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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
f " I ' i THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLANDfTHURSDAY "EVENIIIO. MARCH 9. 1 CUT BOTlCTtX ' OITT VOTICXt. CITT KOTICIX OITT KOTicra. OITT B0T1CIX CITY SO-TICIX m a,aaaBaeWa4Baereaa,.ea,. : ft. in; nMlflili T of tot X' Dora TJaralh. (; eaudlTlatou of tot 4, Dor liurath. ti.40; utKiiTwm nm, r.oau uiin, ill.) aul,dlTlalDa I of tot 4. Kmtl Hrattlgof, ' ft. 10; utHl(Tlha 1 of tot 4. It mil krattlger. I 111: anhdlTtekia - K of lot 4. John Barr- berkee, 41.10: ubdiveton I- of tot 4, lota frarrouckcr, l to; niKHTMioa m m lua a. ' Newton I illhm,; subdtrlatoa N of 4 bit 4. Newtoo U t.llltam, $1 10: nuhdlTloton o of lot 4. Merchant Rational Bank of Portland. Trae-toe. (".86: eubdlrlatoa l of " tot 4. MerrhanU Rational Bank o( Cortland. 4 Traatee. .t. . BUH'K X' auhdlrlelna A of la 1 Blr-karal "C Prince, fl NO: OUbdlTlelon B oPtot t, Kkbard U, .PHivW--61 no; tlii Tlalnn O ef tot I. John M. snrigiey.. Mew-. " aat-dlvlaloo D of lot 1, C, W. Lelo, fXey, Mtidlvteloo E at lot 4, Jonu wnfro. , aaMlvtato V of lot I. 4u 1-oule Hlegera. - (.; aouth ti'l feet of north 83 feet of euhdivlauin H of lot I except Oregon all CxrnU Railroad t'ooinany' right of war. Kkbard C. . IHnee. 4o.l; aoutb 42 feet north 65 feet of rabdtrlatou O of lot 1 except oregou A CllfMrnla Itallroed Compaoyw right of way. Rk-bard I'. IVIrica. .I6; north, 42 U . fart of amain 80 feet of eiibdlTlalon II of lot 1. damn U. Dllley, (o.75; north 42 fort of aoath 85 fort of onrbdlTlatoa l of lot 1 : except Oregon A California Kallroad Boiiy1 right of war. Clarento M. Dllley, fot: oath 3 fort of ubdlTlato O of lot I. , 0. W. Iaelek. (0 75; aonth 4214 feet of ! nb din .ton H of lot 1. c. VV. Lelck, 80 75; ' dot l 42 fact of aubdlrlaloo H of kit I .'except Oregon at California naioroau , pa ay a runt o way. T.. ' aubdlvlalon A of lot 3, Ann Finn, aubdlrlaloo 1 of lot 1, Robert Cahlll. fX06 - .............. f n '2 itortlend Truat Com pay of Oregoa, 82.80; aobdUUlon D of lot - c. rnrtlana Tmat vompanj ui mrrm, .nu..ui. r"r int !L A. Murhatrlu. 3. M . 1 4 'H Aiika.atn '. rill aubdirlaloa of lot i. Ward C. Wotnwre, H.U5; oabdlrtaWMI H of lot t.- Ward t;. jjiwam Sit OA: aabdlTtakMi A Of lot 1 'w. K.; llr, .4n; al)dlllo B of lot 3. W. B. 1 irr,; auooiTipiom. vj v po. m. i w ' K 11a . S'i Ukr atihdlvlBloa D of lot it. W. B Ilor. $2.M: hllof aubdMalon K of lot 8 caat of Oregon crrua .aiiroo UinpW a ngni o wax, . ... . ao- a" twiil.favn J? pf. Int a faat lit m ijautornia ivaiirwau w'v - nrnt of way, W. A. Currlr, tT; all of anofiiTunoM u or nn rmw n " w California Railroad Compan'a right of w. W. A. Cnrrle, 40.26; aU of auoamajon w I Mt Mf Htmu A fallfornla Hall- road Company' rlbf Of war. Kat Ko- ' metarh. au.Zo; all ox MuaiTiaHm u ox nn A waat of i Oregon gt California Railroad ' Companr'a Hght of way. Kata Kometaco,; aobdlrlalua A of lot 4. H. K. tllhba, ' 2 t; aobdlTialon B of lut 4, H. It. Ulbba, ' $2 o: aubdirlaloa C of lot 4, Gaorga Arnold. 1 ui. anlwttviaina Fl A Wit 4. t?Mra Arnold. lltOSi all of aubdlVrakra 15 of lot 4 waat of , Wgon oa uuinrou iHuwwiq wi.u " ' l.hi nt war. Ward C. Watntora. 41.15 i. all of aabtllrlalon r of lot 4 wat of Ora " a raiinrnia' Mallroad Comtanra right of way. Ward C. Wetpwre, .&:, all -of anMlrlaloa Iv . oT lot 4 caat of Oregon a ' California Railroad Company's right of way , tv fik. anas- nil of auhdlrialon I of lot 4 aat of Orogoa gt California Kall road Ctuapany-a ngnt ot way. v. w . iua. 0 T5; all of aabdlrlaloo U of lot 4 except '' Org.m California Railroad Company' tight "of way. franco M. Htereoa, 1.15: all of anMlTtaloa H of M 4-weat or oregoa a allforuia Railroad Company' right of way, Kr.we at. Btereoa.; all of aiibdl Tlalua H of lot 4 caat of Oregon Call - U .1 Iron) rVimntinw'a rlffht of War. v. W: llk. I1UTK 6. north l4of feet of lot I oaat o( Oregon taiiroriua , Kallroad Company' right of 'way, Martin Winch. 10.J0; aonth 60 feat of north , feot of ant 1 eaat of Oregon a calirorni H ilwll. Ai.:ki: bouUi 0 feet of lot root of Oregon A California Railroad Com nanr'a rlabt at way. Mary A. Clarke. 12.00: all of lot 1. weat of Oregon A California Kallroad Otnnaay'a right of : way. Laura a lUri. ax2n- aobnlTlalon A of lot J. H. Beyor, A2.S; aubdirlaloa B of lot X . 1. H. Berar. 42.45: aobdirlalon C of lot 2. K. C. jurcenaan. aubdlrtaloa D oi , lot S. Kate R. Montgomery. (2.2S: north 14 feet of aubdlTlaloa K of lot 3. Mary A. Clark. 40.15; aonth 49 feet of anbdlTlalou ,K of tot a, ttoaa A. loung, 2.w, norto 'Ml feet of Hnbdlrtatoo V of lot 2- ouaan M. Oppeahoft. ao.4(; aoath 175 feet of aojxllrl.loa f of lot. I. Fred T. Boody,; " rth au ftat af vtat Ukl fut of lot 3. trad. K, i Boody,. f2.7 -aorta--a,aet- of - eaat 20 feet of lot A, ihtaaa' M. Oppenhoff, au.70: east 434 feet of aoolb to foet of nnrik 90 feat of lot a. I red V. Boody. 41.6U weat 12TV feet of aoath 00 feet of north - ia fert or lot s. onu a. man, a-t.o"; - eaat 4211 feet of aoath 110 feet of lot a. H Anatin. 12.80: waat 12744 faet of aonth 110 feet of lot a, Lou la Arnold. W 40 aonth . 120 feet of lot 4, Laura A. Berk, fll.ou; - weat 4214 feet of eaat l feet of north 110 feet of lot 4, William M. Bodmaa. (2.WI; '-' weat 4V feet of eaat 52 H feet' of north 110 feet of lot 4, Rarah i. Bodmnn, 42. HO. . A "tract "of land lying between the aonth lloe of Lowell arena and a Ha llV tret aouta thereof aad parallel therewith and between the eaat II oe or rToat a tree t ana a lloe St feet weat of aad parallel with the weat Una of Corhetl gtreet, Xaomaa aehaeldert 14 BK. PORTLAND H0ME6TKAD BLOCK T. nor 110 feet of lot 1, Aramlnto tlronangh, b.&; - aoath 120 feet of lot -J. Uraee U. Bronaugh. ai2.; anbdlrlaloa A of lot I, Klla U : Wrokoon. 12. Hut anbdlrlaloa R of lot 2. .. Klla L. Wlofcoep. 2.80; eubdlrMoa O of kit X OUea U Warner. 2.M: anbdlrlalon D of lot 2, Lucy . Marwla. 2l"; anbdl- etaton m or lot a. adoi 1 uariw, a-i uo; . anlMltrtaloa 1 of Int a. Abbla L. Crovker. . a2.ot; noath'100 fort of weat 20 feet of . aabdielaioB 0 of lot X Jama coiuna, vijni; . aoath 100 feet of eobdlTtatoa H of lot X. Jamea Colllna, 1.; north TO faet of anb ' dlrialaa U of lot S, U M. Wynkoop. fO.VU; aoath 10 feet of oaat 10 feet of aubdlrlslon 4t of lot t. L. U. Wynkoop, f 1.20; north 70 - feet of MbdlTialoa H of lot a, U 14. Wya knop. f3-W; aubdirlaloa A of lot 8, George r.iger, a a; auixHTiaioa n or lot a. job . Kaapp,; euMieiaioa v or m a, atra. ; V. i Boodr. I2.NU: aubdlTlaloa D of lot a. Thomaa Mchnelder. 2.tto; anbdlrUloa It of lot a, Anna H. reldmaa. (3.0: eobdlrUlon V of lot a, Anna K. Veldmao. 3.o6; annul elaloa O oi lot a, Melleda .' Morgaa, Al. 06; . eubdlTtalea H of lot a, MeUada K. Morgan, - AX06; lot 4. almon Blnmaner. 23 46. BLOCK ' It, lot 1. ioha C. Larkel, $23.45; lot 1 Orego 4t California Railroad Company. fZx.46; lot a. Oregon A California Kallroad Company. .; auoaiTiatoa A or to a, veorge n. Kprlagneyer. 42 tw; enbdlTwtoa R of lot 4, Mary gpHngmeyar, 42.0O; aabdlTialoa C of kit 4, Kwtoa L. Ollbam. 42. SO: ubdlTtaion v el tot 4. t art niecainger. az.w: auooi Tlalon Kof lot , llace,... -A' ...h "aWlBtbn r'efToti. Oaear tolaen, $3.04; weat a reet ef eanaiTiaioB u or lot 4. Adolph Hanaman. $3 65; eaat t feet of anh- - oiTiaum u or tot a. uyraa m. aacrvay.; ennoiTiaMin n or mt . t yro at. atcivay, 4:i.S. BLOCK . aobdlTialon A of lot 1. ' Mary . Johnaoa. 2.o0; anbdiTlatoa B of ' lot 1. Mary K. Johnaoa, 32 SO; north S of unninatoa v or lot I, lira. r. i. Haner fl.40: aoath V, at obdlTlloa C of lot 1 lamia MalT. ft. 40, aubdlTlaloa l of lot 1, . M. Meooham.; aabdlTialoa K ef mi 1. aame n. Aspearrau Ketaia, Heir or, f.1.06: abdlTlalom 1 of lot I. Jame a. , u .... Aapenwall Katate. Heir of. (3.06; north 12H feet of eabdlTurloa :' 0 of kit i, - New to L. Gllham. 12.30; aouth 42.3 feet of auraiiTialog u of kit 1, Jndltb H. Hlnntam, '. au.76; auMlrlaloa H of M l. Judith II. Illnraana. f3.; aubdirlaloa of lot 2. Cbarlea R. Templetoa. Tnietee, f I 50; aab , dutaloa S of lot 2. Charlee R. Templetoa. , Traaree. f 1.60; aonrllrwiloa S of lot 1. Cbarle R. Templetoa, TraMre, 41.06! aubdlTlaloa ' a or tot z. inarm ML. Templetoa. Trnatee, it 00: eubdlTtKloa I of Id 1 rharlea H ' ' Templeton. Trnatee. 31.55; auMlrlaloa ef k z. unanee K. Templetoa. Tmatae,; ubdlrtekra , of "lot 2. Cbarle K. Tempbv ton, Truataa; f l.KO; abdirlaioa f of lot rharlea K. Templetoa. Troate. fl.H0: aob , . dlflaioa of lot 2, Charlee R. Templetoa. - . Trnatee. ft an; eubdMaloa 10 of tot 2. Charlee ' R. Templetoa. Trnatee, 31. S"; aubdlTlaloa 11 af lot f. Charle B. Templeton. Traatr. 4 l.iui.. aubdlTlaloa .02 of lot a .. tarlea -U 'leninleton. Truatee. 3t.6A aahrtlutntt la tif ; lot 2. Charlee R. Templeton, Trnatoa. 316i oorin leet oi weal au reel vl nortU la . of kit 3. nertrnd Mark, fl.lo; armtll 22 Iit feet ef aorth 44 feet of weat HO feet of aorth. H of lot S, Jame Cor mack, 41 10; ? aouth W of lot 3. Marr rincb. - 111 oA: . ; a. .a lb TIM feet of aorth M.5 feet of weat , - tH4 I L of MrU V-of lol 3, Mr. Br-A. tiarrtaoa, 30.T6; aoath 224 feet of aoath : 44 feet of weat 67V4 feet ef north H of kit 3, Mm. R. Ai Harrlaoa, 30.T6; weat 22 " - feet of oaat 44 feet of aorth 4B feet nf north. H of lot 3, .Km ma J. Vorum, fO.OO' ' ' eaat 3214 feet ot north 4S feet of norti H ot tot a, ieaor a. tlregory, 40.80; north , 46 feet of north H - of lot 3, Leaore . Oregory. ft.2ri; eat JllSH feet of aoath 46 feetl of north y, N,of lot 3. Lenor . Oregory, 33.ifi; -k.t 4. V tireena A California Railroad Companr. r.ih. , . ,. HUoCK 10, lot 1. Oregon A Callf'irnU Kali . road Company, 323.44: aubdlTUion A of lot t..Jo!in Andrew,, f 2.44;, auhdlTlalun B of bt" John Andrew, 2 (15; aabdlTialoa 0 of . kit 2U iJoha Aadrew, 2.oC.; aubdirlaloa D of tot a, John Andrew. 42 55; abdlTlaloa It of lot I. J.iba Aadrew, (2.56; aubdirlaloa ', t of lot 27 Joba Andrew, 12 55; atilMtlTlaloa O af kit 3.-Job Aadrew. 4X50: aabdlTialoa H ot let J. Job Aadrew, f2.55; aiibdl TMon I of kit 3. Joha Andrew, 32.66; lot 3. Mpearer M. Cooper, f23.4At weat 42 " fee of aorik 110 fee of lot 4, Amnio , ; fieaaterhola. f2.6A; all of eaat 3 feet of kit 4 lying north of Oregon A California Kallroad i-ompaay right of way, W. A. . Lawla, 44 M. A tract or taad tying betweea the eaet line ef Otile afreet a4 a line S feet ,; eaat af and parallel therewith aad between - . a llaa 11 feet aouth of aad naraUel with , the aonth line nf Hamilton arena, and the rorth line of Oreg. California Kallroad ..mjrtiny . rlgh, of way, Klmoa Kteiaer, tract of had between tw Unea nopartlTely , . 441a teal and 80 feet eaet ef aad parallel , with the' eaat line of Ohio afreet and oe twee a a Hue 1 10 feet anutb of and parallel wtta in oeia line or namutoa avenue aix ' lb north line of Oregon A California Rail : road Cuiopau'a right of way, W. A. Lawla, eo.oo.- . .. , PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BLOCK -10. aat : 4214 feet of Wea B feet of north 110 feet . or lot 4, neury r. Hlldebraad.; of lut 4 aoath of Oreaun A California Rati " road Cutupatiyl l-lght of way. 1'hoenix ln- -ooTanco i4niiany, i W). Ml.ot h. it, lot 1. : Joarph A.' otrowbrldga Katate, fleir of, . C2.I.4.1; lot X. ioartih A. Utrowbrldga. Katate , H Ira of. 423. li: hit 4, Jiaeih A. rltrow , bridge aetata, -Melra of. 423.4A; north ;m fort or lot 3, Iboma bchuelder, A'!. Oft oath 30 feet of north 00 feet of loto.t Antoa Rlerbofberger, H'MO; aoath 00 feet or north IM roet of lot a. Alexandria , Kleael, fd.lo; Weat K5 feat of aouth 110 feet of - lot a. Joeeph M. Mrkom. 3.oU eaat ho feet of aouth 111) feat of lot a, Himon Htelner. as.uo. HliH'K t2. lot 2 . Idarhiay ICatate Companr 423.45; eaat 60 j or aoooiTuiion a ot tot n, naaie A. Wrinkle,- 41. 2J; eaat oO feel of aaodlrlaloa ( v kit a. naoi a. wrinkle. 1.; Weat tCI feet of anbdlTlalou A of lot S. John II. Pomeroy, 41. M; weat 00 feet of aubdirlaloa B of lot 3, John 4L' A euPniTIHIon K or let o, S. Ivrcr H. Rlyrb. riso; aubdlTlaloa B of lot a. Perry H. Myth. 43.05; aubdlrlalon 4 of hit 3, Percy H. Mirth. ajl.AA; ubtllTialon , .i ei rot a, t-ercy u. uirtu,; ubdiTtaion " U 1. rt u I........ rtM . ... ...l- 13, lot 1. William h. rat-helmet. 425.45 north 00 fet of lot . C. ('. Heal. o.lo, v mi an fu, .r Miih iTn.M A i. u t u . Meal, f6.1t; north 43U fret of eaet 400 feet ot bod i o ku tree or lot a, ueorgia A. Pom erojr. uwi; nor in roet or eaat JIO reel of aonth VitV, feet of lot 3. J. P. Mamuo! 2. (to; eonth M feet of aat 110 feet of lot 2. , Theodora Bracker and J. Wlnturbolder,' ft.Ait; ' eaat of lot a. t'harlea K. Jdd. f 11.70; eaat S of lot 4. ' t'harlea B. Iud. 111. TO. . ItLOCIC 14. eubdlTlaton A of lot I, William . A. Morrow, S2.0;. wibdlTlaloa R of lot 1, William A. Morrow. 42.N0; aubdlTlaloa C of lot 1, Pre. ton W. fJllletle.; aulxHrtilon ll m.9 Ia A UkuSaJW IV . .'III-,.- a, u, . . ... t. I ".'."'iZl ";"t-"1 i . uiTwion b oi tot J Aioerv reiireooacnv .i.tio aamilTUtlou r or lot 1. Albert, rottrennara :!.; aubillTlalon O of lot J. John Kop- i achlegl. 43.0.1; anbdltrlaloa H of lot 1, John . K'Hwrhlegl. 1.1.05). lot 3. Alomo W. Wlthere II 123.45; eaat W of lot. 3. Ula M. V, Lawrence, J II.70; eaat H of kit 4. Willi .O. Clarke, 11.70. BLOCK 15. lot 1. Thomaa Hrhneldee. 423.46: north V. of lot a aouth of the Oreeun t A California Railroad Company' right of way, Inmaa, raulaoa A Co.. 47.00; all of lot a norm ana wt or Oregon at caiitoniia , Railroad Company' right of wax, J. K. Marky, 37.00; all of aonlh t, of kit. 3 except 1 Oregon A California Railroad Coroiauy'a right 01 way, Kiuaon faeampmept ino, j, 1. u, O. V.i f3.oS: all of -ea.r u of lot a exceni Oeae.10 A I'allfnla 11 I Im. f 'nmnAnv'a. vlwh f of way, Joaep A. slrowurldge Mr. Kaute, belra of. fT.du) weat 42 feet of eaat 85 feet of aorth 100 feet . of lot 4,i Ori Kltaa r Kan ford, 42.6S; eaat 42 V, feet of aorth KM feet, of kH 4. Oil K. Hanford Katate, Helra ' ot, 42.55; eaat 40 feet of waat 100 feet of enntn loo feet or lot 4, Tboma R. Weat. : (3.40: eaat 34 feet of eaat 40 feet of weat ' 120 foot of aouth 100 feet of lot 4,' Anguat Wryler, 42.10. KKRRKlAN e) HCRDIVIRION of a Part of Lota 1 and a of Block A. In Portland Homeatead . BLOCK A. eaat I, of lot 1, ohn V. and .Wllda L. Lankln. 17.85; eaat of lot 3. Joh v. alH wilda L. Lankln. (T.; Mat 44 feet of weat of lot 3, Pauline Jorgenaea. 12.00; anbdlrlaloa t of lot 3. Kat 1). Hee alona. 41.112; aubdlvlalon 3 of lot 3, KaU i. Heaakina,; aubdlTlaloa 8 of lot a, Kate I. Heaalona, 82.30; aulidlvlaion 4 of lot 2. Kate D. Heaalona. 42 3U; aulidlTlaton S of lot a. Kagen A. Heaalona, f 1.36; eubnlTle- on o oi lot a, abugeno Ji. neaaoona, et-eo; anhdlrlalon t ot lot 3, Bufeu A. Beaaloua, a... PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BLOCK B, lubdl Tlalon A of kit 1. Northern Countle Inreat , meat Truer, Ltd., 42.20; anbull.lna B of lot 1, M. J. and D. Gallagher. (2.30j eubdl Tlalon V cf lot, 1, William U. Walpole, 12-20 ; aubdlTlaloa 1) of lot 1. Jacob MlvbeL 42.20, aulMllTlalon K of lot 1, Thomaa 11. Smith, (0.30; weat feet f kit 3, Henry Beanett. (4.40: -aH of tot 3 exeeot woat 06 feet. ."William R. Walpole, fw.uo: Berth 40 feet ef : weat M oi lot a, w. J. utuon. aa.lw; eaat of lot 3. Joba T. Lankln. (6.75: aouth 3. feet of waat 14 of lot 3. Joba D. KennetlT. (X20; lot -4. John II. Kennedy, (13 To; lot a. John D. Kennedy, fil.uo; lot a, John 11. .Kennedy,-311.10. BLOCK C, tot 1. Mary A. Park, f 13.65; lot 2. Lou la Bimmermaw. (12.55: lot 3, Ueorge Hlllcock KataU, Heir or, an. au. riXTON PABK BIOCK 14, lot T, Fnltoa Park una uomnany. si.uu: lot a. ruiton far lend Cnmpany, fl.00; lot 6. Fill ton Park Land I urooeur. (1.21V: kit 4. Pnltoa Park Land Company, 31.25; lot , Pulton Park Land Companr, (1.26; lot 0, Pnltoa Park Land Company. . f 1.26: lot 10.' Ill I ton Park Land Company, (1.25, - BLOCK 17, lot 7, Culton I'ark Land Company, (1.25; lot a, r'ultoa Park' Land Company, (1.35; ' kit . Pnltoa ark Land Comnanr. (1.35: lot 10. oAiltoa Park Land Company, f 1.23; lot 11, Pultoa , park in company, (i.w: lot IX. raiton Park 1-nd Company, (1.25. BLOCK; 26. oath 55 feet of lot 14. A. W. Tobla, (t.4o; norm 06 fret af aouth 120 feet of lot 14. Kidney X. Mitchell 41 00; aorth eVl feet of lot 14. WlllUm and Chart H. Hathaway, (; . lot T, mi ton Park Land Company. (1.60: kit (, Bllaabetb Bggert.; lot B. Klliabeth Eggert, (1.60;, let J". ElUabeth :gert, ll.i: lot 11. Kiiaaoetn Eggert. l.wi; kt 12. Kllaabeth Kggert. (1.60. BliOCK 20. kit 1. Kullea Park led t'omnanr. 42-2i, BLOCK 88. lot T. B. M. Lom herd, ( 1.15; lot , Rv M. Lombard, f 1.26; lot . JUeorge n. Melntoah. (1.26; lot 10. P. Wheeler. (1.25: lot 11. rilaabetb Kargert. (1.25: lot 12. Kllaabeth Eggert, f1.2R. BIX)CK 3. lot 1. Ralph W. lioTt, (2.10:- kit 2. Ralph W. llort. (1.50: lot 3. John Oleblarh. (l.NU: lot. '4. John Glebteph. (2.10; lot 6. John lilehfaek. fl.85. BLOCK 40, all of weat 60 feet of lot I except north 60 feet, William HJiMcPuUad. ft.10: eaat 60 feet of weat ion, feet of lot 1. Ore eon Building A Loan a nrlattnii ' ll fill Mnetk RA ImI nf w u an reet ec kit i. uregoo nunning m boti Aaao riatlon, ao.oo; eaat joo feet or lot I, Mark J. lomatock. 1.40; lot 2. Llaila K. Toong, !.; hit s. aiarr Hague, gi.aa; lot 4. Vary Huxhea. (1.28: lot 6. Patrick Hughe. fl.23; lot . Itta Hall, fl.25; lot 7. Perry Johnaoa, (1.26; kit 8. f ollln C. Olrrln. 41.25; lor . Collla C. C.lrTln, (1.05; kit 10. I. B. Horat, (l.oo; lot 11. U. c Koaetik. 41.35; Int 12. B. M. Lombard. (1.26; lot 13. R. M. ombard, (1.25: lot 14, C. J. Decker. (1.23; lot 13. Mary Koootx. (1.2J; kit Id, Mare Koontx. (1.25; lot 17, Mary J. Comatork. (126. BIXM'K 41, lot T. W. M.Mart iHs-fl.26r hJt-B, - w. M. Wartaall, (; lot . William Maeklntoah. Trnatee. (1.25; kit 10. William Maeklntoah. Traatee. (1.25: kit II, Rlale M. Crabo, (125: lot IX Wil liam ne!mlnJt. (1.40. HMHI 4li. tot 1, William HafCawar aad Charlr H. Thorn nan. 31.26: lot 3. William Hathaway and Charle II. Tbomnaoa. (1.20; lot 8. William Hathaway and charlr H. Thorn peon, fo.65; lot 4. Wil liam Italbawae and Charlee H. Tbompenn. (1.15: lot 6. William Hathaway and Charle II. Tbompeoa. (1.36; tot a. Catnna Hanaen. (1.26: lot 7. Catrlna Hanaen. (1.2S. BIM'K 44. let I. . B. Carmine. 41.25; lot 2. Mand newell. (1.Z1- kit 3. t iara V. carmine, ( lot 4. Clara . Carmine, fl 05; lot f. Rdward o. aewall, lot . Keward u. Bewail. (1.36; let 7. Ooba K. CvJIIann; (1.25; lot a. Cohn K. rnlllaoa, ft. 25. BLOCK 47, kit 1. Maria Rtorkmaa. ft. 25; tot 2. Marta Ktock maa. (1.26: lot 3. nenrletta Porvletoa. (1.35: kit 4. W. J. Oramhe, (1 fri: kit 6, , William ft. tarreo. vi.oo; lot a. 11 imam n. narren. (1.26; lot 7. Pred O. Buffnm. fl.25; lot f. Peed' a. Rnffnm. (1.2ft. RLOCK 411. fet 1. Kmma Marquam. fl.2fl; kit 2. Emm Mar. ajuaro. (l.2.; lot a. Joba r. toyne, (I.zd; lot 4. Alice W. Caawell, (1.25; kit 6. C. J. Decker, fl.25; lot, 4, C. J. Decker, ft .25: k.t 7. C. J. Pecker. ft.SO; lot f, C. J. Decker. (1 25; kit 0. Thome A.,. Clarke, (1.25: kit in. Valerie Roger. (1.26; lot 11. Valerie' Roger. (I.OB: Jot 13. Valerie Roger. (1.06: lot 13. Valerie Roger. (1.25; lot 14. Thomaa A. Clarke, (1.25: lot IS. Thotnaa A. Clarke, fl.25: lot Id. Re P. Steel, (UK); lot 17. Walter B. Preaton. (1.28: lot 13. rHenry HreTea. -fl.25 r lot lfl: Alice W. C- weu. (; lot Ji. jonn r. tnyne. (i.z-; lot 21. Jame Blake. (1.25: lot 23. The Title (Inaraiite A Tmat Company, fl.25. HUlCK 4U. lot t. Era P. le4, (1.25; lot 2. P.t P. meet, (1.26; kit 3. J. Bcotr; (1.25; lot 4. I. R. "colt. (I 25; lot 6. Hiram W. Idler, l 25: lot . Hiram W. Riley, (k25: lot 7. Klla r. l-erklnaon, (1.25! lot . Oacar Fo&en, (1.25fTot 9. Keg 8. Price, fl.25;" lot 10.. A. It. Pranrta. 1 25; kit It. lira P. Hieei. (1.25; lot 12. Kra P. Sl-el. (1.25. KUX'K 50. lot I,- William Maeklntoah, (0.80; kM 3. William Maeklntoah. (0.00: lot 3, WlllUm Maeklntoah. (1.15: lot 4. Mary A. Dancy. (t.2Ti; lot fi. William H. Jtaner. St. 25: k.t 0.D. C. Trdford. fl.25; kit T. oaeoh HI num. Truatee. (12ft. III.OCK M. kit a. S art fa I. Palling. (1.25: Int . Xrlf J. Palling, fl.25; kit 10. Patrick Hughe. (1.25; k i ll, Patrick Hughe. (125; kit 12. Fnlloe) Park Land ComiwnT. (1.25. HIXX'K Ak lot 1, .Toaeph "4 Hon.. Trotee. (1.4o: kit 3. Jfeph Slmoo. TmateeT (1.8A. BLOtlK 62. lot 1, Patrick and Mare Hughe. (1.25: k.t 2. Patrick and Mary Hnghea. ft. 25: kit 3. Catherine flchenermann. (1.25; kit 4. William I,oaer, (1 25: lot 6. William Ilcnr. fl.25; lot 8, - William Hrnrr. 41 15; lot 7. Jane II ran. (1.25: Int 3. Henrietta A. PoDDlrton. 131.25: lot . ileitrletta A. Popnleton, (1.25; kit 10, Pnlton park Land companr, (1.25; lof jl. lam H. l'ndTff. (1.2Vn,lokl2. Loa H. VpdeTff. (1.25. IIIXK'K kit 6. H M. limhard.' (1.00: lot rt. B. M. Lombard. (1.21; kt 7. Ann McQuillan. (1.26; kit a. ft. D. Crowe. (1.2S; lot a. S. D. Crowe. fl.ZSr. BLOCK 64. lot 7. B. M. Lombard and faltoti I'ark I And Onmaor. (1.35; lot B." M. Lombard and Pulton Park lAnd Company. (1.25; kit 0. R. M. Lombard od Piiltoin. Park Ijimt Company. (1.25; lot 10, P. M, 7wnnrd and Pnltna Trk Ind fm pary. (:.: kt It. B. M. Lombard aad 'ni ton Par Land Companr (1.2A: lot IX B, M. f sim nerd and Ptiltm Park land Comoanr. (1 fi. PUH'K 05. rVhnrtl Dtetrict tin. , 1. (16410. BliOCK lot .1. Brron P. Cardwell Latate, llrlrt if. fl.2D, lot 2, Byro P- third- well Katate, Heir of, (1 2R: lot 8. Brron P. ' t arowell Katate, Heir or, (i.zo; lot . nyroi P. Cardwell.' Katate, U.Ira ef, (1.35 . lot ft, Byron P. Cardwell Eatate, Hrrr of AI.26: lot a. Rrroa P. Cardwlll Katate. Heir of. f 1.26: kit 7. B.rroa P. Cardwell Katate, itelra ot, (!.; 'lot a. nyron Cardwell Katate. Ut-lra ot. (1.26: kit Rvroa 1 atardwrll Katate. Helra of. 1 25 kit 10. Byrou V. Cardwell Katale, Heir nf. (1.26: lot 11. Brron P. Cardwell Eatat "Helra of. kl. 25: lot IX Brron P. Cardwe Katate. Heir of, (1.25. BLOCK 67. lot 1. Pred Mtelrer. '(115: lot 3. Fred Btaiyri tl.25; kJt- .V H. M.. Buah. (1.25; lot 4. H. I. Buah. (1.26: lut 6. Alice Aremcr. (1.25; kit , Alio kremer. fl.25; kit 7. Anna Kllxa (Itarr. 31.25: kit 8. Amelia B. aad M 1. Unrae. (1.26: lot a. Price Wanklln, . (1.25; lot-10, William X. rrla, fl.24: lot ,11, John Tway. (1.35; lot 12, John 'iway, (1.25. BlAM bl t)7, ,lot 1. Pnlloa Park Land Company, fl.iolot 2. -uiton Park Land Company, (I.26J lot 3, Pulton Park ' lud Comiwoy, f 1.55 If lot 4, Pulton Park Laud Comuauyr'; kit 5. Pulton Park , leu.l company, gt.ou. i.ut.a. on, ooi i, I.oula Prleaa, (1.35i kit 3. Lnula Prleee, l. so, lot .. aaan-ua a.ouy onauiuiu. fi.ou lot 4. t'hrUt Hanaen. (1.36: kit S. Jobi H kieaalck. (1.25: kit d. Charlr A. Doeber, (1.25; lot 7. Charle A. Dueber, (1.23: bit h. Charle A. Dueber, 41. 2o: lot a, Chark A. inicoer, (1.2b: lot 10, 'ilea too oouon, (1.26: kit 11. Horatio R. Holuu). (1.25; -k.t IX Horatio K. Holmeo, fl.aa. BLOCK tw kit 1. Joaenta P. II. and Badle - A, Wrinkle, fl.25: lot X Joaeph F. D. and Kadle A. Wrinkle, ft. 26; lot 3, Addl Par- Tin. (1.30: lot 4. Add e ParTln. Bl.zs: lot o, .' Hrlrauua C. Armltage, (1.20; lot 6. Andrew v Holme. (1.26: kit 7. J. K. Court Bay. 41.511; kit a. Minora or -the Holy Name or jeau aud Mary, (; lot H. Lacy iwagnerty (IJI6; lot to. Joeeph Beat, fl.25;. kit 11, Colin V. Olrrln. (1.26; lot IX Colin C ' tllrrln. (1.26: lot. IX blTauue c. ArmlKge, 41 2D; kit 14. tiylTaaua C. Armitagu, (I.2U; ; lot 13. Biaithweat Piirtland Kcal KeUte ' Compear, fl.05; lot 16, fiorfoerur Oouullea "inTcaimeat xruat company, ao.HDr lot it, Northern Countle ' luTeatment Truat Com pany. (1.2TV; k-l 19. ' Northern Counties) lu- Joaonh Ttiet ::'aT26:. lotU. Andrew" Dygert, Jr. and nr., (1 25; lot 21. H. U . MartaalL (125: kit. 22. II.- L. Martxall (1.601 lot 23. A. W. Balrfl, (1.23; lot 24. ' Jame 11. Che, fl.25; lot 26, Maurice N. Coatello. fl.25; lot 20, Flrat .National Bank of Portland. Oregon, fl.25; lot 27, Prank M. warreu, (1.20; tot J&, yraok u. warren, .(1.25. BLOCK 70. lot-1, Vincent Cook, fl.25; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.26; lot 3, ' Vincent Cook. (L2J: lot 4. Vincent Cook. fl.25; Int 5, Ferdinand A. Lit a, (1.25; lot o. v liuam uarnea, (l.ixi; -kit T, o. w, ' and Manraret V. .Allen. 41 25: lot X ll. W t and Margaret V. Allen, (I 25; lot a, Sarah atiKneii. i.aa; -io i. man warerrora, (1.36; lot II, Vincent Cook. (1.23; lot IX Vincent Conk, (1.25. BLOCK 71. t kit 1, - Vincent uoo. ai.o: ut ac Vincent cooa. (1.25: lot X Vim-eat Cook. (1.25: lot 4. - V ' I iwb a. .IK. I.. . R L'-.J B n . -1 tl.2a: lot a. Fred Bpagele, (1.S0; lot 7, .k.ullu a ......1.1 , 1 .. I. ., ' , d . nM. . I , I . . II' . k. , U . I . A V V -. iiaiuiue neaiiaui, fi.A.i jo, tf, a. at. avuu. i.zo; lot lo, jane nan, i.ia; lot viu- cvii i vwa, ei.Ai; . vot. la, Vincent j-eoa (1.25. BLOCK TX lot 1. Vincent Cook, (1.25; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.25; , lot X Vincent cook, (1.2&; lot 4, vim-cut cook, (1.25: lot 6. Vincent Cook. (1.25: lot X Vincent Cook, (1.25) lot T, Prank and Mary nacacaey, ai.iai; ,.nt o, xamrn nacxeney, tl.23; lot 0. Vincent Cook, (1.25; lot 10, Incent Cook. (1.25: lot 1L Vincent Cook. (1.26: lot IX Vincent Cook. (1.2 BLOCK 73, lot 1, Henry - Phekeueteltt, f'2V3o; kit 2. Henry Pleckeoatein, . (2.50; lot 3. Henry Pleckenateln, (2.46; lot 4, Henry Pleckenateln. (X16; kit S. Henry Fleckenateia. (I. (to: lot a. Henry Pleckenateln. (1.60; lot 7, Henry t leetenateiB, 41.10; lot e, Hanry Flecken eteln. (0.75. BLOCK 74. Henry Plerktnateln. (15.16. BLOCK 73, Henry Pleckenateln ao.o. niAiCK TO, lot i, Henry Fleckeu aleln. (0.70; lot X Henry lleckanaxeln, fo.So; kit S. Henry Pleckenateln, (o .VH' kit a. nenry riecaenatein. bluc vo. kit 1, Fulton Land Comtiany, fo.76; lot' X Pulton Land Companr. 4U.H6. BLOCK Bl. ' kit 1, Fulloa Laud Comiwny, (1.50; lot ,X Pulton Land Company, lot 3. Fulton uina uompany, si.xp; lot mi ton Land uompany, i.z; lot a, Fulton Land Company, tl.10; lot a, Fulton Land Company, (o.tM); it 7, Pulton Land Company, (1.23; lot X Pnltoa Ionit Comoanr at 1: l..t U Viiltnh -Laod -eompaayrf t.2S-kit -10, Fulton Land company, ft.i; mix ji. ruitoB LAna com pany, fl.25; lot IX. Fulton Land Company, (1.25. BLOCK B2. lot 1. Fultoa Land Com pany, ai.vo; lot z, ruiton band company,; lot a, ruiton una uonipany,. kit 4, raiton Land Company, fl.lo; kit 3, Pulton Lanit, Company, (0.80. BLOCK M Henry ' Fleckeneteln, f9.2o. . BLOCK (4. kit H. V lucent txwk. fl.lo; lot 4, Vincent Cook, 41.40: lot 6. Vincent Cook. (1.24: .lot . Vlurent Cook, f 1.26; - lot 7- -Vincent Cook. fl.25: lot 3. Vlucont Cook. 30.80. BLOCK VS. lot 1.' Vincent Cook, 40.80; lot X Vincent t ook, (0.05; lot f, Vincent Cook,. (0.96; lot 10, Vincent, Cook. (1.26; lot 11. Vincent Cook. (1.25. BLOCK 6, lot 1. Vldceot cooK,( tot X . Vincent Cook. (1.20; kit 4, Vloceat Cook., (t.2S, lot 4, Vincent Cook. (1.26; lot S. Vincent, Cook, (1.25; Int f, Vincent Cook, (1.36; lot 7. Vincent Cook, fl.6o; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.25; lot a,, Vincent Cook, fl.25; lot 10. Vincent t oo. i hi; lot ll, Vincent cook, 31.26; lot IX Vlneeat Cook. 31.25; lot IX Vincent Cook, fl.25; lot 14, Vincent Cook; (1.26; kit IS, Vincent Cook, fl.25; lot IX Vincent took, fl.26; lot 17. Vincent Cook, (1.26; kit IS. Vincent- Cook. (1.26: lot la. Vincent . Cook. fl.2i; lot 20. Vincent Cook, (1.23; Kit zi, .Vincent vooa, l.a); tot 'O. Vincent took. li:u; iot.2;t, Vincent OJook. (1.26 lot 34, Vincent Cook,. fl.25; lot 36, Vlnceni I'ook, ai.zn; lot Ztt, Vincent Cook, (1 1.60. BLOCK 07, lot 1, Vincent Cook. (1.60; lot X Vincent. Cook. (1.26: lot X Vincent Cook. (1.25; lot 4. Vlaeent Cook, (1.26; lot f, Vlneeat Cook, fl.26; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.26; kit 7. Vincent Cook, (1.23; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.26; lot ft, Vincent Cook, fl.26; lot 10, Vincent Cook, fl.25; lot 11 Vlaeent Cook, fl.26: lot IX Vln ceni uooc, at. do, uum n. m. lot L V in cent Cook, fl.25; lot 2. Vincent Cook, fl.26; lot X Vincent Cook, fl.26; lot 4. . Vincent took, ai.aa; lot o, Vincent Cook, fl.26; lot X Vincent Cook, fl.26; lot 7, Vincent tAioa, at. za; .lot a, Vincent Look, (I.2&; lot f, Vincent Cook, fl.26; lot 10, Vln rent Cook. (1.23; kit 11. Vincent Cook, fl.26; kit IX . Vlneeat Cook. 1111. tUJITK Qo lot 1, Vincent Cook, fl.26; lot X Vincent jjoog. . i.z; tot x Vincent cook, (1.25; lot 4, Vincent Cook, (2.30; lot 6. Vincent Cook, fl.00; lot X Vlneeat Cook, fl.264 kit 7, Vincent Conk, (1.36; kit X Vincent looe. run a, luu, , t 1, Vincent took. (1.(0: lot X Vln- cent i Cook. (L33; lot X Vlaeent Cook, JI.36; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.20; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.26; lot 6. Vincent tooi. i.i; let 7, Vincent cook, (l.zs; ut a, Vlaceut Cook, fl.26: lot B. Vincent Cook. fl.26; -lot 10, Vincent Cook, fl.25; fet 11, .irai, fu . HKTOl VOOB, (l.Mi. BLOCK 101. let 1. Vincent Cook, t2.8: lot X Vlneeat. Cook. fxlO; lot X Vlneeat Cook, (1.05. BLOCK 10X lot 1, Vlaceut Cook, (1.50; lot X Vlaeent Cook, tl.26; lot X Vincent Cook,' (1 26; lot 4. Incent Conk, fl.26: let 6, Vincent Cook. tl.25; lot X Vincent Cook, (2.45; lot 7. Incent Cook, (Xlo; lot X Vlneeat Cook, (1.40; lot . Vlneeat Cook, fl.20; lot 10, Incent Cook. (1.25: lot 11- Vincent link. J2.1S; lot 12. Vincent Cook, fl.40. BLOtrK OX lot 1, Vincent Cook, (1.10; lot X Vin cent Conk, fl.26; kit 3. Vincent Cook, (1.20; lot X Vincent Cook, (1.36; lot 6. Vlaeent too. 91.10; kh a, rortiaaa tlay company, tl.25; lot 7, Portland Clay Company, (1.25; .t X Portland Clay Company, (o.oo. BLOCK 104. kit 1. C. J. Decker. (1.26; lot X C. J. Devkerr f 126: lot X Kdwla C. Johueon. fl.25; kit 4. John Daneyv fl.3; lot 6. David W. Kberlln. (125: lot X Fulton Park .Land Company, (1.25; lot., TV Fulton Park Land toaiiiaay, l.o; lot B. Kmma Marquam, (1.25; lot kV,D..H. Jaekaon, (1.25; lot 10, I niton Perk tend Company, (1.26; lot 11, W. J. Grarob. f 1.26; lot 12, W. J. Gramb. (1.25; lot IX Alliance Truat Company, Ltd., il.25; lot IX Alliance Truat -Company, Ltd., 1.60: kH IX Botbchlld Bm., (0.T5; lot Id, lothciilld Broa.: ao.ialir kit 17." .- M.- Chnrrb- f0.10; lot IX. J. M. Church, (l.oo; tot 10, J. M. Cbarrh, (1.23; lot 20, D. H. Jckon, mt xi, 11. ii. jaekaon, (; lot 22, Ml mil Klmon. (1.60: kit 23. Jeeale K. Kirk. 51.26; kit 24, John Olebiach. (1.26; lot 25. ohn Ckblach. (1.26; lot 30, Alac Maekenxlr, fl.25; kt 27, Alace Mackenale, fl.25 1 lot 2S. A lace Mackenale. tl.26. BUM K I06. aofllh HO feel of blockriiyroir-r';-Cardwell Eat ate. Heir of. (4.00: north 120 feet of block 1, City A Suburb Railway Company, (6.i. BLOCK At kit 1, Ktta Wllllama, (1.36; kit 2. Ktta William. (1.00: lot X Pnltnn Park lAnd Company. (0.t; let 4. Ktta Wllllama. (I.&O; lot 6. Chrtatlna FleckrnatelB, (1.25; Lit X orlatina Fieckeaetcln, (O.BO. BLOCK It. kit 1. Pnltoa Park Land ComoanT. lli Mft. k.t 2, Pnltoa Park I .and Company, (0.70; mt X rmton para i,ani tympany, flirt; kit 4, Pnltoa Park And Company, (0.80; lot 0, Pnlton Park Uind Company, (0.86; lot X Pultun ' Park Land Company, (0.U0; lot 7. Pulton Park Land Company, (l.oo; kit a, Fulton Park Land Company, fl.lii; kit 3. Fulton Park ' Land Company, (1.20. HLOCK C, lot 1. Fulton Park Laud Company. 40.70; tot 2, Pulton Park I .end Company. 40.85, lot .1, Pnlton Park Land Company, fl.Ott; kit 4, Pulton Park. Land Company, (; kit 6. Pultoa'Park Land Company. (1.23; kd 0, Pnltoa Park Land Company, It 441' lot 9. Pnlton Park . Ijnd rMnnanf. (1.60; kit ft. , Fultoa Park, Land Company, 41. HS; lot a. ' Fulton Park Land Company. (1.80. BLOCK D. lot 1, Pnltoa Park Land Companr. (4.00; lot X Fulton Park Land Company, (1.26; kit X Pnlton ' Park Land Comiauiy, (1.25; lot 4, Fultoa Park Land . M.ito: lot (. Oregen A California TUflti'ay Companr. fl.aS. MXKK K, nnrlh A or Jot , cter nortey. au no; aorta H of kit 2. t iara Plnney. f'l.OS; eoth Vk of kit 1. Marr L. White. (0w: aouth U of lot 1 Mary - u.' White. o.; lot 3. Charle P. Tlgard, (l.6. Illill K F, Wt, fterab I nrley, Jll 4A; k 2 MMh Cxrbjr (1111,- nt . L. "Wilt. (1 to: kit 4. Peter Oirk-r. (I.0: IA X motbcblld Orua., flufi; lot X Botbuhlul Brad., ft. AS: lot 7.- Rothrhlld Bra . ft.SO; kit X Uotuchlid Urn., (l.eo; lot 0, Hotb- rblld Brve., (1.46; lot 10, Itotbclilld llru., JiLOCK U, lot 1, C. J. Iker, 41.10; it X C. J. Decker. Xo.mJ: lot X C. J. Decker. (; lot 4. Mary U. Obormly, - fl.if); kit ' U. L. Thompaon. f l.v lot , K. L. - unompeou, i.; tot I. a.. I. ' laetupaou, fl.lo, kit ' a. A. J, Power, (; kit t, A. " J. l'owera, al.KV; kit 10, A. J. Powera, 4o75; lot II, p. II. aiarlay. (1.40; lot IX V. 11. Marlay, (145, BLOCK H. lut 1. P. A. Walpole, fu.uv; lot 2. F. -A-' Walimle, (; tot ii. Aos K. MUX, i -40J out a. Ana B. Mlxo. (3.3b; lot X inn" Ji, Mxoo.; weat to ;W of lot a, . vuuc, fo.80; weat 63 feet of kit 7. J. 'B. Cultck, ku.wii all of lot lyldc eaat of weat til feet, Uuth , W. Decker. 41.20! all of bit 7 lying ' eaat 01 weat tte feet. Hath rr. imcacr, lot X Moee A. bre, 42.16; kit 11. l.lw; kit 11. LUbetk H. cartla, (l.Wi; lot jat rairu ana auiry rtugnea. i.aii xe, 1'atrlrk and Mary Hugbea, 41. So. BLOt.'K 1. lot 1, Ann K. tlxui. (l.So; lot X Ann K. lIon. l.3ui kit X Aon K. " Mxon. ft. 2b; lot 4. Abb E. Nixon, I. to; kit 3. Ana El Nlxou. (1.4o; lot . Harriet. Dunham, f 1.3a: kit 7, 'Harriet ljunbaai. 42.70; lot a. B. At. Lombard, (X30; kit V,' Auibouy Acppach. (3.03. UIA8 b. J, lot t; -Byron P. Cardwell KaUle. Heir of. 4I.40; kit 2. Botbchlld Hroa., (1.4&; kit X UotlMhlld Bro., 41.25; lot X aVotbcbtld Braa., (1.36; kit f, ttouth Weat Portland Heal Batata Company, fl.OU; lot 6. KolhcAlid Bro., (Olio; lot 7, Maurice tioodman. (t.3o; lot 8. Rothrblld' Bro.,- fl.65; lot V. Uothchlld Bro.. 4X50; lot 10. Uothchlld Drue.. (X33; kit 11. Uothchlld Bru., (X2o; lot IX Ketbrbild Bro., (1.10; lot 13, Moth child Bro., fl.20; lot 14. Uothchlld Bro., (1.2o; kit 13. Kotbchltd Bro., al.lo. - BLttCK K. kit 1. Botbchlld Broa.. (2.15; lot X Uotu chlid Bro., fl.40; kit 3. Itotbchilu Bro., (1.75; lot 4. Uothchlld Bro., 12.10; k.l 6, Itolhchlld Broa., 42. lo; lot X Rothchild Broa., BLOCK t., ruiton r-ara -xonu moi iiauy. flioo. BLOCK M; Fultoa Park Laud Company. 46.76. V FTL'loN BLOCK 1, lot 1, B. Rlegelmann, (1.2&; kit X -u. Kiegeimana, gi.zu;-io( a. 11. Kleenlmann. I1.l5r lot X C. n. Klggott -fl.lo; lut -a,' K. Hlrgelmann. fl.00; lot i, fc Itiegeimann, at. si; an i, a. n-iegcimauu, 41. 2o; lot 8 It. Rlegelmann, 41.26. . UlAX K a. Robert Pattoa Katate. Helra of. 40.O6 BLOCK 3, all of block waat of Macadam road, Aarun Walt, 4X06; aU of block 3 eaat of Macadam roaa. m. ucnton n uuaiua, ao.oo. BLOCK 4. Tbe King Batata, (0 70. BLOCK X Tyler Woodward. fU.40. BLOCK T, Alex- I' .. .1 l-i i . ainiuflT Ulnrv H Int 1 VI J. R. Klegelmann, $1 25; undlTtded H at fet 9 M. 1 Morrla. au.MTi: undlrlded of lot a u ll Morrla. o.oo: unuleided u of lot ' it. W. It. Morrla. (0.60; nodlTided of kt If, n . n. Morria, eo.oo, v, Wunn, (1.20; lot o. aucv uerry nuns, e-o undlTlfltd v, or lot o,. . u. moma, o.w, tr . -1... e at oi. u-nta an mi - UIHiiTioru rm i iui ,, t - undiTlded H of lot X W. It. Morrla, ao.uu uudirided V, of lot 7. W. B. Morrla, f0.U6 Lit M II J. Uleeelmann. (1.25. - A tract of land lying between a line 00 feet auttth of and parallel with aouth line of block 3. Fulton, and the north line of block F. Fultoa Park, and a line 60 feet eaat of and parallel vrlllt thu cut line of block IX Pul tun, aud a Hue 40 feet woaterly from and parallel with rhei weaterly Hue of btocke 6 and 7, Fulton, "except that portion .Of a Id tract occupied by th City A Bnburban Rail- a; y UUmpany ngnt OI way, aa. w. ,orria an- id W. K. Uorrle. M.ja. t-l l.TON HLOCK 16. nndlrlded H of lot 1 M. O. Murrl, ao.ou; unamaea y, m mi e, M. O. Morrl. (0.65; andirlded H of lot X U il Mnerla- AO.00: UildlTldcd Kk OX lot 4. M. U. Morrla, (0.68; undiTlded H of lot ft, M. O. Morrla. 40.60; undlrlded W. of lot X M." U. Morrla, (o.ari-'uiidlTlded of lot 7. M. U. Morrl. (O.tW; undlrlded hi ot lot 8, M. O. Morrla, fo.05; andirlded H of (l Morrla. (0.05: BndiTlded V, of lot 1. W. B. Morrla, (; undlrlded W or vol 2, W. It. Morrla, 40.00; undlrlded 3, W. R. Morrla, (n.t; andirlded 4, WH. Morrla, (0.60; andirlded &' W. It- Morrla. (0.66:. undlrlded : Of lot I of lot , of lot I of lot 6, V. K. Morrla, iu.flu; undlrlded. ded. Vj of kit 7, W. K. Morrl, f0.V; nndiTlded H of lot H. V. It. Morrl. fo.60, BLOCK- 17, lot 1. H. W. Corbetl Eaute. Meira or,; jot 3, H. W. Corbett Katate, Heir of. fl.26: lot 8. Andrew W. Preum, fl.25: mt 4. Andrew W. Freora, tot X rTeum. 1.0 u ii ifasotn. (1.26: kit 7. - H. W, Corbett Ett. Heir f, (125j fet X H. W. V-alate. Helre of. (1.28. B0CTHERN PORTLAND, OREOW "'(River l-ot lt l. P. at.- uiyto, ' .!l H. Blyth, (2.06! lot X P. H. Blyth, f2.00; lot 4. P. H. Blyth. tioO; lot X P. H. Blytb. fxon; lot X P. H. Blyt. fX00; lot 7. P. H. Blyth. (2.40; lot X P. H. Blyth. (2.00! lot p. P. u. tiiytn, ai.w; aox iu, r. n. i'i', (1.86; north 23 feet of fet 11, P. H. Blyth. (O.oo; aoath 27 feet of tot 11, B. C. Breedea. fl.05; lit 12, H. C. Breeden, fX40; lot IX H. C. Breeden, (105; lot 14, H. C. Breedea. (2.tu; kit IX H. C. Breeden, (2.40; kit IX it r nrtaiba lot 17. H. C. Broaden, f:t.46; I'd 18, H. a Breeden, 43.06; lot IX ll Rrl. Ll On: lot SO. A. C. Breeden. - li an. w m H I' Ureedeo. (S.60: lot 2X ' 2X Hnnah Maann, (X4ot undlrlded 21 of , ( hmmmi.' oitiuiiuni a-aj v, wi lot 84. ttannan aiaaon. to iii,tii are of Int 25, Hannah Maaon. (X4S; nndlrlded 2-3 of kit 26, Hannah Maaoa, 42 Wi; andirlded 2-3 of lot 27, Hannah Maaon. 32.40; and Tided 2-8 of lot 28. Hannah Maaon. fX35; nndlrlded 3-8 ot lot 20. Hannah Maaon, 33.30; undiTlded 8-3 of lot i Hannah Maaon, (2.20; undivided 3-3 of lot 31, Hannah Maaon, (Xl: andlvlded 1-8 of lot 32. Hannah Maaoa, 8X70; undivided 2-3 of lot 33, Hannah Maaon. (X30; undivided 2-3 of lot 34, Hannah Maaon, 42.86; nndlvlded 2-3 of lot ns. Hannah Maaoa, (2.40; undivided 2-3 of lot SX Hannah Maaon, fX40; undivided 2 8 of kit' 87, Hannah Maaon. 2.66; andlvlded 2- of fet 38, Hennas Maaoo, (X4o; andlvlded 2-8 of lot . Hannah Maaoo. jXJti; aad vlded 2-3 of -lot 40, Hannah Maaon, 2.36; nadlvkled 2-3 of kit 41. Haaaah Maaon. X30f nndlvlded 2-8 f kit 4X Hannah Maaoa, f2.16;. undivided 2-8 of tot 43, Hannah Maaon, (2.06; nndlvlded 2-8 of fet 44, Hannah Maaon.; nndlvlded 2-3 of kit 46. Hannah Maaon. f 1.8; aodlv ded 2-3 of lot 46. Hannah Maaon, 81.701 ond Tided J-3 of lot 47. ttannan Maaon, bi.oo, buuitiucu - of lot 2:1, J, P. Wataon. (1.20; und t ded 1-8 . oi l av Woibm. (1-25: nndiTlded 1-3 of kit 2! 1. V. Wataoa, 81.20; andirlded 1-8 of fet 2X J. F. Wataoa. (1.4; nnamaea of lot 27. J. F. , Wataoa, 81.20; and r ded 1-8 tf fet 28. J. F. Wnteon, fl.20; ""irted 1-3 of kit 29. J. F. WUoo, fl.80; nndlrlded 1-3 t.f lot SO, J. F. Wtaoo, fl JO; undivided J-S of lot 31, J. F. Wataon, ( I.W; nnd r ded 1-3 of kit 8X J. F. W.taon, Jt.; nnd W ded 18 of lot 8X J. F. Wataon, fl.lSt uodlrlded 1-8 of fet 84. J. F. Wataoa. (Lao; naainoea i-o of tot 35. J. F, W.teoa, JJ J-J of fet 80. J. F. Wataon. fl.20; undiTlded 1-8 - i.i av -1 r Wataoa. 81.46: andirlded 1-3 of lot , J. F. Wataon, fl.20; uodlrided 1-8 of fet 30. J. F. Wataon. 81..U; unaiTKieo i.a of fet 40, J. F. W.taou, it.); aadlvlded 1-3 of fet 41. J. F. Wtoa, 81.18; nndlrlded 1-8 of kit 42. 1. T. Wataoa, ft. 10; nndlrlded 1-3 of kit 4X J. F. Wateen. tl.00; nndlrlded 1-8 ot tot 44. J. F. Wataoa. fO.DO;. andirlded 1-8 of fet 45, J. F. Wataoa. fo.aO; nndiTlded 1-8 of lot 4V J. F. Wataon, fo.85: nndlTid-d 1-8 of fet 47. J. F. Wataon. (0.T8. BLOCK 1. nodi Tided 2-3 of fet 1, Hannah Maaon, (O.Ti; nn.ll Tided 8-3 of fet X Hannah M.aon, .66; undivided 2-3 of fet X Hannah Maaon, (0.40; nndlvlded 3-3 of lot . ttannan aiawin, andlvlded 1-8 of lot 1. J. F. Wataon, .rfiMMi '1 Jl of lot X J. F. Wataoa, nndlvlded 1-3 of fet X J. F. Wataon.. (0.21); nndlvlded 1-8 of fet 4. J. F. Watjon, (0. 1! BlaOCK X undivided 1-3 of lt 1. Hannah Maaoa. fo.85: nndlvlded 2-8 of fet X Hannah a . art AO. nnatlTtlled 2-3 nf lot 8. Hannah Maann, (0.86; aadlvlded 2-3 nf Int ' 4. Hanaah - Jofaann. (0.80; nn dlvlded t-S ot fet X Hannah Maaoa,. f 1.88: nndlvlded 1-3 of fet . Hannah Maaon,. (0.80; nndlrlded 2-3 of fet T Hanaah Maaon,, U1.85: nndiTlded 1-8 of fet X Hanaah Maaon .80; nodtTided 1-3 of lot 9. Hannah Maaoiw, ,1.00; nndiTlded 1-8 of fet 10, Hannah Maaou,H 1.00; nndlvlded 2-8 of fet 11, Hannah Maaon. (: 0.60; nndlvlded 1-3 f lot IX Hannah Maano, , 1.80; nndlvlded 1-8 of fet 13. Hannah Maauo 40.n0; andlvlded 3-8 of fet 14. Hannah Maaoo, 80.86; andlvlded 2-8 of fet 15. Hannah Maaeni (0.40; nndlvlded 8-3 xif fet 16. Hannah Maaon,' 80.86; nndlvlded 1-3 of Int 17, Hannah Maaouj 80.26; nnaivifieA 9, ef lot IX Hannah Maaon. 80.80; wodletded -1-aV o lot- -L- aL FWatoov 80.40: nndlvlded 1-3 of lot X 4. F. wataon, n. an; .anviiteit l-S ef lot X J. F. Wataon. (0.40: nndlvlded 1-8 of fet 4. J. F. Wataon,: 80.40; undivided 1-3 of lot B. i. F. wataon,' pi.4ti; nndlvlded 1-8 of fet X J. F. Wataon,,; (o.4i; t.w.AtiAA l-X nf Int 7. J. F. Wataoa.' 8O.40-. nndlvlded 1-3 of lot 8, J. P. Wataoa.- (0.4O nndlvlded 1-3 of tot P. J. r. wataoa.. TiBdlviawt -7-8-of-fet-TO, I. r. Walaon. fO.fWrff nndlrlded 1-8 of fet It, J. H Wteny fo.28; nndlrlded 1-8 of fet IX J. Ft--Wranj f0.4o; andlvlded 1-8 of let IX wataon, o.TO: andirlded 1-8-of fet 14. J.F. Wateont 80.4O; nndlvlded 1-8 of Int 15. J. F. Wataoa. (0.30; nndlrlded 1-8 nf Int 16. J. F. Wataoa, (o.40; nndlrlded 1-3 of lot 17, J. F. WitenB. ff,.i6; nndiTlded 1-8 of let IB, J. F. wataon, (0.4U. BLOCK X undlrlded 1-8 of fet I, Han nab Maann. 80.80; nndiTlded 1-3 of Int X Hannah Maann. 80.86; nndlrlded 2-8 of fet a. Hannah Maaon. 40. DO: nndlrlded 2-8, of fet 4. Hannah Maann, (0.86: nndlvlded 8-8. nf fet 8. Hannah Maaon. 86.80; .undivided 2-3 ef lot 6, llanneb Maaoa, (O.BO) undi Tlded 2-3 of tot Hannah Maaon,. (0.8O; nndlrlded 1-8 ot fet 8, Hanaah Maann, 80.86; aadlTlded 1-8 of let 8. Hannah Maeon. (1.00; andlvlded 1-3 of lot 10, Hannah Maaoo (1.00: andirlded 1-8 of fet It. Hannah Maaoo, fo.80; nndlrlded 1-8 of fet IX Hannah Maann. 80.88; nndiTlded 3-8 of fet 1.1, Hannah Maaoa, fo.80; nndiTlded 2-8 of fet 14, Hannah Maann, (0.85; andirlded 3-3 of fet 16. Hannah Maaon. (0.80: nndlrlded 2-3 ef fet 16. Hannah Maaon. fo.8n; nndiTlded t-S of lot IT, Hannah Maaon, 80.80; nndiTlded 2-8 or fet 18, Hennnb Maaon, '(0,(5; nndlrlded 1-8 of kit I, J. P. WttaoB, 811.40; nndiTlded 1-3 of fet X J. F. Wataon, (A.40; nndlrlded 1-8 mt fet 3, J. F. Wataon, (0.40; andirlded 1-8 of kit 4, J. F. Wataoa. 80.40; nndlvlded 1-8 of fet 6, J. F. Wataon, 80.40; aadlTlded 1-8 of lot 4. J. F. Wataoa, (0.4O; aadlTlded 1-8 or kit 7. J- F. Wataon. 80.40: andlvlded 1-8 nf kit 8, J. F. Wataon. (0.40; nndlrlded 1-3 .f fet . I. F. Wataon, fn no; ride 1 j r mt 10. 1, r. wataon. n ft: aeniTwien i- or mt 11, r- warann, ao.eo: undivided 1-3 of lot IX J. F. Wataun, (0.401 undlrlded i-a ef lot 13. J. V. Wataoa, (0.40 tiudlrldcd 1-4 of kit 14, J. P. Wataoa. (0.40 undivided 1-3 ot lot 13, J. F. Wataoa, 40. 4u utultrbied 1-3 of lot 16, j.'F. Wataoa, (0.4U unuiTidea i-a or lot it, i. r. di tauu. 40v4o audlTlded 1-3.- of lot 16, J. F Wataoa. (O.40. BLOCK 4. andirlded 1-3 'of ''lot 1. Hannah , Maaoo, (0.40; uudlrlded' 2-3 of lot 8, Hannah ' Haaou. ao.ou; undlriilatlt 2-4 or tot X Hanuah Maaoo, (0.60; uadlTiuVf 2-3 ot lut 7. Hannah ' Maaau, (0.60; undivided 3-3 of lot V, Hannah Maaon, (O.70; aadlTlded 1-3 of lot 11. Hannah Maaun, " 0; undivided 2 3 of kit 13. Hanuah Maaon. fo.ou; uudlrlded 2-3 of kit IS, Hauuah Maaon, fu.ou; andirlded 1-3 ot kit 17, Hannah Maaon. (11.60: undivided 1-3 Of lot 1. J. - a. a. a 8. J. F 6. 3.. F T. J. F vlatton, (; undivided j-3 of lot a. vtatena, o.H0; uudlrlded 1-3 of kit Wataon. oadlvldad 1-8 of kit Wataoa, (0.S0; uudlrlded 1-8 of lot 3. J. F, Wataoa. (0.36: undivided 1-3 of lot It: J. F. Wataon,; undivided 1-3 of lot IX J- P. -U a,u.H Bl. W undivided 1-3 of lot 15, J. F Wataon, 40..10; undivided 1-8 ef lot 17. J. F Wataoa. (0.30: lot X Keel A Pereonal Eatat. Company, (0.00; lot 4, Real A Peraoual Batata Comiiauy. fo.80; kit X Real A Personal KeUte Company, (u.0; aoath 1-3 of lot 3. Real A Pereonal Katate Coin pa nr. (0.60: north 2 -3 or WI a. ttannan Maaoo, o.3o; tot in, Han nah Maaon, 41.60; lot 12. Hannah Maaon. (1.26; tot 14. Hannah Maaoo. (1.26; kit 16a Hannah Maaon. (1.26: lot 18. Hannah Maaon, 41.26. , BLOCK 6, undivided 8-8 of lot 1, Hannah Maaon, (0.60; undivided 2-3 or kit a, Hannah Maaon, ao.ou; uudiviac 2-3 of lot 6. Hannah Maaon.. 40 u: audi Tided f-3 of lot - T. Hannah Maaon. to.oo; nudl Tided 3-8 ot lot 9. Hanuah Maaou, (0.T5; nndlrlded 2-8 ot fet II. Hannah Maaon. 40.00; a nndlvlded 3-8 ef fet 13, Haaaah Maaon. (0.00 vnuiviueu x-e OK lot la. nwiwa moon. ov.wi undivided 2-3 of lot 17, Hannah Maaou, (o.oo; aadlvlded 1-3 of fet 1. J. F. Wataon, (0.:i0; aadlvlded 1-8 of lot X J. F, Wataoa, (0.3O; nndlvlded 1-0 of lot 6. J. P. Wataoa, (0.30; nndlvlded 1-3 of fet 7. J. F. Wataon, (0.3O; andlvlded. 1-3 ot fet X J,- P. ' Wataoa, (0.U6; undivided 1-8 of lot 11. J. F. Wataon, to. SO; undivided 1-8 of fet 13, J. P. Wataon, (; undivided 1-8 of fet 13, J. F. Wemon, (0.30; undlrlded 1-3 af lot 17. J. P. Wataon. 80.30; lot X Krnatlne . Hchoenbachler. - 81.26: lot 4. Kraatln Hcnoenbechler. (1.25J aouth '41 """"snot , ohBohrenbecnler, fHHO; , non tn or lot , tarneattu reppei. ao.oo; tot a, ' Hanaah Maaon. fl.aita; lot 10, Hannah Maaon. ; f 1.60; lot IX- Hannah Maaon,. (1.26: fet 14, Hannah Maaoa, fl.26; lot 16, Hauaah Maaon, . at -. . 1 u 11 i . tar fii.tfin. ai arc Tl-Wl ' ... M'OKMM. , BLOCK , X undlrlded 2-3 f lot r 1 except ; Oregon ! A Calif orala Kallroad w Company' right or way, ttanaaa ataaon. o.u: unui vlded 1-8 of let 1. dkcept Oregon A Call - for ula Railroad Company' right - ot way, neat er irmiui 1 aariaie vobiuoo, av.ow, lot X W. B. Baker. (1.25: undlrlded 2-8 of . lot - w, lunnan ataaoa, go.eo; unaiTiaea i-a of lot 8, Keal A Peraooal Eatat Company, (0.30; lot 4. Hannah. Maaon. (1.25; kit 3, Martha M. CrowelL (0.90; fet X Martha M. ' Crowell, fl.26; lot 8. Amelia Berreth, fl.2&; all of fet 7 except Oregon A California Kall road Conlpaay'a right ot way, Ajnell Ber ., reth, fO.WO; all of fet except Oregon A , California Railroad Company' right oi-maj.. Martha M. Crowell,- fl.10; .lot 10. Marti M. Crowell. (I.&0: all of kit 11 exeept V Oregon A .California . Railroad Company' right of way, Martha M. Crowell. (o.6; - fet IX Martha M. Crowell, fl.26; all of fet 13 except Orego a A California Kallroad' Com pany' right of way, 1 Martha M. Crowe U. , 40.18); lot 14. Martha M. - Crowell. (1.25; tot 18,' Joba P. Ward, (1.20; lot IX Jobn P. Ward, (1.28: lot 17, John P. Ward. (1,26; , lot IX Jobn P. Ward,- (1 20. BIOCK 7. fet X Kllaabeth Young, fl.26; lot X Elisa beth . Young. fl ; lot-X Kllaaxbeth Young. (1.2S; fet 4. . Kllaabeth Young, (1.25: . kit 6. Charity H. , Neldermeyer. (1.26; fet X .Mary F. Adam. (1.26; let 7, Delia M. Hchroeder, fl.26; fet X Marr F-. Adam, (l lVi; fet ft. T. -oV.-lalvealey. (1.80) fet 10. r ttoiuneio ' aoeiaicv. f i.uv, ml 11, .ik , Bchmeer, fl.26; fet IX Aanle C. bVbmeer. (1.20: fet 13. Joaeph Beat,. f 1.28; fet IX aioepn tteat, fi.zai lot i, v. w, noeioing, (1.2J; fet 16. D. W.- Hoelblng. fl.26; lot 17. Sophia WeUgerber. fl.25; fet IX Hoptila Welagerber. fl.25. BLOCK 8. tot 1, TJuy - Bennett, fl.25; tot' X Ouy Bennett, fl.25; lot X Guy Bennett, fl.26; fet 4. Cuy Ben nett, fl.20; lot 5, Percy H. Blyth, ft. 26; L lot T. Percy H. Blyth. fl.25: fet 8, Percy H. Blyth. (1.25; lot 6, laoul ,J1. 8ml tt. (1.2S; fet X Loula ,H- Bmlth. (1.26; fet 10, Harriett B. Killeu, (1.2S; fet 11, Oeorge 11. Vaughaa. fl.10; fet IX Oeorge fi. 1 Vaughan, fl.Ul. BLOCK X lot- 1, Albert Demke, (1.25; fet X Albert Demke. fl.26; fet 8. Jacob Reiach, (I'M; fet 7, Jacob Jtelach." fl.25r fet 8, Jacob Beleh, : f 1.06: ' fet 10,. Jacob Rearm, (1.20; tot X. Albert - llemke, (1.25; lot X Altiert Demke, (1.25; lot X C. F. Oakea, (1.26: fet X F. ilakea. fl.26; all of lot' li lying eaatof weat a?e I rr l wi aena ivv, . a. uun, fi.iv, all of lot 12 lying eaat of weat 28 feat of aald lot. C. F. Oakea. (1.15; weat 26 feet : of let 11. Oregon A - California Railroad CemnaBT.. (0.30: weat 2 feet of fet IX Oregon A California Kallroad Worn Da ay. (0.80. BLOCK 10. fet 1, Ferry- Henahaw, Truatee, . (125: lot 3, Ferry Henahaw, Trustee. (1.28; lot X . Edn-ard HagAea BsUta. Halra of. fl.25; lot 7, Edward Hughe Betau, Heir . or,; lot x x-awara nuguea Eatate, - Helra of. (1.50; lot 11, Edward Hugh katate. Helrk . of, (1.05; lot IX Kdward Hughe Kaute. Helra of, (1.20; fet X Joel w. t.rocxer, gi.xi; kk 401 w. vTocaer, , l.a; mi X. ueorg iwiier, fl am lot n, Olive McCartr. 41.26: lot 10. OUve McCarty. . 41.40: all oi tot 13 exeeot weat 42 feet. r Alex KiOftei. au.av: an ox mi 1 except. weat 42 feet, AJex Kteeel, to.Hfj weat 42 , feet ef lot 13, Karl KanaenhTLk. (0.50; weat ? reet M Ml it, tvari AtanamDacn. f0.6O. BLOCK 11. fet 1. Mary C. Burt, - (1.26: let X Oeorco KV and 11. la. iHtepben . bob. 81.25: fet &.. A. W. Bektlag. 81.26: fet 7. Henry A. Balding, fl.25; tot 8. Cora n. Belding. ai.ou; tot Ji. w. u. netaing.; ft.n0; tot IX Heary A. Belding, fl.20; tot 13. Smile C. Fety, fl.46; lot IX Kmlla C. Fety,; fet 2. Krneet P. Doach, (1.36; tot aj. krneet P. Doach. 81.28: fet X H. A. aad A. W. Belding. (1.25; lot X H. JL and A. W. Belding. (1.25; weat 28 feet -of lot 10, Oregon t amoral Kaiiroaa uonrpaBy, 80.68: eaet 84 feet of fet IX Era J. Parker. , foatwi tot IX Eva J. Parker, 41.28: lot IX W. D. Balding, fl.10. BLOCK IX lot 1, Joaeph F. Kelly, fl.25;- lot X Charlee W. . llraerxel. ( lot o. A. C. LoBmira. (lO lot 7. A. C. Lnhmlr. (1.28: let X H. A. : and A. W. Belding. Aa; tot 11, Martin Winch, fl.25; tot 13. Mary P.. Fleck, fl.26; fet 16. Mary F. Finch. fLIO; fet 17. Ha- 1 ooipn Becker, fl.lo; lot in, ttoooipn Becker, i.40 tot i. w. c. neaiiin, mt 4, W. 0. MrMHlen. (1.26; fet 6. W. 'C He Mlllea. (1.26: let 8. W. O. McMillen. 81.28: fet 10, Alldn J. Rate, f 1.80; Int 12, Kllaa jareo. ii.m; mt 14, r.iixa jarea. i.; lot 16. Mary F. Finch. (1.30. BLOCK l.X nndlvlded 14 of lot 1, T. F. Brandea. 40.641 undivided H of fet 1. Helen A. Joaea. (0.60; fet X Jame Humphrey, fl.15; lot X Jma Humphrey, fl.26; tot 7. Jame Humphrey, (i.zb; lot w. Kotiert jaeonaon. ai oo; lot 11. Donga Engelatad, fl 26; lot . IX Donga yilKa-lafiallA, .V IWt JU, W , 0, ww Brtl, a4 ,W, fet 16. W, 8. Ward. (1.6D; lot 2. Real A peraooal Katate compaoy, (l.ZD; lot 4, :. Real A Pereonal Katate Company. ' (1.15; lot X W. H. t'lmea, fl.2; 4ot 8, W. H, Oimia. (1.38: fet 10. W. Welubof f. - (1.60 fet IX Albert L. Alberuoa. (1.26; -lot 14. Joaeph DeMartlnl, fl.26: fet 17. Michael Bullut. fl.60; lot IX Michael Bnllat, 61.70. B1XX.K IX fet 1. Fred B. Millar, fl.25; lot X Richard Kfarllnger. fl.26; lot B. Joaeph . DeMartlul. (1.25; fet 7. William F. Burrell, Truatoe, (1.23; went 26 feet of lot 8, Oregon A Callfor- nla Railroad Company, 80.86; eaat 84 feet of fet , B. W. B. Walann. (0.86; let II, Bnphia Wabgerber, fl.25; fet IX Bophla weiagorber, (l.zo; tot 10. oeorge Kitrmayer, fl.25; fet 17. Jamea la. Carawell, (1J; fet If, Jame U Carawell. f 1.30; tot X Anna ' E. kerne, (1.26; fet 4, Anna K. : Keen, tl.25; lot X Anna K. Keane, (1.29; fet 8. Anna I. Keen, (1.36; lot IX Anna FJ. Kerne, fl.80; lot, 13, Anna B, Ketne, -fl.25; fet IX Anna K. Keene. (1.25; fet 16, Ann K. Keene, (L2fV; kit IX "David M. Watkln. (1.36; fet 20.- Fred Bpagele, SI. 40. BLOCK IS. lot X Jame U Carawell. 1.28: lot X Jamea U t era wall. (1.261 fet 8, Jame 1 Carawell. fl.26; tot 4, Jame , L. carawell, (1.26; to a. Jamea u. ('ara - well, (1.26; fet X Janaa L. Cou-ewelL- f f.28; Lot T, UlUaa Carawell, fl.26: lot X Jame L. Carawell, fl.26; lot 8, Jamea L. Carawell, (1.60: fet 10, Jamea L. CarawelL (1.80; lot 11, June L. Oarawell, (1.28; lot IX Jam L. Carawell. (1.261 fet 13. Lllllaa CarawelL (1.26; north . ef fet 14. Kate . curry, ao.oo; aorth og let la, Kat enr- ear BO ATI- anoth U at Int 14- Kllen Me. - Wnlty, ).rrr loruttr V-rje tot lBrKlIenMc Nulty, fO.66: let IB, Hannah Maaon, fl.25; lot it, ttaaoinn necxer, gi.av; Kit 18. Hn dolph Becker, ft. 56; -let 18, Koto Curray f 1.60; tot 2. Ellen McNulty. fl.TO. BLOCK IX lot 1, Joae and K. Weber, fl.X; fet X Joae and E. Weber, fl.26; tot 4, Joan aad fi. wener, ai.jti; mt 4. joae and m. Weber. 5 I K; fet R, Joae and Fa. Weber, fl.23: fet X ear and V. Weber, f 1.28; tot- 7, Joae aad K. Weber, (t.2ri; kit 8, Joat and I. Weber, 81.26: kit X Job and B. Weber, (l.5o; lot 10. Joan and Weber. (I AO: Int it. v Joae and Ji. Weber,- fl.25; fet 13. Joae aad (. wener, (1.3b; lot is, Jnaa and r weber, 1.25: lot 12. Michael Tannler. fl.25; - lot 14. Michael Tannler, fl.26; fet IX Ann flick. lot -17. Fnlton Cnlted Artlaana' lfttl Id Ing Aewdatlo, (1.8U; fet IX Kmcat, xwwae, ei.oo ei , jr, anna mm-, ai.iru: fet 80, Joe. Weber. (0.80. BlaOt'K 17. fet 1. C. if. McLeod. (1.25: lot 2, C. N. McLeod, (1.2S; fet 8. C. N. McLeod, fl.25; fet 4. C. N. McLeed, fl.25; kit 8. C. N. McLeod, 81.28: fet X C. N. McLeod. (1 .25: kit 7. C. N. McLeod. fl.28: fet 8. C. N. McLeod. (L28; tot . r tore b. Crittenden, (l.&o; fet 10, Flora B. Crittenden. (1.50; tot 12. C. N. Mcleod. fl.26: fet IX C. N. McLeod. 81.26; fet 16. C. If. Melaeod, (l.: fefia. C. N. McLend, J1.25: tot 11, Hannah Maaon, (125; fet 18. Hannah Maaon, (1.24: fet 16, Hanaah Maaoa, fl.25; Int 17. Hannah Maaon, tl.26; tot 18, U. McNulty. (150; lot 11, M. IcNulty. fl.25; fet 20. Klla and John A. Keller, (1.60; fet K, Klla and John A. Keller, ' fl.28; fet 24, F.llxa and John A. Keller, fl.26: fet a. Alnbnna laintr. (I K: kit 28. Alpbonae laannr, fl.25: lot 26. Alphnnaa laraolr, fl.26; tot 37, Hanaak Ixaooa, fl.26; oa u i- 11 ox - -ativr 18. - tot l.'ciara N. McLeodr 81 t; fet X triar n. Hciatoa, (i.xd: tot 0, lu nvaniw Ing Bank. (126; fet .. .'Zm W.-:?a'" Sarlnga Bank, (1 26; fet 8. Lndwlg Vi 1101 ia. ' (1 50; let 11. Ludwlg Wllkelm. (1.28; lot IX Holomon ttelaa, (1.23: lot IX bvtoinoo Kela. ; (1.2&: lot 17, Mary I. Hedge, (; Mry 1. Hedge. (1.50; kit 21, Hannah Maaoa, (1.25; fet XI, Hannah, Maaoo, (1.26; kit 25, nannan raaana, i-xo; vn nonaai " (1.26; lot 2, Marianne Vandeleur, (1.25 1..I A Uari.HU V.n.,L.n. X I .", ' kit 6 -Clara N. McLeod. (1.20; kit' 8. William and Anna Bent. (1.26; fet to, W. Burrell, Truatee. (lTsO; lot. IX W. Fu tfurrell, True tee. 11 tS: Int 14 K H. Kobblua. (1.36; kit 16, Jama B. John tone, fl.26;-lot IX Jamea A J.Uinalnna, XI -V.- Int '1. Northern Couatlee lareetmeat Truat. Ltd., f LA"; fet zz, carl u. Andaraen. fl.2B; tot at, - ad 1.1 1 lie C. Vlexere. 81.25: fet 27, W. A and 1-lllle C. Vtxgera. fl.25; fet 2s. W, A. and Ullle C. VlMgcre, (1 25. BLOCK 1. lot I, vt. r. Barren, Truaree, i.n; ioo a. t. a. Barren, -iruetee,, ai . ".( Barren. . Truatee. (1.26: lot : 4. .W- F. Btnrell.' Traatee. (1.261 '. kit Clare N. McLeod. f 120: lot 8. William PrtrdliBder. (1.25; tot t. WUIUm Fried- lauder, (1.25; - lot X WHHm Frledianaer,; lot v, William . Frieoiaaaer, ei.w. lot 10. William IrrtaatlaBilair- XI. .VI: lot 11, Inlted Rtatr National Bank. (1,26; fet IX 1'nlled Htatea Katlooal Bak, (1.26; fet IX United Htatea National -Bank, (1.25; '..lot 14. I'nlted fUalaa National- Rank. (1.25: fet 15. Inlted state National Bank, (1.25: lot In. L'nlted Htatea - National Bank tl.25 lot IT, H. M. and W. M. Cake. (LBS; fet 16. H. M. and W. M . '-Cake. (1.15: kit 10, Arthur W. ' tirabam, fl.80; lot 30. - Hannah Maaon. fl.80; lot 23. Hannah Maaon. (1.25; fet 21. Kvorett . mltb. (123: lot-13. Jo hanna Irrlng. fl.25; lot 24, Ltxxl'e and Cor N. Belding, fl.23; lot-26, lilaale and Cora N, Belding. (1.25; fet 26,. Llaxl and Cora n. neiaiug.; tot it ami- w.-anu i-t. at. Belding,; int 28. A. W. ana n. a Beldlnc. 81.BA. BLOCK 20. fet 1. W. F Bur roll, Truateei fl.26: tot X W. F., Burrell, TruMee. tl.84: fet 3, W. F. BurrelL Truatee, el. an, mt a, w, r. Barren, iruaiee, ai.u lot 6. W.-F. Burrell. Trnatee, fl.26: kit 6, ; W. F. Burrell. Truatee. fl.25; lot T, W BurrelL Trustea, fl.25: lot X Alice F. Mr Carthy. (1.26: tot 0.' W. F. Burrell. Trnatee, lot lu. a Men r... Hct:artnr. ai.ou " lot 13. Alice F. McCarthy, fl.26; tot 11, Mvare w.- ana ueien At. i,aacu, t.aoj lot IX Eva Kir Oaaaett. 81.26: tot 14. Je ale K. B. Fleck, fl.25; lot IX Jla E, 8, riecx, (l.xo: lot 1. jaxaia B. a. rircx (1.26: tot 17. Jaaala K. H. Fleck. (1.25 1... a I 1 . la a, ai .in. 1a, to .... ao, " I, n . v " Mr., v.. aw. m ' - Jeeale I. 8. Fleck. (1.60; lot 20, Jaaala K. n. rieca. ei.ou:- fox -ai. aamee e. ouuiiono, (1.35: lot ZL Jamea 8. Johootoae. 415; lot 25. Marie B. Huxale. fl.25; lot 20., Maria K. Moxale, (1.38: lot ZX Heeainger -. Traatee. 81.26: lot 14. Reaalnanr A Co.. Truatee, (1.26; tot 27. Itommger A CO.. Trua tee. fl.25; lot 28, Beaolngor A Co., Trnatee, 81.26. BLOCK 21. lot 1. J. M. Thomoooa. . (1.20; lot X J, L Thompeon, fl.XI; lot X Xataai Morriaon, ai.xo; lot T, ueioa ii. Neee. 81.25: fet 8. Defea D. Naer. (1.50 ioi ii. aoua . -am. loaaaum x oimro .rieen. fl.26; tot 13, John A. John too aad Jamea oiaen, fl.SD: lot IS, Hlbernla Bavlnx Bank fi.aii ov ll, ntwraia iM.iiaa sjbuk. oi.,.,, kit 18. Hlbernla Saving Bank. (1.50; let 21, T. W. Hannaman. (1.25; lot 13. Bernard i'. Mccartny, (i.2o: tot ZD. Nellie at. ward, tl.25: block -27. Charle P. Little, ft. 36; fet X Herman Bleeg. (1 33; fet 4. Hrrmaa Bieeg, (l.zri: lot . Merman Bieeg, gi.xa; lot X. A. W. and H. Belding, ft. 25; fet 10, Fannfe -C- Cnrtia. 31.60: fet IX Nettie O, Oradon. (1.25: lot 14. Nettle G. Oradon. 81.25; lot lu. Koaanna ojonrtney. tot is. William P. Courtney, fl.25; lot 10. Joele Bulllvan. ft 50; tot -2X H. U Tatum and J. J. Bow en. fl.26; - fet 24, Bfymour c. menair. !.:- lot . wo. -i w.- w. amrreii. . Traatee. fl.25: fet 28. Heaate Elmmer. fl.26. HiAM-n, sx tot 4, Aiiuaee iraat ijompay Ud , (1.26; fet X 0. and Loulae Lacbmeir, JI.26; Int 8. Albert Krumrey, ft. 25; fet 7. ennla Bower, fl.25; fet a. Jennie Bower. (1.60: lot 11. Fred H. . Miller. (1.25: fet 13. Fred 8. Miller, fl.25: fet 18. Willamette inne No. a. imorovea oroer or (tea Men, fl.25f fet 17, Willamette Tribe No. X In. Craved Order of Bed Mob. (1 25. tot 10, little B. - Kmmona. (1.50; lot 21. Mary K. Itoxale. fl.26: fet 2X Mary E. Hoxda. 81.25; tot ao, atary rj. - uexaie, fi.ato; lot zr, Liaale Belding. (1.2ft: fet X, Oenrre Lach- - oteler. (1.28 lot 4. Oeorge Lachmeler. (1.30; mt n. naraa c Kveeaon, 71.2a;. lor a, naran R. Kverann, fl.25: fet 10. K. R. Long. tl.&O: -lot-JX H. 1L Long. (1.26;uot 14. H. H. Long.(1.25; tot IX McKlnley MltehelL fl.2!; tot in. Mcniaiey - mitcneii. lot -jo. . WL D. Belding. (1.60: tot 22. A.' and. A. W. Belding. (1.33; lot 24. Uaxle Raiding, (; tot 26. Marie aV Hoxle, fl.25: tot 28. Uxrta Bemtng, (i.zx block. XML Mary as. Taylor, fl.20: tot. X Maed W. Woolfalk, fl.25; lot 5. 'David OoodeeU. (I J6: lot 7, Clr B. Crane, 81.28: tot 8, Mary K. Hoxle. lr j 51.60; 1.26; 1.35: lot 11, .calvary tTeeoyteriae t baren, tot ' IX -.Calvary . Preabyteriaa Cbarrh, tot 8. Baaaana Mmmerman, - 81.26: fet IT, BoaaanA Elmmermaa, fl.25; lot IB, Hnoaaaa Zimmerman, f 1.60; tot 21.- Baaaana simmermen. .; lot ZX waaanna Blmaaer , man. (1.25: -to -S3. Buaanna ZimmerBiaa, (1.25; tot tt, Boaauaa Kim merman, (1.26; lot X u. M. ana oena Bonier.. (1.26: tot 4. O. M. aad Dene Bob lee, 31.25; tot 8, Bruno -. m. uantner,; ut a, eoeena rink, (i.ze; fet 10, Id Loeweruwo. flJW; lot IX peorge . wngui real no, 1, u, a. it., at. a; lot 14, John Mattbleoen. fl.25: fet IX Boo E. Law - re nee, (1.25; tot 18, A. W. Joaea, fl.15; fet art, Maggie W. Little, fl.50; fet 2X -M aggie . k. Jeoce ana Mary A. cootty, (l.zo: tot 24, Michael Mooter, h.S; fet 27. Wllbelmlna . VakL (1.26; fet 28, Chrlalian Johnaoa. (1.2B. BLOCK 24. lot 1. Hanuah Maaon, (0.70; fet X Hannah Maaoa, fl.25; lot X Hannah , Maaoo, (0.80; fet X Hannah Maaoa, (1.23; tot X- Hannah Maaoa,- (0.86; fet X Hannah Maaon, fl.25; fet 7. Hannah Maaon, (O.OO; fet X Hannah Maaoa, (1.25: fet 8. Hannah Maaoa, 81.20; lot IX Hannah Ataaon. (1.60; ' lot 11, Haaaah Maaoa. 41.05: kit IX Han- Ban Ma ana. (l.zo; tot IX Hannah Maaon, (1.10; let 14, Hanaah Maaon. (1.25; tot 13, Hannah Maaoa, (1.15; tot IX Haaaah Maaoo. fl.25; tot 17, Hannah Maaoa, 41.15; kit IX Hannah Maaoo. fl.25; lot 13. Haaaah Maana, 81.80; fet 20. Hannak Maaoa. (1.50; fet 21, Hannah Maana, -41.20; fet 22. Hannah Macon, (1.20; lot 2X Baanah Maann, (1.25; fet 24, Hannah Maao. (1.23; fet 25, Hannah Maaon, fl.25; tot 36. Hannah Maaoa, fl.26; lot 27, Hanaah Maaon. (1.26; fet 28. Hanaah Maaon, i.zs. BiaUCK 30, tot 1. Margaret Maekay . (4.7: lot X Margaret Maekay, (13.26; fet ' X Margaret Maekay, (8.85; fet 4. Margaret - Maekay, fl3.Hl. BLOCK IX ubdlTltoa 1 of fet A, Maggie Morpby. (1.23; aubdlrlaloo 2 of tot A. Maggie Murphy, fl.26; aabdl- Tlalon 8 of tot A, Dell B. Daw, (1.26) aadl- viaion or lot a, la. Jl. ana A. Ix. Maxwell, (1.25; aubdlTlaloa S of tot A. Margaret Whit. (1.26; nbdlTllon 6 of tot A. Mar- arei wane, fl.aZi; auoairlavin t or lot A. . u.,aaa tx-vi., a , .k. , . a UI .. I W ' . , BOIN.1BW VI . kit A. Jennie Carrie, fl.26; aubdlTlaloa 8 ot tot a, eeatue turn, (t.aoi; enfidivieloa 10 of fet A. Jennt Cnrrle, 41.50; aubdirlaloa It ef fet A, Jennie Cnrrle, fl.25; nbdlvlaton lat or mt a, oMinoer j. Kamming, ( anb diTlatoa 13 of lot A, Margaret White,, ft. 25; ! aubdlTlaloa 14 of lot A. Margaret White. tl.25: enbdlTleln 15 ot lat A. C. Hanaen. ' fl.25; an bd I rlalon 18 ef fet A. Tlllle F. Cor. nrllH. fl.25; abdletatoa 17 of tot A. Tlllle , r. t orneiiua. (i.zri: auootTiaioa 1 of tot A, M. J. Potter, fl.25; uhd!vlion 1 of tot R, Wealey Miller, 81.25; anbdlvlalon 1 of kit B. Waaler Miller 11 2X1 aabrltvlalnn laf u a Julio Mardoara. fl.25; aubdlvlalon 4 of fet B, - juua Marquam. gi.zo; aanoivunon a of tot B. Onnifer J. Humming, f 1.35; aubdlvlalon a of . lot B. Mary E. A da ma, fl.26; uhdivlaton 7 of Int B. W. P.. Barrel L Traatee, fl.26; anb dlvlalon A of tot B, W. F. Burrell. Truatee, ' fl.26; anbdlvlalon 8 ef tot B, W. F. Burrell, True tee, (1.50; anbdlvlalon 10 of lot R. W. F. BurrelL Traatee, ' (1.50; aobdlrlMon 11 of . fet B, W. F. BarreU. Trnatee, (1.29: anbdl vlalon 12 of fet B, W. F. Burrell. Truatee, .(1.25; anbdl rlalon 13 of lot B, Mary li. . Adam, (1.25; anbdl rlalon 14 of fet B.-Mary K. Ada ma, (1.16; aubillTlalon 15 of fet B. Mary - . Adanva, fl.25: . mbdlTlaltm 16 of fet B, Jamea V. Brandt.. (1.26; mibdlTlxfen - 17 of tot . .3,.. Ounrter J. Humming, (1.25; .... -, 7a. .a i n u .. ., w. J: tee, (1.25. .- BLOCK- 7, lot-. -X-- Kllen M. ncnoiiBorn Eatate, Halra of. (13.25; kit X , Ellen H. Schollbora EaUto, Hair of, fl.XlO; anbdlrlaloa 1 of lot A. C. M. IIubbcII. fma- . tee, 81.25; (abdlTlakm 2 of Int A, C. M.' . Btueell, Trnatee, (1.25; aobdlTialon 3 of lot '- A, V. M. Boaaell. . Truatee, (1.20; mlidlvlilnn 4 of fet A, C. M. Ruaoell. Traatee. fl.25; f ubdlTUfen of lot A, C. M. lluaeLTru!. "tee.'" fl.26; anbdlrlalon Vol lot A, CV M. Kuaaeil. Trnatee, (1.25:" anbdlTtalnn 7 of Int ..A. Moy Back-Hln. (1.25; nbdlTlalnn 8 ot lot -A. W. F. Burrell,: -"ft-oate. (1.25: anb- : dlTlaloa a of lot A. Moy Back Hin. fo.76; wibdiTlalon 10 of tot A,, W. F. Burrcli, Trna tee." (0.76: aabdlTialoa 1 nf lot B, M. I. Duffy, (1.26; aubdlvlalon 8 of ' fet B. Hnng- fbee How, fl.25: aflbdi- . elatotf 8 of fet B. W. ' H. McKldowney and , J. T. Leonard. (1.20; eubdlvlelnn 4 of fet . yt. V. . nurrell, Trnatee, (1.25; aubdlvlalon 6 af fet B. W. II. McBldowdnev - and J. T. Leonard. (1.26; anbdlrlaloa 8 ef let B, C. M. Kuaaeil, (1.38; eubdlvlakm 7 of ' fet B. W. M. lew, (1.25; mibdlvlaion 8 of fet B. Moy Back Hln. (1.26; uhdlvlal9n a of kit B, W. M. Law. (0.75: aubdlrlalon 10 of fet R. May Bank Ula. fO.T5. BLOCK 28, fet I. . Jeanl and J. M. Belrber, (13.28; lot X Jamn X ' Pol be mux, f 13.20. BLOCK 18. anbdlvtalnn 1 of let 2. William and Knalna Oelger. (I 20r anbdlvlalon 8 of fet X William and Rnalno Oelger, (l.20 kabdlvtafen 8 of kit 1. William and Roaloa Qelgar, (1.20: aub dlvlalon 4 of lot 2. ' William and knalna - Oelrg-r. (1.20: anbdlvlalon 5 of tot X William 'and Hoalr Celger. fl.20; cubillvlaloa 6 of fet 2. WlllUm and Rvaln tielger, (1.10; anbdlvlalon 7 of lot X William aod Rnala ' Oelger. (1.10; an bdlvlalna 8 nf kit 2, William , and Rnalna Oelger, (1.20; enhdlTulm a of fet , 2. WlllUm and Roaln Oelger, (1 20: ab . dlrtaloa 10 of lot 2. William and Rnelna Oelgrr, (1.20: anbdlrlaloa t of fet X Mr. M. J. Wearoer. (1.28; auhdlrtelon 2 of lot 4. Mr. M. J. We mer. 40 DO; enndlvirlnn 3 ef ' fet i. Mr- M.J. Wea mer. fl.10; aubdlvlaln 4 nf Int 4. Mr. M. J. Wea mer. - ( 1 . 25 : rib- dlrlalen ( e( tot X Mr. M. JWtamer, L23; aubdlvUInn 8 of fet 4. Mr. M. . Weaatrrv tl.25; aubdlTlaloa 7 of tot 4. lira. U. i, .'vainer. o; aubdlTlaloo 8 of tot 4, Mr. M. J. Weauwr. (1.6u; a of lot 4., Mr. M. J. Weamer. (1.30. lil.OCK 20, tot I, Margaret H. Iwabolio, (186; tot X Mar. faret H. Denboliu. (l.iaf; tot 3, Margaret H. ; Denhelm. (l.Wb; tot 4. Margaret H. Dene - holm, (2.00; kit 8, Margaret H. Denhoiiu. . ' (2.0O, tot X Margaret H. Danbolm. (; , lot T Mir(arot 11. Denbolm. (l u; tot 8. Margaret It. lienlioim, (1.80: lot 8, Margaret '11. IkMiboIra, (I.Wi; tot Ut, Margaret II, Den-. ' holm. (1.75. .BLOCK 30, mibdlvlaion 1-of lot A, Kmily H. and Jame Curran, (1.85; ub -dlvtalon 1 of tot A, Frederick Eggert, (1.T0; -aubdlvlalon 3 of lot A, Frederick. Eggert, . (1.00; aubdlvlaloa 4 of tot A-. Frederick Kg-J-gert. (1.60; aubdlrlalon 6 ef tot A, Frederick . Kggert. (1.46; aubdlrlaloo of lot A, V. . - ' F. Burrell. Trnatee. (1.40; aubdlTlato 7 of "i - lot A. Jenkln A Bteveua. 81.30: aubdlvlalon 1 of lot B. W. F. Burrell, Truatee, (1.60;, ,. bdiviaion s ot tot U, W. F.-Burroll, True- ' - tee, ,ei.w. - ,-.-.,.... n - . A tract of land lyln( betwae the aonth llnav , of Vermont atreet and the north line of eu to ol rlalon 7 of fet A, block 30. southern Porte , land, and between the eaat tin ef Pnnyf , , ..,1 Mat .ul Ik, v 1 1 - ,k . ; Oregda A California liallroad Company' right of way, Martha M. Cm well. (2.o. - . ' A tract of land lylag between- the oath Una of Vermont atreet and tha north Una of ub- - dlvlaloa 2 of tot B. block 80. Boat hern Port-" 1 J - J . I . - . . mono. DomniO 1B WCet. ilBO All VUOiafl.-ll" . I : cut itreet and th eaeterly line of tbe Orefon aV Callfflenla Uallenaial I'Ainnanv'a elali nf I way. 0. P. Crowell Katate. Helra of. fl.50. SOUTHERN - PORTLAND, OREGON BUMIK , .11. lot 1. Bolamon Rela. fo.86: tot X Botooieii ' Uelaa. (0JW; tot X Solomon Beta. (0.36; tot 4. notomon Ralaa, (1.20; tot 6, Botomon Relax, fl.80: tot X Botomon Reia. fl.15; tot 7, " : Botomon Relax (110; fet 8, Bolomoa Kela. (1.10; fet 0. Solomon Rclaa, fl.lo; tot 10. - Hokimoa RelaX . (0.(0; lot 11. Bolomod Kelaa, , 40.10; tot 12. Solomon Kelaa, 4U.T5; fet l i. nolomon IU!h, f 1.06; lot 14. Bolomoa ileloa, ' fl.00; lot 16. Botomon Itelaa, fl.10; lot IX Kolomna Rati, (1.25. BWTK 32. tot 1,' Hannah Maaon. (10.25; tot X Hannah Maaon. ; 1 88.05. UUH K 33, aubdlrl.lon 1 of tot 1. . 'Jamea X Reed. (1.36: aubdirlaloa 3 of tot -Jamea B. Heed. fV.St aubdirlaloa 8 ef tot " 1. Jamea 8.. Heed, (l.25f aubdlvlaloa 4 of tot v 1, Jaioea X Heed, 8 1.29F (ubdlvkilon 8 of tot ,"; 1, Jame X Reed. (0.7M eubdlvtoloa 6 of kit -X Anna 8. BJokman, (0.76; ubdivtton 7 of , lot I, Ann N. BJokman, fl.B; aubdlvlalon. f ' ' of lot 1. J. B. Plllilugioa and A. W. Wright. . . 81.25: aubdlvlaloa of fet 1. J. N. . Burt. auDoiTuion 10 or mt i, j. r. Burt. -iibdlTlaton 11 of tot 1. Ann Olen, " nabdlTlaloo 12 of tot 1. J. B. Ptlklng. . ton and A. W. Wright, (1.35; aubdlrlaloo - i.i ot tut i. J. b. t'liaingion ana A. w. -Wright. (1.35; gabdlvlafen 14 of fet 1, Ji4i , T. took, fl.35; aubdlrlaloo 15 of tot 1, John T. -Cook, fl.40; aubdlvlaloa 1 of tot X Cella M. Frier and Edwin . - McCllney, fl.40; aubdlvlalon 3 of fet X Cella M. Frier and Kd- . win 8. McCllney. fl.40; aobdlvlaton 3 of lot 2. -Cella M. Frier and Edwin H. McCllney. fl.40; anbdlrlaloa 4 ef fet 2. Cell M. Flier aod . Bdwla B. McCllney, f 1.40; ubdlvtloo B of ' " lot x urna m. -Frier od Ldwin a. Mccnocy, (1.40; aubdirlaloa 8 of tot 2. Cella M. Frier -and Edwin B. McCUncy. (1.25; aubdivlaton 7 of lot 2, Cella M. Frier and Edwin 8. Me Cllncy. fl.23; anbdlvUion 8 of fet X Cella M. Frier and Edwin M. McCllney, fl.25; mib dlvlaion 3 of lot X Cella M. Frier and Edwin H. McCllney, fl.25; aubdlvlalon 10 of fet 3,; Cella U. Frier nd Edwin 8. McCllney. 80.75: ubdlvlatoB 11 of fet X Cella M. Frier ami Edwin 8. McCllney, fl.26; aubdlvUInn 12 of lot X Cella M. Frier and Edwin fl. McCllney. fl.25; aubdlrlalon 13 of tot X Cella M. Frier and Edwin 8. McCllney, fl.25; aubdlvulon 14 of tot X Cell 41. Frier and Kdwln K. McCUncy, (1.30; aubdrvlafen - 15 of le X iviln M. Frier and Kdwln X McCllney, fo.76. BLOCK 84. anbdlvlalon. 1 of tot O. P.. C. Bronaugh. (0.85; aabdlvlaloa 3 of tot fl. K. C. Bronaugh. (O.80; aubdlTlaloa 3 of tot 0. K. C. Bronaugh, (0.66; aubdlvlaloa 4 of tot O. K. C , Bronaugh, fo.80; ubdlTlatou n-.rrf tot 0, P.. C . Bronaugh. fn.5; aabdlvlaloa 6 of kif (1. K. U. -Rronaogh, (0.60; aubdlvlaloa 7-of fet 1. K. C. Broaaioicb. 30.66; onbdlTialnn 8 of fet O, K. C. BraoeugU. fo.60; aubdlTlaloa 8 of fet U, B. C. Bronaugh. 80.65; aubdlTlaloa id of fet U, K. C Hrouauyb, (o.ri; aubdlvlaloa 11 of tot fl, K. C. Bronaugh,-fo.6b; (ubdjvlalon 11 of tot fl, H. C. Brnaaucb. (o.i: Mibdlvlalea 13 of tot G. R. C. k &M..n.h ,, au.. .... I.I.I.. , A .. 0 I,. , - V nrouauan,; mitiaivieion is or lot ti, r. c. nroaaagn, obmoo; ouooineioa la ar lot it, -o. v.. , Broeaugh, fo.nS; oubdivteleB 17 of fet O, B. C. Bronaugh, (0.60; subdlvwloo 18 of tot (1, B, C. BroaauaX 80.66: (ubdlvlHton 10 of tot O. K. , . Bronaugh, 40.60; aubdivlaton' 30 of tot O. K. C. Kronaugn,' auoomaioa 21 or tot , k. t . Brooaagbl 80.60; aubdlvlaloa 22 of tot O, K. C. Bronaugh, (0.66; aubdlvlaloa 23 ef tot Q;'B. C. Bronaugh, 80.60; cubdlvlalnn 24 ot tot ti, B. C. BrooaogX (0.66; aobdlTialon 25 of tot O, K. C. Bronaarn, (0.60; aubdlvlalon 26 of tot ti, R. C, ' Bronaugh. (0.65t BabdlTlaloB 27 of tot O. K. C. - Bronaugh, fo.oti; aubdlvlaloa 28nf tot 0, M. C. tirouaugn,, . ifLamjn. ae, aanorvwioa I of tot H, X. C BranaagX 80.60; aabdlvteton 3 of tot H, E. C. Bronaugh, fo.XI; aabdlvlaloa 3 of kit H, H. C. Branangh. fo.eo; aabdlvialoa 4 -of fet H. R. C. Bmoaugh. (0.651 abdtvbiion 8 y of lot II. K. C. Bronaugh, fo.6; aubdivlaton . i . ta a, ci u , w 4n aoa. , , . . e . wa mu a., aw. , -. , w u , u . v , , w u.. , . m iuh . oi tot ti, m. oj. Broaaugo, au.rai; auoaiviaioo 9 of let H, K. C. Bronaugh, f0.65: aabdlvlaloa of lot li r, C. Bmaaugb. (0.60: eu bdiviaion lO, ef fet H. R. C. Bronangh, (0.83; aobdlrte- a . ion ll or ut rt. m. c Bronaaga, ao.qui ann- . dlvlaloa 13 of tot H. B- C. Branangh. fn.t; . aubdlvlaloa IS of tot H. K. C. Bronaogb. (o.oo; aabrilvMfen 14 nf tot H, F 0. Broa- , gX fo.65: aubdlvtotoa 15 of lot H. fi. C. Bronaogb. (0.60; abdrvtalon 18 of fet H. K. C. Bronaugh, (0.66; ubdlTtetoa 17 of tot -1L K. C. Bronaogb, (0.60; eabdlTlelon 18 of tot H. H. C Bronaogb. (0.65: aubdlTlaloa 18 of tot H- E. C. Bronaugh. (0.60; aubdirlaloa aai oi owe. n, oa. ... nnoMuiu, ff'.wt, ominii- via too 31 of lot H, E. C BronaugX 80.60; nndlvlakoa 33 of fet H. K. C. Brouaagh. fo.65; . eabdlvkitoa 23 of tot H. E. C, Broaaagh, (0.60; nbdlTtafen 24 of tot H. B. C. Bronaugh.' -fo.65, aubdivlaton 25 of kit H, K. C. Bron- . angh, fo.60: aubdlvlaloa 26 of tot H, E. C. -Bronaogb. (4.65; aubdlvlaloa 27 f kit H. : R. C. Bronaugh.; abdlvtaton 28 of kit n. R.. C Bronangh, (0.65. BLOCK. 36. aub dlvlaloB 1 of fet A. Predortck Eggert, (1.25; ' ubdivlafen 3 of fet A,- Frederick Eggert. (1.25; BubdtvUlo 8 of . fet A, . Frederick Kggert. 31.35; euNDvlalon 4 of lot A. Fred- . erlck Eggert, fl.25: anbdJTiakia 8 nf tot A. -Frederick Kggert, fl.25; eubdl rtetoa 8 af tot .. . A. 0. M.iOKuwell. Traatee, 41.20: eabdlvietoa 7 of tot A. Frederic Kggert, (1.26; aubdi vlaton 8 of lot A, WlllUm Labee. (1.26; ubdlvlalAa 6 of tot A. W. W. Logao, fl.20; aubdlvlaloa 10 of tot A, W'llUam Laliba, (1.2b; aubdlTUion ll of lot A- Atrguat Arrria, (1.26; aahdlvUton 12 of lot A. C. M. Ruaaell, Truatee. (1.20; aubdlrlalon '3 of tot A, C. M. Ruaaell,, Traatee, (1.35; nbdrrtelon 14 of lot at, ti M. ButmelL TrMteo, (1.80: auk- dlvlaloa t of lot B, W. a. M. aod M. A. , Hay en. (1.30: aubdirUlon 3 of fet B, Barak A. Browo. fl.20; aubdlrlalon 8 of lot B. C. M. Kuaaeil. (1.20; ubdivlafen 4 of kit K. Arthur Mather, fl.20; aubdivlaton 5 of tot B, Moy Back Ilia, fl.20: aubdlvlaloa 8 of tot B. C. M. Raaoall. Truatee. fl.20; eu bdlvlalna 7 of tot B. .W. F. Burrell, Traatee, ,(1.20; north Si of tot 1. Mirth M. Crowell. (8.25. ; BUX'K 36. tot 1. Frank H. tirubX f1.l; , kit X Kat her! ne 7a. Trevett. (1.30: fet 2. Margaret H. Dcnholm. ft.SO: tot 4, Margaret II. Denholm.. fl.30; tot X Mnrgnret H. Hen holm, f 1.30: tot X Maxwell N. Hamilton, , ( fet 7. Maxwell N. Hamilton, (l.lto; kit 8, Margaret H. Dei holm, fl.30; fet 8, -Margaret H. Denbolm, fl.30; fet 10. Jm . T. B-U, fl.30 lot 11, Jamea F. Reil, f I.Ho; kit IX Margaret H. Denholm. fl.25: fet l.'L . ' Margaret H. Denholm, (1.80; tot 14, Jamea p. -Bell, (1.25; fet 15, D. B. MeBrlde, (1.20; kit IX Oeorge Ktenbonee, (1.16; fet 17, George' , Btennouee. fl.30; lot 18. Donald B. MeBrlde, , , fl.:in: fet 10. Donald B. MeBrlde. ft.SO; tot 2o, Donald B. McBrld. fl.30: fet 21. C. D. ' Nairn, fl.30; tot 22. Donald B. MeBrlde, .. f1.8: fet 23. Donald B. MeBrlde, fl.30; -fet 24. C. D. Nairn, fl.30; fet 25. Robert Mvlnsaton, fl.30; fet 36. Robert Ltvttigatnn, -(1.30; fet 27, Robert Living ton, fl.HO; tot - 28. -Margaret II. Denholm. (130. RLOCK , .17. Hanh Vaaon. (00.56. BLOCK 38. 0J.,k a Claw - a-lt l ORKEN'B ADDITION BLOCRf 1, tot l.'Jnhn iw. Langdna and wire. . n. Harnett ana wife, (1.26; tot 2. John w. latngiton and . wife. W. II. BarnerLand wife. (1.25: lot X - L-j.b Wrrlainvdon end wife. W. . H. Banoatt ana wit. t,.u; tor . eoan vo. jugaoa sa wife, W. II. Barnett and wife, (1.40. PIXrK . 3. let 1, John W. Langdon and wife, W. H. Barnett and .wife, 41.25; lot 8. Joha W. lAiigdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife. (1.26; lot X John W. Langdon and wife, , W. II. Barnett and wife. (1.26; lot 4. John ' .W-liangdon. an4 wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, fl.46; fet B. Jottrr. TAtigdon Ind- wire. W, II. Barnett and wife. (1.45; fet X' ' John W. iAngdon and wife, W, H. Barnett -nd wire, f 1.25; fet 7, John W. Lanrdoo and wife. W. H. Barnett and Wife. (1.21; tot 8, Jofa W. Langdon and wife, W, H. Barnett' ' and wife, (1.25. BI-OCK 8. fet L John . W. Tiengifen and wife. W. H, Barnett. and wife, (1.25. fet X John W. Lngdno and wife, , W. H. Barnett and wife, (1 20; fet 3. John L W. Langdnn and wife. W. .11. Barnett and wife, fl.25; fet 4. Henry L. Johnaoa, (1.45;. . k.t 5. Jobn W. lakngdon and wife, W. H. Barnett and w If, (1.45; kit Xv John W., Langdon and wife, w. II. Barnett and wife, ' ' Bl ri La V ' Irthn W TalnavtnM a.! wl f- W. H. B-tniett aad wife, fl.25; fet X John ' W. Lngitoo nd wire, w. II. Barnett and wife, fl.25. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Joha W. Lana dnn and wife. W. - H. Barnett and wife,. (i.B3: lot X Jobn W. Ingdno and wife,1'" ,ir TT . tapir. ti, . la -t lnho Vff I jt nrrlnH anil arlfa W tt ilanail-i and wife), (1.30; fet X John W. Langdon ana wite, w. li- Barnett ana wire, ,.4h; fet 5. John W. ' Lanedon and wlf. W. H. Barnett and - wife, 41.25; lot X John .W.- laangdon and wire. W. H. Barnett and wife, (1. 2D: tot 7. John W. Lngdon and wife, W. II. Barnett and wife, (1.25. BLOCK 6. tot 1. John w. laenrdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, (1.10; fet X Joba W. Lang don and wife, W..H. Barnett and wife, (l.flft;. int ii. eona ri . laxneqnn arm wiie. w. tt. -Barnett and wife.- (1.40: tot 4. John W , langdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, ' (1.70: fet 6, John W. Langdan- and wife.. w. rt. nnrnett and wire, (; tot X t John W. Lingdnn nd wtfa. W. II. Barnett and wlf, f l.X'i; tot ' To- John W. .Lomgdoe : aod IIM. V '14' ? t .