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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
V ...:.- .W crrr atoncx. n.10: awMiristoa F of tot 4. Dors Vmtk,; rn.oa .ww. ;-' ..,., SI. 10: uui-oiTieioa i oi p a, ; lit! .bdlTl.toa J of Wi;llKr'W si.iu; soouitisiou iv ." -" -7" IxrtW, $1.1: swbdlrielou I. of -to it. John Baorbncfcee, I WI iaiin - -v; Newton L. fltlbam. $1.10; whtfrtitai v. of tot 4 Mercbsnis Si'??. . ,I Portland. Trustee. $o.Wl UJ1,;, P' ' lot 4. Merebests National Bank of Portland. 12.110: aubdlTtalon M 1, nnwia . ; .L.I i ... .h.ll. If of Jot 1. HlrMr c.. 'Zi.Jt.CZ' lino- . .ioii c of v 1. Job m. hv? !.f E : - -moh.ltTl.lo. D of tot I. C. W. UjM. $3.80. suhdlrteioa E of lot I. Joha IXwnrb.rr .I 06. . . . , . .. . l . a MMB1 ItfVKM K t II- UDaiTlSMn. n VI . .1. 7 f..rnts Ballroad Comi-ny rigb ot .way. Richard C. Prince. $O30: 41fV,f!'L north bS feet of eubdlrlalon U of lot I except ? u.n.ait lainMDi i right STosrenee . lr. $": -" V,.t 1 ,f it M3 fort of enbdlTlstou O of tot 1 . e.xee oath eu . .' . . . 1- W Ix-lr. . north 42W feet Ol .nnui-ow" . - . ijL-Ir A V.llfnrnta Bsllrosd Com pany, right of way. Blchard onrilri.lo. A of lot 3, M ?.. ! aubdlrielna II " J V. ., j . subdlrialon O of tot . Port ". Jru.t Com- of Oregon. 12 so: utodiioto-o .of w OI Hit 12.80; 2.tW; 4. Pm-ttaMl Trot omponr of Orrt. ohdlTloo fl of lot t W.r4 C. J."1?0" . '!.; tMibdlTUIoil H of lot t, r t. . Wftswrr. oXOo; MbdlTliloa A or lot J. WrKTllV$2 40; oubdlTUloo of lot . W K. llT. $2 mbdlrl.kMI O Of lot J. . m. 1 ... .MlullwtalnH I) Of lot B, Wl k! Ih, 2ia6: U of onhdlTtitoB B of lot S .t of Oreo t"r"; Ht of w. W. A. torrle. $XbOi iU of .nlMllThW T of lot 01 rtrb. of wt. W. A. Owrrto, WiiU of oohatrirto Q of lot I t VTf0'. 5iotrrtSo. ss ' rood Comianri Hgt of wt. Kt Bo- wot of OrV CUfornl o.oft; abdlTliloa A 01 lot o. n. y -. S2.80: ootMllrloioo v oi-a . - UW; MbdlTlotoa D of lot 4, narn Arnold. .11 t B of lot t of UNI At cuiomi. mh -vm. i :, "if of ntxlluio. r ot lot 4 wt of On; ' ft CliforoU B11ro.d CopnT rjlht of w.y. Wrd C. Wxir. 0.88; U of MbdlTi.lo K of lot 4 out of Orojo. ft f w. W ).; U of oubdlrUloo K of lot 4 out of gm ft CllforoU B.1I- mad'1 rlicbt of w.y. C. W. Lolrb. 2rT5:ll o7 .uMlrl.loo O of lot 4 , o.ropt Orcaoo ft Cllfor.1. Ballroad CompajT rtfbt - it HtAa. .11 of ..uirk.'lr,. h of lot 4 Mt of Orogoa ft n 1. n.iiMA itanMH'i rlrht of war Kraorao M. ritoa. 0.10: U of oobdj- VlUoo B of lot 4 oaat ot au- . 1. D.iiuj rviniun riaht of Way. r w Llck. M XO. BI-fM-K . north liu fort of lot 1 oaat of Orogoo. ft CllforBla Railroad Compaoya rlrtt of y-,;artln Wloea. 10.T0; aontb fo ft of jortj JWO frot of lot 1 oaat of tjrogo; .iu'f' iUltrood Company ritht of way. Klojrr n. colwrll. 3.a0; oontb 90 foot of lot 1 "at of Oroo ft Callforola , Ballroad rom - Tar'a rlghtof way. Mary A.' CUrto . Ji ill of lot 1. woat of Oroaoo. ft CUfomla Railroad Company Ht way. V ura A. Bork. A3.JO: oobdlTlakm Aof,4ot . : J..H. Byor. 2.R; ubdlrl.lon B of lot a. J H. Rcrrr. S2.4B; anbdiTlaioa C of lot , lorn. H30; aubdll1o D of i ' v . UoaiooBory. 2.25; aorth IS fot of anbdiTialoo It of lot . Mary A. Ctark.. aO.T; aootb fort of MhdJylaloj K of lot . Boar A. ToonJ, X; ortk 65 foot of MbdlrHlna F ot lot X Juaan M. Opponooff. 0.n; ath J 75 fori : of nMlrlxloa r of lot X frod If. Boody. $!.; oortk 0 fort of woat 160 f tot. of lot a. . Frod r. Boody. fort of to TO; oaat 42H fort of aootk ' Sort ft of lot a. HK. Boody- aijft: IM foot of lot , -Joka A. ; "; oaat 424 -fort of aootk 110 fort of lot a. B. Aaatta, 2.80; woat IWtf foot of aootk U I Iula Aroold. M.40: aoutk . iro toot of lot 4. Laura A. Brck.; woat. 424 fart of oaat fort ot aorth 110 fort f lot 4, WIllHiai M. Bodnna. a2.; woat 4Ztt toot OI oaai 010 - 110 root or lot a. Mm . u.. " A tract of lud lyln- kotwora tb aoalk lloo of Lowoll arras and lino 110 fort otmtk tfbrreof and parmllol thorowllh and . aotwoM tbo oaat Una of Front atrort and a lino an frot woat of and parallel I wltk tho woat lloo of Corbett tract. Tboama Scbaolder. : at w. .., - .;-. ' . rORTI.AND ' HOMESTBAn BI-OCK T. north . 110 foot of lot 1. Aramloto Bronauah.; onatk 120 frot of lot 1. tiraco h. Bronaab. til.; aobdlrtiUoa A of lot 2. Klla I rrokooa. anhdlTialoa B of lot 2. Kit U Wlnkooa. $20; anbdlyUlon C of ' lot 1 OUra U Warnor, 2.tH; anbdlTtaloo I of lot 2, Lacy B.,' Merwla, 2 o; rahdl vlrloa B ot lot t Abbl U Crorkar. .l.06; oaMlTteioa r of lot 2, Abblo L. (."rorkor. Mhdlrlatoa C of lot X Jamoa ColUni.; aoutk 100 foot of avbdlTtaton H of lot 2. j.aioa ColUaa, 11.20; aorta 7i toot' ot ann dliioloa a of lot a, U M. Wyakoop, ao.dO; oath 100 fact of oaat 10 foat of aabdlrlaloa of lot a. U M. Wynkoop. 11.23; north TO foot of anbdlTtaloa H of lot 1 U M. Wyn ! knop. I2.W); aabdlTlaioa A of tot 8. Ooorao nnr 12 mit aurMiinaioo n or s. rfoni Knapp. 92. NO: aoMlii.loa f. of lot 3, Mra. P. P. Boody, a2.IW; ouMlTtaloa D of lot a. Tkoaias aranoiacr. oz-ou; aooaiTioioo n oi W I A an. K roldman. tXOS: oiibdlrlaloo F-of lot a, A ana K. Frldmaa, $S06; aubdl vtaioa O of lot a. MoHada B. Morraa. 11.06: nhdlTlatoa H of lot a. Mollmla K. Moran, aa.05; lot 4. Blawa Blaaanor. a23.4. BLOCK . ilot 1. Joha ". Larkol, 23.4S; kit 1 Ongoa ft California Railroad Company, $23.46; lot a. Orrgoa ft California Ballroad Company. 623.46: oaodlrliloa A of lot 4, Ooorro H. Hprlagojoyrr, 92. HO; mhdlylaloa B of lot 4. '. Mary KprtDxurror. 2.0; anbdlTtaloa C of 1 lot 4, Nowuni U Gtlhaai. 82.80: aobdirlaloa I. of lot 4. Cart Blorklngor. 82. So: aabdl 4mm a " w a rw... i.-nia tl ml. anK. dlrtalon F of lot 4. Oacar Fotora. 83.06; ' ant 2S foot of aobdWUloa O of lot 4. Asotnh Hanaman. 82 56: oa.t frot of aob- dirlaloa O of lot 4. Cynid M. MrKay. $n 60; nMlrlalon H of lot 4. bob h or lot a. t yraa at MrKay, 8H.0. KM n r. a, aaontnaioa A or lot 1 Mary T., Jobnaon.; auMlrlaloa H or lot I. Mary K. Jobaaoa. 2.ou; aorlk V, of nhdlTlatoa C of lot 1. Mrs. F. i Ranor. 8I.4U; aoatk U of aaodtTtaioa C of lot I. lxwla Malor. 11.40; anbdlTtaloa It of lot 1., 8. M. Monobam. I2.W); aabdlTlaloB R ot lot 1. Jaavra H. Aapoawall Bauto. Ilolra of. f3.06 aabdlTlatoa P of lot 1, lamra B. Apoawall Ratato. Hrlra of. 6-10&.- nor lb 127k fort of aubdlTtatoa 0 of lot 1. Naw too U Ollbaai. 83.30; aonth 42.S' fort of anbdlrtatoa U of lot 1, Jarflia U. Hlnnana. to.76; aabdlrliiloo H of lot I. iudltb H. Hlnaaaa, . (3.HA; aahdlrlaloa 1 of lot B. Charloa R. Trnplrtoa. Traator, 8l.60t.anb' dlTlaloa 8 of lot 2. rharlra R. Trmploton. Traator. $1.60; aabdlTlalaa 8 of lot 2. ( barlra H. Trnplrtoa. Tmatoa, tl.Ofi: aabdlrlaloa 4 of lot 2. ("karlca it. Trmplrton. Traator, $1.06: aabdlTtalon 8 of lot 2. Char Ira R. Trnplrloo. Trnatoo. $1.66; aabdlrlaloa of M 2. 4-harlo R, Taaoplotoa, Traatao. 81.66: nbdlrlaioa T of lot 2, ( barlra B. Trmplo. toB. Traotoa, 31.A0; aobdlThiiaa 8 of lot 2. r birlf. K. TtmplotoB. Trnatrr. $J.0: aab dlrlaloa of lot 2. rharlra R. irtnplrton. Truatoo. 61. 0; aubdlrtaioa lt of lot . Cbarloa R. Traplotoai Ttuatoa, 6I.H0;-adbdlTUloa It of lot 2. Cbarloa K. Trnplrtoa. Truatrr. 81.00; nbdlTlaloa 13 of lot 2 Cb.rlra B. Traiplrtno, Troatac. 81 66; aabdlrlaloa 13 of lot 2. rharlra B. Trmplrton, Traator. 81.66; aorth 23 Mi frot of wrot SO frot of norm H of lot 8, nortrad Mark. $1.10; aoutk 22 'i . frot of aortk 46 foot of wrat m fort of Bortb H of lot t. Jamoa Cormark, $1.10; ontk- S of lot 3, Mary Plm-k, $11.06; mU I34 fnt of aorth 2 5 fort of woat ' 17U, foot of aortk H of tot. 3. Mra. R, A. tMrrloMi. $0.T6i anuih 234 fort- ot aoutk 46 foot of wait 67 W fret of aorth 'tt of tot 8, Mra. R. A. tlarriaoa. 8H.7B; wrat 22H frot f aaat 48 fort of aorth 46 frrt of orth H of lot 8. Ema J. Yoruai. 8Q o; oaat 22 frot of aorth 48 foot of north H of Jot 8, laora S. Or gory. 8o.o: aorth 46 ' fort of - -aortk H , of . lot 8, laara . B. Orrfoay, , $1.20: i aat II34 frot -of aootb 46 foot of north H of trf 3, Ionoro 8. Urrsory: 8106; lot 4, Oropon ft California Railroad ConpanT. $2:1.46. ' BUH'K l. lot 1. Orrana ft California Rail road Uranur. .823.46: aubdlrlalnB - A -of lot 2. Joba Androw. 82 66; aahdlTlaloa B ot lot 2, Joha Andrrw. 82 M; aabdlTtalna C of kit 2. John Aadrrw. $2.66; aubdlrlaloa 0 at lot 2. Joha Andrrw. $2 66; snodlrialoa M of lot J.- Joha Aadrrw, $2 66; anbdlrlaloa P of lot 2, Juha Aadrrw. 82 66: mhdlTtaloa fl of lot 2. John Aadrrw. $2-66: anbdjThiloa N of tot 2. Joha Aadrrw. $2.66: aubdl- okatoa I of I lot 2. Jobs Andrrw. $2.66) lot 3. kpraror M. . IVtoorr. $23.46; woat 42( fact of aorta 11 fort of lot 4. Arnoli B-aaforhola. $2.86: all of oaat 86 frot of M 4 lyla aorth of Orrana ft California Railroad Com pa ay I rt(bt of. way, . W. A. Iwla. ad ua. I A tract of a tylaa nrtwora tha oaat llor of Ohio troot and lino 14 'T fort aat of -and para I lr I thorrwlth a ad hrtwrrn a Ha 110 fort aonlh of and parallrl with . Ik aoatb II ao of Haailltoa arasuo and tar north Ho of Orraoa ft ( allfnrala kallmad .rMoiway right of , way. .Blawa , atrlacr, $1 ) A trar of tand blmn rwa tlao naaai tlrolr il'i taw a ad a foot Mat of sad aavrailtl 1. uai ipaiii nm 42W foot Of WltHIITMIOB " crrr ! oncza. with th aaat tlnf of Obla atrort a ad lw- . twora a iiao liu foot aoutk of and parallrl with tha aoulh lit of HanUUoa arratM and thr aorth Una of Orrfoa ft California Rail ' mad Company' rlfbt of way, W, A. Lawla. P0RTI.AXD ROM K8TEAT BLOCK 10. aaat 434 fort of woat ho fret of uorah 110 foat 11 Wll A Ummrw ' B- 1J I IJw. mat O. Mil all of lot 4 orMtth of Orrgoa ft taUfnroia Kail. roao company a riant of way, fhoaali la- aoraaoa Coojpaay.. i.tu, . HMH.K II, lot 1, Jnaonh A. Htrowbrldfo Eotato, Hrlra of, 823.46; lot 3. Jcaoph A. Btrowbrtdeo Katat. hrldg Katato, Heirs of", $23.46; .aorth .HI tort or tut a. TBoma - mooriorr, as.uo; aoutb an fact of aorth so fort of lot 3. Antoa Blarhofbrrfrr,. $3.06; aoath 00 foot . of north 120. foot of lot 8. Alexandria Klcori. $.iu: 'wrat fret of aoulh 110 trot or hit 3. Joarph M. Mrham.; " oaat 83 foot of aoutb 110 fort of kit S. mama 8telncr. Avau. BLOCK IX. lot 2. Marlrar Katat Company.. $23.46; oaat 60 iroi ot auoairiatoa a or lot 3. aadta A. Wrlnklr, $1.36: oaat 60 frot of auhdlTlatoa R of lot . B. Hadla A. Wrinkle $!.; wrat 00 fret of aabdlTlaioa A of lot a. Joha . H. Pomoroy, $1 50; ' wral 0 foot of anbdlrlaloa B af lot 8, John il. Pomcroy. 31.60; aubdl ;ltoa C of lot 3. Hrry II. Hlylb. $X8w. aubdlrlaloa U of lot S. l-rrr.r II. Blytb. $3.M: aabdlrlaloa B of tut a, Prn-y H. Blytb. $3.06; aubdlrlaloa P 01 tot a, rrrry h. tiiytb, :i 00; ubdiTialoa U of lot 3. Prrry H. Blyth. $3.u6; aubdlThiloa II or lot 3, Prrry H. Blytb. $.1.06. HUrk 13. lot 1. William B. Kerbrlmrr. $23.46; aortb 00 fact of lot S C. P. Ural. .!(; wrat AO frot of aooth 170 foat f lot 2. C. K. Br. I, 14.111; north 4214 frrt of Out 100 trot of aoath 170 fort of kit 2. Grorata A. faa. oroy. 2.0; aorth 42V. foat of aaat 110 fort of aoutk 127H fort of lot 2. J. P. Mampvl, . $ moth hft fort of raat lid foot of lot 2. Tooodorw Kaa-kcr and J. Wlntorboldrr, $S.0; rat of7 ka 8, ttiarlra K. I jdd, 81 1.70; . oaat C of Ivt 4. Charles K. Lsdd, 111.70. . BLOCK 14. DubdlTlslon A of lot a, WUllam J A. Morrow. $2.30; aubdlrlaloa B of- lot 1. William A. Morrow. $3.M; aubdlrlaloa C of lot 1. Prroton W. Olllott. 83.M0: aubdlrlaloa of lot 1, Prratoa W. Ulllrtta, $2 so; aubJ dlTlaioB B of lot 1, Alport Krhrroba.h, 3.0Sr auMlTlatoa P of lot 1. Albert Pehrrabarh. $3.06; aubdlrlaloa O of lot 1. Joba K op art lof I. $3.u6; aubdlrlaloa H of lot 1. John Koparhlrcl. $3.06; lot 2, Alomo W. WltborrlL, $23.46; oaat tt of lot 8, Mlaa M. P. Lawranoa. ! 11.70; raat of lot 4. Wlllla 0. Clarko, 11.70. BLOCK 16, lot 1. Thomas Brbnoldor. 33.46; aortk of lot 2 aoath of tbo Orrfoa ft California Railroad Company's right of way, I aman. Piukata ft Co.. $7.00; all of lot ' 2 aorth and . wrat of Oragoa ft California - Ballrodd Company', right of way, J. K. Marlry. $7.00; all-of aouth H of lot I airrpt Oragnp ft Clltorn4o Railroad Company's right of way, F.lliaoa Kncampmoat No. 4. 1. O. O. P., 86.K&; all of oaat of lot 3 xorpt (Oragoa ft California Railroad Company,', right of way, Joaoph A. Htrowlirldgo Br. K.tatr. hairs of. $7.0X1; woat 43 4 foot of raat 88 trot of aorth 100 frrt of lot 4. Ori EUaa Kan ford, $2.65; raat 42 frot of north luO fret of lot 4. Otla E." Sanford Batata. Hlr . of. $2.66; oaat 4 frrt of wrat 100 frrt of . aoutb Juo frot of lot 4. Thomaa B. Woat. - $340: oaat 36 frrt of caat 40 foot of wrat . I fret of aooth 100 feet f bit 4, August Wrylrr, $2.10. . ERRRtOAN'R "T BDIVIKION of Part of Lota . 1 and 3 of Blork A. In Portland Huatretead - B1XK K A. oaat V, of lot 1. Joba V. sad rriiaa ii. inatn. sr. an; ra.i n or lot a. - Joha V. and Wllda L. Lankln. $7.B: oaat 46 . frot of wrat Vi of lot 3. Paulla Jorgeaara. 2.0U; mbdlrlaloB 1 of lot 2. hate D. Boa rlona. $1.36. aubdlTtaron 2 of lot 3, Katr T. Boaalona. 32.80: anbdlrlaloa 8 of lot 3. . Katr I. tlraslooa. 82.30; aohdlTlaloB 4 of Jot 2. -fcato D. Moaaloui. 82.30; aubdlTlalon 6 of lot 3. Kugan A. Braalona..$1.36; aabdlTla toB d of lot 2. Eogrne A. Moaaloaa. $1.26; nbdlTlaloa T of lot aXugeao A. boaaloaa, 82.30. PORTLAND ROME8TEAD BLOCK ' B, anbdt- Tlalon A of lot 1,. orthora CountlM Inroat- mrnt Truat, Ltd., $2.30; aubdlrlaloa . B of kit 1. U. J. and I. Gallagher. $3.30; aabdl Tlaioa 0 tf lot I, William H. Walpolo. $2.20; aubdlrlaloa D of lot 1, Jacob Michel, $2.20; anbdlTialon K of lot 1. Thomaa H. Bmlth. Hi; wca 04 fMt f nt 2, Haary Beanett, $4.40: all of kit 2 eiorpt west 0 feet. ' William R. Walpolo, S.fM; aorth 40 fret-ot . woat V of kit 8. W. J. OIII011. $.'1.56; oast U of lot' a Joba . Leukla, 84 75: aouth 38.7 fret of west Vb af kit 3, Joba D. Kennedy. 83.20: lot 4, John D. Kmardy. $12 70; lot 6. John D. Krnnwdy. $110; lot . Joha I). Kennedr, $11.10. BLOCK C. kit 1. Mary A. Park. $13.66; lot 2. Louis Elmmarmao. $12.66; lot 3. Urorge Hlltcock Eaute, Heirs 1 a,9 tt C . ri'LTON PARK BLOCK 1, lot T. Pultoa Park Lead Company, $1.0o: kit d. Pultoa Park land Company. $; lot 6. Pultoa Park lAnd lompany, ai.iRi; mi o,- rutuia- rara ,ianv Company.. 81.26; kH P.J Pultoa Park Ind , Company, ri.n. kit ft. Pultoa Park Land Compear. 8t,26; Int 10, Pultoa Park Land v Company, $1.26. BLOCK 1T, lot 7, Pultoa i-ark ina company,; mt a. ruitoa Park land Company, $1.26; kit A. Pultoa Park Land Company, $1.26; lot 10, Pnlton Park Land Company, $1.26; lot 11, Pulton Park Land Company. $1.26: lot IX Falton , Parh Land Company. $I.2B. BIXKK 26. outk 66 fret of lot 14.' A. YV. Tobla. $1.40; norta 6 fret of aouth 120 feet of lot 14. Kidney Z. Mitchell. $1.60; aorth AO fret of lot 14. William and Charles H. Hathaway, ' $t.t0; lot T, Pultoa Park Land Company. $1.5": lot 8. Ktlaabeth Effort. 1160; lot a. Runneth Kajrert, $1.60; lot 10. Ellaabrth Kraert, $1.60: kit 11. Elisabeth Egrert. $1.60; '.lot 12. Ellaabrth Ergert. $1.60.: BLOCK 20. kt 1. Pultoa Park Land Comnajir. $120. BLOCK 38. lot T. B. M. Lombard, $1.26: lot . ft. B. M. liomhard. $1.26: tot 9. Georga H. Mrlntnah," $1.26; lot 10, P. Wheeler, $1.26; -lot II. Ellaaheth Ea-gert. $1.26; lot 12, . Rllxaheth Krrart. $1J. BLOCK 8. lot 1. Ralph W. Uort, 82.10: lot 2. Ralph W. Hoytitl-80; lot 3. John OleMsch, $I.M); lot 4. John Glehmrh. $210; lot 8. John . uirhlach, $l.ftft. BLOCK 40, an of wee 60 fret of lot 1 wrept aorth 60 feet, William II. MrPsrlaad. $1.10; oaat 60 feet of wrat 100 feet of kit 1, Oreroo Building ft Loan A pronation, $0 05) aorth 60 feet of wast 60 . fret of kit 1, Oregon Building ft Loan Aaao. ' elation, $0.06; eaat 100 feet of lot 1. Mark J. Coawteck. 81.40: lot 2. Lissls VS. Toaag. $1.26; lot 8, Mart Hog boa. $1.26: lot 4. M.rr. nugbos, $1.29: kH 6. Patrick ' Hurhea. $1.25: lot d. Rial Hall. $1.26: let T, Perry Johnaoa. $1.25; tot B. Collla C. Olrrln. $1.26; tot 8. Collin C. Otrrla.' $1.06; lot 10. I. B. Hurat. $1.06: tot 11. O. C. Konetika. $1.26; kit 12. B. M. Lombard. $1.26; tot 13. B. M. Lombard. $1.25: lot 14. C. J. Decker. 1 $1.26; lot 15. Mary Kooats. $1.23: tot Id. ! . Marr Koonta. $1.26; tot 17, Mary J. Coaastork. $1.25. BIACK 41. lot 7, W. M. Mart rail, $1.26: lot A. W. M. Martxall, $1.26; lot 0. William Macklntnah, Trustee, $1.26; lot 10, William Mackintosh. ' Tmatee. $126: lot II. Plate M. Orabb. $1.26: lot 12. Wil liam nclralna. $1.40. BLOCK 45. lot 1. William Hatbawar and Cbarlea H. Thorn pans. 81.26: lot 2. William Hathaway and Charlra H. Thorn neon. $1.20; lot 3. William Hathaway and Cbarlea R. Ttwrapaoa. $0.06; lot 4. Wil liam Hatbawar and Charles H. Thontpaoa. 81.16: lit 6. William Hathaway aad Charles 11. Thompana. 31.26; lot . Ca trine Hanaro. $1.26: lot T. Catrlna Hanaro. $1.26. BLOCK 4d. lot I. B. B. Carmine. $1.26: kit 2. Mend Brwrll. $1.26- tot 8. Clara V. Carmine. $1.26: tot 4. Clara P. Carmine. $1.05; lot 5. Edward ' ft. Rrw.ll. $1.06; lot . Kdward 0. Bewail. 81.26: tot T. Doha B. Culllaon. $1.26; lot 8. Cobn E. CnlllaoB. $1.25. BLOCK 47. lot 1, Maria Btockmaa. $1.26: tot 2. Maria Btack- mea. $1.26; tot 8. Henrietta Ponpletoe. 81 26: kt 4. W. J. flramha, $1 06: lot 5. William H. Warrrs. $1.06; tot 8. William R. Warren. 81.26; tot T. Prod O. Buffum. 81.26; lot 8. Fred 0. Buffum. 81.26. . BLOCK 4. tot 1. i Marouam, $1.26; tot 2. Emms Mar 1 uoain. $1 26: tot 8. Jha P. Coyae. !.: tot 4. Alice W. Csawell. 81.25; lot k, C. J. Decker, $1.25; Jot 6. C. J. Drcker. 81.26: lot T. C. J. iVrekrr. $1.50: tot 8. C. J. 'Decker, $1.25;. lot 8. Thomas A. Clarke, $1.26: lot Hi. Talerle Rogere. $1.25; tot 11. Valerl Rogers, $1.06; tot 12 Valeria Rogere. $1.06; tot 13. Valerie Rogere, $1.26: lot 14. Thomas A. Clarke. $1.26; tot 15. Thotnaa A. Clarke. $1.26: tot Id. ts p. Uteri. $1.60; lot 17. Walter B. Preaton. $1.25: kit 1. . Henry BtrTona. $1 25; kit 10. Alice W. Ca- wrll. $1.26; tot John r. Coyae. $1.26; M 21. James Blake. $1.2: lot 22. The Title Onarantee It Trnat Companr. . $1.26. HUITK 4B. lot 1. Era P. Bteel, 81.26; lot 2. F.ra P. Rteel, $1.26; lot- 8. J. K. Bcott. $1.26; lot 4. J. E. Rcott. $1.26; lot 6. Hiram W. . Itlley. $1"25: tot . Hiram W. Bllry. $1.26: lot 7. Ella P. Perklnann. 81.36: tot 8. Oacar -Poison, $1.25: tot a. Bra 8. Prloo. $1.25; tot 10. A. It- Prancla. $1.26; tot 11. .Era P. h'eei, $1.23: lot 12. Era P. Bteel. 81.26. H1X)CK 60 tot 1, William MarklniAah, $0.80; U, O Wllllana Waekln.nah SikaMI. lilf S WIIHam Macklntoaa. $1.16: tot 4. Mary A. kv oancT. ft. yi; tot p. wunam' n , iianer. $1.25: k-t , D. r. Tedfnrd. $1.2St tot T. Joeenfe Mlmna. Traatee. 81.76. BIX1CK on. lot A. X art fa J. Palling. $1.26: tot 8. JC.rtf. J. Palling. $1.26: tot 10. Patrick Hughe. - 81 2ft l-t 11. Patrick Hughes. $1.25; tot- 12. ' Pultim Psrk lnd Companr. $1.25. -BLOCK M. tot 1. Joseph Blmoa. Traatee, 1.40t -Ai -8. Joaenh Wmon. Tm-tee. l SA B1M K 62. tot t. Patrick and Marr Hnxbea. SI.26; lot 2 Patrick and Mary Hnchea, $1.25: Int 8. ' Kafherleo Brhenermaap $1 26; k-t 4. William ' Iaer. $1 26: lot 5. WUllam Henry. $1.26; tot , William Henrr. $1.15; lot T. Jane Ityan. $1 26: lot A. Henrietta A. Popplrton. $1.26: rot 8. Hrortetta A. Poptileton. $1.26; v tot 10. Pulton Park Land Companr. 81.26; lot II. 11 11. Codearaff. 31 36; tot 11 Ion II. rrdcrr.ff." $1.36. BLOCK 53. tot 8. B M. limharri. 8I.OO: tot A. B. M. I-omhard. t 81.26; tot 7. Anna MrOnUI. $1.26; tot A. B. D. frowe. $1.26: tot 8. 8. 0. Crowe. $1.25. RIXK'K 4. tot T. B. M. Lombard and Pnltou Park Fsod' Comnaay, $1.25; lot M. B. II. Lombard and Pultoa Park Land - Company. $1.26: lot 8. B. M Lombard sod Pult"n Park land Onrnneny. $1.26; lot 10, ' B. M. timhard and Pultoa Park Iiand Com nany 31.3S : k-t II. B. M. Lombard aod Pnl ton Park J-ard Cnmoanr $1.26: lot 12. B M. abtirnoard d Paltra P.rtt lo4 Comnaarv 126 hiju-w -, kcbooi inatrtct no. 1. I5 00. KIV'K 8). tot 1 Brecn P. C.rd well fcatale. Hrlra of, $1.25; tot 8, Byroa P. Card- . t . . ,. . ..., ..... the Oregon: daily journals Portland. Monday ( cm jioncra. well Ratale. RMra of. 81.25: kit 8. Byroa P. Cardwell Kataw, Hrlra of, fl 26; lot 4. Byron r-.. ' varaweii Kataia, nrira ei-eoi lot 6, Byroa P. Cardwell Ketate. Urlrs of.; lot a, nyroa 1. larawau a.aiair. Hrlra St. $.1.23; lot T. Byroa P, Car'dwrll Mint, ueira o, ti ll: tot Byroa I'. Cardwell E.tate. Hrlra of. Hrlra af. 81. 25: let 0. Brroa P. Cardwell Batata. He lelra of, ai.zo; tot 10. Byroa P. Cardwell Batata. Heirs of. $1.25; tot 11. Byroa P. Cardwell Estate. Helra of, $1.25; lot 12. Byron P. Cardwell Estate. Hrlra of.' $1.23. BLOCK 7. lot 1, Pred Hlatyrr, $1.36; tot 2, Pred Btalyrr. $1.36; tot 3. H. M. Buah. $1.26; lot 4. H. M. Buah, $1.26; lot A, Alice Krrmcr, $126; tot a, A1U Krrmcr, $1.35; lot T. Anna Bliss Btarr. $1.36; tot 8, Amelia K. snd .1 t ai ia. 1 a K.l. w.nblln 1.36: lot 10. William X. rrrna,; 101 1. Joha Tway. 81.36: lot 12. Joba. Lit, 81.26. BLOCK. 7'i. tot 1. Pultoo Park Land Company. $1.10; tot' 2. Paltoa Park Land - Company. $1.26; tot 8.. Pultoa Park I-aad Company. ,i$l.65; lot 4. Pultoa Psrk Land Compear. ' SI no; lot 6. Pultoa Psrk lnd Company, $1.30.' BLOCK flh, tot I, IxmiIos Prlrae. $1.36; tot 2. Lou lea Prlcae. $l.3& lot 3 - Marco. EddT Hnauldlng. $1.26: lot 4. Chrl.t Hanarn, $1.26: lot 8. Joba B. Meealrk, $1.25,-'tot 8, Charlra A. Dueber. 81.25:- lot 7. Char loo A. limber. 81.361 dot 8. Charlra A-i lMirber, $L26; tot 8. Charles A. IHieber, 1.; lot 10. ili-a Ton Bolton. $1 35; lot 11. 'Horatio R.. Holinea. $1.36; .tot; 12. Horatio K. Holmra, $1.36. R1XK K i. lot 1. Joaeph t. O. sad Badla A. Wrinkle. $1.26; lot 2. Joarph F. l. -wnd Badle A. Wrinkle. $1.25: lot 3, Addle Per rln. $1.25; lot 4. Addle Parrld. $1.25; lot 5, Mrlranu. C. Armltage. $1.25; tot 8. Andrrw Holmes, $1.26; tot 7. J. K. Courtney. $1.60; tot 8. Klater. of the Holy name, of Jraus snd M.rj, $1.39: lot 8. Lucy Dougherty. ' $1.25; far 10. Joseph Beat. $1.25; tot 11. Colin C. tilrrla. $1.25; tot 12, CoUa C. lilrrla, $1.26; tot 13, MylTanus C Armltage. tl.26i lot 14. BylTanua C. Armltage, $1.20; it 15. Bouthwesf Portland Heal Estato Company, $1.35; lot Id. NorThrrn Oountlee Inrcatmeat lu.t Company, $0.ho; tot 17, : Northern Counties Iarretment TrastGaa pany, $1.25; tot 18, Northern Count Ira In Teetmeet Trust Company, $1.25; tot 10. ..Joseph Beats $1.23: lot 20, Andrew J. Iyfert, Jr. and Br., $1.25: lot 21. H. L. Martaall. $1.26: , tot 22. H. U Martsall. $1.60; tot 23, A. W. B.lrd. $1.25; lot 24, J a mra H. Cbaae. $1.25 tot 25. Maurice N. . Coatello, $1.26; kt 3d, Pint National Bsnk of Portlsnd, Oregon. $1.26: tot 27, Frank Me Warren. $1.26; lot 28, Frank M. Warren, 81.25.' BLOCK TO. - lot - I,- Vincent Cook. $1 25r tot 2. Vincent Cook, $1.33; lot 3, - Vincent Cook, $1.26; tot 4, Vincent Cook. S1.26; lot 6. Ferdinand A. . Lltv $1-25; lot . Wllll.m Barnes. $1.25; lot 7, U. W. sd Margaret V. Alien, $1.25; lot 8. 0, W. and Margaret,-. V. Allen, $1.25; tot 8. Barak Mitchell. $1.25: tot 10, Marls W.torford. 81.36; lot 11, Vincent Cook. 81.25; tot 11 Vincent Cook, $1.26. BLOCK 71, tot 1, Vincent Cook, $1.26; lot 3. VtBoaat Cook. $1.23; -tot 3. Vincent Cook, $1.25; 044 . Vincent Cook, $1.25; tot 5, Pred Spagele.' $1 25; tot a, Pred Spagelr $1.25; tot 7, Bernhsrdlna Weetpabl. $1.25; tot 8, Bera hardlae Weetpebl, $1.25: tot 8. J. B. Young. $1.25; lot 10, Jane Wall, $1.25: lot- 11, Vin cent Cook, $1.36: lot 12, Vincent . Cook, tl.25. BLOCK 71" tot 1. Vincent Cook. 1.25: lot 1 Vincent Cook, $1.25; tot 8, ' Vincent Cook, $1.25; tot 4. Vincent Cook. '$1.26; lot 6. Vincent Cook. $1.35: lot 8. Vincent Cook. $1.35; lot T, Frank aad Mary ; Harkeary. $1.26; tot 8. Laara Harkeaey, $1.25; tot . Vincent Cook, $1.25; tot 10. Vincent Cook, $1.25: tot 11, V Incest Cook. ?I.2S; lot 11 Vincent Cook. $1.26. BLOCK 3, lot 1, Henry Plerkrs.teln. $2.50; tot ' 2. Henry Flerkenatola, $2.60; tot 3.' Henry ' PleckeaatelB. $2.46; tot 4. Henry Ftrckenateln, $116; tot 5. Henry Flrckenetela. $1.80; lot p'leckenatrln, $1.10; lot 8. henry PlerkeB ateln. $0.76. BIOCK 74,' Heury Pleckrnateln, $16.05. BLOCK 75, Henry Ptockenatela, $8.40. BLOCK T8, lot L Henry Pleckeo ateln, $0.70; tot 1- Henry Flerkeneteln, S0.30; lot 3. Henry Ftorkenetela. 80.30; tot , Henry Fiorkenoteln. $0.10. BUJcK Bo, 1 tot 1. Pultoa Land Company. $0.75: lot 1 Paltaa lnd Comnaay, $0.N6. - BLOCK 81, ; tot 1, Pultoa fond Company, $1.50; lot 1 Pultoa' Land Company, $1.25; lot 8, Pultoa . fond Company, $1.25; tot 4, Paltoa fond Comnaay. $1.25: tot 6. Pultoa fond Company, $1.10; lot 8, Pultoa fond Company, $0.80; 'tot T. Pultoa Land Company, $1.26; lot 8. ' Paltoa fond Company, $1.36: lot 8, Paltoa fond Company, $1.26; tot 10. Put ton fond 'Company, $1.25: lot 11. Pultoa Land Com pany. $1.25; lot 11. Pultoa fond Company, $1.26. BM1CK 82, ftt I. PtUtoa Land Com pany. $1.86; lot .1 Pultoa fond Company, '$1.75; lot 8, Pultoa fond Company, $1.20; lot 4. Fulton fond Company. $1.10; lot 5, Fulton fond Company. $0.30. BLOCK A3. Henry Pterkeaotein. $3.20. BI-OCK 84. tot - 3. Vincent Cook; $hlO; tol 4. Vincent Cook. $1.40; tot 6, , Vincent Cook,, $1.25; . tot 0, Vincent Cook. (1.2&: lot T, Vincent-Cook $1.35: tot 8. Vincent Cook. 80.80. BUct 95, lot 1, Vincent Cook, 80.80; tot 1 Vincent took, $0.06: lot 8, Vincent Cook. $0.86; tot 10, Vincent Cook. $1.86: tot It, . Vlnrtnt Cook. $1.36. BLOCK . lot 1, Vincent Cook. $1.80; lot 1 Vincent Cook. $1.36; lot 8, Vincent Cook, $1.36; lot 4, Vincent Cook. $1.25: lot 5, Vincent Conk, $1.26; tot 8, Vincent Cook, $1.26; tot T. Vincent t ook. $1.50: lot 8, Vincent Cook 31.25; tot 8, Vlnreat Cook. $128; tot 10. Vincent (oak. . $1 lot 11, Vincent Cook. $1.26; tot 11 Vincent Conk, $1.36; lot 13. Vincent Cook. $1.26- tot 14, Vincent Cook, $1.26; lot 15, Vincent Cook, fl.36; lot la. Vincent Cook. $1.25; tot 17, Vincent Cook,' $1.26; lot 18, Vlncsat Cook, $1.26; tot 19. Vincent Cook. $1.26 tot 20. Vincent Conk, 31.26; tot 21, Vincent Cook, $1.25; lot 22. Vincent Cook. $1.35; tor 23,- Vincent Cook. $1.25; tot 24. Vincent Cook, $1.25; lot 26. Vincent Cook. $1.26; lot 2d. Vincent Cook, $1.60. BLOCK W, lot 1. Vincent Cook. $1.60; lot 1 Vlnceat Cook. $1.35: lot 3. Vincent , Cook, $1.25; lot 4, Vincent Cook, $1.26: lot a, vinceat c , . k , oa. I . Vincent Cook, $1.25: Jot 8, Vincent . an , w aw , en I 7, Vincent uoog, 31.35; -lot 8, Vlnceat Cook. $1.25; lot 8. Vincent Cook. $1.26; lot 10. Vincent Cook. $1.26; lot ii. vurent boos, i.; tot is, . Vin cent Cook. $1.50. BliOCK OA. lot L Vin cent Cook. $1.26; lot 1 Vlnceat Cook. $1.26; tot 3. Vlaeeat Cook, $1.26; tot 4. Vincent Cook, $1.25; tot 5. Vlnceat Cook. $1.25; tot 8. Vlnceat Cook, fl.X; tot 7. Vlnceat Coot. $1.25; tot 8. Vincent Cook. $1.25; lot 8. Vincent Cook.' $ljt lot 10, Vln ceat Cook. $1.26; lot 11. Vlnceat Coot. $1.36; lot 12, Vincent Cook, $1.25. BLOCK M. ' tot t, Vloreat Cook. $1.23; tot 1 Vincent Cook, $1.26; lot 3. Vlnceat Cook, $1.20; lot 4. Vincent Cook.. $2.20; lot 5. Vincent Cook, $1.IM; tot 8, Vincent Cook. $1.25; lot I, Vlnceat . Caok, $1.25; lot a. .Vincent . Cook. $1.25. BLOCK 100, tot 1.' Vlnceat Cook, $150; lot 8. VlB- ; cent . Cook, $1.25; 1st 1. Vincent Cook, $1.26: tot 4. Vlaeeat . Cook. $1.36: lot 8, Vincent Cook, $1.26; tot . Vincent Cook. $1.26; totT, Vlaeeat Caok. $1.25; tot 8. Vlnceat Cook, $1.25: tot 8, Vlnceat Cook, tl.36; lot 10. Vlaeeat Caok. $1.36; tot 11, Incaat Cook. $1.35; lot 13, Vlaeeat Cook. $1.60. BLOCK 101, tot 1. Vincent Cook, $2.; lot 1 Vlnceat Cook, $3.10; tot 8. Vlnceat Cook, $1.66. BLOCK 102. tot 1, Vlnceat Cook, $1.60; tot 1 Vincent Cook. tl.26; tot 8. Vlaeeat Cook, $1.36: lot 4, Inceat Cook, 31.25; tot 6, Vincent Cook. tl X; lot a, Vlaeeat Cook, $166; tot T, Inceat Cook, $110; tot a, Vlnceat Caok. $1.40; kit 8. Vincent Cook, $1.20; tot 10, Vlnceat Cook,. $1.25: tot 11, Vincent Cook. $115; tot 12. Vincent Cook. $1.40. BLOCK 103. tot 1, Vincent Cook, $1.10; let 1 Vin cent Cook. $1.25; tot 8. Vincent Cook, $1.36; lot 4, Vlnceat Cook, $1.26: tot 6, Vlnceat Cook 81.35: kit 8, Portland Clay Company, 81.25; lot 7, Portland Clay Company. $1.23; lot 8, Portlsnd Clay Company, 30.80. BLOCK . 104. tot 1. C. J. Decker. $1.25; lot 1 C. J. Decker. $1.25: tot 3. Kdwln C. Jobaoan. $1.26; tot 4. John Doner. $1.36: lot 6, D.rld W. Kberlla. $1.25: lot 8, Paltoa Park foed Compaoy, $1.26; lot T. Pultoa Hark fond Company, $1.50; tot 8. VEauns Msrqusm, fi.Zi; lot a, 11. tl. jaesesa, i.x; lot iu, la linn Pap. lend Comnanr. 11.25: Lit 11 . J. Orsroba, $1.35; tot 12, W. J. drsmbs, $1.25; lot 1:1, Alliance Trust Company, Ltd., $1.25: tot 14, Alllasc Trust Company, Ltd.. 81.50: tot 15. Kotbcblld Bros., $0.75; tot Id, Kotnrniio Bros.,;. lot it, i. m. charrn, r.10; tot 18. J. M. Church, $1.00; lot IB, M. Church, $1.25; tot. 20, D. H. Jackson. $1.2-i: tot 21. D. H. Jackaoa. $1.25; tot 32. Minnie Blmon, $1.50; tot l. Jewle B. Kirk. SI. 35; tot 24. John O $1.25; tot 35, nhn 01'blacb, $1.35; tot 20. Alece Mackeasle, $1.25; tot 37. Al.ce Markemtle. $1.26; tot 23. A lace Mackensle, $1.36. BLOCK l, south Wl feat of btock. Byron P. Cardwell Retate. Heirs ot. $4.00; aorth 120 feet of blork 105. City ft Bubnrhaa Railway Company. $6.i. BLOCK A. tot 1. Etta Wllll.m.. $t.85; let 1 Ktta William.. $1.60: tot 3. Fulton Park fond Company. 0.Wi: tot 4, Etta Wllll.m.. 11.50; tot 5. Chrl.tlna Plrrkrnatela, $1.35; it 8. Corlatlna Pleckeaatela, $0.fWi BUM'K B. tot 1. Pultoa Park fond Company, lu.5. tot J. Pnlton Park fond Company. $o.70; tot 3, Pultoa Psrk fond Company, $0.75; lot 4, Pultoa Park fond Company. $0.fU; lot 5, .Pultoa Park .and Company. I0.K6; tot 8. Pultoa Park Land Company. $o.nn; tot 7. Pultoa Park fond Company, St. 00; lot K. - Pnlton Psrk 4nd Compasy $l.lo; kit 8. Pultoa ' Park .fond Company. $1.30. Ill org C. tot 1. Pultoa P.rk fond romoanr. $0.70; tot 2. Pultoa Park fond Cnmpeuy,; lot a, ruitoa i-ara ina company. lot 4, ' ruitoa rara iana uompany, tot t, Pulton Park Land Company, tot- d, Pnlton Park Ind Company, tot 7. Pulton Park fond Company,' tot 8, Pultoa Park fond Company, tot 8. Pnlton Park Land Company. BLOCK D, tot 1, Fulton Park I .and . $4.00; . $126; . $125; lot 3, Pultoa park Lend tot 3. Fultoa Park fond Company, $1.26; tot 4, Pultoa Park fond Comnanr, $136: lot 5. Oremn ft California Railway 'Company, $1.38. RI.OCK R. north H of lot t Clara Planey. $0.50; aorth 14 of tot 1 Clar Finney. $0.B; wrath H of kit 1. Mary L. White. 80 no; snath 14 of lot 1 Msry L White, ao.fu; tot 3. Charles F. Tigerd, $1.50. BtICK P. tot 1, Berah Cnrley. $0.46; tot 9. 'Sarah Cnrley. $0.8n; tot n. J. B. Aeott. 31 10i tot 4. Peter Orlsy. $1 An; lot 8, Bothchlld Bros., $100; lot 8. BothchUd 1.00 $I.I0 $1 26; $1.40; $1.60; $1.06; $1 Hu. f ann pane Company 0TTT VOTieZS. Bros., $l.5; tot T. Bothrblld Bros . $1.50 lot 8. Uothrhlld Uroa.. lot 8. Both child Broe.. $1.46; tot 10, Uothrhlld Bras., 11.36. BLOCK 0, tot 1, C. J. Decker. $1.10; 't 1 C. J, Decker, $0.85; tot 8, C J. Decker, $; tot 4. Mary D. Ghoraily. $1.36; tot 6. K. L. Thomuaua, $1.3o; tot . E. 1 Thompaoa, $1.3o; tot 7. B.' L. Thompaou. $l.l, tot H. A. .J. Powers, 1 10; tot a, . A. J. powera, $1.16; tot 10, A. J. Power.. $0.76; tot 11, p. 11. Marlay. $t.eik tot 12, P. 11. Marlay, $1.45. BLOCK H. tot 1. P. A. Walpule. $0.80; lot 3. P. A. Walpolo. $1.W; tot 3.. Ann K. NUoa, $115; 'jot 4, Ana H. Mxon, $125; lot o. Ana K. Mxon. z.uo; weal to leet of lot a, a. o, vaiu-a .OHO: Mr Hat U6 reel of lot 1. J. B. Cullc. I Ll HO: all of Int a Irlne- oaat of WCat 85 feet. ' Huth W. Decker. 41.30; all of tot T Jyln$ - eaat of weat 06 leer; Huth W. Decker,; tot H. Moaea A. Bbarc, $115; tot . Moaet . u. . . ... . , . . . .. 1 hutUamu be. . A, oner.., ea.w, wu iv, a T . $l.$0; dot II. Li.heth H. Curtl., l.l .tot is, i-au-icA ana siary nugoee, T.e., -1 .- 7 - Patrick, and Mary llughea, $l.$o. BLOCK I, , tot X. Ann K. 'Mxoa, $lo; tot 1 Ann K. 'Nixon, $l.3u; tot 3. Ana K.. Nixon. 81.35; tot 4. Abo K. Nlxoa. , $ 4o; -lot 5. Ana K. NI"o, $1 ; . tot 6. Harriet Dunham. $1 85: tot T. Harriet ' lot V, Anthony Nepparh. $2.05. BIAK.K J, tot t. Byroa P. Cardwell fotste, Helra of. tl.40:' tot 2. Bothrblld Bros.. $1.45; tot 3, j.ih.j.llrf Hena . si -JS: lot 4. Rotbchlld Bros.. - $1.26; tot 6, Mouth Weat Portland Heal Batata ; , ' . . . ... . . a u.,k.V.IM Urea.. $o.U6; tot T, Maurice Ooodmaa. ,$1.3o; lot 8. Bothrblld Broa., $1.86; tot 3, Hothohlld Bros.. $15: tot 10. Bothchlld Bros., $2.35; tot 11, Bothchlld Bros., $120; tot 12. Uothchlld Bros.. $l.lo;' tot 13, Itoth child Bros.. $1.20; tot 14. Bothchlld Bros 11.30; tot 18. Bolhchlld Bra.. LIr. B1.(M K :. tot I, Bothchlld Bros.. aO-tftl tot Both child, Bros., $1.40; tot 8. Botbehnu Broa., ,$1.75; tot 4, Bothchlld Bros., $110; tot 5, kotbcblld Broa., $110; tot 8, Bothchlld Bros 1.35. BLOCK L. Pultoa Psrk Land Com pany. $11.30. BLOCK At. Pultoa Psrk Land Company, $5,75. . , RTLTON BLOCK t, lot 1. B. BlegelinaBB, a, - u Birgcimeaswia-t . It. Blegelmaan. $t.l5; tot 4, C. H. Plggott. I In, Lr.t a. n ili.almann. 11.00: tot a. B. Blegetmann. $1.36; tot 7, K. Rlegelmaaut. $1.36; tot $ R. Blegelmaan, $1.36. AIM-. 2. Itnhert Pattoa -fotst.. Heirs of. $0.06. BLOCK 8. an of block 8 wast of Macadam road. Aaroa Walt, $.05; aU of btock 3 .aat f Maearfaaa enad U. Henton Williams. $0.36. BLOCKS. Tha King Batata." $0.70. BLOCK A Tyler Woodarard. 80.40.' BLOCK .T, Alex andcr Kleecl. $10.00., BLOCK 4. tot 1, H 8. W. R. Morrla. 80.O5; lot 4, Alice wrry Nana. $1.25; tot 6. AUce BerryNuna, $1.35; tindlrlded it of tot , M. O. Morris, ndlrlded 3 of lot T M. O. Morrla, i-4.i a. ,1 it tiW. R. Morrla, SOUS;; 80.00; undlrlded H of tot I.. W.K Morris, $0.86 tot 8. J- BleaelmanB. i.2 - A Dwl ol Isndijlnf between a Una 80 feet oath of aad parallrl with south line of block 8, Inlton, sad tke aorth lino ot btock P. Pulton Psrk. snd a Una 80 feet east of and parallel with the est Una of btock 18. Ful ton, and a Una 80 feet westerly from and parallel with tha westerly Boo - , block; Band T. Fultoa. icept that portion of ssld tract ercopled by tha City ft gubur baa Rail way Cvmpsay'a right of way. M. U. Morris .nJ v u Morrla. 84.18. ' Fl'LTON BLOCK 18, aadlrided 14 of tot 1. m. . Morris, ., iramri r? i c:: r M. O. Morrla, $0.o6; andlrlded i of tot 3. M. O. Morris. $0.80; andlrlded H of tot 4. M. 0. Morris, $0.86: andlrlded Vi of tot 6, M. -0. Morris,- $0,801 andlrlded J4 of tot I M. O. Morris. $0; andlTldrd H of tot T. M. O. Morrie. $; dlTldrd 14 of tot dlrlded I. ot lot 8 M. G. Morris, 80.M0; aadlTlded of tot 1. V. K. Morrla. $0.86; and Tided ji of tot 2. W. K. Morrla, su.rai; umura of tot of tot of lot 8, W. R. Morrla, $0.A; 4, W. R, Morrla. $0.i; andlTldrd andlrlded 6. W. R. Morris, 81.85; andinoea y o; 101 8. W. R. Morris, ao.dfi; aaamaea J f. W., R. Morrla, 80.08; andlrlded 14 i- u- u uia in an. HIM'K 17. of Int of tot lot 1. It. W. dJorbctt Batato. Helra of. $l.; lot 1 H. W. Corbett Batste. Hrlrs of. $1.25: lot t. Aadrrw W. Itmisi, $1.25; tot 4. Andrrw W. Eteum, 81.26; lot rTcum. tor 5. R. J. Prenm. $1.35: tot 7. H. . W. Corhett Estate, Heirs of. $1.26; lot 8, H. W. Corbett-Katstav-ucwa 01, BOrrHEBN TOBTLAND.rORE0O.-T (Brrrr IdOtjIt tdVl I. t. ft- rVJ VIA, A 1 airr, t as. . It! Blyth $2.01 "Vt-.-P. H, Blytb. $2.0ui tot 4. P. h: Blyth. $3.00; lot 8. P,H. Blyth. .rfruV. w a v U Birth. 83 00; tot T. P. H. $140: toh 8. P. H. Blyth. $100: to. Si wi; north 28 feet of tot 11, P. H. Blyth, I0.00; aooth 27 feet of tot 11. "-.""r0"-$1.06; tot 11. H. C Biedea, $140; tot 13. It. C. Breedea, $106; tot 14. H. C- Breedea. i2: tot la . c. Brrrn, w-w, i 1. C. Breedea, $lf; tot IT. H.C. Bteeden. ira)PraVrt-ll!Jt.. C. Breeoea. s.ta; ma. 11. C. Brwenrp.2or-3BC;ira 14 ja. L.. 01 U O Seeedes. S3.&0T tot U ii.ll. 14.30: nadlrlded 3-3 of lot Vi, Hannah Mason, $140; undlrlded 3-3 of ' tot 24. Hannah Maaoo. $145: aadlTlded 2-J t tot 25. Hannah Msaon, $146; andlrlded 2 3 f. tot 2fi. Hannah Maaoa. $2.0: and Tided J-J f tot 27. Hannah Meson, $140; aad r ded 2-3 of tot 2K Hannah Maaoa. $2.36; andlrlded 2-8 of tot 2, Hannah Maaoa, $2.30; andlrlded 2-3 f tot 80, Hannah Maaoa, f2.20; undlrlded 2-8 ' "f tot 81 Hannah Maaoa, $120; andletded 2 3 , of tot 31 Hannah Maaoa, $2.70; and r ded 3-8 '.of tot 33. Hannah Maaoo, $130; and r ded 2-8 of tot 34. Hannah Mason. $2.35; and r ded 2-3 of lot X Hannah Maaoa. $140; and r ded t-J ; of lot 36. Hannsh Manna. $140; and Tided 3-3 f tot 87, Hannah, Maaoa. $2.6r and Tided 2 8 of tot 8H. Hannah Maaoa, $140; and Tided 2 $ " of tot 30. Hannah Mawas,41A0; and Tided J-J of tot 40, Hannah Maaoa, $1&: and Tided 3-8 f tot 41 Hanoah Maaoa. $130; andlTldrd 2-8 of tot 41 Hannah Maaoa. $115; andlrlded 2-3 It tot 4. Hannah MawnvilOJ; and Tided J-8 nf lot 44. Hannah Maaoa, j .W; und Tided 3-3 of lot 46 Hannah Maaoa, $1.80; andlrlded 3-3 of tot id.' H.nn.k M.n. Il.JO; nudlTlded 3-3 of tot 47. Hannah Maaoo, $1.65: dlTlded 1-8 - of tot 23, J. P. Wataon, $1.20; aadlTlded 141 of lot It J P. Wataoa. $1.28; andlrlded 1-3 of tot 26! J. P. Wstaoo, $1.20; ..dtrlded r f tot 3d. J. F. yetoon. $1.46; aadlTlded 1-3 nf tof 27. J. P. Wataon. 81.20; andlrlded 141 ? w 1. F. Wataoa. $1.20; andlrlded 1-3 of tot 2. J. P. Wataoa. $1.50 andlrlded 1-3 ' t.f tot 30, J. P. Wataoa, Of tot 81. J. P. Wataon, of tot 31 J. P. Wataoa, of lot 33. J. P. Wataoa, of lot 84. i. T. Wataoa, ' of tot 35. J. P. Wataoa, . of tot 3d, J. P. WsMoa. andlrlded 1-3 undlrlded 1-3 andlrlded 1-3 undt Tided 1-3 1.20; andlrlded 1-3 1.20; aadlTlded 1-3 1.30; andlrlded 1-3 1.46; andlrlded 1-3 of tot 3! J. P. Wataon. 81.20;. aadlTlded 1-8 It tot S i. P W.tton. $1.20; andlrlded 1.3 of tot Zaillr. Wataon, $l.2t uadlTloed 1-3 of tot JlTSr P. Wataoa. $1.15: andlrlded 1-3 nf tot 41 5. P. Wataon, $1.10; aadlrided 1-3 of tot di 1 P. Wataon, 81.00; aadlrided 1-3 of. lot 44 J P. Watson, $0 80; aadlrided 1-3 of tot 45: 1. P WsEmn, S .80 aadlrided 14) tt tot in! J. P. W.twm. MtmUMif of tot 47, J. T. Wataoa. 80.75. - BLOCK 1. ..dlrlded 2 3 of tot 1. H"aah Mam. JO JO; andlrlded 1-8 of tot J. Hannah Maaoa,- $0.66: andlrlded t-3 af tot 8. Haenah Maaon. 8O.40; andlrlded 2-3 of lot d. Hannah Maaoo, 80 26: andlrlded 1-8 of tot 1, J. P. o. $0.86; andlrlded 141 of tot 2. i. T. JVataoa, $0 26; ' andlrlded 1-8 of tot 8. 3. P. W.taon, $0.20; nadlrlded 1-8 of tot 4. J. P. Wsnwm $0.18. BLOCK 1 andlrlded f-3 of tot 1.. Ranaah Maaoo, 80.85: andlrlded 2-3 of tot 3, Hannah Maso? 80; aadlrided M of tot .1 Hsonah Maaoa, 38.88: Nadlrlded Jt i if to? 4. Hannah Masnj. 30.0; nj dlrlded J-3 of tot 6. Hannah Maaoa, $0.85: andlrlded 2-8 of tof 8. Haaaah M.aon. JJ.J); aadlrided 2-8 of tot 7. Hannah Maaon, 80 86; andlrlded 1-8 of lot 8. Hannah Maaoa, 80.80; aadlrided 2-3 of tot ft, Haanah Maaoa. 8 .00; aadlrided 2-8 of tot Iff, Hannah Maaoo. $1.00; ; andlrlded J-8 of tot 11. Hannah Maaon, $0.60; andlrlded 2-3 of lot 12. Hannah Maaoo, 80.80: andlrided 2-3 of tot IS, Haanah Maaoa, 80 jor andlrlded 5-8 of tot 14. Hannah Maaon, 80.86; andlrlded B-3 of lot 18. Haanah Maaon. 80.40; 'undlrlded 1-3 of tot 18, Hannah Maaon, 80.R5; andlrlded 2-8 of tot 17, Haanah Maaon, 80.25; aadlrldrd 2-8 af lot 13. Hsanah Maaoa. 80.80; andlrlded 1-8 of lot 1. J. P. Wataon. 80.40: i andlrlded 1-8 f tot S. J. P. Watnoa. 80.40: nadlrlded 1-8 f tot 9. J. P. W ataoa. $0.40; and Tided 1-n or jot -a., a. r. "TV- - uadlrlrted 1-3 of tot . J.-P, W.Uoa, 10,40. andlrldrd 1-3 of lot 8, J. P. Wstaoo, an.JOr andlrlded 1-3 of tot 7. J. P. Wataon. 80.40; andlTldrd 1 -3 of lot , J. P. W.tsoa, 80.40; ' andlrlded 1-8 of lot P., i. T. Wataon, 80.60; andlrldrd 1-8 of lot 10? 1. P. Wataoa. 30.60; - andlrldrd 141 of lot It. X. P. W'ataon. $0.25; aadlrided 1-1 of tot 11 J. -FT" Wataon. $0.40; andlrlded 1-3 of lot 13, J. P. Wataoa, 80.30: andlrlded 1-3 of tot 14. J. F. Wataoa, $0.40; andlrlded 1-3 of tot 16. J. P. W.taoo. $0.20; andlrlded 1-3 of tot Id. J.- P. W.raon. $l.40 nndlrided 1-3 of tot IT. J. P. W.laon, $0. IB; nadlrlded 1-8 of let 18, J. F. W.teon, $0 40. " BLOCK 3. undlrlded 1-3 of tot 1, IUn ', n.h Mason.' $0.80: nndlrided S-8 of lot 2. Ilsnnsh Maaon.1 80.86; nndlrided 14. of lot , 3. Hsnnah Maaon." $0.80; undlrlded 18 of tot 4. Hannah Maaon. $0.8.': nndlrided B-3 of tot 6. Haanah Maaon. $0.80: andlrlded 1-3. of tot 8, Hannah Ma.osS $0.85; nndl , Tided t-8 of tot T, Hannah Maaon. 8n.A0; andlrlded 1-8 nf tot 8, Hannah Maaoa, 80. 86; andlrldrd 1-8 of lot ft. Hannah Maaen, $1.00: nndlrided 2-3 of tot 10, Hannah Maaon, $1.00; nndlrided 1-8 of tot 11, Hannah Maaoa, S0.K0: aadlrided 2-3 of tot 11 Hannah Mason. 8O.R6; undlrlded 2-3 of tot 13. Hannah Maaon. $0.80; Undlrlded 1-8 ofiot 14. Hannah Maaon. 80.86; nndlrided 1-8 of lot t. Hannah Maaon, 8n 80; nodlrided 1-3 of kit Id, Hannah Maaon, $o.R6; . nadlrlded 1-8 of tot 17, Hannah Maaoa, $0.80; andlrlded 2-3 of tot 18, Hannah Maaoa, $o.H.1: undlrlded l-S of tot 1, J. P. Wataoa, 80.40; nndlrided 1-8 of tot 1 J. P. Wataon. 80.40; nndlrided l-S of lot 3,. J. -P. Wataon,' 8040; nndlrided 1-8 af tot 4. J. P. Wataoa. 80.40: andlTldrd 1-8 of tot 5. J. P. Wataon, 80.40 andlrlded 1-3 -of tot 8, 1. P. Wataon, $0. 40: andlrided 1-3 of tot 7. J. Kl Watson. 80.40: andlrided 1-8 of tot 8. J. P. Wataon. $n.40; nndlrided 1-3 .f tot ft. J. P."W.t.on. $0.60 andlrldrd 1-3 of lot 10, J. P. Wataon, 80.60 nndlrided 1,1 nr lot 11. I. r, Wataon. 80.4ft: andlrlded 1-3 et lot IX !. W.Uoa, $0.40; J. K. Blegelmsna, l.a; unaiTiueoj rt o. 2, M. 0. Morris, $0.t andlTldrd of lot 3. M. Q. Morrla. $0.U0; analTlded H of lot W ft Uoerla. In mi: BndlTlded "V. of tot evening, march ia.; isc5. CITt' 11 on era. nndlrided 1-8 of tot 13. J. T. Wataoa, $0.40; uudlrlded 1-3 of tot 14. J. P. Wataoa, 80.40; uudtTlded 1-8 of tot '15. J. P. -Wataoa. '$". 40; undlrlded 1-3 of tot 10. J. P. Wataoa,' $o.4u; andlrldrd 1-4 of tot 17, J. P. Wataon, $0.40; undlrlded 1-3 of tot IS. J. P. Wataoa, $0.40. BLOCK 4. undlrided 1-3 of tot 1, Haaaah Maaoa, 80.80; undlrldod 2 8 of tot 3, Hannah Maaoa, f i.w); andlrlded 2-8 of tot 8, Hannah , Maaoa,. 80.du; undlrlded 2-3 of lot 7. Hannah Maaon, $; andlrlded 3-8 of tot 8, Hannah Maaon, $0.75; andlrided 2-3 et tot II, Haansh Maaoa. $0.oi aadlrided 2-8 of tot 13, Hannah Maaoa, fn.dO; andlrlded 2-8 of tot 15. Hannah Alaaoo. $0 1); undlrlded 2-3 et tot IT, Uaaash maaoa, ao.uu; anairiaea l-a or lot 1. . r Wataon, 30.30; aadlrldrd 1-3 of lot 3, I. F. Wataon. 3u.3(: undlrlded 1-1 of tot 5. J. P, ' Wataoa. .80.30: andlrlded 1-3 of tot 7. J- F. nataoa, so.. -10; undlrlded nil w I. i, 1. ki.,to; andirioeo 1-9 ot mi 11, . r. Mi.30; andlrldrd 1-8 of lot 13. J. F. .30; undlrlded 1-8 of tot 16. J. P. .30: nndlrided 1-3 of tot 17. J. P. .u: lot 3. Real A Perauaal Batata (mpauy, $0.80; tot 4, Real ft Perron. I Eetata company, so. no; lot a, Heal a reraunsi rotate Company, $0.80; south 1-8 of tot 8. Rest ft Persons! Eat.t Company. 80.00; north 1-3 of tot 8. Hgnnah Maaoa, $0.30: tot 10. Han nah Maaon, $1.50; lot 13. Haaaah Mason. $1,281 tot 14. Hsanah Maaoa, $1.8L; tot Id, Hsnnah Maaon, $1.25: lot 18, Hannah Maaon. 11. !K. RI.flrk 6 ' undlrlded 2-3 of tot 1. Hannah Mason, $0.80: undlrlded 2-3 of let . Hsanah Maaon,,; unuiTiueu ,3.1 of tor-6, Hannah Mason, $0.80; undl rided t-3 of tot 7, Hannah M.aon. $0 0; undlrlded '1-8 of tot 8, Hannah Maaoa, $0.75; andlTldrd 2-3 of tot 11. Hannah Mason, $0.00; undlrlded t-3 of tot 13, Hannah Maenn. .80.80; undlrlded 1-3 of tot 15. Hannah Maaon, $0.80; undlrlded 2-3 oi tot 17. Haanah, M.aon. $0.60; -ndlrlded 1-3 of lot 1, J. P. Watson, $o.S0; nodlrided 1-8 of tot 3, J. P. Watson, so.. to; nndlrided l-S of lot BV J. P. Wstaoo,' $0.30; andlrldrd-1-3 of tot T. J. P. Wateou, $0.30; andlrlded 1-8 of lot ft, J. P. Wataoa, $0.36; undlrlded 1-3 of tot 11, 1. P. Wataon, $0.30: andlrided 1-3 of tot 13. J. P. Wataoa, 80.80; undlrided 1-3 of tot 15, J. P. Watson, $0.80; andlrldrd 1-A of tot 17. J. P. Wstaoo. $0.30 'tot 2. Kroetlne- Kchornbeehler. $1.35: tot 4. Ernstln BChoenbecblcr. $1.3: soata Vt of tot , a. John nVbreabeehler. $0.00; north V, ot tot 8. Krneatlno PeupeL $0.85; lot ., Hsnnah Maeda, $1.36; lot 10.. Hannah Mason. $1.60; tot 11 Hannah Maaoa, $1.26; tot 14. Hannah Maaoa, $1.36; lot 18. Hannah Mason. il.2&; tot Hi. Charle W. Hlgglas. $1.35. LOCK d. - undlrlded 1-3 of tot 1 except Oregon ft California - Ballroad Company s ngni 01 wsy, itsnnsji Maaon,; nnui Tided 1-8 of lot 1. except Orraoa ft Cali fornia Ballroad Company' right of- way. Real ft Personal Ketate Company, $0.30: tot 1 W. B. Baker, $1.25; undlrided 2-S of tot S. Haanah Ma. on, $o.80; aadlrided 1-3 of lot 3, Real ft Personal Estate Company. $0.30; lot . 4. Hannah Mason, $1.26; tot 5, Martha M., Crowell, $0.80; tot . Martha M. Crowrll, $L35; tot 8, Amelia Berreth. $1.26; aU of tot T except Oregon ft CsUfornls Ball road Company's right f way. Amelia Ber- rrth. $o.W0; all of tot ft except Oregon ft California Railroad Company's right or wsy, Martha M. Crowrll, $1.10; lot, 10. Martha M. Crowell. $1.50: all of tot 11 -except Oregon California Railroad Company's right of way, Martha M. CrowelL .$0.85; lot 11 Martha U. Crowell. $1.25; all of tot 13 eseept Oregon ft California Ballroad Com pany' right of wsy, Msrths M. Crowell, 80.80; tot 14, Msrths M. Crowell. $1.25; lot 15, Joha P. Wsrd. $1.20; tot 18, Joha P. Ward. $1.25; lot 17, John P. .Ward. $1.25; lot 18. John P. Ward.' $1.25. BLOCK 7. tot L Elisabeth Young. $1.25; tot 1 Kllaa. ' beth Young, $1.26; tot . 3, Kliaaaheth Young, $1.35; tot 4. Elisabeth Young. $1.26; tot 6. Charity H. Neldermeyer. $1.28; tot A. Mary P. Adams, $1.23;, lot 7, Dells M.' Kchroeder, $1.25; tot 8. Msry F. . Adsma. $1.26; lot ft. T. A. Llresley. $1.50; tot Kl, tttfrled Metsler, $1.50; tot 11, Annie C. Rchmeer, $1.35; tot 11 Annie C. Brhmeer. J1.2&: tot 1.1. Joseph Best, $1.25; tot 14. oseph Best. $1.25; lot 16, D. W, Hoelbla. $1.24; tot Id. -D. -W;- Hoetbtn.t-$t.a5t tot 17. Bonhla WeUcerber. $1.36; . lot 18. Sephla Welegerber.. $1.36. BLOCK 8, tot 1. Ouy . Bennett, $1.26; lot 1 Ouy Beanett, $1.35; lot 3, Ouy Bennett.f$t.25; lot 4, Cay Ben nett, $1.26: tot 6. Percy H. Blyth, $1.35; tot 7. Percy H. Blyth. $1.26; tot ft. Percy H. Blyth, $1.26; tot , Lou la H. Bmlth. $1.26: tot 8, Louts H. Hmlth, $1.25: tot 10, Harriett B. Klllea, $1.25: tot 11. George H. Vaugban. $1.10; tot 11 George H. , Vsughsn- $1.10, iBLOCK 8-Iot llbert DeSkaTt 26; lot h?mk?i.K-. lot 6. Jacob Rektcb, $1.25; lot 7. Jacob Ketsch, $1.28;, tot ft, Jacob Relsrh, $105; lot 10, Jacob' Retoch, $1.20; tot 1 Albert Demke. $1.25; tot 4. Albert Demke. $1.26; lot d. C. P. Oakea. $1.26; tot 8, C. P. I , Oskes. '$1.25; 111 of let 11 lying east of . west 28 feet of aald tot. C. P. Oaken, $1.10; II of tot 12 lying eaat of west 38 feet of ssld lot, C F. Oskes. $1.16; west 28 feet of tot 11, Oregon ft California Railroad - Camoany. 80. : west 2d feet of tot II Oregon ft California BaHread Oeamaay. $0.80. BIOC.K 10. tot 1, Prrry ll.aaoaw. Trnatee. 26iJo-8r Trrtr Henahaw. Trnatee. 31.38; lot 5. Edward Hughes KaUte. Helra of. $1.36: tot 7. Edward Haghes Eatata. Heirs of. $1.36;' lot- 8, Bdwsrd Hughes Estate. Heirs of, $1.60; tot 11, Rdwsrd Hughes Eaute. Helra of, $1.06; tot, 13, Edward Hughes EaUte. Heirs of. $1.30; tot 1 Joel W. Crocker. $1.26; tot 4. Joel W. Crocker. $1.25; tot 8. Ueorge Eeller, $1.23; tot 8, Ollm MrCarty, $1.36; lot 10, -Ollra Mccarty, $1.50; all of tot 13 except west 43 feet, Alex' Kissel, $0.80; sll ot tot 14 except wrat 43 feet, Alex K lose I, $0.96; weat 43 feet of tot 13, Karl Ranaehbach, $0.50; weat 142 feet of lot 14. Karl Ksnseubsch, ,$0.60. . BLOCK It,-, lot. 1. Mary C. Burt. f; ia O, ..TVl . n. inn J i . nruuni' eon. $1.25; lot 5. A. W. Be Id log, $1.25; tot 7. Henry A. Beldlng, $1.25; tot ft. Cora N. Beldlng, $1.50; lot 11. W. D. Beldlng, $1.50: lot 13, Henry A. Beldlng, $1.20; tot 16, Kmlle C. Pety. $1.45; tot Id, Kmlle C. Fety. $1.80; lot 1 Ernest P. ' Dosrh,, $1.25; lot 4. Ernest P. Doach. $1.26; tot ft, H. A. and A. W. Beldlng, $1.25; tot 8, H. A. snd A. W. Beldlng. $1.25; weat 28 feet of tot 10, Oregon ft California Railroad Company, 80.86; east 84 feet of tot 10, Era J. Parker, $0.85; tot 11 Era J. Parker. $1.26; tot 14. W. . Beldlng, $1.10. BLOCK 11 tot 1. Joarph F. Kelly, $1.26; lot 8, Charles W. Draeckel. $1.26: tot 6. A. C. Lohmlre. $1.25; tot 7. A. C. Lohmlrs. $1.25: tot 8, H. -A. and A. W. Beldlng. $1.60; lot 11. Mania Winch, $1.25; lot 11-Mary P. Finch. $1.36; tot 15. Msry P. Finch, $1.20: lot 17. Ru dolph Becker, $1.10; lot 18. Rudolph Becker. U.4p: tot 2. W. C. MrMlllea, $1.25; lot 4. . C. McMlllrn. $1.25; lot 6, W. C. Me Mlllen, $1.25; tot 8. W. C. McMltlea. $1.23; tot 10, Alicia J. Bate, $1.50; tot 12, Bliss Jsred. $1.26; tot 14. Ellss Jared. $1.26; tot Id. Mary P. Pinch, $1.30. BLOCK 13. andlrlded H of tot 1, T. P. Brasdes, 80.65; andlrlded 14 of tot 1. Helen A. Jones. 80.OO; toc a. Jassns Honaphny. $1.25: tot 6. James Humphrey, 51.2a; lot T. James Humphrey, $1.86; tot ft, Robert Jacobson, $1.50; tot It, Donga EageleUd. $1.25; lot 11 Doags EngrktUd, $1.25; tot 15. W. 8. Ward, $1.60; tot 18. W. B. Ward. $1.80; lot 1 Real ft Personal E.utn Company, $1.25; tot 4, Beal ft ' Personal Estate Company, $1.25; lot ft, W. H. liimea, $1.25: tot 8. W. H. Oamea. $1.26: lot 10. W. Welnboff, $1.50; tot 11 Albert L. Albertaoa. $1.25; lot 14, Joaeph DrMartlnl, $1.26: lot 17. ' Michael Ballot. $4.80; tot 18. Michael Bullut, 31.70. BLOCK 14. tot 1, Pred 8. Miller. $1.26; lot - 3, Richard Ehrllngar. $1.25; tot 6. Joseph . DrMartlnl. $1.35; tot 7. William P. Borrell, Trnstes. $1.36; west 28 feet of tot ft, Oregon ft Califor nia Railroad Company, 80.86; raat 84 feet . of lot ft. W. B. W'alaon, $0.86: lot 11, Kopbla walagerber,, $1.26; lot IX. nophls wriagerner, si. an; hit 10, ueorge x.tnmsyer, $1.26; tot 17. . Jamee U Car. well, $1.20; tot IS. James L. Carnwell, $1.80: tot 2. Anna B. Kerne. $1.25; tot 4. Anna ' K. Keen, $1.25; tot 8, Anna R. Keene, $1.25; tot a. Anna K. Keene, tl.26; . let 10, Anas V.. Keene, $1.50; tot 12, Anna B. Keene. .$1.25; tot 14, Anna K. Keene, $1.25: tot Id, Anna B. . Keene, $1.26; tot 18, Darld M. Watklna. $1.35: lot 20. Pred Rpagele. $1.40. BLOCK 16. lot 1. James L. CarawrlL $15: lot 1 Jamea L. Carawell. $1.25; tot 3. JamrsTr-T-arawe1l. $1.25: lot 4. James L. Carawell, $1.25; tot 6, , James U Cara well. (1.26; lot d. J.mes L. Csrawfll, $1.26; fot 7. Li 1 11a. Crewel), $1.25; tot 8, Jamea L. Carawell, $1.26; tot ft. James L. Csmwell, $1.50; lot 10, J.mes L. Carawell, $.5; tot . 11, James L. Csrawetl, $1.26; lot 11 - Jansm - L. Carswelt. $1.23: lot IS. Ltlllaa t Carawell. $1.26; north 14 ot tot 14. Kate Curry. $0.65; north 14 o tot 18, Bate Cnr ray.. $0.00: south 4 of tot 14. Pile Mc Wulty, $O.A0; aoutb H of tot 18. Ellen Me Nilltr. $0.65: tot 16. Hannah Maaon. $1.25; tot 17.. Kndolph Becker. $1.50; tot, It. Ru dolph Becker, $1.66; lot 18, Katd Curray. $l.80i tot 20. Ellen MrNolty. $L70.- BUH K IS. tot I, Joae and K. Weber, $1.25; tot 1. Joes sad E. Weber. $1.26; tot 1 Jose and E. Weber. $1.25: tot 4. Joae aad K. Weber. 51.25; lot 5. Joae and P.. Weber, $1.00; lot 8. osr and E. Weber. $1.26; tot 7, Joae and K. Weber. $1.26; tot 8, Joae and E. Weber. ll.2; tot ft, Joae and E. . Weber, $1.50; ot 10 Joe and E. Weber. $1.60; tot II. Jose and E. Weber. $1.25; let 13, Joae and T.,- Weber. $t.25r lot 13, Joan and K. Weber,' $1.25; tot 11 Michael Tannics, $1.25; tot 14. Michael Tannlrr. $1.23; tot 18. Anna Btock, $0.80; Int 17. Pnlton United Artteana' Bnlldlng Aaaociatlon. $1.80: tot 18. Kneel Heuae, $1.85: tot 18. Ann Htork, Sl.nn; .tot 20. joa. Weber, $0.80. BLOCK 17. tot 1. C. It. McIod, $1.30; lot 1 C 6. Mrfood. lot 3. C. D. McLSOd. 81.23: lot 4, McLeod. 11.25: tot 6. C. N. htrfood. $1.25; tot 8. C. N. Method, $1 25: tot 7; C. H.. McLeod. $1.25: tot 8. 0, N. MrLrod. Jt.25; lot V. Flora 8). Crittenden, $t.5n; ht 0, Flora t. Crtttendea. $1.60; lot II C. ?. Mcleod. $1.25: tot 14. C. N. McLeod. 1.26; lot 18. C. N. McLeod, $1 25; lot 1ft, C. N. Mruroa, scan: mt 11. Hannah Mason, rrataoa, I Wataoa, j Watsou, $0 Wataon. so Wataon. iu ' $1.25; tot 13. Hannah Mason. $1.23: tot 15, " ll.nn.h Maaoa, $1.26: lot IT, Ranaah Mason. 11.15; tot 18, M. Mculty. $1.50; tot 21. M. IrNulty, $1.28; lot 20, RUsa and Joba A. Keller, $1.60; tot 22. RUsa and .John A. Keller. $1.28; tot 24. Rllaa and John A. Keller, $1.25; lot 23. A I phones Lenoir. $1.25; tot IS. Alpbonse fonor, $1,261 tot it.- Atpbooae fonotr, $L25; lot 27, Hannah Maaoa, $1.28; 'a,,.: " . -I' ' . CITY STOTICZl. t ea naMk ' u.m si as! BlICK IS, lot 1. Vlsrs N. McLeod. $1. 26: tot 0, Clers N. McLeod. $1.25: Iwt 6. The Hibernian nee. tngs Bsnk. $1.25: tot 7, The Hlberolas Barings seas, .; lot , i.buhii " '. " VT;' $1.50; lot 11. Ludolg Wllkelm. $1.25; tot Id. Hotomon Relaa. $1.35: tot 15. atotomoa Brles. I 1. 3D; lot J r."TBrr 1. Hedges, i.w; ' ... 1 iimAmmm ai Hi,. i, J, 11,.. Maaon, $1.28; tot 23. Hannah Maaoa, $1.35; tot 36, Hannah Mason, 31.35; lot 3d. Hannaa , 'II 'A: lot 9 Marianne VandeleUr. SLJAl 4 L. . A u.ri..u v.uuim. at V5: tot ft. Clara N. McLeod. $1.35; tot S. WUllam snd Anna Ben la. $1.25; lot 10, W P. Burr. I L Trustee, $1.50; tot 11 W. I. Borrell, -Trite. , tee, '81.25; tot 14, C. , H. Boliblna, Sl.ui tot Id. James B. Jobn.toos-. $1.36; tor 18. - Jasaes B. Joaaetone. $1.25; lot 20. Northers ' Counties Inreatment Trust.' Ltd., $1.30; kit .25. Carl . Anderson, $1.23; tot 24. tv. a, and Llllle C. Vlggere, $1.25; tot 27, W. "A. ind Lllllo C. Vlxgers. $1.29; lot 28. VT. A, III Lima r ii . . ttLOCK 10, tot 1, W. P. Burrell. Tni.tre, $1.26; tot 1 W. P. Burretl. Trustee. $1.25; tot 8. W. P. Burrell. Trustee. . $1.25; tot ,4, ;. W. S- . nneeell TmhIm . CI 26: ' lot 8. flora N. McLeod. $1.25:' tot ft. William ' PrledlSDder. $1.25; tot t. ' William Fried lander. 81.25: tol . William Frledlandrr, 1.; tot V,' William Prleillander, $1.6t'; Tot 10, William Prtedlander. $1.5; tot 11. t'nlted Rutea National Bank, $1.25; lot 12. I'nlted Btetra Nattonal Bsnk. $1.2At tot 11. t utted Nstron.l Bank. $1.26;. tot '14. t ntted Kt.leo Nsticaal Baak. 41.23: tot IS.'Tnlted States Natloual Bank. $1.25: lot Id. United ' Btatea NaUoasi .Bank. $1.35; '. lot IT, H. M. snd W. M. Cake. $1.25; tot 18. H. M. snd W. IS. fake. $1.25; tot 10. Arthur W. Urahem, $1.50; tot 20. Hanaah Maaoo. $1.00; tot 23. . Hannah Mason, $1.26; .. lot XL. Ererett B. Bmlth. $1.25; lot 23, Jo hanna trrlng, $1 25; tot 24, Llxxls snd Corn N. Beldlng, $1.26;. tot 25. I.laalo snd Corn N. Beldlag, $l.25f tot 26, Ll.Ue and Cora N. Beldlng. $1.36; lot 2T, A. w. na n. A. Beldlng, $1.26; tot 28, A. W. and H. . A. Brldlng, $1.26. -BLOCK 20. lot 1.,'W. P. Burrell, Trustee, 4)1.25: lot 1 W. P. Burrell, ' Truatee, $1.25; lot 8, W. P. Burrell. Trnatee, $1.28;' tot 4. W. P. Burrell.. Trustee.' $1.35-. , tot 8, W. P. Borrell, Tru.tee. $1,26; tot 8. W F. Burrell. Trnaleo. 11.26: tot 7. W. P. Burrell. Tru.tee. $1.25; Jot 8. Alice P. Mc. .t srrny, !.: lot , - w, r. Burreii. -jru.ire, $1.60: tot 10, Allen P. McCarthy, $1.50; lot 11 Alice P. McCarthy, $1.26: tot It. Edward W. and Helea M. Oasaett, $1.25; tot 13, Bra May Oasartt. $1 26; 1st 14. Jre - ale K. B. Fleck. $1.26; lot 15, Jessie R. 8. Fleck. $1.25: lot 18, Jessie B. B. Fleck, tl.26: tot IT. Jessie E. 8. Fleck. $l.5-, t IS, Jessie B. tt. Fleck. $1.25; tot 18, Jessie E. B. Fleck. lOT lot ao, jeaaie e, a vlMk . Ol RA. l Ol Jamae B - Jnhaataaa. J 11.26: tot 23. ' Jamea 8. - Johaetone. $1.36; ot 25. Marie B. Hoxele. $1.26; tot 28, Msrts K. Hoxsie. 81.20; tot 33. Bessingwr .'.. Trnatee, S1.25; lot 24. Beeelnger ft Co.. Trustee, 81.25; tot IT, Besslngat ft Co., Trua . tec. $1.26; tot 28, Brsslngef- A Co.. Trnetee, 135. BLOCK 21. lot 1. I. M. Thompson. 1.28; lot 3. J. M.Nrhompeoe, $1.2i; let 5. Jasl Morrison. $1.26; lot T. Detoa D. Beer.. $1.25; lot ft, Detoa D. Neer. $1.80; lot 11. John A. Johnston ft Jamea Olean, $1.25; lot 13, John A. Johnston snd James Olaen, $1.25; tot 15, Hlbernla Baring Bank. $1.28: tot IT, Hlbernla Barings Bank. $1,26; tot 1ft, Hlbernla Baringa Bank, $1.50; - tot 21. T. W. Hannaman. $1.25; tot 23. Bernard C. McCarthy. 31.36; tot 25. Nellie M. .Ward. $1.26; block 7. Charlea P. Uttle. $1.33; tot ISHrrmaa Bleeg, $1.15; tot 4. Herman Bleeg. $1.26; lot . Herman Bleeg, $1.26; tot 8, A.- W. and H. Balding. $1.26; tot .10. -Fannie C. Cartia, $1.50; tot 11 Nettle G. C radon, $1.15; lot 14. Nettle 0. lira doe. $1.26; tot 18, Boesnna Courtney. $1.26; tot 18. William P.. Courtney. $1.25; tot 20. Jonie Bulllraa. $1.80; tot 21 H. U Tatnm and J. J. Bowea. $1.36; tot 34, Seymour C. , Friendly, $1.25: lot Id, W. P. Burrell, Trnatee, $1.26; lot 28. Rente Klmmer. $1.25. BIXKJK 22. tot I, Alliance Truat Compaay, lAd.r $1.25; tot 8, a. end Lonlee lcbmelr, - $1 r' tot 8. Albert Krumrey. $1.28; tot 7. Jennia Bower, $1.25; tot A. Jessie Bower, $t.60; lot 11. Pred B. Miller. $1.26; lot 13. . Fred 83. Miller. $1.36: tot 16, Willamette Tribe No. A. Improved. Order of Hod Men, . $1.25; 'tot 17, Willamette Tribe No. 8. Im. Rrored Order of Red Men, $1.25; to 19, Ittle E. Kmmoaa. $1.50; tot 21. Msry K. Hoxsie. $1.15; lot 23, Msry Bt Hoxsie. $1.26; tot 26. Msry k: Hosala, $1.26; lot 27, Llasts Brldlng. $1.25: tot 1 George fork . mrlrr $UC; Ut 4. . George. Lseftmalar.-$ 1.851 -tot 8. Sarah B. Errraua. $1.36; lot 8. Haras B. Erersem $1.26; tot in. R. R. Long, $1.50; lot 11 H. R. Iing. $1.26; tot 14. H. R. Long. $1.26; tot 18, MrKlnley Mitchell, $1.26; tot 18, McKlaley Mitchell. $1.26; lot 20. W. D. Beldlng, $1.60; lot 21 A. snd A. W. Beldlng, $1.25; tot 24. Ussle Beldlng, $1.26: lot 38. Marie B. Hoxle. $1.35: tot 28. Lisala Beldlng. $1.26. BLOCK 23, lot 1, Mary K. Taylor, $1.26; tot 8, Maud W. Woolfolk. $1.26; t 8. Darld Ooodselt. $1.26; tot 7, Clara B. Crane. $1.26; tot 0. Mary K. Hoxle, 8LAO-lot 11. Calrsry Preabyteriaa Chnrch. 1" l.Zo; tot 13. falrary rreabytertan Chnren. 1.35: 'tot 6. Buaanna Elmmerman. $1.26: tot 17, Bussnns Elmmerman. $1.25; tot 18, Bnssnna Elmmerman. $1.50; tot 21, fo.ana Eimmersaen, 31.30; lot ki. nussana r.immer. maa. $1.25; lot 26, Baaaaan Elmmerman, JI1.2S; tot 28, BwssMia Elmmerman. $1.25; ot 1 Q. U. and lint Bobler. $1.25; tot 4, O. M. aad Den. Bobler, $1.25: tot ft, Hrann - B, Onatber. $1.36; lot 8. Joseph Plnkn, $1.26; tot 10. Ids Loewenaon, $1.50; 1st II Oeorg , Wright Poet No. 1, O. A. R.. $1.25: tot 14, Joha Mstthlesen, $1.25; tot Id. SoOe K. fow rrace. $1.25; tot 18. A. W. Jones. $1.25; tot ' 2o, Maggie W. Utile, $1.50; tot 22. Maggie R. Jones snd Mary A. Cooler, $1.26: tot 24. Michael Mouler, $L25; tot IT. Wllhelmltis V.kl. $1.26; tot 28, Chrtatlaa Johnaoa, $1.26. . BLOCK 24. tot 1, Hannah Maaoa, 80.70; tot 1 Hannah Maaoa. $1.26; tot 1 Hanoah Mason, $0.80; tot 4. Hannah Mason, $1.26; tot 6. Hannah Mason, $0.85; lot ft. Mason, $1.25; tot T. Hsnnah Maaon, $0.80; lot 8. Hannah Maaon, $1.25; tot ft. Bannah Maaoa,. $J.3o; tot 10. Hannah Maaon. $1.50; lot 11. Hannah Mason.. $1.05: tot 11 Hsa nah Mason, $1.B; tot 13, Hannah Maaon. $1.10; tot 14. HTanah Mason, $1.25; tot 15, .. Hannsh Maaoa, $1.15; tot 18. Haanah Mann. $1.25: lot IT. Hannsh Maaoa. $1.15: lot 18. Hanaah Maaoa, $1.26; tot 1ft, Hannah Mason. $1.50: lot 20, Hannah Maaoo. $1.50: tot 21, , Hannah Maaoa, $1.26; tot 22. Hannah Mason, $1.25; tot 23, Hannah Maaoa, $1.36; lot 24, Hanaah Mason, J1.25: lot 25, Bannah Mason. rl.28; lot 28. Hannah Maaoo, $1.26: tot 2T. i.nnah Maann. $1.26; lot 2S Hannsh Msaon. -$1.25. . BLOCK 28. tot 1. Margaret Mecksy, A8.T0: lot 1 Margaret Mackay. $13.26; tot 8. Margaret Mscksy. 88.86; tot 4. Margaret Mackay. $1.1.20. - BLOCK 2d, snbdlrislon 1 of tot A, Magg'e Murphy. 81.26: subdlriirion 2 of lot A. Maggie Marphy. $1.26: uhdt vlaloa 8 of tot A, Dalle i. Dale. $1.25: aubdl Tlston. 4 of lot A. L. H. aad A. H. Maxwell. $1.26; sobdlTlslon 8 ot lot " A. Margaret White. $1.25;. anhdlrislon of lot A.. Mar garet White. $1.26; snbdlrislon 7 of tot A. Margaret White.. $1.23; mbdlrialon 8 at tot A. Jennie Cnrrie. $1.26; sahdlrislon 8 of tot A, Jennie Cnrrie. $1.60; snhdlriatna . 10 of lot A, Jennie Carrie, $1.50; subdlTlslon It of lot A, Jennie Cnrrie. $1.25; subdlrieloa 14 L.. . flaM X ' U i SI OK M.K. dlrialon 13 of tot A, Margaret White. $1.2&H snnoiTision is ot tot a, at.rg.rri watte, $1.26; enbdtriatoa 15. of. Jot A. C. Hanarn, $1.26; sabdlTlaioa 16 of lot A. Ttllla F. Cnr. nellua. $1.35; anbdiTlaioa IT of tot A, Ttllla F. Cornelius. $1.25; sabdlTlaioa 18 of lot A, M. J. Potter. .$1.28; ashdlrtmon 1 of tot B, Weeley Miller, $1.28; snhrHrisloa 2 of tot R. Weslep Miller. $1.26; ubd1ri.loa S of tot B, ' Julia Msrqusm. $1.25; suhdlriaion 4 of lot B, Jails, $1.26; suhdlrlaton S of tot B. J f Jo Oder J. Bumming, $1.26; aubdlrielon ft of lot B, Mar E. A Jam.. $1.25; 'auhdlTlatoa 7 of lot B. W. P. Burrell, Truatee. -81.25;. aoh dlrl.lon S of lot B. W. P. Burrell, Trustee, 81.28; anbdlTtaloa ft of tot B. W. P. Burrell, . Truatee, $1.60; aubdlTlalon 10 af lot B, W. P. Burrell, Trnatee, $1.50; anhdirlalon 11 of tot B, -W. P. Barrell. Trnatee, $!.; snbdi. virion 13 of lot -B, W. P. Burrell, Truatee, . $1.35; esbdlTlaton 13 of tot B. Msry BS. -Adams. $1.26: aubdlTlalon 14 of let B. Msry , B. Adams, $1.25; aubdlriatoa 15 of tot B, Mary B. Adams, $1.26; . snbdlrislon 18 - of tot B. James W. Brandt. $1.25; eubdlriato 17 of tot B, Ounder J. ltnmmlog. $1.25; . aubdlTlalon 18 of lot B. W. P. Barrell. Trus tee. $1.25. BLOCK 27. let 1. Ellea H. Brhollhora Raute. Heirs of. $13.25; Int 8. Ellen H. Schollhora Eststa, Heirs of. $13.20; aubdlrlaloa l of lot A. C. M. Rasaeil. Trmw tee. $1.26: mbdlriaton 1 of lot A. C. M. Huasell. Trnatee. $t.2nrsnbdtTlFtoa 8 or tot A, C. M. Rusaell. Truatee. $1.25; anhdlrislon 4 of tot A,j 0. M. Rusaell. Truatee. $1.25; aabdlrlaloa 6 ot tot A. C. M. Russell, 'mi.. tee. $1.26: eubdlrlalon ft of Rusaell, Trnatee. $1,261 sabdl I of tot A. C. M. sabdlriaion 7 of lot - A,- May Back-His, $1.25; sabdlriaion 8 of Mot A. w. r. Hurreii. rroatre. i.a; aub dlTlalon ft of tot A. Mot Back Ills. $0.76; aubdlTlalon 10 nf tot A, W. F. Borrell. True- '.tee, $0.75; aubdlTlalon I of tot B. M. J. - Duffy. - $1.25; anbdlTtaloa 3 of - tot B. Hong chee How, $1.26; anbdl rlaloa 3 of tot B. VV. H. McCldowaey and J. T. Leonard. $1.25; snbdlrislon 4 of Int R, W. P. Burrell, Trnatee. $1.26: nbdlTlaloa B of tot B. W. H. McFMowdney aad J. T. Leonard. $1.26; eiibdlTl.ton, ft of tot B, C. M. Russell. $1.25: anhdlrislon T et , tot B. W. 31. Law, $1.26; anndlrtaton 8 of tot B, Moy Bach Hie. $1.25; aubdlriatoa ft of tot R. W. M. I -aw. $0.76; aahdlTlrlon 10 of tot B. Moy Back Hln. $0.76. BLOCK 28. lot 1. Jennia snd J. M. Belcher. $13.36: tot 8. Jsmes B. Polkemns, $18.30. ' BLOCK . mbdlrialon 1 of tot 2. William snd Roalna (lelgrr. $1.20; enhdlritdnn 1 nf tot 1 William . and Roalna Oelger. $1.20; subdlTlslon 3 of tot 2, William and Roalna Oelger, $1.20; suh dlriaion 4 ot tot 1. Wllll.m and . Roalna Uelrgrr. 81. SO: suhdlrlaton 6 of tot 1 William and Rosins Oelger. $1.20; aubdlriatoa 8 of lot 1 William snd Roalna Uelger, $1.20; snbdlrislon T of tot 1. Wllll.m snd Ttnalnn Oelger. $1.20; subdiTtalon a of tot 1 William snd Roalna Oelger. 81.30; enhdlTtalna ft of tot 2. William snd Roalna Oelger, 81.20; enh dlrtalon 10 of tot 1 William and Roalna Oelger, $1.30; snbdlTlstoa I of tot. 4. Mr. M. J. W earner. $1.25; aubdl rl.ton S of lot 4. . Mr. M. J. W earner. 80.00; eehdiTletoa 3 nf .. tot 4. Mr. M. J.' Weamer, Sl.lOi sahdlTtatoa ,4 f tot 4. Mas. M. J. Weamer. $1.26:. nb ' dlriaioa $ of tot 4. Mrs. at. t. Weamer, $1JB ' ..- t '. 'r- '; .''" - 'V CITT KOTlCIl ' aub.llrl.lon 8 of tot 4. Mra. M. J. Wramer. 81.35; subdlrialon 7 of. tot 4. Mrs. M- Wrsmrr. aubdlTlalon 3 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Wesmrr. $1.00; euudlTlslon 8 of Jot 4. Mra. M. J. Weueier. $1.3. BLOCK 2U, . tot 1. Margaret H. Denholm, $l.6; tot 1 Mar. Kret H. Deohiilia, $l.uo: lot 3. Margaret H. nbelm. $1.U6; lot 4. Margaret H. Dri bolm, Aioo; tot 6. Margaret II. Denholm. t'.uo. tot to. Margaret II. Denholm. $l.8w; . it 7, Margaret 11. Denholm. $1,801 tot 8. .' Margaret II. Iienholm. $1.80; lot 8, Margaret ' H. Donholm, $I.H0; tot 10, Margaret 11. Den- . holm. $1.76. BLOCK 30, subdlriston 1 of tot A, Emily H. and Jamea Curran. $1.55; auli dirlaloa 2 of. tot A. Predertok Eggert, $1.7o; snbdlTlsiim 8 of tot A. Frederick Eggert, $J.6 aubdlTlalon 4 of lot A. Frederick Eg- ' . grt, $l.CO; aubdlTlalon 5 of lot A. Frederick Lggert. $1.46; subdlrialon 8 of tot A.-W. P. Burrell. Trnatee, $1.40: subdtTtsloa T of - lot A, Jenkins ft BteVene, $1.36; eubdlriaton 1 of tot B, W. P, Burrell, Tru.tee, $!.; ubdirialos 3 of kit B, W. F. Burrell, Trus tee. $1.00.- X A tract of land lying bctweea the aouth line or Vermout etreet and ths north tine of asl I ; dlTiaton 7 of tot A, block 30, Bout hern Port land, and between the eaat lias of Penney I rsnis street snd tbo westerly Use of th Oregon ft California Railroad Company' right of way. Martha M. Crowell, $135. j A tract ot land lying -petweea the south Una . j of Vermont street ssd the north line of sab... dlTtslon 2 of tot B, blork 30. Boat hern Port- , lead, and between the weat line of Connect!- - . rat etreet and the eaaterly line of the Oregon ft California Railroad Company'a right of ' way, C. F. Crowrll folate. Heirs of, $1.60. ' ; BOCTHERN P0RTLAXD, - 0RBC0N BI-OCK ' 81. lot 1. Bolomoa sVetos, $0.88: tot 1 Solomon -Kelsa. $0.80; tot 8. Bolomoa Uelsa, $0.b5; tot . 4, Solomon Solas. $1.20; tot 6, Botonwa Balsa. ' $1.30; tot 8. Botomoa hla, $1.16; tot 7 '. Bolomoa Rets. $1.10; tot 8, Solomon Kelss, ' $1.10;. lot ft. Bolomoa Relaa. $1.10; tot 10, Botomoa Helas,; lot It. B-ilomoa Relss, . $0.10; lot 11 Bolomoa Relss, $0.76; -tot 14. ' - Sotomoa Belaa, $1.05: lot 14. Botomoa Betas. $1.00; lot- 15. Solomon Beiaa. $l.l); lot Id, . Solomon Rela, $1.25. BLOCK 32, tot 1, , Hsnnah Maaoa, $10)35; tot 2. Haansh Maaon. ' $kor BLOCK 33. sabdlTtsion 1 of tot 1, , James B. Reed. $1.26: subdlrieloa) 2 of lot I, James 8. Reed. $1.25; subdlriston $ of tot . ": 1. Jamea B, Reed. $1.26; auhdlTlatoa 4 of tot 1, Jamea ft. Reed, 81.26; aubdlrlaloa ft of tot ' 1. James 8. Reed, $0.76; subdlristoa ft -of tot 1. Anna B. BJokmaa, 30.T6; aubdlTlalon T of ; tot 1. Anna B. Btokman, $1.25; subdlrialon S I of tot 1. J. B. Pilklugtoa snd A. W. Wright.. ' $1.25; subdlTlsloB ft of tot 1. t. N. Burt. ' , 81.25; subdlrieloa 10 of tot 1. J.' N. Burt, $1.25; . aubdlriatoa 11 of tot 1. Anna Olen, -$1 35; aubdlTlalon 12 of lot 1. J. B. Pllklng ton -and A. W. Wright, $1.35; - subdlTlstoa f 13 of tot 1, J. B. Pllklngtoa and A. W, -Wright, $1.35: ubBlTlsloa 14 of tot 1, Joha T. Cook, $1.36; subdlTlstoa IS of tot -1. John.. . T. Cook, $1.40; subdirlslos 1 Of lot 1 Cell. M. Frier and Edwin B. McCllncy, $1.40; anbdiTlaioa S of tor 1 Cell M. Frier aad Ed win B. MeCUncy, $1.40: sabdlriaion a of tot 2.1 Cells M. Frier snd Edwin B. - MeCUncy, $1.40; . anbdlrlaloa 4 of tot 2. Cella M. Frier and - Rdwta 8. MeCUncy, $1.40: sabdlriaion 8 of tot 8, Cella M. Frier and Edwin B. McCllncy, $1.40; subdlTlslon 8 of tot S. Cells M. Frier snd Edwin 8. McCllncy. $1.25; anbdlriskm 7 ' of lot 1 Cell M. Frier and Edwin 8. Me. . . Cllncy. $1.2& eubdlriaton 8 of lot 1 Cell M. Frier and Edwin B. Mcaincf, $1.25; ash- dlrialon 8 of tot 1 Cella M. Frier aad Edwin , . B. McCllncy. $1.35; anbdlrlalon 10 of tot "2. Cella M. Frier aod Edwin 8. McCUacy, $0.75: II of tot 1 Cella M. t rier ecd Edwla B. MeCUncy. $1.25: anhdlrlalna II of lot 1. Cella M. Frier and Edwin B. McCllncy. $1.25: anbdlrlalon 13 of tot. 2. Cella M. Prior ,. aad Edwla 0. McCllacy. $.1.26; auhdlTlaton . 14 ot tot 1.. Cella M. Prior and. Edwin H. McCllncy, $1.25; atibdlrtaloa 16 "of -lot 2, Cella M. rnw and Kdwla a. McC llncy; so. TB. BLOCK 34. snbdlrislon 1 of tot U. K. V. ' Hronaugh. 80.H5: ubdlrlatoa 2 of lot O, K. C. . Brooaugb, $o.0; subdlTlaloa 8 of tot O, P.. 0. Bronaugb. 80.H5: anhdirlalon 4 of tot O. E. 4'. nronsagn, fO:o; aubaiTlsioa 8 or lot K. c. nr,; ssbntTiaioB a or lot ii, k, . on: snbdlTtston 7 of tot f). K. C, 1.85; subdtn.ion 8 of tot Ii, K. C. ' snbdlrislon 8 of tot O. B. C. Bronsugb. $0.05; sabdlriaion 10 of tot t. B. C-.... Bronaugb, aii.eni subdlTlslon 11 or lot it, N. c. Bronaugb. 8.86: suhdlrlaton 12 of tot le, R. c, nraaimn, a-. mirriinioa id ot lot 11, Bronaugb. 80.06: subdlTlslon 14 nf lot O. K. C, K. C. Bronaush. so ns ; sunniTisioa in ot m i, n. c . Bronaush. 8H.85: nnbdlTuiloa Id sf tot ti. Pi. C. Brorsush, an.;. subdlTlaloa IT of tot (). K. C. Hronaugh,; sundirtaioa In nr lot u, r,. c. Bronaush. $0.6; aubdlriatoa 18 of tot tl, R. C. Bronaagh, $0.00; anbdlri.toa 20 of tot O. K. C Rronsngh, $; aubdlriatoa 21 of tot U. M. C. Bronaagh, $0.00; snbdlTlstoa 23 af tot O, K. C. Bronaugb, $0 06; subdlTlaloa 23 of tot fl, R. C Bronaugb. $o.tki; subdlTlaloa 24 of tot , F, C Rrenaugh, $0.rR; sabdlTtsloB 25 of tot O. B. C. Ttronaugh. 80.00; eulHlirialoa 2d nf tot , K. C. Bronaugb, $o.; subdlTlstoa 27 of tot O, R. C, Bronaugb, $o.0: aubdlrialoa 28 of tot O. K. C. Bronaugb, $0 65. BLOCK 84. aubdlTlalon I of tot It, B, C, nrna.nrh $0.6A; aubdlrialoa S of tot II. K. C. Broasuxh.-4.eiubdlri.ton S of lot H. E. O. Bronaugb; 8o.OfH ssbdlelakasT or lot H. K. c. Bronsugh. of tot H. K. C. Broosugh, of lot H, B. C. Rronsngh, of tot H, K. C. Bronaagh, ot lot H. B. C. Bronaugb, $0.N6 suhdlri.toa 5; subdlTl.lesi 8 $0.06; aubdlTlsloa T tO.otl; subdlTlaloa 8 1.86: aubdlrialoa ft nf tot II. R. a Bronaugb. $0.00: eubdlrlalon 10, of tot H. B. C. Bronaugh. 80.C5: aubdlria toa It of lot H. B. C. Broaaugh. $0.00: aab dirialoa 13 of tot H. E. C Bronaugh. $0.06; anbdlTialon 13 of tot H. E- C. bronaugb. $0.00; snbdlTlston 14 of tot II, R. C, Bros, sngh, $o.u5- subdlTlslon 15 of lot H. K. C. Bronaugh, $0.80; aubdlrtsinn Id of tot H. K. C. Bronaugh. $0.65 : anbdlrlalon IT of tot H. R. C. Bronaugh. 80.0O; anbdlTialon 18 of tot H. K. C. Bronaugh. 80.66; aubdlTlalon 1ft ot tot 11. E. C. Bronaugh, $0.80; subdiTlatoa 20 ot tot H, B. C. Bronaugh. $0.06; aubdl. vlatoa II of Int H, E. C. Bronanih, fo.OO; SundlrtsloB 22 of tot H, Br C Bronaugb. $0.66; snbdlrision 23 of tot H. B. C. Bronsugb. 80. 0; anbdiTlaioa 34 af tot H, I C. Bronaagh. $o.&; euhdlTtaton 25 ot tot It, K. C. Bron augb, $o.flp; aubdlTlalon 28 of tot H. R. C. Bronsagh, 80. on; - sundtTtstoa ST of tot R. R. '. Broaaugh. 80.80: subdlriaton 28 af tot H. B. C. Bronaagh, $0.86. BI.OCK 35. anh dirlalon 1 of tot A. Frederick EggerL $1.26; subdlriston. I of tot - A. Frederick Eggert. $1.25: sahdlrislon 3 of tot A. Frederick Eggert. 81.35; subdivision 4 of tot A, Fred erick Eggert, $1.26: aubdlriatoa 6 of tot A. Frederick Eggert, $1.25; eubdlrfeloa 8 of tot A. C. M. Bueeell. Trueteo, $1.25; auhdlTlaton 7 of lot A. Frederick Bggert. 81.3s; aubdl PUW11 fl.26; 1.26; 1.26; vtafeu 8 of tot A. William fobbe, nabdlTtaion ft of tot A-' W. W. Ijos-an. anbdlTialon 10 of tot A. WUllam Labtae. subdlristoa 11 af tot A. Augusts Arrem, $1.36; sshdlrlatoa 11 of tot A. C. M. Kuasell. Truatee. $1.25: snbdirtston 18 of tot A, C. M. Russell. Trnatee. $1.85; anbdlrlalon 14 f tot A. C. M. Bueeell. Trustee, 31.30: sub dlristoa 1 of lot B. Wt O. M. aad Me A. Hsyea. $1.20: eubdlrisloa 3 of lot B. Kara h A. Brown. $1.20; anbdiTlaioa S of tot B. r.- M. ltu.aeU.- $1.20; suhdlriaion 4 of tot B. Arthur Mather, $1.20; aubdlrialoa 8 of tot B. Moy Back Hln. $1.30; aabdlTlaioa' ft of lot B. C. M. Uuasall. Trustee. $1.20; subdlristoa 7 of tot B, W. F. Barrell. Trustee,. $1.2o; north 14 of tot I. Msrtba M. Crowell,: $4.35. BLOCK 36. tot 1,. Frank H. Orubb, $1.30; tot 1 Kstkerlne 1 . Trerett. $1.30t tot I', Margaret U. Denholm. $1.30; tot 4. Margaret H. Denholm. $1.80: tot 5. Margaret II. Den. W-l . Qn. Ia a U...ll M U.mlllM Hronsuga, 9 Bmnsugh. fto Bronaugb, $ Hronaugh. $10: tot i. M.xwell N. Hamilton, $1.30; ' N tot S. Margsret H. Denholm, $1.30; to( 9. ' Marrsret H. Denholm. 81.30; tot 10. Jamea P. BrU, $1.30; tot 11. James P. Bell. $1.30; tot 11 Margaret R. Denholm. $1.26: lot l:l. Margaret FL Denholm, 81.30; tot 14, James P. Bell, 3128; lot 15. D. B. MrBrlde, $1.20; lot 16. George Men bonne, $1.15; tot 17. Ueorge., $1.80; tot 18, Donald B. McBrlde, $1.80: lot 111, Donald B. McBrlde, $1.30; tot 40, Donald B. McBrlde, $1.30; lot 21. C. D. '' Nairn. $1.30: tot 22. Donald B. McBrlde,, 11.80: lot 23, Donald B. McBrlde, $1.30; ' it 24. C. D. Nslrs. $1.30: tot 26, Robert . I.lTlngston, $1.30: lot 26. Bohert -I.lrlnx.ton. $1.80: tot 27, Robert Uringstoo. $1.30; lot ' tl. Margaret H. Denholm. $1.80. BLOCK - .17. Hannah Maaon. $55.55. BLOCK . 3d. Sarah A. Bay. $21.80. , . .. . ORREN'B ADDITION BLOCK 1. lot 1. John w, Laingdon aad wire. w. a. narnett and wife. $1.28: tot 1 John W. fonrdon and . wife, W. (I. Barnett and wife, $1.25: tot 3. John W, Iinxdon and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $1.26; tot 4. Joha W. fongdon and ' wife. W. H Barnett and wife. $1.45. BIXX K 2. tot 1, Joha W. Lsagdnn and wtfe, W. H. Barnett -and wlfei, $t.25; tot , Joha W7 fongdon aad wife. W. H. Barnett nd wise. $1 28: lot 1 Johd W. Langdoa and wife, ... W. II. .Barnett and wtfe. $1.25; tot 4. John W. fongdon and wife. W. H. Barnett. and : wife, $1.46; tot 8, John W. . Isngdon snd r - . wife.. W H. BaruoU and wife. $1.45; lot a. John W. fonrdon and wife, W. H. Rarnrrt ' and wife. $1.30: kit T. John W. fonrdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, 31.26: tot 8. JoTn W. fongdon snd wife, W, H. Barnett and wife, $1.25. BLOCK 8. tot 1. John W. l anadon and wife. W. II. Bsrnett snd wife, $1.26: lot 2. John W. fongdaa and wife. W. II. Barnett and wife. $1.26; tot 8. John ' W. fongdon and wife. W, 11. Barnett snd wife. $1.23;- tot 4. Henry I, Johnson. $1.45; --r tot 5. John W. fongdon and wife. W. H. Bsrnett and wife. 81.46; lot . Joha W. fongdon and wife. W. U. Bsrnett and wife, ,' 81.28- tot T. John W. fongdon and wife. i , W. It. Barnett and wife. $1.26; tot 8. John W. Langdoa and wife, W, It. Barnett and Wtfe, $1.35. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Joha W. fong. don and wife. W. .Tl.. Rarnett and wife, $o.8A: wt 1 Joha W. Langdnn aad wfe, W. H. Barnett and wife, $,. y,, x. John W. Langdoa end wife. W. H, Barnett and wife, $1.30; tot 4r-John W. fonrdon and wife. W. H. Barnett end wife, M; tot 9. Jonn w. isniiinn snn wits, w, h, Barnett and wire, ft.2n; lot . Joha Ijinedon and wife. W. H. Barnett. and ' vice. 81 26: tot 7. John w. Langdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife. $1.25. BLOCK 5. tot I. John W. !mdon and wtfe. W." H. Barnett and wire, 81.10; lot 2, John W. fone ttoa and wife. W. n. Btfnelt aad wlfe,$l.ov, tot 3. John W. fonrdon and wife. W. It. Barnett and wife, $1.40; att 4. John W. fonrdon and Wife. W. U. Barnett and wife, $1.70: tot 5, John- W... fongdon and wife, W. H. Burnett aad wife. $1 10; toe-8. John W. fongdon end wife.- W. H. - Barnett - and wife, $1.55; tot 7, eSha-W. Langdoa ssd t v 'V: 'A j .