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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
ar m WW - . i- T sVe ' w-We.! 4v ivvW V,:nn;.r-;7?:;.:r- ''ICTlilD III FI.1ST g.:.:e F , Tii2 Sc!2's End's; ; Drawing Near! - .... . ..... am avv a '.. a '' " , 7 m : iL...iA 3 GAL'E ; Pri; Reduced rcA A i p Contest riannsd With Chicago at Portland Quarter by Fisher ri Is CpoI!ad by the Weather. WCREEDIE ENGAGES IN ; ; ; . SCRAP WITH MIQUE Players From Three Teams Inter- : fere and Prevent Hostile Man . agers Harming Each Other. (SsscUl Diepateb to The JeareaU Bakersfield. CaL, March It The hap- ,. Blest individual In this part of Call fornl today U Walter sfcCi-esdle, man ner of the Portland baseball team. The oooaaloa for .the manager's exultant mood Is tha fact that Mike Flshsr wss oaabla to pull off bla came, with tha . Chicago Nationals and Incidentally that - ba (MoCreedle). landed a fairly food wallop on tha . Taooma manager's pro . boacla. , , V -Ts-V- , Tola last was ' the result-ef Fisher's .baring taken exieptl6nto-tha Portland '. man' rattier cutting remark upon their ' tneeuns at tna -New southern - Hotel at '-noon, when MoCreedle greeted Fisher with "Well, do you see what. yoa get for butting In T' which remark made tha already. disgruntled Tacoma, man wrothy and in answer to a vile name that he . called MeCreedle, . Fisher received a traifht left hand on the beak, and but for tha timely interference, of Manager and Joe Tinker of , tha . Chicago team. Van IBuren and Oil Da trick of Port land and Charlie Oraham of Taooma. a ., tenons mix-up migm nave oceurrea. as A--' It was . tha hostile' managers wire sen V ' - arated with some difficulty by tha above '-. . named Individuals, and matters assumed . ' ' a mora peaceful attitude. . " After tha affray the Portland' and -..Chicago players, between whom there seems to be a bond of sympathy, fra- tarn allied together and congratulated MoCreedle .for tha stand ha took. The local fans Joined with the players In -'. conveying their respects, to the Port land manager, who is upheld on every ..." side In the stand he has taken against Fisher. ..,. Several of the Tacoma players were ' seen sround town In company with the - Portland and Chicago players, but they 7 " are non-committal on tha subject of the '. scrap. ' Larry Behlailey. has arrived hers and - wss an interested spectator of the bout betweent MoCreedle .and Fisher. He could scarcely be restrained from par--' ticlpatlng In the hostilities. '. " All tha Portland players have arrived here exoept French and Ala. who have ' sent word that they have started for Bakersfield, having been delayed through ( their desire to fulflU an agreement they r bad made to play against-the Boston Americans yesterday. ' They are ex- - pected here In time to play against Cal- ease next Thursday. V .... ? xha Portland team will line up against . . tha local team tomorrow afternoon and It is possible that two or three of the , Chicago club may ba found with the Bakersfield club. . - No word has ' been received , from .. Hughes or Doyle. .?.. CHIEF TWO FEATHERS ' TO MEET-M'MILLAN raseelat Diesatck te Tke JmiL) ' Spokane. March IS. Two .Feathers. the big Indian 'wrestler, after a two ' - months' tou'rl of the middle west, states, : has returned to Spokane and has ar ranged a match with Duncan McMillan -to take plana March 12. In -their last ' match McMillan w6n tha match from the Indian by taking one fall within the hoar.'- In the match now arranged Mo--Mtllan agreed to give Two Feathers an . even break, and tha match will be twe ' falls out of three.. ' It Is. said that the Indian has Im proved greatly, since ha left this city, and It Is believed that he will throw McMillan in a shorter time than he did when be wrestled here. CVSRY MAT 1' $3.00 A Crowning Success! SOME OF THE BEST HATTERS OF PORTLAND OLD FAC TORY MEfi HAVE FAILED TQ, DISTINGUISH IT FROM THE BEST $5.00 ' BRANDS WITH- 7 OUT SEEING THE LABEL "7 SPRING STYLES SHOWN wa II J ... .V'-l n Va- ...... .Vw-n- SOLE AGENTS 85-87 Third St, bet Stark and Oak C L. Newmarket Baby, A. K. C5.B No. 7895a, Owned by .Frank 1L Watkioa of This City.-; CHECKER TOURNAMENT COMMENCES AT BOSTON Teanlj .Composed of Scotch and English Experts Meet Amer ' J can Cracks This Week. J - (Joornal Special Berrlce.) Boston. March 1 J. During the. next 10 days all devotees - of the game of checkers will keep their eyes) turned to ward this clty.The-object of interest will ba the international tournament be tween the checker experts of America and Great .t Britain. ' the 1 contest being in nrai 01 its sino, ever pwyeu. The Invading host, composed of Ave Booted players ana as. many Engl is a champions, probably the strongest com bination that the two countries can produce. Includes the following: A. Jor dan, London; A. Hynd, Manchester; H. Merrill. Liverpool; W. HaUlwell. Dulcln- fleld; W. Gardner, Leeds; R. Jordan, Kdlnbarg; R. Stewart. JrT : Blalradam; J. Ferrte and O. Buchanan,- Glasgow; H. Henderson, Mulrurk: first reserve, F. Teschelelt, London. . ( . The American team tnclndes the fol lowing well known experts: C. H.-Freeman. Providence, R. L; Dr. A. Schaefer, New York; C F. Barker, A. J. HeSner and. S. G rover, Boston; I. Dearborn, Low ell. Mass.; U 8. Head. Albany. It T, and M. Horr, Buffalo, I. Z. -1 'L ' 9SXZJUI rmOat MOJIMUUTM. (fcsrnal special servtee.) Dallas, Otv March IS. The Dallas Athletic dub's second basketball team defeated tha State normal school second team on the college gym floor Saturday night by a score of SS to 1U The Nor mal boys played good ball bat the club boys outplayed them la most all points. Coad did the best playing for the local team, throwing six baskets over his op ponent. Butler threw the only field-basket for Monmouth, and Sacra played good ball also. Tha club boys will plsy the Normal team a return-gams -next Saturday night In the State normal gym floor at Monmouth. The lineup: - Monmouth. ; State Normal. -Guy ............. jr............. Smith Coad ...... ..P . . flaore Elder ..C... ,..,. Butler Castle MM..,.a...UM,M Dal ton Stiles . ...... .G .. . . . 1 Johnson umpire Ford. Beferee 8 Use. . , , BTT.T.TsBTW AT SPO: (Speetal Dispatch Is Tea Tssisel.) Spokane, March IS. A new billiard tournament Is being planned by Manager Thomas of the Hotel Spokane billiard parlors, consisting of a series of match games between the four best playera In this section of the country. The four men who would probably be In the games are. Thomas, Chapman. Otto and Prickett, although the tournament will be open to any one In tha city who wishes to Join. All tha man are stars and would do some good work. -These four men -would play 14-Inch balk Una, for soo points. UARAHTBIO. Hat: rf ' 1 1,1 " V a -. City League Inaugurates Its Ca ries at Vaughn Street Grounds ; in Spits, of Cold Weather, DOTH TEAMS PLAYED. C IN SPLENDID STYLE Pitchers Mclnnis and Reed . , Twirled Fine Ball for Their '". . Respective Clubs. Z r- ; v'-r'? ''4 . Only a few of the local fans braved the cold wind and threatening weather to wit ness tha opening gam Of tha season at tha league grounds yesterday afternoon, and the fact that they were satisfied is attested by their ' having remained throughout tha game. . The game was the Initial contest -In the newly organ ised city two-team league; and It was a splendid game of baseball, oonslderlng the short .time the players have prac ticed and tha Inclemency pf tha weather yestsrday. Hector Mclnnis, the Schlllers pitcher, started off well by striking cut the first three batsmen who faced him. and dur ing the six innings be occupied the slab he sat nine of the east-alders down on swings. The fourth was the only pe riod of the game when the east-aiders found him at all effectively, for In that Inning Oliver hit for three bases and Harvey Newell followed with a two Backer, scoring his teammate. The east- alders bunched two mora hits In tha nfr-cSSd a-edT timely error.. The fielding of the BchlBers wss fair ly good, but they seemed to make-their errors at critical times, . while that of their opponents was almost perfect, their only muMtne being charged ' to Johnson at second, who put up a swell game His error was due - to uavtng slipped on the treacherous ground. - Mclnnis was succeeded by coiue u ro bot in the seventh Inning. The little southpaw waa a trifle wild, and both passrs Issued by him were turned Into runs, when Little wuiie Haynes, wno was there with tha stick, but had-a bad whip, and Joe Fay erred badly in toss ing tha spberiod to head off a runner. Tha Bchlller bunch startea on iixe winners. Druhot beat out aa . infleid bunt stole second and scored whan Hoc Molnnls placed pretty nit la right field. - ' - - Bar Reed, the east aids puener. set tled down after the first Inning and the Schlllers could do very little witn nun until the fifth, when Druhot again sin gled and stole second and. waa scored this time by BU Ha roes' hard drive to right.' - - ' "Slt Hunter rellerved Reed to the stxth, and he most have had the Indian sign on the Schlllers, for only two of them. Lafferty 'and Haynes, reached first base in the three Innings he occu pied Xhe hill. Harvey Newell at abort. Johnson at second and Archie Parrott at first had tha most opportunities of -displaying their fielding abilities, end made the beat of their chances. The tno puuea off some neat plays. M Rankin officiated as umpire ana was fair and Impartial In rendering his decisions. - . . . cLnma altawanee moat be mad for tha losers from the fact that several of their regular men fanea to snow up. The score; 8CH I I.I.gRfl. Kv. s. m. .. 4 0 4 S i 2 Druhot, lb. Ss p.... Ill J Haynea, lib. . a J MctnnU.lp. A 4 1 : Gray. b. Blavin. c 4 a 11 Crandall, L f. ........ J 0 Conklln, o. f, I LAffartv. r. f. ....... 1 iM I t ' Totals . . ......;...: 1 1 24 XI , CAST PORTUIND. .... AB. R. H. Pa A. B. Johnson, lb. . . 4 0 I I 1 Patterson, Sb. 4 4-1 1 A. Parrott lb. J J Oliver, r. f. I ' 1 J Newell, a s. . . I I R. Parrott 1. f. .... 4 Hunter, c f. P-..i.. J Northrup. e. . ...... 1 1 t s M...Sf It II 1 Oame called at end of eighth Inning. RUNS AND HITS BT INXTNQS. 1 1141 ft I . E. Portland ......0 J 4 1 1 1 1 hiu . . ........ ill! ! 5 Schlll Hits SUMMART. Druhot 1, Oliver. Bases on la Off Reed. I; off Mclnnis. I; off Druhot I. Struck out By Mclnnis. : byDruhot 4; by Reed. I; by Hunter, i. Two-base hits Newell. Patterson, Three . base hit Oliver. Doable play Hunter to A. Parrott Left on baaes -Schlllers. 7 ; K. Portland, 4. Passed balls ejsvln, 4; Northrup. I, Time or Jf--Oni hour and 44 minutes. Umpire ltd Rankin. VARSITIES ORGANIZE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Hsodsl DWftetcB te The Jeerasl.) -win. matte Unlveralty. March II. At a meeting of the track managers of the four larger colleges or uregoa ai ron land laat Saturday, an organisation known aa tha Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic association of Oregon was per fected and ita constitution will be sub mitted at onoa to tha corteges repre sented for approval. The object of tnis association is io nnrvide and control an annual neia and track meet which will be held In Salem about tha nrat or jane or eacn year, and will decide the championship of Oregon. .. .. . r The constitution provides for a board of control consisting of the track man agers of the colleges in the' association: thla board has control of the state meet and will provide for officials and all necessary expenses of the meet All protests will be submitted to a board of arbitration consisting of the presidents of tha colleges in the association. The four colleges thus organism are the Oregon Agricultural college. Wllluv. mette university. University of Oregon and Paclflo university, snd the one win ning the meet three times will receive a championship cup from ths associa tion. " ' - :' Mnch attention was paid ey tna man agers to scholarship' requirements and they are confident of being able to elim inate aJl gratters and profeeelonals from competing in the state meets. Much credit is aue to Manager wnn tlesey of the University of Oregon for this work and hla suggestions, which were followed out by the managers, wUl e-much- to reform and lift up the standard of athlstlos In Oregon. OSTjUtriOaT irv of the1 world. Is In the city, and It is probable that during his stay that ha wlu give aa axniniuon ox nis in. Reed. p. c Totals Jefferson Nye'g "Cap". Handsome ": English Settler Pop by Dude, tha ' WeU Knom Prist Winner, 1 GOLFERS DEFEAT VISITORS . ......... Local Msn Captgrs Ail Events in Yesterday's Contests Except One' in. Which ;They Tie. - T ' The Waverlyi Ohio's gotfera defeated the Seattle ' golfer yesterday - In - 17 games and halted the ISth with the visitors. , - ' 4 The victory ff tha locals balances up the acora Wlt Seattle for the defeats administered to plx of the eight local men at tha Paget sound city recently. The games oommenoed -yeaafilday af ternoon and the local men prooeeded to first 17 eon tests by margins of from 1 to. 14 points, and the Portlandera ware feeling' Jubilant when the final match was played between Roderlbk Maoleay of Wavarly and F. A. Newton, the Beat tie champion. Thla match resulted In a tie. After tha contests the Waverly club tendered the1 visitors an Impromptu din ner at the Arlington dub, at which the utmost good feeling prevailed. , No remarkable scores were made dur ing the afternoon owing to tha high wind that prevailed over the links. - ' 1 ... - The Seattle players take tbelr de feat philosophically and bop for bet ter luck at the next meeting. The fol lowing golfers made up tha Seattle party: .. Georra Lstdd Mann, Loster Turner, Ed gar Ames, B. W. Andrews. B. K. Alns worth, Morton RamsdelL F. H, Stone, Sherwood QUlespls. J. Gllllson. F. A. Newton, F. 8, Ruhn, E. A. Stront J. D. liownaa, James D. Horaa, Jr, O. W. Fischer, Joslsh Co Urns, J. C M array, J. W, Eddy and Cbarlea Power. . LUCAS AND WILMOT v -: SCRAP AT CHICAGO a W. H. Iucae has returned from Chi cago, where he completely rooted Wll mot and Win lams in the fight for baseH ball territory, and be and McCloskey are now In Seattle to begin the season in the new International league, which will Lakei place about April I. A story that all of the Chicago reporters seem to have missed waa tha fight between Wil mot and Lucas,' which took place at tha meeting which was Tie Id In tha Auditor ium notai.". Lucas said tf McCloslory waa pres ent he would be able to prove one of his statements. "Oh. of coarse,' retorted TWOmot "Mac would swear to anything you wanted him to." "McCloskey la an honest man, "which is mors than I can say or you. Mr. Wllmot" Mr. Lucas replied with great dlmltv. . I Whereupon WQmot swung a right hook that landed on Lucas Jaw. Loess shook his bead to clear the cloudiness out of bis brain and came back fast fighting with both hands. A right swing landed on wllmot s nose, bringing ins blood, and George Tebeaa clabned first blood ..for Lucas, which waa allowed. Loess missed a left drive for the body and they clinched. Wllmot wanted to fight a clean break, but Lucas grabbed the Butte man around the neck with his left arm and with his right hand ha pumped in a few stiff Jolts. He was going strong when the mag nates Jumped In and spoiled a beautiful scrap. Wllmot walked over in rront ox a mirror, pulled down hla vest, adjusted hla tie, and examined hla nose critically. He looked at Luces with . oonaiaeraDie admiration, for he did not think the little man carried a punch strong enough to bring the blood. Later In the meeting Loess and Will iams had a run la. Luoas had his fight ing blood up by this time, and he backed Williams into a corner and called him a liar with a number of strong adjec tives. Williams did not fight back, so no blows were . struck. Then the mag nates supported ' Lucas and he started west victor In the wordy scrap, and winner la tha real fight Seattle Times. lemnm AT rou. - (Jeoraal Special Service.) Baa Francisco March II. The British polo team defeated the American team In the annual International contest at Bnrllngame yesterday by tha score of 10 to 4. - --.."v' -..:...'.. . , . The members of the British team Sir George Prescott and Captain De Cresplgny of the Horse Guards Blue. and F. J. C Manama and F. J. Mackey. R. M. Tobla. W. 8. Hobart L. Mc- Creery and John Lawson made op tha American team. - v, WxaTT. SOMOUBS TO OOsLB (lesnal BpeeUI aarvtaat ' New Westminster. B. C, March II. Ths New Westminster Agricultural as sociation recently made an offer to Lee F. Scholes, champion amateur oarsman of tha world, and winner of tha diamond sou 11 at Henley, to take part In the Dominion exhibition In thla city, next September, which has been socepted, and ths crack oarsman-will row In the re gatta here, at that .time. DALLAS AT (JootmI gpeetal servlee.t Dallas, Or., March II. Ths Dallas Athletic club's baseball team defeated the State normal .school team; on the Dallas college campua Saturday after noon by a score or it to v. this game is the first game of the season for both teams. ...... - . Like rtadxag Finding health Is like finding' money ma think thoao who are alck. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat or chest Irritation, better act promptly Ike W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level. Vs. He says: "I had s terrible chest trou ble, caused by smoke snd coal dust on my lungs: but after finding no relief In other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Dlsoovery for Consumption, Coughs snd Colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine In the world. At kni (Toes fnarmacy, niaia and Oak streets, on the way to the poet- office. I0o and I L00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. w not ueiay tomioz in or ; Writing II the Savin of ,' Money Is an Object Tarns of ' - Pay mailt Ara So Low That No Ooo Nac4 HeaiUto Now to Oat a Good Piano Thirty DU faraot nirh-Clasa Mak4a Includ ad Everythlnf Sold by Eilera Piano tlouso la Fully Warraatc4 lavestlxata Thla. .... If yoa are going to perrJclpate la the Denents tiuu are to be derived In tho way of Immense savings la price and moat exceptionally ear terms of pay ment by Joining one of our six co-operative , piano - buying clubs, you will have to attend to It promptly now. It la doubtful as to. whether thla of fer will remain open during tha re mainder of this month: st any rata tha sale will positively olose within 10 days from how. . . .: , . It Is not yet toe lata to Join any one of the dubs, although some of them are nearly filled; . t ' . ' ." oxtra "a" . :, ";. Consisted originally of 1ST pianos, that sell regularly In tha old retail way for from 1200 to 300. The club payment on these are & down and ill 4 per week. And thess' Dlanoa our com nan v fgfeea to supply sow at from tin to Thess pianos (117 In all) ranging In rrloes from 1275 to $375, ara seliiag for rom 1114 to 1178. with deposit, of 17.60 and $1.40 perweek. . " OXVB "O" ,- Embraced 201 of the average highest grade pianos that are found in the greatest number of homes and sell In the rerular war for from llf.0 to 14 So. To club members they will go at prices running rrora Mil to 111, according to the exact grade and make, and are being sent out on deposits of 111.(0 down and payments of fl weakly. -v CtLTO "V Contained 154 of tha most costly Amer ican upright planoa made. Pianos cased in elabonuely finished, beauti fully hand-carved mahoganies, English oaks and walnuts. They- are piano that sell for from 1426 to 11150. and which club members are securing on tha' co-operative plan for from llli up. Payments wll be from $20 to $26 dowa and $2.60 per week. GLtni Tt" ' Ths costliest grands and uprights in special styles, 'all of them regularly priced - at over 1 560, are In Club K. There will be altogether 141 members In Club E, and they effect an average saving of $147 on each piano. . Pay ments are $26 to $&e cash and $1 to $6 weekly.'- .. In this club sre found aumeroua odd planoe. manufacturers' aamDlea. dis continued '04 catalogue styles of Chick erlngs, Webers, Kimball a, Stelnwsys, Krakauers. Crowns: also instruments of numerous different makes that have been received by us in part, payment for new Chickerlncs snd webers and Kimballa and for Pianola Planoa. Not a single one of Club r pianos, however. sign of usage, "there wiltt snows any si an or usage. . xnere win be only 101 members, and payments are lie down and weeuy. ' TOTT BUg SO BXSXS. .. . .. In securing one of these pianos, no matter whether. It be one of the cheap est or one of the most costly of Cb lett erings, or Webers, or Klmballs, you run absolutely no rlskv Eilera Plana House does not handle a piano that la not in every way warranted by the makers, and we la turn Indorse every nuuters guarantee, inus . mazing as surance oouDiy sure. If, after careful trial, yoa find that your ' Instrument is not In every way satisfactory or aa represented, we al ways stand ready to replace the Instru ment with another of same grade or There' can be nothing more fair or equitable. Come in nd . Investigate this before it Is too lata.. Letters of Inquiry will receive our most careful attention. Catalowuea will be supplied free to all inquirers. . Idlers Piano House, a quarter block of fine pianos.' comer of Park (Eighth) and Washington streets. BOARD OF REGENTS TO f -FURBISH THE MONEY tBpeeUl ruapatck te Tke JoarssL) ' Pendleton. Ora- March 11. At a meet lng of the board of regents of tha East ern Oregon Normal school held Satur day afternoon It waa agreed by tho mem bers of the board that tney wool a per sonal ry back the finances of the school, should the appropriation bill be bald up br the referendum. It Is also under stood that tha members of the faculty of tha Institution will lend their assist, anoe to help tide lbs school over the two y-nars Intervening before the next ses sion of the legislator.. - The following members of the board were present: R. Alexander. J. . Raley, W. M. Blakely, O. W. Proebstal snd jP. A. Wortblngton. Regents Scrib ar aid Sexton were nnable to be present snd In. the sbsenoe of the former, who Is president of the board, tha chair waa occupied br R. Alexander. Nothing but the probable effect on tne school or the hold up of the appropria tion waa discussed and at the conclusion of the meeting the statement was made that the board would do aa above stated should It become neoassary. This tt would do In ths belief that the legis lature would reimburse It for the money advanced to meet the expenses Incurred by a careful management. HOOD RIVER CLUB TO SEND BIG DELEGATION (Spsrtal Dtaeateh te The JrraaL Rood River, Ore, March 11. If the railroad company grants a reasonable rate the Hood River Commercial club will charter a ear for the Hood River delegates to the meeting of the.'i Ore gon Development league in roruana. April 4 and . . A big paraae is piannea bv the delegates, who wilt make It evl dent, in Portland that, the apple kings have come to town. . A rousing meeting was held la the rooms of the Commercial club, attended br business men and fruitgrowers, when committees were appointed to complete the arrangements planned for. E. I Smith, president of the Oregon Develop ment league, explained the object of tha Portland convention, and urged - Hood River to send a large delegation to the April meeting. When the league was organlssd laat August, Hood River had s larger representation than any other elty outside of Portland. I . TO nOST AT SXAJUY. ' t-- Jocraal gpadal Hai lice " Sharon. Pa.. March U. Tight lovers In this section are expecting a rattling contest tonight when Jimmy Dunne of Newcastle and Eddie Lenny of Philadel phia meet In the arena of the Nonpareil Athletta club for a lt-ronad contest. Roth men have reputations for fast fighting and hard flitting and as a eon- sequeaoe the bout is expeoted to be a lively one from start to finish. -. AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE FOL - LQWINQ PRICES ARE RETAIL, DE- , , LaVERED TO CONSUMER: . ' Newcastle Lump Newcastle Nut ; . . -. 4.50 Australian (fcand) . , 6.00 Roslyn . . V v . V v . 6.00 Rock Springs-V . . . ' 6.50 Kerhmerer . .i.e. 6.50 vv ..1 ".. t... ','; ""'.P: " J': J ...,; ,'. 1 ' Other Coals Prportionstely Low. The Pacific 249 Wouhlngtoa St. . This is the time of year to have extracting and plate work done. Eighteen years' experience. Pain, leas extracting when, plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS, DENTISTS tSeT J os. i. p. wxax. Ths JaMas, llSaSOSAZ. DosTLuro rxviT ooax-r ov oaxeox. I - Be. im xxias BT. Sat OUert fwt Oewaisr la Creasa, -, i oarrzax, aiot.aae, W. esedset s seral aanklag tauea W. roMlv. sevlag. eepatfts. W. I ttanto. ... certlAeates .f parabl. poa 10 ear eaU, so ear eall er BOSar call, with laterwt t ti. (V. aBs par erst per anoosv Call w ssaa 1st ear banket llXDtTiAXIOgB. BBNJ. I. COHEN Pnslont H. UfTTTOCK ......,Tte-rmlnt B. Ul PAOET... seer.lar I. 0. COWRA aartetaat gecretery Mamoxaar' aanowsi Bin, : . roanjuio, eutov, i. raaWK waTsoNT. Pin em B, L. OURHaM naneMnt B, W. HOYT. ...j..... Catftier OKOROB W. ROTT.....,....Aatrtnt CuaUr B Basml Baaktatf BsstssM. BrafU ssd Lrttan t Credit Imam arallabl tm All Prt of the Worta. CbUtloM s BpeeUltr. Smjusuti laviaoi ibtjt covragT, Btt Horrtoes St.. rerosad. Or. Tl.aesiiH a BanHn. Tmlni ATDlOg DErsJITMfrr. " tstanst Alkiwcd on TloM .aa Bartass DepMlls, !" s4 r1't avallaaU la AS r. APAVtB ..fNaiaeat A. LRWia...... tirwt WWeTfVaaiaaet a. l:miLU. ....... .Haaa TiearaaldBt a. a'JUBlTg.. U arris states sattob'al bakx. . or roan ass, oazeog. lOnilttT OOS TKIXO AJT9 OAK STB. sea am wanna, asaaaaa. Dtim taaDED.1 AvaOabl. la All ClUea of tke FtalnHl OOIXXOTTOn KASS OV 7AT0SABXC TEaKa fmMtil. ....... J.' C AINSWOBTU Tlea-PraetoeBt..................W, B. ATBB Ouster.... .......R. W. BCRMEXR Aaalatast Caahtas A. M. WA11T Labs mi, slurxxxa. Xtainaaaa is IMS.) mmw asias BSilseaa, Coltocttoa. aaae. at all Balals ea farorable III sia LetUn vr artdll .v.uab!e. Is gsrofie and .11 poliVS ts the Dated statae. ' Blskt Knium and Tel.ST.Dble TraBM aoia ea rw xera.' nnanm, caoeasa, at. LeeMV. Desear. Oaialia. Saa , n a luteal asd MonUDS aad Brltte. Co lamina. unuvi aota ea - mam. nam Traaafort. Boas baj, XekoasSM, MaaUa aad DMMM. riAgt SATIOXAZ, ' AVK r or roxixAas. oaxaoa'. Fresldaat... ..........MMM.. ...... S. IM. WTTJM Oste... -.J. W. RBWKIKS Aaatetast Caahter ....W. a ALV0B0 Beeaed Aastetant CeaStev a T. STsTSNS macs 9 umi immwm avauaaae la - aad tas lassi States. Blakt Birfaaan aad Talesraaaie told ea Raw Tort, Boetsa, Cbicase, Bt. Isate, St. rnu, oamaa, aas rraai laaa arlnrlMl anteta la f. Kortawaat.. Blskt aad tlw. bllbi draws la aa 1 oailna Parte. Baiils. fi Mala. Boag Keas. Xekeassu. cartetuiala, Btiw-auofw. , St. r.nrlr. Htmemia. Offer SIH-tas. XbMbsI aati Writ, sr OatL MORTOAOB LOANS On Pertlsad Beat Xstat. at Lowest Batea, Title. lasarad. Abatrsrts raiitekii. I1T1.C aOAAABTaJi TAOSI OU. a. uaiaiiai er i Chesterfield 50c rrrrhlr.'i'paUalrt and rlab-Tta-aJit. Spaelal all thla woekt Mr full B5 palmistry readlns. ..a oeaa traso. nair vora.t alttlnira. Mo. I tell ef rkansf. ea. eaaaej. galloraa. sur- rlasea, dleareea. law tulta, travela. daalil. lore affair.. aonar.- tlona, ipeealatloDS. ate. I arrept so fee to ad- nnr. If yea ar. set aatlaaed yaa pay aetblnc. I wUh tn abew the elUaena ef Portland that there to ea la thla smfeialos that saderataada kte soainoaa aad la no fake. I am 14 years before tb pubile aad ea. refer yoa to ex-Mayor Storey and T. T. Ueer, ei-sorarDor ef tbe atate ef Ore tea.' I hive read tb. palm, ot to amat anted oa either aiae ei u auaaue. in mnrlnw are il w rota for Inapeettoa. N. aark.Brd rooma er rablnrt. I a.y wltboat fear of eontradlrtlo. that I auaa aoeay im aakMnrl- edced Atnc peer ot all I. sir nrofeaalon. Yoa de ne wrrnns wnes yoe tbiik t ii ilt i r. tr i r.iuj, nie. elate, .or fake work. I am bera (my third with . dralre te help only thoae who boa eatly wlaS te better their cendltlna aad are wll Hn. te employ the aervlrr. of . tree pelmlat and clairvoyant toe the amall anm of bOe, and who ran give a tbooaasd times the value rteelTed. I Mk no ooo tn believe what I tell tbem antll they are thoroughly eonvlneed that 1 have kaowledae that rwralrad yeara ef etady .ad cerafol tralninf te aequlre. My day. nf eipatimentlns are evrr. My profeaalonal errvtrea are . b..m to tbe amhl tleaa, dkMnnirated aad aahappy people. Thte veeh only, 60r. Dea't fort.l the name, CHRH TKHriKLiVS Temple ef Palmhitry. 8e Merrtaoa t., bet. Barents and Park ata. . Uoara, a, m. to p. m.. dslly aad Baaday. v Rsducsd Ratss to California. The placed Southern Paclflo company baa on sale round trip tickets te Los Angeles at the rate of 1(1. limit days. This affords an excellent oppor tunity to visit the many beautiful win ter rasorta ef eeuthera California at a atoderato eosU OsXuBflBBgB. BUaat, rwrUasa. atoeds. -v.frv Bulk -Kv - Sacked . r $5.00 $5.50 5.00 6.50 6.50 7.00 7.00 Coast Co. 229 earl 23? Third sad Wsaalsg. Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK W. treat asreeea folly .0 prlv.te, aw ram sad fhrealc dleaaaea ef ar aW Stood. wtoaeer.- k'art, Itrrr. kidney ana throat troablee. We BTPHtLUa (wlthoet BMrcary) te May eared forever, in SO to SO aya We remere BTRICXDRg, wltbeat operaUea ef pals, ta M daya. n , We .teaxaralas. tb. reanlt et lf-.boae. Immedlauly. v We eas ret tor. the anaal visor say ma. ander be by moana ef leaei traat mant faeallar to earaelvas. . We Cure Gonorrhoea la a Week Tadeatae, have bad many year.', save bees knows la Portland for 15 yeara. bave a repatatSoa te smlntals and will sader take se aaee anion eertala core aaa ba f- fa tea. i ' .- . x ' , We saaraetee to ear. In every eeee ssder tak. er ebarse as fee. Coealbtatlna free. let ter. eoeMeatlal. InstrsrtlTe BOOK FOB atS.t melted free Is plals wrapper. If yea easaot eaU at ofoca, write tor x sail ' ta kaak. . Heme traatmeat sstuasafni, Offlea aears te aad T te S. Bandar asd ... y . , . , soMdays. IS to IX. Ths leadnif aperialtet. la fhe Kertbsaat, ' Batabltebed 188S. . . Dr. tV. Norton Davis &Ca Taa Say Bote!. . S. Oar. Third aad Has Sta, Adtal Contact .'t is the' Only Wsy to Appreciate Y j -This'' Modern MsrreL 1 HAVE A PHONE INSTALLED JOHN.1. 8ABIN , : ; Prsaldsnt , ' ;.- , LOUIS GLASS Vlce-Prea. and Ocn. Wjr. , Daa Bs O) for ease dla.aenel.laia aaa Irruetteae ee uer J aiooe.e aeiii ral.laea, aed so aw. . BCaunMlOa. seatee I Saod by Sin " ' ' er seat hi ptei I br aieaeaa, , , A ia.orho..e. t'matet aaad ee k PERSIAN NERVE ESCi: tXxTOaXA ltAJaTrOOl) Ifaa eared r at eaaea of Norroaa lrolllly. laesemu phy. They rlrot the brain, wiimr rlrreletloa, auk. dlerloe porft a maaaotte vlsnr te tbe whole ew-. aad teeaea atenoenl aoneanraoy. I hot; S hov goer.nt.od to cor. ' ameey, . ." araara. rorelin Mel. Co , r k- e , f Pa. Sekd t. " -4 ... . IWItaad aVrvaV 1 j. is dx. w. a. win. awaaBBBBBBBaaaam WW rmaa. n lain ITolTM .;;;t.;;l:;::;vvv-;;.',: ;