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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
13 -THE OREGON DAILY JOUKAi; PORTLAND; THURSDAY EVENINCi. MARCH 9, 1801 O 7 j-wwl jn!'mCJ Mataiad a eke ' r Pmtlsnd. Or, far touapartatkw tlmil the mils m sawed r ClSSS UIM. . Postage for etngl copies: Per aa 8. M I 1 usee unr. 1 nil' ii i neaes. Santa: B5 w " usuis. . , -,, , urno....,. . - I POBDSV AOvTXTXSXHv CTETATrr. .reeland-Beagsmln Special Adrtlstog B"--r. IS Hum iOmI. New Xsrbs.Trlbuae W . I, ug. MUCSge. . . , ' nscurnov bates. - '" tnu by Carrlsr. ' The Hefty Journal, with Sunday. I yssr---1 I Ths Dsllr Journal, 1 year I Ths Dally tarul, wtti Psnday, saontbe. Th Daily Jem-sal. 6 months....... 2? rmllr with Sonday, asontbs. . Tb Dally Iiml, 8 months ,...... Tbs Dally JournsL with Sunday. 1 symth. . The Dally, per . mt, delivered, Sunday . teeluded . Tb Dully, per week, fcUverad. Sunday Mute TZ,...TT7.i-. - Arm by Tsafl. . , I TM nsfly J Tb Daily I Tb Dally ' t Tbe Dally 1 n a ' TS ft. He T. n.i a muiAfl - j The Dally JoaraaL with Simday. 1 month.. !Th DaUy Journal 1 month. ........ :jTbe Buedsy Journal, 1 yesr J"? TW aWl-Wssfcly Jauinal, ;.- Semi-Weekly Journal, 8 to U puges eech- msas, Ulastrated. -M "'Mv-"ikii Rststttsnee should to made br drafts, P'" Botes, pm orders ud snmll amoeBta art - aocsptohls la 1 aad 2-ent nrjrtiur jrtsmt- THE JOTXHAIe ' P. 0. Box ttt.' rrtlud. Oratrw- t Tkt tanal caa ba fooad aa aala at tha OI8. IDAHO S. BeOar Co. I W. B. Me t CHICAGO PoatoMe Kaws eaaapaar, lt 'PENVER. COT). KwJrtr Vflnk,. Bl enanpaay. ail wgwmaiwa nwii m j I fllitmirh and Oortta atraata. . DI NKMCIB, CAU I. MKlaraeDa. JUNBAn, AIJ18KA Pnatofflra Bonk . I KinsAn city vaa now wawa "nrtn BtrartaaxOUvar Balaaa, M Boatt . iprtn atovvt. I IfTVVF.APOLJS it. I. Bnaaach. BO tart , Third. J . Hrw TORK CTTT BrMrtaaWa, TJaJoa aqaaia. IOMAHA MUlard Hnttl wwi ataad; Maaeatk RtaUnoerr mmpaay. isna ramraa rewu BALT LAKB CITT Ranyna Hotal araf tand; t Barraw Braa.. s Waat aafana anwv . ( 8T. LOOT pMllp Roadrr. 81 locoat 'treat; a it ana ahm j - tAK rBANCTSOO W. K. Ardlnfc PaUra Hot1 aawa atand. and KW Markat atraot: flld aaritt Broa.. iM Bottrr atraat, and tnt ; rraa4a hntal: fetter Oraar. rVrry balld- tna: W. Wbaatlay. 0 Hatoma atraar. 'BRATTLB Ratnlar Craad aawa atand; Baatara Kawa raiuuaay. h ItPOKANK, WAD".-John W. Oravua Oa. TACOMA. WASH. Ottt1 flntrt Taemaa aawa atand. VICTORIA, B. C TlctDrta Book BtatteBarr , AVCnOV BAXJW TOKOIBOWV ' Br J. T. WTIana. IMO Drat atraat. at 10 .. m. Pale at arwarlaa. aaoaa. dotbtns. aid. T.. Wllaoo. aartloataa. I By partlaad Aartlna ronan, fli nnt ftraat, at 10 a. Bk. Bala ot rnraltara. $arpea rasa, atr. Oo A. Iowlt. aaeUoaatr. By Oaorga Baker at Co., Park and- Akvr ai a a. m. naia ac rarucara. aic Oaarita Bakar tar aVts''tlOtBdkdkBaaa 1 ;. I ,t ; ' ; . WBATBZB BXPOBT, tAfM ta aanejarataly aaavy ratna coattnaa r rthla BMralaa; la tha anattara, ailddla AUantlc and' Maw fin la ad atataa, aad la tta lowar ; ' . laka raaioa, walla light anew la reported la upper Mlebaraa aad la Manitoba. la the Hetty ajooaUla and Padda caaat atatea fair weather poet laaaa ' It U allaitly eeetar la tha ioterlor at aarth- I era CaUtnrala aad derMedly ealder la North .! Dakota, taa lower Mlaatailnpl valley and la jnnrtlona a( Ohio and weatera Paoneyrraala. iKbwwhera thronchoot tta United Statee tha Irhaaxaal la temperatare dorlac tha laat 84 . ikeera area keen aUcht. The In tkk . Iiraa xalala Te laairatMaa are (or eea tinned fair weather taaa diatnet maay, except aloaa- the ex- m itmt a eoaat ox waaaiaataau amera m areoajMe. eddtaar Oarda. K. . Beiltt Oa aa Ma ear. F earth, aad Waahiactaa aaa. BntTHB. , HADDBIf Ifarck a. to Mr. and kfre. W. 0. lUddea, XMB Graad areaae, aorta, a aaa. -ooBTAwiorm jruum.-. ' .BKALS Ifarek , Clyde Beala, 7 Krartti atreet; ehlekenpoz. rVeaaatorlaia ' oa Oreeoe City ear Una, near Sellwood; awdara. aHeatlfle. aompleta. Cbanea AdaUa, $36i ehlldrea. fM. VUltora a. ax. to P- at. Partlaad Greautloa aaaort.tloa, U'ertlaad, Utegoa. . ... ... 7, The Edward Botaaia Cadertakraa; eeai funeral dlrertore aad aaaealaaara.. atreeU Paoaa 0T. zao , P. -Plnley Boa, faaaral dtrertora aad lawbalxaere. eeraer Third and Madlaoa atreata. Vaea ad ooeaCy ooreeer. Tetephooa atala a. Paueial wreathe and eat fhrwera a apar laity -at Beee City Orreahooae. Twenty -eeeood aad heat Morrlaoa, epp. ceawtery. JMnMl, wltt Boaoar, s Jaaraal. I yw. V'IhI" ITS looraal, wltt RotKJay. I IS , Clark Broa. for flower. S Mia law atraat. f - K I Mil.- '. ' BX4X XBTATB . TBABBFIBB. Laeretla Bbimbrook to', at. K. Stewart. eaat lot d. eaat H anath 20 feet lot I. block llo. Holladay'a , "WllUext a. Idd and wife to B. A. Bel- , lamy, lot . blork 1. 8a U bury Rill.., B26 IB. A. Bellamy aad wife to C. Merke. ' ,. W d, blork 1. ry Bill ...... TOO ' ijoaeph (i. Honatoa and wife to W D. Klr-harde. IMa 1 and X block 77. Jni. ' ,.TTr1I p,r V":-"; BOO aa. m. npeeinzna: aoQ wire hi r. r. pah H- Bey. acrea Thomaa Tire doaatloa land t rlalm ..... , Riae Coran to W. Holi, lot . block . Maltnomah addKloa (Anna M. Yemen, truatre. ke P. P. Dabney, 16 acres Tbonaa Tire doaatloa land .claim Thoffl.a I Ranee and wife to A. Mc :, lllleray. aabdlTlaloa lot I, blork 11. - - ' Woadlawa ....... S10 wnre rompanr 10 m . M. nteecnaon. . Ma eA-60, loclaalre, 1'eahaialu addltloa ' No. a ; U. B. Kllla and wife to J. n. Elne. w hart. M l, blork 1. .Wllllama Arcnoe w. n. nana ami wite to r. T. ullnat-. ' rick et al., Inla IS, 20. and 21. block': . J.I. Willamette 4J0 , . xaina ronipany to ts a. ritawater. Jot X. Mock 1. City View Park ......... ,.7. 3S0 ...... aini roranera to v. w. roranerx. , Inla B and 10, blork . ' Rlrrnlde add. tloa .. .v. ....... i . . i rWllnas at.. Uild and wife to W. Markay, -tot -J,- elarh -a.--J'hnain'B addltltm . 'H'ery W. Mitchell and wife to M. V. Brtck. eaat U lota I aad . block 80. Alkea'a addlttoa . . . 1050 f. W. Uoln to .P.. J. Darlla.. lot R block - 11," nixhland Park . ; ISO . eon a unnee ana wire ro a., namer aad wife, anrthweet H eon 1 heist aectlon . towaahlp I north, ranxe I weat 4T Portland Triwt ennpany to A. W. , Pe HhleUla, lot 13, block SO. Treawnt , I'laca . . ...... .. . BO awaepa u. nooamanee to K. 1. Wond , menace, lot S, block 1, Center Addltloa ' aoorr IXtrhbarn to R. ). Mcanfee. Iota . 4 au a, block 7, PeiUoaolar addition Kex 3 . Carl A. Bander and wife to i. P. Mrne. fee et el., lot B, bturk 18, Central At- blna aiMlthia ,,. Vena Tjine te W. M. Mnn. lota M and 17. bluch I. Corona Park .,;..-. 800 arena- Mine w. ri. el no, naamaea H Intereot Inta .r 14 and 1S, block ' Mxant Tahnr Place; lot 11, block t, 1 Moant Tahnr Piece f. W. Tnrtler and wife to U M. f. Rene. diet, real feet wet lota 7 and t, -". bloefc T. Dnlan'a addition '. T Bennett and wife to o. I. Beanett, lot a, bkiek 8n. Hellwand . . Wolfe and wife 1 l. Miller, lot aU r block 4. North Irlti(hia ........... 000 J, Traxt aBd wire to . . Wond7 7Hx' (eel ka bt 1. block f, Bernhardt Pkrk w.. -.....e;, d00 t. a. Morria la W. B. Brown, lota ( aad a. bhwk in. Cite View Park (SO IV Rewaa to Uak rare lna eewinany. lot 1, block a. Blil a feet nexmmnf anuth earner lot 4, block B, Oak Park aaititioa ........ , wiadorajtaa to f. Ck Baadalroa. tut TO DAY'S SUGAR DROPS WITH RESUHPTIONOF WAR Western Refining Company Cuts - Price of All Cane Refined Sugars Today. - , VALUES QUOTED AT A ; V ' DROP, OF TEN CENTS Creamery Buttery Begin, to As- ., cend Eggs Are Firmer ! . ; ; ; ' and Show a RiseT Pront Btreet. ktareh Tt. eH.i4ail n.hna e i rwuua waoieaaia aaararta toda are; reaaaery eatier y an, ... Caaa aoaar la lOr lower. , ' eet auaar la Barhanced. " 1 Pouta anea reject poor otaek, . unioa varcet Una bat aaiet. Hecelpu of eaiiaoa are larxac. ' woaat maraet la oown le. Meeraoot of (era flour ,ta New Tort. -Very quiet la wool anrket. -' (Poultry la aaoted eoJy fair. Bra are flraaer aad blrher, , Borne hope are kela aeM. p. . - ': Oaaa Baaar b Tea Oaata' Lower. There waa a eat of 10c per 100 In the ajvoUtJoaa aa all aradea of cane refined aurar thto aaorainf la tha local nwhat.e'Tbla pnta tun price of caaa nranalated at SS.M. Thera waa aa ebanxe la the Uat af beet anear and rrannlatad rematne at ta-MI, bat 10c per 100 pouaoa ander tha price of cane. Tha drop iee aaarxei tooajt waa eaaaad by two iiniaja a redactloa la. the price of raw aurar and tha irouoai wits IM Hawaiian ladeveadaat raftnary. By brand new eoap tha Hawaiian peopla bare aniAaadad ta aecnrlnt aoatral of tha re Onerr at Oroekett. CaL Of thle tta Baa rra ctara Trade Jonraai, aaya: - "It la Officially annnniared that rhe aeeee reBnery at Oorkett. CaL. owned by the CaoV enua at nawauaa BOjtar company, owe of the tanreat la thle etate. haa heeai aaeored he the Hawaliaa Knrar ractnra' aaaoditlon, aad that It W1U. tarn oat both eaaa and beet aorar. Thai la a formidable ,tanetttor ta the treat ad oa that promtaeal a eoatlnnanc. ao that the boycotted Onaa caa now a-et all the anarar they, waat" .... .v.; - . - - ,-- Hard-reaxht War la Likely. -The oarchaatea af the fhke i.Bm he the Hawaliaa people waa a neat little trick od ta one 'that promlaea to enaaa a bitter war la tta anvar rcflnina baalaeea aa tha ParlOc enaat, and may poarlbly hire a- wider erect than that by mbrolUnat tha entire eaear In- doBtry af the coontry la the Bebt . Prleaa of aoxar oa the Pacifla . eaaat bar been mark be lew tboee of the eaat atne the annooecemrat aa made that fhe Hawaliaa plantar were ready to compete with the Bpreckehr' concerns, formerly tha price of SBxar here waa foeernrd alanat altoretber by the Bnctnationa la- the raw aorar market, hut aince the Hawallana eanw Into tha Oeld the raw enrar market haa been entirely lxoored. Jaat at priiatiul the Tar market ta la a oneer eondltloB. . Borne of the moat eoaaerratt, bayera -et aafar oa uai eoaat aaya neea oeary parenmaera of ktl ta the belief that prtcee woold go aucb hlxher. Oraaaary Batter ttaeead at !. - Btacka of creamery hatter ef all aradea. anod. bad aad ladlirerent, are eery small aad aa ad vance f 1H per Doamd waa aaoted br aanat of tha dealer oa the atreet thle morn Inf. mak- in tna arte in earn aa that rnllnr. far the city creamery prod net. Country a tore butter I ta active demand, bat receipts are small. Prleaa a- trifle bis-ber. . : B aUa rlfmar aad Rliaar. . TM err market waa tinner and hurhee today. I- tbo atocu of erxa an the street are eery .email and the demand la aery beavy. The prtcee today ranee from IT He to lac per donna, with tolas at -aoth flaw. Pealtry b Oaoted Only Fair, Thar t only a fair ton rallna In the noattry market. Beeelpta are not Urn. bot they are beayy eneaak for tha demand now rating. - Taa retail trade la hanking for a decline la prtcee awa m anying pat apanogiy la anuctpatoa ef that arret acattrrng. Potato Xea Bajee Boar Btook. Dming the past few days tally 10 ears ef potateta bar been rejected by local bayera oa account of ta poorngaa ef quality. . The deelera are now determined not to pay a grower for a Brat-etaa potato and only reeelre a aeooad rrade. There la no money la tela, they aay. The market for fancy potatoes la firmer and more dealer are paying aa alg aa soe In the enemtry. The price, bowerer, raaaea from SO to Mr, The onion market la ajolet bat vary .UtotbooI OfTass Floaf to Bew Terk. Aeeardtng to a special darnatck to Uodera Miller of St. Loala a earn of floor haa been offered by Liverpool to a New York arm. This season there hare been bat two cargoes of Boar that bar arneed at Ueerpool, and of these the ship Bartneid baa just arrlred from this city. The probabilities are that thia la tha oar that was offered. Tha Ananrna. from Teenma to Urerpool. arrlred at her destination with a cargo of Boor aoma time ago and, tt Is said, waa Bold to the local trade. 'The ream apparent for the offering af Oregon Boor by LlTerpaol to New York Is that the former haa larger storks tha a bad been anticipated, and aa prtcee were tower there than la that eonatif hence the offer. Locally both the wheat and Boor aurkets-ar dull. Wheat quotations are nominal, aboat le lower. Tansy's wholesale anotatlona, as railasd, are as follows: , . r . ; write, rum and' Taaa. WHB AT Nominal! clnb and fed, S7c: Mna. Stem, Vlttoac; valley. H7Q8H. BABLBX Taad, Z3.S0i rolled. 134.00; brew- COH Whole, tS4-Mi ekr4, fX.M pay ton. . , . RTB 41.55 per wt. e'f OATB Ptodnears' prices Ke. 1 white, (35.00; gray. ' - riXUR Bastera Oregon Patenta, S4 S; stralghta, a 75; TsTley. 54.10; graham, Vt; ins. 54 46; rye. V. 55.00: balea. $3.75. MIIXHTCFPB Bran, 515.00 per ton; mid dlings.. 523.00; aborts, country, 525.00 anon, 118 00. HAT PredacetB price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, 13.00tl4.00; ordinary, ll.noa I10O; eaetrrn Oregon, 515.004)14.00; mixed. 12.00; clover, 1 I1L00; grain, 511.00; enaat. a u.uu. Batter, Eggs sad Poultry. gTTTRR PAT Sweet, tic; sour. Bee. LTTtK e City- ereamery, tert, - 5Btet second arsde. SMc! outside fancy, -82; orill aary, 27Vb30c; CUfornla, Sues atort, 16 18c. - KOCH No. 1 freah Orernn. lTHQlHe. ' CHKtUB New Tall cream, twin. lBHOlflc; .18. block 25, Alblna Homestead ...... 'TOO iftv IWikama end wife to K. IJeelv. , 1 m.lee, lot 12. Mock 10, Lincoln Park. Jl Btat land Boer te M . r, tuck man. weat -H eouthweat section 10, towaahlp 1,. south, rang a 6 eaat 0 - Cet ' wnnr Inanranr and abatrscts t real eat ate from the Title fluersatee Trust coxa. pa ay, Chamber of Commerce building. . Btnxonra rcEKm. WILLIAMS March 8. Charles Winisma. store bnlldlng. I'liebur. betweea Twenty-8fth sad IWenty-eixtn streets; cost. iz.uw. DR KKATKR March 7. Lllllaa De Keatee rnomlnx-hoiiae, I paknr. betweea Twenty-flftb and Iwcmr-etxiB sireeia; eneu sx,iaai. DAKLIMJ Msrck 8. Tbomes IHirllnr. dwelllne lt Mala, between Ksat Twentalntbxj and Thirtieth atreets; coat, tl.lIH). v i IMlH II March tt.. H. R. Ikiach. sltarstlona to dwelling, Taylor, between West Park and Tenth atreets; coat. i,ouu. WBNlifcNHALL March 8. K. Mendenhall fie . addltloa to dwelling. Colombia, betweea Plftb ati1 cilia sireeia; coat, low. riulNil March 8. R. II. CVnrlnr. dwelllne. Cherry, betweea Beaton and Ross streets; . at MAKK8THOM Merck . C. Marfcatrom, store bill II lug. tetrrauee, ncaevitauey atrset; ooet. ' B.I.WK. Ml'lf MtMAH COrNTT Repairs I coaaty conrthoner; mat, ouu. , lAi'KHOu March 8. Runic A. Jackaon. ent - use, llodeey, betweea - 4Mat -aad .dieglsy ireeta: east. 80U0. HI HKR-M.rch H, Mr. Ruber, repairs to sa loon. Fourth, betweea 11 aablngtoa an Btarg TA Vlill March a. T. Tarlor. dwelling. Elghtt, betweea MhaVer aad Ataaoo. tlrseUi cost. MARKETS TODAY'S PRICES IN ' THE"WriEAT MARKET ' ; . . i May Option. ChfrA-e,....,. T, 1.14 St. Ixruls J.Oi B ,- ' Kanaaa CH7. ....... Milwaukea New York.......... HtnneapolU. 114 14 A. MS A 1.10 Daloth l.OtHB San rranclsco..., 1.44 H " d Per cerrtai. ' - : Teung America. 16tTlTcJ esstera, lSQlte; Cheddar, lauier. POULTRY Chickens, mixed.' l.V ' ner ' lb bens, 13 H per lb; roosters, old. 12H per lb; young, I .to per in; preiier, Bt.taiirro.uu per ooa; try era. i us per u; on caa. sa.uuwiu.iai per ous geeae.' 5c tier lb; turkeys, lf(18e par lb areaaed, S0x22n per lb. e . - . Em. Weil ul IUm. ' HOPB Coutracta, 1S0S. 18t)17c; 150i Oreo, ana tot caolc: ss for prunes stedlnms. ' WOOLCen tracts 1508 clip. 1241 lae; vaJUy. coarse to awdlam, 0tJ17c; Baa, lift IBs 1 east- era uregoa. inc. MOHAIR NoadnsL Mr28fl ' BHICKPBKINa Bbenrtng loeksnei anorl ersoL Buf9; meainm wool, auajauc; tocsttl OO earh. TALLOW Prima, .par fa. 44l5s No. S sad greeae. xrze. CHITT1M BARB; per IbiJxylng price. HI PES Dry hides. No. 1.1 lbs aad am, 18)18Hc per lb; dry kip. No. L 5 to 16 lbs. 14c; dry ealf. No.. 1. ander 5 (he. a I He; dry salted sides, steers, sound. 00 lb. or evor. 8Ui He; 60 to 80 lbs, 8t8Vie; nudor to lbs and cow a, asasvjc) atari sai nails, soano. eeyjc: kin. 18 to SO rbs. Or: Bound. 10 ta 14 lbs. aeS v,c; calf, aoaod. ander 10 lbs, Hllc; greea lanssueai, is per in was; caiia, ic per snieaa; aorsa hides, salted, sc. 51-Bfisl.7S; dry, each. 61.00411.60; colt bides, eech. 2S4)60e; goet skins, common, each. lOfjloct Angora, vita weal oa. eecs. xscttai.vo. - Pratts aad TegetaWsa. POTATO KB Best Oregon. 51.00: nngruOe; second grsde. oOUOO per rack: bay Inr price. Toe;- eweeta. beat. BlotgLSO; ersteif 1.7S; aew California. 2 V4 4) 3 per lb. ONIONS 53.ooas.26: borers' nrlcea. aimalii. az.iow3.ou; gsriic. vsgiuc per in. fiucsh muiTS Apples, extra raacy, 81 An . hue, Omm SI n - ' 1... ebean rratlea, bullae . per box; era area, savel (1.26flS6 per box: seedlings, 61.65 1 box; lanr'rmea. ai.zaegi.ou per nox; . p uaa. 004B46 per box: bsasass. 6e nor lb: Iraxina. choice, 52.70 par box; fancy, 53.00 annus, sua;, ernnoarriaa, eascsra, fit.v per VBOBTABLFS Ttarolns. TTSffSOe per seek: carrots. $1. Omul. 10 per sack;, beets, 51.2S Back; Or roe rsdiabes, 25c per dos; cahbsas, Oregon, cwt; California 61.0oOl.2S; lettuce. Botoouse, 51.25010 crate; grasa peppere. Te lb; chill peppers, 15c per lb; relere, BocyOne per dos: tomatoes, California. 52.00; paranlps. tLOTHa Sl.xor en slant. 12V4C ner lb: strhis beeas. 12c: cauUflswer, 61.76411.86 per crass; butter beans. Be; pumpkins, le per lb: borseredtsb 708 par id; sprouts, ac; srtlchokes, 51.0041. 2D per dos; Ks, 0e per lb;- cucumbers. California bot. a. 51.75 dos: sreea oniona. 46e ner dos: sanwsgus, lOntjllVr per lb; spinach, 76 per BOX. DBTRD PRnrTI! Armies, ev a pots ted. TaTS par lb; aprleota. BHAlSe per lb; aseka, M Per lb leas: Beeches. K elite Per lb, peara. per h; prunes. Itajlsa. , Jr4 per is; r-rench, lH)4tte per lb; figs. Caflforala black, Bftavv per lb: California' white, per lb; prams, pitted, per lb: da tea, glides. Be par lb; tarda. 51.60 per IR-th box.. .......... " Braaerlss. Vats, . Xt. ' 8T70AR Back basis Cube. 68.20: now deer d. 58.03; fruit graimla ted. tit. Oft: dry granulated, 5.0ft;. beet granulated. 55.86; extra O, 53-46; go Idea a 56.56; bbts, 10c; bbla, SBc; Boxes. 00c aorasce oa sacs basts, leas get cwt for cash, 16 days; maple, 14tjl8 per Bh. , -1. t" r. t jeesinc COPPBB Packag brands, ' 514.aafJlB.38. BALT Pine Bales. 2a. to. 4a. 6a. 10s. SLB0: table, dairy, 60s. 61 LOO; 100s, 10.78; Im ported Liverpool. 60s. 517.00: loos. 61060; 224a, 518.00; extra flns, bbla. xe. Be. 6a. loa, 64.CO4f6.60i -bath, 520 lbs. S4.0042S.00: secka. 60S. tt88e , SALT-MJesrss Half Jrroaad. 100a. na ton. 57.00; 60s, per ton. 57.60; Liverpool Inmp mchv par ton; 00-ID roes, 5T.00; 100a. b.tb. (Above nrlcea apply to sales off less ttaa car lota. Car lota at special prices subject to Sactnstlons.1 GRAIN BAuR Calcutta, S8.TS4rB.00 per 100. RICH ImtMetal J.nae. Me. 1. aaier Na - 4e! New Or laaaa. heed. SUalde: Adlax. .. SVae: Creole. 4c. BRANS Small white. 4c; large whit. H: ptnk, Stoe; beyoa, 53.60; Urnas. Kc; Maxlcaa reds 8t4e. t w urn feasors, Te? yunroos. puj per ml raw. BellOe nee Ih: roasted. : eoraajmts. SOcrPOc per dos; walnuts. 14fJ15e per lb pins aats. lOejlSwe per lb: hickory nuts? 10c per lb; eheatauta. eastern. 164218c ner lb: Bi reeu m tee m in; uinerts, JDexiuc per id; narj pecans. 14016e per lh almonds. 134516 per Is. laJnts. Coal Oda, Eta, BOP Par Manila, 14c standard Bkeal. 10r; latl brand Waal. e, COAL OIL fe.rl w Aatral Caaaa. dsrd. lJe; SI gal; water white. Iron bhla. Ui par . gal! woooen. lie per gal; besought. 170-deg, caaaa 23e per gal; troa bats. 14 Ha per aL raeaa olc per gali geaalna Bettle boiled, caaaa 53c per ral, bole 58c per gal; ground cake, car lots 2.00 per toa, leas than car lota 530.00 per ton. OABOT.TXBl ftA-Ae ' mm. Be e eL tree bbla Me per gal; at ore, eases 24 )i Pr BaL arvn ooia ICC per gaj. Bx7NKIKne!Ude. ..a .a Re mr eat. km bbht. lKUe per xaL . TCRPKNTTNB la eaaea. Be par gaL wnodeb bbla, 81e per gal. Iron bbla. T9a per gaL 10-lk iota Bee per gaL VH1TI txin iv. m u. . n. am.n ets. 74 per lb; leas lota Re par lb. wmw naiiJl freeent bear at ginu, LINSBED OIL Pare raw In keitx. 60 per gat, Bteata. risk aad lrlstsaa, PRE8H MKATS grant areat Reef steers. 4QBH per lb; pork, . block, 7 1 8s - per lb; l fve. yvr lit, vuiie, JtI 1U , I cows. 5413Hr per lb; mutton, wethers and ... , . rm.- , yr-m r& .1 . eer IU ordinary,. 6 if Ac per lb; poor, 4t)4Me per lb. HA1I8, BACON, ETC. Portland pack local) Bams, iu to i ids, ue per ID; 1 to l IB. 12 per lb; 18 to SO lb. Ue per lb; cottar, be per lb; breakfast bacon, 124510c per lb; picnic. Sty ner Ua; reanlar short clears,, aa. i rooked, w per lb; smoked, 10)4 per lb; dear dscib, unemoxeo, vc per id: amoaea. lie per lb; Union butts. 10 to 18 lbs. anomoked. ac per lb; emoked. Be per lb; dear bellies, a- amoaeQ. tie per in: siaoaea. uc per in. IJB JPf r Mli mi San sjeaj, aajsj ht I aa. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s, lOtte ; 6s. lOUe per lb: KO-lh ttas. 10U pea to! Ik; slssm readerecL 10s, 5e per lb I 6s, 6W Par lb: tabs. 0m per lb: 60e. . ner tb. CANNRD 8ALMON ColambU river 1-lb tails. 51.86; 2-lb tolls, 52.30; fancy 1-lb flats, 6200; H-lb fancy flits. )l.26; f.sey 1-lb ovals, 6275: Alssk tails, pink, 8390c; red. 61-60; aoaslna) 2a, tall. 52.00. riHH Rock cod, Te per Tb; Boandera. 6e per lb: halibut. 6c ner lb: ershs. 81.26 nee dos: ttrinrd hsas, 10w12Hc per lb; c.tflh, 7e per ; aaimoD, uoluoibu river, Chinook, ll)c: steelhesds. Be per lb; froarn silversldes, 7c per-4tthT!Tig- 6epee-lbr Bole. " Be pee "Tb; sbrlmDS. 10c ner lb: ehsd. dressed. ner lb: rrh. Be per lb! shad roe. per lb: shad, per ,1b; black cod. Oc per lb: Ceinmble river ameti., ac per id; silver smelt, o per id; lobstrrs. 12Ve; ' freab mackerel. Be per lb; erawflab, 2ue per Wot;, aoaaders, . 5 per lb; slurrenw. Te per ThJ OT8TBR8 ebosrwster bay, per ret. 52.23; per ssck. 54.00 aet; Olympia. per ssrk, 86 36. ix,Asin Mara eneii, per dos. . axuu; ataaia. 52.00 per box. . . TONE IN SHEEP IS . SHOWING IMPROVEMENT Portland rnka - Stockyards. March 5. The ton of to sheep market continue to Improvs asd prices that are at present ruling are being held very Arm. There are some sheep rnmlng from California, and thle may possibly prevent the market from touching a too kfty point. Tha tone of the hog market Is dull, (stile good. The rei-clpte today were very light and eoa.lated of but 64 boga. - Official rullug prices for livestock: Hose llet eaatera Oregon. tH.00: light blockers sad Chins fats, S6.sv4j6.76; stock era sod feeders, 64.aoef6.U0. - lattle Beat eastern Oregon steers. '14.60: llrbt snd medium steers, 5.160; eld and light rows. 6X60; stackers snd feeders, 62.00; bulls, 51.30. Knees Beat fancy sheep, $4,604)4.75; ,ewea, S4.26. . . . CBICA00 BOOB BTZAOY, ' Chicago, ' March J. Llveattwk receipts; , Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Chirac ..22.000 , B.0iai . 1M.K Kanat. CH7 H.ooO ... 4.ou0 d.uist Omaha J. B.iioo 8.&OU Hogs opened steady with .;i"o left ever, ftc-eliits s ysr sgo were Price: Mlied. 54 SOft.Von; good, 63 oue.6.06: , rougk, 4.Nii4.r: llrht, 4.7uti5.02Vk. ., faille HteeUy , , , - ", . Bhern blow, ' MAY WHEAT CLOSES ONE CENT ADVANCED Chicago Market Changes. Its Tone and After Weakness - j Prices' Rise. ' :vi-;-, SEPTEMBER OPTION RISES' , A HALF CENT TODAY July If Three Eighths 'Higher i Some t ; Prominent People ' Are Still Bullish. . . THB WHBAT MARXXT. Today. Today. Wed... Today, tie la 8 .01 ' V. . 1 Onen Close Close 81.14 11.13 .414 -3 .Ml MU May ..,.. ,8L15i July .let . hey tern bar ... M . .uuH .0un fd"br Overoeck. Ht.rr A Cooke Ce.1 . vsjcaxv. marca v. xastsa at urrsn ssx: Is wheat Bronmhall eetlmstss the Argentine soiumssts at aouut 4,uuu.ouu baa a. la. rnmary receipt. . are 100,000 bushels Iras thsa a year sgo. Kansas dtr renurts the esah msrkets stead 4 1 cent lower. Minneapolis wires dour snlutuents y rater day were 4.2UU barrel e, with sa axceUeat demsud for No, S and No. 8 north ern, aad aa liuprevement la price of other grades. They aleo report atorka show aa In crease of 160.000 bushels for the Ave days, with Ml ears loaded oat yesterday. Including 14 No. i noruiern. mis wsa soother nervons msrxst, with prices njOTlfir more rationally, howevsr, tlisa yesterdsv. 'fhe earlv dealinse net Julv down, from which it really came te meet the view ef buyers, , Tha bears latter pat the price to about the law mark. May ruled sharp ly hlcheKfrom Its early dip, bat the actios ef the merkot would ssem to ladles te some Inter est had wheat for sale at 51.14. Tb sentiment of the trade la a till extremely bearish. While reports sre coming to Band as st present the market will eootUin andw pressure. It bss bad n big break and the stahbora strength dls fclsyed throuxh most of lbs session would Indi cate that the pressure for to moment wss lees thsa la recent srsslon. W still foal sen timent la toe one-elded. The corn trade in this niarket shew mv little chsnge. Much the same strength Is die played, but - trade wss disappointingly . quiet. All through today's sessloa the market main tsinad a ami undertone, Ignoring tb nervoas rees In wheat entirely. Considering sll tb factors ths market sets wD and stiU looks Ilk a good trading affair. ., . LJrU , f, at.1'"- -f Tb sets market, while mslntnlnlnc n Ann ton throughout ths dsy. did not dl.Dktr the snap of 'reuvnt aesslona. The cash situation Is flow snd of a retail character. -. Considering this fact, aleo ths liberal atocks. tha action f the market seems to hoM eat sums llttls ncoursgement. In provlsiuns, not withstanding the smaller bog receipts, the trade la tola market was without IgnlAcsar asid from smsll quanti ties offered (or naav Ths ton shows quite a Utile strength sad acta aa If It would a better en soy little buying demead. - iDQsy-s eincial msrkste: WHEAT. Open, - High. -Low. Miy.,,,S 1.13 1.14 8 112 . . " ; . 8 A.14 - .A r UdB .48V4B ' .48HB : -481 . Jary 04 .04 Sept..... .m ik CO KM. Marcb--. . . Msy...... Juty..... - 48 'L , .48 48-i, ; .48 . .48 .48 -.31m-' .1 .481 ; Sept..... , .48 .81 , .31 S lay.w.:" July.,, nept..., . .7k 1 MH8S PORX. May..... 12 TO Jul..... 12.80 . 18.70 1S2 ' 12.82 XSV60 ' LARD. . . 12.48 ,1X60 March.,, .a..---."- : ."...i. ,:. B857I Msv T.02U 7.08-- . T OO : f 021AA July.. 7.15 . f.rftt 7.16 I.HUi 8ept...e.,.,7J0 . ...... ,......ljuM SHORT RIBS. . , May.., B .85 . 8.85 6.8 v . .Kfl A July 7.00 : ' 7.02k 7.00 . 7 0OA Sept..... , ..,.. 7.nA MAY GIVES EVIDENCE - OF.SUPPORT IN PIT (Purnlshed by Overbeck. Starr k Cook Co.) naa rTsnrsero, surca . n. r. nattoa ce. ssy: The local Wheat market today haa seen quiet. May wheat gave some evidence of sup port around si. tt ana any desire to take preflts by ths leading bean would eetaioly cease a sharp rally; The cash si taa tloa cootie nee ths oos us fa vocable feature, being slow snd of a smsll character. ' December wss steady bot trad wss narrow. - Receipts sre smsu. Barley receives very little atteatloa from the - speculators. Demsad for export to the orient continue and the outlook for nearby months is bullish Today's efadsl 11:80 a. m. market: . , . , WHEAT.. ' 1 ' One. Hlrh. Low. Clone. ' May ..y... .4144 v 81.44 81.44 8144 December ... 1.28 1.28 , 1.28 l.k . niiLEi. . May e 1.9nB , ....... 1J0B e8A December.., .on A . CBJCAOO CASH WBXAT. Cblcag. Msrck S. Cash wheat le krwer to le up. . -. - .... Todays emelBl msrxvt: - . Bid. . Ask. 1-14 1.1 1.10 1.16 1.14V, No. S red 51.13 No. 8 red 1.08 No. S herd j... 1.11 No. 8 ksrd 1.08 No. S northerB. L10 . Ne. j spring.... 1.06 rBIsLUtT, BICITPT8 ABO BHOTirBTB. . ChlcSge. M ra. March . I ok 0. Primary recelnts: . iwiey , xear sgo- bush. ' bush Wheat ,414.000 ,744,000 613,000 467,000 SKI.flOO S87.000 Com . Khioments: Wbrat ..... ...,.2n0,fs10 410,000 Cora. CHICAGO 08 AIR CAB LOTS. Chicago, March 8. Orsln ear lots: . Cars. Grsde. Bel. 1904. Wheat, 10 . 0 Id 27 Cora .104 . n 571; .. Oats 161 : ' i 174 ' .. COTTON CLOSED FIVE i TO SEVEN POINTS OFF (Porniehed by Overbeck, Btsrr k' Coeke Ce. ) New York. March 8. Cotton futures closed 8 to 7 points lower. . ... Today a oioetal cotton market: ' i Odcb. HIsu. Low. Cloee. Jsnnsry ., 778, 74 . TT.l . T6e4 si arcs rav im ,--Met i.(it April ... T42l44 May . ..... e,. 754 Ji7 -.744 T4M4T Jiiue 74:1444 74:111 744tt4 7430 7324A61 736 July 730 734 730 7T. 7H.1 7H3 . 7o 741 734 734 730 7H1 706 fugaat Hcpteniber ... 734 , ... 734 ... 780 ... 781 ... 70S October .: . November ' .... December ...... . LIVERPOOL COTTOV MARXXT. ' ' IJvernonl. March . Ootloa futures closed 6 to a points higher. ii.. r ". ( rtW YOBX C0TTEX jsVAXXXT.-' Vrw York. Msrck . Coffee fatsre closed 10 to in points lower. Today offlctal coffe market - Mid. Ask. I Bid. Aak March .....tfl (T 6 lOHeptemher ..5l.7i) 5H.73 April 13 8.2oOcfiher - 6.78 HI Mar ....... 8.30 6 .m November .. 6 so 6.83 l.u .. .. l to! December ... 8 00 8.P0 jnly 6.M 0.33 January .... 63,7.00 August .... 6. 0' 8.6J February ... 7.00 7.06 rrhra Ceffee Markets, New York, Msrch 0. lisvre eoffe nn- eh.need. KeceloU. 4 000 bars: market atesdv. prices unchsiigwl. Renvoi, 2 days, 21,000 begs; quiet market, prices uu points Bp, ' Raw Ysrk Bngar Market,.' ' '. ' ' New York. March . Refined sugar aa eta need: raws, easier, at 1-10 point deellne I. 4 b-ioc; moiseees. n-iu; umdon belt, lower Msrch asd ApriL 13s 4d. J POBTLAtD BANK STATrjfXNC, rir.rllira .V .5888 233 83 Usisacs ..lui , a l,Mr.4 War In Sugar Market Begins to Get Warm! Western Refinery Knocks,; Ten Cents Off the Price of Cans Products Beet Unchanged.' DULLS' ROUT THE . BEARS OFF FLOOR New Ybrk Stock Market Has a 'V , Very Heavy Cain . Dur-. ' VV'.'4"-v ing Session. ';',' SMELTER COMMON FOUR AND A HALF HIGHER Preferred Issue Over Two Points Up o Canadian , Pacific 7 Jumps the Trabes. ; ;k ' ADVANCK8. Anaconda '... Amalgamated, , Atrhlsoa Atchuma, ptd., 88.37IKsty, pfd 1.00 Mlasoarl Pee 12 Sl .87 .76 . Nurf. Ai Weat 12 N. Y. Cent .... 1.1 nugsr . Rmeltsr -2tt OnU. west .. .iw 4.30 Psunsylvsnls .87 1.23 Smelter, pfd ..2.12 I'sclD Msu .., Gss ,. Heeding, com ,, South. R.v ..... a. P cum .... Car round v.. .23 H rook Its L .... .26 Bait. A Ohio .. .73 Colo. Fuel ..... 1.00 St. Paul ....... 1.00 C. A N. W 1.30 Canadian I'aa ,t S.tC' 1.23 . i..i7 J6 .17 . .78 .M2 1.23 .' Texss A PselAc. leather, com .. iMiher, ' pfd Rri. com ... .KT Vu Hrcaacd Steel Ills. Central . ,, 1.23 Lnuis. A Nssh.'. 1.00 Manhattan .... .60 Metrapnlitsa .. ' .29 Met. Central .. 1.00 Ksty, soot .... .75 itoca is., com. Rock Is., pfd Teen. Coal .., U. P4 com ... HteeL .cow .. , .... .v ..... .76 a 146 . aW ..... .87 luteal, pfd ... (Purslahed by Overbeck, Btsrr A Cook Co.) New York. March . . This was. ths day when not a single rbuU waa In sight. In fsrt the aerma ef the merket todsr WSS exceed ingly Strang and most everything In the liet Is at least s point higher. Bmeltxr common had tne Dig gain, closing s-t.ou up, wmie me pre ferred wss sdvsnced $1.12".. Cansdish Pa- clflc hsd a big rise of 63.82 and Sugar was boosted 8 point. Amslgamsted Copper showed very .heavy .trading snd closed a point up. Illinois Central was strong. 1 points higher, snd Loulstlll A NasbvUat Jumped 1 O.T kCAelel e,W .1' ' ' V . it DESCRIPTION. ' j.-.v . Anaconda Mining Co. Amal. Conner Ca.... 116 121 93S 104 H 115 121. 78 t 92 I 02 Atcuison, com.... 1)2 W prexei 'erred HIS w. m. Car A Pound., com. de preferred 33 V) 56 33 4 Am. Purer, eon. Am. Hmelt., ones. de Dreferred 145 143 u Sua. 143 143 te" 123 sw 1K' 8 Ho 148 as . 80 22 4 121 4 "St WW lOB'A American Ice. ,,....... 00 preferred.......... Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred , Brook Its Ranld Transit. 119 11 el P"k "8 Mi 08 144 a Canadian Pad tic, com, . . Chi. A Alton, com,,...,, do preferred.......... ChL A Ut. Waat., com. ChU Mil. A St. Psal... CM. A -Norte,., ; com. . , . ChL Terminal Ry Chesapeake g, Ohio...... Colo, Vuel A Iron, com. . Colo. Soatb.. com...... oe 2d preferred.. 144 14H 23! 17N 17 245 178 41 179 1241 242 18 6u 51 28 80 1 W2 60! 61 23j iel 80 soV. 80 1 23 93 ,314fcA,ikAao. lat preferred .29'' I Delaware A fHudeou.... 1!14 101 ima., ijecsa si west.. D. A R. U., com....... . do. preferred.,......,. Brie, 60m. laos . ioUB 383 88 8214 "8 48 7tri '88 ss 47 70 isa 142 122 171 2ft - 47 0W 82 00 an prelerred....... do 1st nreferred :.. 8i" IUInols Central. Louisville A Nsahvllls.. 13H lODU lOB 142 123 Ik 142 141 Metres Street Ky..,.. 123122 at u una 1 tan , y . 11711.1171 111 Mexican Central By. M., St. P. A Hta. K. 24 IH 1J1W tin 118 do Dreferred 100 181 180J0O lll't."l( ti MlasOUtl Par IOC., e... M., K. A T.. com... 1IW1IM 108 ai'a 03 82 81 63 sin 86 de preferred.....,. New York Central... 3 137 IDH 181 1381 Norfolk A Western, com 84 4 84 84 102 63 143 110 80 88 48 08 VI M'4 102 norm Americsn itaiy, U03 , N. v., Ont. A Western. Pennsylvania Ra llway . .. People's O., L. A C. Co. Pressed Bteel Car, com.. SJU 14.114 110 bo 143 110 OT 88 40 811 88 48 08 91 IT 10 78 88 81 eo prererrefl. ...... . . Pae. Mall Mteamahin Co. 47 69 91 2 Keadlng. swli . . . T.VT, '. . P0 do 2d preferred....... Ml lat . preferred. 02 ll 18, Bey. Iron A Uteel, com. J 18 do preferred 76 in 84 80 Rock Islsnd. uu ureiia iiu. ......... no. nauwsr. com..... X6 Boutbem Pari fie 70 do Dreferred 118 BL L. A B. r . 2d pfd. 'Hi 2W 30 87 30 1 62 13 'is" 14 42 118 30 Vt ns 24 62 23 47 23? BU U B. W., com... SO ' do Dreterred 02 20 82 aw it 90 30 3 Texas A Psdflo Tenn. Coal A Iron...... Tel., St. L. A W.a com. do preferred. Colon Pacific, com.,.,. to 88 62 80 62 62 123 Jatk 11 do preferred 0..B. Leather, cool. .. . . do preferred U. S. Rubber, com do preferred. ......... 12 12U 104 42 113 1 105 SI 113 42 11.1 C. 8. Bteel Co.. com.... W4 03 24 62 23 47 0 oo-.s 96 24 62 22 U oral urred n 24 62 23 Wisconsin Centre L com. do Dreterred. Wsbssh, com. ... ., do preferred 11 Money. 2 per cent. -Tetel sale fur the dsy. 1.818,800 shares. ' " BAB rXAJrCIBCO LOCAL BTOCXB. ' y Ran Franctaco. March B. Local stocks elos. Irg, 10:30 a. m.: . v. : - - Bid. Akk. Contra Coata Water. 4Ht ' 48 Hprlng Valley Water 87 88 Central Light I... R 3 Mutual Electric . .-, 12 IS Sea Pranrlaee Oss A Blectrle...., 6.1 lilsut Powder 68 , ... Hawaliaa Commercial 88 Honokes Sugar , 22 22 'ft 20 M"' 8 111 Hntrhineon Bugar '-, Kllaneau Srgsr ... I'ssnbsa Sugar , . Alaaka Parkers' ... California rrult Ca 18 ....... 28 8A ....... 92 :::::::,iow Oceanic Steamship ..... Pacine SUtes Telephone SBOPAR KTNIJre BTOCXB. Baa Prsnclsea", " Msrch 8. Tonopeh- stocks close, Ding seeaioa; ma. Bid. ..8 .37 .. ,.ftd ,.27 Montana Mldwsy ...... 62.H3 Kendall . .... 107 .39 Columbia Mt Jiisiho ...... Jumbo Rxca McNs Belmont .. North Star .03 niai-s null , .43 : tIT Bsscus eUlve I'leh . flold Mt ....... ,10 Jim Butler .... .81 Nevads (A) .... .11 Ton. Rstea .... 8.90A Red Top .36 ' Adams ........ .18 Mohawk ....... '.22' ilold Anchor Ray O'Brien .67 . .088 .70 i .78 . .16 8.75 .42 (MMfleld ..... Sandstorm ,,,, Sandatorm Kx Ophlr ' buii rrog .'... '-Dili ........... .23 ' B0BT0B C0PPEB MAXXET. Bostoa, March 1 ofUclsl copper close: niu. i run. Ad res tar Aliens .. I s.ooA Mlehlgsn 8 14.87 , 22.73 1.23 MOnsWB , ., - IMMSI . Oeceols .a... ,U4.(Kl Old Una. 27.82 Arcadian .... Cslnmet . .... Ccntenulsl -. . 678.011 ' in.671 Phoenix ., 2.BO . .. 10T.I J'opper Rsng T3.0O Itjilllicy Daly Vteat... Pom. Coal . prsnklln .... Orsnhy ...... Ilreene Copper Mas w 18.23 IXhannoa ..... 7.87 72.23A ITrlnlty i 10.82 11.23 ll'lah ........ 0.MT 8.30 Victoria v,..7i 4.73 28.78 IWInona , 13.78 2.87! Isle Roysl ,.v '28.00 - BKW YOXX BuTTMAXY. New York, Msrch B. Dow. JoneeVA Co. y : American stocks Is Ixvndon are stmhg st about to point abevs parity: ' The Kmlsna seem to be badly be .tea In the Wat bettle of OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. 1 ' , Members Chicago beard of. Trade. ..'.' J OBAMXT. VBOTXBIOVS, COTTOW, BTOCXSJ ABTD aOsTDB, . 101 Third Btreet, McKay Building. Portland. Or. v, ' ', Wl SO A BTBICTIiT COBfJCXBSIOBT BTjBTfjrBBB. Continuous Markets by Privets Wire. Quirk Service. HEKERENCKS Ladd A , TUlon, baaktrs, and Voltsd SutSs National Bok ot PorUaad . . PEOPLE r.UST- NOT ' OBSTRUCT STREETS Four Men Who Did So Are Prose cuted by Civic Improve " " ment Board. " Contrdjbtors a ltd others who hav been obstructlox the streets had ' tremble In the police court this . afternoon. Four war up on charges of Infracting the ordinance. - L. K. Crouch appeared as special prosecutor for the clvlo improve ment board of ths chamber of . com merce. ' , ., -f . .' Proprietor Penney of ths Palace Mar. ket plesded xutlty . to obstructing- the sidewalk In front of his place of bust nesa on Yamhill street, between Third snd Fourth, snd waa fined 16. . 8. Lk Brown. Fourth: and Alder streets. pleaded not anility. Further considera tion was postponed until -etaturday to give Brown a cbsnos to comply .with tha tow. ' -F. L. Utherland. a contractor, now constructing s building at Fifth' snd Stark streets, pleaded not runty to breaking ths law. Gardner McLaugh lin, erecting- a building at Seventh and Stark streets, entered , ths same piea. Hearing of their cases was continued to Marchi 11. - Attorney Crouch snnoOnoes thst the clvlo lmnrovement board intends making war on the Chinese, as that district of tha tstty Is In filthy-condition. Beoond- hand and Junk dealers, on First street, Synth of Yamhill, will also be brought 'into court. An effort Is to be msde to kp tbs streets in ths wholeeale quar ter-free to traffic, even though .aiae. walks and B psrt of ths thoroughfares msy be lawfully, used , In transferring goods from factories and storehouses. - Wsrrants are out for several other contractors, alleged to have violated ths ordinance, but have not yet been served. Today Marks a New Epoch. , For ths first time. In ths history of Portland you can see all tha aathantio prlbg styles of -hat Minder one roof. The Chicago, ths biff store, 88-71-78 Third atreet. opened the spring seauson, displaying 80 shades, shapes Jtnd- col org In - tha Fullworth, Amtrka'i (great eat 82.50 hat Thdae hats ara of hlRh qual ity and made In exact duplicate of Dan lop, Knox, . Youman, Millar and Stetson 85 hats, and positively the absolute) coun terpart ofevery accepted style of hlsrb nrlca hats. The Fullworth Am not of fered, either fall or -sprlnff. until all the high-class .and fashionable hats hav Deen aispiayea. ine r uiiwortn repro duces, the absolutely .csirrect styles. Other hatters that offer hate eerly In the season, or before Dunlop, Knox, You man and Stetson have shown their style Uof of ferlnr. sre merely sruesslns; - snd bow practically a last season s styia The Fullworth Is positively ths only hat made and sold In the United States In correct duplicate of all tha standsrd and .novel shapes of hats 10 correct sprinf styles.. : '' ', - ..' Inmortanc. . There la ratter thrht demand for stacks In ths loan crowd. Thirty -six roods foe tb fourth week ol February show an aver Eros decrease sot. 8.87 pee cent. - The banks mt to the sub-tressury sine Friday last 5326.- ooo. Twelve aetiv industrials advanced 7.42 per cent. - ; ... comstocx Bmmra stocks. Bsn Prsnelsc. ' Msrch 8. Btlalsg stocks close, morning srssioe: Bin. Rolllon ........6 .28 . Belcher '-....... ..12 Con. CsL-T ... 1.83 BM. - Rsvag 'U....;.-.8 ' Potost .16 Cnlou Ont , ..v' .05 Yellow Jacket .. .16 1 Kxrtieqaer '.. .. ,' .46 ! Hsl A Nes-cross 1.20 Ophlr .......... 8 76' Caledonia ...... 00 Mexican ....... 1.75 Cob. Merenr .80 Scorpion 22- Asde e ITHABCLAL. 3XTLAXD TBTBT COhTPAXT OT daXOOX. ' Ms. 10 1HI1D 8T, s ." Ths Oldest Trust Cempasy te Ortgse. CAPITAL. 8SSS.00V W conduct e genersl banking best Bern. W rvrrlve sailiiga drposlta. W Issue Mm ear. tinea tee and cert locate ef deposit payabl apoa 10 day' cau, SO days cell or SO dam ealL with laterest at 8. S asd 4 per seat per annum, resoeetlvelv. Cstf or Bead tor ear bonk of ILLV8TBATI0BB, - . BENJ. I. ronitN.e. .rTssoat H. L. PITTOCK; Tics-President B. LEB PAOET....,.,. ..Secretary J. O. UOLTRA Asslstsst Secretary 88 ER CHARTS' RATI0HAL BAJTX, ill ruaiLsiij, ouuoa. J. rsAitx WATSUn. ...... i.. R. L. DURHAM , Vsrs-Preshsent R. W. HOYT CasMer OBOROB W. H0TT. ......... Amletsat Caasser TraaasiitB a Cassia! Basking Bulla la. Drafts and Letters of Credit Imned Available r t All rrt sf tb World. : Collection a BperlsKy. SECTJXJTT SAvTXwB A TBTTBT OOMTAXY, SOS Morris St., Pnrtlaad. Oe. . . Tmasaeta a Oeasrsl Banklee aHmtaeaa, .' BATTXOB TJKPARTVEJTT. lotereat Allowed on Tims snd Sarins Deposit. Acts aa Trustee for Estates. Drafts and. Letters of Credit Available la All - Parts ef the World. . C P. ADAMS.... .....President ta' A. LBWIB Pleat Wee-President A. L. MiLL .....Second Vice-President B O. JUBITS e USTTED BTATFR WATVOirAL RAWX, Ot PVttTT WTI. ORVAOlf. RORTB-WTtST COB, THIRD AND OAK STB. , TrsasastS a (Jsneral Banktag BaauMea. PRAPTB IBBURO. AvsOable In An Cities nf the (Trrlted Stats and. sMroxw, Bong Kong and Mantis, rOLTTOTTOVS MADE OH PATOXARLP TTRknl President........ J. 0. AINSWORTH Vice-President..... W. B. ATBR Cashier H. W. BCHMRRR Asslstaar' Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LABS TTLT0W, BAJTXZBS, . (Xatehllahed la 155B. - Trsassota a 0 samel Bssktng Bust: Cellectlou made at all points en favorable termr. letters of credit Issued avstlshls la Enrnpe and sll points In the United States. Rlrht Rxcbsncs and Telegraphle Traaafeea sold sa New York. Waahlnetea. Cblc. St. Louis. Denrsr, Omaha. Ban rrssclsee aad Monuna and Frltlah Olmnbla. . kv change sold eS Ixadnn, Parts, rWna. Pranhfort, Bong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad BoboIbIu. ' ... ' FrxsT-WATTOirAL BAJTBr "' or pobtlabto, obeoo. ' . IMslgnatsd Depository sad Hoandal Agest ef the United Bute. , President .....A.'L. MTT.LS Caahler J. W. NRWRTRa; Aasistsnt Csshler W. 0. ALVORD Second lAmlBtant Cashier B. P, RTBVBMS Letters of Credit Issued Avallihls In Jrarops and rh Restevn Btste. - - V1 Sight Fxcbsne and Tele era nhle' Trsnsfees anld ea New Yeefc, Bnatoa Chlcaro, St. Lsnts, Bt. Paul, Omaha, Ssn Prsnrtae aad the prlnrlpsl point. In the Northwest. Bight and time bills deswa In sum to still sn London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fie t e-tbo-Msln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Cepenhagee. Chrfstlanla, Btockhnlm. St. Patsrsburs, Mas sow, Rnrlch, llonolnhl. . Oslteettea Made sa Isveratle Terms. M DEBTS BROS. A CHmiSTEHBEsT. 158 First Street, Bsrtland. O7. Offer Ont-Pde rnvestmeetb m twir1efnal est Railroad Bonds. Writs sr OsiL , "mortgaqe6ans -On Perils ad Xsal Batata et Lowest Bate. ' Titles assured. Abstracts Parnlahed. , , . , TITLX GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. . Reem 4. Chsmser ef Comm. res. D0WBIXO, SOFHXn Bj CO . (EsUbllshsd 1S58.) .- , wxtzAT Ajrn BTOcr mxoxxxa. "Tf Bsootn , OVTonnd SFioet. - DaLAMRJim Ol TOsnhrMmtTflJ. "Want Ad". Rates TBTB ART CLA"iriCAT10H aaesat h,. - - W- e"-VaM w rsnxls, 8 C.iS A LOIS. CoaaUag t, fjr-ER It aa 88 WOXtfB YOB 18 Usis. Xsthiat lean, v-j. - . - ' - BrrtfATIOw WAjrrTD edvsrtlsssasats ' . either stale sr PsmsU, tnssrted aa time tree.. Pally sr Saaday, WEXXX.Y RATX T Issml'r. t (bsstnArsg see Sunday issua) 86 CajsTS nag bae .... serwesk. . . - '. . .. K0BTHLY BATE (hwludlag sll Basday sssbss Tt Cs-sT8 per lias net msssa. kDixnTtnamm mart bs Is Jsarasl . ksslassa etaoa by 1 s'eleek wash -' ears and by 10 c'eloek Bsturssy e , hag te sssur elaaBkneattoSi a. b. T. BrxssnarezB boys at . Jsumal "wast sd." sgsats. Biv them year ad. at fSee rates sad It 111 be selrversd to IM Jisiatl f. m without farther ssst to yea, Uss ysar call box et nhsee Wsstorn Vaesn, 8tola8T.' '' .. , . 5-ACRE TRACTS .'',:t -Price $1250 Each y? 5 ' For sale oa .idstallnieqts ; 4' MCNTAVILLA $1C0 : down and $15 per - inoti'tsiV''C : ... Kt. Conyenient to street ourt ' ,0 ' ' A chance for a home in ' ; the direction of . the city ' , 'growth. - Apply to 514 Chamber of Commerce BrXXTXXO) H0TICX. - I : COLUMBIA LODAB, No 114. A. P. A A. M. elnecisl communication . tknt (Tbarsdey) evening, 7:30. e'cJock, Msseoie.' Temple. Work . In M. M. degree. All Mssoae la- vlted. By order of W. M. r aV-BV I'AeCSV Seereteryvc: . :, i , ' .' , . ; BPECIAX MXXTIXa OF THE COtfVClX. Notice Is hereby given that a apecisl meet ing of the Council of the City of Portland wfh be held oa rrlday, March 10, 1906. st 4 e clock n, m.t for the trsnssctlon of geasrsl bnalness. GKORUR. B. WILLIAMS, Atayor. . Port la ad. Oregon. Msrch 8,' 1906. MINNKHAHA TRIBRi No! X Improved Order Red Men. The re ruler meetings will b held 'In the new wigwam. Willamette hau. No. - 1T0 Second street, at B 'elock p. ss, ssh Thnrsdss rmlM - "--' v-- p.rjsj CARTER. I CARrrTRNBEN. Chief ot Records.. Bono. PROPOBAIX for Repair o' Bom(dv Bb-cet - Bridge. Seeled dcooomIs for work ea tb , approaches is Burneida street bridge, across -the WilmmeUe river. Including embankments. - concrete retaining walls, plank roads and sldewalka portions of spproaeb e pit beets - built new, replaaklng of sides slks snd road. -wsy, sad ether suterlals and labor, la ac cord a see with tb plsns, spectflcstloBa sad estimate thereof this dsy filed la my ofAre, will be received at tbs efnc ef the county clerk ef Multnomah county. Oregon, up to, but not Inter thsa 12.S clock, aeon, ea Wed ' . nes day. tbs S2d dsy ei Msrch. A. D. 1903. - st which time they will be publicly opened. - -The county iismh tbe right to reject any ..and all bids, and tb right to award ssparsts -parts af tbe work to several bidders. Ths work mast he completed within 40 days from tb slgaiag of the contract, ander a penally ef 825 per day tor the additional time re oalrrd to complete It. Each eontreetor must : See bond la double tb amount af his eon. aet total price; aad eecs bid most be Be-' enmpaEled by . a eertlsed check for lo per -cent ef the tots I smount thereof, aa re quired by law. Rack contract muat contain a provtslea thst tbs contractor will tabs ra ti re control ef the work- therein called for asd held tb comity ef Mnltnomah free from . liability for da mares en account ef aay an ictdent wbtcb shall result from tbe carelessness or neglect ef tb contractor, his sgent ee" employes, i V. ti P1KLD8. Coaaty Clerk. NOTICB TO TAXPATKRS. A neat ef three 13) per cent I allowed en ll teres psld In . lull on or before March 18. Ne re bate will . be allowed after that datsi 'All taxes be rwme delinquent after the Brst Monday I April aniens on half af the same shsll hsva been paid before that date, the time will be 8 . allowed snlll the Scat Monday la October : 1o pay tb second half. Personal taiea sre rsnis to. coisctmn ny ex. fit Of Msy. T. M. WORD. Sheriff. lost abb nvm. BSaxsSsasnhsBssawahne Xltker Lest er Psusd s4aitlssmsts. rats "tl LOST Oold bsndle from pslr of opera-glaeses, .. near or in Kmplre- theatre. Liberal reward . will be paid for retara to 430 Wssblngtoa St. WATCH Snd pin, wstcb snaaoeled la black: . Inst bet. Fifth hd Sixth en Jefferson. Re ward for return of same 309 Jefferson st. POrND Bird dog. J. I Butler, 514 Twenty Sftb St.. aarth. en-collar. Cell 28 ' North Right h tt.. or psoas Msln 4.197. LOST llold scarf pin, small diamond setting, between Irving and Rrsrney eta. Reward If left at 12S North Seveateentn. . HELP WANTED HALE 0B FEMALE. KANSANSt ATTENTION I Cas to my efflee and, register er send nanm snd sddress- to ' become charter member of Rases society; , 81 for gentlemen. 60 cents for ladles. B, W, Trsver, Resl Estate Broker. 833 Washington, Portlsnd - Or. , ' ' ; HELP WANTED TXM ALE.' WAnTTKD Ladle to frs barber trade; fl t week complete! taltlou earned while learn- lngf HMUiew"., " . . " " - ssg In 4 wseksr peels I terme now. .Writ Motor System Qsllegs. San PrancJsce. WANTED Neat, reliable girl for geaeral bene. WOTS IB i.M...r, - K Inquire at 406 Beventh at. after 6 p. m. WANTED As pertenesd ledy- to gsrmtBts la a .cleaning aad dr Ushment. 148 Orsnd av. - ladles' : estab..- ...00 m .nvrb l.e ee etrl foe eeeeeal WOrl ; goou W.see, sw vweee. nnw ,ewa 180. McMlnnvlHe. Or. . . ' "'-..'" LADIES Tosr asm ea SB Sn visiting cards. DC, postpsi. aoysi tare ou-biiiwu, ism. Y0UNQ sin 1 asalat la- genersl bnns.werk. Apply 801 Bwtmnat St., oar. Biftoenth. -.... LADY wasted to assist a tailor. 831 AlsVt st,, bet. Fleet and Second. - WANTED AOEHTB, LAMRS) er gentlemen ef gsod address for so licitors far the Lswls sad Clsrk furnished room aseorlslloa. ' 181 North Sixth St., bet. Ollaas ' and Hoyt. GOOD. Ilv agml wanted to Bell Into on cess . mlsalos la e of the choicest ssbarha sf -Port Is sd. Address P. O. Box 705. city. v ATr"Iv aorlcltm-a tor t fuvd psjlag article, 1 AiO aloaUosier si,