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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
c:.c:j ' dAily j3ur.::.X rcr.TLA::D, xiiuhsday xvenino, march e, iscj. it I -- fei for Btr -tare.1 work." t SO lop . Boors, Kate ana as.i oftninw, aww una 4 Ausways; n with toots who can go ap. , bAN8,.K'S EatPLOTMisNT office. . i . .M Nprta.BMuwl (t. , rajANTED Immediately., stesdy young Ml with 8200 eaab for permanent poslUoa with . t ' lotrreet la established, (rawing. aaMr ..) making boalne; no preetuu exoerlesoe rtt- .' ) quireo; taw w aa exceptional opportunity; reference. Bamlltoa. 84 Lang taut I, ififcl! t W aaainaum. ' ' r' WANTED Man to Warn barber trad; week! complete: position guaranteed: tultloa fviH . J while learnings writ tor term. Moier's ' I Barber Ijoilex.-04. aa.. -ban IrssclseB. ... .WANTED -Sticfcermaa, S3; . henchman. S3; y I Bianer-fnsder. M.ftO: mill and rsrduara. 12: f l buekeru, rhar. 83.36. - XsunbarmeaA Labor l Bureau, auovt avorruoo at. ' CLKKK sr' bright young mi to It far m ment MalUon: fair salary to alart: Bromo- Una aa wrl Tall bat, aad ,10, SIS i,Bran iiue joung ui i ar pia jer, w c ompany aw with mmdolln.t to make n 'gigements eTesiug. -i Phon O. C Bora j. ham. Kaat bSCI. r- ..',.-,;'..-,. "WTEOWPartner, . to , etart , naaafaetwiag , busineae; about S0 capital, aad aurlces. Address. P 14. car iouroal. , . v . .WANTED Experienced man la da eesxeot work aa sioawaia. Hmi w. m. auair m xm.. fourth ad Columbia. MM want 4 eiperlcaeed far running ek easlea Sprue . Lambef , Or, (WANTED Toon ma with H00 eaah for HDtt , mat mad good prod table boslnc. . . M. 8, ' car Journal. ": WANT partarr real aetata boalaaaa. Call at 230 Stark at. Bradley. L BTTATIOaTB ITOtTNG : wba la willing to work would V Ilka a poalUoa la a wbolmala bona; aaxtawa to buatle.' Anewer I . IK, car Journal. WINDDW-TRIUURK and deoratar BoaiUoa with avaw cood flna: baat reference. Aaawar- If H, cara JoaraaU -- , . 40IIN0 married na. onlTeralty adaeatloa, beat of refaronee. waota a poUio of aar kind. V It, earn Journal. W0DLO Ukd work of anf kind; caa giro ref erence ; atajlnt with parent. C. 8. Spear, 6M Market at. . . lOSmOK wanted RteaogTapher, nret-claa. pari need and aeeorata. P 47, .ear Journal. .WANTED HoaaekonRng for board of lf and husbaad. Addreaa P S, ear Journal. 4 1 1 1 . ..... RVAROin EI.DERLT woawa, PaanarlTanlaa, wnt work a boaaekeoper and cook for mea or will , )t: cook and kitchen work only. Addreea HouaekMper, J, tt. Uruta, Vbarauft uuuotj, JOOD, troatwortb rounf wo ma a waata piece to care for child not under a year; no atom ehlldrea.. Addreaa P , ear Journal. . . EXPRBIKNCED waltma want loaf or abort hour work la reotaaraat, I'bom Mala auoT, Aak for landlady. SCHOOL girl weal place la aiea kooM aa weat aiou wo worn unr iwaa aanani. ft. -car Journal.. WANTED Br red oed yaonf ladr, eovjrlaf ta do at bob or away. 28 Till ar.. Port. JORM ANPEBWON- cV.adlnrrUn-Aaioncaa 1 plorawnt OMcej real oatato; roiilaa and baataoa ehaaee aa enaare our apectaiiy. m 0 iium- aid at. raaaa auia amak JOd NORTH THIRD ST. Keo worthy Eaaokoy- ml Co. We prarura pnaltlona tar -, ployed and furalah help for employer. - Pkona Mala tllS. E. F. Kfy, Maaafur. PACIFIC COAST BafrOTMBNT AOINCT - BaKTd, to 12 lk Soaoad at, r Pbom Rod Ml." t, .. . , , .... UK mmmi v ,-."' . J Soaoad at . . , . PWa Mala lilk, ALPINE BMPLOTstEIfT BT'RBAO BIp far. Bnuteo rraa. van u air aw or Mala MIT. .... PIONEER BmTUIThtErrT CO. lahar , ton; hlp tra to mp4Tr. fafl 1 'BELP waited aad aanBltod. aiala a taawt. B. a. PBAKB. MliWuMMi at. Cay ddt. WJUTTID BKJX UTATB. 'f TO It room weat aid raatdaae. be twee fttb and ITIh. Stark and College: ruth; ao agent. Andrew I.. Cheuem. 27 Washlngtoa balldlug. i BOOMS In all pert f taa city, faraiebed. , Apply no Ooadnough Mdg. ' tXPOSITlON ACCOMMODATION BCKEAU. Cadet- dlreetJoa of the IwWaad Clark Pair r ... Crporatloa. . Pboaa Mala WANTED 4. room, aafarulabed, drat Soor, . with aa of whole or part of baaemeat. Aaawar P IS, car Journal. WANTED i room cottar with bet aad eold water) near Highland preferred M 1, ear Journal. "WUTTB EilSl.lll MBTOPB. . Tr7B PORTLAND ACCT70N BOOMS buy aa. , thing. Pbaa Mala SdS, at all llrt at. WANTED Mere aprajtaif aad . whltowaahlngi , the auly gaaolln aomptrI air apratD , outfit aa a eaut. M. 5. MorgMt Cv, 70 ' Mllwaahle ct. Phono B t WIT. - .1 BUT fftea dltore aad faralrur of aQ kind. P. X. Clark' Aaetiaa houe, 837 - 2B Waehlagtoa at., app. old eipoaltloa bldg. . OENKRAL 0ARDENIN0, lawn taken ear of, . Addreaa Wa, kenned, SI N. Secoad at . Phono Clay 113. . .. SHORT ORDER PRINTINO HOl'SB T. J. Ryder. ncood and Waahloftoa ata. rkoaa Clay ISO. - - " WAITED Second-hand. atodlaavelaad, fob erlntlnt pro; ch-t for eaah. U., Oils LACK curtain laonoered at home; flnt-el work. Mr. Ida Baeblea. rhon Cnloo 1844, J.'-U DUBOIS, ' dealer la ahoea and rubber) 4 a la repairing neatly dona, at Central atattoa. fin ON SO cre wlthla 18 mllea pt city. ". 4SH First, room 31. " " ' AMERICAN BRAVTT PARLORS. 18 Pert t. FOB BIltT-J-OPl-tXXEPUa BOOM. FimNISBED booeekeeplng ad aiagl room by the work or or moau) gaa, aota aaa H -Third eu tW SIXTH ST.--Well furnlehed boaekeplo8 aartawnt) light front room; 8 larg men t room. ' CUPTON. 8MH Fw Ctohnitil Suite I y: BOOKS AND 0AKa. y'j T0CN0 men. If yea want to board nd room - la a permanent and flrat-claaa honae, when --w-rataa are eieaedlngly low. and wlH rmla th m arit rammer they ar new. call ' t tn Alter Hoaae, Kl Settath at, aaraer of Madlaam. Tel. Main 6381. - , THB-LINPKLL Sew family botL Market at., ' bet. Third and Fmrthl a team beat, electric light porcelain hatha; elegant uutaide room , with fW-clue hoard; tw people. 84A460. . 8At mootb. , ' - , FINE. .Xrge, elegantly fwrnlaked room, beat renldent part el city, walking dtataac d car line, tboronghl amdrra In Try r nect; board option U rile raoaabl. Phone : Main 84X0. ' ri, RASA NT fnrnlahed room with board; good , home conklasi rable, featraL 821 Thlr . teen I h t. ' v. . tAROKi, bright mom. Sue clew, with bnrd. . tJH Tweaty-aeeoad at. rtb. t'heo Mala . inoi. . ,- . 1 110 PIOHTEENTrl ST.. (W. Ollm. delrM roouv, 8rit-cUi board; avedora, print bear. fob m-nMMiLzxa books. On InMHln la thl alaailieatlea, rat "81 --woo law. m.i.-'... . MCWLY fnrnlahed. comfortable nlt room. aulu-bl f'ir two or three gentlemen, with modeca coBTeclrnca ; would da for fcouaw keeping II OMirco. inqulr oof Flfta at. j na vaftiaa, j.tnin. uui uei vrn"a ten. entirely newly farnlaaed room of ln r..tT.l ANNKC AM narfa r , Phone OreB 4MX " FINE new fumlahed room far raat only 4 block from h fair entrance, e ear Una, call at i cor in Twenty-tnlrd at. KRAMER'S ROOMINO HOirSB Flrat-rl fur ' nlahed room for geatlemca only. Fifth aad vurueiom. PLEASANT, newly fnrnlahed room, modern -, cooTepleoo, reaaoaable. MS Fifth it, ear. . Llnosla. - y . THE 0LAD8T0NB MV, Saeler itf furahwed v room; aadrt new maoagemcat; arleaa rea- tonablr, CPIEAPEST aad beat located room la Portland. t week ap. Ollawa, Fht nd AlaVw at. NRAT forniahed rooma, 85 aad 80 pee month. Mr. M. Jana, S23 Water and Clay at. NICELY faro I abed eooma. 81.89 per weak aad ap. 84TH rifth. bet. Mala and Madlpon. 41 . NORTH FIFTH Cloa la town, alee far. . mtaKMl MMfli ! knn. MtolL Um ITERSIDE HOTEf 84S bat Oak aft. H, keoplog rooma; lodging. . I'boeo soott 804. TH1 0BAND. 45V North Third ell (reproof - bldg.i geatlemea only. 81-00 per week. . , NEWLY faralha. aolet. mnatont I gwarta at.. rae net no., FINE, comfortable room, 801 Tenth, . ear; Tiylor. . - FOB BEKT K0TT8XS. ONE 7-room hone, -newly 8nlhed..-electric . healthy location, an large porch, car- by - door every 10 mlnutea. ,742 CUatoa IU. eaat . aide. 822.60 par month. . KADDEBLT TEANSFER-COMMIS8ION OOe Piano and furairara mored promptly by ex perienced mea.. 110 Third it, Phoaa Mala ion. .' WEIX foralatjed 8-eoem bone, central, piano, porcelain belli, eteel range,, tq reonoaaibl family of adult. 420 But Yamblll. FOB BEl--OmCB BOOK. TWO office room and 28 efflre epecea, Al lo cation. :-n. w. rarer, ueai UUM Broker, KU Walogtoa. .v. ' - . , . . PHONE CLAY 1811 Drekreoat In well farnlibed erne, shb Mornaoa. near Tnir. Room as. , r ; HOTSB FOB BEKT -FTJ BB1TTI BB BOB SALS THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS win aril year furnltnr far yoa at your rratdeaca or at 21). Flrat at. Phone Mala 086ft. , FtTRNrTTJBE of a S-room hone for aale ebea lz nam by u istn: rea .to; earn ana e It; a bargain. 47 North Nlotb at. . FOOD farnlrnr of 11 rooma. e nut am; aft roeeaa reatoa; central. Mala 4TOB, or ad dree N 14, ear JoormiL " . . FTYE-ROOM cottage for rent; errlctlr moomj rurnitore ror nsict rent au. . oi i mcrinill. FOB 8 ITT aTTSOTLLAJTEOTE, BILtJABD AND POOL Uhle far mat or far aale oa eaay payment. THE B BUNS WICE-B ALKE COLLBKSEB CO - 40 Third t- PortUuad.. . CAROLINE drag aaw machine, courplete ; Palr- Bank m mar egue; u one a new, at 1-8 of eaat; aaap. A. M. Lull, dfil But Ninth at. WE print year name on SO calling curd, proper bib ana ryie. znc; nou nueinene enran, li. Brown dk Schmale. S2 Flrat. Port la ad. Orj CHEAP white laagahaa aad buff orpblartoa egga far hatching, nnd cockeTeln of the earn (train. Inquire U. H. Clark, SM Bellweod at. FOR- SALE Block of Attachable BaU-Beexrog hub oempaayatoeBtf cm. Aoarea sea sua, vaaeaaeer, wnaav DILL pickle by the barrel or bulk at J. ijbieuu, Bt nor lb rra a. uaioa wrecary ISO CORDS Sas r wood a beak rteer it noibrook ror bum or traoa. u Merruea at. UPRIGHT plan need S month. 18B; enran ; Bin aoia. But r irat, cor, aiaia. POMERANIAN Splta pupplee for l at Ratal Kennel, renimmiar atauou, roruaao, or.- FOR SAXB-Orala eleeator. capacity 48,000 uahel. K. n. wiuiameaa, walla, or. FOR SALR-4 heifer, 2 year eld, free; alaa cetca eoliie pup, mou I lay (ia-, - , FOR SALE, cheap, a line Enfllah made plane. in ui mrtnwica t. MAN'S wbewl for ml at a bargiln. No. 12 laortB Kiereut n. .. FRESH milch cow for ul. Apply BSB Mall i.. miiwauaie roea FOB 81 1 TITO SOBIP. FOB SALE LAND SCRIP. Careatrlctrd fonat riaurra acnp for aale t krareet market price. My a. rip a cure 1 title to timbered, farming. grlng or deeert land, 1 any quantity, without red deuce or , lmproeaput. Addree B. M. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. FOB 8ITT 1TIL ESTATE. DO TOO want to bay a farm or a beautiful uburnaa borne IB tn moat eonreaient part af the city, 10-miaute ear aarelce, tranefer to any part of the city, for 6c. We bar a aaw Met of property from 81,800 t SS.ono oa which we can make tor ma oa mot all to salt purrhaaer. call la aad let aa abow yea om of our bargain. -. , M. B. KBATTT. ' .'i: XI, S4 Blith it. i 8S.4SO A good borne, belt location la eoata rwtnina, naoaern coaeonieaeee, waning aie tance from bolnee center. Phone Mil 8412 FOB SALE FARMS. FARMS FOB SALE - AND EXCHANGE. 48 acre ef aaady aoll: S in cultlyatlon; bona and nam! creek through ta place. . A nap at SToa. SO acrea 40 c lee red. honae aad barn; raining e freer of water; eloe to ranol; 80 ml! from Portlaad. - A eaae at Souo. 1T0 aerea Bottom land; 80 la rtiltlTatloa; part sandy aoll ; , bulimag coat fX,ouu; acre In orchard: I tha heart of the Willamette alter: : '-.. 40 acre IS la rultlratloa; reet la timber; 11 fenced; a good 8-room houee and new bar; 8 mile from R. M, aad town, 20 mile from Portland. 81.000. 400 ecree Moatly la calilvitloa; all bottom - lied; noUBO d brj ar Albany )- d it I a big imp t 10 per ecr. 80S ere 200 leeel, 100 under culllrllo. X light timber, S pnng, well at th huuae. 20 acre In good orchard, a I room hoo end barn and other outhoiiaes. 80,000. 8fa mile from Sclo. Or. SSfl acre rno In col 1 1 ration ; bourn and barn. 87 cuttle, 00 hog. I0U genu, 4 borne. I aew wigonst new binder, mower, rake and plow, etc.; SO acrea ef fall grata; eo mile from Portland. 88.000. Thee are jnt a tew, W bar hondredi ef firm for aale end trade, and moatly loratod la tb Willamette railey. '''' 11 : und co., 184 H Fourth at. - Pboa Bed 8880. ) BIB0RN A SH ELTON, , OondoB. Oregon, IT larg and email wheat ranch for l. Information cheerfully- gieea; earre- rndenee eollclted; barrvlna for lareitor. A. Ball ten, eouaty iwaer. - , BAROAIN. ll.dftO 70 acre ood farmlnr land. part clear, lenreej, enuoe. nam. rroil. s mile from eipoaltloa grouada. D 11,' Journal. 0no SO ACRES good aoll adjoining Oregon vuy; nouee anu apring on puicv; ror aa m or trad. Plumber. 402 William are. DO YOU want to all your form t If ao. Ilet It wit a, nn nar tn mi yen bow. neeai A Baker. 217 Abingtoa bldg. ' A OOOD farm ef 48 acre. H la crepe. 81.800: tent. , Other reran na property, (U wen locsAed. i 814 Bronklya l. ' 30 ACRES, f mile from Portland, on baa llee road: alee n room booe, vxt reet. ianire it 84T l-Wldlert. 8SV1-ACRR farm. Imprnred. for -aale or trad , for good realtime Port la ad; na agent, la . eulr 803 Cherry of.. .. ,.; . t C100 TCiZES FOH Tb jouurauU will pay t&UM for orerr 0rlom sad Taraa of 7108710 bow TVs Jouraal "Warn Adt" wUsk are lea U this offlad aad aw ctfted fit aM U Th Joaml '"' . alvd tb followlas; lawtrmotloma eeuraftillyt ' MTerw Oariooa sua Tare JtaTlo , ataurt 'b aoooBtpaBlarl by a ' "Waal Ad" Ilka tboa aadar tha lf fereart lamMfloatioaa m thaao pag-wa, to Irs aad la e 1th ear His aailw or, Bandar inane of Tho eTomraak Th aaieTo f thooo adrertlgeiueuta la 81 words for IS ooats. - BTo adrartlae- . meat aooeytod for loos thaa IS aoats. - BTo Oartooa or Tre of JMtf la Is aater4 la tao -loateot aaloas aoooat .'paalod ky a "Want Ad" aaa ta aaoaoy for It. , '" . Tao aaata, afo aad addreaa of tao oalla who draws oao of taoso Oar too aa aad wxttas a-Terao of eTiaglo mxmt ao. wilt baa oa orory oao aoat to tala offteo, la tao child's owa aaadwrltlar. Tha Oartooa aad Torso aanat ao ta black Ink, aad all oa oao el of paper. . Xf yoap father or another oaaaot giro yoa oao of taoso "Waal Ads," ; saraly oomo frload or alrhbor oaa. - Bo euro to look for your adowrtlsoaaoat la tao paper. - - - i :' xht Cartoons aad "Waat Ads' stay bo daUworod to Th p'oaraal or oat By aiall.. .-. r. , - - . BT early orary ealld oaa writs a Tara aad draw a Oartooa. - tt yosrs be aooepted, yon will roooivs I SUM ta saoaay aad Bars your atotaro. la -Who Jouraal, ;. ... , :"";- '..'.. T r ! BTSIBESS CHAN 0X8. BOOM1NU HOl'HS HEADQUARTERS. TAFT A CO., : 128-4 AbUgtoD Blk. Pboa Mala IBS. ' We ' make a ' SPBCIALTY" OF ROOMINO HOI HKH and bar maij of th . MOST DE- eHBABl.E LOCATION!) that r for -eal. uoou torationa are going teat. - riot our partial Hat below of both large aad email one. It the Ooa't rait yoa, call li w 03 BOOMS Swell furnlahlnra. EXTRA CHEAP i KENT aad good LEAnE. IBIT locitlon In city;, ideaflng aboTe in erpcnicd fOuu ijr month. Price llT0O0, - . j, enBaaBBam - - -wawM 40 ROOMS Baa . nart af MarrlM t.v ' TOTT cep rem aaa gooa long ieee. 11 yea want a good trantet bue and a money-maker, don't fall to ae thl. . Price for thU work , ealy, 86,500; part ' "... eaah. . 4 BOOMS BRICK. THE" VERY BEST LOCA- tion in the city; 8-year leaae; rest ONLY 8100 per month. Tela boo I ' POSITIVELY clearing aow, abore aU eipene. 0 per month.' PHe 88,600; -vBrt na.------r ; -t US BOOMS New furniture, eteara heat, hot and cola water In nil rooma; good lea, mak .. las bjg Biooey. 84.000. ; y . ,. ROOMS Steepj heat; newly' furfdabed aad remodeled; 2 year' leaae : rent : , ealy 1M per month. Prloa 83,600. . BOOMS New, modern -building, newly , fumlahed. ewell location, every room - taken; rest only 8128, 8 year' leaae. A pickup for, 12,800. ; ' BOOMS ATI extra large,' eplendld Vtca-,- tlon, all Moqnetand Axmiaater ear. .'.( '. Pt; good hard furniture; cheep rt: rent owner ha bad th bone for pear. A gllt-edg buy for 82,800. ' BOOMS Bent only lift per month; good , leaee: clearing about M per mouth; beat tocatioa I the city for ewell trade. For a fulrk aal we mt reduced th .r prtea to 18,700.. j ., , 82 BOOMS Ron Ten location; rent 81TB; good leaae; a tea a beat, hot and cold -water - 1n moat all room; aow clearing about ' ' JITtae atoBth. A cheap prlc for Id BOOMS New brick, arrlcily ' modern-, newly fnrnlahed, nwell location for transient. THIS IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE BEST ' BUY w bar had for aom time. Cheap rent, 1-year leaae. Price 81,000. ' It BOOMS Elegant by furniahed; flret-ehM . location; cheap rent. - A apacial offer - - thla week for ; 12 BOOMS Neb HUI location; ap to dat In - erery reapeft; nhost eiqulettdy fumlahed . v - bouse; etrlctly modern: hot water heat: ' cheap root' and good lea.' A map at :; 11,850. ... ., 13 BOOMS Hot and cold water la nearly all . rooma; beat kxwtloa In th city; clearing ' a here all aapenae 888 per anoata. Prlc .; tl.SUO. , - . . ... - ' BUSTNTaM TrPPORTTNITT. ; Large and heat ef Ita kind la the dty. We poaltleely gueraotee that It I -clearing ; ahOT all eipenae f 1,900 per mouth. ,. For. farther particular can. BUBINK88 CHANCES. - - SALOON Oood locatlo; cheap rent and leaae; doing a nice nnalnena. Price 8.1.000. 0ENEUAI, MERCHANDIHB 8 Mrot-rlare place t .Ineolce. Will bear laeeatlgatloa. CCBIO STOUE On Waablngtna at.; rent only , . I TO per moath; 1-yer leaae; good flxtarw and etork. Prlne 4300. JEWELRY STORE Bet locatlea oa Weeh ' - Ingtea et.; extra cheap rant; 2 yea re' - lea; - will eeli all or Intereet. or will rl leaae. Call for further par ticulars. v WrJ CAN MAEB TEEMS ON ANT OT THE ABOVE. AIX TITLES OTABANTEm. BUTEBS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. . ' WE WANT 10 TO 15-RO0M BOUSES; ALSO to,io 40. , r .. TAFT A CO.." ia- AMngtoa Black. 106 Third SL t ST. LOUIS ' BROEERAOE CO., ROOM -AOS. 84 SIXTH Tk " ROOMINO HOUSE SNAPS. Rooming honae, 23 room. One location for transient trade; earner compelled to leer dty, conuoBtly will aell at. greet aaeriOce, Inreatigete at once. ST. LOUIS BROKERAGE CO.. ' ' Boom 303. 84 Sixth C '--- For Sale Booming boa, S rooma, elegantly furnkibed, new furniture, fall ef good-paying roc mere : z-year icane. nee tni at - ST. LOUIS BROKEBAGB CO.. HOOm BUW. B BIXIB Bt, Far Sal Booming bona near fair ground; full good reamer;, 7 ream, cheap rent; a map during fair. ST. LOUIS BROKERAGE CO., Boom S03, 84 8ixth at. For aale Rooming bona. II room, modern, rent 800, leaae an til December; nicely fvrniahed. See thl. I. I.OIlin BKOK RRilll w Boom 806. 4 Sixth t. Foe Sale Reataarant. alrely ecjalnped, near minn. depot; beat location In dty for big nwa during fair: cheap rent, good I; thl I ealy ea market for thl week. I ST. LOUIS BROKERAGE CO., Room SOS. 84 Sixth t. If yoa want t bay a nnlnees can and aee ua; we hat place ef ill kind at all price, and aoma Tory great bargalna. -,--. ST. TIU1S BR0KERA1B CO., - -, BOOM 808, 84 SIXTH ST. OBEOON ' ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. - Cigar and ne atand. choice local km. goad trade, moderate rent, new itock aad Sxtare. 4M. - - - 1 T ronrn.-choice location. 2 hlorka from Port Uad Hotel, extra good furniture, rent 840;- a maney -maker. 8300. . OKEOON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. - ,-' ,7 , 288 Vk " WablngtoB ' n.' r 7 ' FREE LANDS IN OREGON. Fertile oil. pur wafer, dellghtfnl climate; land ef alfalfa, apple d clover. Per fall , rnfirmaHon addreea the Colambla Boutbera trrlgatloa Co., ttiO Werceatet block. Port la ad. ul ABETTA BISCUIT FREE If you don't knbw how good Abotta Biscuit are. The Jour . na) wants try them, ' You can get a package of, these Biscuit, free . j :,) ' :;;:V.tH-Srl; tfer either the Daily or Sunday" Journal." Abetta Biscuit are made right here in Portland by the Pacific Coast Bis cuit Co., out of flour made in Oregon from Oregon-grown wheat. BOOST! , USE OREGON GOODS! DOYS AND GIRLS BtBTBTBS 0BABCXB, BUSINESS CHANCES. 83,000 PABTY with thl amount to Join m with my 8.1.000 In my conceealon t tb xpoaltloa gronada; I will gtra yoa borne, reel eit aa collateral and H Intereet la th profit. Addne H. 14, Joarnnl. FOB 8ALK flrorery In the beat auburn n lo cation n city, doing good eaah buatneea; hora. wigoei lad flue itock; will atand eloa InToatlgatioa. Addreaa P 8. care JouraaL BOA RHINO MOrSB-r-24 room, leaae. rent 840 lper month, clear about 82io a nwnth, beat tnJ'JVrll.00 taT hoarding nouee; . T waya-iH oTboarden. 72 Union are. CANDY STORE with caadymaklng entdt and Hying rooma; owner will teach buyer to men- - farture; genuine nan; $UVi. city Buaioeea Chance-Agency, 228 Flrat at. , FOR SALE Confectionery etore, eigar and light grocertoe; a good paying boalne; llTlng 'rooma; pertle Icartng city. Sol - Powell at., cor. Nineteenth. - ' ) WOOD Inreetmeot, corner lot and 2 4-room houaea. Beech end Michigan. 82,000; 3 lota ad 4-room hcMee, Plttcnger'a add., 800. Pboa Scott 848S. FOB SALE M ret -c la a reetaurant; good leea. tlon; doc largest boalneaa in dty. For fur ' - ther partlcnlar addreea Box 84, Salem. Oa TAILOR'S STORE for Ml; good eetiMlahed bualnem; will ell cheap; ' Income 8100. 4 Eighth at. Berth. - PARTNER to-t.k half at fair grouada; 1,600 hall. Intereet la parllloa required. 871 Mar. MEAT MARKET, doing. InerMalag; 8600; bargain fine hulne, trad P 10, car Journal. FBUIT prodac merchant , email capital. Addreaa want partner with N B, cara JbnraaL FOB SALE, cheap, good r good location. Inquire Mtaurant with lea; t OR FlrM at. KKB0BAX, THE " MtiiKnlil Register," price 10c. de ecrlhe reputabl reeldeota of Oregon and Whlngton who wMh to marry, and glee full particular! courteou, bonorabl treat met. apeedy remit and ehoolnte eecfecy ' mmred. latentatt latredaclnf Society, Bog 1070, Portland. MONTHLY ulrregnUrltte yield promptly to our palate met hud of treatment; we treat dla ee ef women ealy; conaultatloa free; prl . rate and etrlctly eoaSdentlaX. , X Radium Inatitut. Third aad Morrira. Allaky bldg. BOOKSI BOOKS! BOOKS! The kind you're looking for: "Decameron." "A Hot Tamale." Roaaa CoafeMloa," "A Sodl Lioa." "Finale Bill," "The Beauty Spot." 50 each; llata free. A. Schmale, Z4) Flrat at. THE beat aeddeat poney. the "A nnlteiMry . Legacy," written snly by th Preferred A- . cldent Inaannc- Company of New York. Thorn P. TtaorntoB, . general agent, SIT Cham bee of Commerce. Phon Mai 784. I WANT tha aeqoalataaee ef a middle-aged . lady about 48 to SO year, with about 81.000 to 82.000, money to atart a bueiseee and hae a god home after marriag. lBqulr D IT, care JeornaL MANLY vigor re tared by Dr. Robert" Nere Global. Oa Bwath' treatment, 82: 3 . meatha. IS; ent eecurely eealed by malL Agent, Wewdard, Clark A Oa. Pertlaad. Oa HAVE you aeea tb Bpeacer Company about your ahlrtwalat Mitt If not. hurry am Int. . eet etylea: ladle.' own Fonda nude-Bp; goats' anina a epeciauy. tso inn at. - - ' TOUR - preacctptloBB ar more aecaintoly nnd reaaumahjy Slied at Bjeail'l Pharmacy, 83T ' Morrtaoa at., 'oat. Flrat aad Saeoad sla.V THREE TEABS IN ARKANSAW beatu' book yea ever aaw. SB. Joaea' Booh Store. 201 Alder t. FOB SALE HORSES AND OABBIASZB, HORSES, wagon, ban, all klada of hide bought. Bold end rented. Habart A HaU. 204 -Fourth. Phone Mai 2208. FOB BXXt SnSOEIXABXOTa, FOB BENT A large MmpbMWom ar ban, tot Boar. Apply elermtoe man. Oaodnorh bMa. ABSATXBa. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYINO OFFICE4 Analytical chemlat and metallurgiat. Prl gold nd llTer, 1; oopper. 60 eU. 204 H -Waahlngton It. J. A. - MOE, BMayer and analytical .ebemlat. .wxi Atileny at., car. Kignta. asphalt firm, THE Trinidad Arphatt Parlog 0 at PartlaaA OfSe 888 Worceetar blk.- BTOTOtS DEALERS. COLUMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT, SPORTING GOODS, EXPBRT REPAIRING. F, P. KEENAN. 208 THIRD ST. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. BARD 1BREUMXBTS, CHAS. h. YORK A CO.. I04H Pint repairers, platen; York A Som and DeOure Inatrumrat. ; .' 1 11 BLANK BOOK KAXtTACTTTBIBS. HOWS. DAYIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Sacuwd it. Blank book Manfictarcr; agent far Jone laproeed Lam-Lai ledger; paper-eulliig, bookbinding. - - CLEABTBft AND TBEUmO. HAVE your clothe cleaned. and re- palred hy Mnr. -Wharton: ladlee and gent)-, men a npecialty, 140 "4 rirat. phone Red 3lV COMMI8SI0B HERCKAJfTS. DAVENPORT BROS. general commlaalon mer chanta; friilta and prodnce; conalgnmta ce ll cited ; prompt return. ISO Front . EVKRDINO A FARRBLL. prodnce aad commie. lea mer cheat. 140 Ft eat at., Portia od. Or. -, phone Meln ITS. CROCKERY ATO SLA88WARX. WHOLESALE mckry and glaMware- pTaei. Hegele A Co.. 100 to 100 Fifth, car. Stark at. tOm SALE lEAf ESTATE. Adeertlaemeat part la lug to Baal Batata, en time rate "81 ward far 18 eaat." ' . H0MEKKEKERS. j ! . . A 4-room. awdera bou with lot, at Sua, nyalde ..1.280 4-room, modern, Vt Sunoyeld. ctoa to ear lie , 8-eoom, modera beu, cloa la; a nap. . .f 1,000 5- room, modern houee, elegant, Uateeraity Park ,, 13,280 A 7-room, modern boose, eaat eide, eloa In; trout cash; a anap. 1 . . . . .-. 11.800 A 10-room, modera bona, cloa la; a good boy ....... ..... 'g8'000 . Eaay term en an he amrra tpieslal bktgalna. Thl la only a few et our may bargain. Wa bar reeldVuce aad buaiaee lot, la Portland aad Ita euburb. ... UND A CO., 184 H Fourth it. Pba Bed iiZi. MOUNT TABOR. West Ate. . Station Choice building Iota, a mo eommrdlou modern bouae of II rooma with 1 acrea or two lota, alee f round, electric light, water; tw mail de Irerire dally; 0 to 10-mlnute oar errtlrr; , 20 minute to Third it.; price hwv pert eaah, balanoo A per cent, Geo. H. Andrena. Phone Scott 8.'l. . . J .-, . FOB 8Al.r.-room bouae, 2 lvta set to fruit and berrlee, front oa car line. II.A0O; 2 kt and email 'house 'Mock from car line, , IM; grocery a tore, oo, Weat are, end Mon taiilla ear line, Sl.Ono, Addre CantwcU A Co.. West .are.. North Mount Tabor. , BIG boo Ul thl week moat bar money; 4. 8, 0. T nd tt room bouae and cottage, all complete sd etriclly modern. See owner. Jo Nash. In tb white bou t Nahrllle ' atatlea, oa ML Scott car line. Pbon L'nlo NOTICE TO PH0PERTT OWNICHR You will Snd It profitable to Hat your property with ua. both for rent and for sale, We hare maty cilia for cottages, email Improeed raacbea: we ran rent or aell what you hare. ' Call en N. Sprague, 12214 Grand ., room 14. GOOD, 8-room house, 2 Ion, fruit tree, barn. 21 tnd of Italian tieee with Sxturea, good family cow aad chicken! ; must be aald at nc for any price. M. Barron, McKenna are. and Warrea at., portamoath. . FIVB to 8-room kouaee with large lota en Eaat Ankeny car, oppfwlt the broom, factory. 812.80 to 8tf rooni.-ily. Why pay rent whra - yoa caa buy on these term W, J. Bardca, -oootractor and builder. . - r 82.800 Corner, 100x100, S-room boo, bath, , toilet, etc.; 14 fruit tree; good barn: twa blocks from U or Woodlawn cara. See owner, ' aw. corner Sharer and Mallory ar. Phon . t'nioa SIM. ' 4 - - - FOR' BALE New hoot and 84 acre. 11,000; - eery at term. 8 arree, a25. 10 acrea, - 8000. See agent. - Oral bob Booth Gate' eroealag. Tike Eatacada car, 0. W. P. line. A NICE 4-roem bona with bath; pleeteced and -papered; cor. lot 80x100. with barn nnd chicken bouae; 37fi0. one half cub. Owner, 4JB tiy t-, cor. Seventh. . ORCHARD Assorted frnlti- -good condition, good boons, nenr Portland, for aal cheap. Owner, ons Cemmercial block, .' cor. Second and Washington. A rWNUINR bargiln, 8-room. fancy donble- able cottage, cement walk, corner lot. I.oon; owner. 411 Mechanic. Unioa 8172. roodlawa car. , . GOOD taeeatment, aorner lot and hoe a, well ., located on ear Tine, rented for 829 per month. Price 12.800. Apply John Bat. 234 Stark C A BARGAIN 2 corner and 8 Inalde lot. Lowe Albln; eery lghtly; street, sewer end aide walk. Call -owner. Phono Mala 2777.' NEW T-ronm bouae, ear. kit, tower, g, Btreeta Im pro red. lewn. rose, fruit and shade trees; wall place. 82.800. 811 East Flandera. FOR 8 AXE Nine-room house nicely arranged, . corner lot, Suanytde, en block fret car, - 82.800. P.. W. Lewie,, 27 Flrit t. FOR SALE Snap la a 8-room hoaae, cheap; also a .T-rnom honae, furnished, rant 18; a bargain. 802 Madison. Front 181. FINE 7-room bou and double lot. rloae It. only 82.000: term. Phone Mala 1418.. Cer mania Land tie.. 202Mi Second it. LOTS to lease it th entrance to Lewla .end . Clark fair groonde. - R. W. TraTer, real eatat broker, 23j Washington L 4-ROOM hoe,' 3 lota, barn, woodshed, fruit . tree, good condition, 7i; eaay terms, cell A83 Hood St. Pboa Hood 1001. . ' OR SALE A beautiful new Aroom bona and mt.'BftxIOO feet, 870 Preeeott at., for 82,360; tak Woodlawa ar Verawa ear. FOR SALE New. modern, S-room bouse, fur nished -or unfurnished, eoutheaat lde; esay term. PhoB Scott 4006. FOR SALE 20 acre. 8 mile from Yanconeer; soo fruit tree, aew bob. 827 Boaelawa are. 8-ROOM bona, 2 lot 100x100; price ll.Suu. Inqulr 837 Eset Sixth t north. BARGAIN Modern 8-room cot 1 a re, nice yard, -near twe ear lines. 747 Brook ly a at. erf. OOOD home can he had cheap, 1080 aad ap. Enquire Mr. Brandon, Woodlawa. COAX AND WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO. Our leader ar washed Bootless range, 80; lump, 43. So; Australia lamp,; Rock rluringa lump, 37; delleered; no omening ud full weight guaranteed. Phone Main 848. WESTERN FEED FCEL CO.. ear. Fteat aad . Hoyt etreet, deelere la domestic aad stssm coal, blacksmith oaL charcoal aad eeh. Pheae Mala 101A STAR COAL CO Dealer la forelga and do meati enela; wa bar the beat Wyoming ooaL OfSea 232 Stark. Phone Mala 1013. ALBINA FTJEL CO Dealers la cordweed. aeal and greea aad dry lahyrood, R. B. and Al blna ar t block Mat of. ferry. Eaat 874. BUPEBT FUEL CO. The beet dry wood ta town. Don't forget to phone But 1488. 288 Bait Eighth St., cor. Madlaoa. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO.,1 dealers la ccsl. eord wood aad dry alab wood. Pboa Bast 424, COLUMBIA Wood. Coal Yard. East Eighth aad Hawthorne. . Pboa Eaat 2087. OREGON FUEL CO. I an ktnde of aoal aad weed. 844 Morrison. Pheae Mala SB. KIRK ROOTER. SIS Wlter et, wood end oL Pheae Msla 4880. CAFES. KRICKSON'S RESTAURANT Merchant' lunch 11 a. m. ta 13 p. m. j ander aew mana cement. O. B. EYANS. prop. . Secoad and Burns! de. THE OrriCE 2M Wasblngtoo It, TTi: Pickett A Time. Phoaa Mala CLAIBT0TAKT AND PALMIST. - MADAMB JOHNSTON Ctalrwynt. palmlat. card reeder; 1 glee fact reliable d 1n ' porta nt on nil affair of reel life. Res ding ... 80. .-. SB Se Tenth aL. Bear Oak . CABPEKTEBS AND BUILDERS. A ji 'AUTHORS aad kl WOOD, rarpentec . and bnlldersi repairing ind yobblng: at or and efOc Sxture built. Shop 2u0 Colamui. Phon Clsy 131. 4V HOI MTOX. builder, itl Morrison: Aealgna ' frsme or btlck rmildinsTs; contract faith fully fulfilled; thorough work, low price; eketrbe free. - - -' HorF TYSRN. building and remodeling; store- nituree a penalty, jdz Flrat n. , pneo . Osy 824. CABPET-CLXAEHO. WE clean your cirpet ba th oork enwT- iNg grease epot. moth and germs T die eaae, disinfecting and putting your carpets In ,a ssnltsry count Ion: we gnsranter to rsls no dust; satisfaction snre. Phon "Clsy, .til fur free demonstrstlon. STANDARD Mtera Cernet-Cleenlnr Co. -rpets i-leeneltT-'reRlfed, sewed and Isld; mattresses, festher reiHirsted, Kat Third, north, and ' Pacific ata Phone Eaat 2KO. Merrlmaa A North. BBISSMAXIBO. SHIHTWAISTS, wool or' waah silk, mad for 8120; shlrtwslst suits 404 Eaat Mar ket. Phone Ksat XHtl. KKISTKR'S Udlee' Tallorlna College; pat terBs cut le meaeura Allaky hall 4uU 2U MorrleoB at. 1 MRS. McKIRCRN, drees gad el. maklsg. 851 MorHsoa at. , . 0 R ESSMAKING Strtetly p to dat I east Seelga. 488 Clay at, . . , ... . CIGARS ABU T0BA00O. fcfRBRO-GUNST C10AB Cti ... uiatfinator or -, ,, f .- FtRB 010ABS. ' ' Portlind. Orogoa. CZMSKT C0BTBACTOBB. CHAS. H. CARTER A CO.,' cement contractor. 44 Kaat Twentieth it. Phon taat 141A All work gusrsnlsed. , 0ABEIA0E AXS BACK OOKPAEIXS. THE . UKITRD -CAKfilAUB CO. Carriages. tally-be rig aad carry-alls. ' 188 hie re nth at., cor. Morrison. Phone Main 222. STXXKe AMD CLXABTKB. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANINO A DYEING Work; practical hatter la eooaeelloa; festher boa aad plume elesoed end curled br aa pert. Ill reurm. v raoa viy to.- CLOTHES cleaned and preeeed 81 per ment Unique Tiilortng Co.. S4T Weahtngtoa at. nth. B. W. TURNER, profeeloa1 dyer and els r. 808 Jefferson St. Fbea Mala 8B18. 000 AND K0KK HOSPITAi. ua. u. si. Dauwi.. v. t. ... v. ..ins, bone hop!tsL 802 Wash. Phoae CUy 1878, B. Eaat 3038. .' - . ' v. . DB. B. J. CARNET, D. T. S., TStarlosu-y our. goon, remoeed to 298 OUsaa at-, bet. FearU d Fifth its , , " . ILICTEICAX WORKS. PACIFIG - ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, eoo-trs.-tori. repairer, electric wiring and P plle. 84 First, cor. Stark. Pbooa Mala 860. K. H. Tat, mgr. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 808 Stark St., Portlaud. O. B. for ererr thing la the elMtrieai line. Phoo .-Main ls8., .. . TTJf AKCIAt- CHANCB tor Idle money Income bearing prop erty paying net 8 per cent on 842.000 oaa b bad for 3-12.800. Lock box 504. city. ' . rrjEEmrKE faotobxeb. OBEOON Enrol ture ataoufactauing Company - Minuf acturer of furniture for . tb trade. 'Portland. Or. - .. .. FURNITURE maunfartarln and special L. RaTsnsky'l furniture factory. 870 Front ex. FTBBACZt, BOTH TON warm-air furnace sto fuel. J. . Bayer. Farnace Company, 80S Second Main 441. . FOREST BE8KBTE S0BXP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOB SALE Ap proved, anrestrtctea, ready ror immediate Bse; lowest prices. B. F. i F. B. (Alley. X Chan mber of CO Bl sABo8eBw OB00XBB, WADHAMS A CO., wholaralo grecers, nil aetarars aad 00 Morales ion merchant. Fourth and Oak a Is. . - ... ALLEN A LEWIS, oommlaatoa aad peudaee atter chants. Front aad Parle ata, Pertlaad. Or. HORSECLIPPrHO. MORfeM'IJPPlNG byWack -Wright, L Mod sstanics. pixin anu niara, an wore goaran' teed. Main 740. BTTntAK KAIB BOLLS. i. J. BORG, manfr: bamau hair rolls, 428 B. Sth. Pboa East 2211. Store. 38 Morrlaoa at. SWITCHES FOB SALE. SWITCHES made, combing bought or mad ta order. 04 E. Twelfth at. Phone Bast 1710. MO-TELE. 7 HOTEL Psadletoa. Peadltoa, Or. P. W. Waits, Mgr. HOTEL Pertlaad. ABMrleaa pUa; 83, 18 per day, HOTEL St. fjeorg,. Pendleton;, leading betoL BELYEDBBB; Bail pi a plan; 4th aad AMsr Ma. tVSTJKAXOX. LAMBEKT, -W1I1TMER A CO. Fire insurance d real eetate, successors to Arthur Wlhtoa A-Co.; efBoea. west side, 107-1U0 Sherlock bldg.. Main 1O08: east aide dept., 404 Eaat Aioer luitiaena- oanij, aan eui. I8AA0 800 Dekna JAB. Mrl. WOOD, omployere llsblllty let la, dleldnal accident surety bonds ef a U blade. Pboa 4T. 802 M-Kay bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire Inauraiwe, 442 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Pboa Clay 83A M0TXT TO L0AB. THB STAR LOAN CO. day aalartwd employ, wig a rear, caa 81 ea his bote, without mortgage MoatB. H stouts, wees. H 00 Ropey to aa 818.33 or 88.05 or 83 38 .00 Repay to so $ 8.08 or il M e 41 .00 A nay to as I 4.00 ae 12.00 ar 11.00 e.o mcaay Mog. II TB per cent money; we build yoa a bom - or ir-ss yoa money on your pmnerty. monthly beymenta; laTeatigate; open Saturday eeea logs. Roam 14-lf Ubb bldg.. 227 m Wasa . Ingtoa t- MONEY -TO LOAN real, peroneal aad col. lateral aecarlty; speetel attentlo to chattel mortgagee: notea bought. C. W. Pallet. 804-8 Featoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at. HIOHLT respectable place where Moles end gent can borrow money diamond nnd leWesry. Collateral Loaa Bssk. 209 Wash Ingtoa r.t. Phon Black Tl. SEN-tb Dann-twrence Co.. real estate and Bnanrlal agent; money to loaa a atortrar securities nt low rate la sum from 8300 to 810 ono. 1414 Fleet st. IB IX1ANS nd upwards o ul kinds of secw- nry or t salaried people on their note; swoi retcs; no, publicity, no delay. 218 Abingtoa bldg. Phone Red 1724. MONEY ADYANCPD salaried people, tea rest era, etc., without eurtty; easy payments: larg est bmrlne In 40 principal cttle. Volmia '22 Ablnctoa bldg. CHATTEL loane In amounts reurtec from 323 t 88.000; rooming-hones n perts1ty. New Era Loaa A Trust Co., 208 Ahlnxtn bMa. LOANS on furnllnre, plsnoe and other securi ties: lowest rites. M. T . Mnt, room- s a'ashlngtrm bldg. Phone H'iod 410. MONEY TO iyAN In Isrge or email smenat en good Mcnrlteg lowest- rale. "William Q. Beef. SOT Falling tMg. LOANS at lowest rates on furniture, piano; n aeeurltT note twrrhaied. Baetora Leaa flic. 4M Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN oa Improeed city property. ' In suras to suit. Parrlsh. Watkln A Co EVt Alder eL THE CRESCENT t IX)AN COMPANY Balsre loans, from three, to six months; eonfldeutlsl. 217 Orrgonlan. . MONEY TO LOAN on Cla-kxmae County Innds. R. P. sad F. B. Riley. 008 Chamber of Com merce. . .... rpORTLAklD REAL ESTATE AN8. 8 AND 8 per cent. WBUfimMa- a euiims MONEy'Io loan, 8 per cent. Northrup A Kins. 210-211 Commercial block. TO LOAN 8100 t 32800 by Charles Ulretet. AH Third ml., rbnm A MONBY to ln 810.000 it 8 per (eat ea city prot,erty. . 273 Stark at. MONEY TO r.THN Armly ta Robert A. Miller. 3Ts1 Commeeetet block. KTJBI0AX. 8KIJf-PLAYING l-IANOS Cecllrs slf-play-Ing piano pronounced th best br lesdlsg Biuslclans; llao Cecilia n plnm. i,ayr. - K. l. Wills Mn.le Houee. 0 Alder et. SECOND-HAND mnslrel rnstrameate et all kinds at lowest prices, rash or lostallsaeaM. Fisher Music 1.. ISO Third St. sfl'MIC lessons rlren no nlano. Miss If?. back, studio 420 Vfneonver aee. Pboa Eaat 1004. LEXKONS SOe piano, guitar. h0Jo.mdn1i, Tlolin; Instruments for sal. , 2411s Hirst. MR. AND MRS. Tl. 'A. WERRPft. hentr. aiando. Ua, guitar Instra.-tlo. Mala 3088. 173 W. Park. MEDICAL. BAI.M OF B-U for ill fem.l ilmm-r-t. Alder at. Phon Main MAOEETT0 aUALIXa. FOB msgnetl hosting, consult P, B. Wei, mi.b mwt... irscj nasB trance reading fur 1. 34 rurU at.. pp. city hall. . . MRS. L. H. HART suceesemlly treats sU eases: method taught. "New Thoar't' - roe ding-room. 811 Tourer bldg. Mai 4u8. 2 BLA88A0,E FRENCH ladle gle bath aad Bmasag treat ment. 208 Fifth at. Phoae Mai bOJa.. AMERICAN BEAUTY PARLORS.' rOO-Parh t. VOTARY PUBLIC. PR EPA RATION of deed aad Bmrtgsge a siiecuany; price requceu. a. A. a rstue, id,, the Msroitam, : ttYEBJULS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OYBRALLB and -f-4eV clothing; unioa made. Nsaatadter Brea.. I nhmfturra Portia ad. Or. -- OSTEOPATBTT. DkX. liRAPFIS A LKONARD - Osteopath I ' nnysirians. Boll 818-830, stohawk bldg.. Phone 7ta. - . PALMISTRY. EVISHYBOI'V Is Interested In the fntnref SO years' atndy ha, made' me a msster ef . palmistry; It you contemplate - going Into business I can at enee say it your aelectlen will proTe' proatsble and per hap a you th - ,' earnlns of a- life time; If yoa wth to peculie. Iraeel, " seek . lost health, roes It . Albino, the Palmist. Fait told, future re- . reeled. Central HotVl.-eult e-4. oor. Utb and Ktsrk. - Hesdlnga We. PLATTNO. EASTERN. PLATING CO.. 24 Alder tie Id. all ror.. copper, nickel nil bras plating,. ' Jewelry work specialty. Phono Main THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 481 ; Ington sL Pboa 8078. . Psllablag, BlaU sad lacnuerlng. PXUMBIEA NBDYIDECK ft WATK1NDS, Plumbing and gaa fitting, 361 Third atreeL Phone Mala sUuo. DONNERBERG A - BADEMACHER. Bsaltarf piumnern a roorta el. rota FOX A CO., sanitary plumber. 281 Secoad bet. Meln and Salmon. Oregoa Phone Main Soot. B0OITKO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad jobbing. J. LpbB. 212 Jef feraoa at. BXTBBZB STAMPS. P. -O. STAMP WORKS. Set Aider St.. phoo Mala 710; rubber etsmps. seala, atesell. baa , gag, trade check: vend for eatslo-e. PBTJfTTBd. BUSHONO A CO. Front and Stork to., prtnt. , tag, lithographing, blank bnoka aad effwo applies; work doo ea tlma: most com pert printing ofnes Is the weat.- Mala ISA ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, prtattae. Hthagrsrelna. blank book. Pheae Mais IT. ' Bns Alder at. -....-i;..... . ' PAH is, OIL AXS BLA8S. F. E. BEACH ft CO. Pioneer paint Oo, eelllae the best trlnaV made In palnta and general building materials: window-glass nd gl.sing B apecialty. 188 first t. Phone Mela 1834, - BASMUSfEN A CO. Jobber, paints, ail. glaai assh asd doors. Sseead and Tsylsr. BOPX, PORTLAND CORDAGB CO.- and Northrup ata.. Portland. Or. SAFES. SAFES The man who knowe the good and bad - point 'of all aafea bore the Herring-Halt. Merrta. No. TO Sixth St., Portland. Or. c FOR opening bxitouta and Ufa bargalna so to J. E. Darla, 0 Third at. SHOWCASES ABO rlXTUEXA SHOWCASES of eeery oeecrtptlos; benh. 1 br and etore Sxtare mad to order. ,Th Lux. Mean factoring Co.. Portland. f . ST0BA0E AND TBABSFEB. SAFES, Plaoo and fBrnttar ymd, pecbe.! ready for sMonloa and binned: all work guars n teed;' large. . S-eter?. brick. 3re-proof warebonee for store re. OfSce 128. Flrat sC C. M. OLSEN. Phone Mala 647. C. O. PICK, office 88 Pint t between Stark . end Oak atr.t phone R08: rrisnea ana famltor mored and packed for chipping; rammadlou Sie-proof. brick warehouse. Froat aad Clay ata. - ...',. .- STORAOE enec tn let- tn oar .lew hulldlag. 874 Water et. Slgler MUllag A Coutmlaaloa compsne. - . TOWEL SUPPLY. CLE ANTO W ELS Al L Y-Comb! brwsb. aeaet 81 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Sap ply Co.. Fourth and Coachl Phone 420. TTPEWBXTEBA TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 8.10 Btsrk Street, i We rent, repair. ell. aichunr trpemlleii . - All auppltea for all machlBe. Staaderd nuchlDea 828 and oa to 8100, Do Too waat a teaogrepber or typist t, , We hare list of good snollosat. ' ' . . Phone Black 287 U ., ' FOR typewriters, supplies aad repalrtne. Boas ft Ross. 200 Blstk st. phone Msln 1670. . ' 7 , . ' TIMBER. . . . . I RATE choice piece of Umber hind In souther Oregoa for ml ehesp. , A 6, JswraaL FOR HOMESTEADS, timber rlstms aad scrip apply tn 3a) Commercial block. TBABSFZB AND HAULING. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 North Sixth. Pboa Msla 00. Heaey hanllng and storage.,, POST SPECIAL DBL1YERY. Na 200. Wo Ingtea at. Phone Mala 042. TI0LIES. J. Av WE8CO, rlolln maker and repairer: n work first cis. o musscii mag., ronna and Morrison. - - - WAXLPAPEE. MORQAN WALLPAPER CO.. I84-1M t.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. irAGQN'j -I r2rrjitiq 1 ; ) :