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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVClIING, MARCH 9. -J"..: STRIKE AT FAIR MAY SQQNBE -SETTLED 'V Conferencii Was Held Today at Which an Agreement Was .-; Reached to Be Submitted to the Strikers, and It IsBe- vt' " lieved It Will Prove Acceptable. . " i FIGHT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR NEARLY A WEEK NOW ;'" Meeting Was Held With President Goods, and Was Attended by yi'U- v the Contractors Whose Men Had Gone Out No Union Men ''." Contractor at the fair ground nd ' r V prealdent Qoode held a conference this '. , v afternoon at the fair grounda, and It la ' rumored, that they reached aa agree' " raent to be submitted to -the striking t workmen. Thta agreement. If accepted. T- tt Is believed.' will bring tba strlk to : ' rlnu within a dav or two. i. 'Vv 1 a! Wt th grment provide ".'"for conoeaion ' by contractor .ana strikers, J net what the eoneeaalona will be haa not been made public. f r" Prealdent Qoode aont Major McPon- v, n in . chars of the guards at the ll Jl grounds' to brine CH. Oram, prealdent . Hi the Oregon Btat reocraxion or. i . . i; bor. and Organiser Young, of Washing , ton, to .whom the. agreement wtlt be It. submitted , I . f- - ".: It la believed that tba agreement will '',. "be Satisfactory to the unions, and that it will be signed, bringing to an end labor . trouble at the rair.ygrounoa, lor ail BOTH CLAIM VICTORY, Contractors and Workma ileaart They , Oaa wet Along Wlinoat Sack Other, 'v Contractors at the lowla and Clark - fair ground declare thatworkmn are - .plentiful, that they will continue to Igi i nor the unions and their demands, and will proceed with their work without " suffering material delay. ' Strike leaders declare that only one fifth of the Tegular force la at work on' ' ' the grounds, - and that the contractors must eventually capitulate. They Insist ; that ther hare control of the alt nation. , and that It will be Impossible for thai . contractors to secure a aulticient num " bar of men to oomptot tbelr contract ', nnteaa settlement la reached. -. By mean of the employment- agency VERY DI "Indicted Congressman Comes to Town, But Does Not Call " on Old Friends. ; . HAUNTS OF THEf PAST ' KNOW HIM NO MORE TContrary to Expectation He Does ' ' Not Give Bonds for'His t V' Appearance. , . .. ' Congressman J. N. Williamson, who ' ; rests under two Indictment by th fed 'oral grand Jur for complicity la th land frauds, cam to Portland this ' morning . for. th purpose of giving -' bond for his1 appaaranc when th ease 'r called for trial. U vlalted the ' ' efflcee of the United State marshal and of th clerk of th federal court thta ' morning, but no bonda were filed. It Sleeplessness y effer-a fall ellar's wertk ef Saatedy free te try .witheat asaeelt. risk, er preailet te say. y 1 gtoeali iiim.. fretfnhMM, eeuauc, brtubtuty ell sr the estward tiis -mt hnrsrd Mni tutorbase. The faalt Is aot ."with toe asms whir. (Itc joe warning mot ; 1 wits the scttm wklek essale res te feel, te i' wslk. te talk, to tbink, te see. Bat the IK8IOB ' -n i ee. the satonutlc povrr srf these are ' the aerres that work wear est aa worry r breeks dowa. U I kv aet reon hrre te axDlala sow tbMe tesder. tiny set-res control aitd operate the , ' atnraar, the heart, the kMners, the liver. Row -wise i a sad strains and oTerlndalOae eVatrev . tlrrlr delleste flbrra. Horn, thruush s bond of 'mjmm'bj. veakneaa In one center ts roeveyed to each of the other renters. Bow f hi mm . bos ef sympathy prodoree the oatward alns , sf BervooxneM whlrh ahonl wars sa of the ' trouble within. I bare sot room to explain . 7 how theae nrva nay be reached and strenstb- ened an vluUsed and maile well by a rrmwly :.'J spent thirty jeere In perforttns new kaswa by drasrlot evarrwbere as In. Khnop a Beotora tlTt. have not room to explain how this . remedy by remOTln the eaaw, pats a certain end to all forma of nermuneu. Inward and ont- ' want. laeUMIna tretralneaa, Wn. iioaiiuii, UT1UBU1I7. or ineae things are tally explained In the book 1 will send yo wbea . yea write. Is more than a million homea my remedy Is knows'and relied spun. Tet 70a may sot bare berd of It. so I nuke this offer to yen, a T stranger.' tost every poasthl rirose for dosbt may be removed. Rend no money make ne promiao take M rt Mmply write and ask. .! If yoe hare sever tried mr remedy, I will send - ye an order on yoor mil for a fall dollar I bwttii e aamDle. hot th rvula mtmmAmrA wmmi hollle be keep ennetanUy on hi. abelvee. The ; ; drnsrlM will require no rondltlona. He wl.l , aevpt siy order a eheerfnlir aa thonrh your , :- eotlar lay before him. lie will send the Mil t te sie. : I Will yen seeept ihla opnortanlty to turn at i WT BIPKNKie ABHOLUTKLV how to be rid for- erer of all forma of and Irsomnla "oe ne not oniy or the troohle. bat of the rery lessee whlrh produerd Itt Write today. ? for a free order for ftor.n 1 on Pyapepala. '-a fall dollar bottle Hik 2 on the. Heart, ya -amst addrea Book on the Kidneys. - 1 t. nnuup, nm rnr vtnmen. r Kaeine. v. 1 ". Which book Bonk 5 for Men yoa wsnt. Book 6 on kbeomatlata. 'f. Mild esses sr eftes esred by a alnsle bottle. ear eets st forty taonsaad drag .Urea. ffiShoop's Restorative - , , .... . . t -r-t ;' '.:,,-- -:.'. . H ' . ' , 1 . .. . " 1 ,... - 'y .'. ''.'-' ''' "';'r;.'- . ' ,' Were Present i: maintained In the Administration build ing contractors have been table to se cure a number of men to take the places of the striker. . Reliable aatlmatea place the number at 160, There are ap proximately eo men on strike. . -. Thi- number secured in that way" has been offset by the striker, who1 induced disaffected union men to quit and per uaded many who bad been taken to the grounds to break the strike to leave. The situation (a no nearer a aettlement than a week ago when the strike waa de clared Thar- Is a great amount of work-that can be don without killed mea,". said C H. Oram, prealdent of th Stat Fedr eration of Labor. "But the work that must be dona before the buildings' are completed eaa be done only by skilled men. And they cannot gat skilled men unless they, settle the questions that have arisen, -v. ,. "We have asked th assistance of unions in ether cltlee, and they hare posted picket around every railroad ta lion to keep men from coming nere. . .. B Avast the aafaiy nag. ' "Mr. Woodcock undertook to settle th atrlk this morning and incidentally attempted to out to flight all the trik era who had ' congregated around the entrances. Hn. - marcnea tnrouga in crowd waring a hag flag bearing th likeness of President Roosevelt. . Bb urged th mea to look upon th flag and go to work. ? "Look at Kosenreia. n saia a so tapped upon a lumber pile near th corner. "Behold Roaenfeld. the presi dent, my friend, th man who say work and eat ana lr you oon t ai you doaJi , work, and if you don't work you don't est. I won't have any atrlk sa, Qo- to work or go down town." , As. she spoke she waved th banner over the Head of a multitude of work Ingmen who wid gathered. L V, waa expected that ' h would glao at this time plead to th Indietmentarbat thta has .not yet been dona 1 prefer notrw 'dteua at thta hn the charge .against m," said Con gressman WtUiarason. -"I have no fear of tba outcome and am only dealrou ef an early trial.- I am Innocent of any violation of the federal law and this will b fully demonstrated when the cases are tried.'' r "s r- ' As to th specific charge against hit contarhed-ln th indictment. Congress man Williamson said: ' "My Information -thus far has been obtained wholly from the newspaper; and I do not car to discus th sub ject until the proper time- eomeaf M have no fear of th lean of the trial. 'On of my attorneys will be B. I. Wil son of Jhe Dallea."- - '.With aa evident ' dlaincllnation to pursue th topic further Congressman Williamson turned the conversation to other 'matters. Congressman Williamson arrived at the Dalles from Washington last Tuaaday, and Immediately after hi arrival there he announced hi intention of proceeding to Portland the next day for the pur pose of ' giving bond in th United State court. Th congressman tema, however, to be desirous of avoiding pub llclty, and when he arrived in Portland he did not register t th Imperial hotel, where he haa been accustomed for years' to stay when in this city. Few of his friend were advised of his presence In Portland, and after hi brief visit at th office of th marshal and -thr clerk In th poatoffic building he dropped out of Ight. Neither Judge Bellinger nor Assistant District Attorney Banks has received any tatlmatton as to when the congr man will plead to th Indictment against him. nor did they 'know of hi presence la Portland. Judge C -H. Carey received word that Williamson waainth city, but did not are htm. "Do "you expect to appear a his at torney T" , "No,- replied Judge Carey) decidedly, "1 shall not represent him. I do not know who his attorneys will be." Congressmaa Williamson was flrsi In dicted on tb charge of being Impli cated with Senator Mitchell, Congress man Hermann, Stat Senator Pierce Mays, 8. A. p, Puter and other In the land frauda In the Blue Mountain re serve. Immense tract of land were se cured by false and fraudulent entries, Just before th reserve waa created, and Williamson is accused of having been one of the ring. Th second Indictment was returned about four week ago and charged Wil liam eon, bis partner. Dr. Van Oeaaner, end United States Commissioner M. IjL Biggs with subornation of perjury. The specific charge waa that they had pro cured 'a large number of peraona to take up timber and stone entries In th region about Prlnevflle, each of the en trymen being paid fiv by the defend ants, to whom th claim were subse quently conveyed. ' The government's cvldvnc against Williamson Is known to be regarded as extremely strong.. Neither Senator Mitchell, Congress man Hermann nor Congressman Wil llamnon has yt gt vfl bonds" under the recent indictments, th government be ing content to Wait until after the ad journment of congress. : TIE PASS IS INVESTED BY JAPANESE FORCES (Journal Special gel rice.) Xondon, March .A Tientsin ' die patch states that Tie pass Is Invested by . the Japanese and Kuropatkln will probably fee forced to surrender within s week. The Japanese have aurrounded (0,000 Russians In Tie pass and cut oft supplies, crushtngly attacking th Rus sian on all aides. w. o. w. skijaim urrinui. (Special Dispatch te The loaroal.) Oregon City, March . The delegate of the local lodge to th district con vention of th W. O. W. held at McMlnn- vllle retuVned this morning' and report a profitable and agreeable session. J. K. Morris, one of the delegate, wss given th elternateehlp ss a delegate to the head camp to be held In Las An sole nest .Antil. ' ' Th district represented at th Me Minnvflle convention include MulUie mill, Clackamaa, Clatsop, Marios Linn, Tillamook, Lincoln, Benton, Polk, Cdlunf- bia and Washington eounti POLICE METHODS MAKE Some Abuses to Which the Un fortunate Stranger Is Sub-C ' ' Jected In Portland..'" ARRESTS WITHOUT CAUSE SMACK OF PERSECUTION Brutality, in. Some " Measure Stopped by Publicity But Still , ; Room ' for ' Reform. Student of condition" in ' Portland, especially criminal conditions, would have a. subject or vast possibilities if they should attempt to , ascertain .how tb method ot city police tend to make men criminal. Those -who have ob served even casually believe that de tective and police .officers cause more crime than they prevent in Portland. Professor Lombroso and hi colleague have gained renown through - articles published In newspapera, magailnes and books on "Crime and Criminals," treat ing on a solution of th problem. If Professor. Xombroeo should visit Port. land the result of his Investigations would be told in a book - that -few In Portland would believe, for man y refuse to credit what they read about th local police, simply "because they never beard It before, and cannot se bow euch thing arc possible." . Efforts, have been made to induce some of the vast horde of unfortunate who annually arrive in .Portland and undergo th torture and hardships of th nolle, station and 'county Jail to relate their experiences. In- all caae they have been deterred by fear of retail' tlon and th knowledge that they, would b disbelieved. , - wabUoity 0ae Bafona.. ' 1 Evea now, howver, :, publicity haa caused reform to a certain extent, and draatlo and brutal meaaure. such beating into Insensibility drunken men who refuse to give their nam when ar rested, and other punlabmanu that tend to degrade th prisoner, hav - largely been abolUhed. But there Is enormous room for im provement In Portland Institution. For exam pie., a man may reach the city with only a small amount of money in hi possession. A btranger among strangers. he aeek employment. - An exoeaa of men, strike, lockout,, or other cause prevent success. His small supply of cash is soon exhauated, and he finally And hlmaelf roaming th street with out 'food or shelter.- He may follow la th f ootstspe of the hord of unfortun ate and seek rest and an occasional meal, or rather bit of food. In aom of th third or fourth-das saloon la the north end , - . At these resorts he Is sur to fall la with questionable character. A whole aaje arrest is made, and he Is among th pick-ups," with a charge of . vag rancy against him. - Or, a haa been the caae oh more than one occasion In Port land, he may "be heard ta announce the methods of city police. A "stool pigeon" Immediately file to headquarter with th information. . h ' BaJlroaAed te JaU. " Aa occurrence in a north end aaloon will be- believed by but few except po UceMtlOori themselves. . A detective or nilaln clothea . man. waa sa a aaloon after closing hoars. He overheard a conversation in which a workingmaa ex pressed th belief that "th police were grafter," Th man waa arreettd for being out after hour and was actually frightened into pleading guilty when brought into court. When a' stranger la picked up for the first time he may consider himself lucky If he I not aocused of connection. With soma crime or holdup. . In court he is unable to show that he ha any vlaibl mean of eupport and la sentenced ac cordingly. Officer testify to whatever they please. The man rarely ha rrlend to disprove their statements. After servln hla time ha la released. out he Is by no . meana a f re man. From ..the hour he leave th Jail or rockpil. or wherever he may have bees confined, without a centIn hi pocket. wearing th cam clothe that he did at th tiro of entering th Institution, he la continually hounded by almost th entire detective and polio fore. Betsgarei TarsU KUoM.o..J Detective are 1 moat' pron to such method a, for obvious reasons. On rea son for such oondHlon in Portland i that th city' patrolmen are by -far a better claea of mea than th city de tective. Ail patrolmen are by no mean above misusing their powers, but pro portionately there are more good quali ties in Portland's patrolmen than in her detective. - . Th poor, half -starved unfortunate who ha been released, shuffles' down th street only to be confronted by som burly, weU-fed officer, with -Where y goin't What y doln' hereT Better hike; we'll bounce y If ye'r out agin." ' If th officer haa aucceeded In fright ening his victim into a state of speech lessness he allow him to roam at large, but If on th other hand th unfortunate ahould forget hla atation to auch an ex tent as to declare hlmaelf free born American cltltsen and resent tb In suit heaped upon him,- his doom Is sealed. H I hustled to tb nearest patrol box and soon afterward finds himself In the police atation, where, after running th gauntlet of ''clever plain clothfea" man, he lr Identified as being a bad man with a nolle record. and his fat rests largely with th of ficer who mad tb arrest. K visit to the police atation early In the morning, when Chief Hunt hold hi "kangaroo court4 would furnish an abundance of subjects for the student who ijs Irrt created. In local condition. ABERDEEN CITY HALL X TO HAVE BELL TOWER (Special IMapatch te The JooraaL) ; Aberdeen. Wash., March t. The city hall of Aberdeen Is to be Improved with trte addition of a bell-tower. It height having been Increased to admit of this necessity. ' The building la thu TS feet from the corner-stone, and tt feet to the top of th flagstone. Within this-tower will also be quarter for the firemen's hoe. Under the supervision of- Reld A Brtgga the building 1 progressing rap Idly toward completion, and will contain room In th lower story for a clerks' office adjacent to the Jail, also firemen's quarters. The second story Will con thin qiArters for the council, engineer, court, committee, - street , superintendent and firemen's room. .. It Is thought that th corner-stone will soon be dedicated, March 1 being the date agitated at present. ' Th Maaonio fraternity will likely have charge, fol lowing a precedent given In thla publlo runction.. An impressive program will be given, end within the corner-atone will be placed the names of th city officials, copies of local and Stat papers CRIMINALS and historical document. - 1 . l. , .- Wreferred Stoek Oaaaed Qooaa, -. AUea Lwla- Beat grand, ..y. . . ..... ... . . -k.: i. v . v. FAV01 LESS PAY Third District Oregon Woodmen Propose Reducing His -.-v. -:: Salary. SELECT DELEGATES TO , ' LOS ANGELES -SESSION Organize, Third Regiment ; Plan for the Lewis and .: ;?.v!;Vraffc4r-3r.'ke; and , ' (Special Dai patch ts The JooraaL) McMlnnville, Or March . Delegate 10 in meeting of the head camp wooa- men of the World to meet la Lo An gela next month were selected as fol' low at the meeting of tb Third dis trict or Oregon dosed her last night) W.Ullam Reldt, WebfootVamp, No. (6; alternate, M. J. Woodard. C. A, Elliott, Webfoot camp No. (I; alternate, A. U Barbur, J. L. Underwood, Corvailla No. 12; alternate. A, W. Bowersox, of 103. hi. K. Raymond, Bunnysid No. lit; al ternate. H. A. Fred rich, of 111, a: R. Punk, of MontaviUa No. IT; alternate. E. C. Lindsay, of -No. II. Herman Be hade, Portland No. 107; alternate. A. vvv Mobstxiier. F. a Weatherred. Hills boro No. 00; srttemate. J. K. Morris, of its. James Ruddlmsn, of Multnomah No. TT: alternate, A. M. Cox. - I. M. Simpson, Alrll No. 184; alternate H. O. Whitman, of 4. R. J. Cooper, Newberg No. ill; alternate. P. P. Olda. of lis. William Stewart. Halsey Noi 141; alter nate, w. M. Brown, of fit. Walter L. Too, Woodburn No. 47: alUrnat. Q. P. Robertson, of . W. I. SUnley. Sa lem No. lit; alternate, Otto Hlnsi, of 111. John Van Zant, Alblna No. Ill; alternate. W. C North. J. J. Jennings, rrospect Na 140: alternate. Ocorce W. iaoier. . Would Oat Salary.' V " 1 Th delegates to th head caraD were Instructed to yot to. reduce t ho head conauia salary, to 14,009 a year. The convention Indorsed the candidacy of w. (j. Hawiey for head manager and C V. Cooper for bead banker. M. C Macey of McMlnnville. presided over th convention. F. A. Snyder of Au rora was secrets ry, and B. K. Knspp of roruand and P. r. Olds of Yamhill oounty were assistant secretaries. Portland, waa selected as the aext meeting place of th district convention. Henry Gee, on behalf of th citr Coun cil, welcomed th delegatea and ex tended them th freedom of th citv. Tb county ocmmlssloners penmltted the convention to hold It session in th courthouse. Becular hall waa thrown open for th banquet with whick th session closed last night. Committee were appointed . a fol lows: ; Reaolutloos-Kavanauch. Toose. Haw. ley. Coulter and Van OradaJe. - Order of BLslnes a foster. Wright and KUtott. , . Apportionment J. T. "Kennedy. E. fL Fox. J. Andersoa, Frank Simpson, J,-A. Byera, A. J. Hogan, A. Zimmerman. J. I Underwood, J. W: ParrUh, M. Foeter, Arr. r. JK. weica. Third aglmwl TxamxtH. , A feature of th session waa th or ganlsatlon of th ffhlrd resiment. Ilnl- form rank, W. O. W, at a meeting over which. Brig. -Gen. J. Cv Jone presided, and of which MaJ-Jesepav M. Wood worth was secretary. This new regiment-Include ail camp' la district I east of the Wlllamatt river. Th reari mental band 1 the organisation for merly known as th Stayton band of SUyton, Or. It officers r Col.C L, ParrUh of Salem. MaJ. Lieut-Col. Wal ter L. Toose of Woodburn, Richard Bar ber, major of ta first battalion, of Ore gon City. - A telegram was received from Wood men Jn session at Denver, Colo., - an nouncing their indorsement of L L Bosk for head consul to succeed F. A, Falkenburg. 1 ; A resolution wss adopted disapprov ing th action of those delegates to the Isst . head camp session who voted to How themselves 11.10 a day In excess of tb constitutional allowance. A resolution relating toth Lewis and Clark fair passed as follows; "To the officer and delegates of dis trict S. Woodmen of th Worm, greet ing: Aa tb great Lewis and Clark ex position la to b held In Portland, Or, opening on June 1,-1 lot, and closing October II. 1101, and believing that It I th wish of th many neighbor of tb order living In thla pert of th for est that several day be aet aside as W. O. W. days, where w may meet and celebrate th event, well as to ahow to tb world tba tb W. O. W. are always, ready to do their part of 'the work at such events: therefore, be It - "Reaolved. Flrat, that thi . district convention in regular session do hereby Indorse th days, August I, 4 and f, a W. O. W. day 1 "Second. That thla resolution be sent to th head camp session t Los An gelea, asking for Its Indorsement. ' "Third, That th board of head mana gers of th head camp. Pacific Jurisdic tion, W. O. W be requested to take up and consider th matter of W. - O. W. day at th Lewis and Clark exposition, and provide som fund toward th ex pense of said W. O. W. day, auch aa prise money for drills, or prises for tb exemplification of our beautiful Initia tory work." ' To Improve tb Order. Three resolutions relate '' to the Im provement of the order a follows: - .wnrreas, uur oraer nas frown 10 mammoth proportion, and th .end Is not yet, necessitating a more economical nd conservative administration In tb matter of head camp expenses nd ad ministrative policies; be it. further ' "Resolved, by this convention that the tenure of th head of floes, together with th Interim of th ' sessions be Increased to four -years; provided, that upon the call of 10 par cent of the membership at large the head consul shall call special session of the head camp for eonalderatlon of auch matters as shall be outlined in the call; b it further - ; -. "Reaolved. That In continuance of thla policy-th rat '-of representation' for delegate to th head camp session be fixed at on for each ,1,004 or major fraction thereof, and for district con ventions st one for th charter and one -for each 10 members, and one for each major fraction thereof." ... "Reaolved, That It la the sens of this convention thst In th' organisation ef new ramp our organisers should be Ided by a material reduction In th necesaary organisation - fee ' by: the elimination of the l organising fee. to- Laether with th II certificate fee; b It further ; - Resolved, That-In ; any event the organisation department shaft b author ised to Organise new Camps at an ex pense per member not exceeding the Initiation expense of th nearest camp." "Fhereaa, Th present penal methods of the order are cumbersome. Indirect nd not subservient of th beat Interests of the order; therefore be It - "Resolved,' That th clause In cur oonsututloa with reference to trials gad expulsions b changed to a leas mmbev some meaner of procedure so that th local camps of which th accused neigh-, bar. Is a member shall. take the Initia tive and conduct "iuch trial to th and subject only to final appease: th part of th accused to th bead oonsul for review and approval.'' 1 . Za Vaxaory eg" rjkears. Thla resolution oa th death of Head Conaul Falkeaberg waa passed: "Whereas. Ths Psolfle Jurisdiction, W. O. W haa been led by an unexcelled and laeomparabla leader, whose effective ac tivities hav "broduced result un paralleled In character for th benefit of tbe order of hi lev sad of our hop. and :. . . "Whereas, W are endeared to him be cause of his sterling quslltlte of man hood, of his warm and fraternal heart, of hla sterling and successful Industry of our benefit, and .of his marvelous leadership, and "Whereas, th Proyideno which gave him to ua tfhaa in Hla" superintending w'sdom removed him to a higher sphere of action, and to the enjoyment of well-earned and worthy reward; be It "Reaolved, That w thank that Divine Providenc for Hla great gift In th llf nd ervtees of our great .head consul, F. . A. Falkenburg. v And while w sor. raw and griev in hi loss, w rejoice that w bad hlra for wur founder and leader alnc our organisation of our order, and be It furthes- r - i . "Resolved, That w extend oar sym pathy to his beloved and b reeved widow and daughter, and assure them of our undying affection and interest in their welfare." ., UNITED BRETHREN TO TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE Uearsal SpeeUl Sarrlea.) " . Topeka, Kaa, March I. Arrange- menta are rapidly nerlng completion for th reception and entertainment of th hundred of visitors who will b here next May for th general confer ence of th United Brethren chyrcn. The body meet only bnce In three years and there ara a number of Important queationa to be considered at th coming meeting. ' Th one attracting most at tention la th mattar of union with th Congregational! ' and tb Methodist Protestants. . These two bodlee hav voted to form a "General Council of tb United . Churches," which . la to meet very three or four year, but to have no power over the Individual bodies ex cept an advisory one. ' Th proposition 1 said to be much favored among United Brethren, and there is believed to be little doubt of It approval by th gen eral conference. A further movement to be considered at th coming meeting has--for it object a corporate union with the Methodist Protestants. This has already been approved by th last named body, and the consummation of th plan now await United .Brethren ac tion. . , t-y . .. .. . , SEATTLE EXHIBIT WILL COST FIVE THOUSAND ", (Special Dispatch t Tks Journal.) ". Seattle, March I. Th county com missioner yesterday communicated to th chamber of commerce tbelr tnten tion to appropriate I&.000 to advertise th reaource of King oounty at the Lewi and Clark fair. If thla fund ia not sufficient to carry, out th plan, more will be given, - -V Th regular meeting of th Lewis and Clark, stats commission will occur- at Tacoma at II o'clock Saturday morning. At that tim apace In th Washington building will be allotted to th various sub-divisions of th tate, and a report will be mad f the plan of each county. Any space which ha not been filled on May wUl b 'rlt. ', ..; J-- -- i.vr . . SEVEN MINERS KILLED ; , u ? BY BREAK IN CABLE , . ? .'(Jewae! gneeUl Servlr.) , Wilkes Bsrre. March I. Seven m hilled in ths Clear SDrin colliery. West Plttston, this noon by th breaking of a hoisting cabla, ' The men wer all Hungrlns. , T Oar a OoU la On Tay. Take Laxative Qauriaa .Tskkrte. AS drsgglsis rsfssd tse u it reus cs a W. O arsve's slsustsis os sseb ses. Teeth Free AH This Week Boston Petnless Dentists Ar rutting prices again, and 'now la tb chance f a lifetime to hav your dental work don . by th world-renowned specialists, at low price. ' v - .411 This WeekFrte Extractins '..". Ewtminations Silver Fillings 85t and BO) Gold ming 75 and fl.OO 11.00 and 110.00 Gold Crown 93.00 to 9B.00 $11.00 and tSO.OO Seta of - Teeth f 3.00 to (10.00 ' Come in at one and tak advantage of low rate. AU work guaranteed for 10 year,, and don by our palnles gya tem, known and used only by BostonPAinless Dentists s mv. uommxmoM arTmnr, Op saeis si Frank gad Old Feawita. Hours 1:10 a. m. to I p. m, Sunday, 1:10 a. m. to 11:10 p. m, S gran jwa ar la ta rigat ylaa. . Dnvtxzmu ovaxs ro stat cross st White IUlbca IUitfy. Ve taste. . He eder. day wesaaa eaj give H ia glass ef water, tas, eeffee er feed witaeat sstUat's saawlod. Whtt. Rlbbos KrnMdy win ears or dretroy tbe dlarsa apprtlte for all alroholle drinks, whrlhrr tb. p.tlrot Is s rosflrrsed Isobrlat. a "tlpplae," aortal arlnkor sr drunkard, lapos slble for aar.'flrj t. hav aa apprtlt. for slo. bolle Uosors sfter ssisf Wait. HIMms kasirdy. It baa siad loin tboaaass of sermanrat rra. ssd Is add I tins reator the victim J. sorsMl health, stasdrlsg th servae. Iserraatng the will sown sad detaratlaatlea tetnstat trm.tados. Badorsed by at est her of Waa's Okrlsklsa Tamperaao Taloa, Vay iolsss, XssplieUs, oiergymsa aad. all Worses for Temperas. . Write Dr. W. . Brows, tt Tr.Bost St., Bws. tos, for trial parkas asd Irtter of adrtre fro la slain SMled rlas. All letters eoeflrln tl.r ssd deatmyrd esne as anawwrd. Whit Rlhbos ResM 'said by SratglsU evrrywhrr stoo sent br Ball In plain parkas, pries l. on. sol as4 nessaawsotd by speclsl sgsst Is Portland. . , W0OOABS, CtVABKW J OO TagSwJ, ew WiagWra Bxw. TEETH sfTTMOUT . . .; nn. No Oa v Honselxcepcra : Early Great Anierlcan Imprtino Tea Co. : V OvlOO Stores Help U to llel? Yoa : , m Tutitrlei Vt Mg First St FHJal AsWism Coxsjar44 4., Crxagea C., aUa tet) Bagea, M Swawt MiM street. The TUnd Ton nare Alwars . In wo for orer 30 wean, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jastts-oo4M are. bat) Experiments th trifle with an4 endang-er the health of '. trtyfyitv, juja Qxlldxt)n---'ixperlence against. xperlmen ; - Crswtoria is barmless ftnabstitate for Castor CtO l?aro gorie, Drops and Sootlilnjjf 8jrnps. It is Pleasanta - It ' . 'contains neither Opium !orphlne nor other Narcotist auhstanoe. Its age is its guarantee. -It destroys Worrns -. svndwdlays FeTerishness. It cores Diarrhosa and Wind v Colic It relieves Tithing Troubles core ConstiDCitloQ, said. Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ' Stomach and Bowels firing healthy and natural sleep. " - The Children's Panaoei-Tho Hothera Friend. ' ; Sears the Tbe M You HaYO Always ': ' '::"'? In1 Ilea For LADIES OF ,r.. :- . . ,,'v!i STANDS ; FORUunnl WHOSE LIKE If your eyes give you trouble v To him you should go, - .- Consult him just once - i "And then you will know, " v 12Q Seventh Street Near Alder Architects and , Builders Know ; ' , and you should know that lbeBlackLDiamond-Paint and Shingle Coa Painted snmgipvs not only the best but is the most economical shingle in the market. They ar fire proof, moss. F r o o f. mois-urs-proof and cost no more than shingles painted on the roof. xney are absolutely pain tea an ovrr, .thus doing away with the unsightly, unpalnted crevices caused by shrlnk- We also do roof painting, both shingle end metal roofs.. Telephone for prices. , Otoe asd Work. - . 427 MAIN STREET. EAST psora SOOTT US. , ', Pilot Rock Record: Bheephrr ar her In plenty, but ther la delay In put ting them towork. No reason Is given for ths delay", except proepecttv 1 of th buck t rt shorn, XwfctfwTl TTTs nr, a -: .--V' .. i iTi n : ' ... 1 Bought M4 tlci has tea, has borne the slg-nfttnre eg : f. sonal saperrlslon since its Infimcy, Allow no one to deceiTO you In this. . Eiznatvn ef Over 30 Years. Bongbt 't-:- PORTLAND f- ftd.r.T'.'-''V-r' -r-. i - - . r A Ws arinoutiea that.we ihaver Just r-u . . eerved a ssrg abtpmant of TAPANE8B SHIRT-: . WAISTS.'. "vV know thr cannot faU to inter- est you. as there ar many beautiful Waists In tbe sblpmeoC Tbey rang In price from 53.00 to $7.50 ' In the gam shipment we bav also received Linen and Silk-for Bhlrt waist Pattaroe. as welt; s a larg quantity of IJnem foliar, blue and ..natural pongee. (vf ' i, '...-.- -I . We are selling 11 our-siUlng at th low-; I , act price. - Call and, ua. - ta WESTERN IMPORTING CO. rortlaad' Bee Curt Stor. .. . , lSS-lTO riftk Btreet, Opp. Old renoSeiH Okas. B, Tasag, Ttm. ; Jas. M. Xaa, Sea. Kgr. Phone Main 0il. , , nuAnnDrno iDLno OPTICIAN Z'&Xu! CANT BE FOUND i f Hesdquarters for.' Stockings -and-:-: Trusses ? .'. '..'' o LAUE-DAVIS DRUO co. v;. ' Third and Yamhill Sts.-' , PYflOGRAPHY Our class In all' sppllcatlAns of th art convenes each Tuesday and Thurs day aftrnon from to 4 o'clock. , MliLlNOMAH INSTITUTE SS Slxtk street, Phon Bed 171. . Portland, Or. ... .: . i C REE LAND IN OREGON I ; In the richest rain, frk and stock section la . the world.' Tboaaandi ot acra of land t scroll -Ceet f brlratien. - Deed elrett from State ef OrrgoB. WaiTt TO-OAY. BOOKLET kni MAPfRCt. DeMhatsilrrisrMrnJp0wrCen. , ai7,illl-ltMclUBibPanl0ro, . i .. -- . i wi'-t. ..1. ,' , ,, . ' ' .. . v'l; ' J ''' '1 I