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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
U Li AVvSALEu v:.CrL:n3crCz7' V"j every wacJveTrci fc3 SUrs ) u n Referendum Petitions Arrive and it City end yiciRrty Are Tak- i inj Part In Question. PROPOCSD CtC RACE ; I'ZZJ 13 DECLARED Or? Business Men Fail to Raise Nee , 'r essary .; Amount - of Cash ; ; r and Abandon Project. . ' (Special Dtopetes to Ifce JooraalA- ." Salem,' Or., March Ths referendum petitions' arrived in Salem yesterday and an actlva danyam of (this city and .'county has begun. John P. Robertson 1 the nan to whom they were sent. Ha , is not only securing . signers, but has ' placed petitions in a number of dtffer- '- ent offloes throughout the cityt Today , the petitions will be sent out through ' v the country. . .- 8o tar Robertson has not met with very flattering success, for- although . -there la a strong feeling her 'against '' appropriating so much, money for so many normal schools, there . Is also fear that the1 holding up of the other , appropriations will be detrimental to Balem- business. Hence -the business :,imn of this city who are opposed to so , many normal schools choose tho Initia tive in , preference to the referendum aa a means for curing) the evil. After the petitions have been signed " ther will be submitted to. the county " clerk, who must certify that 'the signers ' are all legal voters and then-they will - be forwarded to U. B. Hendricks at Me- MlnnvUle.- After he has collected the ''lists from over all the state ' he wm Ale them' with the secretary of state. : These petitions must be filed with the , secretary or state, by May is. ' -v , ' .:':'.'::wo aoos Most, in-:- , '. Tho big race meet scheduled to be , r held in Salem next September la off. 8o i decided the state fair board at its meet lng yesterday afternoon. . The business .! men of Salem failed to rats the 11,000 guarantee aaked by the board. . The fair ' board appointed a finance : commttteo r consisting ot W. H. Downing, 'W.-..F. . Matlock and H. X Hulbart, "- . The board also mads partial plans for '': the expending of tho money appropriated " by the recent session of the legislature . for improvements at tho grounds. A. wing will bo added to the pavilion. a large flower" conservatory constructed, . a shed built out near the earn p ground, fa 0 or 70-foot addition will bo built on the. nrth end of the grandstand, 109 .,nw stalls will bo erected in place of as . many old ones and all the buildings will ."be repainted In a uniform color. ' . When these'things are ail dono there 'will still be money remaining in the ' . treasury for tbo expenditure of which ,;no plana have yet Men formulated..'; .iilv?" w-fc-JrwaT oto'Aoospsv.-,;-; irSix i i no iikuuy ooara m. , mo rreeoy. , terra ft" church:: bflhlslty has received ; . ne acceptance ox lia invua L ttosj to tho Rev.. Henry T. Baboock of ,, New York to act aa , pastor.. 2r. , Bab cock la a senior in Auburn seminary , and will be In Salem; to take up his. work July 1." y. , v.i....v.- r.',;,,!': ' .t ' 1aj!.'wJstOgtoBV, AjfSji'::v .."jrf.M ja, t Motion In the case of George Sum - t VKtt IgalhsretsOoV. T". T. Ooer.' Stals ,.Ln4 .Agent X B. - Oer.n4 - W H v laalUi.wliluib were, supposed" to lYe4e .-vthe legality of tho state land agent's salary, were"' passed upon; by . Judge r, Burnett yesterday, but he refused to make sny ruling on the salary, question. He said that it was pot his place to n rule .upon 4 hat question, that It was .not necessary and lis would not do it. .Tho question wes" whether or not tho ' act creatine tho office of land-agent and t providing a salary - of SM00 a , year .therefor had been repealed. v , Joseph Bordune an ex-oonvlct, -who has been out on 1100 bonds to appear ' before tho circuit' court and face a . 4 -charge of obtaining money by false ' pretenses, was rearrested yesterday af tho request of his bonds . men who became afraid that ho would -.Jump his bail. -: .,v .-' INDEPENDENCE HAS t :;; AN ARTESIAN WELL Resident Awakes to Find Water ; ' . Tank Overflowing and Much ' Excitement Prevails . ' i f . ' (IpeeUl Dlsmteh to n? Jeorsal.) ' Independence, ' Or J March . Consld j .arable exettement was occasioned here - yesterday when word waa brought that - what appeared to be an artesian well -'had been.T.dlseovered 4 on tho' Hedge u- residence property In this city. Quite ""a strong atregm of water kept flowing from tbo well, which Mr. Hedge recentl bored and some thought a main of the waterworks had boon struck and that ... that waa the cause of tho flow. Mr. Hedge was much surprised when In tho .morning he got up and found hla water . , tank overflowing. Tho tank is some 30 of 40 feet above tho well, and the ' water was forced through a plpo to that height, and tho stream la quits strong. Mr. Calbreatb. proprietor of tho water ' works hero, states that . there are no water connections from tho waterworks near there to his knowledge, and ho be- Haves it - Is - anatural . flow., of water. The matter has not been thoroughly liv vestlgatea. as jmw '. .... :,.f vree With Want Adsl1 ' ' V' A ' package Vof '"" ABetU - Biscuits tho ; kind you buy at the grocers ana use so i well. By special arrangement with the ! Pacific Coast JMscuit company The Jour ' nal haa secured a largo supply of these .biscuits and is giving away free a pack . ago to each and eVery "want ad", advsr- - tliier. Abetta Biscuits are pscsea in a " moist-proof package and retain their crispness and flavor at all times. They " are Just the thing for af tor-theatre . luncheons, picnics, etc This offer is mads to still more widely Introduce the "want ads" into Portland homes. Once " established, advertisers will wonder how , they over did without them. They run . errands, secure help, get you a position, f sell your -property, rent your rooms, find : lost relatives, and many hundred other gigantic feata. If onoo aet out out on foot : : ,to accomplish. Tho Journal's rats Is 11 words for IS oenta that's all. . ' - onrosa maraBBxrsuic,. ; I - (Special IH patch to The JevniLI . Forest Orovs, Or., March . Tho For est and Stream Rod and Oun elub of this ' .town adopted a resolution opposing the . t .submission to ths referendum of the bill passed by ths last legislature forbidding. ' 'ths aale of game. . . , , Preferred IImi Oaaned fooas . . Allea Lewis' Best Jbraad. . v ' ;, 1 s .' '' ' ' "' j -'' . ' '' We have just received from New fork 00 of toe. newest and latest styles in Lsdies Black Underskirts. They are tha finest and beat values ever of fered In. this Una.; We give you de scription and prices of soma of them. The materials are of beautiful silk .and satin finish, sod warranted. rain or duat proof, and wilt outwear any silk that will cost you four times the price wo ask for them. Every skirt guaranteed not to crack. Just look at ths prices? :. . '" Sctins 95c ;" This is" a pretty Underskirt, ' 1 wth, : 10-inch flounce,' two - straps on, same and nine, rows ', stitchinp; around ; good value SPECIAL' Vv. .... , . . : Am i Sift JL95IS .This is the best one made, with 14-inch- llounce,, three . hem stitched ruffles 3 Inches deep, - ' that would keep you griess- I ing' as to goods being' silk, ; ; and "will ,wear you ' twice as long; nothing like; them for $3.50. - vv: Vr ' special; " Show Proof JL65 This, a wonder for the price; it has a 14rinch flounce with - two 3-irich ruffles, five rows ' tucking on ruffles and six on flounce ; $2.50 ' is ,.the fight price for the.-skirt. v special a..:.;:. AH BuVSilk$L8S You cannot tell them from silk : and ; will wear you better ; rthey have' a-14-inch . flounce ; -.with three jWnch ruffles, ' six rows tucking on flounce; you v would 'erab them' at $3. - : special ;.fi5 This is a beauty with a flounce 14 inches .deep with two ruf fles 5 inches ;deep, - lapped - seams ; here is an .underskirt t that would r be ' cheap for $1.75.'- -V l: - specials . . .?i.i5 : Italian : Cloth fl.45; For .wear this -material -cannot " ' be belt, tbe skirt is'a picture; - With-W-inch flounce -two ruf" -flC5?' inches deep, hemstitch- r edt.OM: kave paid,$2.25 ior VnOt as good.'" ' " " " ' enrrr-rA t 'Ate . OX.vAl- ......... : ' SilXpteen $135 : This is fhe new- material, made . with flounce 12 inches deep, - ruffle on - bottom 4 inches - deep, 5. straps on flounce f maae to sen ior . , . -., SPECIAL 91.35 .Wear Silk H7S- These .will not last long at the .,, price. They are made. from a i soft pretty material , with V 12-inch flounce and two ruf fles 3 inches deep, six straps .! on flounce ; you ; have ipaid. $s.yd . ior uiem.' v ' 'SPECIAL' j. , !' " 175 Best American Calicoes, yard. .SIM 10-lnch StlkollneS c . . . M.;....,...S4 SS.1ncl Comfort Caliooos. . 4 .'.v.lUi It-Inch Oermen Callooes '..... iTH Llght and Dark Outing Flannels.. 5 10o Ught OuUng Flaanet. . ,...TH Cream. Outing- Flannel ......... .K Good Apron Gtnghams . .4Hs SO-lnch Sea Island Percalss 9 Hosiery Sale I" v -A P Misses' and Children's . Ribbed Cast mero Hose, all slses :, special. .IBs; Ladles' Black Cashmere Hose; special ,...i.........i,..15 Ladles' Bxtra : Heavy Fleece-Lined Ribbed Hose: special. ....... .254 Ladles' Black Cotton Hose; spl..lOw Three pair ................. .(& Mleses' and- ChUdrea's Pino Ribbed Cotton Hoee, all slses; special, -thno palrt ................. .S5e Misees'- snd Children's Extra. Heavy lxi aad Hi Rihoea. cotton . -Hose: specftl ...... laH- Boys Iron. Clad ;Hoso, regular teci soeclal . ....t.. .... .XBa) Infants', Ribbed ; Black Cashmere Hose, silk heels and toes; special .-. . laiaar Infanta' Jlnk and Blua Fine ; Ribbed Cashmere - Hose,' . silk beela and 'toes; special 20d Lcdits'ind Children's . Undinvecr Boys' Bxtra Heavy Fleece-Lined Shirts and Drawers; special........ X5 Boys Hsavy Ribbed Shirts and Draw ers, regular tec; special 19 Boysr Summer Weight Ribbed Shirts end Drawers', special..... ,..lfiT Children's ' Ribbed Veats with lW " sleeve, eream color; special.,. IBs) Ladles' Fleece-Lined Ribbed Oray Vests and Pants; special. .... ,18 Ladles' Long-Bleeve Knee-Length Union Suits; special ....... ..X94 Prlldren's Fleece-Lined Ribbed Sleep- sing uarroents, witn teei; special k ........ .254 Ladles' Derby-Ribbed All-Wool Oray Vests, regular 1 1.00; apecial..8. Children's Fleece-Lined ; Oray Union Bults ;..t ZB Ladies' All-Wool White Union Suits. regular 11.76; special ......Sl.OO The one place to get even is at-Shanahan's. The quality and style of everything sold here is the best-yet the prices remain always the low-.; est and when p of it is truth. . Bar-, gainsfercd; give trading .staiis -which entitle you to merchant , ; - i-l:-Kt.-i: ....V.;: i 30 A A swen of fashiom. ..wt a fras oopy of-'4, sar v- paaiiii boss for , Pesra- A U' n McCall's Patterns fot fall aad wta es 10-15. Ask fog taonsw - - i 1 r o . nn p o (: White Silk and Colored and White Cotton Shirt Vaists e, r?n p o , mi AnvVn i r w w sj r x ii i i i i ii i ii i i i r i i i x. xii x - 5,000 White and Colored Shirt-Waists on Special Sale tomorrow and Saturday, comprising all. the newest, and latest, ideas' in 1905 Wash Shirt-Waists.; We have them in every material known to the manufacturer, such as Japanese Silk, Japonette Lawns, ' Llnon, India Muslim It 'will be tht, most com- ' prehensive showing of Wash Waists 'this season. -Values like these will move them in short order; )-..' : . -.; J i I 'I - At $2.95 White Japanese Silk : J. . ' z:C;L:!;, 1 Waist , ;-: - i - ; .'Plaited back and front, tailor made styles, full sleeves ; ' ; good valjue for $3.75. ' Our Special Sale Price .V.,f2.95; At 53.95b a Better dity t Whito Japanese 1 SSSi Sfam& Handsomely plaited and silk embroidered, new full sleeves ; ' 1 they, will not be sold this season for less than $5.50.' ' ' Our.Special Sale Price. .. .?3.0J eft 45d Colored Percale Waisti i New sleeves, new styles in every war. v We have them in eight colorings, fast colors J they would be a good waist for . , 60c. '1 Our Special Sale Price...".,"..... .... !...... . .45. . ar.xrr : mm . -7 In White Linon Embroidered Front, . Large sleeves, also white linon with black polka dot, three sizes of dot. We show same i in cat ; $1.25 value Our ,; Special Sale Price.... . ....... ...85e At " -"7-- vv y auuw - : TbbUae : .;' ' of Shirt Waists In six different styles, in 'white, black and linen colors India -? linon, trimmed in lace embroidery on plaits. , We show , cuts of two of the styles; a cheap waist for $1:75. t . i Our Special Sale Price . & . . i .......... : .... '. . . f 1.15 " ' ' ' --i-' ' : it :$1.654b a Batiste Shirt Waist In , white, or pongee color ground, : three sizes,s.mall black : , , polka. dots ; these are beauties; a waist well worth 4 -.' 5 $2.25. Our Special Sale Price... ;.f 1.65 At'$3o(E) .. White Japanese SHk Shirt Waist With 12 plaits on front, four on back, all hemstitched plaits; pretty French bow . with collar. We show this waist in cut; good value for $5., Our, Special Sale. Price... ...$3.65. wist .7 - 1 , v w aiiw tw wm v v saa svvauui ui - .. , .ii 1 1,. .. . t ( . .j ' .-i White Japanese : Silk Shirt Waist They, are beauties, trimmed in ' . lace , with - pretty . lace collar, j open front or back ; ' you ; wjU : pay $6 for therrf another time. Our Special Sale Price. .$465 At 65c- A Better jaUty Creole In 11 different colorings, four styles of patterns, figured, striped ' and cheviot effects right up-to-date in style; regular : 90c waist. Our Special Sale' Price.... .........65t At $1 White Lawn Shirt Waist , In four different styjes, large and small pla'its, nicely, hem ' :-''- stitched, extra large sleeves ; a cheap waist for $1.50. - Our Special Sale Price. ...................... ...?1.00 AtMM India Muslin C Shirt Waist -Trimmed with, embroidery , or lace, ' a pretty white or black material, . ' a waist that would be t bargain at .$2. The cut . we show is orte of r th lace trimmed. Our , .' ; , Special Sale PriceJ:......fl.45 At $1:85 W Have Tb!s Une !a White Linon, LawnJ. Dsthte tn4 Nttr Linen u Trimmed in lace embroidery or, plaited open back or frpnt ; ' a shirt-waist that would b,a bargain at $2.50. Our 1 ..; Special Sale Price, .. .;. i,."...Y.. . . . . . ; . .... . . . . 1.85 The above is simply a sample of the ShirtWaists we have fo show yoo,'. We( have thousands of others. : Styles exclusive and prices lower than the lowest. See our show windows and visit our Shirt'-Waist Department,' second floor of our store, and we wiU be too happy to show you the biggest and cheapest line of Wash Shirt-Waists ever shown iri the city of Portland. For every ' lOe purchase or' multi; - thereof we wtll aive you B. A H. stamps. Pasts thesa on the back of a aheet, which contains four pases, which we srive you, holdlns it atampa each. When you have filled one or more pages bring them to us snd wo will five you In exchange beautiful Silver and China Wars of 'the best quality. You will soon secure a ham. some Dinner Set snd a full' supply ot Hlgh-Grade Sllyerware absolstely free, or. as stated above, 12 cash Or 12.6 in merchandise for' 10 . pages - or 0s atampa v-'v' '! .. - a New Spring Corsets : .'' '. . .. .:. .'. Ws are sbowims" aa alsgaaf Dm of Hew prims' Coreets tn Unas fo waiolt we axe ezclnalve afoata, . - . : v.. Armorside Corset, , tho patented ertl - cal boninff makes it imposalblo to break down at the sides, mads of tho ' best materials, two a tykes, lone and -' short ' hlpi. colors, drab, whito and ' buck , ; SlSS II to 10. ..., ..,. .fl-.OO Blw.,10 to 1. $1.25 F. P. Corset, stylo Bit. made of finest Alexandria cloth, wlU not break ' down at tho sides, reinforced sldo . steel, : patented, bias sore, straight front, all tho bones are tipped and cannot cut through, eyeleta for hose supporters, whito and ..drab Bl.OO e"'il : Mm . v SrflZ537 tubes F. P. Corset, style SJ7. made of best quality of Alexandria cloth, tan front, medium deep . hip. . boned throughout With best quality watch spring . tempered ' steel. richly trimmed with Valenciennes lacs snd sstln , drawing - ribbon, white and drab t . . . ....fl.OO w&8 T. P. Cort. siyle 121, made of f Alexandria cloth, bias gore, w boned., high bust, long hip, trln at top with yaiunriennea Imo a insertion, hss four hnso suppor' Bttsehed. . Ladles' Fine Sateen Corsnig, short medium lengtns, bon'd t to with steel - bone, coldrs e black; price ... X.