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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
I. citt ifoncm. CVt HOTICU. CITT VOTICZB, citt aroncx. tJlTf BOTICEI. crrr aroTioxa. 1'. CITT B0TICE4 TITS OnZGON DAILY JOURNAL. - PORTLA1TD. MONDAY EVENING.. tlARCH. 13, , 1SC3. Coomony. Ltd! $LBO: undivided M, at Mat ' 47 Je-t f tot a. Aillanea Trust Obmpaor, I. li $I.W; l 541 lest f tot ft.' Kdmund , Kill. t l fta fro I of lot 9. fcd- nannd B. lull. fta.39: wsat 25 ft'-et of lot ' T. Joha II. Uwu, (U40; wnt 9ft feet e( -lot 9, John II. l.ewie, l.u; h( It feet . of totT. Isabella. . U4 W. A- Lewis, $4.86 41 eeat T8 Iwl e kt K laabella. B. aad w. A. - iwu. xuaoliv it. lot 1, Cle tit" Ksute, Heirs of, $.); lot J. cImbcw Csessr Kute, Uelrt of. 4)5.90: lot ft. Ann Blnnott, $i.2o: lot 4. Asa. Kinaott. $485; lot D. Asa miiami, SO.OV, t ID rset ox lot a. itemess t'aeesr KUi. Heirs of. tl.WK wnt 26 fas of U- f, P.gry O. Baker ReUte. Heirs- of, $3.IV, all f btork 1, Csrslhers' addition, to Corathrar addition except west- '" r""? -.!rl.ot M""' WU loot, Jean C, lckel, IBB.99. .( . . . A tract of tos hounded and " describe a ,, follosre: Caauranclag at tatereectloa of out 'i II oo of Rood agree with aorta lla of Baker atrooti thenar, sosurly oa north Una of Bakor street 94.9 foot; tkenra aorthcrlr parallel with weat aide lino of Moody troot. 8a. ; foot) the-see weetecly parailol with north -' Una of Baker street to out Una of Hood street! heare anutaerfy oa eest llao of Hood sorest to beginning, Henry Bcbeelsod EsUts, Hetas of. ctkatL " . caritohrs' adoption to cartjthbrs i ADDITION to too city ot Portlsud BI.OCK . J, William Draark, $41.19. BLOCK K. Maria ' J. Bakor. 449.54. BLOCK I Hosaeopothle . "Hospital sad LYepeosary ot Portland. 162.00. (BLOCK Bt. Humeooslhlr Hoairital and Dlaoea- ory of Pertlsrod. $46.60. BLOCK N.Homeo. . pa this Uospstal and Dispensary of Portland, $40.30. BLtVCK O. Homeopathic Hospital and IHapoaoary . of Portland, $12.00. BLOCK I', undlrlded H of lot 1, Ibex Land Company. nwtlvided 4 of lot I. Ibex Load Cam : PM, oJ5; nndtoidod S of lot S, Ibca Land ' ' Ooupajry, 13. 2R; andlridod U of lot 4. Ibex . . - Land Company, 13. ; andlTtdod v of lot . Ibex Land ' Company. 13.25; ' , rtnWUJ4 H of tot , Tbex laiad Company. . 3Jln; nadlTldod H of lot T, Ibex Land Cmmtmr. $2,261 andtrlded H of lot Ibox ' .ZaiMi Company. t3.20; .andlTMod H of lot '3, Anaa B. Ootmoll. S 20; aodlrldod H of lot; x. Aana B. ConneH. $a.SS: andlrtoVd ' ' 4 of lot 1. Ansa B. CoanaU. S-aSi "" vldod H of lot 4. Aana B. Oonnell, $3 2fl: , nmttTfaled ' U of lot t, Anna B. Oonnell. . 0-1.26; nndieidod H of lot 8, Am 8. Con- ml), ta.Jn; adlidml V ot lot T. Aana B. (Jnanoll. IU(; andlelded H' of lot 8, Aana ' M. Ooraeil, (3.2a. BLOCK Q, lot 1, Clara I Bell, 10,40: aorta foot of lot S. Clara Boll, ' II. 1&: aootb 41 foot of lot 2, tiermaa Bay ' i A Loan. HoeietT. tlt.lO; lot S. Oermaa Havlnc loan RorUty. M.OS; lot 4, Oermaa . rtaelnf A Ixtaa Boelety, S.T5i lot ft. Oermaa NaTlB A Loaa Boelety. ftd.BO: ot ft. Oermaa . . . Aavlng- A Loan Boetoty, M.60; north . feet , f want 30 foot of lot T. German Baring A , loan Sortety. S0.4S; aoath 41 feet Of lot V - T. Oermaa Bavin A Loaa Boelety. 36; north feet ot aaat TO feat of lot T, Clara Bell. n0; oaat TO feet af lot ', CUra r Bell. ftft.aftj-- want -M, feet of. Jot . P. ' iaxllelmUi. tl 06. BLOCK B, 0orniB Ba1n A Lama Borlety, $53.00. . V Uaet at- land lytnj between the aoatb J1M of afoado atraot aad tna northerly Una . of block Hit, Uaratbera' Addition to Caratnora' . Addltloa, aa anowa oa the map et Portland . H aHiMlaned. be taa Title aaaraataa A Troat I" Company,. 1003, and aerween tha wont line f laood troef and a lino 40 feet eaat ot and parallel with the eaat Una at Cortmtt trart. A. P. Bmlth. ftg-JO. CARrTRl!lt8 ADDITION TO CABTTTHKRff ADDITION to tha City af Portland BLOCK ft, went 4 foot of north S3 feet of block rV 8. Hannah Caahea. M.80; wait 40 feet of x ; aoata 4S feet et blorfc , C. M. Heywood, $3.65. BLOCK T. Thoaiaa H. Kdwarda. $.. BLOCK 3$, Ejjma Anatla. $33.20. BLOCK 0, lot 1. E. H. Parkar. $3 68; lot t. B. R. ParUrr kt i K. H. Parkeat .. , $ 25; lot 4, at. H. Parker. M.S0; eaat 4.3 feet of lot ft. & H. Parker. $0.2;. eaat " 4 Jt feet of tot 6. It. R. Parkar. $0.28; eaat 4 3 feet of lot T, M. H. Parker. $0 36; oaat '4.3 feet af lot ,- K. H. Parkar. $0.25; - 'went ZS.t fart of 1st I. D. W. CaarobelL 1.00! weet 35.1 feat of aoata IT feet of lot . ..- P. W. Caaiphall, $0 65: - waat 36 - reoc or oaat 2o.a feet of lot ft. Joha K. . aad P. I. ataan. $1 1 weet 36 foot -of eaat 3.J Yaat af aootb 14 of lot a. John R. and F. I. ataan, $00; eaat 3 feet f weat ftl.ft- feet of lot 6, Ooorre Hath r.lo, H.TO; eaat 3S foot of weet ftl.ft , -t at aoath 1T.$ feet of lot' ft, Oearr Nothaala, tOJBj aaat 3ft feet of went oa a - , i a n w w u a, oaat SB feat of wot 70.9 feet of amtk Vi- of ' B, . P. W. DeRuft. lO.ftO-, wast 101.8 oah of north V, af lot ft. Oermaa SaTtaita A ' I-oaa Boelety. 8a.n0; north $ feet of ' "attat w ot anoU of lot ft. Oermaa Bar ing A lean Bortety, p.ftO; waat lmd feet of aoath H af lot T. Oermaa Saetag' A (loan Society, tS-fiO; north 101.8 feet of worth H of lot fTBarah L. Carpenter. $3.60; lot 8, Oermaa Baring A Loan Boelety. $4.00. BIXTK 4L oaat T feat of lot 1, J ok a and latara K. Lanta, $4.T5; went S3 feet of lot I. W. aad M. Boott, 83.1ft: lot 3, Thomu H. Bmlth. $.0; lot 8. I-art. M. Parrkth. SVfa: lot- 4. kfra. Ankle . Ponort... $6.0; t Jai mantlndad OdtMlorph, $8.0; . lot 8. 'Mi J. lad E. L. tFraare. 88.80: aootk 48 -font of lot T. 'Loola P. Bono. MT6; north VI font of lot T, Canadian Bbrtlera' Laaa A Trout Company. Ltd.. ftO.IBj lot ft. Canadian rierttra' Imi A Troot Company. Ltd., $4 00. - BLOCK 42. lot 1. J. M. Mataebek, $.0: ' let X t. M. kUtaelMk. $8.80; lot 8, loaeph - "ttllTka, $8.80; lot 4. Jooeph . PoUrka, $8.80; : lot ft. Prank poltrka, $4.90; lot 8. Krank rollrka. $4 00; lot T. Catherine Babel. $840; . W 8, Cathorlna Rebel. $6.80. BLOCK 43. , lot 1.- A. O. Ilammoad, $0.80: lot 3. A. O. Hammond. $4. BO; lot DUdanna and Alia ' , I - UaauBnad. $8.$0; lot vt. Dladanaa and Jnlla L. Hammond, $4.ftQ; V ft. A. U. Ram . naond, M.DO; lot 8, A. O. Hammoad, $4.80; Mat 8 feet of lot T, A. O. Hammoad. $0.40; , ewat feet af lot 8, A. O. Haounond. io.40; rent 60 feet ot lot T. Theodora Mean, $3 25; waat 60 foot of lot ft, Theodora Bena, $3.26. 1 A trart ot land between blorka 43 and 46, Caratbera' Addition to Carvlbera' Addition ad betwaan the north lino of Porter etroet ' aad a Una 100 feat north thereof and parallel therewith, A. O. Hammond. $7.80. -A tract at land between block! $ and 46, Tarauera- Aoainoa to ramtnera' Additvm. aad between the aoath Hoe ot Hooker street and a Una 100 feet aoata. thereof aad parallel therewith. Theodora Beaa, $7.80. CABPTHBRS' IDOmOM TO CABTJTI9RS ADDITION to tha City ot Portland BLOCK . 43, reat 50 foot of west 100 foot of lot T. J W. D. Bmlth. $3.25; east AO feet of weat ; 100 fret ,4 lot 8, W. I. Kmttk, $3.28. BLOCK 44. lot 1, oha Bpltsrnhorger, $6.80; lot 3, , John Spltaenberger. 84.IM; lot 3, Job a U. . Braner, $6.80; lot 4. Catberlna F. Therkelaon, 3 80; let ft. Jeaaf Pretache. $$.80; lot ft, Michael, flertalolt. $6.80; lot T. J. A. Otx-ker, $a.80; lot--8. J. A. Crnrker, $8.80. - BIXCK 46, lot 1. Henry B. Raaft, $6.80; ,' lot 3. Henry B. Ben ft, $6. 00:. lot 8. Mrkkei ; Hrhoopart, $6.80; lot 4, 1 Pried. $.0; lot 6, Aba nil ft. Barton, $31.80; lot 6. Aba gall B, Bartoa, $.11.80; kt- T, Abacail 8. Bartoa, $31. M); lot ft. Abagali B. Bartoa. JMMK BLOCK 48, lot 1. John HedUk. 1190; lot 3, John Bedlak, $0; lot 8, - John Bedlak. . 86.80; lot 4. John Bedlak, 86.00; lot ft, Joha Bedlak, .IM 30; lot 6, oon Bedlak, $26.ft0! lot T. Joha Bedlak, $36.60: lot 8. Joha Sedlak. $38.60. BIOCK 47. weat i of lot 1. Joalo Daela. $3.45; waat H of lot t, Joale narla, $3.B: north 90.69 feet of aaat H of lot X. Thomaa .weinoerg, i.o; eaat f, or lot l, Thomaa Meinberg. $3.40; anoth zR.xs fret ot aaat H 'I ' Of lot B, Patrick Murray. $3.00: lot 8, Fllaaoctk Vocfan, $6.80; wast 38 . feet of eaat TO l i feet of lot 4, Aaoe It. Oratke, $130; eaat WM fret oft, lot 4. nharlea' P. Heywood. $2.30: west 8ft 1-8 feet : of lot 4, Robert and Mary P. McBwea, 33..KI; lot ft, Mellaaa R. Rue. 82L20; lo; 6, Me lima . Hug. $31.20; lot T. Mellaaa E. Mar. gen. I21.JO; lot 8, Metaea B. atorgan, $21.20. . BI0CK 48, east loo feet of lot 1, L. P. V and Harsh at. Guthrie, $6.5; weat $ feet of lot J. P. M. Urft tent baler, $0.40; weat 1 . feet of lot a. P. M. Uchtenthaler, $0.40; L east 100 feet of north H of lot 2. H. C. . v Knglebart, $.1.25; eaat 100 feet ot anath ' S of lot 1. John Dudley. $3.; lot $, Job a rmdley. $6.00; lot 4. John Dudley. $; lot ft, Oermaa BariD A Loaa Borlety, tia.ftO; i lot 8, ftaraaa Baring A I-oan BoekMy, $15.04); - wrat T5 feet ot lot T. kt. B. Llehteatbeler. $M 25; weat tS foot af lot 8. at. U. I.lch- - tenthaler. ' $11.29; east 81 feet ot lot T. P. MA 14ebteathalr. $4.85; aaat 81 , feet ot lot 6, r. M. Llch tenthaler, 44.85. BIXKK ' 48. aoatb H ef lot 1., Hana Wclater. $3.46; north H at lot 1, A a. trow Hanson. $3.45. A tract ot land lying between two lines ' " reopecttreiy too feet aad 220 foot Berth of and parallel with the north llns of Arthur : street and bnweoa the wast. Jlne of Water street and a Una J 06 feet west thereof aad parallel tberewith, Andraw Haaaoor 8XS0. CARrTHeirW ADDITION TO CAR0TTTKRn ADDITION to the City of Portland RLOCK 40. lot 2. J. W. Bsker. $d.80; lot 3, Rdward MendenhaH. 6.B0: lot 4.. Edward Menden hall, $6.00; lot ft. Richard Martin, $6.80; lot , Hannah Martin. $6.80; lot T. Hans laracn"' $6.80; south 4 of lot , Hans Larson, $3.45; north U of lot 8. Belinda Do lan, $3.41. A tract of land lying betweea two lines . respaxtltely 200 and 220.6 feet north af and . . parallel with tha north Una of Arthnr street . ; sod betweea tha east Ilea of 'Proa street . and a line 106 feet east nf and parallel therewith, Belinda Holao. $2.80. A tract of Isad betweea twa linos . re. " speelleely 220.6 foot and 241 Bret north , of and parallel with tha north 'Ins of Arthnr etreet and between the waat line ng Water V atroet sud a Una 106 foot west thereof aad . parallel tberewith, Bonnie ftrhad. $x, A tract of land lying between 1 two tinea reepectlrely 220.S feet aad 341 feat north of and parallel with the north )ia of Arthur , street and between the oaat Viae of Front street aad a Una 106 foot eeatt thereof aad , parairtl therewith, James Rormsa, $2.80. A tract of land lying b'aroea two lines resneetleely X20 ft feet and Ml feet north of and parallel with the aorfh line at Arthnr , atroet and betweea too wrat line nf Front atraot and tha esat tins At First street, Wll V. Ilsm Filed ner, $5 60. . . , A tract of lend lylta beloeen two lines 7 reapertteelf 0 feet and iiO 5 feet north -of and parallel with Ih north !- of Arthur street. sad ktw.ivis wwt Lm4 af frost street aad the east Ilea af First street, Oregon ' Hallway A-artfatloe Company. $4 60. CAHI'THRBM' ADDITION TO CAKUTHBRB" Addition to. the City of Portland BLOCK ' Mi. lot 1. Hophla Bcbad, $6.80; lot X, Bophle : Bcaad, $.0; lot 3. Bouhla Bcbad. $6 W0; lot 4, Hopble Behad, $6.80: lot ft. Jamea Bur nian. $ HO; lot a, p. A. Marqaam, 16.00-, , lot T, H. B. Bradley. $a 80; lot 8, H. B. Bradley, $60. BLOCK 61. lot 1, William ' Flltidner, $6.80; lot 3. William FUedaer. $4.10; lot li WllUam Flladnrr. $4.80; lot 4. : William Fliednor, $6.80; lot ft, William Plledoer. $6.80 ; lot $, William Fltrdaer, $0.90: -lot T. William Flledoer. $6.0; lot 8, William Filed nor, 14. BO. BLOCK 62. lot ' 1. Oregon Railway A Narlgatloa Company. $6.0; lot t. Or axon Railway A Nertxatloa ' Company, d.80; lot a Oregon Railway A Nsrlgatioa Company. $6.80; . lot 4. Oregon . Railway A ciaTlgallen Company, $6.80; -lot ft. Oregon Railway A Karicatloa Company. $6.80; lot 6. tlregoa Railway A Nselgatloa Company. $6.80; lot T, Oregon Ball ay. A : Navigatloa Company.' $t.ft0; lot 8, Oregoa Railway A Narlcstlon Comiiany, $6.80. BLOCK M, lot-1. Albert Wrlxbt, $160: ' lot 3. Jnllos H. Harr. $16.80; lot ft. Wil liam F. D. Mercer. $16.80; lot 4. Ids B. J Merear. $16.80; lot 6. Byron F. Booaai, $6.80: sooth H of lot 4, V- Wlldl. $3.46; north VkJ i of lot 8, Joha V. . Lank In. $3.45; lot T. 1 iAmt rnora, ao.av; out, I. Loats Arneta, 6.0. BLOCK 64. lot 1. Franklin Drake. U.atf, lot 2. Franklin Drake. $21.20: 00 dlrldcd H of lot 8, EUza Nehon, $10.80; ' undiTldad H at lot 3. Hugh W. ' Xalaoo, 810.8Ui.lot 4. Jacob Maltbanf. $21.30; lot 6. Marl" Taylor, 8U.U0, lot 8, Msry L. BteeL 1 $4. 00. BLOCK. 64, weet of lot T, Her mlns Hschlea, (3.4S; west 14 ot lot 8, Her tnlns Harhlrn, $3.4.1: eaat U of lot T. Nan . nle E. Taylor, $3.46: east H of lot ft. Nan ale K. Taylor, $3.45. BLOCK 55, lot 1. Bchool Dlatrlrt No. 1, $36.60; lot 3. Behooj ' District No. 1, $a.50; lot ft. Bchool DUtrlct No..l, $20.50; lot 4, Bchool Dlatrlct No. 1. $26.50: lot 6. Bchool Uatrlet No. 1. $6.80: L. lot 6, School lUtrlct No. 1, .$6.80; lot T, , rcnooi wteiriei no. 1, so. 00: vol n, or 0001 'District No.. 1, $6 80. BI.OCK 60. Jot 1, f Beth U Pope. f1l.80( lot. 3. Keth L Pope, $31.80; lot 3, Preston W. Gillstte, $31. k0; ' lot 4, Mollis Stanford, $31.80; lot B. Wll- ' lism B. Jolly, $6.80: lot 8. Wlllism B. , Jolly. $6.80: lot T. ilsrtln Bcbsde. $6.80; lot I, Msrtla BchadeT $6.80. BLOCK 6T, .lot 1. O. P. B. Plummer. $.0: north H . of lot 2... 0. P. 8. Plummer. $145; aoafh - H of lot 3. A. Qulrlo, 43.45; north S ot lot 8. A. Quirk). $3.46: south W of kit 8, Hollls Alger. $.146; lot 4. Mollis Alger, -.$6.80; lot 6, James U, Jobnatooe, fto.80; lot 6, Jsmen L. Johnstone,; $6.00; south 86 . feet ef esst 6.5 feet of lot 7, Abbla- O. June. $0.20: weet 50 fast of dsst 56 6 feet of lot 7. Abble O. Jane. $3.25; west 50 feet . of esst E6.ft feet of lot ft. Abble 0. Jane. $3.26; weet 25 feet ot eaat 6.5 feet of lot T, O. P.. 8. Plummer. (0.30; east 6 5 feet af lot ft, 0. P. B. Plummer, $0.40: weat 60 feet of lot T, Nsnnis , K. Tsylor, $3.26; , weet 60 feet of lot 8, Nsnnio K. Taylor. 1 $3.25. BLOCK fi8, lot 1. Bueie C. Post latstv.Heira of. $6.80; lot . Busts C. Post btats, Halra of. $o.0r lo 3. Ottellc Bartacb, $6.80; lot 4. Ottella Bartacb, $0 80- lot 6; Phillip snd Jnlla A. Lawton. .0; lot 8. , Mary Akers. 16 80; west 03 feet of lot I. ' Immannel Baptiat Church, $4.05; west 63 feet of lot ft. Immsnuel Baptiat Church, $4.06; V east 44 V4 foot of lot T, Busla C. Post Estate. Heirs of. $2.80;. esst 44Vi feet of lot 8. Basis C. Past Estate, Heirs of. $X80. BLOCK 60, wast 31 5 feet of north 29 feet of Jot 1, A. P. Netmrrt. $1.00; aoatb 35 feet of lot 1, A. P. Neunert, $3-45; east 76 feet ot west 29 feet af lot 1, Henry Weinhard, 43,46; . lot 2. John Wldneaa, $6.80: lot 8. C. K. ' Lsmberson. ftftJO; let 4. Kmlly J. Y. Moore. $6.80 lot ft. John Corkkib. $4.80; lot 6. ' Edward J.' Hart. $6 DO; west of lot ' T. Fsanla B. Dledrleh, $3.49; west li of lot ft. Fannie E. Diedrlch, $3.49; eaat H of lot T. Lottie Coha, $3.45; east M of lot 8, Loo la Cohn, $3.49, BLOCK 80. lot 1. James Humphrey, $4.80; lot 2, Jamea Hamphrey, ,86.80; lot ft. A. F. Neanert, $9-80; lot 4. . Emma B. Lang, $6.80: eaat 90 feet of lot K g. U, M, - lot 6, Lenta C fibomo. $3.80; weat 46.ft . ok tut o, laarocua rtotiSEr, ao.w, wra 44.S feat of lot ft, laabella Bottler. $3.00; . lot T, Moy Tlack Rln. $6.80; tot ft. Moy Back Bla. $6.80. BLOCK 61, lot 1. MIekael MeCarrartt Batata, Hrira of. $6.80; lot 3, - Oermaa Bawlngs A . Laaa Boclaty, $6.80: . north 89 feet of lot I, Oarmu Barings A : lama Society, $4.80; sonth- 1ft foK of . lot 3, . Angnats Marks, $2.00; lot 4, Angnsts Marks, $Jrt; lot ft, W. A. and B. B. Lewia. - $6.80; lot 6. W. A. and 8. B. Lewis. $6.60; lot T. William lianas a. $9.80; lot ft. WlUlam ,. laensea, $6.80. . A tract af Isad between two Unas res poctl rely 200 feet aad 230 feat north of and parallel with tha north line af Art nor- etreet aad . between the weat Una e4 first a Dree t snd a line 108 feat" waat thereof and parallel . therewith. Jamea Humphrey. $3.80. ' r A tract ot land Hying between twa Hnes reapectirely 300 feet and 320.S feet north . of and parallel with the north Una of Arthnr atroet and betweea the oast Una of Beeond etreet and a Una. 106 fart east . thereof aad . parallel therewith. Moy Bark His. $2.80. A tract af land betweea two tinea reepecdeery 220.ft feat and 241 feet north of aad parallel with the north lino of Arthnr street aad be tweea the went line af First -street and a . Una 109 feet waat of and parallel therewith, - AnguetA Marks, $2.80, '- A tract af land beto-noa two line reapectirely 320.6 feet snd 241 feet aertb of aad parallel . with tha north lino af Arthur streot snd ' betweea tha east llns af Beroad street snd a lino 108 feet aaat thereof and parallel therewith. W. A. and I. B. Lewis. $2.80. . A tract st land betweea two lines respertleely 330.9 feet and 241 teat north of and parallel ' with the north line at Arthnr street and between the weat line af Becood atroet aad a line 108 fort wast thereof snd parallel tberewith. laabella Bottler, $3.80. A tract of land between two lines re spent! rely ' 220 6 feet and 841 feet north of and parallel with the north Una of Arthnr street snd be tween tha east Hoe of Third street snd a line - 106 feat eaet tbereot aad parallel therewith, Henry Ttmm, $2.80. ' A tract of land between two lines restwrtrrety 300 feet and 220.6 tost north of and parallel with the north llns af Arthur street snd between the west Une af Beeond streot snd a : line 106 feet weat thereof and parallel tbere with, Edgar Poppleton. $2.M. A tract of land lying betweea two lines re ' sportively 300 and 220.6 foet north at aad parallel with the north Uaa ef Arthnr etreet and between the east llns of Third street and a Una 108 feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith, Anton Bescbolbergar, . $2.80. CARCTTTFRlf ADDITION TO CARUTFt ICRS' ADDITION to the City ot Portland BLOCK 62, lot 1. Edward Brady. $6.80; lot 3. Ed- . ward Brady. $6.80: lot 8. Israel Madwad, $6.80; lot 4. laabella Bottler, $6.80; lot ft. Henry Tlmm, $6.80; sooth 4i of lot 9, Ce celia Ttmm, $3.46: north 4 of lot ft, Anna C. .Roeulekt, $3.49; lot 7, Edward Brady. $6-80; lot ft, Clara M. Harding, $6.80. BLOCK ..!. lot 1. Edgar Poppleton, $6.80; lot 3, Kctrar Poppleton, $6.80: lot 8. Kdgsr Ponple- finot $9.80; esst T6tt feet of lot 4.- Patrick Murray. $4.85; wast 80 feet of tot 4.. Oeorgs . F. Bottler, $1.86; west H f lot 5, J. Henry Woluing, $3.46; west H af lot 9, J. Henry : Woltrlng. $3.46; eest H of tot ft. Aatoa . Blscbofberger, $3.45; east M of let 9, An ton Blecbofberger, $3.45; tot f, Tbeowhll Billet er. $6.80; south 40 feet ef lot 8. Theopbil Bllleter. $5.69) north 10 feet of lot 8. Aatoa BkM-nofbarger, $1.36. BLOCK . 64. north H of tot 1, Charles P. Hooker, $.145; south V, ot lot 1, KaUe P. Rsbeneirk, $3.45; tot 2, Kstls F. 1 Rshenelck. 8tt.M; tot - 3. John F. Co plea, $8.80; lot 4. John F. Capias, $6 90; weat 86 feet ef tot 9, Mike , Epstein, $6 25: west 86 feet of tot 6. Mike Kpsteln. 88 25;: esst 10W feet of tot ft. -'Anna ft. Woltrlng, 80.65: aaat 10 feet at lot 9, Anns K. Woltrlnt. $0.96: lot T, . Ana R. Woltrlng, ftd.OO; lot 9. Anne E. Woltrlng. $6.80. BLOCK (ft. tot 1. Addle B. Murray. ft6.B0; tot 2.' Addle B. Murray. $9.80; lot 5. Prank H. Orau. $9.00; lot 4. 0. P. 8. Plummer, $6.80; eaat 33 9-9 feot of lot 5. J. B. C, Thompson, $2.30; west . T8 2-8 feet of tot 5, Jamea Bhurt. $4.70; ' esat 33 54 .feet of south 4 of lot 6, J. R. C. Thompaoo. $1.10; weat T3 2-3 foet of . aootk H of lot It, James Bhort. $2.39; north H of lot 9, Addle B. Mnrrsy. $3.45; tot T, Addis B. Murray, 19.80; tot 9. Joseph link, . $6.80. ' ' , A tract af Innd botrnded and described as . follows: Commencing st intersection of west line ef Beeond street with south Una of Hooker streot; thence southerly to north - lias of Woods etreet; thence west to oaat lino of right of wsy of Oregoa A California Railroad Company; thence norUmrly along the eaat Une of ssid right of wsy to Its Is tersectloti with the eouth Hoe of Hooker street; thence east ! to beginning. - c E. - aniiu. -sioo.2. CARrTHERfl' ADDTTTOS TO CARrTHERr ADDITION to the City ef Portia sd BLOCK , 6T. all of tot 8 lying weat of Oregoa A California Railroad Company's right ot wsy. .Jeremlsh Worlrfc, $6.26; sit of tot 8 lying west of Oregon A CsUfnrnls Ksltresd Com pany's right of wsy. Jeremlsh Worlck. $4.40; ' all sf lot T lying weet of Oregon and Call- fornla lUllroad Company's right of way. Kllaabetb Haumgkrtner, $.1.90: all af tot 9 lying vest of Oregon A fallfornle -Com-. tsny'a right of Way. Gabriel Hsumgsrtner, 1 FA HLOCK 6X. east 89 feet of lot I. Jennlft Hug Lee. $9.5i: eeat 83 feet of north 20 feet ot tot 3. Jrnnla ling Lee, $320; west 21 ft feet of tot 1, Albert nsd Elsie i B. Wright. $1.40; west 21 S foet of north I 20 feet of tot 3. Albert E. snd Khne B. : Wrights $0.96; south 80 feet of tot 3. Motlaaa E. Hug. $4.19: north 40 foet of tot , ft, Mellaaa M. Hag, $9.90; anoth 10 feet of eest 60 feet of lot 8, Albert K. Wright, $0.m; aaat SO feet ot lot 4. Albert E. Wright. $3.80; enttb ,10 feet of west 484 feet of tot 3, Melissa K. Hug, 80 so; west 44 V4 feet af tot 4. Melissa . Uug. $3.00: . all of tot ft except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right ot wsy. Mellaaa ' F, Hoc. $3.10: all of lot 8 except Oregoa A California Railroad Company's right ef , wsy, Meliaea E. Hng. $4.40: enntb AO .feet , of lot T esst of Oregon California Rail 1 road Cowman' riant of war. Mellaaa , H". $3.4.1; north 20 feet of tot T eaat of ri$it at way, Albert B. and EMU B. Bright, $2.30; aU of lot a esst of Oregon A Califor nia Railroad Com pa uy a rlgbt of wsy, Albert E. and Elale B. Wright, $d. 10. BLOCK all. tot 1, Oregoa Railwsy A Navigation Com pany. $6.80; lot 3. Oregoa Railway A Navi gation Company. $6.80; tot 3. Oregoa Rail wsy A Nsrlgstloa Company, $6.u; tot 4, urrgoa Hallway at atlallou company u wu; lot o, or Company. $6.80; $6.00; lot 6, Oregon Railwsy A Nselgstiea tompany. ao.wo; lot , Oregon ttauway at NarfgaUoa Company. $9.80; tot T. Oregon ' Railwsy A NselgstloB Cempsny, $690; tot n, uregon Hallway ; $11.80. BLOCK 70. .Joseph t'ohs, $0.16). Joseph Cohn. $0.15; a, uregon Hsllwsy Nsrlgstloa UHnpsay, weat x ,ieet ot wn a. weet 3 teet ot lot X. eaat 104.6 feet ot tot 1. Hosa Weber. $6.76: esst 104.5 feet ' ot . rat z, noon weoer, so. to: 101 s, swan now. $6,801 tot 4. Rosa Webec, $6 80; esst 9 foot of lot 9, Rosa Weber, $0.30; esst 3 feet of lot , Rosa Weber, $0.30;. wast 33.ft teol ef eaat" 36.6 feet of tot ft. Magdstoal R, Msrlstoff, $3.16; waat S3.9 feet of east S6.S .feet of tot , Msgdslenl R. Marlttoff. $315; treat TO feet of lot ft. BebasUaa and Lydla Matcher, 94.69; wast TO foet ot lot 9. Bebaa- ' tlaa and Lydla Matcher, $4 66; aaat Vft of tot . T. Joaeph Hobo. $3.46; eaat -H ot tot a, Joseph Cohn, $3.45; west H of tot 7. W libel mine Maahier, $3.46; west H of tot ft. . WUhelniloe Muehler, $3.49. North T.6 feet of BLOCK 70. Unkoowa Owner. $2.10. BLOCK 71. west 81 feet af lot 1. Rarah A. - Barnes, $3.00; west 31 feet of tot 3. Barak A. Barnes, $2.00; esst 75.6 feet of tot L Rosa H. Weber, $5 80; aaat 75. ft feet of tot X Ross li. Weber, $6.80: east 81 feet ot tot ft. i Koas ' H. Weber, $5.20; weat xB.ft feat of tot ft, Patrick Murray. $1.(6; west, 36.5 feat of tot 4. Patrick Murray. L4&; i east 91 foot . of tot d. Lena Apple. $9.26; east 9 foet ef tot , 9, Patrick Murray. $0.30: esst ft feet of tot ft. : Patrick Murray, $0.30; north 46.99 feet at west 100 . feet of tot 9, Patrick Mnrrsy, . $6.00; west 101.6 feet bt lot 9, Ursa Is '., Tspfer, $0.90; west 101.9 feet of eovth 4.46 . feet at tot 6. trsula Tspfer, $0.90; eaat Vt of tot T, Mary Jacobs, $146; aaat H ot tot . 9. Mary Jacobs, $3.49; west 4 of lot T, Mrs. Msrk 6' Nell. $3.46; weat 4 ot tot ft, Mrs. ' klsrk O'Neil, $3.49; south T-t feat at block 71, L'akaowa Owner, $2.19. CARI'TTIERB' ' ADDITiOS TO" flAROTRERS audition to tha City et Portland block T6. east 80 feet ot north 100 feet of block, Baltoor, Guthrie A Co., $3.80; west 80 feet of esst Mi foet of north 100, feet of block. ' Loots Trammer. $9-60; west BO feet of esst -' 130 feet of north 100 feet of block. Lucre tu Nsst. $2.90: west 60 feet of esst 130 fret st block. Theresa Flak. $13.00; north 42 feet of aoutb 83 feet -of east 88 feet ef block, Mary Jacbemleb. $9.40; weet 50 feet of eeat ' 180 feet of south 50 teet ot block, Msry : Juchemlch. $3.25 1 esst T4 feet of south 90 ' feet of block. Hattle. Johnson. $4.80: west 26 feat of esst 130 foet ef sooth 90 fast of block, Victor Geoffrey. $1.70; west 81 feet of esst 180 fort of north 60 feet of sooth . 100 feet of block, Henry W. Metster. $6.25: esst 88 feet of north feet of South 100 feet of block. Henry. W. Metster, $1.06. BLOCK 77, southwest U ' of block. Joseph - Blown and Cyras Dolpb. $13.85; northwest 44 of block, Wlnfleld T. Stephens. $13JI5; north 4 ot northeast 4 of block. Mollis BUnford. -39.901- oonth -J4, .of northeast' 4 of block. Bruno Nlckol. $6.80: nortb- of . soatbeaat H of block. Harab B. Wsllacs. $9.80; south H of southeast 4 of block, E. L. Cold well. A tract ef land notuidsd and Seacrfbed aa follows: Commenelng at Intnaaetlun of sohth line of Porter street with the west Una of ' Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of wsy, thence west 98.70 feet, the ace smith 100 feet, khenre esst 98.28 feet to west Una of Oregoa A Cslifornls Railroad Company's rignt of wsy, tbenea northwesterly to begin ning. Lueretia Nast. $10.39. A tract of land bounded and distil Ibid as follows: ' Commencing st intersect loo ef aoutb lino of Porter street with esat Una of Fourth street, thence east oa aoath Una of Porter etreet T8.2 -ret, tnencs aoatb at . right angles to Porter street 100 teet, thence west 69.03 feet snd parallel with Porter street to east llns sf Fourth atroet, tbanco north west . to beginning. Haary Thompson Eatata, Hews af, 88.36. . - A tract of land bnanded end Aeoeribed aa follows: ' Oommenclug at Intersection af earth llns of Woods street aad aaat Ikaa of Fourth atroet, batnav 3AO -feot sooth and 90.23 feet eest of aorrth weat corner of block 67, ' Cerutbers Addition to Carntbers Addition, thonca east on north line of Fourth etreet 6.90 foot, tbenea north 100 feat at right angles to Woods street, thanes weat and parailol with the north Una of Woods atroet. ' 106.1 feet to seat Una of. Fourth " street, . OUerr O. Holmes, $12J1K. A tract of land bounded aad described 'as follows: ' Cosnoient Log at Intersection of north Una ot Woods street and weat Una nf Oregon A California Railroad Company'a tight af wsy, tbenea west oa north line of Woods : street 83.T feet, tbenea north at right sagles to Woods atroet to a point 100 feet north of north line ot Woods etreet, tbenea eaat and Parallel with tbe north Una of ' Woods street 2.14 feet to point an west Una of Arngoa A ' California Railroad ComoanV'a right of way, tbenea southeasterly to beginning, Lonkm at. ' Poster. 88.40. ' A tract of laud bounded and deocrfbed aa follows: Commas Mag on sooth line of Por ter street at the Intersection sf Fourth street: thence west on south Una of Porter atroet - 97.83 feet to weet Une of old Fourth atroet ; extended southerly: tbe nee aoutb (0 feet oa weet line of old Ponrth street extended southerly; thonca esst aad parallel wltk aoath Una of Porter street 108.19 feet to west . Use of Fourth street; tbenea northwesterly to beginning, Ellen C. Morrison, $6.76. A tract ef Isad bounded and described aa follows: Commencing at point oa east Una of Fonrtk street 110 teet sooth snd 84 feet ' east of sonthweat corner of btork 97, Car . others' addltloa tq Caratbera' addition; thence west 108.19 feet to west line 6f old Fourth street extended southerly; thence sooth S3 feet oa west Una of old Fourth street ex , tended : thence east 118.83 feet to west lias at Fourth atroet aa now established ; tnencs northwssterly to beginning, O. IfeBeaedeltl Estate. Heirs of, $3.90. A tract ef tank bounded -Ad deexrfbod as follows: Commencing st a point on weet ' line of Fourth street, ssid point being 190 feet aoath. and 10.66 feet east af soathSMut : corner of block 07, Caratbera' addltloa to Caratbera' addition; tbeuca west and parallel 7 with aoutb Une af Porter street 118.46 teet to weet line of old Fourth street extended southerly: thence north on ssid west Une of old Fourth street 39 teet; thence cast 113.83 feet to west Uns of Fourth street; tnencs southerly to beginning, Harry R, CodabaU, $3.73. A tract nf land bosmded and descrfbecj as . follows: Commencing st Intersection ot north line ot Woods street snd west llns of Fourth street, ssid point befog 200 feet .south and .29.7 feet esst of sonthweat enrner of btork . 67, Caratbera' addltloa to Carutbera' addition; tbenea weat 138 feet oa north line of Woods streot extended westerly to west Una of old Fourth street, southerly; thence north 100 feet as said weet Una of old Fourth street: thence esst aad parallel with sooth lino of Porter etreet 118.40 feet to weet Una af Fourth ,. street; tbenea southerly to beginning, Charles , Jenks. $18.09. . A tract of land lying betweea tha north Uns 1 of Woods street snd tha south Uaa af .tot S.- block fto, Caratbera' addltloa to Car utbera' nddltloa and betweea tha westerly' line ef Hood street snd n line 100 feet westerly from and parallel there with. City at Port land. $6.30. CABTTTHER8' ADDITION TO CARTJTrTERIT ADDITION to tbe City of Portland BIXH K - si lot I. R. I,. Ray; $9.90: tot 3. Ferdinand Uuudorph. 7.0l tot 8, John Motr. BD.60; '' lot 4 Jamea . Hunter. $5.35; tot 6. Joha Wqlr." $7.05: lot 6. Herman - tfeitkemper, $6.60. BIXCK S3, tot 1, Tbe German baring" A, Loaa Society, $7.16; north 61 feat of lot 1. The tierms ' Barings A Loan Boelety, $695; south 3 feet af tot 2. Frank FT Glib am. $0.25; tot 3. Prank P. ft I loam. $6.90; lot 4, ' Prank F. fltlham. $6.90; tot ft, Joba A. lAckeL $7.90; tot 9. ftobaattan Plymato. $5.80; tot T. George W. Gordon, ftd.ftft; tot 8. :, Tbe Oennku Barings AT Imi Society, $3.90. BLOCK HO. tot 1. Northers Oountlss Ineest ment Trust. IJtil $6.36; tot 3, Northern Coemtlen Isrestment Trust. Md., $7.70; tot ft. Northers Counties Inreetmrwt -Trnst, Ltd., $7.90; lot 4. lYank A. TelL $3.59; lot ft, Frank A. TeU. $5.30; lot 6. Frank A. Tell. - $3.80; tot T, Msry a Wsiren, $6.60; tot 8. Preston W. - GIDetto. $6.50. tot 9. Carrie Wood. 99.60; tot 10. Msy D. lngslls, $6.90; math i. of lot II. Oust J. snd Caren Otoen. ! $3.39: south 4 of lot 11, Ouataf A. and Caro line Csrtoou. $3.95;, tot 12, Ells 8. Bakla, $6.90; tot 13, rrank A. xeu. aono. un-rniv HS' ADDITION to tho Cite of Port land ss Isld out by the Booth Portland -Ileal " Estate Association BLOCK 100. lot 1. Ore- tm Railroad Nsrigstmt tompsny. ao.00; ,t a nroooa Raitrrad A Narlgatloa Comoanr. $8.60r tot 3. Oregoa Railroad A Narlgstlon . Canspsny- $0.50: tot 4. Oregoa Railroad A Nsrlgstloa Company. f 50; tot 6. Oregon ' Railroad A Naelgatlou Company. $6.90; tot " 8. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa Cojiipany, $6.90; lot T. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatton t bra na nr. $9.50; lot 9. Oregoa RallrosH A Nsrlgstloa Cempsny, $6.50. RLOCK 101, tot I. United Htates Itarlnsa A Loaa Com- r' any of Minnesota. $6.60; tot 3. J. K. Bcott, 0.90; tot 3. Ibex land Company and Robert 11. Thompson. eu.mi; lot 4. inex una- t com pany snd Robert H. Thompson.- $6.M; tot ft, Weertlna A FscrsIL 86.50: tot A J. R. Bcott. aa fen lot T. J. K. Bcott. 31.50: tot ft.-I'nlted Btetes Bsetngs A lsi Cosnpsny of Mlnne- sols. ftu bQ. ciAt e. itia. tut i, usmie u. Wells. I0.0O1 mi a, sisry srsnceo tinriry, 56.50; tot 3, Mary Prances Hurley. $6,00; ,t 4. Grace K Brenaugh. $6.90; tot ft. H.J. tPrsncay 14.50: lot 4. 9. J. La-rsne. $6.60: wndlTMled 4 of tot T. fbex ln4 tompsny. $3.38: nnaisioea 4 ot lot T, Anne B. ConneH. $3.29; tot .- Jacob Iell. 90.50, ' HIXVCK 103. lot 1. Peter sod Rlsio Bn-ner. 96.5i tot 3. Peter , aad Rlale Brewer. $.oo; lot 8. Oregon Mortgage Compeny. Ltd., $HJM); . lot 4. Lottie Trspp, $6.51); tot ft. Mnllto BUBford. $9.50: tot 4. MoiHe Btenford. ftd Ko; ' tot T. Mollis fUanford. $a.90: tot 9, Mollis , Btsnford. 19.90. BLOCK 104. tot 1. Ibex land Company. $&50; tot 8, Ibex Land Cnrn- - as AO- lot a Dm, I a nit rvimnaar. XAKYir tot 4. Ibex I .end Company. $6.50: eaat 5ft feet or lot 5. Ibet La no mmpSBT. lis; " eeat 50 feet ef lot ft. Ibex lnd Company. 83.99; s 11 of tot 8 except esst Aft feet. F. G. Welrh, $3.89: all af tot 9 except east Ml fast, F U. Walch, 93.00; an I., totl Aautd Company. $4.89; lot 9, Ibeg tad Company, ' $3.45. BIXX K 105. tot 1, Oregon Hallway , A Nsrlgstloa Company, $9.66; lot 2. Ore gon hallway A Navigation Company. $6.76; ' lot 3, Oregon Hsllwsy A Nsrigstluo Company. fT.90; tot 4, Oregon Hallway A Navigation ompaST. $7.10: tot ft. Oregoa HaUwuy A , Narlgatloa Company, $9.50; tot 9. Oregon Railwsy A Narlgatloa Company, $6.90; tot T. Oregoa Railway Nsylgstlna Company,1 , $6.60; tot 8. Oregon Railway A Narlgatloa Ooapany'4d.50. ItLOCK loaf tot 1. William , M. Gregory and J. V. Besrh, $6.50; tot 2. WllUam M. Gregory snd J. V Besrh, $4.60; tot X WlUlam M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, . $6.ftu; tot 4, William M. Gregory aad J. V. , Beach, $0.60; tot 6. William M. Gregory and J. V. - Beech, $0.50; lot 9. WllUsm M. Orerory sad J. V. Bosch. 96.60; tot T. . William M. Grogory aad J. V. Beach, $6.60; -tot H...WUUam M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, $4.50. BLOCK 107. Oregon Railwsy A Nsrl , gstloa Oompsny, $54.95. BLOCK 108, tot 1. Thomas Bui-hsnsn" $7.78: lot 2. Thomaa J. ; Cottel Ksute. Heirs of. $T 20; tot 8. Richard B. Conine, $7.70; tot 4. Rlrhsrd B. Collins, . $4.40; tot ft. Portia ad Trust Company ot Oregoa. $6.50; tot 6. Portland Truat Com- Cmy of Oregoa. $9.90; west 83 1-8 feet of 4 T. Leonard Shad. $116: weat 83 1-3 feet of lut ft. Leonard Shad. $3.15; eaat 99 3 $ feet ot tot T, Joba Lewy, $4.89; east 66 2 3 feet of tot ft, John Lewy. $4.35. BLOCK 109. tot I, Annie E. Nswsome. $6.60: north 874 "fort of lot 3. Robert Williams. $4.; south 124 feet of lot 2, Victoria Kleblger. $1.65; ' north 4 of tot 3. Victoria Plrblgcr.- $3.25; aoutb Hot tot 3. Frank snd Victoria Fleblgrr, " $3.25; tot 4. WlUUm King, $6.50; all of tot ft sxcest Oregon A Call for nls Railroad Cem psny 's right of wsy, William King. $2.70; sll sf tot 8 except -Oregon A -tllfornla Kalleosd .I'amaiar'i riant af war. Wlllism ' King. (1.95; sll of tot T except Oregoa A ' csurarnis Baiucsa oompsny s ngni 01 wsy, .. W lllUm King. ft4.B: all f W 8 except . Oregon A Csltfernia Rallrosd Company's right ot way. WlUlam King, $4.95. BLOCK 110. tot 1. Henry J. Thompson Estate. Heirs of, : $6.60; tot 3. Henry J. Thompson KaUte, Heirs ef, $9,90; tot 3. D. W. Wakefield, $6.60; lot 4. Susan M. Wallace. $9.50; tot 5. Ferdinsnd Gnndorph, $6.t0; tot 9. J'erdtnaad -Gnndorph, $6.60;' tot t, .Ferdinsnd Gundurnb, $rt.oo: lot a, Ferdinsnd - Gundorpb. , 4.60. BLOCK III. sll of tot 1 except Oregon A Csllfornin Rallrosd Company's -right of way, Cbsrtos C. Hmltb. $1K0; sll of lot 3 except Oregon A California Rallrosd Company'! right ' of wsy. Charles C. bmlth, $2.65; sll of lot , 9 except Oregon A California Railroad Com . pany's right of way. Charles C. Bmlth, $2.35; sll of tot 4 except Oregon A California Rail road Company'a right of way. .Charles IX 8ml I bt $2.46; sll of tot ft except Oregoa A Cslifornls Bsllrosd Company's right of wsy, Charles C. Bmlth.. $6.50; sll of tot 9 except Oregoa A California Bsllrosd Company's rlgbt of wsy, Chsrles 0. Bmlth, $6.60; sll ot tot 7 .except Oregon 'A California Railroad Com pany's right af way. Charles C. Mmlth. $6.20; sll of lot 8 except Oregon A Cslifornls Kali ' road Company's rlgbt of wsy, $5.05. BLOCK 112. tot 1, Fred ftehorse, $.: tot 1 Fred Rehorse. $9.60) tot 3, Northern- Counties Investment Truat, Ltd.. $ 50 ; tot a.Vera . Haynes, $6.60; lot 6. Vers Hsyues. . $9.60: tot 9. Northern Counties Inreatmeut Trust. Ltd.. $6.50; lot T. Fred Rehorse, $6.50; tot 9, Tred-Reuesev-$9.60. BLOCK 113, tot 1, J. Bwsek Estate, Heirs of. $30.00; tot 3,-J. It week Estate. Heirs of.. $30.00; north ,40 feet of -lot 8, J. Rweek Estate, Heirs of. 1,24.001 south IO feet ot tot S. M. W. Bmlth. $6.00; tot 4. M. W. Bmlth,- $30.00: weat 45 feet ef , lot 9. Herman H. Btelnforth, $2.89; esst its. tot 1. Uoorra D. Watktns and E. !. it Rood. $9.80: tot Jt. Ooorgs I). Wsthlns aad K. D. Hood.- $6.90: tot V Franklin Drake. $9.50; ' tot 4, Franklin Drake, $6.50; weet 4 of tot 9. Columbia Investment Company No. a,1 $19.00; went 4 of lot 9. Columbia Investment Company No. 3. $19.00; aaat 4 et lot 9, Mary Lents. $11.00; eaat 4 arf tot 9, Msry Lsntx, $16.00; undivided 4-5 ot lot T. Hannah Btoom. $24.00; undivided 4- of tot 8. Haanab Btoom. $24.00; undivided 1-9 . of lot T, Mathilda, Jennie, Mary and B. UU . SA AO- nwritvided 1 -A of tot ft. Ma- thihto, Jennla. Msry snd B. Bloom. $.00-i BLOCK 119. lot a. The riotmern vyuoiiew InroatsMBt Trnst, Ltd.. - ftft-60; lot 2, Ths Nortnarn Cons tics Investment Trust, Ltd.. Man-, lo x Elisabeth A. Thomas. $8.50; tot 4, Elisabeth A. Thomss, $6.50; west 90 feet of tot 9. Isaac Bwett, $3.80; esst 40 feet of tot 5, Theresa Brown, z.o; souin s i tot 8, V. T.. Rogers. $3.26; north 4 of lot 8. Fred U RIrgs and Btella M. Riggs. $3.29: r W T Wemn P. Cairdwell EStste. HetrS Sf. $9J0; lot 8, Byron T. Cardwell Kstste. Heirs of. $460. BLOCK 119, tot 1, John H. and Mary I): Mlddleton, $6.50; tot 3. Ney t hnrch maa. $9.60: tot ft. Amanda W. Reed Estate. - -w -v aabta. a a. a a - ja tap la -w-a aWSa - rieira or, eo.tMi; ioi a, amuiH " . tate. Heirs of, $9.60; tot 9. Margaret C. . Falling. $99t: tot 9V Margaret V. Pslltag. a.&oriot TMary A. BuHlysnt. $6.90; lot 8, I I). Keanedv Kstste. Heirs of. $6.90. BLOCK 117. tot , Msry Francos , Sartoy, $6.60; Jot 3. George W. Craw, $950; tot 3, Msry Frances Hurley. $9.50; lot 4. Mary Frances Hurley, $o.50: tot 6, Itora Bprsuer. $8.60: tot 6. Dora rbjraoer. $6.6(1; tot 7. George Elbbecke. $6.50; tot . Jellx Find lev. $6.50. - BIXK'K 118. lot . Ellen Murpay. $o.ou; t - . $6.50; let 3. Carrie Klrkley, $9.60: lot 4. George Selkirk. $6.60; esst 4 at tot 5. Ann s M. Jscobberger. $3.25: east 4 of tot 9, Annie M. Jscobbewer, fj.a; wesi w , Catherine Ann Howa. 3 36; west 4 ef tof 9. Catberlna Ann Howe. 33.35; oast 44 of tot T. John Klrkley. $3.28: eaat 4 of lot 9. Johu. Klrkley. $3.25; west 4 of tot T. Fred. I Wright, $3 .26; .weet; 4 of lot ft, Frea li evnxnt, so.o. nuwn ita l IJsale C Wells. $6.60? tot 9. Masts C. Wells. $6.00: tot 8. J. B. MeAlpla. $6.60; lot 4. J. 8. McAlpiB. 8.6: tot 5. Benjamin F. aad Pboebn J. Johnson, $9.90; lot a UneUwiln F. snd Phoebe J. Johnson. $4.60; tot 1. Uxsle C: Wrlh). $0'.ft0; tots. Usale t;. wsia, au.ou. niAJvaw ra Railroad A Nsrlgstloa Compsay. $9.90; tot - a nia Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa tompsny. $6.50; tot 8, Oregoa Railroad A NavlgaUon Company, 39.&0; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Nsvlgstloa Company. 90.00; mi n Oregon Rallrosd A Navigation Company. $6.60; tot 1 9. Oregon Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa Company. $6.60; lot "T, Oregon Rallrosd A Navigation Compsay.- $4.60; lot ft. Oregoa Railroad A Nsvigsttoa Company, $9 50. BLOCK 121. lot T. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com Mn an i lot s. Ore roe Rallrosd A Navlgs- ttoo Oompsny, $9.90: to( 9. Oregon Bsllrosd A Nsrlgstloa Oompsny, $9.50; tot 4. Ore gon Railroad A Narlgatloa Company, $9.50; lot ft, Oregoa Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa Com pany, $6-9u; lot O. tn-egon BSliroao aa ravi- gstloa Company. $490; tot T, Oregon Rail road A Nsvlgstloa Company. $0.50; tot $, nrwemo Railroad A Navixation - Company. $9.50. BLOCK 122. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $9-60; tot t. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. $6.60; tot 9. Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company, S.90: tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation moaav. 16 50: tot 9. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, $9.60; lot 9. .Oregon Ralb-oad A Nengnuoa uompany. soou: m t noai Baitraed A NsrlxstloB Oompsny, $4.90; tot 9, Oregon Railroad A Nsvigsttoa Comnaay. $6.00. RUCK: K 123. tot J. Laura M. Gammons. $480; tot 2. Lours M. Gam- nuns. $6JM; tot 3. prestos w. uiiietts, so.oii; . w . paa W. Gillette. 46.60: tot ft. . Arthur O. Church Icy, $450; tot 9. Arthnr G. Choree ley, $6.50; lot T, Investor's Mort . gsge Security Company.' Ltd.. $9 60; tot 9. H. U Templetou. $9..V). BLOCK 134, lot I. Caroline V amine, $490: tot 3. Caroline ' Vsnttne, $9.60; tot 3. Amanda W. Reed . Estate, Heirs of. $9.60: lot 4. Amends W. Reed Estate. Halm of, $490: lot 6. Caroline Vanrlno, $9.60: tot 9, Carolina Vantlne. $6.50; tot T. Caroline Vantlne. $6.50; tot ft. Carnnne) vestior. iun. isixjt n l, tot 1. A. J. Gleey, $9.60; tot 1. A. J. Gteey, ' Is SO: north 4 of lot 3. Joseeh NeUson. $3.25: snaith U. sf tot 3. L. Goldenberg. $3.26: tot : 4. Ada and A. R. Paano. $6.60; tot S, Ore ana at or tx axe Company. $6.60: south 4 of tot 8, Alice U Bowen, $3 26; north M of tot 9. Charles Houghton. $3 25; tot T. H. F. and , i, i. mm ut. m m am! . r lorn V. w, wni, v.-'i w, - '" UUlan A. Da Llnd. $6 50. BIX)CK 126. tot 1, Julias H. Berger. $4.50; tot 2. Ids M. Bsrger. $6J0; lot 3, George snd Minnie lit- Ingstoa, $; mt 4. aisrtna nersinsw. xei w; lot 5. A L. ltiaon. $6.50-: tot 9. Fred ft. ' Pierre. $6.50'. asst 97 feet of lot 7. Germaa Baring A Loaa tBodrty. $3.70; oast 67 feet r of lot 8. oermaa saving wmn nociety 13 TO: weat 43 feet of tot 7. J. H. Brestoa. : $2.90; west 43 feet of tot ft. J. H. Breeten. $2.10.' riixn.n. iaa. tot I. niiiism k. in-es kell. $9 50; tot 2,' Wlllism E. Dreskell, $6.60: tot 3, 1'orcy H. Blyth. $460: tot 4. Frank A Louisa R. Rnmmelln, $6.90; tot 9. Wll llsm E. DrejikelL 925.00: tot 4 WllUam K. Dreetell. $25.00; lot. 7. Jesnp H. Kettle- mler. $28 00; totr ft. - tasse- tlerurtx.- $25 0. BLOCK 429, eaat 78 feet of lot 1, Louis Msrolt. $18.75; west 23 feet of tot 1, Hsu 'nab U Hardy. $426! west 39 feet of tot 2. llsnnsb L. Hardy. $9.25; north 4 of esat 75 feet of tot 3. Mary Coleman. 80 .16; south 4 of east 79 feet of lot 2. Bridget Ken nedy and John Kennedy Estate, Heirs of. sw.4o; lot 3, nty ot i-oriianu, sa.iai; lot s (isnstsnra snd .Fred Tillman. $S.0O: tot 8 ' kl arena Raedy. $6.50; south 4 of lot 9, . Bsrnh Cohn. $3 95: north 4 of tot 4 M.J. Moss. $3.29: tot 7. Foartb Preshytrriaa Church, $6 60; tot ft. Ponrth Presbyterian Charrb, $6 (W. - BLOCK 129.. tot I.- Fred Hpaaele. $6.60: north 99 feet of tot X raj ' J. Rwlfxter, $4 69; smith 14 feet of tot 2. John Mulr, $1.80; aorta ej reet or mt . JAn Moif. $5.45; sooth ft feet of tot ,1. u a,enl ll.OAr tot 4. MaHesae R Boyd. 96.30; all of tot 9 except Oregon A California Railroad Cemnsny'e 11 1 ant of way Nannie M. Htsrr, $4 .; sll of tot 9 et eeot Oreesn A Cslifornls RsllriHid om psnv's rlgbt Of way, Nannie M. Btarr. $6 05. VBI4ICK 128. east 4 of tot 7. Hannah Mc Carthy. $3.89: east 4 of tot 9. Haimak . McCarthy, $3 29; west 4 of tot 7. Mrs. Martin A. K If era, $3.29: Sot ft. Mrs., Msrtla A, Klfern? $3.25. BIrCK 130. sll of tot 1 except Oregon A Calif orals Bsllrosd Com. psnv's right ef war. fhsrles Csrdlaell. $5 90; .. tot X Fred W. Preha. $4.60: tot 3. Kittle M. -Btork.. $6.99: tot 4. Kittle M. Stark. $4901 west 4 af tot a, A lies R. Weiatev 93.39; Went Vg af 1st 9. AUet B. W els tar. t 4 of tot 9,- Robert IJvlngaton, i 3.25; eaat 4 of ZD: eaat u. or lot u. atooerr i,lvinxaion. 29: eaat w of kit 7. larael and Mary ttt,,'f at 9ft- mmmt li. oT L,t a. larael and ' Mary Dautiiff. $3.36; wast 4 st lot 7. I'. A. Ialy, Trustee, $3.36: west 4 oi wi n, F. A. Dsly. Trustee, $3.35. BLOCK 131. , tot 1. P. Ryan. $3.26; all of south 4 of tot a except " uregon a tauiorniw asuroaai pany's rlgbt oft wsy. George N. Wsldeu, $2.90; all nf north 4 ef tot 3 except Gro ans A (feliroritla Rj,Tieoag Couaaulf rlxht af wsy, Polly M. Ford. $3.10; sll ot tot 3 except Oregon A Csllfornin Rallrosd tym pany's right of wsy. Philip Lawton. $5.93; , sll of tot 4 except Oregon A California Rsll '; road Company's right of wsy, $5.40; esst 40 fees of tot 9 etceot Oreson A Cslifornls . Rallrosd Company's right of wsy. Kslells Smith, $1.90; ,aat 49 feel of 'south 20 feet ot lot 4. except Oregoa A California nan road Company's right of wsy, tate lis ftmttb. 11.25; west 61 feet or tot! 8 exrept Oregon i California Railroad Company'a right of way, William M. Gregory. $3.30; weat (I feet of aoath to foet of lot ft eiceet Oregoa . A California Railroad Cominy'n right of way. William U Gresorr. 91.30: north SO feet of tot 9 except Oregon A California Railroad Comosnr's rlxht of wsy. John U. , Mlddletoo. $3.75; sll of tot 7 except Oregon .a Gsiirorois Ksilrosa Cempsny i rtgut oi way, John H. Mlddletoo. $1.20 ; all of lot 9 except Oregon A Cslifornls Bsllrosd Com. Emir's tight at' way, Olga M. Ing. I-I-6"-lX K 132. tot 1. Lsurs Fsulkes. $20.00; t 2.- Grant Pbeglsy. $20.00; lot 8. Alice , J. Plimpton, $20.00; tot 4. Alios J. Plimp ton. $20.00: tot 9, Anon C. Baroft, $460; lot 9. Ids B. ' Gore. $6.60; tot 7. ft. P. Btrsam. fii.60: tot 9. R. F. Ktraus. $4.50. BLOCK 33, tot 1, Fred A. I.ltx. $6.60; tot a, Fred . A. 1.1 ts. $4.50; tot 3. William Tarrant. $9.50; tot 4. William Tarrant, $6.50; tot ft. First Mrthodlat bptecapsl chorcb. Tmstee, $20.00; tot 4 First Methodist Bplsropsl Church. Trus tee, $20.00; lot 7. Fred A. Llts. 120.00;' tot 8. Fred. A. IJts. 820.00. BLOCK 134. tot 1. Adeline M. Underwood. 86.50; tot 2; Adeline . u. L'nderwood. $6.50; lot 3. Nancy B. Atxm aoa Eatste. Heirs ot, 46.60; tot 4. Nancy R, Atkinson Ksute, Heirs of, $6.50; tot. 6. ' Hu inner J. Barber. $450: lot 9, Bumssr J. ' Barber, $450; lot 7.. Wljllsm C. Hsrmor, r 50: : lot 8. WllllsSa '" C. 4ysrmor. $6 50. BLOCK 135. esat 4 of lot 1. Frank 1. ' Bcbuck, $3.25; eest 4 of tot 2, Frank Y. . Bcbuck. $3 25; west 4 ot tot 1. Wlllism P. . Olds. $3.25: west U. of tot S. Wlllism P. '. Olda. $3.23; north 4 of lot 8. A. K snd I,, unitner, a.zo; aoata OI loi n.. ivaniri W. Hoelblng, $3.29; lot 4. Dsnlrl W. Hoel bios. 86.50: tot 8. Georre Htowsll. $690: I tot 9, George Btowell, $4.90; tot 7. Alex- - soger n. r-strnuo. lot n. Aiexanucr 8. Pattnllo, $6 60. BLOCK 139. west 38 . feet of tot 1. -Mary J. NelmeS. $195: esst 75 feet of tot I. Anns Hsrrall. $4.85; tot 2. Colin C. Glrrln, $6.90: tot 3. M. W. Bmlth, $6.60; tot 4. M. W. Bmlth. $9.50; ' tot 5, M. Wi Bmlth, $6 50; tot 9. M. W. - Bmlth, M 50; lot 7. Henry Welnhsrd, $4.r0; , tot ft. Henry Welnhsrd. $6 50, BlJCK 137, tot lH. W. Smith, $6.60; lot 2. M. W. Bmlth. $460; Jot 3. M. W. ftmllh, $9.50; lot 4, M, W, Hmltb, $6.60: tot 9. M. W. Bmlth, $9.50; tot 9. M. W. Bmlth, $9 50; lot 7. M. W. Bmlth. $ 50; tot 9, M. W. ' Bmlth. $6.90. ', BLOCK 139. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Narlgstlon Company. $460: tot 2. Oregoa Railroad A Nsrlgstloa tompsny, $6.60; tot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation (tompsny. $6.90: lot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company.' $8 5": -tot 8. Oregon . Rsllrosd A Nsvlgstloa, Company, $4.90; lot 4 Oregon Railroad A Nsvlgstloa Company. , $4.60: tot 7.. Oregoa Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa Company.- 88,60; tot $. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Oompsny, $940. BLOCK 138, lot 1, Oregon Rallrosd A Narlgstlon Com pany, $9.50; lot 2. Oregon Rallrosd A Navl- . gatloa Company, $4.50; tot ft, Oregoa Rall- , road A Navigation Company, $6.50, tot 4. . Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, . $6.60; tot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $4 90; tot 9. Oregon Rsllrosd A ' Navigation Company, $8.60;- tot 7. Oregon lUllroad A Navigatloa Company. $6.50; lot ' ft, Oregoa Railroad A Navtgattoa Company. S9.SO. BLOCK 140. lot 1. Oregoa Rallread : A'arlgatlon Company. $3.00; lot 3, Ore '' gon Rallrosd A Navigation Company. $3.00; lot ft, Oregon Rsllrosd A Navigation Com pany. $3.00; lot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navl . gstion Company. $3.00; tot 6, Oregon Rail road A Navigation Company, $3.00; tot 9, Oregon Railroad A Narlgstlon Oompsny, $3.00; lot 7, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot $, Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $3.00. BLOCK 141, lot 1, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Com pany, $1.00; tot 2. Oregon Railroad A , Navigation Onmpsny, $3 00 tot 3, Oregon , Railroad A Navigation Company. $300; tot 4. Oregoa Ralb-oad A Navigatloa Company, 1 $3.00: lot 9. Oreson -Rsllrosd A Nsvixatlon ' Company, $3.00; tot 9. Oregon Railroad A . Navigation Companr'." ftS.00: tot 7. Oregoa ' Rallrosd A NsvlgaUon Company. $3.00; lot ft. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. . $3.00. RliOCK 142, tot 1.- Richard and F.lls Pnhk. $3.00: lot 2. Richard and Ella Punk. - a-l oo. i a u.ka w Vawi a , no. 1... 4. Martha Mary Taylor. '43.00: tot ft, Fred Bpggele, $3.00; tot 4, Fred Bpagcle. $3.00; .tot 7, John Mnlr, $3.00; tot 8. Joba Mulr. $3.00. BLOCK 143. tot 1, Ore gon Rslh-oad A Navigation Compsne. $3.00; tot 2. Oregon RaUrasd A Nsvtgstlon Com- psny, $3.0O: lot Oregon Rsllrosd A Navi gation Company, $300; lot 4. Oregon Rallrosd A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot 9. Oregon Railroad A Navigation, Company. $100; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa Company. , 41.00; lot T. tn-egon Railroad A Navigation .Company. $3.00; tot ft. Oregoa Railroad A ,. Navigatloa Company. $3.00. BItW'K 144. west 4 of tot 1. Peter Glhonl. -$l.60; west ' 4 "f tot 2, Peter Glhonl. $1.60; eaat 4 of tot 1. ft. M. Bmlth, $1.60; east 4 of tot 2. B. . M. Bmlth. $1.60; esst 4 of lot 8, John .Kerrlrah, $1.60; asst 4 of tot 4. Johu Kerr eteh. II.60; weet 4 of tot 4 John P. Hart man. $1.60; West 4 of tot 4. John P. Hartman. $; tot ft. Mary 8. Mlddletoo, $3.00; tot 9.' Mary 8. Mlddletoo. $3.00; weat 4 of tot T. Leoora B. Gregory. $1.60; east 4 of tot T. Badle A. Wrinkle, $1.50; esst 4 of lot ft, . Bsdls A. Wrinkle, $1.60: weet of tor ft. Abrsm Pllley. $1.60. BLOCK 145. tot 1, - Oregoa. Rallrosd A Navigation Company,, ' $3.00; lot- 2. Oregon Rallrued A Navigation Company. $3.00: tot 3. Oregon Railroad A Nsvlgstloa Company, $1.00; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $.1.00; tot 5. Oregon Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa Company, $3.00; lot 9. Oregon Rsllrosd A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $3.0u; tot 9, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. 93.00, RLOCK 146. lot 1, Matilda ftandetone. $3.00; - lot 3, M oil Ids Bsndatone. $3.00; tot 3. Ma tilda Rendetone. $3.00; tot 4. Matilda Band atone. $3.00; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A -Narlgstlon Company. $15.00; tot 4 Oregon Rail road A Navigation Company, $16.00; tot 7, Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $15.00; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Kavlgntlna Company. $15.00. BLOCK 147. lot 1. lamls M. Asplnwsll. $15.00; tot 2. Bank V.. Edith snd Bamuel L. Csmpbell, $19.00; -tot 3. Bsrah ' V., .Edith snd Ramnel L. Csmpbell. $15.00; tot 4, Rarah V., Kdlth and ftamoel L. Csmp bell. $15.00: tot ft. II. J. Thompson Eatste. Heirs of. $3.00; tot 6. H. J. Tbnmpoou Haute, Hews ef. $3.00; east 4 of lot 7. . Adsm Cstlln. $1.90; esst 4 of tot 4 Adam Catlln, $1.60: west 4 of tot 7. Alliance - Trust Company of Dundee, Scotland. $1.60; lot 8. Alllanea Trust Compsny of Dundee, ' Bcatlund. $1.60. BLOCK 14N. sll of eeat 4 of tot 1 except Oregoa A CaUfornla Railroad Company's right of way, Abraham IHUey, $L20; nil ot west 4 of tot 1 except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right af way. Cyrus Colpsn. $1.20; sll of north 4 of tot ft except Oregon A California Rallrosd Company's right of wsy, Harvey 8. Green. $0.00: sir of south 4 of tot 2 except-Oregon A California Bsllrosd Company 'a right of wsy, Lawrence Htrsnd. $0.80; sll of tot 8 except Oregon A California Bsllrosd Com pany 'a right of wsy, lawrsncs Htrsnd, $2.40; ; sll ot tot 4 except Oregon A California Rail road Company's right - of way, Lawrence mmj, lavirnv Strsnd. $3.00: 0: south 4 of Htrsnd. $0.75; n trend,; mt n. Lswrenee Btrsna, $3.00 ' lot a, Lawrenro narsna. s-vu esst .4 of lot 7. lAwrenca I north 14 nf east 4 of tot 7. Harvev fl. tlrorn, $0.76: weat 50 feet of tot 7. Harvey B. Green. $1.50; esst 4 of lot ft, CyroS Cnlpsn, $L50; west 4 of tot ft," A bra is ' IMlley, $1.90. BIICK 149. tot 1. John F. Caples, $3.uo; north 4 of tot 2. John F. Caples, $1.90; sooth 4 of tot 2. WlUlam H. Baylor, tlJM; tot $. William II, Bsytor. $400; tot 4, A. U MI1U. $1 00; esst 4 of tot 9. Fred It. ftrmng, 11.50; esst 4 of tot 9, Fred 11. Strong. $1.90:. west 4 nf tot ft, cbnstonber Ksufmsn, $1.60; west 4 of tot 9. Chrlatophrr Kaufman. $1.50: tot 7, Mrs. B. A. Owens Adsir. $3.00; tot 8, Mrs. B. A; Owens Artslr. $100. HUM K 150. tot I. ' Preston W. Gillette, $10.00; tot 2. Msry Gil lette. $10.00: north1 40 feet of tot 3. F. 1. i Matthews. Trustee. $H.0O; south 10 feet et I tot 4 Walter Klettx. $2 00; sll of lot 4 eicet't Orrxod A Cslifornls Railroad Com- pany's rlgbt of way. Walter Kletla, $ 00; all of tot 9 weet of Oregon A Cslifornls Rsllrosd C'ompsny's rlgbt of way, J. I nter. $1.,1A: sll of lot 9 esst of Oregon A California Rsllrosd Company's right of ..way, Walter Kletts $0.75; sll if tot 9 west of Oregon A Cslifornls Rsllrosd Company' rlgbt of way. Adelloe ' Wild. ftn.AO: sll of tot 7 west af Oregon A Cslifornls Rsllrosd Com pany's rlgbt at way. John B. Wild. $0.15; sll of tot 7 esst of Oregon A Csllfornin Rsllrosd rvlmnsny'f right nf way. Josephine G. orerend. $0.W: sll ef tot 8 esat of Oregon A Cslifornls P.silroad Company's right of wsr. Josephine G. orerend. $1 5o. BlcTK l.M, tot 1, Oregon Hsll rosd A Navigation Comnanr. $1 00; tot 3. Oregon Railroad A Navigation I'ompeuy. g.l.On: tot 3. Oregon Rsllrosd A Navlgstton I'oaiDSnv. $3 01): tot 4. Orexnn Rallrosd A Navigation Company. $3.00: tot 5. Oregon Hallroail 4t avigauou t ompany. gioiaj; lot 4. Oregon Rallrosd A Navigation Cempsny, 10.00. tot 7. Oreroa Rsllrosd A Nsvlgs. tton Company. $10.00: lot 9. Oregon Rallrosd A Navigation Company. 10 0,1. BI.OCK 152. lot I. Pdwsrd Know lee. XI.OOi sonth 30 feet of tot 3, Arthur K. McKreen. $11; north 30 rort or lot z. jnsepa v. nsyer,; snnlh -feet of north 37 feet of tot 3, Joseph C. Bayer: $1.70; nnsth 9 feet of tot 3- Artbur K. McRreen. 84.55; south 13 feet of tot 8. Peter Hokbrirk. 80.80; tot 4. Pefer ! Holhrick. $3 09; lot 9. The Title OsaraaW A ; Trust CasBpany, $3.00; tot 9, The TIU4 $3.25: , Gnsrsntee A Trust Oumpsnyi $3.00: tot 7, Joseph V. Bsyer, Peter llobkirs. 41.00: tot H. JVaieph C. Bsyer. Peter Hobklrk. $3.s. IlLai'K 153,. tot 1. Victor K. Strode, JM-OO; tot 2. Ksts ft trade. $3.00; tot ft. refdlnnatl lUrteh). $3.0u; tot 4, Ferdinand Bartele. 4L0O; tot 6, Oaeer snd Lacy Bhaltnch. $4.0", tot 9. Oscar and Lucy Hbattuck. 4V0O; tot 7.-Frank nsd Msry darbeney. $J-oii hit ft. . Phlllif-ttorurfa. $3.00. 1 BUCK 154. tot 1. Elisabeth A. Thompson. $3.00; lot 3. Ellnabeth , A. Xbomnson. $.3.un; lot . rfameo v. ana, $3.i; tot 4. James R. Thompson. 93,00, tot . Hxnnsh C. Btewsrt, $3.00: : tot : 9. ' Hannah c. fttewsrt. 93.a: tot 7, Elisabeth A.'Thomas, $.1.00; lot ftTEIlmbeth A. Thomss, trt-OO, BliOCK 165. tot 1. John 1. sVhernee, $3 00; tot ft. Ells C. . BsblB, , fy. lot ;..-. Ella' C. Bsblo. a.oo, lot 5. John Mulr. 83 00: tot AntAa aad . BoasBokowsky, $3.00; lot 7. Joha Mulr, 43.00; tot 8. WllUam M. Ladd, Trustee. 9-i.oo. . BIX1CK 166, tot 1. Oregon Bsllrosd A Nsvt. - gstloa Compsny. $3.00y tot 2. Oregoa Rail rosd A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot -ft, - tlregoB Railroad A Navigation (onipany. $3.08; tot 4. Oregon Rallrosd A Nsrigstton Company. $3.00; tot 9. Oregoa Rsllrosd A Nsvlgstloa Compsny, $3-00; tot 9. Oregoa Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa Company. $3.00: lot 7. Oregon Rallrosd A Nsrlgstloa Company. . st oo, i, a naiiroan A Nsrlgatioa Company. 43.00. BIHK 157. tot X, orj- gon Ksilrosa a nsvigsuon iew. v lot a, Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsvigsttoa Com pany. 43.00; tot ft. Oregon Rsllrosd Nsvl gstion Compsny, $3.00; tot 4, n-egoa Rsll rosd A Nsvlgstlon Compsny, 3.00; lot 9, fir.,., i . ti-. a a Navieetton Onnvpsny, r'43.00; lot 6. fwegon Rsllrosd A Nsrigstton f Oompsny. $3.00; tot 7. Oregon Rsllrtisd A nsvlgstlon wimpsny, a-i.w. vl'"r Railroad - A Navigation . Company, f.i-00. . BMH:K 1M. tot 1. Oregon ' Railroad A Navi gation Company. $3.00; tot 2.. Oregon : Rsll rosd A - Navigation Compsny. 13.00; tot a, , Oregon' Rallrosd A Nsvlgstlon Compsny, ' SV OO. IX, A Welteneo A NsVlXStiOn ! Company. $A.O0: tot. ft. Oregon Bsllrosd A Nsvlgstlon Compsny. $3.00: , tot 9. Oregon Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa Company. $V0O; tot 7. Oreg.m Railroad A Navigatloa Company, . $3.00; tot 8. Oregon Railroad. A Narlgatton tympany. $3.00. BLOCK 159, tot 1. Ore- Ea Baliroad Davigsijon mmniir, t 8, Oregon Rsllrosd A NsvtgsUon ton), psny. $3.00; tot 3. Oregon Rallrosd A Nsvl gstloa Compsny, $3.00; to, 4, Oregon Rall rosd A, Nsvlgstlon Oompsny. $3.00; tot 9, oregoa Hallroed at . navigation "J. $3,00; tot. 6. Oregon Railroad A Narlgstlon compsny. $3.00; tot 7. Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsvlgstloa Compsny, 41.00: tot 9. Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsvlgstlon Compsny. $-1.00. ' BICK 160, tot 1. Albert Frhrenhsrb. ft-1-OOi tot 3. Albert Fehrenhsch, $S.(S): tot 3, Albert Frhrenhech. $3.00: tot 4, Albert Fehrenhsch, 43.00: tot 9. Alliert Pebreubsrh. $3.00- tot 9. Albert Fehrenhsch, $3.00; tot, T. Albert '. Fehrenbsrb. $3.00; tot ft. Albert Fehrenhsch. $3.00. BLOCK" 191, tot 1. Catherine W. Oweng. $3.00; lot 3. Catherine W Own. $3.00; tot 9. Elena Bberwond. $3.00; lot 4, Plena Bberwood, 3.00: tot 6, Henry Becke, $3.00; tot 9, John Plsbscb. $3.00; . tot 7, Joke Pleheeh 13 Ofl- lot 8. EntoeoOSl FBnd ; of the Proteatsnt yVlaropsl Chnreh of the jiiocese or Oregon, 'trustee, e- ., 162. tot 1. Ferdinand BsrtelU. 43.00; tot 2. Ferdinsnd Bsrtells. $3.00; tot $. Corlnno E. Wood. $3.00: tot 4. Corlnno E. Wood. $3.0O; lot 5, Jamb Kamm. $3.00; tot 8, - Jacob Kamm. 43.00; tot T.Bophla Bntton, ft'i.OOi. tot 8. ftophla Button. $3.oo. BLOt K 163. TBe Home" $24.00. BleOCK , 194. . tot -1. The Home. $3.00: tot 2, The Home, $3.00; tot ft. The Home, $3.00: lot 4. Tha Home, $3.00; lot ft, The Home, $8.00: lot ? The . Home, 4t.00: lot 7. The Home. ft4JX: tot ft. The- Home, $3.00. BLOCK 165, sll of tots X and ft west of Oregon A Csllfornin - Railroad Company's right of way. Joha , and Barbara Wild. $0.35; all ot tot 1 lying eaat ot Oregon A California Ralb-oad Com- paay's right ot way. Wlllism L. Green. $1.30: sll ot north 90 teet of tot 9 lying esst of Oregon A California Baliroad Company s rlgbt of way. WllUam L. Green, $0.89; sll of aoath 30 feet of tot 3 lying east of Oregoa A 'Cslifornls Rallrosd Company's right of way. Lenore 8. Gregory. $0.O; sll of tot 8 lying west nf Oregoa A Catlfornts , Rallrosd Compsny's right of wsy, John snd Barbara Wild, $1.09; sll of tot 4 lying west ot Oregoa A Cslifornls Rsllrosd Compsny's right of way. John and Barbara Wild. (1.85; tot 5. James N. FulUtovs, $3.00; tot 9. James N. Fullllore, (3.00; tot 7. A. F, Nennert. 43.00; lot ft,- Jacob Cnger. $3,00. BIXK K 199, tot 1, Rose Ksmlnsky, ' $3.90: lot 3, ' Rose Ksmlnaky. $3.90; tot 3. J. G. Koffmsn. $3.00; lot 4. WUHsm F. Holts. 3.00; tot 9. Matthew Reidt. H.00; tot 9, Joaeph Bsaer. $3.00; tot 7. I"ortland Truat -Compsny. $3.00: lot 8. N. E. Rile. 43.00. BLOCK 107. esst 4 of lot 1, J. E. Alnsworth, $1.59: esst 4 . of tot 2. J, E. Alnsworth, $190; west 4 of lot 1 Kes Chnrchmsn. (1.50: west 4 of lot 2. Ney Churchmen. 41.60: all of tot t except Oregoa A California Rallrosd I'om (' eteht of vn. Allianes Trnst Com pany. $2.76; sll of lid 4 except Oregon A r alifornia Hslirasd Comnsnr's rlxht of way. John A. -Blast. $1.90; sU of lot 9 except "rleht sf war Winiaaa J. Lohleh KaUte. ' Heirs of, $2.06: all of tot 4 lying west ot oregoa raiirorraa uain-osu , onvanj a rlefct of war. William J. Lehlah RsUte. Heirs of. $0.95: sll of lot '4 rylog eest of . Oregoa A Cslifornls Railroad Company's -right of way. AUisnea Trust t-ompsny. $0.05; all of tot 7 lying went of Oregon A . California Baliroad Company'a right of way. WlUlam J. Lehigh Estate. Heirs sf. (0.10; all of tot T lying east ef Oregon A Cslifornls Rsllrosd Company's right nf wsy. W. F. Wlessnd. 90.73: all of lot ft except Oregoa : A Cslifornls Rallrosd Company's right of wsy. W, w. wieggna. a x ool nun s jo, roi 1. Preston W. Gillette. $490: tot B. Wlllism H. Churchill. $3.00r tot 9. Mlllnda E. Mor. Eia, $3.00; lot 4. Mlllnda R. Morgan, $3."0; t ft, Mlllnda E. Mor rs a. $3 00; tot 9. Ml llnda E. Morgan. $3.00: tot 7. Preston W. Gillette, $3.00; tot ft. Prestos W. Gillette, - $3.00. BLOCK 10D, tot 1? D. C. Pel ton. $400; tot 2. D. C. Pelton. $3.00: tot $. Catherine W. Owens, $8.00; tot 4, Cstherlne W. Owens. ' $3.00: tot 5. - David Btesrns, $3.00: tot 4 . David Btesrns. $3.00; tot 7, Portland Trust Oompsny ef Oregon, 41.00; tot 9, Portland Trust Compsny ot Oregon. ' $3.00..- BLOCK T0. undivided tt of tot 1, Clemtlne and ordla Rodney. $2.29: undivided 44 of tot 1 f Uterine and I.vdla Kndnev. $2.23: in- . divided 4 of tot 3. Clemtlne and Lydla Koaoey, gz.zs: annmoea or mi a. t iem tlne and Lydla Rodney, $2.29; undivided 4 ef tot 1. Hannah H. Morrla. $0.76: undivided 4 of tot 2, Hannah R. Morris. $0.76; undi vided , of lot 3. Hannah R. Morris. $0.79; undivided S of tot 4. Hsnnsh R. Mortis. U6: lot o, G. W. aad Margaret V. Al- - lea. 41 00: undivided S of tot 6. Clementine A Lydla Rodney. $2.29; undivided S of lot 7. Clementine A Lydls Rodney, $2.29; an divided 4 of tot ft. Clementina A Lydls Rod ney, $2.29; undivided 4 of tot 9. Hsnnsh R. Morrla. $0.79; undivided 4 of tot T. Hannah R. Morrla. $0.79; andlrided t4 af tot - 9. Hannah R. Morris. $0.75. BLOCK 171. tot 1, Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsrlgstloa Com pany. $3.00; tot 2. Oregon Rsllrosd A Narl gatloa Company, $3.00; tot ft, Oregoa Rail- ' road A Navigation Uompsay. $3.00: -tot 4, Oregoa Rsllrosd A Navigation Company, $.100; tot 5. Oregoa Railroad A Nsvigsttoa Company. $3.00; lot 9. Oregon Railroad A Navigation' Company. $3.00;, tot T. Oregon ..Railroad A Navigation Company, $3.00: lot 9. Oregon Rallrosd A Nsrlgstloa Compsny. 41.00. BLOCK IT3. tot 1. Oregoa Rsllrosd A Nsrigstton Compsay. $3.00; tot 2, Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUon Compsny. 43.00; tot ft. Oregon Railroad A Narlgstioa Company. $3.00: lot 4. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot . 9. Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $3.00; lot 9. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, 43.00; tot T. Oregon Railroad A Nsvlgstloa Company, $3.00: tot ft. Oregon Rsllrosd A Narlgatloa Company. $3.00. BLOCK 173. tot 1. Ore- . son Railroad A Narlgatloa company. $3.00; tot X Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsrlgstloa Com pany. $3.00; tot 4 Oregon Rslh-oad A Narl gatloa Company, $3.00: tot 4, Oregon Hail road A Navigatloa Company. ftl.OO; lot ft, Oregoa RallroadV A Navigation Oompoay, .$3.00; tot 6. tn-egon Rallrosd A Nsvlgstlon Compaav. $3 00; tot " 7. Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsvlgstloa Compsny. $3.80; tot ft. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 93.00. BLOCK T74. tot 1. Oregon Rail rosd A Nsvlgs tlon Compsny, $3.00: tot X Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsvigsttoa Company, $3.09: tot 9. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Nsrigstton (tompsny. ' 43.00; tot 9. Oregon Railroad . A Navigation Company, $3.00; lot 9. Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company. $3.00: lot 7. Oregon Ralb-oad A Navigatloa Company, $.1.00: tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 43.0O. BLOCK 176. lot 1. Oregon Bsllrosd A Nsvlgstloa Compnny, $3.00-, hit 2. Oregon Ralb-oad A Nsvlgstloa Compsny, $3.0O: tot 8. Oregoa Rallrosd A Nsvlgstloa ttosnspny, $1.00:' tot 4. Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUon Company. $3 On: lot 5. Oregon Railroad A - Navigatloa Company. $3 no; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company. 41.00; tot 7. -Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Oenpany. $3.00: lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Nsvlgstlon Companr. $3.on. BliK k 17H. tot i. t . K. Bs.ll. (Its); tot 2. John Mnlr. 41 On; tot 9. John Mulr. $.Hi0; tot 4, John-Mnlr. 41-00; tot A. John' Mnlr. $3.00; lot 4 John Mnlr. 4100: tot 7. John Mulr. $3.09: tot 4 C. K. Hoel. 4100. BUX'K 177, tot 1. Ida Mo Cahe Teiwell. 4M: tot 3. Ids McCsbe Tss well, $3.oo; tot 3, Joha Mulr, 41.01); tot 4. John Mslr. $3.00; tot 9. John Mulr, $3 00; tot 4, John Mnlr. $3 .00: tot T. John Mulr. $:i.oo: tot . George Taswell. $3 00. BLOCK ITS undivided 4 of tot I. O. t. Caramons, l ,V: us-Vvlded 14 sf tot I G. 41. Gsmmons, (IT: nodi tided 4 ef lot .3, G, l, Gsmmons. $1.60; undivided 4 of lot 4-G. G. Gsmnmns. $1.50; undivided K of tot 5. G. G, Gsm mons. $t.5: undivided of tot .,(!. tl " Gssosxm. $1.50: undivided 4 of lt T. . HI., Gsmmons. $1 50; undivided Vs sf tot 4 G. it fismmons. (1.90: undivided 4 of tot 1. , Jamea and Kdllb Gammons, (1 0; nndlvlded 4 of tot 2, James snd Rdltb Gsmmons, (1.90; andlrided 4 of tot ft, Jsmea snd Edith Gnmmons. $1.50; andlrided 4 nf tot 4, ; Jamea snd Fdltk Gsmmons. ftl .V): , undi vided 4 of tot ft. James aad Edith Gam mons, $I.M andlrided 4 ot tot 4 James aad Edith Gammons, $1.90; nndlvlded- 4 of tot I, Jtmes tod Edith Gats moss. U , OMtvlded 4 of tot 9. Jsmea iad Edith 0 moos. $1.60. BLOCK. ITS,, tot 1. . 1 L. Wrenn, $3.00; tot 2, J, F Csse t hor.h W af 'tot , ft, Annto Mreeh$l.p); h : -v r, m, freca, gl.r'i; e tenia Brack, ftl.ial: Vm s s , eider. $0.00; Borth 4 of tot 4 J. , $1X0: oulk 4 af lot 8. I'. . u, I luam $1.60; tot 7. Thcanoa Boyd. $l.t. i f'lJ"!0" " .i-"'-- BLOCK imi. Msrqnam. tot ft. Sll Of let 1 Ivloa- ... ..e , J 1 ,Z .7 ' . ' ; S-el?V. ."""""J " "J way. I sknown ?Z1 ,?J' ' lying weat of , ' SS m C"nmla Rsllrosd (esianCi - . if or f. 'fee"" W. Gillette, $o,u; ti.nUS' ,79 ' Oreroa t, California i W. GllletU $1.55: sll at tot 3 lytag west - ' ti T,".'1 California Railroad twanpany's '.F". way. 1-restoo W. Gillette. $3.10; : A"..' f ,,'B wea' Oregon A Ullfomlg Ffii? rmP,n r,r wsy. Preston W. f-lo,,t"l.,iL1SJ0 eestoa V. Gillette, $.1.00; tot a, Preston W. Glllett. $3.00; tot 7. ' () Iletts. $3.00. BLOCK 1. tot 1. Prestea M.O0; lot S, Preston W. Gillette, $.t.oo; ; t! !' too W. Gllletts ' $3.00; . lot , , 5. Preston , W. , 'Gillette. , $3.U; tot , 9, , Proatos W. , - Glllelts.v C $3.0t ' I! . Il '""" W. Gillette. $3.01); w W. Gillette. 43 on. BleTK 183. : ' Jot I. Charles E. 4 Wood. $3.00; lot 2. 2i ,?Ted'.H,0k,t Chsrles R. B. Weod.t: f3-.10.'- ,T' r,rle - Wood. $3.00: ' laa 'C.h,,,lM - L Wood. $3.00. BLOCbi; ' I5oAto. l' mad vf. Reetl Esute. Belts of. - 83.00: tot 2. Amsods W. Reed Keute, Heirs -?I . M-?2i t aianda W. Reed Esute. v'.1 1,AJ3-Mi t.4' "" W. Reed : E ,uau H'1r W-10' j Aeiaada W. :s STofVS' tMn "' !.00; tot a, Amanda ',. , W. Reed Kstale, Heirs of. $3 00- BLOCK . 184. tot-1 Preston W. GllletU. $3.0oi tot . J. Preston W. Gillette. $3.00: tot $7 Prostoa U''e"e. $2 06: lot 8. Presto. ' W TgG letto. $145: tot 7 Preston W. tiilletta, 2.55: ' tot 9. Prestos W. Gllletre. $2Jss. bITn sJ , lot 1. rrank And Msry Hsekeoey. $3.00: Mary Hsekeoey. $3.00: tot' 3. Frank and Msry Hsekeoey. $2.50; tot 9. " te" l Mary Hsekeoey. $2.69; tot -'; . . J" hd Msry . Hsckeney, , $TO0; ;J!i.?na;. sad Mary Hsckeney, $3.00. , BLOCK 186. lot 1. John u,,i, xiU, Zr. V John Mulr. $400: lot ft. John Mulr (3 50: ; tot 4 Joba Mnlr. BM- . lot r i-- MahY.:.qo; tot ft. John Mulr. $3.00: BLOCK 187. tot 1, .John Muir. $3.00; tot 8. John Mulr. $3.00; tot 3. John Mulr. $2.60; V i", .Joh- lair' 12 ; t. John Mnlr, . (3.00; tot ft. John Mulr, $3.00. BLOCK IMS, -tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatloa. Com pany. 4X00; tot 2, Oregon Railroad A Navl ' ration tkmrpsny. 41.00; tot 3. Oregon Rsllrosd " Nsvlgstloa Compsny. $3.60; tot 4" Otegna Rallread A Navigatloa Company. $2,601 lot I'. ""F011 RaUroad , A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion Company. $3.00. BUrCK MB. tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Oompsny. . 41.00; tot 2. Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsvigsttoa. Company. $3.00; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A . Navigation Company. $2.50; tot 8. Oregon Rallrosd A -Navigation Company. $3.90; lot T. Oregoa Rallrosd A Nsrlgstloa Compsny, ' $3.00; lot 8. Oregoa Railroad Navigatloa, lotsoanv. 1.100. PTRHT BTREKT TERRACES of Porflsnd. ftrs.' gon iiuMJK A. lot 1. Tbnmoa W. Jenkins, , (3.70; tot 2. Thomss W. Jenkins, $3.0O; lot ft. Thomas W. Jenkins. $3.00; tot 4, Thomas . ; W. Jenkins. $4.29: tot 9. Thomss W. Jenkins, $4.50: tot 4. Thomaa W. Jenklna, $3. wo; tot -7 Thomas W. Jenkins. $3.90; tot ft, Thomss W. Jenkins. $3.00; tot 9, Thomas W. Jenkins. ; $3.90: tot 10. A. D. Wlltooghhy, $.1.X9; tot 11, Tbomee W. Jenktns, $469. BLOCK B. -tot 1. Msry Jenkins. $3 90; tot 3, Julia E, Clark. $3.90; tot 4. Ida R. Rtokee, $406: tot 4. Thomss W. Jenkins, 41.46; tot 4, Thomas W . Jenklna. $8.10; tot 9. Thorpes W. Jenkins. $2.70; lot 7. Joseph Chart entxer. $2.50; tot 9. M. B. Smith. $2.70: tot 9. M.B. Bmlth. . $2.75. BIH:K C.i, tot 1. Nathan Coy. $1.96; tot 3. Nathan Cor.- $3.00, BLOCK D, west 21 feet ot tot 1. Homer V.' Woodworth. 90.65; . west 21 feet of tot 3. Romer V. Woodworth. $0.99; cast I2T feet of tot 1. Thomaa Hrheet. , der, $3.90; esst 127 feet of lot 3. Thomas "-' Bchnelder. $3.90: lot 9. Thomaa Bcbnelder. ' $2.40; lot 4. Thomas Bcbncidsr, $2.40; lot : 9. T. T. Burkbsrt, $3.00. . , ' 7 A tract sf toad lying betweea two Uses re spectively So feet snd 130 foet south of snd - psrsllel with south llns of Lowell avenue, and between two lines respectively loo feet snd 127 feet weet af snd psrsllel with west . line ot First street. Thomss Bcbnelder, $1.30, A tract of bind lying between the sonth Him of Lowell aeenne and a line IMI feet south nf and parallel tberewith and between weat Una , , of First street snd s Una 100 feet west of J aitd parallel therewith, T. T, . Bar k a art, - All of tots 4 and T. btoek D. First Street ' Terraces, City of Portland. Oregoa. lying ' senth ef a Use- 50 foot south of and parallel with tha wmth line ot Lowell s venue' snd west of 9 line 127 feet west of snd psrsllel with the west line at First street. Homer V. Woodworth, $1 T9.- ITrlflT STREET TBRHACB8, City Of Porflsnd. . Oregon BIICK D. tot 4 Homer V.: Wood worth. 942"; tot 9. Homer V. Woodworth. ' 41.60: tot 10, Homer V. Woodworth. $2.90; 'tot if. Homer V. Woodworth. $3.40. BI.OCK ' E. tot I, Frederick A. Walpole, $1.T0; tot 3, Frederick A. Wajpole. $1.T5: tot ft. Freder ick A. Walpnto. $1.90. BLOCK F. tot f. KreoVHck A. Walpole. $2.90: tot 4 Frederick A. Wslpoto. $1.8; lot 4 Frederick A. Wat. , Ele. 12.00;. lot 4. Fredertck A. Walnola. .10; tot 6. Frederick A. Walpole, $3.09. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD RIXH'K 1. south SB , feet of north 90 feet ' of lot 1, Thomas . MrNamee.. $1.9$; north 119 feet ef tot 1. Veiled Btstea Fidelity A Guarantee Cnm ' pane. $490: north 104 feet of south 194 teet of tot 1. A. Gertrude and Julia Marko. ' $5.75; south 50 feet of tot I. Jsasae snd . Kate- E. Petersoa. $XT0: asst TO feet of tot ' 3. Jsmen Collins. $4.40: north 50 feet of snath 100 feet of weet 100 feet at tot 3. Ida R. Blokes. $3.00; south 90 foet af west 10O feet of tot 3. Louisa M. Foster. 41.00; north 99 feet ef west 109 feet of tot 3. . Mrs. E. WIepracht. 41.30; tot 3, Josephine Crocker. $13.90. BLOCK 3 tot 1. Rachel L. Ray, $23.45; tot t. Portland Trust Compsne of - Oregon. $23.49; lot 3, Portland Trnst . Compsny of Oregoa. $23.45; lot 4. Bchool Dm- ret No. 1. 4J3.45. BLOCK ft, suhdlTbttrox sf lot-1, William T. Nutting. $429; sub. division a of lot 1. Annls Nutting. $3.3; . snbdlvlatoa 3 ef tot 1, A. Wolf. $2.35; sun. ' division 4 ef tot 1. 1. Schmidt. $3 35. nMt. rialoa S of lot 1. T." K. strode. $2.89; to ri I vision 8 af tot 1, V. K. Btrode. $3.39: sab division 7 of let f. Edgsr E. and Annie p. Course. $3.73: sabdlvktloa ft of tot I. Edgsr E. snd Annie F. Conrsen. $3.T6: subdlvialoa I ef tot 2. J. Henry Bcbsde. $3.29: north 4 of subdivision 3 of tot 3. CnroUne Rimer. $1.69; aeorth 4 of subrilvlatou 8 sf tot a. Verens Bol linger. $195. subdivision t ef tot 4 Mlchssl ' Rallut. $2-30; subdivision 4 of lot 3. H. R. No ble. $2.30; subdivision ft of tot 4 Cs online Rl sser. $2.40;subdtvtaton (af tot t Albert Thoanp soa. $3.40: anbdlvlston T of tot 2, C, B. Basil. $3.79: subdlvlsloa S of lot X Fraaawa L. Mace, $3.79. MOTER B BCBDIVTBI0N9 of Lot ft. Btoek 4 Portland Homestead BIjOCK 3. anndivlalsa I sf tot 3, Bomb c. Butler. $1.90; subdivision ' ft of tot a, Msex Allstnrk. (1. 90: subdivision 9 of tot ft. Isssi Kraettner, gi.nn; snaui : vision 4 of tot 3, John Mice. $2.30; eubdl- vlaton 9 of tot 3. Joseph Crbsnrk. X2.3U: anbdirlwloa 9 of lot ft, Joseph Crbeack, subdivision 7 of lot ft. Joseph I rhaurk. subdlvtotoa ft of tot 3, Joseph Ilrhsnrk, ' subdlvlsloa 9 nf tot 3. Louis Kraettner, subdivision 10 of lot 3, FhMeacs F. $1.80. - .- rORTT.AN D HOMEBTEAD BLOCK 4 snhdt slaton A of tot 4. Kvs W. Bnrtrh. I2i; subdlvialoa B of tot 4. Kva W. Bonis. 'J.s.i: sandlvlstoa C of tot 4. Jntia A. I wieo, il.i; I auhdiviston I) of tot 4. Flora J. Do loon. ft'J.SO; snbdlrlsloa E of lot 4 Jnlla rirtce. 4'l.nfi; suhdlvlstoa F of tot 4, Julia 1'lrlcb, $3.09; snbdlrlsloa G of tot 4. Eva W. Burtrh, S.'t.oft; suhdlvUloa H of tot 4. Bvs W. -Bortrh, (.XuiV. BliOCK 4. south 80 feet of snbdlvlstoa A of lot J, Cyras K. Howtott. 9D.69; sonth feet sf snbtllrtatou B ot let I. Cyras E. Hewlett, $!.: north 99 feet of snbdlvlstoa . 1 A of tot 1. Cbsrlea W. Cotteil. $; serin , no feet of subdlvlsloa B of tot I. Charles W. Cotteil, $1.45; weet 10 feet of enhdlvtstoa C . of lot 1, Chsrles W. Cotteil, $0.25; esst IO11 feet of snMlrinton C of -tot 1, Msry K. Msrahall, $2.56; south ft foet of wast II) feet of subdlvialoa 0 ef lot I, Cyrus B. Howtott, ' $0.05; north 3T4 feet ef west 10 feet of sun division C of tot 1. Cbsrlea W. Cotteil. $0,09. north T4 feet of east M0 feet of subdivision D ef lot 1. Mary B. Msrsbsll. $0 43; south ' 39 feet of esst loo feet sf enhdlrtskui D of tot 1, .Wlllism J. Kelly. $2.o; snbdlvlstoa H ot lot 1. J. R. Jenkel and H. MandertlVe, $2.90; eubdlvinton F of tot 1, Frenh Brhwar- , 1 hack. $3.90; arret 60 feet of subdlvlsloa G of tot 1. Patrick Murray. $1 10; esst 30 feet : of west 90 feet Jit subdivision- -O of lot I. M. Everest. $. 35; esst HO fet of snhdlvislew -G of tot 1, Granville I). Raff. $1 ". est 90 feet of subdivision 11 of lot 1, Grant I He . C. Raff. $; west an feet sf subdivision 11 of tot 1. John Bennett, $; tot 2. rx-ti Helling. $23.45: suhnivlatoa A of tot 3, Barah W. and B. W'. Fisher. $1.39; anlidlvlstoa R of tot 3. Barak W. snd B W. rfher. $1 85; snntb 2t feet nf snbdlvlstoa B of tot 4 Bsrah , W. sod B. W. Fisher. aoutb Zu feet of siibillvislon O of tof ft. Harsh W . snd B. W. $0 90; ssrth ft feet of subdivision R -of tot 3, Alfred F. ftegra, Jr., $0 ; unvlh ft feet of sntollvlslua G of tot . Alfred F. Hears Jr.. 9 2u; sulidlvlaaon C of tot 3. Alfred F. Bears, Jr . $1 1M-, sutollvlelon I) of W4 8, Alfred F. Jr., II. lo; snhdlvlalon K et tot 3. lioulaa E. Ptsep. subdlvh". 1 F of tot 3. Geurgs W. Wstts, $; em .. - vbrk-n G of tot S. George W. Wstu. (1 .; , sutxlltlston H sf tot :i, Josephine krsin $l.loi s-ilxllvlalon I of tot i. Jfepbi0e K. tiger. l Hi; aoMlvlvlon J of k t . I, llck. $1 I'll snlxllvlaioa K of i 3, I teles. $1 10; ailMlvljIoo 1, ef i f ( W. Wells, (I I"; s -.i. e George W. Wait- . ..; a k.t 3. Iiulas K. I'" .. $1.1 , 1 of lit 3. Alfred r. . . vle- P ef let ft. I I'. Sue-ovllca A of I t t Bans ef I' ' Vt i. ! .-' ' -