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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
"ziiz c'rcon dai journal, fohtlaiid. Thursday evening; march 9,- ues. I I I A 4f H.gtf.rtfcs .37 1 Foremost Store , with Lrjett , Stock on the : Pacific. Coast - - ' . Tr.--'N : - , ' 7"i nrnmTMT a t t GREAT '. ' v.' r' PREPARED VALUES IN THE LIST OF EXTRA SPE- newest goods from leading African a at which many lots are marked will be a pleasant surprise to those to whom economy, as well as style and dependability is a matter of ihterestRe uiav arc unca wim price caras calling attention to tne location 01 very special values m tne new spring gooas. ' School of Domestic 'Science. C v Special" announcement: During the ! Lenten ' season now on ' we shall make ' a specialty of serving eggs In various ' tastjr and appetudng forms. ' Efaiu for Friday Ilarcb 1 0 5 Tea'. Coffee . Chocolate '.' Milk" Served (From . Bottles- ; Clam Chowder '.V-" . Shrimp Salad . - Poached Eggs and'Toast J' Omelettfe ' ;i ' V v . -' ':- Four-Minute Eggs- V . ' J'j Ham 'Sandwiches ; ."Hot Rbihr v -- -Bread and Butter: . Tea Cakes BTIRRIMO VALUES IN THE) . ; a HCitchen-fiimishmg andH ; J Table-ware Stocks - "'. . . ,On th Third Floor. , ...,.! ' "r- - v .'i special fob'; ritrDATV. ; . t ; :' ; v ' Xa -kdaiUaa to th xtraordlnarr values advsrtlsd earllr. in th wk which rvnalo ' la fore until .timing' ttm. of 8turdy Imoa .on special uls ' for TYiday only tbo foiiowior Itat of zeptlonaJ bar-, gain and wo uao th word in tha nnabuMd mpn: J-Bnrnr..Oa, Pla.te,- with nickel-plated baaer . claL each ......,,.......................$2.25. l.Bnrnar Oil 8tovL With 4-lrtch wickrapeeial. L each'. .,..,.'..;..........39e S-Burncr OH Store, with 4-lnch wlckj apeelal, 7 ' - .each ..... ..TO - r ' too 'mubh boiler -: . 2-Qnart Beat Oraalta Iron llueh or Rloa Boiler, rtra- ' lar value 70o; epeclal. each, .............. .59) Covered Qranita Iron riah Kettle; apeclal,' j each ...........91.40 In addition to our great' Kitchen Furnlehtng Bale, we place on Bale for Friday only the fallowing:- ; Reglar 14.75 Cut Olaaa Berry Bowl; apeolal. each .. . . .f 3.60 4.5 SUGAR AND CREAMER . ; Quadruple Plate Dessert Sugar and Creamer, French . , gray finish, regular value $4. l; special. , each $3.98 ' Standard Plated- Teaspoons, set of , regular value ' 75c; special, set...................... 484 Standard Plated Dessert Spoons, oet of . t, regutar - - value $1.13; special,' set. .v..85 Standard Plated Tablespoon's,' set. of (. regular value , ll.fB; special set. . ... . ; ..... . . . . .96e r-; y r-Ti.5N:LCCKS -'t4.i.f : -Dy Mahtle Clock.' 1V4 Inches high. 1114 Inches wide,- Mark enamel with - gilt -trlmmlnga,. strike every half hour, cathedral goDgji regular value v ii.tO; special, each... ......... . ..84.'89 Wire Toasters r apeclalTeach ....... . , ,:. . . . Se) Garden Tools; special, each . . . . . . . .' .. ; , '. . . 3e Weeding Forks; special, each .4e , " Jlo METAL POLISH lie. .VT ' ' ' - - . Burnshlne" for cleaning brass, copper, aloe, tin and nickel; regular value 15c; apeclal, bottle..... 11 ......... .i. A V". BREAD 'PANS' tc. ' v.-r Deep Sheet-Stee Bread Pans; special, each. 84 '' Ki il V BACCEPANl Jle. ' . . , 4- Quart Beat Granite Iron Saucepan, regular value v too; special, each.. .......,............,. .2l4 ''' '',;' V:V.' T TIlAPOT'j '.' 1 - i-rint Nickel-Plated Teapot, regular vain 75oj ' 8 ' :' special, each ...-S94 : ; ISO FRUIT PRESS J7e.:'' '. I .. . , Patent Fruit or Potato Press, regular value tic: special, each 274 '," ;x J iso mirrors' ii '. till Mirrors, in good wood, frame, regular value ..: ISc; special, each.,,, A,,t',................18 Wire Soap Savers; special, each. '..'... .6 4 Covered Brownbread Moulds. 1H quarts;, , special, each .284 Tin BaK or Pepper Bhakere; special, each. ....... 14 Wire Egg Whips; special, each....'. .......... ..3? 5- Inch Bowl Strainers, wood handles; special, ' each -T..174 Surp A Great-Two-Day Distribution of in Silks l- and Dress Values Goods V-'-. r For Spring Growris of Dressy Women , SOUTH ANNEX FIRST FLOOR BAR CAINS THE GREATER BECAUSE TIMELY NEW- 1905 SUIT SILKS ' New 1905 vBlack Dress Goods, in FanamaTEq" anjr shown irr-towrr-at-'$1.00 -per -New 1903 36-inch Fast Black Percaline, soft - silky finish ; our ; 15c grade. I Special for Friday and Saturday, per yard..r.9f and Crispine weaves j our $1.25 quah "ties. Special for Friday and Saturday : .... f.-., yard, but our regular 85c quality in all the new colors and patterns. , Special for Friday and Saturday,.."... ...... 69eV COLORED DRESS GOODSr 54-inch New.1905 Novelty English Mohair, in . navy, , brown' and' green, the most ; popular " -; fabric pn the market for shirt-waist suits and ' skirts; our $3.00 quality.'; -Special for Friday and Saturday. only, per yard.. $1.52 New ; 1905 Np'veltyEnglish Mohair, " " good color assortment . to ' choose - '.from; ; our $1.73 ij. quality j "Special . ' for Friday and Saturday only, , per yard -. . , . . ,:. . . . .$1.39 New. 1905 AU Pure Wool French Voile, this is the best voile sold on the continent at $1.00 r per yard." G)lors are tan; modes, grays, cop i -4cr, fox, Vmahogany, browns, greens and navies. Special for Friday and Satur- ' r day-only per yard.V... ....-.... ,'.,74f SPDaAl FRIDAY VALUES IN TUB VW6men's Fancy ; uoou5:onop3 ' 4 ' '-: Ploor.'i . . Wjpirjjen's : 85c LJsle Gloves A special line of; Women's ' Fine Im : ported Lisle Thread Olovea, every pair ! fres'n, clean and well made black. , white, mode and . gray, . resular ralue 8So; . special, pair .... . .'. . . . . . .48f . . - .r SO Cent Embroideries for ::48c Yard Aflne lot of wide Embroideries and In ; sertlons inNaTnTnrtttflTrlss and Ctlg, . brio, resnlar ralues Seo and 0c; ' '- special, yard ' . .". .48 45c Ribbons 25c Swell Satin Taffeta Ribbons, ' 4 Inches .wide, in colors and black and white, I re volar ralue 4c; apeclal. yd. t. 254 - t -- v.-, Attractive Hosiery TOTTVB WAITED FOR-THIS BALE OF WOMEN'S NEW AND FETCHlNO'j Spring ; and t; ji Suiairner; Shirt- .:;;.Waists;:- In the bis; Salons of Dress, second floor. Cold and Inexpressive styles cannot tell the beauty of these pretty waists that gtj tjn na ler tomorrow at about half pi Ice and the season lor tneir wear is jusi be sinning. $3.75 Waists $1.89 New Bprtnc . "Waists In cotton ' madras and oxford pleats on shoulders, leg of mutton sleeves. French beck, tan. white, with Dolly' Vardetr flirurea and rose bad designs, regular value 11.76: special, each ............... .SI. 89 sgHaBBBaBVpBBBBp.ft&SkgpHpjWappRaaaaBBmBSMmmmmmmmmmw GRAND ' OPENINci BALE FRIDAT. SECOND - FLOOR ANNEX. : NewTailored w Hats In our search through the market In tne east we secured the cream of America's leading manufacturers In swell,- stylish Headwe Where.U .vss possible we secured sole control for Portland, others may carry hats of some of the makes we carry, but we always have first choice, and necessarily others take what we discard. .The result Is we show the choicest assortment aa well aa the largest. Friday we make an Initial exhibit of some or our exclusive selections and we invite you to see them. Prices ' range from $1.98. ' $2.49 Am vr xv fia.w. . .. For Day Only ' BEGINNING FRIDAT WB OFFER I0 LINES OF Women's Ne w iand in the seaaonable VeiattTPest'Btlklltles and most durable 7 us a the pair ... .35 A great three days', sale of Women's Good. Solid, Honest Hosiery. Not a Job lot. Not broken sixes, bat high-grade ' Hosiery In every respect. This sale la made up from our justly famous 10c lines of Imported and Domestic ' Black Lisle and Cotton Hose, which for real value has never ' been excelled.' and seldom equaled. ( , , LOT : 1 Women's 'Imported Black - Maco. r Cotton Hose, medium weight, high spliced heel, French toe and white . double sole; absolutely faat dye. LOT S Women's Fine Maco Cotton Hose, all black, medium weight, ribbed top, high spliced neei, double sole, French toe. ... , LOT I Fine Oause Lisle Hose not the extremely thin gause. but just the cor rect weight for present wear have low spliced heel, French toe and double sole. LOT- 4 Heavy-Weight Black Imported Hale "Hose, with white double sole, high r ' mnlifmA K.l VMiwih tnrfl Mlil.iiillil Trfcrtlla flllBllflflM J - r- V ' LOT I Black Brilliant Ingrain Lisle Hose, gauxe welgbi spliced heef 'French toe and double sole. .,- . . ' . . ,.i Every pair In each of these lots was made to our order and represent the beat too grades of Hose rrora highest class majcers; special at, the pair.. ...... 354 I... . . .. . ' Two Phenomenal Bargains for Men Friday Only Sixth Street Annex ' ' ' ' . r"lr,t Floor. ' . ' MEN'S tl.19 SHIRTS Tlc.. 1 A new, clean, stylish up-to-date line of Men's Spring Shirts, In broken plaids, black and white' platted sna checks, regular values $1.15 and 11.(0; ' special, each . t . f""r'"..T9 MEN'S tta BOX 17o PAIR. - A new line of Men's Fancy Cotton Sox In oyster gray with fancy stripes; regular ralue 21c special, pair,. 17 1 A Trio of Home - fittings T At Less Than Usual Price Friday on ' : Fourth Floor... ' mm t il l LACE CLRTAIN8 IMS. -Buffled Net Curtains with lace edge and Insertion,. 7-lnch ruffle, . 4t Inches wide, regular value 11.11; , 'special, pair ....... -S2.3S 17.10 POR. TIERS $1.50. -Fortiers Aa plain colors, . ellk-.nttietxd tapestry, heavy fringe st top, regular value 17.(0: apeciaL pair $5.50 . 17.(0 COUCH COVERS 4.(. HeaVy Tapestry Couch Covers, oriental design, fringed all around, regular value I7.10; special, each. . . .'..24.9S he Wardrobe? . and Art Shop : , SECOND FLOOR ANNEX -- Add their quota to Friday's special at traetlons. - Infants' Bibs, Fleisher'g Floss snd Women's Gowns are under.; priced for the day., . . " ; Baby Oilcloth Bibs Jn ' plain white or colored, all tape bound,, regular price 10c; special at ......... ..ft. ... .64 Fletsher's Shetland Floas In plain black, - white and colors, the proper yarn for head and. shoulder, .shawls for cool 1 spring, evenings, . regular 10c skein, ,11.00 per box. of. 11 skeins; special, 64 skein, 724 pet box of 11 skeins. Ladles' Gowns of fine cambric, empire style, .low square neck, yoke of lace Insertions between clusters of tucks, wide beading' with drawn ribbon and lace edging at yoke, neck and aleevea, .regalar price ll.St; special at.... 784 EXTRA, SPECIAL VALUE IN-' Wash Fabrics : rATJW... a a Drnt.iv vnAgocio, ' First Floor. 2o EMBROIDERED VOILES 1(0 TARD 1,000-yard F.mbroidered - Vollee. a flne- sort rabrto In neat small checks witn embroidered dots. . all colors, regutsr value tie; special, yard..; 154 A Wonderful Shoe I Special THAT APPBALS TO THE PURSE OF WOMEN Women who buy footwear for themselves snd the , lasa. Think of buying ' , ' V, MISSES'.ANP CHILtRBN-JS .1 J.OO, 1' -- - " - tVH 10. r y A large lot of Shoes, including all our broken and discontinued lines of vtel kid. calfskin, and kid foxed with cloth tops, regular valuea (2,00, (2.(0 and $1.00; special,, pair .794 . Result of ;l C School Vote at 10 a m. Today . Reginald Carter) I Bellboy The , Norton 40,683 Mae Hughes, Knight's Shoe company ............ . . . .-. . ' 40,133 " Arthur Taylor, M. & A. Sho- gren. ... .. .... .... ... .... .. 39,001 , Esther; Carlson, Mason & Ehr- man company . ... .1 ...... , 11,264 ' Charles Adler, Woodard; darke r ' . & Co..... 10,461 ' Guy De Pue, Portland Delivery - company ............ ... dyt&i '---m:': . U 151,135 : Scattering 36,651 - 4 V . Total : x.:;.--- ':V-r -''.' 187.783 ' Friday in the Small : W , Dmg Specials. . .' . . 'IRST FLOOR. -r " I...'.; '.' 2So PERFUMES ,10c '! Imported Perfumes by the ounce ell odors violet, crabapple, lilac, verbena geranium, stephanotis.: ; etc our 26c value special Economy Sale prioe, . the ounce .10 ". " 1(0 TOILET WATER ' Itc 'Toilet Water, in 4-oa. bottles, Illao or rose odors; our 1(0 value; special Economy, Sale price. the bottle , ......194 -' 40c SMELLING SALTS 17c Lavender Smelling Baits, large also bottle our 49c value special Economy Sale price, the bottle37e 1 11.00 HAIR TONIC (0c . . Crown Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic, large else bottles . . our 11.00 value special Economy Sale price. ' the bottle ...... f .... . .... . ; . . .-. ........ ...604 ' lOe TALCUM POWDER 4c Talcum Powder, violet perfumed In wood boxes our lOo value special Economy Sale price, .. .-xthe box ......-....... .......4. so NAIL BRUSHES 4c -.-Large Slse Wood Back Hand; Scrub or Nail Brushes our to value special Economy Sale price, each .....44 10O SHOE PASTE (c " Black Shoe Paste, for 'all fine black leathers our lOo value special Economy Sale price at,--' the jar Stationery ,.100 PAPER NAPKINS C .7 American Paper" Napkins, with colored borders onr 10c value special Economy Sale price. -thawaandrad .541 . WAX PAPER FOR 4c Wax Paper, In white or colors, slse llsl Inches, 24 sheets In a roll special Economy Bale price. the roll ...44 ,lc BOX WRITING PAPER lie 7 " Writing Paper. 14 sheets of paper and 24 'envelopes : In box with new square flap envelopes our ISe value special Economy Sale price, the box. . 124 l(o BOX WRITING. PAPER 20c. .Writing Paper In bond finish. Jn cream or asure blue with new square flat envelopes our I(o value special Economy Sale price, the box.. . . . .ZO LEWIS AND CLARK DE8ION ENVELOPES 2( la a package special Economy Sale price, . ' the package ....194 BAMBOO RULERS 12 Inches Jong special Economy Sale price, each ....X4 ' . ' : v ? ' "wOtibhs J ? . (C HOOKS AND ETES 1c' ''. '" v, .'' Patent Hump Hooka and Eyes black 1 doaea en , card our to value special Economy Sale price. the card ........let J (ft DRESS SHIELDS THilte Nainsook Covered Dress Shields, medium sfse. our lio value apeclal Economy Sale price, . the pair 15l - 10d BINDING RIBBON te. ' ' -Binding Rlbbijn, 0-yard pieces assorted colors onr , . lOo value--epecM4 Economy Sale price, the piece T 2( HAIRPIN8 l(c T 1 Shell Hairpins, assorted styles.-1 dosen In a box our 26o value special Economy Bale price, the box ...... I................ .154 i(o SIDE COMBS 2(c r -Shell Side Combs, extra qaailty smooth finish our Jo value special Economy Sale price, the pair 25 Jewelry 0( HATPINS l(c , , Faflcy Peacock Eye Hatpins, extra long pins ' - tic value special Economy Sale price, eacb.L. - . Ho PEARL NECKLACES tc pearl Necklaces, two strands our Its valve spec Economy Sale prioe, sack...... ...I ' (( CHATElrA'i NE BAGS lie. Cut Steel Beaded Chatelaine Bags ' amols hex'. our (o value special Economy Sals price. each .. .-...... 1.2( CIUJELAINK BAGS (Oc Oxide Chain Purse Chatelaine bags large slse c 11.21 value special Economy Sals price,. ' ' , each ............ ...... Z ' 0(o BEAUTT PINS 10c. Gold Bee sty Pin Sets, fancy roee gold fin.', 'i ,. 0(o value epeclal Economy tale rr!". the pair