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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
Tia crjzccn dailv isutiiai; rcnTtAiiD. konday evening, uakcii 13, iscj. CUT ITOtlCEaV CTTT KOTICIm. CXTT MOTIOZI. ci tt von ext. CITT BOTICXt. KAIUIOAB Xr -". W. H. Baraett and wife, I1 16: Jot & J o W. Ln -,m aod wife. W. H. Barnett a-d wfo, l.t J; tot ft, Jobs W. Lanfuoo til ni. W, li. Parnstt aod wife, lut Jo, Joau W. Lur aod wife. W. U. W nett and wife, $1 aa; lut 11. Job W. Lanf don and wife. W. H. Harnett and wife. fl.fta: tot 12. Juba W. Laufdua Bad' wife. TT . lot IS, Joha W. Laurdoa.Bd wlfa, W. tt. Harnett and wlfa,; lut 14. Joba W. Uu( and wlfa. W. H. Harnett and wife, ftl.oo. BLOCK a, tot 1, John W. Lsnrdoo aad wlfa, W, M. Banian aad wlfa. H.; lot 3, Lydla A. Mill.. $1.25: lot 2, Lydla A. Mllls.Jl.25; ' lot . Joan W. Lanrdon and wife. W. U. Barnett and wlfa. tl.20; lot ft. Jab a W. LAnroon and wife. W.H. Harnett aad wife. , $1,116: lotM. Jobs W. Laiirdoa and .wlfa. ' W. II.: Harnett aad wife. $1 X; lot T. Joba ' W. Lanrdoa and wife. W. K. Bamatt and wife. . 25: We t. Joba W. Lsncdun od wife, W. H. Btraatt and wife, l.26 lut ,' ft, Joba W. Lanrdoa and wlfa, W H. Barnett . aad wlfa, $l.6o; lot 10, Joba W. Lanrdoa so win . w, u. nsniett and wire, ai.ou; , . lot 11, Joba W. Lint don and srlfs' W. H. Harnett and wife, 11.2ft; lot 12. Joba W, - Lanrdon and wife, W. U. Harnett and wife. . 11. 2J: lot 13. Joba W. Lanrdoa and wife. : W. H. Baraett and wlfa. 11.26; lot 14. Joba : W. Lanrdoa and wife. W. II. Barnett and 1 wife, $1.25: lot IS, John W. Lanrdon and Wlfa. W. H. Baraett aad wife, $1,251 lot lft. Joba W. Lanfdon aad wife, W. U Baraett and wife. 11.26. BLOCK T. lot 1. ' John W. Lanrdon and wife. W. H. Baraett and wlfa, $1.60; tot 2, Joba W. Lanfdon and . wife, W. H. Barnett aad wife. $1.2&; lot a. Joba W. Ttrefdoa'aod wife. W. H. Baraett .nd wife. (1.26; lot 4. Joba W.- Lanrdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett and wlfa, $1.25 lot ft. John W T.anrrin and wlfa. W. H Barnett and wife. 41.20: lot ft, Joba W. Lanfdoa and wife, W. H. Bi $1.25; let T? Joba W. Lenrdo H. Barnott and wife, $1.26: Barnett and wife. i4m InA wire. w. ft : In . JobB W . Lanfdon and wife. W. H. Baraett and wire, tl JUV lot B. John W.. Tensilon and Wife, W l( . ItuMI . and Wife.. 41.50: lot lQf Job W. Lamtdoa and wife. W. H. Baraett and wlfa, 11,26; let II, Jobs W. Lanadoa . and wife. W. H. Barnett and wito, ai.?n: .lot 12. Joba W. Lancdna and wlfa. W. II. . Ham- ..H Ct 25 Ink 1ft. John W. Lancdoo and wife, W, U. Baraett aad wife. tl.25: lot 14. John W. In(rrtoa and Wife. W. H. Barnett and wlfa. $1.26; lot 15. Joba W. Lancdoa and wife. W. H. Baraett and ; wtfe, $1 2ft; Wit Id, Joba W. L"dVo and Wife. W. H. Baraett aad wife. $1.(15. BI2D'K raett ana wile, nm Lancdoa end1 wife, W. H. Ife, 1.6; lot 1 John W. Ife. W. Us Barnett and wlfa. . mt , joba w. . Baraett and wife. Bi a? int B. Jake W. inadea and wife, W. H. Barnett aad wlfa. $1,26; lot 4. John W. Lancdoa and wife. W. H. Baraett aad wife. $.26:. lot 6. .Joba W. Unjcdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, jl-26: lot , JobB W.lrfirfdoa and wife. W. H, Baraett and wife. $L26: lot T. Joba W. Lanadon and wife, W.. U.. Barnett "d wife, $!.; let a, joaa w. unitana aaa wue, y - VKRWlIXinrB H0ME8TBAI BLOCK 1 kit !;1 !.. 1. - Terwlinae band uompan. as; io; M; 26: lot 2, Terwlllltrr jand tompenT, lot K Terwlllicer Ind f'ompenr. lot 4, Terwtllljter . Ind ' Ooaipanr, lot 6, Terwllllirer I on uimj, lot ' d, Terwllllaer Iad tVwipaar, $0.66; $o.2u; il.2; lot 1, . Terwllllirer Ui4 ' UMnpanr, K. TerwIIUtev Ind (Jeeanany. $1.36. A treft of land Irlnc between blorka 1 and 2. TernlllUer' RoueeUad. and betweea the eoaUt line ef Reraiow aeaaoe and the north line at Admiral . aerate, Terwlllifer Load I'amnanr, $:t..tO. . . , TBKWILLKIKR HOMCTTKATJ BLOCC tot 1. , TwrwUUiter Land Ooaapaay. , $1.; tot Z, Terwllllaer mm ixmpj. 1.26: lot lot lot 5r 6. a. " T, nrrwiiiigfc juana uwinur, Terwlllltrr Land Coatuaar. TerwIlltKer Land . Compani'. Terwllllrer . Land Coaaaaar. Terwllllrer Lead Oompnnj-, TerwilUeer od Company. 1.26; i.s; t.25; 1.26; I.2&: lot tot lot 8. $1.26. BLOCK t M I Terwllllaer I .aad OomnanT.; lot tv Terwlllifer Land Ooupaaj,; lot 2, Terwtlllirer Iaind Oompanj, -. $1.25; lot 4, lerwiiuaer ten , . Terwllllier Land Company, :2.0ft; Terwllllovr Land Compenjr. I.T6; Terwllllter Land Oompany.. i 1.26; Terwlllifer' Iand bompaay.l. 1.26; Terwlllifer Land Oompeay. 1.66; l-wwOlin lad Comnejir. 11. 70: tot , lot a. lot T, . lot lot tot 10. tot 11. Terwllllnr I .and rompaay. $1.26; lot 12. Terwllllirer Land Oomnaay. $1.25; lot 12, Terwlllifer Land Vompeny. $1.2. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Terwlllifer Land Company, I1.H6: lot 2, TerwUllfer Lead Companj, JLJOj lot " L Terwlllifer Land Vompaay, tlS; tot 4. lot- 5,. Terwlllifer . jna tanpiar, I.H6 . Terwlllifer Lena vompany, Land (kimpaay. Land . Oompaay. Land Onmpaay, 1.25: lot , tot T. Terwlllifer $1.65; Terwlllifer 1.66; tot bV. Terwlllifer Terwllllaer 1.25; 1.26; tot 10. : TerwUUfer Land Company, tl.25; in ii TaMrtiheae ted tomnaar. . tl.25: lot v. lama uompeay. I l.t 12. TerwUUfer Land Company, $1.26. Hunk D, m i. iwwuuBT "m,rr?' II. 10; lot t, Terwlllifer Lead Cempany, 1.30: l.0: it-av Terwlllifer lanra lot 4. Terwlllifer laiad Ceeapaay W : B. TerwIIMferrLaad CUMpauy 1.2k; t.iavr 1.25; . nt -a,. Terwllllaer' Laad Ooaapany, lot T, 1 TerwIIHfer Land ' Compaar, : tot .' Terwlllifer ' Land Company, 1.20; 1.26: lot 9. Terwlllifer wh wni"" o. , Terwlllifer laM uompany, i.xa; tot 10. TerwtlUsrr . laind Company, II B. BLOCK . lot 1. Terwlllifer land uompany. $1.20; lot 2, Terwlllifer Land Oompaay, $1.20; lot S, TerwIUIfer Land Company, $1.40; lot-' 4, Terwlllifer Land Onmpaay, . $1J0; lot 5. Terwlllifer Land Company, fl-K; let' , Terwlllifer Land Company, tl.26; lot 7. Terwlllifer Land Oompaay, $1.26; lot 8. Terwlllifer Land Company. $125; tot H. Terwlllifer Laod . Company, $1.25; lot 10, TerwIUIfer . Land cam pa ay. i. an. vi vif T in I. Terwllllaer Land Company, 1.16: fet Z. Terwlllifer Land Compan, Il.aO) lot 2, Terwlllifer Land Compaay,. lot 4, Terwlllifer Land Company, . let ft. Terwlllifer Lead Compaay, tt 0, Terwlllifer Land Company, t T, Terwlllifer Land i Company, . let . Terwlllifer Land Company, tot 9, Terwllllrer Land Company, tot 10," Terwlllifer" Land Compaay, lot 11. Terwlllifer Laad Company, w., u Terwllllier Land Compaay. SliOCK t. tot 1. Terwlllifer Land Ooaipany, 1.26: tot a. TerwIUIfer Laad Compaay, $1.25; lot S Terwlllifer . vmm iwueuvi 1.25 1.26 kit Terwlllifer Terwllllrer Terwlllifer Terwlllifer rrt Hirer tot ft. tot 0, lot T. tot A. Land Compaay, Land Company, Laad Onmpaay, 1.26; 1.25; 1.26; Land Company, 1.2D. BLOCK , tot 1, Terwlllifer Land Company. 1.: tot t. TerwIUIfer Load Company, $1.25; tot tot , tot tot tot tot tot tot Terwllllaer I .end Oompaay. Terwlllifer Land Company, Terwlllifer I -end Company, Terwlllifer Laod Compaay, Terwlllifer Land Compaay. TerwUllfer Laad ' Oompaay, Terwlllifer Laod Oompaoy, Terwlllifer Land Company, Terwllllrer' Land Company. ' tot tot 12, tot 12, tot 14.. tot 15, tot 1H, tot 17, Terwlllifer Laad Codpanr, Terwlllifer. Laod Compaay, Terwlllifer Land Compaay, Terwlllifer I .end Company, Terwlllifer Land Company, Terwlllifer Land Company, int 1, Terwlllifer ina vompany. BLOCK- 10. lot 1. Terwlllifer Laod Company, $1.23; Kit z, Terwlllifer lwepjnf, tot t, Terwlllifer Land Compaay, . Int 4, Terwlllifer Laart Company, lot ft, Terwlllifer Imi Company, lot C Terwlllifer . Land Oompaay, lot 'T, Terwlllifer Land Company, ; lot , Terwlllifer Land Company, . tot tt. vTerwIIHrer - Lam lot 10, Terwlllifer Lao BLOCK 11. tot 1, Teewlll LIN iviaiia, . nd Company, - Taewlllteee Lead Comnaar. m . 4 Terwllllrer land Comoaay. tO.Uo: Hi0 ! "... , a, If. Terwlllifer tainu iwiaiii, T 1 tot tot 4 ' Terwlllifer Land company, ft, ' Terwlllifer Laad Oompaay. a, Tarwtlllfer Laod Company, 7. Terwlllifer Land Oompany. $1.66; 1.06: X15; l.M; 1.75: tot H. ' Terwlllifer Land company, tot U. " Ti-rwllllf er" Land - Conpany, i.5: il.25; 1.26; 1.25! w. in Terwlllifer tina wnniwvi lot It, Terwlllifer laid " Company let 12, Terwlllifer wra "'H- tot l. Terwlllifer Lan-Jmpany, 1.26; 1.26; 1.26: lot tot 14, 'lerwi infer v1 "" 16, Tarwllllfer . Land Company, fl, TerwIMIfe Land Company, IT. Terwlllifer Laod Company, If, Terwlllifer Iiod Company, in Tarwiiiiree Land Company. $1.26; tot 26; 1.26; 1.26; l.tft; lot 2l! Tarwllllfer Land Company, tl.M iiijv-r i4 Lt I Terwllllrer lnd Company. tot B. Terwlllifer aainu imwwui, TerwIUIfer umv 1.26 .: Ce a ' Terwllllrer Land Oomulny 1.26 1 1.26; 1.25; ' ; ' . lot 6. . Terwlllifer Land Oompany, Y tot V; Terwlllifer Land Company, $1.2n; lot -T.-i Terwllllrer - Land - Company,- $1.26; lot . Terwlllifer .jaiad Company, $l.26 " tot . Terwllllrer Land Company. $1.26; In IO Taewllliree laind 1 (Hnimiiy, 1.26: w. it Terwllllrer Land Coaipany. i.: lot 12, Terwlllifer Land lomaany, tot -13, Terwlllifer Land Company, in ' ii Taewiuieer laind Company, 1.26: $1-26; 1.26; ' ' . " " . . a, a- . i 1 a J HI lot 16. H. n. itwiferi, "''" V : Bwlfirt, tl.26; lot IT. Tarwllllfer Land Cotrpany. fl.aO; tot 1, M. K. Bwlfert. $1.60. BLOCK 15, kit 1. Terwljllfer Ijia4 Company, 1 26: tot 1 Terwlllifer laind Compaay, Jl.2(i; lot 8. Terwlllifer una inniiau, e-f" lot 4., terwllllrer laind Comiwny, (Vimpany, Company, Company, Compaay. Company,; 1 26; Jl.25; l.y: lot 6, Terwlllifer Ijind Jot , Terwlllifer Land T. Terwllllrer laina , . Terwlllifer . Land ft, Terwlllifer I-ind i tot tot $1 ; $1.26; $1.25. tot 10, Tarwllllfer Land Company. BI0CK 14. tot 1. Terwlllifer laind Company, 21. 26: tot 1 Terwlllifer laind Company, 1.H; tot r a. rllllfer - Laad Compaay, 1.26 i lot 4, tot ft. . tot V. tot T. lot t, tot ft. Terwllllaer Lend Company, Terwlllifer Land ' Companri Terwlllifer Land. Jmpeny Terwllllrer lauid Company, ?erwllllfar Land Campany, erwlllifer Laad ' tVimnauy, Terwllllrer land Company, 1.2T; 1.2.: 1.26; 1.26: 1.26; 1.2ft; tot v: tot tot 1.26; Terwlllifer - land - Company, 1.26; 12,' Terwllllrer jaiad Company,, i.zo; 1.25; lot IS, Tarwllllfer laHMl iompany, tot 14,-. Terwlllifer Land Company, -lot 16. Terwllllrer laind Company, tot !, . Terwlllifer Land Compaay, art Itt TerwUllfer LooJ , Ouuoaa, .26! 1.26; 25: 1.26J lot 18, Terwlllifer Land Oompaay, tl.H. BJXK'K 16. lot 1. Terwlllifer Land Oomwuy, 11.26: lot 2. Terwlllifer Laud Oompaay, $1,251 it . Terwl rr Land Company, $1.26; me a. uerwi r i a imm m h,. ai ua lot tt, - Terwlllifer Land Company, $1.25 lot T. TerwUllfer Land Company, $1.23 lut 8. Terwlllifer ' Land Compaay. $1.26 rlXMJ in, lot l. Terwlllifer Land Company, 1.26: let 2, TerwIIUfrr Land Company, $1.26: tot a. Terwlllifer Land Company, . -, tot 4, Terwlllifer Laad . Company, ' lut 6, Terwlllifer Land Company, tot . Tarwllllfer Laad- Company, lot 7, TerwIUIfer Land Company, lot d, TerwUllfer Land ' Company, ' BLOCK 17. tot 1. TerwUllfer Land Oompany. $1.26; to t TerwUUfer Laud Company, $1.26; ? e -a, -.tot 4." t 6. " tot f. - tot ft. tot W. Terwllllrer Laud Company, Tarwiuifer Land 1 Tarwllllfer Laad Terwllllrer - Laod Terwlllifer Land . TerwIIHfer- Land ! company, Oompeuy, Oomuauy. . Company, ' Company, : Terwllllrer Land . compaay. lot 10, tot 11, lut 12L Tarwllllfer Land Company, -j erwuiifer Laiua loaiuauy, TerwIUIfer land Company, Terwlllifer Laad Compaay, Terwlllifer laind Company, tot 13, lot 14, ; tot IS, lot Id. Terwllllrer Land Comoanr. Terwlllifer Land Company, tot 17. tot IS, - lerwiuifer una uooipaay, Terwllllrer Land. Comoanr. BLOCK 18. tot 1. Terwllllrer Laud laen ti.aD: vt a, Terwuufer laiud Company, t 3, Tarwllllfer Laod Compaay. .tot . 4, TerwUUfer Land Compaay, tot 6. " Tarwllllfer land Compaay, kt ft.' TerwIUIfer , Land Company, tot - T. Terwlllifer Iad Compaay, , tot (I, 1 erwlllifer Land Company, tot ft. Terwllllaer Land Comoanr. tot . 10. TerwIlUrrr Land Company. $1.23. BLOCK 10. tot I. U. B. ftwlfert, )l.B0l lot i 2. af. . Mwlfert. $1.4S lot 2. 14. . Swlfart, $1.20; lot , U. K. fiwlfert, 21.2S; tot ft. . Terwlllifer ' Land- Cnmpany, $1.20; tot ft, Terwllllrer ,. Load Klampaay, $1.26; tot ' T. TerwUUfer. L4nd. Company, $1.25; tot ft. ' larwiiiirer laiaa uompaay, l a; tot v, Tarwllllree 'CoAipaay 1.25; lot .'Terwlllifer laind Company, $1.26; lot lao; lot 1.25) tot 1.26; tot Terwlllifer Laiad company, : Terwlllifer Land Cumpaoy, . Terwlllifer Land Company. ' TerwIUIrer Land Company. i an ; tot 1.26; tot M. It. Hwlitert. $1.20: lot id. II. IS. ftwlrort. tl.25, tot 17. U. K. awlfart, $1J16; lot la, I. It,' ftwlfert. $L26. V. . VHDiviftioN or Part or bick8 kitbI- BKREU 2 AND , KULTOH PARkV BLOCK 2. enbdlrielon at tot U, Frllr rtodley, .tl.lftl aabdltlatoa $ of tot D H. K. Loaf. $L10. BLOCK 4. aabdWIalon 1 of tot X. H. R. Lonf, fl.20; aubdlrlalon 2 of tot A, 11. K. Lonf. $1.10; eubdlrUInn 3 of lot A, H. K. Lonr. $1.10) auhdlTlalon 4 of tot "A. H.; R. Loaf, t.Wv aabdlrlaloa ft of tot -A. II. B. Lonr,; aumUrlawa ft ( lot ' Jl. 11. B. Lonf. $1.10. 0AH8ON HKIUHTS BLOCK SS, tot 1. EUra A. Caraon VaUte, Hekra of, $0.5; tot 2, KUaa .. a. uaraoa Beitate, item or.; tot a. KUta A. Caraoa KaUle. Molra of. $0.ft6; tot 4. Kllaa A. Careen Eetate. - llrlra of, $0.0; . me a, ft. lim jl. v araon aataia, neira oi, tot . Kllaa AW Caraoa Kutate, llelra of, tot T. Elian . Caraoa Eatate, Helm af, . lot ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa Eetate. Helra af. - niAeun. a, hi t, aiiaa a. Laraoa Eetau, v Metre of, $0.06: tot 2. .KUna A. Caraoa i Keute, llelea of. $0.0u; tot 2, EUaa A. Caraoa ' BaUtr. Heir. of. $0.06; lot 4. KUaa A. Caraoa Eauta, Belra of. $0.00; tot ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa Brute, He I re or. ftO.ftU. BLOCK St, lot 1, KUaa A. Caaoa Ealale. Heirs Of, $1.26; tot 2, KUaa A. Caraoa Batata,, llelra-of, $1.20; lot 3. KUaa A. Caraoa '.Eetate, llelra of, $1.26; tot 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate. llelra of. $1.25; lot ft, Ella A. Caraua KaUle. llelra of. $1.26; tot ft. EUm A. Caraoa KaUte, Heir of, $l.20 tot -7, BUoa A. Caraoa-Eetate. Helra of, $1.25; . tot ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa EaUlo, Helra of, tl.25; tot ft. Kilo A. Caraoa Ketate, Helra of. $LX; tot 10, KUaa A. Caraoa Ketate. Helra of. $1.26; tot 11, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of. $1.28; lot 12. KUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of. $1.26; tot 13, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Heirs of. $1.26; tot 14. KUaa A. Canon KaUte. Helra of. $1.26; tot 16. Roee at. auu-fee, fieo; lot in, nvoaa at. ntorfea, $116. 0. Ml rtlOCK Hd. tot 1. KUaa A, Caraoa aaM,e, nun vt, at.av, wi aw niiai . jmr' aoa Kstata. Heir of. $0J;Tot 2, KUaa A. Carson laute, Helra 6t, $1.60; tot 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUtr, Heir of. $2.40; to( 6, KUaa A. Caraoa Estate. Holra of, $1.26: tot ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa Ketate, Heirs of. $1.26; tot T, Kllaa A. Caraua Ketate, uelre ol, MiWnf , , lew-, a , - I -UuU.-HeA of?lY.26hlofV. Caraoa Ksuu. Uelrs of. $1.26; tot ft. EUaa A. Caraoa Katate. Hairs of. ' tlJS: . lot 4. KUaa A. Caraoa Kstate, Hairs af, tl-26: tot ft. KUaa A. Caraoa KaUto, Helra. of. $L26; tot ft, EUaa A. Caraoa Batata. Heirs of. $1.25; tot T, Kiln A. Caraoa Kstata, Heirs of. L; tot ft, Kllaa A. Carson Baute, .Helra of, $1.29; tot ft. EUaa A. Caraoa Kr. . Ute. Hairs af, 0-U; tot 1U. Kllaa A. Canoe ' Katata, Halra. of. $1.0V; tot 11, KUaa A. Carsoa Kaute. Heirs -of, $0.&6; tot 12, Kllaa ai. KMMWVm MUir, nvur w,, e ' w. wn KUaa A. Cnoa KaUte. HeUw of. $1.26: tot U. "" ' ai.i. $Lft; , tot 16, KUaa A. Caraoa Keute, ueira of, $1.39; tot 10, KUaa A. Caraoa butt. Heir of. $1,261 tot 17, Kllaa A. Caraua - la ute, llelra of, $1.28; tot IS. EHaa A. Caraoa Ks , Ute. Heir af, $1.20: tot 19, Ellsd A. Caraua KaUte, llelra of, $1.20; tot 2J. KUaa A. ' caraoa Keute, ttairs oi,, mn i, niiaa A. Caraoa KUU. Helra ef. tl.26. HlXal K aa, tot L KUaa A. Caraoa Ksuu. Hairs oOJ r $1.26; lot 2. Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUla. Uelrs of. $1.20; tot s, EUaa A. caraoa euu. Heirs of, $1.26; tot 4, Kllaa A, Carsoa KaUU, Heirs of. $1.16: tot ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa. KaUU. Heir vf, $UM; tot ft. KUaa A. Canon Kauto, Heln of. $1.26; tot 7, KUaa A. ' l araoe Kaute. Helra of. $1.26: lot ft. EUaa - A. Carsoa touts. Helra of, $1.26. BLOCK &, KUaa 4w Caraoa TaUla, Heirs af, to.40. BLOCK 41 lot L KUsa A. Caraoa Ksuu. , Helra af, $0.86; tot 2, KUsa A. Caraoa Katate, Heirs of. $0,110; tot ft, KUaa A. Caraoa Knure. Heirs of. $o.Ut; tot 4, KUaa A. Car aoa KaUte, Uelrs of, $L,00: tot 6. KUsa A. Carsoa KaUte. Helra of. $I.0; tot KUaa ' . ....... II . i a, .J. : in a KUaa A. Caraoa KeUU, Heirs of, $1.10; tot ft, Kllsa A. carsoa ksuu, ueu-a BIXX'K X tot 1, EUaa A. Carsoa KaUU. HeUa at, $1B.. Plot 1, karl aad Jacob Watob. ta.ftO. ' . CARSON HEIGHT Lot P. Kllaa A. Caraoa Ksuu, tin re ot,; ox u. aula a. Caraoa Kaute. Heir of. $0.4t; lot It, KUaa A. Caraoa Kstau, Heirs of. $1.60; tot II, EUaa A. Caraoa Kstau, Heirs ef, $0.44: bt T. Kllaa A. Caraoa EeUU. Heir of. fl.ftu; loS II. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate. Helra of. $.4&; tot V. KUsa A. Carsoa Estate, Uelrs or,; tot Wi bus . urm aeuaio, Heirs of, $0.46. A trlanralar tract ef land lyinr betweea th aaot line of th PortloDd A Will mat U Val ley Railway Company' a rlf bt of way and tba center line of Harrtoaa auoet xUadd at- art Is lu nrasent eourao and too north Una of riato CaruUMrrs doaattoa load alalat, W. K. ftmltb, $10.00. A tract of land boaaded aad described as follows: Commoncbif at tba toursactloa of tb aorta Una of 1 In lea Caratber don tloa land claim with tbs eaat Uos of Hood strsst; theacw east atoar asld do nation land claim to tbs west baak of tba Wlllasietu rlrer at low water aus-k: thaoc aoutberly aknr tb wast bonk ofWlUamstto. rlrar U a point ft4a.4a feet South st th north Una ef too asld do na tloa laad claim; tnsnc west ftoo feet; thdac north aloof a atralfbt Una to wbsr th asms would be Intersected by tbs north Una of Llnaela street If e Untied eelUrly ta Its prsasat caarsa; tbenc wsstarly - slonf aald siUastoa sf ths aortb Una af Llacola street to a point 100 feet east ot tba seat Un of Hood strsst ; theue oorth 100 feet alone a lias lull fast mat of and parallel . Wltu . ids eaai line 01 noos suwe, uwocs ' west stonf s line 100 fast north of aad par allel WHO in Bona fins at tuiacom street it ! extended easterly to lb wsst Una of Hood tract; tneoco aorta a jobs mo eaat no at ' Hood street t pise ot betlantnf, Partlaod Lambarlnf Maaafacturlnf Company, $72.76. -A tract of land lylnf betweea two ,lne ra netlely 60 feat and U feet aortb at and parallel wltb tba aortb Un of Llacola street attended easterly aad between Ui st Un of Hand street and a Una 100 feet ssst thereof snd psrallsl therewith. Ash Is aad Edward Col. $1.20. ' A trsct of land lybif between th north line of Lincoln at rest extended aasrerly and a Una 0 feat Berth thereof sad parallel1 tbsrswlth and betweea tba east lias ot Hood street and a Una 100 feet cast of and parallel therewith, - Portland Lamborhul MsJQufaclarUif Compaay, $1.26. . A tract ef land boaaded aad- daaerlbsd oft fol low! Oemmsnrlnf at ft point oa ths left bank of tbs W'lllsoMtto mar 10 feat aoatb of tb so t beset eoraar ot to pantplnf-bouaa; . theoea . wsat - loti -teat) lasses srth , 200 feat: thence east to ths ' west . bank of WlllametU rlrer at low Water mirk t boar up tb wsst bank sf said near . to point duo eaat of pises ef bf tnnlnf ; tbenc west to plsca of bef inalnf. a loo a certain rlfbt of way 10 feat wide axtaodJnf In B aortbwaatarly direct lea from asld trsct : ta tb ssst Use ot Hood trat. City af i'err Isad. $10.00. - A tract of toad bounded and desrrnied as fol lows: Oommenclnr at tbs sou t beset corner "of th Kllaa beih Caratbsia dons tloa land claim r tbnc went ta tba soatbsast e,euer af Caratber' Addlttoa ta tba City of Portland a laid eat by to Mouth Portland Baal Kstau A asocial Ion; theoce aortb oa tha ssst ltns of ssld addlttoa to tb nortbaatt tomel ot aald addlttoa; thence wsst to tba oast Has of Macadam street; tbeae aortb aloof tba east llaa of Msesdsm street to lu, Interseetloa wltb tba north Un of Lincoln street It - - tended easterly; thence esrt atonr- said -ten Ion of Lincoln street to tu mUrasettoa wltb tbs wast Un of a trsct of last cos reyed by M. C. Burrell and wlfa to tha Pert- land Lsmbertef A M no factor Inf (wauiany by dssd ruud In booh 82, pafo lift, atocord ot llesUs. MnUnsmb Conaty; tbeaeo sooth to tba sontbwsst earner sf a tract emreeyed by tba Hoatb Portland Kes Eetats Aasocls- ' tloa to tba Portland Lamlsnisf Maaafactur lnf Oompany by deed aad recorded la bonk ' S4, par 22, Record of Deed. Maltnonuh Cnaaiy; theses east ts tba north wsst earner of Jbe water Works tract, section ft, township sonrh, rsBfa I oast, Wlllaawtta hssrldlani thenc aaat Is tb wrtlamett Hear at tow Water Buuk; thsae aoatb a lonf the ausndsr- tar af said rlrsr to plan of wsflnalnc. ear aud tirept to rlrbt of. way af tba 1'ortland A Willamette Vailer KaUway Oamoany aad a trart owned by WarwU-k, oraftoa KaUway narifauun vooipuuy, iPU.ou. A tract ef laad lylnf betweea tba wsat' llo af the PortUnd WUUinetu Valley Ball- Kd Compauy'a rlfbt of way and tba Wil is tt rteer and betweea tb south ftouadarr line sf a tract owned by tbe . Multnomah Trunk Factory, ae-tloa 10 towoebla 1 sou in. rsnrs, 1 east. Vt'llUmetu Merldlau, and tba north Una of a trset of lead east of tb Port land A WlllametU Valley Hal true 4 Compsay's rlfbt ef way owned by Anthony Koffe aad uic&ara Burn, atwiM la avruoo io, towo ablp 1 Booth, ranfe 1 aaat, Wlll.metU Merldlaa, Marie Arnold. Truatso, $14.25. A tract of land lylaf between two Uses to Bpectlrely tft test sod 43.26 fast aoatb of and parallel wltb Una aouth Una of a trart . of land owned by tb Multnomah Trunk factory, seetloa 10, township 1 esath, rante . 1 seat, Willamette Meridian, and betweea tb aaat Uue of Maeadaot road and the -west lias of lb Portland WlllametU Valley Jullroad Compass rlfbt a way, hurla Vraold. $0.05. a. , A tract ef laad bounded aad described at tot- ' tows: Csmmeadnf at tb Intersecttoa sf the north Una of TerwUUfer dona t loo land . claim wita tba west Una of Macadam road; tbeoea sooth MO feet: tbenc west AM feet: tiieoee north saO feet; theoea eaat ftftO feet to place f iMftliiAioaV City f 1'srtioad, -. A tract land bounded and described - follow; Oammaarlnf at th Interseetloa of tbs north Una sf the TerwUUfer deaatlua " land claim wlU tba eaat Una ef Macadam road; thenr south 8ft dafreea oast 121 feet; tbene seotb 211 derrses west 1.40 ebaloa: thence north ft defrses west $21 feet! these north 1 derreea ssat 1.40 chain ta olaea of beflnulnr, Joba Kirk ley. $6.ft. : A tract of land bounded sad described aa follow: CommeBrlaf lut feet aoatb at tba Intersecttoa of tb saat lino of Mac dam road with tbs north ltns of tbs Terwlllifer vocation land claim; thence aouth ftS defree ' east 821 fast; tbenc north XI feet; thence easterly ' to wrsUrly . bank of Willamette . rteer: ' theses northeast atooa asld rlrer 17 feet; thence north Aft derreea west j rret; thencs south 1 dc frees 15 minutes west 82.4 featt thence north 80 dr trees west 21 fseti theses south 100.4 fret to piece t . Derinninf , aaaiaal u, sad jaaMS u. uorraaus, V A tract af toad boaaded and daacrfbsd a fok - lowat ' OoauavaadDf 183 feet aoaUi sf Inter- sen loo of east Ho .of Macadam mad with north Ubs of Terwllllaer donation land claim: ' tbenc eoeU 88 defrses ssst 821 fee) tbenc north 27 feat: thencs aoatb Sft defrses sst to west bank of WlllaaaetU rlrer at tow water mark: thence southwest a lonf tba west bank sf ssld rlrer 12 feet- thence north 8S ds free wsat Sft feet; tbenc aorta 100.75 feet to place or beftnnlnf. Cbarlaf . Katata. Heirs ef. tlH.75. . A tract of laad boaaded ad described aa fsl- towa: Oommeaclaat at a Dotnt la tb' east . Ilea af Macadam road 203.75 feet aoatb of tb laterseetloa of tbe east Uos sf Macadam - road wltb tb north Una af Terwlllifer do ' nation laad claim; thence aouth .aloof sst Un of Macadam road to tb oorthwost aornsr of ". liberie' three acre trsct," recorded ' la ' Book U. pfs 263, Record at Deeds, Moltussnah County; these aouth Bit defree eaat lJ.aa chain to west bank of Willamette rlrer at tow-wsUr mark: those aorUvsrly atone too wast bank of said lirar to tba aoatb Una of Charles P. Bacoa Kstau. Heir of. Trset, section 10, township 1 vw.v, . . d, , aval, eniaaeua BTCiuwai tbencs west aloof ths oaath line of tba asld Csartes f, Bacoa katate. hdlra of, tract, to plc of beflaalng, Miiltaomab Trunk re- ory, oaiumi. , A tract of laod lylnf betweea tba south Una of Multnomah Trunk factory tract, oee ' tloa 10, township 1 Booth, ranfe 1 ssst, Will. ametU Meridian., end s line 28 feet aoatb thereof and parallel there with, sad between . tbs ssst Una of Macadam road and tba wool line sf tba Portland WlllametU Vslley Baltroud. CoaanaAy's rlfbt of way, Louisa Jebno, $0.20. A tract of land lylnf between two Mara rpctiTly 4JL2& foet aad 84.20 feat sooth of and parallel with tba svsth Una of Molt- , awauh Truak rectory tract, aecttoa 10, towa shla 1 aoatb, rsofs 1 ssst. WlUsmetU . Merldlaa. and betweea tb eaat line of tb Macadam road nd the waat Una oT the Port. Uad WlllametU Valley Railroad Company' ' rlfbt of way. Lou la Oberle, $1.86. A trsct of land lylnr betweea two Usee to. .iutoj M.M reei sna izx. h reet soata of man Truak Factory tract, aecttoa 10. towa- euip ami, rsafs i aaat, WlllametU Meridian, and betweea tbs east Una of Mac adam road and tha .aa Una At Portland A WlllametU Valley Ballroad Company' rlfbt f way, Clara BoberU, $0.00. rrsct c una lylnf anscttTsly 121.28 feet . ot snd parallel with I Bomah Trunk factory ai ireci 91 isna lyioa astweea two lines ro ost ana ivjs feet souta the south Una of Mult Iract aaWlos 10. tows. . ship 1 sou th, rears 1 asst. Wlllsavetu merld- '. aad betweea tba east Un of Msesdsm . Bosd Baat the mil Ileal er thai Knrtlaaul A WlU laanetfe Vallaw B.llaa r-,..... .u. n p.nfcuin, rvfaawa, BW.W. ixaci ot, una lylaf between two I loss ra- pec tl rely H .25 test and Itft.tti feet aoatb ot ana paruitol with the south lu at Malt, nomab Trunk Paeurv tract, aertlos 10. town. ship 1 aouth, rant I aaat. WUlamotU merld- a ana se twees toe esst I in of Msesdsm rd and th wast Un f tbe Portload Wll laaaetU VaUey KaUway Company s rlfbt Of way. peter Oberle. $l.7. All that portion of a trart of land tylaf west ot tne rurnt ot way ot tne roruand at wu lanwtta VaUey Kailroad Cotnnsnr boandsd and descrlbsd as follows: CouaMmclof oa th ost Una ot Macadam read at tbs north we t corse of a 3Vj-cre tract sold ta KobUUet aL, recorded hi book it. pf 281, Record of Iieods. Multnomah County: tueoce sooth ftg derrees 2ft salaries, aaat ft.76 rhalna; theses south ftO-defrses, weet 1.0ft ehama: tbenc aortb 88 derrees 82 minutes, west ft .20 chains: north IS derreea ft mlnutea. east LOT rhalna. ta Discs of berlnnlnr. Jamas Bannaitt. UftOO. -'A tract of Unit bonocled and fcacrfbsd aa fol lowa: Oommsnclnf at a point In too west Una of th rlrbt ot way of the Portland Wll- - Ismeus Valley . Kailroad Oompany which M 16 feel aortb of tba Interseetloa of tba west 11a sf ssld rlfbt of wsy wltb tb aortb Un ot a one-sen trsct onTyd to Beds K ab ler, recorded In bonk 82. pare 30ft, Beoord of Deeds, Multnomah Coaaty: tbencs north aft da freea 8ft minutes, wast lftft test, to Mscadam mad; Umbos aortb aloof tb east Ha ot . Macadam road 62 feet; theses south aa derraas .25 minutes, ssst ItJO fsst, to tbe west Uos ot tbe stores Id rbrht of- way; thsaro eoslberly a lonr tbs aald rlrbt f way to place of se- Innaif, Aatbouy kof( and Klchard T. Stora, l.fto. , A tract of land bounded and deecrlbed aa follow: Comnwocinf at northeast corner ot . TsrwUllfor doaattoa load claim; tbeoos aortb fw dtftie ft4 ml nates, west 14.8 chains; , these south 1 dafrua It minutes, -wsst 1.40 chaaui thence south 2 dsfrass, west 1.06 chains; these south 8.1ft rhalna: theses aoatb ft defree. wast 8-11 chains: theoea aouth bd derreea 88 salsa tes, east 8.T5 chala. ss pises of bef Inn bar ; tbooca aortb ftft defree 88 min utes, west 28S fsst, to ml line ot tba rlrbt of , way of tba Portland' WllUmette Valley Railroad Company: theses southerly uMrtf aald . rlrbt of way IKI feM; thencs south aft derrees 26 mlaatas, eaat 254 fast; tbenc aortb 20 de rrees, sst KM) chains; tbsoc aortb 22 ds frees, east 4.62 chains, to pUeo ef beflnnlnf , Anthony Houe sad Richard P. Btorp, 42.2U. A tract of load bounded snd deecrlbed a follow: Commaaelnf 210.1 feet aortb, 18 de free 21 mlnutea eeat, ot tb aortbweat aornr of tb Paras two-err tract, recorded la book O, para 808, Record at Deeds, Multnomah Connty; ' thefica seat T5 define. T mlnutea aoatb, to west Una of right of way of th Portland At Wlllaawtta Valley Ballroad Com pany ; tbenc north 12 defreea, esrt 80 feet, ' mar or toss, to drlrewey; tsenco north ftft ds areea, 8ft minutes wast, stonf said diiTeway to ssst line of Msesdsm road; tbencs south 12 defree. 27 minute west, to place of bcflav aloft. Kmma U Cole, 81.75. A tract of land boundea and described ss ' fnllowe: CemnMoelnf at aortbwest corner of tb Para two-ten tract, recorded to book O, par 80S, Record of Deeds, Muitnomak County; tbenc aortb 12 defrsss. ssst 60 feet: tbenc aouth ftft defree 86 mloates, sett Iftftj) fret; tbencs- south 12 derrees. wsst 60 feet: theses Berth A. decrees 25 mlantes. west 188.1 feat, ta pise ef beflnnlnf. End Noble. $1.76. A . tract of lend bounded aaa described a 1 follows: tVmtmeartnr to .feet aortb, 12 de . frees 17 ruinates ssst. Bad 712 feet snath, as dear to, 18 mutator aaat. from oortbwsst eor ' ner of tha Psraa two-aer trsct, recorded In book U, pars 803, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbenc aouth Ml defree IS minutes, east 117. 2 feet! tnsnc aortb 18 defraea. esrt H.S feet; tbeoea north 75 derreea 7 sn Urate, west U2.t feet: theoce snath 10 degrees 1ft mlBales, west ftft.T feet; tbencs north 78 se free 60 minutes, west ftT feet; tbeao aoatb 12 decrees 17 miaous, west 10. ft feet; theoea Booth Tft defrees 8ft minute, eaat HI feet; tbenc south 10 derreea 15 mlnutea. weet Ml feet, to pun of beflnnlnf, Csrrls Klrkley, I2.2S. A tract of toad boaaded and described all fol low: CtHBmenrtaf 18 derrses 27 ' minutes east (0 feet from th aortbwest coraer ot tb rsrss two-acre tsact. recorded la book tl. - par 80S, Record at Deeds, Multaomah County : - tbenc aortb 12 derreea 27 m Ins tea. ssst 60 feet; tbenc aouth 7ft defrbe 84 si Slates, saet '.ft feet; tbenc aouth 10 derrees 16 earn, ate, west ftftJl feet; tbeae aortb ftft derrees IS mloates, west TLS feet ta Blocs of bs- Ilnsln. Joba Mter, 20,86. tract sf land boaaded and described a follows: Commsoeinr 137 .ft feet north of Borthwast comer of the rra two-tcr trart. recorded bl bonk O, par 803, Record ot Deed. M nit nomab County; t liens north 18 defrees 27 mlnutea, east 44.S feel : tbenc aoatb 76 ds rreea 7 minutes, esst 42.4 feel; tbeae aoatb - 10 dSfreaa 1ft mlnutea, west 4t feet; tbenc north 70 decree t minutes, wsat 80 5 feet, ta place of bef Inalnf, Charles J. Holtwertb, A tract ' ef had bnojided and den i tried follows: Oomawnetaf no t feet north, 18 fts f ret a 27 ftiinntes eaat, from asrthwest eorner ef tbs farts two-sera trsct, recorded la bank O, psra 202, Record af Deed. Multnomah County: .tbenc Berth 1ft defrsee 27 mlnste. esst 2ft.T feel; theoea aouth 70 derrees ft minutes, ssst 6A.A feat: tbencs south 10 derrees 15 m Ins lea, wast 2ft.T fsstl umbos Buttb II oegrsss fit) kiaut. west ftT fstJ ta pUc bsf lamlnf , , Louis UberU, $0.36. T. A trset ef lasd boaaded asd dtserlbsd a follows: Commsorluf st tbs nortbweat eor ner of Ue OoortoosrU A Clark four am tract, recorded ta book P, pars 47, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbenc north 25 defree. ssat 8.07 chains; tbsoc south 88 derrees ftft utaatss. West 7.28 chains, to tbs west book tbsatw sp Hi west baak of aald mar. .lsi coals ; theoce sorts as octrees all minutes, wsst T.14 casino, to pise of Iwflnnmf. Cstlf rlns Psfan, $16.00. A trae ot land bounded and daaerlbsd a follow: Comiuaaclnf at aortbwsst corner ot tba Uoodnouf h A Clark four-sen trset, re corded is book P, par 407, Hecord of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbsnca wrath 24 derreea, weal U.S4 cbalus; tbonvs south ft! defrsss 30 ' minutes, ssst 8J6 chains; tbsnca north 3 defree. st 4.23 eh in: tbenc aortb ftft de crees oft minutes, wsst T.14 chain, to Discs of .beflnnlnf, Butlnfer Co.. $15.00. A tract of toad bounded snd described as . follow: Commensinf 2.34 chain south, 24 de frses weat, of aortbwsst coraer af tb UoodV noaf h ti Clark four-son trsct, recorded la book ' P.. pars 407, Record ot Dssds. Multoomsh 1 Quanty: tbsnca south 24 derrees. wsst 1.14 chain; then aouth 82 derrses. weet .02 chaise; thane aoatb 7ft fterre IS situates, ssst ft.87 chains, to tb weat bask of tbs WUIsmstts rlrer: these stonf tbs west bask ef ssld rlrer aortb S defrses, ssst 2.4ft chain; tbene aortb Ml dernea 40 minutes, . wsst ftDO chains, to plsca at bef Uualaf. Loak Klmmermaa, $11.26. . A treat ot laad hounded and desalbed aa fol- tows: Cstnrnsaeluf aortb IS dofrsos 27 mln ratss, cast 1K2.1 fest. from sorthweat corner ot V the raraa two-acre tract, recorded lu book O, pa sua. Record ef Deeus, Multjautaah County; . tbenc south 76 derrees 7 minutes, esst 170.1 fast; tbenc aorthwesurly 34. feet aloof tb west line of tu rlrbt of wsy of tba P , lsad 4 WlUsmetU Vslley Railroad Company: thsae aortb 78 decree 7 minute, wsst 171.2 fsst; tbsoc south 13 derraas 21 mlnutea, weat ' a lest, u piaot st pcf lnninf, v. A. rosaics. i 11.86. - . . . tract af laad bsasdad and dnsirwjad aa fal- fewar- Commeoclnf at th oiitbwt coraer of tba Ooodaoafh A Clark four-sen tract, rs , corded, ta book P, psfs 407, ' Record of Dssds. ; Maltnomsh County: tbenee south 76 derreea lft minute, st t.14 bslna: tbsoc aortb 1ft octree 4ft mlnutea. assl 10U festt tbenc north 78 dearer 16 minutes, wsst .H7 cbslns these aouth 82 decree, west 103.05 feet, U puce at bertaabig, Paruaad Treat uompaay ot Ores-oo, $0.60. A tract of land boaaded sad daaerlbsd ss fol- towar Oommeacmf at tba south weet corner of tno uosaaoura s vuarf tour-acre tract, rw w-ns a nous r, psaw, l, ftrcotw aw irauau Atultoooash County; tbeoea aouth 76 derrses 80 minutes, ssst 7.(15 chains, to tbs Wlllsmett rlrer: thencs south 4 derrees. watt 62.2 ft; thence north 75 dear, so minute wet, to -eaat i in of Macadam road; theoce aorw si defree 47 minutes, east 47 feet, mor or loss, to place el beflnnlnf, Cbarles Deltb. Bo.oo. A trset af band bonndsd snd daserlhsd SS fol low: Csmanrarlof at a Uk la tb tost Un r Msraaam roa aa una uuuriy tram to southwest aoraer ot the Brick Yard tract, . section 15. town ah In 1 south, rsnr 1 eaat. ; WlUsawtto Bterldlsa; throes soaeb ft defraes, 80 mlnutae oast, psrsUel with aoatb Un ot , a Id Brick Yard tract, 8 15 ebalns to wsst bank of WUlamstta rlrer st low wsur mark ; throe (lonf west bank sf ssld rlrer south 40 decrees, wast 42 llokai tbeaee north Tft de- " free, 30 minutes west, parallel wltb south Tin of aald Brick Yard tract, 8.24 ctaslna to tbs oast Una ot Macadam road; thence aorta 80 decrees, sast ft llaka, stonf oast llaa ot ' Macadam road ta place Of beflnnlnf. Joba lUernsJL. fta.2S. A tract of land boojadnd and deecrlbed aa fol low ! Commanclnf at southeast corner of block 0, Portlsnd Homestead; tbsce saat to weat Un at Macadam road; tbsao northerly aloof aald wsst Un of Macadam road to lu lnteraeettoB wltb ths east Hue of the eld county road; tbeae sou thee ly atoaf aaat Una ot old coaaty road ta tbs pises at osf uuuuf LnkaowB Owaer. ftlft.26. ' A tract of lsad housrted sad dtserlbsd a fol lows: Oommsnclnf st Uis aoatbwaat corDer - ot soaa a.aerasa tract. ie ut ecu is boss so, . Baas 42ft. aUunrd of Deads.. Multnomah Cuuuty j theses oatb 20 ur cress., wsst 150 feet; tbsoc south 76 decree 90 ai Urates, at to wast bank, of WUlsmsrta ' rlrer at law water antra; tbeae ahmf tba want book af aid rtrr aortb 40 derrees. ssst i sst corner of aald Joba Kleraao tract: ttisnc aortb T5 dcfreaa 80 m Inn us. west stotif tbs . south Mas of sold Jobs Ktoruaa trsct to Blaca ef beclnslur. Hlrsm Tarwllllfer. $11.26. A treat af lsad boasstsd sad. daaorllstd a fol lows ' Commsscliif la tb eaat Un st Mscsa am road when same ha tense U tba westerly . sttessloa la Its preaeet caarsa tbe aortb 4 has ef tin Keller A Wyman ooe sen tract, re corded la book O, pf 202, Record of Died. Multnomah Coaaty; thencs stonf east llo of Macadam road north 21 defrses SO mloutss, west 138.4 feet; tbeae aorth 14 decrees 10 mlo- Bles, west 1V4.4 feet; tiasBCo aorta 1 aerreaa an mtautea' west T 1 feet, ss ths olac ot b. . flnnlnt: tbene esst ToftJ feet to west bus a ot wuismatta rirer l low wsur mats; insors north saoss tbe wsst bank of aald rlrer KIT ' feet; theoce west 721.70 feet to east Un -of Msesdsm road; luetics aoatb T defrees 80 mia- . atea, aaat lea. it. to pioc at oaf aisanf , - Joba W. LanrdoB. t20.ft0. A tract of Uad bounded sad described at fok tow: Cmaeaclnf la tbs -esst Uos of Mac ' adana road when asms hi tatersectsd by tba Morth lino of tba Keller A Wymsa am tract, recorded ta book O, oaf 302, Record of fret, at Q 1 1 noma tounty; uesce aorinsriy mu eaat use or Macadam road a roiwwa: ., : .T- . - an . . ,aa . . . tnwia aa acnw aw aunaieh wvwa . tbssos oorth 14 defrees lft minutas, wsst 104.4 teet; tbeae Berth T Oofroo so m in tea, wsst 1 2Uft feet; throe aortb 2 defree ft minute, wast ftOJB feet as tba Disco of bertnnlnr tbenc ssst 740.4ft feet to west bank of W Il ia sietts riser at tow water mark; tbnc northerly atonf tb west bank of said rlrer sua. I eet ; loeac norm acrraaa lu mtn . atss, st 110.7 feet,, aaere er lass, to south Una at Moffslt tract, seetlos 16. township 1 eewis,' rsw esrt, ruwawiw HMrrniian, tbsscs west a lonr ooafh Un ot asld Mofrstt trset t tba east Un ef Msesdsm road ; tbe see - south alonr tb st tin f Macadam road - to piac ot oef lasinf , asrwuiif r mum jno pony, $71.25. A tract of laad bounded aad descrfbsd aa fol tow: -Cemamaclof 1a tba et llaa ef Mss odsm rusd wner nam I launacud by tbs north una of bailer wyman one-sere tract, recorded la book 0, pare 302, Record of Deeds. Msltaomah Coaaty; tbear northerly alonr eaat Una af Macadam road a follow: North 21 defrees SO minutes.. weat 138.4 feet; tbene aorta i o trass tu mmuteo, weat is. iet; tbeare north T derrees Sft ainraUs, west 176.04 feet s place ef bef Inalnf ; tnwoco esst to weat bank ef Willamette rlrer at tow water mark : - tbenc northerly atonf west bonk of aald rlrer ftft. 12 test: tbenc west to east llaa of Ms dam road; tbene southerly stonf east Un ef Msesdsm rood, south 2 or frets ft mlaatoa. east SOJjft feet; tbeae south I fttrwa 80 mlsutes, sent ao.08 feet, to pises of beg inauuj, Mary t. Green, $13.76. A tract ot laod boaaded and described aa fol low: Commanclnf at a point ta tba t Un of Macadam road wbera eeme Is taursscted by north Un of Keller Wyman ose-scn tract, iwrorued In book O, par 202. Record ot Deeds, Multnomah Coaaty; tbeoea aortb atonf tb east Uos f Msesdsm reed as follow: North 21 decree 10 mlnuu. west 138.4 foet; " theoce aortb 14 derrses 10 mlnat, west 113.24 feet tb plan of beflnnlnf; tbenc saat to west beak ef WlUsmetU rlrer at tow wsur mark; tbeoea northerly atonf west bank of aald rlrer to sooth Uns of Mary P. Green tract, recorded to bonk K4, puts 68, Record ef Deed. Maltnomsb Coaaty; thence west stonf south Uos of said trsct to esst line of Macadam road: tbenc aouth- slont aaat lust of Macadam road to place of bsfliioiaf, Asah it. osrsett, ,W5 - A tract of load bounded and dearrlbtdaft foV lows: cornaMociaf at appoint la esst line , ef Mseadam road when ssm.l Intmeeted by th north Un of tb Keller h Wyoiaa one acn trsct, recorded la book O, pafe 8u2, Ilecord of Dssds, Maltaomsh County) tbeae sort 21 derreea 10 minutes, west 1.18.4 feet; throe sort 14 derrses 11 mlsutss, weal , 112.24 feet; tbene east te west bank of Wil lamette rlrer at tow water mark r throe aoutberly ' aloof tb weat bank of aald rlrer ' ftuft.4 fef; theoo west 467.04 fsst; tbencs north a., o, m aw sot.,, uivma vni aw lew,, tbsoc aortb 23 aefree. west 186.38 feet. t place of beflnnlnf, Llna Fletcher, $41.25. A trsct at SUM lylnf between the aouth I tot f Boundary treat sod a waster ly ex tens toe of same In It preaaat eonrss snd a Un 131.4ft ' feet soatberly from and parsllet therewith aad se twees tb -west Hoe of Msesdsm road and the d trot too llna betweea sect loo 111 snd 15, township i south, ranre 1 asst. Willam ette1 merldlaa. K. W. lllnf Uam aad laat U Corbstt, $40.00. A tract sf lend lylnf betweea tw line re Mtdnlr 181 A feet snd 442.18 feet south of aod parallel wltb south Uns ef Boundary street ana a westerly eaten kin ot asm in lu proses I eourao aad betweea the westerly Una ef 11 and is road and tba dlrleloa Un be tween section lft snd 18, township 1 south, rsnr 1 st, WllUmetu Btsrtdlan. Joba K. : BlBfbaBa, Trust, $100.00. A tract ef land lyinl between two liar r BpectlTsly 443.1ft feet snd OvO.Sft feet souls of aad parallel with south Uns ot Boundary trset aad a westerly sx taction of sams la Ita prsoeat ooaroa and betweea tba wesurly Un of Mseadsm road snd tba dlehvloa llo b- . I wees asetlosa lft sod 15, township I aouth, rasf 1 aat, WUUawtt mer kllaa, Clarlnda . ftmltb, $8.1.76. A trart of ktod lybif between two lines ro spectlrely ADO oft feet asd 02N.C feet anulb of and parallel wltb th south Its of Boandary atreet and a westerly eilensloa of am la lu present course sod between the westerly line of Msesdsm rood snd tb dirt to Un be tween 011100 18 and 16, township 1 aoatb, ranr l eaat, WUlamette awrtdlaa, Aaaa U. Barnett, $72.75. A tract of land lylaf batweeu s line ftta.1 feet south of snd parallel with aoatb Un of Boaadsry (treat and a westerly atteootna thereof la Itt press nt cnareo and tbe aoatb boandary llaa ot tb Terwlllifer doaattoa lend claim, and between th wet lis of tines' Addition to Port hod and tbe dt tnton ltns between aartloaa lft and 1ft, tows ship t Bftuta. rants l east. Wlllsmorto msrld Isa, Jobs W. l.anrdon, $101.25. A tract ef land boandsd Bad d scribed tt fol lows: Oimmeoelnf st point la tbs eaat line of Mfeadam road wbera the seme hi a Urssclsd by Um sooth naa wt ballet A Wymaa one-aen tract, recorded ta book N, psrs sot. Hecord ot Dsada, Multnomah Coaaty I tlienco south 23 derrses, west 26 I eet ; tbeae aouth decrees 30 mlaatas, ssst 100 fsst; tbenc north 23 derrsss, weat Aft feet: tbene aortb Sft defree 30 Bains tes. esst 100 feet; tbenc aortb 22 decrees, wsst 60 fsst: tbeae norm nu or frees so uiloolss, west tuv fsst; tnsnis south a asfrees, st so re', i of herlnslnr. Cltr ( Pnr I land fto.fta. A trsct sf land bounded and descrlbsd as fol. lows: Cotnsienrlnf st a point la tba wsst bank of WlllametU rlesr at tow water mark 102.24 feet north sf south Un of Terwllllfs . donation land el Its; tbenc Berth Sft Set nee ft minute, weet to ssst line ot Macadam rood; tbsnca aorth 1 defrees. watt So feet; tbnc . north 17 drrree 4 mlnatea, weat 240.64 feet; iheuce aorth 21 defree 17 mbistos, wsst 670.04 fset; thencs south ftft defrses 18 min utes, cost 100 feet) Ineae Dor Hi 21 defree 87 mlnutea, weet 26 feet: thenee south MU de- Ssa 18 minutes, ssat 41.2 feet to place of Inalnf, ; John, Ualaey June - Oompaay, . A tract of land boaaded and deecrlbed a fol low: Osmnmielnf at tbs souther at eorner of tba Terwllllrer donstloa land claim; tbsueo weat (.26 chain: tbeoea north 14 defraea 20 minute, esst 1.8 cbalaa: thaoc st ft.26 rbataa to weat bank ot Willamette rlrer at tow waUr mark; tbenc aouth 14 decrees 84 mlnuu. west I. ft cbslns te also ef bef la aluf , Lenla Oberle. $0.25. . A tract of bind bounded nod described as fel lows: Commsnclna- wnsra . tbs aortb Uns of Ttiomaa ftupbsns donation landr claim Inter- - sscts in west bant of wuisowtu neer at tow water mark; tbene weat ft. 40 rbataa; tbenc south 13 defrses, esst 446 ' chains: tbenc aasterly 6.47 ehslr; thaoc aortb 4.06 cbaln to place of bsttnotnr. ears aod etcept . .2 acre described la book 2ud. par 73., Record of Deeds, Malloootaa Coaaty. Leala Arnold. $1. 25. - A tract sf land boandsd and deecrlbed a fol . low: Comoieoclnr at a oolnt 20d feet aoatb- rly from where tbe south llo sf Terwlllifer donation land claim Intersects the aaat line af - Macadam road, aad thence easterly 124J1 feet . at rlrbt analaa aa tha nlsos of beslnalnr: . tbenee aoutberly 80 feet parallel with tbe , eaauriy . nn 01 Macadam rosn ; tneBcs east erly 9i feet to wart line of rlfbt of way ef the Portland Willamette Valley Railroad Company ; thence northerly M feet atonf aald rlfht of way; tbenee westerly te Blaoa of be- . flunlnf, Jobs Arnold, $1.76. A tract of land bouoded and dtiarrlbed aa fol lows: Comtneoclnr at southwest coraer et Louis Arnold tract, section 15. township I south, rsnrs 1 asst. WlUsmetU msrtdlaat - thencs south 18 di frees, ssst 2.27 chains; tbenee eaat ft chains to west bank of WU lamette rlrer at tow water mark: tbencs oorth . 10 defrees. west 2L26 cbslns; tbenc wast to pise or oaf inalnf. William and. Boaua u f er. $8.75. . . - A tract ef land bounded and dtatilbed a fol- lowt: Commenclnr at , southwest earner of ' tbe Wllllsm aud Koala Uelser tract, asctloa ' 13, townalilo 1 sooth, rsnrs 1 asst. Wlllam- 7 ette meridian; tbenc weat tt.08 cbslns; thencs oouto it oetrees 90 minute, ssst l.tu casinsi tbenc east ft.OS chain: these aortb 14 de- free 80 mlmiua, weat 1.70 chains, to pises or oefinaiiaf, caillorala Powder worts, $8.10. ' -A trset of land lylnr between tbe west Hn f Macadam road and tbs eaat llo of block Sft. 87 aad 82. Mouthera Portland. OrefOB. aud between tbe southern bououarv of ths TsrwU- liter donstloa bind claim aad tha aortb Una of block 25 and 24. Mouthera Portland. On ion, snd asm aorth Ik of Carotlaa u. B. b. Thompson, fiirr.oo. A trsct ot lsad lylnr betoeeu ,of Mscadam road sad tba aaat Una of Iota ft. 7. ft and ft. block ft. Ilnann'a Addlttoa, U Portland, tod between tb aoatb llaa at tha . TerwIUIfer donation lsad c Is lis sad tbe south Has ot (uta ft and ft, block ft, U roan's Addlttoa to Portlsnd. Hcbool DMtrict No. . 1, $-V10. , A tract of land lylnf between the weat llna of Pultoa Park aod the dlrtstoa line betweea sections lft snd 16, township 1 south, rant a esst, euiamtia merHilso, saa Between tne " south line of tbe rtlsrla road aad tbe aortb Una ot block lft, Pultoa Park, roltoa Park - Laad Oatnpsny, $18.70. ' A tract of Und lylnf betweea tb west Una of. Pultoa Park and tba dlrkttoa Un bstwesa section 21 sod 22, townh)p 1 south, ranr ..1 esst. WlUtmett aaerldlsn, aad betweea tb south lln of Perth street and tb north Un ot toe street oa tb north aid sf block 26, Pultun Park, Pnltoa Park Oompany. $10.00. . A tract t laad bounded snd dsscrlbsd ss fol- . tows: Cemmenclnf 10 rhatna wsst and 8.92 rnsins Dortn. i oer reea west. 01 nortbesot cor aer of. block 1, Pultoap thence east S.60 chains; tbenee aorth ft decrees, west 24 cbslns; thenc west atonf aouth Uns ot Ne vada atreet to a point aortb T dec reea, wast 2.10 chains, from plsca of beflnalnf ; tbenc son to t decrees, eaat 2.10 chains, to place ol beflnnlnf. Kate B. Blnfham. $46.60. A tract of land bounded aod deecrlbed aa fol low ; Commenclnr 10 rhalna weat of nortb eaat corner ot block 1. Pulton: tbenee north 7 -derrees, .weat 4 02 chain, to south Un of fuersds street: tbeoos west atonf aoatb lias ot Nsrsds street to east llna of rlfbt af wsy at tba Metropolitan Railway Oompany; thanes - southerly alone esst lln at sal rlrbt af wsr ts aortb Uns af block 45, Pultoa Park; tbeoea east stonf Berth lln of Psltos Park to place . oi wsiamnf, at. is. vorDttt (sun, stir at, 1 $07.60. ' A tract of bad bounded and described aa fal low: Commenclaf at southeast tsrasr of Bluer , roltoa; thence essurly atonf aorth Uns of Rlrerrlew Cemetery, oectloo 22, towa shlp 1 south, rear 1 esst, WllUmetu merid ian, to wat lln of Msetdam road ; thsaea aoraneriy alonr west lln f said read to aortoeaat coraer of block 4, Psltos; ibeer soatberly a lonf the easterly Una af block 4, Pulton, to plc ef berlaalag, lieorc T. and "" J m. uuHura, n.w, A tract ef land bounded aod den Hied aa fnl Iowa: Oommsnclnf 21.80 eta Ins west and ft oO c 11 a ins aortn or aoatbosst corner of 1 nomas HUimsna 'SVatstios land elalan!', Ihaana .Soeth 70 decrees, weet 24 2-1 rods; tbene aorth 20 oef roes, esst te esst line ef Csoby street ; tbenc aaat to eaat Un ef Hood atreet; theoce Mtk I. " . , Lu.k ' Pnltoa Park; tbenee aoatb TO decrees, eeat i rhalna. mon r Ire, to weat Una af Tar lor Perry road; thence sonth 23 derrees. west A.02 -cbslns; tbenc north 70 decree, wsat lft 01 a in, to piaca et hertaalef, Uorawa Mta- f er. 22 ftO. A tract of land boaaded and described as fal low: Commenclaf at oorth esst corner tot ft, block 102, Pnltoa Park: tbeae north 00 feet; tiiear aorth 40 decrees, ssst ft3 fast, to s atsks 80 feet south from south lias of lb Mettfer tract, seetloa 22. township 1 snath, rsnrs 1 asst. Will suits merldlaa: these easterly parallel with esath Una ot aald Moto rer tract to a aUhe hi wast lis sf Taylor Parry road: theoce southerly to esst lln of block 102, Paitoa park: theoce north 100 test t northeast coraer f aald block 102: tbenc weet 100 feet to pise st bef laalnf , PsrUaad Clay Company, $1.26. Aa trreralar tract of laad lylnf between tb aouth Una of block 4, Pulton, and aa easterly estensma at toe asms IB iu prose t and tbs west Uns sf Msesdsm road, tb north Use of Hector Campbell doaattoa land Claim, westerly line of Msesdsm rood asd tbs esstcrly 11 f Taylor' rrrr road. Kir arrtsw Cemetery A a eel ties. $181 24. A tract of tend lylnf betweea tb aorth Baa of Hector Campbell's donation laod claim aad tha aouth boandary ef the City ef Portlsnd aod bstwesa tba waat llaa af tba Willamette rlrer st tow water mark snd tbs westsrly line ef Hceoe' Perry rood and Tsytor'a Parry road, a re and etcept plot 1, aa shown sn tb msp of Portland. Oreroa, pabllehed by Tne Till Uuraau A Trust Coiupsny. Rsriotored. No. 70, Kirernew remeterr Assonstion. for zoo. A tract of bud boumled and described as fol lows: Cetnmsacinf ot th Interseetloa sf tha north. Una sf tract descrlbsd bt book A, pars tew, wecoru or taeens, aiuitnomso vousty, wub eaat line ot Tr tor's Perry mad: thencs aortb- rly lsa aakl road 200 feet: thenc west ftO feet to east Una of Macadam road; tbooca aoatb 200 feet: tbenca east to place of be- Innlnf, avcarlly ftarlof A Trust Compaay, 260. , A tract of land bounded aad deecrlbed fol low: Gommcnclnf SO feet south and 80 feet west of south weat corner ot block ftft. Pal ton Park; tbeoea east 20 feet; tbenca Booth 80 feet: tbenc wsat l.Kl feet; tbenca uth 2nA feet; these weat 120 feet; tbenee north too feet to pise ef beflnnlnf, Byron P. Card well KaUU. Heir of. fu ll). A tract of land boaaded aad described as fol lows: Commenclnr st ths Intersection of th north Un ef Llebermsa tract, recorded Io book I. ptfo 303, Record of Deed. Multnomah Connty, with th east Ho of old Taytor Perry rued: thenc aorth alonr said mad 200 feet; tbenee eeat to Willamette rlrer; tbenc follow Inf th meander! nc ef asld rlrer te tbe aorth line of ssld Llebermsa tract; tbenc west te tli plac ot hsftaauaf, Henry ii. Dupoat. $1.86. A tract of lend boaaded and dsatrftud a fol low: Oorsmencliut ft chain ssst and lft eh Is south of northwest corner ef northeast Uasrter sf eoiloa 22, tow ash Ip 1 asath, rear 1 esst, Willamette meridian: theses east 6 chains; thence Booth ft decrees, west '2.70 chains: tbene wsst 4.80 en Ins to eeet Una nf Macadam road; tbene northerly atonf east llo of Maesdam road to piece of bet Innanf, Hectirity Us Tint a Trust Company. 218.2ft. . A trsct of land bounded aod descrlbsd ss fal lows: Commenclnr at aortbwest eorner of block E, Pal ton I'srk: tbenc north 75 feet: thenc sst to wt bank of Willamette rlrer at tow water mark; tbenc stonf tbs weat bsnk of riser Io northeast coraer of block D, Pnltoa Park 1 tbenee wsst to plsca ef befla nlnr. Char lea 14eberma. $7.60. -A treat of lasd boumled snd described a fol low I : Commesclsr st soatheast coraer of tot 4, block I, , Pnltoa; tbene soatberly atonf west lln of Taylor" Perry mad to a point lft feet northerly from northeast coraer of block T. Pultoa; thenc aortberly atonf t ' lln parallel with oortherly lies ef block T, PnlUn, to Itt Intersection wltk th southerly Una f tot 9. block 1. Pulton, H. J. Reoj el man. $0.fV - A tract ot land bounded aad described aa fol lows: , CommarlBf 22.1ft chains aorth aad 12.84 oh In weal of southeast eorner of Tbomaa Stephen donation land claim! tbsnca north Tft derreea. aest ftOft chains, to west bank of Willamette rlrer at tow water Mark; tbene along west bsnk of sshf rlrer, aorth 40 ! oast 1.40 chains: tbenc north ft drtree SO mtnate. et .66 ehstn,: f nesee west cosine: tbenee aoatb 4 decrees aft aumtss, eaat 2.8ft chains, to lb plass f flsnlnt, PTsnctsr Behmltt. fll.M. A tract nf land bounded and nescrlhed at tnV tow: Cowimesrlnf st thrss-mlls post In V " ausm road, Uttoct aaat to watt baak f V U- lametta rlrer st low wstsr mark I Berth atoaf the wsst bank of ssld rlrer u aeutbaaal corner of block M, Vsltoa Psrk; these wast a lonf ths aoatb line ef block M asd N. Pulton Psrk, to Msesdsm roe ; tbenc outh tu place of bef laslsf , Tbaudnr Mcolsl, $15.00. A tract ot land boaaded aad described a fol low: Commsorlnr oorth lft defrees. west 2.23 chain a, from so the at corner ef Thorn Stephens doaattoa lsad culm; theoce wsst S.74 chains: tbencs aortb S3 decree 30 mlautes. west 2 22 chains; thsnc aortb 2ft derreea 14 silnates, wsst l.M cbslns; tbencs serth 4 decree tft mlaates, west J4 cbeln; thenc north ft decrees 30 minutes, wsst 2 -AO chains; tbene north 21 decree, west 2 bsbas; these north lb derrses, west 4 chains; tbsnca aortb 43 defrees wsst 2 34 chains; thencs sooth 24 defrsss, esst ft cbslns; tbeoea Bout 111 defrses, et 4.37 chain, te place ef be flnnlnf. Joseph aad Prank Webber, tM.2ft. A tract of land baaadad aad descrlbsd as fel low; CoauBsueiuf at a point bt th esst Use of Mscadam-. road when bus hi In ter ser ted by aouth lis of Tbooiss tUspbsos do aattoa lsad claim; tbeoeo aorth ft decrees Sft R urates, weet 1.78 castas; tbenca oorth 23 frees 30 tn Is a tea, west 123 cbslns; tbenc sst parallel wltb th said doaattoa land claim llna 2.74 chams to wsst bsnk of WU Ismstts rlrsr st tow water mart; tbenca eonth srly 18 decrees, ssst stonr tne west bank ef aid rteer. 343.2ft feet: theoo west parallel wltb snd 130V feet aouth of tbs south ltns of the Tnouita Stephens sonatina land claim to tbs esst lino ot Macadam road; thencs north Ions t 11b at Macadam rood to tha place of beflnnlnf, .Uousrlck L. Machtsy. $15.00. A tract of tasd hounded snd described a - follows: ComaMBclnf st Boutbesst cor nor ot lot lax klnck IlL Monthern Portland: thenc west 214. ft feet: thenc south 6 dear 30 mlnuxot, east to aorth Una at Nersds street; thence east atonf aorth lias of Nevada atreet te weat Una ot Msesdsm road: thence oorth aloof west lu sf Macadam mad to place sf bertoBlnf. Joseph Weber. $1. so. A tract ef lsad bounded and descrlbsd fAllnwa;. I1nmmnntne a Inleeseetloo Of line ef Macadam road with sonth Uns of Ne vada atreet: theoce west 214 Jl fast atoaf couth llaa OT K'eaada, - IbaTS sonth ft del SO mloulss. eaat 54.2S feet; tbsoc cost 214.ft feet; thenc oorth ft decrees Si I mloates, west oftis fsst, to place ot bar tnnlnf. Mlchtor Tannine UtO A tract ' ot land boaaded asd descrlbsd 0 follows: Commenclns 13.12 feet north. free 80 mlsutes saat, from oortbssst eoraar at block 7 Pultoa; tbene aortberly atonf to west ltn of Macadam road 306JM feet; tbsnca wsst 211.5 feet; tbsaee north ft6.ftft feet ts aoatb Una ef furred street; tame west 87 M festt tbenc south 12w feet; tbenee owtb S , derreea 60 mlnutea. ast 241.88 feet: tbsoc oorth aft decree 41 aasantes. ssst 211.29 feet. to place of bef Inalnf , Bono Bobs. tlS-dft. A tract af Isod bounded, sod- ascrtbed aa followa: Oommanclnf Jit chain oorth, ft as frees ftft mlnutea eaat. and M2 enalna west of anrtaesst corner or blocs l, rtuiee; is in waaat 1U3.4JI faatt theses north ft decree. arstS, to sooth llaa of Nersda street; tbsaee east 183.4A fort; tbenc south to plan el Btrmaiaf, Charles D. and Kllaa Chriatenaea. ftt.OO. A tenet of Und hminilnl and dsserlbed SB fellows: Oommsnclnf at an-theest corner ef block 1, Pulton; tneon west 10 chains: tbenc north T derrses. west 2.D2 cbaln: tbene ssst . SMA.72 feet ! thanes ssath ft dsct . " ' - 1, UI ... AkAKM Mtk .AO Am frees 41 mlns'lee. ssst 211.2S feet tbenc south 3 dsfrsss 30 minutes, esst 12.13 lest, w place at beflnnlnf. P. Kllnsorre, tlft-SO. A tract ot laod bounded snd dsserlbed a follows: Comtnsnclnc st soutbeast corner of . hlnek n-TU. t-nllnn I'ark tbeauw WSSt 200 fCCt to eaat line of pint atmst; tbeae aortb 300 test ts anath lln of Loraa strsst; tbear east to aortbwest coraer ot ssld . mora ; asalberly aloof wsst Un of aald block to plac ot befluakif, Pnltoa - Park laud UompnBy, : $5.10. . : . - tnnat nf laMt ImmiAmI and AaSertbed SB . follow: Oouimenekif at asutheaat corner nf aieea oraa,, jrunua ran ; umbc west sw tbeoea south 80 feet; tbenee east 200 fasti taeoee aorta ao teat 10 piaca at oef ummi. Month Portland Real Katata- Comoaar. S4UM, A tract of laod boaaded aad deecrlbed ea Vfollowe: Commeocibf at a point 50 feet south snd AO fast west of northwest corner of block ' 72, Pultoa Psrkt tbeoce south 250 fset; tbene west 3oO test; tbeoea aortb 2U tost; tbeae ssat Sou feet to plan nf bf lnnlaf , Coafrsf a- tioo Bttb larael. $18 75. sA tract of Issd beuoded and described at follows: Commenclnr 30 feet Booth aod 80 feet weat of southwest corner of block 72. ' Pultoa Psrk: tbenca aaat 760 feat; tbeoea aouth to Interseetloa ef oorth Uns of Poplar 'street wltb west lln of Klrbth orenaa: test wesurly to Khrreath ares us; tbsnca north te north llaa af Rprsn atreet: thenc weat 2M feet: tbenee aorth to a oolnt ftO feet esst af northeast earner af block 04. Pulton Park tbenca west 1H0 feetl tbenca aortb IO fset) IIimii anat !HS1 fnnl tbenca smth. Ml feet to ' place ef beflnnlnf, Vincent Cook, $11210. A tract ot toad bounded and described as follows: Cosam-nclnr st oortbaoat Burner of lot ft, block 102, Pultoa Park; tboac sorth 0 fast; tkwac aortb 40 decrees, east 803.4 , ft. to sou Lb Una et. Mtcr tract, aecttoa ! taawnahln. 1 aonts. I ravrs 1 ssst. Wills Of otta meridian; tbeae aortbaattwly parallel wltb west Hoc of said MsUfsr tract to aouta . Hue of Haxel atreet; tbeae weat I a. point due norm of northwest corner or ntorr tut, Pnltoa Park; thence aooth to northwest cor aer ef said block 102; tbeae east 100 fsst to place ef beflnnlnf. Vincent cook, fio.ia. -A tract of lsad lylnf between tb center ltn 'of fteonod atreet If extended south ta lu ares cat course sod tb dlrlstoa Uns betweea at ttont 21 aod 22, township 1 aoatb. roofs 1 rait, Willamette Bsertdina. tnd brtwoen a llna 0 feet south or and parallel with ewtB im of btocka 63. 04 and Si, Pultoa Park, aad tbe Berth Use et block B3. tba aortbeastsrly and . northwsstsrly lines af Mock TS. raitoa rara, Henry Pleekeasteia, $21.20. A. trlanfolar tract of land lylaf betweea tba aoatb llaa ef Taylors Perry road, tb westerly line of Booses Perry rosd and tha division llaa ' betweea awe lion 21 aad 22, township 1 aouth, naf 1 aaat. WUIaasett BfnrMlaa. CiuiaMallnB Beth larseL S0.00. .A tract of Uad lylaf betweea tb aouth - Un f SeyaMur reeuue- aod too aoatb Uue af Jjoandsry atreet extesoea werriy is in present soaras aod astweea tbs west Una af ftVerond atreet sad tbe dlrlaloa lln betweea eaettona 18 aad lft. township 1 aoatb, rant 1 1 aaat, Willamette Mertdtaa. ears aad etcept th ladermublr tract below described, Ter wlllifer Land Company, $120 30. ' A Unci of Uad bounded aad described a fol lowa: Com lax act nf on oust oldo of Blsrta coaaty road 2,024 feet aorth asd 432 fast east sf esath Use af tba Tarwllllfer dons tloa land claim, wbera eeme , hi Intersected by th dlrlaloa llaa betweea eaat aad west H of said doaattoa toad claim: tbeae asath tft defree 60 minutes esst 4Hft.t feet; tbeoea sorts SI derreea 10 mlBBtes ssst 2US.T feet; t hears north aft oi mss 80 minutes waat to the naaathwoataarl Una sf tbe HUsta SBUBty read: theoce aorthwaat 81 defrost 10 mlo ates weet SftO.ft feel: tbeae south 1 decren 4ft Bklaatee west 48.4 feet to plac af baft a alas. Uottlleb ladertnabte. ftlft.fto. A tract ef lead boaaded aod described aft ftsl towa: CemmraclBf Bt sorts west eorner ef block 148, Carutbert' Addlttoa to tba Cltr of ' Psrtload. told est by tbe fteutb Portlsnd Rest Kststo Asaaetstloa; tbsnca aouth Sun . feetl theoce weat 400 feet; tbenee aorth 200 feet; thenc saat 40 ft ts pise of bef la nlnr. Mrs. R. A. Owens Adair. $17 61. A tract of toad hounded and described aft foV hafts: fxammenelns st northwest corner ef block 14ft, Cerathera' Add! tloa to tbe City of port und. as uid sat ay ue aoata rortmna Real Kstata Assoetatloa; ' tbenee weet 20 feet ttonf the soatb Un at Curry street If ex leaded westerly L' IU pre est oourse; thsncs north 820 test parallel with tba west line ef Pint street; tbenee esst ta tbs south west eoraar st block 120. Caratber Addl ttoa ta tba City of Portland a laid oat by tha Boath Portland Beat KaUU Asaoctattoo; thence aoatb 320 feet to place af beftnulnf, Willi. m M. Gretnry. $1.80. All th land ased and occupied bp th Ore foa A California Railroad (ompanr for rlfht kvf way aaraoaas, except when said rlfht of 'way I toe ted tn streets, lylnf betweea th aorth lias of PI nice Csrathers' donation hand claim and th aoutbera boandary of tba City et Portland aod betweea tb weat bank of Willamette liter at tow-water mark aud tb dlrlaloa line between section 4 aad 2. ft and 10. lft and lft, 21 snd 22. township 1 south, rants I esst. WlUsmetU Merldisa. Orerun- A CaUferala Railroad . Compaay, $IS0.O0. All tb nnplated laad lylnf between th south Us sf P. carulhera' dona tloa laad claim sod - the south line of Bllaabeth Carathers' dona tion Isod claim tnd betweea the dlrUloa line between eeet loo ft snd 10, township 1 sooth, ranr 1 east, WllUmette Meridian, and tbs west lln sf First street, etcept tw parrels ' of land owned by Mr. B. A. Owens Adair and William M. Onfocr Orefoa Hallway A 'Karlfatlua Compaay. IW. 00. - : A tract f land lylar betweea as eaaterly rxteaaloa t th north Un at Cam then atreet and a line 160 feet north thereof and parallel therewith d betweea tha aaat Use of Hood atreet and a Use 8 feet eaat thereof tod porallsl tberewllb. JefaBlah Worlek. $1.30. Rlfht sf wsy. Poet 1 ad ConsoUdated Railway Company. $2.T5T.T0. Total, $20.00.45. TflOS, f. DKVI.IH. ' - Auditor of th City nf Portlsnd. Dare af ftrat publlestlon. March ft, lftoft. COKPLITIOK AD . ACCXPTAJTC. Of lat- PROTXKIlTT Of XAIT WAMmOTOB ITIIR, ' ,. ' , ., , J . Katie It hereby riven that Charter Waaarr. City Knrlnser. bss filed la tbe office of tb aadafelfned, nolle that J. R. O'Kell. eontrse lor for tbe Improvement ef Kast Waahluf tno txeet. nnder the nrorlatona ot erdlnsara fin. 14.221. baa essunleted ssld street, from the total line of Beat Thirty-third atreet ta the ros ter line ef Kt Thirty-fourth atreet. ftald acceptances will ba considered by tb Bieeutlr Board at 4 'elock oa tb 17th day sf March. Iftuft, and abjections to lbs so reptsBc nf ssld atreet. sr tay ftsrt thereof, may ba tied In the nfftea af lb Bsdsrslfned tt toy tin prior thereto. , , , TUB AICI t'Tirn IW1AFIP. , ' By THO". C. DRVI.If. . Aedlror of the t'ity sf Portland, rerttaad, Orrgva, March 11. 1000, 1 SlIOItJuLL'a UnioN Pacific Trains to tbe East Daily 3 Tbnecb-Psllaua standard tad ton list alees laf cars dally to Omaha, Chic to, ftpokui tourist sleetilnf - ears dolly to Ksoass Clty throufh Pallmaa tourist saeeplnf cars (persoa ally csnductedl weekly to sacs to. . ReelluleJJ rbalr sn (aeato free I to ths Kast daily. UWIOW DEPOT. I Lesrss. Arrlsss. CU1CA0O-P0RTLAKD . SPECIAU - :.,15-- 8:B,aa, Por tba Beat rta Boat- D1', Daily. loftea. ' . ' ' ' ' BPOKANB PLTKR. '' - 4 - : . ,L - Por . Basurn -Waahlof- : ' ' 1 ' ton. Walla Walla. Lew- ft:13 ft. ftrnOBiBV , ., kttoo. Ceeor d'Aleoe Doily. . Dolly. , and Oraat Kortharp , ;.'.'.'.. potato... -'" ' ': ATLANTIC CXPKF.K8. ...I. - T'tftaVBa.' Por tb Kaat ria Baat- 11. lJaliy. -'j Inrtoa. oaliy. - ..ymw. . . Cslnmhts Blwsr' Mrmtoaw : POR ASTORIA aad way 8: no p. at. potota, cosneettsf with Dolly. . 2 atmr. for llwseo aad et. ftanday. t:00 ft. av North Beach, str. Bsa- Saturday. St. ftaaday. -' Bale. Ash-st. dock. - 10:00 p. at. : j TamblU Rlesr Konto. , , i POB AyTO. Orersnl . City aod Tamhlll Hirer T OO a. Ba. T.0 ft. av. Cilnta, ttatrs. Both aad Du- Di,- ed-c. Aah-et dock. ex. Ktutday. sc. ftaaday. ' (Water pormlttlnf.) .- . araaks KItst Boat. r ' POB LaTWISTON. Ida.,i ... I About and way polata from till.. ,:00 - Rrpsrts. WVsh.. antra. ""Hf Dally.' ftpokane and Lewlston. Batwrds pHrlsy. TiataTT OmC Third aad Waablsftoo. - Tsht- !'. - ' paoo msia T13. , , e 5- 8TTOKrl, City Ticket Afeftt. L L. CBAIG. Oessral psaasttfar Afest. EASTvu SOUTH TJNIOlf DKPOT. Arris 0TKRLAND KXPBKSB trains, tor Salea, us burr. Aahlssd. - ftsetw- IM9. I Btento. Or den. tan fraa-J 1M elseo. Btscfttoa, La Aa-4 teles, Kl Paso. New Or -I Wans toft ta owe: Moraine . train nerto- . at Woodbaral daily etcept Hands y with trsta fa Mt. Anrel. ftllsert. Brownrrllle. ft a r I ft B IJOt. BL tJ)a.a, f laid. Wendiltuj jutM NBtroa. A lossy pimemcsr 4 :00 p. m. secU at Woodburo with 10:1ft t. 1 Mt. Anrl aad aUlr too local. Corn 111 pa enter. Hberldas naesaiiger. l'B0p. an. 8 20 a. m. 4 6 p. m. Dally. IIDally, rteept ftssdsy. Partlaad-Otw(s Suburbaa ant, aad Tamklll Dirioioa. ' - , JVoot foot ef Jefferson street. Tatar Portlend dally for Osweoo 7:30 a. m. I 12 60, 2:00. tJV5. ft.20, ft 25. T.45, 10 10 p. m. Dolly leaeept Hu.ndsy), 6 JO. ft:30. ft 86. Ift.ftft a. av; 4:10, 110 p. . fa, a Bvnday ooly. 1.00 , nt. RartilrnlBf frsas Oswero. arrrr Portal sd dally 8:3 a. Ba.; 1:60, S.OB. :1S. 7 35. ft :M. , 11:10 p. m. Dally (except tender! 26. T:26, 9-M. 10:10. 11:46 a. at. Kxeest Monday, 12:29 a. at. ftsnday only, 10:00 a. m. lierret from sn depot for Delia and later mediate point dally (except laadsy) 4:10 p. st. Arrlrs pnrtissa it:i s. m. . . Tbs Indepsadunee-Moaaaowtll Motor Mss open tee dally to Men mouth tad Alrtls, eo. osetlnr with ontbera Paris eoatpaa'a track tt Dallas sad lodepeadenc. P1nt-clss far from lorlssd to Baeraftiento tnd Baa Piaactaco $20. berths $6; I tlml fan 415. seond-clas bertha $2.60, Ticket to Kaetern polnta and tnroeav flap Jap, China. Booololu aod AjrarrsUs. City Ticket Offtcs corner Third asd Waabe Inf too atreet. Pboa Mala 712. C. W. on" GBR. .t COnlAIf. aty Ticket Afeat. , teas. Paaa. Afewt, TIME-CARD OK. TRAINS Portland t tntlOM DKPOT. Pofet ftotrsd Untlted. for- T see ana, fteertt. OlrmnU. noath Bead Jfto. aj. 4:4 ft. ftV aod Uray't Barber points. North flnsat limited, for T corns, ftsartt. 1 Butt. Bt. Psal. . Mla-I nsspniia, csicafo, new York, Boston and potato Baat and fteathsaat, Twln-Clry Rrproam, for TBeoana. fteattl. (ton tftp. m. Tlta.1 kas, Helena, ft. p.uL. MlasesDollo Cblearo. Uftp. aai IMtft. Mew York. IVwtoa sod all paints Kaat tndl Boutbeect. Paret aowBd Ktmnt Clty-8t. Loalt BpscUL for Taeniai. Seattle, ftpoktas. Batta Bllltars. Denear, Omaha. Kaoaaa l :2 t. tt. TMftwnj. City. Bt. Louis and all points Esst aad Booth esrt. - All train dally tteewt oa Booth A. D. CHABLTON. A a lata nt Osansl Pssasorsr Afeat. ' 23B Merrlss St.. aor. Third. Psrtstsd. Or. Astoria & Columbia -River Railroad Cq. limoff DBP0T. Arrl 0ft a. m. Dally. Per Marrsr. Rainier. 11:10 ft, at. Dally. Clataktal. Wsat port. C II ftoo, Astoria,, War- rentoa, Plaral, Ham- Banco. rort Btssens, dear hart Psrk, Artoria aad T:f) p. 1 Dally. ally. - 40. (t, Astoria Ziprest, 1 . .- .. '"-t. C MATO, O. P. aad P. A, Astoria, Or. , 6. A. BTCWART, Onmrneerlal Atnt. tot Aider trset. Pbon Mai ftOft. Tl!l:i:i,' riakM Ofio laa nurd . wtm c: ws, Trana43oritlnwritaI TraUndt Oally cv FAST TIME .222 aUala FOlilTal BA.. DftPllftnt trip thmofh if- r nd Rocky ajiounUlna. I - 1 ulsra, ratsa, foldarft, fttft, v It . m. dicjw-t, cw t; 1M Third tr IM" . jour o-VrA W ? ' "1 I I. A. V .' ' I