeka Packers California rniltcnnera' . 1V . T . !4 . 26 . MX . T!t, . TVk IllOH K to so ' s 111 California Wine ... Oreenic Hteemehln Padfi Sutra Telephone . . BotTo coppi men. Buatoa, March Id. -Official eopprr ckwle f 1 Hid. Adeentare Allnua . .. Slid Mnhawk 6.1 T6 Atlantic 17.00 1I.T6 Zinc l Arcadian .... Bingham .... Calumet .... Copper Rsaga Paly West .. Pom. Coal .. Prank tin .... Orsen Gold ., trreen Copper M.ea .'. Mlehigaa ... ,11 00 I.T8 'rta.( T7.78 Idon lion Old Colony ... 1.26 a uomiaioa err .no , Oerrom Bmoo Phoenix . Qolney .. Horal ... 2.76 , . . St. 76 son , ' 11.60 , 14 00 -il.1.00 Whennoo . Trinity .. dim 276 w lnona . Woltertaa it m 14.60 jVlctorU . OOKXTOCS stTBTBw ITOCXS. Saa Pmnrlsco. Merch 1d.-Oom.tock gnota tloaa. closing amrnlng ere lie: BW. I - Bid. Rnllloa ..... Belrker .u. Con. t el.-V.. Ophlr ...... t'.ledonlA ... Mexican ..... .1 .3d ! He rare f .1 ; .11' IPotoal.. ....,.. .12 , 1 (Ml I I nto Cob Oil . SiAiYellDW Jacket... . .12 , .40 IKxcbeqaer ..... .47 . 1.76 IHeorpbia 21 . liale A Korrroaa .06 . .20 I tea. Andes " IIW TO AAV StfatMAAt. Sew Tork. March Id Dow. Jones A Co. aay: Prench honker, rontlnae1 obettnate to the new Hneai.n loan. Tbe .. le of or lend. I. delaying the dtetrlhntloti ef Northern Hecuritlr. aeete. Southweeter food, are tiring beery order, for roiilpmenl. Strong drm.ed f-r Ontario A Wetter In Me e.n crowd. iThe bank, let to the mhtreeaere .Inee Friday tl.tlJOoo. North Amrlcn will eote to Inerete c.plU trom i i ,vw,wj io ij,wu,iiw uw. Pacific Coast Millars' Ara Deliberating aato' Whether Liverpool Price Should Rule Here or Not Season .Unprof&blev -!"'-v'. i is r.:oaE DULLISH Stocks of Wheat Are Slowly Showing a Decrease at . - Milling Centers. - ' MAY OPTION IN CHICAGO V CARRIED AN EIGHTH UP Other Months Are Same Amount " ; Lower Weather Will - ControL TODArS WTTRAT MARKET. Opea Todsy Today Wed. Today t .(M)W May.. Jaly.. Sept.. il l. ALLIwA SLIRB ....... .VI JIW. P I .00m ,M e6lB .bbi. .bun ,uo m .-Uala. . - A ' .' ' . tt- (Parambed hy Oeerberk. Btarr A Cooka On.) Chicago, March IS. There wu not much doing In tha wheat market today. Tbe May had fairly atrang too, bat It made. gala of only He oeer tbe closing of yesterday. Both July sad- September, were weak and down tb nam a mount. Merthwaatora New. BaUiah. . Loglh A Bryan ear of tbe altualioa: In wheat tbe northwest am Is of quit a bullish na ture. Storks are slowly bat surely decreulng. The Strang rub altaaUoa teares little doubt of aa urgent demand by tbe miller. The larae flow an ip meats are showing a large Increaae. Tba apeculatlre market 1 that ceter enow a far healthier tooa. with recent -besra Inclined Lie go elow. Our aurket cuatlaaee an tau. aad unsettled aad suggests a auposiuon to aeu en tba bulges. Wa would heeltata about aelllng the oft month, on tbe breaka. A little tura of bad wwtber tor tbe growing drop would giro tb abort arilera a aeeera twiat. Export Moat to Sum. . A grata amrchaat report that wa will hire to get to an export baala tbla year la corn, wbateeer prlrea are, dnleea .something benueua to tbe growing crop. An export ule of az,00 bushels of corn waa mad at New York y eater day, , It waa carried lnaaraac free to Llver pool bt d oeer tbe taleago. Tbla waa about rqnal to Mitt la Llrerpool Bad at 41 So at Chicago. 1 luday't official marketa; UuviT : Open. liigh. Low. ow. irj done. May,. i.l21i l.Ml -; (l.loA July. ."IS .02V Sept..... March... May July.,... . Sept..... M.y.,7.. July..... Sept..... CORN. .4 A .40 .4Vk .40Sk .4HB .-si: :S!V -2b r ... .41 V ..4VW . .!... . " .40t OATH. t jBr-- M .314 .31 a. ' ..tllb J' ' .'. .2 Mssn I'Otta.. 12. SO , la.TT 12.TT 12.26 13.WI 12W 1X92 May,. July.. - Uall, Mbreh. ... April.,... May July.,.,. Sept..,,,. Oct...... May..... July Sept..... ?0T 2 t.12 T 26 v T.3T , T-82 1 T.12 1.26 T.12 T.2T T.12 T.26 annuT ara d 0 --. N T.OT T.12 T.10 T.12 7. IS INTEREST GOES OVER INTO THE MAY OPTION flParambed by Oeerberk. Starr ' Onek ' Oof) ' ... rraeelo. March Id. E. P. Rut toa A C. aay: Tbe wheat market today wa. .trong and Interest baa agala gob oeer to tba may opuo. rv. nenhtlM market I .tbla aenter .hows far healthier ton with recent bears Inclined to go slow. , While December I freely offered, lbs market holds Steady aad aay little tura of had weather for tb growing crop would giro tb abort seller a aeeera twist.- Tba cub altaatloa ehowa eery little Improvement. - Barley wu .firm with aome trading la tbe rterombar option. Prodaeare ara beginning to dispose of their holding., hat export demand aontlnaea ateady. " Today's official 11:o t. m. aurket: ) WHEAT. ' ' -. Opea. fllgh. LoW. CVee. May..; 41-464 1.46W S?-!.. !-4b JailK. May........ -1.2SI, 1 S lcemoer , J -aa .SOVa qncAQO cash wtxat. LS7 -1.22 4 -AdV. Chicago. March 1A Cash wheat Bid. Ak No. S red. ...e..... ... 21.I6F4 No. S red - No. S bard M. ......... No. S hard. ...... No. 1 northern... ......... No. t son hem No. I aprtng .... 1.0T 1.IHN- 1.11 1.1HN 1.IIN 1.16N 1.I-1N 1,1.06 . 1.14 1.08 1M L12 rsicz aruzjrr TATOiAiXi. . nxH' bfereb is Pric Current ura: Conaiderabbi freeing weather In wheat crop em toa. Is retarding proereee. aad thla ta aome extent la aafaeorabla, bat tbe general outlook w faeorable. Uoares grains ara ruining ce. merdal cbangea rather freely. CB1C100 nil CAA LU'la. Chicago, March IS Orala ear lot.: ' ' far. tirade Ret. 1004 ara ..:............ 27 . o M id Corn ......,....J24 S jot 144 Oat 101 - 20 100 HJ Wheat ran today: Mlnneapolla, 1T; Irabtth, 15. Year ago? Mlnaeapotla, 22; Duiuth, T. LTTZKrOOt. OSATJI BLASXTT. llrerpool. March Id rme: Wheat. May, a S,d. Sd down; Jnly, As 1.d. 4 down. Corn Marrb. 4s 31, down; May, 4 44, down. , ' , . MllXAJID SAjrK STArntTn. ' ( Oariag U JI?-?2" 00 Balance. ' 282.706.04 StorUag Sato. : . New. Tor. March Id. Sterling rated: ' TV. SMBd. 4Hd.aodt4sa.oO; SO daya. 44.604S4.d0. BRITONS PAY BIG PRICES FOR OUR APPLES A romarksbld jar of spplaa from Hood river valley ha ben rvoelvad st tha room a of the State. Hortleolturat so. elety In th Chamber of Commeros. ' It oontsins sores of tbo moat beautiful specimen of Tellow Newtown. Pippins, Hyde's King of the Wast sort Arkansas Blacks aver shown. ThsVewtowns ara of'ths same (rad that recently broke the world's record on retail price) In Ixindon snd Scotland. A coc.lgnment of l.OoO- boxes to Scot land were sold as high sa 20 shUllng (14.13, a box of 4 pounds of apple, while the same grades of apples grows In Scotland were selling st s shilling for the same number of pound.- Th record-breaking price of th am Ore gon apples In London was 11 shillings snd pence $S.40) a bos of 41 pounds CALIFORNIA WASHOUTS BLOCK RAILROAD TRAINS (Joaraal Special Sere Ice.) Hnntd Barbara, March l.-Hray pre cipitation last" night caused aerlous damage along the entire Southern Pa cific line to loa Angeles.- Another laird, elide Is expected at Benhsm. -10 mllet below. Bants Barbara. snd.-JesvyWsshi mils near Banu Paula and near l-"a Angrlcn. Only one train out of fl- that left Santa, Barbara Jreaterday ha arrived - In- tjngTAnsries, It taking H hours to make the trip of 100 milts. Cfeirvbyant VAN CORTLAND $5 Complete Life Readings No Coats Unless satisfactory. Yoa to Bd) the .. Judg . AT A GLANCE Be foes TOO have a efcaaa te ettee AOs swiild he will tell you what you rail for. your full same, your mother's maiden nnme, your fu ture wife or haaband name, glee date., facts, and Barnes of deported or absent frteoda. He tells eeeee erlah of 'Tear life. how to gain aneceea lo love.' courtship, mar riag and divorce; whether yon'll be eerc na im la IKWlneea affair.. In fact, no matter what mar he eour fear hone tee ambition. call oa thla gifted Bun and Snd relief. , Hla deserlnttooa of yoar friends and eaemie are aa real aa though they atood before you. ' Ha wiu sena you away happier, wiser aad boiaet tbaa ever before.' - ' TKI.L TOO WT7KN AM) ' WHOM TOII WIU. hUHRY.,' - . . IX) VOW WISH TO KNOW How. yoa eaa bare good lock ? How yoa eaa eu creed n bualneeaT . How yoa can make your borne bappyT -- How yoa caa compter your enemies! " T r How you caa marry tbe on yoa chaos! How soon yoa eaa msrryt . How you can conquer your -rlvslt , How sooa yoar mver will propose! ' How' yoa ra get s poal tion y How you ran re mo re bad Indnencee! ' . How you can becomo clairvoyant T . How yoa can aettle your qnarrebiT How yoa ran hold your bnahand'a meat How ml can bold vour wlfe'e lore T I will glee you : hH-h that wwa la love, marriage, divorce, specul.tloa, bael Bees.' health and transactions ef all hlnde; reator loot affections, canaa speedy and happy msrrliges, reaait tbe aenarated; I will tell yoa bow to gala th lov of tb one yoa desire, evea tbongb mile away, I will tell-yoa when yea will marry. Clanreoysnts and medium with marked Be. dlamlatl power dare toped , - - - Prof. Van Cortland 31 3K Washington Street lMvat tatraasa aa Sixth at. Xoart lb I, daily aad Saadsya. Headquarters for y Lfiasiiw Stockings ssM1 Trusses LAUE-DAVIS DRUQ CO. Third and Vamhill'Sta. u SU:.CU?.E F0.V PILES trTOH UfO rflee peed tThis nes, a weu as PUee are euros d br Dr. oaanko'aPllaBoejtaeJrl nop tteamg aad hleedi rig. Abeoebeoamora. boa a asMdrusriemorasBlbyaull. TraaUseweo-tPrltel as about yoar sea. DA. SOSAblSO. Jbilad,laJ WILL TELL AIMS AND HOPES OF HIBERNIANS J. R. Jackson Comes Here to De liver St. Patrick's Day : Address. Joseph R. Jackson, superintendent of the industrial school st Butte, Mont., who will deliver an address tomorrow evening st the exercises In commemora- tlon of Bt, Patrick's day, arrived in tha city this morning. Mr. Jsckson will le ture. on the history of the Hibernians, telling the story of the order, its early effort and the thing with which It hail to contend. The story Is known by few, ha says. ( The order stands for friendship, unjty snd true Christian 'character, and' the struggles It has had In developing; those trait will be th thems of hla remarks, Mr. Jackson Is s very young; man. al most boyish in appearance, but. Is s deep student of events snd, Is Intensely Irish. He has a terse, graphic and In terestlng way of telling things. "."Portland is tbe best city 1 have seen on the coast." he said. "It's a fsn4ettr tfn as a city that Is minding Its owa affairs, snd Is going ahead rapidly." An Interesting program will1 be ren dered In connection with Mr. Jackson's address. ' . - mi ili FRENCH CABINET TO -,. CONSIDER CASTRO'S ACT - (Journal Special Service.) Parts. March 1.Th Prench Cable company, has received a dispatch from ! manager at Caracas, statins; that the Judgment annulling the company's con cessions wss expected March SO. He does not mention sny seising or cutting of cables. The French cabinet council will consider the lejoeetlon tomorrow. rnrzAXTst cmxlo .anrasras. (Joaraal Special Servie.) Bait Idtke. March 1. Following th arrest of Mrs. Xlzsle Oelsler this morn ing on a charge of murder, the polled believe they have uneetrthed namerous child murders. The woman operated a lylng-ln hospital ( pstronlsed by young women. . . , WTfO nrows Qxrarat P. C Hudnall of ftllverton. Coin, has written to Sheriff Word asking for In formation sa to th whereabout of his sister. Mrs. W. J. Qulnn. She Is known to havs lived In or near Portland two years ago, and has not been heard from sines. ... ''' - Ffforres atoek Oaaaed Owoda. Allen Lwl' Beat Hrand. Chimney Pipe, Sewer Tlpe. Fire-. Prooflns, Ur.ln Tile, Hulldlngl hrloli. Flue Lining. .Vltrtfled Pav ing Brick. , . , ' - Diamond Brick Co. . Offlco snd Tard Foot Ankeny St, - - Portlsnd, Or. ; Wh w ffairT CL.AIRVOYA1NT Sir Frands Drake 30314 , Street. BT eae, e.' j.uu eompieie rm Life Reatllngs for J JC This Week .Only -77--Y i do" mrribt rolkmnlt , Acar.s and CUAKANTKbS to make yoa ee chare tt I tall to call you . by aame la fall, aaame af your frleeds, eaemie or rivam. I promme tell yoa wbetbei. yoar buaband. wife or awsetbe.rt I. true or tale, tell yoa bow; te eala tha Lim .r ih. .... m atoek deelre. even' tboagb mllea away; bow to aoeeeed la oaineas. aneealanon, uwenim; aew . Bwrry the one of your choice; how ta re gal youth, health and vitality. ,,,T, evil Indaenc. ceres drtnk habit: locate treasure., enrea all aervona dleei How eaa t aee end sack 1 - How eaa fueeeedl boetoeest How eaa I make my heme happy I How can I conquer my enmlest . How ran f marry tbe oa 1 eboeiet How caa I marry wrllt . -Hew too e.a I marry I ' jHow ean I eononer my rival f , "How caa I make any one me ami - - How eeo will my lover i . . XlM, earn f ... a letter V Hue eaa f vet a enod noSlttoat ' ' How caa I remove bed Infltreneeef now een I control any enet How make dletnnt nee think ef MT , ' Hew ee I hold my bnaband'a meat - How can I beep me Wlfe'a meet HOrRS DAILY. 10 TO T, ANU SfTrfOAT. SUtli WASHINGTON ST.. COR rifTO AND WASHINdTON STS ' O SPICES, o XOFFEEJEA4 DAinr,0P0VDEI7 &ewhjhftfy. FirMslFlivor.' Crttrtsl- SimJh.Crcorfriav CU)SSCT NASHVIttE Portland' best and neatest sub urb, you can buy any size house, from 4-room modern to 8-room. I have, seven for you to select from. They are all complete and strictly modern. You can buy today and move in tomorrow. J also have three not quite com plete on the inside for sale at half price. Come out and make me an offer on installments, or very cheap for cash or half cash. Take the .Mount Scott car, get off at Nashville stationask for JOE NASH The owner, in the white house at i the station. " FOR SALE I have a l-nwm mvlm Colonial houne, - with)- full - basement and . large sttk;; plumbed for , Sa and wired for electricity: It has cement walk In front and on aid, la crwivenlentjlo two car lines In I'pner Albtna and within 10 minute' walk of the steel bridge; is In a verv sightly altuntlon snd very de sirable for s home. It Is worth ti.501, but It most be sold andno reasonable offer will be refused, and terms will be made to aulL Look this up at enee. WH ALLEY 13 McKay Bids'. Bowsnso, sTortrxaa co ikdiUblUbed ltA waoaAT Ajn stocx 110 storrn d, Orowad floor, CXAhtBsm or oohtsnmcfa. 1 "A ' " . -. f V ' OVERBECK, STARR & COOICU C . .... .. Members Chicago Board or Traoa. daixsT, svaoTuiosra, coitoh. aTOOis AJra rt u : , . 10 Third Btrt. McKty Building. Portl.rwf. Or. " ,-wn BO A ITUOTlf C0tsIIXC3 I , CcaUnurrii Market by Prtvl Wire. Quirk Srvlo. T . Tlltoo. bankars. aad Ub114 HUt.a Nstwoal a . CLAiavovAi: TH2 vtrixD rcnr-T.:: I TELL, YOUR NAMB" Special This Week, 50c $5.00 Life Reading Tbera ar no mlalakea fa tb -nreniettaa made by tbe (rest and wonderful Bayehle. To amy wish to know It It tm aavlaabl t -ke a chanre In-bu.lneas. In mva. la mar. rlnye. Vnhall I aaceed la m Bow aadrftaaiag T "Can I obtain mi knnM. me wlabas. a t bttlen.r , T . "Sball I ever en Jot t. tovorte af wealth T.n I troat mr frtemlar' 'H.e I eeemleer' ,,,--,;-. - - "Wbea .ball. I nurrTV ' I marrvT" ( . " . , " I ever be drvorredT" ' .' .1 "Doee ennthee aura the VMM that rmatfBB heVma to met" . ... 7 "if no. wbomr" ' I loved In return" . I. there a rival la my mver ' . . 'Whed .ball n lov affah tarWJsatS U. ajarrteeer" "Whea ehart me dome. tie trCThlea eear- ' i "Hew ean I make mv life and b-me b.ptf r ' ,nrb .hall mv ahaent frteed return T "Wily do I not receive a letter T" ' . 1 1 - ' V. "HOnJt-16 to DAII.T AT SUIfDAT. - 29VA Morrison St.; Corner. Fifth Bam rioos of mo toa zvaatal IhLTlatw. Dr. W. Norton Davis: IN A 'WEEK Wa treat aoeeaaafalty all private, aar a4 ehroal dlma.e. of men; ale blood, ataatacb. heart, liver, kidney and -throat trea bice. .We care BTPHILUB fwltnoat mereary) b May cured foreeer. In & to SO daym We re mere STKlCTUBa. wlthaot oparatloB or pala, U U dare. - We ttop drains, th result ef , aelf aba... Immediately. We ran restore tha eexeal vbys ef any man Under 50 by mean of meal teeat arnat pecallar to oarael vaa. . We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week The dorter, of tbto Isstltats ar aU rasaaur gradn.tea. have bed meny years' aipark hare bee known la Portland for IS . reere. have a eeootatlAO te maletala and Will BB take no eat unless eertala tin aaa ha af feeted. We gaaraate t ear I every ceee w ssdee. take or bo fee. Cooalat.tlo ffem I0U tore eoafldeutl.L Inetroetlva BOOK rOB MAM mailed tree In plain wrapper. It yoa cannot call at oftce, writ tor a ttea blank. Home treatmaat aarnxmsfal. Of Set bear. S ta S aad T to A. Svadaya aad holidays. IS te IS, Tbt laadlag eneetatlsta la tbe Korthwwm, CtUbUsbed 188. . Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co. Taa Say Setet. , X. Oar. Third aad Mae Sb, C. GEE WO The Orsat Chlasse Doctor I called great be cause hla wonderful cures are so trail known ' throagnout the United At, sno bocaue so aaanr naonl ar thankful to him for savlaaT tbelr lives i OPERATIONS Hs treats say ar4 all die wit owenui v 1 w v.. -eiuut or bjn)da y-ki barks snd vgwtbls knowa to meileal ietends I this a m .wu..ux, IttAaw AT tit AM IV ie rVdl"Vhl. famous doctor inowe satuma. lung tronblee. rhaAimatUm. ser vouoneaa, atomach. liver, kidney. fe mal trSubl and all prlyaU ""J rl'indreds of teatlmonlala. bharga moderate - Call and ee hlm . v COTwTr&TATTOet " " Patient out of the city write far blank and circular, encloss staaaa. Ad 'The c gee wo chinesb . medicine. co. t$S Alder street. Pt-rtlsnd. Or. fltalr. way of 361 H Alder at reel isads t d- flce. ' Mention thla paper. - , DR. GUIltl'S f , IMPROVED x . LIVER PILLS - OMLV ONirORADOSI j CURCMtAOACHI ' - by reuiovlnff tbe csuee ' -CUSJt itioos-jgss . by aiding dlirestlon t'')y,," fiTtiiwlIIool --BEIT PILL ON EARTH SOLO St ALL BKTOM1IBTS, OS ST hfttti OtT ascsifr or y sius. as, rsa box UNO KAMI rOK FRII AWS'LB MOX DR. BOS ANNO CO.. rHILAOtXPHIA, fA., 0. . A. cree land in oheg::: I In the rkbeM piiii, fiuk ami Seek Ktk) h tbe world. Thomanei ef acrmef land at at; 1 coat ef Irrirrtion. Deed airett from tree a.' Oreeoe- WNITK TO-OAV. BOOKLET a 1 MAP FREE. Demhurw Imptiaad fowevf , panj.tie-l l-l tMcltay l,Partlsd,Cr- 1 w;M-f L -n I