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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
C C C I DAILV Jw ! 3TCITLm.-II, UC.ID.V EVilI C, I. ....C.I 13, !v The '." , QusOity t; Publb Tea- Room Second Floor; . . : . .' -, N ' ' Auspices Portland Y. WC. A. ; I 7 -. " ' . . It. .'I;-- ' ssssnssssssB 1 ''", ' Menu for Tuesday, March 14 Result of I C, ScliccI - - Vote rrY ; at 10 a. m. Today Shop LEADING STORE OF LARGEST STOCKS ON PACIFIC SLOPE . ..' 777; 777i777: t - i- '..I.'........, ;T;Tea Coffee and Chocolate. -, Milk Served in Bottles.' , ' Scotch Mutton Broth.". 'A "V '''' Veal Loaf. ' !, ,Egg in Nest. ; Shirred Eggs. Cheese Omelette.11 Fiat Rusk. " V Tongue . Sandwiches. p ' - Bread and Butter.'' . f Tea Cakes.' w - 7 v . 'V For Next to Nothing . .. 8TATIONERT. IJTHER GOODS. TOILET ; SUNDRIES AND JEWELRT IN THE SALE. , First-Floor ' Shop. .' ' V ,-' Let no seamstress be without bar tool let no horn-' war lack anything let no work-baaket etay de pleted, for In tola notion al everything that la of poaaibla need to fill the work-baaket can be bought at next-to-nothlng prions. .-- Our planning baa been ao aneoeeaful that tba savings to yon on good. ' first-quality notions are unmatchabio. : Read the list and aee -. ; 1 7 ; Stationery ; -7- le ENVELOPES to. ; l - -i-Whlte-wov"Envlop. squsre shapes, 2s In xpaek- ' age; our ie value; special at, package........ 34 .:V lt WRITINC PAPER lie. ... Plain or Ruled Box Writing Paper?" white, smooth finish; our Ik value; apeclal at, box. ...... 124 '; T " Ho EYE SHADES .'-.; : Qreen Transparent Eye Shades; our l?L5S?iJ,,"- . , elal at, cacn. i,..,....f ; J lSe WRITING TABLETS to. - . Writing Tablets In ruled not or packet sis, white. . amooth finish paper; our 10c value; special at. each ......w.....e ; ' ' ' - .''"''--- ' ' ' ' . .. T : ' ' ' ." -a Useful Notions J I . ( 09AT HANQER8 FOR ta -y z'.J. :; lfo HOOKS AND EXES le. , ' rHump" Hooka and Eyes, in black or white, S doaaa on card, extra quality; 100 value; apeclal at. the card rv.'f tee DRESS SHIELDS lie. Light-Weight Dreaa Shield, in white, slse No. 4; ' our lo value; apeclal at, the pair.. 19 : f lo PINS tc; ' .'-'.-iv'-!f English Adamantine Pin. 400 in paper; our tc S value; special at, the paper... ...... .Z4- : V ; JOe DRESS BUTTONS lOe. - JV" Fancy Dreaa Button. dosen. on card, all Colors; our too value; special at. the card. ...... ..10 ; Leather Goods ' First Floor Sixth Street Annex. ., . - - . '- : ' Ho MONET BAOS to. .; ( 1. A ( Chamois . Money Bags, with draw " string; our lie . value; special at, each. ......... ...... ......94 iOo CARD CASES la Card Cases In seal grain leather in black; our iOo 1 1 ... ' value; spvciai av ewn. ........ raiuvi pncHu i, wum tiMiiittittftvf Tte MUSIC ROLL 4 Sc. . Black Patent Leather Muslo Roll; our TSe. value; , special at, each... ..................454 Toilet Sundries : : eo TOILET SOAP,, I CAKES FOR 10c, ',' Turkish Bath Toilet Soap; a nice aoap for bath or toilet uae; our e value; apeclal at, l cakea. .10 V ' He TAR SOAP' 'to.. ' 'V'W '" Transparent Glycerin Tar Soap, ..for affection of , the skin, scalp or hair; for bath or shampoo; our Ho valued special aCthe ealt. Cleaning and Scouring Soap; special at, . . the cake ; 4 40o HAIR TONIC I Sc. v " 'Ambsollna an4, Quinine Hair Tonic, 4-ounc stse , ... ' bottle; our 40c value; apeclal at, the botUe.28 ll'o DRE8SING COMBS 7a '. Celluloid Dressing Combs, in white, ahell or am ber; our Hp value; apeclal at, each. ...... ,.T " ; ioo ' 'tooth picks .' f;. ' ' Best Quality Smooth Finish Hardwood Tooth Pick r 1,(00 in box; IOo value; special at, the box....6w y Sparkles in Jewelry Flrat Floor Sixth Street Annex, - ''.V;--'-" lie FANCT HATPINS He. " ( Fancy Top Hatpins; ' in peart turquoise, gilt and opal; assarted stylea; extra Jong pine; our no value; special at, each ...,10 ;','! itoo cuff links' Sterling Silver Cuff Link, heavy quality; our $1.00 value; special at, the pair ..... 60 '. - ' Ho BELT 'PINS He. -- . Bar Belt Pins, t with turquoise, pearl and other Jewels; our JSo value; special at. each. 15 , ; lie .BELT BUCKLES He. . , Fancy Rett Buckles, all stylea. Yancy designs, In gilt . or osMe; our He vslue; special at, each. ...15 Notions . " IF I SHOULD DIE, WOULD YOU ' 'HE HESITATE b IN 'ANSWERING, AND SHE CONTINUED; ' IF YOU DID, YOU WOULD NEVER GET ANOTHER WIFE TO LOOK AFTER YOU AS I HAVE," , ' r " NO," REPLIED ; HER HUSBAND, "NOT IF I COULD HELP IT.", A GREAT MANY PEOPLE DO MANY THINGS BE CAUSE THEY CANNOT .HELP IT. BUT WE MAINTAIN THAT THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR DOING A GREAT MANY -,THINGSSIMPLY BECAUSE IT f CANT ' BE HELPED.' r '0';; ; - : 0 ' i "; 'V ''KY-' rY:Y. ; FOR INSTANCE, WE. COUtD NEVER SEE ANY ADVANTAGE IN BUYING MERCHANDISE THAT LACKS QUAL ITY. IN THE END IT'S BOUND TO PROVE UNSATISFACTORY. IF WE CANNOT SELL MERCHANDISE . THAT ..WE ; CAN GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION, WE WILL NOT SELL IT AT ALL, BECAUSE WE WANT YOUR GOOD WILL WHETHER YOU BUY HERE OR NOT WHETHER YOU ARE .ANOTHER STORE'S REGULAR PATRON, OR OURS. WE KNOW IF WE SOLD YOU MERCHANDISE WITH THE QUALITY REQUISITE vXACKING YOU'D NOT TRUST US EVER AFTERWARD.' ; THE TREMENDOUS BUYING POWER OF THIS 6REAT ORGANIZATION PERMITS OF OUR SELLING MERCHANDISE THAT POSSESSES QUALITY IN THE SUPERLATIVE DEGREE AT PRICES LOWER THAN YOU'LL PAY FOR ADMITTEDLY-tOWER-GRADES-AT-THE-MINpR STORES. KEEP SO MANY PATRONS WHY OUR WHY THIS BUSINESS HAS GROWN TO A Sermon of ''Only V Good Shoes" 'I ON '"THE FAIR-WAT" IN THE .ANNEX s JFIR8T FLOOR SIXTH 8TREET. " '. C Step ,ln thl week and , settle the . shoe question enoe for all. Thousand of people hare already settled Its get my shoes at OLDS, WORTMAN 4k KING'S,',' says one. "Why? ' "Don't .know ', exaoty guess It' habit; but I've, been - " ,; getting them there for yeara, and they give splendid satisfaction." Habit has. reason back of It and expert enoe. We all' have the habit of eating three time a day, because experience ha taught ui it 1 best for our bodies. v The reason back of this shoe habit of buy ing them at the O. W. A K. store is this: O. A K. Shoe set the standard at each price, and to -o this they must be the best AU of our shoe are made exclusively for a. Every pair baa oak-tannan-leatber aol No sliaiua-ftre" permitted tbe vamp run clear to the end of the toe, even when covered by a tip; the leather 1 all specially selected; the "ahoemaUng"' Is thoroughly Inspected. i ' These aboea have our label inside, and we are proud to have it there. FOR MEN: These , shoe are S3.50, f4.00 and S5.00. The 03.50 and M.OO ahpea are the equal of those sold elsewhere at 16.00, while our man' aboe at 85. OO saves our men patron from paying 14.00 elsewhere. FOR fjOMEN: The Gloria for $3.50 ar by far the best shoe made. In the world to re tail at that popular price. . Our new shoe chief, Mr. a. C. Jameson, ha lately added to the women'a line the famous Wright A Peter Snoe. made by expert shoemakers In Rochea ter, N.'i. The apring linea are com pi eta The WrlgHt A Petera'Shoea are the beat that money will buy high or low cut at $4.00 and J5.00 the pair. :- . ..Our men' department' la' entirely neparata from the women' but In earn section of the tore a full line of the celebrated Grovar Shoe laoa, congress and slipper style. There I another class of shoes that we Bell, without our label, but with our guarantee )ut the mm, -, i - Theae were made for other dealer. Their brothers and sisters have been selling at a third more than our price, often double, all over the country. We can sell them 'so cheap because we have taken over exceaa stocks or lots that for one reason or another have not been sold. They are good shoes not aa good a our regular stock, but very good, consider Ing the price. ' Watch our special selee through lb, week for wonderful value la these. . . ;j- . . , ( O. W cL K. Shoes for Children Doea your child toe in f - Are the ankles wobbly? Ia the arch of the foot deficient? " Have you ever asked doctor to aee why the little on doesn't walk better? If he Is an eminent physician, be will find the fault. If any exists, and give you a pre scription for shoes the prescription to be filled at OLDS, WORTMAN A KING'S. Nature ia easily helped and you may re proach yourself If the trouble ran on and be came Incurable. 4 Tonngster kick out hoe woefully fast We can't atop wear, but we can supply shoe that will withstand a great deal of It and the.; price are as low a consistent with quality and wear, . S " ILL, V e , . T tl ' . - I el . - f m Great Annual March Sale of Kitchen Furnishings wm Continue Another -Week in : the Third Floor Shops 1 1 Everything for tha kitchen. ' pantry and gneral housework; : nothing but worth -owning merchandise no trash' admit ted. ' ' 7 ; ' " Our planning-I to lessen ; drudgery and to economise wlthoujt lowering the quality. Mail order f Iliad .in Order received, 'while the iqualltiea last; some thing will be sold ' out quickly. , Another carload of Tinware and Oranlt-Iron War ha Just been received. . W mention below a few price just to 1v sn Idea of the bargains to be had during this great aale. Everything in the line of Kitchen' Furnishing at special price nothing ex cepted: 1 - v r list if Asked Uusband : EVER MARRY AGAIN?" ' AISLES ARE ALWAYS COMFORTABLY BE THE LARGEST, ON THE PACIFIC . - In the Big ? Garment Salons nsw SHULTWAnrr srms. 7"-;.-' Vary MosUak. ajlrtwaest Swtui. aflk. weal aad a nan, blae, red. Mae - - 1 "7 -'. Sgcood Floor " . - . , . .- . . . . to rmioi oom' or - m shjiuji on. rti;. tamx womr-4 iwwi sen Ain wauur v -; ' Roin vm of onom ... 7-', , ' r ooxner tnm nrum jnn wn abb ohsxs. ( '" Isirisi nisii WW ae sslee ef Feels sgassl Tba' ' . ht cttas taitors a4 Hi iwhSii tt lis, seik a ' I alssty evili tslat tm seseOr mill Is art, etttlty - T tlMb kanMtoas Mwisiiias af Mas. A estt, a sawte, a - . triniif Mask) m, MarMy, evaa a wee's CM ef Ike I elrertolre serte Is ie mm4 aaasst Oi i ly tm CM weawa - I I ef toder. Hi 1 1. mli tm Om wfeate eeHesOeat sad I , I , seaeUeal asi saecaiBy a. . tua rkareasy fre a twe sulk' trip te Mew 1 V v Tke rsselta e ker Mssra are awe (sr year itmmmm J . mmt usslig ky .every aavrsse asseag taean . J ,7' . Rw STUB gUTTg. . .1 liHlirm'm"tmkm1m aTraa cmw nee'eaL , ' ,, Mia, sw. si tasa. asMk. aas- .i l a ike aHsa ssakaasaw akaayd phis s4 ekeks. ; ,; f I ' ' autetrtae aweaTtiil sanest jJ13ei$0 : -'A Or M sasr ekskemts suits' raagkag slag ay easyMse .1 ' uteMerat at........M'...lMM V20s00 ' I - Bsreh aott as beet atrlt ssrsse. , 1 ; - , NSW KHIKTWA18T SU1LS. . ' t. " .Very Modtak. . ' " IHandsojne new Sbtrtwsaat Satui. an, weal aad -aapaea ta I creen. blae, red. 4aok as4 gTay--valaea I free, salt .... .f UM t $ ' MEW WRDQ-COaVTS. New Spring Coala) 1a tan, covert ebearlot and breadfieth, wtfh or witbosst eollar plain and fancy stlVcbed seems, . ' tn named with velvet eeo, vabse fraaa, , . each ......................... ..e "to aSS.sVO TAN CUVlMf JACKETS. . - ... Plain and Fancy Trimmed Jaakst wfth aetaar er oollarleaa, trapped lam, value fretn, each....ft2.SO ta 9380 - NEW SROVO WAISTS. . Watsanf Apparal Shop Ceooad Floor. New Sprtag Watata In all tba lata materiel. vWK polka dot. atrtped. checked, plaida asd dark satxturea. Negligee . shirts lncteded ta all the new ahadea, vahiea -.'" ......s Tia Dish Pans, 14-qt, sis; special sal price, aa, 214) Pi Plate; apeclal sal price, each......... ...34 Frying Pan, lOft-ln, slse; special.... ......... 15v Sauce Pans, l-qt. else; special, each. .......... .124 Steamers, No. I; apeclal price, each ....... . . . 2 1 4 Dust Pan; special sal price, each.... ........5 Covered Chamber, Pails special, each.;........ .35 Dairy Pan, l-qt. slse; special, each. ...... 84 Coffee Pot, l-qt slstf; special, each... ..10 Galvanised Wash Tub ; epeclalr-Th ......... ,6 5e) - Wash Boards; special at, each. .. ............. 2S4 Copper Bottom Wash Boiler; each... ...... .T9w 81 Dosen Clothe pins; special at .......54 Mop Sticks; special at,, each.... .IO4I Mop Cof.tona; special' at, each, ............. ...154 Clothee Wrtngera, with wood frame, guaran teed; special at, each ................... $1.T9 Wire aothea Lines; special at, each ...154 Cotton Clothe Lines; special, each. .......... ..94 Chair Beats: special at, each v..... .84 Garden Spade; special at, each ...654 Oarden Trowels; special at each........... 34 Brooms, good quality; special, each .254 Scrubbing Brushes; special, each. ..,......,... .74 Frying Pana. 10H-in. slae, with cold bandies; - special,-each T..,...,154 Granit Iron Sauc Pan. 4-qt lse; apeclal at, - each. . , ...- ....1..254 Granite Iron Pudding Pans, 4-qt slse; special at each . 184 Cake Turners; special at, each v54 Wire Potato Maahera; special. each....t... 34 Chopping Knives; special at, each. ........ .t ... .44 Hen f FILLED WITH BUSY SHOPPERS COAST. What's the . Homefitting Need ? It, matter ', littler what It may be: we're amply able to fUI it from , the ' generous stock on the Fourth Floor. Luxury ia here in huge . slices, but; served . at necessity p r 1 c e . Everything f 7 -needed in -the decora! 1 (ton Of home, be that , iiwbi. nwis Ail muail l j. . i or mansion. For club VT 7 or apartment bouse. 'Style rich In deslm: not duplicated at every turn one well might call 'em exclusive. Don't let these value slip. All the newest it6 style In Lac' Curtain. Portiere. Drnperte. Couch Cover. Whit Enameled Iron and Bren Bad. Carpet. Ruga, Baby Oo-Carta, etc, are now displayed in the great Houaefurnlahlng Shops Fourth Floor. The public. I moat cordially invited to Inspect mem, wnetoer prospective buyer or not. BIO SPECIAL SALE OF SINGLE PAIR LOTS .. I ,, OF CTJRTADM8. ..a Fourth Floor Housefurnlshing Shop. Every single pair tot of Lao Curtains In the bona ia Inclml In tkla ul. hmni. parr df Brussels, Irish Point, Renaissance, Arabian, Cluny. Cable Net. Ruffle Net. eta, aomewnai mussed xrom nanaiing.. but not oamaged in the slightest degree all go at Jnst half regular prlcee aa follow: Our I1.40 value;' special prioa, palr....1.0O Our IJ.4 value; apeclal price,,50 uur i.oo value; apeclal price, pair... .A 2.00 Our 16.00 value; aneclal Drice. nalr 2a. KA Our IT 00 value; special prioa, pair.. . .S3.SO Vp to $20.00 value for, pair.. 10.00 STUNNINO . REDUCTIONS ON' HAND801CE . Wool Rugs These Ruga are exact replica or real, rare Orl- ental Rugs, and the 'greatest value ever ,- shown in Portland at these special price for one week only: ' v Sis 10ttxl4 feet, $0 value; special. .SSO.OO Slse I t II feet,'tSs value; special.. i 34.00 81s 1 x 10 feet, 'I IT value; specUl. . $23.00 Sis x I feet, 120 value; peoial..$lT.OO A complete knd varied assortment of Domee r tto Ruga in the newest of 1001 styles ia d la bia red In our big Houaefurnlahlng Shops on the Fourth Floor. These Ruga are very ex cellent reproductions of real Oriental Rng and are splendid values: Six 20x30 inches; prtce, each. ........ .fl.BO Slse 27x54 inches; prioa, each. ........ .S3.6O 81s I x feet; prioa, eech. ....... SS.OO 81s 4x4 feet; price, each... .SB.OO Sis 1x10 feet; price, each.... ..f 12.00 , s NEW NAVAJO RTJOS. fse 2Tx64 inch; prlM,MMM.,,,3JH) Rise txl feet; price, each .............. .S5. 50 Sis 4x4 feet: price, each ..........$8.T5 " NEW SHTRAZ RtTOS. ; " "- 1 81s 20x14 Inches; price, each........... . .85 Stse 27x40 inchea; price, each... ..$2.25 Slse lii feet; price, each.. ,.J........$3. SO 810 4x4 feet; price, each, .. SS.OO Slse txll feet; price, each. $19. SO Many new arrivals Jn Axmlnster Rug Stse 4x feet, 4i feet, IMklOH feet, and txl! feet. Best Body Brussels Ruga Slse 4x4 feet, HxlH feet, and txll feet. Beat Wilton Ruga--Slse 4x feet, IV.X10H feet, aad txll feet A SFLENDID ASSORTMENT AND PRICES ' . ALWAYS THE LOWEST. - QUICK-MEAL STEEL RANGES. ' , ' - These range are In a clasa by themselvesdistinct from all other guaranteed, and absolutely the best msde In every respect The body I mad of the beat quality of ateel triple walla asbestos lined. The firebox I made In one also only, and can be used for either wood or eoal. The llqlngs are sec. tlonal, ventilated and very heavy. The oven I made of one solid piece of steel. The oven door Is stamped out of one piece of steal, and there are no corner where dirt or grease can accumulate. These ranges -are excellent baker and great f uel-saver. During . this sal they will be sold at SPECIAL PRICES. .HA VI LAND CHINA DINNER SETS AT ONE THIRD OFF REQU- , , , LAR PRICES. " - Havlland China' Dinner Sets, with large - . rose- design and heavy gold trim-. '.. . mlnga .. - . 40-Ple4M Seta, our OI.4S value....... $22.44' lOO-Plece Seta, eur 144.15 value. .......... .$30.24 112-Plec Seta, our $50.74 value. $33.84 HaWland China Dinner Sets, very daintily decorated, . with gold edges, handle and knobs 40-Plec Seta, our 114.00 va)u.. i.... $27.20 100-Plec Seta, our 444.71 vaju ..$39.00 . 112-Pleoe Seta, our 144.2a value....., $44.20 Reginald Carter, Bell Boy, The . Norton ...........-, 64,318 Arthur Taylor,' M. ft A. Shog- i " r rert v. 60,750 Mae Hughes,' Knight's Shoe Co. 51,773 Esther ; Carlson, Mason, Ehr man ft Co. v .... .... ... . 14,528 Gay De Pue, "Portland Delivery - " Co. .......M..n....... ..V. 12,823 Charles Adler, Woodard, Clarke ' . ft Co. 11,773 "Scattering : .TTVt. T.'X'St?. t 40,65ft : ' r ... . V- 7 ' '' ' Total ....vl.25fi,819 Tales bf Women's FOR SPRINQTIMK "WEAR THAT WILL INTaER . EST DRESSY WOMEN FOLK INTENSELY. - Snriner Fancies ln"NecTtwear First Floor Shop. pared to show an wrroaually - complete assortment of neat and dainty thing in Neckwear for the ladles. Linen Embroidered - Collar and Cuff Beta are very much ia vogue, and surely one cannot buy anything that la mora neat and durable than the wean et up from jh..,,.,.,)..,... .7o4 Turnover Collar of fin embroidery are a popular as aver - price from. . . Windsor Tie to be worn' with turnover collars, la many different color aad Uka price are- In aurah ilk, each... ....... ...m...5 In peau de sole. each. ............60w and T5w la taffeta, handsomely embroidered, . ta black and white and all colors, each...... .......... 654 .7 We Invite your careful Inspection of these lines ours, the pleasure to show them to you. SPLENDID NEW RIBBONS ARE HERE. . Ribbons in the newest weave and shade. Ribbon . for girdle, for neckwear and for decorating par pose. New- Molr Taffeta Ribbon in three had affect brown. French blue, - American beauty, reseda, green, copper, ptnk. yard.. .ISO Also beautiful Messalln Ribbons, in fare shad . affect at, the yard...1...... ............. 40d A complete line of Taffeta and Satin- Taffeta Ribbons in all colors sad widths front' Vfe-lnch to i Inches all price. , , - ELBOANT RIBBONS IN AMBRET EFFECTS PRICED FROM 0o TO 7o" THE TARD. ' BeaotTful' Warp Prints." Bayadere stripe,' "wide aad - narrow to match, for collars, cuffs aad belts '- priced at, yard... , ...... -.............;4Q4 LACES ARB SUPREME. -. ; - " ; Fashion demand laoea, and all kind of laeea, from the narrow Valenciennes to the very wide St Gaul. Band and galloons are to be used lb great profusion. Among the leading style of laces that w weald . mention for this spring are the Point Gauss, in straight bands and edge for the sleeve aad - berths, effects bands for cuffs, eta,; swell new Ball d Naige In medium and wide the yard. UP frOPS mmmmmmmmmm . ...... ..... ..EQdV Embroidered Anglais Bands, edges and all over to match, very swell priced from, the yard. 504 to $5.0O . ... ... . Lerr Laos In bands with edges te match. In cream, ecru and Paris shades priced at the yard, ; up from a10 Beautiful Allovers to go with sny of the above .: lacea. In point gause, ball de aaige, roe point,' escurlal. baby Irish and imitation Milan. These 7 are suitable for trimming voile aad aU-sllk or wool materials; also for. organdies and linen ' prices rang from, the yard....504 $24.00 Black Haadrua Lacea, ta very elegant quality, wtta edge, band and appllqa to match prices at the yard, down from. ...... .....l.......$Z.50 EMBROIDERIES. . A bold assertion, ao doobt but nvrthles w W lieve It Is true, that w are showing th Boost )-. plt and. decidedly down-to-dale stock of new Eta broideries in the city. - A line of beautiful Em broideries. Insertion and Allovers. .A handsome assortment of Baby Sets, the quality being so fin and true that one can hardly- dis tinguish them from hand nro4deryij- - ,7. The Edges and Insertions are priced frem, th yard, up from . . . ... . ..... . -74 The Allovers from, th yard.........T54 95.0O Insertion and Edgings of fin batiste cloth, eaa- broldered in shamrock pattern In two widths of Insertion and four widths of edging beautiful and worthy ofi inspection prices from, the yard,, up from. 474 Pretty Corset Cover EmbroMarles la Swiss, natn ' sook. batiste and cambric look them ever and be convinced of their . worth price from th yard '.. 354 to $2.25 Cambric and Nainsook Embroidery, very dainty. S to 4 inches wide prices, th yard, up from..l04 . - -'t LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Revond the shadow of a doubt Richardson's Ma facturing Co. are th best manufacturers f IJnen Handkerchiefs. W carry a full and ooasr v plete line of Handkerchiefs with one-eighth to one-fourth inch hems from th 10 value to the -'; finest cheer lawn, at... ................. ...404 .7".' KID GLOVES. . -' !.' We" take' great pride In our -Olov Departiaent nd none but the best quality Kid Glove are admitted. The "Monarch" If the name Monarch is on ta Glove that' recommendation enough. These Glove are made of th finest selected kidaklns. dyed by expert dyers, cut by th most experienced cutter and sewed by th latest Improved method making It beyond question the best Glove In the world., Th 1-elaap Monarch - is full plqws-sowad. Paris point embroidered backs, go meted, between th finger, reinforced la the palm of th hand In all colors, black and whit prioa, palr....CaX Th Derby 1 -clasp Olov Is on of the asoet ervtos. able and moat perfect-fitting glove msrle . her 7... In black, white and all color prtos, th pair Cl.f" Th Eakay Kid Glove come la I-elssp. I me t , reel French kid. ta very dressy, excellent w and 1 very satisfactory all-around glove th pair Tha Magnet ia s-clasp tyle, overs-" ; one row of stitching on the r- . flnUhed It Is oertalnly at i ' , aioney-e-prtoe, tie f r. .......... Garnitures 7 ' 7-v '.'7' 7 ' :, -..:,.' 1" 1 : I - '" u .. 7 . . .;. ... t - . :.V Y.Y .... j -