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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
.! tt, lztz: c-rio:: ' daily jsur::JX :ronTA?;ct Itiiuksday evening, uktcii 9. itzs. cm V0TI0E1. wife. W. H. Parent and wife. 11.33; Vt 8, Joha W, Ung aad wife, W. H. Barartt and .wlf. Si.ou; lot , John W. Ungdoa t and wife, W, tl. HiTHIi lud wife. 11. 2u; lot 10. John W. Ungdoa and wife. W. U. Bar nett and "-. 11-6; M 11. Joha W. Ung . doa and wit. W. H. Barnrtt and wife, 81.60; lot 12. Joka W. Ungdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett aad wlf. il.Sft; lot 13. Joha.W. Uug doa and wife. W. H. Barnett - and wife, f 1.10; Jot 14. John W. Ungdoa ana wiia, w. M. Barnett and wire. ll.lir. BUN K . lot 1. Joha W. Unadon aad wife. W. H., Barnett and wife, fi.86; lot 2, Lydte a. hiu, i.a; lot a, t-yoia A. Mine,; , jot 4. Joha W. Ungdoa and wife. W. H. -,, Barnrtt and wife, 11.26i lot ft, . Joha W. . Ungdoa aad wife." W. U. Barnrtt and wife, , .X: lot 8. Joba 'W. Lanadoa and wife. VV. H. Barnett aod wife, 11.26; tot T. Juan v. Mniont ana wire, w, u. Barnett ana : wife. ,11.26: lot 1. Joha W. Unadon and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, li.26; lutf i S, Joe a W. Ungdoa and wife, W. U. Bamtt . aq.d wife, 11.40; lot 10, Ml W. Lanadoa ana wuc w. u. uamett aad wire, si.oo lot II, jobs W. Ungdon and srlle. W. H : Barnrtt aad wife. 11.25: lot 12. Joha W . Ungden and wife. W. 11. Barnett bud wife, - fl.ICd; lot 13. John W. Uugdoa and wife, W. H. Baraett aad wife. 11.20: lot 14. Joha W. Ungrtoa aad wife, W. II. Baraatt and wire,; kit IS,. John W. laugdon and wife. W.. H. Barnett and wife, 11.261 lot :- is,, Jona w. Laagaon ana win, w. n. - Barnrtt and wife. 11.28. BLOCK T. ktt 1. . John, W. Ungduu and wlfa, W- H. Saraett and wife, 11.03; lot 3. John W. Ungdon and ..- . , ,& u u . . j a, .ik. i. u .1. . . 0ri AIM, W,,.T. fl.M,, . L Joha W.. Ungdoa aad wife. W. EL Barnrtt , awl wife, 41.26: lot 4. John W. Ungdon ; and wife. W. H. Barnrtt aad wife, 11.211; , Burnett and wlfa, $1.25; Ijuiidna and wlfa. W. II. lot 8. John W. Barartt aad wife.; lot T. Joha W. Inadon aod wlfa. W. H. Baraatt and wife. !.; Kt S, Joha W. Lanadan and wife, W. H. Barartt and wife. 11.60; ktt , Joha W. lAuirtna ana wire, W. H. arartt and wife. $1.60; lot 10. John W. Lancduo and Wlfa. W. H. Barnett . v and wife. 11.26: lot 11. John W. Lanadoa and wife, W. II. Barnrtt and wlfa, f.S: Ink 11 John W TAnetlnn and wlfa. W. II. I Barnett and wife, T.r kni, I&uf-rr: ; lAnk ana wire. w. o. narnrn ana wmw, . ti.ft: 1rt 14. Jnha W. Lanrdoa and wife, W. H, Barnrtt and wlfa. 11.15: lot 18, Joha : W. Langdon and wife, W. H. Barnrtt and wife. $1 26; lot 16. John W. Lancdon and wife. W. H. Barnett aad wife. $1.5. BIXK-K $. M 1, Joha w. Langnoa ana wur. w. n. Harnett and wife, fl.ftfti lot- 1. John W. . Ijiugdea aad wlfr.iW. H. Barnett and wife. 11.29; let I, Joha W. Langdoa and -wife, . W. H. Barnett and wife. tl.2S hH d. Joha W. Langdoa and wife. W. H. BameU and wife, $f.26: . lot ,. John W. Langdon and wlf. W (t. Rarnatt and wife. 11.26: lot , John W. lair.adoa and wife, W. H. Barnrtt .. ana wire, l.ia; lot l. aonn "j. - aad wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, 1U; -lot a, John w. Langdoa aaa wiie, rr. a. anu anA vlfe. 11.60. I ' THBW1IXK1PR HOMBbTHAIV-BtOO. I.V 1.- TVrwllUrrr Land uompaar. ,. at.. kit S. . Trrwllllgrr Land Ootnpan, lO.lOt lot lot lot lot Vt 1, Trrwllliger 4. Terwllligrr Lana - tvrpmar, . Land Company, B,. Terwllligrr i, Trrwllllgrr ; T, .: Trrwllliger Lead Company, lAod Compaar. ' Ind Vmpany. ' ot a, . Trrwiingrr Land Comianr. a trmr nt laad lrlna between biorka S. Terallllgw Hftmretaad, and . between the oath line of Brweor Tnnw and the north line of Admiral arenas, Xerwllllger Land conrpanr, aa.aui - TKKn lLLHiEB MUM V nun, , an 1, IWwllllger Land Company, 11.26; kt 2. Terwllligrr Land Company, Land Company, lot V lot 4T lot I, lot . lot T, Trrwllliger Trrwllliger Terwllligrr Terwtlllm-r Trrwllllgrr Land Company." I And Company, Lend ' Company, Land Company, lot - a, Trrwllliger Land Company, inf-ar a l I Tararlllieer Land Caail 1.30; lot 2. Terwllllter Land Company, 11.15; lot 2. Trrwllllgrr Lend Company, , f.26; lot 4. ' Terwllligrr' Land . Coaipany, fl-28; kt 0,.-, Terwllligrr lna uompany, lot ' . -Trrwllllgrr Land Company, ; lot T, . TerwIIHgar lAnd Company, tt K, Terwllligrr Land Company, t II. Trrwllliger Land Company, lot 10, Terwllligrr Lend Company, lot 11, Trrwllliger Land Company, let 12.- Trrwllllgrr - Lead ; Coropaay, lf in Tararilliaer Lead" Company . " BLOCK 4. lot 1. Terwllligrr Land OaaTil) . tl.a&i Wt 1. TrrWIIUfrr lam uxnpany, kt Trrwllliger - Lan --Ceajpany lot , a, Trrwiingrr jueno wi"i i lot lot lot . lot . lot lot - lot 6. . . . ; ' in. Trrwllliger Trrwllllgrr Terwtlltgra Trrwllliger Trrwllliger Laad . Company, Lend . Company, Laad Company, Land Company, Land Campaay, Terwllllaer Land - Company. Trrwllliger Laad , Company, . lot Trrwllliger una vompaoy. BLOCK . lot 1, Trrwiingrr Land Company. lot 4,.. Terwllligrr -Lead Company, ; . lot 4, Trrwllllgrr Land Company, 'lot i,r Ter-llllirer-. Land Company, : 1.26 ''. . lot l.; 1.26: n, . -jerwiiiiiw mun j it-.. lot-.. T. Terwllllcer Land Company, - lot . V Teawllllger Lead Company. ll.S - a . a"iiiiee ' lAnd llnmnanr. 11.26 1.25; . lot ' 10, ' TrrwtUlgor Land Com pa ay, 11.26. . rlLOCri t, Ml, Trrwllllgrr And Company. 11.10: lot 1 Trrwllllgrr Land Company, 11.10; kit 3, Terwiuiger una , vpmi, 1.40; X lot a lot lot , h.t .lot ?nrwiiugrr ,un iwmiwuj, rrwllllgrr i Land Company, . Torwllllger . Land Company, : . Trwllllrer Lead Company.; 1.26 25: 1.26 Trrwllllgrr , Land Company, Tarwllllarr Laad Company, , 1.26; lot 1.26 lot 10, Trrwllliger Lend Company, $1.26. BLOCK T. lot 1, Trrwllllgrr Lead Company, 11.16: tot 2. Trrwllllgrr Land Company,; lot. a, Terwllligrr . umnv , im(-"f lot t 'la h. Torwllllger Trrwllllgrr Terwllligrr Terwllligrr Trrwllllgrr Land Oomoaay, ' .... kit lot lot lot lot Lead . Company, lAnd Company, Land Company, Laad Company, lAad Company, Terwllllirsr 10. Trrwllliger Lena tompaay. it Tepwinirrr lAnd Company, . , ii ' Terwllllaer Land Company, 11.06. WK'S 1. kt 1, Trrwllliger Lead Compan ' 11.21 lot 2, Trrwllliger Land Company, 11.21 ' kt Ti, Terwllligrr Land Company, 11.21 lot, 4, lot 6. Trrwllliger lam wr"'l"uJi T 'Trrwllliger Land Company, $l. TeraiilliMr Land 'Company. 11.21 lot , h t." Trrwllllgrr lAnd Compaay, ft.H kt ft. Terwllllger Land UMnpaay, $1.2 BLOCK 1. mt 1. Terwllligrr lAna com 1.2; lot . irrwiiinjrr tAiaa wwr, lot 1 Trrwllllgrr Lend Company, lot -4, Terwllllger-Land Company, kt ft, Trrwllllgrr ; Iad Compaay,' lot , Trrwllliger Land Coupnny, lot T.. Terwllllger Land Company, li-t n,. Trrwllliger Land Company, ' M , Trrwtlllgrr tend Company, kt 10, Terwllligrr laind tlompeny, lot 11, Terwllligrr Lend 1 Company, tot 12. Trrwllliger Lend Company, tot 12, , Trrwllliger . Land Compaay, lot 14, Trrwllllgrr Land Compaay, lot 16, Trrwllliger Land Compaay, lot In, Trrwllliger Laad Campany, - tot IT, Terwllllger Laad Compaay, mi in, xrrwiiiigrr mv w" w - iiiV ia tnt 1. Terwtlllrer Land Company, 1.20! lot 2. Trrwllllgrr Laud Company, fl-2j 1.25 1.25 of a. Terwimiter v. 1 tot 4. Terwllllger Ml t LbbK Und Land ' Company, Company, Company, Company, Company, ' tot 6. lot tot I. tot . lot . Terwllllger 1.26; Trrwllllgrr . 1126; 11.26; Trrwllllgrr Terwllllger Lend Land 125; Terwllllger ixmpany, 1.2.1; lot 10, Tapa-uUrrr Land Company, 1. niArv ii lot l. 'Terwllllger Land CoBpany, ' 1i,lAl , , . ' I.OUi lot 1. Trrwllllgrr U lot 4. Terwllllger Land 'lot 4. -Terwllllger Land tot 6. Trrwllliger Laad nd Company, 1.56; and Oompaay, . . Company, Company, Company, Company, -Compaay, 1.66 tot 6. . Trrwllliger Laad kt . Trrwllllgrr Lead $106; $2.15; lot T.,' Terwllllger Land lot H, Terwllllger Land , kit . TrrwUllger Land , ,. , n n'.n.ii 1 m I Ann 1.06: I.T5; $1 6ft; 1.85; company. ; tot il',) Terwllllger Land Company, i.a; 1.26; lot II. . Trrwllliger Lena ijompmry, ' tot liL Trrwllllgrr " Lead Compaay, ' lot 14. ' Trrwllliger-. Laad Compaay, t lotlgt' Trrwllllgrr Land Company, T,m ier- l And Crrtaoanr . JI26; il.2&; i.zb; i i lot IT, . Terwllllger Land Compaay, Jl.g; tot IS, Terwllllger Und Company, 11.26; lot 10, Trrwllllgrr , Land Compaay, 11.25; tot , Terwllllger Land Compaay, 11.55; "lot 21. Terwllllger Land Company, 11.66, . hlAH K M, W 1. Trrwllllgrr Land tPeny, . ai k,, , L-t 4 TaraillliAer Land Comoanjr. 11.50: ot--ir TrwllUer Land Jiompany ll 26; , l a iwiuirer Land Company. 11.26: lot 6. irrwimgrr , iw t j , Terwllllger I And ' Company, 11.26; tot , tot, T. lot, , kt t. Trrwllliger l.ana iompnay, 1.26; Trrwllllgrr Una Oomuanx, . 11.25: Com pen. 11.25; Trrwllllgrr kt tot kt tot tot Terwllllger Land Company,- 11.26; I And Company, , $1.25; Land Compaay. $1.26; Terwllllger Terfllltgrr Terwllllger . Land Compaay, 11.25; Terwllligrr 1a nd CVsmpanr, $1.26; i- la H aarireri. 11.26: kit 13. 11. H. Hwlnrt. 11.26: tot IT. Terwiuiger Und Cotrprny, $I.M); lot 11, M. B. Kwlgerr, $1.60. nUK 13, tot 1. Terwllllger Land tmpny. ll 26: lot 1. Trrwllllfer lAnd (lenipany, $1.26; kit , Terwllllger In a. Terwtlllrer Trrwllliger Laad Compaay, $l ; linger Lena lompeay, lot- 6, Terwllllger I A ait nt ' Terwllllrer Land Compear, : fi.zn; Company, 11.26; Company, v l r i Omnpany, 11. 2ft ; Company, .' fl.26; Company. $1.26- kit T, . 'Terwllllger Laad tot -. Terwllllger Lead 'lot . Terwllllger Laad lot 10, Terwllllger Land BLOt;K 14, tot K Trrwllllgrr Land mray, II 25; kit 1 Terwllllger Land Company), $126; t 8, .Terwllllger Und Ormpanyf-4l r tot 4. Terwllllger, . Land Company, I. an kit ft, TerwIIMgef I And Compaay, to , u. -Terwllligrr'' I And Company, ' )nt T, Terwllligrr Land Company, tot 1. Trrwllliger Lead Company, lot , -1 Terwllllger, Land Comany, lot , 10, Terwllllger Und Cam pa nr.. tot , 11. Terwllllger Und- CVimpenr, tot ill Terwllllger Land Company,. tot 1.1, " Terwllllger lAnd Company, tot 14, Terwllllger Uad Company, iot 16., Terwllllger Und Company, l, , , a jreewiniver lAad (ViaNitr. ' 1.26; 1.26; 125; $1.26; Is! 1 .25; 1.26; lift; 1.26; let IT, XanrUlif er . Land Company, $1.20, OUT BOTIClu. fet 18. Tirwilllger Laad Company. 81.38. , BLOCK 19. lot 1, Terwllllger Land Compaay. tl.; lot 1 Trrwllliger Laud Oompaay, 1.8 t.3, Terwiuiger Laud Oouipaoi, il.2B; lt 4. Terwllligrr Und Company, .11. 5. lot . Terwllllger Und Omual. 11. W,: tot 7. Terwllllger Und, Company, $1.25; kt 8, , Tvrwtluger . Und Campany, $1.26. BiAicn, ia. toe l. Terwiuiger Land Oomoa Ij.a: a 2. Terwiiucrr iAud Company, t 8, Terwllllger Und Company, lot 4, Trrwllliger Und Company, ' 6, ' Terwllllger Und ' Company, 1. Trrwllliger Land Uutupauy, T. ,' Terwllligrr Und Company, 1. Terwlluaer Und Conunr. tot tot tot lot rilitH.'K IT, lot 1. Terwllligrr Laud Company. $1.26; lot 1 TerwIlUger Laud Compaay, $1.25; oi . o. inwimnr iabu vonipany. tot tot lot Terwlllloer Terwllllger UH Und Und Und Uad ' Company, ' " Company, . ,; Company, ' Company, Company, Terwllllger Terwllllirer . lot lot tot tot tot ITrrwIlllger Trrwllllgrr Uad Ifompany, , 10, Terwllllger Und- Company, 11, Terwllligrr . Laud Company, t 12. Terwiuiger Land Company, . 26; t 11, Terwllllger Laud Compaay,' ji.26; lot 11. Terwllllrer Land Company, $1.06; Und Oompaay, $1.15; iol 15,' Terwllllger j, Terwiuignr iam tompany, IT, . Terwllllger Und Comuauy, i.xn lor in. trrwiuiger Lena company, BLOCK 11. tot 1. Trrwllllgrr Uad Company. -; wt a, lerwuugw iai lot 3, Terwllllger Land 11.26: lot . TerwIIUaer Und Oompaay, 11.26; ..ijompauy,'; , kt 4. Terwllllger lAnd Comnauy. 1.25 tot - ft. Trrwllllgrr '-Jand Compaay, ' Company, .. Company, Company,. -: Comuauy, ' 1.26; $1.25; $125; $126; $126; lot, tl, tot . T, tot 8. tot.. . Terwllllger lAnd Terwllllger Uad Trrwllliger Und Terwllllger Lend tot 10. Terwiiuger Land tximpanyr $1.26. BL0CMT 18. lot 1. If. K. Bwtaert. 11.60: lot 2. H. K Bwlcert. $1.45j tot 2. M B. gwlgart. . fiJj tot a, at. . iiwigrri, $1.26; ax o, lerwiinger i a ikj v vmpauy , Terwllllger Und Company, Terwllllger Und : Cempauy, Terwllllger Uad Campany, ; Terwllllger Und Company, Terwllligrr Land Compaay, Terwllllger Und Coraoanr. 1.26; tot. a. !i.; tot 7, 1.25; tot 1, 1.26; tot 1. 1.26; lot 10, 1.26; lot 11. 21.26; lot 12, -rrw1lltffrUad-tMnpany, fr.25; art-1. ' Terwllligrr ' Und Company, il.25; tot 14. TerwlUleer lAind Company. $1.26r lot 16. M. . BWlgert, 11.26; tot IS, M. K. Swlgert, 11.26; lot IT. M. K. Swlgert, 11.26; lot IS, . K. Bwlgert, $1.26.' BUBDIYiBIOM Of FABt or BLOCKS m)M , BKBBD S AND 4, FULTON VARK BLOCK a. anbdlTlaloa 2. of lot D, 11U rindlry, , $1.15; aubdlvlalon 1 of lot D, H. K. Long, $1.10. BLOCK 4. anMlTlalna 1 of tot A. n. K. Long, ii.vj; autHUTiaion s oi mt a. H. R. Long,; autMllTlaloa 8 of lot A. H. B, Long. $1.10; aabdlTlalon 4 of tot A, H. .. Long, r. 1.: aubdlrliloa B or lot H. it. Long, ll.Ki; aubdlTlalaa of tot A, Ii. H. lng, fl.IU. ' , . 0AR8ON HS1QHTS BLOCK 83. lot 1. KUaa k Caraoei BaUte, Heire of, $0.65; lot 3, Ellaa A. Caraon Katate. Belra of, $0.00; lot . KUaa A. Caraoa HaUte, Hetra of,- $0,5 lot '4. KUaa A. Caraon Katate, Uelra of. $0.Jo; ' lot ft, KUaa Au Carton Katate, Hetra of ,,$0.05; : lot 6, Kllaa A. Caraon Katate, Helra of, 10.0U; " lot T, Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate, Hetra of, $.5; tot 8, Kllaa A. Caraoa Haute, Bulra of, $0.00. BLOCK 84, lot 1, KUaa A. Caraoa Kaute. Helra of. $0.65;, kit 2. KUaa A. Caraoa - Katate, llelra of. 10.80; tot 8, KUaa A. Caraon Relate, Helra of, lO.trS; lot 4, BUM A. Caraoa KeUte. Helra of. $0.00: tot ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, : Brira of, $0.00. BLOCK 83, tot 1, Kllaa A. Caraoa Beute, Helra wf, $1.5; lot 2, Kllaa A. Caraon Kaute, lleira of, $1.28; lot 8, KUaa A. Caraon Batata, Helra ' of . $1.26; tot 4, KUaa A. - Caraon Katate, Belra of, $1.25; lot 6, KUaa "A. Careuu Haute, Belra of, $1.28; tot , Kllaa A. Caraoa EaUte, Helra of, $1.26: tot ' T, KUaa A. Caraon Katate, Belra of. $1.26; - kit 8, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of, $1.26; tot 8, KUaa A. Canon Katate. Belra of, $1.26; tot 10, KUaa . A. Caraon KeUte, Belra of. '$1,261 lot 1L Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUta, Helra of, $1.25; lot 12, KUaa A. Caraoa KeUte, Belra of, 11J5; lot 18, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kaute, Heire of. 11.26; tot J4. Ellaa A. : Caraoa Cuute, Belra of, $126; lot 16. Koae M. Hturgee, $1.26: lot ie, Koae M. Btnrgea. t 1.2ft. BLOCK 88. tot 1. KUaa A, Caraoa auto, Belra of. $1.26; tot 2. KUaa A. Car aoa Katate, Helra Tbf. $0.U6; lot 8, KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of. $1.60; tot 4. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate, Belra of, $2.40; lot ft, KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Belra of, $1.89: lot -a. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katato, Belra of. 11.X6; tot T, Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate,. Helra of, 11.25, BUH'K -17, lot 1, KUaa A. Caraon -Kautav-Helra. of, $125; tot 3, KUaa A; -Caraoa Katate, Helra of1.25r tot 8, KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of, $1.26; lot 4. : KUaa A. earaoa Katate. Helra of, $1.26; lot ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa Kaute, Belra of. $1.25; ' tot o, B0aa A.- Caraoa Kaute. Helra of. : $1.25; tot T, KUaa A. Caraoa Balate, Helra of. $1.25; lot 8, KUaa. A. Caraon Kaute. Belra of, $1,265 lot . Ellaa A. Caraon Ka- tate, llelra of. $0.k0; tot 10, Kllaa A. Caraon Kaute, Helra of, 11-00; tot 11, KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Uetra of. $0.t; lot 12. KUaa , A. Caraoa i Katate, Belra of. $1.06; lot 13. - Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of. $1.26; tot ' 14, KUxa A. Caraoa Batata, Belra of, $1.26; -tot 16. Kllaa A. Caraoa Kaute. Belra of. $l:2! lot 10, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Belra .. or,i fl.K; lot -ll, bubb A. taraoa lauit, - Hrlre of, Sf.26; tot 18. KUaa A. Caraon Be. late.. ucHWor, i.a; lot iu, suaa a. caraoi Kaute, Uelra of. $1.25,' lot 20, Kllaa A, Parana aViata. Helra of; 11.26: -lot Itli Kllai Caraoa Katate, Helra of. $125. BLOCK ftri tot 1, KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of, $1.85; tot 2. Kllaa A. Caraoa KeUte, Helra of. f 1.25; lot 8. Kllaa a. . caraoa Ml ate, Helra of, 81.26; lot 4. Kllaa A, Caraoa KaUU, Helra af. 81.86: lot ft. KUaa A. Caraoa Katate. Helra af. 11.80; tot , o, Kllaa A. Caraoa .Katato. Helra of, $1.25; tot T, Kllaa A. ' llaraoa Kaute. Helra of. 11.26! lot M. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate, Belra of, $1.26, BLOCK W, KUaa a caraoa mute, jieira or, an-eu. . BLOCK 40. lot 1. KUaa A. Caraoa 'Batata, Uelra of. BU.NA: lot 2. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helm of, 8O.80: lot 8, KUaa A. Caraoa Heuie, llelra ot, gv.wo; o( a, ciiaa a. car aoa KeUte, Belra of, ,$1.00t kit ft, KUaa A. Caraoa Batata. Belra of, $1.00; tot 1, KUaa A. Careen KeUte, Belra of, $1.06; lot 7, KUaa A. Caraon Katate, Helra of, fl.10; tot 8. KlUa A. Caraoa Haute, Uelra of, $1.80. ' MUICK X tot i, Kllaa A. Caraoa Eauw, Helra at, i.. - Klot. 1 Karl aiMl Iah Wlk'h. 121. 4D. CAK80N BKIQUDre-Ut P. KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, iieira or,; an u, suae a. Caraoa Batale, Helra of. 80.48; lot K, KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Helra of, $1.60; tot 8. KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, llelra of, 80.46; tot T, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUU. Belra of, $L6o; lot II. Ellaa A. Caraon Katate. llelra of. $0.45; H.l milea A. Caraoa Batata, Heire or, ll. do; lot w, aiuaa A. uraoa huu, Helra of. . A trmhgalar tract of land lying between the aaat line ot roe roruano at wuiameiie al ley Railway Oemany'e right at way and the era tor Una af Harrleaa e treat extended aaat ally la tu preeeat eouraa and tlte north Una at rmice aarauirra aoaataaa aaaa caaua, w, K. Hmlth. 110.00. A tract vf land aoanded and oeacrlbed an ' followa: Uommeaclag at the interred loa of the north Una of tin Ice Caratarra donation - laad claha with Ue eaat line af Hood e treat; theeee-eaet along raid donation laud claim to the weet bank ot the Willamette rlrer at low water mark: thence aoatberly along the went bank of Willamette rlrer to aolat 848.4a feet aonth of the norm luo ot lue eeld nation land claim; tuence weet 6o5 feet; , t nonce north along a atralght Una to where the aame would be lataraeeud by the north 11 aa of Llocela etrret It eiUnded aaatarly la , lu areaent coeree; Uaoce weetarly , along raid exteueloa of the aorth line of Lincoln treat to a point 100- fret aaat of tun aaat Una of Hood afreet; thence north 100 feet long Una 100 fact aaat af aad parallel with the aaat Una of Hood atrret; tnenee weet along a line 100 feet north of and par allel with the north line af Lincoln atreet If . attended oaeteriy la the weet Una ot Hood atreet; thence north along the aaat line ot Hood atreet ta nleea of beginning. Port laad ' Umbering Manatartorlng Company, ITa.Tftcv A tract af laad lying between two .lore re pectlTety so feet aad 100 feet north el aad parallel with the aorta Una of Lincoln atreet ei tended aaatarly aad between tba eaat Una af Bond atreet and a line 100 feat aaat thereof aad oarallel' therewith. Annie aad Kdward Coir, 11.26.- ... . ... A tract at jano lying nerweea ine norm una ot Ltaeola atreet ex tended eeelerly and a line 0 feet north thereof and parallel therewith and between Ue eaat Una of Hood atreet and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel therewith, 1 or t laad Lumbering ftlanafacturlas Company, 81.25.- ' A tract af bad kneaded and deeerlbed U fol--Iowa i Commencing at a - pelat oa tba left bank af the Willamette rleer 10 feet goutb of tba aautheaat eoraet of too pnmplng-hauei ; t be ace went 10b fort; t henna aorta 2uo fett; thence root ta . the went beak of Wlllametta rlrer at low water mark; thence up the weet bank ot aaM rlref to a point doa rent af place' of beginning; thenee wret to place of Define log. Aloo a certala right of way 10 fret wide exteadmf nt a aortbwraterly dlrrettoa from raid tract ta the eaat Una of Hood atreet, Cy of fart land. 110.00. A tract of laad bounded and deerrrbed fal towa: Oonnnrlng at tba eoutheeet earner of the Kllaa bath Caratbera doaatloa land claim; thence weet ta the eootbeeat earner at CarutheraleAddltton to tba City of Portia ad aa laid out by tba Month Portland Beat Ketata Aeaoelellon: tuence north oa the eaet Una of aaid addition to tba aortbeeet earner ot eeld addition; thence weet to tba eaat Una of Macadam etrret; thee re north along the aaat lino ot Beredem atrret to IU lutereectloa with tba north Una of Lincoln atreet If ea tended eaaierly; Ueex-e aaat along aald ri- teneloa of Lincoln atreet to lu lutereectloa wltb tba arret Una of a tract af laad coa Tryed by kt. C. Burrell aad wife ta the Port laad Lamberlnf A Manafectnrlng Compaay by deed recorded la book 82, page lib. Record of lleeda. Multnomah County; thence aonth r, te the anatbwret corner of a tract ameeyed by tba South Portland Real Ketata Aeeocle- tlon to the Portland Lumbering Mannfactnr- ' tag Company bjf deed and recorded ta book .114, page 22, Record of 0eda, Malineeneh fjowaiy; laanca rmm iee arinwni ue uei or the water Warke tract, arctloa 8, tewnehtp 1 eontb, range 1 eaat, Willamette meridian: thence aaat ta tba W 11 tamer ea rlrer. ar low water mark thence south ajanf the ataaoder 0ITT BOTICrn. Inn ef aald rlrer to nlace of beelnntnr. rare aud eicept tba right af way ot tbe Portland ' A rVUUinette Valley Railway Ouuipany and a tract owned by Warwick. Oregon UaUweyJa , larigatioa taupany, mtou.w. A tract ef laud lying between fna treat Una , of tba rortlaua Wlllametta valley Rail road Comoaar'a rlaht of way and the Wil lamette rlrer aad between the aouih boundary . line of a tract owned by tbe MnUuouieh Traak Factory, arctloa 10. townehlp I eouth, range 1 eaat, Willamette Meridian, aad the ' mnrth line of a tract of Land eaat of the Port. . laad A Willamette Valley Railroad Company a right of way awoed by Aathouy Kogge and . uicnara Btorp, wiuatea ta eecuoo iu, iowa ahlp 1 eouth. range 1 eaat. Willamette Meridian, Maria Arnold. Truetee, $16.26. A tract ot laod lying betweea' two llaee re- . apecttrrly 38 fret aud 48.26 feet eouth af and parallel wlta the eouth line of a tract ot land owned, by the Multnomah Trunk raetorr. action 10. townablu 1 eouth. reuae . 1 eaet, Wlllametta Meridian, and betweea tba aaat Una of Macadam road and the weet , line of the Portland A Wlllametta Valley RaUroad Company's tight af way, Maria arwuu, . ro-w. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol . Iowa: 'Commencing at the lutereectloa of the north Une of Terwllllger dona due land claim with the waat line vf Macadam road; ' thence eouth 830 feet; thence weat 0H0 feet; v thenee north 1.40 fret; thence- eaet abv feet to place at befiaauc, uiy ai -roruaao. f-iO.76. A tract af land bounded and deeerlbed followa: Commencing at tbe lutereectloa af toe north Une of the Terwllllger doaatloa laod elalra with tba eaat Una of Macadam road; thence eouth 88 dvgreee aaat 821 feet; , thence aoutb 2U drgreee wret 1.40 chelae; tbe nee north 88 degrees weet 821 feet; thence ' north 1 drgreea eaat 1.40 cbalna to place . of berlnulnr. Jobn Knrkler. 16.00. ., A- tract of land bounded and. deeerlbed aa followa: Commencing las 'eat aoutb af the lateraectloa of the eaat Una of Macadam road' with tba north Una ot the TnrwlUlrar . .donation land claim; thence aoutb 88 degreea ' eaet sxt teat; tnenee aortn VI tree; tuenca eaaierly to weauriy nana or wiuamette rlrer; ' tnenee aortneaet - along aald rlrer ITS feet; thence north 88 degreea weet la wear uz.a reet.: tnenee. aorta an arureee weat ' 821 feat; thence aoutb 100.4 feet to place of oeginnuif, aamuai u. ana damea u. uorraoce ' lliis. , A tract of land bouoded aad lSeerHbed aa fot- lowai ,' Commencing 183 feet aoutb of Inter arctloa or aaat line of Macadam roaa wita north Una-of TerwIIUaer donation laad claim: I , tbence eouth t drgreea eaat 821 feet; thence r nortb IT feet; tbence eouth W degreea aaat U weet bank of Willamette rtrer at tow water mark; tbence aoutbweat along the weat bank Of aaM rlrer 142 .feet: thence north 88 de greae weat 868 feet; thence north 100.71 feet to , puce of beginning. Char lee r. mcol Katate, Heire of, $18.78. ' A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol' lewa. - CommenduA' at a nolnt in the aaat Una-, of Macadam road 283.75 feet eouth of the lateraectloa of tbe eaat line ef Macadam road with tbe north Une of Terwllllger do naUon laad claim; tbence .aoutb along eaat : Una of Macadam mad ta tba northweet corner ot "J. OberU'a three-acre tract," recorded In Book U. ran 253. Record of lleeda. Multnomah County; tbence eouth 80, degreea ' eaat 10.82 cbalna to weat bank of Willamette rlrer at low-water mark; tbence northerly ' along tba,. waat bank of aald rtrer ta tba aoutb Una of Char lea p. Bacon "KeUU, Helra - of. Tract, aectlnn 10, townahlp 1 aoutb, range 1 aaat, WlTlametta Meridian: thence weat alone the aonth Una ef the aald . Charter p. Bacon Batafe, belra afr tract, to place of beginning, Multnomah Trunk fuo ory,, t . . . " A tract ot land lying betweea tba aoutb Una of Multnomah Trunk rectory tract, aeo Won 10, townebln 1 eeuth, range 1 eaet, Will amette Meridian, and a Une 28 . feet aonth - thereof and parallel therewith, and between tba aaat Una ot Macadam road aud tbe weet ilne of tie Portland A Willamette TaUey Ullroad Company a right of way, Loulaa Jobua, 80.80. , . A tract ot land lying betweea two Hare reapectlrely 43.25 feet aad 88.25 feet aoutb ot aad parallel wltb the eouth Una of 'Mult nomah Trunk f actory tract, aectloa 10, towa ahlp 1 eouth. range J beat, WMimett. Meridian, aad between the- eaat Una of the Macadam road and the weat Una ot the Port land A Willamette Valley Railroad Company'! right of way, Louie Oberle, $1.05. A tract of Und lying betweea two 11 nee re epectleely 83.25 feet and 121.25 feet aonth of . and parallel with the eouU Uae of Mnltno .mab Trunk factory tract, awliou 10. -towa-ahlp 1 aoutb, - range 1 rant, Willamette Meridian, and between the eeat line ot Mae t a dim road and tba waat line of Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Company'! right ot way, Clara Roberta, $0.80. -A tract of land lrlna between two 4uaa rn. apectWely 121.2ft feet and 14826 feet aoutb of and parallel with tba aoutb Una of Malt , aomah Trunk Factory tract, aectton 10, towa ahlp 1 nouth, range 1 eaat, Willamette merid ian, and between tbe eaat Una of Macadam road and the eraet lino nf th. l-nrtl.. A Wll. lamette Valley Balrawy Coeupaay'a -right ef -way, ABcnerine -rriamaa, ao.wo. A tract of Und lying betweea two tinea re- epertiTeiy xn.xo leet ana 14W.Z3 feet eoatk ot and Parallel wltb tbe eoutb Una of Mult - aoraab Trunk Pactory tract, aectloa 10, town- ahlp 1 aouth.- range I aaat, Willamette merld ias. and between tba eeat- line ot Macadam road and the weat Una of the Portland A Wil lamette Valley Railway Company a right af ..wj, -i-wier voerie, ai-'O. AU that portion ot a tract of land tying went , pf the riant of way of tba Portland A Wil lamette VaUrr ' Railroad Comoanr boanoed ' and deeerlbed aa followa: Commencing oa tbe veai una oi aiacauem roaa at the northweet corner ot a 3ty-aere tract eold to Kobllteet aL, - recorded In book M, peg ai(- Record of lleeda. Multnomah County ; thence eouth 88 .: drgreea 35 mlnutea, eaat 8.T5 cbalna; tbence , aoutb 80 degreea. weat 1.08 cbalna; tbence 1 north 88 degreea 88 mlnutea. weet 8.20 ehaiae; tbence north 1$ drgreee mlnutea, eaet 1.07 chaina. te place af beglualng, Jauiee Beanett, $0.86. ' A tract of land bounded and dacr1bd aa fol . Iowa: Commencing at a point In tbe weet Una ot tba right ot way of tbe Port laad A Wll lametta -aiiey auiiroaa. company, which ta 15 feet north of tbe Intereectkm of Ue weat - line at aaM rigbt of way with tba north Una of a one-acre tract coo rayed to Beda Kub- ler. recorded tu bonk 82. page 80S, Record of AJerae, atuitnomea uouaty; tnenee north as de greea '86 mlnatee, weat 10$ feet, to Macadam road; thenoe north along tba eaat line ot ; Macadam road 62 fret; tbence aoutb 88 drgreea ' 35 mlnutea, eaat 100 feet, to tba weat Una of .tba aforeeald right of way; thence aoatberly along the eeld right of way to place of be ginning. Anthony Kogge gad Richard P. Btorp, $1.66. A tract of land hounded and deaerfbod aa followa: -Com mincing nt aortheaat corner of Terwllllger donation land claim; tbence north 88 degreea 84 mlnutea, weat 14.S chaina; thence aouth 2 degreea 18 mlnutea, weet 1.40 cbalna; tbence aoutb 1 drgaaea, weet 8.06 cbalna; tba ace aoutb 6.14 cbalna; tbence eoutb 4 degreea. weat 1.11 chaina: thence eouth bd .degreea 85 mlnatee. eaat 8.76 chaina, aa place ot beginning; thence north M drgreea 85 min ute!, went 885 feet, to aaat line of tba right of way of tbe Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Company; tbence aoatberly along aald . right of way 8M3 feet; tbence eouth 88 degreea '. 85 m lan tee, eaat 354 fret; thenar north 20 do , green, eaat 2 X0 cbalna; tbence north 32 de greea. aaat 4.62 chaina, to place of beginning, Anthony Bogge aad Richard P. Btorp, $2.80. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa followa: Commencing 210.1 feet north, 18 de " greea 21 mlnutea eaat, ot tba northweet corner of tbe Pagan two-acre tract, recorded la book O, pare aot. Record of Deed, Multnomah County; tbence eaat T5 degreea, T mlnutea aonth. ta weat line af right of way of tbe Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Com pnnr; thenee north 18 degreea, eaet DO feet, mora or rare, to drireway; tbence north 88 de gree. 85 mlnutea went, along aald drireway to eaat Une of Macadam road; thence aonth 13 drawa. KT mlautra weet, ta place of begia- . alng, Kmma L. Cole, $1.75. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa . foOewa: Commencing at aortbweet corner of th Pagaa two-acre tract, recorded In book Q, page 108. Record ot Derda, Multnomah County; ' thenee north 13 drgreea, eeat 50 feet; tbence , acuta as degreea so minuter, eeat issji reet; ath- 13- d grace, waat 40 feeti thenee north 88 degreea S3 mlautra, weet 188.3' teat, te place of beginning. Fred Noble. $1.78. A' tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa followa: Commencing- 60 feet north, 13 de greea 3T mlnutea reat, bad Til feet aoutb, 88 degrree la mlnatee eaat, froea aortbweet cor ner of the I'araa two-acre tract, recorded In ' book 0, para 808. Record of lleeda, Multnomah t-Coontyl tbreee-eoutfe ew degreea -13 mlnatee. east , i , imitien mkl, , winw, real SS.S fret: tbmca north Tft drgrtta T mlnatee. weet 112.8 feet: tbrnca aoutb 10 dcrrceo 15 1 mtnatea, weat nrJ.T feet; tbenra north 78 de- frere 60 mlnatee, wret ST feet; thence aouth 8 drgreea 27 mlnatee, weet 10. t fret; tnenee aouth 7 drgreea M mlautra, aaat ST. 8 teeli tbenca aouth 10 drgreea 13 mlnatee. weet 384 feet, ta place at beglnalng, Carrie Ktrkley, ' $2.26- . A tract af laad bouaded aad deatiibed aa fol lowa: Commencing 13 drgreee 27 mlnatee reel SO feet from -the northweet corner ef tbe " lagan two-acre tract, recorded la hook O, page 808, Record of lleeda, Multnomah County ; tbence north 13 degreea or mlnutea, eaat 60 feet; thenee aonth 78 degreea 30 mlnatee, eeet S7.S. fort: thence booth 10 -degreea 15. mln atee, weet 8SJI feet; tbenca north 88 degreea 18 mlnutea. weet Tl.l feet ta place of be . ginning. John Mler. $0 ea. - A tract of laad bounded aad deeerlbed aa . followa: Commencing 1,'tT.S feet north ot .aorthweat corner of lb Paeaa two-acre tract, . recorded kt book O, pare 303. Record of Deede. Multnonuh County; tbenca north 13 drgTrea IT mlnutea, eaet 44.1 fert; tbenra aonth Tft de- freee T mlnatee, eaat 01.4 feet; tbenca aouth 0 drgreee 11 mlnutea, went 40 feet; tbeure north T8 di greae ft mlautra, weat 88.5 feet, te ' place af beginning. Char lee J liebrworth, , in.60. , A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed ai followa: Commencing 110.8 fert nortb. 13 de greea 27 mlnutea aaat. from aorthweat earner ot the reran two-acre tract, recorded ta beak (I, . page 303. Record of Deede. Multnomah County: thence- north 18 degree 27 mlnnte. eaet 2H.T . feet; tbence aouth 7 degreea 3 mlnutea. reet SAA feet i tbenca anath 10 digrna 13 mmatee, Waat 38.7 (eel. thanes Berth 18 degreea ftv CTTT V 0TICXI. "a " ,n "i " i ii i-i. i i. t,-i i-i.i-i. - i-iji-f , mmatee, weat ST feat, ta Blare- of beginning. Lou la Oberle, 80.34. - ' A tract of land bounded aad deeerlbed aa followa: Commencbig at lb aortbweet oor aer ef th Uouilnougb A Clark four-acre tract, recorded la book P, page 4U7, Record of Deede, -- Multnomah Couaty; tuence north 25 degreee, eaet 3.0T chaina: thence aouth H8 degreea 36 mlnutea, weet T.20 cbalue, U tba weet bank ot the Willamette rlrer at' tow water mark; , tbenca up tbe weat bank of aald riter 8.08 ' ebainet tbeuce nortb bb drgreea 33 mlnatee, weet 7 14 bine, to puvc ot beg tun Big. Cath erine Fagin, $13.00. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa followa: Commencing at aortbweet corner ot tbe MoodnoUKh A Clark four-acre tract, re- ' corded la book P, page 487, Record of Deede. Multnomah County; tbence aoutb 24 degreee, v wearf 3.34 cbalna: tbenc aouth 81 degreee 30 mlnatee, - eaet S -86 cbalna; thence north 23 degreee. eaat 4.23 cbalna; tuence nortb SS de- Keee 30 mlnutea, weet 7.14 cbalna, te place of glnnlug, Blaalnger A Co., 316.00. A tract of kind bounded and deeerlbed aa , followa l Comaieuctng 8.34 chaina aootb, 24 do greea weet, of nortbweet coruer of tbe Wood i nougb A Clark four-acre tract, recorded In book P.. peg 407, Becord of lleeda, Multnomah County; thenoe aouth 34 degreea, weet 1.14 cbalna; ' tbence aouth 32 degreea, weet .02 ebaiue; thence aoutb T5 degreea 13 mlnutea, v eaat S.8T chaina, to the weat bank of the ' WUIamette rlrer; tbeace along the weet bank . af aald rlrer north 2ft drgreea, eaat 2.40 chain; tbenca north 80 drgreea 40 mlnatee, went IK cbalna, to place of beginning, Loub Blmmrrman, 811-36. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol. towa: Commencing nortb 13 degreee 27 mln utea, eaat 182.1 feet, front aorthweat corner of tba ragaa two-acre tract, recorded la book O, , peg 303, Becord of Deed, Uultnomak County: tbenca aoutb Tft degreee T minute, eaat 17tt.J feet; theece nortb weetarly -84 A feet along tbe weat line ot tlie right if way of tbe Port land A Wlllametta Valley Railroad Company) tbenca north 76 degree T m Inn tee. weet 171.1 feet; tbenca nouth 13 degree 31 mlnutea. weet 84 feet, to place at beginning. V. A. Poadlck. 11.35.- - ' -i' ' . A tract af laad bounded and deeerlbed aa fet towa: Commencing at tba aoutbweat corner of tbe Good nougb A Clark four-acre tract, ra 'corded In nook P. page 407, Record of Deede. Multnomah Countyr tbrncr aoutb T5 drgreee - lb mmatee, aaat t.i cuaina; tnenee- aortn ta degreee 45 mtnatea, eeet 100 feet: tbence nortb 78 degreea 13 mlnutea, weet S.8T cbalna; thence aouth 82 degreee. weet 103.33 feet, te place ot beginning, Portland Truat Company of Oregon, $0.50. . . A treat ot land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commrncmg at tba aoutbweat corner of the Ooodnoogb A CUrk four acre tract, re corded in book P. page, 407, Record of Deede, Multnomah County; tbenca aouth T6 degreee 30 minute, aaat T-86 cbalna, to the Willamette rlrer; tbence eoutb 4 degreea, weat 62.2 feet; tbeace north 73 degreea, 80 mlnatee weet, ta eeet line of Macadam road; tbence nortb 81 degreee 4T mmutea, aaat 4T feet, mure or lean, to placa.of beginning. Charles Deltb, 85.00. . A tract of land bounded and-deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commencing at a auke In tba eaat Una of Macadam road 85 llnka eontberly from tbe eon lb weat corner ot th Brick Yard tract, aectloa 15, towaablp 1 aouth, range 1 eeet, Willamette meridian; tbence eoutb 75 drgreee. 80 mlnutea eeat, parallel with aouth Una ot aaid Brick Yard tract, 3.16 cbalna to weet beak af Willamette rlrer nt low water mark; . thence along weet bank of aald rlrer aouth ' 40 degreea, weet S3 link; tbeace north Tft de greee, 80 mlnutea wret, parallel with nouth Una of aald Brick Yard tract, 8.24 chaina to tba aaat Une of Macadam road; tbenca north 80 degree, out 84. link, atong aaat Una of - Macadam road ' to place ef beginning, Jobs Kleraan, $3.35, - . A tract of land bounded aad deeerlbed aa fol lowa; Commencing at aoutheaat corner af block 0, Portland Homeatead; tbence eaat to ' weet line of Macadam road; theno northerly ' along aald weet Mae at Macadam road te Ita late reaction with the aaat Una of tba old county road; tbence eoutberly along eaat Une of old couaty road to the place af beginning, Vnknoara Owner, $18.35. - A tract ot land boanoed and deeerlbed aa tol- - towa; Commeacmg at tba eoutbwcot cornet of John Kleraan tract, recorded In book , 28, page 488, Record ef Deede, Multnomah Couaty; tbence ooath 80 degreea, weet 160 - feet; tbence aoath T6 degree 30 mlnatee, aaat to weet bank ot Willamette rlrer at tow - water mark ; tbenca along tba weet bank of aald rlrer north 40 degreea, eaet to ' aouth eaat corner of caul Jobn Kleraan tract; tbenca - north' 75 drgreea 30 mlnutea, weat along th south Una of aaid Joha Klernaa tract te place ot brgianlag. B lratn Terwllllger- $11.33. A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commenclug la the eaat line ot Macad- - am road where .nemo mteraecta I be wreterly . eitenaloa la IU preeent coeree -the aorth Una ef tbe Keller A Wymaa one-acre tract, re corded In nook 0, page 303, Record ot Deeda. - Multnomah County: tbenca atong eaat line of . Macadam read north 21 drgreea 30 mlnutea, ' wret 138.4 feet; tbence north 14 degreee 10 mln atee, weet 184.4 feet; tbenca nortb 7 degreea SO mlnutea,' weat 1.6 fert, aa tbe place ot be clnnlna: thence eaat 700.8 feet to weet bank ot Willamette rlrer at tow water mark; thence north alone tbe weet beak of aald rirer 107 feet; tbenca weat T31.T8 feet to eaet Una of Macadam road; thence aouia negreee au mia- atea, eaat 18.44 feet, to puce at sogmnuig, Joha W. Uagdoo. 120.80. . A tract of laud bounded aad dractibed as fol lowa: Commencing In tbe eaat line of Mao ad am road where aame la latereected by tbe aorta line of tba heller A Wymaa ana-acre , tract, recorded la hook O, page 802, Record ot in Ilia, auiuwaia louniy; ineucu nonucriy along eaat line er. Macadam road aa xouowa: tbence north 14 de greae 10 mlnatee. Went 184.4 feet; tbeace north T drgreea 80 mlnutea, weet 2otJ fert; tbence north 8 degreee 8 mlnutea. waat 00.88 feet aa tbe nlace of beginning: 4beace aaat 740-40 feet ta weat bank ef Wil lamette rlrer at tow water-mark; tbrnca northerly atong the weat bank of aald rlrer boa.s fret; tbenca nortb 10 degrees iv min ' alee, eaet 110.7 feet, aiaro or leea, to eouth 1 Una at Motfett tract, eeet Ion 13, townahlp 1 aouth. range 1 eaat. Willamette merldlau: theno weet along aonth line of aald Moffett tract to the aaat line f Macadam road ; thenee aoath atong Hie eaat line of Macadam road to place of beglnalng, Terwllllger Und Com pany. 1T1.36. ' A tract of land hounded and deacrrned aa fol- towa: Commencing la tbe aaat line ot Mac adam road where eama la luteraeeted by tbe aorth line of Keller a w ymaa one-acre tract, recorded In book O. nag 302. Record of Deeda. ' Multnomah County: tbeace northerly . along eaat line of Macadam road aa followa : North 31 degreea 80 minute, weet 138.4 feet; tbenca north 14 decree 10 'muotee. weet 184.4 feet: tbenca nortb T drgreea 3a minute, weet 175.04 feet aa place af beginning; tawaee eaat to wret bang or Willamette rlrer at low water man; tbenca northerly atong weet bank of aald rlrer 88.18 feet: tbrnca wret to eaat Una ef Mac adam road; thence aoatberly atong eaat Una " of Macadam road, aouth 8 degreee ft mlnutea, aaat BO.hv feet; tbenee aoutb 7 drgreee 30 minute, eaat 80.08 feet, te place ef beginning, Mary P. Ureea, 113.75. A tract of land boanoed and dractibed aa fol lowa: Commencing at a polat la tba aaat Une of Macadam reed where aame la Internee ted br nortb Una of Keller A Wymaa onavecre tract, recorded la book O, page 802, Record of t"rraa, niaitnoman couuiy, uiencn norm aping . tba eaat line af Macadam road aa followa: North 21 drgreea 80 minute, weet 138.4 fert; thence aorta 14 degreea 10 mlautra, weat - 113.24 feet ee tba plae of beginning; thence - eaat to weat bank of Willamette rlrer at tow water mark t tlte ore northerly along weat bank - of eeld rlrer to aoutb line ef Mary P. Creea tract, recorded In nook 234, page 58. Record of Deeda, Multnomah County; tbence weet atong aouth Una of aald tract ta eaat line of - Macadam road; tbenca aouth along eaat Uae of Macadam road to place at beginning, Anna K. Barnett, $10.00, ' A tract of land bounded aad deeerlbed as foK ' Iowa: Commencing at a point ha eaet line ' ot Macadam road where aame la luteraeeted by the north line of tba Keller A Wymaa one-acre tract, recorded la book O, page MKt, Becord of Deeda, Multnomah County: tbenca nortb 21 drgreee 80 mlnutea, weat 138.4 feet; tbrnca north 14 degreea 10 mlnutea, weet 113.24 feet; tbrnca eeet to weat bank of Wll- ' lamette rlrer at low water mark: thence aoatberly atong tlte weet bank of aald rlrer - 8V8.4 fert; tbence weat 467.04 feet; tbeuce north , 23 degree, wret 25 fert; tbenca weet 100 feet; tbeace aorth 23 degree, wret 133.38 feet, to pUca of beginning. Linn yietcberr $41.25- a irnot ot lana lying uetween toe eouin line of Bouadnry atreet and a wraterly eitenelon af am la It preeent enure and a Une 131.40 feet eontberly from and paraUrl therewith and between tba weat . line of Macadam road and the dlrlatoa I me between eeet tone IS aad 15, townahlp 1 aouth, range 1 eaat, WIIIaom ette meridian, B, W. Blugkaau and Kmma L. . Corbett, 40,00. , ,.. A tract ot land lying betweea two tinea ra- rrttrely 131.44 feet and 443.18 feet aouth and parallel with eouth Una ef Boundary atreet aod a weeterly eitenaloa of aunt in Ita preeent eouraa and between tbe weeterly Hue of Macadam road aad the dleletoa line be tween eeet loo IS and 15, townahlp 1 aoath, range 1 aaat, WUlaraett raerkdUa, Joha B. Blngbam, Truetee. $100.00. -A tract af hind lying between two lme ra neetlrely 443.18 feet and 8U0.S8 fret nouth of aad parallel wltb aouth Una af Boundary atrret and a weeterly eilenetoa of eeme la Ita preeent eouraa and betweea tbe weeterly Una af Macadam road and tbe dlrmloa- Una be tween eeet lone IS and 16, towhablp 1 eoutb. ', range 1 eaat, Wlllaawtta merldlau. Clarlnda a i-h ea A' tract of land lying between twa linen re- epectleely ovu m reet ana azx. reel routs or ' and parallel with tba aoath Uae of Boundary 7 atreet end a weeterly eitenelon ef earn hi Ita preeent rouree and between the weeterly Une ef Maeailan road and tba dlrlaloa Uae be tweea ecctlone IS and 13, towaablp 1 aoath, range 1 reel. Willamette merkllao, Anna H. Barnett, 873.771. . A tract ot laad, lying between a line 828.1 feet eourh of end parallel with math line of Bonndary street and a " weeterly eitenaloa : thereof la Ita preeent con re and the aonth . boundary line of-, tba Terwllllger doaatloa laad elaJta, and between the weet Una of Oreen'a Addition to Portland and the di- elatoa line between taction 18 lad IS, -tewn-. ahlp 1 aoath. rang 1 eaat, Wlllametta geerleV Ita. Jobn W. Ungdnn, 1101.86. A tract of land bounded aad deeertbad ss fol lowa i Commencing at a point la the aaat line af Macadam road where the aame la la . Urercled by tbs seats Bno af Keller 4k CTTT K0TICTS. Wyman ano-arr tract, recorded la book N, - page 3o4. Record of Dreda, Multnomah Couaty; tbrnca aoutb 23 drgreea. weet 26 feet: tbenca aouiu ew octree ou mmatee, eaet iuw reet: - tbenca north 23 degree, weet SO feet: tbenca north 80 degrees 30 minute, eaat 100 fert; tbeuce aorth 23 degreea, weet SO feet: tbeec north Ss degree 30 mtautea. weat 100 feeti tbence aoutb 33 degreea, eatt 26 feet, to place at ueginuing. cur or rortiana. su.uo. A tract of Und bounded and deeerlbed as fob'- .Iowa: Commencing at a point In tba weet bank of Willamette rlrer at low water mark 102.24 feet aorth of aoath Una of TrrwtlUger donatio Uad claim: th nee north 80 degreea , a muiutr. went to eeat una or macadam road: ; tbence north 13 degree, weat 34 feet: tbenca nortb 17 drgreee 4 ai inula, weet X4U.64 feet thence north 21 drgreea 27 mlnatee. weet S70.S4 fret: tbeace eoutb 80 degreea IB win atea, reat 100 feet; tbeace north 21 drgreea , 37 mlnutea, weet 8s feeti thence aouth few de See 18 u .,Kta, gree is uututee, eaet ui.g feel to puce ai 4ona naiaey joaea coaipany, A tract at land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commencing at tba aoutbeuet corner of tba Terwiuiger donatio Uad claim; tbenca - weet 8.25 chain) tbence nortb 14 degreea 30 - ailnntee, eaat l.S cbalna; tbenca eaat '8.25 cbalna to weat bank of Willamette rlrer at ' low water mark: tbence south 14 degreee SO minatea, weet IM cbalna to place af begin ' nine. Lnula Oberle. Sd.2ft. , - ' A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol- : tow: Commencing where the aorth Une of . Thoma atepbene doaatloa und claim inter aecu tba weet bank ot Willamette rlrer at . tow water marl ; theuca weet ,6 40 cbalna; tnenee eon in in oegreeo, eaat a. no .en a id a thenee eeeterly 5.4T chema; tbeace nortb 4.85 cbelne to place af beginning, aare and except .2 acre deeerlbed In book 203, page 73, Record ot Deeda, Multnomah Couaty, Leal Arnold, . ei-so. . , A tract of laad bounded and deeerlbed as fol towa: Commencing nt a nolnt 208- feet eouth' erly from Where the aoath Hoe, of Terwllllger donation land claim Intereecta the eaat Une of aiacaaam roaa, ana tnenee easterly let.a reel at right angle aa the place of beglnalng; tbence enetherlr 80 feet . parallel with tba eaaierly line ef Macadam road: thenee eaat erly 80 feet to weet line ef right of way ef the Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Company ; thenee. .northerly -88 feet -along -ld - right ot way; tnenee weaterty ta place at aa. i inning, Jon a Arnold, $1.76. tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commencing at eon lb weet corner of Louis Arnold tract, section 16. townahlp 1 aoutb, rang 1 aaat, WUIamette raerbliae; ' thence eouth 19 degreea,- eaat 3.3T cbalna; tbenca eeet 8 cbalna to waat hank af Wll- ' lamette rlrer at low water mark; tbenca aorth 10 degree, weat 3.25 cbalna; tbence weat te puce or org inning, William and not ma uei ger, $0.83. A tract of land bounded end deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commenclug at aoutbweat corner of tbe William and Boa In! Uelger tract, aectloa 15, townahlp 1 aoutb, range 1 eaat, Willam ette meridian; thence weet 8.08 cbalna; tbenca eouth 14 degreee 30 mlnutea, eaet 1.70 ehalaai t thence eaat 3.03 cbalna: tbenca north 14 da- greea 80 mlautea, weet 1.70 cbalna, ta place or - uegianuig, caillonua ruwdar rvoraa, i 88. ia , A tract of land lying betweea tbe waat Una of Macadam road aud tbe eaat line of blocka on, ill and 32, bout hern Portland, Oregon, and between tbe aontberu boondarr of the Terwll llirer donation Und claim and the nortb Una of biorka 26 and 34, bou there Portland, Ore- Son, and alee north line of Carolina treat, B, :. Tboinpoon, $187.60, A tract ot Und lying between tba waat Tine of Macadam road aad the eeat line ot lota a. T, 8 and 8. block -a, Ureea'a Addltioa te - Portland, and between tbe aouth Una ot tba Terwiuiger dona t loa land claim and tbe aoutb . Una of (uU ft and 8, blork 6, Uroea'e Addltioa to Portland, rk-bool Dlatrlet No. 1, $8.10. A tract of laad lying between the weet Hne at Pulton Park and tba dlrlnloo line betweea - aectiona 18 and 16, townahlp -1 aouth, range 1 eaAt, WUIamette meridian, aad between Uie aoutb line ot tba Slerta road and tbe- aorth line ofSrhiock la, Pultea Park, Pultoa Park Uad Compaay,- 118.75. A tract of land lying between the. weat Una of Pultoa Park and tlie-dirlaloa line betweea : aaettona 21 and 32, townahlp 1 aoath, range 1 eaat, Willamette meridian, aod betweea tba eouib line ot Perth atreet and tbe north line or in etrret oa tba north aide of blocs An, Pulton Park, Pultoa Park Compaay, 110.00. A tract of Und bounded and deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commencing 10 cbalna weet and 3.112 cbalna north, T degreea want, ef northeaat cor ner of block 1, Pulton; tbrnca eeet 8.60 chalnet tbenca aorth 8 deareea. weat 3.1 chaina; tbence weet along nouth Une of Me- ana atreet to a, point aorta 1 degreea, weet - 3.10 chaina, from place of beginning; tbenca aouth 7 degreee, aaat 3.10 cbalna. to place af peginning, - sate s. utngham, - A tract of land bounded and deeerlbed aa fol - towa: Commencing 10 cbalue weat af north-! eaet comer of Mock 1. Fulton: tbenca north T - drgreea, weet S 02 chaina, to aouth Una of Nerada atreet; tbenca weat atong eontb Una af Nerada atreet ta eaat Una of right of way ot the Metropolitan Hallway Company; tbenca eontberly alone eaat Una of aaM rlaht af war to north Une of block 45, Pultoa Park! tbenca eeat along north Una of Fulton Park to place oi ueginuing, a. w. voroau' cauw, neua oi, $07.60. - A tract af land bounded and deeerlbed as fol . tower- Commencing at aoutheaat corner ef - block 4, Fulton; tbenra eaawrly atong north una ot mrerriew uemetery, aectloa iu, towa allla 1 aoutb. rune 1 eaat. Willamette nterid. lan. to weat Hoe af Macadam road; tbenca northerly along weet line of aald feed to northeaat corner of block 4, Pultoa; tbenca aetitnerly along tba eeaterly Una of block 4, Pulton, to niece of beglnalng, Ueorge T. aad Mary M. Hughee. $3.45. A tract of laud bounded aad daarrlbad aa fol lowa: Commencing 21.80 cbalna weet and S..ri0 main norm or aoutnaaat corner or Thomas Stephen dona f too bind claim:-- thenee north 70 digraaa. weat 34 8-3 roda; tbence north 20 oegreea, eaat ta eaat line ot caany atreet; tbenca eeat to eaet Una ef Hood atreet: tbenca north to aoathweet corner of tot 1, stock I. Fnltoa Park; tbenc aouth TO degreea, eaat 8 cbalna, mora er lea, to waat Una of Taylor'e - Perry road; thence aoath 25 degreea. weet 1.03 cbalna) thence north TO drgreee, went 18 chaina, to place at beginning, Herman Meta ger, llso. A tract of laad bounded and drarrlbrd aa fol- towa: Commencing at northeaat corner lot ft, block 103, Fulton Park: tbenca north SO feet; , tlienee north 40 degreee, eaat 843 feet, to a ataka 80 feet snatb from eouth Ilea of the 1 Metager tract, aectloa 22, townahlp 1 eouth, -renew 1 reet. WUIamette meridian; tbeaea -eaeterty parallel with eoutb line of aald Meta- fer tract to a ataka hi weet Una of Taylor'a erry road; tbeace aoatberly to reat Una ot block 103, Fulton Park; tbenca north 100 feet to nort hearer corner of aaM block 103; tbenc . went 100 feet ta plae af beginning. Portland Clay Company, 11.86. - An Irregular tract of Jand lying between the aouto line or ixocg , tuiton, and aa eeaterly extension ot tbe eeme la IU preeeat coeree ' and the weat Uae of Macadam road, the north line ot Hector Campbell donation land claim, weeterly line of Macadam reed aad : the eeaterly Una of Taylor'a Ferry road, Rir errlew Cemetery Aeaoclatloa. $131.23. A tract of land lying betweea tbe north Una of Hector Campbeira donatio Und claim and tbe aouth boundary ot tbe City of Portland and between tbe weat line ef the Wlllametta rlrer at tow water mark and the wreterly lino of Brene'a Ferry road and Taylor'a Ferry road, and except plot 1, aa abown aa the map of Portland, Oregon, pabllabed by The Title Ooarantee A Truat Company, Reglitered, No. 76. Klrerriew Cemetery Aaeoclatlon, $372 60. A tract of Und bounded and deeerlbed aa fol low: Commencing at tbe tntrraectkoa af the north line of tract deecribrd m book A, para 6H0, Record of Deeda, Multnomah County, wltb eeet line of Taylor'a Ferry road: tbence north erly atoag aald road 200 fert; tbence Weet 80 feet to eaat Uae of Macadam road; tbenra, . aoutb 300 feet; tbenca eaat ta place ef be ginning. Security Battaga A Treat Compaay, $2.60. A tract ef land bounded and deaerfhed as fol towei Commencing 30 feet eontb and 30 feet weet of aoutbweat corner of block 83, Pal ton Park; thence eaat 2x0 feet; tbenca aouth 80 fret; thence. we t 130 feet; tbenca aoutb 20 fert; thenc wret 130 feet: tbeuce north 800 feet to place of beginning, Byron p. Card- : well Batate. Hrlre of. 31.10. A tract of laad bounded end deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commencing at the latrreectton af tba : nortb lino of Llenermaa tract, recorded la bonk Connty. with tbe eaet I Foe ef old Taylor Ferry . Mad; thence north along aald road 200 feet; tbence eeat to Willamette rtrer; tbenc foUow- tng tbe uieendertnge of aaM tirrr ta the north . Una of aald Llebermaa trert: thanes weet te tbe place af beginning. Beary B. Dupent. 1.85. ' A tract or land bonaaea sua acecrioea sa roi Iowa: - Commencing - - cbauu aaat and 18 chaina south of aorthweat comer of northeaat Juerler of aectloa 32. townahlp 1 aoath, range eeet. Willamette mer kllaa; tbenc eaat ft chain; tbence eeuth 8 degree, weat 2.70 cbelne; thence wret 4.88 cbelne t reat line of Meradam road; tbence northerly atong eaat Una of Macadam road to place of be Inning, Security Ma Tinge A Trnat Company. $18.26. A tract of Und bounded and) deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commencing at noetbwret corner of Mock E. Fallen Park; tbence north TS fert; thene eeat te weet bank of Willamette rlrer at tow water mirk; thence along tbe went , bank of rlrer to northeaat corner of block D.J Fnltoa Park: tbence weat to plae af begin- alng. Cberlee Llebermaa, r .A tract of land bounded end deeerlbed aa fol low!: Comaiencbia at aoaibeaat corner of lot .4.- block I. Fulton; tbenca eoutberly along weet tin of Taylor'a Perry road ta a point is reet nortneriy tmea aortneaet of btork T. Pultoa: tnenee northerly atong a line parallel with northerly line of blork T. Fulton, to IU Intrrarctloa with tba southerly line of lot 5, block 1, Pulton, II. J. Relgei man. $0 63. A tract of ttnd hounded lad deeerlbed 1 fol lowa: Commencing 32.18 rbebia aorth and 134 cbelne weet of aoutheaat corner of Thomal atepbraa aonatton land rlilm; tbence north T8 degreee, eeat AOS chain, ta weet bank of Willamette rlrer at .tow water mark; tbeaea aleog weat bank or aald rlTec north 40 degreea, eaet 1.40 cbalna: tbrnca north 8 degreea SO mlnatee. eaat .83 rbaln: tbenra weat cbalna; tbeace anath 4 degreea 30 mlnutea. eaat 3 88 rbaln. ta th Place af be ginning. Frenelaea Sehmltt. $11 l". A tract of land bounded and dearrihrd a fol lowa : Comroenclna at three-mile seat la bf ae- sdaa road; theses eaat la west beak af W-il-vJ CTTT V0TICXS. Umette rlrer at tow water mark; theaee north along the weet bank at aald rlrer te eouiheaat.'orner nt btorh M, Fulton Park; tuence writ along tbe aouth Una of blocka M and N, Fallon Park, to Macadam road; i tlieoro aouth to place af beginning, Xunodore . Nli-olal, $16.00. A tract of land bounded aad deeerlbed as fol towa: Commrnclng north 18 degreea. weet 383 chaina, from eoatbeaet cornet of Tnomaa i Htepnene donation Und r latin; tbeaea weet 3.74 cbalna; tbeace-north 33 degree 30 mlnatee, weet 3.23 cbalna; tbence north 85 degreea 16 uiluate. weet. l.Od cbalna; tbence north 4 degreea 30 mlnatee, went .84 chain; tbenca north 8 drgreea 30 mlautee. weet 2.60 cbalna; tbenra north 21 degreea, weet 2 ehalne; tbeaea north 2u degreea. weet 4 cbelne; "thence nortb 43 degreee weet 3.28 pbalna; tbenca aouth 38 degree, reat 8 cbalue; tbenc eoutb IS degree, eaat 4.ST chaina, to place of ba- i Inning, Joseph and Frank Webber, $34-26. tract of Und bounded aad deeerlbed aa fol lowa: Commencing at a point in the eaat Una et',Macadam road wttero aame U to ter ete ted by aoutb Una of Tbouiaa Stepheue do. .. nation land claim', tbenca nortb 6 degreea 80 . roteetee, weet 1.T8 chain; thence north 83 - degree 80 minute, weat 1.23 chaina: tbence ' aaat parallel with tbe aald donation laad - claim line 3.74 cbalna 10 weet beak of Wil lamette rlrer at law water mark I tbenca aoutb - , erly 18 degree, eaat along the weat bank of aald rlrer. 343.38 fart; thenee, peel parallel with and ISO feet eouth of tba aouth Una ot tbe-Tboiuae Stepbene doaatloa Und claim to the aaat line of Macadam road; tbenca nortb along eaat line of Macadam road to tba place of . beginning, Roderick U Mauleey, . $15.00. '' - - A tract of land bounded and ocecrlheif it , - followa; Commencing at eoatbeaet corner ot tot 20, block lu, nouth era Portland; tbence weat 214.5 -feet; tbence aouth 6 degreee 30 mlnatee, eaat to nortb Una of Nerada atreet; thence eaat atong north Una ot Nerada atreet to weat Una of Macadam road; tbenca north - along weat Uu of Macadam road to place ef beginning. Joaeph Weber, $1.45. ,A tract of land bounded aad deeerlbed as . followa: Commencing at Interred loo of weet line of Macadam road with aoutb Una of Ne rada atreet; tbence weat 214.3 feet atong aouth - line ot Nerada atreet: tbeace aouth ft degreea SO mlnutea, eaat 68.25 feet; tbence eaat 214.5 feet u theuca north 3 degree 80 mlnutea. weat .68.23 feet, to nlace ot beglualng, Melcblur Tinnier, '$8.60. " A tract of laad bounded snd deeerlbed as ' followa: Commencing 16.13 feet aorth, 8 de gree 30 minatea eaat, from northeaat corner - of btork 1. Pultoa; tbeuce northerly atong the : weet Une ot Macadam road 306JMI feet; tbenca weet 214.6 feet; tbence north 65.03 tart ta ' aouth Una of Nerada atreet; tbenc weat 87.55 'feet; tbenca aouth 120 feet; thence aouth 8 dogmas 3d mtautea, eaat 241.88 feet: theno . nortb 88 degreea 41 sunutea, eaat 211.25 feat, v te place of beginning, Roe Rohae, $18.36. A tract of Uad bounded and deeerlbed el 1 followa: Commencing 3417 cbalna nortb. ft de gree 30 minute aant, and 3.82 chain weet of northeaat corner ot block 1, Pulton; tbeecr weat 103.45 feet; thence north 8 degreea. weet to aoath Una of Nerada atreet; tbenca eaat 183.43 feet; tbeaea eouth to place at begmalBg, Charlea D. aad Kllaa Cbrlateueru. $4.05, , A tract of Und bounded aud deeerlbed as foUowa: Commencing at northeaat earner of - block 1. Pulton; tbence weat 10 cbalna; tbence aorth T degreee. weet 8.02 cbalna; tbenca eaat 400.73 feet; tbenca eoutb 8 degree fts mla atee, eaat 341.88 feet; thence north 88. degreea- 41 mtautea,- eaat 211.28 feet; tbeaea aouth ft degreea 30 mlautea, eaat 12.13 feet, ta place of beglualng, P. Klinaorga. $18.60 A tract of Und bounded and deeerlbed as . followa: Commencing at aoetueeet corner ef . block STH, Pulton Park; tbeace weat 200 feet . to eeat line af Pint atreet; thanes north 800 - feet to aouth Una ot Logaa atreet; thence met to nortbweet aprner ot aaid block; tbenca ootrtberly along weat Una of aald block ta puc ' of beginning, 1 ulioa park Uad Company, $5.10. , - A tract bf land' bounded and deeerlbed as followa: 'Commencing at aoutheaat corner of btork sTtt, Pultoa Park; tbeaea weet 200 feet; tbence aouth 80 feet; tbence seat 200 feet; tbenca. nortb 80 feet ta place Of beginning. South Portland Real Eitate Company. $4.00. A tract of Und bounded and deeerlbed. aa followa; Commencing at a point 60 feet eoutb - and an feet weet of northweet comer of block ' 72. Pultoa Park; tbeaea aonth 250 feet; tbence weet 3H0 feet; thence north 200 feet; theno : eaat 800 feel to place ot beginning, congrega- :- . i. u.,k t.i aiara A tract of Und bounded and deecrlbwl aa - followai- Conimeaclug 39 feet aoath aad 80 feet writ of aoutbweat corner or nwcx i Pulton Park! theno eeat 760 feet: tbewe aouth to lutereectloa of nortb Una of Poplar atreet with weet line ef Blgbth eeeoue; thence weeterly to Klereutb arenue; .tbence north to north line af Spruce atreet; "theuce Weat 21 feet; tbeaea north to a point 80 feet neat of , nor til eaat corner -ot Blocs , ruuon rare, tbenc weat loo feet: theuce north 30 feet; tbenca aaat 880 feet: tbeuce aouth 30 feet to -place of beginning, Vincent Cook. $11310. A tract of Und bounded' and deeerlbed a followa: Commencing at nor threat corner of ,. lot ft, blork 103, Pulton Park; thence north 60 feet; tbenca nortb 40 degree, eeat ,B3.4 ' feet, to aouth line of Metager tract, aectloa 32, townahlp I aoutb. range 1 eaat, WllUm Site meridian; tbenra nortbeaaterly paraUel with weat Una of eeld Metager tract to aoutb Una of Haael street; tbence waat to a point due norm or nortnweoi corner ai own aw. Pulton, Park; tbence eouth to aorthweat cor ner of aald black 103; tbenca eeet 100 feet te ' puree af beginning. Vincent Cook. $13.75. ' A tract of land lying betweea the center line ef ttocoud street If entended aouth la IU pre- . ent eooro and tba dlrmloa line betweea aoc- ' tioaa 11 and 33, townahlp 1 aoath.' range 1 eaat, Willamette meridian, and betweea a Una -30 feet eoutb of end parallel wlta eoutb line af blocka S3. 84 aad S. Fnltoa Park, and tbe north luw of block 83, tbe aortbreaterly and north wraterly Haea of btork 73, raltoa Park, ' Honry PleckeaeUla. $21.20. .. - . A trUngular tract ot Und lying betweea tba-eoutb -Hae of Taylor Perry -woad.tha wreterly Una af Boonea Perry toed and the ' dlrlaloa Una betwera section 21 ind 22, tow at hip 1- aoath, range 1 eeat, Willamette Meridian, Congregation Beth larael. $0.00. ' A Uact of Uad lying between the aonth Una af Seymour rreuue and tbe aouth Uu , -ef Boundary atreet extended weetarly la IU preeent cenrae and between the weet Une ef Second atreet and tbe dlrUtoa Une betweea aectiona IB -and la, townahlp 1 aoutb, range . l eaat Willamette Meridian, aara and except the Indrrmuhie tract below deeerlbed, Ter wllllrer Lend Company, $128.26. ... A tract ot land noanded-and deecribrd aa fol lowa: Commencing on eeet aide of Slarla couaty road 2,024 feet aorth end 433 fert reet of eoutb line et tbe Terwllllger dona, tlou Und claim, where eama U Utereectrd bf tbe dl niton Una betwera eaat aaa weet ft: of aald donation una ciaim; incecv wwia dere.aa bo minute eaat 4M.8 feet: tbeaea nortb 31 aagreea iu miaatru raat a.i tor are north n drgreei 30 minatea Waat to tba anutbweetiirly line ef the Slirla county road; thence aorthweat 81 degreea 18 min ute weet 210.6 feet; tbrnca aoutb 3 degreea 4ft mlautea weat 43.4 fert to place at beoru alng. Uottlleh Indermuhlr. $18.50. ... A tract ef lead bounded and deecribrd ss fol. Iowa: Commencing at nortbweet earner et block 148. Cerutbere' Addition to tba City of Portland, aa Uld oat by tbe South Portland Reel Katate Aaeoclatlon; tbeace. aoutb 200 feet; Tbenca weet 480 feet; tbeace aorth 300 feet; tbence eaat 480 feet te place of begin ning. Mr. R. A. Owen Adair. 117.50. A tract of laad bounded aad deeerlbed aa fol low: Commencing at nortbweet corner of btork 148, Cam there' Addltioa to tbe City of Portland, aa Uld out by tbe South Portland Real Karate Aaaoriatlon: tbrnca Weet. 3U fert along the aoath Une ef Carry itreet If eiteuded weaterlr la It Drenent tbence Berth 820 fret parallel with the weat Une af Flrat itreet; tbence eaat to tbe aoutb weat corner of Mock 120, Cimtherr Addl tioa ta the City ef Portland aa laid out by the South Portland Real Katate Aaeoclatlon; thence aouth 328 feet lo place et beginning, Wllllim M. Gregory. $1.80. ' All the land need and occupied by tbe Ore gon A California Railroad Compaay for right ef way 'uwrpnaca. except where eeld right ef way la located ta etreete, lying betweea tbe north line et Flnler Carnthrra' donation laad claim and the eonthern boundary ot tbe City ot Portland and between tbe wret beak ef Willamette ilrrr at low-water mark Snd the dtrtalon llnee between aectiona 4 and 8. 0 and 10. 16 and 16. 21 and 23, townahlp 1 aootb. rang 1 eaat. Willamette Mertdiea, Oregon"" A CiUfernls Railroad -Compear, - 11311.00. - All tbe snplated land lying betweea the aoath Una of P. Caratbera' donation Uad claim aad - the aoutb. line of Ellaabetb Caruthera' anna . tloa Und claim and betweea the dlrlaloa line between aectiona 8 and 10, townahlp 1 eoutb, range 1 eeet, Willamette Meridian, and the weat Mae of Flrat etrert. rxrrpt two percent rr .f land owned by Mr. B. A. Owen Adair Lind William M. Gregory. Oregon Railway A Naetgatloa company, inn.ui, A tract of toad lying betweea ss eeaterly eitenaloa of the nortb line of Caratbera atreet and a line 150 feet north thereof aad parallel therewith and betwera th eaat Uae of Water itreet and a Una 88 feet eaat thereof and parallel tbrrewltb. JermUh World. $1.:t0. Right of way. Portland ConeoUdated Railway Company. $2,737.70. , . Total, t.OII6.4ft. - ,r . THUS. C. DEVI-IX. . Auditor ot tbe lily of Portland. . Date of Irel publication. March 9. lilt. I ' ' ' "" SOFOIALa FOR XwUIPhTCBT FOB ITUTXT- OLIaUtlBw AMD irBJUnXIXO DIPABT- Ri v aaiad aeneeeal will be rrcrirrd at In eff- 8 of tbr Aiiilltor of tbe City of Portland until Moadtr. March 13,- 1nfl, if '8:00 p. ., for fwrnlahlne the Street-Cleaning and BprinkHaa Departux-nt wltb tba following: 4 draught noreee. s 4 aprlnkllng wagon. 1 -home power broom. . . ' - ' Ko arnpoaals will be roaaldered unreel Se- rmnpaaled by a rertlAed cbeck payable to the order ef fleorge H. William. Mayor ef the City of Pertiana, equal to iv par real at the aggregate amount at the bid. Tbe right la reject any- snd all Bids Is hereby rreerred. - ' -. - . - -, By order M US Eiecnrire Board. - ' thus. c. nrm.TTf, ' ' Aod I tor f tba City nt PartJaaeV ' ForUaad. Orasaa, Marsh I. 1808. BATXB0AB y r ) ySiioi&Lii'a and Uiiiuri lvlriU 3 Trains Jo the East Daily J Through Pntlmia ataadard and toartat 1 ing car sally to Omaha, Chicag, Snokaae; tnurUt ateeplng eare dally tu haneae City; through Pullman tourtat aUenlng ear (perao. ally conducted weekly to Chicago. Reclining UNION DEPOT.. Uato. Arrtre. CB1CAOO-PORTLAND . - SPECIAL, I '" n. 8:33 a. Par the Beet TU Heat- D11'- , Dally. lugtOB. . ' . " SPOKANB PLYKR. For Kaatnrn Warning- " ' ". " '' ,rl ' ton. Wall Walla. Uw- 8:18 p. St. a a. Ba laton, Corur d'AUor Dully. Dally, and Creat northern - , ..: polnta, . , ' " ."-''. ATLANTIC BXPRKS8. ,,,, T1S 'Columbia' Rirer Slrwloa, FOR ASTORIA and way polnta, Conner ting with -nn a. About ". ntr . imc i,u- tiwaco ana ex. Buuaay.i e North Bearb. ttr.-Hai-ISarnrday. ' Jexv Sunday. ex. Sunday. 8:00 a. bj. lortio p. a. TamhlU Hirer Route. -I FOB DATTON. Oregool i-ny aaa ramblll Rlrer polnta. atmra. Ruth and '! a- aa t-ejl aa. Dally., Daily. ex. Bandar. Monne. A an -at. dock. (Water permitting.) eg. Sunday snake Rirer Rente. FOB LBWIBTON. Ida., and way points from Rlnarla. Waah ' About ,8:40 s. fa. DaUy. 6:00 a. I Dally. Spokane and Uwtoton. ex. BatuTda eg. Fti Iday. TICKET OFPICR. Third .and WtiMiigto. Tek F"oue main iia. . a " r 7?JK0ER' T Agent. A. U CBA10. OenerU raaaengcr Agent. EASTvu SOUTH Uarea. ONION DEPOT. ArrTrea, OVERLAND BXPRKSS trains, tor Setorat, Rati burg. Aabland. Sacra 8:30 p. ra. mento. Oa den, Saa Praa- T2a S.BI claeo. Stock too. Loa A-l gelee, Kl Paao, New Or-) lean a aad the Eaat, Morning train nerta at Woodburnl dally except Beaday with ' train - for Ml. AngeL Sllrertoa. RrowmrUl. I n r 1 1 1- 8:301. BL 8:00 a. au f 1 e I A - Wendflng and Hltreo. r- - - A I bear naeaenree 4:00 p. si. nects at Woodbum with 10:10 S. I Mt. Angel and Slteer ton tocal. - Corrallla piaaenger- ghertdan piiiengrr'. so a. i 50 p. i:B:50s- m. 8:33 a. m. f"j o latl noUTta- Ieil - anally. I ' Daily , axrept Sunday. Portland -Oawege Suburbaa narrios and Tamhul Dirlaien. " " Depot foot of Jeffrrana atrret. leare Portland dally for Oawero T:30 a. ai.t 1350. 2:06. 8:6n 6:2n, 8:25, T.46. 10:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday).' 8:30. 8 30. 8:35. in srl a. m. ; 4:10. 11:30 p. m. , Sunday onlTj 8:00 u. m. -- ' Returning from Oowrgo. arrtre Portia ad dally 8:80 a. m.: 1:66. 8:08, 8.16. 7:36. 8:5,1. 11:10 P. m. Daily (except Sanoayl 8:2i,,t:2. 8:80, 10:10. 11:46 a, m. Except Monday, 12:3$ p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. . . . .. . . Learea from same depot for Dallas and later mediate point dally (except Sunday 1 4:14 p. m. Arrire Portland 10:10 l. m. Tba Indrpendence-Manaioath Motor tin ' operate dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. coa aretlng with Soot hern Padna company'! tracks at Dallaa and Independence. . Flrat-claaa fere from Port Und te Sacrament lad San Pranrlaco 120. bertha 85: aecond-cUaa . ... fare 114. aecond-rlaaa bertha $3.60. Ticket to p. item polnta aad Knropa, alas linen. Chin. Honolulu and Aoatralla. City Ticket Of Ac corner Third and Watb- Ingtoa street. Pbooe Mate T12. . C. W. STINGER. - T. B. COMAN. Cty Ticket Agent, .' flea. Pals. AgerV TIME CARD of; .- TRAINS Portlands UNION DEPOT. Depnrta. L Am, Paget Sound Limited, for Tacoma, Seertl. OlrmnU. . Holth Bend JOs.) 4:48 p. St. and Oray'a Barber pointa. North Coaat Limited, for Tieoau. beet tie. Butte. St. Pinl. Mle-i aeanolla Chicago. New 1:00. BV T:00 a. St. York. Beaton and potato Kilt and Boatheeet, Twin-City Bxnriaa. for Tacoma. Seattle, Spe-I sane. Helena. St. Pa a I, Mlnneanolla Cbkeeea. U:48. sd TiW a. Sa. New Tork. Bnetoa and all polnta Boat aadl Soatbeeet. , j Paget Sound Kinaae Clty-t. LoaU Special, for Taeomn. Seattle, Sookane. Butta Bllllnea. Dearer. Omehe, Keneae 1:30 a. at. I p. a. City, St. Louie and ill polnta Kaat and Sua th ee et. All - trains 'dally except ea South Bead branch. A. D. CHARLTON. . Aealetant Oearral Piraeagrr A gear, . 326 Moniaea at., cor. Third. Pertlaad. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. ?a Uarea. DNION DEPOT. Arrtre. 8 nO . m. Par htargera. Renter. 11 :1 a, m. Dally, rhnuhaaU. Weet pert. Dally. .. C3tfean Aabarla. .War- . ,.--. . ' rratoa, PatuaL 8Hiuv ..' -,. raoed. Port Sterena, .''. t aSSS1 YiTnuo' p"" .:, , Aatarta- Pipieai. ' i: . J. S MATO, ' ' . 0. r. and r. A., Aaterla, Or. C A. STEWART, OomraecHaUAgeat. IU Aides . I' lone niiin .- t Tbpkat OfAoa 133 TBItA . -. TiriAscontlf-iayntaki y TrtaJriai Usslly , i FAST TIME TO" 8WKANn7T:AVU TV" ,rZZ'j, MINNEAPOLIS, C1Ii v'J A-. v , , AJX fOlNT Ue f. fA.llAkl Bfrl 4 th SWM1 BP H thaS 8 " nd Rocky mountain--, for full wilmrfl. rts fo.dra, 40. M . nt. DICXIIX C-.ty neks 123 Thltdl mail eytaaX J0UW4AL WrV.T AD3 C !' f 11 a VI Saviert t .'V