' i. I" cm rzrzx CWHV, LH., $1.50: anlvl"- of Mat 47 tort ft tot , l!t IrSSl UO-nneny, t 80 r of let I luuaund west 60 IMI of a lot . hul HIBW AT J, fq.i wm T. Joha H. lowls. $1.90 ad Bat 4...... li wH lo f ect of lot I, w - f-w , w - w a-v a e. ..'. let I. Job fl. Lewis. 61.80; rest 76 feet WOst 16 feet f e lotT. Isabella B, aad W. A. Lawla, $4.86; aat n feet al lot a. UabdU B. uil w. a. . latwl. $4.46, RLOCK H, 'lot 1. C If mem , Chi Estate, Helra of, $6.00; lotj, L'Wu .. (1r Batata, Helra af, MHO; M a, Aon Rlanott. $4.26: tot 4. Ana Kinnott, $4.86; lot . o, woftxi, aa.aui ,aaat ia I eel of tot 0, ' - I'kUMU Caaaar Batata. Hair of. $1.86; went . - no toe. at lot a, rerry u. Baker lataae, Heirs af. $2.76; all at black 1. Caruthera' i. eddltioa ta Osru there; addltloa except west erly n.o imn et suuuwriy nu-e net,. oaa u, . .. Luekel. Xutvaa. . ,- A met at lead hounded and described as ., I fallows: Commencing at lnteesertlou of aaat ,, l w of Rood Mm arltk Berth Una at Baker ' atreet; pntoa easterly oa worth Una af Baker ' atreet 84.5 feet; thence northerly parallel . wltk waat a Me Use, af Moody a treat 64 6 feet; these westerly parallel with Berth line of Raker atreet ta aaat Una af Hood i street; theses acetberly oa aaat Una of Hood street to beginning, Henry Bebaalaaa MtaU, Hvlra of. CAKHTHUKM' ADDITION TO CARCTHI!R8'4 - avuiTiua nv tna i itt or rnrriana mijui.iv J, William Ilroark, Mi l. BUK'K K, Maria . J. Bakar, BLOCK U HaaMooatblc Hnapital aad Dtapenaary of Portlaad. foit.Uw. DUKK M. Homaoaathlc Hoanltal and DUpea- aar af ortUnd, 5.A0. BLOCK N, Hcnto- vntbtc Hnaoltal and DtanenaarT of Portland. 4U iW.' BLOt'K O. Hoawopatble Hoanltal and unpenaw? ot rvrtlana, awl.w. oixk a. r, -nadindod of " 1. Iopx "ad I'oaipanr, A3. 28: oadlrlded Urfhtl fbea Land Dam. Bany, A3.; andrrlded V, of lot 8, Ibak Land CotunanT. 3.!; ntwtl aided H of W . d. lbi iMjxa uonpanj S.3ft: sadlTtded , ' W of 'to . lock Land Caawanr. A3.2S; aadWIded V4 of lot T. Ibex aod toonajir. A3.2fi; anrtlrlded H of bt A Ibel '.' ' 1. Anna B. Connell, 3 KJ; undivided H of .ioi - z, Anna a. Mnaeit, a-i.s innnari oFlot 3. Anna B. CoaaalL .a6; vndl- , aidea n of lot . Aana v. uoanau, -i.a; mmvn 7J " - iul w . v. W 3r undlrldedTt r lot . Anna-". Connell.- da.ai; aadlTlded H af lot T. Aaaa B. tkmnell, X: andfrlded H of Vt 8, .Anna Onarll. .. BLOCK ,Q,-lot 1. Clara Bell: Id-aOi Bortb t feat ot lot S. Clara Bell, 1.1S: aonth 41 feet of lot 2. German Bar- !1nf loan Borietr.: AS. 10: lot k. Oeraiaa Harlnar1 m Horietr. M OB: lot 4. Oermaa '. Hartoj Loan Hoctelj, S6.TB: lot , Oermaa Haadnf Loaa Society. 6.t0;.lot d. derma i KartDi . A Loan Boclety. M.50! aarth feet , of waat 80 faat of lot T, German Varlng A ' fan Boclrtj. $0.45; aoatA 41 feet of lot l, (iermaa oarlog ua noeiei, ao.o; '. , norm fret Of cart TO feat Of lot T, tiara Bell, 8O.60; aaat. 70 fact ot 1st a, Clara ' Bell. is.S: wrat DO feet of lot 8. r. iullaUneUI. 81.Wl. BI.OTK B, Oarmaa ' Hartni Loaa Kociety, 862.00. . . A tract at land lrlof between the aoatb .-Una at Meade atraat and fha northerly lino ' of block 82, Caratbera' Addition ta Caruthera' Addition, aa abowa on tba map af Portland publlnhed be tba Title Ooaxaitea Treat 'ananr, 1W0S, and batweaa tba waat Una ' of Hood atraat and a Una 40 fart raat of and parallel wttb tba aaat Una af Corbott ' atreet. A. P.. Bmltb. 8 20. CARVTHKRH ADDITION TO CABTTHP.Rir ADDITION to tba- City ot Portlaad BLOCK ' ' It, Kreat 40 feet of nortk 93 feet of block ' B. Hannah Caabaa. 84JO; waat 40 fart of ooth 48 feet ot block 8, C. kf. Heywood, . 8ZSS. BLOCK T, Tbomaa I. Briwarda, 8d.fB. - BLOCK 8, Eksma Austin, tsa.20. BLOCK 40, lot 1. B. H. Parker. 83.(fc; lot 2. I. - H. Ilarkar, 84.88: lot 8.K. R. Parker. M.29; lat d, X, H, Parker. 88.80: aaat 4.8 feet of Int 8. B. H. Parkerv 80.JB; . aat '4.8 faat af lot 8. R. H, Parker. 10.2S; aaat . 4.8 feet af lot T, K. H. Parker. 80.28; aaat 4 2 feet Of lot 8. E. B. p.rkar. 80.25; wrat M fart of lot K, D. . W. Campbell. -81 28.8 faat of aonth 17 feet of Jot 8. D, W. Campbell. 8o.a6: waat 28 U feet of east 28.8 feet of tot ft. Jobs R. . and r. I. llaon. 81. "0; waat 28 fact of eait 20. J faat of aootk 14 af lot 8. John K. and P. I. Mann, 80.80; .aaat 28 feet of ' waat (1.1 teat . af lot 8, -Gwrfa Noth- narto. 11.70; - aaat 28 faat of , waat 81.8 . feet af aooth 17.8 fact af lot , Oeorae Nothn.rh. 80.Bo; aaat 26 feet of waat Tal f.. . d l K B TV tWUa. a) t w t w. r ar-vv iu aa. . tt a arTHHtti a.l v. eaat 26 feat of went T 8 'fet af aooth t of lot 8. P. W. DeHaff. 8aal waat 101.8 feet of north H of lot. 8. Uarmam MaTtmra ' d Loaa Hocletjr, 83. 0; nortk 8 faat of 1 wen k at eouti k of lot 8, Gem a a Bar ' inc t Iau 8orietT. 80.60: waat loill feet of aonth M f lot I. Oermaa tfarlna . AVt baa Hoeieu, 9.00; aorui iui.b tart, ot north V, ot lot f. narah U Carpenter, 8-1-50; lot 8. Oermaa Baring d, Loan kodetr. 88.80. BIXICK 41. aaat 7a faat af tot J. John and - " I-aara KVLanta. 84Ts; weak 88 faat of lot I, , W. aad M. Scott, 8SU;, tot 2, Thoaua H. Hanth, 98.80: UV LawU al. Parrteb, 8.ej lot 4, ilra. Aula Doport, 88.80; 'Int. 8.' :Pardlnajtd Oondorph,' 88-80; let A H.J: aad H U Lajfraaoa. 88.0j aooth 48 teat df lot f, Loala P. Bono, 88.78; north "1 foot at lot T, Canadian. Bettlera' Loaa A . Trnat Company, Ltd.. 80.18; lot 8. Canadian . . nettlera' Loan Trnat Company, Ltd., 8.SH. BlXK i: 42. lot I, i. U. Matachek,- 8d.80; 'lot X . kf. MataebeJr, 8480; lot 8, Joaepb ' PoUrfcn, 88.80; lot 4. ioaepb PollTka, 86 90; . lot 8t rrank Polrrka, 8tt.H0; lot 8, l-rank PoUtrka, 88.80; lot 7, Catharlna Babel. 86.00; ... Int. $,, Catberlno 8abel. 8 .80. BLOCK 43, ..lot I. aV'0. Hamnvoad. 880; tot 2. A. O. Hammoad. 8A.au: lot I, Disdasna and Julia L. Hanunand. 88.90; (at 4. Dladanaa and -JnlU U Hammond, 88.80: lot 6. A. U. Ham mond. 86-8O1 lot 4. A. O. Hamaaond, 8fJ.l0; aaat faat af lot 7. A. O. HamaMad, 80.40; eaat A feet at lot 8, A. O. Hammond. 80.40; weat 80 feat af lot 7, Tbeodore Bann, weat 60 feat at lot 8, Theodora Beoa, 83.26. A tract ot land between blorka 43 and 44, . Carathera' Addition to Caratbera' Addition a ad between tba north Una of Parte atreet and n Una 100 feat north thereof and parallel therewith.- Al 0. Hammond. 6T.8. A tract af land between blocka 43 aad 46, raratbera' Addition ta Carathera' Addltloa. ' and between tha aonth Una of Hooker atreet - and a Una 100 feet aonth thereof aad parallel therewith, Theodore Beoa, 87.80. fARlTHUM' ADDITION TO CAKCTrTRKS' ADDITION to tha City of Portland BLOCK - '4.1. aaat 80 feat af waat 100 feet at lot 7. . W.-D, Hatlth. 63.86;. aaat 60 feet of weat " 1O0 ft of lot H, W. D. Hnrlth, 83.28. BLOCK 44. lot 1. John Bpltnenberfer. 8H.80; lot 2, . John Bpllaeiiberfer 8880: lot 8, John M. . ;i Branny, 88.80; lot 4, Catberlna t. Therkrtaon, 88.A0; 'lot 6. Joacf Prrtacbe, 6.90; lot 6, MirhaH Bertnlalt, 86.80) lat " 7. I. A. ' Crocker, 88.80; lot 8. J. A. Crocker, 88.00. BliOCK 46! lot 1. Henry B. Rao ft, (.80; lot 2, Henry B. Banft, 88.BO; lot 8, llekkei . Hcboppart, 86.80; lot 4, Lao Pried. 86.80; '. lot 5, Abacall 8, Barton, 831.80; lot 6, Aba- Rail 0. Barton. 8.11.80; lot 7. Aba rail B. artoa, j.sl.80; Jot 8, Aba gall 8. Barton, . 8110. BLOCK 48, tot 1, John Bedtak, 8l.no; lot 2, John Bedlak, 86.00; lot 8, John Bedlak. ps.80; lot 4. John Bedlak. . 8 90; tot 6, ' John Sadlak, 828.60; lot. 6, ' ' John Bedlak, 826.60; lot T. John Bedlak 638.60; lot 8, John Bedlak., 826.60. BIXX'K 47, weat. S af lot 1. Jnsle Darn, 83.46; ' waat H ot lot S. Joala Parle, 6.1.48: north an.Hfl faat at aaat M af lot 2, Thomaa .Melnberg, 81. aft; aaat 14 of lot . 1. Thomaa , Meloherg. 83.46 aoatb 26.86 feet of aaat Vi of tot 1 Patrick Murray, 82.00; lot 8. u Bllaabeth Vorcaa. 86.80; waat 36 V4 faet , af eaat fO 2-2 feat of lot 4. Aana K. . tlratke.. 82,80 aaat A6 1-8 feet of lot 4. 1 Charlea' P. Herwood. 62.80; weat 86 1-8 feet af lot 4, Robert aad Mary- McBwen, 62. M; . lot 6, Wellaaa K. Hag. 821.20: tot 6, Me lla R. Hug, 821.20; kit 7, -Mellaaa I. Mor gan, 121.20; lot 8, MeUaaa E. Morgan, 621.20. . BliOCK 48, aaat inn faat of lot 1, U P. , and. SArah M. Gathrle. 86 60; weat 6 feet nf tot la P. M. Llrhuntbaler. 80.40; weat ' , feet' af . lot 2. P.. M. Licbtenthaler, 80.40; ... aaat 100 Taet of north, 4 ot tot 2. H. C. Naglnbart, 83.26; eaat 100 feet of aoatb V, of lot X John Dudley. 83.25; lot 8, Joha Dudley, 86.80; lot 4, John Dudley, 86.00; ' lot 6. German Baring Loan Hoclcty, S16.IM; , kit I, German Harlog d: Iban Society. 316.80; weat T8 "feet of kit "1,-M. B. Ucbteotbaler. 611.26: waat 76 faet at lot 8. M. R, I.lch- , . tenthaWr. 11126; aaat 31 feet at lot, 7, L P. M. Ucbtenthaler. 64.66; raat 31 feet of lot 8. P, U. Llch tan thaler. 84.86. BLOCK ,40.- aonth H af lot 1. Hana Welater. A1.46; ... north. Vi of .lot 1. Andrew llanauo. 83.46, A tract ot land lying ' between two linen reepectlrelr 2H) faet and 220 feat north of and -parallel with th aocth-. Unaaf Arthur atreet and between tha waat line at Water f atreet and a Una 106 feet waat thereof and parallel therewith, Andrew Hanaon, 62.80. CARCTHRR8' ADDITION TO CARUTHBRrT . ADDITION to tha City of Portland M.OCK 40, lot X J. W. Baker. 86.80; lot 3, Edward Mendanhall, 86.801 . lot 4, Edward Mendea . hall, 86.80; lot 6. Richard Martin, 86 80; - lot 6, . Hannah Martin, 8A.0ji lot 7. Hana lAraen, 8A.IK); aautb H af lot 6, Hana Lareeo, A'1.46: north U of lot 8. Belinda Dolaa. 3.1.46. '., A tract at land lying between, two Uaea reanectlTelT 2oo and 220.6 feat north af aad 1 - parallel with tha north Una of Arthur atreet 1 and batween tha eaat Una of front atreet '"anil a1 Una 104 feet aaat of tod parallel . therewith, Belinda Dolaa. $2.80. ' . A tract f land between two llnea re anectteely 290,6 feat and 241 feet north f and naralml-with tha north Una af Arthar atreet and batweaa the went Una af Water atraet aad a Una 108 feat want thereat aad parallel therewith, (tortile Bchad, $2.80. A tract of land lying between two Raea . , reanectlrely 220.6 feet aad 241 feet earth r. at and parallel with tba north Una af Arthur . atreet. and batween the eaat Hoe of front 'atreet 'and a llaa 108 feat eaat thereof and r-parallel therewith. . Jamea Barman, 82.80: . A rtraot of lead lying htweeu- two. llnea reanectlrely 21 8 feet aad 841 feet aarth of and aarallal with the north Una af Arthur 1. atreet and between tha weat llaa of Pro tit . atreet and tha aaat Una of Pint atraet, Wll- Ham riledner, $6.66.. A tract nf land lying between twa llnea . .reapecneelr 200 feet aad 220 8 feet north ' ot nad parallel with the north Una af Arthur '..atraat had between tha weat I1M of Pront t T'-un-wnl -CTr. y, " cmr ottota." "J;",. -r t To'"'T ' ' crar morion. ' - L cm .tracta. ; n crrnr rcrr x ' atreet and tba eaat line of Plrat atraet Oregon ivm 1 1 w r es r - 'oa vorauaar, eo o"i. CARUTnERS'- ADDITION TO CARUTrii;i9' . Addition.' ta tha City at Portland fcLOI'K 60. lot Li Hophl. Bchad, 88 80; lot 8, hophla Rrhad, $4 o; lot. 0. BophM Bchad. 84 00; . lot 4, Bophla Bi-had. 88.80; lot 8. Jamaa 8ur '" naan. 84 hot lot 8. P. A. Marquam. 86.UO; ' lot T, S- B. Bradley, 86 80; lot 6. H. B. Bradley, S8IW. BIX1CK 61. lot 1, William r 1 leaner. ao-oj mi , rt ilium ruoaoar. M.OO; lot B, William Plledner, 86.80; lot 4, , W'llUam Pliednar. 88.80: lot 6. WllUan ' Pliednar, fd.KOl rt , William Vliedwer. ' 86.80; lat 7, William Plledner. 86.80; lot 8. W1HUIU Plledner, 86.80. - BLOCK 62. tot 1, uragun auuway Aartgatlua company, $8.80; lot 2, Oregon Railway NarlgaUua Oompaar, 86 80; lot 8, Oregon Railway A . NarlaaUoa Comoanr. 86.90: lot 4. Oraaon Railway Narlgalton Company. W.Oti; lot a, ,uraan awiway at navigation wmpany, 86.80; lot, 6. Oregon Railway A NaUlua j Oompaar. 6 .80; lot 7. Oregon Railway Navigation Company, $6.90; lot 6, .Oregon , Railway A Navigation- Company, 84.00. . BLOCK S3, lot 1, Albert Wright. 816.UU; tot 8. Jallaa H. Harr. 616.90; lot 8. WU , liam r, D. Mercer, 818.90; lot 4t Ida B. Mercer. 616.80; lot L Byron t. Boona. 84.901 in a ; in a, t, wiioi. au.w; north lot 6. John V. 'Lanhln. ALUS: lot f. - if loala Arnold, 88.80; lot 8. Lou I a Arnold, 64.90. BLOCK 64, lot 1. ItankllA Drake, 121.20; lot 2. PrankUa Drake. 621.20; an- airiaea 1 01 . 6111a neaioo, aiu.uu; undlrided . f lot 8. Hugh . W. Nelaon, S 10.40;- lot 4. Jacob Multbaaf. $21.20: lot . II117 Taylor, $8.80; lot 6, Mary U Steel, , 88.80. BLOCK 64. want H of kit 7. Her mine Hack lea, 83.46; weat H of lot 8, Her- mlna Uarhlrn, 63.46; eaat V. of lot 7. Naa . nia R. Taylor, $3.46: aaat H of lot 6. Nan nie K. Taylor, 83-46. BLOCK" 66, lot 1, Reboot Dtatrfct No. 1, $26.60; lot i, Bcbool itairici no. i. xo.o; lot n. ncneni inawiri , o. 1, aaj.oo; lot a. hol Wlarrtct wo.T, $26.60; lot &. H.booT Diatrlct No. 1. 86.00; 1. 820.60: lot 4. School rii.rrtc M.t:i V lot 6. B4-boaI Diatrlct No. 1. $4.80; lot 7. : Hohool Diatrlct .No. I, $4.80; lot , Kchooi Diatrlct No. 1,' $6.80. hl.OCK 66. lot 1, . Beth U Popa, 8111.80; lot 2, Moth L Hop. ; 8(1.80; lot 8, Vreaton W. Clllette, $31.bO; . let 4. Motile Stanford, $:11.K1; lot 6, Wil liam B. -Jolly. $6.90; tut 6. William B. Jolly, $4.90; lot 7, Martin l!chdfuJr4.IH; -tot-r Martin Bchade. $d.6(T. BLOCK 67, lot 1. O. 1 8. Plummer, $6.80; north H of lot 8. O. -P. 8. Plummer, 63.46: aonth ' ot kh X A. vol". 83.40; north of lot 8. A. Qulrlo. U.iR: aooth U ot lot 8. - Hollla . Alger, $3. 46; lot 4. HvlllAler. 84.90;- lot 6, Jamea L. Johnetone, 80. 00; . lot 8, Jamea . U Jobnalone, $4.90; aouth 26 , feet of eaat . 8.6 feet of lot 7. Abbio O. June. $0.20; weat 60 faat of eaat 64.8 feet . af hit 3. Abbia O, Jane. 83.26; weat 60 feet of eaat 64.6 feet of lot 8. Abbla 0. June, $3.26; . weat 26 feet af eaat 6.S feet of lot 7. O. P. 8. Plummer. 80.20; eaat 6.6 feet ' of kit 8, O. P. 8. Plummer, $0.40; went 60 'feet of lot , 7. Nannie K. Taylor, 63.26; ', weat 90 feet of lot 8, Nannie K. Taylor, $3.25. ' BLOCK 68. lot 1, ouale C. Poat fcatate, Hrlra af, $4.90; lot 2. Kuala C. Poat . , Ratal. Heire af. $4.90; lot 3, Ottelle Bartach, 64 uolot 4, Ot telle Bartach, 64.90; lot 5, Phlllln nad Jnlia A. Lawton. 84.90: lot 6. - Mary Akera. $4.80; weat 82 feet of lot 7. immamei Baptiai t-nurcnr n.uo) weat oz feet of lot 8, 1 Bimanual Baptlat Ckorvh, 34.06; eaat 44 W fret of tot 7, Buala 0. Poet EaUte. .Hrlra of. $2.90; eaat 4444 feet ot lot 8. Vuale C. Poet Katato, Halra ot, 32.80. BLOCK 69, waat 31.6 feet af north 26 feet of- lat j. A. r. Naonert, $1.00; aouth 26 feet of lot 1. A. P. Neunert, $.1.46; eaat 78 faet ot waat 20 feet Of lot 1. Henry Welnhard, $2.46; lot X Joha Wtdoeee, $4.90; lot S. C. K. Lamberaon, $8.90; let 4, Emily J. Y. Moore, 84.90; lot 6. John Corklah, $4.80: - lot 8, kdward J. Hart.. $6.90; went W af lot 7. Pannia X. .Dledrl.-h, $3.46; waat Vi of lot 8. raonle B. IMedxtcb, $3.46; aaat 14 of lot 7. Lou la Cohn, $3.46; eaat of lot 8. I taula Coba, 83.46V. BLOCK 80, lot 1, Jaroea . Humphrey, 80.90; lot a, Jamea Humphrey, . $4.90h lot 8, A. P. Nannert, $6.90; lot 4. Kmma R. Lang. 88.80; aaat 80 feet of tot 6, Looia C. bhomo, $3.80; aaat 80 faet of . lot 6. Loala C. 8bomo. $3.90; weat 44.6 feet of lot 6, laanalla Bottler. 83.00; weat ' 44.$ feet of lot 8, Iaabella Bottlar, $3.00; .. lot 7, Mop Back Bin. $4 80; lot 8. Moy . Back Hln, $6 6w.LOCK 41. lot 1. Mlckael Mr (a Wart t Ketate, 11 r Ira of, 84.90; lot 2, , Oermaa Barlnga aV Loan Sort at, 88.80; north 85 feet of lot 8. Oarman Bavlnga . B, Aogwatn Marka, $2.00:': lott. 4. Aaguata Marka, 84.90; tot 8, W. A. And 8. It. Lawla, 84.90; lot a, w. A. and a. a. Lawia, aa.W); , lot 7, William Iaanato, $8.80; lot 8, William .' laanaaa. $4.90. ... - 1. ', v -- . A tract of land between two tinea reapectlrely ' 2U0 feat knd 220.6 feat north of aad parallel with tha north Una af Arthur afreet and ' between tha weat Una of Plrat atreet aad a Una 108 feat weat thereof and parallel therewith, Jamea Humphrey, 32.80. A tract at kind lying between two linen reepectlrelr 200 feet and 220.6 feet north af and parallel with tha north Una of Arthur atraat and batweaa tha aaat Una of Reeond atreet.' aad Una 208 faet eaat thereof aad parallel therewith. Moy-Back Hln. 82.80. A tract nf land between two 11 nee reapectlrely 220.8 feat aad 241 feet north-of and parallel ' with tha north Una of Arthur atreet and ba . tween tha waat line ot Klrat atreet and a . Una 108 feat waat of and naraUet therewith, '. Aaguata Marka, 82.80. ' - t A tract ot land between twa Uaea reapectlrely . 220.6 feet and 241 feat north of and parallel with tha north Una of Arthur atreet and between tha eaat Una af Wecond atraet and a Una 106 feet aaat' thereof and parallel therewith. W. A. and I. B. Lawla, fin. A tract ot land between two Unea reapectlrely 220.8 feet aad 241 faat north of and parallel ' with tha north Una of Arthur atraet and ' between the waat Una of Second atreet and n Una 108 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith. Iaabella Bottler, - $2.80. A tract of land between two Unea reapeatlvely 220.6 feat and 241 feet north of and parallel - with tba north' Una of Arthur atraet and be tween tha eaat Una of Third atreet and a line 1 104 feat aaat thereof and parallel therewith, . Henry Tlmm. 62.80. A tract of land between two Unea reanectlrely 200 feet and 220.6 feet north of and parallel with tha north Una of Arthur atreet and V between tha weat Una of second atreet and a - Una 108 feat weat thereof and parallel there with. Ednar Potmlrton. $2.80. A tract of land lying between twa Unea rr- apectirely 2uo and 220.6 faat north of aad parallel with tba north tine nf Arthur atreet -and between tha aaat Una of Third atreet and a Una 108 feet eaat thereof and parallel CA RUTH ICRS' ADDITION TO CA RUTH ERR' ADDITION TO the City 01 fortland BbOt'K 62. tot 1. Edward Brady. 84.80: lot 2. Ed- wartLJlradyjaaO: lot 8. larael Madwad. an 90; int 4. iMinciia rmtnei. a.em-tat a, Henry Tlmm, 86.90; aouth H of lot 6. Ce ceUa Tlmm. $3.46; north H of lot 8. Anna C. Roenlcke. $3.46; lot 7, Edward Brady. $4.80) lot 8, Clara M. Harding, 6.90. BLOCK 63. lot 1. Edgar Poppleton, $4.90; lot 2, Edgar Poppleton, $4.90: tot 8, Edgar Popple- . ton. $6.90; -eaat 76 H feet of lot 4. Patrick Murray, 64.86; weat 30 feet ot lot 4, -Oeorga P. Bottler, $1.98; weat Vj of lot $, 1. Henry Woltrlng, $3.46;-weat H of lot 6, J. Henry , Woltrlng, 63.46; raat H of lot 6, Anton ' Biachofberger, $3.46; cast ot lot 6. An ton Blachnfoergar, $3.46; lot T, Tbrophll Rllleter. $4.90; aonth 40 feet af lot 8. Theophll Rllleter. $6 65; - north 10 feet of lu I imhw nkptiAfwn,, al Aft niW'ir 84, north H of tot 1. Cha'rlca r. Hoecker, 6.1.46;' aonth H of lot 1, Katie P. Rabenelrk, . 83.46: lot Katie t. Rabenetck. $4.90; lot '; 8. Joha P. Caplea, 86.90; lot 4. John ' K. Caplea. $4.80; weat 64 feet at lot 8, Mlka ignetein, an. 21; wea wn teat at lot a, Mlka . KpaWIn, $4.26; eaat 1014 feet of lot 6, Anna K. Woltrlng, $0.66; aaat 104 feet af lot 6. Anna K. Woltrlng. $0.45; lot 7. 1 Anna K. Woltrlng. $6.90;. lot 8, Anna M. Woltrlng. $6.90. BLOCK 46. lot 1, Addle B. Murray, $6.90; lot 2, Addle B. Murray, ' 84.80; lot 8. Prank H. Or an, 86.90; lot 4, ' O. P. . Plummer. 84.80; eaat 38 6-8 feet of tot. 6. J. B. C, ITlomnaon. $2.20; weat 72 2-8 feet of tot B, Jamea Rhort. $4.70; eaat $3 6-8 feet of aouth nf lot 4, J. ' R. C. Thompeoo, 61.10; weat 72 2-3 feet of aonth H of lot 8, Jamea Short, 82.86; north .. Addle B Murray. 68.80;. lot 8. Joaapk Pink. au.90. A tract of land bounded and dearrthed aa followa; Commencing at Interaectkm of weat Una of Second atreet' with aouth Una at Honker atreett thence eeutaerly to notth Una of Wooda atreet; Jheaca weat to aaat line of right of way of Oregon California Haiiroaa uompany; inenca nortneriy along tba eaat Jlne ot Jald Jlght jot way. JoJuJ A temertlon with the aouth Una of. Hooker ; atreet; . thence aaat , to Beginning, C. K, " Rmlth. $169.23. I CARCTfIER8' ADDITI0X TO CARCTHBRM' ADDITION to th City, at I Portlaad BLOCK 67. aU ot tot. 6 4ylttf weat of Oregon California Railroad Comptny'i right of way, JeremUh Wurlck. $6.26; air of lot 6 lying ' weat of Oregon A California Railroad Com paay'a right of way, Jerrmlah Wnrlrk, 84.4o; . all of lot 7 lying weat oT Oregon aad Cali fornia Railroad Company'! right of way. . Kllaahrlh Baumgartner, $.l.l; all at lot . $ lying weat of Oregon California Com- - pany'a right of way, tlalirlrl Baamgartner, $2.66. BLOCK 68, eaat 86 faet ef lot 1, Jennla Hug Lee. $6.60; eaat 88 fret at north 20 feet at tot i, Jennla ling Lee, $2 20; weat 21.6 feet of lot 1, Albert and Elate . Wright. $1.40; weat 21.6 feet of .north . 20 feet af tot 2, AUiert E. aad Ehrie B. Wright, $0.66; aonth 80 feat ot lot 8, , MeUaaa R. Hug. $4.16; north 40 feat ef lot , 8. Mellaaa R. Hag. $3.60; aoata . 14 feet of eaat 40 taet ot lot 3, -Albert R. Wright. . 80.80; aeat 40 fert of tot 4. Albert R. , Wright, $3.80; aonth 10 feet af weat 46 14 r feet of lot 3, Mellaaa R. Hug, $0.60; weat - 4)114 faat of' lot 4. Mellaaa K. Hug. 3fLl; all ef let 8 - eaeept Oregon dt California Railroad Camnany'a right of way, Mellaaa ' K. Hug. $3.14: all of 'lot 6 eaorpt Oregon A California Railroad t'rmpauy'a rlrht of - way. Mellaaa P.. Hu. $1.4)1; aonth Mi fert ef lot 7 eeat nf Oregon A California Rail road fomnany'e right af way, Mellaaa E, Hug. $3.20; north . feaa. af Int. 7 eaat nf ' Oregon A California Railroad Cotnneny'e , , right ot way. Albert a. and Emm R. Wright, -ZZZLZZIV DAILT TCUr.ITAL'. rCHTLAIID, THURSDAY . $2.86; all ef let $ eaat of Oregon Callfor nia Railroad Compaay'a right of way, Albert U. and Kiala B. Wright,. $6. 10. BLOCK eu, tot 1, Oregon 'Railway NarlaaUoa Com pany. $4.90; tot 8, Oregon Railway Karl gallon Company, $4.90; lot 3. Oregon Rail- . way A Navigation Cooipaay, $4.80; lot 4, uregon auiiway at navigation, uompany, $4.90; lat 6. Oregon Railway A Navigation )ompany, $4.80; lot 6, Oregon Railway A navigation MJUipaay, na.au; tot T, iiregoa Railway dt Navigation Comiway. $6.90; lot - 6, Oregon Railway dt Navigation Company, $4.90. BLOCK 70, weat 2 feet of lot . Joaoph Cohn. 80.16; waat 8 feet of lot 2, Joaej Coho. $0.16: eaat 104.8 feet nf lot ,- 1. Roaa Weber, $4.78; aaat 104.3 feet ef lot 2. Roaa Weber, 66.78; lot 8, Roaa Weber. 84.90; lot 4, Roaa Weber, $4.90; eaat 8 feet of lat 6, Roaa Weber. $0.20; aaat 3 feet of Ul 4. Ruaa Weber, $0.20; went 83.8 feet of eaat 38.8 feet of lot 8. Magdalen! R ; Marlalotf, $2.16; weat. 83.6 feet of naat 84.8 ; feet of lot 4, Magdalenl R. MarlaloffT 8X1; waat 70 feat of Vt 6. BenaatUa and Lydia Matcher. 8466; waat 70 faet of lot A Sebaa. , tlaa and Lydla Matcher, 84.66; eaat H of lot " 7, Joaeiih Cohn, $3.46; aaat H of lot K, : Joaeph (lobn, $3.46; weat af lot 7, W llhee mine Muehier, $3.46; weat af tot 8. ; Wllbelmliia Muahlrr, $3.46. North 7.6 feet of HLOt-K 70, -. Unknown Owner. $2.10. BLOCK 71, waat 31 feet ot lot 1, Sarah A. , Barnea. $3.00: weat 81 feet of lot 2. Harab A. Baroaa, 6X00; eaat 76.8 faat af lot 1, Roaa H. Weber, $6.90: eaat 764 faet of tot 2. ' Roaa H Weber, $3.90; aaat 61 feat of tot 8, " If Mk.. mm. la-a - A ahnl gt a.- A 1 . awaiemaai a a, Ttrocv, aakf, W , wamgrl. A8U.6P ATJR Vk, , 3. Patrick Murray, $1.86; weat 26.6 feat, of lot 4. Patrick Murray, 81.45; eaat $1 feet of lot 4. Lena Apple. 66.26; aaat 6 feet ef lot 6. Patrick Murray, $0.30; eaat $ feet of lot 4. Patrick Murray, $0.8u, north 46.66 feet ot waat jou feet at jot a, retries Murrey, 34.00; waat 101.8 feet ot lot 6, L'raula ... r- Ais . . 1 ,. e . -M. . ah, -feet nf tot-. t'raula Tanfer. 80.80: aaat U VI m , aaary eacooa, eovi veat n Ol o . h, Mary Jacoua, aa.w; weat 01 mt T-Latra. Mark O'Nell, $3.46; waat H of lot 8. Mra. Mark O'Nell, $3.48;, aouth 7$ feat at htock 71. Cnknown Owner, $2.10. CARUTHKR4' ADDITION TO CARUTIIERS . ADDITION ta tba City at Portland BIQt K ' TH eaat HO feet nf north lial feet af block. I Ralfou r O uthrle i J,. $3. 90i went i0 tcrt 01 eaat 01 icea 01 oor (a iw teet ot uiocb, , Loafa Trummer. $6.60; weat 20 feet of eaat .130 feet of north 100 feet of block, Lucretla Naat. $2.40; weat 60 . feet of eaat lift fort . ef block, Tbereaa Plak. $13.00: north 42 feet Aat-aouth 2 feet nf aaat 99 feet of block. . Mary Juebemlrh, $6.40; weat 60 feet of aaat 1N0 feet of aouth 60 feet of block. Mary Jurbemich. $3.26; eaat 74 feat of aouth 60 feet nt block. Ha tile Jobnaoa. 4.ao; weat , 24 feat of eaat 130 feet of aouth 60 faat of block, Victor Qooffrey, $1.70; -treat 81 fret of eaat lbV feet af north 60 feet el aouth 100 feet of block, Henry W. Meletcr. 86-26; aaat 90 feet ot north V faat of aouth loo feet of block, Henry WV Meiater, $1.06. r BliOCK 77, aoatb weat U ef block. Joaeph . Simon nad Cyrua Dolph. ilS.bB; northwaat H , of block, WlnflrW T. 8tephena. 813.S5; north Vi of Dortbeaat M ot block, etollle HUnford, $6.90; aooth V4 of northeaat ot block. : Rruoo Nlrkol. $4.80! north 4 of eontheaat Vi ef block, Rarah B. Wallace, 86.90; aouth , A tract of land bounded and dracrtbed aa . followa; Commencing nt Intera action of aooth line of Porter afreet With the weat Una . nf Oregon tt California Railroad Com pany'a right ?f way; thence waat 66.70 feet, tbenoe aouth 00 feet, thenca eaat DO. 26 feet to weat line of Oregjoa di Call ferula Railroad Compaay 'a ' right of way, thence northwaataxly to begin 'nlng, Lucretla Naat, $10.26. A tract of land bonnded aad deeerlbed aa '.' follow: Ooramancing at iatarnectton ot aouth line of Porter atreet with eaat Una of Pourtb atreet, thenca aaat en aouth Una of porter - atreet 78.36 feet, thenca aonth at right angle to Porter atreet 100 feet, thane weal 69.02 feat and paraUel with Porter atreet ta eeat line ot fourth atreet. thence northwaat to beginning, Henry Tbompeoa Katate, Heir '. of, $3.33, . - A tract of land bounded and daaerlbed a followa: Commencing at Interaectlon of north lina ot Wooda atraet and eaat Una ef Pourtb atreet, being 240 feat aouth and 60.22 feet .eaat of aonthweat corner of block 67, . Carathera Addition to Caret here Addition. thenca eaat pa north line ot Poarth atreet - 88.00 feet, thenca north 100 feet at right . anglea to Wooda atraat, thence weat and - narallel with the north line of Wooda atreet. L J04.18 fret to eaat line of fourths atraat. uuver u, noimea, i2.oo. A tract f lead bounded and 'deecrfoed a followai Commencing - at Interaectlon. ef north Una of Wooda atreet and weat Una. ef Oregon A California RaUroad Com pany'a right tnenee weat on nortn line or wood .7 feet, tbenoe north at rlarht aneiea -to Wooda, atreet to a point 100 feet north of north llneV of Wooda atreet, thenca eaat aad Grallel wllh the north Una of Wanda atreet .14 feet tobolnt en weat-line of Oregon A . California RaUroad Company'a right of way, thenca eoatheaaterlf to beginning, Louisa M. roster. $9.40. VS. A tract af land bonnded and deaerrbed aa v followa: -OeaaeeBCtn e aonth hue ef Pnr ' ter atreet at tha Interaectlon of Pourtb atreet; thenco west on aouth Une ot Porter atreet ' 87.92 feet to weat Une of eld Fourth atreet ' extended aoatbarly: thence aonth 60 feet ea weat line et old ronrtn atreet extended -southerly; thenca aaat and parallel with aouth Una of Porter atreet 108.19 feet to weat lina nf Fourth atreet; thenca northwesterly to beginning, Ellen 0. Morrlaoa. 84.76. A tract of land bounded and described a followa) Commencing at point on eaat Una ot Fourth a tree 110 feet aouth aad 94 feet aaat of aonthweat corner ot block 87, Car uthera' addition to Carathera' addftion; thenca weat 108.19 feet to weat Une' of old Poarth atreet extended aoutberly; thenca aouth 83 feet on weat Una of old Fourth atreet ex- ' tended; thence eaat 11A32 feet to waat Una . of Pourtb atreet ad now established; thence northwesterly to beginning. O. DeBenedaltl Ketate. Helm of, 33.40. A tract ef laau bonnded aad described aa followa: Commencing at a point on weat line of Fourth atreet, aald point being 140 feet aonth and 10.66 feet eaat ef aonthweat corner' ef block 47, Carathera' addition ta Caruthera. addition; thence weat aad parallel with aouth Une ef Porter atreet 118.44. feet . to weet Una ef eld Poarth atreet extended southerly; thence north on aald west Una ef old Fourth atreet 26 feet; thane eaat 113.32 k .feet to weat Una of Pourtb atraat: thenca - aoutnerty w pciwuuiti 7 a. avwaai - A tract of land bonnded and described aa followa: Commencing at Intereeettoa ef nortb . line of Wooda atraet and west line of Poarth atreet, aald point being 260 feet eoata and : 29.78 feet aaat of aoatnweat toraar ef block 67. Caratbera' addition to Caratbera' addition; thenca weat 139 feet on north line of Woods atraat axtaadtd westerly to waat line of old Fourth atreet. oontherlrfThewcw north 100 fert ea aald weat line ef old Fourth atreet: thence rest and parallel wltk aouth llaa of Porter atreet 118.40 feet to weat Una ot Fourth . atreet; thenca southerly ta beginning, Charles -Jenks. $16.98. A tract of lead lying between tha north Una v ot Wooda atreet and tba aouth Una of tot f X 'block 80, Carathera' addltloa to Car athrre' addition and between tba westerly line nf Hood atreet and a Una 100 feet westerly from aad parallel therewith. City at Part ' land. $8.20. CARUTHKR8' ADDITI0T4 TO CARtJTHERR , ADDITION to the City ef Portland BLOCK : 81. lot 1, R I.. Ray. $4.60; tot 2, Ferdinand ' Oondorph. $7.90; tot 3, John Mulr, $6.60; lot 4, Jamea O. Banter. $6.33; lot $. John Mulr, 87. 00: Int 4. Herman Heltkemper, . $8.40. It LOCK 82. tot k. The Oermaa Bavlnga A Loaa Boeiety. $7.16; north 61 feat ef lot ' 1. The Uerman Bavlnga At Loan Society, ' 64.66; aoath 2 feet ef lot 2. rrank P. Ollham, 80.26; lot 3. Frank P. Ollham. 84.60; lot 4. . Prank r. Ollham, $4.60; lot 6, John A. lAcktl. $7.00; lot 6, RebaaUan Plymale. - 66.90; tot 7. tieorge W. Oordon, 84 86; lot 8, The Oerman Bavlnga A Loan Society, $3.30. BLOCK 40, lot 1, Northern Counties Inveat ment Trust, Ltd., $M.ub; lot 2, Northern Oountlea . Inveatment Trust. Ltd., $7.70: tot - 8, Northern Oountlea InTestment Truat, Ltd., f $7.80; lot 4. Frank A. Tell. $3.66; lot 6, Frank A. Tall. $5.20; lot 6, Prank A. Ten, $3.90 let T, wfary C. Warren, 84.60; tot 8. preaton W. OlUette. 66.60. Int 9. Carrie : Woodv 36. SO? tot Wr May Bv tngalhv 84.601 north H nf lot 11, Oust J. and Careo Olaen. '. 63.26; aouth Vi of lot II. Cuataf A. aad Caro line - Csrlaon. 83.26; lot 12. Kiln . Rabin, 64.80; lot 13, Frank A. TeU. $4.60. CAjRUTHKRR' ADDITION to the City of Port- , land aa laid out by the ftouth Portlaad Real Estate Aaanclatlon RIXX.'K 100, tot 1. Ore . gon Railroad Navigation Company. 64.60; tot 2rOreTie Rallrrwd-dr Naetgatton CompanyT 34.60: tot 3. Oregon Railroad 81 Navigation Company, $0,60; , tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation tVmpany. $6.60; . lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $6.60; tot A llresos Railroad A Navigation Company, , 80s. iot 7, Oregon Railroad at Navigation ilnmnaeiv. u.ou; Mt a. invfoa . nniirowu at Navigation company, so-o". BLOCK 101, , u..k . u vimmm-. aa ftji. 1 it F.verdlng A rsrrelt $6.60; lot . J. K. Rcott, . $4,641; tot 7. J. R. Scott. 84.60: lot 8. t'nlted Klates Hevlnga A Loaa Company f Mlnne aota. $460. BLOCK 102. lot 1. Utsie C .Welle, MOO; tot 2, Mary Frances Ueirley. $4 60; lot-3. Mary Prancea Hurley. 840; - lot 4, Orac L. Bronangh, $aS0: tot 6. H. J. IFranre. $4.60; tot 4, M. J. lAPranca. $.60: nndtvldcd V4 of tot 7. Ibex Land Company. 83.W: undivided Vi at lot 7, Anna R. Coanetl. $3.26; tot 8. Jacob Lnall. $4.60. RItCK 103. lot 1. Peter and Rlale Brewer, ' 84. Vl; lot t, Peter and Elate Rreoer, $4.V; lot 3. Oretmi Mortgage Onmpaay. Ltd., $H iw; tot 4. little Trapn, $6.60; lot 6. Mollle 1 manforrl. $4.60: tot 8. Mollle Run ford, 34IM): lot 7, Mollle ftlaarnrd. 84.50: lot 8, Mollle manfnrdV 64.60. BLOCK 104. let 1, Ibex ' I and eWAinsnv. $8.60; tot X Ibex Lead Com pany $4.60; tot 3, Ibex lAnd tympany. $6.60; tot 4.f lliex lAnd Company, $460; eaat 60 feet of lot A. Ibex lnd Cempsny. $.1 26; eaat 60 feet nf lot 6. Ibex Lend Company, . $3.23: all af Int 6 except rest M feet. P. 0. Watch. $X6: all ef Int 6 except aaat 64 taet, P. Q. WaJch, $2.00; lot T. lata Lend . Onmpaay. $4.36; tot 8. Ibeg Lend Company. . $3.46. BLOCK 106. lot 1. Oregon Railway . A Navigation Company, 80.66; lot 2, Ore- gon hallway A Navigation Company, $8.76; lot 3. Oregon Railway A Navlgatloa Company, ; $7.90; tot 4. Oregon Railway A NavlgaUoa . tiompany, $7.10; lot (. Oregon Railway A Navlgatloa Company. $4 AO; tot 4. Oregon ; Railway A Navigation Company, $4.60; lot ' 7. Oregon Railway 4t Navigation Company, , 86.60; lot 8. Oregon- Railway A Navigation Company, $4,60. bLOCK 104, lot 1, William M. Oregory and J. V. Reach, $4.60; lot 2. ' William M. Oregory and J. V Reach, 84.60; . lot h, WlUlam M. Oregory aad J. V. Beach, $4.6i; lot 4. WUllam M. Oregory and J., V. - Reach. $440; tot 6. William M, Oregory and J V. Reach, $6 60; tot 6, William M. , Oregory and X.. T. Beach, .84.60; lot 7, . William M Oregory and J. T. Reach, 64-60; lot N, William M. Oregory and J. V. Reach, $a.&0. - BLOCK 107, Oregon Railway A Natl- fttlou Company. S&4.46. BLOCK 106. lot 1, bomaa Ru-hauan. $7.78: lot 2. Thomas J. Ootid Relate, Heire af. $7.2o; lot 3, Richard b. Colllua, $7.70; tot 4. Klrhaxd R. UoUina. , $4.40; lut 6, Portlaad Truat Compaay ef Ore gon. $4.60; lot . Portland Trust Cem- Ciny ot Oregon, $860t west 33 1-3 feet ef t 7, Leonard Rhad. $2.16: weat 83 1-8 feet of lot 8. Leonard febad. $2.16: aaat -44 8 8 feet of tot 7, Joha Lewy. 14.66; eaat 44 8 3 feet of lot 8. John Iwy. $4.36. BUK'K ion, lot 1, Annie M. Nan aline, 84.60; north STVi ' feet ef tot 2, Robert Williams. $4.M6; south 12H feet ef tot 2, Ttctorla Fleblger, $1.45; . north V, of lot 2. Victoria Fleblger. $3 26; . aouth Vi of lot 8, rrank and Victoria Fleblger, $3.26; lot 4, WUllam Klug. $4.60: all of lot 6 except Oregon A-California Railroad Com . pany'a right of way, William King. 8X70; all of lot 6 aicept Oregon A California ; Railroad Compaay'a right of way, William . Klag. $2.88: all of tot 7 except Orogon A California Ralkcad Company a right of way. ' William King. . $X26; aU nf lot 8 except ' Orcxoa A Cillforuia Railroad Oompany'a right of way. WlUlam King, $4.66. - BLOCK 110. - lot 1, Henry J. Thompson Estate, Helra of, - 84.6P; tot 2. Henry J. Thompson Katatc, .' Helfa of, $6.80; tot 3. D. W. Wakefield, ' $4.81); lot 4, Husaa M. Wallace, $4.60; lot 6. : Ferdinand Ouudorph, $6.60; tot 8. Ferdinand tlundorph, $4.60; lot 7. Ferdinand Oundorpb, 84.50:- hit A,. Ferdliisnd Oundorph, 84.60. RUH R 111. all of tot 1 except Oregon A Callfnnilir Railroad -Cotupanyk TlgTir oTrvwxy, - Charles 0. Hmlth, 83.9)1: afl of tot 2 except .. Areann A California Railroad Comnany'a right Of way, Charlea 0. Bmltb. I2.HB: all of lot S except tiregon tajirorma nauroaa inn pany'a right of way. Charles C. Hmlth.- 'i.:"i; all ef kit 4 except Oregon A California Rail road Oompany'a right of way,- Charlea- C. Rmlth. $2.46; all of lot 8 except Oregon A ; California Railroad Company'a right of way, fhsrles C. hmlth. $8.60; all of lot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way. Cbarlva C, Rmlth, $6.60; aU of lot 7 except Oregon A California Railroad Com- . . pany'a right af way, Cbarlra C. Smith, $6.20; rail of tot 8 except Oregon A California Ralh rwd Company'a rtabt of way, $6.06. BUK'K 112. tot 1, FrHt Rehorae, 84.50; tot 8. Fred Re horse. $4.60; tot 3, Northern Count ttjs . Inveatasent Truat, Ltd., $4.60: tot 4, Vefa . Haynea. $4.60; lot 6. Vera Haynea, 88.&0: . lot 4, Northern Counties Investment Trust, Ltd., $4.60; tot T. Fred Kehorae, 450; tot 8. Fred Rehorse. $8.60. BLOCK 113. lot 1. J. Bweck Ests. lie Irs of. 830.00; lot 8, J. : Bweek Estate. IJrirs of. $30.00; north 40 feet of lot 3. J. Sweek Eatate, Heirs of, $24. mi; aouth 10 feet of lot 8, M. W. Rmlth, 64-00; lot 4. kf. W. Bmltb, $30.00; weat 46 feet ot lot 8. Herman H. Rtelnforth, $X96; east , 66 teat of tot 6, P. L. Wright, $3.66; lot 4, 3. W. Bweek Eatate, Helra ef, $4.60; lot 7, J.TW.-Rwe Estate, Helra of. $4.60; tot 8. J. W. Bweek Ksute, Helra of. $6.60. BIX1CK 114. lot 1, George D. Watklna end K. D. Rood. $4.60; lot 2. Oeerg D. Watklna .aad K. D, Rood, 84.60: tot 8, Franklin Drake. . 84.60: lot 4, Franklin Drake, 84.60; weet '34 of lot 6, OolumbU Inveatment Company NO. 2. 816-0w; waat 4 af lot 8. Columbia tn.Hlm.nl DnirmatiV Kfl 9. glk.00: east -4 V f lot 6, Mary Lenta. $1S.00; east H of lot 8. Mary Lenta, $16.00; undivided 4-5 ot tot , 7. Hannah Bloom. $24.00: undivided 4-$ of lot 8. Hannah Bloom, $24.00; undivided' 1-6 of lot 7, Mathilda. Jennla. Mary and 8. , . Bloom, $0.00; undivided 1-6 of tot 8. Ma thilda. Jennie. Mary and 8.' Bloom. $4.00. BLOCK 116. lot 1. The Northern Countlee Inveatment Truat, Ltd., $4.60; tot 2, The Northern' Counties Inveatment Truat, Ltd., - 84.60; Int 8, Elisabeth A. Thomaa. $4.60; lot 4, KUxabeth A. Thomaa, $4.60; wear. 40 ' feet of lot 6, Isaac Rwett, $.1.90; eaat 40 feet ot tot 6, Theresa Brown. $2.40; aooth Vi of "-Int 6, "Y.-. Rogera, $3 267 north Vi ot lot 4. Fred h. Rlgga and Stella M. Rlgga, $a!26; lot 7, Byron P. tie rd we II Estate. Helra of, ' $0.66; tot 8, Byron P- Cardwrll KstaU. Helra of. 66.60. RLOCK 116. tot 1. John H. and Mary I). Mlddletou, $4.60: tot 1 Ney Church- ' man. $4.60; tot 8. ' Amond W. Reed Estate. Heir of. 38.60; lot 4. Amend W. Reed Ks- ' tate. Heirs of, 84.50; tot 6. Margaret C. FalUng. $(L60: lot 4, Margaret C. Falling. ' - $4.60; lot 7. Mary A. Rulllvant, $4.60; lot 8, Bridget and J. D. Kennedy Eatate. Helra of, J 6.60, BLOCK 117, lot 1. Mary fiancee I or ley, $4.50; lot 2. George W. Craw, $6.6o; tot a,, Mary Prancea Hwley. ' $6.60: lot 4, Mary Prance Hurler, $4.60: tot 6, era ', Hpraanr. 88.60; tot 4. Dora Kpraner $4.N); ' tot 7. Oeorge Rlbbecke, $4.50; tot 8. Nx Flndley, $4.60. BLOCK 118.., lot 1. Ellen Murphy, 84.60; -tot 8. tieorge Rufcowsky. 84.60; int 8. Carrie Klrklrr. $6.60; tot 4. Oeorge Selkirk. $460; eaat Va of lot 6, Annla M. Jacobberger, $3.26: east Vt of tot 8, Annie M. Jacobberger. $0.26; weat S 'of lot 6. Cstheriue Ann Howe. $3.26; .waat 44 of tot 6. Catherine Ann Howe. 63 .an; 119, lot 1. Umle C. Wells, $6.60; tot 2, I, line v. nana, ao.ou; tai a, . o. $4.50; lot 4, J. B. McAlpla, $4.60; tot 5. Benjamin P. and rboebe J. Johnson, $4JW; ' lot 4. Renlamin F. and Phoebe J. Johnson, 84.60; tot 7. Llxala C. Wells, 88.60; tot8.Llaale C. WelR, $6.80. BLOCK 120, tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. 84.60; lot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 84.60; lot 8,. Oregon Railroad A Navigation ' Company. $4.50; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A '"Navigation Company. $6 50; lot 6. Oregon I Railroad A Navigation Company, 84.50; kit 4. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $6.60; lot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $6 50; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company.' $8.60. RLOCK 121, " lot f. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com pany, $4.80; lot 2. Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion Company, $4.6n; tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $8.60; lot 4, Ore- Cm Railroad Navigation Company, $4.60; t 8, Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Com pany, $4.60; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navi- gaUott Company. 88.64; tot 7, Oregon Halh. rned A Navigation Company, 84A0', tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $8.50. BLOCK 122. let 1. Oregon Railroad Railroad A NagwOon Company. $4.6o tot 8. Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Ompany, 64.50; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Compaay, "6.60: tot 6. Oregon Railroad A . Navigatloa Company. $8.60; tot 8. Oregon - Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $6.60; tot 7. Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, 84.61 tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Compaay. $4.60. BLOCK 123. lot 1. Laura M. Uammnoe. $4.60; tot X Laura M. Jam mows. $6.60; lot 8. Preston W. Gillette. $4.60; tot 4. Presto W. -OlUette, $4.60; lot 5. Arthur O. Cburrbley, 86.60; lot 6. Arthur 0. Cbnrrbley, $4A0; lot 7, Inventor's Mort ' gage Recurtty Company. .Ltd.. 66.60; lot 8, H7 L. Templeton. $4.60. BLOCK 124, lot 1. Caroline Vantlne, $4.60; lot 2, Carolina . Vantlne, $4.60; tot 8. Amanda W. Reed Ratat. neira of. 84 60: lot 4. Amanda W. Rned Eatate. Helra of, $8.60). lot 5, Caroline Vantlne, $4.60; H 8, Carolina VanUne. $4.60: lot f. Caroline Vantlne. $4.60; lot 1 8, Carolina Vantlne, $6.60. BLOCK ' 128, tot 1, A. J. Clear, 84.60; lot 1 A. J. Oleay, $8.60; north Vi of tot 8, Joaepb Nelleon. $3.26; eoatb H of tot 8. L. Ooldenberg, $3.26 tot 4, Ada aad A. R. Fanne. 84.60; tot 5. Ore gon Mortgag Company, -$4.60; aonth V. nf tot 4. Alice U Rowea. $3 26: north Vt of lot 6. Charlea Houghton. $1.26; tot 7, H. P. and Flora a Oerepach. $4 60; lot 4, Cora B. and UlUan A. Da Lind. $4.60. BLOCK.. 124. lot 1. Jo Una H. Bergar. $4.60) tot 2, Ida M. Berger, $4.50; tot 3, Oeorge and Minnie Liv ingston, $4.60; lot 4, Martha Hensbaw. $4 Mi; lot 8. A. L.-Tpao".' 84.5trr' tot w.-Pre H. Pierce, $4.60; eaat 67 feet ef lot 7, Oerman Raving A Loan Boeiety. $3.70; aeat 57 feet of tot 8, Oermaa Raving A Loan Society. $1.70; weat 43 feet of tot 7. J. H. Breatoa, 62.N0; weat 43 feet of tot 8, J. H. Breaton. $2.80. RliOCK 127. tot 1, William K. Drea- hell, $6.50; tot 2, William E. DreakelL $4.60; tot S, Percy H. Rlyth. $4 60; tot 4.' Frank A" Ixmlaa Rr Rmrnnenn, r).6 lor ft, -WH-llam R. DreakelL $26.00; lot 6. William R. Dreakelt. 326.00', lot 7, Ja II. Hettle mler. $28.0o; tot 8. Inaae Oernrta, $-.00. - BUeCK 124. eaat 76 ' feet of tot I, Louie Marott, $18.78; weat 26 feet of tot I. Han nah L. Hardy. 84.26: west 26 feet of lot 8. Hsnnsh L. Hardy. $4.26; north 14 af eaat 76 feet of lot 2. Mary Colemaa. $9.36; aouth Va of eaat 75 feet of lot 2. Bridget Ken nedy and John Kennedy Eatate, Helra ef, $9.40; tot 8, City nf Portland, 628.00; tot 4, J Conatanor aad Fred Tillman, $26.(10;.. tot 6, ' Marcos Ruadr. 84.60; south H of lot I, Sarah Cohn. $3.26! north 14 of tot 4. M. J. Moaa. $.1 26: let t. Fourth - PreaWyterlaa (wnrch, $0.54;. tot 8.- Fourth Presbyterian 'Church, ert.no. RIXKfC 129, tot I, Fred Bpaa-ele. 84.6tl north 34 faet nf tot 8., Leroy J.'HwItsler, 84.43; aonth 14 feet, et 'tot 2. John Mulr, 31.86; aorthi 42 feet of tot 8. John Mulr, 86.46; anuthi 8 feet ef lot 3. Marleaea B. Boyd. 81 06; lot 4. Marteaaa B. Bovd. 84.60! all of tot 8 except Oregoa A California Railroad Company'a Right of Way, Nannie M. Btarr. ' 84.:: mil of tot 6 ex- rept Oregon A California RaUroad Com pany's right af way, Nannie M. Starr, $6.05. RIITK 129, eaat Vs of lot 7, Hsnnsh Mr- - Caiibv. $3.23: eaat H -of tot H. Hannah McCarthy, $.1.26; wear Va of tot t. Mra, "Martin A. F.lfers, $.126; Int 8. Mr. Martin . A. Mfera. 63.26. RIXtCK 13n, all ef tot 1 except Oregon A California Railroad Com pmy'a rlgbt af way. Chart Cardlnell, ' a Int X Fred W. Preha. 84.60; tot .1, Kittle M. Stark. $4.60; Int 4. Rlttle M Htark. m VH weat V, nf lot 6. Alice R; Welater, $3.26; weet Vk ef let t, Alice R,-Wrltr, : : .: '.,--. ' . j . -.. i. 1 east Vi of tot 7. John Klrkley. 66.: eaat : V4 of lot 8.' John Klrkley, 83.26; weet J4 of lot 7. Fred U Wrtght. $3 .28; weat V4 -of tot. 8, Fred lu Wright. $3.25. B.I-OCK CVEmWO. MA1XII i. $3.28; east : tX Jt,: eaat lot 8, Roliert Livingston, tot 6. Robert Livtncnton. 3.1.1ft: eaat of lot 7. larael aad Mary liautoff. $.1.26; eaat Vt ef lot 6. Israel aad Mary Dautoff. $3.26; want 4 ef tot 7. F. A, Daly, Traatee, $3,26; west V. of lot 8, P. A. Daly, fruetee. $3.26. ' BIXK.K 131. : tot 1. P. Ryan. $3.26: all of eeutb Vt of lot 1 $ except Oregon A California Railroad Com pany'a light ef way, Oeorge N. Waldea. $2-40; all of north H of lot 2 except Ore gon A .Callforala Railroad Compaay a right of way, PoUy M. Ford, $1.10; all of tot 3 except Oregon - A California Railroad Com , pany'a right of way. Philip Lawtoa. $6.H6; aU et lot 4 except Oregon i Callfornta Rall . rod Company'a right et way, $6.40; eaat ; 49 feet of lot $ except Oregon A California Railroad Compaay' rlgbt of way, Eatella Smith. $3.20; eaat 49 fast ef south 29 feet . of lot 6, except Oregon A California Rail, ; rued Compaay'a right of way, bulla Smith. 11.26; weat 61 feet ef lot 6 except Oregon California Railroad Company'a right - ef ' way, William M. (Iregory, $2.80;- weat 61 ' feet at aouth 20 feat of lot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way, William M. Oregory, $1.30; north 30 feet ef kit 8 except Oregon A .- California Railroad Company'a right, of way. John U. Middletoa, $3,75; all of tot 7 except Oregoa A Callfurala Railroad Company' right ot ' way. John H. Middletoa.' !l.2o; all af Int 8 except Oregoa A Callforala Railroad Com ' pany'a right of way,- Olga M. Lang, $3.60. BLOCK, l.tt. lot 1. Laura Faalkee, $20.00; tor 2, Grant Pbegley. $20.90; tot $. Alice J. Plimpton,. $20.00; tot 4. Alice J. Plluip : ton. $20.00; lot 6) Anna C, Baroft, 64. ao; ,, lot 6. Ida B. Oor. $6.60; tot 7. R. '. Rtraua. ?H.50; Ul, II. P.. Straus, $4.60. . RLOCK 33. lot I. Fred A. LIU. 64. 6"; lot 2, Fred A. Lit. $4.50; lot 8, WlUlam Tarrant, $4.60: ' tot 4. WUllam Tarrant, $4.50; tot 6, First ; Methodist Kpisropal Church, Traatee, $20.00; v lut 6. First Methodist Episcopal Church. Tros , tee, $20.00; tot 7, Fred A. 1-1 1 a, $20.00; lot 8. Fred A. Ufa, $20.00. , RIXK'K 134, tot 1, Ads line M. t'nderwood. $4.60; tot 8. Adeline . M. Underwood, $4.50; let 3. Nancy B. Atkin eon KaUta. Heire of, $4.50; lot 4, Nancy , B. Atkinson liatate, Helra of, $4 50; tot 6, Sumner J. Barber, $4,50; lot 8, Banner J. . nartier, .ou; lot 7, WUllam t:. tlarmor. - au.oo; pit h, William c. Harmor, n.teu. RJLOCK 13h assi 14 af lot ..U Frank Y. . Rc hiHk. $.123; east U of. tot 2. Frank V. Rrhuck. $.1.26; weat Va of tot 1, William P. ; Olds. $3 26;, west VI of tot X . WlUlam P. Old. $3.26; north ft ot tot . A. E. and L. Bntjner, $3.26: aouth Vt of lot 8., Daniel . W. Hoelhlng, $.1.26; lot 4. Daniel W. Hocl . blng. $a.6u: tot a. fieorge Mtowell, $6.60; - lot 4, Oeurgn Mtowell, 84.60; tot 7, Alex- audcr B. Pattnllo. $4.60; lot 6. Alexander - 8. Patlullo, $4.60. BLOCK 136. weat 28 feet of lot 1. Mary J. Nrimea. $1.46 j east 73 feet of lot 1, Anna Herrall, $4. No; lot - 8, -Colin P.- Olrvln, $6.60: tot 3. M. W. 4, Smith, $8.60; lot 4. M. W. Kmllb. $4..V); ' lot 6, M. W. Smith. $4 50; bit A. M. W. Smith, $4.60; lot 7. Henry Welnhard. $4.60; . lot 8, Henry Welnhard, $4.50. BLOCK 17, . V.t 1, M. W. Smith, to.ftn; tot 2. M. W. Smith, $6.50: lot ;i. M. W. Hmlth, $4. Ml; lot 4, M. W. Hmlth, $4.6; tot 6. M. W. . Smith, $6.60: tot 6, kl. W. Smith, 16. Mi; , kit 7. M. W. Hmlth. $6.60; hit 8, M. W. Smith.: $4.60. BUK'K 1,'IS. Int 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $6.60; tot -2. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, 84.60; tot 3. Oregon. Railroad, A Navlgatloa Company, $8.60; lot 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $460; tot 6, Oregon ' Railroad ft NavlgaUoa Company, $4.60; lot 6. Oregon- Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, - $4.80; lot 7, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company, $4.60; tot $, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 88.60. BLOCK 139, lot 1, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com pany. $4.50; tot 2. Oregon Railroad ft Navi gation Company.' 84.80; tot 8, Oregoa Rail road ft Navlgatloa Company. 84.50; tot 4, Oregoa Railroad ft' Navlgstlon Company, $4.60; lot 6, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation - IVimpanv, $6.50; tot 6, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $4.60; lot 7. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgstlon .Company, $6.60: lot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. - $4.60. RLOCK 140, tot 1. Oregon RaUroad ft Navigation Company. $3.00: tot 8.- Ore- :ou Railroad ft NavlgaUoa Company, $3.00; ot S, Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Com pany. $3.00; tot 4, Oregoa Railroad ft Navl gaUoa Company. $.T00; tot 6, Oregoa Rail road ft Navlgatloa Compaay. $3.00: lot 6. " Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company, $3.00; lot 7, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation . Company, $3.00; tot $. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatlaa Company. $3.00. RLOCK 141. lot-1, Oregoa HWllroad A Navlgatloa Torn-' pany. $1 00; tot 2, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00; tot 8. Oregon i Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $3.00; tot 4, Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUoa Company, $.1.40; lot 6. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $3.00; lot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $3.00; tot 7. Oregoa Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $3.00; tot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. , 1.1.00. RLOCK 142. lot 1. Richard and Ella Funk. $1.00; Int 2, Richard and Ella Funk. 33.00: tot 8. Martha Mary Taylor.- $3.00; tot 4. Martha Mary Taylor, 33.00; lot 6. Fred Spagele. $3.00; lot 6, Fred Bpagele. 83.00: 'tot 7, John Mulr. $3.00; tot 8. Joha Mulr, 83.00. BLOCK 143. lot 1. " Ore gon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $.1.00; lot 2, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Com pany, $3.00: dot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navi gation Company, $3.00; kit 4. Oregon Railroad , A Navlgatloa Company. 63.00; lot 5. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $.1.00; Int ' 4, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $3.00; lot 7. Oregoa Railroad ft NavlgaUon ' Company. $3.00; tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $3.00. BLOCK 144. . weet V of kit 1. Peter Glbonl, $1.60; west , Vi of- lot 2. Peter Othonl. $1.60; east H of lot 1. S. M. Smith, '$1.60; eaat Vt of lot 2. S. m. nmitu, ei-ou. eaat or lot a, aonn Kerrlvah, $1.50; oast V 1.60: east 14 of tot 4. Iotas Kerr- TtsB, !. &o; west Va or tot 6. John P. Hart' man. $1.60: nfest Vt of lot 4. Joko P. Hart man, 31.fi': lot 8. Mary S. Mlddletou, $3.00; lot 8, Mary 8. Mlddletou, $3.00; weat Vi ef tot r. Lrnore S. Oregory, $1.50; east vi of tot 7, Ssdle A. Wrinkle, $1.60; east Vi of lot 6. Sadie A. Wrinkle, $1.60; weat V of lot 8. A beam Pllley. $1.50. RLOCK 146. lot 1, Oregoa Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company,, $3.00; tot 2, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, 83.00; tot 3. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3.00; lot 4. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3.00; lot 6. Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUoa Company, 83.00; tot 8. Oregon .Railroad ft Navigation Company, $.1.00: lot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navlgartoa Company. 83.00: tot 8. Oregon " Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00. , BUK'K 144. lot 1. Matilda Sandstone. $3.00; lot X Matilda Randafoae. $3. on: tot $, Ma tilda Rendetone. $3.00; tot 4. Matilda Sand atone. $.1.00; tot 5. Oregon Railroad ft Nav igation Company. $15.00; lot A Oregoa Rail road ft Navlgatloa Company. $15.00; Int 7. Oregon Railroad ft , Navigation Company, ., $15.00; lot H. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation apatuul$ia Oil , BLOCK leTi tor-rr lywls kl. Aaplnwall. 816.00: tot 2. Sarah V., Rdlth and Samuel L. Campbell. $15 on; Int 8. Sarah , V Edith and Samuel L. Campbell. $18.00; ' tot 4, Sarah V., Rdlth and Samuel L Camp hell. $15.00; lot 6. H. J. Tbempeon Eatate. - Heirs of. $3.00: Int 4, H. J. Thompson KaUta. Helra of. $3.00; east Vi 'ef lot 7. Adam Cstlln. $1.60; eaat V. ef lot 8. Adam Catlln, $1.50; west H of lot 7. Alliance Trnat Cbtnpsny of Dundee, Scotland, 61. 60; lot 8. Alllaned Truat Company of Dundee, Scotland. 31.60. BLOCK 14M. all of eaat Vi ef lot 1 except Oregon A California Railroad ' Company'a right of way, Abraham lillley. 31.20; all of west Vi of tot 1 except Oregon A California Railroad Compaay'a right of way, Cyrua Onlpaa, $1.20; all of north Vi of lot S except Oregoa A Callforala Railroad ' Company'a right of way, Harvey R. (Ireen, $0,90; all ot aonth H of tot 3 except Oregon A California Railroad Comnany'a right of way, Lawrence Strand. $0.00; all of tot 3 - aicept Oregon ft California , Railroad tom paay'a light ef way, Lawrence Htrand, $40; . aU ot tot 4 except Oregoa ft California Rail road Company's .right of way, Lawrence Strand, $2.96; lot (. Lawrence Strand, $3.00; tot 6. Lawrence Strand. $3.00: aouth Vi of east M ef lot 7, Lawrence Strand, $0.76; north Vi nf east Vj of lot 7. Harvey S. ' . ) Ireen. $0.75; weat 50 feet of tot 7. Harvey H. Oreea, $1.60; eaat Vi of lot 8, Cyrua Cnlpaa, $1.50;. west Vt ef tot 8, Abrara Dllley, 31.60. . BLOCK 149. tot 1. Joha-P. .Caplea, $1.00; north Vi ef lot 2. John F. .Caplea. $1.50; aouth tj of tot 2, William H. bsylor, $l.6i; lot 8, William IT. fasytor, $$.60; kit 4, A. L. MIIU. $3.ll0 east Vi nf tot 6. ' Fred H. Strong. 8I.60; east V4 of kit 4, . Fred H. Strong. $1.50; weat Vi of M 5. Christopher Kaufman. $1.60; weat Vi af tot 8, Christopher Kaufman. $1.60: lot 7, Mrs. R. A. Owens Adslr. $3.00; tot 8, Mr. B. A. Owens Adair. 33.00. RLOCK 160. lot I. Preston wv.oillette, $10.0tiUot , jiary Oil- . Irtte. $10.W: north 40 feet of lot 3. P., D. Matthews. Traatee, $M.0O; snath 10 feet of lot 8. Walter . Kletts. $200; all of lot 4 4 except Oregon ft California Railroad Com- pany'a right of way. Walter Klctta. tuoo; nil of lot 6 weat of Oregon ft California Railroad Company'a right of way, J, 1 nger, ' $1.X6; all of kit 4 eaat of Oregoa ft California Railroad Oompauy a right ot any. Walter K left a. 80.76; all of lat 6 west af Oregon ! ft California Railroad Compear 'a right ot way, Adeline Wild. 80.3O: all of tot a weat af Oregon ft Callforala Railroad Com pany'a right of way. John R. Wild. 8H.16; all of lot 7 aaat of Oregon A California Railroad Company' right of way. Josephine O. Orerend, $0.90: all ef lot 8 eaat of Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way. ' Josephine 0. Orerend. $1.80. RLOCK 161. lot 1, Oregon Rail road A Navlgstlon Company. $1 04: tot I. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $.1.00; tot 3. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3. On; lot ,4. Oregon Railroad A Kaviaratlon Coirmanr. 3.1.00 s.ou; i I'nmpei lot 6. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, fin.no; hit 4. Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, klO.OO: tot 7. Ore ma Railroad ft Navlaa tlon Company, $10 HO: lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $lo.no. BIKK 162. tot I. Kdward Kaowle. $.1.no; aouth 20 feet nf bit 2. Arthar E. McBree. $1.20; north an feet ef tot 8. Joseph C. Rsyer, $1.80; aonth 28 feet ef north 37 fret nf lot 3, ; Joseph C. Barer, 81. 70: north 9 feet ef tot 3. Arthur R. MrRreen. $0.66: snath 13 feet ef tot 3. Peter Holhrlrk. $)l.0; lot 4, Peter , Holbrlrk. $3.04; tot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trost . Oampaa, $3.00... lot 8, Th Tttl 'Guarantee ft Trnat Company. $J.oh? lot T. Joaeph C. Bayer, Peter llobklrk.; 83.00; tot 6. JViaepk C. Rayer, Peter llobklrk. 38.0. BIXK'h 163, tot I. Victor K. Strode, fl.oii: tot 2.. Kate Strode, $3.00: tot 8V Per diss ml Marteb), $3.0o; tot 4. Ferdinand RartrU. $.1.00; lot 6. Oscar and Lacy Rhsttack, $3.00; tot 6. Oscar and Lacy SkaMnck, $3.00; .tot 7. Frank and Mary Herbnury. $8.li tot, S. Philip flevurtaT s,t.oo. BI.Ot;K 154. tot 1. KUxabeth A. Thorn papa, $3.00; tot 2, Elisabeth . A. Tbompeoa $.'i.Ul'7tot 3. Jsme R. Thoap- ' ana, $3.00; lot 4, Jamea R. Thompaoa, $3.00; lot i. Haunah C. Stewart. $1 00: lot 4. Hannah V. Stewart. 88.00; lot T. Elisabeth A. Tbomaa. 33.00; lot 6, EUaabeth A. Thomas, 63.60. BLOCK 156. lot 1. John J. "cherner, ,83.002 M 3. Ella C. Sabla, , $3.00; 'Et 4. EUa , C. BabU, , $3 00; tot o, John Mulr, $8.04; lot 4. Anton and n.nbn,i. u on- lot T John Mulr. 83.00; tot 8. WilUa'm M. Ladd. Trustee. 8.1.00. BLOCK 156, lot 1. Oregon Railroad ft KavfuJuJllllatta. $2.60 let- 6. Prestos W. Cllilette. gallon Company. $3.00; lot X. oregoa nan-1 road ft Navlgattoa Compaay, 63.00; lot a, I iine haiirnerf A NavicatloB Company $3.00; lot 4, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3.00; lot 6. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00) tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3.00: tot 7 tlreeon Railroad A Navigation Company $3.00: lot' 8. Oregon.! Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3 00. BLOCK 157, tot L, Ore, Eon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $3.00; it 8, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Com pany. $1.00; tot 3. Oregon Railroad ft Navi gation Company. $3.00: tot 4. Oregon Rail road ft Navlgatloa Company. $3.00; tot- 3. Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company. f3.00; let 4, Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUoa ompany. $3.00: lot 7, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $3.00; lot , Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $3.00. BLOCK 158. lot 1. Oregon RaUroad ft Navl gaUoa Compaay. $3.00: lot 2. Oregoa Rail road ft Navigation Company. $3.00; tot 3, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3.00: lot 4, Oregon Railroad , ft Navlgatloa Company. $1.00; tot 6. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00; . tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Compaay, $3.00; tot it.1 Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $3.00; lot, 8, Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa : Company. $3.00. HIXM K 158. tot 1, Ore- tot "br.n RaiUoTd ft N.vitionniqJrsnk .and Mary I pany. $3.00: tot 8. Oregoa Railroad A NavlT . 5.VCR 18 .tot 1, John M gallon Company. $3.00; tot 4. Oregoa Rail road A. Navlgattoa Company. $3.00; lot 8. Oregoa Railroad Navigation Company. 8:1.00; tot 8. Oregon Railroad Navlgatloa Company. $3.00; lot 7, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $3.00;' lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $3.00. nuM'K 160. lot 1. Albert Frbreobarh. $3.00; lot 2. Albert Fehrenbach, $3.00; tot 3, Albert Fcbrrnlieeb. 83.00; lot 4. AlDert renrennacn. $.1,041 lot 6. Albert Fehrenbach. $3.00; tot 8. 'Albert Fehrenbach. ' $3.00; lot 7. Albert ' Fehrenbach. $:i.00r lot 8. Albert Fehrenbach, 83.00. RItCK 161., tot L, Catherine W. Owens, $3.00; lot 2. Catherine W. Owens, $.1,00; lot 8. Elena Sherwood, $3.00;. lot 4, Elena Sherwood, $3.00: lot 6, Henry Becte. Xiliai! tot A lohe Plena ch. 8:1.00: lot 7. " John riebsch, $3.00; lot 8. Eiilscoial rand , of ,the Protestant Mscopal lhnrcb of the Diocese of Oregon, Trustee, B4.ou. biak n. i in lot 1. Ferdinand Rartalla. 83.00: tot 2. . Frrdlnaad Bsrtells. $3.00: lot $. - Cnrtnne E. Wood. $3.00; tot 4. Corlon E. Wood. JJ.hO; tot - 5, Jacob Kamm, $3.00; tot acob Kamm, $3.00; lot 7, Sophia Sutton, t:i.uo: lot 6. SonhU Sutton. 83.00. BLOCK '143. The Home. $24 00. RLOCK 184. tot 1,' The Home, $3.00; lot 2, The Home, 43.00, - lot .1 The noma. 63.O0: tot 4. The Home, f.1.00; lot 6. The Home, 83.00; tot The lome. $.1.00; tot 7. The Home, $3.00: ' lot 8. The Home. $3.00. BIaICK 146. all of tote 1 and 2 west ef Oregon ft CaUfornla Railroad ' Company's rlgbt of way. John and Barbara Wild", $0.36; all of lot 1 lying . east ot Oregon ft Callforala Railroad Com pany'a rlgbt of way. William I Oreea. $1.30; all nf north 10 feet sf Int 2 lying eaat of Oregon ft California Railroad Company'a tight of way. William L. Oreen, $0.96; all of aonth 30 feet of lot I lying eaat ef Oreamn A California Railroad Company'a rlgbt af way. Lenore S. Oregory. $0.80: all of tot 3 lying weat at Oregon ft California Railroad Company'a right of way, Joha and Barbara Wild, 61.06: all of tot 4 lying weat et Oregoa ft California Railroad Company a right of way. John and Barbara Wild, 61-96; - lot 6, Jamea N. Pultltove, $3.00; tot 6, Jamea N. Fallltove, X3.nn; lot 7, A. r. neunert; $3.00; tot 8, Jacob 1'nger. $3.00. BI.OCK -166. tot 1. Rose Kamlnaky. $3.60: tot 8. Roaa Kafnlnaky, $3.00; lot 8. J. 0. Koffmsn. $3.00: tot 4. William F. Holts. $3.90; tot n, WBlHiew t-eiut. a-' ' , lot w. ,wrpo awr, 83.00; tot 7. Portland Truat Company. 63.00T lot a, n. H. xtue, a.tm. niAii r. joi, rsat Vi of tot 1, J. E. Alnaworth, $1.60: east vi of lot 2. J. K. Alnaworth. $1.5o; west Vi of tot 1. N'ev Churcbmao. tl.AO: weat 4 ef tot 2. .Ney Churchman. $1.50; all ot tot 8 except Oregon ft ' California Railroad Com pany' right nt way, Alliance Truat Com pany. $2.78; aU ef lot 4 except Oregoa ft (California Railroad Cnmoany'a rlaht of way. John A. Bluet. $1.80;. sll of tot 8 except Oregon A csurornia nvain-oaa company elkk At ,we William X l-vhleh Ketate Helra of. $2.06: all of tot 6 lying weat of Oregoa ft California Railroad Company's nprnt. ot - war. rriiiiem e. .ju-eiiix-i wiiir. Heir pf, $0.96: all ef tot 8 lying eaat of Oregoa ft CaUfornla Railroad Company'a right of way. Alliance Truat ' Com pany. $0.06; all of lot T lying west of Oregon A it iirornia nauroao) ttimpaay s ngat ox way WUllam J. Lehigh Estate. Helra of. $0.10 all of lot T lying east af Oregoa ft California ' Railroad Comnanr's right ot way. W. - P. Wlegand, $0.76; all of tot 8 except Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right nf way. W. F. Wlegand. 82.00. RLOCK 148, tot -t, preaton W. IHUetle, $3.00; Int 2, William u. t'hnrrniu. a.vu; lot a, xfiiinaa a- mor- Kn. $3.00; lot, 4, Mlllnda E. Morgaa. 83.00; . a uin-4. w sa . . I . A yi. e w, eiiiniM ... i " . , , aHi.w, llnd E. Morgan, $3.00) lot 7. Preston W. OlUette. 83.00; lot 6. Preaton W. OlUette. 83.00. BLOCK 149. lot t. D. C. Pelton. 83.00: tot 2. D. C. Peltna, $3.00; lot 8, Catherine . w. Owens. X3.0H; tot 4, Catharine w. .owana. $3.00; Kit 0. David stearss, as.nr; jot . Da lavld Stearoa. 61.00: tot 7. Portland Trnat Company ef Oregon, 33.06; kit 8, Portland Truat company of Oregoa, $3.00. BLOCK 170. undivided ot lot 1, Clemtlne and I-ydla Koduey. $2.26: andlvided H et lot 2. Clemtlne and Lydla Rodney, $2.26: an' divided S nt tot- , -ChtmUno and Lydla Rodney. $2.26: undivided of lot 4. Clem tlne and Lydla (Rodney. $2.26; andlvided Vi nf lot 1. Hannah R. Morris. 80.76; undivided M of lot 2. Hannah R. Morrle. $0.75; undl- vinen u at lot a. naaoan it. morris, au.ia: andlvided V of tot 4. Hannah R. Morris. $0.76 8jrtf.au, para,, sr. ajy. tt. BeJta tot 5, O. W. aad Margaret V. At ien. $3.00; undivided of tot Ch-xsentioe ft Lydla Rodney, $2.25; andlvided ot lot 7. tie men tine A Lydla Kodney. P2.2D; un divided V oi loll. Clemeallae A lo-rfta S"d- aey, $225; undivided H nf lot Hannah R. Morrta. 6A.75: undivided VA of lot 7 Hannah R. Morrla. $0.76; undivided Vi of lot n. ttaanan it. aiorria, ati.tn. niAit n. 1 1 1 Int 1, Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUon Cam pany, $1.00; lot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Navl nation Company. 83.00: lot 3. Oreroo Rail. road ft Navlgartoa Company. $3.00; tot 4, OpMna ttslh-ned A Navlrsrlnn Cnmnanv. $3.00: lot 6. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $3.00; lot 6, Oregoa RaUrosd ft NavlgaUoa .Company. $3.00; tot 7. Oregon Railroad ft, Navlgatloa Company. $3.00; tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $3.00. RLOCK 171 lot 1. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, 83.00; lot 2. Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUoa Company. $3.00; lut 8, Oregoa Railroad ft NavlgaUoa Company. 600; tot 4. Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUoa Onmnenr. A1.00: tot 8. Oregon RaUrosd ft Navigation Company, $3.00; tot Oregon rtaiirosa a psvigauon company, ..uv; Kit 7. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, 63.00: lot 6. Orecoa Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $3.00. BLOCK 173. tot 1. Ore- ana Railroad A Navlgatloa company. 83.00: tot 2, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Oom- - pany, aj.uu; Kit a, in-egoa a-aitroea ai navi. satioa Comoanv. 83.00: tot 4. Oregoa Rail rood ft Navlgattoa Company. 83.00: lot 8. Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUon Compaay. , 83.00: Tot 6. Oregoa Railroad ft. Navigatloa Comoanv. 83.00: tot 7. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgattoa Company. $3.00; tot 8, OregnoJ Railroad A navigatloa company, bj.uu. RLOCK 174. lot 1. Oreeoa Railroad A Navlga Ooa Compaay. $3.00; lot 2. Oregoa. Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, $3.00; tot 3. Oregoa Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $3.00; lot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company Oregon Haiiroaa m navigation tmmpany, 00; lot 6. Oregon Railroad ft NavlgaUon npany, $.1.00: lot 8v Oregon Railroad ft vlgsUea Company. $3.00; lot 7, Oregon ilroad A Navigation Company. $1,011: tot B3.no; tot Com Navl Railroad ft Navigation Company, $1,00; tot - 8. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. 83.00. 'BLOCK. 173. lot 1. Oregoa - Railroad . A Navigatloa company, ki.iw; Hit , Oregon Railroad A Navigation, Company. $3.00; tot 8. Oregon RallroaoV A' Navigation Oomapny, 83.00; tot 4. Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company. $3.00; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Comparer. $3.00; tot 6. Oregoa Railroad ft ' Navlgatloa Company, $1.00; tot 7, Oregon Railroad A NavlgaUoa Company, 8-1.0O; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 63.40. BLOCK 174. lot t. C. RnelL $100; tot X Joha Mulr. M OOT tot 3. . soke Mulr. an.oii; tot a, -tonu tanir. a-i.iaj; tot 6, Jobn Mnlr. $3.00; tot 6, Joha Mulr, $3.0n; tot 7. John Mulr, 83.00; tot 8. C. R, Ruel, $1.00. RLOCK 177. tot 1. Ida Mr Cane Taawell. 11.W. tot 2. Ida Mefabe Tax- well, $3.00;' tot 3. Joha Mnlr, $3.00; tot 4. ' Jobn Mnir, s:i.tni; mi n, joaa ainir. f.tai; ... im , u..i- ') rtr 1 .. . V Ink- $3.00; tot . Oeorge Taxwell. $3.09. BLOt'k 17N. anaivinen 5 et lot i. . iiammone 61. BO: andlvided 14 nf tot X 0. O. Oammnna. 81.60; undivided Vi f tot .1. O. (1. Oammnna. il.nu! andlvided Vi of tot 4. fl. O. Oammnna, ' 81.50: hndlvldrd 4 of let 6. O. 0. Oam mnna, 8l.9i: undivided S nf Int 6. O. fl. Oammona. 81.5": undivided 4 of kit 7. O. O. Oammoos, $1.6n; undivided -4 of tot a, 0. 1 llafnmona. fl-BO: undivided U of Int 1 ' Jamea and Rdlrh Oammona, $1 60; nadtvlded ' W ef Int 2, James sad Edith Oaumnns, $1.64: undivided Vt f tot 8. Jamea and Edith Oammona. $1.60: undivided Vi of tot 4, Jamea and raitn itamroone, l no: undl Tided V nf tot A 'Jamea aad Edllh 0am mens, $1.60; - undivided H of tot 6 Jastea and Edith flimovwie, $1.8n; aadlvlded H of let 7. Jamea aad Edith Oaaatoos, $LS0 aadlvlded '4 af tot 8. Jamea aad t Jta moaa, 61.50. BLOCK I'm, tot I. I I R. Wrens, $3.00; tot 2. J. P. Ce, i ; aouth Vt at 1st 8.' Annie A. Brer i. I ... aorib Vi tf let 1, Ansie Brach. n t. 4. Annie Brerk, $3 no. tot 8, - Jms. , 5. -haeider, $3.00; aorta Va et lat 8, . Marirusm. $1.60; tot 7, Tbomaa Sort. $ ; t.4 8. Thomaa Bovd. $3 ou. BLOCK 1 i, all of tot 1 lylaa eaat af Oregea ft Csufoem Railroad. Company's right ef way. isknows wwaer. aji.ia; u nt hit I trleg west, wt -rogoBrTft California Railroad Cewpenya tight ef way, Preston W. OlUette. I 96; eU of tot 2 lying weet of Oregon A California Railroad Company' right of way. Preston W. OlUette. Jim- sii mt ue a , ef Oregon ft California Railroad Compaay'a . All of tot 4 lying west of Oregon ft California Railroad Comneny'a rlaht nf war. Pnaua W. w-i '; mt, rveaien w. unlet te, ga.oo; tot T. f7T"mm un-ette. gs.ou: tot Preata T. . s soys itt, oy-vr.uay. W as m vajajjairaa aw , OlUette. $8.00. BLOCK 181, lot 1, Prestsa """Hi e-l on; ( z, tr, a. uensaae. .uv; lot a. Ilea ten w. Olllette. A3.on; lot .4. , rrestou , W. Olllette, tot 6, ' Preatoa W.- Olllette. , tot 6. - Preston W. Olllette, . tot 7. Praslon W IlllUtie tot 8, Preatoa W. Olllette. $3.00. . BI.OCKlJi. m i, nariee H. a. wood, $3.00; tot 8. uar.e. . a. vtooa, ai."U; mt a, Charlea R. S. Wood. $2.10: tot Charlea E. M. Wood. 82.10; tot 7. Charle R. 8. Wood. $3.0; o. tosrire a., n. Wood, tn on nitric. 1N3. lot 1. Amanda W. Reed Katsta. tflamea ef. $3.00: lot 2. Amanda W. Reed Katata. Helra of, 83.00;. tot 3, Amanda W. Read Eatate, Helra of. $2.10; lot 6. Amaada W. Reed Hatate.. Hrlra nf, $2.19; kit 7. Amaada W. Kood Eatate. Heir f. $3.00; tot Amanda W. Reed Estate. Heirs ef. $3.00, RLOt'K !4. tot 1, Preaton W, Olllana. 83.00; lot 2. Pre. ton W. OlUette, $3.00; tot 3, Preatoa W. Olllette, $205;-lot . Presto i W. Oil Jette, $1.66; lot 7. Preatoa W. OlUettt. $2.66: lot 8. Preatoa W. Olllette, $26. RLOCK-' INS. lot 1. Frank and Mary Haekeeey. $3.00; Wit 2, Prank and Mary Hackeaey, $3.00; tot 3. Frank and Mary Hackenry, $2.6i(: lot 6. mwi nnsTv-i, . e-t-ew; tns rrana ana lry Hackener. . 3 On; nle :l on- - 4 mtuT, d.uv; an . joon Mulr, B.nn; , lot John Mnir. $150; . lot i, Joha ' Mulr, : $3.00; . lot . 8. John Mnlr. X3 nn -"'v- jo,, lot x. eonn muir, a.i.uui mt a. Joha Mnlr, $.1.00; tot 3, Joha, Mulr, $2.56; . B3.0o; lot a. John Mulr, $3.00. BUH'K 148. tot 1, Oregon RaUroad A Navlgatloa Com- Daoy. 83.0)1: tot 2. Oreena (tallenaa At V..I ntloa Company, $3.00; Tot 3. Oregoa Railroad . Navlgatloa ..Company. $2.60; lot 4. Otegon - RaUrosd ft Navlgatloa tympany. $2.60; let - 7. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Comnsnr- n w mt a, uregnsj Rsllrosd A Nsvlga- Oregoa RallroadA Navlgatloa c'otepsjvy' . Ki.on: mt 2. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company -$3.00; tot X Oregoa RaUrosd ft V vl a , In. ranaav MIA, l. . Railroad ft NavlgaUon Company, $2.60; tot 7. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgattoa Company, ; $3.00: lot S. Oregoa Railroad ft Navlgatlaa ' Company. 83.00. - FIRST STREET TERRACES ef Portland. 0 re gno BLOCK A. tot 1. Tbomaa W.. Jenkins. $2.70: tot 2, Thomaa W. Jenkins, $3.00; tot 8. Thoma ay. jenkln. $.100; tot 4, Tbomaa - W. Jenkins, $4 26; lot 6, Tbomaa W. Jenklna. 84.60: lot 8. Tbomaa W. Jeukina, $3.90; tot ' 7. Tbomaa W. Jenklna. 83.00: lot 6. Thaui ' W. Jenklna. 13.60! lot 9. Thomaa W. Jenklna. ?3.00; lot 10. A. D. WUtonghby. $3.36; tot 1, Tbomaa W. Jenklna. $2.56. BLOCK R. tot 1, Mary Jenkins, $2.60; lot X Julia K 7 Clark, $2.80: lot 8, Ida R. Stokes, $3.06; lot ' 4, Tbomaa W. Jenklna. $1.46; lot 6. Thomas W. Jenklna. $3.10; lot Thomaa W. Jenhlsa. 52.70; lot 7. Joaeph Charteataer. 82.BO; tot . M. B. Smith. $2.70; tot 9. M. B. Bmlthv - 6276. RIXICK C. tot 1. Nathan Coy. $l.9o; . lot X Nathan Ooy. $3.00. RLOCK D. went 21 feet of tot 1. Homer V. Wood worth. 80.45; weat 21 feet nf lat 2. Home V. .Wood worth, '; 60.66; eaat 127 feet of lot 1. Thome Srhoet ' dev. 83.80; eaat 127 feet of tot 8. Thomaa H-nr-airi OA MA In B Tlaanaa ak . f'i-V; tot 4. Tbomaa Rchaelder, $2.40; lot 8, T. T. BarkhsrtV 9X00. -A tract af land lying between two lines rr apectlvely 80 feet aad 130 feet aonth of aad parallel with aoath Una ef LnweU avenue. ' nnd between two Unea reopet lively 100 feet ' and 127 feet weat of and parallel with weat ' line of first atreet, Thomaa Schneider. $!.:. a H : , , ua-ral 1 J U B-TTW-larW tJIV SOWtn I11M- ' nf Lowell avena and a Una 64 feet smith ef and parallel therewith and beta tea weet linn ef First street aad a Une 100 feet weat ef rand paraUel therewith, T. T. .. Berkkart, a I wo. ' All of lota 8 and, 7. block D. First Street Terraces, City ' of Portland. - Oregon, lying sonlh nf a Una 60 feet aouth of and parallel with the eonth line et Lowell avenue and west at a Una 127 feet weat of aad parallel With the west Roe et Plrat atraet. Homer V. Wendartirth, 81.75, FIRRT STREET TER RACKS, City nt Portland, ttregon BI-OCK D. ht 8. Unmer V. Wood worth, $6.20; tot 9, Homer V. Woodwovth. : R1.96: tot 10. Homer V. Wondwnrtb, $2,94; lot ll. Homer . Woodwnrtk. $2.4a BlOCK E, lot I, Frederick Aa Walpole, $1.70; tot 2. Frederick A. WalpoleJ' $1.76; tot 8. Freder- Frederick A. Walpole. $2.90: lot X eoerlck A. Walpole, $1.80: lot 8. Frederick A. Wei- rule. $2.00; tot 4. Fredertck A. Walpole, t 10; hit 6. Frederick A. Walpole. 83.06. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BUK'K 1, eonth 3R feet of north 64 feet ef tot 1, Tbeaaae . MrNamee. 61.96: north IIS faet ef lot 1. t'nlted S rates Fidelity ft Aoarantee Cent pant, $8.40; north 104 feet ef south 184 feet. or mt 1. A. irerrraa ana Jalla K. aiaraa. $6.75; aouth 50 feet of tot 1. Jaaaea aad . Rata K. PMersoa, 82. TO; east 70 feet of tot 2. Jamea Collins. $4.80; north 64 feet of C aooth 100 feet of west too feet of tot 3. .. Ida R. Rtofcea. $3.00; aonth 50 feet at west . 100 feet ef tot 2. . Louisa kf. Foster. 63.0)1; north 68 fet ef west 100 feet of mt 2. - Mrs. R. Wliprecht. $1.36; tot 3, Josephine Cracker. $15. SO. BLOCK 2. tot 1. Rachel u Ray. $28,461 lot 2. Portlnndl Trost Company nf Oregoa. $23.46; tot Portland Trnat Cnoxpsny af Oregon, $23.46; Tart 4. Srhmt! Die- . trlct No. 1, $23.46. BIOCK 8, suhdivUlon 1 of. tot 1, William T. Nutting. $3.26; auh. dlvlaioa 2 rat tot 1, Annie Nutting. $3.26: aabdinslon 8 et tot 1. A. Wolf. 82. xl; euh- - division 4 of lot 1. J. Schmidt. $2.36: asbdl-' vision 6 or tot . V. K. Strode, $2.3o; snn . dlvlakm $ of tot. 1, V. K. Strode. $2.35: aub . dtvtaloa 7 of lot 1. ICdtraf E. and Annie F. Conraea, $3.78: sur-dlvlaioa 8 of let I. Kdgwr R. and Ansie P. Ooursea. $3.78: subdivision 1 Of lot1! J. Henry Rchsdn. $2S: aorUl 14 ot anbdlvfaton 2 of lot 2. Caroline Rioter. $1.46; . . a, 1 . e -. S1..1 Unger, $1.46; aubdlvlatoa $ of tot 2. Michael - rtultst, $2.30; aahdlvisloa 4 of lot 2. H. E. Net hie. $2.80: oubdlvlstoa 6 et tot X Caroline Rl mer, 3240:aabdlvtsloa $ of tot I Albert Thomp son.. '$X40; sabdlvislna 7 ef lot 2, C. E. Bar 11. $3.76; rabdlTlalea $ af lot 2. rrsaces L. Msce, $3.76, , MOYRU'H 8I RDIVI8I0N) of Lot 8. Rtoek 2. Portland Homestead BlOCK 3, sahdlvtstoa 1 of tot 8, ttassa C. Sutler, $1.80; eahdlvtatoa 2 of lot 3, Msex AUstnck. $1.80; aubdlvlatoa a or tot n, lAmia e.raettner, ai.mi; antKii vkUoe 4 of tot A Joha Mler, X30; anbdl via ton I tf lot t, Joaeph Crbaork. I2.JH; subdlvlaloa 4 ef tot 8, Joaeph L'rbaock, $2.20; aubdlvlaioa 7 ef lot 3, Joseph 1'rbsack, li; anbdl via loa 6 ef tot 3. Joaeph l'rbaock, $VI.i; anbdlviartoa ot tot 8. lawla Kraettaer. $1.90; subdlvlalea 10 at lot 3, Ftorenca Cook, $1.9ti. PORTLAND nOMKrVTy.AD BLOCK 9, aubdl ,ylton A af tot 4, Eva W. Riu-tch. $2n; subdlTlsloa R of tot 4. Kv W. Burtch, 62.8)1; (obdlvlsioa 0 of tot 4. Julia A. I Irlch. lli; - aubdlvhrkm D of tot 4, Flora J. Doiaos, 63.140;. ' aabdlvtslon R of tot 4, Jnlla Vlrlrh, 3.06; aubdlvlaioa P of tot 47 Jnlla Plrlch, $3.06; aabdlvlsloa 0 ef tot 4, Fvs W. Burtch, $3.6; subdlvlaloa H of tot 4, Era W. Biirteh, $.1.0... BLOCK 4. aouth 90 feet ot subdivision A of tot 1. Cyras B. Howlett, .80.66; aouth at) '. Howlett. 61.60: north 80 feet at aubdavutlna A of tot 1, Charlea W. Cottetl, $0.60; aorih SO feet of nbdivlaloa R of tot 1. Charlea W. Cotteli. $1.45; west 10 feet of subdivision C j of tot 1, Charlea W. Cotteli. $0.36; eaat DM feet or subdivision C 01 mt 1, wary a.. Marshall. 82.66; sooth $ feet ot went 10 feet "of tnbdlvlalon C of lot T.-Crua- B. Howlett. $0.06; north 27 Vi feet ef west 18 feet ot sub division C of tot 1, Cbarlra W. Cotteli. $0.) mirth. 74 feet of eaat loo feet at subdivision D of lot 1. Mary E. Marshall, $0.46; aouth 36 feet of east 100 feet of aubdlvlaioa D of tot 1. WlUlam J. Kelly, $2. in; subdivision H nf tot I. J. R. Jenkel and H. Msodevllle. 82.no: subdivision P ef tot 1. Frank Aehwer- "-rieekr$2.tt: west-art feet of eubdlvt-lou t of tot 1, Patrick Murray. $1.14; eaat 80 feet . nt west ho feet of aabdlvlsloa 0 nf tot I. M. Everest, $o.S6; east 98 feet ef subdivision .11 hi lot 1. Orsnvllle C. Ruff, $1.40; est 90 feet af anbdl viakia H ef tot 1. Orsnvllle C. Ruff. $1.40; west 00 feet sf aubdlvlaioa H of tot t, Joha BennaKt. $1.10; let 8. Ren kL.lllna SO-taUt. a-auVllwlalLri-, 1 af kit L astall W. aad B W. Flaher. $1.86; mbdrrlatoe H of tot 3. Sarah W. aad R. W. Fisher. l ' ' soath 2n feat nf aubdlvlaioa B ef tot 3. 8a' . W. and B. W. llsbe-r, $0:90:. aeath 80 t of aulHllVTalnn Q ef tot 8. Sarah W. sad i W Flaner. $0 ail: north 8 feet f eubdlv R ef lot 3, Alfred F. Sear. Jr.. $o.; r 6 feet of subdivision Q ef tot A Mfc Sears. Jr., 80 20: aahdlvuloa ( V f 1 Alfred P. Sasrs. Jr., $1.10; subdlvl."- kit 3, Alfred F. Sear. Jr. $1.10; a i Rwf lot 8, Laailaa R. Prasp, $1 .14; a , F et tot $, Oeorge W. Watta, $l.li t ' vision O ef kit it. Oeorge W. si -s, I l .; aubdlvlston R sf tot 3. J" -e arat -r, $k1n; mibdrrlsloa I af H j.phlne R,- i tiger, $1,10: isHt-dlvlaiet t of tot . C. ' . lAilrk. 81 10; suhdlvlei., K nf tot 8, C, , larlcfc. II 10; auhdlvlatim I, nf lot S. CeR j.-W, Wtts, 81.10; sorvtolna II III II i Oeorge W. WatU, 81. W; anbdlvtew tf lot 8. .I-snfsa R. Pran. $l.1o; s .' of lot' 3. Alfred F. Sears, Jr., l.i-i. a vwlen P of tot 8, Alfred P eWara, Jr., I mibdlvtsvnn A nf tot 4. Met. mnt k, Rank ef Portland. 64 14: suhoivi-ile- Fit I. i 5l.NI; I 1.IA; I 1. 10; s lot 4. kferrkant National Raak nf 1 II. Kl; tmlwllvlalnvl C nf tot 4. r. V. snhdlvlatnn D ef tot 4. ) . I . Ssbdlvtatoa $ tf hi (, (, L. . ',-r :. v. s 't