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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY : EVENING. MARCH 13. 18C3. iCOAT OF TAR AND FEATHERS A Still Further Reduction in the Price of .n" FOR FREE METHODIST EXHORTER ,i On Account of Elevator Being Demolished We Ssi VQ You PIANOS I v.v -"Hi t .Shocking Treatment at v Coldendale of E. E C Cawood of Portland;: ; TOLD TO DEPART ON PAIN V v. OF DEATH BY LYNCHING tured From Friend's House by f Angry People Who Strip and ' Coat Him, But Pluckily ? Returns xand Preaches. v." Goldendaje, ' Wash, " March II. K. E. ) Cawood, an evaiurellat of tha Free Kethv ', !edit churtjb. was- called from tha real ' -denoe of L Hlnahaw, at T o'clock last Fnlsht. aelad. escorted to a bridge oyer ,'the Wltokttat rover, tarred and feathcredM 'and. oo penalty of death, ordered to ''leave town. With the aid of friends tha '.minister removed tha coating and con Vdueted regular evening services at tha IKree Methodist church at thia place. He ..will Ignore tha threats with reference ' 'to hie .leaving- tha town. , . "mr-ttmlnTSfeMni Hhaeoarr-Ur and -feathers, member! of tha mob an nounced that the nlnlater muat leave the town. Death br lynching waa tha ' penalty that waa threatened tn caae he failed o b'y. - The mob dtaperaed lm fsnadlately after completing" ita work, land tha preacher waa lefj alone on the .bridge, v '-. . -',' It waa only few minutes later that a, crowd of hla frienae; arrived ana as .lated .him In removing tha tar . and -feather. - None at the mob wore masks, " and none attempted to conceal hla Identity.'- it "to estimated that there7 war iH men and boya In the .crowd when It eached the' bridge; only a doxen- or ao .called at the residence and seised tne ' preacher. '' ' "" -. Intenae ' excitement' ' haa been caueed -by tha affair. Many of the moat promt nent citizens are. said to , have taken part la tha assault on tha mlnlater. Sev eral wool an who have bean! attending the .services bare become almost frenxled aa a result ef the exhortations ef tha - preacher. . ' fi . i "K. B.' Cawood; . who wag tarred and feathered at Goldeodale, Wash last , night Ha at 108)' Belmont street. Sunhyside, this city. He la an evangel 1st of tha Pre Methodist; church and has never been a follower of tha Holy Rollers. - la his duties as an evangelist he visits various cltlee and towns thro us boat lha northwest, and conduct services. . Hla. wife , did net accompany him oa Ih'la lrip. - - "7'wuod practiced1 dentistry In this city Until three and a hair years ago ca- with offlcea. la the Hamilton building, Third - street, between Washington nd Aldsr-etrasta. ..NJne.yaari ago ha was aoarried to Miss Kate, Welch, a daugh ter of Dr. John Welch, East Sixteenth street, one of tha oldest and most prom inent dentists In the northwest .. . EASTERN ROAD'S TERUINUS UERE "- i A"" '' ' ''!' -. . .. -- ' ' " ' ' , ...... .. . 'f't'J r- Chicago, Milwauicee A St. Paul : Will Begin at Once Laying .' ' " Tracks 'Westward. ,:'. : RESULT OF DECISION IN SECURITIES CASE Work Begins at .Chamberlain, ) S. DM and Will Be Pushed " Rapidly to theCoast."L. It Is reported from Chamberlain. 8. D . ' tha present western terminus of tha Chl ' eago. Milwaukee t BL Paul road, that . tha order has been Issued from Praal- ' dent 'Barling to begin construction of v J0 miles or road toward tha Paclfle , " coast, and that a number of large gangs of graders will be at work within a few . . days on the right of .way, surveys of which have been completed for some . time. i '"This move- has been dally expected Since franchises were secured by tha company for crossing the Missouri river : at Chamberlain, as reported several ; weeks ago, by The Journal. The Mil--'.wsnkee'a action la said to result directly - from the final decision given last week by the V'nlted States supreme court In - - the Northern Securities case. Up to that time tha Rockefeller Intereeta, which are . , behind the Milwaukee road, had hoped 1 that the decision would go to Harrlman, ' In which event they would be able to -. make an alignment with the Northern .Pacific in which the Milwaukee and shu-UngtoA would share . on terms of equality tha Immense freight and 'pas ' senger traffic that la expected to origin- ata In the Paclflo northwest terrRory. In - r . the next decade. But the decision has placed the entire northwest country in : too hands of Hill, and the Oreat North-- -era and Its associated roads now abao - lutely control the situation. While it has long beea the Intention f those In oontrol of tha Milwaukee to build to Portland and tha sound, plans might have laid 'la abeyance some years mora had the merger decision beea dif ferent .. ' No time la to 1e lost by President 'Marling In reaching tba Paclfle. Ills ar--rangeateata ere much further along than onset people would have believed. . He has been working several years to per feet arrangements for this movt. The 1 reuta Is already practically settled upon for tha entire distance, and It contem plates Portland for ths Paclflo coast tr- CASTOR I A ' Tor Iafaat and CUIdrta. V Tli Kfci Yea Hsu AlsiiJ E::jht Baart U Cssatareof '' v . ' " : ' . BsnmBnv?BnjT ej. jr3Sasawjy vyff-geyeae. hersa(seesBqsBaiyv,-N -as -stAfwwBj?gjHBptt 4, " . m N - : . Ik - ' I s1 . - " . - 1 r - ' '''St?-!' -X : :v r .' I , ' .''"I j .. . -i...- r . k.' -V. : f. ' '" ' ' J i '(,.: - if. a: Z: i "i : t !(: ' ' !-' ' , i ;. -"--if-i : ?stt - t . ' ' - ( . ; y ... . , ; - l Cawood Is a, graduate of Fhlladel phla dental oollega.- He was bora la Martoa county, this state, St years ago. At a series of revival services held at theY. M- C A. four years ago ha be came deeply Intereated in religious af faire, and began regular attendance : at Church meetings. Soon! he-began to speak at tha meetings and finally aban doned tha practice of his profesalon-and devoted his time to religious matters. . t Ha became an ardent follower of the Free Metbodlat branch of the Methodist Episcopal church. Its followers are said to practice violent demonstrations of rellsloua' conversion, and Cawood was raoognlaedas n of the most sealoua t Lest winter "he-ronflurted" a sertes-ot of the faith. m Metises sr the Wood la vm church, this city, and haa preached in-nearly ell the cities and .towns ef Oregon and Wash Ihgton. '' -While ' I want - It -distlncUy trader-, stood that I. don't- believe In such doc trines as ho preached. I am convinced mlnal for the mam line. The sound will be an Important factor, and branch lines will tap Taooma, Seattle and Belllng ham. It Is ald tha northerly terminal, and one of the moat Important from a freight consideration, wil be at Bel lingham. A. W. McKenna, assistant to President Earling, -who was In Portland recently.' also visited the sound cities, and made a careful examination of Bel llngham with a view to terminal facil ities. It la said be was vary favorably Impressed there. . ' , The route of the Milwaukee from Chamberlain will be via- the Black Hills, to which point ths road will be com pleted sthls year. , From, there It' will puah on to, Butte, and from that point It will seek the shortest possible way through the mountains to the valley of the Snake river. Thla route will un doubtedly be through the Ixlo pass and down, to the north fork of the Clear water, thence on a water grade follow ing the Snake and Columbia rivers' to Portland. - , . BILL BAILEY WANTED BY WEEPING MOTHER r"Blll Baileys' relatives want him -to come home, and on Chief of Police Hunt has fallen tbs task of locating him. Aa "Bill" didn't even leave a fine toothed comb behind as a clue., some Sherlock Holmes work will have to be dona to discover his whereabouts. Joe Day will probably be detailed on the case,' with the idea of bringing tba afowsald William Into the fold. - Attorney A. King Wilson called on Chief Hant this morning and naked him to locate "BUI." His parents live In Alleghany county, Maryland, and the real name of tha missing man Is Mell McKentyu H enltated In . the . United State army under the name of -"Bill Bailey," at the . time that air was In the heyday of ita popularity. After bein dlacharged from service In Alaaka he went to Carlton, Tarohtll county, and while .intoxicated . crawl! throueh a window Into a residence. He was convicted of burglary and sentenced to serve a year In -the Salem peni tentiary. HlaVterm expired March t. His parents will send him enough money to take him home. . MAY USB CRUSHED ROCK ON STREETS OF DALLAS ' (HpwUI DUpatra to The JoorssU Dallaa, Or, March 1. The Dallaa city officials are considering the making of crushed rock atreeta this summer tn place of the gravel. The city council men and mayor took a trip to Salem and Marlon -county Saturday to look at that (county's -roede -- prepared with - the crushed .rock and to look into tne ex pense of the tame. The officers were highly pleased with Marion'e roads and from the outlook Dal laa will probably have a rock crusher la operation In the near future. Thla "project will be only for city atreeta unless Polk county takes the matter up. The city officers express their belief that by Installing a rock cruaher and us ing tha rock It will be much) cheaper In the long run and tha -city will have as good streets as, any -of the.) Willamette valley towns, y . ' According to tha derlalon of a New York , Judge, the government will have tn refund IS, 000,000 to the sugar trust rnde Sam. has no chance whenever be eome la convict with tha sugar trust ts. - ..,7.r,J. W,,.M.. that be was sincere In It and think h waa treated unjustly," said Pr, Welch, his father-in-law. "He quit a good prac tice hers to become a FYee Methodist . "He waa never a Holy Boiler, .but even at that I never approved of hla con duct But be was simply doing inv rather obscure way . what men of na tional renown are doing in big cburchea. BeceoUy, whan . I was in Los Angeles, there 'was a lot bf 'famous preachers whooping It up' in a big way just as he was doing In his way. They would yell and about and the preachers had so much Influence over tnelr audiences that every once In -a while you would sea men or woman drop as If they had been shot "Ones. I went to hear Cawood preach in ' Wood lawn. They came around to ms. and wanted ma to stand up or go forward or do something like that - I just told them to go along "whooping it up,' and not mind me. There were plenty of others they could work on,"- TOO MUCH WORK FOR VERY SHALL FORCE Sheriffs Demand lot Two Dep uties Has Not Been, Granted by the County Court. POLITICS MAY BE AT THE . BOTTOM OF REFUSAL Word Says Increase of Business Makes More Help a Mat ' ; ter of Necessity. Sheriff "Word's request for two addi tional deputies has been before the county court for some time, but the sheriff has not yet secured consent to their, appointment Tha application la based on the Increase of bualneas from natural growth In population and tha disposition of criminals to gather , in Portland in anticipation of the Lewis and Clark exposition. "I have the same number of deputies that aerved under former aheriffa, not counting those In the tax collection de partment," said Sheriff-Word todar. "Almost any pns will concede that the demand on my'.Offlce are heavier now than ever before. . Buatneis is Increas ing rapidly. - My men are working day and night and we never refuse to serve pa per promptly, even though at times, when they are sent in from tba Justice courts, It rests In my discretion to ac cept them or refuae. I have been In formed .that my requeat for 'two addi tional deputies has been deferred again. If it be refused Anally, I shall believe the refusal is prompted by political con ideratlona. From the Business point of view, I believe no one can maintain the position that the legitimate demand warrant giving me the twl men for whom' I have asked." ' The sheriff cites the economy that has been practiced In ths tax collection department as evidence . that ha Is aot asking for more deputies for other than business reasons. He states that he has SO men now In the busy season. Instead of St formerly employed that on the first Monday in April he will discharge all excepting 8. instead of retaining !5 throughout April and May; that hla men are not drawing the. t&O to $80 a month, extra thet waa paid to soma of the tax department .deputies under former ad ministrations, and that be does not keep one or two men until midnight to bal ance the ranh book. ' Dr. B. E. WRIGHT The Seleatlf ! Beathrt that re lieves all pain la dental , operattona, 943', Waaklngtea V, ''' ' : i - . V As already' stated, our elevator being put out of commission on account , of the Iewli and Clark Corporation's safe craebtng through It and as tbey are responsible for all damagaa and necessary expense till same Is put In working order again, and aa we have received several oars of pianos since and have no plaea to store them, wa have concluded to . make a still further reduction from our profit-sharing price, la which the manufacturers join us. In sharing the profit with you. In order to dispose of 1,600 pianos, snd which in itself presents the greatest oppor tunity to secure a Hlgh-Orade Piano at small coat ever presented here, -and with this extra inducement you can now buy a piano at a prioa that la not likely to ever occur again In Portland. This last Inducement . is for only a few days, or until the elevator Is In working order again; -so if you need a piano and want snore for your money than you can poe- ' slbly ever obtain again, you want to see us at once. Remember, all are sold on our easy-payment plan of . t, 1 1. tlO and 111 per month. You may think a piano at $186 la too cheap to be good, but at any other time or place you would pay Just 0 .for it AU others In, proportion. ALLEN & GILBERT-RAHAKER CO. oo: fcxxTX REVIVAL SPIRIT ALREADY IN THE AIR Ministers Prepare for Series oflci , . Services to Be Held by ? -DrV Chapman. . ALLTHE CHURCHES WILL- FLY FLAGS NEXT WEEK House to House Canvass and . Everybody Will Be Invited : to Attend Meetings. v. ' ; AU the churches In towa will fly hugs banners next week, announcing that tbey co-operate In tba general evangelistic movement Boms 10 churches are In cluded, and each will stats with what church it unites. ' ' At ths meeting of ths Ministerial -union this morning ths "assignments of ministers to churches war made aa fol lows: ' -. - Rerv.. J. "Wilbur Chapman First Pres byterian district; Rev, Henry Ostrom, First Congregational district; Rev. W. E. Blederwolff. Taylor Street M. E. dis trict: Rev. John H. Elliott Bast Portland Central district; Rev. W. H. Stough, Ste vens' addition; Rev. R, A. Walton, Sun nyslde; Rev. 8. 8. Toy, South Portland; Rev. J. E. Snyder, Men's Resort Ths preparatory work will be dona thoroughly, and an effort will be made to leave an Invitation at every houae In town. Rev. A. D. Soper, Rev. H. C Shaffer and Rev. W. S. Gilbert were ap pointed a canvassing committee to as algn the various homes to their districts prior to ths distributor work of an other committee. - : .... . Methods of raising money for tha ex panses of . ths evangelists wars eonsld- -I' ..' II Fred Butler. red, and the ministers decided to col lect It this week as far as po"lble, ao as to have financial matters out of the way to leave room for spiritual prepara tion alone.' Some will present the ques tion to their congregations Sunday, but more will put the matter in the hands of a finance : -committee - for. personal subscription! thla week. ", Current ex penses during the campaign will be met by collectlone. . Much enthusiasm is shown by the miniiters, snd all are eager for the cam paign. A letter from Dr. Dixon, In Ash land, was spnken of, telling that 200 con versions had already taken place, mostly among the young people, and the meet ings will proceed there another week. Those who attend the revival meetings which J. Wilbur Chapman is to. begin In Portland, March 12, will hear one of the most celebrated bassoa of the country, Fred Butler, who formerly waa a mem ber of the Bontonlan opera company. Al though only 21 years old. ha waa con ceded to have before him a great future a aa opera-alnger. He gained distinc tion with the Bos ton la ns. but sang with other companies, and also did consider able concert work. Some of ths other alngerw who are (o corns -to Portland with the Chapman corps are choir lead ers, and all are men of standing la the musical profession. Mr. Butler was trained for a career on the ataga, and expected to devote his life to It A few years ago he was convert ed to a belief In Christianity, and at once gave up the atage, resolving to. lend hla art to the furtherance of the cause of Christianity. . Ha sings with the revival ists at much financial loss, having per sistently refused offers of large salaries from managers of opera companies a I nee abandoning the stage. Mr. Butler atngs at the meetings con ducted In person by Dr. Chapman, and seldom appears excepting in company with tha leader of the revivals. , ,1 Fteartsd meek Oaaned Oooaa. : Allen Lewis' Best Brand. - 7 ; -v ..:. Jr xoamxso& STATE'S PROGRESS 03JECT OF UEETIftG ties and Towna-JUs-Naming Delegates to Convention of . Development League. PLANS BE CARRIED XUT4-r WITH GREAT ENTHUSIASM Lebanon and Hood River Report Names of People Se ., lected by Them. Largs : delegations are being named by various communities that desire rep resentatives at ths. Oregon Development league convention .in Portland April 4 and . It la said the naming of these men is not la any Instance a mere for mality, but that tha delegations will be bere,' enthusiastic and ready to take up plana and work to carry out tha purposes of tha league. .., "We bad a large ! and -enthusiastic meeting, and It was decided that the board should attend tha convention in a body," writes President Samuel M. Oar land of the Lebanon board of trade. The Lebanon list Includes 8. M. Garland. Oeorge Crueon & P. Bach, B. X Mlllaap, P. M. Scroggln, M. A. MUler, B. Burten shaw.'H, O. Everett. Oeorge Buhl, H. M. Holbrook. C. ,T. Turner, O. L. - Allen. Joe Mayer, C. B. Montague, editor the Criterion, editor the Express-Advance, Albert Crandall. J. K Drucks, Dr. J. C. Booth, W. O. McAllister. President EL, I Smith has forwarded a Hat of delegates who will represent Hood River, valley.. They .'are: B. H. 8hepard.;W. H. Kcclea, Leslie Butler, C R. Bone, A. B. Blowers, J. R. Nickel sen. J. L. farter. W. a Orlbble. F. A. Cram, 3: L. Henderson, J. F. Batchel der, R. E, Harbison,' O. R. Castner, 8. T, Fonts. A.' A. Jsyne, A. C 8teten, Roswell Shelley, W. J. Baker, O..E. Williams, Frank "Davenport O. VanderbUt B. E. Bartmesa), 1. A, Wilson. C D. Thompson, William Kennedy. L. K. Marae, H. F. Davidson, C EL Markham, E. N. Blythe. A. I. Mason, C L. Gilbert T. A. Reavls. A. D. Moe, Murray Kay. J. P. Watt O. D. Woodworth. N C Evans and David Bears. J. C Cooper secretary of ths Newberg board of trade, has advised Secretary Richardson that a county league meet ing will be held at Newberg Saturday, March It. and also mentions ths fact that hs will speak at ths valley conven tion to be held In Salem oa March It. . EVACUATE TIE PASS (Continued from Page One.) raised and ths forces tn ths far oast will be reorganised, and that Vics-Admlral Rojestvtnaky will be ordered to give bat tle to Togo.! Ths Russian publlo Is still Ignorant of the reverses In Manchuria. No reports giving the magnitude of the disaster are allowed to be printed. . Kuropatkln has telegraphed the esar, assuming the responsibility for the de feat and requesting to be relieved of his command, alleging that hs Is In urgent need of physical and mental rest There la no doubt but hla resignation will be accepted, although It will be difficult to find a capable successo. Kuropatkln is the Idol -ef his army, and hla removal will undoubtedly increase the disaffec tion among ths troops. It Is believed that after a few days which are required for reet and reor ganisation ths Japanese wlU compel Ku ropatkln to Ight another battle at Tie Pssa. 1 -' --. - RIOTS IN RUSSIA. . Maba n lasers ed by Ttuuse Ocasaik Of' rioer is tspersa. .. " . (Jaanal Special gerrles.) 1 1 A d(anath to the Central News from 8t PeUrfeburg sUtes that se verai -anoounw wrainr m wv streets yesterday between the police and .t. a MMiMAf ef aoldlera were W ,,uyin . w , , " ordered out to asalet ths police, but tha moo was aisperwea wunoui .u.uio News his reached Bt Petersburg of tha attempted assassination of ths chief of police of Minsk. A shot was fired at the official, but he escaped. - A Cosssck officer Is reported assas sinated at Kremantlchug. SQUADRON AT- NOSSIBE oaat i aaakys aquadroa off Kadagas ear BrtOlaff Sighs' and pr. - (Jooraat BpeeUl Aervtce.) Port Louis. Island of Mauritius. March It. The steamer Oxus reports that Ro jestveneky's Baltic squadron was still at Nosstbe, an Island off the northwest coast of Madagascar, oa March 4. It was understood ths squadron -would re main there until the end of April. Crews of the ships are drilling night and day and engage tn frequent target practice. There is no - confirmation of the re port that Russia has bought an Island la Indian ocean for use as a naval base. , . BBB)aaaBnBeasBMaaKaai " GRAND DUKE'S INSULT. Bmdaly Of ends Members ef the Academy ef Seleaee, Who Promptly Bsslga. ( t (JexrMl special Service.) V Petersburg, March II. The Grand ruki Constantino, preeldent sf the Academy, ef Science, recently. Insulted ' ws van OAJTASZAjr v oiu vob Ajra Daxxm ooosa o 25c BMsM 25e Sanitary Duster AM MOBS BTnUaXJI Ta FBA' The Chief of the Atlanta (Georgia) Firs Department says: The Phoenix Sanitary Duater is the most economical Duster we have ever used, and at ths asms time does ths work better than a feather duster." rj-rtThe-Ptioenlx I y 7 j Alcohol Gas Stove T7SE8 LXS8 ALCOHOL PERFECT COMBUSTION. rl U- v Our Price 69c . FREE DEVELOPING All Wlnia hn vhf mt ibnv nAM Will be developed free of charge from; now untujAprti J.-T-; ;;-" . ' We carry verytkias' in ths rho-L togTapbio lias, .;. . ,s"'..-v : ran jBCwrrmi Pyrographic , fTAZSS. OLOSJ, POnTTS. BTO AT POPCTLAB PBZOBS. ' 2.25 92.50 93.00 ,3.5Q 94-50 95.0O ABl) f6.00 m Ot. Shins to Burn In All Colors ' 05 75 AJTB 91.00 BACK. .,' . . -:-' y Flower Seeds of A II Kinds . 4 9 124 ABB 1 JPBB PACBAOB. - , .. ; ; rs in Bistribatlag Agasts for BaAaats Oelebrated Bfleroba 'UOan' Snd lot Book oa Microbes. Woodard, Clarke dc Col Fourth and Washington Streets In a rude manner 14, members of the academy, who signed a protest against the present regime. Two of ths mem bes have resigned as a result of his acVi and other resignations ere- ex pected. . .- . ' - ' . V - ' - , BURGLARS RAIDED ; CITY t AST NIGHT (Continued from Page One.) .' apathy shown by ths police department It is reported that ths officers sent to Investigate the Oaggett and Walling burglaries saw three suspicious looking men prowling around the Vicinity and did not arrest them. ..There - are now nine detectives "at tached -to the force. Sergeant Slover alas works In plain clcihee. The offi cer! declare that instead of using his men to detect criminal a. the chief em ploys many of them, including Sergeant SlOvsr, In keeping nab" on the move ments of other members of ths depart ment " Catching Charles Van Buren, a thlet by ths collar as he waa jumping from the porch of residence on Hoyt street where he had, taken refuge after enur ing . another ' houas and committing burglary, A. Routledge and others hsld him suspended ' ' until Desk Officer Wendorf arrived from police head quarters. Ths capture waa effected after a lively chase, the thief throwing away several , -gold rings which hs had stolen from Mr. Routiedge's house, st Ml Ollsan street Ha had money which he had stolen In his pockets when ar rested. I. ' Mr. Routledge ls president of .the Portland Oyster oompany, - His son went horns yesterday evening and discovered the man la the house. The thief Jumped from a window and raiv but happened to head toward Mr. Routiedge's office, with the boy in pursuit Hearing bis eon's cries the father also Joined In the chase, as did other persons, en Hoyt street the thief ran onto a porca ana was caught aa he started to Jump. , At the station ths prisoner gave the name of Charles Weston, but Van Buren la said to- be- his right name. - He be came sick and was sent to 8t Vlnosnt's hospital, but Captain . Bailey took, the precaution tor send Patrolman Seymour along to guard, him. Chief Hunt sent word to ths hospital that he wanted to know as soon as ths prisoner could safely be taken back to the city prison, "because he Is a dangerous man." Tne police were informed this morn tag" that' the-meat market of .Charles Miller, at til Union avenue, was broken A Stirring Affair Concerns paint of eur selling Just th(s mooh; As a rule ths paints we ssll ready mixed are ,of Juat the right con sistency, but If a little too thick after long standlnf,.add" little linseed Oil and there you are! Tou can set both the paints and the oil front , - i - , .; ' ., . ..-.',') , Fisher. Thorsen & Co. : rBOBT ABB atOBBXBOB STB. ' eves cvCrC a SJby7inrt . aso a r Aoa TAXtra . nxsoazrrzon PAST OX TXS CITT rou Lnra or , v Portlaaifs Greatest Book Store ' Something ; A big line ef copyrighted V Photographs I J B? a ' ' ' a - an a Hnotograpnsr : Photographs! v ' fc of the XJnrXS and OXulBK PAXB X BtnZJDXBOS and OBBCrOB SCUT- X Each one in handsome dark frame. Price 50c j Just ths' thing to send East 1 J. K. GILL CO.; . . - Booksellers and Stationers 1 THIRD AND ALDER Great Things at Little Wees Outfits Into last night and the' telephone bo r- torn from the wall, ali the money It con U hind being' taken.. The amount is not known but Is believed to be about H. -3. C Hobbs reported tlje theft of a , watch from his room In ths Western lodging house, 7 North Second street. ' A watch was also stolen from Charles u2 W. Goodman at his saloon, SSI, Froht-street i - - ' . 1 ' ' ' ' ' "