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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
.0--. . TITO OREGON v DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,- KONDAY. CVENIIIQ,' HATCH - 33. .13. "uUMinOLES'TO ' AGAIN BE STYLISH King Edward Sets the Fashion ' : i and Rowers Will Be Uniw, versally Worn. -' f : 1 -HIS MAJESTY cNARMED X BY AM AMERICAN GIRL Mrs. . Lanrfiome-Shaw, Brilliant j ;? Sister of Charles Dana Gib ' ,'" , -v .son, Creates Furor.- ; v '-' v (Br taasJeW.-- '' ; (Coprrlcat. M04. H 'W. . Hearst.) London. March l.-For the paet - or six years It fcma been considered the ; "worst form" for a man to wear but tonhole of flowere In hla coat. . . . The rtuaa for thla unwritten law has 'always been a, mpiterr. EWT broker and a few city men wear "button holes" while transacting business, but ,cven these man discard them when walk ing about the weat end of London. Dur- ing the peat week or. two men about , town hae been aeen wearing fairly large bunches of violeta or bit carna tion In their eoaU In Mayfair and laat ' Sunday there waa a floral display on a -large scale Among the male promenad . 'era in tha park. v " The king, who is popularly supposed. ' .to lead the fashions, but who as a mat- ter of factees nothing of tha kind, has -always shown a partiality to "button- - holes," but no member of the court set ' has followed his example ; until ulte recently' ' -: :,U few weeks ago ths km- dined with the Prince of Wales, who had a vary , larce number of Intimate friends.' to meet him. and tha whole party adjourned "to a smoking concert at tha Queen ball. .There were perhaps a tnqusana men in .tha building and every one of them -'mold not help aotlolng that, every mam ber of the royal party, which numbered 'about 80, wore a very large Imt ton , hole." the king himself wearing S huge . nlnk carnation. Whether tnta norai oia ' tlar had anything to do with the return of "buttonholes, one cannot say, but it -.'certainly looks aa if every on will be .wearing them this season, 'I . Carter nannies in ' It Is at his on request that John .Rldgely Carter, the popular second sec -rotary of the American embassy remains in London when Whltelaw Bald takea up his duties as American ambassador to tha Court of St. James, r Mrs. Carter . ' doea not cere for. London as much aa her 'husband, but Infinitely prefers Paris. " where she waa educated, but aa she Is a devoted wife aha baa sacrlnosd her own Inclinations. . - - The American colony In London I 'much relieved at the decision of the ! authorities to keep Carter in England. Carter, however busy, is always ready to give Americana, either resident or tran sitory, kindly, advice at tne emoassy. and he has never bean known to be oven ruffled under the most trying condl- .' ttons. .' . '. " .- Vie Is 'becoming . a first-class golf player., andmost f his .week ends are now spent en me uuan, "-''..' Charmed 'the Xing'. It was two years ago that his majesty, ' the king, met Mrs, Langhorne-8haw. the . brtlllantsUtar.. of . Mrs. Charles Gibson, at the Asoot races and was charmed . with' her , wit and vivacious It was not-surprising, thsrefora, that the king gav a gracious bow and mutv v mured aew words to Mrs. 8haw wbn he made; her sensational appearanca at the last- court wearing a gown of price less Irish lacs and superb high tiara on her fair hair.. . ' Mrs. Shaw apent several days with Mrs. Choate. who presented her at Car , teton Gardens. - She is a keen sports woman and has taken a hunting box at 'Market Harboro. where her little girl is now staying with her. ' Her greatest friend Is the Duchess of Roxborougn, whom she has several times visited et Floors Castle, and during the past month her boon companion has been the Count- Indigestion ? I OOar Alt 8tonaxh 8a3Cerera a Pnfl JJoJ- arg Worth of my Ramadr "..",', Fre to Try 5 .ten tffr te eff e fall sonar's worts free rM wine Is a erdlnary niaiilr. -Ordinary um mi aymmatm. mr remeay imu awe that -pt-K the arnptaaaa. trap. Utm treatawat aauat Be kept ep farem a long the eaoae la there. My trMtneet Buy he itoppra aooa as It I tor Umi le alware tae ei " Ktoaiarb trooble le sot u aaa niairtve ue caaae, ad ef trooble. ' trooble la sot mlly e ilckem. ant . ,a aaiptaa. It la a (faptoni that a crtala art f eerrre la ailing. Not the vohutary aerree , that enible roe to walk eed talk aad art bat the aatoautle etoeucti sertee ever which year 'mine aaa do enotroL I ' I hive not ronoi Bfte to 'eraUta bow thew "trader, tlnr atrfM oootrol aad operate tha -.stoourk. How worry brmka Uirai dowa aad eaowa lwdlaaloe. Bow mlaun wrara tbest oat aad raooaa djptU. Bow aealrct nay brine ) oa kldtwy. heart, aad etbor troablea thronsk , orsipaUir. I' have sot room to explain bow tbroo urta nut ho roacbod and atractbreed . aad nultard and suae w.ll by a rraiody I prat thirty-rvare ia prfctln now known br , DranVnM ovorrwbero a Dr. Knoop'n BentorntlTO. I bate Sot roost to ezplala bow low thin remedy, br potn a mrtala and to ITt- eidwooa, Mifsinc, - OMnnara, inoamnla. Mr. vmaoena. drnpepala. All of tbtwr things are fally axplalnfd la the book I will etad yes Vwas roo write. In mor thin nlllloa bonwe my resiedy Is known. It haa eorod atonarh troebfrs sot eno. . bat wptotxUy am and nr nsaln. Yet yea nt.y not bay beard ef It or hearing. Buy have nrlayrd or doabtMl. so I suko thin offer to ' yen. a atranaor. that every paaathle oxroaa for 4onht way ba removed. Head a no (gnney nuke nan so sromhw take no rlak. Hlmply '.' write and eek. If yoe say not tried Bif rem . ertjr, I will need yon na order oa your drasslak ' tor S fell dollnr bottle not a nampla, hot too regular etaadard bottla ho keepa mnatnntly on . hie abelrea. The drnaglat will require do mn- dltlona. lie will nraept my order aa cheerfully an though roar dollar laid before him. Ue will ' snnil the bill to me. Will yoo accept thie epportnnlty tn learn at wiy oipei . all fnrmi aae ahaolntely. how to ba rid lw r fnrma of auimarh trouble to bo rid not only v of the trooble, tne very eeone which prodores itt Write ' fee a free erder for Bonk 1 ea Pjopeimla. a fall eollar bottlo itook I aa the Heart. " yoe nrnat addreea Book I on taw Klejwya J w. nuop. Rox A T2, Hook 4 for Woetaa. KaHno.. Win. Utata Book I for Men. , which honk yes want. Book ea Kneamatlaa. ... ' .. i.. -. ;'. ' ; ' . i ' . . . i MIM eaeas are often eared by olng V bottle. ' fat aaie at fdrty uweaaaa arog atom. - -v esioraiivc esa of Antrim. .'Tha term "Gibson Olrl,' which has been much abused in London, la aald really to fit Mrs. Shaw, at any rate tha king Invariably refers' to her by that name. ..... lira. James McDonald . WDl , be pre sented to their majesties at on of the May drawing ro-una, and her sown will be one of the moat maanlfloent aver worn at these brilliant function, She Is rap Idly earning a reputation as the hand' aomeat and moat lavish American host ess In London. Over 100 people thronged the house in Cadogan square whan Mr. McDonald cava her pink tea. . While Londoners like to go to such parties, which are. of course, hot novel ties in New York, it Is not likely that other hostesses will Imitate the fashion. Mrs. McDonald'! pink velvet . pacquln dress worn on that occasion is still be ing talked about. . , AH the flowers for this now famous party, pink asaleea, roses and tulips. were all brought from Nice, while the statuary In- the hall were shaded-with rose-colored --tJghta. The lights, flowers and pink' candy cost tt.oOQ. Among those always to be found at Mrs. McDonald s parties are Mrs. Ronalds, Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Chaun cey Blair (a fairly, recent arrival). Miss Vsa waerC the personnel of the Amerl can embassy, Mrs. Van Duser, Mrs. Hun- slker and Mrs. Chamberlain. - . DRIVING (IILISTS ATAY FliOII FRANCE Country Overrun With Russian C." Secret Service Men- Spy- Ing System Complete. ' EMPEROR OF 'ABYSSINIA ; TO PAY FRANCE A' VISIT Menelik to Come in Royal State wren i wo aieamers ot. "Courtiers and Retinue. - - (By rani THUanu (Copyright. InUa. by W. B. Heant) " Paris, March 11. The revolutionary utbreak In- Russia is giving-tha-Paris police aa much to -do as tha Jtussisns, For years tha. Russian Nihilists have had their headquarters In this city and, in fact, every plot, against too casr- has been hatched hare-ana tae Russian gov eminent baa for that reaaoo maintained a very extensive secret service bureau Brnca tha "bloody Sunday-Paris has been full pf Russian spies, who arrive by the dosea every week, aad the bead of the Russian police in Paris, M. Rataleff. la now tn command of many hundreds of detectives who are closely watching very Russian refuges, not only ia Parts, but in all France. - In spits of all tha efforts Of the Socialists, the'. French police are hand In glove with the Russian, and every French police official has orders to obey the commands tt Ratal eft as if they came from his own chief. , la ovary police prefecture in Paris two or more ot Rataloff's men are on con stant duty. . xtcorea xt Russians who Arrived" here. an thav thoua-ttt uimbsenrrd. have been ordered to appear before i"h polios be fore they have been here It hours, ana have been arrested if there has bean the slightest reason to suspect them. -. This . spying system has completely demoralised the . Nihilists here, and a great many have fled to Zurich and Geneva, where conditions, however, are not much more favorable for their "plana. President Lou bet, tha most demo cratic president Franca has aver had, has most unexpectedly become tha pos sessor of a palatial ateam yacht as long as he remains In office. It Is, however, not the state which has supplied him with, a private) yacht bnt it manufacturer of oandlea at Mar seilles, who considered the vessel neces sary to the dignity of the bead ef the French nation, and donated his private yacht to President Loubet. -. Tatit Trom Keaellk. After many years Parts is to be vis ited by aa emperor, a dark emperor, to be sure, but nevertheless an emperor. . Tha government has just been notified that hla majesty. Negus Menelik. of Abyssinia, is to pay us a visit this sum mer. He will arrive in great state, two Urge steamers being necessary to carry hla retlnua of courtiers and servant a Bs will land at Marseilles and tntenda to spend quite soma time hers before he goes on to visit tha kaiser and . King Ed ward. Ha told a French officer who is his close personal friend that ha greatly desired to visit America, but did not think -It advisable to do so because of the prejudice) agalnwt hla color. Hla majeety has probably never heard of Booker T. Washington, or he might have changed his mind, . 5 -- -- - Staff Shies at Bride. . wi are still awaiting a visit of the young King Alfonso of Spain, who Ton tlnues to put off his foreign trip because v,. know it has only been arranged to bring about his marriage, and ha doea not want to be , roamea now, a. un nrlnmnM whoso names hsvs been mentioned In connection with his. According to tha corresponaencia. ne reonnanalv obtects to a union with either Archduchess Oabrlelle of Austria or Princess Patricia of Cormaught. w wnniri much t) refer Princess Vic toria Louisa, tha kaiser's only daughter. but as nhe Is at least two years too young to marry, ha doea not want to go abroad nntil than. ! . It IS reported that ns nas conawnieu to visit Paris tn July, as there are no prlncessea here, ana ne win men do present at tha great military maneu ver at Maiiiy. ... - 1 - WOMAN SHOOTS HERSELF THROUGH THE HEART (Special Dlapntrh to The JoaraaL) Roseburg. Or.. March II. Mrs. George Oohner shot herself Saturday night with a .St cablber revolver through tha heart at the residence of Carl Hoffman where she was staying while undergoing treat ment It is supposed that despondency caused, by ill health caused her to com mit suicide. - - The deed was done while Monro an aad his wife wars at lodge, they not finding her body until yesterday morning. Mrs. Oehner's residence was about alz miles southwest of this town, where her family live on a farm. SNOW ON THE HILLS, BLOSSOMS IN VALLEYS - (Special IHapatrh te The Journal.') Hood River, Ore.. March IS. Three weeks of warm aprlng days had buret the peach buds and started the straw berries to blooming, but thin morning a wintry blast came In from the northeast nd the surrounding hills arc white with snow. CANVASS TURRETS IN SLAV rARSDIPS Incredible Stories of Graft and Corruption All Throughout ?v Muscovite Officialdom. CENSOR MUST BLACKEN FOREIGN NEWSPAPERS Japanese Papers Threaten to Drive Out English From Australian Continent. (Oneyrtgkt. io, by W. R, Hearst.) . Berlin, March IX. An Ennilah nffiner. who for years waa military attach at Bt. Petersburg, has written a book In which he tells things ft the corruption in Russia.'" which surprise even those who are used to hear the most Incredible things from the dominions of the esar. it Waa reported to the cur that tn battleship Peter tha Great was ready to go to sea at a moment's notice at a time when the armored turrets of the .vessel had not sven been placed In po sition. Most unexpectedly the cssr . an nounced his Intention of Inspecting the vessel and Immediately hundreds of men were put to work to hastily put tip wooden turrets to reoresent the sup posed, armored! ones. . ', . . When the csar boarded the vessel ahe looked spick and span, - smoke even poured, from the stacks, though there wore no boilers on board, but tha In genious minister had filled the stacks with damp straw, which was Jit whan the ' caar's launch . approached. . . - A member of the Knrltah roral fam ily who was at 8L Petersburg at the time was told of the wooden turrets, but refused te believe It. ' w - ; Of Painted Oaavaa. ' Ha visited the battleship only after tha officers . of the navy yard had ex hausted all means to prevent It and when he returned to tha embassy lha tri umphantly said that he had found by personal . investigation that tha report was false, the turrets were not made Of wood, but of painted -canvas,- t- When once a tier man manufacturer complained to the late Grand Duke-Ser- glus that ho had to bribe everybody to get a contract tha grand duka replied: "When I, a grand duka and uncle of the csar, have to bribe to get' govern ment contracts, I do not see why yoo, a foreigner, should tfa exempt from 'this tax.' You have been long enough in Russia to know, the. oustoms of , the country." ' . - The work imposed on the censor in Russia has grown to such enormous proportions that ne has given- up in -despair, at least aa far as Inspecting the. foreign mall la concerned. Xt la hla duty to look over every for eign newspaper entering Russia and run a roller . with . printer's Ink across' tha srtiolea it ia not deemed wise to let Russians read. This of lata has become too much, and bow tons of foreign mall Is simply seised and the officials who are always willing to make -an honest rouble, sell all this confiscated, mall t the paper factories. " Only a few -days ago a paper manu facturer from Moscow visiting this city declared, that ha is buying from postal officials carloads Of newspapers and let ters, and the? he had often found val' uable documents, and. sven money among these,'', , 'i. ' Tahiablag t MmD. Ha specified a few .cases which ' had coma' to his personal notice. In a parcel mailed from Koenlgsberg was found a gold watch addressed to a lady at Kir- aanow ." Several ' parcels from Bollngen ' con tained samples of knives and scissors, and in a tter from Berlin ba found a draft for S.000 maras. - - When a complaint is sometimes made by tha sender the Russian postmaster always excuses himself, saying that he baa tod much to do awd that aucn smau accidents ara apt to occur anywhere. The German postal authorities s ara unable to do anytbtng to protect - tha mall sent from this country to Russia, but posters In all poetoffices now advise people to register an mau sent to ius- sia. rkraata of Jap amass, ' It might do a lot of good If the people in England, who now so strongly praise ths Anclo-Jsoanese alliance ana f Joics at every new Japanese victory, would read some of the things written In tha Japanese press. Ths Jananese are well aware that af ter all tha English consider themselves far superior to themselves, and that in tha eyea of many they ara only yellow monkeya. : "But a time will surely come," Bays a Japanese paper, "when . these yellow monkeys will outnumber the white men in Australia and rule that country. Tha day will surely coma when we shall ba able to drive the great English con queror, or should we say the great English thief, out of ths Orient and back to the foga of the channel." And it la possible, too, that they hope to take revenge on the United States for having closed its doors to their brethren, the Chinese, wnue forcing through tha policy or ma tpen uoor In China. . " ' . Golds Cause BVare Throat taiattve Broroo Quinine, the wojftd wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes the eaoae. Call for the full name and look for the signature of B. W. urove. goo. - . HOMESEEKERS ARRIVE AT COTTAGE GROVE (Special tHapateh te The JoaraaL) ' Cot Use Grove, Ore, March IS. A small delegation of homeseekers and col onists struck this town Saturday and mora are to follow". Thoae that came hero were .from Iowa and were the friends and acquaintance of a local real estate dealer. They report that country too cold for them and Intend to settle here. Several citizens- are In receipt of letters from friends advlaing them of the departure for the- Oregon country end Cottage Orove la the destination of many a home seeker. Property Is cheap hers but la looking up and as soon' aa ths mines open up values of property will greatly ascend. - Vacant houses are filling up and now thero ara only . a few desirable bouaes for rent; these people,, however, will probably buy lands near tha city and then move out in tha country. Are Ton Xsgagadf Engaged people should . remember. that after marrii riag many quarrels can be avoided by keeping their dlgwntlona in gooa oorxmion witn r.iecno Hitters, 8." A, Brown, ef ' Bennettsvllle. 8. IX, gsys: "JTor years my . wife suffered In tensely . from dyspepsia, complicated1 with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength an (J vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Rlectrio Hitters, which helped her st once, and finally made her entirely well. . She Is now strong and healthy. Red Cross Pharmacy. Sixth and Oak streets, on the way to the pnetofflne, sens and guarantees them, at 0o a bot tla 1 -.,". KOuE TUL YIELD o '',." IJAflY JIMS Anvil Creek Operator Predicts Greatest Production Known to Northern Camp. HEAVY WORK HAS BEEN IN PROGRESS ALL WINTER Old Claims Up to the Standard and New Discoveries Ex-v r tend the Field. j R. T. ' Truelovo, a Nome placer mine owner Interested on Anvil creek, of the famous north country, was la tha city on Saturday an route to San Francisco. Mr. Trueluve has not been at Nome for some time, but when, hs departed early in the winter work was unusually active, and reports, received since con. firm tha forecast of an exceptional pro duction this spring; - - . - "Nome- will this year turn into the channels of trade a larger product of gold than It did the preceding year." said ha while In the permanent exhibit rooms of tha union depot. "I am sup ported by noma of tha beat authorities in the camp when I predict tha best cleanup aver made there. Tha work In progress during the winter assures It, and you may expect big things from the north soon. . . '.: - -- ,-: 1 "It would be tedious and uninteresting to note details ef this work, and perhaps you of Portland and Oregon, without careful study of tha topography of the eountry, would not appreciate tha sig nificance of it all. Tha old claims that paid well ara still busy, and tha pay dirt la op to the usual standard. Many men have taken a now lay in proved districts, while soma discoveries nave gone be yond the bounds of prospected ground. A large .number of thawing .machines ara busy, while tha dumpa of tha more promising diggings will aa a rule exceed In else former winter operations. If you ara at all familiar with tha coast line, you can - appreciate -tha sig nificance of this wnen I say that more than 109 different sorts of outfits were working between tha warehouse of the Standard Oil company and Caps "Noma, Nearly every. miner will remember the rich' No. 4, on Dry creek, which last year produced 6,e0. Panl Denhart. Chris Neblhur and Thomas Nixon have been working it this winter for all it la worth, aad tha dump assures a splendid harvest of gold dust and. nuggets. Other rich claims ara being worked by their Owners or on leases, and will bring the Nome production up to a record figure. if X do not mistake every sign." BOHEMIA ROAD MAY BE' BUILT OVER MOUNTAINS '. (Special Dispatch ta The JoarsaL) . Cottage Groove, Ore., March IS. Tha railway ' project ' mentioned hero some time ago by P. J. Jennings to tha Coos Bay country on tha west, crossing the Cascade mountaina beyond Bohemia dis trict, is being given serious consideration.-- G B. Hengen, who financed the Oregon Securities company and built the Oregon A Southeastern, railway from this place to Wild wood, has been look' ing over tha coast advantages of such a project for soma time, and thero ara many rumors to the street tnat na and hia people Intend to do heavy work this year. ', .''.'. . ; ' Their present railway ia IT mires long. and waa built primarily to tap tha rich timber resources east of Cottage Orove and open Bohemia mining district. It is expected that this road will ba extended up the basin- it is following until n tha Oregon Securities mines, 1 and those who. have been Interested in tha n project believe ft will cross tha divide somewhere near tha bead waters or tne, reaching tha Dee Chutes valley at tha headwaters of that stream. -where there ara -vast areas of white pine. . " Local developments " indicate to' . the community that Mr. Hengen and hla aasoclatea nave big -work ahead, such as offers for property, but until he mads an extended trip to the coast surveying tha country through which the proposed route Is to pass, the real significance of tha enterprise was not appreciated, .- SUMPTER EXHIBIT, IS TAKING LARGE FORM (Special Dispatch te The JomraaX) Sump ter. Or, March IS. Better prog ress than tha prima movers expected is being made by tha exhibit association in getting up a permanent collection of Blue mountain ores for Bumptsr. - Al ready the sum of S1.500 has been raised. snd the men in charge -of tba work state that many others prominent in mining are yet to be heard from. By tha time all ara visited, it la tha belief that Sumpter will bo provided with one of the best collections of ores, duly ar ranged in cabinets, that can be found in the-northweet. 1 - Members of the association have been discussing tba advisability .of - printing x large amount of literature relative to the district for distribution among vis itors to the Lewis and Clark fair. It has been suggested that if arrangements were made to have this literature put Into tha hands of tourists while on the. train, many miles , beyond Baker City,. it might have the effect of causing large numbers to avail themselves of tba stop-over privilege. Soma definite plan ,of action, in this respect will soon ba aectaea on. r , , . . ... . MINERS TRAIN FOR A t BIG DRILLING EVENT - (Spodai Dispatch te The Journal.) , . Galice, Ore, March IS, Bert Lock wood aad Bert Savaga,. the .champion double rock drillers of Galica, ara in training at tha Aimed wilne and are in fins condition. They- are confident - of winning tha contest at Grants Pass March 17. , Lockwood aDd Savage won the contest In Grants - Pasa laat Christmas, when they drilled St Inches, against 11 inches drilled by Hobert and Sallgo of tha Granite hill mine. Tba oomlna- contest will be tha lam est ever held In southern Oregon; -there being flvw double teams In training and considerable money will chango hands. There will also be several singles In that contest. . The laurels among the singles will probably ba plucked by Thomas Brienkenhoff, tba Galica man. The coming contests will decide tha championship of southern Oregon In both -singles and doubles, and Galica stands ready to back Its men. BAKER PLACER READY . FOR AN EARLY SEASON - .' IRpaalal Dispatch to The Journal.) .l Malheur, Ore., March IS. A party of placer men are In Mormon basin, and have commenced preliminary work for DRESS WELL wrniaiiT EXTRAVAGANCE Invites your inspection of the of Men's ' and Boya' Clothing ;Depa The styles are correct. The materials are the .best. - The designs are smart The tailoring is author itative; The fit is perfect. Thej prices are most V moderate. Sack points of merit, in addition to the rare stricted credit we extend TO, and the amall pay ments we accept FROM our Customer, will prove that we are justly, entitled to your pat- .When you once have tried 1 . c Easy Payment plan, 'J. --"gv s.'l. ' o-- V 'X- 4 - .'.I ' "" -J; Eastern ( t 390 Washington Street. operation of 'tha Uncle Sam placers this season. They ara under the mnnaare meot of T. M. Anderson, who has chares of both tha Quarts and placet -properties of this company. Water has started in oonrtderaDie vol ume in Burnt river and tributaries, the warm weather having hastened the sea son several weeks. Superintendent An derson had prepared for work by put ting a bedrock flume in, that ne might work tha travel deposit deeper than It had aver been washed before; five moni tors ara in position. With this battery and the. water supply secured from First creek, a big season la expeated. although water will not hold out for a 10ns; period. SNOW CREEK FIRE HAS CHECKED MINE WORK (Special Dispose te Too Tlptont Or March IS. Manager Fred D. Smith's loss of his bunk and board ing house, office; laboratory and store house st tha Snow Creek mine by fire has not Interrupted work there seriously. Arrangements will be made for accom modating tha mine and mill crews until tha buildings can be reconstructed. - Ths stores of the company, auppllea and the personal effects of tha manager were destroyed, and only by tha herolo efforts of tha crew was the mill building saved. Tha loss of 18,000 or more which tha manairemeTtt snstalned through the fire will be effaced soon. - The Snow Creek has Us own sawmill, and will ba abta to rebuild tha destroyed property . in a short time. , GREAT ROCK BREAKER : AT .GRANBY PUNNING (Special Dfcpatek te The fearaal.) -Vancouver. B. C Id arch It. Last week tha naw ore crusher at tha Oranby mines. Boundary district, was put Into commission, and Is being run light for a few daya, after which it will do regu lar duty,- IJke tha one installed two years ago at tha Knob Hill mine, it has a rated capacity of 1(0 tons an hour, or 1.800 tons every 14 hours. The two big machines have a crushing capacity of 7.J00 tons each It hours, if driven to their full capacity. , , sane o (Rpaeial Dvpate te Tne Jooraal.) , , Granite, Or., March 1. Preliminary work has been commenced br Manager New Spring Lines displayed - in im-. ,V3 ' how easy it is to Dress Fashionably and? 'up to date on our youll wonder why you didn't take advantage of it before. NEW GOODS ARE POURING IN ; X . 'X'-; ;. at our ' -; : V-:- Ladies' Wearing Apparel Toull be able : to - buy as new and up-to-date goods from us this Spring as in any of the ex clusive Downtown Stores. . .. . . WE CALL YOURV X Xf SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Our Millinery i x DSpaftiitei Abrhich we have Artistic Sririitff Hats - (Ready-Tiixxxmed j X'';'-' V For your inspection and choosing. ; Outfitting Co The Store Where Your, Credit Is Good O. C Wright, ' of tha Wheeler Co. properties, looking' to installation or a sinking plant on tha Sheridan. - It ia tha purpose to sink a shaft an tha Sheridan group and thoroughly crosscut the for mation on deep lovels to tha Empire. Numerous veins cut. through tha prop erties. 81s or seven, in close proximity and extending parallel, bava been proved by surf ace work. In one of these on the Sheridan a good grade of shipping or was obtained laat year from a shallow shaft, in which work waa suspended owing to heavy Inflow of water. When the new owners have arranged te handle this water and sink to considerable depth, it is the purpose to explore tha ground exhaustively. , v . . (Special Dwpsteh to The Journal.) Cottage Orove, Ore March 11. Geo. W. Lloyd, president of tha Crystal Con solidated Mining company, has returned from the mines in Bohemia and reports progress in tha work. - .Logs ara being sawed into lumbar,, which will ba used in building. , Development underground continues. ,;.. OBOPS ZJT OOOB OOXXZTXOV. . i - (Special Dispatch ts The JoaraaL) . 'Cottage Orove, Ore March l Crops In this section of -tha -valley are in good condition, an a laxgs yield la predicted by the farmers who were in town Satur day. Fall what looks fin ahd'the warm weather has brought it up vary fast. Soma of tha fields already look black with tha growing grain. There were a few showers Saturday and tha clouds in the sky indicate more rain. - Much plowing ia being dona at the present time, many of tha farmer are nearly through, and moat of them ara through seeding. - .. ; Ths Crown In Town. " Tha famous "Crown." of tha Crown piano, is now on exhibition In ths Ellern Piano House big window. carefully guarded by'a uniformed police rq an. It la a valuable and moat elaborate affalr; studded with gems and Jewels galore. Tba crowning feature of the famous Crown tlano la tha many tones which tt Is capable of producing. In addition to its splendid piano tone, it has those of ths guitar, harp, banjo, mandolin and many others. Incidentally, It may 1 be remarked that the makers of Crown pi anoa ara suite a sealous in guarding tee reputation of tha Crown piano "in ne aa in olj 1 JI.COAWEEK INSURES YOUR APPEARANCE A. : ' ( J r X - - ,. :. . C";'. ' ' - ; 3 'n' , r. Xf;, jj ' - v ;'. ' , - I. :"?- . . ! . . f ; A .U-;,;. :;: ;- ', ; -f ' 1 - ... -1 5!.,;i.cis!.'c,"; x,.i' ,, !x' 11 li 1 111 111 1 1 inn ill 11 mil 111 -a --a i- . ... w,-.,v,...-,.. Section goodly assortment of r Doston Painless Dentists - ItlH MOaUUSOsT ST. known the world over, are the . only dentists tn Portland having this world renowned painless system for extract Ins, filling, or crowning teeth wlth-i out pain. Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones thai same day. All work guaranteed fa ten years. . 1- puns SILVSR FItXINQS.j;.....;..5f aot,D riLUNes.M...7B4 to Sl.oo. tt TO tit GOLD , ' FILLINGS... w-SS.OO 'and CS.OO- ' PILLINQS mm, S3. OO tO SQ.OO .' We have a specialist In charge of each department Best artificial teeth makers, -best rrown and bridge work men and gold fillers In the world. ': OBOWsT AJTD BBZB4IB WOBJK - mnoxAf.Tr. ... Give as a call and you will And we.' do Just as we sdverlee. -. .... x TB OUI, TBIZD A7TX nVsrr.vaWrr1S Boston Painless Dentists - ' tlH MOBBZSOB ST. Opp. Valst tt ITaak and Old rostoSoa. Hours t:IO a. t p. m. Sunday. I:0 a. m. to 12:0 p. m. . .To ba sure yoa are in tha tight plac4 coma In and get bottle of Dr. R. la, Gravea' tooth powder free. . points of tone, quality and construction . aa Us royal symbol la guarded by ths young policeman In the big show win dow of. Kllera Piano. House. : : ' - m 1 ' " ': ' TAST aVABB SBAVBS. ; (Jooraal Special fterrlea.) BaltXake City, March 18. Vast tracts of ooal and mineral land have, according to Investigations made by federal agents, been, filed on and patented aa agricul tural and graal ng fanda by coal syndi cates. Proceedings will be instituted to recover tha land obtained fraudulently, - NO PAIN 'A"S TEETH it VtthoUT 1 .et .1.- ) -...' -. 'V