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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
TZZZ' O-ZCCN DAtLY - JSUr.::Ai;t rOHTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH , 13, KZ -1 1'.. TCVTJ TOPICS tobmxt-s Axmnaan. Marqnasi , , . ttulSlnlila... BCmplre.,... Lyric. ... ,,, Grand Bter ....... Baker ..... "Karl ef PawUeket"" ........ "Joaa of Are" 'Ole Oleaoa" .'! Cherry Valley" Vaudeville Vaudeville ViuikTlU. A. W.. Jortea. president of the r-i..v- - - "' Vnlon fnd 0fflcr-' w-ociation. Ing last night of the people', forum. iwiiHui! uia Buojeci, "rraqe Union .1 lum." h vuwA .-. k. . ... . i - - - uia.ury vi unionism l i .. in detail from lta aUrt la 1771 ttt-tho I ralifnrnin'at RamrraiAn U.. p-.--preaent day. He showed that th. d. VITOrn,a KepUtatlOn HaS Been t vantages .to toe employed had frown In , proportion with the strength or union . law. and argued that only through com . plete union among the working claaaea could their condition be bettered. The1 : informal discussion' following brought . ojit aome Interesting point. Mr. Jones .waa then oalled on to give hi Idea of the present strike at the fair ground, v He eald that workers eonaidered that , ' faith bad been broken, aa they had bees promised a closed shop, but the con -; tractors had carried on the work under ' me open snop system. ,.. . I John Fiacher, who recently filed a petition to be declared a . bankrupt, is charged by Fred' C. Lewis and A. ft. Thome of this county with' withholding a portion of his, assets from the state ment made to the court. In the objec tions filed - today,-these man say. that Fiacher wilfully failed to keep books of - accounts and record, or destroyed ih!. ? not " ""J?.."1 iS V" l ki .T . . . saiegea flUng the bankruptcy petition Fiacher made - large sum of. money, which la not accounted for at ail in the ' statement rendered. - The charge will be heard by Judge Bellinger. . . -. ' For hi prompt action and "courage : in preventing a disastrous wreck on Springwater hill ' recently, Motorman Robert Adam la the recipient of a $10 bill from the company, together with letter of acknowledgment. A runaway ; freight car. on the hill was met by an . ascending car ruled with passengers. Motor-nan Adama atuck io hi poat and. prom ply reversing the motor, auceeeded la nearly escaping with his car, While - the collision that waa Inevitable caused '. considerable damage, tt waa nothing in . comparison , to what - would . have hap . pened had Adam deserted' the car when . be saw tfa -danger ahead. . . . Rev. F.drar P. HllL r. IX. pastor of . the' First Presbyterian church of Port land, will address a union prayer meet-. ' ing at the Sell wood Presbyterian church, corner of Seventeenth . street and Spo- ,kane avenue, at I p. nv. this evening. Rev. J. E. Snyder will begin a series of special revival services at' Bell wood : Tuesday night in the Presbyterian church. ' All the churches of Sellwood wlH ' unite - In these meeting. Song service at T;0 - o'clock; ennon .t- cioc. : I It I. Mid that on May t the American 1 plan of serving meal at the Portland hotel Will be sriven tirv that tha Unrrinn " street dining-room w.rt be converted ic tne European plan, and that the hotel -Will i?S"JJ5 on that P'" exclusively in I u lure. The ad vane r br-ralx- - position season will be St per cent on rooms. There will be no advance in rates for meUv. i Many loggers along the lower Colum bia aay that the protracted dry weather .''is llkery to have the effect of curtailing very materially the lumber output of ' Oregon and Waahlngton. The water in the streams emptying Into the Columbia ' IS at such a low stag that it ia almost ' Impossible to float logs down them. The jBllfs in this city are fairly well supplied , with logs -and a lumber famine is not . likely to.occur... - . . .1 - -, " - The Pennsylvania society of Oregon will hold It regular meeting this even ing at the city luUL Flan for welcom ing the Pennsylvania commissioner will be discussed, reports and letter will be read regarding the exhibit of the Keystone State at the fair and other ! ' matters of Importance and Interest, wilf be presented.' , A special folder, half of which I de voted to the Lewi and Clark exposition. ' Is issued by the Denver eV Rio Orande Railroad company. It la illustrated with pictures of the railroad's route and the ' buildings of the fair. 'Dawn of a New Empire" Is the caption selected for the exposition reading matter. . , 'x 'i : At the Sunday dub in the T. M. C A. hall yesterday a short concert waa given by Coulter's orchestra, followed by a aong service. Miss Minnie Oliphant gave an Interesting talk on the subject of the "Prodigal Son." and H. W. Stone, secre tary of. the organisation, spoke onvthe Work of the club. .. . : Immigrants, Investors, capitalists. In vestigate tbe advantages offered along . the line of 4he Oregon Water Power .Railway company's road, and especially , at the terminal new town Estacada. For information Inquire of the Oregon Water . Power Townalte company, lit First street. Phone Main 21.' '"Albert Stuve of 'Berlin ia in Port land awaiting -the arrival of a large exhibit from the firm of R Hlrsch'Of Berlin, space for which he haa secured In the Foreign Exhibits building. ,2he exhibit (noludrs -atf sorts of leather goods for women snd men. , , ' Jaefc-Frost will be taken, into the 'police court tomorrow morning on a charge of assault and battery.. Bailiff Oolts has' been Instructed that whether he rtsv be warm or cold a roaring fire The Home of the Cuckoo l ; We import them I 4 xxmxOT noM . 'euuaAjrr. III O V B FsUOBS Show that w buy - them In large quantities and ' can aell them for much leas - than the other fellow. We V have a - large As above $8.60- a from- prices from $6.50 0 $3000 1 VAmiVOB oxooxs. In Black Wood or Iron Unam- - eU 1-day, from $6.0O tTF A good Eight-Day Kitchen . . Clock for 93.60 ,'" L. i . rt it ii t f 4 'If 0IXT OXOOsTS. Fsncy.Gllt Clocks of sll Kinds Just the thing for a present, good . timepieces, from. ... ,-..,.!. BO ITF W AM Keadqaarter fir All SUadg of '',,,. . - Clocks. . ' -. , - ; JAROG DROH. mriuu Am evncxAJra, t0 Vorrkeoa liren, less Fifth, ZiV IS OcC'J Great Number of -Letters Re- 1 ceived at Fair Headquarters Are From Sick People. DESIRE TO .COME HERE , THAT JHEY MAY RECOVER Gained, Not From-Merit; But By Advertising. Secretary Reed of the Lewi ajid Clark fair has estimated that 10 per cent of ine applicants lor positions at the ex position desire to com to Oregon for the benefit-of their health. It ia conclusive evidence, he fays, that Oregon ia finally coming into itn'aeaervea reputation aa a aeeun resort, j "jruuy xo per cent or the letter I re ceive asking for position at the fair ex press the desire of the author to com to Oregon in order to improve the con dition or tnelr neaJth," be said. "Indeed. I have been surprised at. the number who have given that reason for desiring to com to Oregon. - "All of n who have lived her any lengts or urn Know the value of Ore- mM to those who are Buffering. w mo' " agreeable aur prtM to learn that otheaa were beginning Oregon1 In .any aenae. Dut it ia known thmn-iinnt th. -mnj e-- sons to go to recuperate or to improve their heeJth. It i simply because var ious interest, together with the progres sive Interests of that state, have taken it on themselves to let the world know such thing. "People are just beginning to under stand the greatness of Oregon. must be built In the stove which best the courtroom. Detective Snow will serve the warrant, which was issued on complaint of Carl Heaae, who charges that Jack Frost struck him. Frost con duct a restaurant on Stark street be tween Sixth and Seventh streets. Hess says that ths trouble arose over bis effort to collect hi wages as cook, i . v " Lost Cooker . spaniel; female; . 4 months old; answers to the name of Bloaale; went eatra:- In City park Sun day; reward for ' her recovery. HI Flanders street, between Twentieth and Twenty-first - . t . Fred P. ' Hurst of Aurora ha filed a petition : to ; be declared a voluntary bankrupt -under the federal statute.- al leging that hi liabilities are approxi mately ts.00. while aaaets do not ex ceed $7.009.. - . ; ; , Vlavi Hyglenio .Home Treatment for 17'n!u!..0f ?" IV1 troa- Dies. aaay physician- in charge. - con sultation and examination' free. Office hours, a. m. torf p. m.j SS Lewis bldg. Tourists, a well a city people, finan cially embarrassed, will find the Port- naan- Office, feTfttrarrrer, the saf eat and moat reliable place to trans act their business. Rates reasonable. Steamer , Redondo sails Thursday at -p. m. ror Ban Francisco direct Cabin. 1Z; steenfge, I; meals and berth In henaded. C. H. Thompson Barents 12t 1 Third street r . ; , , , Arlon hall, Wednesday, March IS, grand entertainment and ball. Dancing until t o ciock. f roresaional talent Ad' mission. 25c. A good time assured. Restlessness of mind and body. is dne to a general nerve weakness. , C C C Tonic will cure jit . For sal by Knight Remove 1-l-Dr. W. O. Manion has re moved hi office from the Chambers building to suite 308-40 Failing build ing. . C C C. Tonio restores health -to ex hausted body and mind. , For sal by svnignt umi co. : Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar. AFRICAN ZION CHURCH REJOICES WITH CAUSE . The Von African Methodist Eplacopal church I rejoicing in the fact that the greater part of the church debt has been raised through the effort of their pastor. Rev. George K. Jackson, snd those of a number of the ministers of tbe city who have been deeply Interested In the religious wore among the con gregation. , Tbe debt has been of 11 years' standing,-and when Mr. Jackson came here from San Jose some four months ago, be put his heart and soul into the work of paying it off. . "That la my hobby," he says. "Rais ing church debts beats anything I ever tried." - And he Is certainly authorised - to speak when his record is considered. In San Jose, where he stayed four years. he raised a debt Of ll.tOO. and left the church unencumbered; and before that be raised debts In Mississippi and Mew York, and in all the pastorates na Das held.' - ; -. . Here he bas enlisted the help of a number or able workers, and an advlat- ory committee, consisting in part ' t Rev. Df. JT. B. Short, Rev. Dr. E. U. House, Rev. Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, Rev, Dr. B. B. Muckley, Rev. Dr. K. P. Hilt, H. W. fWone and Ben Belling, haa aa stated htm in securing , subscriptions. Last night Dr. Short attended the serv ices and personally fie and Mr. Jack' son went through the congregation so liciting money, and mow 'they are able to announce that $760 of the amount ha been raised. Mr. Jackson expect to have the "balance of SS60 in hand, this spring, and then there will .be a grand celebration and rejoicing.. . ;- . . Pure Paints and Oils. . F. B. Beach ac Co.. the pioneer paint company, agenta Benour floor paint, liquid veneer, lap-a-lao. Berry Bros.' yamlshes, black lack harness oil. Keel's enamel. New Kra paint, window and plate glass. lit First street. , Phone 1134.; ., . . TWA A FAMOTTS nan. George F.'BreslIn, a Portland man n-e-ased in the stock business in Skamania county, Washington, reached tha city this morning from Olympla. where he haa been attending the legislative ses sion. Mr. Breslln was sergeant-at-arms far the house of . representatives, and whs In close touch with the big senator ial struggle that was waged for three week, terminating In the election of Samuel Piles. He say the contest waa one of the most thrilling ever held In the capital, and commanded sore of the best party leaders . known td the state. Mr. Breslln states that Ska mania county and other south country sections were treated welt by the legis lature and have no complaint o make. 49x100 feet on south side of Glisan St between Sixth and Seventh; cement sidewalks; exeava ' tion for cellar ; fine hotel site, t ' v-'j; Apply to; v." B. M. LOMBARD . . t -. -.. . - . 514 Chamber of Commerce.- BUSY EAST SIDE CRIES FOR RELIEF Campaign for Fewer Bridge De lays During Busy Hours- ? Goes On. SITUATION BECOWING V'. .WORSE. SAY CITIZENS Complaint. Made That Boats of Tramp Class Cause the Chief -Trouble. C r If constant work and agitation can se cure fewer open bridge .during rush hours, the east aide will secure lta de sire, for the campaign ia being sys tematically 'and thoroughly carried on. Joseph fiuchtel. who is the chairman of ths commute representing . tbe East Side Improvement association, said this morning: , , . The condition haa aim ply become un bearable, and we are paat the oom plaint and aimless agitation stags. , W arc waiting to discover whether the county eoart bas authority to act, and If It haa not w will take the matter to Waahlng ton and keep at it until relief Is ob tained. -.',,:. . - The situation Is apparently aggravat ed sine w began our effort, by the river captain, who apparently . choose the rush hour In tha morning to transact their business. - This morning seven cars were held on the Morrison bridge for a boat with-three rafts of logs to pass. L66TtffiTdoH .rTtverrx-eould e the other bridges filled with waiting cars. and probably several thousand people were late to work because that chain or logs came through at the busy hour. "It Is not the deep-water craft we are, after, it la hot even the regular steamers that have certain hours or leaving and arriving, but It is the tramp 1100 tuba that wander up and down the river with their little spoonful loads, and apparent ly spend most - of their time dodging through the draws. They are like the wind they blow from nowhere and are headed for the same place; and to our minds they delay more traffic and cause more loss every day than their whole fleet will aver bring to tha city. . In brief, the leader say that 4MW people use the bridge each day. that It, 000 persons are delayed needlessly every . noun, ana inat me worm oi we w elation will not cease' until the condl Mod are bettered. BAB BO ADS BO UQBT. Only good fortune and keen sight has saved th Highland chemical wagon and crew from disaster on severs! recent oc casion. . Much of the district la un llrhted. and many of the street are in the formative stage, and stumps, oruan and deep hole may be met in unexpected place. A dash-light that would anow the road for at least 60 feet ahead might nrevent a wrecked chemical, and on sev eral occasions recently mere luck haa kept th running team - from plunging into excavations that hsd been made in the middle of th road when stump were removed, j .- .. . AIBOri CXJCABTBO XTF. . ' The Central Alblna board of trade will be aided in lta. efforts to Improve the district by the women or the suburn. The work of th women will be chiefly directed to the Improvement of the lawn, the cleaning of waste places and the planting of rosea and flowering shrubs. The boards committee on this work la J. M. Turner. A. R. Zeller, W. H. Payne and T. A. Goffa . k m ST. JO fcOYB rSAST. The 8t Johns Commercial club will on March t hold a love feast and ratifica tion. At that time the residents or tne town and their friends will celebrate the adoption of th new Charter ana to progress of th place by a banquet, which will also be the occasion of an ef fort to secure th co-operation of very faction in the city In booming ut. jonns. OBATX FBOK D1FBIB-SBIA. Th infant child of Andrew Hanson, of Fourteenth and Going streets, aiea last night of diphtheria. Efforts were mad to save th child Ufa by Inserting a sil ver tub In Its throat, but th relief cam oo lata It-Is not expected that other case will occur in th neighDornoou. A. Ct Berry of Newberg registered at the Imperial yesterday. - . - E. R. Watklns, of Cathlamet, Waah I a guest at th Imperial. J. T. Allen and W. U Robb of Astoria ere vuest at th Imperial. - C. E. Saunders, th prominent dairy man and merchant of Union,. 1 staying at the ImDerlal."'-"-'- A. J. Goodman of Pendleton is at ine TmneriaL Mrs. A. R. Vets, Miss Aama uaaer and N. A. Leach of Colfax, Wash., ar registered at the Perkins. - v . C T. Bates of Forest urov uiiih Perkins. Frank R. Bromley or ' uregon t;ity cam to tha city yesterdsy and was a gueC at the Perkin. J. F. Zeis of Corvallls reached Port land yesterday and registered" at the Bel vedere. C. A. Hartman, of Hoqulam. Wash., Is a gaeet at the Perkins, W. H. Jordan of Astoria is at the Bel vedere. -. - . H. E. Jones of McMinnvllle is staying at th Belvader. CZAS'SOESMi EAT OKI HAY British Ship Ivydene on Way for Cargo of Forage for the .Russians. will take grain at;. , ONE OF THE SOUND PORTS If Harrlman's Rates Were Not So High- a Whoile Cargo Would ; i Be Shipped From, Here. ' - The British steamer Ivydene will ar rive at Portland on or about April 1 to load a cargo of forage for Taingtau, China, to be supplied by Henry Mett of this city. Ths cargo will consist of oats and. baled hay, and is presumably for the Russian army. - i The steamer is now en route In ballast from Japan for the sound... at which place she' will take on the grain ship ment, although It will be supplied by the Portland man. As soon as the' oats are placed on board the steamer will . pro ceed to this port,' where the hay coc- algnmenuj Waiting for her. ,. The Ivydene la of 1. 441 ton gross register, but Is capable of handling 1,000 ton of forage, Th local agent say a ah will be supplied with a fuU cargo. The steamer 'waa built at Sunderland. Bngland. in 1101, and la equipped for th rapid handling of freight. Sh Is S40 feet long. 46,7 feettKAffl, and 24. teet oeptn. Those who are supposed to be In position to know declare there la . no doubt that . the . grain and hay to go out on her a well a the cargo with which th Raa Klba is being supplied oy nenry Mett will eventual lv be de livered to the Russian army if the Jap anese do not Intercept them.,' After be ing discharged at Taingtau an effort will be mad to take the freight up th coast in Chines junk to a point where it can be smuggled to the forces of the esar. - It is said to be the only plan by which the Ruaaians can hop to get supplies from the outside, as an effect ive blockade haa been established at the various ports which they control. II tbe Harrlmaa Una did not demand an exorbitant rate for transporting grain from Interior point to tidewater the local shippers aay that many more tramp steamer would com to Portland to load for Japan.- Because of the high tariff on th railroad leading to Port land th principal part of th traffic ha been diverted to.Puget sound, aa the Great Northern and "Northern Pacific have made special rates for hauling the cereal from the east, sailing: SHIPS BARREDTT OovacBSMBt Desired t Bead Lnmber to .' the Fhnippia a gteamsis. Sailing vessels for the transportation of lumber to Manila ar not wanted by tne government. - i This matter was made clear this morn Ing by a telegram which Capt. Jesee M. Haaer, local disbursing quartermaster, received from . Quartermaster-General Humphrey, who stated that he would de cline the offer mad by James LsUdlaw A Co. . to transport government lumber from this port to Manila in th American schooner Echo and Marconi. It la pre. umed by this that th department anxious to get th material to th Phil ipptnes as quickly as possible. - Th lumber awaiting shipment com prises 1.200.000 feet, which is now at the Portland mill. Frank Waterhouse A Co. agreed to transport th cargo with th British steamship Dumbarton' for lit, 600. The; bid of the Glob Navigation company of Seattle waa 110 a thousand feat, tS0 less than th other. . As these were th only bid received, not includ Ing those of schooner-owners, it lis prob able that ' one of them will soon be awarded the contract. ' DOUBLE LAUNCHING. for - ith Water Again. There will' probably be a double launching at the Joseph Paquet ship yards tomorrow arternoon, wnen in in tl steamer Jessl Harktna and Oazell will be slid off the wsys into th Wll lamette river. They are practically new boats. Th Harklna waa built by hob- ford Bros., of the Washougal A Camas Transportation company. last summer and operated for a short time between Portland' and Vancouver. Fin' ally It was decided to give ber additional lenrth and eaulo her wun more power' ful machinery, and the work on th craft haa now been comoleted. It I tne in' tentlon of th company to place her back on the Vancouver route, although this . Seo Pally Ada, for Bargalas. TUESDAY ONLY, AT COVELVS A good Ash Sideboard, with heavy rrencn plat, glass, worth 118.60. , now , . r. 7777 . S14-00 And other pattern worth 120, now $15700 A Quarter Sawed Polished Oak Slde- board, with .".nlahed beveled glass worth lit, now..,......... $05.00 Another style handsomely carved - worth 1 16, now. $1700 SI DownSt a Week Bays many useful article' here. FAT AS TOO CAB, fcOsTO OBXBXT. COVELL'S lM-iM FtmsT nr. Fersaerly Bew Tr Famivhre Co, Tk rlao to Bar Tear Faraitare.. " TiVt 1 ' ' t 1 ODD ABB 1F t j gT 'L BBDB. Or" A fSe" VMM AT We Cat out th - Coupon, bring It with you to our store, and wo will credit yoa with 91.00 on ' the purchase price of a'new ". Vv. . JEWEL. STEEL RANGE In addition, to this liberal offer we will take your old stove or rang as part pay ment oh th new -one you' purchas. . 1 . '...' $1.00 a Week Bring the Coupon Are you satisfied with the stove or range you are now using? If you are not, let us provide ydirwith a new JEWEL STEEL RANGE. Here are three of the many good reasons why Mat JEWEL STEEL RANGE is the best that '.'"' '", "J-'.' , v .-t money, can buy: ;; t ; ):vi-v:-'r''ry ' t.;'. Fuel Saving A very important item, where fuel is costly. 7! Quick Baking Aquali which will appeal to every housewife. Everlasting anteed for The Store That Saves e may not be don for severs! weeka - The Oasell was also built by Hosford Broa for Key A McLean, of t Grand. Or., who will operate ber In the harbor -dur ing th fair. . ' , ALONG THE WATERFRONT.' Until the steamer Dalle City la ready to be placed 'in commission, tha Regu lator line will operate the M. F. Hender son between Portland and Th Dalle In connection-with th Regulator. ' With this arrangement in force, th company will again be in a position to maintain adallv steamr service between this city and the towns on th upper Cotum bia. Th Henderson will go out on her first trip tomorrow morning, and th Regulator th following day. Th Hen derson ia owned by th Shaver Trans portation company. .. Th British ship rytnomen moved this morning from Columbia No. 1 to tha Paclflo coal-bunkers, where ah Will discharge a consignment of coke. Laden with 440,000 feet of lumber, supplied by th Inman-Poulaen mill, the schooner Beulah left this morning for San Francisco. Almost a day late tha ateamer St Paul aalled for San Francisco thl morning. Tha work of discharging her Inward cararo Waa not completed until yesterday A contract for making repairs to tne bulwarks of the British ship Lonsdale Waa awarded thla morning to th Port land ShlDbulldlng company, and work will be started at once. ' F. Ensor. an apprentice on the Brit lah shin Dumfriesshire, waa taken to Good Samaritan hospital thla morning, suffering from an injury to bia leg. j MARINE NOTES. -I Astoria,' March IS. Left up at a.m. Schooner G. W. Watson and barkentlne Katie Fllcktnger. Arrived down tt I L m. Steamer St. Paul. San Francisco, March-li. Salted at 11: JO a. m. Steamer Columbia for Port land. - - ' Astoria, March II. Arrived at 4 a. m. and sailed at 2:30 p. m. Steamer F. A. Kllbura for San Francisco and coast ports. Arrived down at S a. m. and sailed at 11:45 a m. -Schooner Oakland for San Francisco. Arrived down at I m. and. sailed st 1:4S p. m. Schooner Irene for San Pedro. Sailed at p. m. Steamer Rosecran for San Francisco. Arrived at p. m. Barkentlne Katie Fllcktnger from San Franclaco. Arrived down at 1:10 p. m. Schooner Andy Ma- hony. ' v.' . ; ' 77. San Francisco. Marcn 11. nauea 11 o'clock last night Steamer Nome City for Portland. ' IDOIBO fcOOXS looking like a new vessel on her maiden trip, th steamer Redondo ar rived yesterday from th Bay City by way of Eureka with a general cargo and a full passenger list. She came off th way a few day ago at Han rranciaco. where she waa given a thorough over hauling. . In addition to having her ma chinery touched up a bit. th craft waa renovated from stem to stern. Th RedondO la scheduled to leave the Greenwich dock Thursday evening at o'clock with wheat and lumber. FaMsTI.ST'S ILATnrCX. A. W. Passhley, assistant librarian at the Multnomah County Law library, la building a 10-foot torpedo stem launch. It will be on f th faateat, salest and roomiest pleasurwtboata of th 30-foO' class in local waters. . , .1 , its. the cold: If It hasn't already developed Into eonsumptlon Dr. Wood jsorway Pin Vyrup will cur lt- ; - - ' ' 1 " 1 ' i I Powers Furniture Co. 1 t Pay like Mrs The Jewel is guar 15 years. You Money First AMUsVKMJsTTS. DAKER THEATRE TDM sad TlrahlU sts.. Keating A fton. Mas- - agera. inrt vaaoeviii. hmh la FRANK HAUL. Uoa-TanMr. MANNONKK AND WILMON. BoaiMHON AND TRKNAalAN. ' THM BIRDKIJA 'TBXiniM AND DAN I .: . JKAN WTIJ)N. TUB BIOURAl'H. Admtaptea, Snwnatalni, ate; patalrs, 10e. I'ei luaiaw. at USD, T 30 ss .u . STORM SIGNALS IP ALL ALONG COAST Forecaster Promises Considera ble Wind and Everybody -Prays for Rain. Storm warnings have been 'placed at all th porta along th coast in this dls trtct, Th wind I heavieat in th vl cinlty of Juan ' de Fuca strait, but Is working south. It waa CI miles an hour at Tatoosh Island this morning, snd 40 mllea at lorth Head. Th local official forecaster doe not believe it will attain a much greater velocity. The Columbia river bar doe not appear to d arrectea by the atorms, as It Is reported to be smooth. Unsettled weather. It is predicted, will continue for-the next It hours. ; Fre quent rain ar expected, and it 1 prob- sble they will be accompanied by high wind. Th rainfall yesterday waa only 01 of an Inch hardly . sufficient to ay the duat The WUliamette river at Portland haa fallen 1.4 feet during the last It hours, and Is. now standing at 1.1 feet above low water mark. Steam boat men report -hat the tributaries of the Willamette and Columbia ar one more becoming unnavlgable. It I de clared to be th "freakiest" year, so far weather la concerned, in the recollec tion of the oldest Inhabitant. Almost Invariably at thla time of year th river have been-at. a fin boating stage. In which condition they remained until 1st in th fall. Builds un the system, nuts our, rich blood In the veins; makes men and wo men strong and healthy Burdock Blood Miters. At any drug store. ' Fref erred Stock Caaaed ooda. - Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Before ordering Window Screens for your home see ;.' the new , .. Automatic Roller ...... t ' Window Screen and I am sure you will have no other. Latest thing Out. At The Muck Hardware Co., Second V and Morrison. - - W. J. Ceo!: ;.J 'o , vv S- " eteeevv4-4 Doll This Coupon 1 worth' A first payment on a new JEWEL STEEL RANGE If presented at our tor on prbefor March 26. ; - y POWERS FURNITUKE CO. ' First aad Taylor. Rememher Our Couponas First ;,Pay ment; ' ::v.--V then"- $si.oo a Week After- .: -.wards. and Tay lor StS, AMOMMMMm. COLUMBIA THEATRE reartsenta aad Washington Its. . ' : , A. H. BAIXAJU), Lssas aad Maaagsr. " WBK'S PBODUCnON. OPBNnfO TOMIQHT, - Ob f tbe greatest migto ... orassaa tt the ss. JOAIN OP ARC? BslaadMly presented , by th aara UMSpaay, Ms Us tatarday aad Sasdsy. SO. Ue. Matrse.. SB, 18, Me Evealsg at a MatUM at A Dswntnwa box etBea. Dolly Tardea Casdy oo. s aurrtaoa: eeea ail ear: as net it 1IA ft IkMtM - - W.Ib an - I KKXT WkMC. "THXXKA." WlDTtlllU OBAVO '. T. Fsagle, Bas. Xgs, Faase atom aaT, BltBtVUAlli, XKZAXmi Toolrfct. Teeaday sad Wsdneaoay- Klgkta, Special-Price Metine. Wednesday, : Klrke La Hhellc en m nti ' XAVsVAJrCB S'OBAAT . ' - IN : ; .nra babx of vAWTtjenr." '. A ebarailng seriety eoeMdy. Branlng trim Uwrer Bmar, 11.00. tl. Bab ar. tl. T5e. SOe. UaUarr. Jbe. ata. 1mm sad lose, fio. - Hperlai matinee prlfia Lawet Soar, ft, TBe. Bsloiay, TV. Awe. Oaltery. e. .ISe. xuis how niuajnu. ATTDZTELLX fATOmiTn. STAR THEATRE wxzx BEOtsmna tod at, ; . . . TWO BKOTUKKA Bt'NTS. ' ," '' MB. AND alKS. HI H KMMglT, MI'STARO AND COOK. MAtllB . - .. . LL0TO HPKNCBK. IN Kg BOOTC, , , ROHCOB ARBt'CKLB. K0I8ON PBOJBTOH OP. Prices ea aad after today. Mara 11 Tea. less. lOe. BDr asd Xfte. - Matlaeea. .xreot Ban dar, and holidays. 10r. Wedsesday shews. S sa., T:ao p. Bk' an p. au - - EMPIRE THEATRE XZiJ! ftrder testa by phone Mala 11T. Two rrowded sonsas yeatetday. ". TONIQIIT ASP A1J, THIS WKBK. MATINRB BATTBDAT. The Hwedlab Plaleet Cenediaa, . ; .. BHN HBNDMCKaV , : ,-. . Prlees. We, Xe. S8e. IWe. sratieee. Mr, llle. BBe. Heat we., -nm sioaaanisia- a vaosam. TH1 BIJfB FOB MPBI QfiAND TRTBTWARf TBOHPB. ' Horal Japaneee AerAhSts. . rRAWCBHCA BKDIHNO t'O.. Uetra. . TH OHaVAT CAKi.KKX. Iaipeeaiiaalar. TUB DK8MOND Tttio. rare. DM fOB, Balaatw. AKDRBWg A NO rtKI.D, Swedish Dm, MB. A1 BONNRH. New BOtt. ' ' THB ORANIUSCOPE. Prleee Kvealnas. Utr. MM, 'At. Matlaeea, rent Basdays snd BoUaaysr 0a m.. -.,, . . THE LYRIC THE A TRE BYXNTH AND AUBB gTBglTB, Beery Aftereeoa asd IreaJas. GREAT PRODUCTION OP TUB rOCsVACT BUBAL COHUII-UUABA, 1 "IN CHERRY VALLEY' BpeetalOes Between Aet. ParfutssiBees st 130, T sad IS 9. m. Vasal arlee el aaasiaiaB, iv eaeia. HEREAFTED. a BMmarkakl tedmetleei C V aaved fseaa DaaWe Saaerxa, row , CTjrrsrjeuj nzzzii V- aa. aaa T e 11. p. r- baaarial Mal Bid. A' 1 v . , siasiaa CONCKBT I 1 i.-l " ar 1 I' -