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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
Til- CCO!I DAILY JSUS-IAE, FCHTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 9, 1SC3. . Lll . '1 3 1 i , Cr 0A2i;;3 6AIIE A Number of Eattern Horsemtn . Have Returned to New York J 1 ; From Hot Springs. l v V V : ' '- " ' r-"'" REPORT POOR SUCCESS ; at ARKANSAS resort News Reaches the Metropolis -7 That Captain Brown Has Re i 'Covered From His Illness. 7- (Special Mspetek to IW tarsal. V r New - TorttT" March " .A" number "of : eastern raring men have returned thla VMk from Hot Spring What they My about the' Vapor city, mora particularly a to Us climate, would not look well la prfnt. , ; Billy Beckett ' declares (hat Guttenberg at Ua worst was better thaa Hot Springs this winter, But (or the very, bad weather a believes the meet lngs there would have" been very -high elaaa for wtaterjneetlnfiv Bouchjll- neee anions the turfmen took much of .- the enjoyment from the sport, ' how i ever, and few care to- repeat their ex- - lukHflnr..' thara. : f The news received here from friends of Capt 8. 8. Brown is most encourag ' lns. To one of tlfem Captain: Brown . wrltea that he is fast regaining- health; that he welgha 108 pounds and hopes to go to New Orleans within the next two weeks. If weather conditions are , at ail xavorapie. ....'. 'C ;', -. Few men atand higher in the eatlma- ' tlon of sporting men than- the Ng Ptttsburger. and that he eoon will be able to take an active Interest In racing ' la moat gratifying. It Is .regarded as likely that by reason of hla connection, . witn tne newrAmerican nacing aaeocia- tlon- hla colors will not be. seen as fre- quently as could be desired, In the eaatJ mil n is pretty aare.toeay tnac as wui ' make a strong bid 0r some of the rich racing plums in the east. , , ' . If . Harry Payne Whitney's nomina tions for tne Realisation of-llaf mean anything, ; the best 3-year-olds . In his barn this year wilt be the Hamburg. Mr. Whitney haa made "six nominations, . five of which are by Hamburg. They are highly bred on their dams' side, too. One -Is from Cinderella., one l-f rora Peg . Wofflngton, one is from i The 1 Lioness, one im. from' Martha II and one 1 from Xela, v ,.- r The exodus of jockeys to Europe Is on. . Archie Molntyra, who will give up riding and wUJ train -a stable In- France, the coming season, already haa departed. Bo has Jockey Dickson, who is to ride for ,W. K. Vanderbllt O'Connor had expected to go at the same time, but oould not get accommodations and haa postponed hls trip for- a later sailing. Danny Maher has not yet announced -when he win a tart for London. - : aaany nam iuck stories nave peemioia aj irtinw. ana vrirni oc we irvuins horses down the arand circuit during 10I. There's Ed Goers, winner of 38 races on the circuit last season. That . doesn't sound like hard luck, yet there were times when the "silent man", came - In for hla-share. For Instance, Qeers was nosed out in a number-ef serve racking finishes, eo that altogether he ,' finished second IS times. The cham pion second mosey winner,' however, was Charley 'De Ryder,' who had the East View farm stable. He raced Into the place JO tlmea and landed 14 firsts. It la said that he -lost the big end of the purse by scant heada no less than a doaea times. W. L. Snow is tied with Geers for - second money honors, . and haa won II races. Bert Shank of Cleve- . land won 18 second moneys. At Thomas 18 and Scott Hndson 10. BEGIN PREPARATIONS V: FOR -TENNIS SEASON - (Jseraat Special Ar-lea.) ' New Tork. March . When the execu tive committee of 4ha , United -States Lawn Tennis -association meets tonight at Delmonlco's it will consider several suggested changes In the regulations governing tne international tennla con test for the Davis trophy. A team will . be sent to England the coming summer to contest for the trophy, which la now in possession, of. the Lawn Tennis as sociation of Great Britain. Tonight's .meeting Is also expected tj announce dates for the tournaments to be held throughout the United States the com ing summer. .-. v, . .- " IB TOatOBBOW. ,. The Corvallle and Albany girls' bas . ket-ball teams will be In Portland to- morrow evening, when they will play the deciding game of a aeries that la to fix the glrla' championship for the state. " The game will be played at the Y, M. . C A. gymnasium In Portland, and Physi cal Director Babbitt of the T. M. C A. and Ralph Matthews of Salem will of- tic-late at the game. A large crowd of the Albany and Corvallia college atu 1 dents and friends of the two teams will come to Portland on the local .tomorrow morning for the game. - -.. . d , THE VALUE OP CHARCOAL yew People Know Slow TJsefal it la la . Piss si ling Kealth aad Beeaty. . Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Js the safest and most efficient dlaln ectant and purifier In nature, but few - realise. Its value when taken Into the human syatem for the same cleansing purpose. ' . Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of It the better; It is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the faaes and Impurities always preaent In he stomach and intestines and carries them out of the system. Charcoal- sweetens, the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and im proves the complexion, It whitens the teeth and further arts aa a natural and eminently safe cathartic It absorbs the Injurious gases which collect In the stomach and bowels; It dlslnfecta the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists . sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and -the most for the money Is In Stuart's Charcoal Lose n ires; they are composed of the finest antiseptics In tablet form or rather In the form of large, plessant tasting loaengea, the charcoal being mixed with honey. . The dally use of these loaengee will soon tell In a much improved condition of the general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of It la, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but on the contrary,' great benefit. A Buffalo physician. In speaking of the benefits of charcoal, aayai "I ad vise Stuart's Charcoal Loaengea to all patlenta suffering from gaa in stomach and bowels, and to clear the complet ion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver la greatly benefited by. the dally use of them: they -rost hut twenty-five cents a box .at drug stores, .and although In some series a patent preparation, ye I be lieve I get more and better rh arena 1 In Htuert's Charcoal lnrenges than In any of the ordinary charcoal tablets." AT OAKIAKD TRACK "Jockey Conner Under Contract to Walter Jennings, Mys teriously Disae'ars. ' - (Joaraal Special Service.) ' San Francisco, March Olendennlng. the favorite in the first race yesterday, won handily. Jockey Banner, colored, who, rides for the Jennings stable, haa disappeared. " Summary: - Five furlongs Qlendennlng wen, Pickaway second. Redan thlrdime, 1:00, . Four furlongs lea beau won. A'vonalla second, April's Pride third; time, :414. Futurity course My Order won, Bdro dun second, Meada third; time, 1:10. Mile and 100 yards Scherso won, An drew Mack second. Eahartn third; time, l:4K. - . '. ; v ' Seven furlongs Hugh MeOowait won, Bab second. Serenity third; time, 11114. One mile Melateralnger won. Tana hauaer V second, Silurian third; . time. ... f, At Ascot ':: . Los Angeles. March . Lustlg' was the only favorite to reach the Wire Brat yeaterday. Summary:- . ' i ' Six f urlonga Wlnlf reda woo, Miss Powell ' second, Hindoo Princess thlrd; time. l:lVi. -' .- ; - :. r Mile and ?a-yar Lustlg won, Gea tle Harry . second. Ripper third; time, 1:47. . ."; ' . : Six furlongs John A. Scott won. Lord of the Heath second. Bailey third; time, 1:14. . , Mile and a sixteenth, handicap Cln rlnnatua won, Foncaata second,. Sheriff Bell third; time, l:4(, . , Six furlongs Cloverton won. Cerro Santa second, Metlakatla third; time. One mile Penlque won, Dod Ander son second, Tryon third;; time; 1:41 ".'-''""'"."'it JTsw 'Mmmar7:i1:':. New Orleans; March t. Crescent City results: . t . One mile Fruit won, CJovar Hampton second. Man Amour third; time. 1:48 8-1. Mile end 70 yards AJiinaa won, Jay Free Knight second, - Qoldaga -r third; time. 1:47. . . Mile and a quarter Blue Mint won. Mint Bed second. Caithness third; time. 8:08 8-1. , . V' " - - --Premier stakes, five furlongs Leon art Joe .Hayman won, Jim McQinnis second. Sainada third; tlmer-4:08 - Special, one mile Rapid water won, Phil Finch aeoond. Right Royal third; time. l:S Six 'and. a half farlongs Bountiful won, Hadrian second. Clique third;. tlm 1:14 8-8. Mile and - TO - yards Blennen - Worth won. Exclamation second, . Male Hanlon Ulrd; ttma, 1:48 8-. ' . " ;: . At Hot Storing. Hot Springs, Ark. March r.8. Oak Lawn results: Three and a - half f urlonga Maxima won, AvleLon seconds Jack's Queen third i time. :. Six and a half furlongs canajonatie won, Inflammable second, Loons third time, 1:15 8-S. Mile snd'-,a sixteenth Ous Heldorn won, Toacan second. Alien third ; time, 1:80 8-8. i Six fuclonga--Blaek Art won. Shady Lad aeoond, Wild Irishman third;, time. 1:18 S-4V-- f .' -s Four "furlongs Was. won,- Dr. Hall worth--second, Peter- the Great third; time, t:50 -. ' CHEMAWA GIRLS v DEFEAT'WILLAMETTE (Special IHapatch te The Joaraal. X Chemawa. Or-- March 8. The glrla' basketball team . of Chemawa defeated the glrla of Willamette university here last night by a score of 18 to 8, after one Of the most hotly' contested games that has ever been played here this sea eon. Carrie Belknap threw the only two roals that -were made by Willam ette, but four points were added to their soore by fouls which were awarded them by the of ficialr For the Chemawa team Lottie Woods threw five goals and Tlllla Bouvlgner threw one. and one more point was added as the result or - a tool Twenty-minute halves were played. v to line-up was as ioiiowb: . Chemawa. Willamette. Tlllle Bouvlgner.. ..Q.. ...Nellie Parsons Mabel Maker.., ...Q.... Maud Oriswald Ruth Boott. ........ C Carrie Belknap Louise Murrey.. ...F. ..... Ruble Coryell Lottie Woods. Km.. .Alice Shepherd Tne official a were; jicreres, oimp- aon: umnire. nrni. An enlovable time was spent after where a reception was gtvefrtteTyotfTtST ladles by their opponents. Rerresh- ments- were served and a couple of hours were spent listening to sweet music until the arrival of the southbound train. i es Boson MMaama ' INVITATIONS OUT FOR INTERCOLLEGIATE MEET i (Jsoroal Special Service.) 4 Phlladelphia. March . Invitation for the intercollegiate track meet to be held here next month under tne auaplcea at .the University of Pennsylvania have already brought .lortn many replies, which Indicate that the meet will be the most successful ever held In the history of Intercollegiate athletics. The moat Important feature of the meet will be the presence of a number of relay teams and crack individual performers from the mort important western universities. This will be the first time In a number of -years-; that -the- weetera- end oatern college athletea have met In a general meet, and because of this fact the eom lng meet will almost equal In import ance the 'Intercollegiate championships. The universities of Chicago, Michigan, Minnesota 'and Wisconsin have all ac cepted Invitations to send relay teams and have also algnlfltd their Intention of -sending teams of Individual .atara to compete in the individual events. , Omar uetovs (Joorsal Special Service.) Springfield, Ohio. March . Much Im portant business is scheduled for trans action at the meeting of the Central Baseball league in session here today. In addition to completing -the schedule for the coming aeaaon the dlrectora will conalder and act upon mattera relating to the final make-up of tne circuit. Ow Ins to the threat to prevent Sunday baseball In this city It msy be decided advisable to transfer- the BprlngAeld franchise to Lima or Canton. - -- v ; cos f company defeated EJ In the Indoor baseball game at the armory last even- Ina by the score of 10 to 7. Battery A and -companies B and II are tied for the lead In the Indoor championship serins, each having , won four games, , The score! ' ; -. Company H......1 tlllt 18 10 Compare K .0180 1 8 0 0 0 T Batteries H. Auatmr and Dohle; E. Henderson andlaher. ) . - Umpires Talng and Jameson. -. Oreeon Agricultural College Is . Developing Excellent Material ; ) for Cominz Season. :. . SEVERAL MEETS HAVE ; ALREADY BEEN ARRANGED Corvallia Girls' Team Going to Portland When" They Meet" Albany at Basketball. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . Corvallia, March 8 Dally practice, rata or shine, is rapidly developing ex cellent material for track work, out at O. A. C. The covered track has been used for a number of weeks but the weather is and haa been for many days ideal, and the men are profiting by the conditions. ''Prospects - for a brilliant season la athletloa were never brighter at the agricultural 'college. - .Especially Is this true of the traek team. Meets have . already been arranged with the University of Oregon and Washington, the events to take 'place at Corvallia, and arrangements are being made for Pullman to hold a meet with O. A. C on the home field here. '.The Forest Qrove team, last year's winners of the championship. Is also scheduled to be In a meet here. - The first event oo curs on Saturday, May 80, the Unlver alty of Washington to be In Corvallia at that time. The 27th of May the Uni versity of Oregon meet occurs In Cor vallia and besides these,, the-manager of the team of the University of Cali fornia haa agreed with Manager Stlmp son of O. A. C, that If the men from California come to the Lewis end Clark fair, a meet will be arranged for at Corvallia with the Aggies, If desired by the latter, t. The O. A. CL girU' basketball team goes to Portland Friday morning, where, in the evening, they are to play a game with the Albany team, 'to decide the championship, each aggregation now having a game to its credit. The game Friday evening will be played. In the T. M. C. A. hall, although the O. A. C. girls would have put up a better game In a larger room, being accustomed to the armory, where they are not - re stricted In spaoe. . PORTLAND TO HAVE ASSOCIATION CLUB Enthus&stic. Meeting of Football Enthusiasts Held in Cham ber" of Commerce. The Portland Association Football club was organised at a meeting held last night In the Chamber of Commerce building, when these officers were elected for' the ensuing year: Uonbrari ammMmh. - n-, T r. . ,41 president, John Dickson; captain,- Stewart; secretary, Oolln -V. Dyment; treasurer, u. Kenneny; executive com mittee, C. A. Stewart, J. O. Kllpack and Alexander C Rae, The opening game of the season will be played Saturday hftornooa at 8 o'clock on grounds to be afterward selected on tba eaat Bids, with an eleven to be selected from the sailors of the British ships now In the. harbor. Qames are also talked of with the Ilwaoo - club at Ilwaco May 80, wlta Ilwaco at Portland July 1 and with South Bend and Tacoma. Many of the Portlands also - belong to the . Portland lacrosse club;, and the association foot ball and laeroaae men will mutually as sist each other ta taks care of these two forms of outdoor sport. It Is calculated that there are 180 association football players In this city and vicinity and all .who wlaa to Join the Portland club are asked to communicate with the sec retary, Colin . V. Dyment, or Charles A. Stewart, 848 Alder street . i tsTOsr- BOVT. (Jearaal Special Service.) Battle Creek. - Mich- March 8. The postponed fight between Eddie Preston of Battle Creek and Joe Cherry of Sagi naw, whloh was to have taken place a week ago. will be pulled off tonight In Hamblla'a opera house and the local enorting fraternity is on edge la antici pation of the affair. The championship titl'eof Tchlgan laThvolved" in the re sult and as both fighters have boats of admirers and followers a large crowd Is expected to be oa hand for the mill. . asasaawassss BAI nCBTBAU At SAUIS. " (Special Dtspstes te The Journal. DaUas. Or.. March 8 The - Dallaa Athletic Basketball club team will meet the Independence Athletlo association team In a return game on the Dallaa college gymnaalum floor Baturday night The game la expected to be a feat and exciting contest. PLAGUE OF THE NIGHT Keeps, Thousands of Psopls In Portland Awake. " Keeps -you awake: can't sleep a wink. Bad enough If you loee your rest But It's harder still to bear at work. Breeds misery by day, profanity by Bight . . , - . .i , Know wnat it ibt . . The bane of all Classes of neoDle Itching pIlesT - . lien, itcn,. ucn. nearly drives yon craxy. - . , . tiara to near, narq o waia, nam to sit down. Itching ' away, in any poaition, any time. Don't atand it any longer. -There'a relief for every one. prompt and permanent. . Poan'e Ointment relieves st once. ' Tlrtan's Ointment cures oermanentlv. Piles, ecsema and all akin dlaeaaea '.' Read , what a local cltlaen .says; . . Jacob Ifesaona. brick mason, who re sides st the rorner of East Twenty- eighth and Kelly avenue, says: "I had Itching netnorrnoiaa ror iwo or tnree years and suffered severely, oertlcularly during hot weather, and at night .they worried me so I could not Sleep, wmn I read about Doan's Ointment I sot a ho at the Iue-Davle Drua Co.'m store. corner of Yamhill and Third streets, and It save me more nenent than any other preparation I ever used. I wish Its wonderful- curative powers were known to every one who needs w cure for th- ailments for which the uae of Doan's Ointment la Indicated." ' For Bale . by alt dealers,' price 80 rents. Foster-Mllniirn rnmpany. Buf falo. N. Y sole agents for the Unite-J States. , . ' Remember tne name AUAN B and take no substitute. jrV. V ' IICLD SLUGGING BEE -, ; ... -'i Portland, SticKers Bat Westlake All Over the Lot and Score ' - ' ! Sixteen Runs.' -' r Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Bakeraflf Id. Cel., March 8. Pitchers Cstes and Ollpatrlck arrived here this morning from Kansae City. . They are well pleaaed at reaching the end of their Journey and assured the Portland rnana ger that they are glad to start practice. Both are. husky looking fellows and are of the right build for pitchers. The Portland team played a game with the Bakerafleld team yesterday and beat them to the tune of 18 to 8. Garvin pitched for the leaguers and had, the local talent guessing at all stages. ' Big Joha McLean played first baae, and as a'Teault Is very r stiff and sore this morning, but started with the bunch on their cross country Jaunt, which la part ,- Of ' the conditioning program mapped out by MoCreedle. Eddie Van Burea was the here of yesterday's game, aecurlng four hits and scoring Ave runs off of Westlake. the local pitcher. Householder Is the star -base runner of the bunch at present, and the way he eavorta around the outfield is ex cellent In yesterday's game he stole three bases on Kaynell, the local catcher. - , The teams lined up aa follows: . Garvin ...........p ......Westlake Coe, Swtndalla, ,o. ........ i . Kayraee McLean. Coe. .. ........ i. McCoy MoCreedle !b....... Shea Gleaaon ..aa Benton Householder ...... 8b.. ....... Bradbury Van Buren If.... Obeck Jones, Bi, ........ Alexander Esslck ...,'.t rf....v , Purge BENNETT AND FRANK BOX TO A DRAW Many Interesting outs Pulled , - Off at Multnomah Club ::..';'v' Last Evening. . ' A large and enthusiastic audience as sembled at the Multnomah club last evening to witness the wrestling snd boxing tournament between Ales De France and Edgar Frank of the Mult nomah club and Dave Miller. Snd E1 Bennett of the Seattle Athletic club. -De France eaaUy defeated MUler In the wrestling match, taking two straight fall a. v - ,., . - - .- The boxing con (eat was more Interest ing. It was scheduled to - go three rounds, but st the end of that period Referee Oloss could not distinguish any difference In the merit earned by both contestants and called for another round. Both Bennett and Frank dis played considerable cleverness and at the end of the fourth round, the referee called the affair draw, Will Comsn- was given the decision over George Teller in the lit pound preliminary boxing bout. - H. Nicker won hla bout with Paul. Belt by a knockout In the fifth round. O. Dranga won from jonnny uougiaa on a xoui. - i, :'The preliminary wrestling bout be tween K. Monu'gae and Dr. Tuttle was won by Montague In two straight falls. ntiinnliiiin vrm v. UMMDnifiUi I CAM DEFEATS GOLD LEAF The league match last evening on the Portland alleys between the Oambrlnus snd Gold Leaf teams proved very citing. The Gold Leafs hsd the largest number of pins, but the Oambrlnus took two out of the three games. The third game was very exciting, the Gold Leafs led lip to the last frame, .but two of their men got splits and the Oambrlnus boys finished strong and beat them out seven pins. -Kneyse had the high average, 181 1-8. He rolled a very steady game. Fickea had the- high single game, rolling 218 In hla second. ' . The scores wera GOLD LEAF. 1st - Id 8d 4th Gsma Game. Game, Game. Flcken 14 zi its 17f P. Cloaaet .,..13 Hlnnekamp ..1(8 111 1(8 3-1 113 1-3 17S 1-3 riieDeia ......11 Gaillard .188 . " 340 817 831 . OAMBRINUS, --w- - -- 1st 2d 3d 4th . Game. Game. Game. Game. Kneyse .i.... 101 J0 31 1811-3 Keating ......171 " Je 111 18ft 2-8 Hoffman .....1ST J44 13 1.4 1-3 W. Cloaaet ...'.I 19 1(8 1(4 Pall 118 - 188 188188-- ' 8(3 73 88 Flcken challenges Kneyse to an In dividual eonteat of II camea. the man winning six our of the 11 to be the vic tor. Kneyse Immediately accepted. The match will be decided in the very near future. - " . i f ' V ' -C If. Ball established a new alley record yesterday 'by rolling the highest game that haa even been ' put up in Portland at ten plne He made 28. within 11 of the possible. He spared In hla first game, then made 18 atraight strikes and got nine on his last ball. That la certainly going a few. C J. McMenomy previously had the 1 record, 37. Mrs. L. C. Keating and Mlas Lid well visited the alleys last . evening. Mrs. Keating had the good average of 148 for the two succesalve games. Miss Lid well la also getting to be quite an expert at the game. CITY BASEBALL - - , LEAGUE IS FORMED The members of the local baseball playing fraternity have, organised a city league, composed of two clubs, one rep resenting the eaat and the othef th west side. Kd Rankin la the manager of the eaat aide team and Kd Jacobs, who 18 also president, of the league, will look after the interests of the - west side club, which Is to be known as the Schillers. A name will be chosen for the eaat aides In the near future, as they have several cigar and other namea under consideration. , - . s They are to play a series of games during the coming summer, the first of which la scheduled for next Sunday, providing the weather holda good. The teams are compoaed of the following playera: , Schillers. Position , East Sides. Vlgneux, 81avln....c.... Brown Crandall ......... .p. ........ . Lettow Haynes lb., .... ..A Psrrott J, Rankin. ....... .lb. ....... . Bk-hmeer Joe Fay,...' .as... ,. Newell Gray ........... ...... . Patterson Hart lf........H. 8lebels Drennen ........ ..... . ...R. Psrrutt U. O. Baldwin.... ..rf... v Oliver VARSITY TEAM WILL ;v ; ; , PLAY AT NEWBERO (Special Dtspales te Tea Joaraal.) - Forest - Grove, Or.i - March - i The varsity basketball team will drive across 18 til ITS 1(3 128 . 175 178 133 -,,a,,M(fc,rim,,MaeaiiM,,MM"",i ft JIUWUUiUifKltttUlHMf is uncommon so they : say f It is becoming more com mon every day here.' Peo pie are exercising , good judgment by trading with V us,!' If you happen to need anything in Furnishings or Hats and take a look at what we have to sell, your, 'eyes will teH a bigger and , better story ' Uian our space permits just now. 1 Hotel Perkins Building This Week! MUST HAVE MONEY ! I 4, 5, fj, 7 and 8-room houses and cottages, all complete and strictly modern. See owner, v In the White House at Nashville Station, on Mt Scott car line. Phone Union 1561. E.Ss v;i::Lcv;'3 xcdtc:: err.:? Sastinsiill ealldrasT while It sooiasa tae by aim t Teetaii rmoneoM lag foe ssTUaa roe yirtv Tears. i oaila. sartess the ruu. aUars p&la. soras wind eoUe. Sad Is aha baa sesieay rnraiaiisise. TwxjfTTjriva cm a BermjL, SLT CLT.E FO.V PILES FTCaiLSI a roes areaoae aeurtara aaSeai frhis lorm. aa weU aa auad. Bleedlas oe 1 laraiarussiawaeaaaw oj am. i iMUMimwrll raase. ua BOSAHOt aSa. al the country to Newberg Friday. Where the boys will meet their Quaker breth- ren in : the aftftrni torlcal contest to be held there. The track men are hard at work theae pleaaant evenings, and the men are hav. lng their hare and hound ehaaes acrosa the country. - Some of the new men are ahowing up well. Dlmlck. Law rence and O. PhUbrook are doing re markably good work In the weights. The team la aadly In need of a good vaulter alnce Gilbert entered Yale. Bold, Brown and Ferrtn are vaulting well for new men. They are .very anxious for Trainer Moulton to arrive, so that they can get the proper form. Huston. Ward, Davla, Aller, Arnatnn and Clapp arfe all working hard for the distances. With all these new men and all the old team except Gilbert, the vaulter, and Barnet. the weight man, Moulton will-certainly put out one of the strongest teams Pa cific ever had. Manager Wirt a Is arranging meets with all the schools of the state. There seems to be no difficulty except with O. A. C, which wishes to have the Sthletl jjontest earjler in, the season than la satisfactory wlth'Taclflo uni versity, ' DR. HILL INTERESTS CHICAGO IN CONGRESS ' . ' MW (Joaraal HpeHal tVrrlte.) Chicago,- March , 8. Rev. Edgar' V. Hill, who Is pushing arrangomenta for the educational and social congresses at th Lewis sjtd Clark fair la Portland, ta In conference with municipal muaeum offlclala regarding the plana of the clvlo congress to be held In August In con nection with the exposition.' Chicago will be well represented In the con gress. 1 r ... BXKXBXT OF raOTOQBAPmS. "(Special Dtepateh U . JoanaLi Daltaa, Or., March 8. T. J. Cherrlng- ton. a v photographer of this city. Is gathering together a collection of pho toaraphs of Old Polk county citliens over 70 years of age. This eollectiou will te among the other Polk county exhibits at the Lewis aadXlark.expo sltloa. v -f- '. 1 ' '' to OC Okaapw He- may well think he haa rot off rheap who, after having contracted con stipation or Indigestion, til shle. to perfectly restore hla neatth. Nothing win oo mis nut ir. ivinga new l.ue Pills. A quirk, pleaatfrt and certain Robinson House Sale cur for bendaohe. ' constipation,-. etc th at Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Osk streets, an the way to the poet, office 1 guaranteed. . . .- T I . : . '. ' .: prfct ; Heduced AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE" THE FOI- V , : J':: LOWING PRICES ARE RETAIL, DE ' ;: vo',. ' . LIVERED TO CONSUMER; ' Newcastle Lump . . $5.00 $5.50 Newcastle Nut : . ! ; 4.50 5.00 Australian (Rit0nd) . v 6.00 6.50 Roslyn . . 'S;f::.' 6.00 6.50 Rock Springs 7.; .: . 6.50 V 7.00 Kemmefcr . 7. . 6.50 7.00 v - v', ' -: " '"V: ? -v , . ; ,. Other - Coals ' Prcdportionately Low. :- ' -' The Pacific Coast Co. 249 W3toa St. Tdsphones 229 end 23? aA.s Clean As Nciv Paint v '-v-v --------- - ----f - ,.. Has no better Illustration than arToId-, faahloned bathroom made ta -look "aa neat aa a pin" by means of our ready touse paint Every housekeeper can thoroughly appreciate this fact, .and a trial Is sura to dispel gay doubts. , Fisher, Thors en & Co. - , 1 pbobtt WtA Wabash Tcai New Yoirk and New England Points ---y - Tba Tims Schsdulo WlH Convince Yoti.----.-?- v '.r StopOfiAUowad at NIAGARA FALLS. V." ROSS C. CLINE, P. C. P. A.; Los Angeles; Cal. O. OEE WO ; TtM Qrsist Chlnsss Dctor a called great be 'esase hla wonderful - cures are so erell known fhraaaheat the Uj..teeV Statea aad because oo many paoole are thankful . to him for saving their mtss froea OPERATIONS Ha treats eny and sll diseases with 4 powerful C hla ess I herbs, roots, buda J barks snd veaetebles h that are entirely n S I tkla MM. Known 9 meujcow . thVlcUoS o7e.r t clfty.t ramble. dlMasea. He guarantees to ears catarrh, esOma. lung tronbles. rteamatlsin. aer. vonsneea stomach, liver, kMneya, Sale trouble and all private dlseasea undreds ef testlmonUla Charges moderate Can end so hlsa, .- twiiuLTATioi nrnn. .,. a tH attv wrtta foe blank aad elreuUr. .ncloee stamp. AeV THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. : isi Aider street Portland. Or. Stair, way of 331 H Alder street leads) to sa see. Meatioa tnis rVHl O SPICES COTTHE, DAIfir. j PCVrDER CsshMhr. nnnfFIvor; CmSrm, CasonilJtfrkci CLOSnTGDZYED ;F01TIXJUO.OvttaON. DH. GUIKl'S BLOOD ? KEEVE TONIC a Titur to tAii at ataat. rata. AcUae aa the Blsad aad Manse K eaptaeaa wtt leas , Irsai Msaeea, Onrswh sr Otaslsettaa. fa Me ft vti ltrtmftk.( M fmt). I ' T Kmmt Wimkmftfrom Amf Cum. r. Crest. Isn feraa, fa Improf th H tea Dini tptUm. U MMty ntlmtl1 fmtvw. r.Sa.lNMM4ePS. r. OWs aaam fteiosa ft Isaa Uom fpeU.. T tl Olmr. fe Owe PtMBMsea . ... gWisn m sad Psertsatfra. SOLS ST DRUMIITt, OS ST MAIL ON SECElPT f oapSICI,7ae.SBOX;SB0XUs sa. bosamko 00, Daxia, a. CL uOu la tae worst dlSHae aa earth. yet the eelet te car. WHKN If Oil KNOW WHAT TO (Ml. Maay ba.a aim- tae the .till I leoeth. sleara. ralltmi glllJfllvJkalr. kae sahw. ea W w . " t.rrk. aaa aoatkiw"! ralltmc It la HIXK FfilftON. Bend te BROWN, MW Art-bet.. PkUsdelrnla, Pee... foe SROWN'I rllx'tD I t RH. tron m bottlej U.ia eae awotk. gold la Pwrtiead eoly ay Fraafe t a fwtiaad Usui rbaraucy. ...... , , . TEA4 r - POL,LOWTrl8) PLAO !L . '.; Ask Uts A(ent abefut . ' ,. ; " ; v. 1st Car Service Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK1 . . ' ' ' !....,--. - We treat aaeeassrariy aO arivst.. ewiusi aad . ekrseie ainssis ( am; a to blned. iHsark, heart, treer. kllaay aaS taraat trail bias. We care SYPHtLLIS wlthwet OMirearT) te stay enred rnrent, ta 30 ta SO Saya. We rwa. axaiCTtaa, Mtbtft seeratlM st sake, ta U Sara. . We atee sritna. the malt ef srif-asaae. Iwomltateiy. We eaa reatare the ssaal viae . naf was asoar ao by ssrass ef Iseal tree-- mmn uu te earseiv Qoaorrfaoes ia a Week W brfMl. bm H a. las aradaatea. kave had OMsr yeaer' apwl.aaat aai- basa kanwe la Ptirtlaad tor la fMi. h.-. a i.sauttoa to w.tntala sad wilt ailir -t.k. ae Mae aalass eartala core eaa be feeted. We saarantee te ears la every ease we asdee. take or rhare ae fee. Cnmtatartoa frea. Let. tara easS4eatlal. laetraetlve BOOK rOS Steal sutleS free la plala wrapper. If yea eaasot call at offlee, writ, tee ease. tJea klaak. , Heae treatMat eaeesasreL Otnee boors t te aad T te S. SaadayS sad ... holloar. 10 to tf. Tbj leadtag apeelaUsta ta the gel thews. XatabUabed lSSS. . ... Dr. W; Norton Davis & Co. Taa Say SeUl. . t. Oer. Tbtre aad Jiae Sta. VOSTLAXS. 0 OOS. HENRVWEINIIARD 'TWprtetoT hrths' City Brewery " largest and Stoat Ooiaplete ' Brewery ta tae SToathwest. Bottled Beer a Spedclty iraon He. rs. , OSlea 13th aad aaraslde Strasta. ' PORTLAND. OKPOOK. ; . Every IVcirrh. soonaH BBS mnmtu alxot the v MAXtTL WUrfci i tail aartioaUiaaaadire-tir rsla. VBloaBl. u ladles. M A .A. tmm ldg aew 1 era. mm 1 vy iW. V I Ta. a eMi srea. , , Emm aiirSAv ' " wKisatif iba , ' .. , , cth-r. hli4 - toe , - 1JIUMTIM1 MM-MWW. 1TT1 X W H fir .,5.. i I -